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A70537 The character of the true church In a sermon preach'd at the French church in the Savoy, upon these words, How goodly are they tents, O Jacob, and thy tabernacles, O Israel, Numb. XXIV. v. 5. By A. D'Astor de Laussac, formerly a prior and an archdeacon of the church of Rome. Dastor de Laussac, Antoine. 1700 (1700) Wing L623C; ESTC R221680 22,752 35

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highest Profanation but if forbid of an abominable Idolatry How comes the Gospel to be so silent in this matter Why did the Holy Ghost who inspir'd the Apostles with all the fundamental truths conceal such important ones from them What! is God so jealous under the Mosaical dispensation of the methods the people of Israel were to use in his worship as to prescribe the very least ceremonies nay the smallest vessels they should use in their Sacrifices and can it be thought under the dispensation of the Gospel that Christ who came to teach men how to worship in purity and in truth and establish a Religion far more excellent than that of the Law should have left it to tradition alone to set rules for the most essential part of Christian worship The Church then is not of Christ's not of his Apostles setting up those that succeeded after the establishment of the Faith are they that laid the foundation or Christian Religion But how does this appear probable Except the Lord build the house Psal 128. they labour in vain that build it Let them insist never so much upon the antiquity rank and profound learning of their Doctors that taught these particular opinions in Christ's Religion there must be seen at least Christ's hand in those of the Gospel Ministers that is the will of Christ and the doctrine of the Gospel must be the foundation of faith and piety 1 Pet. 1. All flesh is as grass saith St Peter and all the glory of man as the flower of grass The grass withereth and the flower thereof falleth away but the word of the Lord endureth for ever And this is the word which is preach'd unto you by the Gospel 'T is that holy word which has always been the foundation of the Christian faith 't is the only rule of faith in the Church of Christ When Religion was upon its decline tradition took place of the Gospel it became the foundation of faith by means of the authority the Ministry had assum'd over the word of God but when the purity of Christianity was re-establish'd the word of God was reinstated in all its prerogatives which the Lord had given it over the Ministry and it may be said of the Reformation what the Prophet said of the establishment of the Church The same stone which the builders refus'd is become the head stone in the corner Psal 118. This is the Lords doings and it is marvellous in our eyes This is the day which the Lord has made we will rejoyce and be glad in it The authority of the word of God is undoubtedly that corner stone of the spiritual building whereby you are reunited with the primitive Christians since you believe nothing but what they believ'd 'T is God Almighty himself that hath purify'd his Church by restoring it to that order he had at first establish'd The Son of God being sent into the world to enlighten all men and the Holy Ghost which Christ sent to his Apostles have secretly reform'd in the Christian Faith all that was not established by the Gospel God has restored the purity of the Gospel to its lustre and that ought to be the subject of your joy since persecution that attends it serves to set off the glorious character of the Church of Christ and that 's the second head of this discourse Balak thinks to compass his designs upon Israel and rid himself more easily of them if he can but get Balaam to curse them he makes him look on all sides but the more he strives to curse them the more he finds himself constrain'd to bless them Thus the Church of Rome tries all ways to render the Protestant Religion odious they expose it in its Reformation Reformers Temper and in its forsaking as they pretend the ancient Ministry But as Balaam with-held by the spirit of God was proof against all the crafty contrivances of Balak so a Christian who is enlighten'd by the Gospel will always look upon the Reformed Church as Balaam did upon Israel 't is a people that shall dwell alone and shall not be reckoned among the Nations Numb 23. The Lord their God is with them and the shout of a King is among them In a word he will cry out notwithstanding all worldly designs and Polices How goodly are thy tents O Jacob and thy tabernacles O Israel This is to be understood of a Christian inlightned by the Spirit of God thoroughly convinc'd of the maxims of the Gospel and that thinks seriously on his Salvation for among Christians who only bear the name of such and whose Religion is their Interest there are many who know the truth to be in that Church Christ has reviv'd but some forsake it because 't is forsaken in their native Country others persecute it because 't is persecuted by the world But what matters it if Religion be obscure to worldly-minded-men who shut up their eyes to the truth when they may be thereby expos'd to misery and contempt what matters it if it be oppos'd by such Christians as find it their particular interest and advantage to be animated with a mistaken zeal 't would be very unjust to judge of a Church by the opinion the world conceives of it for whether we consider the Church as expos'd to the contempt and reproaches the world strives to over-cloud it with or rais'd to lustre and splendour in spite of the world itself those very clouds are as bright and glorious as that glittering light and purity it shines with in the eyes of true Christians and herein do we see the oracle of the Prophet David accomplished there is a day that discovers to us another day and a night that discovers to us another night The beauty of the primitive Church is a day Psal 19.3 that discovers to us the excellency of the reviv'd Church the motives of hatred and persecutions Christ and the primitive Church have undergone form as it were a night that discovers to us the principle of disgraces and oppositions that over-power the Church wherein Christ has renew'd the purity of Faith which was in primitive Christians Who will not then admire the beauty of that reviv'd Church so conspicuous for its uniformity with the primitive Church And who will forsake that Church because 't is reviled by worldlings because 't is hated and persecuted in some parts of the world as Christ and the primitive Christians were This opposition the Church of Christ meets with in the world is one of the fairest strokes to set off its beauty 't is a Seal the Heavenly Father has sealed it with by a happy conformity with Christ Behold this Child said Simeon is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel and for a sign which shall be spoken against Would not one think 〈…〉 he made a description of the reformed Church that having brought again Christianity to purity of Faith revives piety in some and stirs up envy
and animosity in others who make it the scope of their contradictions Let us consider first the principle of oppositions the Church of Christ meets with in the world and then we will examin the different objections raised against it whereby it will appear that all the methods the world takes to sully and obscure its glory do but advance it to a higher degree How comes it that reformation has always been attended with such hatred and contempt that nothing has been left unpracticed in order to suppress it in Christianity To find out the cause of this we must search into the principle of that hatred and envy the Synagogue and the Gentiles bore to Christ and his Church and this is that night which discovers to us another night what shall we do with this man said the Synagogue 〈…〉 speaking of the Saviour of the world This man does many miracles if we let him thus alone all men will believe on him From this jealousy which the Ministers of the Law conceiv'd against him arose that envy and implacable hatred they bore him He was no longer lookt upon but as a Seducer who came with his new Doctrine to disturb Peace and Religion His miracles were attributed to the power of the Devil and after that all endeavours us'd to cry him down in the minds of people proved fruitless his life was openly conspired against chusing rather to sacrifice him and put him to death than that the whole Nation as they feared should perish What made Christianity so odious to the Gentiles nothing else but the pulling down of Images and abolishing of superstitions the world had been buried in for so considerable a time The application is easy and plain could that Religion which protested against the authority usurp'd by the Ministry have been reform'd by taking the Scripture for the only rule of its Faith and Worship without inforcing the Christian world to the necessity of a reformation in those Doctrines of the Church and those practical parts of Piety which Christ and his Apostles had not established It made the necessity of a Reformation so apparent and manifest to the eyes of posterity that those Ministers have made it their business to stifle the thoughts of it both in themselves and in their Flock Hence it is that they being highly offended have omitted nothing in order to render this Church odious to the people who were much more inclined to receive this impression because Reformation seem'd to take away their Gods from them by suppressing some acts of devotion that made up the fundamental parts of their Piety Hence part of Christendom has been seen to conspire the ruin of the Church Christ had re-established chusing rather to sacrifice it to an indiscreet zeal than that humane traditions the use whereof so much flattered the corruption and pride of the heart shou'd receive the least prejudice How goodly are thy Tents O Jacob How glorious it is for a Church which Christ has reviv'd to be hated for the same reasons that made him odious to such as would not receive his Faith And how shameful it is for a Christian Society to fall into the same blindness and injustice of the Synagogue by labouring to suppress a Church for believing and professing what the primitive Christians believed This is the principle of those oppositions which the reviv'd Church of Christ meets with in the World their nature and progress will appear in those which Christ himself underwent here on earth the Son of man shall be mock'd scourg'd and put to Death 'T was endeavour'd at first to run down and ridicule Reformation upon the account of newness imputed to its doctrine and Ministry and when that wou'd not do to discredit it in the minds of Christians 't was attack'd with open force Why did we murmur at it 'T was God permitted it so to be to set off more gloriously the antiquity of the Church he has re-establish'd by that very novelty imputed to it 't is God permits it to be assaulted with open force the better to manifest the spirit and constancy of primitive Christians The Church Christ has restor'd is not different from that he at first set up 't is the same mystical body form'd at one time and reform'd in another But yet 't is the same Church and the Divine Wisdom that wou'd make this uniformity to appear gives Reformation the same fate which his primitive Church had it is loaded with reproaches and oppress'd by a mistaken Zeal of Religion as the primitive Church was But all the oppositions it meets with from the World serve so much the more to increase its glory The Doctrine of Christ in the primitive Church was accused of novelty the Ministers of the Law objected the antiquity of the Law of Moses as the Latin Ministry objected to the Protestant Church the antiquity of the Church of Rome The doctrine of Christ was indeed new if compar'd with the traditions the Law was clogg'd with but compar'd with the Law itself the Gospel was more ancient than Tradition whereof the antiquity was objected Such is the newness wherewith they strive to disgrace the Reformation 't is new indeed if compar'd with human traditions which that Ministry makes part of the doctrine and worship of Christian Religion but if compar'd with divine revelation Reformation is as ancient as the Gospel itself which is the only rule of that faith and worship it professes and if the Apostle St Paul faith that Jesus Christ was yesterday to day and for ever we may reasonably say that that Religion which leads Christians by the authority of the Scripture is the same which sanctify'd those that preceded the coming of the Messiah those that succeeded the establishment of Evangelical faith and will sanctifie those that shall be sav'd till the end of all things You are not then Christians separated from the mystical body of Christ strangers to the Covenant as they wou'd impose upon you since you profess a Religion founded only upon Holy Writ you are Citizens of the Holy City Servants of the house of God built upon the foundation of Prophets and Apostles upon the Corner-stone which is Jesus Christ That 's the new doctrine you profess But where was this Ministry before the Reformation It was in the midst of you and you did not know it The Evangelical Ministry was in the Latin one which still preserv'd the fundamental points of Religion tho it were already very much corrupted with traditional innovations This Ministry impos'd upon Christianity because that notwithstanding it preach'd what Christ had taught in his Gospel yet it did not seem to act by the spirit of God in that they thought their authority sufficient to alter Religion as they pleas'd in this last respect they were faln away in the sight of God tho they still remain'd in their Apostolical functions in the sight of men giving them sufficient food for their Salvation so long as their hearts were
other merit but that of his blood This is doubtless the Church of Christ since all is founded upon his word all is edify'd by his doctrine all is referr'd to his glory 'T is not so with the Church which Papal authority has set up which would needs force Christianity to follow it as the Church of Christ How many rules of faith how many acts of piety which have no solid foundation in Holy Writ That 's a building wherein Christ's hand appears much less than those of the builders since in it the authority of the Scripture gives way to that of the Ministry as if that were become the original source of Divine Revelation One wou'd think our Saviour who knew all things had a mind to prevent the errors whereinto men were like to fall by taking a Church of men's setting up insensibly upon Earth in the name of Christ for that which he had founded himself in the fulness of time and indeed he does prevent it by the precautions he takes in the establishment of the Apostolical Ministry which he associates to the building of his Church He chooses for Apostles men of the lowest rank of the people ignorant unlearned self-interested fearful in a word men who were no way proportionate to the work they were design'd for Why did he leave them in this state of infirmity till the coming down of the Holy Ghost but that the tryal of their weakness might make them sensible 't was Jesus Christ who acted in them at the very time they were building up his Church that so they might not arrogate to themselves the success of it tho their hands were employ'd in the Structure Why was our Saviour pleased to particularize the failings and infirmities of his Apostles but as a precaution to posterity which might have attributed to them the glory of having edifyed his Church His wisdom having discover'd to them their natural insufficiency leaves no room in them for presumption by shewing them they had no vertue but what came from above it characterizes the Church of God by Christ's hand alone that built it I am not ignorant how that the Evangelical Ministry must last to the end of the world how Christ promis'd his Apostles he wou'd be always with them and how this promise is to be fulfill'd in the Succession of the Ministry But divine wisdom uses the same caution in the succession as in the establishment thereof What character does he give to the succession of the Ministry no other than the succession of his doctrine I send you as my Father has sent me Go and teach all nations Mat. 28 baptizing them in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo I am with you always even unto the end of the World These last words include a promise made to the Ministry and a condition imposed in order to partake of the promise teaching them as I have commanded you that 's the condition on which he promises to be with them They are sent by Christ as Christ was by the Father Christ sent by his Heavenly Father makes the truth of his mission appear by the transcendency of his miracles which are so many proofs of his Divinity by the apparition of the Holy Ghost that declares him to men for the beloved Son of God But he does not impose the necessity of believing his Doctrine otherwise than as it is conformable to the Father that sent him Whence proceeds this admirable conduct But from this reason that the Evangelical Ministry was to be excercis'd by men the gifts of the Holy Ghost were to longer to accompany the Ministry than was requisite to establish the Faith after that the Church was to be directed by the Holy Ghost Jesus Christ was to be with the Ministry but after an invisible manner If the visible succession of the Ministry had been a sufficient proof of its mission then some hypocrite or other sitting in the Apostolical Chair might have pretended to have acted by the spirit of God when there was no such thing The faithful might have been impos'd upon unless Christ had promis'd his Apostles to be with them setting them this Law withal to teach as he had commanded them and unless he had charactariz'd the ministry by the succession of his doctrine so that every ministry that teaches not what the Apostles have taught or that sets for a rule of saith another thing than they taught is not look'd upon as the Apostolical Ministry Boast he never so much of having succeeded St. Peter unless he have the succession of the Doctrine he has no right to it he must not impose The truth Christian Religion obliges us to believe came to us from the Father by the Son from the Son of God by the Holy Ghost from the Holy Ghost by the Apostles by their Successors Now to know whether they be the true Successors of the Apostles is but to examine whether the truth they profess the Religion they propose flow from the primitive Spring How goodly are the tents O Jacob How great must our happiness be who live in the bosom of a Church which holds it for an axiom of faith to be conformable to God's Holy Word which is so happy as to be directed by a Ministry that may without controversy say the Religion we preach comes not from our selves we are not the Authors of it 't is the very same the Apostles left us in the Gospel the Apostles receiv'd from the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost deriv'd it from the bosom of the word incarnate the word incarnate from the bosom of the Heavenly Father Thus by the Authority of the word of God is the succession and purity of Faith preserv'd in the Christian World Such is the necessity of this grand principle that no sooner came the Church to forget it but it fell into a most deplorable condition Look back into those all at once happy and unhappy days when Peace succeeding that persecution which the Church had so long groan'd under corrupted Christianity which all the subtilty of Hereticks and cruelty of Tyrants were not able to oppress The Church became great in wealth and dignity but at the same time small in virtue the salt of the earth vanisht away all fell into corruption Both Pastors and Flock had much at the same time a general disgust for heavenly things the sacred fire of the Altar went out by degrees whilst no other burnt thereon but that of Lust and Ambition The Children of Eli made it their main business to encrease the rights and advantages of Priesthood the Church of a Heavenly Kingdom became a Temporal Reign the Apostolical Chair became a Throne whereon the Apostles Successors were not ashamed to exact those Divine Honours the Apostles themselves had rejected and the Holy Scripture the authority whereof had till then govern'd the Church became itself Captive to the
ambition of the Ministry it violated its natural sense and so forc'd it to be establish an authority till then unknown When faith was in its purity the Scripture lodg'd the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven in the Hands of the whole Apostolical Colledge in whose name St Peter had answer'd Jesus Christ But when the faith was once corrupted then the Scripture was forc'd to allow none but Peter to be intrusted with them and such as flatter'd themselves to be his successors When faith was in its purity the Scripture deliver'd up the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven as a patent whereby they were impower'd to the preach the Gospel by which the gates of Heaven were open to believers and shut to unbelievers But when the same faith was once corrupted then the Scripture was made to signify by those keys the power not only of preaching the Gospel but even of interpreting it after an infallible manner and of filling up with their traditions what was deficient When faith was in its purity this power of binding and loosing was receiv'd by the Apostles as a lawful power to explain in Religion what was legal or illegal what good or what ill But after the Corruption of the faith this power of binding and loosing erected a tribunal where Christ's pretended Ministers investing themselves with the Power of remitting sins which is an essential attribute of God loos'd sinners by their Absolution or bound them by the refusal of the same Nay this power had different degrees of jurisdiction according to the different ministers in whom it was lodgged and being consider'd as in its center there was a tribunal set up whence proceeded Indulgences and Excommunications which bound Christians according as they were subject or rebellious to this new authority This authority this Supream degree of spiritual jurisdiction was none indeed of those truths Christianity most depended upon but it so much favour'd the spirit of ambition and power that laying aside the thoughts of Christ's having condemn'd it in the Apostolical Colledge they were easily seduc'd by this fair outside What endeavours were us'd in order to back with arguments from the Scripture the authority of the Ministry that was just set up But methinks this was placing the Ark before Dagon's Idol which fell before it This authority in judging arbitrarily and excommunicating all such as wou'd not subscribe to what the word of God had not determin'd this jurisdiction I say fell before the moderation of Christ that wou'd not condemn unbelievers because his business was not to judge but to save the world 〈◊〉 12. ●8 they have one that shall judge them said our Saviour making his word to be the sole judge of controversies This arbitrary power usurp'd over Consciences could not maintain itself when so plainly contradicted by the Scripture in the Apostles behaviour who had always refus'd it referring the faithful to the word of God The Idol fell before the Ark. The Scripture overthrows the authority the Ministry had assum'd but us Ministers being more cautious in this than the Philistins who did not send away the Ark till after the falling of the Idol the effects of their authority were felt before any cou'd examine into the nature of it the Shepherds Crook became a Scourge for all such as wou'd not condescend to their decrees Thus it was that the word of God lost by degrees the priviledge of being the Rule of our Faith 'T was by this means the authority of the Scripture became tributary to the ambition of the Ministry and if ancient Philosophers were given over to the lust of their hearts for having made the truth captive to injustice so God exercis'd the same punishment upon the Ministers of his Gospel they were given over to their own hearts desires for deviating from the rule Christ had set them by which they shou'd have preserv'd the purity of faith By this desire of the heart I don't mean the ignominious passions that punish'd the pride of those ancient Heathens No there is in mans heart a more refin'd and exalted desire he is still more fond of which is that he always had of being the Arbiter of his Religion 'T was to satisfy that desire that the Gentiles made themselves Gods For this the Jews made themselves a pleasing idea of the Messiah they expected 't was by this same desire which the Latin Ministry so blindly follow'd that they begun to edify their Church by the authority of Christ as Christ had edify'd his own by the Ministry of the Apostles Hence arose the worship of images conniv'd at till then as meer ornaments to Churches hence was renew'd the use of Apotheosis by that pompous way of canonizing of Saints Their Relicks were expos'd upon their Altars their Indulgences were us'd to set off the solemnities design'd for them What strange alterations did Christ's Sacraments then receive Nay the very ceremonies the Apostles had us'd were erected into Sacraments and the Sacraments Christ had instituted were alter'd either in their substance or in their exterior part No longer was the Supper of the Lord a Sacrament of his body but his very individual body 'T was no longer a memorial of his passion but an expiatory Sacrifice 'T was no longer the use of the substance that was alter'd but the very substance it self 'T was no longer a deep veneration and respect due to the sacred sign of Christ's body but a real adoration render'd to the Sacrament as to Christ himself In a word Rome Christianiz'd had the same fate with Pagan Rome which lost that Religion their Ancestors profess'd by having adopted that of all those nations they had a mind to bring under their power Modern Rome had the misfortune to change the image of an incorruptible God into that of a corruptible man and a spiritual and divine worship into a carnal and superstitious one At the sight of so amazing a revolution that occasion'd such woful distractions in the Church I cannot forbear using the words of the Prophet Jeremiah bewailing the lamentable condition of Jerusalem Lam. 3. How is the Gold become dim How comes the doctrine of Christ formerly so pure and so bright in the golden age of the Church how comes it now to be wrapt up in the clouds of tradition How is the finest gold chang'd How is that Christian piety so lively so sublime of old become now so lukewarm and so despicable It formerly rais'd Christian hearts to Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of the Father but now it makes them stoop to the worshipping of him in the Sacrament of his body which is but a means to convey his graces to us How comes it to pass that so pure a worship whereof the sole object was God and Christ as Mediator is now divided between God and the creatures How are the precious sons of Zion Ibid. comparable to fine gold esteem'd as earthen pitchers the work of the hands of the potter How comes it