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A38405 Englands iustification for her religion Wherein it is maintayned to be the same our Saviour Iesus Christ hath taught us. Presented to the high court of Parliament. By a well-wisher of peace in the Church, and happinesse to the Kingdome. Well-wisher of peace in the Church, and happinesse to the Kingdome. 1641 (1641) Wing E2991; ESTC R218201 47,162 84

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ENGLANDS IVSTIFICATION FOR HER RELIGION Wherein it is maintayned to be the same our Saviour Iesus Christ hath taught us Presented to the High Court of Parliament By a Well-wisher of Peace in the Church and happinesse to the Kingdome Acts. 24.14 This I professe unto thee that according to the way which they call Heresie so doe I serve the God of my Fathers beleeving all things which hath beene written in the Law and in the Prophets Vigilius against Euryches lib. 1. This is the Catholique Faith and Profession which the Apostles have delivered which the Martyrs have confirmed and which the Faithfull preserve even to this present age Printed at London 1641. The Contents of the seuerall Chapters of this Booke CHap 1. The summe of our Religion professed in England pag. 1. Chap. 2. The particulars of our Religion professed in England pag. 3. Chap. 3. Diuine Seruice is to bee administred in a language which the people vnderstand pag. 18. Chap. 4. Of the reading and expounding to the people the word of God and not the Legends and Fables of men pag. 29. Chap. 5. Of Preaching pag. 35. Chap. 6. Of Sacraments pag. 41. Chap. 7. Of Baptisme pag. 43. Chap. 8. Of the Lords Supper pag. 44. Chap. 9. Of Prayer pag. 56. Chap. 10. Of Martyrs pag. 68. FINIS The vvriting occasioning this Treatise I Desire to haue it proued that the Religion now professed in England is the same which our Sauiour Christ taught his Apostles and they preached ouer all they world and conuerted thousands at one Sermon vnto Jf it be the same then there may bee some named that suffered for it For it is not likely that so many thousands which were conuerted to the true Faith should all be destroyed and no mention made of them in ancient Histories A IVSTIFICATION OF THE RELIGION NOW PROFESSED IN ENGLAND CHAP. I. The summe of our Religion professed in England TO proue that is here desired had beene sooner done if the matter had concerned onely some particular poynts of our Religion professed in England but now the proofe required being general without any limitation and restraint and extending it selfe to our whole Religion it must first bee shewed what Religion we professe and then such proofe is to bee made of the same as is here demanded both summarily and in some principall parts thereof First that our Sauiour and his Apostles taught the same then that the Martyrs mentioned in ancient Histories gaue testimony to the same by their death For clearing of the former point it is here to bee vnderstood Acts 24.14 First that Religion is the way and immediate duety whereby men serue God And further that true Religion and the right way to serue G d is that onely which God hath reuealed to men Now God spake to the Fathers in old time by the Prophets declaring his will herein by peece-meale or by sundry parts and in sundry manners but in these last dayes saith the Apostle he hath spoken to vs by his Sonne Heb. 1.1 that is by Iesus Christ In which words the nature of the opposition of these two reuelations of the will of God declareth that by Iesus Christ his onely Sonne God hath reuealed his will concerning true Religion and the right way to worshippe and serue him not any more by parts but wholly and fully nor in any manner that may be after changed as was the worship of the Fathers but in a manner certaine vnchangeable and to remaine for euer This Religion our Sauiour Iesus Christ first taught in his owne sacred person as it is declared in the history of the Gospell written by foure witnesses two Apostles and two Euangelists after by his commandement his holy Apostles preached and published the same Religion to all Nations For the preaching whereof vnto them while they yet remained at Ierusalem Acts 1.5 8. according to his promise they were baptized with the holy Ghost and with fire By which holy Spirits inspiration Acts 2.3 4. they being clothed with power from aboue and hauing receiued the miraculous gift to speake with strange languages and a mighty increase of all spirituall graces needfull for that seruice so spake of the great workes of God to the Iewes that from all parts of the world were come to Ierusalem that the same day there were added to the Church about 3000. persons Acts 2.4.1 Acts 8.1 After by reason of the persecution that was raised against those that receiued their doctrine and other occasions that God disposed their doctrine was published in diuerse Countries Acts 11.26 and at Antioch in Syria so preuailed that there first the Disciples were na●ed Christians of Christ whose Religion they receiued of which beginning and proceeding of the Gospell to the time of the Apostle Pauls imprisonment at Rome the Euangelist Luke hath written the vndoubted certainty in his history of the Acts of the Apostles which story is inlarged by that was written also hereof by some of the Apostles themselues in their Epistles and also in the Reuelation By which sacred bookes of the new Testament it most certainly and manifestly appeareth what the religion and doctrine was which our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles taught and Christian Churches after professed that continued in their doctrine And this is summarily that most holy faith and true Christian religion which is now professed in England and established by publique Authority Thus summarily answers is made to that is here desired CHAP. II. The particulars of our Religion professed in England NOw for further satisfaction in the particular points of our Religion now professed in England it is to be vnderstood that there are two bookes established by publique and highest authority amongst vs wherein are declared the particular points of Christian Religion as they now are receiued and professed in England the one of these is intituled the booke of Articles of Christian Religion agreed in the Conuocation in the yeere of our Lord 1562. In which booke is declared shortly in seuerall Articles the whole doctrine of Faith and of the Sacraments which we professe The other is the booke of diuine Seruice and common Prayer wherein is set downe the whole order whereby we serue God publiquely in our Churches In these two or in either of them for substance is contained the declaration of our Religion wherefore if the Religion deliuered in either of these b●e prooued to bee the same which Christ and his Apostles taught and that which for any part whereof true Martyrs of ancient time haue suffered then is that prooued which is here desired which proofe at this time it seemeth most conuenient to be made especially of the booke of diuine Seruice For the Law with vs requireth especially to serue God according to such forme as is established by Authority and set downe in the booke of diuine Seruice and common Prayer Therefore to yeeld satisfaction to such Romane Catholique Recusants as are offended at such parts
thereof as differ from the Liturgy of the Church of Rome such principall parts of the said diuine Seruice are here to bee iustified to bee established amongst vs according to that Doctrine which our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles haue deliuered For performance whereof it is to be vnderstood that there are sundry points of Religion set downe in the said booke whereof no pretended Catholique is supposed to make any doubt Of this sort it is that the said Booke appointeth the reading of the holy Scriptures of both the Testaments and particularly out of the old Testament of the Law of the two Tables contayning the ten Commandements of Almighty God and out of the new Testament of the Lords Prayer Of like kinde also it is that in the same our faith in many of the highest and most sacred mysteries of Christian Religion is declared and professed in three of the most ancient and notable Confessions of Christian faith that haue beene gathered out of the Scriptures in any former ages Of which Confessions or Creedes as they are commonly called the first and most ancient is that which vsually is called the Apostles Creede because it containeth many principall points of the Doctrine of the Apostles and in a great part followeth from one degree to another the Story of the Gospell concerning the sundry degrees of the humiliation and glory of our Sauiour Christ The other two are somewhat larger declarations of the same points of doctrine that are in the former of which Confessions or Creedes the one is of Athanasius that resolute constant Professor of Christ worthy in honour to be immortall in the Church according to his name The other the Creede set forth by the first and most famous oecumenicall Councell of Nice Besides these though not expressed in this booke the Lawes of England so receiue the holy determinations of all the first foure generall Councels in that they agreeably to the Scriptures determined of the doctrine concerning Christs two natures of God and Man and of the Vnity of his Person and of the Godhead of the holy Ghost against the damnable Heresies of Arius Nestorius Eutyches and Macedonius as they ordaine punishment by death vpon any that shall obstinately maintaine the foresaid Heresies Moreouer the said booke appointeth the order for the administration of both the Sacraments instituted by our Sauiour Christ as signes and seales of the Gospell of Christ and of the righteousnes that is by Faith viz. Baptisme the Sacrament of our new birth and the Lords Supper the Sacrament of our continuall nourishment by him to life euerlasting Finally the same booke containeth besides the Lords prayer the true rule and direction whereby all other are framed many other godly prayers for all estates and degrees and applied to the confession of our sins to the administration of the Sacraments and other like occasions of the Church Thus farre of such particulars as it is to be thought no Christian doubteth but that they are from God Wherefore the proofe to bee made seemeth needfull only in such points as our Church hath reformed in the Religion and Liturgie professed and vsed in the Church of Rome Now therefore the principall things of difference betweene our diuine S●ruice and the Liturgie of the Church of Rome follow to be considered in the principall parts thereof after that two points haue beene debated which are to be regarded in them all whereof the former is the subiect or person that is to say who it is that with S●ruice of Religion ought to be serued and worshiped by vs * In the Church of England God only is worshipped with diuine seruice not any creature or dead things as Images reliques su●n like in England by publique Authority with Diuine seruice the law intendeth that onely the true eternall God the Almighty creatour of heauen and earth and the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ is to be religiously serued and honored by vs. For which cause it is ordained that the word of God be read and expounded that his Sacraments bee administred and that all our prayers be made to God and to God alone And by like Authority there are learned Homilies set out declaring and prouing that to worship creatures in themselues or in their Images and to haue them in Churches is not lawfull Now in some former time by the authority of the Sea of Rome our Churches Temples in England were wont to bee full of Images some representing God the sacred Mystery of the Persons in the Godhead and some representing Iesus Christ both otherwise and specially as hee was crucified besides these there was also almost an innumerable multitude of Images representing the Saints departed out of this life besides many other of whose Christian vertues there appeared little proofe And as these Images were brought into the Churches so they were by like authority serued and worshiped with garments ornaments kissing kneeling creeping candlelight censing reading their Legends finging Anthemes and making prayers to them and to their honour or at least to their honour that were represented by them Which being so it is to bee considered what our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles taught concerning the subiect of diuin● Seruice that so it might appeare that our Religion and manner of seruing God in England is the same in this respect that was taught by them and that the other of the Sea of Rome is directly contrary to their Doctrine Our Sauiour Chist taught that God is a Spirit Ioh. 4.23 24. and that whosoeuer will worship him aright must worship him in spirit and truth whereby it is plaine that the Godhead or any person of the Godhead cannot be represented by an Image For if no Art of a man can truely represent the soule of a man because it is a spirituall substance which no bodily thing can truly represent much lesse can the spirituall substance of God be represented which without all comparison is more simple Rom. 1. verse 18. to 24 25. For which cause the Apostle saith that the Gentiles representing God by creatures were guilty of lying and turned that which God truely is into a false resemblance In which respect also the Prophets call such Images teachers of lyes Hab. 2.18.19 Ier. 10.8 which is manifest so to be because it is a false representation to represent Eternity by that which had a beginning incorruption by that which is corruptible the creator by the creature and that more false then if a man would rep●esent the day by the night light by darkenesse and life by death Moreouer Rom. 1.24 to the end the Apostle there teacheth that God held himselfe so highly dishonoured thereby as for that cause he gaue them ouer to their owne lusts to dishonour themselves with all kinde of shamefull dishonour and abhominable iniquities Whereunto the s●me Apostle doth adde in another place 1 Cor. 6.9 that Idolaters shall not inherit the Kingdome of God Reuel
here to set downe that which is reported by Epiphanius himselfe and is translated by Ierome Epiphanius in his letter to Iohn the Bishop of Ierusalem writeth hereof in this manner I found in a Church at Anablatha a veile hanging in the doore of the Church stained and painted and hauing the Image as of Christ or of some holy man for I do not well remember whose Image it was Therefore when I saw the Image of a man to hang in the Church of Christ contrary to the authority of the Scriptures I cut it in peeces and gaue counsell to the Keepers of the place rather to winde it vp and carry out to buriall in it some poore man deceased And a little after I pray you command that such veiles bee not hanged in the Church of Christ which are against our Religion Here might bee shewed the story from what beginning and by what degrees this corruption entered and prevailed in the Church till at length the second councell of Nice directly against the word of God and all ancient practise of the Church decreed the setting vp of Images in the Churches and worshipping of them For that the Doctrine of our Sauiour Christ and of his Apostles was contrary hereunto the same which our Church in England doth teach and maintaine whereof here is question hath bene already declared Therefore touching the first point of our religion in diuine seruice which concerneth the subiect which is that God onely is to be religiously worshipped not Images or yet any creature whatsoeuer Thus it hath bene proued which was disired that our Religion herein is that which the Lord Iesus himselfe his most faithfull ministers the Apostles taught and deliuered Now followeth the second poynt of those which are common to all diuine Seruices that is in what language or tongue it is to be performed wherein the doctrine and practise of our Church in England is that it be administred in a speech knowne and vnderstood by all the people In which practise it is now to bee shewed that wee haue our Religion in this respect in like manner from Christ and his Apostles teaching and ordaining such administration of it CHAP. III. Diuine Seruice is to be administred in a language which the people vnderstand OVr Sauiour Christ performed his owne Ministery in a speech vnderstood by all the people for hee read and expounded the Scriptures to them in a tongue which they vnderstood as it appeareth Luke 4. He prayed also in like manner Iohn 17. Further also in saying Heare yee Moyses and the Prophets he commandeth the reading and exposition of their writings to bee performed in a language that might be vnderstood for otherwise they could not heare them with any vnderstanding but should be as deafe men whereas his meaning there is that they should so heare as they might be taught thereby and forewarned to gouern the course of their life as they might avoyd the torments of hell Likewise hee taught his Disciples to pray in a tongue which they vnderstood and in them so instructed all other that should be his Disciples after to call vpon God in a speech knowne by them both in the Forme he taught them saying When ye pray say thus Our Father c. and by the direction of that prayer to make all our petitions priuate and publike Instituting also the Sacrament of Baptisme hee commanded his Disciples Math. 28. To preach the Gospell vnto all nations and to baptize such as should beleeue which teaching and beleeuing necessarily implyeth the vse of a speech known in the administration of Baptisme In like manner he instituted and administred the Sacrament of his Supper amongst his Disciples in a speech which they vnderstood and charged them as oft as they should doe the like to preach his death vntill his comming againe wherefore it is plaine that he intended the Sacraments should not bee dumbe showes and spectacles but that they should bee so administred as the people might know and vnderstand the meaning of them Finally after his ascension amongst other spiritual graces Acts 2. he indued the Apostles with the guift of tongues whereby the same day they spake to the Iewes that were then from all nations assembled at Ierusalem the great acts and mighty works of God For it is expressly written and that the people maruelled that they heard them speake euery one in the language of the Countrey wherein they had been borne By which miraculous guift bestowed first vpon the Apostles then after vpon many other and by such vse of it in teaching the people of euery nation in their owne language it is manifest that our Sauiour Christs ordinance is that diuine Seruice should bee administred in a speach vnderstood by all the people This is also confirmed in that the Apostle Paul in his former Epistle to the Corinthians Chap. 14. saith that the ordinances set downe by him in that place amongst which this was one that no man should speake in the Church and Assembly of the people a strange language not vnder stood by them except it were interpreted are the commandements of the Lord that is of Iesus Christ Thus then it appeareth to be the practise and ordinance of Christ that diuine Seruice should be administred in a speech which the people vnderstand Now that the Apostles taught the same is likewise manifest for first that their practise was such appeareth Acts 2. Where hauing receiued the guift of tongues they imployed it rightly to that end for which it was giuen and spake to men of diuers tongues in the language of the Country wherein they were borne And this was the generall practise of the Apostles as appeareth in the booke of their Acts. Now the Apostle Paul debating this matter at large 1 Cor. 14. not onely teacheth manifestly that all diuine Seruice should bee performed in the Church in a speech which the people vnderstand but confirmeth this doctrine by many reasons In which discourse it appeareth that diuine Seruice ought to bee administred to Gods glory verse 47. For it being the Lords cōmandemēt that it should be so performed as the Apostle there calleth it it is for the glory of God that with all due obedience it be so performed Besides this the reason of this commandement doth likewise proue it which is that by such meanes the knowledge of God is enlarged Acts 2. the great and marueilous workes of God as his Creation Prouidence redemption of the world by his onely begotten Sonne his lawes and his commandements the promises of the Gospell preached in the Word set out in the Sacraments which are of forgiuenesse of sinnes of life and immortality to euery one that beleeueth and such like are made knowne to men to Gods vnspeakeable glory as it was by the Apostles By that meanes also the people vnderstand the prayers and thanksgiuing which are made by the minister yeeld therin consent to such services of God
blessed age of reformation it hath pleased God to driue away that darkenesse and to cause the light of his countenance so comfortably to shine vnto vs againe as that now in our owne tongue Gods holy word is read and expounded vnto vs the Sacraments administred Prayers and thanksgiuinges are offered vp vnto God and the whole Seruice of God in England is performed in a speech which all our English people vnderstand In which respect it hath beene proued that our Religion in England is that which was taught by our Sauiour Christ and his holy Apostles And thus much may suffise also for this poynt being the second generall here considered in all Diuine Seruice CHAP. IIII. Of the reading and expounding to the people the word of God and not the Legends and fables of men Now it followeth to proceed to declare the like in the sundry parts of Gods Seruice The chiefe parts of diuine Seruice as the Apostles teach speaking of their ministry to whom first the dispensation of Christian Religion and of the mysteries of God and the whole administration of Gods Seruice then was committed consisteth in the Word of God whereunto belong the Sacraments as visible words setting out the same doctrine of the Gospel and in Prayer whereunto also thanksiguing is to be referred For thus are performed whatsoeuer the Ministers are to declare vnto the Church in Gods behalfe and what duty and feruice the Church offereth vnto God on the● part Wherefore all Diuine Seruice consisting in these two principall partes and the former hereof being the administration of the word and that first in the reading and expounding of the Scriptures the next thing to bee shewed is that our Religion and seruice of God in England in that concerneth the reading and expounding the word of God and no Legends or fables is such as was taught by Iesus Christ and his Apostles For clearing whereof it is first to be vnderstood that in England it is appointed that the holy Scriptures the writings of Moyses the Prophets and Apostles be read vnto the people and not any Legends of Saints as they are called or other like vncertaine or fabulous writings as haue beene vsed and commanded to bee read in the churches subiect to the Sea of Rome Now thus to serue God that our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles haue taught may appeare by their doctrine and practise Our Sauiour Christ saith by Abraham Luke 16.29 31. They haue Moyses and the Prophets heare they them And againe If they heare not Moyses and the Prophets they would not bee perswaded no although one should rise from the dead Iohn 5.39 Math. 22.29 Math. 12.3.7 21.16 41. Againe hee sayth Search ye the Scriptures Ye are deceiued because ye know not the Seriptures And how often doth he say Haue ye not heard how reade you and with many like speeches referring them to the Doctrine of the Scriptures declareth the ordinance of God the duty of the people and the practise of the Church at that time to haue beene such as that in the publique assemblies that which was read and taught the people was the word of God Luke 4.16 31 and not any fables of the Iewes Further also the practise of our Sauiour was agreeable thereunto for it is noted to haue beene his manner and custome vpon the Sabbath dayes wherein Moyses was read and expounded vnto the Church to enter into the Synagogues and to teach the people Now this custome of his in one place is so particularly reported as that it is said that hee came to Nazareth where hee had beene brought vp and entered according as he had beene wont into the Synagogue vpon the Sabbath day and stood vp to reade then there was deliuered vnto him the booke of Esay the Prophet which he hauing vnfolded opened found the place where it was written The Spirit of God c. verse 17. Which text after hee had read hee expounded vnto them and out of it preached the Gospell of the kingdome of God vnto them And it is further added that the people heard him and the eyes of all that were in the Synagogue were fastned vpon him verse 20. By which place it is manifest that our Sauiour Christ by this example and custome of his did reade and expound the word of God the writings of the holy Scriptures giuen by diuine inspiration which are the bookes that ought to be read and expounded and preached vpon in all Christian Churches and not vaine discourses such as the Apostle calleth old wiues tales This also was the doctrine and vse of the Apostles For being followers of Christ all their Doctrine was out of the Scriptures as it appeareth by that is sayd Acts 2.42 That the Church continued in the Doctrine of the Apostles And in the same Chap. the Apostle Peter is shewed to haue taught the Doctrine of the resurrection of Christ out of the Psalmes Likewise the same Apostle writing to the dispersed Iewes 2 Pet. 1.19 doth commend them for attending to the words of the Prophets Ephe. 2.20 Likewise by the Apostle Paul it is written that the Church is builded vpon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets Iesus Christ being the low corner-stone which is spoken in respect of their Doctrine preached by them in their time and after for the substance of it set downe in writing by the will of God for the vse of the Church for euer This appeareth also in that the Scripture giuen by the inspitation of God Rom. 15.4 is sayd to bee that which is written 2 Tim. 3.16 17. to teach vs to comfort to reforme to rebuke and to instruct in all righteousnesse to make a man wise to Saluation by faith in Christ and to make the man of God perfect fully furnished for any good worke Therefore according to the auncient ordinance of God Moyses that is Act. 15.21 the Law and bookes written by Moyses were vsed to bee read as the Apostle Iames testifieth euery Sabbath day in the Synagogues The writings of the Prophets also were so read amongst them as it appeareth by that is written Acts 13. that after the reading of the Law and of the Prophets the Apostle Paul preached in the Synagogue at Antioche And of the same Apostle it is sayd that he confirmed Iesus to bee Christ that is the Messias promised of God Act. 26.12 by proofes taken out of the Scriptures and as hee testifieth of him selfe hee taught nothing besides that which had bin taught before in the Law and in the Prophets Thus by all these enidences it is manifest that our Religion in England concerning this part of the Seruice of God is the same which was taught by our Sauiour Christ and by his Apostles viz. in that the holy Scriptures are publiquely read vnto the people and also the people is taught Christian Religion by the expounding and preaching of the same vnto them and that no foolish
God then the shedding of the water in the streetes For it is by the blood of God as saith the Apostle whereby the Church is bought and purchased A 20.26 by which blood as hee made propitiation for our sinnes so it is by the same blood being of inestimable value because of the infinite dignitie of his person by which hee is entered into the presence of God to make intercession for vs. It is therefore of no vse that is said that hee is the onely mediator of propitiation but not of intercession For as it hath bene shewed by these reasons hee hath as good right to bee honored with this glory to bee the onely intercessor for his Church as hee hath to bee the onely giuer of all satisfaction for our sinnes Finally it behooueth that our intercessor bee God that hee may know the necessities of this people and vnderstand their groanes which cannot bee vttered but this agreeth not to any creature onely much lesse to men Thus then it appeareth in how high degree the Liturgie of the Church of Rome is contrary to the Doctrine of Christ and his Apostles and derogatory to the honor of God and of his onely Sonne in that prayers are made to any other then to God onely and that resting vpon the Prayers and intercession of many others and not onely of Iesus Christ Contrary wise hereby it may appeare that our Religion and diuine Seruice in England in these two last and excellent poynts concerning Prayer is according to the Doctrine of Christ and of his Apostles that wee pray to God onely and that by the onely mediation of Iesus Christ the righteous who is also the propitiation for our sinnes Thus it hath beene shewed both in the word whereunto the Sacraments are annexed and also in prayer in which two parts principally consisteth the whole seruice of God that our Religion professed in England is the same which was taught by Iesus Christ and by his Apostles which was desired to be proued and further that the Liturgie of the Church of Rome in all the poynts heere debated is directly contrary to the Apostolicall Doctrine and that which was deliuered by the Lord Iesus himselfe Which being so performed heere might bee an end of this Treatise but that it is further desired to bee shewed if any of the Martyres haue giuen testimony to that Religion which in England is professed For satisfaction wherein here is added that which followeth CHAP. X. Of Martyrs MArtyr is originally a Greeke word and signifieth in English a witnesse which generall signification by an elegancy of speech is vsed by the Church to note such as testifie and beare witnesse of true Religion and of the right Seruice of God and of faith in Iesus Christ euen by the suffering of death rather then to deny the truth of God So as in this sence Martyr is a witnesse of true Religion by his suffering of death for it Such in the time of the Prophets were Daniel and his three noble kinsmen of the tribe of Iudah Dan. 3.20.21 For these three rather then they would worship Nebuchadnezzars golden Image and yeeld to an Idoll the honour due to the onely true God endured to bee cast into the furnace of fire From which though God by miracle deliuered them yet are they worthily accounted Martyrs for their most constant resolution Dan. 6.16 Likewise Daniel rather then hee would not yeeld vnto God the honor of prayer endured to bee cast into the denne of Lyons for his noble Profession In the new Testament our Sauiour speaking of Martyrdome saith Math. 5.11 Blessed are yee when men persecute you for righteousnesse and for my sake And forewarning his Disciples of such Persecution saith You shall beare witnesse of mee Iohn 15.27 Iohn 16.2 and they will put you out of their synagogue and whosoeuer shall kill you shall thinke hee doth God good seruice The Apostle Peter saith If any man suffer because hee is a Christian 1 Pet 4.16 let him not hee ashawed let him rather glorifie God on this behalfe Thus also wrighteth the Apostle Paul alledging it out of the Psalmes Psal 44.22 Rom. 8.36 For thy sake are wee put to death all the day long wee are accounted as sheepe for the slaughter By these and many other like testimonies it appeareth that a true Martyr dyeth for no other cause but for a good iust and holy cause and namely for witnesse bearing to true Religion as for refusing to worship Idols and for professing himselfe a Christian and one that honoreth Christ and 〈…〉 the Doctrine of the Gospel that hee taught and professeth to belieue to bee saued by him Which being thus proued by these generall testimonies shall bee likewise confirmed by the examples of such true Martyrs to the end that hereby it may appeare that whosoeuer are to bee acknowledged to haue beene true Martyrs haue suffered for earing witnesse to some principall doctrine of the same Religion that together with all Christendome is professed at this day in England and not for maintenance of any of the errors or false worships maintained by the Sea of Rome and wherein they being fallen away from the truth of the Gospel dissent from many nations of the Christian world They challenge indeed to themselues that all the Martyrs that dyed in the Primitiue Church dyed for their Religion But it is not to bee shewed that they dyed for that Corruption of Christian Religion that is properly called Popery because it hath beene and is still maintained by the authority of Popes but onely for refusing to worship Idols for professing to beleeue in God and in Iesus Christ our Sauiour Which being the holy faith now professed in England and in many other nations of Christendome that agree with vs therein it will appeare that all the Martyrs of the primitiue Church dyed for the maintenance of that Seruice of God and for that faith of Christ which is now professed in England which is the other part that is defired to be proued Now for the proofe let vs first consider of the Martyrs recorded in the new Testament Whereof the first that obtained the Crowne of Martyrdome was Steuen who had beene one of the Seuen Deacons of the Church of Ierusalem Of him it is manifest that hee was stoned to death in a fury of the Iewes after that hee had giuen notable testimony to Iesus Christ First by his great signes and wonders that hee did Secondly his so wise and Zealous reasoning with men of the Synagogues and schools of the Iewes of diuers nations that were in Ierusalem as they were not able to withstand the wisedome and spirit wherewith hee spake Thirdly Act. 6.10 Act. 7 2 c. V. 52. V. 55 V. 59 by his notable Apologie which hee made for himselfe before the High-Priest and the whole Consistory his face shining as an Angel concluding it with charging their Fathers to haue slayne the
the Church and not any tales and follies so hath it beene alwayes the endeauour of our Church that the same word of God might bee also expounded vnto the people that so they might bee taught to know the Articles of true Christian Religion with the grounds thereof deliuered in the holy Scriptures and haue it applied to their instruction in godlinesse to the reproofe of the disobedient to the comfort of the comfortlesse and to euery good vse for which God hath ordained it To this end at the ordination of Ministers they are earnestly exhorted to the performance of this duty and there are many bountifull allowances in diuers parts of the Realme assigned for Preachers to attend vpon that Seruice In performance whereof there are also required two things The one is that the Doctrine be sound Tit. 2.8 2 Tim. 3 4. 2 Tim. 4.12 that is holy and grounded vpon the Scriptures The other that this duty bee performed with all faithfulnesse and diligence Now in all these points also our Religion is the same which was taught by our Sauiour Christ and by his Apostles For our Sauiour leauing his commission with his Apostles for publishing of his Gospell said Math. 28.19.20 Teach yee all nations and Teach them to obscrue whatsoeuer I haue giuen you in charge Likewise before that time he had said vnto them who is a faithfull and prudent steward whom the Lord shall set ouer his houshold that hee may giue them their portion in due season Lnke 12.42.43 44. Blessed shall that seruant bee whom the Lord at his comming shall finde so doing I tell you truely hee will let him ouer all his goods This appeareth also in the earnest charge thrice giuen and repeated at one time to Peter that as hee loued the Lord Iosh 21.15 16.17 Tit. 2.8 Tit. 2.7 hee should feede his sheepe Likewise the Apostle Paul chargeth Titus to preach the wholesome word that cannot bee condemned and to see that there bee integrity and incorruption in his Doctrine And writing to Timothy he exhorteth him with a most earnest contestation before God 2 Tim. 4.1 2. and the Lord Iesus Christ that is to iudge both the quicke and the dead at his illustrous comming and in his kingdome that hee preach the word bee instant seasonably and vnseasonably and so forth So the Apostle Peter with a like contestation exhorteth the Elders of the dispersed Iewes to feede the flocke of God that was with them 1 Pet. 5.1 2.4 willingly and with a ready and cheerefull minde and promising them so doing to receiue at the appearing of the Arch-Pastor a Garland that shall not wither or of Flower-gentle whose beauty and colour doth not fade nor wither away Thus it is proued that our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles haue taught that the word of God should bee preached to the people and that the Doctrine deliuered out of it should bee sound holy and warranted by the Scripture and that the same ought to bee preached with all faithfull care and diligence Therefore what godly care and endeauor is amongst vs in these respects is according to the Doctrine taught by Christ himselfe and his Apostles And of such care many Iniunctions Constitutions Canons Statutes and Acts of Parlament made both for the aduancement of preaching of Gods word and also for the faithfull diligence of the Ministers therein doe plentifully testifie But especially those are most worthy honor which prouide for the sincerity and soundnesse of the Doctrine of faith and of the Sacraments set downe in the booke of Articles agreed vpon in the Conuocation in the yeere of our Lord 1562. and in the 13 yeere of the reigne of our late gracious Queene ordained to bee acknowledged sound and holy as it is by such as shall take ordinary care and charge of soules within the Church of England All which Articles haue beene often Iustified by many learned Treatises ioyntly and seuerally concerning them For which cause it seemeth not needfull vpon occasion to enter into the debating and prouing of them which would aske a long time especially of the errors of the Sea of Rome which are very many were withall to bee confuted But if particular questions be moued of any one of them no necessary duty shall bee wanting to proue the truth and soundnesse of that may bee doubted of and to disproue any error that may bee maintained against it For this time the poynt that is in hand it may suffice heere to haue mentioned the care of our Church in England that the word of God bee not onely read but also expounded vnto the people and that by warrant of the same they may bee taught the truth of Christian Religion and that with all faithfullnesse and diligence and that herein our Religion is the same which Christ and his Apopostles taught and deliuered vnto vs. On the contrary part exceeding great is the corruption of the Church of Rome in this behalfe First in that there haue beene of many ages so many errours as haue beene discouered in their Doctrine yet they haue confirmed the same by their last Councell holden at Trent and doe still maintaine the same both by their continuall writings and also at such times as they pretend to preach the Gospell of Christ vnto the people Further also how violently soeuer they contend that all their Doctrine is true yet haue they little care to instruct the people in it This appeareth in that it is a Doctrine which they teach and hold that ignorance is the mother of deuotion Likewise in that they neither reade the word of God publiquely to the people in a knowne Language nor suffer them priuately so to reade it This appeareth also by that their parish Priests are generally so ignorant as hardly one Preacher can bee found amongst them in a great Country Finally their dispensations for non residency and for multiplying of benefices and for attendance vpon other persons and matters are so ordinary that it manifestly declareth as experience also hath taught yet doth in most places that it is one of the least cares that they haue by Preaching to instruct the people Whereby it is plaine that heerein they are departed from the doctrine practise institution ordinance of Christ his Apostles Luk 21.37 38. and 4.16 For of their continuall attendance vpon this duty their earnest charges to all Ministers of the Gospell Act. 10.18.19 20.21.26 27 28 29.30 31.32 1 Pet. 5.2.3 4. 2 Tim. 4.1.2 Ioh. 21.15 16.17 there are manifest testimonies in the Scriptures from whose examples and commandements they swaruing so farre declare that they little remember or regard the earnest obtestation of the Apostle made before God and the Lord Iesus Christ and with mention of his glorious Kingdome with comming to iudge the quick and the dead They little regard the great charge giuen by our Sauiour Christ to the Apostle Peter that as he loued him he
For these causes Polycarpus dyed as a faithfull seruant of Christ whom hee sayd hee had serued 86 yeares and hauing found him alwayes his good master and gracious Lord hee would not now deny him Attalus another Martyr was lead about the Amphitheater and a table borne before him wherein it was written This is Attalus the Christian It is written of one Saphyra a virgin of Antioch that as a faire Saphyre a Iemme a Iewell of great price carying hir holy profession without any staine being commanded to sacrifice to the gods of the heathen shee graciously answered that shee was a Christian and worshipped almighty God who had created all things and that the gods of the Gentils were no gods but diuels for which worthy profession shee was beheadded Happy Faelicitas according to hir name a matrone and widdow of Rome the mother of seauen children was accused to the Emperour Antoninus by the priests of the Idols that she worshipped not their gods but also perswaded others from doing them honor Shee was exhorted to spare hir selfe and to returne to the old Romane Religion and to forsake the new doctrine of the Christians and to testifie the same by the offering of Sacrifice But shee constantly professed that shee was willing to dye for the faith of Christ After being exhorted to spare hir children and to perswade them to redeeme and saue their liues by sacrificing shee answered the Magistrate Thy mercy is impietie and thy exhortation cruelty For if my sonnes should sacrifice to Idols they should not saue their liues but cast themselues into hell fire Then turning to hir Children shee said My dearest sonnes perseuere in the faith and confession of our Lord Iesus Christ hee expecteth you with all his Saints fight for your soules and shew your selues faithfull in the loue of Christ Thus for worshipping of Christ and refusing to worship Idols this happy mother hauing seene hir seuen sonnes first slayne with sundry deaths and dying seauen times in them at the last was also crowned with Martyrdome and receiued to euerlasting felicity These few examples of almost an infinite number may suffice to shew that the Martyrs which suffered vnder the heathen Romaine Enperours to the time of Constantine the Great which was 300 yeares and more suffered all for professing themselues to bee Christians and refusing to worship the Idols of the heathen Romaine Emperours Which being thus declared hereby is that proued for the first 300 yeares after Christ which was desired that is that the Martyrs of the Primitiue Church dyed for that faith which the Church of England together with all the reformed Churches of Christiandome doe professe For both these are in our Church so professed as wee hold it most honorable to dye in maintenance of the faith of Christ and refusing to worship any Idols either of old Rome that worshipped the Images of heathen men or of new Rome that adoreth the Images of Christian men For though the difference of a heathen and of a Christian man bee exceeding great yet in worshipping of them both religiously and much more in so worshipping their Images there is no difference but such Images are Idols alike and the worshippers of them are in like sort Idolaters But this disputation belongeth to another place That which is heere to bee debated is that seing our Church in England professeth the faith of Christ and abhorreth the Idols of the heathen as all reformed Churches doe that all the Martyrs of the Primitiue Church for the first three hundreth yeres after Christ dyed for the same faith and Religion which is now professed in England After the time that Constantine the Great had preuailed against his enimies the heathen Princes which were partakers with him in the Empire the persecution of Christians in the former manner ceassed in all the Romaine Empire excepting the short time of Iulian the Apostata for notwithstanding that there were grieuous troubles which the true Christians suffered also after especially by the Arrians and also by some other heretickes and schismatickes in their sundry Countries yet was there not any vniuersall persecution vnto death in any degree like the former for the causes aboue mentioned or by the heathen Within the Church there arose indeede great troubles generally by the authority of the Emperours that fauoured the heresy of Arius and by the Arian Bishops and other of that heresy soliciting authority with all importunacy against Athanasius and other that maintained the sound Orthodoxe and holy faith of the Godhead of Christ of one and the same substance with the Father In which worthy cause whatsoeuer was suffered by any and namely by Athanasius worthy to bee immortall and to haue his name preserued for euer in the Church with high regard and honour they and Athanasius suffered for that faith that is also professed by all reformed Churches and namely by our Church in England as may appeare by Athanasius Creede or confession of faith set downe in our booke of common prayer appoynted by publique authority to be openly read in all our Churches Other vniuersall persecutions for any matter of Christian faith wee reade of none And as for such particular troubles as were r●ised in the Church about any heresy condemned by any of the foure first generall Councels whatsoeuer those Councels decreed against such heresies is receiued and professed by our Church in England Thus it is proued that all the Martyrs of the Primitiue Church suffered for our Religion that is now professed in England And in all ages whatsoeuer true and right Martyrs there haue beene that is which suffered death for bearing witnesse to the word of God and to any part of Christian Religion deliuered by Iesus Christ and by his holy Apostles for it is the cause and not the punishment onely that maketh a Martyr they dyed all for some Article or other of the Religion which is professed in England And of this sort for some laterages especially in this wherein wee liue the barbarous Cruelty of the Romane Catholiques hath beene such as in this age both England in some former times and especially in the reigne of Queene Mary and many other kingdomes and countries of Christendome haue flowed with the Christian blood that hath bene shed by them They boast indeed of Martyrs that haue dyed for the defence of their Religion for which if our Christian Kings and States that haue restored the sincerity of Christian Religion had made lawes for that purpose and put them in execution vpon some turbulent Persons obstinately seeking to depriue vs of the true worship of God and to bring vs back againe to the blindnesse and ignorance superstitions and will worships errours and heresies Idolatries and blasphemies of the Sea of Rome who could iustly reproue such proceedings But it will bee hard to shew that our Christian Princes and States haue yet hitherto so proceeded Possibly in the warres and in the rage of battell and in the fury of victory some outrages may haue bene committed which we do not iustifie But that in time of peace when lawes might be obeyed the Iudges sit quietly vpon their benches it will not be easy to shew that there hath bin any such course Their shamelesse Legendaries report indeed that we haue put men into Beares skinnes and set dogges to worry them But they that wrote such things had neither truth nor modesty in so writing They complaine much also of some Iesuits Seminaries and other Romane Catholiques adiudged vnto death in this Land And it is true that some such haue beene executed but not any simply for any matter of Religion and diuine Seruice but either for Fellonies and Treasons and that some such as the like were neuer heard of in any age or for such erronious and hereticall poynts of Doctrine as directly impugneth the Soueraignty of the State and inforced a necessity of such Lawes and execution of them vpon some notorious Offendors and seditious practisers to seduce the subiects from their allegeance But this is cleared in many other places and heere it may suffice to shew that which hath beene proued That the Martyrs of the Primitiue Church dyed for that truth which is now professed in England Which hauing beene thus proued by this Treatise there hath beene performed whatsoeuer is desired Which God grant may be of as good vse to such as haue desired it as the writer from his soule doth pray God may vouchsafe them FINIS
should feed his sheepe Finally they smally regard either the promise of the Garland that neuer withereth or the threatning of the punishment of the vnfaithful seruant that is to bee cut in two and to receiue his portion with Hypocrits and Infidels Thus as these enormities are iustly reprooued so our contrary proceedings in England are iustified in the care that is held that the doctrine preached should bee holy and true and that the preachers should faithfully and diligently instruct the people in the same And thus much of the word of God both read and preached in our Churches in England CHAP. VI. Of Sacraments IT followeth to consider of the Sacraments and of prayer Concerning the Sacraments our Church in England doth professe that they are in nature holy signes and seales of the doctrine of the Gospell and of the righteousnesse that is by faith thereof In number also wee professe that there are two viz. Baptisme and the Lords Supper And that our Religion herein is that which Christ and his Apostles taught is thus proued That Iesus Christ ordayned these two Sacraments is most manifest in the Gospell wherein is declared both that Christ ordained these two and in what manner hee appoynted them to bee administred We reade also in the Gospell Math 28.19 20. 26.26 and in other bookes of the new Testament that the Apostles accordingly did administer them both But of any other Sacrament wee reade not that either our Sauiour Christ ministred and ordained any nor that the Apostles did administer any other As for those fiue which the Sea of Rome addeth to the number of the Sacraments some of them wee acknowledge to bee holy ordinances and states of life allowed in the Scripture but haue not like nature with Baptisme and the Lords Supper and some haue beene brought into the Church vpon a corrupt following of examples not intended for Sacraments But because this question is at large debated in answer to another question concerning this matter it may suffice to haue said thus much in generall touching the Sacraments Concerning the Sacraments as farre as we differ from the Sea of Rome and haue reformed the abuses thereof in the administration of them wee administer them in the English speech with declaration of the chiefe doctrines signed by them wherein our Religion and practise is according to the word of God For it hath beene Gods good pleasure alwayes that the Sacraments should not be as dumbe shewes and spectacles but so administred as the people might bee taught to vnderstand what were the Doctrines that were signed and confirmed by them This was also the Doctrine of our Sauiour Christ as appeareth by this that giuing charge to his Apostles heereof he saith Teach all Nations Math. 28.19 baptising them declaring thereby that the meaning and Doctrine for confirmation whereof hee ordained Baptisme should bee declared And of the Sacrament of his Supper saith As oft as yee doe this 1 Cor. 11.26 shew forth the Lords death till he come And againe Doe yee this in remembrance of me Now Christ taught the Doctrine of that ordinance which hee there instituted and deliuered Such was also the Doctrine of the Apostles in all places of the New Testament that make mention of their Doctrine and administration of the Sacraments of Baptisme Act. 2.38.41 10.47 4● Act ●0 7 and of the Lords Supper CHAP. VII Of Baptisme PArticularly concerning Baptisme wee administer it without adding thereunto exorcisme or adiuring the diuell to goe out of the child Because it is not written that our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles vsed any such ceremony or appointed any such to be vsed in the administration of it Further also because it is a superstitious ceremony in sundry respects and grounded vpon a false supposition that the infants that are to bee baptized are possessed with the diuell For our Sauiour saith that Theirs is the kingdome of heauen Math. 19.14 1 Cor. 7.14 And the Apostle Paul saith that The children of Christian Parents are holy yea though but one of their Parents be a Christian and faithfull And wee administer Baptizme without exorcisme or adiuration so doe wee likewise without salt spittle creame honny oyle Chrisme Candlelight c. Which Ceremonies wee doe not vse in the administration of Baptizme 1. Because there is neither commandement nor example of the vse of any of them giuen in the Scriptures by our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles 2. Because wee haue sufficient commandement in the Scriptures for the administration of it that is without any of these 3. Because wee haue many examples in the Scripture of such as were lawfully and duly baptized without the vse of any of these Act. 2.41 and 10 48. 16 33. 4. These are the deuices of men added to the ordinances of Christ and to the worship of God according to which inuentions it is not lawfull to serue God Thus it appeareth that our Religion in this part also is according to the Doctrine and practice of our Sauiour Christ and his Apostles CHAP. VIII Of the Lords Supper IT followeth now to speake of the Lords Supper which is the other Sacrament of the new Testament In the administration of which Sacrament the order vsed by the Church of England is after due preparation by euery ones tryall of themselues in faith and repentance to administer it with declaration of the institution of Christ and of the doctrine signed and confirmed by it in the English tongue that all the people may vnderstand We doe also administer it in both kinds of bread and wine Further the minister doth take the bread and giue thanks breake it and deliuer it to the communicants Likewise hee taketh the cup and after thanks-giuing powreth out the wine in the cup to bee deliuered to all that are to bee partakers of the communion The people that doe communicate receiue the bread and eate it and the wine likewise and drinke it Now the end and vse of all this is added hereunto which is in generall the solemne commemoration of the death of Christ In particular and that first in regard of God and of his Sonne Iesus Christ to magnifie the goodnesse of God in not sparing to giue his onely begotten Sonne for the redemption of the world and to giue him most due thankes for such his vnspeakable grace and mercy It is likewise to glorifie our Sauiour Christ and to giue thankes for his exceeding loue to mankind in that for our redemption he hath vouchs●fed to humble himselfe to take vpon him our nature and the forme of a Seruant and in that nature to humble himselfe for vs euen to the death and that the accurssed death of the Crosse In respect of men viz both of all other to professe our Christian faith and also in regard of our selu●s that our faith and by i● our Communion with Christ may be increased whereby wee may bee made more and more partakers of