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A30035 The pilgrim's progress, from Quakerism to Christianity containing, a farther discovery of the dangerous growth of Quakerism, not only in points of doctrine, but also in their politicks, respecting their government, and opposite to it, together with their fund or common bank to support the same : with a remedy proposed for this malady, and the cure of Quakerism : to which is added an appendix, discovering a most damnable plot, contriv'd and carrying on by New-Rome, by an united confederacy, against the reformed religion and professors thereof, as will appear from the designs of their silent meetings, their monthly, quarterly, second-day, six-week, and yearly meeting, all which are particularly herein treated on / by ... Fr. Bugg. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1700 (1700) Wing B5383; ESTC R20744 232,865 530

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as they say I should have proceeded to as many Instances of their Pretence to Spiritual Discerning but I shall mention but two viz. George Fox in his Great Mystery c. p. 89. viz. The Quakers can discern who are Saints who are Devils and who are Apostates without speaking ever a Word Another Place like unto it is in Judas and the Jews c. p. 58. thus None need to give us Discerning or Judgment Christ hath furnished us already and doth on all Occasions But that I may do the Quakers Justice let me give one Instance where I may shew that the Quakers differ in Doctrine from the Romish Church and if I mistake not from all other Christian Churches And indeed that is one main Reason why I thus Unmask New Rome For as A. S. the Roman Catholick said so say I as in his Reconciler of Religions c. p. 2. The true Church Militant is composed of Good and Bad of Wheat and Tares c. To this Josiah Coale in his Whore Vnvailed c. p. 10. replies like himself i. e. like a right Quaker saying Which thing I do abominate to acknowledge And it is Blasphemy the true Church is not composed of Wheat and Tares of Good and Bad but of Good only * See pag. 254 to pag. 284. whether their Church be all Wheat Another of their Teachers in his Book A Rod to drive out the Wild Boars c. says There is no Hypocrite in the true Church they that say there are Hypocrites in the true Church do erre from the Spirit of Truth c. Read the Fourteenth Chapter herein and see whether the Quakers have not Erred or whether that Grain looks like Wheat nay not so good as Tares but meer Darnel And as to their Fling at me about my Compounding as in their Anguis Flagellatus c. p. 432. I shall say little of it in this place but referr to Chap. 15. herein pag. 295 to pag. 307. only thus much I may add That there was but about a Third Part of my Creditors that Compounded at 10 s. in the Pound the rest I have and must Pay the Whole Nay some of those that did Compound I have since Paid the Whole And this Offer I now make That if the Quakers will Engage that those of their Profession shall Pay me what they Broke in my Debt or that Died in my Debt and have not paid me I then will promise to pay every Man to a Groat and if so the Quakers have no great cause to boast And yet I can in good Conscience say that great part of my difficulties have been by and through the great injustice and implacable malice of my Adversaries the Quakers who have yet no reason since my labour have been for their good though against their Wills and for which they have by all their endeavours sought my Ruin And their resolutions herein have been very strong and prosecuted with great vigour For as on the one hand they have used all possible means to render me unworthy of the Clergies notice a hint whereof you have in p. 299. so on the other hand some of them have suggested by private insinuations to my Creditors that they need not to comply for that the Clergy would assist me nay one Quaker nearly Related to me by Marriage and for whom I have done divers good offices it may be more than any Man living no nearer related than I was yet he reported to a Kinsman of his in order to blast my Reputation when I had most need of his good word and assistance that I designed to Sell my Estate and leave my Wife and Children which thing I call Heaven and Earth to witness I never designed nor did it ever enter into my heart And much more to this purpose could I relate which I shall not but desire to pass by all their Unkindness and Ingratitude in the Day of my Adversity being truly thankful to God in the first place and to his Servants in the next who have enabled me to continue to this Day not only to live free from want but to maintain my Family with all things necessary even beyond what I could have expected for in all Humane probability had not God raised me up Friends I had been miserable enough by reason my Adversaries rage was so extensive who thirsted after nothing more than my utter Ruin as I could shew were it needful in many cases And thanks be to God through my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in whose Cause I have been ingaged though a weak and unworthy Instrument and for whose Sake nothing has been to dear too part withal he has raised me Friends and made me able to say as one of old did That I have been able to run through a Troop and to leap over a Wall which I once thought would have been too high for me so that I will not fear what Man can do unto me for God will scatter mine Enemies and confound mine Adversaries and raise me Friends in despite of the Rage of Satan and all his Instruments But since in their late Prints and Appeals the Quakers do so magnifie their own honesty I shall as I have in the Cage of Unclean Birds p. 249. to p. 286. once more add to the number a third sort not at present thinking it needful to add the fruits of others that lye snuge in the Cage and which as yet have not seen it needful to shew their Feathers since the hint already given have had some effect and I hope may have more towards their Humiliation and Amendment But that they may see if yet they do not see that they are left like other Men and overtaken with the same Infirmities I shall set forth not only Ten of their Teachers of great Note but likewise Ten of their Hearers for I love to proceed by number and weight not that I shall this time put John Kilborn and some others into the Cage to their fellow Birds but as I said in regard they so often brag of their honesty in meum and tuum I shall therefore briefly observe to them and for their Humiliation if by any means they may be wrought upon to be Humbled a few of their miscarriages on that Account that their vain pretence to a Sinless Perfection may be retracted and at last come to make Confession of their Sins and Repent thereof and Amend their ways 1. The first I shall name of this sort is Gerald Roberts who was the greatest Entertainer of G. Fox in that Day a great Preacher and one who kept the Publick Stock into whose custody was put a Rich Orphan worth 4000 l. namely Abijah Trot who by the consent of G. Fox and Alex. Parker got her Married to his Son against the Executors consent i. e. R. Cannam and Fran. Camfield against which clandestine proceeding of Fox Parker and Roberts I have much to say which at present I forbear But he broke 2. Tho
in Answer to my Modest Defence where you say p. 7. But sure we are and always ready to make it appear that neither are our Books Blasphemous nor our Principles Pernicious Again p. 11. We are ready to undertake the Proof of every Doctrine we hold by and from the Scriptures this is False in Fact and a Notorious Lie in the Face of the Government First In that you knew I had presented to the Parliament the Reprint of an entire Book of yours stiled Ishmael c. which is both pernicious to the Fundamentals of Christianity and horridly Blasphemous Secondly In refusing to prove any one Doctrine you held at West Dereham Thirdly In refusing to meet Geo. Keith upon any of his Invitations Again p. 10. We sincerely own all that is written in the Scriptures concerning Christ respecting his Conception Birth Life Miracles Doctrines Death Burial Resurrection Ascension Mediation and Future Coming to Judgment when in reality you own not one of those Articles rightly nor as all Orthodox Christians own them as G. Keith's 4th Narrative has from your Books made evidently to appear Again p. 6. ibid. That we assume Rules of Discipline in Church Matters they are for our selves only Powers in Matters of Religion for and among our selves only Nor say they do we see how those Acts could be truly called Acts of Toleration to Dissenters if they did not tolerate each sort of Dissenters to assume Rules of Discipline Power in Matters of Religion and Forms of Church Government for and amongst themselves c. Again p. 11. And if it relate to Religious Performances as it seems to do by the next words i. e. having their Monthly Quarterly and Yearly Meetings c. From whence it is plain that these Monthly Quarterly and Yearly Meetings then when it suit their turn they own to be Religious Meetings and as such tolerated by the Act of Toleration and without allowing them the Act could not be called An Act of Toleration Yet to shew that Liars had need to have good Memories they in Contradiction to themselves when pinched from another Quarter for keeping their Doors Lock'd Barr'd or Guarded to prevent Inspection they in their Just Censure c. p. 26. confess saying These Meetings are not intended for Worship what then What For Government and to assume Rules of Discipline and Forms of Church Government which is more than the Establish'd Church can legally do without His Majesties Licence and therefore worse and more dangerous their Doors being kept Lock'd or Guarded and expresly against the very Act of Toleration in which is this Clause viz. Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any Assembly of Persons Dissenting from the Church of England shall be had in any place for Religious Worship and such only the Act tolerates with Doors Lock'd Barr'd or Bolted during any time of such meeting together all and every such Person or Persons that shall come to and be at such Meeting shall not receive any Benefit from this Law but be liable to all the Pains and Penalties of all the aforesaid Laws recited in this Act for such their Meeting notwithstanding his taking the Oaths and his making and subscribing the Declaration And likewise as the Learned in the Law say Such Meetings with Doors Lock'd c. to assume Rules of Discipline and Forms of Church Government are expresly against the Rights of Parliaments the King's Prerogative and Liberty of the Subject and these Statutes following viz. 28 H. 8. c. 19 21. 27 H. 8. c. 15. 37 H. 8. c. 17. 3 Ed. 6. c. 10 11. 1 Eliz. c. 12. 5 Eliz. c. 1. 1 Ed. 6. c. 2. 8 Eliz. c. 1. 1 K. W. Q. M. Magna Charta c. 29. Pet. Right and that such as so meet run themselves into a Premunire But the Quakers being a united Confederacy a Body Politick Incorporated and having a Fund or Common Bank to support and propagate their Principles they are too powerful for any single Person and thereupon the Government is prayed to take it into their Consideration And that these Meetings are not within the Act of Toleration but obnoxious to the Laws and of a dangerous Consequence I have more fully shewn in my Pilgrim's Progress from Quakerism to Christianity c. 2d Edit in Octavo wherein I have more largely set forth their Monthly Quarterly Second-day Six-week and Yearly Meetings shewing they are not only for Government as themselves now confess but a Government Imperium in Imperio But one thing I cannot but observe in these Meek Harmless Quakers viz. in their representing the Justices Grand Juries and Burgesses of Norfolk and Suffolk as a Bloody-minded sort of Tyrants and that to the Right Honourable and Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons Assembled in Parliament then no wonder they treat me at that disdainful rate they do and the Reverend Clergy for my sake but as hitherto Thanks be to God the Protestant Magistrates and the Episcopal Clergy have been a Bulwark against Popery so I trust they will against the prevalency of Quakerism and the danger of them which seems to threaten both them and the Nation A just Censure c. p. 12. And consider say they whether it was decent in the Aldermen and Burgesses of Bury c. thus to Impeach the Wisdom and Conduct of the Government P. 13. That all those high Charges in the Petition exhibited against us are grounded but upon their own groundless Jealousies they how mannerly say they let others judge offer the Parliament Hobson 's Choice cut our Throats or knock out our Brains And would they have the Honourable the House of Commons undertake this Inhumane piece of Butchery to defile their Hands in the Innocent Blood of so many Thousands of harmless People to Enact such a Barbarous Tragedy only to remove the groundless Fears of a few Jealous-headed Aldermen Justices Grand Juries c. of Bury c. P. 15. God forbid they should swim into it i. e. a peaceful Life and the Enjoyment of their Religion through a Sea of Innocent Blood c. But why is all this Why 'T is only that they prayed the House of Commons to take these things into their Consideration and that the Principles and Practices of the Quakers might be Examined and their Errors Censured and Suppressed whether by obliging them to Retract their Errors or if not to order their Books to be Burnt by the Common Hangman or any other Method as to their great Wisdom shall appear to deserve c. and for this Noble Act this Generous and Christian Undertaking with that Modesty which highly became them to be thus Censured by the Quakers to Impeach the Wisdom of the Parliament to excite them to a Barbarous Tragedy to cut their Throats that they may swim through a Sea of Blood is not only a False Pernicious and Scandalous Representation of the Petitioners and their Right of Petitioning but it is Imperious in
Spirit of Truth in George Whitehead and George Fox the Younger See Title Page And being questioned by a Minister p. 7. VVhether the Quakers Speaking was of as great Authority as any Chapter in the Bible George Whitehead reply'd saying That which is spoken from the Spirit of Truth in ANY is of as GREAT AUTHORITY as the Scritures and Chapters are and GREATER So that the plain Consequence of this Doctrine is That the Authority of this little Pamphlet of Whitehead's and Fox's VVriting is of Greater Authority than the Bible and not only that but all their other Pamphlets which they give forth as they pretend from the Spirit of Truth or Light within The said Minister proposed another Question to Whitehead viz. Is the Moral Law or Ten Commandments a Rule to the Christian's Life or is it not p. 18. To this G. Whitehead reply'd saying Thou might as well ask If the Moral Law be a Rule to Christ for the Christian's Life and Rule is Christ meaning their Light within From whence it 's plain that the Ten Commandments are not the Quakers Rule No no not unless they be convinced by their Light within of the Reasonableness of their Obedience as Mr. Penn teaches and Edward Burroughs their great Prophet Quakerism a New Nick-name c. p. 71. Burrough's Works p. 47. And by these and the like Arguments our Teachers brought us off from believing the Scriptures to be the VVord of God And as such to have Authority over us and Binding to us whether convinced or not convinced by these Means they brought us from the Practice of repeating the Lord's Prayer the Ten Commandments and the Apostles Creed in our Families By these cunning Slights they by degrees brought us off the Ordinances of Christ as Baptism and the Lord's Supper asking Forgiveness of Sin and the like Christian Duties in which many of us had been Educated and which the Scriptures command and exhort to And by reason of this and the like Doctrine together with not reading the Holy Scriptures in our Meetings but their Epistles only as in my former Books I have at large shewed we came to forget and not regard nor have Faith in the Crucified Jesus who died for our Sins and rose again for our Justification and that in these Fundamental Points following namely 1. That Faith in Christ as he outwardly suffered at Jerusalem was necessary to our Salvation provided we hearkened diligently to our Light within 2. That Justification and Sanctification is by the Blood of Christ outwardly shed 3. That there shall be a Resurrection of the Body that dieth 4. That Christ shall come without us in his Glorified Body to Judge the Quick and the Dead at the last Day even the same Jesus that was Born of the Virgin Died Rose Ascended and now Sits at the Right Hand of God in Heaven making Intercession for us News out of the North p. 14. As also that there was little need of Preaching the Literal Knowledge of Christ's Death Miracles Resurrection and Ascension because they are generally believed by all sorts professing Christianity See Isaac Pennington's Book The Flesh and Blood of Christ c. p. 29. I say by our Teachers thus slighting the Scriptures as Death Dust and Serpents Food of which I have largely treated elsewhere and by their other Doctrine scattered up and down their Books they brought us off from the Belief and Expectation of these Things as George Keith by his Third Narrative has clearly made to appear and as a Pregnant Instance thereof with respect to my self see my First Book I printed De Chris Lib. Part 2. which altho' it treat of the best part of Quakerism and gave a mortal VVound to the Jurisdiction of their Female Government yet it set not forth any one of these four Fundamental Points For as their Hypocrisie in pretending to be plain sincere simple and innocent was a means to attract and draw me after them so the like Hypocrisie in pretending to gather to the Light leave People to their Light as a sufficient Rule Judge and Guide (c) Yet acting quite contrary as anon will appear c. was one Reason why I left them I do not look upon it so eminently my Business to set forth the admirable Advantage and Use of the Lord's Prayer the Ten Commandments the Apostles Creed Baptism and the Lord's Supper no every Bookseller's Shop is furnished with plenty of such Books which are writ by Men of great Learning and Skill which should I write after them it would be next to light a Candle at Noon-day when the Sun shines in its Brightness Tho' if I lived in a Country where such Arguments were not I thank God I could through the Study of the Scriptures and the Knowledge I have of the Doctrinal part of Christianity thereby speak somewhat to the Point and which might be useful too No I take it to be my Business and Office amongst others to unmask and discover the Errors and Pernicious Principles of the Quakers and therefore refer to Bishop Andrews upon the Commandments Bishop Pearson upon the Creed Dr. Cumber upon the Lord's Prayer and indeed what else the Church teach And to make it yet more evident if more can be that the very Design of these Silent Meetings was to bring us off and wean us from the Articles of the Christian Faith and the Principles of the Christian Religion and thereby to mould us and square us as fit Tools for their Turn to supplant and overthrow it And this I know that the more we obeyed the Doctrine of our new Teachers the more we grew dead to all Instituted Religion For as Universities and other Schools of Learning as well amongst the Jews as Christians had a tendency to prepare Men and thro' God's Assisting Grace were a means and a help to such as were to be Consecrated and set apart for the VVork of the Ministry so I do affirm and that from an Experimental Knowledge That these Silent Universities tends only to empty the Mind of all true and solid Notions of the Christian Religion and only to prepare them for the wild Notions of Quakerism which hath such a sandy Foundation that to this Day they have not been able to produce their Articles of that Faith they pretend to but are as Mr. Baxter said Penitential Confession p. 63. i. e. The Quakers are amongst us a disgraced broken Sect c. notwithstanding their pretence to Unity Uniformity and to be of one Mind referring oft to their Beginning when alas some will pay Tythes some not some shut up their Shops on Fast-Days some not some for Thee and Thou still but most of them not but are like other People some wet Quakers some not some for this some for that and some for neither this nor that as in a Hundred Things I could shew But lest any should think me partial in stating the Case and in shewing the Consequences of our Silent Meetings or Schools
Fundamentals of the Christian Religion as it is for G. Whitehead to Address himself by Dedication to the Clergy and Universities personating a Schism which professes such Doctrine as tends to overthrow the Christian Faith Come George Answer me this Question how came you to be such a Man You know I could shew Books of your Friends Burrough Fisher Fox and others who tho' as great Imposters as any in the World ever knew yet they have Dedicated and Addressed and not only so but Dictated to Kings Lords and Commons Come G. what was your birth Whence came your breeding Were you not Rambling Pilgrims who like Gypsies lay in Barns lived upon Alms with your Feet at other Mens Tables See E. Burrough's Epist to his works What must none Address now but you Must none apply themselves to the Government but you Surely George you are a Pegg too high Come George let us reason together what power have you to summons all Ecclesiastical Courts and Officers more than I have to summon you What Power have you to Dialogue the Bishops and the whole Church more than I have to Dialogue you What Authority have you to Arraign Try Judge and Condemn all the Clergy in a Kingdom more than I have to Arraign you and Try you by your Fruit I tell you George I cannot see you mount the Stage and thus Insult Domineer and Exalt your selves not only above the Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Saints and Martyrs and all Christians with respect to your so much boasted-of Sinless Perfection but above all the King's Subjects as if you and you only had right to Address Dedicate and Present Papers to the Parliament and that it were Treason to confront you I tell you as above noted that you are a pegg too high But George before you had Addrest your selves and Dedicated your Books to the King and Government you ought to have condemn'd your Books mentioned p. 154 157 167. And before you had Dedicated this Book to the Clergy you ought in prudence to have retracted your Books mentioned p. 217 249 250. And as to G. K's Book it was approved by the Quakers and you ought to have retracted the Doctrine of it as G. K. has and likewise W. Penn's and Alexander Skien's mentioned in p. 168 170. But your Temporizing is both seen and discovered to be seen by others And now for your Dedication to the Clergy A Rambling Pilgrim p. 3. An Epistle Dedicatory to those of the Clergy and of the two Universities whose kindness Fran. Bugg boasts of 30 th of the 4 th Month 1629. By George Whitehead Now George to shew you what a kind Reception your Dedication met with from my Benefactors I shall though I have no order present you with part of a Letter which one of them sent me which take as follows viz. March 11. 1699. Mr. Bugg I Cannot but thank you for the service you have done especially among the Common People by your way of Writing and for the plentiful materials you have furnish'd out to imploy others with respect both to the Principles and Practices of the Quakers and your laborious Attendance at Parliament as a Check to the Insolencies of the Quakers in their presenting their deceivable Papers in which they have been too much neglected wherefore be not dishearten'd but go on and Charge the Quakers Party through and through with their Blasphemies against the Blessed Trinity their Doctrine of Infallibility and Sinless Perfection their denying the Fundamental Articles of our most Holy Religion viz. The Incarnation of Christ the Resurrection of the Body and the Day of Judgment For to talk of Lenitives and Gentle Applications is like the old way of sowing Pillows under their Arm-holes and you may as well give Opium in a Lethargy as to fancy to cure some Men into their Senses by your mild and tender Remedies And therefore to deal plainly is the best way to work their Conversion from the Infidelity of Quakerism to the Faith of Christ Crucified which God of his Mercy grant them if it be his Will It was a notable Confession of St. Paul when he drew up an Indictment and Arraigned himself in the Murther of St. Stephen for his standing by and consenting unto his Death and holding the Garment of them that slew him I wish the Quakers were Humble enough to follow his Example whose malice I am afraid is greater and the dignity of the injured Person higher for they have Spirited away our Blessed Saviour and have left us nothing but a Notional and Chimerical Christ so that we may take up the Lamentation of Mary Magdalen They have taken away the Lord and we know not where they have laid him That was well noted in the Spirit of the Hat For I am perswaded there cannot be an Instance made in any Society of Men of that bigness that have gotten more Bastards and more unnaturally dispos'd of them that have drank deeper Draughts of stoln secret Intemperance that have fed higher and fared more deliciously every Day than have some of these Perfectionists in their shining brazen disguises of Religion I am heartily sorry for the poor Quaker I heard lately of who hanged himself * * viz. Will. Rust a Preacher at Chaterice in the Isle of Ely who opposed G. K. with G. K's Narrative in his Pocket and the more for the exact parallel I must make between him and Judas both in his Life and in his Death I pray God give them Grace to lay it to Heart and humbly to confess their Sins to God and to beg pardon by the Merits of Christ that God may give them Repentance unto Life SIR Your most Faithful Friend to Serve you c. It may be some may say why did you not Print his Name to it To which I Answer suppose I had a Friend in my Parlour and knew that if I did open the Door that the Dogs would come in and worry him can any think that if I lov'd my Friend I would not secure him from their Rage yea and with Just Lot rather venture my self out among the Sodomites than suffer my Friend to be torn in pieces And besides that I have Muzzled some and put others of them in a Cage so that they can only Grin Bark and shew their Teeth POSTSCRIPT To the Sincere amongst the Quakers whether they be Thousands Hundreds Fifties or peradventure but Ten who are of the true Berean Race FRIENDS BEsides the forenoted Six Books of the Quakers I have herein Examined and Refuted Four more at least in their principal parts VII Their Anguis Flagellatus or A Switch for the Snake VIII A Rambling Pilgrim c. by George Whitehead IX A Just Censure of F. B 's Address to the Parliament c. X. A Sober Reply c. in Answer to F. B 's Modest Defence To all which you will find in the foregoing and following such an Examination and Confutation as will give you some light into the
present note the Quakers Hypocrisie in this Point nor shew how far many of their Books and which I take to be the Reason of their Silence are within the meaning of His Majesty's Royal Proclamation which are not only express against the Blessed Trinity but other Fundamentals of the Christian Religion I pray God bless the King and preserve his Royal Person and inspire Him with Holy Zeal to go on with His Royal Resolution and let all true Protestants and good Christians say Amen CHAP. XII By way of Introduction to the Thirteenth Chapter wherein I shall shew several Reasons why I so proceed REader let none marvel why I proceed thus with these Men for they say of themselves Burrough's Works p. 507. They are Raised of the Lord and Established by HIM even contrary to all Men and they have given their Power only to God and they cannot give their Power to any Mortal Man to stand or fall by any outward Authority and to that they cannot SEEK * A grand Lie Who seeks more c. Now as they confess they were raised up contrary to all Men so have their Practice Manners and Deportment been contrary to all Men and therefore shall they be dealt with contrary to all Men. Bishop Jewel and other Reformers wrote smartly against the Papists and for the Peoples sake display'd their Errours unmask'd their Leaders and discover'd their Pious Frauds yet protested they were in Charity and desired nothing more than that they would have hearkened to them and forsake their Errours And I do solemnly say I know of no one thing which this World affords would please me better than to see this People condemn what is Erroneous amongst them and persevere in the Truth and the Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ true God and perfect Man But whilst they 'll excuse justifie commend and recommend such vile Errours as no Protestant Society can endure I shall proceed and if I be blamed better Men than I am as Luther for one was who when John Eccius Jacob Hochstrat wrote to him he quickly reply'd saying By how much the more they rage so much the more I go on I leave former things that they may bark at them and go on to further things that they may have some things more to bawl at The Hist of the Reform c. p. 34. Also consider the Prophet Elijah a Man both Sober Serious and Religious yet when he beheld the Idolatry of the Priests of Baal which did not much exceed the Quakers if at all he could not but mock at them and have them in a Holy Derision in order to the more compleat Discovery of them to the View of the Spectators For it is written And it came to pass at Noon that Elijah mocked them and said Cry aloud for he is a God either he is Talking or he is Pursuing or he is in a Journey or peradventure he Sleepeth and must be awaked c. 1 King 18.27 Besides all this here is more to be said for as the Quakers were raised contrary to all Men as they confess themselves so have they dealt by others as never any besides themselves ever did And therefore give me leave to fill the same Cup to them again which they so plentifully have filled to others yea good Measure pressed down and shaken together and running over Luke 6.38 For G. Fox their great Apostle and High-Priest of their Profession who was but a Journey-man Shoemaker having heard some Body say That Tu was Latin for Thou the Second Person of the Singular Number and Vos was Latin for Ye the Second Person of the Plural Number nothing would serve his Ambitious Brain but he must make for the two English Universities the Magistrates Judges Gentry and Clergy of the Land a BATTLEDOOR to teach them the same and that in Thirty Languages of which he was not Master of one And the present Quakers in order to magnifie their Great Apostle Fox have printed him the Author of the said BATTLEDOOR See the Third Index of Fox 's Journal which is as great a Cheat put upon the present Quakers as Fox put upon us in the Beginning who made us believe he had 24 Languages given him by Divine Inspiration in one Night as my self and others still living did believe for in the Introduction he said All Languages are to me no more than Dust who was before Languages were and am come before Languages were and am redeem'd out of Languages into the Power c. For tho' Fox was not the Author yet his Name is set to it nine or ten times in order to confirm the Cheat for John Stubbs and Benjamin Furley had the chief Hand in it See the Gen. Hist of the Quakers c. p. 165. But in those early Days the Government of the Fund or Common Bank was wholly at the Dispose of Fox who like Simon Magus having a Desire to be esteem'd some Great Man in Learning he hired some Jews to his Assistance as I have been credibly informed by those which heard the Jews say the same yea and since have printed it in these Words Envy and Folly detected by way of Reply to Robert Bridgman c. p. 8. We for our own parts went to the Jews and spake with the Jew that received Eighty Pounds in Mill'd Money † O th is Dagon of the Quakers as Anne Docwra calls it What will not Money do paid by Gerrard Roberts besides the Dozen Bottles of Wine given by M. F. Widow to Judge Fell who afterwards Marry'd Fox as he did affirm for doing the chief part of the BATTLEDOOR And what a Cheat was this to the Ignorant to make them believe as if it had been revealed to G. Fox c. And when R. Bridgman to cover Fox said He George Fox had some Knowledge in Hebrew my Author goes on p. 20. viz. Some Body paid enough for his Understanding in the Hebrew Witness his 80 l. and Dozen Bottles of Wine c. Oh monstrous Oh horrible Cheat Now followeth the Form and Figure of a Penny Horn-Book for Children to learn their A B C as placed in that Book intituled A BATTLEDOOR for Teachers and Professors to learn Singular and Plural c. as set at the beginning of most of the Languages in that Book with a like Inscription Signed on the Handle of the Horn-Book as in this Geo. Fox which could have no other Tendency but to discover his great Presumption to pretend to be Learned in Thirty Languages who was ignorant of his Mother-Tongue neither did this Artifice only discover his Presumption in pretending to be what he was not i. e. a Learned Person but it shewed also his Pride and Contempt thereby designed and Domineering over both Gentry and Clergy as if they understood not the English of Tu and Vos set in the said BATTLEDOOR and with this Inscription A BATTLEDOOR FOR Teachers and Professors TO Learn Singular and Plural Thou to One You to