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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00283 A briefe and plaine declaration, concerning the desires of all those faithfull ministers, that haue and do seeke for the discipline and reformation of the Church of Englande which may serue for a iust apologie, against the false accusations and slaunders of their aduersaries. Fenner, Dudley, 1558?-1587, attributed name.; Fulke, William, 1538-1589, attributed name.; Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635, attributed name. 1584 (1584) STC 10395; ESTC S111889 54,423 158

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Gentiles And least ye should vnderstand the multitude in that place for the multitude of the Apostles It followeth in the 22. verse Then it pleased the Apostles and Elders with the whole Church to chuse certaine men c. By which scripture we learn that the Synode consisteth principally of Pastours Elders Teachers and men of wisdome iudgement and grauitie as it were of necessary regents For although the whole multitude came togeather yet the Apostles and Elders came togeather to enquire and consider of the matter in controuersie the multitude heard and for their better instruction and modestye submitted their consent vnto the determination of the Apostles and Elders All mens reasons were hearde For there was great disputation but the authoritie of Gods worde preuailed good order was obserued So after the matter was throughly discussed by the godly arguments alledged by Peter and Barnabas Paul the controuersie was concluded by the sentence of Iames to whom that prerogatiue was graunted not of singular authoritie but for orders sake And this place doth admonishe vs to intreate some what of the preeminence of one Elder or pastor aboue the rest We confesse that in euery assemblye or company some one of necessitie must haue this prerogatiue to order and dispose the same with reason or els great confusion is like to follow But this preeminence is onely of order and not of authoritie as to propound matters to be decided to gather the reasons and consent of the rest and so to conclude c. As we see in this place Iames did of whom also we reade that he had this preeminence Act. 21. 18 c. And we maye gather the same Gal. 2. 9. 12. Not that Iames had greater authority in his Apostleship then Peter or Paule or Iohn or anye other of the Apostles But because he was chosen of the rest to haue prerogatiue of order which some one must haue in euerye assembly and such was the prerogatiue at the first which was graunted sometime to the bishop of Rome sometime to some other bishops to be president or prolocutor in the generall counsels being chosen therto for the time by consent of the rest as the prolocutor is chosen in our conuocatiōs that are called with parliaments Therfore as it were an absurd thing for our prolocutor in our conuocation to take vppon him to be a controller of the whole synode to challenge that office to him and to his heires for euer so vnreasonable is the authority that the Pope claimeth ouer generall counsels One therfore is to be chosen by consent to be as it were the prolocutor or moderator of order but not of authoritie in euery assembly whose prerogatiue must so be tempered that in al thinges tirannie be auoyded Which we see by experience easely crepeth in vpō proud natures to whome if you graunt an inch they wil be ready to take an ell according to the Prouerbe But let vs return to the authority of the sinode which cōsisteth in deciding determining such maters as cānot otherwise in perticular churches be cōcluded either because they cōcerne the cōmō state of al churches or because they lacke sufficient authoritie in some one church First therefore the lawfull Synode hath to consider if anie controuersie of doctrine do arise that it be determined by the word of God for in the controuersie of binding the Gentiles to the obseruations of the ceremoniall lawe was a matter of faith and doctrine Secondly it hath to determine of the vse of the ceremonies not of will without reason or grounde of scripture but vpon necessary causes of auoiding offence and similitude of superstition of bearing with the weak of order and comelinesse and edification So did the Synode of the Apostles and Elders command for a time abstinencie from meate offered to Idols otherwise lawfull in it selfe for offences sake and for auoyding of all pollution of Idolatrie Act. 6. 20. 29. and forbearing the weaknesse of the Iewes in abstinencie from eating of bloud of strangled which was forbidden by God before Moses time to teach that Childishe age of Gods people to abstaine from cruelty as in Gen. 9. 4. Such ceremoniall constitutions are but temporall and so long are to be reteined as the cause continueth for which they were made So that if weaknes cease or be turned to obstinacie they are no longer to be reteined Also for order and comelinesse and best edification the Synode hath to determine what shall be obserued in particular charges as of the time place and forme of preaching and praying and administring of the sacraments For who shoulde be able to know what order comelines and edification requireth according to Gods worde but they that be Teachers and preachers of the same vnto al others For it is absurde that they shoulde bee taught by such in these small thinges as ought to learne the truth of them in all matters This authoritie therefore cannot be graunted vnto any Ciuill Christian Magistrate that without consent of the learned Pastours and Elders yea against their consent of whom as in some respect hee is a feeling member he maye lawfully make ceremoniall Constitutions whereby the Church muste be gouerned in meere Ecclesiasticall matters It is ou●e of all controuersye that before there vvere anye Christian Magistrates for wee will not speake of SERGIVS PAVLVS proconsull of Cyprus because hee was but a Lieuetenaunt of the Romane Emperour this authoritie was proper vnto the Synode Which authoritye vvee knovve to bee graunted to the Church by oure Sauioure CHRISTE practized by his Apostles continued by their successours three hundred yeares before there was anye Christian Emperours for wee receiue not Phillip for a Christian Emperour and long time after there were Christian Emperours euen as long as anye puritie continued in religion vntill both Emperours and Synodes were thrust out of all lawfull authoritie which they ought to haue in the Church by the tyrannie of Antichrist But wee finde not in the Scripture this authoritye graunted by Christe to Ciuill Magistrates which in his and his Apostles tyme were not nor anye promise that when they were the Synode shoulde resigne it vnto them Therefore it remayneth that it bee shewed by them that defende that this absolute authoritie is in the Ciuill Magistrate by what spirite or reuelation or Scripture if there be anye that wee know not For we woulde bee gladde to learne howe this authoritie was translated from the Church in which it was once lawfullye vested vnto the Ciuill Christian Magistrate Therefore vntill this maye bee shewed by sufficient warraunt of GODS holye worde vve holde that the Synode of euerye Prouince hath authority to decree concerning ceremoniall orders of the Church Whereof some may be generall to al congregations some particular to certaine Churches For as it were to be wished that all places might bee brought to one perfection So it is not alwayes necessarye that they be like in all thinges The
together with the whole multitude Actes 15. And as they are seuered in place so will they bee higher in authoritie So that whatsoeuer is decreed amongest them that must bee called the determynation of the whole Synode So that no manne muste bee suffered to speake anye thinge agaynste it bee it neuer so reasonable or agreeable to the vvorde of GOD yea vvhosoeuer vvill not subscribe to all suche thinges as they decree muste bee excluded out of the Conuocation as vvas practized and threatened in the Conuocation at the foresayde Parliamente vnto diuerse Godlye and learned Preachers that offered to speake agaynste dyuerse grosse and palpable erroures that had escaped the Byshoppes decrees As for the distinction of Canonicall and Apocriphall bookes for explication of the clause in the article of Predestination where it is sayde that the elect may fall from Grace and such like matters If this bee not to practise Lordshippe ouer our faith to set downe decrees of Religion which must bee accepted of all men without eyther reason or testimony of the Scripture to prooue them and no man permitted to shew anye reason or Scripture that inforceth his Conscience to the contrarye but onely to hang vppon the authority of bishops Let some other declare what Paul meaneth 2. Cor. 1. 4. where he denieth that he woulde excercise any Lordship ouer the faith of the Corinthians For although their decrees were neuer so perfect yet it were an example of tyrannicall Dominion neither to giue reasons to satisfie the ignoraunt them selues nor to hear or cōfute that which might be alleaged against them by others but for a few lordbishops in comparison of all the conuocation to sit by them selues order all thinges at their pleasures as though the Gospell sprang firste from them or had come vnto them only it sauoreth of nothing so much as of popish tyranny Whereas otherwise it is well knowne they are not al of the best learned nor all of longest study nor all of soundest iudgement nor all of greatest zeale nor all of best example and therfore not meetest to be the onely determiners in Ecclesiasticall matters to the preiudice of the whole synode Wherefore it is greatly to be desired that our synodes also which are so farre out of order maye be refourmed according to the scripture and the example of the primitiue Church that all thinges may be done with such modesty grauitie iudgement as they were by the Apostles and Elders Act. 15. And now that we haue set forth the whole Ecclesiasticall ministerye according to the word of God with all the duties authoritie that pertayneth vnto it the place requyreth that we should also intreat of the authority of the ciuil Magistrate in matters ecclesiastical Of the title of the princes supremacie if it be truly vnderstood we moue no contronersie but that it doth properly apperteine to the ciuil magistrat to be the highest gouernor of al persons within his dominion so that the soueraign Empyre of God be kept whol But herein resteth all the doubt howe this is truely to be vnderstoode that shal we best vnderstand by the contrarie namely by the vsurped tiranny of antichrist For antichrist did challenge vnto himselfe al authority both that which is proper to god that which is cōmon to men Therefore that the pope claimed to be that only head of the church frō which the whol body receiued direction was kept in vnity of faith This was blasphemous against Christ therfore may not be vsurped by any Ciuill magistrate no more thē by the pope Likewise wher hee challengeth authoritye to alter change dispence with the cōmandement of god to make new articles of faith to ordain new sacramēts c. this is also blasphemous and ought not to be vsurped of any ciuil prince On the other side where he challengeth authority ouer all princes so ouer al the clergy that he did exempt them from the ciuil iurisdiction this is contumelious iniurious against al christian kings And therfore euery prince in his own dominiō ought to cast off the yoke of his subiection and to bring al ecclesiastical persons vnto his obedience and iurisdiction Here haue we the first part of the title of supreame gouernment ouer al persons In matter or causes ecclesiastical likewise the pope doth not only presume against god as we said before but also against the lawfull authority giuen by God vnto men For he forbiddeth princes to medle with reformation of Ecclesiasticall matters or to make anye lawes pertayning to causes of religion answering them that those things do appertain onlye to him the general counsel But when he cōmeth to debate anye thing with his clergy then al laws knowledge are enclosed in the closet of his brest When any generall counsel must be holden all that they doe receiueth authoritie from him For except he doe allowe it is nothing And he is so wyse that neyther with the councell nor without the counsell he can erre or thinke amisse in matters Ecclesiasticall wheras it is not onely lawful but also necessary for Princesse if they will doe their dutie to looke to the reformation of religion and to make lawes of matters Ecclesiasticall but so that we confounde not the offices of the Prince and the Pastour Eor as it is not lawfull for the Prince to preach nor administer the Sacramentes no more is it lawfull for him to make lawes in Ecclesiastical causes contrarie to the knowledge of his learned Pastors For as these three partes of a pastors dutie are graunted to him by God preaching ministring of sacraments and Ecclesiasticall gouernment he maye no more take from a Pastor the third then he may the two first By this it appeareth how farre it is lawful for Princes to intermedle with causes Ecclesiasticall namelye that it is the chiefest poynt of their dutie to haue especiall regarde that God may be glorified in their dominion and therefore they ought to make ciuill lawes to binde the people vnto the confession of true faith and the right administring and receiuing of the sacramentes and to all ecclesiastical orders that they beeing instructed by the worde of God thorow the ministerie of the preaching of the same shall vnderstande to bee profitable for edifying of the church of Christe and the aduauncement of the glory of God If any shall offende against the laws whether he be preacher or hearer beside the ecclesiasticall censure which he shoulde not escape he is also to be punished in bodye by the ciuill magistrate This we see that all christian Emperours obserued that when anye controuersie arose either of doctrine or of order and ceremonies they commaunded the Cleargie to consult determine thereof according to the scripture who assembling togeather incounsel obeyed their commandement Their conclusion then by authoritie of the Emperour was commaunded euerye where to be obserued and those that impugned it to be punished the same order we