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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A53061 Poems, and fancies written by the Right Honourable, the Lady Margaret Newcastle. Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of, 1624?-1674. 1653 (1653) Wing N869; ESTC R17512 154,101 257

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severall tempers make But what is mixt doth of the Four partake Of Aiery Atomes THE Atomes long which streaming Aire makes Are hollow from which Forme Aire softnesse takes This makes that Aire and water neer agree Because in hollownesse alike they be For Aiery Atomes made are like a Pipe And watry Atomes Round and Cimball like Although the one is Long the other Round Yet in the midst a hollownesse is found This makes us thinke water turnes into Aire And Aire often runs into water faire And like two Twins mistaken they are oft Because their hollownesse makes both them soft Of Aire THE reason why Aire doth so equall spred Is Atomes long at each end ballanced For being long and each end both alike Are like to Weights which keep it steddy right For howsoere it moves to what Forme joyne Yet still that Figure lies in every line For Atomes long their 〈◊〉 are like a Thread Which interweaves like to a Spiders Web And thus being thin it so subtle growes That into every empty place it goes Of Earth WHY Earth's not apt to move but slow and dull Is Atomes flat no Vacuum hath ' butfull That Forme admits no empty place to bide All parts are fil'd having no hollow side And where no Vacuum is Motion is slow Having no empty places for to go Though Atomes all are small as small may bee Yet by their Formes Motion doth disagree For Atomes sharp do make themselves a Way Cutting through other Atomes as they stray But Atomes flat will dull and lazy lay Having no Edge or point to make a Way The weight of Atomes IF Atomes are as small as small can bee They must in quantity of Matter all agree And if consisting Matter of the same be right Then every Atome must weigh just alike Thus Quantity Quality and Weight all Together meets in every Atome small The bignesse of Atomes MHEN I say Atomes small as small can bee I mean Quantity quality and Weight agree Not in the Figure for some may shew Much bigger and some lesser so Take Water fluid and Ice that 's firme Though the Weight be just the Bulke is not the same So Atomes are some soft others more knit According as each Atome's Figured Round and Long Atomes hollow are more slacke Then Flat or Sharpe for they are more compact And being hollow they are spread more thin Then other Atomes which are close within And Atomes which are thin more tender far For those that are more close they harder are The joyning of severall Figur'd Atomes make other Figures SEverall Figur'd Atomes well agreeing When joyn'd do give another Figure being For as those Figures joyned severall waies The Fabrick of each severall Creature raise What Atomes make Change T IS severall Figur'd Atomes that make Change When severall Bodies meet as they do range For if they sympathise and do agree They joyne 〈◊〉 as one Body bee But if they joyne like to a Rabble-rout Without all order running in and out Then disproportionable things they make Because they did not their right places take All things last or dissolve according to the Composure of Atomes THose Atomes loosely joyn'd do not remaine So long as those which Closenesse do maintaine Those make all things i' th 〈◊〉 ebb and flow According as the moving Atomes go Others in Bodies they do joyne so close As in long time they never stir nor loose And some will joyne so close and knit so fast As if unstir'd they would for ever last In smallest Vegetables loosest Atomes lye Which is the reason they so quickly dye In Animals much closer they are laid Which is the cause Life is the longer staid Some Vegetables and Animals do joyne In equall strength if Atomes so combine But Animals where Atomes close lay in Are stronger then some Vegetables thin But in Vegetables where Atomes do stick fast As in strong Trees the longer they do last In Minerals they are so hard wedg'd in No space they leave for Motion to get in Being Pointed all the closer they do lye Which make them not like Vegetables dye Those Bodies where loose Atomes most move in Are Soft and Porous and many times thin Those 〈◊〉 Bodies never do live long For why loose Atomes never can be strong There Motion having power tosses them about Keeps them from their right places so Life goes out Of Loose Atomes IN every Braine loose Atomes there do lye Those which are Sharpe from them do Fancies flye Those that are long and Aiery nimble be But Atomes Round and Square are dull and sleepie Change is made by several-figur'd Atomes and Motion IF Atomes all are of the selfe same Matter As Fire Aire Earth and Water Then must their severall Figures make all Change By Motions helpe which orders as they range Of Sharpe Atomes THen Atomes Sharpe Motion doth mount up high Like Arrowes sharpe Motion doth make them flye And being sharpe and swift they peirce so deep As they passe through all Atomes as they meet By their swift motion they to bright Fire turne And being Sharpe they peirce which we call Burne What Atomes make Flame THose Atomes which are Long sharp at each end Stream forth like Aire in Flame which Light doth seem For Flame doth flow as if it fluid were Which shewes part of that Figure is like Aire Thus Flame is joyn'd two Figures into one But Fire without Flame is sharpe alone Of Fire and Flame ALthough we at a distance stand if great The Fire be the Body through will heat Yet those sharpe Atomes we do not perceive How they flye out nor how to us 〈◊〉 cleave Nor do they flame nor shine they cleare and bright When they 〈◊〉 out and on our Bodies strike The reason is they loose and scattered flye And not in Troupes nor do they on 〈◊〉 Like small dust 〈◊〉 which scatter'd all about We see it not nor doth it keep Light out When gathered thick up to a Mountaine high We see them then in solid Earth to lye Just so do Atomes sharpe looke cleere and bright When in heaps lye or in a streaming flight Of Fire in the Flint THE reason Fire lies in Flint unseene Is other Figur'd Atomes lye betweene For being bound and overpowred by A Multitude they do in Prison lye Unlesse that Motion doth release them out With as strong power which make them flye about But if that Flint be beat to powder small To sep'rate the grossest releas'd are all But when they once are out do not returne But seeke about to make another Forme Of the Sympathy of Atomes BY Sympathy Atomes are fixed so As past some Principles they do not go For count the Principles of all their workes You 'le finde there are not many severall sorts For when they do dissolve and new Formes make They still to their first Principles do take As Animals Vegetables Minerals So Aire Fire Earth Water falls Of the Sympathy of their Figures SUch Sympathy there is
WHY that a Coale should set an house on Fire Is Atomes sharpe are in that Coale entire Being strong arm'd with Points do quite peirce through Those flat dull Atomes and their Formes undo And Atomes sharpe whose Forme is made for 〈◊〉 If loose do run to helpe the rest in fight For like as Souldiers which are of one side When they 〈◊〉 Friends ingag'd to rescue ride But Atomes flat where Motion is but slow They cannot fight but strait to Ashes go Of Ashes BUrnt wood is like unto an Army's rout Their Formes undone 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 all about When Atomes sharpe fat Atomes unbinde all Those loose flat Atomes we strait Ashes call The Increasing and Decreasing of visible Fire WHen Fuel's kindled Fire seemes but small That Fuell afterward doth seem Fire all Just like a Crow that on a dead Horse lights When other Crowes perceiving in their flights They strait invite themselves unto that Feast And thus from one to Numbers are increas'd So Atomes sharpe which singly flye about Joyne with the rest to eate the Fuell out And as the Fuell doth increase do they And as it wasts so do they flye away The Power of Fire FIre such power hath of every thing As like to Needle points that peirce the Skyn So doth that Element peirce into all Bee 't nere so hard strong thicke or Solid Ball. All things it doth dissolve or bow or breake Keeping its strength by making others weake Of Burning THE cause why Fire doth burne and burning smarts The reason is of Numerous little parts Which parts are Atomes sharpe that wound like Stings If they so far do peirce into our Skyns And like an angry Porcupine doth shoot His fiery Quils if nothing quench them out Their Figure makes their Motion sudden quicke And being sharpe they do like Needles pricke If they peirce deep * do make our flesh to ake If only touch * the skyn we pleasure take That kinde of paine do we a Burning call For Atomes numerous and very small Do make from Needles point a different touch Whose points are grosse and Numbers not so much Which cannot lye so close and spread so thin All at one time our Pores to enter in The Reason VVater quenches Fire THE Reason Water Fire quenches out Is Atomes round the sharpe put to a rout For when a House is on a Fire set Is Atomes sharpe do in great Armies meet And then they range themselves in Ranks and Files And strive alwaies 〈◊〉 havocke and make spoiles Running about as nimble as may bee From side to side as in great Fire we see But Atomes round do like a rescue come And separate the sharpe which in heapes run For being seperate they have no force Like to a Troope or Regiment of Horse Which when great Canon bullets are shot through They disunite and quite their strength undo So water that is throwne on flaming Fire Doth separate and make that strength expire Of the sound of VVaters Aire Flame more then Earth or Aire without Flame WHen Crowds of Atomes meet not joyned close By Motion quicke do give each other blowes So Atomes hollow which are Long and Round When they do strike do make the greatest sound Not that there 's any thing that moves therein To make Rebounds but that their Forme's more thin For being thin they larger are and wide Which make them apt to strike each others side In larger Bulks encounters are more fierce When that they strike though not so quicke to pierce This is the reason Water Aire and Flame Do make most noise when Motions move the same For Atomes loose are like to people rude Make horrid noise when in a Multitude The reason of the Roaring of the Sea ALL Waters Sphaericall when 〈◊〉 do flow Beat all those sphaericall Drops as they do go So 〈◊〉 do strike those watry drops together Which we at Sea do call Tempestuòus weather And being shpaericall and Cymball like They make a sound when each 'gainst other strike The Agilenesse of VVater WAter is apt to move being round like Balls No points to fixe doth trundle as it falls This makes the Sea when like great Mountaines high The waves do rise it steddy cannot lye But falls againe into a Liquid Plaine 〈◊〉 Winds disturbe them not levell remaine Thus watry Balls they do not 〈◊〉 But sticke so close as nothing is betwixt Of the Center IN Infinites no Center can be laid But if the World has Limits Center 's made For whatsoe're's with Circumference fac'd A Center in the midst must needs be plac'd This makes all Formes that Limit have and Bound To have a Center and Circumference round This is the Cause the World in circle runs Because a Center hath whereon it turnes The Center small Circumference big without Which by the weight doth 〈◊〉 it turne about All sharpe Atomes do run to the Center and those that settle not by reason of the straitnesse of the Place flye out to the Circumference Sharpe Atomes to the Center make a Sun ALL Atomes sharpe to every Center flye In midst of Earth and midst of Planets lye And in those Planets there are Centers too Where the sharpe Atomes with quicke Motion go And to the Center of the Earth they run There gathering close and so become a Sun This is the Axe whereon the Earth turnes round And gives the heat which in the Earth is found A World of Fire thus may we guesse the Sun If all sharpe Atomes to the Center run For why the Sun amongst the Planets round Iust as a Center in the midst is found And 〈◊〉 Stars which give a twinckling Light Are Center Worlds of Fire that shineth bright In the Center Atomes never Separate JUst at the Center is a point that 's small Those Atomes that are there are wedg'd in all They lye so close firme in one Body binde No other 〈◊〉 or Motion can un Winde For they are wreath'd so hard about that point As they become a Circle without joynt * If Infinite VVorlds Infinite Centers IF Infinites of Worlds they must be plac'd At such a distance as between lies waste If they were joyned close moving about By justling they would push each other out And if they swim in Aire as Fishes do In Water they would meet * as they did go But if the Aire each World doth inclose Them all about then like to Water flowes Keeping them equall and in order right That as they move shall not each other strike Or like to water wheels by water turn'd So Aire round about those Worlds do run And by that Motion they do turne about No further then that Motions strength runs out Like to a Bowle which will no further go But runs according as that strength do throw Thus like as Bowles the Worlds do turne and run But still the Jacke and Center is the * Sun The Infinites of
I should be rude Kissing her Garment thin which Fancy made Kneeling upon a Thought like one that pray'd In whispers soft I did present His humble service which in mirth was sent Thus by imagination I have been In Fairy Court and seen the Fairy Queen For why imagination runs about In every place yet none can trace it out A Poet I am neither borne nor bred But to a witty Poet married Whose Braine is Fresh and Pleasant as the Spring Where Fancies grow and where the Muses sing There oft I leane my Head and 〈◊〉 harke To heare his words and all his Fancies mark And from that Garden Flowers of Fancies take Whereof a Posie up in Verse I make Thus I that have no Garden of mine owne There gather Flowers that are newly blowne REader I have a little Tract of Philosophicall Fancies in Prose which will not be long before it appear in the world FINIS AN Eye As Round and Long have As the numbers of Sharpe Atomes do peirce and make way through greater numbers as a Sparke of fire will kindle and burn up a house * These Atomes are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Atomes and half Fiery Long Round Sharpe Flat * This is when some Atomes overpower others by their Numbers for they cannot change their Formes Over power'd 〈◊〉 do so In compasse * In compasse * In compasse * As water will make a wheele to go so 〈◊〉 makes water go * A crosse Motion 〈◊〉 the Circular if there be 〈◊〉 space between The world turns 〈◊〉 two imaginary Poles the Earth upon one the Heavens upon another yet the Earth nor the Heavens could not stir 〈◊〉 no 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 example A wheel could not 〈◊〉 round if the 〈◊〉 were prest 〈◊〉 close and the center on either side * I meane all Rayes in generall of all sorts 〈◊〉 Atomes which move * The Suns Rayes * Concaves draw to a center * 〈◊〉 Atomes shine but sharp Atomes * It seems like a burning coal * Long Atomes sharp at each end * That part of the Earth is darke which is from the Sun * To that part of the Earth the Moone hides * At the Poles Round Atomes are water Sharp Atomes By Gone 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Motion ceases Their Forme doth not dissolve 〈◊〉 at their Death * Life is such kinde of Motion as sharp Atomes * That is when they are separated or their Motion 〈◊〉 and though every Figure hath 〈◊〉 Motions 〈◊〉 to their Shape yet they do not move alwaies alike 〈◊〉 they have one kinde of Motion singly and another kinde when they are united but when they are mixt with other Figures their Motion 〈◊〉 according to their severall mixtures * The sharpe Atomes are like the Teeth of Mice * Not the form of the Atomes but the forme of their Settlement * 〈◊〉 loose Atomes which we perceive not doe run to those which are united in the Coale * Wood is made most of flat Atomes * For severall Formes are according to the 〈◊〉 of Atomes which Formes are undone still by the strongest party When there is no Substance left for sharp Atomes to worke upon they disperse for they seek to undo the composure of all other Atomes When it 〈◊〉 Warmth * They separate the sharp Atomes * When Water is throwne on Fire * When Water is throwne on Fire * The encounters of Bodies make all Sound * Long and round Atomes are more thin theu flat or sharpe by reason they are more hollow and their hollowness makes their Bulk blgger though not their weight heavier * Those Drops ioyning close and even * 〈◊〉 there be Infinites of Worlds then there may be insiuites of Centers although not a Center in 〈◊〉 * The Sun in the midst of the 〈◊〉 which are sharpe Atomes As it were without partition but it is but one They would beat against each other They are 〈◊〉 according to the severall strengths of their motion They turne as they go A Jack Bowle is the marke The severall Elements are at but one matter The Wind. * All things come from God Almighty * When the Sun draws up more Moisture then it can digest it turns to Raine or wind * As it seems to us * As I have before 〈◊〉 they do it 〈◊〉 Atomes Because my Lines are too long for my Rhimes therefore I put them in Prose * Numbers * Fancy * Because 〈◊〉 Poets imitate Homer * The Theft of Poets * There may be more Earths then one for all we know and but one Sun * The Crest in the Wainscot gilt Good Mines are found out by the Birches bowing * Sun Beames * There would be no 〈◊〉 if no Light These Smocks are the daies * The Moon * The five Senses are Natures Boxes Cabinets The Braine her chiefe Cabinet which are Love Verses Natures Cellar 〈◊〉 wine Strong-waters * Flesh and Fish Natures wheele Natures Garden Natures Musicall Instruments Natures Musick Natures Arable and Meadow Natures Horses Natures Ship * In the Aire Clouds move or wave as water in the Sea and Ebb and Flow according to dry or moist weather * A bough is their Haven * A Church As ripe Corne will do with the wind * Here the Ship is taken for a Horse * Five Senses 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 * Which are the 24. Letters of the Alphabet 1 〈◊〉 2 Masquer 3 〈◊〉 * As a 〈◊〉 5 Masquer A Masquer drest with Honour Time * Times Cabinet is Oppertunity The Offerings * The waters run in circulations It was a custome in ancient time to hang their offerings on trees All objects that the Senses bring in are as Merchandises brought from forreign parts When 〈◊〉 are shot from each corner they make 〈◊〉 triangular point upon the 〈◊〉 Vanity Pride Ambition Fame * The under lid