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A09998 Master Bezaes sermons vpon the three chapters of the canticle of canticles wherein are handled the chiefest points of religion controversed and debated betweene vs and the aduersarie at this day, especially touching the true Iesus Christ and the true Church, and the certaine & infallible marks both of the one and of the other. Translated out of French into English by Iohn Harmar ...; Sermons sur les trois premiers chapitres du Cantique des cantiques. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; Harmar, John, 1555?-1613. 1587 (1587) STC 2025; ESTC S101752 345,082 450

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namelie either to be dislodged out of this bodie which he especially desired or to remaine in it Phil. 3.23 and that to trauel night and daie both publikely and in priuate houses Act. 20.20 And this is the cause why the Bridegrome would haue his spouse to take her rest and that soundlie and so far as to be satisfied therwith and no man to trouble her repose except the Bridegroome would so haue it and appoint it For it is for him alone to wake her as he saith afterwardes and her selfe also desireth no more rest then it pleaseth her Bridegroome to graunt her 11 And thus you see in summe what wee are to learne out of this most excellent place of Scripture full of singular Doctrine namely that it is in God alone in whom we must seeke after our true felicity hearing and meditating day and night his holy word depending on his prouidence protection vntill wee be gathered together in his euerlasting kingdome where this holy and perpetual marriage shalbe consummated and ended Let vs now with hart and mouth pray vnto him for his grace saying as followeth Almighty God c. THE NINETEENTH SERMON Our help be in the name of God c. It is written as followeth in the second Chapter of the Canticle of Canticles the 8.9 and 10. verses 8 This is the voice of my welbeloued behold hee commeth leaping ouer the mountaines and skipping ouer the hils 9 My welbeloued is like a Roe and like an Hind-calfe Behold he is behind our wall looking through the window and shewing himselfe through the lattise 10 My welbeloued hath spoken vnto mee and saide Vp arise my loue my faire one and come thy waie 1 Three great abuses committed in contemplatiue life falsly called religion 2 It is from the voice of the Bridegrome that this desire proceedeth of putting our selues into the waie and going forward in our vocation 3 Application of this doctrine vnto the Church of Geneua 4 The more then marueilous diligence and carefulnesse of this Bridegroome to runne vnto his spouse 5 A comparison of this diligence with our sluggishnes 6 The first high mountaines which satan and his complices haue reared to keep the spouse from her Bridegroome which the Bridegroome mounteth readily ouer without staying a moment 7 Other exceeding rough and craggie mountaines of our sinnes and iniquities trauersed also ouer by the Bridegroome 8 The Bridegrome hath also taken vpon himselfe the bottomlesse gulfe of the curse of God his father to run vnto our deliuerie with this burden on his shoulders 9 The difference betweene the new and the olde couenaunt represented by the similitude of a wall and of a grate or lattise 10 This Bridegroome hath neuer beene dumb and the abuse committed in this behalfe in the false Church 11 The woorde of the Bridegroome serueth to no purpose if men harken not vnto it and if they awake not themselues in deede 12 Wherefore this spouse is called the faire one opposed vnto her which is nothing but painted 13 The true spouse is neither called nor goeth else whither then vnto her bridegrome onelie 14 The Bridegrome must come vnto vs to cause vs to come vnto him 15 The Bridegroome neuer came vnto his spouse or at this day presenteth himselfe vnto her to stay her here below but euer called yet calleth her to heauen the great abuse of them which look for him at this daie corporallie in the earth 16 These words come thy waie ought to serue vs for a summe and abridgement of the whole doctrine of saluation and to teach vs the end of the whole life of a Christian WEE haue left the spouse in the repose and rest of her meditation rauished as it were altogether in an ecstasie out of which her repose she is now awaked by the Bridegrome notwithstanding not to trouble her but to leade her as it were out of one pleasure into an other The like commeth to passe after naturall sleepe which being taken in sufficient measure refresheth a man raiseth as a man would say new forces in him as contrariwise the same if it passe exceed a mean breedeth first in a mā a lazines sluggishnesse finally draweth a man into a bad naughty custome So is it in this spiritual rest which the soule being withdrawen aside by it selfe to meditate on the graces of God and to be occupied in praier in his secret chamber Mat. 6.6 enioieth bee it by day or by night according vnto the example of Dauid in many of his Psalms But if of this meditation a mā wil make a contemplatiue life faslly called Angelical he committeth therein two notable faults which by litle and litle come at the length to a third which is vtter perdition and destruction of himselfe For first a man departeth withdraweth himselfe from the principall dutie of a Christian which is to serue his neighbour according vnto his vocation which cannot bee doone if a man sequester himselfe from men and imploy not his minde in any other actions then such as are specially and particularly belonging vnto himselfe whereas wee ought to apply al the knowledge we haue in humane or diuine thinges vnto the mutuall profit and aduancement of one an other Secondly by such a kinde of continuall contemplation it is vnpossible but a man will become at the last sottish and fantasticall especially if vnto it bee added an austerity of life without meane and good measure and at last after that a man hath besotted himselfe with such a dreaming and fantasticall kind of life he beginneth to perswade himselfe by little and little not only in that false and damnable opinion of merite but also finally that he is arriued to the greatest perfection that may be nay gone beyond Paradise it selfe I let passe to speake of the notable hypocrisie and other most stincking filthinesse which is hidden vnder the cloke and colour of this kind of life which falsly appropriateth to it selfe the name of Religion For proofe of this let vs look no farther then first vnto the doting dreams which are found aswel in the legendes of these holie fathers as also in the writings of certaine contemplatiue doctors and after that vnto the abuses with which this kinde of vermine hath filled the whole world and poysoned especiallie al Christendome in such sort that the Popes thēselues haue been forced and constrained to decree that there should be no more new orders of monks set vp as that decree made expreslie to this purpose in that great Councel of Lateran vnder Pope Innocent the third An. 1215. may witnes And yet for al that behold yet a new swarme of locusts the order of the Capuchins of those shamelesse companions which attribute vnto thēselues the name of the companie of Iesus which are within these forty yeares crauled out of the bottomles pit to happer and swarme throughout the worlde which indeede deserueth nothing else but to be broused and bitten
seeing him not in the bed where shee slept was not therefore cleane out of hart but getting her selfe vp sheweth that because she found him not her desire of seeking after him was so much the more augmēted And indeed as we said the last daie this is the means by which the Lorde not suffering himselfe to bee alwaies found at the first sharpeneth the faith and hope and fortifieth the patience of his as we see it by infinit many of examples of the holy Scripture So the people serued as a straunger foure hundred yeares in the land of Chanaan and of Aegypt and fortie yeares in the desert and seuenty yeares in Babylon So did Ioseph endure much in prison and Dauid during his flight saying in the 40. Psal I waited and waited for the Lord and he heard me According therefore vnto these examples if in diuerse difficulties and distresses touching our conscience either in perils or aduersities it seemeth that the Lorde as I maie so saie flieth from vs let vs runne couragiouslie after him vntill hee suffer himselfe to bee taken of vs. But who shall continue vnto vs this vigor and courage He who for the loue which he beareth vs first formeth in vs the loue whereby wee loue him reciprocally as the spouse doth thrise heere reiterate it that is to saie not fainedly as hypocrits do nor so so as they who are neither hot nor cold nor seething but luke-warme and therefore are by and by vomited vp Apoc. 3.16 whereas they who are violent and importune catch the kingdome of heauen away by an holy importunity Matth. 11.12 Luke 18.2 2 But wee must especially consider that which the spouse saith in this place namely that she diligētly sought after her Bridegroome by the open places and went round about the Cittie and found him not For contrariwise in the parable of the banquet Luk. 14.21 the seruantes are commanded vpon the refusall which the greater sort and the rich made to go vnto the open places streets of the City to bring together those which were poore impotent lame and blind But this similitude tendeth to another purpose then this of the spouse to wit to shew vs that they are no members of the Church or if they were before leaue to bee who make more reckoning of their woorldly ease and other their commodities and affaires of this world then they doe of their conscience in whose places God doth often chuse the poore and contemptible of the world as it is saide in the Canticle of the blessed virgin Luk. 1.52.53 We read also Pro. 1.20 that Wisedom maketh her voice to ring in the streets and open places but it is not said that she was harkned vnto or receiued there yea cōtrariwise Wisedome lamenteth and bewaileth the disorders which doe there raigne There is likewise speach in the parable of the sower of seed which fel in the waie which because it pearced not into and entred the earth it was incontinently eaten vp by the birds These two places maie serue vs for the interpretation of this in which we vnderstand by the open places and the circuite of the Citty that which is cōmonly receiued beareth sway among men And to saie al in one word it is that mask which is called at this daie by the name of the Catholique Church not that Catholique Church which wee mention in our Creede but that monster which the efficacie of errour hath engendred by her who hath bewitched the kinges and nations of the earth as it hath beene before prophecied and foretold 3 To answere therefore this matter which is the last refuge of our aduersaries what is that the spouse here saith beeing so affrighted hared for that her Bridegrome is departed from her while she was asleep in her bed It is this which I say repeate againe that she thought that he whom she sought and so consequently the truth and her saluation were to be found in the religion which was commonly receiued among the people And what induced her to think so The promises made vnto that people and to no other before the comming of the Bridegroome in flesh Act. 3.25 as at this daie the Church say they cannot erre hereupon to ground al their errours Wherein then did this spouse deceiue her self Euen with that which was aunswered Ier. 18.18 and presupposing as they woulde gladly make vs to beleeue at this daie of Saint Peters steeple at Rome that religion was nayled as it were with a tennepenie naile vnto Abrahams race without distinguishing the true Israelites from the false as Saint Iohn Baptist reproched them in his time shee iudged of true religion according vnto that which was brought in when she was asleepe of a long time receiued of great smal whereas shee should haue sought after that which was proposed and commanded for a rule vnto the people that is to saie in the lawe and in the testimony as it is said Esa 8.20 For seeing that the true Church iudgeth not the the controuersies of religion but so farre as to referre her selfe wholy vnto that which the Bridegroome hath thereof determined by the mouth of his Prophets Apostles it followeth that it is neither vnto that which is commonly receiued and maintained nor vnto the greater number that wee are to refer our selues to be resolued seeing that euen in the affairs of this world there bee more fooles then wisemen and more wicked men then good but we must refer our selues vnto the Bridegrome himself who is iudge both of the one and of the other Yea but where shall a man finde him Wee must not say saith the Apostle after Moses wee will ascend vp into heauen to finde him there or passe the Sea to seeke him But the woorde is in thy mouth and in thy heart that is to saie this word of faith which wee preach Rom. 10.8 And this is it by which we must discerne the true Catholick Church from the false 4 What is then you will say this Catholicke Church in the which no where else Iesus Christ is found out of which there is no saluation It is the assembly of all the true elect and faithfull gathered out of al people and nations in vnitie of the Propheticall and Apostolicall doctrine considered in her generality in which assemblie truely the light of the trueth can neuer be put out albeit in the parts and members of the bodie distinctly seuerally considered there may be some defects doubts ignorances as the history of all times declareth the same To this Church thus vniuersally considered is opposed the generality of all companies besides which are also called Christian and which keepe the marcke of Baptisme but haue forged vnto themselues a religion according vnto their owne lust and fancy whether they couer themselues with the name writings of the Prophets Apostles il interpreted or whether they inuent a doctrine altogether newe according vnto their own pleasure for which cause
the order of the three bookes of Salomon 8 An enhortation for euery one to make his profit by the exposition of this Canticle THIS booke albeit it hath bin as well in the auncient church of the Israelites as also in the Christian church by one common consent not only reckned amongst the number of those which the holy Ghost hath spoken and vttered to the pen and which ought to be the rule and canon of our fayth but also held for one of the most excellent and spirituall of all the rest yet hath it not bin handled or red in the church as euery of the other but reserued to be proposed vnto them who were farther aduaunced and growne vp in the knowledge of God and were of a more stable and constant iudgement The causes whereof were first because the stile and phrase thereof is altogether allegoricall and enigmatical that is to say deliuereth to our vnderstāding thinges heauenly and spirituall by a similitude and figure of things naturall and corporall which euery man neyther of himselfe can nor by the help of an other is able so to conceiue and vnderstand as thereby throughly to be profited and instructed Secondly because this allegory is wholy grounded vpon the coniunction and coupling of man and wife in marriadge in the which being humanely and carnally considered we shall finde euen from the beginning thereof vnto the end many great wantes and imperfections on mens behalfes which defaultes as they haue bene euer rife since the entrance of sinne into the world so we know how they haue bin dayly encreased sithence men haue for so long a time giuen themselues ouer to all this vncleannes and wantonnes which is no other thing then a polluting and defiling of the honest and chast caresses dilections and embrasementes in marriadge The which notwithstanding it hath in it many defectes and blemishes which the Lord of his great goodnes must support and couer hindereth not but that according to the saying of the Apostle Heb. 15.4 Marriadge is honorable amongst all and the bed thereof vndefiled And thus you see how some considering the mischieuous maners of this world and be cause there are in this Canticle many kinds of speaches according to the simplicity of that time in which this booke was writtē which the world might easily abuse haue bene hardly induced to interprete it in the church fearing least it should bring more harme thereunto then profit and edification Others there haue bene which haue gone farther and haue beene so bold and hardy or rather so ouerweening and headdy as to go about to rase this booke out of the canonicall scriptures as being a writing altogeather profane and compiled by Solomon in the middest of his wanton and licencious dissolutiōs As touching the first sort of these men they are herein to bee greatly commended that they thinke it not good that euery one should rashly vnaduisedly be carried or led to the hādling of this booke according vnto the saying of the Apostle 1. Cor. 3.2 that we must begin with milke so proceed come to hard solid meate Which thing hath bin carefully diligently obserued both in this church and in others by the faythfull pastors and ministers But as for those which presume to condemne this booke they are no more to be harkened vnto or regarded then those who desperatly and arrogantly addresse and oppose themselues agaynst the spirit of God For besides that the old and newe church hath from all times iudged the contrary this booke being diligently expounded by the auncient Doctors both greeke and latin yea euen in monasteries amongst the monkes vsed and handled as a booke altogeather contemplatiue more then any besides albeit they then made solemne profession of being farre from all thought of women and marriage this very allegory of marriadge is very amplie to the same end and purpose prosecuted in other bookes which by a perpetual and common consent haue bin alwayes held for holy diuine as in the Psalme 45 which is as it were a summe and abridgement of this whole Canticle and in Esay 62.1.6 Ierem. 3. Ezech. 16. and 23. Oseas 1.2 Math. 25. Ioh. 3.29 Rom. 7.1.2 Cor. 11.2 and especially Ephe. 5. where the Apostle vseth the very same words which Adam vsed in the first institution of marriadge to wit that the church is made flesh of the flesh of Iesus Christ and bone of his bones which is saith he a great secret and mystery to be short the holy Ghost in the Apocal. 17. is the expounder and interpreter of the beginning of this booke Neyther is that to be regarded which some bring for an argument why this booke is not Canonicall because that no place of it is alleaged in the newe testament For first beside that which I haue sayd of the 45. Psalme that it is an abridgment of this booke the similitudes which are taken from marriage in Saynt Paul and in the last chapter of the Apocalyps are drawen from hence and by the same reason we may condemne other bookes of the old testament which are receiued without contradiction or gainsaying 2 We must therfore vse obserue a mean in the exposition of this booke handling it then and in such wise as it appertaineth in the church of God For God will not that any thing which he teacheth vs by his Prophets and Apostles should be hidden or kept secret in such sort as to content our selues to haue it enregistred onely in his word without farther regarding and considering what it is as the Paynimes were woont to deal in their false religions worships who feared their abuses should be discouered if their mysteries were knowen or as we yet to this day see it practised in the false church where the reading of the scriptures in the vulgar and common tong is forbidden whereas the Apostles and Prophets since the beginning haue spoken and written in a common and intelligible language to the end they might be vnderstoode of all men And yet is it very true that the holy Ghost hath not vsed throughout the same stile and manner of writing but hath spoken somtimes very plainly sometimes obscurely in such sort notwithstanding that as one of the auncient fathers hath heretofore well obserued obscurity and darknes is tempered and mixed with plainnes and clearnes to the end to sharpen and quicken our desire to search after that which we vnderstoode not at the first and to cause vs to esteeme more higher of the secrets of his wisdom after that he hath bestowed on vs the gift of knowledge and vnderstanding of them vpon our carefull diligence of reading and conferring together the places of scripture And this is that which we hope to doe by Gods good assistaunce obtayned by your prayers in the expounding of this booke seing it is now about fifty years that God hath set vp as it were anew his holy Iubile amongst vs causing the holy light of his gospell to shine
if our clothes did hinder vs. Euery man foldeth wrappeth him selfe in the cares and thoughts of this woorld insteede of meditating and putting that in vre which retireth and plucketh vs from the world that we perish not with it Euery mā is cold insteede of beeing hote and feruent in zeale of knowledge To be short euerie man fatteth himselfe so grosse that it wilbe impossible hereafter to passe through the strait gate a thing lamentable and whereof I warne you in the name of God while hee yet saith Come vnto me and whiles the dore is yet open or at the least onlie halfe shut If we wil not God wil shew vs to our cost and we are verie blinde if wee perceiue not that he doth alreadie prepare himselfe thereunto that if we thinke not on it he wil think on it and when wee shall crie it shall be aunswered vs as it was them which were inuited to the banquet Matth. 22.8 as the workers of iniquity Mat. 7.23 as the foolish Virgins Mat. 25.12 from the nūber of which the Lord keepe vs. In summe therefore the faithfull as straungers and wayfarers in the woorlde doe protest in this place that they labour to come vnto that Cittie whereof God is the maker and builder Heb. 11.10 not onelie to walke thither but also to runne thither with all their forces they haue receiued of him which draweth them thither 8 But we may not forget these woords After thee For it is not enough to run but wee must first run in the right way and secondlie wee must runne right without straying either to the right or to the left hand and thirdlie we must tend go forwarde vnto the mark vnto which we ought to tend if we will not haue our paines to be frustrate and lost Al these things are giuen vs in Iesus Christ solely and alone For first besides that it is of his spirit that we receiue as well the desire of running as the power to runne Phil. 2.13 He is the waie the truth and the life and for to follow him without straying and to obtaine the price at the end of our race he must alwaies run before and we must runne after him They therefore who to goe to eternall life deuise vnto thēselues new waies that is to say any seruing of God according to their owne pleasure or happilie followe the inuentions and deuises of other men whatsoeuer although these waies be neuer so common and frequented and as olde and ancient as a man can wish how euer they replie that these are not other waies but onely certaine pathes which bring them into the high way as those men dreame which make themselues beleeue that the merits of works agree verie well with grace and the inuocation of holy men departed with the office of mediation of Iesus Christ alone and his corporal and essential presence in the masse with the verity and truth of the bodie of Iesus Christ and with the ascension and second comming of him and other such conclusions necessarilie contradictorie yet notwithstanding not holding the right way after him they shal not find him at their iourneyes end and consequentlie they shall haue no other fruit of their trauaile then that which Esay speaketh of 29.13 and the Apostle Colos 2.18 Yee see then al false worshippes and religions condemned in one word of which the Apostle in that place of the Colos 2.18 handling this very matter setteth down three kindes The first is of those which are grounded vpon certaine vaine speculations hauing an appearāce of some great wisdom As whē at this day men ground the Intercessiō of Saints vpon this that men go not to kings princes but by mediators Item that if holy personages haue had credit with God being in this woorld they haue a great deale more beeing receiued with him into paradise Item that we must satisfie God in this woorlde or in the other Item that because the perfection of euerie estate consisteth in vnity there must bee one generall head in the administration and gouernment of the catholique Church or other like conclusions of theirs who forge and deuise a religion after their own fansie taking their humane discourse a very bad rule and squire to rule and squire out their building by The second kind consisteth in grosse superstitions and such as are manifest vnto all except it bee to them which are altogither blinde and so will bee Such haue beene from all time infinite maners of fancied things doings by which men haue dreamed first that their sinnes were thereby done forth and finally that God himselfe was endebted vnto them for them as are at this daie in the Church of Rome holy water holy waxe paternosters or beades going on pilgrimage certaine signes of the crosse certaine kinds of weeds attires other such bables in which there is neither sense nor reason neither with God nor with men The third sort was in the Apostles time of them which yet held and retained the Iudaical ceremonies willing to mingle them with Iesus Christ In the roume of this haue succeeded at this day the traditions of men and an infinit number of deuotions by which not only the commaundements of God are taken away and abolished and Christians brought into a most miserable seruitude and bondage but the grace also of Iesus Christ himselfe is vtterly made voyde and of none effect and there is nether doctrine nor sacramēt remaining vncorrupted Now al this is nothing els but to runne in vaine after straunge Gods although a man giue them not this name but that al this is disguised vnder these faire woords of seruing of God of the authoritie of the Church of Antiquitie and of good Meaning But in lieu of all this we are sent here vnto Iesus Christ alone and consequently to his holy and only woorde preached and wholly put in writing first by the Prophets according to the measure and dispensation of the times finally by his Apostles without being lawfull euen to the Angels themselues to chaunge any thing therein to ad or diminish the Church being founded and grounded vpon this ground-plat foundation and no other whatsoeuer Ephes 2.20 Apoc. 21.14 the whole Scripture also giuing vs most certaine witnes hereof which without this would not be sufficient for the barring and shutting out of all false doctrines and heresies which thing cannot be saide without great blasphemy Ye see then what are our listes what is our race and course and what the price is which is set for vs at the end thereof Neither doth this point concerne only the doctrine which is common to the whole true church but this aduertisemēt must also guide vs in al our particular thoughts deliberations and practises in which wee must alwaies demaund of God the addresse and direction of his holy spirit that we neuer go beyond him but alwaies walk after him hauing him and his commaundements before our eyes as we are taught at large
retire himselfe into purer and cleaner flocks if there be any such and where he may be in lesse danger of being corrupted by the contagion and infection of others The other imperfection consisteth in doctrine In which againe there are many circumstances to be considered before we depriue any assembly be it great or small of the name of the Church And that this should be so we see by the first epistle of Saint Paul to the Corinthians that in the church of Corinth not only touching manners the discipline of the church was very loosly obserued and the manner of teaching the word greatly prophaned by a vaine and affected kinde of babling but which more is that the pro and the con touching the article of the resurrection of the dead was stoutly and stifly disputed an article notwithstanding of such ground foundation in the Church that without it the preaching of the gospel would become vaine 1. Cor. 15.17 And yet notwithstanding it was so called and helde of the Apostle for the true and holy Church of God Among the Galathians it was yet worse beeing for the most part of them turned aside by the false Apostles from the principal ground-plat and foundation of the Christian Church namely from the free iustification by the only satisfaction of one onely Iesus Christ and yet all this notwithstanding Saint Paul giueth them the name of Church The reason is as touching the Corinthians because they shewed not themselues incorrigible and past amendment and that though there were some but badlie instructed in the article of the resurrection of the dead notwithstanding the bodie of the Church did stil retaine and hold the truth The Galathians also had not banded themselues against the doctrin of the Apostle but were only turned somewhat aside by a light headdines and yet not al of them as is to be presupposed The like is also to bee seene by that which the Apostle writeth vnto Timothy and likewise by the second of Saint Peter and that of Saint Iude that there were already false teachers and wicked Disciples euen in the bosome of the Churches which notwithstanding for all these imperfections left not to be called true Churches as a man leaueth not to bee a man though he haue some wert or some vlcers biles in one part of his body But the case is otherwise of a body altogether rotten and corrupted in the noblest and principallest partes whereunto the Synagogues of the Iewes may bee compared after that they stubburnely resisted the preaching of the Apostle from which for this cause hee vtterly diuided and disioyned the Church of Ephesus Act. 19.9 and 28.28 and himselfe also hath giuen vs a rule hereof Philip. 3.2 Neither are we otherwise to beleeue or to doe touching such assemblies and congregations be they great or little which notoriously and stubburnly oppose themselues against the principall and fundamental articles of Christian Religion as that assembly doth at this daie which sitteth vpon the seauen hils and opposeth it selfe directlie against the kingdome of Iesus Christ whose name notwithstanding it falsely borroweth and therefore we haue it iustly in execration and hold it accursed following the doctrine of the Apostle Galat. 1.8 To come therefore to our purpose we must take heede in this case how we stand in such sort vpon the defectes and imperfections of one Church or more as therefore not to take them for Churches but we must vse those ordinarie means which God hath appointed to bear with that which is to be borne withal to remedie that which may be remedied and to take heede to our selues we bee not smutted as they saie among colliers applying all our studie and endeuour to mutual edification as the Prophets and Apostles teach vs both by their doctrine and by their example 3 It is verie true notwithstanding that the spouse speaketh here of another kind of blacknesse to wit of the outward ouerthrowe and dissipation of the Church by the vehemencie of persecutions which is the cause that many making no difference betweene the glittering beuty of the kingdomes of this world and the spirituall beuty of that kingdome which is not of this world and suffering themselues to be dazled and blinded with that which hath onely a certaine outward glosse eyther enter not at al into the Church or if happily they bee entered retire themselues afterward out of it to returne againe to their vomit 2. Pet. 2.22 For fault of hearkening vnto this warning and aduertisement not to rely or stand vpon this outward black and hideous appearance of the crosse but contrariwise to waigh and consider well the true and natiue beutie of the Church in the middest of her greatest afflictions According hereunto the Lord hauing warned vs that his kingdom commeth not with such obseruation Luk. 17.20 hath said also That he shal be happy which shal not be offended at him who notwithstanding is called a man of sorrowes and griefes and so disfigured Esaie 53.3 that hee is compared vnto a worme of the earth Psal 22.6 to whom notwithstāding the church must be made conformable to bee the true church Rom. 8.29 in such sort that so far it is that the crosse maketh the Church not to be knowen that on the contrarie it is the true mark thereof being giuen to none but to the true beleeuers to suffer for the name of God the Apostle crying out That this is it whereof he wil boast himselfe Gal. 6.14 Mat. 5.10 Phil. 1.19 and elsewhere throughout the Scripture Hereunto is referred the second point which I haue touched being contained in this that the Church which called her selfe black saith that she is Browne as if she should saie to these Daughters of Ierusalem Comparing my selfe with you who are so fresh and so faire it seemeth indeed that there is nothing more black then I but yet if your eies be good you shal find that albeit I be browne and sunneburnt by the parching of the sunne yet am I not for al my tanned hew an Arabian or Aethiopian For ouer and besides that which hath beene said of the happie end issue of the afflictions of the Church there is an exceeding difference between the most miserable estate of those who are blatched before God by his iust vengeances or which are left remaining in their naturall blacknes and betweene the confidences and assurances of the children of god afflicted for righteousnes and for the glory of the Lorde who bestoweth this great fauor and grace vpon them to be glorified in them Farther if we consider of the estate of the church in her greatest afflictions it is not so miserable as men think it is For as the Apostle teacheth vs God is faithful and neuer suffereth such as are his to bee tryed aboue that which they are able to beare 1. Cor. 10.13 And therefore verie true it is that wee are pressed in euerie sort but not crased or broken beeing in want and penurie wee are not
skipping from cliffe to cliffe this appellation I say together with the zeale wherewith this spouse is moued desiring there might be no difficulty which might hinder the arriuall comming of this Bridegroome more neare vnto vs doth represent vnto vs the heauens which shee attendeth and looketh for not so euen and so fairely polished as they seeme vnto vs in faire cleare weather but as they shew sometimes crancked and entercut with mighty heapes of cloudes which a man would take to be so many mountaines and rockes ful of the strangest cragges and downe-falles a man can imagine in somuch as Esay seemeth to giue vs a most plaine and cleare expositiō of this place when he saith O that thou wouldest cleaue the heauens and come downe The spouse therefore wisheth and desireth that as these beastes are not hindered any whit at all by any cragges or downe-falles of the rocks to descend go whither they will the Bridegroome should also in like maner iumpe as it were from cloude to cloude to approch neare vnto her But particularly this exceeding great secret more then incomprehensible vnto any creature whatsoeuer namely that the sonne who thought it no robberie to aequall himselfe with the Father being truly such as God is to wit verie God hath taken on him the forme of a seruant and humbled himselfe to the death euen the death of the Crosse this I say is as it were indeede to cleaue the heauens to descend into the lowest parts of the earth Philip. 2.6 Ephes 4.9 and 5.32 And indeede a declaration thereof was giuen and represented vnto Iohn Baptist at the baptisme of Christ who law the heauens cleft and opened and the spirit of God to descend in the forme of a Doue vpon Iesus Christ And if we had rather seeke after these mountaines and steepe places here belowe we may say that seeing our sinnes are they which put a diuision betweene God and vs the spouse praieth the Bridegroome in this place to drawe the nearer vnto vs not to respect these hindrāces which are as it were high Mountaines between him and vs but to doe as these chamoyse and roebuckes doe which vault and bound ouer the rockes how high soeuer they be 14 Nowe to conclude as the auncient Church hauing the gages pledges of this spiritual marriage whereby they were partakers of all his blessinges praieth the Bridegroome and beseecheth him to approch yet nearer vnto her and in person causing the shadowes and figures of the auncient couenant to vanish awaie and depart so wee who are fallen into this happie time in which this Bridegroome hath manifested himselfe in flesh and most clearely reuealed the light of saluation respecting notwithstanding the full and entire effect and accomplishment of his promises vnto his later comming ought the nearer we drawe vnto it the more feruently and earnestly pray that his kingdome come quicklie that in the meane time he kindle more more in our harts a true and ardent desire of yeelding him all maner of obedience inspiring most especially with his holy spirite both the Magistrates and the ministers couragiously to proceed in that businesse which is committed vnto them to purge the vineyard of the Lorde and to rid it of all them who may in generall or particular wast and destroy it blessing vs al more and more from an high to his honor and glorie Amen THE END OF THE SERMONS VPON THE SECOND CHAPTER THE XXIII SERMON Our help be in the name of God c. It is written as followeth in the third Chapter of the Canticle of Canticles the first verse 1 By night in my bed I sought him whō my soule loueth I sought him but I found him not 1 The spouse by falling asleepe in her chiefest peace tranquillity is the cause of her own desolation 2 The Bridegroome notwithstanding leaueth not to awake her in his time and the great difference which is betweene this awaking and that which proceedeth from the biting of sin 3 The faults committed in the seeking after the Bridegroome which is the cause why hee is not found by such seeking after 4 The greatest blessings of God both temporall and spirituall by ill vsing of them become the instrumentes of mans ruine and destruction 5 Application of this doctrine to such as are asleepe in our time 6 An other kinde of sleepe which turneth often times into an incureable lethargie 7 The resolution wee ought to make touching the pointes which are at this day controuersed in Christendome in the matter of religion 8 An answere vnto them who say that we sel Paradise verie good cheape 9 We must rise out of our bed to finde this Bridegroome 10 The conclusion of this matter with an exhortation for the through practise of this doctrine WEE haue in the Chapter going before vnderstoode and seene the sweete and gracious behauiour of the Bridegrome in caressing and entertaining of his spouse and reposing of her in a most happie rest looking for still notwithstanding and expecting another more near arriuall comming of his namelie then when hee should come as the Sunne rising from on high to giue light vnto the woorld and when the figures and shadowes of the Law should haue an end as it is saide Esai 9.2 and by Zacharie yet more expreslie in that excellent Canticle or Song of his It seemed then that all went the best that might be in the woorld the temple of the Lord beeing perfected and ended with so great magnificencie al that seruice so well established and the state of the kingdome so wisely gouerned and administred by Salomon And indeed we may and ought to saie that the Church was then maruailous goodlie and glittering and al the people in exceeding great quiet and peace The same may likewise bee saide of the estate of the Church in the time of Iosua the people beeing brought as it were into the rest of the Lord as himself speaketh Psal 95.11 But what This endured not long as it was also foretolde by Moses Deut. 32.15 which thing is heere in this place described or rather most diuinely painted forth vnto vs containing doctrine altogether necessary for our time that we be not deceiued to the endamaging of our own saluatiō For the church of god is fallen frō age to age into that miserable estate whereof mention is made Mat. 13.13.25 by beeing by little litle brought into an heauie slumber by her ouer great ease in such sort that while shee is asleepe the enemie hath set vp his seate and prepared it as he would in the verie midst of the house of God as the Apostle foretolde it 2. Thess 2.4.5 and so on And when at this daie the Lorde would awake her the most part haue such bleare eies that they cannot nor wil not open them others are in so deepe a slumber that though they bee waked with neuer so great strokes of the whip yet they lay their head downe againe vpon
such a church is called hereticall that is to say grounded vpon a doctrine which a man hath chosen and taken vnto himselfe and which agreeth neither with that which is Catholicke nor with it selfe but is often times diuided into so many peeces as there are braines giuen vnto their owne priuate and particular sense hauing all of them this in common that they goe astray and wander from the Propheticall and Apostolicall truth I knowe that all this is applied against vs by the aduersaries of our time who for this cause cal our Church new and giue vs such titles as like themselues best not perceiuing howe themselues cut their owne throats calling their Church the Catholicke Church except they can shew vs that Rome and the whole world are all one but the controuersie would be soone ended if men would but harken vnto reason I saie therefore that accordingly as it pleaseth God to shew his iudgements vpon the vnthankefulnes of the world or of his mercy to spare mankinde the true Catholicke Church hath sometimes shined foorth and appeared in her bewtie but not alwaies aboue the false and heretical the painted disguised strumpet counterfaiting the chast spouse of Iesus Christ so well and displaying the beames of her outward bewtie so magnificently for the most part that all both great and small take her to be the true thereupon the poore spouse which is the true spouse indeed is forced to retire into the deserts vntill the time of indignation be past Esay 26.20 Apo. 17.14 That this is so it cannot be denied but that a man shalbe conuicted by the whole historie of the Church and by that which wee see at this day with our eies Thence I conclude that the multitude and the greatest and apparant number is a most false marke of the true church but without standing either on few or more we must keep vs vnto this infallible point that the true Church and worthy of the name of Catholicke and vniuersal is that which maketh a true profession of the doctrine preached entirely registred by the Apostles to be the onely rule of trueth vnto the whole company of the elect 5 These two names therefore of Apostolicall doctrine and Catholicke Church are both of them so inseparable agree in such sort that the true Church is by this true and essentiall marcke distinguished from the false againe the true church beareth certaine marckes of the seede whence shee was conceiued 1. Pet. 1.25 6 And to the end that they reply not hereupon that the one and the other assembly may alleage the same text of the bible I answere first that the false Church maketh no reckoning of keeping herselfe wholly to the holy Scriptures secondly that the Scripture ought aswel to be the commentarie as the Text and that al interpretation of Scripture being referred vnto the articles of faith as vnto a certaine and infallible rule to discern that which is true frō that which is false as being the abridgement of the whole Scripture it wil be alwaies easie not to be deceiued except a man wil himselfe Thus you see what we are to think of the cōmunalty of the greater number which cried in Christs time away with him away with him crucifie him which is opposed vnto that which Iesus Christ calleth litle flocke Luk 12.32 But let vs see whether the spouse haue any better direction 7 Shee saith then in summe that going so through the City she was found by the watch she asked thē if they could tell her any tidings of this Bridegroom and saith not what aunswere she had of them but it appeareth sufficiently by that which foloweth either that they answered her nothing or that without staying their answere she went her way farther Now who are they I pray you of the watch but those who haue the charge of watching ouer the City of God And is it not expresly said that the lippes of the Priest are the keepers of wisedom because he is the messenger of god Mal. 2.7 And vnto whō did the Lord command his people to resort to be resolued in a case of difficulty touching the interpretation of the Law but vnto the Priests Deut. 17.8 yea to aunswere vnto it according vnto the Law which they might not ad vnto nor diminish Notwithstāding we see here that the spouse found her Bridegroome no more among these then in the open places streets of the city the reasons this that there is great difference between considering of a charge such as it is in it selfe and considering of it as they discharge it on whom it is imposed Moreouer albeit the Lord hath established an order wherein hee declareth his blessing yet notwithstanding wee may not tie the holy Ghost entirely vnto them either who are called by an ordinary vocation or vnto them who haue the place thereof because that as the Lord in his mercie giueth true pastours and teachers for the gathering together of the saintes and for the worke of the ministerie to the building of the body of Iesus Christ Eph. 3.12 so doth he also in his anger giue false Pastors with strong delusion and the efficacie of the spirit of errour 2. Thess 2.11 punishing by that meanes the contempt of his holy woorde As in that which concerneth the society of men in this world God giueth good princes and gouernours 1. Timot. 2.2 and Psal 72. and on the other side he punisheth and chastiseth the people taking his spirite from their princes and gouernours Psal 76.13 this holy ministery notwithstanding considered in it selfe remaining in that estate and forme in the which God established it as also the estate of Kings and of other Magistrates although the tyrantes abuse it Esai 3.4 and 56.10 Osee 13.12 Ier. Brieflie the whole Scripture is full of such testimonies of Kinges and reproches of Prophetes and Priestes And if wee come to the proofe heereof by experience who were the greatest aduersaries of the true Prophetes Ier. 26.7 who conspired against God prophaned the Lawe couered and maintained the sinnes and iniquities of Princes Ezechiel saith they were the Prophets Priests Ezec. Now let vs take an account of the Priestes which built and how many pullers downe and destroiers shal we find for one builder In a word by whom was the corner stone reiected By them which are called builders not that they were such but they should haue bin Psal 118.22 Matth. 21.42 Who interdicted the Apostles the preaching of the gospel opposing themselues directly against God Act. 4.5 and 5.21 In summe the spouse speaketh heere of wicked husband-men of the vineyarde who after they had killed the seruantes of the Lord in the ende slewe the heire also 8 Wee maie not maruell then that the spouse found as little comforte by the watch as shee did in the open places of the Cittie beeing a thing most certaine and assured that if the poore Church of God hauing amiddest these straites of