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religion_n apostle_n church_n doctrine_n 4,033 5 6.2595 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00498 The Exposition of certain partes of Scripture, according to the mindes of the chieffe doctors ... 1567 (1567) STC 10634.5; ESTC S2119 36,965 68

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Disciples that they shold beware of them that is to say that they sholde not knovvledge them to be their Pastors but rather that they shold depart from them for so Sainct Peter the Apostle someth afterwardes to expound these wordes when as he saieth to them of Ierusalem that axed counsell of hym separemini a generationeista praua Leter might seme auctor of scisme Seperate or depart your selues from this crooked and froward generation But what other thinge was this then to make A Scisme or sedition vnto them VVhen cōcord is eucll and Vhen dissentiou is good which vntill that time semed to be knit together by A greable consent emongest them selues but as euery concord and agrement is not good so euery deuisiō or dissent is not euill and as they offende which agree together in it that is euell so they deserue no small praise which disturbe and breake vp such concorde and agrement that they may learne to cōsent vnto the trueth which before did conspire and agree together in lyes The same Rodolphus vvritynge also vpon the same Chapiter sayeth THe Pope calleth hom againe from banishment not only the Iewish ceremonies but also the ceremonies of the Gentiles and he putteth them to death that desiar to enioy the christian lybertie And a little after he sayeth Euangelio omnis in religione imaginum vsus prohibetur quem simul in lege Prophetis damnari certum est In religion all vse of Images is forbydden by the gospell whose vse also is condemned without all doubt in the lawe and the Prophets The same Rodolphus vpon the first Chap. of the Apostoles Actes THere ought nothynge to be preached Reformērt of religion must not bring in superfluous rites abolished or taught in the Church sauynge onely such doctrine as was deliuered by the holy Ghost for the Chirch or cōgregation is the howse of God in the which the voyce of the good man of the howse ought onely to be heard and all thinges ought to be ordered accordinge to his appoinctment And a little after he sayeth we do gather that the Kingdome of GOD ought to be set a broade and defended neither vvith carnall vveapons neither by the strength of the Princes of this vvorlde But with the preachinge of the word wherwith the spirit of Christ vseth for to worke strongly in meus mindes The same Gualterus vpon the xiiij Chap. of the Actes if that the Apostles durst not take vpon them such aucthoritie as to go away from Christes commaundement and to thrust new traditions vnto the Churches doubtles their rashnes and presumption can not in any wise be accused who at this tyme vnder their name and pretence dare so vnshamefastly do it The same Rodolphus vpon the 2. of Sainct Marcke THis is also to be marked VVho are Destroyers of religion that mans traditiones can neither be ioyned neither he made to agree with the gospell And they that go about that purpose do nothinge els but by litle endeauor to ouerthrowe all religion for emongest these there is great discord but where as Christ is allowed who is made vnto vs of God the right wisedome all the wisedome of man must nedes giue place with all his traditiōs And a litle furder he saith As in husbandry hit is conuenient A litle popith leauen mareth all religion that the thornes and brambles shal be first plucked vp by the rootes if thow wilt haue any sede to growe and to bringe forth fruite so except all thynges be taken away euen at once it can neuer bringe forth worthie fruites For of small remnauntes that abide behinde we shall see greate heapes of errors to springe vp wherefore those commaundemētes that were giuen for the pulling downe of Altars breaking of Idoles in peces appeare yet still Which GOD wold so earnesbly to be kept that he wold that the very golde which was sometime consecrated vnto Idoles shold be cast away and be burnt And in diuers places certaine Kynges are reproued and blamed which haue bestowed no euell or small labor in reforminge of doctrine religion because they leafte vnput downe or not destroyed the high places which some called Chapells which before their times were the Shoppes or worke howses of false worshippinge And wold to God there were not now exāples in this oure tyme whych sufficiently teache vs how ieperdous a thynge hit is that there do remaine som remnauntes of instrumentes of olde supersticion for they fetch from hence occasion to sinne whych vnder pretence of the gospell seke theyr owne prosit Keapinge of olde rites maketh Boner and the wicked hope will Furthermore there is giuen hope to men that are supersticious that theyr supersticion shal be restored agayne Which wyth stand the reformation of the Church Therefore all Ministers and Magistrates ought diligently to take heede and marke this sentence of Chryst that wee go not about to sewe the newe or raw cloth of the gospell to supersticions whyche in dede are an olde and a rent garment but let vs vse great diligencie and vnceaseable zeale to ouerthrowe them The same Cualterus vvrytynge vpon the 7. chap. of the Actes of the Apostles THe primitiue church as we see here had her diseases neyther are they lyght trespaffes neyther small faultes which are here rehersed but horrible faultes they put difference betwene Nation and Natiō they are diuided with factions they occupie contention and that not preuely they bewray the bytternes of theyr mindes most wyckedly by theyr murmuryng Therefore we see that the primatiue Church was infected wyth that synne for the which many thowsandes vnder Moyses were ouerthrowne in the Wyldernes The same Gualterus vpon the first chap. of the Actes of the Apostles THerefore it is an vngodly and a tirannicall rashnes of them whych thinke that they may make newe Articles of the fayth and to thrust into the Church traditiōs by the aduise of mans reason ¶ FINIS