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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07100 A discouerie of the manifold corruptions of the Holy Scriptures by the heretikes of our daies specially the English sectaries, and of their foule dealing herein, by partial & false translations to the aduantage of their heresies, in their English Bibles vsed and authorised since the time of schisme. By Gregory Martin one of the readers of diuinitie in the English College of Rhemes. Martin, Gregory, d. 1582. 1582 (1582) STC 17503; ESTC S112358 197,731 362

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gouerne 22 To the diminishing of this Ecclesiastical authoritie in the later end of the reigne of king Henrie the eight during the reigne of king Edvvard the sixt the only translation of their English Bibles vvas Submit your selues vnto al maner ordināce of man vvhether it be VNTO THE KING 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 AS TO THE CHEEFE HEAD 1 Pet. 2. Vvhere in this Queenes time the later translatours can not finde those wordes novv in the Greeke but do trāslate thus Bibl. 1577. 1579. To the king as hauing preeminence or to the king as the Superior Vvhy so because then the King had first taken vpon him this name of Supreme head of the Church and therfore they flattered both him and his sonne til their heresie vvas planted making the holy Scripture to say that the king vvas the Cheefe head vvhich is al one vvith supreme head but novv being better aduised in that point by Caluin I suppose and the Lutherans of Magdeburge Calu. in c. 7. Amos. Magdeb. in praef Cent. 7. fo 9.10.11 vvho doe ioyntly inueigh against such title and Caluin against that by name vvhich vvas first giuen to king Henrie the eight and because they may be bolder vvith a Queene then vvith a king and because novv they thinke their kingdom is vvel established therfore they suppresse this title in their later translations vvould take it from her altogether if they could to aduance their ovvne Ecclesiastical iurisdiction vvithout any dependence of the Queenes supreme gouernement of their church vvhich in their conscience if they be true Caluinists or Lutherans or mixt of both they do and must mislike 23 But hovvsoeuer that be let them iustifie their translation or confesse their fault and as for the kings supremacie ouer the Church if they make any doubt let them read S. Ignatius vvordes Epist 7. ad Smyrnenses who vvas in the Apostles time euen vvhen S. Peter gaue the foresaid admonition of subiection to the king and knevv very vvel hovv far his preeminence extended and therfore saith plainely in notorious vvordes that vve must first honour God then the Bishop thē the king because in al thinges nothing is comparable to God in the Church nothing greater then the Bishop vvho is consecrated to God for the saluation of the vvhole vvorld and c 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 among magistrates temporal rulers none is like the king See his b 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 other vvordes immediatly folovving vvhere he preferreth the Bishops office before the kings and al other thinges of price among men 24 But in the former sentence of S. Peter though they haue altered their translation about the kings headship yet there is one corruption remaining still in these vvordes Submit your selues VNTO AL MANER ORDINANCE OF MAN Vvhereas in the Greeke it is vvord for vvord as in the old vulgar Latin translation omni humanae creaturae 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and as vve haue translated to euery humane creature meaning temporal Princes and Magistrates 1 Pet. 2. v. 13.14 as is plaine by the exemplification immediatly folovving of king and dukes and other sent or appointed by him But they in fauour of their temporal statutes actes of Parliament Proclamations Iniunctions made against the Catholike religion do translate all vvith one consent Submit your selues to al maner ordinance of man Doth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifie ordinance or is it al one to be obedient to euery one of our Princes and to al maner ordinance of the said Princes 25 A strange case and much to be considered hovv they vvring and vvrest the holy Scriptures this vvay and that vvay and euery vvay to serue their heretical procedings For vvhen the question is of due obedience to Ecclesiastical canons and decrees of the Church and general Councels vvhere the holy Ghost by Christs promis is assistant and vvhereof it is said Mat. 18. If he heare not the Church let him be vnto thee as an hethen Publicant and He that heareth you heareth me Luc. 10. he that despiseth you despiseth me there they crie out aloud and odiously terme al such ordinances Mens traditions and commaundements of men most despitefully contemne and condemne them but here for obedience vnto tēporal edictes Patliament-statutes daily enacted in fauour of their schisme and heresies they once malitiously forged and still vvickedly reteine vvithout alteration a text of their ovvne making the Apostle to commaund submission vnto al maner ordināce of man vvhereof hath ensued the false crime of treason and cruel death for the same vpon those innocent men and glorious martyrs that chose to obey God and his Churches holy ordinances rather then mans statutes and lavves directly against the same CHAP. XVI Heretical translation against the Sacrament of MATRIMONIE 1 BVT as they are iniurious translatours to the sacred Order of Priesthod so a mā vvould thinke they should be very frendly to the Sacrament of Matrimonie for they would seeme to make more of Matrimonie then vve doe making it equal at the least vvith virginitie Yet the truth is vve make it or rather the Church of God esteemeth it as a holy Sacrament they doe not as giuing grace to the maried persons to liue together in loue concord and fidelitie they acknovvledge no such thing So that Matrimonie vvith them is highly esteemed in respect of the flesh or to say the best only for a ciuil cōtract as it is among Iewes Pagans but as it is peculiar to Christians and as S. Augustine saith in the sanctification also and holines of a Sacrament they make no account of it but flatly deny it 2 And to this purpose they translate in the epistle to the Ephesians 5. vvhere the Apostle speaketh of Matrimonie This is a great secrete Sacramentū hoc magnū est Vvhereas the Latin Church and al the Doctors thereof haue euer read This is a great Sacrament the Greeke Church and al the fathers thereof This is a great mysterie because that vvhich is in Greeke mysterie 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is in Latin Sacrament contrarievvise the vvordes in both tongues being equiualent so that if one be taken in the large signification the other also as Apoc. 17. I vvil shevv thee the sacramet of the vvoman Sacramentū 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I vvil shevv thee the mysterie of the vvoman and so in sundrie places againe if one be restrained from the larger signification and peculiarly applied signifie the Sacraments of the Church the other also As the Sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ or the Mysterie of the body and bloud of Christ Duo Sacramenta 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the Caluinists in their Latin and Greeke Catechisme say tvvo Sacraments or tvvo Mysteries 3 This being so vvhat is the fault of their translation in the place aforesaid this that they translate neither Sacrament nor Mysterie As for the vvord