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religion_n apostle_n church_n doctrine_n 4,033 5 6.2595 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09616 The trew report of the dysputacyon had [and] bego[n]ne in the conuocacyo[n] hows at london among the clargye there assembled the xviij. daye of October in the yeare of our lord M.D.LIIII. Philpot, John, 1516-1555. 1554 (1554) STC 19890; ESTC S114649 28,806 76

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The trew report of the dysputacyon had begōne in the conuocacyō how 's at london among the clargye there assembled the xviij daye of October in the yeare of our lord M.D.LIIII i. Iohan. iiij Proue euery spyryte whether thei be of god or no. To the Chrysten reader IT is not vnknowen to the world / Chrysten reader / what varietie and contenciō hath bene abowt weyghti matters of religion for a gret space / which were thought to haue bene so disiussed debated and examined of our clergie / that all men were in hope that such an vniformitie agreable to the word of god / to the doctrine of the patriarkis and apostles to the order of the primatiue church also / had bene determined for our church of Ingland / that from hensforth one shuld haue liued wyth a nother in moch better vnitie and godli quietnes than in mani yeares before they had done euery one imbracing one sincere maner of worshipping and inuocacion off god / wythowt any supersticion / idolatrie or hipocrisy that hath in processe of time crept in by the diuise and fantasie of mans braine And the thing was brought to such a point that all men / in maner / were wōn to a wonderfull in differency / and begān to espie their ignorance and errors wherewyth they haue bene heretofore blynded and seduced But the awncient aduersari of mā kind / Satan / which neuer ceaseth to seke how he may destroye the workes of god in vs / enuieng that vnitie in trewe religion that all men of all agis statis and degreys as well high as lowe / had in maner atteyned and were well nigh comne vnto / hath now stirred vp the old cōtenciō agayne bringing the weake vnlerned and simple sort thereby in to such a dowt and wauering that they can now lesser tell what they may bileue and which waye they may steye their faith and constiencys than euer thei could before But as the great prophete as Moyses nameth him the son̄ of god doth prophecy and wytnes / that offēcys must nedis come / and that such offencys shuld come that euen the veri elect / yff it were possible shuld be seduced / now we see wyth our eyes and grope wyth our sensys that it is comne to passe and fullfilled euyn among vs. But let them take hede that haue bene the auctors thereoff ffor as it seruyth for the prouing and tryeng of gods elect to whom all thyngs worke to the best euen so shall it serue to theyr woo and vtter damnacion / as he sayth that knoweth all thingis ve homini illi per quem scandalum venit woo vnto that man thorow whom offence doth come And let the godly sort now reioyse in the crosse of christ / for they haue no lesse cause / for as moch as by this tēptacyō they haue the same tokē that theyr professyō is the trewe religyō of god / which all the trewe byleuers euermore frō tyme to time haue had / that is to saye / christys crosse the token that can not deceiue vs / and with owt the which we can not be / yff we will be sure to liue godly in christ / as holy s Paul sayth But now to my purpose as in other poītys moch varietye of opinyōs hatth bene / euyn so in the hygh misterye of christys supꝑ which was instituted to be a sacramēt of cōcord / loue and vnitie the difference and diuersytie of opyniōs there abowt hath brought to passe that more dyscord / dissension and diuisyon hath growen among men abowt that than in any other one artycle of our chrysten religyon And therefor they whos subscripcyon was requyred in the conuocacyon holden at powlys at the last parlament / iudged not amysse / that thought it necessary to reason and dispute therein before they wold subscrybe to any conclusyon or determynate sentēce And to the intent that all men may knowe and see what reasons and answers were made on both partys / I haue thought good to publyssh so moch thereoff as came vnto my handis / trusting that no man wyll be more offēded wyth the settyng furth thereoff / to the intēt that such as were not present may reade such thingys as there were done and sayd / no more than they were that all that were presēt shuld heare them / and iudge indyfferently by the toch stone of gods word / on whych part the truth doth remayne Whych / men may well goo abowt to suppresse / but whan they haue done all they cā agaynst it / yet will it owt and haue the ouer hand God grant that all men may seke and study for the truth and not suffer thē seluys to be caryed abowt nor changed with euery blast of strāge doctrine / nor with euery fantastycall fable of Antychrystys mynysters Amen And as by readyng and weyng the reasōs and answers of thys dysputaciō I dowt not but thow shalt be sussyciētly confyrmed in the truth of the artycles thereī reasoned and debated / euyn so in a lytle treatyse of the trewe sacryfyce of a christē mā which by gods grace shall shortly also be set furth / thow shalt be instructed what to iudge off other artycles / as of the masse / of altarys / of the inuocatyon of sayntys / and such lyke And now that we see how gods wrath is bent ouer our nacyon / that we may now well saye wyth dauyd / O god / heathen peple are enteryd in to thyne inherytans For now Antychrystys generacyō thinck to stablish their kyngdō in Inglād for euer let all faythfull hartis yoyne them seluis together in vnfayned and cōtynuall prayer that god will haue mercy vpon vs and defend vs against them / that the light of his word which hath now nys shyned vp on vs o may both be preserued among vs / and also preserue vs agaynst all the practises and enterpryses of hys enemies Amen The trew report of the disputacyon had begōn in the cōuocacyon how 's at london the xviij of October An̄o Dn̄i M.D.LIIII WHereas dyuers and vncerten rumors be spred abrode of the disputacyon had in the conuocacyon how 's / to the intent that all men may knowe the certentye of all thyngs therein done and sayd as moch as the memory of hym that was present thereat can beare a way / he hath thought good at request / thoroughly to descrybe what was sayd therein ō both parts of the matters argued and had in questyon and of the entrans thereoff Fyrst vp on wedynsday beyng the xviij day off october at affter noone / master weston the prolocutor certified the how 's that it was the quenys pleasure that the cōpany of the same how 's bēyg many lerned mē assembled / shuld debate of matters of religiō and cōstitute lawes thereoff / which hyr grace and the ꝑlamēt wold ratifye And for that there is a booke of late set furth / called the cathechysme whych he shewed furth bearīg