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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A48851 A sermon preached before the House of Lords, on November 5, 1680 by ... William Lord Bishop of St. Asaph. Lloyd, William, 1627-1717. 1680 (1680) Wing L2712; ESTC R20309 18,469 46

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could not think Hereticks fit to be trusted with the Cure of Souls But otherwise as to Temporal things I do not find that they inflicted any kind of Punishment But when the Arians came to have the Power in their hands when theirs was come to be the Imperial Religion then Depriving was nothing Banishment was the least that they inflicted In many places they proceeded to Blood which was never drawn on the other side by the Orthodox Christians except once in a popular Tumult in Alexandria where George the intruding Bishop was torn in pieces and yet that was rather by Heathens than by Christians as Ammian himself a Heathen Writer confesses Except that if it need be excepted I do not remember any other instance of an Arian that was put to death in those days upon the account of Religion And to shew that likewise in case of Schism the best Christians always kept the best temper besides those instances I have already given which perhaps are not so proper to prove this because when they happened Christianity was not the established Religion When it was established by Law then there happened that famous Schism of the Donatists which gave an evident tryal of this With what folly and fury did they break out of the Church With what insolence and perverseness did they behave themselves towards it What out-rages did they commit nay what did they not commit even to blood in the Circumcellions case While the Catholicks on the other hand except in that case which forced rigor from them in their own defence treated them with all calmness and gentleness They called them Brethren in their Writings They wooed them to be Friends and offered them terms of Communion such as none would have offered but passionate lovers of peace such as none would have refused but the obstinate enemies of it and yet all this while the Catholicks had the Government on their side which since those Schismaticks could not get from them they took a course to destroy it by letting in the Vandals into the Roman Empire I have shewn so much of this Diabolical Spirit in every sort of the Enemies of the Church of God not only in Heathens and Unbelievers without but also in Hereticks and Schismaticks within And I have shewn so much of the Christian Spirit on the other hand the great patience and meekness of Gods people in dealing with all sorts of enemies that considering what advantage they have who lay about them with rage against those that stand still and are only ready to suffer one would wonder that long since true Religion had not been destroyed or driven out of the world But to this I have to answer and this is my second Doctrine that notwithstanding all this rage and malice of the Adversaries and notwithstanding all this meekness of Christians yet still God is concerned for the Christian Religion and he shews it by sending such seasonable Deliverances as preserve it often from hurt and always from utter destruction Destroyed it shall never be For so much Christ declared before he built his Church when he promised to make his Apostles the Foundation-stones in it saying to Peter in particular Upon thee will I build my Church He added this promise that the Gates of Hell should not prevail against it And so to all his Apostles at parting when he was about to be taken up into Heaven he promised for all that I will be with you even to the end of the world If Christ be with his Church according to his promise that is enough to secure it against utter destruction I speak now as to the Catholick or Universal Church for there is no such Promise given to particular Churches They may be destroyed and perish for their sins We see many are so already almost all that were planted in the Apostles times The Church of Ierusalem where our Religion began The Church of Antioch where we were first called Christians the Six Churches to which St. Paul writ his Epistles The Seven to which St. Iohn writ in his Revelations where are they scarce a remnant remains most of them are quite perished from the Earth This is Gods judgment upon them for their sins A Judgment which God threatned long since that if they did not repent he would take away their Candlestick from them A Judgment so dreadfully executed to warn us that unless we repent we shall all likewise perish But then if we do repent we shall not perish this we know for an Exception strengthens a Rule We know that they which keep up the Power of Religion shall find it a strong band between them and God by which as we oblige our selves to him not to leave him nor forsake him so he obligeth himself to us that he will not leave us nor forsake us And therefore howsoever for our lesser transgressions he may punish our offences with a rod and our sin with scourges nevertheless his loving kindness will he not utterly take from us nor suffer his truth to fail Nay in this case if he suffer his Church to be oppressed his design may be not so much to punish as to purge them He may run them through the fire to melt out their dross to make them shine more glorious by having been for a while in Persecution But whatsoever his dealing may be which we are to resign entirely to his Wisdom whether he design to punish or purge us or whether only to shew us the rod we are sure in all conditions to be under the good Providence of God If our ways please the Lord either he will make our enemies to be at peace with us or he will not let them be able to hurt us at least they shall not have their will upon us they shall not say There there so would we have it They shall not be able to swallow us up quick though they are never so wrathfully displeased at us The ways that God hath to deliver us are many more than I am able to reckon and yet I can reckon more than I can bring within my time But so the thing be done what matter is it which way God uses whether by destroying his and our enemies whether by breaking their Combinations against us or by otherwise weakning their strength whether by infatuating their Counsels or discovering their crafty designs whether by raising us up friends or uniting us among our selves and so making us too many and too strong for them whether by giving means unexpected or by blessing what we have above expectation He can do what and which way he will and we are sure it is his will to deliver his People from their enemies for he is on their side and will shew it wheresoever there is need and when he sees it the fittest time to deliver them All that I have said hitherto hath been only upon such general heads as are equally acknowledged by all sorts of Christians among us and for this agreement
we chiefly are under God to thank his Majesty and this most Honorable Assembly that have kept the Church of England in that Power which it received from their Predecessors and not suffered it to fall into any other hands Neither our Religion nor our Church is of a Persecuting Spirit I know not how it may be in particular persons But I say again it is not in the genius of our Church She hath no Doctrine that teacheth Persecution She hath not practised it as others when they were in Authority I thank God for it and I hope she will always continue in that temper which being added to the other Marks of a true Christian Church may assure us that She is a Church according to the mind of Christ. But can all others say the same that call themselves Churches of Christ or were they so when they had power in their hands They that never were in Power can never answer this Question Therefore none can answer it so well as the Papists and they tell us Now they are as much against Persecution as any But what would they be if they were in Power God forbid we should ever live to see the tryal of it They have been tryed too much already to be believed in this matter We have seen we have felt sufficient proofs of their Spirit more proofs of that sort to prove them a false Church than they can shew upon Bellarmin's fifteen notes of a true one I do not speak now of particular persons I believe there are many good People of that Communion I do not think that common Reason and that common Christianity can be wholly extinguished by the Principles of their Religion I doubt not but in some I hope in many it prevails above their Religion otherwise I know there could not be good People of that Communion For take their Religion in it self abstracting from the common Christianity and so there is nothing else in it but Superstition and Cruelty 'T is Lutum sanguine maceratum Dirt tempered with Blood according to Nero's Character 'T is a Religion so far from making men like God that it makes them worse then men would be without any Religion There is a natural compassion in man that moves him at the sight of others sufferings and especially at the sight of great Cruelties it turns ones very Bowels within him and 't is no common provocation that can harden one against this But take this man and throughly steep him in Popery he comes forth without any compassion at all He can not only see any Cruelty but act it he can act it unprovoked on any person whatsoever without remorse yea with Pleasure and Triumph as an act of Religion and a good service to God And to shew that this Religion is not the common Christianity he can do this upon them who have that as well as himself Otherwise if it were only on the enemies of Christ then indeed it might be thought that Christianity moved him to it But he considers Christians without Popery no more than he doth Turks or Infidels which shews that he is not moved by common Christianity but by that part of his Religion which is properly Popery 'T is a Religion I am sorry we have no other name to call it by that vies Cruelty with antient Judaism and Heathenism If those destroyed thousands of Christians in Primitive times Popery hath destroyed its ten thousands of as innocent persons and destroyed them with as great Barbarity and Cruelty I do not think there was ever such havock made upon the Earth of Humane Creatures as was made of millions of Heathens in America There were never greater Cruelties invented than were there used and that not in anger but in sport upon poor helpless innocent creatures It would make ones flesh tremble to read them described by their own Writers And yet they that did these things were very good Catholicks as they thought themselves and they acted like Roman Catholicks in it for they had the Popes Commission to go thither and to Conquer that Infidel People But though this was done by Papists yet not upon the account of Religion No I know not what should make them so Savage otherwise But then what think you of the Wars in the Holy-land What think you of those Slaughters of the Moors in Spain and those Butcheries of Jews in all Countries before the Reformation Those were cruel and universal without distinction of Age or Sex and it cannot be denied that those were upon the account of Religion But that might be the common Christianity and not Popery only that they thought of and therefore I proceed to those Slaughters that they made of Christians by their own acknowledgment as good Christians as themselves in all other points except Popery For such were all those whom they were pleased to call Hereticks in the third Canon of the fourth Lateran Council That Council in the year 1215. first made Transubstantiation an Article of Faith and made them Hereticks that would not believe it and having first provided against their going to Heaven as far as they could by declaring all damned that were not of the Roman Faith in all points and that of Transubstantiation in particular Then ordered the destroying of them from the face of the Earth and so left them no place to go to but Hell so great was their Charity In the third Canon of that Council it was ordained that all Kings and Princes shall root out Hereticks and all that favour them out of their Countreys and if any do not execute this Canon the Pope is to take away his Country and give it to such Catholicks as will do it effectually This is still as good Law as any is now in the Roman Church and it was executed strictly in all places before the Reformation There were at first some Princes that lost their Countreys by it and the Pope did take the Forfeiture for a warning to other Princes But who can number the poor Christians that lost their lives by it above a hundred thousand Albigenses in France many thousands of the Waldenses there and in Italy the like in Germany of the Bohemians besides what suffered in England and other Countreys and all put to the cruellest Deaths on no other account but their Religion Indeed for many of them it was not so evident that they held any thing against Popery But it was enough if being taken upon suspicion they could not purge themselves of it The ways of purging wete different in divers places In some Countreys it was by throwing them into the water as some of late have tryed Witches In other places the tryal was by putting a Fire-coal in their hands and trying whether it would cleave to the flesh For if it did then they concluded them Hereticks all over and their whole bodies fit to be burnt I cannot pass by those two learned and good men as any were in that Age if we
the Devil It holds we see in particular persons but it is much more visible in Societies And to this I come next that of Societies of men Christians of all other are most averse from ways of violence and blood especially from using any such ways upon the account of Religion And among Christian Churches where they differ among themselves if either of them use those ways upon the account of Religion they give a strong presumption against themselves that they are not truly Christians There is Reason for this because we know that Christ gave Love for the character by which his Disciples were to be known John 13. 35. By this shall all men know that you are my Disciples if you have love one to another And left men should unchristen others first that they may hate them and destroy them afterwards Christ enlarged his Precept of Love and extended it even to enemies and not only to ours but to the enemies of our Religion Matth. 5. 43 44. And to enable us to live according to this Precept he hath given us his Spirit whereof this is one of the Fruits For among the Fruits of the Spirit is not only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 not only the love of the Brethren but the love of strangers even of enemies as the Apostle shews 2 Pet. 1. 5. On the contrary Hatred is one of the works of the flesh and they that have not the Spirit of Christ to subdue it are said to be hateful and hating one another Tit. 3. 3. Especially to his Disciples Christ saith The world hates you John 15. 19. You particularly as being Christians And even among Christians He that saith he is in the light and hates his Brother his fellow Christian he is in darkness still saith the Apostle 1 Iohn 2. 9. He hath a great want of that light which belongeth to a Christian. To see the use of this Character let any one consider how the Christians were treated by the enemies of their Religion and then let him consider how they used their enemies when they were in power he shall find that darkness differs not more from light than the persecuting genius of those enemies from the calm gentle spirit of Christians I say when they were in power for there is the tryal 'T is not much to be heeded what men do when they are under Authority When the Jews had the power to wreak their malice upon Christians they both killed the Lord Iesus and his Apostles and all Christians where they durst for fear of the Romans they never ceased till wrath come upon them to the uttermost nor even then for their malice lasts still it burns inward and they are not able to keep it from breaking out sometimes as it did here very lately upon an occasion of which I shall say no more in this place The Heathens likewise shewed their malice against Christians in divers cruel bloody Persecutions in the very infancy of our Religion and when the Blood of Martyrs being the seed of the Church it grew up so wonderfully and was so vastly numerous that it seemed an endless work to destroy it yet there were those Heathen Princes that despaired not of it even then especially Diocletan and his Colleague who killed many thousands of Christians only upon the account of Religion When the Government changed as it did in few years after the last Persecution and when Christianity was come to be the Established Religion there was no Heathen put to death nor no Jew upon the account of Religion till Popery prevailed which was as bloody as Judaism or Heathenism This calm gentle temper of the Primitive Christians which so gloriously shined forth when they came to be in Power was that which lay hid in them all the times of Persecution Then they could not shew it but in their Profession and so indeed they always did as appears by Tertullian and others who used to fay and glory in it Christianus nullius hostis a Christian is no mans enemy a Christian can be no mans enemy do what you will to him injure him slander him strip and torture him kill all others of his Religion before his eyes and then let him loose and give him power place him in your circumstances he cannot revenge himself upon you What! that humane nature could bear such things without any resentment it was not credible their enemies could not believe this none could believe it that did not feel it in himself till they came to see it and then all men believed it and acknowledged it to be the singular excellency of the Christian Religion But as our holy Religion excels all others in this admirable temper so by this we may usually judge who they are that excel among Christian Churches when there happens any difference between them whether touching the Faith or the terms of Communion They that were the more fierce they generally had the worst Cause As when the difference was about the keeping of Easter it was chiefly between the Roman and the Asian Churches The Asians were content that every Church should keep it at what time they pleas'd so themselves might be allowed to keep it as they had always done for they held the precise time to be as truly it was an indifferent thing The Romans would not allow that they were for imposing on other Churches and for breaking Communion with them that would not receive their Impositions Which as it argued in them a proud and wrathful disposition so even by that it appeared they had the worst of the Cause In like manner in that heat between Cyprian and Stephen where neither of them was right in the Cause for as it commonly happens when men contend the Truth lay between them yet sure St. Cyprian was in the right in this in holding that this cause was not sufficient to break Communion between Churches And there Pope Stephen was in the wrong for he did break Communion about it he denied jus hospitii he would not receive a message he would not hear of an Accommodation I forbear to repeat the ill terms he gave St. Cyprian you may read them in the end of Firmilian's Epistle We all allow that Cyprian was truly a Saint 'T is well they own him such in the Roman Church But how they can make that Pope so too I do not understand for it is plain that to his death he would not allow that Saint to be a Christian. The great power of Error in moving mens Passions and enraging them against the Professors of Truth and the power of true Religion in composing mens Passions on the other hand both these did appear as soon as ever a Heresie came to have Publick Authority on its side It was the Arian Heresie that was newly broke forth before the Council of Nice and that Council was called to suppress it which they did by no other force but putting Arians out of their Bishopricks They