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A09063 A Christian directorie guiding men to their saluation. Deuided into three bookes. The first vvherof apperteining to resolution, is only conteined in this volume, deuided into tvvo partes, and set forth novv againe vvith many corrections, and additions by th'authour him self, vvith reprofe of the corrupt and falsified edition of the same booke lately published by M. Edm. Buny. Ther is added also a methode for the vse of al; with two tables, and a preface to the reader, which is necessarie to be reade.; First booke of the Christian exercise. Parsons, Robert, 1546-1610. 1585 (1585) STC 19354.1; ESTC S114169 529,786 953

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vp some thinges whetin before for want of leasure and time I could not geue to my self any reasonable conteatation as also to a dioine certaine new chapters which partly in mine owne concept and partly also vpon information of others I thought not vnmeet for the furnishing of this first argument and subiect of Resolution And standing determined vpon this as also comprehending in mind and cogitation the whole general corps of that which was to ensue in th' other two bookes I wel saw that I should not be able according to my first designement to compact the whole in one reasonable volume and therfore I resolued to deuide the same into two Waerof the first should conteine matter of discourse know edge speculation and confideration to moue vs to resolue the second should handle things appetteining to exercise vse and practise for putting in execution our good desires after resolution This being my cogitation and the matter now wel forward for the print I was enformed of two other editions come forth of my forsaid booke without my knowiedge the one by a Catholique as it seemeth who perceuing ai copies of the former print to be spēt for satisfying of them that desired the booke procured the same to be set forth againe albeit somewhat incorrected and very disordrely not hauing the consent or aduise of such as therin should haue geuen him best direction The second was published by one Edmund Bany minister at Bolton Percy as he writeth in the liberties of Yorke who with publicke licence vnder my Lord Archbishop of Yorke his protection set forth the same to the benefice of his brethren but yet so punished and plumed which he termeth purged as I could hardly by the face discerne it for mine when it came vnto my handes and I tooke no smale compassiō to see how pitifully the poore thing had bene handled Of this edition then of M. Buny letting passe th' other as a matter onely of a discretion without malice I haue to a laertise the reader some few things as wel for mine own discharge wherin I am charged by him as also for the readers admonishment not to thinke in deed that booke to be mine which in my name this preacher hath published And for vttering that which I haue to say in some kinde of order and conueniencie of methode I shal touch breefly in this preface thos principal pointes insuing First how this booke came foorth from me in the first edition Secondly how it was set foorth afterwardes by M. Edm. Buny Thirdly what he meaneth by his treatise annexed therunto tending as he saith to pacification Fourthly how the same booke commeth foorth at this present and how the discret reader may vse it to his best commoditie of the first edition TO shew how this booke came foorth at the first it shal be requisite perhaps to repeate breefly ī this place the things that I saied in my first preface induction which preface and induction M. Buny hath left out in his edition protesting That he durst not in conscience and in dutie tovvardes God commend the same in my vvordes vnto the reader And yet trulie was ther nothing in effect therin Gentle reader but that which here in this place shal be repeated First that the primatiue occasion inducing me to thinke vpon this worke was the sight of a booke intituled The excrcise of a Christian life writen in Italian by Doctor Loartes of the Societie of IESVS and translated some years since by a vertuous learned gentilman of our countrie Which booke for that I vnderstood of certaintie to haue profited many towardes pietie and deuotion I was moued to cause the same to be printed againe with certaine ample additions to the furnishing of some matters which that author had omitted deuiding my whole purpose into three seueral bookes wherof the first was to persuade mē vnto true resolution the secōd to instruct vs how rightely to beginne the third how a man may hould but and perseuer Secondly I shewed that being entred into the worke and hauing set downe an other order and method to my self then that treatise of D. Loartes did obserue and hauing begunao the first booke touching resolution whereof no part was handled in that other treatise I found by experience that I could not wel conioine th' one with th' other if I would satisfie either th' order or argument by me conceaued and therfore that I was inforced to resolue vpon a further labour then at the first I had intended and this was to draw out the whole three bookes my self not omitting any thing that was in the said exercise or other like good treatisses to this effect And al this to the end that our countriemen might haue some one sufficient directiō for matters of spirit and vertuous life among so many bookes of controuersies as haue bene writen are in writing daily Which bookes said I albeit in thes our troblesome and quarrelous times they be necessary for defence of our faith against so manie seditious innouations as now daily are attempted yet help they litle oftentimes to good life but rather doe fil the heades and hartes of men with a spirit of contradiction and contention which for the most part doe hinder deuotion which deuotion is nothing els but A quiet calme and peacable state of our soule induced 〈◊〉 a iotful promptnes and alacritis to the diligent execution of al things that doe or may apperteine to the honour and seruice of almightbe God For which cause the holie Apostle dehorted greatly his scholer Timothie from this contention and contradiction of wordes affirming clearly that it was profitable to nothing but to subuect the hearers I affirmed further that our forfathers were most happie in respect of vs who receauing with humilitie one vniforme faith without contention or contradiction from their mother the holie Catholique Church did attend onlie to build vpon that foundatiō good workes and vertuous life as holie scripture commandeth vs to doe wheras we spending now al our time in iangling about this first foundation of faith haue no leasure to build either gould or siluer theron as th' Apostle exhorteth vs but doe weary out our selues and our owne contentious spirits without commoditie dying with much labour and litle profit with great disquiet and smale reward For which cause I exhorted the discret reader of whatsoeuer religion and faith he were to moderate this heate and passion of contention and to enter into the careful studie and exercise of good deedes which are alwayes better among true Christians then wordes assuring him that this is the right way to obteine at Gods hāds the light of true beleefe if he were amisse Alleaging for example therof the most famous conuersion of Cornelius the Gentile whos vertuous life praiers and almouse deedes obteined at the hands of almightie God as S. Luke doth testifie that S.
euer sorte or sect of people in the world professed reuerence honour or worshippe to God or to Gods or to any diuine power essence or Nature what soeuer were they Iewes heathens Gentiles Christiās Turkes Moores Heretiques or other they did alwayes call their said professiō by the name of their Religion In which sense also and signification of the worde I am to treate at this tyme of Christian religion that is of the substance forme maner and waye reueiled by Christ and his Apostles vnto vs of persourning our duetie and true seruice towardes God Which seruice is the first pointe necessarie to be resolued vpon by hym that seeketh his saluatiō as in the Chapter that goeth before hath bene declared And for obteyning this seruice true knowledge therof no meane vpō earth is left vnto man but onlie by the light and instruction of Christian religion according to the protestation of S. Peter to the gouernours of the Iewes whē he sayed Ther is no other name vnder beauen gyuen vnto men vvherby to be saued but only this of Christ and of his religion If you obiecte against me that in former tymes before Christes natiuitie as vnder the law of Moyses for two thousand years together there were many Sainctes that without Christian religion serued God vprightelie as the Prophetes and other holie people and before them againe in the law of Nature whē nether Christiā nor Iuishe religion was yet heard of for more then other two thousand years there wanted not diuers that pleased God and serued hym trulie as Enoche Noe Iob Abraham Iacob and others I answer that albeit thes men expeciallie the former that liued vnder the law of nature had not so particuler expresse knowledge of Christe and his mysteries as we haue now for this was reserued to the tyme of grace as sainct Paule in diuers places at large declareth that is albeit they knew not expresselie how and in what maner Christ should be borne whether of a virgine or no or in what particuler sorte he should liue and die what sacramentes he should leaue what waye of publishing his ghospel he should appointe the like wherof not withstanding verie manie particulers were reueiled to the Iewes from tyme to tyme and the nearer they drew to the tyme of Christes appearance the more plaine reuelation was made of thes mysteries yet I say all and euerie one of thes holie Sainctes that liued from Adam vntill the comming of Christ had knowledge in general of Christian religion and did be lieue the same that is they belieued expresselie that there should come a Saueour and Redeemer of man-kinde to deliuer them from the bondage contracted by the sinne of Adam This was reueiled straight after their fall to our first parentes progenitours in Paradise to witt that by the vvomans seede our redemption should be made In respecte wherof it is said in the reuelations that Christ is the Lambe that hath bene slaine from the beginning of the worlde And S. Peter in the first general Councel holdē by th' Apostles affirmeth that th' old aunciēt fathers before Christes Natiuitie were saued by the grace of Christ as we are now which S. Paul confirmeth in diuers places And finallie the matter is so cleare in this behalfe that the whole schoole of diuines accordeth that the faith and religion of th' old fathers before Christes appearance was the verie same in substance that ours is now sauing onlie that it was more general obscure and confuse then ours is for that it was of thinges to come as ours is now of thinges past and present For example they beleeued a Redeemer to come and we beleeue that he is alredie come They said virgo concipiet a Virgine shall conceyue and we say virgo concepit a virgine hath conceyued They had sacrifices and caeremonies that presigured his cōming for the tyme ensuinge we haue sacrifice and sacramentes that represent his beinge for the tyme present They called their Redeemer th' expetatiō of Nations and we calle hym now the saluatiō of Nations And finallie there was no other difference betwene the old faith of good men from the begining ours but onlie in the circumstances of tyme. clearnes particularitie and of the maner of protesting the same by owtwarde signes and ceremonies For that in substance they beleeued the same Redeemer that we doe were saued by the same beliefe in his merites as we are For which cause Eusebiꝰ well noteth that as we are called now Christiās so they were called then Christi Psal. 104. that is annointed ī prefiguratiō of the true Christ in whom they belieued as the first head of all other anoynted and who was the cause and authour of their annoynting By this then it is most manifest that not onlie now to vs that be Christians but at all other tymes from the begining of the world to all other persons and people what so euer that desired to saue their soules it was necessarie to beleeue and loue Christ and to professe in harte his religion For which consideration I thought it not amisse in this place after the former groundes layed that their is a God and that man was created and placed here for his seruice to demonstrate and proue also this other principle that the onlie seruice of this God is by Christian religion Wherin albeit I doe not doubt but that I shall seeme to manie to take vpon me a superfluous labour in prouing a veritie which all men in Christendom doe confesse yet for the causes before alleaged in the second chapter which moued me in that place to proue there is a God that is to saye first for the comfort strengthe 2nd confirmation of suche as either frō th' enimie may receiue temptations or of them selues may desire to see a reason of their beleefe and secondlie for awakening stirring or stingig of others who ether of malice carelesnes or sensualitie are fallen in a slamber and haue lost the feeling and sense of their beleefe for manie such wante not in thes our miserable dayes it shall not be perhappes but to verie good purpose to laye together in this place with the greatest breuity that possiblie may be the most sure groundes and inuincible euidences which we haue for declaration and confirmation of this matter For albeit as th' Apostle S. Paul declareth the thinges which we belieue be not such in them selues as may be made apparēt by reason or humane argumētes for that our faith that is th' assent of our iudgemēt to the thinges propounded by God vnto vs must be voluntarie to th' ende it waye be meritorious yet such is the goodnes and most sweet proceeding of our merciful God towardes vs as he will not leaue hym self without suficient testimonie both inwarde and owtward as the same Apostle in another place doth testifie For that inwardlie he testifieth the truth of such
schollers and auditours Papias Ignatius Policarpus al which agree of the foure Ghospels and other writinges left vnto vs in the newe Testament affirming S. Iohn to haue approued the same These men were maisters againe to Iustinus Martyr Irenaeus and other whose writinges remaine vnto vs. And if they did not yet their sayinges and iudgementes touching the Scriptures are recorded vnto vs by Eusebius and other fathers of the next age after and so from hand to hand vntil our dayes So that of this ther can be no more doubt then whether Rome Constantinople Hierusalem and other such renoumed Cities knowen to al the world at this day be the very same wherof Authours haue treated so much in auncient times AND THVS MVCHE of Christs Euangelistes for whose more credit and for confirmation of thinges by them recorded his diuine prouidence preordained that infinite witnesses whom we cal Martyrs should offer vp their blood in the primatiue Churche and after Wheras for no other doctrine profession or religion in the world the like was euer heard of albeit among the Iewes in the tyme of the Machabies and at some other tymes also when that nation for their sinnes were aff●icted by Heathen Princes some fewe were tyrannized and iniuriouslie put to death yet commonly and for the most parte this was rather of barbarous furie in the Paganes for their resistāce thē directly for hatred of Iuishe religiō And for the number ther is no doubt but that more Christians were putt to death within two monethes for their beliefe throughout the world then were of Iewes in two thouland yeares before Christs comming Which is vndoubtedly a matter verie wounderful considering that the Iuishe religion impugned no lesse the Pagan Idolatrie then doth the doctrine of the Christians But this came to passe that Christes wordes might be fulfilled who said I come not to bring peace but the svvorde And againe I sende you forth as sheepe among vvolues That is to saye to be torne and harried and your bloud to be deuoured In which extreme and most incredible sufferinges of Christians thre pointes are worthie of great consideration The first what infinite multitudes of al states conditions sexe qualities and age did suffer dailie fortestimonie of this truth The second What intollerable and vnacustomed tormentes not hard of in the worlde before were deuised by Tyrantes for afflicting this kinde of people The third what inuincible courage and vnspeakable alacritie the Christiās shewed in bearing oute these afflictions which the enimies theselues could not attribute but to some diuine power and supernatural assistance And for this later point of comfort in their sufferings I will alleage onlie this testmonie of Tertuliā against the Gētiles who obiected that wicked men suffered also as wel as Christians Wherto this learned Doctour made answere in these wordes Truth it is that many men are prone to yl and do suffer for the same but yet dare they not defend their euil to be good as Christiās doe their cause For that euery euil thig by nature doth bring with it either feare or shame therfor we see that malefactours albeit they loue euill yet would they not appeare so to the world but desire rather to lie in couert They tremble when they are taken and when they are accused they deny all and do scarse oftentimes cōfesse their doings vpon torments And finally when they are condemned they lament mone and do impute their il fortune to destinie or to the planets But the Christian what doth he like to this Is their any man ashamed or doth any man ' repent him when he is taken except it be for that he was not taken rather If he be noted by the enemy for a Christian he glorieth in the same if he be accused he defendeth not him self if he be asked the question he confesseth it willingly if he be cōdemned he veldeth thankes What euil thē is ther in this Christian cause which lacketh the natural sequele of euil I meane feare shame tergiuersatiō repentance sorowe and deploration what euil I say can this be deemed whose guiltines is ioye whose accusation is desire whose punishment is happines Hitherto are the wordes of learned Tertulian who was an eye-witnes of that he wrote had no smal part in the cause of thos that suffred being him self in that place and state as daily he might expect to taste of the same affliction To which combat how redie he was may appeare by diuers places of this his Apologie wherin he vttereth besides his zeale feruour a most confident securitie and certaine assurance of Iesus assistance by that which he had sene performed to infinite other in their greatest distresses from the same Lord before So that nothing doth more a-certaine vs of the diuine power and omnipotencie of Iesus then the fortitude inuincible which aboue al humane reason force and nature he imparted to his Martyrs AFTER VVHICH consideration there cōmeth to be weighed the fifte point before mentioned which is of the same power and omnipotēcie of Iesus declared and exercised vpon the spirites insernal Which thing partely may appeare by the Oracles alleaged in the ende of the former section wherin thos spirites foretolde that an Hebrew Childe should be borne to the vtter subuersion and ruine of their Tyrānical dominion And much more at large the same might be declared by other answers Oracles vttered after Christes natiuitie and registred in the monumentes euen of the heathens them selues Wherof he that desireth to see more ample mention especially out of Porphyrie who then was liuing let him read Eusebius sixte booke de preparatione Euangelica where he shal finde store and namely that Apollo many times exclamed Hei mihi congemiscite Hei mihi hei mihi Oraculorum defecit me claritas Woe vnto me lament yee with me woe vnto me woe vnto me for that the honour of Oracles hath now foresakē me Which cōplaintes and lamentations are nothinge els but a plaine confession that Iesus was he of whom a prophet said diuers ages before Attenuabit omnes Deos terrae he shal weare-out bring to beggarie al the Godes or Idols of the earth This confessed also the wicked spirites them selues when at Christs appearing ī Iurie they came vnto him at diuers times and besought him not to afflict or torment them nor command them presently to returne to hel but rather to permit them some litle time of entertainment in the sea or mountaines or amōg heardes of swine or the like Which confession they made in the sight of all the world and declared the same afterwardes by their factes and deedes For presently vpon Iesus death vpon the preaching of his name and Ghospel throughout the worlde the Oracles which before were aboundant in euery prouince and countrie were put to silēce Wherof I might alleage the testimonies of verie many Gētiles them selues as that of Iuuenal
a thing at that time not probable in reason for that the Romanes permitted the exercise of al kindes of religions And that notwithstanding in all thes pressures and intollerable afflictie is his faithfull followers should not shrincke but holde out and daily encrease in zeale fortitude and number and finallie should atchiue the victorie and conquest of al the world a thīg much more vnlikly at that daye so farre passing al humane probabilitie as no capacitie reason or cōcept of man might reach or attaine the foresight therof And with this wil we cōclude our third and last part of the general diuision set doune in the beginning concerning the groundes and proofes of Christian religion The Conclusion Sect. 4. BY AL that hytherto hath bene saide we haue declared and made manifest vnto the gentle reader three thinges of great importance First that from the beginning and creation of the worlde ther hath bene promised in all times and ages a Messias or Saueour of mankinde in whom and by whom al Nations should be blessed as also that the particuler time maner and circumstance of his cōming together with the qualitie of his person purpose doctrine life death resurrection and Ascension were in like maner by the prophets of God most euidently forshewed Secōdly that the very same particulers and special points that were dessigned and set doune by the said Prophets were also fulfilled most exactly with their circumstances in the person and actions of Iesus our Saueour Thirdly that besides the accomplishment of all the for said propheties there were giuen by Iesus many signes manifestatiōs and most infallible arguments of his Deitie and omnipotēt puissance after his Ascention or departure from al humane and corporal conuersation in this world By al which waies meanes arguments and proofes by ten thousand more which to the tongue or penne of man are inexplicable the Christian minde remaineth setled and most firmely grounded in the vndoubted belief of his religion hauing besides al other thinges euidēces certainties and internal comfortes and assurances which are infinite thes eight demonstratiue reasons and persuasions which ensue for his more ample and aboundant satisfaction therin First that it was impossible that so many thinges should be foretold so precisely with so many particularities in so many ages by so different persons al of sanctitie with so great concorde consent and vnitie and that so long before hand but by the spirite of God alone that only hath foreknowlege of future euents Secondly that it could not possibly be that so many thinges so difficult and strange with al their particularities and circumstances should be so exactly and preciselie fulfilled but in him alone of whom they were truly meant Thirdly that it can no waies be imagined that God would euer haue concurred with Iesus doinges or assisted hym aboue all course of nature with so aboundant miracles as the Gentiles doe confesse that he wrought yf he had bene a Seducer or taken vpon hym to set foorth a false doctrine Fourthly if Iesus had intended to deceaue and seduce the world he would neuer haue proposed a doctrine so difficult and repugnant to al sensualitie but rather would haue taught things pleasant and grateful to mans voluptuous delight as Mahomet did after him Nether could the nature of mā haue euer so affectuously embrased such austeritie without the assistance of some diuine and supernatural power Fistly for that Iesus being poorely borne and vnlettred as by his aduersaries confessiō doth appeare and that in such an age and tyme when all worldly learning was in most florishing estate he could neuer possibly but by diuine power haue attained to such most exquisite knowlege in all kinde of learning as to be able to decide all the doubtes and controuersies of Philosophers before him as he did laving doune more plainly distinctly perspicuously the pithe of all humane and diuine learning within the compasse of three yeares teaching and that to auditours of so great simplicitie then did al the Sages of the world vntil that 〈◊〉 in so much that euen then the most vnlearned Christian of that time could say more in certaintie of truth concerning the knowledge of God the Creation of the world th' ende of man the reward of vertue the punishment of vice th' immortalitie and rest of our soule after this life and in other such highe poinctes and mysteries of true philosophie then could the most famous and learned of al the Gentiles that had for so many ages before beaten their braines in contention about the same Sixtlie if Iesus had not meant plainly and sincerely in al his doinges according as he professed he would neuer haue takē so seuere a course of life to himself neither would he haue refused al temporal dignities and aduancemēts as he did he would neuer haue chosen to die so opprobriously in the sight of al men nor made election of Apostles and Disciples so poore and contemptible in the world nor if he had would euer worldly men haue folowed him in so great multitudes with so great seruour zeale constancy and perseuerāce vnto death Seuenthly we see that the first beginners and founders of Christian religion left by Iesus were a multitude of simple and vnskilful persons vnapt to deceyue or deuise any thing of them selues They beganne against al probabilitie of mans reason they went forward against the streame and strength of al the world they continued and encreased aboue humane possibilitie they perseuered in tormētes and afflictions insufferable they wrought miracles aboue the reache and compasse of mans habilitie they ouerthrew Idolatrie that then possessed the world and confounded al powers infernal by the only name and vertue of their maister They saw the propheties of Iesus fulfilled and al his diuine speeches and predictions come to passe They sawe the punishmēt of their enimies and chief imnugners to fal vpon them in their dayes They sawe euery daie whole Prouinces Countries and kingdomes conuerted to their faith And finally the whole Romane Empire and world besides to subiect it self to the lawe obediēce and Ghospel of their maister Lastly among all other reasons and argumentes this may be one most manifest vnto vs that wheras by many testimonies and expresse propheties of the olde Testament it is affirmed that the people of Israel should abandone persecute and put to death the true Messias at his comming as before hath bene shewed and for that facte should it self be abandoned of God and brought to ruine and dispersion ouer al the world wherin according to the wordes of Osee they shal sitt for a long time vvithout king vvithout prince vvithout sacrifice vvithout Altar vvithout Ephode or images and after this againe shal returne and seeke their God in the last daies we see in this age the verie same particularities fulfilled in that Nation and so to haue continued now for thes fiftiene hundreth yeares that
the truth of our beleefe it would be ouer tedious to lay doune euery particuler waie that might be assigned for discussion therof for that it would bring in the contention of al times aswel auncient as present about cōtrouersies in Christian faith which hath bene impugned from age to age by the seditious instruments of Christs infernal enemie And therfore as well in respecte of the lēgth wherof this place is not capable as also for that of purpose I doe auoide al dealing with matters of controuersie within the cōpasse of this worke I meane only at this time for the comfort of such as are alredy in the right waie and for some light to others who perhaps of simplicitie may walke awrie to let doune with as great breuitie as possibly may be some few general notes or obseruations for their better helpe in this behalfe In which great affaire of our faith and beleefe wherin consisteth as well the ground and foundatiō of our eternal welfare as also the fruite entire vtilitie of Christs comming into this world it is to be considered that God could not of his infinite wisdome forseeing al thigs and times to come nor euer would of his vnspeakable goodnes desiring our saluatiō as he doth leaue vs in this life without most sure certaine and cleare euidencie in this matter and consequētly we must imagine that all our errours cōmitted herein I meane in matters of faith and beleefe among Christians doe proceede rather of finne negligence wilfulnes or inconsideration in our selues then either of difficultie or doubtfulnes in the meanes left vnto vs for discerning the same or of the want of Gods holie assistance to that effect if we would with humilitie accept therof This Esay made plaine when he prophetied of this perspicuitie that is of this most excellent priuilege in Christian religion so many hundred yeares before Christ was borne For after that in diuers chapters he had declared the glorious cōming of Christ in signes and miracles as also the multitude of Gētiles that should imbrace his doctrine together with the ioye and exultation of their cōuersion he forsheweth presentlie the wōderful prouidence of God also in prouidinge for Christians so manifest a waye of directiō for their faith and religion as the most simple and vnlearned man in the world should not be able but of wilfulnes to goe astraye therin His wordes are thes directed to the Gentiles Take comfort and feare not beholde your God shall come and saue you Then shall the eyes of the blinde be opened and the eares of the deafe shal be restored c. And there shal be a path vvaye and it shal be called THE HOLIE WAYE it shal be vnto you so direct a vvay as fooles shall not be able to erre therin By which wordes we see that among other rare benefites that Christes people were to receaue by his comminge this should be one and not the least that after his holie doctrine once published and receyued it should not be easie for the weakest in capacitie or learning that might be whom Esay here noteth by the name of fooles to runne awrie in matters of their beliefe so plaine cleare euidēt should the waye for trial therof be made Here hence it is that S. Paul pronounceth so peremptorilie of a contētious and heretical man that he is damned by the testimenie of his ovvne iudgement or conscience for that he hath abandoned this common direct and publique waye which all men might see and hath deuised particuler pathes and turninges to hymself Herehēce it is that th' auncient fathers of Christe primatiue Church disputinge against the same kynde of people defended alwayes that their errour was of malice and wilful blindnes and not of ignorance applyinge thos wordes of prophetie vnto thē they that savve me rannc out from me That is saith S. Augustine they which sawe and beheld the Catholique Church of Christ which is the plaine waye denoted byEsay and the most eminēt mountaine described by Daniel as also by Esay hymself in an other place expounded by Christ in S. Mathewes Ghospel this Churche saith he wicked heretiques beholding for that no mā can auoide the sight therof but he that most obstinatelie will shut his eyes yet for hatred and malice doe they runne out of the same and doe raise vp heresies and schismes against th' vnitie therof Thus much saith this holie doctour by whose discourse we maye perceyue that the plaine and direct waye mentioned by Esay wherin no simple or ignorant man can erre is the general bodie of Christes visible Church vpon earth planted by his Apostles throughout al countries Nations and cōtinuinge by succession vnto the worldes ende In which Church whosoeuer remaineth beleeueth al thinges that are taught therin cā not possiblie fall into errour of faith For that this church or vniuersal bodie is guided by Christes spirit who is the heade therof and so no waies subiect or withi cōpasse of errour For which cause S. Paul nameth it the pillar and sirmament of truth And the same Church is so manifest and euident and shal be so to the worldes ende as the same learned Doctour and other his equals doe proue that it is more easie to fynde it out then it is to see the Sunne or Moone when it shy neth brightest or to beholde the greatest hill or mountaine in the world For as S. Augustines wordes are albeit particuler hilles in one countrie may be vnknowen in an other as Olympus in Greece may be vnknowen in Affrica and the mountaine Giddaba of Affrike may be vnknowen in Greece yet saith this holie father a mountaine that passeth throughout all Countries and filleth vp the whole world as Daniel prophetied Christes Church should doe can not be but apparent to the sight of al men and consequentlie must needes be knowē of al men but onlie of such as wilfullie doe shut their eyes from sight therof For declaration of which reason argument and discourse of Holy-Fathers being also the discourse of Christ hym self in the Ghospel when he remitteth mē to the visible Church that is placed on an hill it is to be noted that in the time frō Christes ascension vntil the 14. yeare of Neroes raigne who first of the Romane Emperours beganne open persecution against the proceedinges of Christians put to death S. Peter and S. Paul In this time I saie of tolleration vnder the Romane Empire which cōtained the space of 37. yeares Christes Apostles and Disciples had preached and planted one vniforme Ghospell thoroughout all the worlde as both by their actes and gestes recorded as also by the peculier testimonie of S. Paul to the Romanes may appeare Which thing being done most miraculoussie by the power and vertue of their Maister and Bishops pastours and other gouernours being ordained in euery Church and countrie for guiding and directing the same by
the riches of iniquitie The rich gloutton might haue escaped his tormentes haue made him self a happie man by helpe of worldly wealth if he had listed And so might many a thousand that now liue in Christianitie and wil goe to hel for the same cause that the glutton did Oh that men would take warning one by an other and be wise whiles they haue time S. Paul saieth Deceiue not your selues Looke vvhat a man sovveth and that shal he reape What a plentiful haruest then might riche men prouide to thē selues if they would hauing such store of seede by them and so much ground offered them daily to sow it in Why doe they not remember that sweet haruest-song Come ye blessed of my father enter into the kingdom prepared for you for I vvas hungrie and you fed me I vvas thirstie and you gaue me to drink I vvas naked and you appareled me Or if they doe not care for this why doe they not feare at least the blacke Sanctus that must be chaunted to them for the contrary Agite anne diuites plorate vlulantes in miserijs vistris quae adueniēt vobis goe now you riche men weepe and houle in your miseries that shal come vpō you The holy father Iohn Damaseen reporteth a goodly parable of Barlaam the heremite to our purpose There was saieth he a certaine citie or common wealth which vsed to chuse to them selues a king from among the poorest sorte of people and to aduaunce him to great honour wealth and pleasures for a time But after a while when they were wearie of him there fashion was to rise against him and to dispoile him of al his felicitie yea of the verie clothes of his backe and so to banish him naked into an Iland of a farre countrie where bringing nothing with him he should liue in great miserie and be put to exceeding slauerie for euer Which practise one king at a certaine time considering by good aduise for al th' other though they knew that fashion yet through negligence pleasures of their present felicitie cared not for it tooke resolute order with him self how to preuent this miserie which was by this meanes He saued euery day great sommes of money from his superfluities and idle expences and so secretly made ouer before hand a great treasure vnto that iland wherunto he was in daunger daily to be sent And whē the time came that in deed they deposed him from his kingdom and turned him away naked as they had done th' other before he went to the ilād with ioy and confidēce where his treasure lay and was receiued there with exceeding great triumph and placed presently in greater glorie then euer he was before This parable teacheth as much as possibly may be said in this point For this citie or common wealth is this present world which aduaunceth to authoritie poore men that is such as come naked into this life and vpon the soudaine when they looke least for it doth pul them doune againe and turneth them of naked into their graues and so into an other world where bringing no treasure of good workes with them they are like to finde litle fauour but rather eternal miserie The wise king that preuented this calamitie is he which in time of wealth in this life according to the counsail of our Saueour Christ doth seeke to lay vp treasure in heauen by almes deedes and other good works against the day of his death when he must be banished hence naked as al the prices of that citie were At which time if their good deeds do folow them then as God pmiseth they shal be happie men and placed in much more glorie then euer this world was able to geue them But if they come without oile in their lampes then is there nothing for them to expect but nescio vos I know you not And when they are knowen Ite maledicti in ignem aeternum goe you accursed into fire euerlasting EXAMPLES OF TRVE RESOLVTION IN THE TVVO FORMER POINTES of suffering for Christ and contemning the vvorld Adioined for the better declaration and confirmation of the tvvo chapters next going before CHAPT V. FOR so much as the two precedent chapters of contemning the world and suffering for Christ are by their own natures and in mans natural sight and reason very dreadful and lothsome to flesh and bloud and to whatsoeuer depēdeth therof in such sort as diuers persons who otherwise esteme thē selues no euil Christians doe take horrour and auersion euen at the very name and mention of such things persuading them selues that the necessitie of Christiā profession requireth not any resolution to so high a perfection I am moued in this place to adioine to the former treatises a breefe declaration of the practise and excercise of ancient Christians in thes two points wherby their opinions and censures may better be seire thē by their words and wherin ech other Christiā that liueth at this day may behold as in a table or glasse what behoueth him to doe when occasion is offered if he professe to serue vnder the same banner and doe expect his paye at the handes of the same king and maister that they did Many things haue bene said before cōcerning thes two misteries of worldlie contempt and sufferance in tribulation And among other matters it hath bene declared that the very foundatiō of Christian Religion which is the holie crosse and Crucifix standeth builded principaly vpon thes two pillers It hath bene showed how Christ our Sauiour when he sent forth his Apostles and disciples as the first spiritual fathers and masters of the world instructed thē especially in thes two doctrines as most behooful and necessarie to the end which he pretēdeth And for that his diuine wisdome did easily foresee that deedes haue much more force to persuade then wordes he did set forth this doctrine most exactly in the example of his own life making the same a paterne of al worldly contempt and suffering for iustice as also did his said Apostles and disciples after him to the true and perfit imitation of their maister Thus much then hath bene treated before and many particulers haue bene declared as wel of the holie Apostles extreme suffering in al kindes and maners of affliction as also of their vtter dispising whatsoeuer was pretious or pleasant in this world for the perfect seruing of their Lord and maister No allurements of this world could intise them no dignities delight them no flatterie deceiue them no pleasure peruert them no labours weary them no difficultie stay them no terrour or tyrannie of mortal man could feare them from their course begonne as long as their soules remained within their bodies Some of them ended their liues by the sword some vpon the crosse others were stoned and throwne downe from highe pinacles others were scorched skinned aliue and al this for the perfect seruing of
was many yeares and by him made bishope of the Church of Smyrna and for that his fight and martyrdome for Christian religion ensued not longe after the death of Ignatius it shal not be amisse to speake of him also in this place The storie is set downe at large by Eusebius and others out of an Epistle writen by the Christians of the Church of Smyrna which were al present at the whole tragedie of his death the summe wherof is this that wheras at a certaine day by the commandement of the Emperour Antonius incredible and innumerable tormēts were vsed against Christiās in the citie of Smyrna diuers did beare the same out with inuincible courage to the singuler comfort of their brethren and to the great admiration of their enemies albeit one Quintus that was newly come out of Phrygia and had rashlie offered him self to the tortours before he was sought for fel shamefully the same day denied his profession Polycarpus then while thes thinges were in doing remained secretly in a house therby with other christians whether euery thing was brought to him by the brethren as soone as they were done and at length newes came that Polycarpus himself was sought for Wherat he nothing moued answered with a quiet mind and countenance that he was ready meaning in deede to expect the officers ther vntil they came for him But the christians that were present with him inforced him whether he would or no to retire him self vnto a litle village not far of where he made his abode for certaine daies whiles he was sought for in the citie During which time he did nothing els saith the storie but pray day and night and that especially for the peace and vnitie of the Church for that heresies now pubblicly begon to swarme He had a vision also which he tould vnto thos that were ther present with him signifying that he must goe to Christ by fier At length the purseuants that had sought him al about the citie came by Gods permission vnto the village where he was and therupon he sted by night vnto another whether they followed him also And ther finding two children in the street enforced the one of them by beating to discouer the house wherin he laie Comming therfore into the house and vnderstanding that he was in a chamber aboue sent for him to come downe and albeit the messenger fauouring Polycarpus shewed him a way how to escape by an other house yet he refused the same saing we haue fled inough let Gods wil be done And so comming downe with a mery countenance bid them hartely welcome and commanded the meate left in the house to be set before them beseeching them only to giue him one houres space wherin to pray vnto his Lord before he departed Which they willingly granted being much moued with his gray haires and fatherly countenance as allo cast into admiratiō with the feruour of his praiers that he made ther by him self whiles they were eating Which being ended they tooke him forthe placing him vpon an Asse and so led him towardes the citie of Smyrna very early in the morning vpon the great saboth day hauing aduertised the Magistrates before of their comming who for that cause were gathered together with al the people in the market place And to make the matter more solemne they sent forth one Herode that was prouost of the peace to mete him and fetch him in He therfore comming forth with great pompe in his coche met with Polycarpus first saluted him with great honour and reuerence causing him to come downe from the asse and to sit with him in his coche there began to flatter him saing You are a graue and wise man haue respect vnto your self what great matter man is it to say Lord Caesar or to make a sacrifice But Polycarpus held his peace and when the other went forward to vse many wordes to that purpose Polycarpus answered Syr in fine I am not to folow your counsel At which wordes he taking great disdaine thrust him headlong out of his coche and that with such violēce as he wounded pitifullie his legge in going forth But the old man making no accompt therof followed merily the soldiars that lead him And when he came to the place wher the iudges were he entred in with a mery countenance and much the more for that at the very instant when he entred ther was a cleare and lowd voice heard from heauen saying beos good corage Polycarpe bebaue thy self valiantly When he came before the high magistrate named Procōsul first ther was an insinite crie geuen out by the people against him Which being appeased the Proconsul asked him whether he were Polycarpus to which he answered yea Then said the Proconsul haue regarde vnto thy oldage Father repent desire that wicked mē may be destroied Wherat Polycarpe turned him self vnto the multitude and lifting vp his handes to heauen with a deepe sigh said ô Lord destroy or take awaie the wicked Then said the Proconsul sweare also by Caesars fortune and defie Christ. Wherto Polycarp answered I haue serued Christ now fourescore years and more and he neuer yet did me any hurt but much good and how thē can I defie my Lord king that hytherto hath so mercifully dealt with me Then vrged the Procōsul againe that he shoulde sweare by Caesars fortune Wherto th' other replied if thou name Caesars good fortune so often for oftentations sake know thou that I am a Christian which hath 〈◊〉 to doe with fortune and if thou 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what Christian 〈◊〉 appoint a day and I wil teache the. 〈◊〉 this people quoth the Proconsul to be content with that No said Policarpe I 〈◊〉 them not worthie to be dealt withal in such a matter but to the as to a Magistrate our profession teacheth vs to haue respect and reuerence After this there passed diuers other speaches betwene them the one threatening tormentes beastes fier and sword and th' other shewing al desire and readines to susteine the same The people cried out continually that he might be torne with wild beastes But that was denied for that the beastes were wearied out vpon other martyrs before Thē cried they that he might be burned aline which Policarp hearing and remembring the vision which he had seene in the village before his apprehension fel downe of his knees and praied and soone after rising againe turned him to the people and said be ve content for you shal haue your desire for it is determined that I shal be burned aliue and a litle after the Proconsul gaue sentence for his burning When he was brought vnto the fier he put of his own apparel saith the storie but when he came to his showes he had some difficultie therin for lake of vse being neuer permitted by Christians to doe that office to him self before euery one thinking it a felicitie to be
called it AFLIA after th' Emperours name He droue al the progeny and ofspring of the Iewes furth of all thos countries with a perpetual lawe confirmed by the Emperour that they should neuer returne no nor so much as looke backe from any highe or eminent place to that countrie againe And this was done to that Iuishe Natiō by the Roman Emperours for accomplishing that demaund which their prīcipal elders had made not longe before to Pilate the Romau Magistrate concerning Iesus most iniurious death cryinge out with one cōsent and voice to wit Let his blood be vpon vs and vpon our posteritie AND HEERIN ALSO I meane in the most wonderful notorious chastisment or rather reprobation of this Iuishe people which of all the world was Gods peculier before is sett out vnto vs as it were in a glasse the seuenth and last pointe which we mentioned in the beginning of this section to witt the fulfilling of such speeches propheties as Iesus vttered when he was vpon earth as namely at one time after a long and vehement commination made to the Scribes Pharisees and principal men of that Nation in which he repeateth eight seueral times the dreadful threat woe he concludeth finally that al the iust blood iniuriouslie shedde from the first Martyr Abel should be reuenged verie shortelie vpon that generation And in the same place he menaceth the populous Citie of Ierusalē that itshould be made desert And in an other place he assureth thē that one stone should not be left standing therof vpon an other And yet futther he pronounced vpon the same Citie thes words The daies shal come vpon thee and thy enemies shal enuiron thee vvith a vval and shall besiege thee they shall straiten the on euery side and shal beate the to the grounde and thy children in thee And yet more particulerly he foretelleth the verie signes wherby his disciples should perceyue when the time in deed was come vsing this speeche vnto them VVhen you shal see Ierusalem besieged vvith an army then knovve ye that her disolation is at hand for that thes are the daies of reuenge to the ende al may be fulfiled vvhich is vvritten Great distresse shal fal vpon this earth and vengeance vpon this people They shal be slaine by dint of the svvord and shal be led as slaues into al countries And Jerusalem shal be trodden vnder seete by the Gentiles vntil the times of Nations be accomplished This foretold Iesus of the miserie that was to fal vpon Ierusalem and vpon that people by the Romanes and other Gentiles when the Iewes seemed to be in most securitie and greatest amitie with the Romanes as also they were when the same thinges were writē and consequently at that time they might seeme in all humane reason to haue lesse cause thē euer before to misdoubt such calamities And yet how certaine and assured foreknowlege and as it were most sensible forefeeling Iesus had of thes miseries he declared not only by thes expresse words and by their euēt but also by thos pittiful teares he shed vpon sight and consideration of Hierusalem and by the lamentable speeche he vsed to the women of that Citie who wept for him at his Passion persuading them to weepe rather for thē selues and for their children in respect of the miseries to followe then for him Which wordes and predictions of Iesus together with sundrie other his speeches fore shewing so particularlie the imminent calamities of that Nation and that as I haue said at such time when in humane discourse ther could be no probabilitie therof when a certaine heathen Chronicler and Mathematique named Phlegon about an hundreth yeares after Christs departure had diligently considered hauing sene the same also in his dayes most exactelie fulfilled for he was seruant to Adrianus th' Emperour by whos commandement as hath bene said before the final subuersion of the Iuishe nation was brought to passe this Phlegō I say though a Pagan yet vpon consideration of thes euentes and others that he saw as th' extreme persecution of Christians fortold by Christ and the like he pronounced that neuer any man foretold things so certainlie to come or that so preciselie were accomplished as were the predictions and propheties of Iesus And this testimonie of Phlegon was alleaged and vrged for Christians again't one Celsus a heathen Philosopher and Epicure by the famous learned Origen euen the very next age after it was writtē by th' authour so that of the truth of this allegation ther can be no doubt or question at all And now albeit thes predictions and propheties concerning the punishment and reprobation of the Iewes fulfilled so euidently in the sight of al the world might be a sufficient demonstration of Iesus for knowlege in affaires to come yet are ther many other thinges besides foreshewed by him which fel out as exactly as did thes notwithstanding that by no learning mathematical reason or humane cōiecture they were or might be forsene As for example the foretelling of his owne death the maner time and place therof as also the person that should betraie him together with his irrepentantende The flight feare and scandal of his disciples albeit they had promissed protested the contrarie The three seueral denials of Peter The particuler time of his owne resurrection and Ascension The sending of the Holy-Ghost and many other the like predictions propheties promisses which to his Apostles Disciples and folowers that heard them vttered and left them written before they fel out and saw them afterwarde accomplished and who by the falsehood therof should haue receyued greatest dōmage of all other mē if they had not bene true to thes men I saie they were most euident proofes of Iesus diuine prescience in matters that should ensue But yet for that an Infidell with whom onlie I suppose my self to deale in this place may in thes and the like thinges find perhapes some matter of cauillation and saie that thes propheties of Iesus were recorded by our Euangelistes after the particularities therin prophetied were effectuated and not before and consequentlie that they might be forged I wil alleage certaine other euentes both foretolde and registred before they came to passe and diuulged by publique writinges in the face of al the worlde when ther was smal semblance that euer the same should take effect Such were the particuler foretelling of the kinde maner of S. Peters death whiles yet he liued The peculier and differēt maner of S. Iohn th' Euāgelists ending from the rest of the Apostles The prerogatiue giuen to Peter aboue the rest that his Faith and Chaire should neuer faile which we see miraculouslie verefied euen vntil this day the successions of all other Apostles hauing failed and his not The forshewing describinge to his disciples the most extreme and cruel persecutions that should insue vnto Christians for his sake
probabilite had bothe sene him and heard him in his life This man then hauing liued verie long in this his charge of bishoprike being now a hundred and twentie yeares olde was in the time of Traian the Emperor S. Iohn the Euangelist being dead a litle before accused by certaine heretiques who then first as Egisippus saith who liued in the same time beganne to shew them selues openly in the world hauing liued secretly in corners before for that al the holy Apostles and others which had heard our Sauiour speake were now dead and therfore thes heretiques deuised now what new expositions vpon scriptures liked them best And for that this man was the only or cheefe piller that stood against them for defence of the Catholique faith and apostolical traditiō at that daie they caused him coningly to be apprehended and presented before Atticus then gouern our of Iurie for the Emperour Who after many allurementes and threates vsed vnto him when by no me ās he could moue him to relent from his cōstancie in Christes seruice he caused him to be beaten with whippes and to be tormented many daies together which the old man indured with most wonderful corage in so much that Atticus being astonied saith our author that one of six skore years of age could beare so many torments commanded him finally to be nailed on a crosse as his master Christ was and so he died At the very same time liued therin Asia a man of singuler name for his holines called Ignatius disciple to the apostles by them or deined bishop of Antioche after that S. Peter had lest the same This mā being accused for his faith to the gouernour of Syria and standing constant in the confession therof was condemned by him to be torne in peeces of wild beastes But for that he was a person of great marke he was sent prisoner to Rome vnder the custodie of ten soldiars to suffer ther. And albeit thes soldiars vpon the way vsed him very discurteously and kept him straite yet founde he meanes either by speech or letters to comfort al Christians as he passed by them But especially as Eusebius noteth he inculcated two pointes to be remembred of them Primum vt haereses quae tum primò emergere caeperunt maxime praecaue ēt deinde vt apostolorū traditioni 〈◊〉 adhaerescerēt first that they should aboue al other things take heed of new opinions and heresies which then first began to creepe abroad and secōdly that they should sticke and cleane most firmely to the tradition of th' Apostles for the true vnderstanding and interpretation of scriptures that is to say they should admit no other interpretation but that which al churches by general and vniforme consent had receaued from th' apostles insinuating hereby that this should be an infallible rule to guide men by vnto the worlds ende Besides this the good man got time also and opportunitie in his iourney to write diuers epistles to sandry churches which Eusebius in his storie setteth downe And among other things either he being informed or fearing of him self that the Christians in Rome hearing of his comming would make means to the Emperour to get pardon for his life and so depriue him of martyrdome he write a most earnest letter vnto them beseeching them not to doe so Out of which letter both Eusebius and S. Hieron doe cite thes most excellent words following In this my iourny saieth he from Syria to Rome I am inforced to fight day and night with ten leopards that is with ten soldiars sent to keepe me Who the more benifites I doe bestow vpon them the worse and the more cruel they are towards me But their iniquitie is my instruction and yet hereby I am not iustified Would God I were once come to inioy thos beastes that are appointed to deuoure me I desire greatly that it may be hortly that they may be stirred vp to eate me quickly least perhapes they abstaine to touch me as they haue done from the bodies of other martyrs But if they should refuse to set vpon me I wil intise them on my self Pardon me my children for I know what is good for me Now I begine to be Christs true disciple desiring nothing that is sene in this world with mans eyes but only IESVS Christ my Sauiour Fire crosse beastes breaking of my bones quartering of my members tearing and renting of my body and al th' other tormentes that the diuel can inuent let them al come vpon me only that I may inioy my IESVS Thus far doth Eusebius cite the words of his own epistle which yet is exstant And S. Irenaeus S. Ierom doe 〈◊〉 yet further that when he came to suffer and heard the roringes of the lions redy to come forth vpon him he vsed thes words I am Gods corne and the teeth of thes wild beastes must grinde me to the ende I may be pure and good bread for Christs table He suffered saith S. Ierome in th' eleuenth yeare of Traians reigne and his reliques were carried backe againe by Christians from Rome to Antioche and ther are kept without the gate called Daphnitica Here we see the feruour of this seruant of God we see his constancie his corage his comfort in suffering And how came he deare brother to this most happie and blessed estate We heare him say of him self that novv he began to be Christes true disciple vvhen he desired nothing that mans eye can behold but only his Lord and Sauiour IESVS Christ. This burning loue then of IESVS did consume in him al other loue and affection that stayeth worldly men from like resolution He was no frende or louer of this world Heare the saying of an other light and lanterne of Gods church which liued at the very same time and suffered so one after him for the same cause and spake with him in his iourney toward Rome I meane S. Policarpus who wrote thus of Ignatius presently after his martyrdome vnto the Philippenses I beseech you brethren to yeld al obedience wher it is due and to vse al patience in your afflictions according to the example which you haue seene in Ignatius and other martyrs as also in S. Paul and the rest of the Apostles assuring your selues that thos men ranne not in vaine but in faith and iustice and therfore are gone to the place which was due vnto them being now with their Lord of whos afflictions they were made partakers in this life They were no louers of this world but they loued their maister who suffered death for our loue and rose againe for our glorification Thus far Policarpus And for that we are fallen into the mention of this rare and worthie man Policarp who albeit he sawe not Christ hī self in flesh yet did he liue most familiarly with diuers of the Apostles especially with S. Iohn Euāgelist whose domestical disciple he