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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A85397 Impvtatio fidei. Or a treatise of justification wherein ye imputation of faith for righteousness (mentioned Rom: 43.5.) is explained & also yt great question largly handled. Whether, ye actiue obedience of Christ performed to ye morall law, be imputed in justification or noe, or how it is imputed. Wherein likewise many other difficulties and questions touching ye great busines of iustification viz ye matter, & forme thereof etc are opened & cleared. Together wth ye explication of diuerse scriptures, wch partly speake, partly seeme to speake to the matter herein discussed by John Goodwin, pastor in Coleman-street. Goodwin, John, 1594?-1665.; Glover, George, b. ca. 1618. 1642 (1642) Wing G1172; Thomason E139_1; ESTC R15925 312,570 494

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Doctrine mainteyned in this Discourse they are fully and at large taken off in that (a) pag. 6.7 8 9 10. c. and the contrary opinion arrested upon strong and vehement suspicion of confederacie indeed with the uncleane Spirit of those errors Yea it hath bin more then once in this Treatise affirmed and once at least if not twice (b) Part 1. ●c 23. Part. 2. cap. 2. Sect. 8. sufficiently proved aswell by evidence of reason as by the Authority of able learned and understanding men that such an imputation of the Active obedience of Christ as Mr. Walker with some others maintain and which hath bin impugned hitherto doth absolutly cancell and make voyde the necessity of Christs satisfaction by his death which is the Spirit and soule or Socinian Heresie See the testimonies cited from Paraeus and Piscator to this purpose cap. 2. Sect. 8. of this second Part whereunto I shall here adde a passage or two from Mr. Gataker in his little Tract against Gomarus Be it granted saith hee pag 7. (c) Detur h● minem etiam paenu ex lege violata debit●● non obnoxium tantum sed constrictum etiam ad obedientiam nihilominus exhibendam teneri ut nullus dices nec quod evincat qui●quā omnine comparet isthic hominem qui ebedientiam legi a●solutissiman pr●●st●●erit etiam ad poenas de pendendas nihilom●nus tenert At qui hac ratione pugaant illi quos tu impetu non fuisse necesse ut Christus cum legem pro nobis ad extremum apicem obseruasset ad poenas insuper pro iisdem subeundas adigetur ut ista saltē hac ratione supervacanes fuerint Gatak Elench Gomor p. 7.8 Si enim Christi obedientia quā Legi loco nostro Prastitit nobis ad justitiam imputatur imputationis hujus●e beneficio justi plane constituimur ac proinde sub legu maledectione non su●us amplius cōstituti nec propterea Christi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 redimi ab ea quae nos obnoxies non habet opus habemus Idem p. 19. Si fideles Christi obedientia activa sibi a Deo imputata perfecte justi constituuntur nihil illis amplius opus est m●rte Christi quam pro injustis non pro justu ille oppetebat Idem p. 37. that a man that is liable to punishment yea and that actually lieth under punishment for the transgression of the Law is notwithstanding still bound to the keeping of the Law yet surely you will not say neither is there any thing in what you write which any waies proves that that man who perfectly fulfills the Law is yet bound to suffer punishment And this is the plea of those whom you oppose that there was no necessity that Christ having kept the Law for us to the utmost jot and title thereof should further be put upon it to suffer punishment for us also So that in this respect at least that punishment or sufferings of his must be superfluous and needlesse Againe afterwards in the same Tract p. 19. If the obedience of Christ which he performed to the Law in our stead be imputed unto us for righteousnesse we must needs be made perfectly righteous by the benefit of such an imputation and so we are no more under the curse of the Law nor was there any need that we should be redeemed from that by the blood of Christ which had no power over us Yet once more in the same Treatise p. 37. he frames the argument of those with whom himselfe joynes against Gomarus in the point in hand after this manner If Beleevers are made perfectly righteous with the active obedience of Christ imputed by God unto them then have they no need at all of the death of Christ for them which death he suffered not for the righteous but for the unrighteous So that if men were not partiall in themselves but would please so farre to dispence with their prejudice as to judge righteous judgement betweene the Doctrine laid downe and defended in this Discourse and that which opposeth it it would cleerely appeare that this were the right Horse to set the Saddle of Socinianisme and Arminianisme upon and not the other And as the equity of this decision touching the imputation and non-imputation of Christs active obedience fully appeares by what hath bin now and formerly said in this discourse SECT 10 so as touching the imputation and non imputation of Faith in a proper sense it appeares as fully also in those passages lately related unto in that other discourse mentioned But howsoever we have abundantly vindicated the Doctrine asserted in this Treatise from all imputations either of Socinianisme Arminianisme Popery or the like so that we need make no more bridles to put into the lips of these uncleane Spirits yet give me leave to suggest this for a close of this Chapter that if every Doctrine which either Socinians Arminians or Papists hold and maintain should suffer the reproach and infamie either of heresie error or untruth because they are found in their writings there are very few Doctrines in that Reformed Religion which we professe but will be found Matters of that calculation Especially all those fundamentall Articles or Doctrines comprehended in that Breviate or Summarie of Christian Religion called the Apostles Creed which as farre as I understand is generally received and subscribed unto by all Reformed Churches without exception must lie under the ignominie either of Socinianisme Arminianisme Popery or the like it being certaine that there is none of them but is professed and maintained by one or other or by all of these stigmatique Factions So that it is the most ridiculous and trifling argument that can be against an opinion unworthy either men or learning to make an out-crie against it of Heresie Blasphemy Socinianisme Arminianisme Popery and the like when in the meane time men are able to produce nothing from the Scriptures to purpose nor yet to evince by any solid or substantiall reason that it is so much as an untruth Such passionate arguments as these may haply ravish the simplicity and weaknesse of women and Children and carie away a great captivity of these and indeed they are exactly calculated for the meridian of their tempers but men of understanding are little affected with them except it be as they are arguments of the weaknesse and insufficiencie of those that so use them CAP. VII VVherin the chiefe grounds and Arguments for imputation of Christs Active obedience in the sense hitherto opposed are proposed and Answered IN the former part of this discourse many things have bin debated and argued and somewhat also in this latter against that imputation of Christs active obedience or righteousnesse in Iustification which makes it either the formall cause thereof whether in whole or in part or the right and title of beleevers to eternall life It now only remaines that we heare patiently and consider unpartially and Answere distinctly those arguments and reasons
Mistresse I have only the fourth and last and indeed the least and lightest imputation of unseasonablenesse to wipe off and then I trust the Discourse will be innocent The troublesome workings of the times the labouring both of Church and State as it were in the fire for the present will I make no question be pleaded by many as repugnant and much dissuasive to the publication of such a piece as this This offence I hope will be thoroughly healed by these and the like lenitives First the publication of it at least of part of it was intended whilest all things were yet in peace amongst us Secondly as the mother cannot chuse her time wherein she shall bring forth or the child be borne but must be content with the time which God and nature have appointed her though it be in never so many respects unseasonable for her so neither had I liberty to carve an opportunity to my own minde liking for the putting forth of this piece but was by a speciall hand of necessitie and providence cast upon this season such as it is My time was some yeares since but Gods time it seemes was not till now 3. When a man is fallen into a kennel and become all mirie and durty thereby it is not unseasonable for him to take the first opporitunity he can meet with to wash and make himselfe cleane In like manner when he is dangerously wounded there is no place for scanning opportunities or fitnesses of seasons wherein to be healed Those numberlesse base reproaches and forged cavillations and slanders under which I have a long time suffered far and neere yea and yet suffer daily not only in City and Country but in Kingdome and Kingdome yea aswell beyond the Seas as on this side are I conceive in the judgment of all reasonable men an authentique dispensation unto me to neglect curiositie of times or seasons for my vindication Fourthly nor do I conceive what ill aspect such a subject as this can have upon the times or affaires of the Church or State depending Those that are Interessed in the procuration of these have doubtlesse both their hearts and their heads and their hands full of imployment otherwise and during the time of these ingagements will have little list or leysure to traverse writings of this nature Or if they should I know not what antipathie the Doctrine here maintained should have either to the prudent or peaceable composure of our troubles Nay Fiftly certaine I am that if the Doctrine of Justification that is the opening of the dore of life and salvation unto men be more seasonable at one time then another the advantage lyes for times of troubles and dangers of feares and distractions in the world When can it be of deeper and deerer concernment to the soule to see with Stephen the Heavens open then when the earthly house of this Tabernacle as the Apostles metaphor is begins to be shaken and is ready to fall as it was with Stephen when he saw that vision Sixtly the fittest season for a calme and quiet debating of matters in controversie between parties engaged is when both parties are involv'd in the same condition of danger or trouble The Martyrs in Q. Maries daies being together in prison argued their differēces in points of Religion as Election Reprobation c. with more meeknesse moderation and mutual equanimitie then in al likelyhood they would have done in fullnesse of peace and liberty on both sides Wee have many examples in History where a common enemy proved a mediator between those that were at variance before yea and were like so to have continued had not the attonement bin made by a way or meanes displeasing to both I meane by a danger threatening both Seventhly and lastly to support so great and important a truth of the Gospell as that contended for in the Discourse is by a faire interpretation a meanes farre more likely to advance both the peace and safety of Church and State and to heale the sores and troubles of both then any waies to prejudice or set back the cure It is much to be feared that among many other grounds and causes of that sore controversie which God is at this day and hath bin some yeares past pleading with the land and his people in it these three have done their parts and help'd forward the displeasure First that those to whom God hath graciously revealed himselfe amongst us and withall endued with guifts and abilities for such a purpose have rais'd the line of Evangelicall knowledg among us so little above what was delivered unto us by our first Reformers We have done little else with that talent of Gospell-light which God at first gave us as a stock to set up and Trade withall for him but only put in a Napkin We have scarce added an haires breadth to our stature in the knowledg of Christ wheras a cubit at least might well be expected from us Secondly that which is worse and of more provocation then the former by our unworthy symbolizing with the Church of Rome in that ignoble Principle of hers so dishonourable to Heauen to beleeve as the Church beleeveth we swallow down many of those misprisions and mistakes in matter of Religion which were found in our first Reformers and teach them for Doctrines and Orthodox truths As if it were not lawfull to thinke that there may be more light in the aire when the Sunne is risen in his might upon the earth then there was at the first dawning and breaking of the day Thirdly and lastly and that which is more unworthy the Name of Christians then either of the former we have quite lost as it were and let fall amongst us many precious truths and streynes of the Gospell which God by the hand of the former generation had conveyed over to us and entrusted us withall An instance whereof may be that very point of truth which is so copiously handled and defended in this Treatise and withall so fully demonstrated to have bin delivered unto us by Luther Calvan Musculus and other worthies of that band Now that such a negligence and sinfull deportment of a Church or people towards God as this is a just occasion of his breaking out in wrath and judgement upon them may be gathered from Rev. 3.11 Hold that fast which thou hast saith the Lord Christ to the Church of Philadelphia that no man take thy Crowne implying that either the loose-holding but especially the letting goe of any Gospell truth which somtimes a Church hath had in custodie and professed indangers the Crown of it that is the peace safety and continuance of it Therefore to endeavour to keepe an ancient truth alive which was ready to die amongst us is rather a meanes to ease and lighten the burthen of that guilt which lieth upon us and consequently to turne away or to abate the displeasure of God and so to further the healing of the Land then any waies to