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religion_n authority_n church_n scripture_n 4,231 5 6.1426 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00268 Articles to be enquired off, within the prouince of Yorke, in the Metropoliticall visitation of the most reuerend father in God Edwin Archbishoppe of Yorke, primate of England and Metropolitane. In the .xix. and .xx. yeare, of the raigne of our most gratious souereigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England, Fraunce and Ireland Queene, defendor of the fayth, &c. 1577. &. 1578.; Visitation articles. 1577-1578 Church of England. Province of York. Archbishop (1576-1588 : Sandys); Sandys, Edwin, 1516?-1588. 1577 (1577) STC 10376; ESTC S111867 7,611 18

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Church or fenced the Churchyard did neglect to do the same 22 Whether there be any Inkéepers Alewiu●s Vitailers or tiplers that suffer or do admit any person or persons in their houses to eate drinck or play at cards Tables or such lyke games in time of commō praier or Sermon on the Sundaies and holydayes and whether there be any shoppes open on Sūdayes or holydayes or there be any Butchers or others that vse to sell meate or other things in the tyme of cōmon prayer preaching or reading of the Homelies And whether in any Faires or common Markets falling vpon the Sunday there be any showing of any wares before the diuine seruice be done in the forenoone 23 Whether for the putting of the churchwardens and sworn men the better in remembraūce of theyr dutie in obseruing noting such as offend in not cōming to diuine seruice your Minister or reader do openly euery Sunday after he haue read the second lesson at Morning and euening prayer monish warne the Church-wardens sworne men to looke to theyr charge in this behalfe and to obserue who contrary to the sayde statute offende in absenting themselues negligētly or wilfully from their parish Church or Chappell or vnreuerently as is aforesayd vse thēselues in time of diuine seruice 24 Whether the Churchwardens of the last yeare haue giuen to the parishe a iust account of the Church-goods that were committed to their charge and what Church goods they haue solde to whome and whether to the profit of the Church or no And whether any person suppresse the last wil of the dead performe not legacies bequethed to the Church or to Orphanes poore Maides mariages high wayes schooles or any other godly vse 25 Whether there be in your parish any that be malicious contencious or vncharitable persons séeking the vniust vexation of their neighbours scoldes common swearers or blasphemers of the name of god any fornicatours adulterers incestous persons bawdes or receyuers of such incontinent persons or harbourers of women with childe which be vnmaried conueying or suffering them to go away before they haue done any penaūce or make satisfactiō to the cōgregation or any persōs that are vehemētly suspected of such faults or that be not of good name fame touching such crimes faultes any cōmon drūkards ribawds or other notorious euil liuers 26 Whether there be any that be maried in degrées forbidden or that haue maried two wiues or two husbands both liuing or that liue not together with theyr wiues and what be theyr names any maried that haue made precōtracts any that haue maryed without banes thrise solemly asked or that haue maried foorth of their parish church wher they ought to haue solēnised mariage 27 Whether there be any man or woman in your parish that vseth witchcraft Sorcery Charmes or vnlawfull prayer or inuocations in Latine or English or vpon any christian body or beast or any that resorteth to the same for counsell or helpe what be their names 28 Whether any person or persons within your parish haue committed vsury contrary to an Act against Vsury made in the xxxvii yeare of the raigne of the late King Henry the eight and lately reuiued and what are the names of such Vsurers And what is the maner of their Vsury 29 Whether the Scholemasters that teach in your parish either openly or priuateli in any Gentlemans house or others be of a good sincere religion conuersation be diligēt in teaching of youth whether they be examined allowed licenced to teach by the Ordinarie or his deputie and whether they teach the Catechisme allowed cōmaunded by the now Archbishop of Caunterbury both in English and Latin vnto their scholers accordinge to their capacities and what be their names 30 Whether there be any among you that is a hinderer of true religion or a fautour of the romish power or that stubburnly refuseth to come to the church or to cōmunicate or otherwise will not conforme himselfe to vnite godly religion set forth by cōmon authoritie or any that wilfully or obstinately doth defend or maintain any heresies errours or false doctrine cōtrary to the holy scriptures and what be his or their names 31 Whether in your churches chappels all alters be vtterly taken down cleane remoued euen vnto the foundation the place where they stoode paued and the wall whervnto they ioyned whited ouer and made vniforme with the rest so as no breach or rupture appeare And whether your roode lofts be taken downe and altered so that the vpper parts therof with the soller or loft be quite taken down vnto the crosse beame and that the said beame haue some conueniēt crest put vpon the same 32 Whether all euery Antiphoners masse bookes grailes portesses processionals manualles legendaries and all other bookes of late belonging to your church or chappell which serued for the superstitious latine seruice be vtterly defaced rent and abolished and if they be not through whose default that is in whose kéeping they remaine And whither all vestmentes albes tunicles stoles phanons pixes paxes handbells sacringbells censers chrismatories crosses candlestickes holy watersticks ymages and such other reliques monumentes of superstition and idolatry be vtterly defaced broken and destroied And if not where and in whose custody they remaine 33 Whether there be any man or woman in your parish that resorteth to any popish priest for shrift or auriculer cōfessiō or any other within thrée yeares nowe last past hath bene reconciled vnto the Pope or to the church of Rome or any that is reputed or suspected so to be And whether ther be any the refuse to come to the church to hear diuine seruice or to cōmunicate accordīg to the order now established by publique authoritie and what be their names 34 Whether there be any person or persons ecclesiastical or temporal within your parish or els wher within this diocese that of late hath reteyned or kept in their custody or that reade sell vtter disperse cary or deliuer to others any English bookes set foorth of late yeares at Louain or in any other place beyond the seas by Harding Dorman Allen Sanders Stapleton Marshal Bristow or any of them or by any other English papist either against the Quéenes meiesties supremacy in matters ecclesiastical or against true religiō catholique doctrin now receiued established by common authoritie within this realme and what their names and surnames are 35 Whether your Hospitals spittles almesehouses be well godly vsed according to the fundatiōs aūcient ordinances of the same whether ther be any other placed in them then poore impotēt and néedy persons that haue not wherewith or whereby to liue 36 Whether the Deanes Ruralles Sumners or any of them do pay annual rent fée or pension for their offices 〈…〉 pay and to whom· ● Adulteries Incestes and Forni 〈…〉 within your Parishe or 〈…〉 of Easter 1577. How many 〈…〉 bene put to open pe 〈…〉 how many haue ben 〈…〉 ●aue fined and payed 〈…〉 cellor Commissarye 〈…〉 to the Deanes Regi 〈…〉 to escape open punish 〈…〉 what theyr names and sur 〈…〉 〈…〉 che deacon cōmissarie officiall 〈…〉 ecclesiasticall iurisdiction in 〈…〉 or actuaries apparitors or 〈…〉 time wincked at and suffered 〈…〉 incests or other faultes 〈…〉 maine vnpunished and vncor 〈…〉 bribes pleasure friendship 〈…〉 tionate respect or any of thē 〈…〉 in this dioces by exacting 〈…〉 excessiue procurations any re 〈…〉 or any other like wayes or 〈…〉 〈…〉 the Archdeacon hath any Summer 〈…〉 doth wéekely finde out offendors and 〈…〉 before the Archdeacon and whether the 〈…〉 do heare or determine any matter other 〈◊〉 〈…〉 are presented by the church wardens and sworn 〈…〉 his visitation ●●●den yearely next after the feast of 〈…〉 the iurisdiction of a Bishop in 〈◊〉 Archdeaco●rie ▪ Whether any morice dauncers ●ish●●earers ▪ 〈◊〉 any others haue come vnreuerntly in●● the church or churchyard and there daunced or played any vnséemely