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A08201 Abrahams faith: that is, The olde religion VVherein is taught, that the religion now publikely taught and defended by order in the Church of England, is the onely true Catholicke, auncient, and vnchangeable faith of Gods elect. And the pretensed religion of the Sea of Rome is a false, bastard, new, vpstart, hereticall and variable superstitious deuise of man. Published by Iosias Nicholls, an humble seruant and minister of the gospell in the Church. Nichols, Josias, 1555?-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 18538; ESTC S113254 207,023 348

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many moe seuerall braunches thereof But my second cause is more speciall and of greater wayght namely that God made choise of Abraham in calling of him to bee the father of all belieuers and that the same faith which hee receyued of God should bee the religion of all nations wherein and whereby they should bee saued to the end of the world Which thing Saint Paule teacheth when hee saith b Gal. 3.8 The scripture foreseeing that God woulde iustifie the gentilles through faith preached before the Gospell vnto Abraham saying In thee shall all the gentils bee blessed Where we learne that the gospell which teacheth this religion that men should bee iustified by faith was preached to Abraham and namely for the vse of the gentilles that they should bee made of the same religion with Abraham and with him by faith onely bee iustified as hee saith in the next verse Vers 9. So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithfull Abraham This did GOD signifie vnto Abraham when hee chaunged his name saying a Gen. 17.45 Behold I make my couenant with thee and thou shalt bee a father of many nations neither shall thy name any more be called Abraham but thy name shall bee Abraham for a father of many nations haue I made thee Hereof the Apostle teacheth that Abrahams seede is twofold b Rom. 4.16 not onely of the law which is meant of the Iewes but also that which is of the faith of Abraham that is the gentilles who not hauing the lawe are yet his seed through faith and therfore he addeth He is father of vs all that is both of Iew gentil which belieue alleadging this place for proofe saying as it is written I haue made thee a father of manie nations c. Whereby it is pregnantly proued that Abraham is made in regard of faith and religion a father both to Iewes and Gentils The Iewes are first admitted to be his children to walke in his religion and steppes of faith after we succeed in their roome to walk in the same steps of faith religion of Abraham they as the Apostle els where c cap. 11.17.18 saith being naturall braunches for vnbeliefe were cut off But we though braunches of the wild Oliue are grafted in by faith Now because it is here manifest that Abraham receiued the couenant for vs and the whole religion of God as well for vs as for the Iewes and that God wold not haue the Iews to haue one religiō the gentils an other the one to be saued by one faith the other by another but both to be of that faith and religion which was taught and found in Abraham and that Christ comming of his seed should bee sauiour both of Iewes and gentils d Luc. 2.32 A light to be reuealed to the gentils the glorie of Israel religion then being one the same one being the same only which was taught Abraham I thought it best to choose him and his storie because that neither the law nor the gospel could or ought to differ in religion and faith from that of Abraham that if our religion in Englande agree with that of Abraham then it might bee knowen to be the true auncient and catholike religion and faith no new broached religion or doctrine such as that is of the Church of Rome as in the processe of this booke shall be seene But for thy better help good Christian reader I will follow this order I will shew the seuerall points of religion which are most materiall one after an other as they are in nature first second and then in euerie part or article Abrahams faith first And secondly except some special reason draw me to alter this order I wil shew how our religion agreeth with his faith and lastly how Moyses the prophets and the new testament confirme the same And thus they follow The first Article of faith and religion concerning God 1. There is one true euerliuing Almightie God and three persons God the father God the Son God the holy Ghost which are not three Gods but one God THis Article hath two partes first of the vnitie of the Godhead and secondly the trinitie of persons The first God taught Abraham when in his calling he brought him to forsake the a Ioshuah 24.2 strange and many Gods of his fathers to embrace one and the onely true God shewing this perfect marke that he could set downe order what should become of b Gen. 12.3 cap. 15.13 cap. 17.1 cap. 18.14 all the families of the earth and particularly of his posteritie that hee was God all sufficient and that nothing was harde to him Therefore Abraham hauing learned this professeth it to be his faith and religion calling the Lord c cap. 14.22 The most high God possessor of heauen and earth and hee gaue him this d Rom. 4.18.19 glorie of God that although himselfe were an hundred yeare old Sarah his wiues wombe now dead yet did he beleeue Gods word concerning his seed being assured that he which had promised was also able to do it The second God taught Abraham when hee e Gal. 3.8 preached the gospell vnto him in these wordes f Gen. 28.18 In thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed For by the seed being vnderstood Christ namely the son of God to be made man of the seede of Abraham God speaking in these words to Abraham concerning his son Abrahā must needs vnderstand the first person of the father in him that speaketh and the second person of the Sonne in him that is spoken of And of this second person in the knowledge and faith of Abraham speaketh Christ saying g Ioh. 8.56.58 Abraham reioyced to see my day and hee saw it and was glad And againe before Abraham was I am And as concerning the holy Ghost the third person Abraham vnderstood that in all the wordes because they are as the Apostle teacheth h Gal. 3.14 the promise of the spirit which thing you shall perceiue if you looke vpon Abrahams seed for it came not by the naturall vertue and power of man but by the holy Ghost as first Isaacke was borne when Abraham and Sarah were past age of the naturall begetting and conceiuing of a child by the vertue of the promise of God which being performed by the power of the holy ghost he is said sometime i Rom. 9.7.8 Gal. 4.23.29 to be borne by promise and sometime to be borne after the spirit Secondly Christ the seed of Abraham by whom all are made blessed is also borne a man without the seed begetting of any man onely of a virgin and conceiued by the holy Ghost as the k Luk. 1.34.35 Angell in Luke declareth Lastly all the faithfull which are the spirituall seed and children of Abraham and made blessed by this promise of Christ are no otherwise made partakers of this blessing
but by the holy ghost as Christ plainly a Ioh. 3.5 expoundeth saying No man can enter into the kingdome of God except he be borne againe by the holie ghost Abraham doubtles being taught the true meaning of these words who spake and of whom and what maner of promise this was and how it shoulde be performed could not but behold therin learne the most excellent misterie and doctrine of the trinitie And in this sence and meaning doth the church of England hold this article of religion with Abraham as may appeare not onely by the vniuersall and notorious knowledge of our profession but also by fower Creedes set downe in the booke of Common praier to be heard learned and confessed of all men The Apostles creed Te Deum Athanasius creed and the Nicen creed and in the first article of religion agreed vpon by our church and established by lawe Ann̄ 1562. Moses consent in this article is to bee seene in these words b Deut. 6.4 Here O Israel the Lord our God is Lord only Where this word Lord being in Hebrew Iehouah noteth out the true God being all sufficient of him selfe and therfore Moses was c Exod. 3.14 taught to call him Eheie that is I am or shal be meaning a continuance without beginning or ending Secondly this clause our God in hebrew is * Elohenu a word of the plurall number noteth out the pluralitie of persons then adding in the singuler number that he is Lord or Iehouah onely signifieth that although there is pluralitie that is three persons yet there is but one God And therefore that which is spoken Psal 95. of the tempting of God out of Deut. 9. ver 8. where is said by Moses they prouoked Iehouah to anger the prophet d Esai 36.10 Esay the epistle e Heb. 3.7 to the Hebrewes expound it to be the tempting of the holy ghost f 1. Cor. 10.5 and S. Paul to bee tempting of Christ so that Moses by these places is to bee vnderstood to haue taught the same doctrin of the Trinitie namely one all sufficient Iehouah the same three persōs God the father God the son God the holy ghost The prophets who are the true and perfect interpreters of Moses doe vtter this doctrin yet more plainly speaking in the person of God g Esai 44.6 I am the first and I am the last and beside me there is no God h Cap. 4.3.13 Before the day was I am there is none that can deliuer out of mine hand i 45.21 a iust God and a Sauiour and there is none beside me k Malach. 3.6 I the Lord change not l Nahum 1.5 The mountains tremble for him and the hils melt c. And as touching the Trinitie in plaine termes thus m Hag. 2.5.6 I am with you saith the Lord of hostes with the word wherewith I couenanted with you when you came out of Egypt and with my spirit remaining among you where you see the father by excellencie called the Lord of hosts the son being the mediator of the couenant is called the word by whom and for whom God couenanteth and the holy ghost his spirit placed in his church by his manifold gifts and mightie works Heb. 2.4 the like place is in a Esai Esay where in the person of the father is shewed Gods mercie loue and kinde prouidence ouer his people and he pointeth out the second person by the name of the angel of his presence who saued them and the holy ghost he calleth his holy spirit whom they vexed But the new Testament is plainest of al. First Math. 3. where the father witnesseth of the son and the holy ghost in the shape of a doue commeth vpon him and Christ commandeth to b Math 28.19 Baptise in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost And c 1. Ioh. 5.7.9 S. Iohn calleth this the witnes of God that there are three which beare record in heauen the father the word and the holie ghost and these three are one In which article wee must vnderstād the three persons not as we do three persons of men who though they be but of one nature which is the nature of man yet are they in such sort 3. persons in one nature as they are also 3. diuers men But in God is a more neere vnion namely that they being 3. persōs distinguished in property the father begetting the son begotten the holy ghost proceeding yet these three so distinct in person are not onely of one kind of nature which is to be God for so they might be vnderstood to be three gods as Peter Iames and Iohn though of one nature are yet three men but also of one and the same essence in vnitie of number namely that the father son and holie ghost are all in one God and do make and be all but one and the same God of the same inseperable power eternitie wil wisdom and goodnes as is very excellently expounded in the creed of Athanasius The second article is of the Cause of Causes 2 By the decree of God all thinges were fore ordained how they should be and concerning man who should be saued by faith in Christ and who should be damned for their sinnes THis doctrine GOD teacheth Abraham two waies first in the promise d Gen. 12.3 how al the families of the earth should be blessed in which there is the reuelation of Gods decree what should become of all nations in the world namely that they of al nations which attaine blessednes shoulde haue it by Christ and all other should be damned then e Cap. 17. when he seperateth the Iewes by circumcision kept out the gentils till the fulnes of times it argueth that according to his decree he dispenseth the times and seperateth the nations and that in the matter of the saluation and damnation of men euen as saint Paul expoundeth it saying f Eph. 1.9.10 And hath opened to vs the mistery of his will according to his good pleasure which he had purposed in him selfe that in the dispensation of the fulnes of times he might gather together in one all things both which are in heauen which are in earth euen in Christ The other way is in trying of Abraham whē he was so olde before he had his son Isaac for hauing made the promise to Abraham generally First a Gen. 12.3 cap. 15.5 In thy seed and secondly So shall thy seed be Sarah finding her selfe barren b Gen. 16. gaue her maide to Abraham thinking to haue the seed that way and he went into her and she brought him foorth a sonne when he was fower score and six yere olde and he called his name Ismaell But after this God c Cap. 17.15 commanded Abraham to change his wiue Sarahs name from Sarai to Sarah because he would giue her a son and blesse and
statutes and iudgements Here you see that the prophets hauing the same spirite of truth to leade them and their pen which Moses had in his writings auouch the perfection of Gods word in Moses bookes so farre as they would be vnderstood to doe or speake nothing that should not agree vnto that worde so written and whosoeuer did otherwise had not the light in him Now because Moses and the prophets agreed in their writinges in declaring and making manifest the same truth and word of God which he would haue to be the knowen canon and rule of religion Our Sauiour Christ reiecteth all c Math. 15.3 new deuises writing traditions and customes of men sendeth vs to the d Luk. 16.29 cap. 24.44 law and the prophets bidding vs to e Ioh. 5.39 search the scriptures Which also to bee a most certaine rule Saint Peter saith We haue a most sure worde of the prophets And Saint Paul a 2. Tim. 3.16 The whole scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach vs that the man of God may be absolute being made perfect vnto all good workes What can be a more perfect rule or touchstone then that which is most sure inspired of God profitable euery way in righteousnes by which a man may be absolute perfect vnto all good workes And hereof it commeth that the writinges of the new testament are not a new Canon or additament of rule in religion but onely a more plaine reuelation fulfilling of that which was before taught by Moses and the prophetes and therefore you shal find that Christ and the Apostles euery where do approue their doctrine by the testimonies of the scriptures of the olde testament Wherefore Paul acknowledgeth that b Rom. 16.26 God commanded the preaching of the gospell to bee by the scriptures of the prophets and Peter c Act. 3.22.24 appealeth to Moses and to all the prophets from Samuel and thenceforth that they foretold of those daies that is of the time of the gospell and the things which should bee manifested therein And therefore Paul protested that he d Cap. 26.22 witnessed both to small and great no other things then those which the prophets and Moses did say should come Wherefore the whole scriptures of the olde and new testament is one and the same rule of religion Although peraduēture as is before declared there may be some difference in ceremony and maner of gouernment yet is the first euen in those thinges a witnesse of the last and the last a true and faithfull expounder and fulfiller of the first Hereof it is that Mathew and the other Euangelists do confirme all the doctrine and doings of Christ by seuerall scriptures Yea those thinges which in forme order differ are yet proued that so they ought to be by Moses and the prophetes as the ministerie of a Math. 3.3 Iohn Baptist b Act. 2.16 and of the Apostles c Heb. 7.1.12 the priesthood of Christ and his changing of the lawe d 1. Cor. 9.9.13 prouiding for the ministerie though not by tithes and many such like But as for the most substantiall parts of the doctrine of faith and saluation I hope it shal appeare to the godly Christian by reading this Chapter throughout that there is but one canon and rule of truth Therefore to conclude let the reader obserue that this writing of Gods word is done by the spirit of God to this vse and ende that we might bee sure to know and how to trie and finde out what is the worde of God by examining all things wee heare by the Canon of the scripture As did e Act. 17.11 the noble men of Berea Wherefore Saint f Cap. 1.3.4 Luke affirmeth that the ende of this writing was that wee might acknowledge the certaintie of those thinges whereof wee haue beene instructed And Saint Paule saith that for the Church g Philip. 3.1 it was a sure thing and this sure thing is expounded by the Euangelist who sayth h Ioh. 20.21 These thinges are written that yee might beleeue that Iesus is the Christ the sonne of God and that in beleeuing yee might haue life through his name Therefore as Moyses which first wrote shewed the absolutenesse of this Canon of Gods worde written by i Deut. 4.2 forbidding all adding to and taking from So the last booke of this Canon sealeth vp all the writinges of God with the like admonition saying e Reuelat. 22.18 I protest to euerie one that heareth the wordes of the prophesie of this booke If any man shall adde vnto these thinges God shall adde vnto him the plagues that are written in this booke Now in both partes of this Article agreeing to all these testimonies of holy scripture is the iudgement and profession of the Church of England For we say b Artic. 20. of the authoritie of the church It is not lawfull for the Church to ordaine any thing that is contrarie to Gods worde written c Articl 6. the doctrine of holy scripture Holy scripture containeth all things necessarie to saluation so that whatsoeuer is not read therein nor may be proued thereby is not to be required of any man that it should be beleeued as an article of the faith or bee thought requisite and necessarie to saluation c. d Apolog. cap. 9. diuis 1. We receiue and embrace all the Canonicall scriptures both of the old and new testament c. they bee the verie sure and infallible rule whereby may be tried Whether the Church do swarue or erre and whereunto all ecclesiasticall doctrine ought to bee called to account and that against these scriptures neyther law nor ordinance nor any custome ought to be heard c. In all which wee doe acknowledge this most absolute canon of Gods word agreeing with Abraham Moses the Prophets Christ and his Apostles The tenth Article of the people who follow the right religion that is the Church of God 10 There is but one Church of God and the same is catholike and spread ouer all the world holding onely the true faith of Christ and it is made visible and knowne by the profession of the same faith which is in the preaching of the pure word of God and right administration of his holy sacraments IN this Article is a double description of Christes Church first in regard of the nature and second in regard of the visible markes The nature is in three things vnitie and vniuersalitie and faith The markes are declared by their profession which is preaching and administring the word sacraments By vnitie wee vnderstand that God hath not diuers Churches of diuers sectes in diuers places or times but howsoeuer times and places may haue some externall and temporal differences yet in all times and places the people whom God alloweth and accepteth to bee his church are but one misticall bodie wherof Christ is the head and as
many ought to be vnder the gospell and how these two differ in their special and particuler vse The confession of the church of England is altogether so and of the same consent For as touching the nature of a Sacrament we say the same in substance of truth a Sacraments ordained of Christ are not onely badges and tokens of Christian mens profession but rather they be certaine sure witnesses and effectuall signes of grace and Gods good will towards vs by the which he doth worke inuisibly in vs and doth not onely quicken but also strengthen and confirme our faith in him and againe b Articl 25. of the sacramēts b Apolog. part 2.10 diuis 1. Wee allow the Sacraments of the Church that is to say certaine holie signes and ceremonies which Christ would we should vse that by them hee might set before our eies the misteries of our saluation and might more strongly confirme the faith which wee haue in his blood and might seale his grace in our hartes and in the same places there are no more but two sacraments acknowledged which properly ought to be called by that name and as touching the speciall difference First we say of Baptisme a Articl 27. that It is a signe and a seale of our new birth whereby as by an instrument they that receaue Baptisme are grafted into the church the promises of forgiuenes of sinnes and our adoption to be the sonnes of God by the holie ghost are visibly signed and sealed c. and of the Lords supper we say b Articl 28. The supper of the Lord is not only a signe of the loue that Christians ought to haue among themselues but rather it is a Sacrament of our redemption Insomuch that to such as rightly woorthely and with faith receaue the same the bread which wee breake is a communion of the bodie of Christ and likewise the cup of blessing is a communion of the blood of Christ If all these things be compared together with the Scriptures you shall see that they doo verie fitly agree so that in the doctrine of the Sacraments we are of the auncient faith of Gods elect and of the holie vniuersall church The thirtenth article of the order of religious exercises and seruice of God 13. All religious exercises as prayer and Sacramentes c. ought to be done in the toonge or language which the people best vnderstande and as is most to edification HOw the pride presumption of man brought this great plague of many languages into the worlde and thereby great seperation of people and nations and diuersities of religion as c Gen. 11. Moses doth declare the originall so the story and experience of all times doo witnes And as it caused great toile and contention among men so it came to passe in tract of time that the true religion was found but in one people and language and that of Abraham and his seede the children of Israel Howbeit when the fulnes of time was come that the most glorious sonne of God our blessed Sauiour sanctified all nations vnto God by his death then were all languages made d Phil. 2.11 Esai 45.23 holie vnto the Lord that Euerie toonge should confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glorie of God the father Therefore what people so euer it pleaseth God to call to be of his church and teacheth them his holie religion the language of that very people is made holie to the Lord to talke of his woord to confesse his name to pray to his goodnes to celebrate his heauenly worship This appeareth by the storie of Abraham being an a Gen. 14.13 11.16 Hebrew comming of Heber that God reuealed his worde vnto him and his seede in the Hebrew tongue In that tongue which was to them naturall and knowne he and they vsed all their prayers and holy exercises and in that tongue did Moses the prophets write all the oracles of God Saue onely when Iudah was in captiuitie Daniell wrote some Chapters which concerned the Chaldeans all nations in that language of Calde which they best vnderstoode and fittest at that time for all nations the Emperor of the world being of that language and by mixture with other people the Hebrew writings of the prophetes do somewhat sauour of the language of the people among whom they dwelt Therfore it doth appeare that God was carefull as a matter best for the Churches edification to haue his will reuealed vnto his people in that tong they best vnderstood So when all the world in all nations was called by the gospel to know and worship the true and liuing God then were the scriptures written in Greeke namely so much as then was written by the Apostles and Euangelistes which language was at that time the most b Act. 21 37. common language of the worlde in so much as all c Gal. 3.28 nations are called Grecians in opposition to the Iewes and their language Also God d Act. 2. endued his Apostles with the gift of diuers tongues that euen in that gift it might bee made manifest that all languages are sanctified in Christ and that hee thought it need that euery country people should worship him in their owne language And therefore the Prophet Daniel prophesying of these daies directly saith e Dan. 7.14 All people nations and languages shall serue him Hereupon Saint Paul least the vse of gift of many languages should be abused spendeth one f Cor. 14. whole chapter about this matter and therein teacheth that it was most to edification that the prayers and exercises of Gods worship should bee in a language knowen to the vulgar and meaner sort of people a thing so familiarly knowen that I need not repeate it Therefore without any amplification in this point I may conclude that seeing the Church of England both by practise as is seene in our dayly seruice of God by the booke of common prayer and also by our confession in the Apologie g Apolog. cap. 18. diuis 1. Artic. 24. of the common prayers and Articles of our religion published for that purpose doth allow no other but the vsuall language best knowen to the people as best to edification it followeth that herein wee agree with the auncient and catholike riligion and order of Almightie God and of his seruants Moses the prophets and Apostles The 14. Article of libertie in religion whether it take away any naturall comfort or duetie among men 14 The true and catholike religion forbiddeth no man or woman of what caling soeuer to marrie so it bee in the Lord and commaundeth all sortes of men and that of all callings as well ecclesiasticall as ciuill to be subiect to the ciuill magistrate and higher power and to obey him in the Lord. IN this Article are two specials as mariage and the dutie to the magistrate which two may be as an instance for all of like sort for
in the first kind we vnderstand to be meats times the maner order of many things both ciuil and seruing to Gods worship that they are al left free so that in al these things God and his word hath giuen free liberty not inthralled his Church but onely requireth an orderly comely vse directed to his glorie And in the second sort is the duetie to parents to husbands to wiues to children and such like that no man vnder the colour of religion cast away such dueties Therefore I will onely speake of these two which being well marked I hope the wise and carefull reader will see what is the true duetie of religion in all And first looke vpon a Gen. 12. 15 20 21. 25. Abraham he was a prophet yet had he his first and second wife and by vertue of Gods promise when he said So shal thy seed be he was made strong euen in his old daies to beget many children and it was not an vncleane thing vnto him though hee were a prophet so to bee maried In Moses and his priesthood you see that he being a prophet b 1. Cron. 23.14 begat children and the priests and Leuits had their wiues So in the prophets it is found that they were not restrained from this benefite for it is expressed that c 1. Sam. 8.1 Ezec. 24.15.16 2. King 4.1 Samuel and Ezechiel had wiues and the children of the prophetes And where Ieremie is forbidden it is expressed not to bee in regard he was a prophet but onely because of the d Hier. troubles of his time for which cause he is also forbidden the house of mourning of feasting because that he might teach the people by such speeches as by a figure in his example there great calamitie which hung ouer their heades And in the new testament we know that the a Math. 8.14 Apostles had wiues before their calling and it is no where expressed that they were forbidden to keepe them afterwardes but rather the contrarie as where Paul saith b 1. Cor. 9.5 Haue we not power ta leade about a wife being a sister as well as the rest of the Apostles and as the brethren of the Lord and Caephas As touching the ministers of the congregations they were so farre from barring them from wiues that they doe expressely prescribe c 1. Tim. 3. Tit. 1.6 what they should bee and how their children should bee gouerned pronouncing the forbidding of mariage to bee d 1. Tim. 4.1.2 doctrine of deuils and that e Heb. 13.4 mariage is honourable among all men Therefore in this point is the practise of England sound and catholike and our profession the ancient and vnchangeable truth For wee say f Artic. 32. of the mariage of priestes Apol cap. 8. diuis 1. Bishoppes priestes and deacons are not commaunded by Gods lawe eyther to vow the estate of single life or to abstaine from mariage therefore it is lawfull also for them as for all other Christian men to marrie at their owne discretion as they shall iudge the same to serue better to godlinesse As touching the Magistrate you see in Abraham how hee kept onely the gouernment of his owne house and how lowly and humbly he caried himselfe in g Gen. 12. 20. Egipt and Gerar where there were kings of the countrie And Melchisedeck though he were priest of the most high God vsurped not authoritie ouer other kinges but being a figure of Christ hee blessed Abraham for a speciall misterie as is expressed and taught in the Epistle to the Hebrewes h Heb. 7. shadowing the royall priesthood of Christ aboue the priesthood of Aaron Therefore in this time religion abridged not any duetie but rather fulfilled them Moses when hee describeth the order of a king ouer Israel hee sheweth that God would make a king ouer them Where hee vseth i Deut. 17.14.15 these wordes in the person of all the people I will set a king ouer mee And againe vnto them Thou shalt make him king ouer thee There me and thee containe all estates and orders ecclesiasticall and ciuill And so was Ioshuah the first Captaine k Ioshuah 1.18 cap. 3. the commaunder of all neither is there any sillable exempting any one estate more then other When this came in practise in the time of the prophetes were not the priestes and Samuel subiect to Saul l 1. Sam. 19. 22. Nathan and other seers vnto Dauid and all other prophets with the priestes subiect to Solomon Iehoshaphat Ezechiah Ioshiah c. Did not they commaunde and order the building and repairing of the temple place and displace high priestes call the people to the pure worship of God and commaund the priests in the holy administrations And they themselues were subiect to none m 1. Cron. 23. 24 25. 26. c. 2 Cron. 2. 3 4. c. 28. 29. 30. c. but to Gods worde that by his bookes and worde they should bee ruled and guided and by no man o Deut. 17.18.19 Iosh 1.8 2. Cron. 34. or mans worde or commandement whatsoeuer So our Sauiour Christ commaundeth to giue f Math. 22.21 Caesar his due and to God his due and though hee were Lord of all yet because his kingdome was not of this world h Cap. 27. g Math. 17.25 he payed tribute and meekely yeelded himselfe when he was wrongfully iudged And the spirit of truth which hee gaue his Apostles did guide them in the same steppes that for themselues it is not found they vsurped any ciuill authoritie by colour of religion but commanded euerie soule i Rom. 13.1 1 Pet. 2.13.14 to be subiect to the higher power and namely to the king as to the superior and to the gouernors vnder him Therefore also the practise of our Church in this behalfe is verie godly and beseeming the religigion of God and that we herein professe is a most auncient and catholike veritie For wee say k Artic. 37. The Queenes Maiestie hath the chiefe power in this realme of England and other her dominions vnto whom the chife gouernment of all estates of this realme whether they bee ecclesiasticall or not in all causes doth appertaine and is not nor ought not to be subiect to any forraine iurisdiction So then we may boldly conclude that as touching this holy comfort of mariage and duetie to the magistrate our Church followeth the right euerlasting and vnchangeable truth The fifteenth Article of the hope which is in the true religion 15 Iesus Christ will come againe with glorie and then all the dead shall rise againe in their bodies And hee shall iudge the quicke and the dead and will crowne all beleeuers with euerlasting righteousnesse saluation and life with God for euer THis Article sheweth the last work of Christ in his kingly office namely of his returne againe vnto
ABRAHAM'S FAITH THAT IS The olde Religion WHEREIN IS TAVGHT THAT THE RELIGION NOW publikely taught and defended by order in the Church of England is the onely true Catholicke auncient and vnchangeable faith of Gods elect AND THE PRETENSED religion of the Sea of Rome is a false bastard new vpstart hereticall and variable superstitious deuise of man Published by IOSIAS NICHOLLS an humble seruant and minister of the gospell in the Church Stand in the waies and behold and aske of the old waies which is the good waie and walke therein and ye shall find rest for your soules HIER 6.16 LONDON Imprinted by Thomas Wight 1602. TO THE MOST REVEREND FATHER in God my Lords grace Archb. of Canterburie and to the right Honorable my L chiefe Iustice of England both of her Maiesties most Honourable priuie Counsell Iosias Nicholls wisheth all grace and peace in our Lord Iesus Christ PVrposing right Reuerend Honorable to publish this little book it came into my mind to commend the same to your honourable protection For it seemed to me that although all good men of al estates are bound in conscience and loue to contend earnestly for the faith which as S. Iude saith was once giuen to the Saintes yet are there some more proper reasons in regard of your two callings which challenge in my iudgement a more peculiar eye and watch vnto these causes For being both of the same most Honourable table of her Maiesties most graue wise and Christian Counsell where all are set in the same charge and ioyned in the same care namely in all prouident and godly ouersight to manage the great affaires pertaining to Gods worship and glorie and the blessed safetie of the Queenes most excellent Maiestie whom God vouchsafe long to preserue among vs yet the one being a minister and Bishoppe of the gospell and set ouer many others for the good and faithfull teaching and practising of the christian faith in this land And the other a professed and chiefe Iudge for the executing of all lawes and statutes ordeined for the maintenaunce of true religion iustice peace and godlines this being a necessarie declaration of our Christian faith and religion established by the publike magistracie and lawes of this realme and a faithfull displaying of the iniquitie of poperie being a mortall enemie and a verie great opposite vnto the same It could not so properly respect any other whose ofifce and profession did so neerely and naturally offer it selfe to patronize and protect so iust a matter of this kind Therefore I humblie craue your Honours fauour to accept of this my trauaile and your fatherly countenaunce vppon mine honest labours Which although I frankly acknowledge might haue beene more eloquently and exquisitly handled by some man of greater giftes yet I hope that in some measure it shalll satisfie the expectation of such honest and Christian readers who both can and will iudge according to equitie und truth For my purpose being considering the season to shew the antiquitie and certaine truth of our faith and religion nowe professed in England and the newnesse vncertaintie and falshoode of the popish superstition to this ende that it might bee a stay to many which wauer and seeme nowe readie to fall away I endeuoured rather to ioyne plainnesse and perspicuitie with breuitie then by large amplification to shew great learning and by direct arguments to make manifest an vndoubted truth to the conscience of all men for the gayning of some vnto Christ rather then by saying what I could to trouble the reader with abundance of matter or hunt for that which is vayne and fruitlesse And this verily I thought most necessarie and the rather because diuers men in differing manner haue heretofore handled this argument both that I might giue occasion to men to enquire after and to reade such godly writinges and also because the present season seemeth to call for the same when poperie beginneth to ouerspreade and after a sort to set vp his brissels against the gospell and men of that superstition are verie much lifted vp that it might appeare what a foolish wicked new broacht and monstrous heresie and apostasie they so much contend for so egerly labour for being greedie of that which will slay their soules and proud of that whereof they ought to bee ashamed Therefore I haue made choice of such methode and reasons as I hope thorow Gods blessing shall effect that I purposed and make that manifest which I desire Whereof knowing that your Honours can iudge with wisedome and that your Christian care tendeth to this ende that the people by all good meanes should bee staide in their faithfull obedience to God and our most gracious prince I was bolde to present this booke vnto you most humblie beseeching you to accepte of my bounden duetie to my Prince countrie and to the Church of GOD earnestlie praying GOD to bee with you alwayes with his gracious fauour and good spirite to guide you and prosper you in all good and godly endeuours to his honour and glorie to the good of prince and countrie to the increase of the Church and to your owne soules comfort in Iesus Christ Amen Your honours most humble to commaunde IOSIAS NICHOLLS TO THE HOLY AND Christian congregation of England being a most liuely member of Christes Catholicke and visible Church Iosias Nicholls Minister and seruant of Iesus Christ as a son to his most deare mother wisheth all grace and spirituall blessinges in heauenly things in Christ and all peace and prosperitie in godlinesse truth for euer NO Nation euer vnder heauen English men grealy bound to praise and serue God for his rich blessings in by the Gospell vnder the happie raigne of her maiestie more bound to praise serue God then we English men now aboue fortie yeares vnder the happie raigne of our deare Soueraigne and Ladie Queene Elizabeth whom God long preserue tasting enioying the sweet goodnes fauor of God most kindly shewing it selfe and shining into our harts by his most blessed and ioyfull Gospel No nation euer vnder heauen hath had more cause of ioy and comfortable encouragement vnto godlinesse and honestie then we Englishmen all these yeares when God most miraculously by a maiden Queene the weaker vessell hath made his name knowen and his Saintes glorious by deliueraunce when mightie potentates could not stand in battaile hee hath raised health by a woman and made the weake to confound the strong No nation euer vnder heauen hath had more sure and perfect experience of the truth of God and his worde and of the certaine knowledge of the holy faith and pure religion then we Englishmen whose eyes the God of this world hath not blinded most abundantly haue had that we might glorie in our God and magnifie the rich grace of Iesus Christ and the effectuall power of his holy and blessed spirit For we haue seene the breath of Gods mouth mightie to consume Antechrist and
gospell pag. 7. 6. Heere is opened that faith and loue are substantiall and perpetuall but by Gods disposition ceremonies and manner of gouernment are changeable pag. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 7. Although ceremonies and maner of gouernment are not of the vnchangeable substance of religion yet are they to bee reuerently vsed and not violated during the time of Gods assignment and prescription pag. 14. 15. 16. CAP. 2. 1. How God hath gouerned his Church in one religion before and after the fall pag. 17. 18. 2. And since the promise giuen to Adam of Christ in three sorts the fathers before the law the Iewes vnder the law and the Gentils vnder the gospell pag. 19. 20. 21. 3. In all these three times was there a difference in the outward face of gouernment but not in substance of religion pag. 22. 4. And this by Gods iudgements and manifestation of his spirit hath beene alwaies maintained and preserued pag. 23. 24. 25. 5. And it will be a witnesse of our religion now professed in England against all Atheists papistes and other wicked men pag. 26. CAP. 3. Here is more largely shewed the vnitie of faith in all ages and that the religion openly professed at this present in England is the same ancient and onely catholicke faith of Abraham Moses and the Prophets and which Christ his Apostles preached taught Where first is declared that Abraham receiued it of God both for the Iewes and also for all other nations pag. 27. 28. 29. 30. 2. The particulars are compared in 15. seuerall Articles of the most waightie pointes of doctrine pag. 31. c. vnto pag. 132. CAP. 4. Wherein is declared 1. That antiquity vniuersalitie and visible succession is no perfect marke of the church much lesse of the popish sinagogue which is but of yesterday pag. 133. c. 2. The measure order of the visible succession of the Church from Christes time forward is shewed by the scriptures pa. 137. c. 3. The papists do proue themselues to be no Church when they ground themselues on this false principle The Church cannot erre pag. 40. 141. 4. How the true religion hath shewed it selfe by many witnesses from the Apostles times euen vnto our daies pag. 143. c. The second part of the newnesse of poperie CAP. 1. HOw the Romish superstition disagreeth with the true ancient catholike religion faith of Gods elect Where is declared 1. How many waies in this sort disagreement is to be found pag. 149. 2. And that in all the former fifteene Articles they disagree very greatly pag. 152. 153. c. CAP. 2. Of the disagreement that popish superstition now taught in Rome hath with the religion S. Paul taught the Romans with the doctrine S. Peter taught the Iewes pag. 181. 182. c. CAP. 3. Of the agreement of popish doctrine with all kind of heresie where it is compared how the popish heresie resembleth the ancient heresies of the primatiue ages of Christes Church pag. 193. 194. c. CAP. 4. Of the originall of poperie wherein is declared 1. That by the precedent Chapters it may appeare to be of a late birth pag. 205. 206. 2. That neither the difference of calculation in stories nor forging of writings nor mangling of good authors do hinder the knowledge of their birth pag. 207. 208. 3. Their owne tongues and traditions proue poperie new pag. 209. 210. c. 4 Many particulars are rehearsed out of popish authors and the former counsels pag. 214. 215. c. 5. Fiue fundamentall pointes more largely examined by antiquitie pag. 235. 236. c. 6. The latter ouergrowing and lopping and daily new sprowting of poperie pag. 275. 276. c. 7. That poperie is not yet a perfect bodie of his full shape proportion and members pag. 283. CAP. 5. Heere is shewed that all men ought to flie poperie 1. Because of the exceeding danger it bringeth to themselues to their seed countrie pag. 289. 2. It is of all heresies and apostasies the most pernitious pag. 293. 3. It is not tollerable or to be winked at in any Christian common wealthes pag. 312. 4. We of England haue great cause to praise God that we haue nothing to do with pag. 315. CHAP. 1. Wherein is shewed first that we come to know the true religion by the true knowledge of God 2. That there is one God and that he is the onely law-giuer 3. Therefore there is but one Catholike and vnchangeable religion whereof God is author and maintainer 4. For this cause Christ and his Apostles teach the same religion which is in the olde Testament and the gentils are adopted to be Children vnto Abraham 5. Here is taken away the obiection which might arise by the difference which seemeth to be in the three times before the law vnder the law and after the law that is vnder the Gospell that although there was a difference in ceremonies and maner of gouernment yet the religion al one in faith and loue 6. Here is opened how faith and loue are substancial and perpetual and ceremonies and maner of gouernment changeable 7. And that although ceremonies and maner of gouernment are not of the vnchangeable substance of religion yet are they to be reuerently vsed and not violated during the time of Gods assignment and prescription as necessary dueties in the worship seruice and obedience which wee owe vnto God TO know the true ancient catholike annd vnchangeable religion that is the vndeceiuable way of saluation and perfect rule of vpright liuing we must get the knowledge of the true liuing God For in the * Eph. 4.17 Tit. 3.3 2. Pet. 1.3 ignorance of God is the estate of the wicked the cause of damnation and whosoeuer knoweth God aright he hath by the diuine gift of Christ all things pertaining to life and godlines Therefore our blessed Sauiour speaking to his father the almightie and glorious God constantly affirmeth a Ioh. 17. ver 3 This is eternal life to know thee to be the onely verie God and whom thou hast sent Iesus Christ. So the Prophets foretell that the happie estate of the word should be then when b Esai 11.9 The earth is full of the knowledge of the Lord c Hier 31.31.32 the people know God from the least to the greatest Such was the glad tidings of the Gospel which maketh bewtiful the feet of him which declareth and hublisheth peace saying vnto Syon that is to the church Thy a Esai 52.6 God reigneth and the same vnto all nations is proclaimed by the name of the great b 1. Tim. 3.16 misterie of godlines God manifested in the flesh And the effect of the gospell preached agreeth thereunto for those nations c Gal. 4.8 1. Thes 1.9 who being led by the impotent and beggerly rudiments of the world knew not God and did seruice vnto them which by nature were no Gods by the hearing of the gospel preached did
he doth shew that all Israel in Abraham and Sarah their father and mother had vtterly perished with the rest of the world thorow this originall corruption had not God called them endewed them with faith and giuen them the couenant And as a childe new borne whose nauell is vncut and walloweth in his bloud and cast out in contempt hath no cleannesse in him nor power to prepare himselfe vnto cleannesse must needes haue all from the hand of them that take pittie on him So was Abraham void of all good knowledge and wil vnto godlinesse vntil God purified his heart by faith And as this was found in Abraham so he learned and beleeued the same obseruing the like in others whom God had not called as he had him for when a Gen. 12.10 cap. by famine hee was faine to go into Aegypt and afterward into Gerar his wife Sarah being a faire woman hee feared to acknowledge her to be his wife because he knew that the people being without grace and faith could not but encline to lust after her as the sequell did plainely declare and hee sheweth a reason b vers 11. Surely the feare of God is not in this place and they will slay mee for my wiues sake Where by the want of the feare of God putting the effect for the cause he vnderstandeth that they were voide of the grace of God of and in themselues so corrupt with this naturall deprauation that hee could not looke for any good but euill to come from them euen as Christ saith c Mat. 12.33 Either make the tree good and his fruit good or els make the tree euill and his fruit euill d Apolog. of England cap. 19. diuis 1 And this is also the faith of the Church of England for wee say That euerie person is borne in sin that no bodie is able truely to say his heart is cleane c. e Articles of religion Artic. 9. 10. Of free will originall sinne The condition of man after the fall of Adam is such that he can not turne and prepare himselfe by his owne naturall strength and good workes to faith and calling vpon God wherefore we haue no power to do good workes pleasant and acceptable to God without the grace of God by Christ preuenting vs that wee may haue a good will and working in vs when wee haue that good will and f Artic. 13. of workes before iustification works before the grace of Christ haue the nature of sinne Which is altogether agreeing in sence and meaning with that which is before shewed of the fathers time and of Abraham therefore let vs now heare Moses and the prophetes Moses saith g Deut. 9.5.6 O Israel thou enterest not to inherit their land for thy righteousnesse or for thy vpright heart for thou art a stiffe necked people And againe h Cap. Ye haue seene all that the Lord did before your eyes in the lande of Egipt vnto Pharaoh c. Yet the Lord hath not giuen your an heart to perceiue and eyes to see and eares to heare vntill this day Where it appeareth plainly that Moses taught them that without Gods gift they could not vnderstand nor obey but were rebelles against God and stiffe necked And the prophetes declare the verie same i Psal 51.5 Behold I was borne in iniquitie and in sinne hath my mother conceyued mee k Prouerb 20.9 Who can say I haue made my heart cleane I am cleane from sinne By which is manifest that this originall corruption descending from Adam maketh the heart so corrupt that it can not prepare it selfe to any cleannes of righteousnes but of it selfe runneth headlong to all euill Therefore because that in this respect the heart in the faithfull is made as it were new the Lord saith by the Prophet a Ezech. 36.26 A new heart will I giue you a new spirit will I put within you Yet is the new testament more euident for it saith b Ioh. 3.3 Except a man be borne again he can not see the kingdome of God c Eph. 2.1.2 ye were in times past that is before our calling and regeneration dead in sinnes and trespasses c. walking in the lust of the flesh and fulfilling the will of the flesh of the minde d Tit. 3.3 and were by nature the children of wrath we were vnwise disobedient deceiued seruing the lustes and diuers pleasures liuing in maliciousnesse and enuie hatefull and hating one another Then which what can be more said the minde the will the affections wordes and deedes bee all ill euen as a deade man that hath no mouing but must be new borne before he can haue any sight is not such an one vniuersally corrupt voide of knowledge and free will vnto any godlinesse and vnable to doe workes pleasing vnto God yea and therefore the Apostle is bolde to say that it is e Philip. 2.13 God which worketh in vs the will and the deed of his good pleasure Then you see that the fathers Moses the prophets Christ his Apostles doe all agree in the same doctrine of the estate of man after his fall before his calling in Christ and that it is the same which we professe in England The fourth article entereth into the consideration how we are deliuered from this corrupt and damnable estate 4 There is one onely way of righteousnesse saluation which is by faith in Iesus Christ THis is verie apparant in the storie of Abraham when God saith that all the families of the earth should be blessed in his seed Where by blessed is vnderstood the deliuerance from the corruption and damnation which came by Adam This seede is Christ when hee saith all families or that sheweth that whosoeuer in the world shall bee saued must bee saued by Christ And there is no other seede or faith by which one man can be saued therfore he receiued the couenant as is before declared for Iewes and gentils that men might not looke for righteousnes or saluation in any other thing but only in by faith in Iesus Christ And so saith Moses as the blessed Apostle interpreteth it f Rom. 10.6 Deut. 30.11.12 The righteousnesse which is of faith speaketh on this wise say not in thine heart who shall ascend into heauen that is to bring Christ from aboue or who shall descend into the deepe that is to bring Christ againe from the dead but what saith it The word is neere euē in thy mouth in thine heart this is the word of faith which we preach For if thou shalt confesse with thy mouth the Lord Iesus and shalt belieue in thine heart that God raised him from the dead thou shalt be saued Where thou seest by Moses docttrine that we must not seek righteousnes or saluation any where els but in the faith of Christ which the prophets expresse thus a Esai 28.16 Thus saith the Lord God Behold I
And in that day shal their waters of life go out from Hierusalem halfe of them toward the east sea and halfe of them toward the vttermost sea and shal be both in sommer winter And the Lord shal be king ouer all the earth in that day shall there bee one Lord and his name shal be one What is this fountaine but Christ which is of the house of Dauid and what is the opening of this fountaine and flowing of waters but the preaching of the gospell as the prophets also say k Esai 2.3 The law shall go forth of Sion and the word of the Lord out of Hierusalem What is this east and vttermost sea this one Lord and king of all the earth But that the Church should be made vniuersall and one in Christ being of one faith throughout the world And they note out the visible markes of the church first the preaching of Gods pure word where prophesying of the church of the gentils it is said l Micah 4.2 Many nations shall come and say come and let vs go vp to the mountaine of the Lord and to the house of the God of Iacob and hee will teach vs his waies and we will walke in his pathes c. And concerning the sacraments Christ a Malac. 3.3 shall sit downe to trie and fine the siluer hee shall euen fine the sonnes of Leui and purifie them as golde and siluer that they may bring offeringes vnto the Lord in righteousnesse c. Whereby is taught that where God gathereth his Church by Christ there he placeth his word and there he teacheth them to worship him aright which as it was by offeringes in the law so it is by sacraments in the gospell therefore by these thinges they are to bee discerned For when these thinges fayled and the people b Esai 5 24. Hier. 16.10.11 Hos 8. 1. 2. cast of Gods word and his ordinaunces in sacrifices and sacraments God cast them out of his sight and out of his grace as a people without the true markes of Gods church In the gospel this vniuersality and vnity in the nature of the church is taught where Christ saith c Ioh. 10.16 other sheepe I haue also which are not of this fold them also must I bring and they shall heare my voice and there shal be one shepheard and one fold Where when he saith other sheepe not of this fold he signifieth that in election and promise the gentiles should bee of the Church this noteth the vniuersalitie and when he saith hee will bring them and they shall heare his voice he vnderstandeth their calling and ingrafting into the same church in the same vnitie of faith And lastly it should be but one as one folde vnder shepheard which he expoundeth where he sendeth d Math. 28.19 his Apostles to teach all nations The end whereof as the Apostle e Eph. 3.6 teacheth is that the gentils shold be inheritors also and of the same bodie partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospell For which cause it is said g Gal. 3.28 There is neither Iewe nor Grecian bond nor free ther is neither male nor female for ye are all one in Christ Iesus that is to say there is no exception of countrie estate or sex but if they beleeue in Christ Iesus they are all of the same true and catholike church as citizens of the same citie children of the same house stones of the same building built vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ being the chiefe corner stone The outward markes are set vpon this church thus when the Apostles preached a Act. 2.41.42 Then they that gladly receiued his worde were baptized and the same day were added to the church about three thousand soules and they continued in the Apostles doctrin and fellowship and breaking of bread and prayers Where you may see that the doctrine of the Apostles which is the woord of God and the sacraments are markes of seperation to discerne the church of Christ frō others Hereof it is that S. Paul cōmendeth the church of Colosse to haue the right badge of gods people where he said that in his spirit he saw b Colos 2.5 there good order stedfast faith in Christ for amongst other things the due administratiō of the sacraments was a good note of their good order as in the contrary the c 1. Cor. 11.17 20.34 Corinthians are reproued that the right preaching profession of Christ sheweth their stedfast faith the Romanes and the Thessalonians are greatly extolled by this marke that d Rom. 1.8 1. Thess 1.8 their faith was published throughout the whole world spread abroad in all quarters And that you may perceiue the vertue of these markes and first for the preaching of the pure word of God harkē what the holy Apostle affirmeth when the ministers e 1. Cor. 14.24.25 prophesie that is preach If there come in one that beleeueth not or vnlearned that is who neuer knewe the difference of the church of God from others he is rebuked of all men he is iudged of all that is all the preaching ministerie by the pure word of God do shew him his wretched and euill estate and so are the secrets of his hart made manifest and so hee will fall downe with his face and worshippe God and say plainely that God is in you of a truth What is all this but that he discerneth by the preaching that they are a people among whom God dwelleth that is to say the visible church of God The like he teacheth vs of the sacraments where he saith f 1. Cor. 10.21 You cannot drinke the cup of the Lord and the cup of the diuels c. which words manifestly teach that the sacraments are such a marke proper to the church that they which be in the church and partakers therof must seperate themselues from all pollutions of idolatrie and abominations of the heathen and wicked men and to be knowen to bee of the visible church of God by the right vse and celebration of Christes holie misteries as it is also written a 1. Cor. 11.26 As often as you eat this bread and drinke this cup ye shew the Lords death till he come When then the true English Christian shall see that both in profession and practise the church of England hath the verie nature of of the true church of GOD and also by the true markes it is visibly knowen and discerned to be a right member of the vniuersall bodie of Christ he shall haue great cause to glorifie almightie GOD that hath vouchsafed him that mercie and honor to be of that fellowship which is with God the father and with his sonne Iesus Christ agreeing with Abraham Moses the Prophets and with Christ and his Apostles The eleuenth article of the exercises in religion in generall how to be vsed in the church 11. Wee ought
to worship God onely and namely to praie to him alone THis article is plaine needing no explanation And we may see it clerely in the story of Abraham that he being called from the b Iosh 24.2.3 woorship of strange Gods for euer after woorshipped the onely true and liuing God c Gen. 12. ver 14. 15. 17. c. to him he made his alter and called vpon his name swore by his name and in all religious woorship as sacrifice circumcision and vowes he did stil keepe himselfe alwaies to worship God onely Such is the minde of the church of England For we say d Artic. 22. of purgatorie The Romish doctrine concerning purgatorie pardons worshipping and adoration as well of images as of reliques and also inuocation of Saints is a fond thing vainely fayned and grounded vpon no warrant of Scripture but rather repugnant to the word of God For hereby we vnderstande that the Scripture teacheth that wee should worship God onely and pray to him onely and therefore we condemne al woorship and praiers which are not made giuen and directed to God onely and therefore we commaunde the ten commandements to be read in our churches to teach men to acknowledge one god and him onely to worship Moses also if we will heere him sheweth the same truth First in the affirmatiue he saith e Deut. 6.13 Thou shalt feare the Lord thy God and serue him and sweare by his name which wordes our Sauior Christ f Matth. 4.10 alleaging in their meaning sheweth that they commaunde vs to worship and serue God onely And in the negatiue Moses a Deut. 4.14 c. cap. 12.2.3 c. cap. 13. 21.8 Num. 6.24 testifying that God shewed the people no image of the likenesse of any thing whatsoeuer forbiddeth them the making of all images of the likenesse of any thing whatsoeuer and the worshipping of any such image or likenesse of any thing whatsoeuer directing them in all causes to turne to him to pray to him and to blesse in his name To this also accorde the Prophets in whom God speaketh on this maner b Psal 50.15 Call vpon mee c. c Esai 42.8 I am the Lord this is my name and my glorie will I not giue vnto an other neither my praise to carued images d Cap. 45.23 I haue sworne by my selfe the worde is gone out of my mouth in righteousnes and shall not returne That euerie knee shall bow vnto me and euerie toonge shall sweare by mee And therefore on the one side hee reprooueth them e Zepan 1.5 which woorship and sweare by the Lord and Malcham that is doe any way communicate Gods worship to others and on the other side teacheth vs to pray onely to God as it is written f Psal 62.8 Trust in him alwaie yee people power out your hartes vnto him for GOD is our hope g Psal 95.6 Let vs vvorship and fall downe and kneele before the Lorde our maker And this is also the rule of the Gospell as where our Sauiour teacheth vs to pray h Matth. 6.9 Our father which art in heauen c. saying when yee pray pray after this maner there you may perceiue all other excluded For wee cannot say to any other Our father which art in heauen or Thine is the kingdome the power and the glorie therefore if this be the maner of prayer wee must pray to none other but to God And the Apostles in their doctrin i Act. 14.15 1. Thess 1.9 called men from dumme idols to worship and serue the liuing God And that I may not vse many wordes in so manifest a matter I onely obserue this that this phrase k Reuel 19.10 22.9 Act. 10.25.26 Rom. 1.23.25 Worship GOD in the newe Testament shutteth out all creatures men and angels from all maner of religious worship which seruice being due to him should bee giuen or done to none other And so it is verie apparant that in this article wee are of the most auncient and Catholike faith with Abraham Moses c. The twelfte article of certaine speciall exercises of religion and markes of the church that is the Sacraments 12. A Sacrament is a signe and a seale ordained of God to assure vs of the couenant of mercie which is in Christ Iesus And there be two Baptisme and the supper of the Lord. The first is a signe and a seale of our first entrie into the fellowship of God and his church and of our adoption and regeneration The seconde is a signe and a seale of the communion of the bodie and bloud of Christ continually strengthning vs and confirming vs in all the graces of God vnto eternall life IN handling of this article if I declare two things First that these three times of the fathers of the law of the gospel agree in the description of the nature of a sacrament and herein that these two Baptisme and the Lords supper are only for the new Testament and namely according as they are here described no otherwise And secondly that herein the church of England agreeth with the holie scriptures of all these times as a true obseruer of Gods woord therein I shall sufficiently prooue that the church of England holdeth the most auncient true and catholike faith In the first there are three things to be shewed the nature the number and the special difference of the sacraments In the nature wee see what is general and common to all Sacraments and this is in two points who made them and whereof they consist the first is they are ordained of God and this is so farre off the nature of a sacrament that none can be so without God be the author for who can giue man a special signe and seale of Gods fauor c. but God himselfe amongst men he is guilty of treason that will make a seale of a princes letters patents in the kings name except he haue the seale deliuered him by the prince for that purpose So and much more for so much as God is more excellent and honorable then any prince of the earth and his will more vnsearchable and the freedom and glory therof more hie and heauenlie no man may or can ordaine a sacrament to assure vs of Gods good will whereof he hath no warrant or authority from God For if as the Apostle saith No man doth knowe the things of God 1. Cor. 2.11 but the spirit of God surely much lesse can any man ordaine a Sacrament which is such a thing as by it we may be assured of Gods free grace and mercie in Iesus Christ Therefore you shall find that in all times the church so long as it was obedient and not idolatrous neuer aduentured to make a Sacrament as you may see in Abraham who had sacrifices and circumcision although we may be assured that by the spirit of prophesie he was instructed in these things yet shall
time and with the preaching of Christ and his Prophets and Apostles is most comfortablie sealed vp and confirmed the Lords name be praised therefore The Lords name I say be praised who hath bin so mercifull and gratious vnto this little Ileland that passing ouer many greater richer and mightier nations hath set such an especial loue vpon vs as he hath vouchsafed to preferre and exalt our nation aboue many other to be of his holie and catholike church of the blessed communion of his saints and a true member of his visible people vpon whom his name is called That we may truely iustly and boldly say that the religion which we follow and the faith and doctrine which wee confesse is the faith of Gods elect the knowledge of the truth according to godlines vnder the hope of eternall life the verie true and onely way of saluation which God and not man teacheth Which he hath taught al the fathers before the law was giuen or any part of Gods woord written during the space of 2517. yeeres In the ende of that time Abraham our father euen the father of all beleeuers 430. yeeres before Moses when the world began to be corrupted receaued and professed for al nations which should be after him Which Moses and the Prophets proclaimed and maintained some 1445. yeeres vntill the blessed time of Christes holie incarnation And which the same Iesus Christ the glorious son of God euen the Lord of life preached in his owne person and his holie Apostles which heard him and saw al his great works did witnes and publish to all the gentils and was confirmed by gods holie testimonie from heauen with great signes and wonders and gifts of the holie ghost And which the same euerlasting God euen the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ commanded to be taught vnto all people out of the holie Scriptures of Moses the Prophets and Psalmes and hath opened and made manifest by the holie inspired writings of the Euangelistes and Apostles and left and commended vnto his Church for the saluation of his elect vnto the worlds end By which al gods people ar to be known by which God will be glorified in his saints and out of which no man hath been shall be or can be saued I say therefore againe the Lords name be praised for euer Amen CHAP. IIII. Where is declared First that antiquitie vniuersalitie and visible succession is no perfect marke of the church much lesse of the popish Synagogue which is but of yesterday 2. The measure order of the visible succession of the Church from Christs time forward is shewed by the Scripture 3. Therefore the papists do prooue themselues to be no church when they ground themselues on this false principle the church cannot erre 4. How the true religion hath shewed it selfe by manie witnesses from the Apostles time euen vnto our dayes THE Synagogue of Rome claimeth antiquitie vniuersality and succession visible from the time of Christs Apostles to be vndoubted markes of the church of God and so of the pure religion addinge thereunto as it were the sinewes and ioints to make them all holde together the faithfull and constant grace of the church visible vnder the ghospell namly this false principle that It cannot erre And therfore when they are convicted to haue fallen from the true christian religion and find themselues openly bewraied being tried by the perfect touchstone of Gods holie written woord to be lately vpstart and of a new deuised religion doctrine and faith brought forth into the world by the fanatical and superstitious humor of heretical prauitie and humaine follie and begotten by the cunning insinuations and coulorable suggestions of him which vseth all spirituall craftines and profoundnes of wisedom to bruse the heele of the womans seede and to darken the glorious light of the heauenlie faith of Gods chosen least happely they should not be found the very true Antechrist after the maner of him that trāsformeth him selfe into an angel of light they would beare downe the world with the vaine titles and goodly shew of antiquitie vniuersalitie visible succession of the vnerring and vnchangeable persistance of the visible church in the truth and leaue out altogether that which is indeede the very nature and foundation of the church the true religion faith and doctrine of Apostles and Prophets of God But alas these are but the figge leaues of Adam which cannot couer their shame for as all men knowe that the serpent cannot proue himselfe a man by his auncient continuance and remaining in the world vnlesse hee had those essential properties of bodie and soule whereof euery man doth naturally consist So for so much as all these things antiquitie vniuersalitie c. are such as heretikes Ethnikes did and could claime from Caine and Cham or Iaphet as wel as Christians from Seth and Shem and that the true nature of the church cōsisteth in the fellowship of the true religion doctrine and faith the sygnogoge of Rome vnlesse it hold the true faith and religion cannot for these things be the true visible church of God For no antiquitie vniuersalitie or succession can make the whore of Babel to be the true and chast spouse of Christ And who knoweth not that Caine was before Sheth and that their two posterities were the two churches one which is of Caine called the children of men because their religion came of a runnagate man the other was called the childrē of God because their religion was giuen and taught them of God Likewise in the Apostasie of the time of Abraham the nations were almost setled vpon the dregges of their filthie idolatry when Abraham was now but newly called Ismael and Esaue which fell out of the church and house of Abraham became goodly states and monarkes before Iacob was established and the people of Israell were gathered into a knowen and visible floorishing forme of a church which was 430. yeeres after the calling of Abraham Lastlie the gentils continued in that apostasie and idolatrie ouerspreading all the world from the time of Abraham vntil Christ eighteene hundred yeeres when the Church was but in a little corner of the world the land of Canaan and of that a great space in the territories of Iuda and Hierusalem onely Because Caine Ismael and Esaie calling antiquitie and visible succession before Sheth and Isaack and Iacob is their religion the true religion or were they the true church or shall the Gentils iustifie thē selues to be the true worshippers of God or to haue the true God because they can brag ouer the Iewes christiās with al these termes of antiquity vniuersality succession visible c. therfore he that readeth the stories shall find how they scoffe at the Iewes christians euen as the papist do at vs because that although they haue no truth on their side yet they thinke these painted paper walles and leaden weapons of long continuance and open appearance and flowrishing in
the world doth sufficiently couer and defende their filthie follie Whereas they foolishlie know not and consider not or at the least thorough maliciousnes and hardnes of hart wil not know that an ill thing the more vniuersall the longer the larger the stronger the more in custome vse authoritie and open familiaritie of men the more dangerous infectious incurable and deadly it is And this gentilisme and poperie are so much the more stronge in dilusion for the damnation of soules by howe much they being void of godlines and truth are and haue been ancient vniuersal visible c. And therefore it hah cost the more sweat and bloud vnto the faithfull seruants of Christ to cure the infected people and to bring them againe into the bosom of Abraham and arcke of Noe the folde and church of Christ We may then boldlie say that such ministers are to be obeied who as an a Ian. lib. 4. cap. 43. auncient father saith together with the succession of their Bishopricks according to the good will of God the father haue receaued the certaine gift of the truth which while the church of Rome that now is hath not done because they doo not beleeue in those things which are they are fallen into those things which are not hauing forsaken the pure and chast nature and beutifull ornaments of the true spouse of Christ which is the sincere doctrine of holie scripture they are faine to array themselues in the counterfait and comon whorish apparel of al the filthy idolaters of the world the vaine pretence of antiquitie vniuersalitie c. But yet this suit of apparel will not serue them no more then that can fit a childe borne yesterday which is large and wide for a man of a great and full stature For how doo these termes agree to that apostalical sea of Rome which is one of the last lowest borne children of superstition begotten of the diuell in this last furie of his old age euen now he knoweth his time is verie short For as it shall appeare in the latter part of this booke through Gods gracious assistance the synagogue of Rome wil want at the least 4500. yeres of that antiquitie vniuersality and visible succession which I haue here already shewed to appertaine to the true auncient catholike religion of Gods most holie vndoubted church founded in Adams promise seperated in Abrahams posterity published offered to all the world by Christs most blessed Apostles For an introduction into which matter I will in this Chapter through my Lord Christes fauour and grace shew vnto thee good Christian reader how this religion of ours now professed and openly maintayned in Englande which is manifestly proued alreadie in the Chapter going before to be the ancient true faith from the beginning of the world and namely and especially from our father Abraham now in these latter daies hath descended and continued by succession visible in the worlde from the Apostles time vnto ours For although wee bragge not of antiquitie and vniuersalitie yet wee doe humblie thanke our louing God and mercifull father in Iesus Christ that vnto vs the pure doctrine and true Christian religion is come and is fruitfull as euer it hath bin in any part of the world and we are made the children of Abraham through faith in Iesus Christ 2 And that you may vnderstand this the better you are to know the measure hereof by the holy scriptures of God which as a line being gone ouer all the worlde doth shew the tract and footesteppes of religion among the gentilles vnto the ende of the worlde In the 24. of Mathew the 17. and 21. of Luke and in the Reuelation of Saint Iohn is fore described the treading vnder feete of Hierusalem and the Iewes vntill the times of the gentils bee fulfilled and that in these times should arise false prophets and false Christes and deceiue many yea great chaunges and alteration in religion should be in all the Christian world The kings and princes of the earth should obey the will of the least and this obedience should be so vniuersall that no man should be permitted to buy or sell without his marke in their foreheades the prophetes and witnesses of Christ should bee slaine and there should bee the patience and triall of the Saintes Smoke comming out of the bottomlesse pitte couereth the aire and hideth the Sun Moone and stars What doth this shew but that the world should bee found a continuall enemie to the true religion and that the faith of Christ should not alway be vniuersally professed and maintained but that the Christian Churches should fall into errors and that the true religious and faithfull people of God should passe through the furnace of the fierie triall and bee as it were heere and there certayne scattered stones of a building that is witnesses standing vp for the truth testifying that there is a pure religion ordained and accepted of God And not that the Church shoulde bee alway a beautifull pauilion and goodly temple wherein the King dwelleth seene and admired and honoured of all men According to that of Christ a Math. 24.13 Because iniquitie shall abound the loue of many shall waxe colde And this coldnesse shall bee so great and so vniuersall that the true professors of Gods true religion b Vers 9. shall be hated of all men and men c Ioh. 16.1.2 shal thinke they do God seruice when they kill any of them And the ground of this Saint Paul sheweth saying d 2. Tim. 4.3 The time will come when they will not suffer wholesome doctrine c. And yet it seemeth to be more fully opened where hee foretelleth that there must bee an e 2. Thess 2.3 Apostasie or falling from the faith before the world could haue an ende and the man of sinne disclosed 4 which is an aduersarie and exalteth himselfe against that is called God or that is worshipped so that he doth sitte as God in the temple of God And a little after 7 For the misterie of iniquitie doth alreadie worke c. Wherein hee teacheth plainely foure thinges First that there should be a generall decay of religion in the Church Secondly that it should be by such an aduersarie of Christ as should raigne in the Church Thirdly that he should bee reuealed in his time And fourthly that this was an hidde and secret thing which did beginne to worke secretely euen in the Apostles time By which wee may perceiue the succession and vniuersalitie of the Church in the visible shew and flourishing of the true religion is not to bee found nor looked for in all the times of the gospell after the Apostles daies but that by little and little it should bee darkened corrupted and hidden For howe can that bee saide to bee the true visible Church of Christ where his aduersarie dwelleth and beareth all the rule aduauncing himselfe as God And whereas touching the true faith the people are
Certes al these are contrarie to the true religion which in the olde Testament saith g Gen. 6.5 All the imaginations of the thoughts of mans hart are onely euil continually and in the new h 2. Cor. 3.5 we are not sufficient of our selues to thinke anie thing as of our selues but our sufficiency is of God As touching the fourth article howe we are deliuered from the corruption damnable estate wherinto we fell by Adams transgression There be many waies and religions forged in the great cage of Antechrist ful of vnclean birds out of which as out of the botomles pit come great swarmes of locustes bringing with them a mist and cloud of darknes which hideth all godlines and true religion But to leaue out verie many deuises till another place I onely wishe the reader to cal to mind the holie Eremits Munks Friers and Nuns and namly amongst the manifold broods one Frances and an other Dominick This latter bread the religion of the obseruant preaching black friers the former the deuout host of the beggerly minorites and out of these two many seckes of diuers rules names of religions who by their vow and streight obseruation by them deuised set downe diuers rules to subdue this corruption and to obtain eternall life therefore they are by an excellency of speech called by the name a Gratian decret pars 2. caus 19. Quest 3. Bonauentur de profectu religios Antho. de Rampegol fig. Biblia Catholicon a Iohan. de Ianua in virgo of religion or religions al other are called seculer because they renounce the world and by fulfilling of three perfections which they obserue that is to say Pouertie chastity and obedience by which they are compared vnto angels the blessed crown which is giuen vnto such as they say they shal obtaine euen the special reward of the learned being presented vnto Christ in the heauenlie kingdom And the opinion deuotion of these religions grew to be so highly esteemed of men their life to be so angelical that in steed of christ his merits men would leaue al things whatsoeuer to follow them ye the very coule garment of Frances was thought to be of such vertue that some b Ioh. Sleiden lib. 12. noble men som very learned of those times haue taken order to be buried in them yea they are not afraid c Iere. Bouch. in his conformities to compare him with Christ in al things Therfore you may perceiue they had forgotten the true religion way of saluation which is in christ d Gen. 12.3 in the old testamēt is called the seed of Abrahā in whom al the families of the earth were appointed to be blessed and in the new testament he is called e Ioh. 14.6 the way the truth the life and the rule of this religion is that f cap. 3.16 that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternal life Therefore here is no agreement betweene these popish religions and the true ancient and catholike religion seeing they teach many other waies to heauen beside that which God hath taught vs to be the onely way for all the families of the earth to be blessed Concerning the fift article these bastardly counterfeites of Rome are more like the strange beast of Arabia and Ethiopia then the obseruers of the true religion For they greatly wound the doctrine of Christes person vnder a colour of honouring him and they ouerthrow his mediatorship by pretence of deuotion For while they giue godly honour to his bodie in the sacrament and make him to be a verie man vnder the formes of bread and wine inuisible in all places where the priest doth consecrate doe they not make him a man in fansie to haue an heauenly bodie in no part to bee like a true naturall man doe they not hereby make him to haue but one nature which is God or els that the manhood is swallowed vp or confounded with the Godhead for it is the nature of God and not of man to bee inuisible incircumscriptible and in many places at once therefore in stead of the seede and sonne of Dauid and Abraham they teach vs to beleeue they cannot tell what But as touching his office all men know how many mediators and intercessors they call vpon beside Christ Though a 1. Tim. 2.5 Gods word say there is but one mediator Marie Peter Paul all the Apostles martirs and foolishly canonized Saintes are made mediators Then against Christs sacrifice by whose perfection all sacrifice should cease as b Heb. 10.18 God teacheth they haue a new deuised sacrifice for quicke dead they haue masses diriges pilgrimage shrift penance purgatorie indulgencies satisfaction merite deuout obseruations numbring of prayers Auemaries creedes fastes almes workes of supererogation vowes vestementes crosses tapers relickes shrines ointinges coniurings and I know not what other trumperie and beggerly rudimentes of this world by which they wold make perfect the works of Christes mediation for our redemption righteousnesse and saluation Which the more they be aboundant and ouerflowing the greater is their disagreement with the true religion of God which teacheth in the old testament thus a Esai 53.5.6 God laide vpon Christ the iniquitie of vs all namely that hee was wounded for our transgressions and broken for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was vpon him and with his stripes we are healed And in the new testament thus b 1. Ioh. 1.7 The bloud of Iesus Christ his sonne cleanseth vs from all sinne Now if Christ bloud cleanse vs from all sinne and by his stripes wee bee healed alas what neede we make so much adoe why doe we forsake the c Ioh. 1.24 Esai lambe of God which taketh away the sins of the worlde with the sure mercies of Dauid and seeke after vaine thinges in which there is no helpe why should we commit these d Hier. 2.23 two euils to forsake God the fountaine of liuing waters and to digge vnto our selues pittes euen broken pittes which will hold no water In the sixt Article the opposition is plaine and apparant for although they whom Christ teacheth say that all e Philip. 3.4 righteousnesse taught by workes is but dunge in comparison of the doctrine of righteousnesse which is by faith onely yet they of this whoorish Babilon deny it and f Antidigma Coloniens cap. de iustificat per quas causas Concil Trident sess 6. make faith with hope and loue the formall cause of our righteousnesse they make an inherent righteousnesse And affirme directly that a man is not iustified by faith onely but also by workes Is not this a verie great disagreement where as the true religion teacheth the Church of God to say as in the olde testament thus g Psal 143. Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for in thy sight shall none that liueth be iustified And in the
it is not of the willer nor of the runner but that we be saued it is of God which hath mercie Tenthly to confesse that pardon is geuen to them that aske according to the grace and mercie of God not according to their merites seeing the Apostle sayth that repentance it selfe is the gift of God where he saith of certaine men least God should giue them repentance which catholike faith is contrary to the new religion of Rome in those things First for the preparation vnto grace and workes of condignitie for they say then grace were no grace Secondly for the concurrence of free will to worke with the grace of God so to merite for they giue all to Gods grace and all pardon and saluation to Gods free mercie Loe here christian reader thou seest that the papists can tell vs of the particuler originall of the most part of their trumperie that the old christian churches in their counsels determinations were protestants touching the authoritie of Bishops and prouinces touching mariage eating of flesh priuate masse and receiuing the communion touching the holie scriptures and the reading of them touching weomens Baptisme and appeales to Rome and touching the grace of God freewill and merite therefore the heresie of the church of Rome being gathered since those primatiue times must needs be of a new generation lately sprong vp and come abroad into the worlde 5 And that thou maist yet further see Poperie hath lost the life breath of christianitie how they haue lost the verie life and breath of all religion and so are cleane fallen away from being any member in Christs church and to haue no part in the communion of Saints as in any sort to be called Gods visible people I wil shew thee fiue other points which are fundamentall and so farre of the foundation of christian religion that without them no man can be a mēber visible nor inuisible of the catholike church wherein thou shalt see that the protestant was the ancient true primatiue christian church of God Fiue fundamental points of christianity rased by poperie the papist a verie apostata comming in deed of a contrarie race euen of the very stocke of antechrist The first is of adoring God only the second of the condition of the couenant with God on our behalfe the third of the seales of the couenant the fourth of the writings of the couenant the fift of the soueraigntie and headship of Christ ouer his church And that these are foundamental consider with me that in the * 2. Idolatrie first they breake the spiritual wedlocke with God which giue his worship and honor to idols and images as thou mayst see God in a Cap. 16. Ezechiel complaining and saying Thou hast taken thy faire Iewels of my gold and of my siluer which I had giuen thee and madest to thy self images of men and diddest commit whooredom with thē c. * Merits of workes 2. In the second when they ioine workes and the fulfilling of the commandements with faith for they shut themselues from the righteousnes in the couenant whereby they should reioice with God as the Apostle saith b Rom. 4.2 If Abraham were iustified by workes he hath wherein to reioice but not with God yea they abrogate the grace of God and make Christ die in vaine as the same Apostle teacheth saying c Gal. 2.21 I doo not abrogate the grace of God for if righteousnes be by the law then Christ died without a cause * 3. Sacramēts In the third they annihilate and ouerthrow Christs institution in the seales of the couenant by their transubstantiation and vnbloudie sacrifice adored and make but a fanatical body of Christ and an imaginatie manhood where as Christ saith d 1. Cor. Doe this in remembrance of me and Saint Paul expoundeth it saying As often as yee eate this bread and drinke this cup ye shewe the Lords death till he come For if he bee contained in heauen as Saint Peter e Act. 3. 21. saith till the restoring of al things and that this sacrament is to remember and shewe his death till hee come what is it but a newe institution when they say it is turned into his person and adore him as present and what can that bodie or manhood which is in heauen bee in the sacrament really and corporally any otherwise but in fansie and imagination seeing in the same till he come to iudgement he is in heauen In the * 4. Scriptures fourth they blot out the writinges of the couenant when as Christ a Mat. 15. sayth They make the lawe of God of none effect by their traditions while they equall their own deuises with the written word of God make it in sufficient to saluation and set the church which shoulde bee ruled by it and obedient to it to be aboue it the people aboue the lawe and the ladie vnder the handmaide * 5. Supremacy Lastlie they commit treason against the person of Christ when they set the pope in his place without his assignement that a mortall man shoulde bee head of the vniuersall Church and bodie of Christ For Christ onely is called b Eph. 1.22.28 1. Cor. 3.11 The head in all thinges ouer his Church and the foundation thereof excluding all other Nowe then seeing that there can bee no foundation of Christianitie nor Church of God where the couenant is broken by spirituall whooredome and where there is no reioicing with God and the grace of God and Christ death is made vaine and where the seales of Gods letters patentes and his glorious image which is Christ is defaced and his holie writinges blotted and abased and man aduanced in the chaire of the son of God and office of Christ it must needes followe that they being guiltie in these thinges there cannot bee any part of the visible Church of Christ amongest them I thinke it therefore good to take some more paines in these fiue points that thou maist see howe that in the first primatiue ages the Catholike truth was to be founde amonge the Christian protestants and that the popishe heresie in these pointes came vppe afterwardes to bee openlie seene and closelie grewe vnder them Consider therefore good Christian reader what I say and the Lord giue thee the spirit of true discretion and wisedome in all that thou readest First in the question of adoring God the papist thinke they doo not commit fornication because they haue a fine shift to say they doe not adore the image as to account it their God to put their trust in it but onely reuerence it as a representation of God by bowing before it kissing it praying before it c. they adore him which the image representeth And they thinke themselues verie wel discharged from idolatry seeing their images are not dedicated vnto diuels and false Gods but vnto the true God Christ and his Saints
their decrees framed and ordained Beside this all these latter counsels haue not beene made with vniuersall consent but the church hath been deuided into two parts East and West vntill the time of this counsell of Basill and then it was sewed together with rotten threed and presently rent in peeces againe as it were in a moment and there was one counsel at Basill and an other set against it a Florence Now I say seeing these counsels of Constance Basil Trident in which the most part and chiefest of Popery hath been in the most generall maner determined published for the acts and determination of the church were but a verie smale part of the vniuersall church Namely of the Westerne parts I know not howe they can assure vs that in them we haue the churches determination except they could proue these counsels ecumenical and vniuersall of all Christian churches as was the first general counsell of Nice vnder Constantine the great Againe the counsels for sixe hundred yeeres after Christ did not decree as they haue done since and the faith of the church was not the determination of the Church but the sentence of holie scriptures and many points of faith haue been since determined not by but without holie Scriptures what should wee esteeme the auncient primatiue Churches to haue erred in faith or that they knew not or held not the true faith because that in verie many articles they lacked the ecclesiastical determination Lastly seeing that euerie day they bring foorth new deuises and sanctions and the latter many times contrarie to the former who can tell when he is in the truth or out of the truth or when the Church hath made her true and right determination Hee that readeth ouer Gracian and the Tomes of the counsels with the histories of the liues of the Popes or doo but well marke and consider that little which I haue penned out of them in this Chapter shall easilie perceiue that they are euer learning but neuer come to the knowledge of the truth they dote about questions which are endles and strife of woords there is no certaintie in their religion little trueth and vncessant innouation Therefore I may conclude that as this monster is of a later generation and a new continuall conception so no mortall man can tell when hee will come to his full birth and bee a perfect bodie or when he will haue his certaine determination right shape and proportion and finall growth and compleate stature I will leaue him therefore to the high Iudge and Lord of all flesh vntill that great and fearefull day a Reuel 19.20 When the beast shall bee taken and with him the false prophet and they both cast aliue into the lake of fire which burneth with brimstone Come Lord Iesus come quickly CHAP. V. Heere is shewed that all men ought to flie poperie First because of the exceeding daunger it bringeth to them selues to their seede and countrie Secondlie It is of all heresies and Apostasies the most pernitious Thirdlie It is not tollerable or to bee wincked at in any Christian common wealth Fourthly We of England haue great cause to praise God that we haue nothing to do with it NO sooner had my penne concluded the former Chapter but that me thought I hearde the great comaunder of all the worlde calling vnto all Christians concerning the Romish religion and saying a Esai 52.11 Departe depart go out from thence and touch no vncleane thing For seeing that poperie is so directly and manifold differing from the true ancient and catholike religion so agreeing with all filthie heresies and lately sprung vp out of the vncleane brood of humane inuention and diabolicall suggestion bearing downe all puritie of faith and true holy worship of God that hereby the Romish Church is certainly found to approue it selfe to bee that great Babilon which is become the habitations of deuils and the hold of foule spirits and a cage of euerie vncleane and hatefull bird I can no otherwise vnderstand the duetie of all Christians but that they bee obedient to that heauenly voice which els where calleth vs out of that prophane sinagogue of Rome saying b Reuelat. 18.4 Go out of her my people that ye bee not partakers in her sinnes that ye receiue not of her plagues It behoueth therefore euerie soule to consider wisely of this thing because of the daunger that may happen to himselfe to his seed and to his countrie For as it was no pleasant thing to Noe to liue among those proud and cruell people of the first worlde whose destruction hee knew to be most certainly approching and as Lot dwelling at the gate of Sodom vexed his righteous soule in hearing and seeing their vnlawfull deeds his verie life was hazarded in the destruction of the wicked if God had not beene singularly mercifull vnto him So all men that feare God cannot but know that such wicked and filthie heresie as poperie is must needes bee as a canker that fretteth euen vnto destruction of the soule For it not onely draweth vs vnto many noysome and hereticall prauities but also to most abhominable idolatrie and the verie ouerthrow of the couenaunt of grace and true faith by which we stand in the fauour of God and haue the hope of eternall life by Iesus Christ They which speake most fauourablie for papists seeme willing to haue them in some sort of the visible Christian Church doe endeuour the same by making their apostasie to bee no greater then the apostasie of the ten tribes of Israel after their falling away from the house of Dauid vnder the hand of Hieroboam At which time they left the temple at Hierusalem and the pure worship word of God and made them calues in Dan and Bethel and worshipped God as it pleased the kinges of Israel But if men would consider the a 1. King 2. 2. Cron. 18. 19. storie of that good king Iehoshaphat when hee ioyned affinitie with Ahab they might easily see this thing how neere hee was to leese his life for such fellowship what losse hee had of shippes and how God rebuked him saying Wouldest thou helpe the wicked and loue them that hate the Lord therefore for this thing the wrath of the Lord is vppon thee Loe heere the Israelites are counted wicked the haters of God and such as for whose fellowship Gods wrath commeth vppon his children Therefore seeing the papistes are much more worse it must needs bee verie daungerous to haue any fellowshippe with them And if the soule bee farre more precious then the bodie then is the hazarde the greater And doubtlesse no man is able to expresse the greatnesse of the mischiefe which that wicked broode may bring vpon a man for so much as they transgresse the worde of God and follow not the doctrine of Christ and haue chosen their owne waies and their soule delighteth in their owne abhominations For it is written b 2.
neither do men seeke the Lord behold euerie man seeth how his anger is kindled more and more and how neere his sword is come vnto vs that the Lords wrath is not turned away but his hand is stretched out still But yet if it please thee O God and mercifull father bee thou entreated by thy poore seruants who seeing the plague call night and day vpon thee that thou take not so great vengeance of our sinnes as to make the sweete streaming fountains which water all thy holy temple and the garden of thy delight among vs to be salt and vnsauourie or to let that burning starre of wormewood which is fallen from heauen to touch our riuers of waters or that thou shouldst make the heart of this people fat and their eares heauie shut their eyes least they see with their eies and heare with their eares and vnderstand with their heartes and conuert and thou heale them Why should we be as men of another generation which know not and remember not thy great workes which thou hast done by our princely Iehoshuah and the great victorie ouer the Cananites of the land by thine annointed handmaid our renowned Deborah that our eyes should looke backe to the flesh pots of Egypt or that wee should returne to ioyne in friendship with that wicked Babilon whom thou hast commanded vs to reward with double as they haue rewarded vs and learning their maners being partakers of their sinnes we should be partakers of their punishmentes and thou shouldst giue vs ouer to the enemie and they which hate vs should be Lords ouer vs and then al these good things and the light of thy countenance should bee quite turned from vs and our glorie forsake vs. We haue indeed sinned most deare father and our offences are many yet is there mercie with thee that thou maiest bee feared Teach vs therfore thy way O Lord that we may walk in thy truth and knit our hearts vnto thee that we may feare thy holy name euen for thy holy Son sake our deare Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen When men waxe rich they begin to bee carelesse and by aboundance of peace Deut. 32.15 men forget themselues and fall away as it is written When he waxed fat he spurned with the heele For this cause hath God set vs ministers as watchmen to see the plague when it commeth and to admonish the people that they die not in their sinnes and to say vnto them Take heed you forget not the Lord your God which hath done all these good thinges for you but feare ye the Lord your God The cause matter purpose of this booke and serue him thou shalt cleaue vnto him and sweare by his name And this is verily the reason of the publishing of this treatise wherein I shew that the religion and faith publikely professed in this Realme and maintained by the righteous scepter and sword of our dread soueraign and gracious Queene Elizabeth is of the onely truth most auncient catholicke and vnchangeable out of which none euer haue beene saued from the beginning of the world neither can or shall bee And that the faith and religion vnder the pretence and name of Christ Peter and Paul and of the glorious shew and title of the Church which is now professed at Rome and followed by the vassals of the pope is but a new vpstart hereticall and superstitious deuise of man contrariant to the faith of Gods elect of the ancient couenant which God gaue taught Abraham both for Iewes and Gentils and which Moses and the prophets declared expounded and Christ fulfilled and established and his holy Apostles published to all the world and taught all nations by Christes commandement For I thought my duetie first vnto God and then to my gracious prince to shew some token of my thankefull mind and secondly to acknowledge my bounden duetie to Christes Church here among vs my deare mother in whose wombe I freely confesse my selfe to be bgotten and borne one of Gods children and though of thousands the most vnworthie yet one of the seruants of Christ and of his congregation in the ministerie of his Gospell And especially that I might call to remembrance and set before the eyes of my louing country men my louing and faithfull brethren and sisters in Christ the assurednesse of truth and the good treasure of God among vs namely that wee are lighted vpon that heauenly pearle blessed be God for which a man would sell all that he hath that this might bee some meanes to blow away the ashes from the cooling zeale of some stirre vp and awake some that are now readie to sleepe and bring backe againe some if it please God which are readie to go out of the way and that I might admonish others that they receiue not the grace of God in vaine For when a man shall thinke with himselfe and well way it in his heart that we haue the true faith which is vnchaungeable by which all Gods elect are saued will it not moue him to bestir himselfe that he neglect not so great saluation and that he trie euerie spirit before he beleeue and that he be not caried away with the vaine shew of ostentation in men of schoole learning but whomsoeuer he heare with the men of Berea to search the Scriptures whether those things be so yea though it were Paule or an Angel from heauen should preach another doctrine then that wee haue receiued we should hold him accursed I pray God for Christes sake to bee mercifull vnto mee that as he put into mine hart to take this worke in hand hath graciously assisted me and strengthened me to finish it and now to publish it So it would please him to vouchsafe his blessing to accompanie the same that it may bee accordingly profitable to many and haue an effectuall fruit to his glorie and the good of his church in the encouragement and strengthening of weake Christians I humblie beg this at his fatherly hands in and by the mediation of his son Iesus Christ euen for his holy and blessed name to whom with his holy spirit be all praise power and dominion for euer Amen From Eastwell in Kent the 26. of March 1602. The Contents of this Booke The first part of the auncient and vnchangeable estate of our religion now professed in England CAp. 1. Wherein is shewed first That wee come to know the true religion by the true knowledge of God pag. 1.2 2. That there is one God and he is the onely law-giuer pag. 3. 3. There is but one catholike religion whereof God is author and maintainer pag. 3. 4. For this cause Christ his Apostles teach the same religion which is in the olde testament and the gentils are adopted to bee children vnto Abraham pag. 5. 5. Here is taken away the obiection which might arise by the difference which seemeth to be in the three times before the law vnder the lawe and vnder the
then the gospel adopteth vs into Abraham to be his children and the same religion faith way of saluation which the new Testament teacheth is the summe of the law and prophets and of the fathers before the law namely of Abraham who is the i Rom. 4.16 father of vs all 5. But it may bee obiected that the religion of Gods church did differ and alter namely that before the law from that which was after that of the law from that which is now vnder the gospel For the first age had not the law of Moses the second were altogether subiect to that law and we after the law are ruled by the gospel are free from that law For the ease of which scruple we are to consider that as in material things there are somthings of the substās essence which cannot be altered except the thing it selfe perish somthings are adioined as it were hanging vpon the thing as moueable properties accidents or ornaments as in a man the bodie soule vnited are so farre off the substance that if these or either of these faile he is not a man there be also ioined to a man his outward countenance apparel stature age these make a man in outward shew to differ much from himselfe yet is he one and the same man stil So is it in the case of religion there are som things of the same nature that if they be absent there can be no religion at all such is faith and loue some thinges are seruants and dependances vpon these as ceremonies and manner of gouernment and these differ according to the time and change not the nature of religion For as a childe is a true naturall man though hee haue not the same stature or countenance of face as when hee is olde and growne vp and howsoeuer hee change his apparell yeeres stature or countenance yet is hee the same verie man hee was before So in religion ceremonies and maner of gouernment haue altered in their times and yet make no alteration or change of religion but doe further garnishe and beutifie it more or lesse according to their seasons which similitude I vse because the holie ghost hath the like comparison Gal. 4.1 shewing the state of religion vnder the law to be as a child that although he be heire yet is vnder tutors c. So God appointed the fulnes of time vnder the gospell when hee woulde beutifie religion which such ornaments that it shold be like the freedome of an heire when he enioyeth the possession of his inheritance the like wee finde in an other place where he compareth this life vnto the life to come by these wordes k 1. Cor. 13.11 When I was a child I spake as a child I vnderstood as a child I thought as a child but when I became a man I put away childish things And hee expoundeth this case where hee saith l Gal. 3.17 The lawe which was 430. yeeres after cannot disanull the couenaunt that was confirmed before of God in respect of Christ that it shoulde make the promise of none effect Whereby he sheweth that the law came not as a new religion faith or doctrin of saluation that the religion before the law should be abolished the law as a new come in the roome therof But that it had some other vse as an accidentarie ornament or seruant to that former religion which God had taught Abraham shold belong vnto all nations as after he sheweth that the law was added because a 16. ver 19.23.24 of transgressions we were shut vp vnder the law and the law was our schoolemaster to bring vs to Christ that we might be made righteous thorow faith wherby it appeareth that the giuing of the law altered not the religion faith and doctrin of saluation but was as an helping seruant to further the same as a prison or schoolemaster to driue vs to the true and pure religion of Abraham that by faith in the promise concerning Christ we are iustified and saued as Abraham was 6 But that you may the better vnderstand what is now in hand I will open vnto you what I meane by faith and loue and what by ceremonies and maner of gouernment By faith I vnderstād the doctrin of the couenant of mercy and grace which is so called because it is apprehended by faith as in these words b Gal. 3.2 Receiued ye the spirit by the workes of the law or by the hearing of faith In which doctrine wee beleeue the trinitie and vnitie of God the person and office of Christ the creation and fall of man his corruption redemption iustification resurrection of the dead eternall life and such like For all these depende one vpon an other as in the first eleuen chapters to the Romanes to the discreete and attentiue reader may appeare By loue I vnderstand all the duties in the morall law both to God and man as they are the fruites of faith and as it is expounded by our Sauiour Christ saying c Math. 22.37 Thou shalt loue the Lord thy God with al thine hart with all thy soule with al thy mind this is the first and greatest commandement and the second is like vnto this thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe By ceremonies and maner of gouernment I vnderstand all outward rites and ordinances with the manifestation of the spirite which serue for the furtherance beautifying and more fit expressing and exercise of these two aforesaid And ceremonies I find to be of two sorts some which are for the time maine parts of Gods worshippe and such are all Sacraments as the sacrifices and circumcision before the law the passeouer al sacrifices commanded by the law by signes and figures of Christ to come such are Baptisme and the Lords supper now vnder the gospel The other ceremonies concerne the time and place of the Church meeting and the maner order in the decent vsage of all the partes of Gods worshippe which before the law is said a Gen. 21.33 to bee in groues and as for other circumstances there is little mention as matters of no great moment vnder the law they b Luc. 4.16 Act. 15.21 had sinagogues and appointed ministers for the same and the reading of the law with preaching euerie Saboath day in the gospell touching all such thinges wee haue this rule c 1. Cor. 14.4 Let all things be done honestly and in order The ordinaunces with the manifestation of the spirit be conteined in the persons their offices degrees and dignities their excellencie and power in their giftes and the order of adiministration As before the law the d Gen. 12.7 cap. 17.23 father of the family e Exod. 24.5 Numb 3.40 or the first borne was the person by whom the word holy thinges of God were administred Their degrees dignities c. are not much spokē of saue only they are cald f
the image of God in knowledge holines and righteousnes his religion was pure and his faith in God and his loue towards God al creatures were righteous his estate happy enioying the presence glory of God But this estate indured not long for the diuel enuying mans happines allured the womā Euah to eat of the forbiddē fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and euill and by her Adam was partaker of the same transgression b Ep. Tit. 3.3 Gen. 6.5 so man fell cleane from al religion and became the vassal of Satan dead in sinne lost that holie image so far that both mind will and affections were onely euill and by his very nature he was the child of wrath and without God in the world that is to say he was of no religion and in this estate he was most miserable cursed and damnable Here our most gracious and mercifull God pitying our most wofull condition c Gen. 3. calleth man to an accompt chastiseth him condemneth the serpent and teacheth him againe the true religion by giuing him the promise that The seede of the woman shoulde breake the serpents head that is that by Christ hee would ouer throw the power of the diuell Vpon which promise he buildeth his church of such of the sons of Adam as he d Eph. 1.4.5 in his eternal counsel had chosen to be adopted to himselfe in Christ Iesus d Eph. 1.4.5 c Ro. 9.18.22 leauing all others vnto themselues to remaine in their sins for their iust cōdemnation And these his elect he restoreth to that former happy estate wherin they were created which thing hee doth during this world by f Math. 28.19 Eph. 4.11 instructing them in the true pure religion which is the faith of Christ the fruits thereof in true repentāce amendement of life by the loue of God of his neighbor which two things haue their measure and are vnperfect in this life but they shal be perfect in the life to come Faith is vnperfect because our g 1. Cor. 13.9 knowledge is vnperfect yet because it is fixed in Christ the son of God it is a h Eph. 6.16 shield to quēch the fiery darts of the diuel so that by it we i Rom. 5.1 are righteous in gods sight haue peace with God thorow Iesus Christ but when in the life to come wee shall haue a k Psal 17.15 1. Io. 3.2 perfect sight of God see him as he is then that which is vnferfect shall be done away our loue in this life is much more weake because it answereth not l Iacob 3.2 to the perfection of the law moral or Gods holy image and therefore vnles by the shield of faith in Christ we were defended we should neuer recouer our former estate of happines but by faith there is giuen vnto vs the a Rom. 8.23 Eph. 1.13 first fruits of the spirit and an earnest of our saluation euen in this our pilgrimage but afterward the same also shal be made perfect when b 1. Cor. 15.54 our corruption shal put on incorruption our mortality shal be swalowed vp of life enioying the glorious liberty of the sons of God we c 2. Tim. 4.8 shall be crowned with the crowne of righteousnes which is laid vp in store for all them which loue the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ 2. And here is to be noted that between this time of mans innocencie the time of the glory of Gods elect is the d Eph. 1.10 dispēsation of times wherin God gathereth his elect and nurtureth his church in one certain kind of religion holy right pure catholike so far as by his gracious gift in this life his people are made capable therby sanctifying them seperating them from this present euil world e Colos 1.13 translating thē out of the power of darknesse into the kingdome of his deer son And this we find to be in iij. sorts in regard of the maner of gouernment in the dispensation of iij. diuersities of times yet but in one rule of faith religion The times were these 1. From the promise of God made to Adam vntil the giuing of the law in mount Sinay or Horeb during the space of 2513. yeres 2. From the giuing of the law vntil the preaching of Io. Bap. and sending of the Apostles to preach to all the world about some 1445. yeres 3. From that * That is 30. yeres after Christ birth time to our daies som 1569. yeres this is to continue till the end of the world when Christ shal come again to iudge the quick and dead In the first the maner of gouernment in regard of the persons ouer whom it was extended they were the fathers of the first world al the whole world of al nations languages in regard of the things then in vse Read Gen. Rom. they had not the law of God nor any part of his word written but were taught cōmanded by visions dreams from heauen many were endewed with the spirit of prophesie In the second the manner of gouernment touching the persons was this they were one nation called lastly Iews first Israelits and somtime Hebrewes and in regard of the things they had Moses law written and so preserued in bookes for the perpetual vse of the church and this law was in three sorts the morall written in two tables shewing in ten words all dueties to God and man the ceremonial law consisting in ordinances of rites sacrifices and the leuiticall priesthood by which order it pleased God in those daies to be outwardly worshipped the iudicial law which were ciuil lawes and statutes for the punishment of euill doers and ordering of the common wealth of that people as was most fit for the time for the true and holie religion And vnder these three they were gouerned vntill the comming of Christ And because they often times fell away vnto idolatrie God raised vp prophets to bring them to repentance who instructed them according to the law shewed them alway the true faith and religion with the right order and maner of gouernment Now a Eph. 2.11.12 while that the church was in this one nation of the Iewes the gentils which are all the nations and languages of the worlde beside were left out from being the people of God of his visible church which thing began at the circumcision of Abraham in that God ordaining it did call it the couenant that is a signe of the couenant namly that Abraham and his seed should be the people or church of God and they that were not circumcised shold be none of his church which being some 400. yeres before the giuing of the law in that space the sin of the gentils came to their perfection and so the Iewes were then and thenceforth distinctly knowen to bee of a
differing religion and faith concerning God from all people vnder heauen whatsoeuer b Rom. The third sort in regard of the persons are the gentils that is all nations and languages after the comming of Christ and in regard of the things they had the gospel which Iesus Christ the sonne of GOD being made man of the virgin Marie did preach ordaine and commit to writing to be preserued for the euerlasting benefit of the church which being preached by the Apostles of Christ as well to the Iewes as to the Gentils at his commaundement and by his commission the Iewes for their vnbelefe fel away and being left to the hardnes of their hart were reiected and ceased to be the visible church of God remaine scattered ouer the face of the whole earth vntill this day and the gentils hearing and receiuing the gospell and submitting them selues by faith vnto the doctrin of Christ became Gods people againe and his visible church and so the true religion hath remained among the gentils in one place or other vntil this day and of this number are we of the church of Englande one happie part The Lord our God and merciful father in Iesus Christ be praised therefore 3. Now in all these times notwithstanding that the outward face of the church by the ceremonies and maner of gouernment did verie much differ yet in all these was but one substance of religion consisting in the knowledg of one true and liuing God and in the worship of his diuine maiestie by faith in the holy promise of Iesus Christ which promise was made vnto Adam Abraham and Dauid declared by the prophets preached to the gentils in the gospel For so Adam a Gen. trained vp his sons by sacrifice to worship God arguing their expectation of the Messias or seed of the woman to come And therfore b Heb. Abel Enoch Noe Abraham are wel reported of for their faith and to haue pleased God Vnto c 1. Pe. 3.10.11 Noe the ark vnto Abraham circumcision being types and figures of Christ were helpes in this faith religion so in the law all the priestes their sacrifices and seruice yea al the law d Rom. 10.4 Gal. 3.22 ponited out Christ as thend therof and concluded all vnder sin that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ might be giuen to them that beleeue And the prophets which best vnderstood the law shew the maine substance of their religion to be in faith when they say e Esai 26.16 He that beleeueth in him meaning Christ shal not make hast f Aaback 2.4 The iust shal liue by faith g Psal 34.8 Tast and see how gracious the Lord is blessed is the mā that trusteth in him Which thing witnesseth the Apostle saying h Rom. 15.4 Whatsoeuer things are written afore time are written for our learning that we thorow patience and comfort of the scripture might haue hope and that the i 2. Tim. 3.15 scriptures speaking of the law and prophets are able to make one wise vnto saluation thorow faith in Iesus Christ And lastly touching the gospell it is most cleare that by k Gal. 3.26 Act. 24.14 beleefe in Christ wee are made Gods people in this beleef we worship and serue God as in one true pure religion Therefore they which are taught l Math 28.19 Act. 2.38 cap. 16.31 Iacob 1.6 Heb. 11.6 are baptized when they beleeue and so receaued into the church such are said to be saued such are said to pray aright and generally such are said to please God 4. Now to conclude this place we may obserue the wonderful administration of God in vpholding of this one true religion faith of Christ in all ages of the world and that in two things First in his iudgments and secondly in the diuers manifestation of his spirit as concerning the first the ould world falling into a most horrible apostasie m Gen. 6. by prophane and vnequal yoking of the children of God with the children of men God stirred vp Noe the preacher of righteousnes in his family preserued the true faith when all the whole world was fallen away therefore drowned by waters Then after the floud som 400. yeres when idolatry had ouercrept the world in the posterity of Noe namely after the confounding of the languages and that they were become many nations God a Gen. 12. Ioshuah 24.2 called Abraham and taught him the faith and pure religion of Christ when hee gaue him the promise That in his seede all the families of the earth should be blessed and in his posteritie namly of his son b Gen. 17.19 Act. 14.16 Isaak when all the nations of the world were left to their own waies the same was preserued and althogh the Israelits c Ps 78. 106 many times departed from the true God to follow the maners fashions of the gentils yet he reduced thē home again by his plagues punishments somtimes by his d 1. Kin. 18 3● Esai 6.13 prophets and somtimes destroying the multitude reserued a smal remnant as a seed plot among whom he preserued the true faith and religion And last of all when they had many times prouoked God by their vnbeleefe and rebellion he cast them vtterly off and ingrafted the gentils although among these there hath bin great * The first 300. yeres after Christ persecution a most horrible apostasy both by ⁂ Mahomet and the Pope east and west yet hath he alwaies had his witnesses who keeping the faith haue professed the true religion of Christ and nowe according to his e word the same is renewed and taketh hold againe in the open eyes of all the world amonge the elect of God his chosen people whō he calleth by his gospel A thing verily fore prophesied by f Gen. 9.27 Gen. 12.3 Deut. 32.21 Esai 49.6 Rom. 15.18 Noe taught and promised to Abraham threatned by Moses plainely foretold by the prophets and fully accomplished by Christ and of these things we haue now had 1602. yeres triall experience the Lords most holy name be praised But as touching the manifestation of the spirit marke with me that the same promise which to Adam was generall g Gen. 3. cap. 12. cap. 49.10 Esai 9.6.7 Matth. 1. in the seede of the woman was more speciall to Abraham to be in his seede and in his posteritie more certaine in Iuda and yet in Iuda more particuler in the house and linage of Dauid and yet more plainly and neerly by the prophets that he should be borne of h Esai 7.14 a virgin yea hee is also so thoroughly described in the prophets that there is scarse any action of Christ or accident befalling him which Matthew the euangelist in his historie doth not confirme by some prophet or other Yet is Iohn Baptist more cleere then they all
when he could point out his verie person saying i Ioh. 1.36 Behold the lambe of God Howbeit that grace of reuelation which was in the Apostles excelled all the rest for the verie a 1. Pet. 1.12 Ephe. 3.10 Angels admire the manifolde wisedom of God as it is now taught in the church of God by their doctrin and therefore in comparison of the clere manifestation of the gospel now in these last times to the more obscure reuelation of the former ages it is called b Colos 1.26 Eph. 1.8 a mistery had since the worlde began and from al ages but now is made manifest to his saints and this most abundantly in all wisedome and vnderstanding And this was of such power that neither the malicious gainesaying and tumultuous resisting of the Iewes nor the furious outragious persecutions of the gentils for 300. yeares nor the subtill vndermining of wilie hereticks nor the smoking darkenes of Antechrist could stand before the wisedome of the spirit but that the idols of the heathen and the foolish rudimentes of the world were scattered before the preaching of the faith and religion of Christ as the smoke or clouds are driuen before the wind And when all the c Dan. 3.35.44 1. Pet. 2.6 monarkes of the world were broken became like the chaffe of the sommer flowers whom the winds carieth away this Iesus Christ as a stone cut without hands although he were refused of the builders is not onely become the heade of the corner but also filleth the whole earth and groweth to a kingdome that neuer shall haue end so long as Sun Moone endureth And as this religion so the ceremonies and maner of gouernment ordeyned by Christ are to remaine vntill the end of the world for so saith Christ when hee gaue cōmission for d Math. 28.19.20 the preaching baptizing teaching of all his cōmandements Loe I am with you alway vnto the end of the world the Apostle affirmeth that the Lordes supper is to e 1. Cor. 11.26 shewe the Lordes death till hee come f Eph. 4.12.13 and his ministers are to gather together the saintes till we all meete in the vnitie of faith and he must g 1. Cor. 15.24.25 raigne till all his enemies bee put vnder his feete and in the ende deliuer vp his kingdome to his father and then God shall bee all in all 5 All which things if the Atheistes of our time and such as bee of no religion or of the popish and hereticall superstition could see and consider they would come home to vs and cast themselues downe before Christ and say God is with you of a truth But this continuance of one vnchangeable truth in religion by the administration of Gods iudgements manifestation of the spirit being found with vs in this realme of England as hereafter in this treatise doth euidently appeare shal be a witnesse against all such in the day of iudgement when they should remember that they in their liues time willingly wold not know nor obey the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnesse I pray God open our eyes that while the light is among vs we may beleeue it loue it and walke in it as the children of light to the glorie of God and our owne comfort euerlasting saluation in Iesus Christ our Lord. Amen CAP. III. Heere is more largely shewed the vnitie of faith in all ages that the religion openly professed at this present in England is the same ancient onely Catholike faith of Abraham Moses the prophets which Christ and his Apostles preached and taught Where 1. is declared that Abraham receiued it of God both for the Iewes also for all other nations 2. The particulers are compared in 15. seuerall articles of the most waightie points of doctrine HAuing entred thus far that the Christian reader may as in a glasse in some reasonable sort behold in his conscience that from the beginning of the world there hath beene but one religion in which a man could euer be saued one law of faith one law of loue taught and allowed by God in his Church catholike and vniuersall for all places times to remaine vnchangeable vnto the worlds end Now will I through the mercifull assistance of the same my gracious God more largely and particularly shew the verie same thinges and that the same is the religion which in this our time is now by publike authoritie professed preached taught defended in this realme of England by and vnder the most happie raigne golden dayes and peaceable gouernment of the Lordes annointed and blessed handmaid and seruant our dread soueraigne deare nurse-mother faithfull and elect Ladie and Queene Elizabeth for whose heauenly ioy Christian honour long and prosperous life in wealth and godlinesse all true hearted Christians and faithfull subiectes continually and instantly do pray Here thou shalt see God willing what God taught Abraham what Moyses sent of God taught Israel what the prophetes inspired of God taught in Iudah what Christ his Apostles taught the primitiue Church and that all these differ not in the doctrine of faith and loue but being all one and the same way of saluation the same true and vndeceiuable religion the same euerlasting God and Sauiour And thou shalt plainely and clearely see that the verie same and none other hath our most louing God of his free and kind mercie now aboue fortie yeares together taught vs English men and his heauenly wisedome in our streetes and high places and assemblies by his faithfull ministers hath called vs thereunto So that we to the stirring vp of our thankfull hearts to praise our good God may say with the Psalmist a Psal 147.20 He hath not dealt so with euerie nation neither haue they knowne his iudgements And in this treatise concerning the first of the three times of the world which was of the fathers before the lawe or any part of Gods worde was written I make speciall choise of Abraham for two causes First because that in the historie of the fathers before his time which containeth some 2083. yeares the holy Ghost is verie briefe and therefore not so full and plaine in diuers pointes as after in the story of Abraham Howbeit thou shalt find in the same the doctrine of one God the trinitie promise of Christ and saluation to come by faith in him Baptisme of the arke sacrifices for the latter sacrament seales of the couenant and of dueties diuers examples in Abell Sheth Enoch Noe and great punishments for the contrarie so that the substance is one and the same though that it be after more largely and particularly taught in the storie of Abraham But because my purpose is to shew that the particular partes of the doctrine of our religion bee most auncient and catholike I finde it more fitte to take the patterne from Abraham in whose storie I may gather these thinges more plainely and also
slaine yea there is a sacrifice for the leaper the running issue for women newely deliuered of child and for touching any vncleane thing for vnwittingly speking or doing any euil which one perceiueth not all sins of ignorance had their sacrifice what doe all these mean but the sin of concupiscence imperfection in the regenerate And whē he saith thou f Exod. 20.17 Rom. 7.7 shalt not lust he declareth plainly that this concupiscence in the regenerate is sin as the holie Apostle doth expound it And as touching the want or vncleanes in good works there is an especial feast g Leuit. 16. of reconciliation to purge the holie sanctuary the tabernacle of the congregation to cleanse the alter to make atonement for the priest for al the people of the congregation that this shal be don once euery yere where in euerie soule shal humble himselfe what doth this argue but that the best things and workes of the best men are vncleane and haue neede to be cleansed by faith in Iesus Christes holie sacrifice But the prophets speake yet more plainely First the Psalmist saith a Psal 19.12 Who can vnderstand his faultes cleanse me from secrete faultes b Psal 119.5 O that my waies were directed to keepe thy statutes c Psal 141.4 Set a watch before my mouth and keepe the doore of my lips incline not my hart vnto euill c. These wordes shewe directly and expresly the sinfull concupiscence in man regenerate to cause sinne vnawares and secret and that the children of God saw their owne inhabilitie vnto good thinges and that no regenerate man could doe all Gods commandements especially at all times to which the preacher accordeth saying d Eccl. 7.22 Surely there is no man iust in the earth that doth good and sinneth not and as touching the sinne of their good workes they teach the Church to confesse and say e Esai 69.6 Wee haue been all as an vncleane things and all our righteousnes as filthie cloutes vpon this the gospell speaking of the regenerate saith f Gal. 5.17 The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrarie one to an other so that ye cannot doe the same thinges that yee woulde wherefore the regenerate man confesseth this and saith g Rom. 7.19 I doo not the good things which I would but the euill which I would not that doo I which sheweth expressely the imperfection of the regenerate and righteous man in this life that hee hath sinne in him and cannot but sinne yea in his best deeds For where such resistance is there must needes be weakenesse and sinne and therefore in this place h ver 7. concupiscence in the regenerate is directly called sinne And Saint i Iacob 3.2 Iames confesseth that in manie thinges wee sinne all And that wee may further see our imperfection in our best dooings this also doth the regenerate k 1. Cor. 4.4 acknowledge that although in some one thing he doo knowe nothing by him selfe as the Apostle in his ministerie yet he is not thereby iustified thereby teaching that a good man cannot see what escapes there be in his perfectest doings as God can therfore he wil not cleere himselfe no not in that wherin he cannot accuse himselfe for seeing as elsewhere he affirmeth l Rom. 7.21 When he would doo good euil is present with him it must needs follow that although the regenerate man do not in euerie action perceiue it yet this euill concupiscence which is alway present with him doth make his good deedes vnperfect and sinne that it cannot aunswere to the righteousnes of the law nor stand before Gods iudgment seate if he should iudge by mans deeds according to the law and not by his faith according to the gospel and therfore the spirit of God a 1. Ioh. 5.3.4 teacheth that the reason why Gods commandemēts are not greeuous to the beleeuer is our faith by which we haue victorie ouer the worlde Then may I boldly conclude that Abraham Moses the Prophets and Apostles felt and found this doctrin to be true that in the regenerate man there is sinful concupiscence which dwelling in our harts and resisting the spirit doth not onely make vs sin in many things but also stayneth our best deedes with greeuous spottes of corruption and imperfection in Gods sight so that only faith in Christ must be our b Ephe. 6.16 shield against the firie darts of the Diuel and c 1. Pet. 1.5 by faith onely doth God preserue vs through his power vnto eternal saluation And this is for certainty the doctrine which the church of England now holdeth For we publish to all the worlde that Although for Christ sake d Artic. 9. of original sin there is no condemnation to the regenerate and beleeuing yet concupiscence in it selfe is verie sin and that e Artic. 12. of good workes our good workes which are fruits of faith and follow after iustification cannot put away our sins and endure the seueritie of Gods iudgement And that f Artic. 15. Christ onely without sin Christ onely was without sin as a lambe without spot but we although we be baptised and borne againe in Christ yet we offend in many things g Apolog. cap. 19. diuis 1. The most righteous person is an vnprofitable seruant the law of God is perfect and requireth of vs perfect and ful obedience we are able by no meanes to fulfill that law in this worldly life Therefore it is clere that in this article also we consent and agree to the most ancient and catholike faith of the fathers law Prophets and Apostles of Christ The eight article of the right place and vse of good woorkes 8. Good workes are the fruits of the iustified Christians and do make knowen their true and liuely faith and where they are not their faith is dead THis article doth declare that although by faith onely we are iust in Gods sight made heires of saluation without any workes of our owne as causes adiuuant and concurrent and that the law cannot iustifie or saue any man yet in the true religion allowed of God good workes are not excluded altogether neither is the law so abolished as that it were not our dutie to liue godly and vprightly according to the law But according to the law of iustice they hauing no place in the matter and causing of saluation should yet haue their own proper right place and honour according to their dignity vse and vertue For if by the law and good workes wee all haue been iustified it had been their due place to haue ioined them in that article of iustification and to haue honored them with the glorie of merite and deseruing but because we men are so corrupt that in this life our good workes attaine not to the righteousnes which the law exacteth wee must graunt them a lower place euen so great
couenant of faith to be their God in the promise of Christ vpon this he requiring obedience in a godlie life doth insinuate that they which professe the faith that God is their God must declare their faith by obedience to his commaundements and therefore he saith in an other place e Deut. 6.11 Beware thou forget not the Lorde thy God not keeping his commandements c. which sheweth plainlie that where disobedience is there is no faith for how can he haue faith that forgetteth him in whom hee should beleeue Hereupon all their disobedience rebelling and prouoking of God in the wildernes is said to be this a Psal 78.22.32 Heb. 4.1 They beleeue not God And this doth Moises aime at when hee saith Thou hast set vp the Lord this day to be thy God and to walke in his waies and to keepe his ordinances c. whereby it appeareth that vnto faith in couenanting with GOD this is an inseperable consequent that if we embrase God by faith we ought to follow his commandements by our deeds and he that doth not this latter bewraieth that he hath not with a true hart and faith receiued the former Therefore the prophets which expound the law in the person of God say thus a Mat. 1.6 A sonne honoureth his father and a seruant his Master If then I bee a father where is my honour and if I be a master where is my feare c. Nowe we know that wee are sonnes no way but by faith Therefore this prophet intendeth that we are not ioined to the Lorde by faith either as his people children or seruants or that hee is our God father and Lorde except our deedes shew the vnfainednes of our faith in honor and feare Therefore saith an other prophet b Psal 116.10 I beleeued and therefore I spake making it a most assured thing that a liuely faith cannot bee secrete and idle but will shewe it selfe by the outwarde deedes and namely profession Therefore a iust and righteous man in the prophets is thus described a Psal 37.30 The mouth of the righteous will speake of wisedome and his tongue will talke of iudgement for the law of his God is in his heart c. Who is righteous but the beleeuer and how are we righteous but by faith this teacheth then that the beleeuer hauing the law of his God in his heart cannot but bring foorth good workes both in worde and in deed euen as the vnbeleeuer cannot bring forth any other but euill deeds therefore by the prophetes euill doers and beleeuers are made contraries as it is written b Verse 9. Euill doers shall be cut off but they which waite vpon the Lord shall inherite the lande And againe c Psal 32.10 Many sorrowes come to the wicked but he that trusteth in the Lord mercie shal compasse him But the Gospell doeth shewe this yet more brightly as namely where it is said d Gal. 5.6 In Iesus Christ neyther circumcision auaileth any thing neither vncircumcision but faith which worketh by loue that is to say faith doeth not onely take holde on Christ for righteousnes but also buddeth out before God and man the sweet blossoms of loue in the workes of pietie and honestie And therefore Christ challengeth them for no beleeuers in him which walke disobediently saying e Luk. 6.46 Why call ye mee master master and do not the things that I speake Whereupon the blessed Apostle is not afeard to say that he which is not a new man in holines righteousnesse but runneth greedily after his lusts in wickednesse hath not f Eph. 4.10.11 learned Christ as the truth is in Iesus And S. Iohn speaking of the hope of Gods children what they shal be at the ioyful appearance of Christ constantly affirmeth that i 1. Ioh. 3.3 euerie man who hath this hope purgeth himselfe euen as he is pure And againe k Vers 10. In this are the children of God knowen the children of the Deuil whosoeuer doth not righteousnes is not of God neither he that loueth not his brother So that as clearely as the sunne is seene to shine in the middest of the day it is most apparant both by Abraham Moses and the prophetes and also by Christ and his Apostles that our faith and doctrine taught in England touching workes is most sound and catholicke namely that works necessarily follow faith declare it to be a true and a liuely faith and he that liueth licentiously and wickedly hath not faith The ninth Article of the meanes of religion which is the word of God 9 The word of God is the onely perfect rule of religion teaching all things whatsoeuer is necessarie vnto saluation and the same is fully wholy and onely contained in the holy and canonicall scriptures of the old and new testament IN this Article it is first necessary to know distinctly what is this word of God For some men confound this with the second person in the trinitie because the sonne of God is called the word by the holy Euangelist a Ioh. 1.1 1. Ioh. 5.7 S. Iohn Where they are to know that we consider in God two things what hee is in himselfe and what outwardly he doth or commeth from him Now the worde which is the sonne of God which is the second person in the trinitie is alwaies in God verie God as we truely say The father the word or the sonne and the holy ghost are ouer the same God But the word of God which wee heere speake of is the knowledge and reuelation of Gods wil touching godlinesse therfore called Gods word because it commeth not nor can come by the will or vnderstanding of man or any creature but by God himselfe is deliuered to his saintes as it were spoken by Almightie God as wee see in our first parente b Gen. 3. Adam after his fall hee was deade in sinne he had no will wit nor vnderstanding touching saluation till God called him and taught him by his word and gaue him the promise of Christ saying The seed of the woman should breake the serpentes head For which cause it is called c Eph. 1.9 Colos 25.26 The mystery of Gods will Which God in diuers maners in diuers times hath reueiled to his church d Numb 12. c. 7.8 2. Pet. 1.21 In darke speeches by dreames and vision openly and plainly as vnto Moses and by inspiration of the holy Ghost Of which it is thus written e Heb. 1.1.2 At sundrie times in diuers manners God spake in the olde time to our fathers by the prophetes in these last dayes he hath spoken to vs by his son And therfore these phrases in the prophets are plentifull The f Esai 1. Hier. 1. Lord hath said The word of the Lord came c. And many such like as all men know ●hich are acquainted with the holy scripture Now this being vnderstood we are to obserue
in this Article two things The vse and power of this word and the true touchstone how we may know or where we may find this word The first is touching religion that Gods word is the only rule thereof which onely teacheth the doctrine of righteousnesse and saluation And this is verie well to be seene in the storie of Abraham that he had no sauour of religion before God taught him by his word neither can wee find that he added any thing of his owne And this will euidently appeare if you consider how God first preached vnto him a Gal. 3.8 Gen. the gospell and so from b Cap. 15. 17 18. time to time reuealed more and more vnto him and that God acknowleged him to bee a c Gen. 20.7 prophet such an one as would d Cap. 18.19 command his sonnes and his houshold after him that they keepe the way of the Lord. What is all this els but that God by his word taught him the true religion and godlinesse what he should beleeue and doe As for Moses he maketh the word of God so absolute a rule that the Church ought not e Deut. 4.2 to put any thing to it nor take any thing from it and the prophets are also verie confident in this point saying f Prouerb 30.5 Euerie word of God is pure put nothing to his word least hee reproue thee and thou be found a lyer And the reason of this perfection is plaine because it maketh g Cap. 2.1.9 a man to vnderstand righteousnes and iudgement and equitie and euerie good path and to exclude all mens inuentions from ordaining any part of religion God saith by his prophets that h Esai 29.13 The wisedome of the wise shall perish because their feare toward God was taught by the precept of men Which Christ intepreteth to this sence i Mat. 15.9 That they worshipped God in vaine teaching for doctrines mens preceptes If this suffice not then let vs heare this point in expresse wordes of the Prophet k Psal 19.7 The law of the Lord is perfect conuerting the soule So likewise our Sauiour Christ in the gospell gaue to his Apostles and Church no other thing but the l Ioh. 17.8 worde which God his father gaue him pronouncing that this is m Vers 17. The truth by which they should be sanctified n Cap. 15.3 made cleane o Cap. 8.31.32 and free from sin p Cap. 5.24 and by hearing thereof they might haue euerlasting life Therefore the Apostles finding the absolute sufficiencie thereof doe forsake all wisedome of men for the same calling it the words of eternall life q Cap. 6.68 Hereof it is that Saint Iames saith r Cap. 1.19 Be swift to heare and slow to speake because wee men must not put forth our owne wisedome in matters of faith and religion but submit our selues to learne of God as he after expoundeth saying ſ Vers 21. Receiue with meeknesse the word that is grafted in you which is able to saue your soules And thereupon Saint Paule condemneth all shewes of t Coloss 2.22.23 wisedome in voluntarie religion after the commandement and doctrines of men giuing charge that no man u Vers 8. spoile vs through philosophie and vaine deceite according to the traditions of men according to the rudiments of the world and not after Christ And the ground of this is this that in x Vers 3. Christ are hid all the treasures of wisedome and knowledge Now as touching the second point which is the touchstone to trie the word of God where and how to find and know it This is The holy inspired writinges of the olde and new Testament wherein is contained all the word of God touching religion necessarie for the Church and Gods elect to know for their saluation Which although it were not written in the time of Abraham and of the fathers but after by Moses the Prophetes the Apostles and Euangelistes yet is it so absolute a rule and canon that wee ought not to beleeue any thing of faith and religion touching saluation to be or to haue beene the word of God which may not be rightly gathered taught or proued confirmed or allowed by the writings of Moses and the prophets in the old testament and in the new testament by the Euangelistes and Apostles of Iesus Christ And this will appeare verie euidently to the conscience of all faithful and wise hearted Christians if they consider what the spirite of God teacheth in all these times For the first a most glorious writer was the a Deut. 5.22 finger of God writing the ten wordes in two tables Then Moses by his direction wrote all the b Exod. 24.4 words of the Lord and a little before his death he wrote the whole c Deut. 31.9 law and deliuered it to the priestes the sonnes of Leui. So that then and from thenceforth the law written became the canon of the Church and the onely rule to measure religion by as may appeare because it was published in this sort d Deut. 27.26 Cursed bee he that confirmeth not all the wordes of this law to do them e Cap 30.10 which is interpreted to bee the commandementes and ordinaunces of the Lord written in the booke of the law And Ioshuah being of the same times knowing it to bee such an absolute rule chargeth the people a little before his death to f Ioshua 23.6 obserue and do all that is written in the booke of the law of Moses that they turne not there from to the right hand nor to the left By which it appeareth that in his time the writinges of Moses were this touchston to know the word of God as it were the arke of God wherein the tables of the couenant written with the finger of God were kept which will somewhat more be seene if you consider with me that in Moses writings and in and by nothing els we learne all the word of God reuealed and made knowne to the Church not onely touching the creation and olde world but also concerning Abraham Isaack Iacob and whatsoeuer God spake would haue to be knowen to be his word in his time which hee committed to writing for the perpetuall vse of the people of God And after him God added the pen of the prophets for the more perfect manifestation of this word and misterie of Gods will and yet so as nothing in substance did differ from the written law of Moses Therefore the prophetes pronounce the same writinges to be a most perfect Canon not to be added to nor taken from saying after this maner a Esa 8.20 To the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this word it is because there is no light in thē And againe b Malach. 4.4 Remember the law of Moses my seruant which I commanded him in Horeb for all Israel the
at the glorious shining of the sonne of righteousnesse in those happie daies Yet men knowe that reade the stories of the church what whiles that blasphemous hereticke did worke how many friends abettors he had what great afflictions that good Catholike Bishop Athanasius had what persecution for many yeares together the true beleeuers endured after the death of that good Emperour by the ouerspreading of the Arrians and their followers Howbeit although that persecution much afflicted the faithfull and darkned the beautie of the Church and many heretickes inuaded them very sore and diuers liuing in wildernesse and solitarie places deuised strange formes and seruices of God yet for the space of sixe hundred yeares and more the vniuersall Church was not so much tainted but God raysed vp notable pillars of truth and lightes of his church by whom the truth of faith and found religion had all that time a most excellent witnesse For the Apostles ended at the death of Iohn the Euangelist Anno 99. Ignatius liued about Anno 110. hauing beene Iohns disciple and Bishop of Antioch Polycarpus Bishop of Smyrna and Iustinus martyr at Rome Anno 140. Iraeneus Bishop of Lions in France Anno 175. Tertullian in Africke flourished about Anno 190. Origin of Alexandria about Anno 210. Cyprian Bishop of Carthage Anno 255. Arnobius 310. Lactantius Firmianus 325. Athanasius Bishop of Alexandria in Egypt 340. Hilarius B. of Pictauia in Aquitania 360. Basilius B. of Caesarea in Cappadocia 370. Gregorius B. of Nazanzen Epiphanius B. of Cyprus Ambrose B. of Millain Hieronymus Stridonensis Augustine B. of Hippo Iohn Chrisostom B. of Constantinop Possidonius Prosper Fulgentin Casiodonus Gregorius first of that name B. of Rome These verie many more verie good writers beside infinite others liued in that first 600. yeres and som after by whom the light of Gods truth and the pure religion was defended against diuers and sundrie sorts of heretikes and declared by sermons and godly interpretations of holie scripture which may euidently appeare euen vnto him that can but read the English toonge if hee peruse the writings of our reuerend Bishops and teachers of this lande First the challenge was made by master Iewel in a Sermon preached at Paules crosse Anno 1560. the Sonday before Easter that for 600. yeeres after Christ our religion might be defended by the writings of fathers and counsels secondlie the defence was most truelie and fullie performed by the same master Iewell against Harding by master Horne against Fecknam master Pilkington against the man of Chester master Punet against Th. Martin as also by master Noel against Dorman master Edward Deering to Hardings reioinder master Calfils answer to Marshals defence of the crosse master Fulke against Allin Sanders Bristow c. and by the conference in the Tower with Campion and that of master Reinolds with Hart. In these and diuers others very notable english bookes all points of our Christian faith are not onely maintayned by the writinges of the foresayde auncient Fathers and Counsels of the first sixe hundred yeeres but also by diuers other wrighters and Counsels followinge in other ages yea by diuers Papistes as the Schoolemen popishe decrees decretals and historiographers But wee doo frankely confesse that sixe hundred yeeres after Christ beeing past the visible church not so well seasoned nor the true faith so openly vniuersally faithfully maintained but more and more decaied obscured and darkned vntill the reuelation of Antechrist which hath been since Luther Neither doo we take it to be any derogation to the truth seeing that these last nine hundreth yeres were the daies of darknes and the time of the punishment of God that they which regarded not to know God should be giuen ouer to lyes and fables as is before manifestly prooued by the scriptures Notwithstanding in all this time it was not so obscure hidden but that the stories of these mystie daies doe affoord vs sufficient matter and markes whereby we may find where how and in what sort the true faith and religion stroue with the foolish and vnthankfull hart of man offering him in all this declining and apostatical generations the ioifull light of truth and the right way of peace and saluation but they would not but they fought against it and herein I will not stande to rehearse all particulers which would aske a great volume but onely mention that which is most generall and notoriously knowne vntill this 600. yeeres the churches by east and west were in vnitie and the christian faith continued his vniuersall and visible succession but shortlie after by reason that Bonifacius the thirde obtained the supremacy ouer all Bishops brought it into the sea of Rome there grew discontentments which continued vp and downe vntill Hildebrande came vp about An. 1237. all which time the Greeke church eastwarde held the auncient catholike faith as we now doo but by meanes that the Greeks condiscended not to the vnmeasurable pride of the popes there was made a seperation and so the faith was found onely in the Grecians amongst whom it also remained as it may appeare by this that in the time of the counsell of Basill about An. 1440. Engenious the fourth in a priuate conuocation at Florence laboured the grecians to condescende to the latin church to allow of purgatorie of the popes supremacie of vnleauened bread in the communion and of transubstantiation so that the east churches which containe not only Grecia but also the Ethiopians Syrians and many other great nations did in some good measure hold out the true faith vntill this time Now in the west parts there were certain men called Waldenses or Albigences and Pauperes de Lugduno who first at Lions in France and after in diuers other places as Meridoll and Cabriers and in many townes of the countrie of Piemont in great numbers shewed themselues from An. 1160. till the time of Luther Iohn Wickliefe and his fellowes and with them the good christians called Lollards did shew themselues in England in the time of Edwarde the third about the yere 1371. and thenceforth and in the time of Richard the second whereof followed great persecution many yeres Iohn Husse and Hierom of Prage with the countrie of Bohemia were famous for the true religion at the counsell of Constance about Anno 1413. and many yeres after So that when Luther came vp he found not the gospell and true religion without witnesse in diuers places Therefore leauing out Berthramus in France Iohn Scotus in England and verie many notable men in diuers countries whom God stirred vp heere and there euen in these euil daies of darknes som by writing some by preaching some by suffering and by death to giue testimonie in these west parts and vnder the Popes nose I may boldlie conclude this Chapter with humble and hartie thankes to God that the religion which wee holde and professe in Englande is the onely true auncient catholike and vniuersall religion wherein and
whereby God hath been truely serued and worshipped his elect saued and the true faith confessed from the beginning of the world and namely from Abraham euen vnto our daies which is now 5528. yeeres and the gates of hell could never preuaile against it no power of men subdue it no heresies ouerthrow it no wisdom or learning confute it no persecutions destroy it no pollicie nor crueltie subuert it no tract of time weare it out no changes or subuersions of kingdoms countries or states ouer whelme it no lawes edicts counsels canons cursses decrees or decretals put it down or banishe it Magna est veritas preualet Great is the truth and preuaileth Blessed be the God of truth And herein is fulfilled that which the prophet saith a Psal 19.9 102.27.28 The feare of the Lord is cleane and endure for euer And thou O God art the same and thy yeeres faile not the children of thy seruants shall continue and their seed shall stand fast in thy sight The second part of the newnes of Poperie CHAP. I. How the Romish superstition disagreeth with the true auncient catholike religion and faith of Gods elect where is declared 1. How manie waies in this sort disagreement is to bee founde 2. And that in all the former fifteene articles they disagree very greatly THere are two things which doo euidently argue the new and late begetting and birth of Romish heresie The Ante-christianitie or disagreement it hath with the pure holie and old faith which God hath once giuen to the Saints and the conformitie and agreement it hath with all heretical prauitie For seeing that all men know and the papists themselues must needs confesse that it is come foorth within these last times of the world for the face thereof neuer sawe the sonne before if it agree not with the wholsome truth of the inspired scriptures of God and so not of the auncient catholike faith of Gods chosen but resembleth and beareth the expresse and indeleble charecter of filthie new borne heresie it must needs leese those dainty terms of vnitie antiquitie vniuersalitie visible succession and of the olde and catholike religion And so the truth is For as then the Popes of Rome became most loftie and proud and aduanced themselues aboue all estates when they vsed in their stile the lowlie termes of seruus seruorum Seruant of Seruants so seased they then to bee truely and in deed Catholike or vniuersall when cutting of themselues from the true vniuersall church and religion they tyed the name and honor of Catholicke church to one place calling it contrarie to the holie creed The catholike church of Rome Therefore as I haue in the former part shewed the auncient and vnchangeable religion what it is and how it hath continued vnto this our age so now I doubt not but that it shall appeare through Gods grace to euerie honest conscience of any reasonable capacitie not forestalled with the preiudice of willful blindnes that the church of Rome and the religion thereof is not of the same generation hath no affinitie with God and his truth but is altogether earthly sensual and diuelish And first of the disagreement it hath with the true faith that is what it is not then of the agreement with heresie that is what it is In the first part the reader is to vnderstand that disagreement is in diuers sortes sometime direct and plaine contrarie as light and darkenes sometime contradictorie where one saying is the destruction of an other as to say A man is a reasonable creature and to say a man is not a reasonable creature Sometime they disagree by hauing a differing nature though not so directly set on against an other as a stone an egge and a tree differ from a man sometime the disagreement is hidden and vnderhand when there is a shewe to maintaine the truth in words and yet in deeds comming in by some hidden and closely carried circumstance men ouerthrew the same truth 2. Sam. 3.27 As Ioab spake with his mouth peaceable vnto Abner and with his hand he smote him vnder the fift ribbe that hee died And there is yet an other difference which is expresly named in holie scripture that is whē in a matter taught in the scripture definitiuely men either take awaie something and make it too short or too little or else adde something and make it too long or too great Wheresoeuer there is any of these disagreements they cannot be said to be one and the same and so the church of Rome in all points of Christian religion differing in some one of these kindes cannot be said to bee of the true catholicke religion As in the first kinde the true religion a 1. Tim. saith It is the spirit of errors and doctrine of diuels to forbid mariage and to abstaine from meats The sea of Rome say directly contrarie that by the holie ghost and spirit of truth they forbid mariage and to abstaine from meats In the second kind the true religion saith b Rom. 3.28 A man is iustified by faith without workes they say A man is not iustified by faith without workes In the thirde kind the true religion saith c Heb. 1.3 Iesus Christ hath by himselfe purged our sins they say we are purged also by satisfaction purgatorie indulgences and diuers other things In the fourth kinde the true religion saith that d Iacob 1.21 the woorde of God is able to saue our soules The synagogue of Rome do so say also in words but in deed they cut the throat of Gods word by equalling or preferring of traditions canons decrees decre●als and humaine customes euen as Christ e Matth. 15.6 speaketh of the pharisees who also in woords pretended Gods woord that they make the woord of God of no effect or authoritie by their tradition But as touching the last disagreement that shameles whoore of Babilon diminisheth and taketh from Gods word when they keepe the cup from the comon people and adde vnto Gods word when they cause the sacrament to be lifted vp and adored and verie many such things they doo Therefore if I shew that in al parts of religion they disagree from the truth in one of these kinds it will be sufficient to prooue that their abhominations are nothing sauouring of the true auncient religion 2. And this I will do God willing in two sorts First in this Chapter by shewing how they disagree with the articles taught out of Gods word in the former part and secondly in the next Chapter howe dissent from the doctrin of S. Paul S. Peter whō they say to haue bin at Rome and to bee planters of that church in this first I must desire the reader to looke vpon euerie article as before cap. 2. and he shal easilie see the disagreement for I wil but a little open and briefely point out their error and the disagreement will bee manifest of it selfe Marke therefore
God more then God for greater is he that maketh the creator then he that maketh the creature If any man mislike this collectiō let him in his conscience only waie this whither that by this transubstantiation they do not make a bable or a toy in steed of God when they can make him at their pleasure with the intēt of the church which will be as much against this article as can be for verely if they beleeued there were a God and considered what belongeth to his glorious maiestie they would not thus presume exalt them selues and thinke him or his manhood at their commandement As touching the trinitie in words they say b Greg. decretal tit 1. cap. 1. firmiter credimus Firmiter credimus simpliciter confitemur c. we firmely beleeue and confesse that there is one onelie true God euerlasting infinit vnchangeable incomprehensible omnipotent ineffable the father son and holy ghost three in person but one in essence c. this holy trinitie according to the comune nature is vndeuided according to the personal properties distinct All this soundeth wel but alas it is but as saint Paul saith c Tit. 1.16 They professe they know God but by their works they deny him For in setting vp the rood and crosse in the churches and in glasse windowes to be crowched vnto where they make God the father like an old man and God the son like a yong mā the holy ghost like a doue by their deeds they ouerthrow that which they say they firmly beleeue For if they beleeued that God were exceeding all measure in comprehensible and vnspeakable then would they not dare to draw him out and set him forth by an engrauen image which can in no part represent his deuine infinite Rom. 1.23 glory Againe how can the common people or almost any the staydest man in the world especially if he come with deuotion to worship that image but that in beholding the same he shal haue in his mind an inpression of an earthly and visible shape and likenes to be in God and when he seuerally seeth these three pictures images how can he auoid the imagination that these three persons in the godhead are as three seperate persons of men among vs as of Peter Iames and Iohn which is contrary to their sayings that this trinity in regard of the comon nature vndeuided as we may say in nūber to be one the same And this is vtterly cōtrary to the catholike religiō to haue such a vile imaginatiō of god of his inuisible vnspeakable power as you may read in the olde testament in these words a Deut. 4.15.16 take good heed to your selues for ye saw no image in the day that the Lord spake vnto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire that yee corrupt not your selues make you a grauen image or representation of any figure whether it be the likenes of male or female c. in the new testamēt b Act. 27.29 For as much as we are the generation of God we ought not to thinke that the godhead is like vnto gold or siluer or stone grauen by art inuention of man In the second article the disagreement is that they of the sea of Rome make not God the cause of causes but tyeth him to second causes and that his c Test Rhem. a note Rom. 9. ver 11. eternal coūsel respected mens works determined according to works forseene and d Nic. Dorbet distinct 41. Artic. 2. would haue al men to be saued quantum in se est as much as lyeth in him and they say Sicut presciuit predestinauit quae ipse fecit c. e Gratian pars 2 caus 23. Q. 4 ca. Nabucho As he foreknew and predestinated the things he did and gaue vs to doo so hee foreknew onely and did not predestinate the things which neither himselfe did neither required that we should doo c. without doubt all thinges which God forknoweth shall be shal be done in deed but some certaine of them proceed from free will In which you may see all these points contrarie to the true faith First free will is made authour of some things and God onely forknoweth it 2. Gods wil is debarred to haue to do in those things he commandeth not 3. That hee decreeth onely the elect and onely forseeth touching the reprobate Lastly that his wil was to saue all men as much as in him was as if they should say if he had been able All these do limit the hie and vnsearchable counsell of him which is the cause of all causes and setteh the wil of man in the foresight of God to be his instructor most contrariant to the holie religion of Gods elect which humbly confesse vnto God in the olde Testament thus f Hier. 10.23 O Lord I know that the way of man is not in him selfe neither is it in man to walke and to direct his steps and in the new thus g Reuel 4.11 Thou art woorthie O Lord to receaue glory and honor and power for thou hast created all things and for thy will sake they are and haue been created Touching the third article the conspiracie of Rome do accurse the true religion namely a Concil trident sess 6. canon 4. If any man say that mans free will being mooued and stirred by God doth nothing at all worke together by ascenting to God as he stirreth and calleth whereby he doth frame prepare himselfe to obtaine the grace of iustification and againe b Canon 7. If any man say all woorkes which are done before iustification whowsoeuer they be done to be truly sin and deserue the hatred of God and therefore they say that c Test Rhem. in Math. 12. It is in mans owne free wil election to be a good tree or an ill tree and againe ver 33. in marg in Act. 10. ver 2. Such works as are done before iustification though they suffice to saluation yet bee acceptable preparatiues to the grace of iustification and such as mooue God to mercie and againe d Nich. Deorhel distinct 41. sent 1. Artic. 1. Cum peccator facit quod in se est meretur de congruo iustificari c. When a sinner doth that which in him is he deserueth of congruitie to be iustified or after a sort by the e Condosentia diuinae liberalitatis beseeming or becoming of the diuine liberalitie Heere thou seest three thinges of Poperie contrarie to the christian veritie First that mans hart is not altogether vniuersally corrupted by Adams fal Secondly that Gods grace doth but stir vp and mooue mans free will and thridlie by congruitie the workes before faith diserue and prepare vnto grace and please God And they haue yet a fourth namely that f Concil trident sess 5. Apendix The virgin Marie was not conceiued in sinne
new testament thus h Rom. 3.23.24 There is no difference for all haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God and are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus 25. whom God hath set forth to bee a reconciliation through faith in his bloud c. In the seuenth Article there are three contradictories of the lying erring multitude of Rome vnto the true religion For they i Concil Trident sessi 5. sess 6. canon 18. 25. say that Concupiscence in the regenerate after baptisme is no sinne although they confesse Saint Paule calleth it sinne 2. That there is nothing in him displeasing God but he is pure innocent and immaculate 3. A iustified man can keepe all Gods commaundements If these men had learned and beleeued the true religion they would not dare to speake so directly contrarie to truth seeing God teacheth far otherwise First in the old testament where the church is directed to say k Esai 64.6 Wee haue bin all as an vncleane thing all our righteousnes as filthy clouts And in the new testament l 1. Ioh. 1.8 If we say we haue no sin wee deceiue our selues and truth is not in vs. Which two places being spoken of the people being by the sacrament of initiation or Baptisme entred into the Church do shew plainely that original corruption is a sinfull matter in the flesh of the regenerate by which they are made vnable to doe any one worke perfect much lesse to doe all Gods commandements at all times in thought word and deede a thing which euerie man 's owne conscience doth testifie if he bee not too much besotted with the looking vpon his fruitlesse peacockes taile In the eight Article they make additaments namely that a Concil Trid. sess 6. canon 24. 33. 20. good workes are also causes of the encreasing of iustification and truely deserue eternall life and encrease of glorie and that the obseruing of the commandements of God and the Church are the condition of the promise of eternall life to which the iustified man is bound if he will be saued By which while they robbe Christ of his merits and giue more honour to the corrupt life of man and lesse to the redeemer and lay an other burthen vpon Christians then that which God layeth and such as no man can beare they leade themselues so farre from religion that either by a vaine hope of that which is not they forsake their owne saluation or els by a greeuous desperate downe-fall finding themselues as the truth is vnable to fulfill the condition they lay themselues open to euerlasting perdition But God alloweth no such additamentes where he teacheth vs in the old testament to say vnto him b Psal 16.2 Thou art my Lord my well doing extendeth not to thee And in the new c Luc. 17.10 When ye haue done all those things which are commanded you say wee are vnprofitable seruants c. And the condition of fulfilling the commandements is called d Act. 15.10 a yoke which neither we nor our fathers were able to beare and if it were possible to doe the commandements yet the holie Ghost te●●eth vs that e Gal. 2.21 if righteousnesse bee by the lawe then Christ died without a cause Against the ninth Article the Romists do diuersly oppose themselues shewing themselues to bee of no religion For first they adde the commandement of the church making it equall vnto Gods written worde saying f Gret decre● pars 1. dist 20. cap. de libellis They which receiue not indifferently their Canons they profitablie effectually and to purpose holde or beleeue neither the catholike faith nor the foure holy Euangelistes They adde moreouer that g Distinct 19. all the decretals constitutions of that sea yea though it decree things scarce to bee borne yet must they bee borne with a godly deuotion though there bee as h Decret abbreuiat in versibus they say in one booke of decrees aboue 3000. Againe they say that i Concil Trident sess 4. decret 1. pari pietatis affectu reuerentia Traditions pertaine to faith and maners and that they doe receiue and embrace them with equall godly deuotion and reuerence as they doe the holy scriptures Lastly they set the Church before the scriptures as that by k Test Rhem. note vpon Gal. 2. vers 2. 6. D. Smith briefe treatise cap 2. 3. it the scriptures are so farre made knowen to all Christians as they are not bound so to take them vnlesse by the authoritie of the Church they knew them And that the authoritie of holy scripture dependeth and hangeth vpon the iudgement of the vniuersall or catholike church and that there are many vnwritten verities left by Christ and his Apostles to be beleeued and obeyed vnder paine of damnation Here is the mouth of blasphemie if wee may beleeue the vndoubted word of God how hee teacheth vs to esteeme of the holy scriptures and of the Church for in the olde Testament hee saith l Esai 8.20 To the law and to the testimonie if they speake not according to this word it is because there is no light in them And in the new a 2. Tim. 3.13 The holy scriptures are able to make thee wise vnto saluation c. Let then euery wise man iudge that if the scriptures bee able to make a man wise vnto saluation and that there is no light that is to say knowledge of truth and godlinesse in them which agree not to the holy scriptures what canons decrees decretals traditions or vnwritten verities can haue any authoritie vnlesse they agree to the written word of God or that they can containe in them any thing not written in the scripture which is of necessitie to saluation or which not to doe or beleeue is damnation Againe how can the scriptures take their authoritie from the church seeing that the church is of no light vnlesse it bee found agreeable to the scriptures and therefore no church except it bee approued by the scriptures and so the scripture is iudge ouer the church and not contrarie And if I say the scriptures can make a man wise vnto saluation it is the greatest follie in the world to clogge the people of God with so many thousand of needles canons decrees decretals traditions and vnwritten falsely called verities and so make the light and easie yoke of Iesus Christ most heauie and burdenous If these diuilish blasphemies were true alas who could be saued For who was euer found that did or could doe all the foresaid Canons and traditions Therefore in them is fulfilled which is said by the Lord of Hypocrites b Math. 23.4 They bind heauie greeuous burthens not to be borne and lay them on mens sholders but they themselues will not moue them with one of their fingers Let vs abandon therefore these painted sepulchers and enemies of all true
godlinesse which burden Gods house with such great volumes of new laws made by men contrary to the true faith religion when God telleth vs expressely that his c Psal 19.7 Deut. 4. law written in his word is perfect and conuerteth the soule and that to it nothing is to be added or taken away In the tenth Article the contradiction is manifest to the whole worlde for all men see that they restraine the worde Catholike to one place and that the whole Church should be ruled by her square the whole vniuersall worlde made catholike by one citie wheras one city cannot be the vniuersal church of the whole world which containeth the meanest and smallest part of the whole Besides this they doe not hold professe the onely true catholike faith but do most earnestly fearsely and cruelly persecute Christ his members stand only vpon vain titles of antiquitie vniuersalitie visible succession other false grounds which are common to all the wicked pagans which notwithstanding their brags can not be found in their sinagogue and profession And as is their faith such is their preaching mans traditions and deuises altogether strangers from the life of God their sacraments as they handle the matter are not only ful of vnclean mixtures but also peruerted without authority from God All which to him that considereth will bee found true in the examination of the articles going afore following after namely that they haue nothing in doctrine or practise of the nature of the true Church of God nor yet those visible marks which do indeed truely shew discerne and make knowne the true church and chast spouse of Christ In the eleuenth Article there need but few words for when they worship the Roode and other idols relickes of Saints and the sacrament and when they pray to the virgine Marie to the Apostles and all canonized Saints of that sea euerie man may by by perceiue that they worship not God onely And if they would shift vs off with their blind distinction of Latine doulia hyperdoulia it is not the daliance of termes that can helpe the matter except the word of God made such a difference Againe they themselues a Preceptoriū Nider precept 1. cap. 6. Latria idem est quod seruitus Deo exhibita c. teach that latria which themselues say is a worship due and proper to God alone may be done and might lawfully be done to these namely to the trinitie of the persons diuine to the three Angels whom Abraham saw to the done appearing vpon Christ to the voice of the father to the wordes of the holy scripture in as much as they proceede from God to the manhoode of Christ vnited to his Godhead to the crosse of Christ to the image of Christ to the sacrament of the Eucharist to the garments nailes and speare of Christ If here the proper honour and worship of God bee not giuen to creatures and that these things be not disagreeing to the holy and ancient religion allowed by God I know not what is Let it be tried by that which God saith in the old testament b Psal 50.15 Call vpon me in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me And in the new Christ speaketh in the minde and meaning of the old c Math. 4.10 Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him onely shalt thou serue In the twelfth Article there are many disagreementes of Romish superstition and idolatrie from the true catholike religion First in the generall nature of a sacrament they add a further power namely that the sacraments containe grace giue grace and a Concil trident ses 7. that of the worke wrought yea and this alway and vnto all on the part of God and that without them or the vow of them a man doth not receiue of God the grace of Iustification and that the intent of the Minister is required at least according to the generall intent of the Church In which are two manifest cut-throats of the nature of a Sacrament for by conteyning grace c vnderstanding that grace is in the outward signe and so by the only outward ministerie as it is wrought by the Minister grace is giuen this maketh it more then a signe and a seale of the couenant and giueth that to the outward signe worke wrought of man which is due to the spirit of God And secondly the necessity of the Priests intention is made an efficient bearding outfacing the institution of God as though that the being of the Sacrament depended not onlie and wholly vpon Gods ordaining and institution but that it must haue the intent of the minister to make it a Sacrament And here they are to be vnderstood of the Sacraments of the new testament therfore let vs heare how God in the new law of the gospel doth teach the contrarie For he applyeth the vertue of both Sacraments to the spirit saying b 1. Cor. 12.13 By one spirit are wee all baptized into one body whether wee be Iewes or Grecians whether wee be bound or free and haue beene all made to drinke into one spirit therefore the power is not in the outward signe or worke but onlie in the spirit because that c Ver. 4. 11. the diuersities of gifts come of the same spirit and he distributeth them to euerie one seuerallie as he will And as for the Priests intent he saith in the same chapter a Ver. 6. There are diuersities of operations but God is the same which worketh all in all If then God worke all where is the ground of the Priests intent and if the spirit distribute as hee will where is the worke wrought c There is yet a third addition namely that they lay vpon these sacraments the grace of iustification which God saith euidently is imputed to faith without any workes euen as b Rom. 11. c. Gal. 3.6 Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed to him for righteousnes Secondly for the number the presuming sea addeth fiue matrimonie orders confirmation penance extreame vnction not one of them hauing the true nature of a sacrament for they are no where ordeined and commaunded of God to any such purpose except we would childishly say as they doe namely c Manipul curat cap. 1. de instit sacra that hee ordained confirmation when he laid his hands vpon children and said suffer little children to come vnto me and orders when he said Doe this in remembrance of me penance when he said to leapers Go shew your selues to the Priest and extreame vnction when hee sent his Apostles to anoint and heale the sicke that he made matrimony a sacrament when in the wombe of the virgin M. he would ioyne our nature to the diuine in the vnity of person c So might wee make a multitude of sacraments making of clay to
of an other subiect And accidents are and haue a being without their true substance proper and naturall subiect A bodie which is a thing circūscriptible and by the diuine law of Gods creation prouidence is alway and can be but in one place at one time is here made and set in diuers places yet still one the same and that at one time in heauen and earth at Constantinople at Ierusalem at Rome at Carthage euery where But how cā they shift here the making of God to assume these formes as they call thē into the vnity of his person that so God man the formes of bread wine make not one Christ for by their doctrine these formes haue no being but in Christ Christ is vnder thē I quake to write it yet say they we must beleeue this chāge for nothing is vnpossible to God They must not so blinde our eies for it is vnpossible to God to haue already done that which he neuer did nor neuer will doe such is this transubstantiation of theirs It is impossible for God to deny himself such is this transubstātiation it is impossible for God to lie such is this transubstātiation Againe how can this be a sacrament when the outward signes be gone and a remembrance of him that is present but rather that himself is the signe of himself a remembrance of himself present neither yet is this so for we cannot see him feele nor vnderstand how he is present that he might be a signe or a remēbrance of himselfe but a third thing is present the accidents or forms of bread wine this is a new learning to teach Christ and his Apostles to goe to schoole nay this is the monster of all mōsters Teach we the Indians that this is the God of the christians may they not think rather the sunne or moone more likely to be God to haue a more expresse maiestie of a God may not the diuel laugh in himself that he hath so far passing measure bewitched the wise and graue learned mē to beleeue that which a child may easily perceiue to be meere folly Infinit is the blood that hath bin shed to maintaine this fansie and who would not willingly spend all the blood in his heart rather thē to yeeld to such blasphemie But the diuel is not herewithal content but that he might lead thē euery way as slaues in triumph against God and his Christ he maketh thē to worship these formes and host as they call it and carrie it about in procession that all men might adore it as God And this a Concil trident Ses 6. Septemb. 17. 1562. Cap. 1. ses 3. canon 5. they build vpon these words of Christ Doe this in remembrance of mee for by them as they say the Priest hath power to make a sacrifice propitiatorie and then being turned into God they say it is meet and fit that hee should be worshipped whom God bringing into the world commaunded the Angels to adore But herein first they gainesay the Scripture which teacheth the end of all sacrifices by the Priesthood of Christ as is by many arguments proued from the sixt till the eleuenth Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrewes Secondlie when they cause it to be worshipped and yet God instituted it to be taken and eaten onelie what doe they but peruert the ordinance of God and they say wee must worship the sacrament or els Christ in the sacrament If they say the sacrament then they cannot say Christ because he is not the sacrament but the sacrament is a signe of him or els the sacrament is no sacrament I so they say in the sacrament thē they say no thing because that by their doctrine there is no such thing but only the formes of bread and wine for the bread and wine is turned into Christs body and blood as they say and so there is nothing left to be the sacrament Yet if it were so as they say what man can appoint a new forme of worship to be performed vnto God without his expresse commandement or authoritie Math. 15. Looke in the Masse booke ordinarium Missae For Christ saith that all such worship as is by the precept of men is in vaine And lastly consider how this can agree when they offer the sacrifice they desire God to accept that sacrifice againe when they shew it the people they cause them to worship it a strange and new kind of God that must be prayed for and praied to But howsoeuer it is a manifest thing that the popish sacrament and sacrifice is not the same which Christ instituted and therefore not of the exercises of the true Catholike religion For if Saint Paul when there was among the Corinthians but a little abuse in the mixture of eating 1. Cor. 11.20 in the congregation at the time of the celebration of the Lords supper whereupon there was discontentment betweene rich and poore if I say hereupon hee called them to the plaine and simple institution saying I haue receiued of the Lord that which I haue deliuered vnto you c. And therein addeth nothing to that which is written in Mathew Marke and Luke what doth he inferre but that it should be obserued without all additions and therfore vpon this ground forbiddeth their eating in the church What would he haue done if he had seene such swelling boiles filthy bunches standing vp so abhominablie as these Romish additaments which altogether take away the verie forme of Christes institution This sheweth how little these men haue of the gospell of Christ the teachers whereof are enioyned to teach the church to doe b Mat. 28.19 1. Tim. 6.4 whatsoeuer he commaunded And to keepe this commandement without spot and vnrebukeable vntill the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ And therefore wee are not bound to c 1. Cor. 11.1 follow them any otherwise but as they follow Christ In the thirteenth Article the sea of Rome is directly contradictory to the christian religion For they say a Concil Trident de sacris ling. peregrin cap. 8. Et si missa contineat populi fidelis eruditionem c. Although the masse containe great instruction of the faithfull people yet it seemed not conuenient to the fathers that it should be celebrated euerie where in the vulgar tongue And their masse booke which containeth prayers celebration of sacraments reading of holy scriptures c. is set forth to bee vsed in the latine tongue But saith b Manip curat cap. 10. de rit quo deb miss celebra one of that side Sciendum quod missa tribus linguis c. It is to be vnderstoode that the masse is celebrated in three languages that is to say Hebrew Greeke and Latine For Alleluya Amen Osanna Sabaoth are taken of the Hebrew Kyrie eleeson Christe eleeson are taken of the Greeke all the rest are Latin The masse is said in these three manners because
the title of Christ hanging on the crosse was written in Hebrew Greeke and Latine Where you may see three strange thinges to bee done of these holy fathers first to celebrate that in an vnknowne tongue which containeth great instruction to the faithfull people as if it were meete in their eies that the meate which was good and appointed for them ought to bee kept out of their sight Secondly that this order must be learned of Pontius Pilate who put Christ to death a verie good an Apostle for an Apostaticall Church Thirdly this is expressely repugnant to holy scripture which saith c 1. Cor. 14.26.28 Let all things be done to edification and that hee which speaketh in a strange tongue should keepe silence in the Church In the foureteenth Article they bee also contradictorie to the truth And first touching matrimony they haue three degrees of contradiction d Concil trid sess 8. canon 9. First absolutely forbidding all preestes and ecclesiasticall persons to marie e Canon 11. Secondly they forbidde mariage certaine times in the yeare as in Lent c. And f Canon 3. thirdly take vpon thē to dispence with the order of God g Cap. 18. in Leuiticus touching the degrees of kindred prohibited also to adde and ordaine moe degrees to be prohibited which God hath not forbidden And whosoeuer doth maintain the Christian libertie herein they pronounce him Anathema accursed Forgetting what h Act. 10.15 Reuelat. 3.7 God said to Peter That God hath purified pollute thou not and that Christ the head of his Church hath the keye of Dauid that openeth and no man shutteth c. Wherefore seeing that Christ hath made i Heb. 13.4 Tit. 1.15 mariage honourable for all men and that by his ordinance To the cleane all things are cleane doe they not herein bewray their apostatical presumption to challenge authoritie more then euer Peter durst euen aboue Christ when they make mariage dishonourable in certayne times and persons and dispence by giuing libertie where Christ forbiddeth and making restraint where hee giueth libertie Now in the authoritie of the magistrate how vnlike the Pope is vnto Peter euerie man seeth For cleane contrarie to all religion and honestie hee taketh vppon him not onely to bee vniuersall Bishoppe aboue all Bishoppes but also vniuersall ministeriall head in earth aboue all power and potentates kinges and Emperours that is aboue all that is called k Psal 82.1 The Pope aboue all called God God Therefore we need not vse many wordes in this place seeing the Pope vsurpeth that which Christ himselfe neuer did in his owne person neyther gaue to any other after him For he meekely submitted himselfe to the ciuill power saying directly a Ioh. 18.36 Mark 10.43 My kingdome is not of this world and forbidding others he saith It shall not be so among you In the fifteenth Article the disagreement by addition that where the true religion by holie scripture haue this hope of the bodies rising at the last day The sea of Rome teach another arising namely of the soule out of Limbus Patrum out of purgatorie and out of Hell before that great day of iudgement come As first that b Test Rhem. annot Luc. 16.22.26 Dorbel distinct 2 sent 4. In miss quotid pro defund offert Christ descended into Hell deliuered the fathers some out of Limbus some out of purgatorie which had lien there till that time And that in hell a man may suffer part of his temporall penance which being ended hee is free from thence and therefore they pray in their Masse Domine Iesu c. O Lord Iesu Christ deliuer the soules departed c. Which dreaming additament of hope concerning the dead bewrayeth it selfe to disagree from the Christian religion in as much as God doth teach men that after death the faithfull doe onely rest till the last day First in the olde testament thus c Esa 57.2 Dan 12.13 He shall enter into peace they shall rest in their beds Thou shalt rest and stand vp in thy lot at the end of the daies And in the new Testament d Reuelat. 14.13 Blessed are the dead which hereafter die in the Lord euen so saith the spirit for they rest from their labours If they rest and that till they stand vp then no translation out of Limbus Purgatorie or Hell And if they rest then no penance in hell or purgatorie for the faithfull Therefore I may conclude in this place that the popish superstition hath verie little or no affinitie with the true ancient and catholike religion but it hath verie many great intollerable disagreements from the same CAP. II. Of the disagreement that popish superstition now taught in Rome hath with the religion which Saint Paul taught the Romans and with the doctrine Saint Peter taught the Iewes IT will also appeare how new the superstition of poperie is if we find they keep not the doctrine of the blessed Apostles and founders of Christs Church Saint Paule and Saint Peter vpon which two they father all their authoritie and doings and call them founders and protectors and patrons of the church of Rome If then they be fallē from the faith which these two holy Apostles taught by the spirit of truth they must needs be accounted vpstarts of an apostatical new borne generation Marke therefore good Reader and consider Saint Paul taught the Romanes that it was an hethenish wickednes a Rom. 1.23 to turne the glorie of the incorruptible God into the similitude of a corruptible man The sea of Rome that now is cleane contrarie to that doctrine doth make images to represent the Trinitie and to represent God the father by the likenesse of an olde corruptible man The doctrine which Saint Peter taught the Iews saith that b Act. 2.23 Christ was deliuered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God to bee crucified and slaine by the handes of wicked men The sea of Rome that now is doth say that God did onely foresee but not determine or ordaine any thing which he commandeth not and it is certaine he commanded not the Iewes to crucifie Christ therefore in these two points they agree not with Paul Peters doctrine S. Paul taught the ancient Romanes that a Rom. 8.7 The wisedome of the flesh that is to say the knowledge and will of man as it is infected by original corruption before we be regenerate is enmitie against God and that it is not subiect to the law of God neither in deed can bee And the doctrine of Peter to the Iewes is that wee b 1. Pet. 1.22.23 cap. 2. 1. 2. 2. Cor. 3.5 are borne againe as new borne babes shewing that without the spirit of God we haue not one good thought But these new Romistes say that mans will onely stirred vp by the grace of God can prepare it selfe to the grace of iustification and doeth workes of congruitie pleasing God and
they met or came by euen as wee read of rhe papist in France in our daies most cruelly murdering Gods beloued Saints And as the papists haue their coniurations of their holy waters and Agnus dei and exorcismes in Baptisme so these wicked donatistes with those abominable heretikes called Basilidians and Eunomians had their enchantments and coniurations These filthie heretikes the donatistes together with that horrible heresie of Arius did so far account themselues the holie and catholike church that they would baptise againe them which were of the true church making thēselues only the catholike church And there were other heretiks called Apostolici that is apostolike which so termed thēselues because they thoght thēselues more apostolike then others namly because they receaued not into their cōmunion maried persōs such as possessed goods proper to them selues So find we among the papists these vnmaried persons religious without proprietie of goods the papists call themselues the holie mother church of Rome the Catholike and apostolike church and are in deed verie like their fathers these heretikes hauing in deed no more but the name of the holie catholike and apostolike church banishing from them and by fire and sword persecuting the true religion and doctrine and faithfull members of the holy catholike apostolike church But what should I endeuour to shewe all the popish stocke linage and kindred what neere affinitie they haue with Iudaisme in plentie and maner of ceremonies traditions of elders meritorious righteousnes and fained holines what bastardlie conformitie they haue with all pagainisme in innumerable idols and sorts of religions and in sundrie patrons of saints and Gods of countries and nations what perfect consanguinitie they haue with Mahumetisme making vp as it were one entire bodie of Antechrist engendred bread compact and compound of all heresies religions superstitions and rudiments of this world whatsoeuer by east and by west raysing vp wars seditions and all maner of vilaines to put downe the glorious and blessed name and gospell of Christ by their owne Alcorans lawes decrees and decretals with innumerable forgeries that they them selues may raigne as the chiefe prophets of GOD and head of his church Only this one thing would be remembred that after Anno domini 600. these two monstrous twins began to come foorth into the open sight and light of the world and to shew them selues blasphemous against God and his Christ being engendred with the cursed seed of Sathan and of a long breeding in those former heretikes euen from the Apostles times of which times and generation it is said by Saint Paul the blessed seruant of Christ 2. Thess 2. The mysterie of iniquitie doth alreadie woorke Therfore one of their owne popes Gregorie whom they call the great the first of that name and Pelagius his predecessor resisted most mightelie Iohn Patriarke of Constantinople for presuming to take vnto him the name of vniuersall patriarke priest of priestes or Bishop of Bishops affirming that hee which so did was the forerunner of Antechrist And so indeed it fell out for it was not long after that Mahomet came forth in the East and began to supplant the church of Christ with his abominations And pope Boniface the 3. which in a few yeres after this Gregorie got this vniuersall title of Bishop of Bishops and so began Antechrists first birth in the open eies of the world And these two brothers haue since growen to their perfection and the more they haue growen the lesse hath been the honour and name of Christ and the knowledge of his gospell amongst the sons of men Till now it hath pleased God of his gracious goodnes and free fauour to make them knowen what they are and by the breath of his mouth to consume thē Now the glory of Christ crucified and the truth of his gospel beginneth like the morning light to take holde on the corners of the earth The Lord our God and merciful father be blessed and praised therefore Amen CHAP. IIII. Of the original of poperie Wherein is declared 1. that by the precedent Chapters it may appeare to be of a late birth 2. That neither the difference os calculation in stories nor forging of writinges nor managing of good authors doo hinder the knowledge of their new birth 3. Their owne toongs and traditions proue poperie new 4. Many particulers are rehearsed out of popish authors and the former counsels 5. Fiue foundamentall points more largelie examined by antiquitie 6. The latter ouergrowing and lopping and dailie now sprowting of poperie 7. That popery is not yet a perfect bodie of his fulshape proportion and members NOw am I come to the arising of poperie how it therein agreeth with heresie For if it may be plainly and directly shewed how poperie had his beginning both in regard of the author thereof and of the time wherein it bread and came forth diuerse and a disagreeing and seperate from the true religion whose authoritie and time came from God that it is of a later generation and off-spring then euerie wise christian will readily see and acknowledge that it is borne in these last times with other filthie heresies and that it cannot be the true ancient catholike religion but new borne and late vpstarted superstitious and counterfeit like as a 1. King 3.16 she that pleded for her selfe to be mother of the liue child was foūd by wise Salomon to be in deed the mother of the dead child And this by gods grace I doubt not but to make manifest to euery honest man who wil not wilfully blind his eies against the knowne truth And this I may so much the more boldlie affirme because that vnto him that marketh it well it doth alreadie sufficientlie and plainely appeare by that which is written before And that by foure arguments of great demonstration in my conscience First because that the true religion is the same which is now in England and this is proued to haue beene from the beginning of the worlde by Gods ordinance set foorth in holie Scripture and because by the learned men of this lande it is euidently taught and defended in the chiefe and maine heads thereof out of the fathers for 600. yeeres after Christes incarnation and by historie knowne to haue remained in the greeke church and in diuers partes of the west till our time Secondly because the religion of Rome is directly contrarie and disagreeing thereunto And thirdly that they follow not the doctrine taught by Saint Paul and Peter and lastlie that they agree with the heretikes of the primatiue Church and be as it were compact of many heresies which sprang vp in the first 600. yeeres which foure thinges being apparant in the former Chapters of this booke there needeth no more to proue the new learning of popish superstition to bee of a late off-spring and generation 2. Howbeit I wil here adde a fift argument which is this that popery may be shewed how it is
any thing But most wofull is that which is c Pag. 10.15 reported of Fredericke the Emperour being so outragiously tossed and turmoiled by the Pope that hee did most comfortlesse lament most plentifully and bitterly weepe and his eyes did runne with teares which was a miserable sight in a man of so great authoritie and age who bewailing and wringing his hands he said Woe bee vnto me against whom mine owne bowels doe fight Peter whom I beleeued to bee the rocke and the halfe of my soule hath prepared for mee the snares of death Behold the Lord Pope whom the Empire vnder my noble auncestors hath created and enriched of nothing goeth about to pull downe the same deuiseth the destruction of mee who am ruler of the same Empire now readie to fall Whom shall I trust where may I bee safe where ioyfull hereafter c. And thus did that angelicall pride so batter and bring downe the ciuill power and dominion in all places that it is a most manifest thing that in the time of Luther d Reade Iohn Sleid. coment lib. 14. as he verie wisely and truely noteth the doctrine of the magistrates office and his authoritie was as it were dead and buried and all power and dominion stole from them by this most horrible Apostaticall sea of Rome And that no maruell for it is e said of Pope Boniface the eight Albert. Krant Metropol lib. 2. cap. 2. that the round worlde was not bigge inough for his mind who put on his head the pontificiall and imperiall myter testifying that both swords were in his hands What shall we say then If that poperie be naturally such a nurse and mother of all kind of sinne fornication whoredome and all filthinesse treacherie rebellion contention war murder oppression and all kind of crueltie if it weaken all common wealthes by exactions extortions vsurpation and arrogancie and open the gate to all villanie and falshood by dispensations and sanctuaries and make all authority of the ciuill magistrate of most vile estimation and without reputation vse and profit to Gods people leading all sorts of men into most vile slauerie of filthie idolatrie and humane inconstancie let their owne mouth be iudge against themselues For thus Pope pius the second saith Aeneas Syluius ex histor Bohemica Vana est religio quae sceleri locum facit Vaine is that religion which is a maintainer of wickednesse which if all papistes would consider how it agreeth with poperie whereof I haue giuen them heere a little light they would quickly forsake that house of vanities tower of confusion 3 I would then demand of any honest man and wise Christian who feared God and beleeued in Iesus Christ and did looke for his appearing and the last iudgement how that wee of the true religion now publikely taught and professed in England could bee made to like of the popish seruice to bee tollerated or winked at in our countrie or that wee could find a way to reconcile both religions whether it were not as if one imagine that life death water and fire light and darknesse hell and heauen might reioyce and comfort each other For it is not possible for a true Christian protestant to haue peace ioy or comfort in the fellowship of a true hereticall papist they are in all things as is aforesaid so contrarie What mixture is there of the feet that are partly Iron and partly earth so is the euerlasting most ancient and vnchangeable faith of Gods elect professed in England likely to agree with the earthly new borne superstition of the Romish sinagogue Set me the beleeuer and the infidell the true Christian and the hereticke in one fraternitie how will they agree Euen as Cain was kind to Abell Ismael honored Isaack Esau sought the safetie of Iacob and Saul loued Daued so will the papists be kind and faithful vnto vs. And let all men know that when God hath said I will put enmitie betweene the seed of the woman the seed of the serpent There can bee no peace nor reconciliation betweene vs. It had need bee a verie fine wit but certesse no wise man who can shewe how these may agree one saith thou art Antechrist and the other answereth thou art an hereticke this man saith thou art an idolater the other saith to him againe thou art a schismaticke the one abhorreth all images pardons purgatories merites sacrifices monkerie latine seruice c. The other hath all his hartes delight in them and careth not what murder he commit to maintain such trumperie Can these agree or bee reconciled The persecutions prisons burnings war murders massacries villanies and cruelties which now haue continued daily be practised by that sea of Rome in all ages and countries do warrant a miserable peace reconciliation They may lye sweare and forsweare kill and rebel and do any thing for aduantage and yet by absolution pardon or dispensation be holy children They may dissemble pretend contentment and obedience as they are not ashamed to professe vntill they bee strong inough to ouercome for aduantage breake promise catch at all occasions in what case are we if we should trust them to assemble together Think we that if they might haue but the least entrance or tolleration that they would not quickly frame some great mischiefe which now continually labour with such plots of treacherie to vndermine the state notwithstanding that lawes are in some measure God be thanked pressed vpon them and the eyes of many wise counsellors watch ouer them and preuent them Ciuil men and politicians know that it is dangerous to haue a naturall enemie neere thee and that leagues and agreement amongst enemies and with the wicked are but baites snares and nettes to destroy thee so much more is it impossible that a Christian common wealth can haue any good by tollerating of Antechristian obseruations or doctrine except to make them to be goads in their sides pricks in their eyes alwaies readie to rise vp against them vnto mischiefe as the Cananites were vnto Israel As a Wolfe will play with a lambe and a Foxe with a Goose and a Lion with a Kidde so may all they which feare God beleeue to bee saued by onely faith in Christ abhorring idols and louing the right and iust authoritie of the magistrate find fauour and peace at the handes of papistes if once they wincke at their religion For though I say nothing of Gods hand which is alway heauie against his Church when they are friends with idolaters wee haue too many hundred yeares experience what this new religion of poperie hath brought into this world and how solitarie it hath made the tents of Gods Saints I verily thinke that no Christian prince knowing his owne right from God and the vncertainty of his standing vnder that scarlet whore that if he haue any courage or power in his handes will giue any countenance to such as hee