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A07026 The bee hiue of the Romishe Church a com[m]entarie vpon the sixe principall pointes of Master Gentian Heruet, a Romish Catholike his booke, which is deuided into sixe partes, as in the argument doth appeare. And an epistle made by the authour of this booke vnto Franciscus Sonnius, late Bishop of Antwerpe. Translated out of Dutch into English, by George Gylpen the elder.; Byencorf der H. roomsche Kercke. English Marnix van St. Aldegonde, Philips van, 1538-1598.; Stell, John, fl. 1580.; Gilpin, George, 1514?-1602. 1579 (1579) STC 17445; ESTC S119818 327,751 730

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strength and worthinesse of this new religion of Champions Trueth it is that she was at the last when the matter was knowen banished out of Venice but that was not done for her holinesse but specially because there were a great manie of amorous letters founde about her which were of great importance For else alas what could haue bene said to her heauie and pitiful penance whereof the like is daily done You maye see them sometimes in Italie go alongst the streetes with a great rope about their neckes as if they were dropped downe frō the gallowes and sometimes they weare a sawsige or a swines pudding in place of a siluer or golden chayne Is not that sufficient to deserue heauen by But if I should go about to expresse euerie particular religion alone which our mother the holye Church hath founde out beside the Scriptures I should haue work for this seuen yeres Wherefore it is not needefull For all good Catholike men do knowe well ynough that our holye fathers the Popes haue sufficient authoritie to bring in and establish newe religions and rules of perfection as manie as it shall please them although it be plaine that the whole Scriptures neuer make mention of anie such as it is most euident by so many diuers orders and religions which haue bene by their holinesse set vp brought in established As there are the orders of the Basilians Augustinians Benedictines Dominicanes or Iacobines Carthusians Carmelites or Ladie brothers Seruitours or Seruants Graie Friers Obseruantes Conuentuales Penitentiaries Minimers Capucines Mendicantes Cluinares Camaldulenses Valembrosences Cisterienses Barnardines Coelestines Gibertenenses Milicenses Castellenses Burfaldenses Mountoliuetes Castinenses Arme●tes Regulars Premōstratenses Whilliamites Lateranes Georgians Iohannians Trinitaries Indians Ambrosiās Magdalines or Lazarines red Augustins Helenians Sophians Visitensers Wincesbaterers Gregorians Constantinopolitanes Columbins Crossed brethrē Starred brethrē Fratres Clauorū Blackfriers Smocked friers Btethrē of the holy Sepulchre Brethren of the vale of Iosaphat Brethrē of S. Ioseph of S. Rusius seuen thousande like Of which number the most part haue their mates and companions in the women Cloisters of which some be Bagghines other close Nonnes other called Sisters the fourth are called Chanonesses who haue likewise their Patronesses as S. Clare S. Bridgit S. Lucia S. Agnes S. Marie Magdalene S. Valdrud c. All which haue bene receiued established by our holy fathers the Popes for good and holy Ouer and aboue these they haue ordeined many sundrie Heremitages orders of Heremits as of S. Anthonie of S. Hilarie of S. Makarius S. Theon S. Frontinian S. Horus S. Helenus S. Appellomius S. Paul the Hermit S. Martarius S. Piamōtius S. Castomianus many more of the like rabie Now are there more added to these the holy Giides or Confraternities as The fraternities of S. Roche of S. Hubright of S. Sebastian of S. Coronne which go cladde in blew of S. Anthonie in blacke of S. Martin in white of S. Dominick in black c. And to the ende that the heritage should not be without Rutters or Pensionars they haue appointed certeine newe religious orders of holy Knights likewise such as are the knights of the Rodes or of Malta Dutch Knights the Templers the Knights of S. Iames our Ladie Knights Saint Georges knights knights of Hierusalem Calitrauenses Montenienses Gartarienses c. But truly I had need of vi hūdred tongues two hūdred pennes a mouth of steele with an iron voice if I should declare all the diuersities of orders religions which our holy fathers the Popes haue set vp not only without but directly against the holy Scripture and yet without naming of the Popes themselues or their Cardinals Prelats Archbishops Bishops Metropolitanes Suffraganes Archdeacons Deacons and such like strange beastes whereof neither Prophet nor Apostle euer heard Nay I dare saye that if the Apostles had but once seene or hearde the hundred part of these new religious orders and professions named they would haue bene afraide of them For seeing that S. Paule could not suffer that amongst the Congregation of the Corinthians some should call them selues the Disciples of Peter other of Paule the thirde of Apollo howe would he then haue bene afraide and out of quiet when he should haue seene or hearde of such an innumerable companie of newe and diuers names professions religions Gods seruices and rules of perfection whereof some were clad and apparelled in blacke some in white some in gray some in green some in blewe some in red some in furres and in all maner of diuers colours and euerie one of them did esteeme his owne order and rules for the best and most worthie to be regarded He would surely haue thought him selfe to haue bene come into a newe world Therefore it is a great follie that men will founde them selues onely vpon that which the Apostles haue taught or written considering that the world is now chaunged and that the holy Church hath found out and established newe religions newe commandements and newe articles of our faith whereof the Apostles neuer knewe For otherwise beleeue me if nothing els were estemed but the bare Scriptures and writings of the Prophets and Apostles then should all the Decrees Decretalles all good holy Ordinances of the Church of Rome all the goodly Councelles which haue bene kept and holden by the order and commandement of the Popes yea all the before specified orders and religion of Friers Nōnes the Heremites Gildes and Knighthoods be vtterly ouerthrowen yea all their merites and supererogations would not be worth an Oaten cake if men should begin to esteeme and accept the holy Scripture alone for a true and sufficient rule and direction and then should Luther haue done well when he caused the decrees and de●retals to be burnt O no truely We must aboue all mainteine those in reputation yea euen in greater estimation than the woorde of God it selfe for who soeuer doth sinne against the word of God his sinnes maye be forgiuen him but he that doth sinne against the Decrees of the Pope doeth sinne against the holy Ghost and therefore his offence shall neuer be forgiuen him Therefore it is vndoubtedly a great ouersight of them that would compasse and pale in the holy Church with the bounds of the holy Scripture seeing she may steppe or leape ouer it with a staffe or without anie feare and as often as euer she wil. Yet it is true that sometimes shee doeth helpe her self with the scripture for if there were no scripture howe should one knowe whether there must be a Church or no or wherby should a mā discerne the true church of God from the church of Antichrist Yet doth she alway rule the Scripture makes therevpon such a glosse as best serueth her turne yea that is more she is the very occasion that any beleefe or credit is giuen to the scripture as is pleasantly set foorth by the holy and
which serues her turne to fill her hiue with pleasant and sweete honie and what soeuer is not appliable or agreeing to her purpose that she leaues vntouched Therefore the foundation of the holy Church of Rome may very wel be called A Bee hiue hauing the propertie of a tubbe wherein al maner of pleasant things are put The vii Chapter VVherin is declared that the Church of Rome can likevvise helpe her selfe vvith the opinions and doctrine of the olde Heretikes in follovving the same vvhen it serues for her purpose NOwe so farre it is from our deare mother the holy Church to be afraid to spring ouer the pales of the holie Scripture auncient Fathers Councelles and Decrees that often times she will go and solace her self in the pleasant medowes and greene fieldes of the olde heretikes which haue alwayes bin extreeme enemies and directly contrarie to the holy scripture and the Fathers and of them doeth she borrowe very many goodly iewelles too furnishe beautiefie her Gabanet or bee Hiue withall For it is wel knowen and euident that she hath learned of the Heretike Pelagius That we notwithstanding the fall of Adam do still possesse a free will and haue power to Iustifie our selues and to fulfil al the commaundementes of God if we our selues will and That it is not the onelye grace of God whereby we are iustified as Paule doth teache but an helper only after that we of our selues haue prepared our selues therevnto Also That Christ did by his death merit for original sinne onely and that for all other our daily sinnes we our selues must answere and make sufficient amendes Of the Messalians or Euchites likewise of the Pelagians she hath gathered that baptisme alone doth not make vs perfect Christians but is onely necessarie to washe away our originall sin to helpe vs out of our first shipwracke But if we fal againe so run in danger of a second shipwracke thē we must seke for another plāke to helpe vs out of hazard Shee hath likewise sucked out of the breasts of the Messaliās to mumble out her Mattines The seuen Psalmes and the Pater noster by ▪ number vpon a paire of beades and with a burning candle pretending thereby to obteine great pardones and to doe vnto God great seruice Also whereas she doeth vse spittle in baptizing after that the diuell is coniured that shee tooke of the Messalians who did teache That men might driue away the diuel with spitting Of the Saturnialles Ebeonites Tatians and Encratites shee hath learned That the state of Mariage is vncleane and spotted and that such as wil please God and be cleane purified must wholy refraine them selues from it Also That there is great holinesse in absteining from eating of fleshe and vsing of certeine other meates although she hath set the things out vnder another colour to the ende men might not knowe frō whence they come Besides this she hath borrowed of the Montanistes manie newe fasting dayes which she hath commaunded and cōfirmed to be obserued vpon pa●ne of great punishment and beside that on or cemēts In the schoole of the Coloredlanes shee hath learned to praye to the holye Virgine Marie and to immolate or offer vp her oblations Of Marcus the sorcerer and Heretike she hath learned to vse in her seruice sacrifices certeine strange wordes in Hebrewe and other languages Of the Anthropomorphites to painte God the Father in the forme of a man with a gray beard Of the Gnostikes and Carpocratians to set vp images of Christ and other Saints and to worship the same with censing and other maner of deuotions vnlesse men will say as Eusebius in the 7. booke of histories in the 18. chap. doth declare that this erecting of images did first spring from the Heathen And last of all she hath learned of Simon the sorcerer father of al Heretikes to giue Bishoprikes Benefices Masse Mattius and Sacraments for money and yet not to sell them For it is but a simple bargaine or contract which the Lawyers call Do vt des I giue that thou mayest giue againe Euen like to Simon who would giue money to receiue the holy ghost So that it is very plaine apparaunt that shee can helpe her selfe well ynough with the doctrines and opinions of Heretikes and sucke out of them what shee thinkes good to carie into her Bee hiue Yea shee doeth in manie things agree with the Alcaron of Mahomet and with the Turkes religion as specially in many pilgrimages in praying vnto dead Saints in the obseruing of fasting dayes in diuers sortes orders of Monkes and particularly in the doctrine of Freewill and iustification by workes Now whether they haue borrowed that of Mahomet or he receiued it from them by reason he had a holy Monke one Sergius for an assistent companion I referre that to the iudgement of the Doctors of Louen Thus much once by the waye that it is easie to be noted that it is all one per dominum and all diet in one fatte and that she is like to a cunning spinner which can make good thred of all sortes of flaxe The viii Chapter Declaring that the Church of Rome hath likevvise borrovved manye things of the levves vvhich shee doeth set forth and holde as articles of the faith NOwe as touching the Iewes shee hath not forgotten to followe them sundrie wayes and that is apparant ynough in that which our master Gentianus hath declared in this worke For hee will mainteine that the Transubstantiation of the bread into the very body of Christ and the changing or turning of the substāce of the wine into his verie blood maye bee proued by the testimonies of the Iewishe Rabbines And that is without doubt for one of their Rabbines named Rabbi Moses Hazardan writing vppon the 136. Psalme where the Prophet saith O Lord thou giuest all fleshe their foode saieth thus This texte doth fully and wholy agree with that which is saide in the 34. Psalme Taste and see howe pleasant the Lord is For the bread or meate which he giues to euery man is his fleshe and with the tasting or with the eating it is turned into flesh Out of this hath a good Monke a Catholike writer concluded That this Iewish Rabbin did well vnderstand Transubstantiation which he doth yet againe cōfirme by another named Rabbie Cahana who vttereth maruelous wōderful speculations vpō that texte of Moses where Iacob did promise to his sonne Iuda an vnspeakable vnmesurable quantitie of wine milke by these wordes He shal binde his foales to the vinetree and his asses to the noble vine branches he shal wash his clothing in wine his mantle in the bloud of grapes his teeth are whiter than milk For out of these woordes of Iacob doeth the foresaid Rabbi conclude That the asse doeth here signifie Messias into whose bodie and bloud the wine shal
scape scotfree with foure poundes one Ducate and six Carlines and so of all other Vnderstoode alwayes that this valuation is ment and taketh hold so long as the Romish Court is resident on this side the mountaines namely in France For if she haue her habitation on the other side the hilles as in Italie then for poundes and pence Turnois shal be reckoned pounds and pence stearling like as the Iurist or Lawier Ludouicus Gornesius hath written and mencioned In summe they can not commit anie so great a faulte but they may at Rome for a peece of monie haue dispensation for it so scape free without blame or punishmēt insomuch as they shall neuer come in Purgatorie if they can keepe themselues from hell mouth Whereas maister Gentian shal be more welcome a great deale than at Geneua or elsewhere amongst the Huguenote Preachers And this worthie Booke or Epistle which hee hath made may serue him verie well at Rome for a speciall recommendation to the holie Father the Pope for to obteine him a Bisshops Myter or a Cardinals hat The vii Chapter VVherein is giuen to Maister Gentian and all other holie Catholikes good and wholesome counsell And thus the booke concluded BVt aboue all things in the worlde I would wish master Gentian to be perswaded to remaine stedfastlie and sticke close to the olde customes and traditions of his predecessors like durte to a carte wheele and he can not speede amisse For although he bee then a good fellow with the rest or an Aleknight or one which loues the companie of pretie wenches yet so long as he is not an heretique it makes no matter hee needes but once in a yeare to go to shrifte and obserue a highe feast daye and then shall he be taken for a good faithfull subiect of the holie Catholike Church And admitte that after his deathe he should passe to Purgatorie yet shall so many Masses which nowe are fallen in price and become good cheape be said for his soule that he with hose and shooes shal flie to heauen as straight as a sickle Therefore must I greatlie maruell and reioyce at his wise deliberate and wellpremised conclusion which hereto hee hath annexed to witte That hee will remaine permanent in the lappe of his dearlie beloued mother the holie Churche of Rome without medling or hauing ought to doe with the Heretikes For seeing they cannot as he saith he faithfull forsomuch as they will not beleeue all whatsoeuer the holie Church doth beleeue and in especiall will not beleeue the holie Sacrament of the Altar Seeing also it is a lie that we ought not to beleeue anie thing but whatsoeuer God comprehendeth in the Scriptures and that we may not adde or diminishe anie parte thereof and that in like case the Scripture doeth holde on our side beeing rightlie taken and vnderstoode after the exposition of the holie Church Seeing they doe also call vs worshippers of idols like as also the Iewes do seeing their liues be no better then good christians liues and that they detest and deride al prayers fastings and mortification Seeing their Preachers and Ministers may worthilie be reputed for ignorant and vnlearned yea also reproched for lewde wicked liuers and that they canne bring vs no better demonstracions nor alledge other reasons than is in the Scripture and that master Gentian euen vntill this verie time hath heard say that there is no saluation without the Church so will hee then liue and die with his deare holie mother the Church and wil not at anie time forsake her but vnmoueable remaine with her for euer For although he with great hast did offer an answeare and makes a shewe as though he woulde runne in po●t haste to the Huguenotes sermons yet he is not in earnest I esteeme him to be so stedfast and obstinat that he will not easily alter his hide nor his spottes like as Ieremie doeth say of the blacke Moore and the Libarde In the meane while notwithstanding when I consider the merueilous burning zeale wherwith he is driuen then am I of meere necessitie forced in the name of the holie Church to beseech God that the Huguenotes do not answeare him but may find so much to doe with other hardie and waightie matters that they doe not thinke on Maister Gentian for feare least it might so fal out which I hope not that he might be chaunged forsomuch as it seemes that he is driuen with such seale to his saluation that hee regardes neither Hedge nor ditch but runnes so directly thitherwards as a yong headelesse Ducke Therefore had I rather request the Pope to cast a morsell in his mouth and giue him a good fatte benefice to the ende he departe not from vs in such haste for it were to great a losse if the holie Church shoulde misse such a strong pillar They might go nigh to fall both in the ashes which Gods good mother and all the Saintes which are at Bruxelles on the high altar of S. Goele deliuer vs from Per omnia secula seculorum that is to say For euer Amen Further I am friendlie to request the good man which did translate the Epistle of Gentian into the Dutch tongue that he will take thus much paines more for the commoditie of our deare mother the holie church and to the reioycing of the foresaid good man maister Gentian to translate this our exposition of his Epistle into the French tongue to the end that the Wallons may in like manner vse this our Bee hiue and gather the honie honiecombe thereout to the renoume glorie and honour of our mother the holie Church against all her foes The conclusion of this booke to the Christian Reader HEre hast thou welbeloued Reader a short exposition and declaration vpon the Epistle or letter of the most learned Doctour maister Gentian Haruet which serueth not onelie thereto but to all other bookes and writings of the Catholike writers and defenders of the Romishe Seate For we haue herein as brieflie and expresselie as may be rehearsed the two chiefest foundations wheron all their Scriptures reasons conclusions and Syllogismes are founded and built namelie The first The holie Catholike Church what shee is whereon shee dependeth and howe farre her authoritie and power doth streatche And the second namelie The expositions of the Scripture wherein eache may see with eyes that howbeit the Huguenotes and Lutheranes do alwayes referre them to the text of the holy Scripture yet our deare louing mother the holy church can so aptlie handle the said text that shee maketh it so fitte and pliable as it doeth wholie bende and stretche to her aduantage Then reade the same and accept our paines in good worth and considering the grounded reasons of all commotions and insurrections which from fourtie yeeres hitherwarde haue bene in Christendome for causes of Religion and Gods seruice pray vnto God that he for his Sonne Iesus Christ his sake will shortlie appeare
with the breath of his mouth and force of his holie Spirit consume and destroy the wicked wasters and falsifiers of his holie worde and doctrine to the glorie of his most holy name and the edifying of his Church and Congregation But seeing that here aboue in this our Bee hiue of the Romishe Churche wee haue often and in sundrie places repeated that with manie ragges and patches it is botcht and sowed togeather and selected from diuers and sundrie sortes of flowres and herbes to make the honnie sweete wee will for thy delight and for the further declaration confirmation of that whiche is said dilate and more amplie declare the condition and propertie or rather commoditie of our Bee hiue the original disposition nature cunning and capeable capacitie of our Bees in their honie and honie combes their rule and regimentes with all things appertaining to the end it may be knowen wherein they doe agree with our common sorte of Honie Bees and in what respect they disagree decline from them In which treatie we will presentlie followe with the description of Bees which Aristotle in Greeke Varro Columella Virgil and Plinie in Latine haue wittilie written and for our learning left behinde them But because none shall thinke that we will in anie respect be iniurious to the holie Romish Church forsomuch as we compare her holinesse and vnmoueable foundation to Bees and a Bee hiue I will first and before all other matters rehearse the high prayse and commendation which shee her selfe doeth attribute vnto them For beholde these are the wordes which shee doeth vse vpon Easter eeuen in the hallowing or sanctifying of her Easter Tapers Cum igitur huius substantiae miramur exordium Apum necesse est laudemus originem Apes vero sunt frugales in sumptibus in procreatione castissimae aedificāt cellulas cereo liquore fundatas quib humanae peritiae ars magistra non coaequatur Legunt pedibus flores nullum damnum floribus inuenitur partus non edunt sed ore legentes concepti foetus reddunt examina sicut exemplo mirabili Christus ore paterno processit Foecunda est in his sine partu virginitas quam vtique Dominus sequi dignatus carnalem se matrē habere virginitatis amore constituit Talia igitur Domine digna sacris Altaribus tuis munera offeruntur quibus te laetari Religio Christiana non ambigit Per Christum Dominum nostrum Amen Which in our English tongue is to say Forsomuch as we doe maruellouslie wonder in considering the first beginning of this substance to wit waxe tapers then must we of necessitie greatlie commend the originall of Bees for they are sober in diet exceeding chast in engendring They make closettes found them on the souple waxe whervnto mans ▪ inuention and knowledge is not to bee compared they gather of the flowres with their feet and yet the flowres are not endamaged by it they bring foorth no yong ones but deliuer their yong swarmes through their mouthes like as Christ for a wonderfull example is proceeded from his Fathers mouth they haue a fertile chastitie without bearing which example Christ hath thought good to followe and ordeined to haue a carnall mother for loue of chastitie Therefore O Lord are such worthie giftes offered and presented vpon thine Altar wherein Christian Religion is assured that thou delightest exceedinglie through our Lord Iesus Christ Amen Beholde here wee perceiue what a precious iewell these Bees are Wherefore our deare and louing mother the holie Church of Rome ought not to scorne or disdaine that wee doe compare her customes and orders to a Bee hiue considering that she her selfe doth compare the incomprehensible generation of the sonne of GOD from his Father together with his birth out of the pure and vndefiled Virgine Marie vnto the Bees whiche were in verie deede a great blasphemie if the Bees were not of so great valour and vertue that by them wee might liken and compare the holie Church of Rome And seeing shee saieth That GOD is delighted with the giftes and presentes of the Bees why should not shee her selfe exceedinglie reioyce with our Bee hiue Therefore can none blame vs herein vnlesse also they blame and accuse the holie Church of Rome for blasphemie Which considered we will without feare or dread proceed with this our Bee hiue Now followeth further the exposition declaration of the Bee hiue and the description of the Bees the Honie and Honicombe with all things belonging therevnto The first Chapter VVhereof the Bee hiue is made THE Bee hiue then wherein our Bees dwel swarme make their honie is made with tough and strong wicker or oziers of Louen Paris plaighted and wrought together They commonlie call them at Louen Sophismata or Quotlibeta and are founde for the most part by the Basketmakers of the Romish Church namelie by Iohannes Scotus Thomas de Aquino Albertus Magnus and other such like which haue bene verie expert and c●●ning in this arte These roddes thus wouen or plighted together must for the more securitie be bounde also with grosse Iewish or Thalmodician cables and then ouer that drawe a clammi● or cleauing morter plaster made of olde rubbish or chaskie dust wherewithall the auncient old decaied Councels were wont to bee morteied and dawbed beeing good and small beaten to poulder and wrought verie thinne with a litle chopt straw which the Apothecaries call Palea Decretorum we●●ing and often moystening the same with scomme of the auncient Doctors and also mingled among the same some newe chalke of Trent and so wrought together with sande whiche is digged out of the decayed welles of mens superstitions or of that olde sande which the Heretikes were wont to binde their argumentes withall Here vnder you may also mingle some Iewes lime or Bitumen which is a verie tough and cleauing substance wherewithall the citie and Towre of Babylon was wont to be bound and it is drawen out of the poole and dead sinke of Sodom and Gomorre For herewithall thou shalt make such an excellent morter that neither the heate of the Sunne nor showres of raine will bee of force to moisten it or make it to splitte The maisters of this Bee hiue who loue to haue it somewhat garishe to the eye vse besides all the rest to make snowe white Gypsus or a kinde of playster of white biblish Marble stone very finely grounde in a Louauist or Parisian mill beeing wrought with excellent stronge durtie decrees and so stroke ouer with a whiting brushe or pincell and then painted with all manner of gallant pictures and braue images for that makes a gaie shewe and causeth the Bees the rather to enter into it The ii Chapter Declaring the first originall of these Bees COncerning the first original of Bees are sundrie opinions amongest the learned Some amongst the Poetes as Higinius and others saye that there was a woman named Melissa whome Iupiter did transforme into a Bee.