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A00198 Articles to be enquired of in the generall visitation of Edmonde Bisshoppe of London exercised by him the yeare of oure Lorde. in the citie and diocese of London ...; Visitation articles. 1554 Church of England. Diocese of London. Bishop (1539-1549, 1553-1559 : Bonner); Bonner, Edmund, 1500?-1569. 1554 (1554) STC 10248; ESTC S101624 15,341 38

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hys owne aucthoritye haue expounded and declared any portyon or parte of scripture in any churche or els where or put the same to prynting or wrytyng affirming and maynteyning that euery pryuate and laye person may so doo withoute approbatyon of anye ordynarye 39 ITem whether there hath bene any laye person that hath refused contempned or denyed to bringe his childe being christened vnto the bisshoppe to be confyrmed or that hath disswaded or discouraged any other so to doo 40 ITem whether the churchewardeynes other beyng monyshed in the archedeacons visitation to prouyde for necesiarye thynges that dyd wante in the churche haue accordyng to the monition and commaundemente to them gyuen sufficiently and well prouided for the same 41 ITem whether there be any scriptures or pictures paynted or set forth vpon the walles of the churche or otherwise within the churche yet remayning which chiefly and principally do tende to the maynteynaunce of carnall libertie especiallye in eating and drinking vpon all dayes fasting or other all maner meates drynkes or for the defense of the marryage of priestes and incontinente lyfe with defacynge of vertuouse and godly lyuyng or to the expresse derogation and slaunder of the blessed Sacramente of the aultare ¶ Articles concernynge scholemaysters and teachers of chyldren men or women 1 FIrst whether they that take vpon them to teache chyldreu whether it be Englishe or Latyne to singe or playe or suche lyke bee them selfes sober and discrete of honest and vertuous lyuing conuersatiō and behaufour with other good commendable qualities so that they may edifye and profyte the scholers as well by their lyuing conuersation and good maners as by their teachyng 2 ITem whether the same scholemaysters teachers doo well and diligently applye their scholers teaching and hearyng them often and dyscretly vsing them 3 ITem whether the sayd scholemaysters and teachers do cause their scholers to faste to pray to ferue god and to feare hym to come often to the churche to heare masse and all other deuyne seruice and to honor and reuerence euery person accordyng to hys vocation and degree 4 ITem whether there be anye other grammer taught and learned within the citye and diocesse of London then that grammer whiche was set forthe in the tyme of our late Soueraigne Lorde Kinge Henry the Eyghte 5 ITem whether that anye printer dwellynge in Paules Churcheyarde within the paryshe of sayncte faythes in London in the tyme of King Edwarde the sixte and the yeare of our lord M. D. Lij heretycally maliciously naughtly did imprinte a grammer in Englshe and Latyne puttyng in the Latyne grammer but only two sacramentes it is to wite baptisme and the supper of our lorde infectyng thereby the youth and other to thinke beleue that there be no moore sacramentes in chrystes churche but those two 6 ITem whether any teachers or scholemaysters do teache and instructe any hys scholers in any poynte of heresye eyther in the Articles of our fayth or the tenne commaundementes eyther in the sacramentes of the churche or other thynges receaued and beleued in the catholike churche 7 ITem whether anye teacher or scholemayster doo teache or reade to any hys scholers any euyl or noughty corrupte boke ballade or wrytyng or do interpretate and sette for the vnto any of them the newe testamente in Englishe or Latyne or anye other bokes Englishe or Latyne concernyng scrypture not expedient for yonge children to medie with all 8 ITem whether any teacher or scholemayster do teache any hys scholers to holde mayntayne de send or beleue any heresy error false doctrine or opynyons contrary to the catholike fayth and deter mynatyon of the same ¶ Articles concerning middewiues and such as come to the trauayle of women beyng wyth chylde 1 FIrst whether there be any woman y e doeth occupie or exercise the office and rowme of a middewife before she be examined and admitted by y e bisshop or ordinary of this diocesse or his chauncelor or comissary hauing sufficient aucthoritie except in time of extreame necessitie where the presence of the middewife can not be had 2 ITem whether such as heretofore hath bene allowed admitted to the sayd rowme office of a middewife be catholike faithful discrete and sober diligent and ready to helpe euery woman trauayling of chylde as well the poore as the riche 3 ITem whether any middewife or other woman cōming to y e trauayle of any woman with child do vse or exercise any witchecraft charmes sorcery inuocations or prayers other then suche as be alowable and may stande with the lawes and ordinaunces of the catholike churche 4 ITem whether any middewife or any other woman denieth or letteth so muche as lyeth in her that the childe beinge newe borne shall not be brought to the Churche there to be decentlye reuerently and orderly baptised the mother thereof after a conuenient time likewise purified according to the olde auncient godly ceremonies custome of y e catholike churche heretofore vsed in that behalfe whether the sayd middewife or any other suche woman do attempte vse or do any thinge in thys matter contrary to the sayd custome or otherwyse indecently and vnsemely 5 ITem whether any woman within this citie or diocesse by them selfes or by sinister counsayle haue purified them selfes after their owne deui ses and fantasies not comming to the churche according to the laudable custome heretofore vsed in the same where the priest wold haue bene ready to do it and some of the multitude to haue bene witnesses accordingly 6 ITem whether there be any other disorder or euyll behauiour concernyng the sayd middewyues or the woman brought a bedde or lyinge in chyldebedde or any other woman coming to the labor or visitynge the woman that so lieth in childebedde and whether the nourse attempte or do anye thyng vnlawfully ¶ Articles concerning the original patrones of benefices and other that haue aduousons of the sayd benefices 1 FIrst whether the sayd patrones other hauing aduousons of the same doo dilygently and faythfully present a sufficiēt able clercke to be admytted to the benefice vacante within dewe tyme or els doo suffre the benefyce to remayne and abyde longe vacant or do present an vnmeete and vnable person to the same offendyng god and hys owne conscience in soo doing 2 ITem whether the sayde Patrons or other hauynge such Aduousons doo practyse or couenaunt in any maner of wise with any prieste directly or indirectly before or after he hath promysed or geuen hys presentatyon to haue the benefice in farme him selfe or his frendes or to haue the mansion house the glebe landes y e fruites commodities therof or some good fleese or part therof paying litle or nothyng for the same or to haue his owne tithes free being remayning within the sayde benefice or some yearely pension portion or annuitie or some cō moditie to him his child kinsman seruaūt or frende or vse any other colour deceyte or falsehead and the priest presented to serue for a yearely stipende farre vnder the value of the benefice 3 ITem whether the sayde patrones or other hauing such aduousons of any churche or chappell with cure or withoute cure haue pulled downe the sayd churche or chappel or taken away the leade the belles the ornamētes or other goodes of y e same or in any wise spoyled it conuertinge the tithes profites commodities reuenues possessions therof to his owne vse cōmoditie putting the same church or chappell to prophane and vngodly vses declaring who and howe many there be that so doth 4 ITem howe manye benefices be nowe vacaunte within this citie of Londō or in other places of the diocesse of London who be the patrones thereof howe longe they haue bene vacaunt who doth receaue the tithes oblations profites and commodities of the same duryng the tyme of the vacation thereof 5 ITem whether in such patronages or aduousons therebe any other disorder or vnlawful doing fynally to inquyre searche faythfully truely and diligently whether in this Cytye or Dyocesse of London there be any other thinges amysse worthy correctyon and reformatyon ¶ The tenour forme and effect of the othe giuen by the sayd bisshop of London to y e inquisitors searchers for knowledge of thinges amisse especially concerning the articles before rehearsed YE shall set asyde all worldly loue and fauor all hatred and displeasure all hoope of reward meede al carnall affection corruptyon all worldely respectes cōsideratiōs that myght stirre and moue you to declyne from the trueth or to adde vnto the trueth or to pul any thing away from it ye shal haue the feare of god before your face the terrible Judgemente of god at the daye of dome the daunger and peryll of your conscyence in hidyng or alteryng the trueth ye shall consider the honestye of your selues and your good name the honestie and profyte of your paryshe that you come for and finally the honour of the Kynge and Queene of thys Realme and the Realme it selfe wyth all other honest consideratyons and motyues that may stirre and moue you godly these thinges considered ye shall faythfully truely playnly vprightly charitably discretly and indifferently searche inquyre for all thinges which in your conscience and in the opinion and Judgemente of good men are to be searched and inquired for especially suche thinges as are mentioned in certayne Articles deliuered vnto you by your ordinary and you shall bryng in your certificate and report fully perfectly in wryting sealed w t your seales or subscribed with your handes to youre sayd ordinarie or his officer hauing sufficient auctoritie therein on this side the next cōming without fayling in any thing hereof as God shal helpe you the holidome and the contentes of this booke FINIS EXCVSVM Londini in aedibus Iohannis Cawodi Typographi Regiae Maiestatis Anno. M. D. L 1111. Mense Septembri Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis
or Lybertyne eyther in reiteratyng baptisme agayne or in holdynge any of the opinions of the Anabaptistes especiallye that a Christen man or woman oughte not to sweare before aiudge nor one to sue another in the lawe for hys ryght and that all thynges would be common 15 ITem whether there hath bene anye that hath holden maynteyned or defended any opinion or doctrine contrary to the catholike fayth vnitie of the catholike Churche hath fauored and maynteyned suche as hath holden the same or lyke erronisufe opinion or doctrine or hath kept or vsed any boo kes or wrytynges conteynynge the same euyll doctrine or hathe vsed to reade or resort to any priuate or secrete lectures 16 ITem whether there hath bene any that hath not in Lent last passed bene cōfessed of his owne curate or by hys licence of some other honeste priest and receaued the blessed Sacrament of the aul tare accordyng to the order of the catholike churche 17 ITem whether there hath bene any that hath or doth wylfully interrupte lette or disturbe anye preacher in the tyme of his sermon or disturbe discourage or let any curate or prieste to singe or saye Masse Euensonge or other diuine seruice or to minister the Sacramentes or Sacramentalles in Latyne accordynge to the olde laudable custome of the Churche or that doeth mocke Jeste at threaten or beate any priest for saying Masse or suche diuine seruice or so ministryng and who they be 18 ITem whether there be any that wyll not haue hys chylde Christened but in the Englyshe tongue nor haue any seruice in the Churche except it be done in the sayd Englyshe tongue 19 ITem whether there be any that wyll not suffer the priest to dyppe the chylde three tymes in the fonte beynge yet stronge and able to abyde and suffer it in the iudgement and opinion of discrete and txperte persons but wyll nedes haue the chylde in the clothes and onlye to be sprynckled wyth a fewe droppes of water 20 ITem whether there hath bene any of the laytye that hath wyllyngly and wilfully doubted in any article of the catholike fayth or that hath openly disputed or vnreuerently talked in anye open places of the same not submittyng hym selfe in all poyntes to the catholike Churche but wylfully defendyng his owne erronious opinion and belefe contrary to scrip ture encouragynge other to the maynteynaunce of their foly and to induce other to the same 21 ITem whether there hath bene or nowe is anye no table euyll rule and manifest disorder in breakyng the lawes of GOD and the ordinaunces and laudable customes of the catholike Churche and many thynges worthye reformation and correction in the late Minores or at Bedlem or at saynct Martensle graunde the late blacke fryars the white friars the graye fryars Augustyne fryars cruched friars sayncte Katherines or other places in or aboute the citie of London 22 ITem whether there hath bene any that denieth or refuseth to go in procession vpon sondayes or other dayes when it is vsed or that departeth out of the Churche before that seruyce be done wythout a iust and reasonable cause so to do 23 ITem whether there hath bene anye that vpon the sondayes or holye dayes hath worked or labored seruyle worke or hath kepte open theyr shoppes or otherwyse occupyed and exercysed theyr handy craftes and occupations on the same dayes to the sclaunder of other and contrary to the laudable custome and vsage of the catholike Churche 24 ITem whether there hath bene any vytlers tauerners or ale house kepers that on the sondayes and holy dayes haue cōmonly vsed to sell and vtter their vittals meate and drynke and chaffer to kepe their doores open in the tyme of diuine seruice agaynst the godly order vsage of the churche 25 ITem whether there hath bene any that beynge able to synge at the least hys playne songe and who in the tyme of the Englyshe seruyce dyd cōmonly vse to synge in the quere doth nowe synce the settyng forth and renewyng of the olde seruice in the Latyne tongue absent and wythdrawe hym selfe frō the quere declaryng and expressing the names surenames and dwellyng places of all suche persons 26 ITem whether there hath bene anye contention discorde debate or stryfe betwene any paryshioners of any paryshe especially in the tyme of diuine seruice for syttynge in pewes or seates in the Churche or for anye other cause or matter to the sclaunder of the rest of the people declarynge what it is and betwene whome 27 ITem whether there hath bene any that by open facte dede or threatenyng hath compelled caused or otherwyse procured or induced anye curate or priest to synge or saye anye common prayer or seruyre or to minister any sacrament priuely or openlye contrary to the order of the catholike churche 28 ITem whether there hath bene or is anye registre booke in the churche safely kept vnder locke and keye in the whych there are wrytten euery sondaye the weddynges christenynges and buryinges that were had the weke before and whether the same haue bene accordingly done 29 ITem whether there hath bene anye person man or woman lawfully before precontracted or mar ried to other whych afterward hath broken the contracte and married to another person especiallye the banes not lawfully asked 30 ITem whether euery parishioner vpon the sondaye as it cometh to his course and turne hath payed and gyuen the holye loofe wyth other accustomed dueties and offerynges as of olde custome it hath bene laudably vsed 31 ITem whether there be any that hath eatē fleshe vpon anye fishe daye and hath broken the fasting dayes suche as of olde aunciente custome hath bene laudably kepte and obserued gyuynge offense and sclaunder to other in their doynges 32 ITem whether there be any that at the sacrynge tyme which do hange downe their heades hyde them selfes behynde pyllers turne awaye their faces or do depart out of the churche at that tyme. 33 ITem whether parishe clerkes or sextens be obedient to their persons vicares and curates in thynges that be lawfull and honest 34 ITem whether there be any that do vse charmes wytchecraft sorcery inchauntementes false southsayinges or any such like thing inuēted by the crafte of the deuill 35 ITem whether suche legacies as were bequeathed for the repayryng of high wayes fyndyng of poore scholers marrying of poore maydens other suche lyke dedes of charytie be faythfully and truely payde and performed 36 ITem whether there be any Printer or seller of Bookes that hath synce the begynnyng of the Quenes Maiestes Raygne Printed or solde the bookes of the schismaticall and slaunderous communyon the lyke homelies and such other bookes hauing in the hereticall and dampnable opynions declaryng and specifying their name sir name dwellyng place 37 ITem whether there be any that hath prynted or solde slaunderous Bookes Ballades or playes contrary to christen religion declaring and specyfying their names surenames dwellyng places 38 ITem whether any laye person of