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A16616 A plaine and pithy exposition of the second Epistle to the Thessalonians. By that learned & judicious diuine Mr William Bradshaw, sometime fellow of Sidney Colledge in Cambridge. Published since his deceasse by Thomas Gataker B. of D. and paster of Rotherhith Bradshaw, William, 1571-1618.; Gataker, Thomas, 1574-1654. 1620 (1620) STC 3523; ESTC S106386 110,550 220

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that is a departing from the foundation of that Faith Religion and diuine worship which was planted by the Apostles in the primitiue Church this is out of question and appeareth as before was shewed by the title giuen it vers 7. the Mysterie of iniquitie opposed to the Mysterie of the Gospell and the vse made of it ver 15. Therefore brethren stand fast c. 2. This Apostasie is Catholick and Universall ouer-spreading the whole face of the Christian world This is euident by the indefinite speech of the Apostle vers 1. by the Confession of all men euen our Aduersaries themselues by the euent 3. This Apostasie is a Mysterie of Iniquitie wherein men do not professedly fall from Christ but vnder the profession of Christ and in his name do fight against him in an hidden and artificiall manner vers 7. 4. This Apostasie shall be one bodie and haue a Catholicke head who shall in that manner rule ouer the members thereof as Christ doth ouer his Church vers 4. 5. This Apostasie was not to be such on the sodaine but to begin by litle and litle and so by degrees to increase and afterward againe to decrease by degrees vers 7 8. 6. This Apostasie began in the Apostles time for then it is said that the Mysterie of iniquitie began to worke vers 7. 7. It shall preuaile against those that loue not the truth and sinceritie of the Gospell but giue libertie and indulgence vnto themselues 'to liue in some sinne vers 10. 8. It shall be effected and vpheld with the efficacie of Satan with all power and signes lying wonders vers 9. 9. It shall be consumed by the Spirit of Gods mouth i. by the word of God vers 8. All these points are cleare enough out of this prophecie and if they were not yet might we well conclude that where all these may be verified of any Apostasie now in being that it is either the same with it or as bad as it But there is no cause to doubt of any of them and therefore we are to make no question but that these points being true this Apostasie must needs now be in the world and that it must needs greatly concerne all Christians to be warned thereof As also that for the finding thereof we are not to seeke the secret nookes and corners woods and wildernesses for it is to spread ouer the whole Christian world That this Apostasie then such as the Apostle here prophecied of is to be found in the present Church of Rome is most euident and notorious For 1. that this Romish Church hath made an Apostasie from the Faith and Religion planted by the Apostles and that for this 1000. yeares so that she is no more like to that Church that the Apostles planted at Rome then Hell is to Heau'n may appeare by these Reasons 1. From the difference of the Church 2. From the difference of the Church gouernment 3. From the difference of the Doctrine 4. From the difference of the worship 1. The present Church of Rome holdeth her selfe to be a Catholicke Church vniuersally spread ouer the face of the whole world vnto which all true Christians and Churches doe appertaine as members so that they are held no true Churches or members of Christ or Christians that are not professed members of the Church of Rome in what parts so euer of the world they abide But the Church of Rome which the Apostles planted was a particular Church onely comprehending vnder it onely those Christians which dwelt in and about Rome and not in any other places For Paul directing his Epistle to that Church describes it thus The Saints at Rome and concludes his Epistle with Salutations vnto such persons as inhabited in or about Rome yea and it was sent from Corinth vnto this Church which could not be if this Church were euery where and had not bin a particular Church Againe this Apostle writing to other Churches giues them as great glorious and respectfull titles and priuiledges as he doth vnto this Church Neither doth he any where in any colorable manner subiect them to this but writes vnto them as entire and distinct and free Churches of themselues neuer exhorting or mouing vnto subiection or obedience to this Church And if it had bin such a Church of which all Christians are members he would out of question haue described it writing vnto it as Iames and Peter do writing to the dispersed Iewes To the 12. Tribes scattred abroad To the strangers that dwell through Pontus Asia c. So To the Church of Rome and all the members thereof euen to all the Christians throughout the world So that this Church of Rome can no more be said to be such a kinde of Church as the Apostles planted then the whole world can be said to be the Citie of Couentrie or Lichfield or London And for any colour of ought in Gods word these or any of them yea this Parish of Stapen-hill might make as good claime to be the Catholicke Church as the Church of Rome may 2. The head-Officers and Gouernors of the old Church of Rome were the same for name office that were appointed in other Churches For had they bin Officers of an other kinde the Apostles would vndoubtedly haue giuen notice of it But the Head-Officers of this Church are such as whose names and peculiar Offices were neuer heard of in the Apostolicall Churches or times The Apostles in their Epistles do often mention the Church-Gouernors in their times and yet not a sillable concerning any Pope Cardinals Abbots Moncks Friers Iesuites c. nor any such kinde of Officers Take these Offices and Officers out of the present Romish Church and you raze the very foundation of their Church and yet that Church of Rome which the Apostle wrote vnto was perfect and compleat without them 3. The maine and fundamentall doctrine of this Church whereby it differs from those reformed Churches that haue made separation from it cannot be iustified by the doctrine of the olde Church of Rome and of other Churches in those times comprehended in the Canonicall Epistles of the Apostles as Iustification by works Transubstantiation Mans Free-will Abilitie to keep the whole Law Merit of works Satisfaction for Sin c. It shall not be needfull vpon this occasion to enter into proofe of particulars This in generall may serue for a proofe of all Her enmitie to the Scriptures diminishing the authoritie of them as much as she may preferring hir owne authoritie aboue them her tying the Scriptures to what translation she pleaseth to what sense she listeth and her keeping them locked from the people shewes that her fundamentall doctrines are not agreable to the Scriptures and by consequent differing from the Doctrine of the old Church of Rome 4. Her principall Worship and Seruice so far forth as it differeth from our Churches is as different as may be from that worship seruice which is prescribed by the
vnto it and embraceth it This Faith and Sanctification go hand in hand togither The motions of a sanctified spirit goe no further then the light of this truth and this eye of faith doth direct And what neede they feare to be seduced or drawne out of the way that haue such a Spirit to moue them such an eye and light and rule to direct them Vers. 14. Wherevnto he hath called you by our Gospell to obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ. THe outward meanes whereby the inward meanes were wrought was the Ministerie of the Apostles and Euangelists which he calleth their Gospell Whereby he declareth that whatsoeuer they ministred to the people it was the Gospell and therefore that we that are Ministers should tread in their steps and minister that onely to Gods people that we may avow to be Gospell By this Ministerie being nothing else but the Ministerie of the Gospell were they called saith the Apostle to sanctification and faith in the truth The Gospell then yea our Gospell .i. the Ministerie of the Gospell practised and instituted by the Apostles is Gods owne consecrated instrument whereby the Spirit worketh sanctification faith Thus doth the Lord honor his Ministerie So that they which are the despisers thereof neuer had any true faith or sanctification and therefore are a prey to Antichrist And surely who are they that he preuaileth against in our Kingdome Are they not manifest despisers of this ordinance For as for those that are called by the same vnto sanctification and faith they cannot but honor it as the blessed instrument of their conuersion and eternall saluation He sheweth further wherein the end of this their Ministerie consisted in calling of them to the obtaining of the glory of Christ. i. of that euerlasting glory and happines by Christ which Christ our Head himselfe in Heauen now enioyeth So that this is a notable meanes to debase the glory of Antichrist to fix our eyes on the glory that Christ hath purchased for vs and is entred into heauen to take seisen and possession of in our behalfe And surely one maine cause why a many are so carried away with the glittering shewes of Antichrists pompous estate is because they haue not their mindes set nor the eyes of their soules fixed on that wonderfull and vnutterable and inconceiuable glory that for all Christs faithfull followers is prepared in heauen All the glory of Antichrist would be vile in their eyes if they so did Vers. 15. Therefore Brethren stand fast and keepe the instructions which you haue bin taught either by word or by our Epistle THe Use and Application followeth As if he had said Seeing you haue so great matter of comfort Brethren stand fast c. Wherein we are to consider these 3. things 1. The dutie that he exhorteth them vnto 2. The ground of the dutie 3. The meanes of performing of the dutie The dutie is that they stand fast It is a metaphor borrowed from Souldiers who in brunt of battell gather their strength togither that they may not be ouerthrowne So he would haue them to do to gather togither all the strength they can that they may stand against the brunt and storme of Antichrist Whence we may learne 1. The beloued and elect of God shall bee powerfully and strongly assaulted by the Man of sinne and in great danger to fall into the Apostasie aforesaid if they looke not vnto themselues 2. That they must therefore gather all their force and strength togither to stand strongly to the defence of the true faith and religion that no tempests and stormes may remoue them from it 2. The ground of this dutie is implied in the word Therefore i. Seing that the Lord hath elected you c therefore stand fast The doctrine then of the certainty of our saluation and of our election is not a doctrine of securitie but it hath this nature in whomsoeuer it is found to stir vp men so much the more to stand to the truth So that the more that a man is assured of his saluation the more he will striue to keep the faith So that if he should see his name written in the booke of life yet would not this make him wax secure but so much the more carefull to please God and so much the more resolute against the enemies of God If a man should know that his body were in that case that he could not be slaine in battell howsoeuer he might be wounded maimed and hurt would that make him to yeeld himselfe to his enemies or to suffer them to wound and hurt him Would it not rather make him fight so much the more couragiously 3. The meanes follow of performing this dutie whereby they and all other may stand fast The first is that they hold fast or lay a sure hand as the word signifieth vpon the Apostles Traditions These Traditions are all such Ordinances of religion and diuine worship as were taught and established by the Apostles and Euangelists whether by word or by Epistle For vnto them whom the Apostles with their owne mouths preached their words were of equall authoritie with their writings But with vs to whom they neuer spake their writings onely are authenticall and not their words because we know not what they spake more then they writ 1. The duti● then is this to lay hold with both hands on the doctrine of the Apostles and not to suffer any part or parcell thereof to be wrung forth of our hands 2. This shewes the meanes whereby Antichrist hath so much preuailed for that men haue not held fast the Apostles traditions but the Churches of Christ haue suffred now one Ordinance and then an other to be wrung out of their hands Vers. 16. Now the same Iesus Christ our Lord and our God euen the Father which hath loued vs and hath giuen vs euerlasting consolation and good hope through grace 17. Comfort your hearts and stablish you in euery word and good worke THe second meanes of standing fast is in the hand of God and it is twofold 1. Consolation of the heart Except the Lord from heauen send a comfortable and cheerefull heart that it be not daunted and terrified one shall hardly hold fast Whereas so long as the Lord comforteth the heart so long we shall vphold and maintaine the faith 2. God must also establish vs and confirme vs in euery word and good worke that we may so carry our selues in word and deed that we giue no aduantage to the aduersarie For if Antichrist can trip vs in either he will giue vs a dangerous blow The Apostle therefore concludeth this matter with a prayer to Iesus Christ and to God the Father stirring him thereunto by mention of that free fauour of his toward them whereby in Christ he hath loued them and giue them euerlasting consolation by putting them in good hope of eternall saluation through grace Thereby teaching vs that the maine ground of our assurance of future
that we can do our enemies more hurt then God can and will if we leaue the reuenge vnto him vnto whom indeed it appertaineth The second ground of the former Assertion is this that as it stands with the iustice of God to punish them that afflict persecute his seruants So it stands no lesse with his iustice to giue vnto his seruants which are troubled and molested rest and quiet of which the lesse hope and assurance there is in this life the more cause there is to assure themselues of it in another life and therefore to expect that day wherein they shall be put into a full and eternall possession thereof It is no such comfort to the soule of an afflicted Christistian to be perswaded that God will render vnto the wicked enemies affliction for affliction more comfort it would bee vnto them to see some signes and tokens of their repentance and forgiuenesse But this is the strength and life of Christian consolation that the more sorrow and trouble that they sustaine for Christs sake and his kingdome the more pledges and demonstrations they haue therein of their owne eternall rest and happinesse for howbeit our sufferings as is formerly declared are farre from meriting any such matter yet it is iust with God to giue them rest and quiet which haue beene content patiently to suffer for his sake no man shall suffer in vaine for Christ but the more he suffereth if hee suffer for the kingdome of Christ the more securitie and assurance hee hath of eternall rest in heauen which all those want which want that grace neuer looke thou to enter into this rest except thou canst with patience and faith indure trouble and disquiet for the kingdome of heauen He sheweth what manner of rest this shal be by way of comparison in these words with vs .i. It shall be such a rest and quiet as is prepared for vs that are Apostles and Euangelists and such as together with vs you shall certainely enioy This must needes increase their consolation exceedingly there are no true Christians but are perswaded the Apostles and Euangelists shall in this great day be in most happy condition neither can they desire to be in better estate wouldst thou then be sure to rest with Paul Siluanus Timothie and the rest of the Apostles and Euangelists thou must learne with patience and in Faith to suffer persecution and tribulation when the Lord shall call thee thereunto for that Faith and Religion which thou hast learned of them for the Lord hath not prepared a higher heauen for them and a lower for vs but we shall rest together with them in the same heauen if together with them we shall suffer in this life for that kingdome which they in the Gospell haue called vs vnto When the Lord Iesus shall bee manifest from heauen with his mightie Angels 8. In flaming fire That the consideration of the day of doome the manifest signes whereof they were to behold in their patient induring of persecution might the more comfort them and strengthen them in their troubles The Apostle concludeth this second part of their consolation with a digression into a description of that day of iudgement euery part whereof containeth great matter of comfort to all the afflicted and persecuted seruants of God and no lesse matter of feare and horror to all their enemies if they had grace to apprehend the same The first part of the description declareth who shall be the Iudge euen our Lord Iesus himselfe in his owne Person euen he who loued his Seruants so dearely that he gaue his life for them yea did vndergo his Fathers wrath for them which was for the time a Hell of Hells vnto him and therefore the more gracious and louing and mercifull he hath shewed himselfe vnto them the more mercilesse and cruell will he in this iudgement shew himselfe vnto their aduersaries Whom could the afflicted Seruants of Christ more desire to sit in iudgement then their owne deare Sauiour for whose sake they haue suffered so many indignities Whom can the enemies of the Gospell more feare then him whom in his Seruants they haue most dishonoured and despighted No doubt but in this day they would rather choose any to be their Iudge then Christ yea they would hope for more fauour and mercy from the Diuels themselues then from him Let vs then if euer the Lord shall exercise vs in the same manner comfort our selues in this That Christ himselfe will in his owne Person in this day come to iudge the cause betwixt vs and our enemies It were great matter of consolation if we were assured but of this That Christ would raise vp some iust man vpon earth to doe it or send a Saint or an Angell from heauen for that purpose but this must needs be an exceeding comfort That Christ in his owne Person will come to sit in iudgement vpon our aduersaries and will not put the matter ouer to Vnder-Commissioners Let vs then take heede lest in our sufferings for Christs sake we breake not out through impatiencie or distrust into any sinne against Christ for this is the greatest aduantage that we can giue to our aduersaries and a signe that we doe not so much suffer how iust soeuer the cause be for Christs sake as for our owne fancie for how can that man say that he suffereth for Christs sake when in his suffring for his sake he will not for his sake forbeare such and such sinnes which Christ forbids Can he in his suffrings comfort himselfe in the consideration of this iudgement when in and by occasion of those sufferings he rebels against the Iudge The second part of the description of the latter day followeth wherein is set forth the glorious manner of Christs comming to iudgement consisting of three parts First he shall manifest himselfe from heauen i. shall appeare to the eyes and senses not onely of the godly but the wicked and they with these eyes of theirs shall behold him comming from the highest heauens in that maiestie and glory wherein he now sitteth at the right hand of his Father and not in that base and contemptible estate wherein he first shewed himselfe when he tooke our nature vpon him So that Christ will sit visibly in iudgement in this day and that in all the sensible glory that may be he shall then shew himselfe in all his maiestie to euery mortall eye then shall the godly behold and see that their trust and confidence in him in the midst of all their greatest afflictions was not in vaine they shall then haue cause to triumph and glory that they haue though through many reproches and contempts serued so honorable and glorious a Lord. How then shall the wicked enemies of Christ hang downe their heads that haue scorned and disdained his Seruants as if they had serued some base and contemptible Master Verily so vile and base is the seruice of Christ in the eyes of some yea and
if they looke not to themselues to be seduced and drawne into most pestilent and pernicious errors such as may take away all hope of and comfort in the comming of Christ. 4. That the serious meditation and consideration of Christs comming and the hope of our assembling vnto him is a speciall meanes to vphold and support all good Christians against such errors It is a speciall bond to binde vs vnto the truth The matter of the Admonition followeth which is this That whereas some secret enemies of the Gospell and of their saluation went about vnder diuers pretences to perswade them that the second comming of Christ should be in their dayes they would not in any case be disquieted and troubled in their mindes or suffer themselues to be deceiued by any such falshood what colors soeuer they should bring for the same Wherein the Apostle offreth to our consideration 1. The error it selfe wherewith seducers went about to corrupt their mindes 2. The pretences which they either did or might vse for the colouring of their error 3. Their intent in perswading togither with the effect and consequent that would follow vpon the entertaining thereof 4. The dutie of Christians in this case 1. The error is this that Christ would come to iudgement out of hand euen in their dayes An euident vntruth as the experience of many ages since hath discouered It ought to be an Article of our Faith to beleeue that Christ shall certainly come againe to iudge the world But it is a pernicious error to determine of this or that particular time of his comming any further then we haue cleare euidence out of the word In matters of Faith we ought not to be wise aboue that which is written And obserue we how busie Satan hath bin from the beginning to fill mens mindes with errors in religion He that durst be so bold to corrupt the doctrine of Faith in the Apostles time will be much more bold now And therefore we had neede to looke vpon what grounds we build our Faith 2. The pretences that either they did or might alledge are these Priuate Reuelation Apostolicall Tradition Writings of the Apostle wrested and misinterpreted These were the meanes whereby euen in the Apostles time the Mysterie of Iniquitie went about to corrupt infect and poyson the Church with errors and heresies And these they are by which they labour to seduce to this day 3. The intent of these seducers in perswading hereunto is not manifestly expressed And surely it may seeme at the first to be a godly error and that they could meane no hurt but good that taught it and that it could produce nothing but religious thoughts deeds in the receiuers thereof causing them the more carefully to prepare themselues that they might the more boldly hold vp their heads in that day And surely those Christians liue a most holy life that so liue to day as if they looked that Christ should come vnto iudgement to morrow And therefore it might seeme that the Diuell should rather be a looser then a sauer much lesse a gainer by this error· But the Apostles earnestnes doth plainly shew that the Diuell and those instruments which he vsed in perswading to this error had a pestilent intent and purpose therein and that it came from the mischieuous Spirit of Antichrist who was now working in a mysterie his owne greatnesse For though for a time the perswasion hereof might stir vp some to looke to their wayes and bridle their natures from many sinnes yet when at length they should perceiue that they feared in vaine and that their religious feares were vpon a wrong ground it would make them afterward breake forth into so much the more profanenesse yea and be a meanes to make them at length to beleeue that there shall be no such day at all and so would it proue a meanes also to open the mouths of profane mockers as it did indeed in those times 2. Pet. 3.4 and so by that meanes to weaken the credit and autoritie of the Scriptures wherein for this error there might seeme they being not rightly vnderstood some ground Let vs therefore beloued take heede of any error in Religion though it haue neuer such a shew For many times those errors in the euent proue most pestilent that carry most shew of piety Note we withall how Antichrist in the very egge hath endeuoured by all wayes to weaken the authoritie of the Scriptures 4. The dutie that the Apostle in this case requireth of them is twofold First that they be not distracted in minde shaken as it were beside their wits and troubled Wherein the Apostle intimateth 1. That it is Satans slight and policie oft by false and strange doctrines to distract and astonish the minds of men to disturbe and driue them in a manner out of their wits by that meanes not onely to make them vncapable of such holy and sound instruction as might stay them in the truth but to make them fit instruments for him further to worke vpon to possesse them with fond illusions and delusions at his pleasure That which we may obserue in the doctrine and practise of the Familists Anabaptists and other like Enthusiasts of our times as also in the courses of some of some of those in the Romish Church who vnder pretence of affecting a seuerer and austerer course of life then ordinarie haue so weakned their braines and confounded their imaginations that they haue afterward fallen into a number of strange fantasticall conceits which partly Satan taking his opportunitie hath suggested vnto them and partly their owne distemper hath of it selfe forged and fraught their heads with The second thing he here intimateth is this that men are vsually very prone to be distracted and perplexed with such strange and vnsound doctrines and with such groundles conceits And surely such indeed is our naturall corruption some remainders whereof abide in the best that the truth of God euidently taught out of the word oft affecteth vs but faintly when such friuolous conceits though hauing no truth in them or ground of them so strongly possesse vs that with many false feares they affright and amase vs and make vs in a manner beside our selues This corruption should we take notice of and striue and contend to the contrary that howsoeuer we labour to keepe our hearts tender and pliable for Gods Spirit and word to worke vpon yet we strengthen our mindes against such friuolous and false feares and terrors as Satan by his instruments and their strange fancies shall assay to possesse vs with The second dutie that the Apostle requireth of them is to take heede that no man by any meanes deceiue them Wherein the Apostle forewarneth them that by no manner of man or meanes they suffer themselues to be deluded on this wise That neither the persons of those that publish such points though they seeme to be neuer so holy and religious in their life or to be neuer so
Apostles to the olde Church of Rome and other Churches Her Masses her Dirges her Trentalls her Prayers for the dead her Pilgrimages Processions Adoration of Images Angels and Saints departed her Vowes of Virginitie and Pouertie her Seruice in a strange tongue c. In these doth her principall worship of God consist And yet not one of these hath any colour or shadow from the doctrine and worship prescribed in the Epistle to the Romans or in any other Booke of Scriptures 2. That this Apostasie of the Church of Rome is a Catholicke Apostasie needs no proofe seeing themselues glory and boast of the Catholicknes of their Religion especially before Luther and how generally and vniuersally their Worship and Faith aforesaid haue bin receiued and professed neither hath there bin since the Apostles any profession so generall and vniuersall as the Papacie when it was at his height In this they glory But except they could iustifie the truth of their Faith and Religion this their glory is their shame For by this meanes they rather argue that they are not of the true Religion but of this Apostasie because there was to be an vniuersall departure from the true Faith in which case not the true Church but the Apostaticall must be vniuersall 3. The Church of Rome hath a Catholicke Head who in that manner rules ouer the members thereof as Christ doth ouer his Church For the Pope claimes to be the Uniuersall Head of the Church making Lawes according to his owne pleasure euen to binde the Consciences of all them that are vnder him of no lesse authoritie then the Lawes of God 4. The Religion of Popery came not in all at one time but by degrees beginning in the Apostles times and increasing more and more after the decease of the Apostles as the sinceritie of the true Religion decreased It is euidently to be seene in Historie when and by what meanes the grosse and maine points of the Popish Religion came in 5. It preuaileth against whom most Surely such as euidently shew that they beare no loue to the word but are despisers of it and the ministerie thereof Such in our experience are they that vse to be seduced men that are glad to haue any colour to be of any Religion saue that which is the true and which crosseth their corruptions 6. The whole world knoweth with what efficacie and power of Satan it hath bin vpheld how busie Satan was how oft he appeared in Goblins Fayries walking Spirts c. for the strengthning and supporting of it 7. It cannot endure the brightnes of Gods word but melteth before it as Snow before the Sunne Hitherto we haue shewed that the Religion of the Church of Rome is that Antichristian Apostasie that here is prophecied of because all the notes and marks thereof doe most liuely agree thereunto more then to any Religion and Profession in the world besides In the next place we are to shew that the Bishop of Rome is the Head of that Apostasie and that great Antichrist here prophecied of Which appeareth partly by that which hath bin said before concerning the Apostasie of that Church shall more fully appeare by those Notes whereby in this Prophecie he is described The first is this The Antichrist is a Man of Sinne. i. not onely a notorious sinner in his owne person but as Satan is a notable instrument of Satan to draw men from the obedience of Christ to sinne and rebellion against God This agrees to all the Bishops of that Sea in a manner since they became Uniuersall Bishops It is almost incredible what monstrous villaines most of them haue bin and that by the report of their owne Historians You shall not read of any Sect or Order of men whatsoeuer amongst whom so many such monsters haue bin found as amongst them Murtherers Poysoners of their Predecessors Simoniacks Negromancers Sodomites Adulterers Atheists Church-robbers c. Yea such lewd persons ordinarily their Popes haue bin that the time was in those parts where the Pope most abode that when they would note a man for a notorious extraordinarie Villaine or Knaue they would say He is a Knaue or Villaine enough to be Pope Non est opus instare Againe they are not onely such Men of sinne in their owne persons but the grand Patrons of sinne in others and fruitfull parents of lewdnesse So that it is as it were their trade to deuise how they may either by lawes force men to sinne or protect such as are wicked He is the great Patron of Ignorance vsing all the power and authoritie he hath to keep the people from the knowledge of God so that they might not know the right way to serue him He forbiddeth Mariage to all his Clergie which are innumerable the hundreth part whereof are idle bellies not forced to any paines but liuing like Epicures and Swine put vp to feeding By meanes whereof innumerable Adulteries Fornications Rapes Sodomitries Murthers of Infants and other abominable acts are committed He vpholdeth and maintaineth Stewes as it were Colledges and Societies of whores wherevnto men may freely without punishment repaire And counteth it better for some sort of persons to keepe a whore or to defile an other mans wife then to haue a wife of their owne He counteth some sinnes small and veniall not deseruing Hell fire and no sinne so grosse but that for money he can pardon it and he can dispence with Incest diuorce at his pleasure discharg men of their oaths and absolue subiects from their Oath of Allegiance c. By meanes whereof he hath bin the procurer and author of infinite treasons rebellions assassinates poysonings bloudshed of many thousands murther of Princes and Potentates and other the like villanies in all parts of Christendome The second Note followeth He is the Childe of perdition Wherein is signified that the Man of sinne shall be such an other as Iudas was And surely Iudas may well be an Emblem to represent the nature disposition and condition of the Popes of Rome for the most part Iudas was a couetous wretch and grudged that any thing should go beside his bag so is the Pope Iudas sought all meanes to betray Christ so doth the Pope in his members Iudas though Christ convinced his Conscience of the vilenes of the fact and denounced such a wo against him as might iustly haue terrified him yet for all that held on his wicked purpose so doth the Pope Iudas in words and ceremoniall complement most honoured Christ when he betrayed him so doth the Pope Iudas came to an euill end so haue the most if not all of them Iudas was the instrument of Christs death and of his owne perdition so is the Pope None liue more like men ordained to destruction then they 3. The Antichrist here spoken of is one that opposeth himselfe against and lifteth himselfe vp aboue all that is called God The Scriptures giue this Title not to God himselfe onely but to Angels also Psal