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A15422 Synopsis papismi, that is, A generall viewe of papistry wherein the whole mysterie of iniquitie, and summe of antichristian doctrine is set downe, which is maintained this day by the Synagogue of Rome, against the Church of Christ, together with an antithesis of the true Christian faith, and an antidotum or counterpoyson out of the Scriptures, against the whore of Babylons filthy cuppe of abominations: deuided into three bookes or centuries, that is, so many hundreds of popish heresies and errors. Collected by Andrew Willet Bachelor of Diuinity. Willet, Andrew, 1562-1621. 1592 (1592) STC 25696; ESTC S119956 618,512 654

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the Iewish ceremonies this is great presumption to thinke it is lawfull for the Church to doe whatsoeuer Christ and his Apostles did Fulk 1. Tim. 4. sect 18. The Protestants ALthough there be great moderation to bee vsed in the ceremonies of the Church and there is also some limitation for them yet hath the Church greater libertie in the rites and ceremonies which are appoynted for order and comelinesse sake then in the doctrine of fayth and religion The doctrine of saluation is alwayes the same and cannot be changed and toucheth the conscience But rites and ceremonies are externall and commanded for order sake and neither are they vniuersall the same in euery Church nor perpetuall but are changed according to times and as there is occasion Againe the precepts of Christianitie are either directly expressed or necessarilie concluded out of the scriptures but externall rites and ceremonies are not particularlie declared in the word there are onely certaine generall rules set downe according to the which all ceremonies brought into the Church are to bee examined as for the Sacraments of the Church they cannot bee altered hauing a perpetuall commandement from Christ Therefore the Church cannot appoynt what how many ceremonies soeuer she shall thinke good but according to these foure rules and conditions which followe here in order 1 All things ought to bee done to the glorie of God euen in ciuill actions much more in things appertayning to the seruice of God 1. Cor. 10.31 Our aduersaries offend agaynst this rule applying and annexing remission of sinnes to their owne inuentions and superstitious ceremonies as vnto penance and extreame vnction which they also make Sacraments for this is greatly derogatorie to Christs institution who hath only appoynted the hearing of his word and vse of the Sacraments for the begetting and encreasing of faith and by this faith only is the death of Christ applied vnto vs for the remission of sinnes 2 All things ought to be done orderly and decently 1. Cor. 14.40 Wherefore al ridiculous light vnprofitable ceremonies are to be abolished such our aduersaries haue many as knocking kneeling creeping to the Crosse lighting candles at noone day turning ouer of beades and many phantasticall gestures they haue in their idolatrous Masse as turning returning looking to the East to the West crossing lifting quaffing and shewing the emptie cup with many such toyes 3 All things ought to bee done without offence 1. Corinth 10.32 But to whom that hath but a little feeling of religion is not the abhominable sacrifice of the Masse offensiue What good conscience doth it not grieue that the Priest should create his maker as they say should offer vp the bodie of Christ in sacrifice and be an intercessor as it were for his mediatour desiring God to accept the sacrifice of his sonnes bodie As also to make it a propitiatorie sacrifice for the quicke and the dead But of these matters we shall haue fitter occasion to entreate afterward when we come to the seuerall controuersies 4 All things ought to bee done to edifying 1. Corinth 14. vers 12. But the popish ceremonies are so farre from edifying that by reason of their infinite rabble and number they are a clogge vnto Christians and more burdensome then were the obseruations of the Iewes They haue hallowed fire water bread ashes oyle waxe flowers braunches clay spittle salt incense balme chalices paxes pixes altars corporals superaltars altarclothes rings swords and an infinite companie besides doe these tend thinke you to the edification of the minde Nay they doe cleane destroy and extinguish all spirituall and internall motions drawing the heart from the spiritual worship of God to externall beggerlie and ragged reliques and ceremonies Fulk 1. Timoth. 4. sect 1. Beza lib. confess de eccles articul 18.19.20 The fift question whether the Church of Rome be the true Church THis question hath two parts First whether the Romane Church be the Catholike Church or not Secondly whether the Church of Rome be a true visible Church THE FIRST PART WHETHER THE ROMANE Church be the Catholike Church The Papists BEllarmine defining the Church maketh this one part of the definition to be error 27 subiect vnto the Bishop of Romes iurisdiction Lib. 3. de eccles cap. 2. And therefore they conclude that they are out of the Church and no better then heretikes that doe not acknowledge the Pope to be their chiefe Pastor Canis de praecept eccles cap. 9. So they make the Romane faith and Catholike to bee all one Rhemist annot in 1. Rom. sect 5. Their reasons are none other then we haue seene before taken from vniuersalitie antiquitie vnitie vnto the which wee haue alreadie answered quaest 3. of this controuersie Not. 1 2 3. The Protestants WHile the Church of Rome continued in the doctrine of the Apostles it was a notable and famous visible Church and a principall part and member of the vniuersall Catholike but now since it is degenerate and fallen away from the Apostolike faith from being the house of God to be a synagogue for Antichrist we take it not to be so much as a true visible Church But neuer was it to be counted the Catholike Church as though all other Churches were parts and members of it but it selfe onely was a part as others and Catholike too while it continued in the right faith but not Catholike as hauing iurisdiction ouer the rest and all to receiue this name of her 1 The vniuersall Catholike Church is so called because it conteyneth the whole number of the elect and first borne of God Heb. 12.23 Whereof manie are now saints in heauen many liuing in the earth many yet vnborne But all these were not neither are of the Romane faith the holie men departed knewe not of these superstitious and prodigious vsages which now doe raigne in the Church of Rome nay many of them neuer heard in their life so much as of the name of Rome Ergo. 2 It is called Catholike and vniuersall because they that are to be saued must belong vnto this companie and be of this Church for without the Church there is no saluation for Christ onely gaue himselfe for his Church to sanctifie it and cleanse it Ephes. 5.25 But all that dye out of the faith of the Romane Church do not perish Nay verely we doubt not to say but that all which depart this life in the communion thereof without repentance are barred from saluation and dye out of grace We are in the right faith neither will we be our owne iudges the scriptures shall iudge vs Euery spirit that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God 1. Iohn 4.2 We beleeue aright in both the natures and all the offices of Christ which you doe not which doe greatly deface his prophetical office in not reuerencing his word but making it imperfect his kingdom in appointing him a Vicar and Vicegerent vpon earth as though he of himselfe were not sufficient to gouerne
est vt ieiunium Sabbati horribilius haberetur By the which sayth he it came to passe that the fast of the Sabboth was more abhorred Augustin ibid. But this reason now bindeth not vs because the name and heresie of the Manichees is now worne out and therefore there is no feare of any scandale to arise that way Thirdly we grant that the Lords day is not the fittest time for publique fasts first because it is a day of reioycing so we reade that the people in Nehemiah his time were forbidden to mourne and weepe after the lawe was read vnto them by Ezra because it was a day of ioy and mirth Nehem. 8.11 Secondly the day of solemne and publique fasting ought to be set a part from other dayes and to be proclaimed solemnely and to be spent wholly in spirituall exercises euen as the Sabboth with vacation and rest from other bodily labours as we may reade 2. Chronicl 20.3 Nehem. 9.1 And therefore any day is more fit then the Sabboth because that is a holy day alreadie vnto the Lord but when we will humble our selues before the Lord by fasting and prayer some day would onely for that purpose bee consecrate vnto GOD that may be as a voluntarie sacrifice whereas wee are bound of necessitie to keepe the Lords day But concerning priuate and particular fasts when men by themselues haue occasion to giue themselues to prayer whereof S. Paul speaketh 1. Corinth 7.5 Such priuate exercises may be better performed vpon the Sabboth because of the ordinarie exercises of the word which are notable meanes to kindle and stirre vp true deuotion in him which at that time will humble himselfe yea and publike fasts though not ordinarily yet whē there is iust occasion may be kept vpon the Sabboth as we reade Act. 20.7 how that Paul continued his preaching till midnight whereof Augustine writeth thus Necessarius sermo resiciendi corporis causa interrumpendus esse non visus est profecturo Apostolo The necessary preaching of the Apostle he thought not good for the refreshing of their bodies to breake off being readie to depart We conclude therefore that it is lawfull to fast vpon the Lords day though it be not alwaies expedient And Augustine very well determineth this matter Ego in Euangelicis Apostolicis literis video praeceptum esse ieiunium quibus autem diebu●●non oporteat ieiunare quibus oporteat praecepto domini vel Apostolorum non inuen●o de finitum I finde both in the Euangelicall and Apostolicall writings that fasting is commanded but vpon what dayes we ought to fast vpon what we ought not I doe not finde it defined Epistol 86. Wherefore to fast or not to fast vpon the Lords day or vpon any other being not determined in scripture is left as a thing indifferent to the Church of God The Papists error 67 8. THe name Sunday is an heathenish calling as al other weeke-daies in our language some imposed after the names of Planets as in the Romanes time some by the name of certaine Idols which the Saxons did worship which names the Church vseth not but hath appoynted to call the first day the Dominike after the Apostle Apocal. 1.10 the other by the name Feries vntill the last of the weeke which she calleth by the old name Sabboth because that was of God not by imposition of the heathen Rhemist annot Apocal. 1. sect 6. The Protestants Ans. FIrst as the name of Sunday and the rest is of the heathenish beginning and therefore were better to be otherwise termed as the first second or third from the Lords day as the Iewes called their daies from the Sabboth so your terme of feries is no lesse heathenish deriued from the word feria or feriae which were so called a feriendis victimis of striking the heathenish sacrifices as Sextus Pompeius sayth Fulk ibid. 2. We haue other names also that might bee reformed as of our moneths as March is so called of Mars Iune of Iuno Ianuary of Ianus which were heathen goddes Iuly and August doe beare the names of men yea and if wee might bee inuentors of newe names the termes of Christmas Michaelmas Candlemas should not stand in force nor any more be vsed which are as offensiue as the rest for as for the names of heathen Idols the most part are ignorant of them but the vulgar terme of Masse is to too well known too much loued of many of our countrey men Now for the name Sunday which is so great a mote in your eye if there were no more but that Augustine sheweth how it might be fauourably expounded Dies magni solis celebramus illius solis de quo dicit scriptura orietur vobis sol iustitiae We doe keepe Sunday holy namely of that great Sunne whereof the scripture speaketh the Sunne of righteousnesse shall arise 3. We wish that all these termes might be layd downe as Augustine sayth Nolumus vt dicant vtinam corrigantur vt non dicant We would not haue men so to speake and I wish they were reformed But seeing by continuall custome mens tongues are inured to such termes let them knowe that they are vsed onely as ciuill names to call things by not for any religion or mysterie in them contained or signified THE THIRD PART OF THE FESTIVAL daies of Christ and the holy Ghost The Papists THE feasts of Easter and Whitsontide and other solemnities of Christ were error 68 prescribed they say by the Apostles Rhemist Matth. 15. sect 2. to be kept vpon certaine dayes and that Peter did appoint that Easter should not be kept the 14. day of the first Moone as the Iewes obserued it but the Lordes day after And of the feast of Pentecost mention is made 1. Corinth 16.8 Ergo these feasts were instituted of the Apostles Bellarm. cap. 12.13 The Protestants Ans. FIrst wee graunt that it is expedient for the Church to keepe the memoriall of the Natiuitie Passion Resurrection Ascension of Christ and of the comming of the holy Ghost and the dayes instituted for the remembrance thereof no doubt ought to be had in greater account then any other holy dayes instituted by the Church Secondly it cannot be proued that they were prescribed by the Apostles or if they were but as indifferent ceremonies which are subiect to alteration and in the which the religion or worship of God dooth not consist Certaine it is that before the time of Constantine the great there were not many festiuall dayes kept in so much that the feasts of the Natiuitie of Christ Easter Pentecost were not vniformally obserued for many yeares after as appeareth by diuerse Councels And before Constantines time there was great contention betweene the Bishop of Rome and the Bishops of the East about the celebration of Easter they alleadging the constitution of Saint Iohn the other of Saint Peter wherefore it is like that the Apostles appointed no such certaine dayes for then the Church would
knowne in time of persecution exercebant patientiam Ecclesiae they did proue the patience of the Church but now as Augustine saith exercent sapientiam they doe exercise the wisedome of the Church Let not the number and multitude offend vs of those which doe band themselues against the Church for so it must be Christs flocke is but a little flocke Let vs not be afrayd of their wisedome power or strength the scripture teacheth vs that they in their generation are wiser then the children of light yet the Lord our God that is with vs and fighteth for vs is wiser and stronger then they Let them not deceiue vs with a shew of holinesse for Sathan can transforme himselfe into an Angel of light neither let it moue vs because they endure some trouble and losse of their goods and imprisonment of their bodies for their religion which is falsely so called for S. Peter saith That men may suffer as euill doers and so doe these And S. Augustine saith Si poenae martyres faceret omnes carceres martyribus pleni essent omnes catenae martyres traherent If the punishment onely and not the cause made Martyrs al prisons should be full of Martyrs and all that are bound with fetters and chaines should be Martyrs But let vs not stumbling at any of these stones be constant in the faith and go forward in the profession of the Gospel which is grounded vpon the Scripture sealed with the blood of Martyrs waited and attended vpon these many yeeres as the mistresse with the handmaid with peace prosperitie and abundance of all blessings With them there is no peace to be had their owne Doctors teach that no reconciliation can be made betweene vs And indeed so it is for there is no fellowship betweene light and darknesse The Israelites were commanded not to sow their ground with diuers seedes nor to plough with an oxe an asse What is this els but that the Church of God cannot consist of beleeuers Idolaters of true Christians and hypocrites Catholikes and Heretikes Protestants and Papists Their seede and ours is diuers they sow the doctrine of men and humane traditions we sow the seede of Gods word The oxe is onely fit for the Lords plough that chaweth the cud and deuideth the hoofe the asse doth neither Who is he that deuideth the hoofe chaweth the cud Augustine telleth vs Fissa vngula pertinet ad discernendū quid dextrū quid sinistrū ruminatio pertinet ad eos qui cogitant postea quid audierint He deuideth the hoofe that deuideth and discerneth what is good what euill and they chaw the cud that do meditate of that which they heare out of the word But such are not the common Catholikes among Papists for they do not allow euery one the mistresse the mayd the ploughman and artificer to talke of Scripture or moue questions and doubts in Religion and so make them asses not oxen to chaw the cud They say it belongeth not to euery Christian to discerne betweene true and false doctrine but they must take their faith of their superiours and obey them in all things and so neither would they haue them deuide the hoofe taking from them their discerning iudgement There is no agreement therefore to be looked for at their hands no more then yron or clay can be tempred together Their old vessels cannot receiue the new liquor of the Gospell but they must first become new themselues they must first put off their beggerly ragges of Popish ceremonies and superstitions or els they shall neuer put on Christ And to be short Reuertantur illi ad te ne tu reuertaris ad illos Let them returne vnto vs we will not returne to them as the Lord saith to Ieremie But lest now we should be thought to speake without booke deepely charging our aduersaries with heresie lyes false doctrine and prouing nothing we will take some paynes of set downe some principall opinions of the Papists which haue in the purer ages of the Church been condemned for heresies Marcellina the companion of Carpocrates the archheretike worshipped the Images of Iesus and Paul and offered incense vnto them August heres 7. So the Papists do worship the Images of Saints and in the second Nicene Councel it was decreed that the Image of God should be worshipped with the same honour that God himselfe was The Heracleonites did anoynt their sicke which lay a dying with oyle and balme Heres 16. So the Papists haue found out extreme vnction and made it a Sacrament The Caians did hold that the sinne of Iudas in betraying Christ was a benefite to mankind Heres 18. The Papists come somewhat neere One of them affirmeth that the Iewes had sinned mortallie if they had not crucified Christ Ex Iuell defens Apolog. p. 676. The Pepuzians iudged heretikes because they permitted women to be Priests Heres 27. So it was decreed in the Florentine Councel among the Papists that in the case of necessitie not only a lay man but an heretike pagan and a woman to may baptize The heretikes called Angelici were condemned because they worshipped Angels Heres 39. So the Rhemists teach that Angels may be worshipped Annot. in Apocal. 3 sect 6. There was a sect of heretikes that walked with bare feete because God sayd to Moses put off thy shooes c. Heres 68. And so are there of Friers that goe barefoote as the Friers Flagellants and Franciscanes The Priscillianists did make the Apocrypha that is bookes not Canonicall of equall authoritie with Scripture Heres 70. So doe the Papists the bookes of Tobie Iudith Machabees and others which are not found in the Canon of the Hebrue they make thē bookes of Canonical Scripture and part of the word of God yea they say that whatsoeuer the Pastors of the Church doe teach beside Scripture in the vnitie of the Church is to be taken for the word of God Rhemist annot 1. Thessal cap. 2 sect 12. An Archheretike called Marcus did hold that Christ did not verily suffer and indeed but in shew onely and appearance Heres 14 The Appollinarists also affirmed that Christ tooke humane flesh without a soule Heres 55. I pray you how farre are the Papists from these heresies for they affirme that Christ suffered not in soule Nay the Rhemists hold that it is a blasphemous assertion so to say Annot. Hebr. 5. v. 7. What is this els but either with Marcus to say that Christ suffered but in shewe and that he felt nothing in soule when he cryed out vpon the Crosse My God my God why hast thou forsaken me for if there were no such matter indeed Christ must haue vttered those words only in outward shew and pretense Againe they cannot shift off handsomely from them the Appollinarists heresie for why did Christ take vpon him our flesh and soule but to redeeme man that was lost both in bodie and soule and therefore he must needes haue
Apostle but we are sure the Pope is none neither successor of any Apostle but very Antichrist Ergo we haue more iust cause to examine his decrees 4 Lastly let Augustine speake Nouit charitas vestra omnes nos vnum magistrum habere sub illo condiscipulos esse nec ideo magistri sumus quia de superiore loco loquimur vobis sed magister est omnium qui habitat in nobis omnib You know brethren saith he that we are all felow scholers vnder one maister and though we speake to you out of an higher place yet are we not your master he is the teacher and master of vs all that dwelleth in our harts Ergo the spirite of God speaking in the scriptures is the chief and best interpreter thereof THE THIRD PART OF THE SIXTH QVEstion concerning the meanes or methode to be vsed in interpreting of Scripture The Papistes error 10 OVr aduersaries prescribe this methode and course to be takē in expounding of scripture which consisteth in foure rules the generall peactise of the Church the consonant interpretation of the fathers the decrees of generall Councels lastly the rule of faith consisting partly of the scriptures partly of traditions vnwrittē Stapleton Cōcerning the three first we haue already touched them in part they appeare to be insufficient First the Councels and fathers he made chief interpreters of Scripture before and now they are but meanes what other chief iudge then is there to vse these meanes surely none but the scriptures Secondly these meanes are most vncertaine the practise of the Church is often changed fathers agree not in their expositiōs and Councels can not alwayes be had Concerning the rule of faith consisting of vnwritten verities he groundeth it falsely vpon that place Rom. 12.6 let vs prophecie according to the rule of faith and Gal. 6.16 as many as walke according to this rule This rule was a certaine platforme of Religion geuen by the Apostles before the Scriptures were written according to the which say they the Scriptures were afterward compiled by the Apostles Rhemens in Rom. 12.6 Answere S. Paul meaneth no other rule but that which is set downe in his writings no other forme of doctrine but that conteined in his Epistles as in the 6. to the Galathians speaking of this rule he alludeth to the former verse where he saith he reioyced in nothing but in the Crosse of Christ his rule therfore is to receiue Christ onely without the ceremonies or workes of the law against the which heresie he disputeth in the whole Epistle But of all other it is a great blasphemie to say that the Apostles set downe the Scriptures by a rule as though the spirite of God by whom they spake had neede of any such direction The Protestantes WHen we say that the scriptures must expound them selues our meaning is that by certaine compendious and ready meanes we should labour to vnderstand the scriptures by them selues the meanes are especially these foure First to haue recourse to the originall toung as in the old Testament to the Hebrue in the new to the Greeke as 1. Tim. 2.15 through bearing of children they shal be saued if they continue in faith and loue In the English it is doubtfull whether this clause if they continue in faith be referred to children or to those that beare them but read the Greeke and the doubt is remoued for bearing of children is all one word in the originall 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so that it must needes be vnderstood of the women for this word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 bearing of children is in the singular number that which foloweth of the plurall and it is but an action not a person so that it should be improperly sayd if they continue that is in bearing of children Stapleton obiecteth against this meane that it is not now needefull seeing there is a perfect and absolute translatiō authorised by the Councell of Trent he meaneth the vulgare Latin We answere First it is no perfect but an erronious translation and verie corrupt Secondly if it were neuer so perfect yet for more certaintie it is profitable to search the originall euery man will trust his owne skill rather then another mans Thirdly the Councell did fondly in authorising an old blind translation before the authenticall copies of the Hebrue and Greeke 2 Secondly the scope of the place the circumstance of it with that which goeth before and commeth after must be wayghed which will bring great light to the place we haue in hand an example we haue 1. Pet. 4.8 loue couereth multitude of sinnes the Papistes gather out of these words that loue doth iustifie vs before God and taketh away our sinnes but by the circunstance of the place the Apostole saying immediatly before haue feruent loue among you it is euident he vnderstandeth brotherly loue amōgest our selues whereby faultes are buried forgeuen and forgotten Stapleton obiecteth that this is but an vncertaine way and many times fayleth for the scripture passeth many times from one matter and argument to another how then can it helpe to consider the circumstance of the place being of a diuerse matter We answere we say not that any of these meanes serueth for euery place but when one fayleth to vse another when the circumstance helpeth not to runne to the originall if there we find no succour to cōpare places together and when we may to vse them all or the most 3 Thirdly the conference of places is very profitable as Iames. 2.21 Abraham was iustified by workes compare it with that place Rom. 4.2 there S. Paule saith flatly that Abraham was not iustified by workes Wherfore seeing one Apostle is not contrary to the other we must needs gather that this word iustified is diuersly taken Paule saith that Abraham was not iustified that is made righteous before God by his workes Iames saith he was iustified that is declared to be iust before men and so Thom. Aquinas expoundeth it Stapleton obiecteth that this meanes in cōparing of places is of it selfe many times of smal force Answere as though we affirme that these meanes must be vsed asunder and not rather ioyntly together and where one fayleth another to helpe Secondly some things are found but once in the scriptures Aunswere they are then either very plaine or not greatly necessarie Thirdly heretikes haue erred in comparing of Scripture Answere they compared them not diligently nor with a syncere minde but corruptly and negligently 4 The fourth rule is the analogie and proportion of faith which is nothing els but the summe grounds of Religiō gathered out of scripture such as are conteined in the Creede the Lordes Prayer the ten Commaundements and in our whole Catechisme We must take heede that in the interpretation of Scripture we swarue not from this rule of faith nor impugne any principle of Religion Wherefore the Papistes interpretation of those wordes of Christ we do reiect Hoc est corpus meum this is my
of Bishops and Pastors is not necessarie for the continuance of the truth neither can it be concluded out of this place 3 Thus they reason there haue bene alwayes some faithfull men which haue outwardly professed their faith for if they dissembled or cloaked their profession then were they not faithfull Ergo the church hath bene alwayes visible as in the time of persecution Bellarmine We aunswere First the Iesuite doth cleane peruert and chaunge the state of the question for he defineth a visible church to be multitudo congregata in qua sint praelati subditi a multitude or companie gathered together where there are both Prelates and Bishops and people obediēt vnto them And now he geueth an instance of persecution wherein some faithfull Christians may geue an outward profession of their faith where is now that multitude congregate together where is that iurisdiction of Prelates where is that visible and glorious succession We denie not but that in time of persecution the faithfull may be knowen to them selues and yet some time they are not for in Israell there were seuen thousand faithfull beside Elias yet he knew none of them But it foloweth not that therefore the church is then visible to the world and notoriously knowen to men for so the Rhemistes say in Math. 5. Sect. 3. Act. 11. Sect. 3. Thus they flye manifestly from the question The Protestantes WE denie not but that the catholike vniuersall church as it hath hitherto continued since the beginning of the world so shall it endure to the end the Lord shall neuer want vpon earth a companie of faithfull men which shall truly serue him though it be not necessarie neither hath alwayes bene seene that they should be in any one place A visible church we define to be a congregation of men amongest whom the word is truly preached and the Sacraments administred such a Church hath not alwayes bene neither can we be assured that it shall alway be found vpon the earth wherein the worship of God publikely and visibly is practised 1 In the raigne of Ahaz king of Iuda there was no visible church where the pure worship of God was practised for both Israell vnder Pekah and Iuda vnder Ahaz fell to Idolatrie and folowed the custome of the Gētiles 2. Kings 16.3 yea Vriah the high Priest consented with the king to set vp Idolatrie Likewise in the dayes of Manasseh who did euill after the abhomination of the heathen 2. Kings 21.2 there was no place where God was publikely worshipped for Iudah was corrupted Israell was carried away captiue Ergo there was a time when there was no visible Church 2 In the Passion of our Sauiour there was no visible church such a church we still meane as where there are Prelati subditi pastores oues Prelates and people pastors and sheepe We proue it thus The visible Church was not amongest the Pharisies and Priests for they shamefully and wickedly erred Bellarmin 17. It was not among the Apostles for they also erred therfore after the Papists opiniō they were not the Church for the Church say they erreth not Secondly he saith they were yet but materiall partes not formall that is not Bishops or Pastors how then could there be a visible Church which was without the formal and principall parts that is Pastors and Bishops Ergo there was then no visible Church 3 When the abhominatiō of desolation shall stand in the temple there shal be a generall defection and apostasie from the faith then shall the visible church fayle vpon earth But the first is true Math. 24.15 2. Thess. 2.3 Ergo. To the first place the Iesuite aunswereth that it must be vnderstood of the destruction of the temple cap. 16. But the Rhemistes more liberall then so affirme that it shal be especially accomplished in Antichristes time when as the sacrifice of the Masse shall vtterly be abolished annot in Math. 24. ver 15. To the next place cōcerning that defectiō apostasie which S. Paul speaketh of first he saith that it shal be a defection from the Romane Empire but the Rhemistes say it shal be a defection frō most points of Christian Religion Secondly the Iesuite aunswereth that though it be a defection from the Romane faith yet it shall not be generall but particular but the Rhemistes better aduised graunt it shal be a reuolt of kingdomes peoples prouinces the publike entercourse of the faithfull with the church of Rome shall cease they shall onely communicate with it in hart annot in 2. Thess. 2. Sect. 6. Now out of their owne wordes we conclude there shal be a time whē as the publike seruice of God shall cease there shal be desolation in the Churches and temples of Christians there shal be then no publike entercourse with the Church but a priuat communicating in hart Ergo there shal be a time when there shal be no outward visible Church notoriously and famously knowen Ergo our aduersaries are in an error are condemned by their owne mouth THE THIRD QVESTION OF THE notes and markes whereby the true Church may be discerned and knowen FIRST OF THE FALSE AND ERROneous notes of the Church OVr aduersaries do deuise many notes whereby their Church is discryed as Bellarmine reckoneth vp 15. in order to many certaine to be found in a good Church but there are six principall which they doe most stand vpon antiquitie vniuersalitie succession vnitie the power of miracles the gift of prophesie We must first touch these in order and then come to the true and infallible notes of the Church Of antiquitie Note 1. THe Papists make great bragges of the long continuance of their Church yea that they can shew the discent of their Church from Adam Rhemistes error 18 annot in Act. 28. Sect. 5. But alacke sillie men they must come short of our Sauiuiour Christs and the Apostles time by fiue or six hundred yeares for the most of the opinions which they now hold Let vs examine their reasons In any great chaunge of Religion say they the authors of the Sect the time when it began the persons that oppugned it may be knowen but no such thing can be shewed of our Church say they as we can shew of yours we can tell them the yeare the places and ringleaders of their reuolt say our English Rhemistes annot in 1. Iohan. 2. Sect. 9. Bellarmin lib. 4. de Eccles. cap. 5. We aunswere First no meruaile if Papistrie herein do much differ from other heresies they as the heresies of the Arrians Pelagians Donatistes because they were not long to continue sodainly brake out and sodainly againe were extinguished But Papistrie being the prop and pillar of Antichrists kingdome by whom the world must be deluded many yeares was at the beginning to worke closely and secretly not breaking out at once into open impietie and blasphemie but vnder pretense of holynesse to set a broach her deadly poyson therefore S. Paule calleth it a
India America the vnknowen parts of the world Bellarmin cap. 7. nota 4. We aunswere First the truth is not alwayes to be measured by the iudgement or opinion of the multitude folow not a multitude saith the Scripture to do euill the greatest part is not the best Christ calleth his flocke pusillum gregem a litle flocke feare not litle flocke saith he Secondly you haue nothing to do with the Church which was propagated in the Apostles time nor for the space of fiue or six hundred yeares after Christ it was not your Church for the most of your heresies are more lately sprong vp then so And you need not bragge of your vniuersalitie now for the Turke I trow hath a larger dominion then the Pope and Mahometisme is as largely spread as Papistrie and further to And for Europe I hope you neede not make your boast the Pope had neuer lesse iurisdiction then he hath now and I trust euery day shall haue lesse But many you say in the new found countryes haue bene cōuerted to your religiō In deed if you had had grace such an opportunitie being offered as the Spaniards had you might haue won that simple people to Christ. But you thirsted more for their gold then for their soules health it is notoriously knowen to the world what extreme crueltie hath bene wrought vpon that innocent people Was that a Catholike part of the Spaniardes to keepe dogges of purpose to werry and destroy the inhabitants to vse them as horse and beastes to plough to carry to digge Thus by your crueltie there were out of one small Iland called Hispaniola which was well peopled and inhabited destroyed and rooted out in short time two milions of men and women the storie of Benzo an Italian is abroad to be seene of this matter you haue none or few of your Popish Catholikes in those countryes but of your owne brood that haue bene sent thither but enough of this 3 We nothing doubt but that our faith the truth of the Gospell hath bene long since knowen and published to the whole world Those two cōditions which the Iesuite putteth in to make the Church vniuersall do helpe vs very well the first is that it is not necessarie that all coūtryes wholly should professe the Christiā faith but it suffiseth if there be some of the church in euery country the second it is not requisite that this vniuersalitie of the Church should be all at one time but if it be done successiue that is in diuerse ages one country to be ioyned to the Church after another it is enough Now keeping these two conditions we shall easily proue our Church to be vniuersall for there are no countryes in Europe and few in the whole world wherein there are not some of our faith namely that abhorre worshipping of Images do onely hope to be saued by faith in Christ without merite and beleeue in the rest as we do And againe taking one age after another we shall easily make it good that our faith at times hath spread it selfe ouer the whole world The third Note of Succession THey make great boast of the long and perpetuall successiō of their Popes error 20 from the Apostles for the space of these 1500. yeares and more condemning all Churches which can not shew the like order of succession Bellarmin cap. 8. Rhemist annot in Ephe. 4. ver 13. We aunswer First they can not shew such an entier and perpetuall successiō without any interruptiō or discontinuance for so many yeares for sometime there were two sometime three Popes together and this schisme continued 29. yeares till the Councell of Constance where three Popes were deposed at once Benedict 13. the Spanish Pope Gregorie 12. the French Pope and Iohn 23. the Italian Pope 2 If succession be so sure a note of the Church it is found also in other Churches besides as in Cōstātinople where hath bene a perpetuall succession as Nicephorus saith from S. Andrew the Apostle in Antioch from S. Peter and in other Churches in Grecia The Iesuite here is driuen to his shiftes and hath nothing to say but this that the argument foloweth negatiuely that where there is no succession there is no Church not affirmatiuely that where any succession can be shewed there straightwayes it should folow there is a true Church so by the Iesuites owne confession he hath made but a bad argument for the Church of Rome we haue a perpetuall succession of Popes from the Apostles time Ergo we are the Church It foloweth not saith the Iesuite we graunt it Why then a litle before did he call it insolubile argumentum an insosoluble and vnanswerable argument 3 Thirdly we say that a succession of persons in the same place without succession of doctrine which they can not shew is nothing worth A succession of the Apostolike faith and doctrine proueth a continuance of pastors and teachers and not contrariwise We haue the Apostolike faith and therefore we doubt not but that there haue bene continually in the Church faithfull teachers by whom that doctrine hath bene preserued and kept though they were not famous nor carried a glorious shew in the world For that outward succession is not necessarie neither so much to be stood vpon Augustine whē he had alledged succession against heretikes concludeth thus Quanquam non tantū nos de istis documentis praesumamus quā de Scripturis sanctis although saith he we presume not so much vpon these documēts as of holy Scripture The fourth Note of Vnitie error 21 OVr aduersaries do stand much vpon vnitie which they thinke is the glorie of their Church they doe embrace vnitie amongest them selues and all ioyne in obedience to their head Their vnitie also is seene say they in the wonderfull consent of all their writers in matters of Religion and the notable agreement and concord in the decrees of their Popes and Councels But as for vs and our Church they say it is full of rents schismes and diuisions Bellarm. First of the vnitie of their church and then of the vnitie of ours Their vnitie they say is partly seene in their obedience and louing societie and felowship partly in their Religion and doctrine First for their concord and loue one toward another we will take some paynes a litle to decypher it About the yeare of the Lord 900. there was pretie sport amongest the Popes nine of them one after another Stephen the sixth abrogated all his predecessor Formosus decrees and not content with that he tooke vp his body which was buried and cut two fingers of his right hād off and commaunded his body to be buried againe After him succeeded Pope Rhomanus Theodorus the second Iohn the tenth who ratified and confirmed the doings of Formosus After them folowed Pope Sergius who disanulling all their actes tooke vp againe the body of Formosus cut of his head and commaunded his body to be throwen into Tiber the great riuer in Rome
should be thought like the Iewes Synagogue Bellarm. Answere First the Iewish temple shall not be built againe as Daniel prophesieth 9.27 and how can it be built in so short a space seeing Antichrist as they say must raigne but three yeeres and an halfe and to what purpose seeing he will abolish all sacrifices Secondly though it should be built againe nay if it were standing now for the exercise of Iewish sacrifices it could not be called the temple of God Thirdly by the temple therefore is meant the visible Church that which sometime was a true visible one as the Church of Rome and after should be so taken reputed and challenged as it is at this day by the papists Neyther haue the papists hereby any aduantage as though the Pope sate in the very true Church for it is not the true Church indeede but so reputed and taken by them Fourthly though there were no materiall temples of the Christians in Pauls time what of that hee speaketh not here of any such materiall temple but of the Church of God neither doth Saint Paul in this sense refuse to vse the name of temple as 1. Corinthian 3. vers 16. and 6. vers 19. and in other places The Protestants THat Rome is the seate and place of Antichrist beside that the Rhemists confesse so much that Antichrist shall raigne there annot Apocal. 17. sect 4. We prooue it thus 1. Antichrist is called the great whore of Babilon Apocal. 17.5 But Babilon is Rome Ergo Rome is the seat of Antichrist Obiect It was Babilon while it was gouerned and ruled by heathen Emperors but the Church was not then called Babilon Bellarm. Answere First Ergo by your owne confession Rome shall be the seat of Antichrist seeing by Saint Iohn it was called Babilon Secondly it was not onely called Babilon in the time of the heathen but euen of Christian Emperors Augustine saith it is Occidentalis Babïlon the Babilon in the west partes prioris filia Babilonis and daughter to the first Babilon Thirdly Saint Iohn doth not onely prophesie of the crueltie of the terrene state but of the false prophet Antichrist you should also vsurpe an ecclesiasticall gouernment there Obiect Secondly they obiect that by the damnation of the great whore is vnderstoode the finall destruction of all the company of the reprobate Rhemist Apocal. 17.1 Answere the damnation vniuersally of the wicked is described cap. 20. and therefore this place must be vnderstoode of Antichrist and his adherents And very fitly doth the name of whore agree to that See for once a whore indeede was Pope there called Iohn the eighth Which so wringeth the Papists that they haue no other shifte but impudently to denie it 2. Wee haue another argument out of the same chapter vers 9. the seuen heades are seuen mountaines on which the woman sitteth But there is no citie in the world notoriously knowen to stand vpon seuen hils but Rome Ergo it is the seate of Antichrist Obiect The text is they are also seuen kings so the seuen heades or seuen hils signifie seuen kings for there shall bee so many chiefe Empires which shall persecute the Church there are fiue part Aegypt Canaan Babilon the Persians Grecians the sixt the Romanes which in parte standeth yet the seuenth shall be Antichrist Rhemist Apocalip 17. sect 7. Answere First the seuen heads are expounded to be both seuen hils and seuen kings the scripture vseth not to expound one harde and obscure thing by an harder and more obscure as to say seuen heads are seuen mountains that is seuen kinges for wee were neerer the sense before and the terme of heads doth more fitly resemble kinges then mountaines Secondly the seuen kinges are more fitly taken for seuen principall gouernours of the Romanes as Kings Tribunes Consuls Decemviri Dictators Emperours Popes for by these seuen orders hath the common wealth beene gouerned first and last Fulk ibid. Obiect Rome is not now built vpon seuen hilles it standeth in the playne in Campo Martio Sander ibid. Answere First you haue then no right to Peters Chayre for when hee sate at Rome the Citie stoode vppon seuen hils Secondly though the Pope nowe hath remooued his pallace to the Vaticane on the other side of the riuer yet he did sit for many yeares in Laterane vntill the time of Pope Nicholas the second who was almost 1100. yeeres after Christ. Thirdly though the Pope hath remooued his pallace vpon pleasure beyond the riuer yet his See is not remoued for vpon euery one of those hils there are Monasteries and chapples and such like monuments to be seene to this day In mount Caelius there is the Monasterie of Gregorie the first the Cathedral Church of Laterane In mount Auentine the Monasteries of Sabi●e and Boniface In the mount Exquilinus the Minster of S. Maria maior the ruines of Saint Cyriacus Church which is yet a title of a Cardinal The mount Viminalis hath the Church of Saint Laurence The mount Capitoline hath an house of friers called Ara coeli The mount Palatine the Church of Saint Nicholas The mount Quirinalis hath S. Maria de populo Wherefore though the Popes person be remooued a little aside yet the popish religion is exercised and reliques of superstition are to be found in euery one of those hils Wherefore we nothing doubt to conclude but that Rome is that Citie vpon 7. hils and so the principal seate of Antichrist THE SIXT PART CONCERNING THE doctrine of Antichrist The Papists error 62 THeir opinion is that Antichrist shal be an open and manifest aduersarie to Christ and that he shall abolish all worship of God and all religion Rhemist annot 2. Thess. 2. sect 10. Bellarmine draweth all the doctrine of Antichrist to these foure heads First he shall denie Iesus to be Christ and abolish the sacraments instituted by Christ. Secondly he shal make himselfe Christ. Thirdly he shall make himselfe God and be adored as God Fourthly he shall abolish al other worship both true and false yea the worship of Idols Wherefore sayth he the Pope cannot be Antichrist that doth none of these things cap. 14. of these now in their order 1. Antichrist shall vtterly denie Christ. 1. Iohn 2.22 4.3 Euerie spirite that confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God this is the spirite of Antichrist Ergo Antichrist shall altogether denie Christ. Answere First the Rhemists say that this is not a marke for all times to know an heretike by but it was onely for those times to confesse Christ to bee come in the flesh this is a surer note now say they that whoso confesseth not Christ to be really present and to be sacrificed in the masse is not of God Rhemist annot 1. Iohn 4. sect 2. Where I will not stand to note the presumption of these papists that will correct and amend the Apostles rule to know heretikes by which serueth for all times and so
not haue broken them Thirdly Pentecost whereof Saint Paul speaketh was the feast of the Iewes which with other solemnities of theirs the Apostles obserued not as a portion of Christian religion but taking occasion of the meeting of the Iewes in those festiuall dayes and so doe we obserue those holy dayes for order and edification of Gods people that vse to assemble at such times Fulk Matth. 15. sec. 3. Fourthly what cause is there why Easter and Whitsontide should be tied to the Lords daye and the Natiuitie of Christ which Bellarmine confesseth was vpon the Lords day should indifferently bee kept vpon any day but that hereby wee vnderstand that it is an indifferent matter whether they should bee kept vpon the Lords day or any other and whether vpon any certaine daye or to bee left to the discretion of the gouernors of the Church to be obserued as any other occasion shall be offered Fulk annot Apocalyps 1. sect 6. Lastly we shewed Augustines opinion in the first part of this question how hee vnderstandeth that saying Psalme 118. This is the day which the Lord hath made onely of the Sabboth thereby insinuating that other holy dayes either were not instituted of God at all or else not with the like necessitie THE FOVRTH PART OF THE solemnities of Saintes The Papists error 69 1. THey hold that holy dayes may be dedicated vnto Saints for their honor and worship as Christ promised that the charitable act of Marie Magdalene wrought vpon him should be recorded and remembred Matth. 26. vers 13. Hereby we learne that the good workes of Saintes may be recorded to the honor of Saints in the Church whereof arise their commemorations and holy dayes Rhemist annot Matth. 25. sect 1. The Protestants 1. THe good works of Saints may be remembred to the honor of God without their holy dayes and commemorations Christ instituted no holy day of Mary Magdalene nor commanded an image of her fact to be made but a memorie of her in preaching the Gospel Fulk ibid. Secondly we graunt that Christian solemnities may be kept as things indifferent which the Church may retaine or abrogate as it shall seeme best for edification not obserued of necessitie as a part of the worship of God nor consecrate to the honor of Saints seeing al diuine worship is wholly to be reserued to God not to be giuen to any other For times and seasons the scripture saith the Lord hath put onely in his owne power therefore he is onely to haue the honor of them Act. 1.7 Thirdly what honor is due vnto Saints Augustine sheweth Colimus martyres eo cultu dilectionis societatis quo in hac vita coluntur sancti homines Dei Wee doe honor Martyrs with the seruice of loue and fellowship as holy men are honored in this life But it is not lawful to consecrate times and dayes to holy men liuing therefore neither to Saints departed for one and the same kind of honor is due to them both The Papists error 70 2. THey maintaine that there may bee holy dayes and commemorations of all Saints as Christ promiseth there should bee of Mary Magdalene Rhemist Matth. 25. sect 1. The Protestants THis is another principal fault which we finde complaine of in their holy dayes that they haue pestred the Church with such a number of Saints and Saints dayes First as we haue partly shewed before they appointed a seuerall Saint almost for euery purpose as here we haue set it downe Saint Leonard for captiues Saint Rochus for the pestilence Saint George for warre Saint Anna giueth riches Saint Nicholas and Christopher for the sea Saint Apollonia for the toothake Saint Otilia for the eyes Saint Margaret for women in trauell Saint Laurence keepeth from the fire Saint Catherine giueth wit learning Saint Iohn against poyson Saint Quirine for the fistula Saint Protasius and Geruasius helpe to bewray theft And thus is it true of them as Ieremie complained of the Idolatrous Israelites that their gods were after the number of their cities Ierem. 2.28 In like manner also haue they multiplied their Saints dayes for beside the festiuals of Christ the holy Ghost and of the Apostles they haue added these besides Saint George his day Corpus Christi Assumption of Mary Natiuitie of Mary Conception of Mary The birth dayes of the Apostles Magdalenes Laurence The Dedication feast Martin their holy dayes Nicholas their holy dayes Catherine their holy dayes Anne their holy dayes Beside in the Dioces of Salisburge fifteene festiuals of Saint Rubert with many more whereof some of them are blasphemous as to keepe the Conception of Mary in remembrance that shee was conceiued without sinne some of them fabulous and forged as the Assumption of Mary in memorie of her Assumption in body to heauen which is a meere fable But all the rest are idolatrous and superstitious ordained for the honor and worship of creatures And thus haue they cumbred the people of God with their infinite obseruations So that the Lorde saith to them concerning their feastes as vnto the Israelites They are a burden vnto mee I am wearie to beare them Isai. 1.14 In Augustines time or who else it was that made those Sermons when there were nothing so many festiuals as now among Papists yet more then needed he writeth thus in a sermon vpon a festiuall Laetus sum hodierno die propter tantam festiuitatem sed aliquantulum tristis quia non video tantum populum congregatum quantus congregari debuit I am glad to daye because of this festiuall day and somewhat grieued withall that the people resorte not in such frequencie as they should We may see by this that euen then the people began to wax wearie of their many holy dayes The Papists THey enioyne sanctification and necessarie keeping of all their festiuities and holy dayes and so make no difference betweene the obseruation of error 71 holy dayes appointed of GOD and others ordained of men requiring the like strictnes in keeping of them all Rhemist Annot. Galat. 4. sect 5. The Protestants THere are no dayes necessarie to be kept but those that are of the Lords appointment the rest being voyde of superstition may be celebrated as indifferent and therefore not to be commaunded with the like strictnes as is the Lords daye There is greater libertie vpon holy dayes for bodilie labour then vppon the Sabboth for bodilie rest vppon the seauenth day is commaunded of GOD bodily labour vppon all other dayes permitted and may without offence of conscience bee vsed when it is not by the lawfull authoritie of the gouernors of the Church vppon iust occasion restrained as during the time of publike praiers and fastes hearing of the word and such like The rest of the Sabboth so far as it helpeth our preparation and fitnes to spirituall exercises and is a part of sanctifying the Lords day bindeth simplie in conscience because it is the commaundement of GOD but
any man be not able to fast almes without fasting is good and profitable Wherefore seeing the Lent fast was then voluntarie it is euident that it was not an Apostolike prescription which should haue bound all men necessarily The Papists 2. A Second abuse in their fasting is to appoint prescript times necessarilie error 75 to fast in as in Lent on Fryday Saturday vpon Imber dayes which are prescribed for the foure solemne times of giuing orders And this also they say is an Apostolike tradition Acts. 13.3 They fasted prayed and laid their hands vpon them Rhemist ibid. The Protestants Ans. 1. FOr prayer and fasting to bee vsed at such times as Ministers are ordained we doubt not but it is an Apostolik tradition because we find it written in the Actes of the Apostles But it was fasting from all meat and drinke which the Apostles vsed not abstinence from flesh onely as vpon your Imber dayes Neither do you obserue those dayes of fast for any such purpose For your Imber dayes are kept amongst you though there bee no orders giuen in the whole dioces 2. Prescript and set times of ciuill abstinence from some meates for the benefite of the common wealth as your Lent and Imber daies are still retained in England and no otherwise we condemne not But to appoint ordinary tymes of necessary and Religious fasting without special cause was of the auncient Church accounted heresie in Montanus This also was the practise of the Church of God in the olde Testament vpon speciall occasion not at set and ordinary times to enioyne publike fasting as the prophet sayeth Blowe the Trumpet in Sion sanctifie a fast call a solemne assemblie Ioel 2.15 which sheweth that their publike fastes were not vsuall ordinary but especially sanctified and solemnly proclaimed As for the fixed and set fasting dayes in the weeke in Augustines time onely the Churches of Rome kept the Saturdayes Fast all the East Churches and many of the West obserued it not And whereas some alleadged that Peter fasted vpon Saturday beeing the next day which was the Lordes day to encounter with Simon Magus Augustine saith it was opinio plurimorum the opinion of many quam tamen falsam esse perhibent plerique Romani yet many of the Romanes holde it but for a fable And so he generally concludeth concerning prescript dayes of fasting Quibus diebus non oporteat ieiunare quibus oporteat praecepto Domini vel Apostolorum nō inuenio definitum Vpon what dayes we ought to fast vpon what dayes not I finde it not defined by any precept giuen by our Lord or any of the Apostles Epistol 86. The Papists error 76 3. A Third abuse in popish fasting is the difference that they make betweene meates and drinkes as the forbidding of flesh-eating vpon fasting dayes for more holines and the eating of egges butter cheese in Lent as it was decreed at Lucerna in Heluetia Anno. 1524. Abstinence also from some meates vpon certaine dayes for religion is warranted by the Rhemist as God prohibited Adam the eating of some fruites in Paradise for obedience and in the lawe for signification annot 1. Timoth. 4. sect 6. The Protestants Ans. FIrst now Antichrist sheweth himselfe in his colours making it as lawfull for him to forbid the vse of some meates for religion now vnder the Gospel when God hath made them all lawful and free as God himselfe might forbid the vse of some for obedience in Paradise or signification in the Lawe Secondly S. Paul calleth it the doctrine of diuels to command to absteine from meates 1. Timoth. 4.3 Againe let no man condemne you in meate and drinke Colos. 2.16 The Rhemist answere that the Apostle speaketh in the first place against those heretikes that condemned meates as euill by creation such were the Manichees and in the second against the Iudaicall obseruation of meates But they onely prohibite the vse of some meates for the chastising of the bodie Ans. First not onely the Manichees and other heretikes preferred some meats before other as more holy but euen the Papists also in the prescript times of their fasts doe command to absteine from meates for pietie and religion And therefore they are counted most holy amongst them that neuer eate flesh And Durand testifieth that fish in interdict dayes is rather vsed then flesh because flesh and not fish was accursed in the dayes of Noah Yea they command abstinence from meates vnder paine of damnation what is this else but with the old heretikes to condemne the creatures of God themselues Secondly the popish prohibition of meates is more superstitious then was the Iewes For they prohibited such meates as by the lawe were counted vncleane as to eate beastes that died alone or were torne with beasts or strangled or touched any vncleane beast as likewise they inioyned pennance to them that did eate or drinke where a dogge or cat had lapped or a mouse had been drowned and such like Fulk annot 1. Timoth. 4 sect 6. I pray you how farre are they now from the superstition of the Iewes Nay they goe beyond them for the legall difference of meates for signification was instituted of God for those times But this superstitious distinction of meates vnder the Gospel which giueth vs the free vse of all the creatures of God which are sanctified by the worde and prayer 1. Timoth. 4.5 is brought in by Antichrist who is an enemie vnto God 3 Neither doe they abstayne from flesh and other meates for chastising of the flesh for they permit the vse of all other meates vpon their fasting dayes that may prouoke lust flesh onely excepted as the eating of spices and other dayntie and delicate confections the drinking of wine and all kind of fish Euen like as Augustine reporteth of the Manichees that would drinke no wine nor eate flesh but in stead of wine they had Pomorum nonnullorum expressos succus vini speciem satis imitantes atque id etiam suauitate vincentes the sweete liquor of pleasant fruites like to wine in colour but excelling it in sweetnes and for flesh they had their straunge exquisite fruites with great varietie of dishes seasoned and strawed with pepper This was the Manichees fast and this is the popish custome in their fastings at this day Agayne if they forbare some meates for chastisement of the body why might it not bee as lawfull to eate butter and egges in the time of Lent as vpon other fasting dayes but that they make difference of the times as one being holyer then an other and so also a difference of meates some being more agreeable to holy times then other Wherefore to conclude this poynt Ciuill abstinence from flesh as for policies sake and the better mayntenance of the common wealth that there should bee a vent for fish as well as for flesh and that euerie man might liue of his trade and calling as also for the health of the
the remission of sinnes in the blood of Christ is common to all faythfull Christians why should they not as well be partakers of the signe Argum. 4. This prohibition for lay men not to receiue in both kindes is but a late deuise of the Church of Rome not past two hundred yeare olde decreed no longer agoe then in the Councell of Constance Fox pag. 1150. yet after that he Councel of Basile graunted the vse and libertie of the cup to the Bohemians Fox pag. 694. Thus they take vpon them to ouer-rule mens consciences now restrayning now againe graunting libertie binding and loosing at their pleasure In Augustines time there was no such separation of the cuppe from the bread but both were indifferently vsed in the communion Cum cibo potu saith he id appetant homines vt neque esuriant neque sitiant hoc veraciter non praestat nisi iste cibus potus c. As men by their meate and drink doe prouide that they neither hunger nor thirst so this spirituall meate and drink worketh the same effect in vs. Whereupon it followeth that seeing in the sasacrament is contained and signified the full and sufficient nourishment of our soules by the flesh and blood of Christ it must needes be resembled by the outward full sufficient nourishment of our bodies which is not by eating alone but by eating and drinking THE NINTH QVESTION OF THE adoration of the Eucharist The Papists error 124 IT was decreed in the Councel of Trent that the Eucharist should be adored euen with the highest degree of worship Cultu latreiae which is proper to God that it should also be carried about in solemne processions to be shewed to the people to bee worshipped and adored of them And whosoeuer holdeth the contrary they pronounce accursed Trident. Concil sess 13. can 6. Argum. 1. Hebr. 1.6 Worship him all ye Angels Ergo Christ in the sacrament and wheresoeuer else his person is ought to bee adored of men and Angels Rhemist ibid. This Saint Paul meaneth they say by discerning the Lords bodie 1. Corinth 11.29 that is adoring worshipping it and making prayers vnto it Rhemist ibid. Answ. 1. We denie Christ to be present in the sacrament really corporally substantially therefore it is not to be adored 2. Although the body of Christ were present in that manner vnder the accidents of bread and wine yet vnlesse Christ bee so present that the elements or the accidents of the elements be ioyned and vnited vnto him in one person as the Godhead and humanitie make but one person hee is no more to bee adored then God the father is to bee worshipped in the Sunne or Moone in the which he is verily present But to say that the visible formes and elements are ioyned in an hypostaticall vnion to Christ as his humanity is to his Godhead it is great blasphemie 3. A reuerent estimation and discerning of the Lordes bodie we graunt in the sacrament in preferring the elements before all other meates and drinkes because of their mysticall signification as wee preferre the mysticall washing in Baptisme before all other but to kneele holde vp the handes and to worship a peece of bread wee count it grosse and abominable Idolatrie The Protestants THat the sacrament is not to be adored with any godly worship but onely to be duely reuerenced as an holy mysterie thus wee prooue it by the worde of God Argum. 1. In the first instituting of the sacrament the Apostles receiued it sitting not kneeling by taking of it not lifting vp their handes to it Ergo they did not adore it neither is it by vs to be adored Agayne Christ commaundeth vs onely to Take and eate and drinke and to doe all in remembrance of him the sacrament therefore was appoynted to be eaten and drunken not to be carried about or to bee gazed vpon or to be kneeled vnto Argum. 2. Christ as we haue shewed is no otherwise present in the Eucharist then in Baptisme But the water in Baptisme is not to be adored Ergo neither the bread in the sacrament Augustine did not so much as dreame of any adoration of the sacrament A Cerere Libero Paganorum dijs longè absumus quamus panis calicis sacramentum nostro ritu amplectimur Wee doe not worship the heathenish Gods of corne and wine Ceres and Bacchus although after our manner wee embrace the sacrament of the bread and of the cuppe His meaning is that Christians do not worship bread and wine in the sacrament as the heathen did Cont. Faust. In sacramenti sanctificatione distributione existimo Apostolum propriè iussisse fieri 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 orationes 1. Tim. 2.1 Quod verò quidam codices non habent orationes sed adorationes non arbitror scienter interpretatum In the consecrating and distributing of the sacrament I think the Apostle bade orations or prayers to be made not as some doe vnlearnedly interpret adorations or worshippings Epistol 59. Ergo hee approueth not the adoration of the sacrament AN APENDIX OR TENTH PART whether the wicked doe receiue the bodie of Christ. The Papists THe wicked they say doe in the sacrament eate the true flesh of Christ and error 125 drinke his blood though they be Infidels and ill liuers Argum. They are guiltie of the bodie and blood of Christ 1. Corinth 11.27 How can they be guiltie of that which they haue not receiued And agayne by the vnworthy receiuing of no other sacrament is a man made guiltie of the body and blood of Christ but onely here Ergo the wicked are partakers of his body Rhemist annot 1. Corint 11. sect 16. Answere 1. The wicked may be guiltie of the bodie and blood of Christ in vnworthy receiuing the sacrament though Christ be not corporally present Euen as he that contumeliously receiueth the seale of the prince or abuseth his image is guiltie of the Maiestie of the prince though he haue not hurt his person 2. He also may bee guiltie of the blood of Christ that despiseth Baptisme which he receiued as a signe of his washing in the blood of Christ. And so the Apostle sayth of wicked men that fall away from Christian religion that they crucifie agayne to themselues the Sonne of God Heb. 6.6 Augustine also bringeth in Christ thus speaking to the wicked in the day of iudgement Grauior apud me est peccatorum tuorum crux in qua inuitus pendeo quàm illa in quam tuimisertus ascendi the crosse of thy sinnes whereby thou didst crucifie me was more grieuous vnto me then the Crosse to the which for thy cause I was lifted vp Serm. 181. cap. 7. de tempor Thus we see that wicked men by their sinfull life may crucifie Christ though they can offer no violence to his body The Protestants THat wicked men and Infidels cannot in any sense be partakers of the true bodie and blood of Christ thus it is prooued Argum. 1. By faith only are
Masse is not of that nature for it is made by the ministerie of man for euery one of their sacrificing Priests is able to make the bodie of Christ but this bodie which Christ had to offer was made onely by God without the helpe of man as the Apostle saith Againe say if you dare that the bodie which you offer is the true Tabernacle and temple of God for then it would followe that God dwelleth in temples made with hands that is by the ministerie of man contrarie to the Scriptures seeing you affirme that the bodie of Christ is no otherwise present but by the ministerie of the Priest And what a goodly Tabernacle is this for God thinke you which you shut vp in a pixe and hang vp in your Churches A mouse may eate it the fire may consume it corruption may take it would God suffer his Tabernacle thus to be defiled Wherefore vpon these premises we conclude that what you offer in your popish sacrifice cannot be the proper gift belonging to Christes Priesthoode Argum. 3. The Apostle saith Hebr. 13.10 Wee haue an altar whereof they haue no power to eate which serue in the Tabernacle Ergo we haue not onely a common table to eate meere bread vpon but a verie altar in the proper sense to sacrifice Christs bodie vpon Rhemist annot Hebr. 13. sect 6. Ans. First the Apostle speaketh of the sacrifice of Christs death whereof we are made partakers by faith which they can reape no benefite by which remaine in the ceremoniall obseruations of Leuiticall sacrifices Christ therefore is our Priest altar and sacrifice for verse 12. the Apostle maketh mention of the suffrings of Christ he meaneth not then the Communion table which is vnproperly called an altar or any materiall altar beside but the altar onely of Christs death Secondly if wheresoeuer in Scripture this worde altar is read it must be taken for a proper materiall altar we shall haue also a material altar in heauen Apoc. 8.3 which I am sure they wil not grant Thirdly the Apostle saith We haue an altar which is but one whereas popish altars are many it cannot therefore be vnderstoode of such altars The Protestants THat there are spirituall sacrifices remaining yet vnto Christians in the exercise of religion we doe verily beleeue being so taught by the Scriptures such are the sacrifices of praise and thankesgiuing Heb. 13.15 The sacrifice of almes and distribution verse 16. the mortifying also of the flesh is a kinde of crucifying and so a spirituall sacrifice Galat. 6.14 And in this sense wee denie not but that the Sacrament may be called a sacrifice that is a spirituall oblation of praise and thankesgiuing but that there is a proper and externall sacrifice as in the lawe of Goates and Bullocks vpon the crosse of the bodie of Christ so in the Eucharist of the same bodie and flesh of Christ we doe hold it for a great blasphemie and heresie Argum. 1. The very flesh and true naturall bodie of Christ is not as wee haue shewed before at large in such carnall and corporall manner present in the Sacrament therefore it cannot in the Sacrament be sacrificed and offered vp Argum. 2. This sacrificing of the bodie and blood of Christ is contrarie to Christs institution for he saith onely Take yee eate yee drinke yee he saith not Sacrifice yee or lift vp and make an oblation of my bodie Neither doe those wordes hoc facite doe this giue them any power to sacrifice for to whome he saith Eate yee drinke yee to the same also he saith Doe yee Wherefore if doe yee be as much as sacrifice yee all Christians for whome it is lawfull to eate and drinke the Sacrament by this rule haue authoritie to sacrifice Againe the words are Doe this in remembrance We remember things absent and which are alreadie done and past if then there be a present sacrifice in the Sacrament of the bodie of Christ it cannot properly be said to be a memorie of his sacrifice Argum. 3. The Apostle saith that Christ neede not to offer himselfe often but that he hath done once in the end of the world Heb. 9.26 And with one offering hath hee made perfite for euer them that are sanctified 10.14 Ergo Christ cannot be sacrificed againe for that were to make his sacrifice vpon the crosse imperfect Bellarmine answereth that the Apostle here speaketh of the bloodie and painefull sacrifice of Christ vpon the crosse which was sufficient once to bee done but this taketh not away the vnbloodie sacrifice which is but an iteration of the former whereby the fruite and efficacie of that first oblation is applied vnto vs Bellarm. lib. 1. de miss cap. 25. Ans. First the Apostle excludeth all manner iterations of the sacrifice of Christ for otherwise if Christ should now bee often howsoeuer sacrificed the difference would not hold betweene the sacrifices of the lawe which were often done and the sacrifice of Christ which was once to be performed for their sacrifices were also in a manner iterations and commemorations of the sacrifice of Christ. The Apostle then thus reasoneth They had many iteratiue and commemoratiue sacrifices of Christs death Ergo we haue not now Secondly that is but a foolish and false distinction of the bloodie and vnbloodie sacrifice as they vnderstand it for there can be no proper vnbloodie sacrifice of Christ neither could he be offered vp otherwise then by dying Heb. 9.27.28 Therefore he is not offered vp in the Sacrament because now he dyeth not Thirdly neither neede wee inuent a new kinde of sacrifice for the application of Christs death for to that end Christ hath appointed the preaching of the word and instituted the Sacraments wherby the death of Christ with al the benefites thereof are most fruitefully applied vnto vs Galath 3.1 1. Corinth 11.26 Argum. 4. Augustine in a certaine place allegorizing the parable of the prodigall child thus writeth Vitulum occidit quando in sacramento altario memoriam passionis in mente renouauit He slew the fat calfe when hee renewed in the Sacrament of the altar the memorie of his passion in his minde Hee calleth it the Sacrament not the sacrifice of the altar and it onely bringeth to our minde the memorie of Christs passion and sacrifice there is then no oblation or sacrifice in the Sacrament but onely a commemoration of Christs sacrifice which we denie not AN APPENDIX OR THIRD PART OF the name and office of Priestes The Papists AS they doe falsely teach and perswade that there is yet remaining a proper error 129 externall sacrifice for Christians vnder the Gospell so also they maintaine a sacrificing Priesthoode And further they say that the Leuiticall Priesthoode was not translated into the sacrifice of Christ vpon the crosse but is properly turned into the Priesthoode and sacrifice in the Church according to Melchisedechs rite in offering vp the bodie and blood of Christ in the formes of bread and wine Rhemist
Basile to be no necessarie poynt to saluation if wee did hold her to haue beene a virgin afore and many such other poyntes there are in scriptures which a man may be ignorant of without perill of saluation Ergo much more may we be ignorant of vnwritten verities or rather Popish fables 2. The Church hath no more authoritie then the Apostles nor yet in all things so much But they had no power to make articles of faith for Saint Paul deliuereth that which he had receiued concerning the sacrament he durst not adde vnto it as the Papists haue been bolde to doe since 1. Cor. 11. Ergo the Church may explane and open articles of fayth out of the scriptures but not make new 3. We prooue it by the confession of our aduersaries The fathers of Basile that concluded it was an article of the Christian fayth to beleeue the superioritie of the councel did gather it out of the saying of Christ dic ecclesiae and therfore enforced it as an article Whereby wee gather that they helde that the Church could establish no article of fayth without scripture Bellarmine likewise sayth that the Church is not now gouerned by newe reuelations but wee ought to be contented with those decrees which wee haue receiued from the Apostles Ergo as D. Whitakers doth strongly conclude the Church cannot coyne new articles of faith 4. Lastly we haue before prooued at large out of the worde of God that the scriptures containe all things necessary to saluation and therefore all articles of fayth must be deriued from thence 1. controu quaest 7. And so we conclude with Augustine Linguae sonos quibus inter se homines sua seusa communicēt pacto quodā societatis sibi instituere possunt Quib. autē sacris diuinitati congruerent voluntatem dei sequuti sunt qui rectè sapuerunt Quae omnino nunquam defuit ad salutem iustitiae pietatique hominum Men sayth he may deuise among themselues what language they will vse to expresse their minde But howe to serue God wise men euer followed the will and commaundement of GOD which neuer hath failed men in all necessary matters concerning righteousnes and godlines By this fathers sentence the scriptures which containe the will of God containe all necessary things Ergo we neede not seeke elswhere AN APPENDIX OR MEMBER OF THIS part of the question whether we are to beleeue in the Church The Papists WE ought to beleeue and trust the Church in all things yea to beleeue in the Church Rhemist 1. Tim. 3. sect 9. the scripture also vseth this speech error 25 to beleeue in men annot in 10. Rom. sect 41. 1. Exod. 14.31 they beleeued in God and Moses Ergo. We answere your owne vulgar text hath it crediderunt deo Mosi seruo eius they beleeued God and his seruant Moses that is hauing seene the great power of God in the destruction of the Aegyptians in the red sea according to the word of Moses they gaue credite vnto Moses which spake vnto them from God 2. Philem. v. 5. Hearing of thy loue and fayth which thou hast toward the Lord Iesus and vnto all the saints See say they here is faith toward the saints Wee answere there is no man that is not peruersly disposed but may easily distinguish the Apostles wordes to attribute fayth to Iesus Christ and loue to the saynts Which may appeare by the altering of the preposition as they themselues read in their owne translation loue and fayth in Iesus Christ and toward the sayntes so it must needes bee thus vnderstoode fayth in Christ and loue toward the sayntes this therefore is but a sophisticall cauill The Protestants THis word Credo beleeue is taken three wayes for there is credere deo to beleeue God that is to trust him in all things credere deum to beleeue God to be credere in deum to beleeue in God as our creator Lord and redeemer So we doe credere ecclesiam we beleeue there is one holy Catholicke Church credere ecclesiae we doe also beleeue and giue credence to the Church following the word of God But we do not in any wise credere in ecclesiam beleeue in the Church 1. We must not beleeue or put any confidence in a creature the Church is but a creature Ergo for to beleeue in God is onely proper to the Godhead and therefore Iohn 14.1 where Christ sayth ye beleeue in God beleeue also in me we doe necessarylie out of these words inferre that Christ is God because we are commaunded to beleeue in him 2. Fayth is of things that are absent and not seene but the Church is present alwayes vpon earth and alwayes visible as our aduersaryes hold how then can it bee an obiect of our fayth We can not beleeue in that which is visible seene for it is agaynst the nature of fayth 3. Augustine sayth sciendum est quòd ecclesiam credere non tamen in ecclesiam credere debemus quia ecclesia non est deus sed domus dei De tēpore serm 131. We must know that we are to beleeue there is a Church not in the Church for the Church is not God but onely the house of God THE SECOND PARTE OF THE QVESTION concerning the ceremonies of the Church The Papists THey doe holde that the Church of God may vse and blesse diuers elements error 26 and creatures for the seruice of God as holy water to driue away diuels the hallowing of salt waxe fire palmes ashes oyle creame milke honey Rhemist 1. tim 4. sect 12. 13. Yea that the Church may borrow rites and ceremonies of the Iewes ibid. sect 18. Yea by the creatures thus blessed or rather coniured they say remission of sinnes is obtayned sect 14. 2. Remission of sinnes was annexed to the oyle wherewith the sicke were annoynted Iames 5. Ergo remissions of sinnes may be applied by the like consecrated elements Rhemist 1. Tim. 4. sect 14. We answere First it followeth not because the creature of oyle was vsed in the miraculous gift of healing which ceremonie was no longer to continue than that miraculous gift indured it followeth not that other elements may be vsed so now there being not the like occasion seeing all such myraculous giftes are now ceased Secondly it was not the oyle whereby their sinnes were forgiuen them neither was it applied to that ende it was onely a pledge vnto them of their bodily health but the prayer of fayth shall saue the sick sayth the Apostle v. 15. for God hath promised to heare the faythfull prayers of his children both for themselues and others 3. Saint Paul vsed imposition of hands which was a ceremonie of the law vsed in consecrating of Priestes Ergo it is lawfull to borrowe ceremonies of the Iewes We answere It followeth not because Christ and the Apostles by the spirite of God retayned some decent actions vsed in the lawe therefore now the Church at her libertie may take of