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A12064 A looking-glasse for the Pope Wherein he may see his owne face, the expresse image of Antichrist. Together with the Popes new creede, containing 12. articles of superstition and treason, set out by Pius the 4. and Paul the 5. masked with the name of the Catholike faith: refuted in two dialogues. Set forth by Leonel Sharpe Doctor in Diuinitie, and translated by Edward Sharpe Bachelour in Diuinitie.; Speculum Papæ. English Sharpe, Leonel, 1559-1631.; Sharpe, Edward, 1557 or 8-1631. 1616 (1616) STC 22372; ESTC S114778 304,353 438

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say that the words are shut and sealed vp to the time appointed Who if we grant to haue foretould of the Romane Empire and of Antichrist he will neither much hurt our cause or helpe theirs For if Daniels fourth beast be the state of the Romane Empire and the 10. hornes the tenne Kings among whom it shall bee diuided and the eleuenth horne springing thence be Antichrist assuredly the Pope who is raised out of the fall and ruine of the Empire is Antichrist Here if you please I will consider of all those places alleaged by Bellarmine and search-out how they agree within themselues and how with the text Bellarmine saith that the fourth Empire Bellarmines contradiction which he taketh to be the Romane shall last to the worlds end And yet hee saith that the Romane Empire shall be vtterly destroied before the comming of Antichrist who shall raigne three yeares and a halfe How can hee then alleage it for a truth that the Romane Empire shall last to the worlds end I send this great Chrisippus againe to Aristotles Analytickes whither some time he sendeth others without cause that when he hath reuiewed them he may teach vs how two contradictions can be true at one time The Romane Empire shall last to the worlds end The Romane Empire shall not last to the worlds end for it must haue the finall destruction at the comming of Antichrist who shall raigne three yeares and a halfe Now let vs consider how Bellarmine and Daniel doe agree Many of our age and those very learned who seeme very exactly to search into Daniel do thinke that the fourth Empire which many other without doubt as well learned as they doe take for the Romane Monarchie was the Kingdome of the Seleucides and the Lagides in Siria and Egypt The exposition of the 7. of Daniel as they afflicted Iury hembd in betweene them and therefore designed to be more terrible then the three former because more dangerous to Iury. And that the ten hornes were ten Kings of Siria Egypt who did successiuely oppresse the Iewes and that Antiochus Epiphanes was the tenth and last who more then the rest did plague them most cruelly and that therefore he was the type of Antichrist who should no lesse afflict the Christians and not Antichrist himselfe as Bellarmine dreameth Let vs if you please alledge some of the reasons drawne out of the Text. Reasons th t Antichrist is not properly in Daniel 1 The fourth beast was a kingdome to be abolished before the comming and raigne of the Messias as the Prophet teacheth cap 7. v. 11. 26. 27. which is true of the kingdome of the Seleucides false of the Romane 2. The fourth beast did make warre with the Iewes and did greuously oppresse them did hinder the worship of God not onely before the comming of Christ but before the purging of the Temple and the restoring of the Iewish worship by Iudas Machabeus cap 7. v. 25. 26. 27. which agreeth with the kingdome of the Seleucides not with the Romane 3. Ten hornes and no more did belong to the fourth beast that is ten Kings I will name them anon who did oppresse Iurie with their tyrannie which being vnderstood of seuen Seleucides and three Lagides is very true of the Romanes very false who after they got the gouernment of Iurie were more then ten 4. Besides those Kings did succeed one another orderly in the same kingdome this is true in the seuen Seleucides and three Lagides but not in them who after descended from the Kings in the Rom● Empire who at the same time did raigne in diuers Prouinces as the Aduersarie himselfe confesseth 5. Lastly the Leopard cap. 7. signifying the Graecian Empire is shadowed by the Goate cap 8. which appeares by that that as the Leopard is said there to haue had foure heads so the Goate when his great horne was broken of Alexander foure hornes are said to succeed in his place i. foure Princes among whom the Empire of the Goate was diuided which to the Romane Empire agreeth not but to the Greeke it doth Alexander and his foure Princes For after Alexanders death Ptolomey the sonne of Lagis held Egipt Philip Alexanders brother Macedon Seleucus Nicanor Syria and Babylon Antigonus Asia the lesse these were Alexanders foure Princes as Hierom obserueth If it bee demanded how the two feet prophecied of by Daniel What is ment by the 2 feete and 10. toes which in Bellarmines iudgment doth fitly resemble the Rom Empire diuided into the East and West from whence ten Kings as ten toes did proceede I answer from those foure Princes of Alexander two of them that is Seleucus Nicanor and Ptolomey Lagis were the most potent who brought the other four Kingdomes by mutuall warres vnder their subiection from him the kingdom of the Seleucides and the kingdome of Syria in the North from this the kingdome of the Lagides and of the Kings of Egipt in the South did descend and both these did with their invasions greatly afflict the Iewes placed in the middest These were the two feet which did so miserably trample vpon the Iewes from whence did spring out ten Kings as ten toes which Daniel describeth cap 11. Daniels litle horne who it is for the three Lagides descended from Ptolomie the seuen Seleucides from Seleucus and from thence in the end of the kingdome of the Selcucides ouer the Iewes a litle horne sprouted out cap 7. 9 that is a King with a bold face that is The ten hornes Antiochus ●piphanes the tenth horne cap. 11. properly and liuely described 1 Ptolomie Lagis The first horne of the fourth and namelesse beast Ptolomie Lagis King of the South .i. of Egipt is described v 5. then Seleucus Nicanor the most puissant of Alexanders Princes v 11. 2. Seleucus Nicanor 3. Antiochus So●er 4. An●i●chus Theos the King of the North is the second horne for hee preuailed against Ptolomie and recouered Iurie and all Siria from him and gouerned there himselfe Him did Antiochus Soter the third horne succeed whose sonne Antiochus Theos the fourth horne that he might establish a league betweene himselfe and Ptolomie Philadelphus King of Egipt v 6. tooke Bernice Philadelphus daughter to wife that thereby he might fulfill that part of the Prophecie of the two feet one of yron thother of clay that they should mingle themselues with mans seede and yet should not grow together Dan 2. v. 43. the prophecie was proued true by euent for Antiochus Theos had already Laodice another wife aliue 5. Seleucus Callinicus of whom he begat Seleucus Calinicus the fift horne who slew Bernice her sonne and seruants Antiochus Theos was poysoned by Laodice his wife and Ptolomie v 7. Bernices Father presently after the mariage died for griefe 6. Ptolomie Euergetes But in his place arose Ptolomie Euergetes the sixt horne who being of the same race with Bernice .i. her Brother made warre vpon
distinguish of the proposition and that out of Gods booke which considereth the Church after 2. sorts 1. After the inward truth and the outward profession 2. After the outward profession only As blessed Iohn calleth the Church of Sardis the Church of Christ although it had greeuously fallen from the doctrine of Christ Why so Because as yet it professed the name of Christ and retained the sacrament of Baptisme and because certain lay hid among them who had not polluted themselues So the Church of Rome may bee called the Church of God and of Christ because it professeth the name of Christ because it retaineth certaine footsteps and outward markes of a visible Church as Baptisme the Decalogue the creed The Papists haue the truth as the Philistines had the Arke the Lords Prayer but notes miserably corrupted as the Philistines who retained among them the Arke of Gods presence but they felt it to bee to them the Arke of pestilence as the Cutthites the bastard Israelites who had Moses bookes and would at once feare God and worship Idoles As the Samaritanes their successors who brag'd that they had Iacobs well among them when they had infected the well of the water of life Therefore the Delegates did iustly complaine of the Church of Rome in the Councell of Trent That that was true which God complained by Ieremie This people haue committed two euills one they haue forsaken me the fountaine of liuing water The other they haue digged to themselues cesternes which can hold no water Although I cannot denie that certaine relikes of the inuisible Church doe lie hidden in the same who haue not bended their knee to Baal But as it is said to the Church of Sardis You haue a name that you liue but you are dead that may deseruedly be spoken of the Romish Church in respect of the inward faith the soule of the Church you are starke dead although in outward profession you are said to liue You are called the Temple of God because you reteyne the name of Christ but you are the whore of Babylon because you haue forsaken the faith The temple of God equiuocally not vniuocally for an equiuocall Church is good enough for aequiuocating Christians Now the ten hornes that is the ten Kings haue one purpose as the Angell speaketh to giue ouer his virtue and his power to the beast Her they will serue they will loue and seeke after her her they will susteyne with their forces at her booke they will draw the sword and being confederaed in holy leagues both with the beast and within themselues will fight with the Lambe but after that the Lambe shall by litle and litle begin to weaken and consume Antichrist by the preaching of his word then the ten hornes which before had to doe with the whore shall begin to hate her and leaue her forsaken and naked CHAP. XXII An aduise to Princes to ioyne against the Pope 8 WHich cannot bee said of old but of new Rome whereof a great part of the prophecie is now fulfilled For the Pope hath lost as Bellarmine bemoaneth a great part of Germanie Suetia Gothia Noruegia all Denmarke a good part of England France Heluetia Polonia Bohemia and Pannonia He might better haue said all England and ioyn'd Scotland and Ireland thereto but that he would shew he hath a litle vaine hope in certaine secret and broken relicks of Antichrist among vs. I would to God that as the Kings of Great Britannie with many other great Princes haue cast of the whore A desire that France and Spaine would forsake the Pope so the Kings of France and Spaine would forsake her Rome is more to be feared of them then of our Britaine King whose Crowne is more free whose succession more certaine whose subiects more loyall whose kingdome is more remote and shut vp from popish assaults I would that so mighty Princes this Princes confederates would follow his valour and holines in this point whereby they might wholy fulfill the prophecie It is not for men of meane condition to giue counsell but to make prayers while they expound this so holy and waightie prophecie If not to aduise yet to wish first that those two potent Kings would ioyne with the King of Great Britaine and others those worthy Kings and Princes of the Reformed Church against Antichrist Next that if they doe make a secret league with Antichrist and within themselues against the Kings and Princes of the Reformed Church that all our side would make a holy League with all possible haste and take heed that our neighbours and brethren the Protestants of France and Flanders be not vnawares opprest by them whiles ours neglect them But wee may not make warres with our neighbour Kings But we ought to take heed lest they bring in a very dangerous warre vpon vs. But we must be addicted to peace True which hath no treacherie nor deceipt otherwise an holy warre is to be preferred before a trecherous peace whereto the Holy Ghost doth exhort Kings that with vnited forces they destroy and ouerthrow the whore of Babylon that is Rome as Bellarmine himselfe confesseth CHAP. XXIII The ouerthrow of Rome AS the Angell doth continue his prophecie to the last ouerthrow of the whore which cannot agree with heathenish and imperiall Rome for this ouerthrow doth follow the dissolution of the old Empire and the diuision thereof into ten kingdomes which according to the prophecie would that the whore should first perish afterward themselues should consume and destroy it Therefore this ouerthrow belongeth to Rome that is popish but christian in name as the Angell did notably expound it for whereas shee is said to sit vpon many waters that is many people and many nations as the Angell expounds it ver 15. and whereas the woman is called the great Citie which beareth rule ouer the Kings of the earth ver 18. nothing doth hinder but that it may be popish Rome But that popish Rome is not rightly said to haue gouerment first it is sufficient that Rome then Imperiall is described to be the seate wherein the whore of Babylon shall beare rule afterward Againe they which call her the kingdome of the Romanes Turrianus the kingdome of Priests doe confesse that shee beareth rule who haue very cunningly changed the secular kingdome into a spirituall that which Aquinas the Angelicall Doctor doth obserue Aquinas But so excellent a prophecie did not onely looke into the age then present but foresaw the age long after to follow And therefore the description of the whore is first set out in all her parts as you see and after her destruction which cannot be vnderstood of the burning of Ethnicke Rome by the Gothes and Vandales 10 but by a finall and sodaine destruction as it were a myllstone cast by great force into the sea For it shall not saith the Angell be found againe any more which cannot agree to Ethnicke Rome for after it had receiued
of those ten hornes which in his time had not attained the Kingly soueraignety Daniel speakes of the ten kings of the race of Seleucus and Lagis who by turnes successiuely succeeded one another in the Kingdome Iohn speakes of tenne Kings among whom the Romane Empire was to bee diuided who gouerned at one time in diuers prouinces Daniel tels vs what the little horne which was the tenth did doe to the three next foregoing without mention of the rest Iohn tels vs what the ten hornes shall doe to Antichrist which is not one of the tenne hornes but one of the seuen heads of the Beast Daniels king is a tenth horne pointing out one singular man Iohns king is not to bee accompted an eleuenth horne but a head and signifies not one singleman but a state Daniels tenne hornes rose out of the ruines of the Macedonian Empire Iohns ten hornes out of the ouerthrow of the Romaine Empire So that there is no likenesse betweene Daniels hornes and Iohns Dan. 7.8 but that in either of them they were ten Daniels ten hornes if you consider the chronologie were broken fell off many ages before Iohns ten hornes did appeare that is before they receiued kingly power with the Beast the Romane Empire being destroyed Those ten hornes if you consider cosmographie beare rule in Syria and Babylon out of these ten hornes wherein a certaine number is set for an vncertaine as our men haue prooued one had the Kingdome of France another of Spaine another of Great Britaine and other in other nations and kingdomes Those ten hornes after the captiuity and before the comming of Christ did oppresse Iury scituated betweene them These hornes being conuerted by Christ triumphing in the heauens shall at the last wound and strike thorow that double horned Beast of Rome O cunning Chronologie and skilfull Cosmographie BELLARMINE that can so well distinguish the places and times of each prophesie CICERO did in open place iestingly taxe a certaine Poet Bellarmine well compared who was very foolish in the iudgement of others but very learned in his own that in one place made Euripides and Menander and in another Socrates and Epicurus haue conference together whose liues were seuered not by many yeares but many ages and that he had many Schooles in the world that had as little learning as himselfe He did as wittily sport at other writers who said that Numa was Pythagoras scholler when Pythagoras was borne diuers ages after Numa But another most pleasantly said that by the ignorance of a foolish Historiographer he was made a Babilonian of a Grecian and that his Countrey being cut off from Hellespont with the very wales and towers and people were carried into Mesopotamia These mens ignorance Bellarmine seemeth very well to expresse who brings in Kings of Siria long dead conuersing with many Kings of Europe borne a thousand yeares after transporting Europe into Asia Absurdities out of Bellarmines interpretation and Paris to London and the seates of other Kings and Princes who fell from the Romane Empire together with their subiects into Hierapolis and Babylon That I can hardly refraine from crying out that this learned Historiographer will one day bring to passe that The Parthian shall drinke Araris the German Tygris A man may easily slippe in the mistaking of a yeare or yeares but it is a foule fault to confound an age or ages together which this learned Doctour hath committed But I know his answer that he had rather erre with certaine fathers then hould a truth with vs. Let vs now see the returne of that terrible demonstration fetcht out of Daniels corrupt interpretation If the Romane Empire bee not as yet altogether ouerthrowne Antichrist is not yet come For the destruction of the Romane Empire is a certaine token fore-running the comming of Antichrist as it appeares out of Daniel who speakes neuer a word either of the desolation of the Romane Empire or of the comming of Antichrist But the Romane Empire is not so vtterly ouerthrowne Therefore Antichrist is not yet come The generall ouerthrow of the Romane Empire hee thus proueth out of Daniel If before the comming of Antichrist the Romane Empire be to be diuided into ten Kings whereof none is or is called the King of the Romanes then Antichrist is not yet come For the generall ouerthrow of the Empire is not come because the name remaineth The first is true Therefore the last is true He proueth the assumption out of Daniel What be the two feete and ten toes out of the first vision of the 2. feete and out of the second of the ten hornes of the beast without a name For as two feete haue ten toes which are not feete and as the ten hornes are not the beast so the Romane Empire shall be diuided into ten Kings whereof none is the King of the Romanes O full wittily as hee thinkes But Daniels two feete are not the esterne and westerne Empires of Rome but Ptolomeus Lagis and Seleucus Nicauor Alexanders Princes as I said before And the ten hornes of the beast are not ten Kings rising out of the ruine of the Romane Empire but ten Seleucides as toes springing out of those feete after the destruction of the Macedonian Empire whence foure hornes arose in Alexanders place as I shewed before which fell afterward to bee two feete Hath not Bellarmine prooued the assumption doubtely well out of Daniel But he hath shewed it I warrant you better afterward out of Iohn For those ten hornes in Iohn are ten Kings among whom the Romane Empire is diuided I grant it Neither so shall I loose the cause But that is not set downe by Iohn which Bellarmine addeth whereof none is or is called the King of the Romanes The cleane contrary is set downe by Iohn as I prooued before As the Romane Empire was to be taken away as Paul taught Why the Romane Empire restored so farre forth as it hindered the reuealing and gouernment of Antichrist So a new Empire as the picture of the old was to bee restored of the land-beast chap. 13. i. of Antichrist that the whore of Babylon might sit vpon her backe chap. 17. One of the two heades of the sea-beast i. the westerne Empire of Rome dead in Augustulus reuiued in Charles by the land-beast that is Antichrist got life againe and gathered strength and therefore it was not finally ouerthrowne The image of the first beast recouered life and voice and therefore did not altogether loose her power and name The image of the old Empire got life againe the name remained the thing it selfe perished not but past ouer from the chiefe secular Prince to the chiefe spirituall prince as Aquinas teacheth So as Antichrist was the last state that held the Romane Empire without the name of the Romane Emperour as Bellarmine confesseth Therefore the Pope did transfer the Maiesty and the power of the Romane Empire to himselfe and hath left a
and tell you must bee necessarily made against my Church for you are like to haue Christ himselfe against you in the field I know full well that lately at Rome as often before a cōuenticle of Priests haue bin gathered together by the Pope of Rome and Sathans command to deface and diminish my glory That they tooke counsell wherein the Popish Kings and Princes were in a league confederated among themselues against the Protestant Kings and Princes chiefely against IAMES the King of Great Britanny who concluded the Pope to be Antichrist and as hee rightly inferred Popish Kings and Princes were the members of Antichrist that the common cause were to be maintained by common forces that he sent in his Priests who might prouoke his sons as hee calles them to wage warre against my seruants The Kings therefore of the Reformed Religion haue more neede imposed by Antichrist to fulfill the prophesie and to fight Gods warre and vnite their forces and powers against that double horned Beast the Pope For I thinke that popish Kings haue learnt more wit at the last then to put in execution the bloody and cruell counsell of the Beast They know that the first Beast bore it not scot free whose ten hornes were sayd to bee crowned because it spilt the innocent blood of my seruants For the very same power of the Empire which did condemne mee being borne into the world the Prince of your saluation and fasten mee vpon the crosse the same did endeauour to ouerthrow the Primitiue Church with ten persecutions How I did reuenge the death of my Saints vpon the authors thereof how I did cut off some of the Emperors by mutuall fights how did I comsume the people with continuall plagues how I did deuoure the cities with floodes and earth-quakes how I strucke and dispersed whole armies with thundrings and lightnings cast from heauen their stories doe well declare As many creatures as I had so manie viols I had of my raging wrath which I powred out vpon mine and my seruants enemies But some of you will saie Those were Pagans that did kill and Christians that were killed wee are Catholikes which doe punish they are heretickes which are punished They are as certainly hereticks as you are Catholiks You Catholiks I wold you were Christians they be not words but deeds must make this good You carrie the name of Christ I confesse but you plaie the Pagans vnder the name of Christ Are they heretickes True as I am an hereticke that call all things to the rule of the Word But Antichrist doth alleadge Scripture also true as the Diuell did alleadge them misvnderstood Who as he enticed the Iewes to kill me shadowed out and promised in the Propheticall Scriptures to bee the Messias so he hath moued manie Catholikes in name in truth most hereticall heretickes the bond slaues of Antichrist to burne both my seruants and their books and they blot out as much as lay in them by their cunning and their power the faith and the Church whose quarrell I often reuenged with a high hand stretched from heauen I will giue you one notable example After that the Counsell of Constance had condemned to the fire those two my seruants Hu● and Hierome the Pope sent two Erinnes into Germanie the Cardinall of Winchester and the Cardinall of Saint Angelo who when they had called backe Sigismund the Emperour from making warre against the Turkes they incited him to beare armes against the Bohemians the new professours of my Gospell and brought into the field three other great Germane Princes with all their forces will you heare the issue of their whole fight passage The Bohemians leuy an armie come into the fielde strike vp the alarum they had scarce come to handy gripes but the King and the Princes being stroke with a causlesse suddaine feare in their rage crying out to their souldiers to stand to it and fight did cowardly and beastly flie away fiue times they made inrodes into Bohemia and fiue times they were discomfited And so not long after three seuerall Popes the Authors of this tragedy and those two diuilish Cardinalls not without great shame and sorrow came to a fearefull end In all which occurrences hee that doth not behold the hand of God is blinde he that doth not feare it is wicked I passe ouer that inuincible Spanish Armado which being gathered together by the instigation of Priests was dispersed by the windes swallowed vp by the seas and brought to confusion by the hand of God What do you thinke that Gods hand is shortened or doe you thinke that God hath left off to defend his seruants Infinite be the examples of Gods power which God hath shewed both in former ages and often in this present age in the defence of the Church against her mightiest enemies Let thinges to come be taught by things past And if those former tyrants or those that followed had gone vnpunished for their wickednesse there had beene cause for Antichrist with all his faction to haue reioyced in their sinne there had beene some reason that the Kings of the earth had promised to themselues impunitie who had bestowed all their might in building vp and enlarging the Kingdome of the two horned beast Now that I haue first crackt and broken to peeces the ten crowned and bloody hornes and after haue scattered both by land and sea the smokie slaues of the second beast what at last shall become of Antichrist is declared in the sixt seale But what in the mean time may Antichrists souldiers hope for who being set on fire by these fire brandes did turne all their forces to do mischiefe I doe aduise you therefore yee popish Kings and Princes that ye depart out of Babylon as fast as you can then that being conuerted to me you make warre with vnited forces in the quarrell of the Church against Antichrist at least that you giue no eare to these Syrenes or Erinnes which will bring destruction both to your soules and bodies On my word the Byshoppe of Rome and the great Antichrist are termes conuertible The decree of God standes fast for euer that the Byshoppe shall be consumed by those Kings by whom he was adored You cannot serue mee and the Pope with whom peace being made by you see if it be not to be called peace rather then a compact of slauerie From whence if I cannot drawe the popish Kings and Princes I will for all that warne you yee Kings and Princes Protestants that you preferre a holy warre before a wicked league with the Pope and think those armes to be holy when there is no hope left but in armes And take heede that being deceiued with an opinion of a false peace you bee not on a suddaine brought to ruine I wish you may bee at peace with neighbour Kings and neighbour Kings with you but at no hand haue peace with the Romane Antichrist Why so it is wicked it is dangerous it cannot hold