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A08206 The plea of the innocent wherein is auerred; that the ministers & people falslie termed puritanes, are iniuriouslie slaundered for enemies or troublers of the state. Published for the common good of the Church and common wealth of this realme of England as a countermure against all sycophantising papsts, statising priestes, neutralising atheistes, and satanising scorners of all godlinesse, trueth and honestie. Written: by Iosias Nichols, a faithfull minister of the Ghospell of Christ: and an humble seruant, of the English Church. Nichols, Josias, 1555?-1639. 1602 (1602) STC 18541; ESTC S101326 105,186 267

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kingdome If in the stile and maner of doeing they or anye other writing in defence of them Curious and bitter wordes not iustifiable haue ben ouer curious bitter or sharpe by which they haue incensed thē whome they should haue wonne by milde meeke vsage I for my part doe not reioyce in it I dare not defend anie the least vnsemelie word Howsoeuer I know the hard pursuite vpon them and that being as they verilie thought further and beeyonde the lawe of this Realm did giue them great cause to bee grieued and offended that their consciences should be so straightlie pressed their labors so little regarded and being Ministers of the Ghospell they shoulde bee so smallie esteemed and that the Reuerend Fathers accounting those thinges for which they contend but meere trifles would yet preferre them before the ministery of so many worthy Preachers and prouoke their breethren more and further then they need This doubtlesse vexed their spirit and such is our weaknesse and imperfection in this life that it is an harde thing to keepe measure at all times And when men are perswaded in conscienee that their cause is good their griefe is the more and they are the more confident to speake And it were almost a wonder that in such perplexitie euerie thing should be perfect and without blemish Doe we not know that Moses beeing by the spirite of God Num. 12.3 called a verie meeke man aboue all men that euer were vpon the earth yet God punished him Because his spirite beeing vexed by the people Ps 106.72.73 hee spake vnaduisedlie with his lippes So no merueill though we poore weake soules farre inferiour to that most rare man haue felt the smart of our griefe and zeale I would to God that our brethren fathers coulde be iustified in this matter and that they had not their parte of iuste punishment with vs for that wherein they haue beene ouerseene in their dealing toward vs toward the Church of Englande in these causes And I hartly pray God that they doe not one day confesse and say Wee haue verelye sinned againste our brethren Gen. 42.41 in that wee sawe the anguish of their soules when they besought vs and wee woulde not heare them therefore is this trouble come vpon vs. The Lorde our God euen our mercifull Father bee iudge betweene vs. Touching subscription I haue sufficiently spoken before and there will be occasion after therefore I need not in this place to say any thing Now I come to the second point the cause of our doeing it is saide Because in certaine accidentall poyntes they haue not their fansies and proper deuises If it may appeare that this is an Elench No cause set for A cause and that a good iust and waightie cause founded in Gods word is iniuriously reputed and tearmed accidentall fansie and deuise then I hope godlie and vvise Christians will pittie our estate bee more fauourable iudges of our cause To reade bookes Apocryphall and chapters contayning errours and vntruthes vnder the name of holy scripture is no accidentall pointe vnlesse we will say that our conference with papistes and our apologeticall writtings prouing errours to bee in those bookes and therefore to be no Canonicall Scriptures be accidental points The desire that euerie Minister bee a Preacher of Gods word and to administer discipline is no accidental point vnlesse the chiefest pointe of the Minister office as they are ordained by the ●ooke of orders be but an accidentall ●ointe To desire that Chauncelers Officialls and Commissaries shoulde ●ot administer discipline and name●e excommunication which D. Sut●ef saith is against all reason for a laye ●an to do that the Pastour should ●ot be a non-resident which the reue●end Fathers say is a pernitious thing ●r to say that God hath consecrated natrimonie to such an excellent my●erie that in it is signified and repre●ented the spirituall mariage betwixt Christ and his Church which is not ●o to be founde in holye Scripture but 〈◊〉 a belying of his glorious Maiestie ●o saye that these and manye such like ●e accidentall pointes I hope no aduied man that looketh throughly into ●ur cause will aduenture And where 〈◊〉 is saide that wee woulde herein haue ●ur fancies and proper deuises let the ●oste reuerend Father determine for ●s where hee hath these wordes D. Whitg in the preface of the defens of the auns to the admonition The ●ontrouersie is not whether manye of the ●hinges mentioned by the platformers were ●tlie vsed in the Apostles time or may ●ee well vsed in some places yea or hee conueniently vsed in sundrie reformed Churches at this day For none of these branches at denied c. Now if as this reuerend Father saieth manye of the thinges wee desire were fitlie vsed in the Apostle● times c. How can they be our fansies proper deuises which were vsed by the Apostles some a thousand fiue hundreth years before we were borne And let it be considered whether the Apostles vsing such thinges haue deserued to be reproached with our fansies and proper deuises who are liuing so manie hundred yeares after them haue our selues learned those thinges out of their holie writings if this bee well looked into and aduisedlie iudged of by an equall and iuste line I hope the ground of this greate and terrible accusation being voide and emptie all the other greeuous inferences will fall and vanish away and that the contrarie will be euident and apparant to the conscience of all men Namelie That for so much as we faithfullie preach the doctrine of faith and sacraments and humblie and quietlie vse our ministrie according to the booke of orders and administer Prayer and Sacraments by no other forme but that of the booke of common prayer and that in our publike preaching priuate talke in all accasions wee doe praise God acknowledge his mercie pray for the continuance thereof and stirre vp others so to doe and therevpon doe humbly present to the reuerend Fathers the whole state verie good waightie points agreeing to holy Scripture needfull to bee considered for the further perfection of our Church and the glorie of God being no fansies of ours or deuises but such as the holye Apostles did vse in the first and purest Churches wee cā not be said to sett our selues against god frowardly to disquiet the church trouble the common wealth hazarde the whole state of religiō reioyce the wicked or grieue any godly person whatsoeuer but rather to promote the glorye of God further the present good encrease of our Church to the great benefit comfort and ioye of Gods people And I can not thinke so vndutifullie of her Maiestie or of any other that haue care of gouernement that they would be merueilouslie grieued to se any subiect in humble and dutifull maner sue to be eased of any grieuance according to the auncient custome and vsuall order of this Realme and
a froward disquieter of the Church And such hath ben our maner of doeing patientlie suffering that which is imposed vpon vs. 5 The next ranke of obiections is concerning her Maiesties person Crowne and Dignitie The thirde great slander concerning her M. person Crowne and Dignitie which are no triflinge matters if we might be iustlie conuicted First touching her Royall person I hearde it obiected in a Sermon by a reuerend man who now is a Bishop that by refusing to subscribe we make the Queenes Maiestie to be an Atheist worse thē papistes namelie of no religion And first touching herrelion For faieth hee you refuse to subscribe to the booke of orders then doe you make that we haue no good ministrie you refuse to subscribe to the booke of common prayer then make you that we haue no good liturgie and seruice of God you refuse to subscribe to the booke of articles which containe the summe of our faith and doctrine then doe you make that wee haue no sounde doctrine But these be the bookes which her Maiestie by her authoritie doth set forth and by them sheweth what religion shee is of and what she holdeth maintaineth there fore if their bee no good liturgie no good doctrine no good ministrie then it followeth that you make the Queene to be of no religion God forbid say we that wee shoulde so much as thinke so wickedly of her sacred Maiestie Who hath endured so many daungers and so many yeares so constantly maintained Gods pure vnchangeable truth holy religion We therefore answer freelie in this behalfe First that we beleeue that neither that reuerend man so preaching nor any other man whatsoeuer that knoweth vs and our cause and the maner how we doe refuse subscription either doth or can so think in his conscience to determine of vs in his secret thoughtes before God takeing God to bee iudge of the simplicitie of his soule that we doe esteeme or make her Maiestie to be of no religion Secondly their colour so to reason against vs because we refuse to subscribe with a verie little breath may be blowne away For first touching the doctrine of the Church of Englande wee holde it stedfastly and haue willingly offered to subscribe to the same according to the statute for that cause prouided praysing God hartelie that the true faith by which men may be saued and the true doctrine of the Sacraments and of the pure worshipe of God is trulie taught and that by publike authoritie contained in the booke of articles so that we can not be blamed concerning that booke Secondly we doe not disallow the booke of common praier but doe vse it non other in our ministrie but if further then the statute layeth vpon vs for that booke wee be required to subscribe and we pray that our doubts might be first answered in some particulers we doe no thing against the law of the Realm nor against the said book especiallie seeing that they the saide law book so farre as we can learne doe not require our subscription to the same Thirdlie for the booke of orders wee enioye our ministrie by the same booke doe allow the preaching Ministrie ordained by the same but if with out law we be required to subscribe and that thereby some things be found questionable and doubtfull let all men iudge whether wee which medled not with that booke or anye of the other bookes to bewray or vtter any thing against any of the said bookes or they which by a forced subscription constraine vs there vnto be most worthie of blame Therefore seeing we are not against any of the said books but commend well of the doctrine ministrie liturgie in not subscribing haue only laboured to keepe a good conscience without any purpose to depraue any of the saide bookes I hope this obiection will returne emptie and without vse The second obiection in this rancke is That seeking to erect discipline we abridge her Maiesties authoritie Secondly touching he authoritie prerogatiue by Elders we diminish her royall prerogatiue by our Pastour and equalising Ministers we set vp a Pope in euerye Parish These things verilie haue an odious sounde but it griueth not vs to answer We doe therefore confidentlie say that in all these things we giue vnto to her Maiestie as much as she her selfe either by law or by practise so farre as I can see doth callenge Which is comprehended in two things In the Iniunctions and admonitioni to simple men 1. That she challengeth not authoritie or power of ministrie of diuine offices in the Church 2. She challengeth vnder God to haue the soueraignitie rule ouer all maner of persons borne within these her Realms Dominions Countries of what estate either Ecclesiasticall or Temporall so euer they be so as no other forraine power shall or ought to haue any superioritie ouer them And such is also the 37 article of the booke of articles All which we doe as fullie hold and beleeue preach maintaine as anye other what so euer acknowledging with all our heartes the same prerogatiue Eam tantum prerogatiuam quam in sacris Scripturis à Deo ipso c. which in the sacred Scriptures we see alwaies to haue bene giuen of God him self vnto all godly Princes So in all and euerie of these things we doe seek after as Discipline Elders and Pastour we abhorre detest that any person or persones what so euer shoulde vsurpe authoritie ouer her M. or that anye state or order committed of God to her protection whether they be ecclesiastical or ciuill should not be vnder her gouernement to bee punished by her ciuil sweard Now if wee verilie beleeue that some thing in the Ecclesiasticall discipline of our Church in the booke of common praier might bee reduced some what neerer to the Canon of holy Scriptures doe we anie whit abridge her authoritie Salomon receiued a pattern of the Temple with the thinges therein contained at the hands of his Father Dauid 1. Cron. 28.15 19. which hee saieth vvas all sent by vvriting to him by the hande of the Lord vvhich made him vnderstand al the workmanshipe of the patterne 2. Cron. 3.1 And Salomon builded it in no other place but in mount Moriah which had bene declared to Dauid his Father Did this any vvhit diminish his authoritie because he was directed by the word of the Lord. And such hath bene the gracious and Christian practise of her Maiestie in setting forth the doctrine of faith Sacraments of the vvorshipe of God c by direction of holy Scripture and in her owne person hearing the vvorde of God receauing of the Sacraments ioyning vvith the Church is prayers In vvhich most notable is that Anno 1588. she publikely came to Paules crosse and then there acknovvledged the Lords great goodnes in his protection ouer this Realme and deliuering vs out of the handes of the
together to the disclosing of falshood and hypocrisie and to the aduauncing of Gods glorie so the contention betweene vs being onelie about ceremonies maner of gouernement we are all of one faith one Baptisme one bodie one spirit haue alone Father Lord and be al of one heart against all wickednes superstition idolatrie heresie and we seeke with one Christian desire the aduauncement so the pure religion worship and honour of God We are Ministers of the worde by one order we administer praiers Sacraments by one forme wee preach one faith and substance of doctrine we reioyce both of her Maiesties happie gouernement the freedome of the Gospell and are professed enemies to all her enemies to the enemies of Gods truth and Ghospell In writing against errors and disputing against Papistes we haue bene all one I preaching her M. supremacie confuting Popish primacie and in calling men from sinne disobedience to serue God and her M. we haue beene all one And shall men thinke that this vnhappie diuision shall seuer vs for euer God forbidde This life with out constant vnitie 2 And here me thinks I cannot but murne to think vpō mans frailtie our ignorance self-loue desire to preheminence many times casteth vs headlong into bitter dissention While men are loftie to acknowledge their ouersights therefore labour to keep their estimation by maintayning an errour they cause much disturbance to themselues with little credite among wise faithful men by ouerstrayning them selues to shadowe ouer mens vpright cause they stirre vp much gar-boile confusion in the Church of God And it is not so easilie stayed as it is vnaduisedlie begun Therefore it is verie wiselie said of Solomon The beginning of strife is as one that openeth the waters therefore ere the contention be medled with leaue of Prou. 17.14 Such doe we read to be the ciuil warre of the primitiue Church about Arius which is well known to haue continued many yeares and to be the death of many a faithfull Christian Of which Socrates Scholasticus writeth that in the very beginning it grew so hott Eccles Histor lib. 1. Cap. 6. with such diuision among the Bishoppes and also among the people inveying with such spitefull opprobrius tearmes one against another that it became so haynous shamefull into so lamentable a plight that the Christian Religion was openly derided of all men euen in the publike theaters solemne spectacles And such was the contention of Epiphanius and Iohn Chrysostome both worthy Bishoppes Lib. 6. Cap. 12.13 14. Yea euen in the very infansie of the church that no man shuld stumble at our contention as if it were a new thing when the blessed Apostles by a most excellent and perfite spirite planted the ghospel this humaine fraltie did shew it selfe verie greatlie For what thinke you was the cause of that solemne councill at Hierusalem Act. 15. what was the occasion of the Epist of Paule to the Romanes Corinthians Galathians Philippians Colossians c doe they not bewraye merueilous greate weaknes exceeding great contention some holding of Paul some of Cephas some going to Law and some contending about meate holy dayes some striuing for circumcision and the Lawe of Moyses other denying the resurrection of the bodie others iustification by faith onelie others brought in the worshipping of Angels and other will worshipp and volutarie religion of men in so much that it coste great labour and sweat vnto the Apostles and faithfull Ministers to hold vp the Church to keepe it aliue in the verie birth thereof So great were the waters of contention cōming out of the dragons mouth by the abuse of mans weaknes And this I obserue both in writings disputations of our forefathers of the primitiue ages of the Church also in these latter daies that it is a very rare thing to find any writer thogh he be learned wise sober who in his apologeticall writting can keepe himselfe pure from al gaule bitternes Few writers without bitternes For the vehement desire to defende that he vndertaketh manie times maketh him to sway beyond the mark his penn to breath out filthie smoak and vnsauorie There are manie prettie and wittie thinges which are founde in the studdie of humane learning in these men of great learning haue manie times delight so that when they are in writing of an argument or answer there falleth in some fine ironie or close quib by allusion sometime a bitter sarcasme before they be aware which whē it is red of the aduerse part it raiseth many hott humors vnseemly retaliatiōs which not only hinder the light oftētimes of a good cause but also maketh such a breach as will hardlie bee repaired againe in manie yeares And heere mee seemeth I am taken prisoner and locked vp in a darke and dolesome place to weep mourne to cry and howle for the miserable estate of mankinde thorough sinne How manie stumbling blocks are cast in the way of foolish This contention a plague for Atheists ignorant and peeuish Atheists who refusing the way of truth haue strong delusions of Satan to make them beleeue lyes Yet doth God turne all these contentions too good God turneth it to the good of his elect and his diuine prouidence maketh them profitable to his Church namelie for the elect as it is written There must be heresies euen among you that they which are approued among you 1. Cor. 11.29 may be knowen And this profit hath the Church by the primitiue contentions that in cleare plaine Scripture we se manie things taught as namelie The Christian libertie The doctrine of iustification the rising of the dead and diuers other waightie points which I can not tell if they woulde haue beene otherwise so fully largelie so plainlie written that we may know the loue and power wisdom of our merciful father to ouersway the mightie labours of Sathan which are against the Church to the good of Gods faithfull people Therefore the Apostle is bold to say in the like case I knowe that this shall turne to my saluation And againe We know that all things worke together for the best vnto them that loue God The consideration of this might teach some men to looke vpon themselues and watch ouer their owne corruption to keepe it vnder that they giue no offence other might learne not to stumble at the truth for such a cause which cannot bee altogether auoided And we of our time countrie might vnderstand that we are not by and by seuered into two religions or broken of from being Christian brethren beecause some hote contention hath bene kindled among vs. For then we might say that Friers Monkes Seminarie Priests Iesuites are not Papists yea that Popes Cardinalls and other their great Prelates are no Papistes because those haue stirred vp among themselus most deadlie warre other maner
that the Ministers of Christ should reuerently admonish the state of some points needfull to be reformed by the holy Scriptures and vsage of the blessed Apostles But aboue all other Imeruaill how this can be to hazard the whole state of Religion except a man would say that to goe about in honest sort to make perfect that which is verie well and excellentlie begun is the high way to destroy all But it may bee the mysterie of this point of this obiection is contained in the seconde The obiectiō of innouation which is also a matter of great consequence Namelie that beeing a setled gouernement of all thinges it is a dangerous thing to goe about to alter the same For all innouationes are dangerous to the state Which as it is an argument not to be despised so is it vrged by some in the hiest degree And wee our selues doe freelie acknowledge that it is worthie due consideration How bee it we verilie thinke that it is not on our part or in cause so heynous as it is made First because as is before shewed we desire not the new forming of the Church but onely the rectifying and perfecting of diuers things in the Church and that euerie thing might agree be according to the doctrine of our Church To make perfect is not to innouate and namelie that holie Canon which saieth All our actions shoulde bee squared after the will of GOD reueiled in his worde In the tyme of King Dauid by vniforme consent of all estates the arke of God was sought after ● Cor. 13. and to bee brought vnto Hierusalem but they bringing it in a carte God made a breach so as they durst not for that time carrie it further then the house of Obed Edom the Gittite yet after vpon more better examination of Gods worde they brought it by the Priestes Leuites Cap. 15. and found that God made a breach among them for not seeking him in order Heere shall it be saide that this latter was an innouation or not a perfecting of that which of a good and honest minde was begunne before but wanted some part of Gods order So if we craue no alteratiō in religion but onelie that the thinges which are standing as they doe may be brought to the order of the Apostles vse and to the canon of Gods holye woorde in those circumstances which remaine yet vnreformed I hope it will not bee an innouation Iosiah one of the moste excellent Kings of Iudah and Hierusalem 2. Cron. 34. 35. being young in the eight yeare of his raigne began to seeke after the God of his Father and in the twelfth hee beganne to purge Iudah and Hierusalem from the high places and the groues and the carued and molten images then in the eightenth yeare of his raigne hee repaired the house of the Lorde finding the booke of the Lawe caused all estates to couenant vvith God to followe his law keepe his testimonies and statutes and lastly solemnized the feaste of the passeouer Here you see are many and great alterations such as I may boldly say there woulde not be so great if wee had all the things wee desire and yet it proued to be no daungerous innouation And is not God as well able to blesse vs if we goe forward in his Gospell as hee was in prospering them Is it more dangerous to adde a little now religion is setled in mens heartes then it was at the first to make an whole in nouation change of all when men had little or no taste of religion I am perswaded that if the streame did not so mightilie and violentlie runne against vs but that our Reuerend Fathers and others were as willing to come a degree neerer to the Apostles vse If things were reformed the shew of innouation would be small that by the very lawes and orders alreadie established we might haue the most parte brought into good order as partly may appeare by the 2. 3. chapters of this booke partlie by a booke called the Abstract and partly by the authoritie which is giuen to Ministers touching communicants diuers other thinges which I knowe wise and godly men would finde out that in shew there would be no great odds though so much were reformed as might make vp the breach which is betweene vs because wee haue not sought God altogether in perfect order If Subscription were kept within the compasse of law according to the meaning of the statute Anno 13. and the ceremonies made indifferent to vse or not to vse excōmunication execution of Ecclesiastical censurers restored and reserued to the Bishops and Pastours of our Church and if the vnpreaching Minister were tyed to performe his promise in his ordination and the not resident sent to their flockes the wound would be by and by healed and we should be alone ioyfull bretheren together Which thing I vvould not haue touched but that it might appeare that the obiection of innouation is not so materiall and of such waight as it seemeth And I am persvvaded there be of the Reuerend Fathers and others in this lande being as notable men as euer vvere in all Europe that if it vvould please God to encline our heartes to agree in this point to take a brotherlie order for cutting of all contention and for the more straight curbing of the vndermining enemie who would and could by their vvisedome learning doe a great deale more excellentlie that vvay then I poore weake man am able vvho vvell knowing mine owne vvantes and imperfection can vvillinglie set mine handes vnder their feete In the next place it is to be considered vvhether that because the thinges in controuersie are called external we may be called schismaticks Saint Paul mee thinketh doeth helpe vs in this case vvhere hee saith Rom 16.17 I beseech you brethren marke them diligentlie whiche cause diuision and offences contrarie or as the Greeke worde signified beside the doctrine vvhich yee haue learned and auoide them Nowe vvhen it is before declared that the thinges vvee desire and stand for are according to the doctrine vve haue receaued as our reuerend Fathers and Brethren confesse vsed in the Apostles tyme we humbly suing for and teaching these things by the vvord of God vvhatsoeuer terme you giue the things themselues vve can not in any sort be called schismatickes And if I being called into question for one of the leaste ceremonies to the vse vvhereof I can not frame my conscience yet if being in mine owne iudgement weak in cōparison of other learned men whose iudgement I reuerence or in the opnion of some other I be accoūted foolish or as some will say peeuish I bee afeard to offend myne owne conscience and doe choose rather to be suspended or depriued and quietlie submit my selfe to the punishment of law and abide peaceablie in the vnitie and fellowship of the Church I hope I am no schismaticke nor
of man commeth shall hee finde faith vpon the earth Luc. 18.8 Which doth argue the great encrease of Atheistes in these last daies And Saint Peter foretelling of such mockers they doe fulfill his wordes by their so deriding of religion 2. Pet. 3. And when they leaue the hearing of godlie sermons and take vnto them skilfull Philosophers and wife Naturalistes doe not they fulfill the Scripture which saieth The time will com when they will not suffer wholsome doctrine but hauing their eares itching 2. Tim. 4.3 shall after their owne lustes get them an heape of teachers and shall turne their eares from truth begiuen to fables Because they are Atheists 2. Thes 2.10 and God hath giuen them ouer to a reprobate mind for not beleeuing a manifest truth that by beleeuing lies they might fulfill the Scriptures and bee damned Therefore they care not and doe not vnderstand that God hath foreshewed all these things shoulde so come to passe They perceaue not that God hath decreed for mens punishment Gen. 3.13 continuall warre betweene wicked good men betweene Christ and Sathan They can not see that by the comming of Christ and preaching of his Ghospell God hath perswaded Iapheth to come into the tentes of Sem. Gen. 9.27 That is the Gentills are ingrafted into the Church of God among the Iewes They cannot consider that this teligion which wee now professe in Englande is the same that God preached and taught Abraham Gen. 12.2 with Gal. 3.8 and that the power of his worde vnto Abraham hath effected that no tract of time no inundation or change of states coulde ouerthrow that religion And that when Christ and his Apostles at the time by God appointed did incounter with the Prince of this world then was fulfiled the Scriptures which say Esai 45.25 Euerie knee shall bow to me and euerie tongue shall sweare by me Confounded bee they that worshippe grauen images c. Psal 97.7 Then all religions in the world which were nothing but Atheisme though they fought againt God and his Christ killed his seruants were crusht with the iron Scepter of his word Psal 2. and broken in peeces like a potters vessell and all the Monarches of the world fledde before him Dan. 2.35.44 and vanished as the sommer flowers And they marke not that the same which the Scripture hath told vs of Antichrist to be reueiled 2. Thes 2. and of the Apostasie of the whole world and of the manifold false Prophets and deceauers Mat. 24. is nowe truely come to passe Lastly they doe not regarde that the uertue of the same worde in these last daies hath preuailed aboue all reason against the Emperour and Pope and that by the simple preaching thereof that it is so mightie 2. Pet. 1.24.25 that it changeth the nature of a man to bee an other then hee was before namelie to turne from dumme idoles to serue the liuing God 1. Thes 1.1 And this I dare prouounce in the behalfe of Gods word preached that if the Atheist woulde heare but such a meane preacher as I am diligently and attētiuely but one half yeare he should find the power of the mightie King to pearce his heart and to make him to tremble like to Felix and Agrippa And though he beleeue not yet should he wonder as Simon Magus These and a great manie things more the Atheist not seeing nor considering hee stumbleth at the stumbling stone Esai 28.16 with ca. ● 14 And so to my comfort and soules health he proueth Gods word to be true the name of the most high and euerlasting God bee blessed and magnified for euer Cap. 11. Wherein is discried that neither the reuerende Fathers and learned Prelats standing for conformitie neither the godly Ministers desiring reformation are the onely or proper causes of these troublesome dissentions euils following the same but there are some other things more speciallie to be looked into which may and ought to induce both parties vnto peace and to ioyne louingly in the building of Gods house and that all English people humbling them selues by prayer vnto God doe carefullie conforme them selues to the Ghospell of Christ AS a dogge runneth too the stone which is cast at him or leapeth at the arrowe which is shot on high The people reregard not their punishmentes and hath no wit to marke from whence it commeth So the most part of the people doe behold the troubles of our church as if it pertayneth not to them and make it as a stage-playe and common talke delighting in the rehersing the faultes of the ministrie and being void of that discretion which pertaineth to good and wise Christians they doe not knowe nor regard that the smiting of the sheepheards is the scattering of the sheepe Zach. 13.7 Heb. 13.17 and the more domage that befalleth to the ministrie the greater is the losse punishment of the people And as a druncken man perceaueth not when hee is stricken Prou. 23.35 and hee that sleepeth in darknesse 1. Thes 5.3.4 thinketh not that the theefe stealeth vppon him Eph. 4.18.19 so men by ignorance and custome of sinne are made past feeling that they doe not consider when God by his plagues punishmentes calleth them to repentance Therefore God complaineth of his people Esai 9.13 that they turne not to him that smiteth neither doe they seeke the Lord of hostes Little doe any thinke or waigh with them selues Rom. 10 2. Cor. 3. that the Ministers preaching the Ghospell are the meanes ordained of God to bring men to saluation hauing the ministrie of the spirit of righteousnes Math. 5. 1. Cor. 4.1 therfore they are called the light of the world the stewards of Gods secrets the Ambassadors of Christ to whome is committd the ministrie of reconciliation betweene God man 2. Cor. 5. cap. 2.15 and so they are the sweet sauour of life vnto them which shall be saued If then their mouthes bee stopped their light ouer-cast and by troublous contention the free and prosperous course of their laboures hindred diminished or cut of is not all this the greate hurt and spirituall plague of the people who leese so great and so proper meanes which God hath ordained for mans saluation If God shutt the heauens that there be no raine men can quickly espie that there is a plague So is it great pittie that men see not that in regard of our soules the ministrie is as necessarie as the raine and therefore when the same is hindered or taken away it is a verie great and damnable punishment In so much as the holy spirit of God calleth it by the name of a famine And when the Ministers doe not teach the people Amos. 8.11 it is also said The people perish for lack of knowledge Hoshea 4.6 And if it might be truly said that the children of Israell committe a