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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07333 The victorious reigne of King Edvvard the Third Written in seven bookes. By his Majesties command. May, Thomas, 1595-1650. 1635 (1635) STC 17719; ESTC S112550 75,194 204

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plague to earth I cannot feare When I behold your manly faces here Brave friends and souldiers To your valours now Let our deare land a greater safety owe Than e're she did to one successefull fight Nor let the fame of English Edward fright Your thoughts at all Fortune has done for him Enough already and it well may seeme Since blinded he maintaines so curs'd a cause That she her favour from that Prince withdrawes The King had done when all the Spanish troops Inflam'd with love of fight and fill'd with hopes A strong desire to heare the signall shew All wish to dye should what they feare be true From every part confused showts are sent And both the hoasts with passions different Together joyne th'auxiliary troops Of France are filled with revengefull hopes To make the English in that bloody day For all their conquests and proud trophees pay The English bold by former battels wonne And to maintaine their fame come fiercely on As strong resolves the eager Spaniards bring Here to establish their new-crowned King And by one prosperous fight for ever free Their wretched land from Pedro's tyranny Great is the fury high the cause is try'd Deepe the engagements lye on either side Both armies mighty in their numbers one In prowesse t'other nor had Spaine e're knowne Although of mighty warres so oft the stage Though there th' old Punicke and the Roman rage So long were seene while fortune doubted yet Which land to make the worlds Imperiall seat Two nobler Hoasts than in that tryall fought And yet this storme so blacke so tragicke brought This one sad comfort that it could not last But all the warre when this great field was past The wretched people hop'd would quite expire Spaine could not bleed so long nor feed the fire So oft with fuell to protract her fate As rich but haplesse France had done of late Against the formost English battell there Which Iohn of Gaunt the Duke of Lancaster Brought up does Bertram of Clesquy advance With all th'auxiliary troops of France There hot and furious the encounter growes No where does Death more freely deale his blowes No part of all the field more stain'd with blood As there the warre began it longest stood And various Fortune longest doubted where To give her favours Youthfull Lancaster Came bravely on in that dayes fight to winne His maiden fame and Bertram that had beene Not many yeeres before in Brittaines warre By famous Chandois taken prisoner The Banner of his ancient foe had seene ' Gainst which he prest with eager hopes to winne From him the honour he had lost againe While slaughter'd bodies strew the purple plaine With Fate farre different did Don Tello draw Against Prince Edward's maine Battalia His forces up though strong that body were And well dispos'd for charging did appeare With Speares in front so strongly fortifi'd Yet there alas King Henry's haplesse side 'Gan first to faile nor could Don Tello long Endure the fierce encounter of so strong And expert souldiers as the Prince had brought Who in so many prosperous fields had fought And in all feats of warre so well were try'd Their fatall taske the strong-nerv'd Archers ply'd So fast that soone the ranke of Speares was broke And routed so that they the field forsooke The rest left naked when the Speares were gone Are by the Gascoigne Horsemen trampled on And now the warres whole fury 'gan to draw Vpon King Henry's great Battalia And was from thence with equall fury met So much the Spaniards on that day had set Their Countries future fortunes and their owne In that Battalia from their slings were throwne Such mortall stones as seem'd awhile to be Aequivalent to th'English Archery But could not prove at last so strong an ayd There stucke the warre there Edward's fortune stay'd There various feats of hardy armes were wrought So many thousand hands to fight were brought Nor did the Common souldiers onely there The toyles of warre and brunt of dangers beare But highest Chiefetaines playd the souldiers parts And through the battell with couragious hearts Their passage made there sterne Don Pedro fought And to the ground that day had many brought Pleas'd now he seem'd he might with honour doe What by his nature he was prompted to Shed human blood Most eager was his spite His visage blacke He that had seene him fight And kill so fast would have suppos'd that from Th' infernall caves the Prince of night had come To worke on earth the ruine of mankind But not content with vulgar deaths his mind Had Fortune suffer'd chiefly aym'd to meet His brother Henry there No blood so sweet As his could be to Pedro's cruell thought So when of old the Argive Princes fought ' Gainst fatall Thebes in Polynices right The banish'd Prince could with no other fight Nor Tragedy be pleas'd but through the presse Still sought his brother proud Eteocles Vntill at last in spite of Piety They meet in field and Fate so cruelly Ballanc'd their impious strengths that both were slaine Yet both did guilty Conquerours remaine Nor did King Henry in his thoughts decline The sad encounter Had the Power Divine But let them meet the like perchance had beene And Spaine as much as fatall Thebes had seene There through the midst the terror of his foes Like Mars himselfe renowned Edward goes White Victory still o're his standard slew As if no other name but his she knew And he in warre did guide the wheele of Fate The glittering swords that shone so bright of late Are quickly all distain'd with purple gore And all the field with slaughter cover'd o're Mischiefe and fury reign'd Deaths groning sound The Trumpets noyse and showts of souldiers drown'd But long the heartlesse Spanish troops how-e're Great were their numbers and their quarrell deare Could not the prowesse of the English bide Which when alas unhappy Henry spy'd And that their rankes they 'gan forsake apace With restlesse industry from place to place He rides to breath into his fainting men Fresh vigour and restore the fight agen He cryes aloud oh friends oh souldiers why Doe you forsake so neare a victory One stroke will finish what is done almost There is no safety when this field is lost For swords why seeke you gibbets and above A noble death an ignominious love With such sad speeches did the eager King Renew the fury of the fight and bring His fainting souldiers on that bloody grew The day againe till th' English spirits anew Collected charg'd their rally'd foes so sore That soone the Spaniards routed as before Into disorder'd flight began to fall Although no office of a Generall Did Henry leave undone Thrice did he stay His vanquish'd men from flight and thrice that day Restore the desperate field but all in vaine Nor did the Fates in justice then ordaine That he should be the Conqueror one fight Must needs be lost to prove Don Pedro's right And raise Prince Edward's fame Then
must he gaine That Crowne when England has abandon'd Spaine b And now the day beyond all hope is lost On Henry's side and that great numerous hoast Fly in amazement and themselves expose Without resistance to the conquering foes While many thousands as they thronging flye From English weapons in the river dye That flowes by Naveret whose streame affords As many deaths almost as Edward's swords Sad Henry though his heart disdaines to flye Yet since reserv'd for Royall dignity By kinder Fates hereafter yeelds to flight And though sore wounded in the fatall fight Vpon his Iennet mounted leaves the field By this the French Battalia's that bad held The longest out and first encounter'd where Stout Bertram fought ' gainst Iohn of Lancaster Are quite consum'd and weltring in their blood Cover the place where late they fighting stood Their Chiefes enforc'd to yeeld and Bertram there Againe by th' English taken prisoner Sterne Mars his taske had to the utmost done Nor e're had Spaine beheld a Garland wonne With more renowne or conquest more compleat Than in this famous field of Naveret Blacke Edward purchas'd nor could ought allay The lasting fame of that victorious day Save that the Prince his noble valour lost On such a cause that so much blood it cost To raise a wicked Tyrant and againe Advance Don Pedro to the Throne of Spaine Annotations upon the seventh Booke a Prince Edward by the common consent of all brought into Spaine an Army consisting of thirty thousand English Gascoignes and other strangers being for the number of themesteemed as expert souldiers as any in the world The cast companies of English which had served in so many famous exploits under himselfe and King Edward his father upon this occasion came in to serve him King Henry of Castile had a great Army for besides the French which served him under the conduct of Bertram of Clesquy and were in number about foure thousaad men at Armes besides many other loose troopes hee had of Spaeniards Saracens and others above fourescore thousand When it came to Battell Prince Edward obtained a compleat victory the slanghter considering so great a victory was not much for the Spaniards were too soone routed and did not in their owne deare quarrell behave themselves so stoutly as their French auxiliaries did But there were slaine of them besides five hundred Gentlemen of quality above seven thousand of the common souldiers Of the English side were slaine of men of quality but foure Knights two Gascoignes one Almaine and the fourth an English-max and of common souldiers about sixteene hundred as some write though Froissard saith not above forty but the other number is more credible considering how fiercely the battell was fought as all agree There were taken Prisoners to the number of two thousand and among them the Earle of Dene Sir Bertram of Clesquy the Marshall Dandrehen and many other men of name b After this great victory Prince Edward at Burges seated the tyrant Pedro in his Throne againe and for so great a merit the promised recompenee is required by the Prince which Don Pedro could not or cared not to provide but starving him with delayes enforced him in the end to returne to Burdeaux without money to pay his Army and which was worse without health which he never after recovered Some Hystorians report that hee was poysoned in Spaine others say it was a Dropsie of which the Prince never could bee after cured Such was the successe of this unfortunate action undertaken to right an ungratefull Tyran● who afterward notwithstanding was againe dispossessed taken and put to death by his brother Henry But the affaires of England did wonderfully suffer from that time The Prince to pay his souldiers who were not able to stay Don Pedro's leisure coyned his Plate and when all would not serve he fell upon a worse mis-fortune to cure a present want with a greater and more durable losse seeking to lay upon his subiects in Gascoigne a new taxation which bred a most dangerous revolt namely the imposition of Fevage or Chimney money which so discontented the people that they exclaime against the government of the English and appeale to the King and Court of France for redresse The King of Fran●e at the instance of divers great Lords although by the Articles of accord at Brettigny hee were bound to quit all homage for the ●utchy of Aquitaine which he might claime of the English entertaines their complaint and sends to the Prince of Wales at ●urdeaux summoning him to answer before him and his Court at Paris concerning these matters The Lords of Arminiague D'Albret Peregot Cominges and many others made their protestations against the King of England for the Crowne of France alleaging that they were by nature to obey that and not a strange Soveraigne that it was absolutely against the fundamentall law of the kingdome to dissever them from the Crowne that the Contract was made in prison and therefore by the right of Nations not to obliege therefore they utterly disclaim'd the government of England By their example the Cities of the County of Ponthieu which was King Edward his undoubted inheritance revolted all to the French King King Edward complained of this breach of Accord to the Pope and other Christian Princes but treaties availed little the English side when the French hearts were weary of their yoake and resolved to returne to their old obedience From this time being the 42 yeare of King Edward's reigne the tide of Fortune was turned from the English to the French side Edward the Renowned Prince of Wales was sicke of a lingring malady and not able to endure the travell of Warre and old King Edward was mis-led in England by evill servants which caused disquiet in Parliaments and many distempers in the State at home All these occasions were politikely looked into by Charles surnamed the Wise King of France who though forewarned by his father and Grandfathers mis-fortunes he never would venture any pitch'd battels against the English for there were divers Armies sent over from hence after that time but returned fruitlesse as the Chronicles will informe you yet hee omitted no opportunities of recovering his kingdome by secret solicitations large promises and other wary practises by which as also some fortunate skirmishes of Bertram his best servant hee recovered all before the death of King Edward except the Towne of Calleis onely Those eminent victories and great actions by which the English had gained so much of France have beene the subject of this Historicall Poem the particular revolts flye practices and petty actions by which insensibly it was lost againe you may read distinctly in the Chronicles at large FINIS
sustein'd in sorrow and dismay Bewailing France and cursing that sad day He tack'd about to be in safety gone But by the warlike Earle of Huntington The Southerne Admirall so sore was chas'd And hard-beset he was enforc'd at last By secret flight almost alone to goe A sad reporter of so great a blow Blacke night now challeng'd her alternate reigne S●●● soone enough to hide that tragicke staine Which on the blushing face of Neptune lay Not soone enough to part the mortall fray Warres raging fire was spent the fuell gone And all that Mars could doe already done Nor would great Edward then approach the shore But make the Oceans bosome which before Had beene the stage of his victorious fight To be his lodging field whilest all the night Drums beat and Trumpets to the havens nigh Proclaime his great and noble victory But when the rosie morning gan appeare With joy to welcome his arrivall there The towne of Sluce prepares while all along The haven people numberlesse doe throng To view the face of that Heroicke King And all the shores with acclamations ring At last great Edward lands and waited on By all the noblest Burgers of the towne And English Lords in triumph takes his way To Gaunt where his belov d Queene Philip lay With such expressions of true state and love Did white-arm'd Iuno meet triumphant Iove When from the Gyants warres he came as she Her Lord return'd from this great victory With her at Gaunt remain'd the greatest States Of Netherland and best confoederates King Edward had for his great warre in hand The Dukes of Brabant and of Gelderland With Heinaults Earle his comming did attend And Iames of Artevile his constant friend Whose power had drawne those people to his side There all their leagves are firmely ratifi'd While happy Gaunt is proud to entertaine So brave a Monarch with his noble traine But much more proud that she had beene the place Of birth to one faire branch of Edward's race Young princely Iohn who thence shall take his name And lend the towne in liev eternall fame Annotations upon the second Booke a This great battell of Halydon hill a place neere Berwick was tought in the sixt yeere of the reigne of King Edward the third of England and the second of King David of Scotland who being then a childe remained in France and Archimbald Dowglas Earle of Argus governed the realme of Scotland for him the English army was led by King Edward himselfe in person that of Scotland by the forenamed Earle of Angus Regent of the Kingdome in this battell the Scots received a great overthrow although the writers of those times doe much disagree about the number of those that perished in the vanquished army the Scottish Histories allowing foureteene thousand the English naming aboue thirty thousand but howsoever it were by this victory Berwicke was gained to the Crowne of England b This Robert of Artois was a Prince of the blood of France descended from Robert Sonne to Lewis the eight there had beene a suit betwixt the said Robert and Maud his Aunt Countesse of Burgundy about the Earledome of Artois Robert presuming upon his owne power and the service he had done King Philip in advancing him to the Crowne for Robert of Artois was at the first a great maintainer of Philips title against Edward of England forges a deed thereby to overthrow his Aunts right which being afterwards discovered made her right the more and moved the French King to give judgement on her side so that the County of Artois was by Parliament confirmed upon Maud which so offended Robert as in his rage he openly said hee would unmake the King by the same power that he had made him This rash threatning so incensed the King that he presently layed to apprehend him but failing therein he proclaimed him Traitour confiscated his estate forbidding all his Subjects to receive or aide him Robert of Arto is being thus distressed comes over into England is joyfully entertained by King Edward made of his Councell and invested in the Earledome of Richmond where hee becomes a great incendiary betweene the two Kings discovering to King Edward the secrets of France and disapproving now of King Philips title upon which a Declaration is published and sent to the Pope and all the neighbour Princes shewing the usurpation of Philip de Valois upon the Crowne of France c There was among the Flemmings one Iaques de Artevile a Citizen of Gavnt of great estimation among the people he was their Leader and Tribune as it were in all their tumults him King Edward gets by great rewards to take his part and thereby had them all ready to assaile the French King upon any occasion This Iaques though a man of meane condition was an usefull friend to England whose death happening about seven yeeres after for in a tumult his braines were beaten out was much lamented by King Edward d This Robert King of Cicily as Collenutius and other Neopolitan writers testifie was a learned Prince and much renowned for his skill in Astrology hee was about this time saith our Froissard at Avignion with Pope Benedict where he declared to the Pope by his skill what great warres and blood-shed was like to be and lamented the miseries of France That report of Froissard gave ground to this discouse in the Poem e This Navall fight which is here at large described in the Poem was out of doubt the greatest that ever had been vpon these narrow Seas the numbers were many the fight was cruell and the slaughter exceeding great The French Navy by consent of most writers consisted of 400 saile the English consisted according to some authors of 200 saile according to others of 200. to others of 300. although Froissard report that the Frenchmen were foure to one English which may be thought too much oddes to be beleeved for the French in those dayes had good Sea-men but the slaughter was exceeding great and the victory as compleat on the English side as could be imagined for very few of the French ships escaped home but were either sunke or taken and 30000 of their men flaine of the English those writers that report most have mentioned but 4000. THE REIGNE OF KING EDWARD THE THIRD The third Booke Argument III. Atruce ' twixt France and Englands Kings is made The Garter f●unded Edward dooes invade King Philip's lands the warre 's to tryall brought And that renowned field of Crescy fought A Wound so mortall had enfeebled France By Sea receiv'd she could no more advance Her colours there no more had she or veine To bleed or spirits left to strive againe What now remaines of this lovd-threatning warre The Continent alone must feele as farre As Tourney fill'd with high and wealthy hopes Victorious Edward leads his cheerefull troops Augmented lately with new-mustred bands Of his confederates in the Netherlands That towne is first enobled by his stay Iudg'd worthy to be made the
Nor now can silver-winged Peace againe As earst at Tourney and Malstroict shee did Th' enraged troops without death's stroke divide But fierce Enyo chas'd from thence away Without controllment claimes this fatall day Darke grew the troubled ayre as if it strove Within the souldiers furious breasts to move A sad presage of what would then ensue Nor longer could the golden Phoebus shew His cheerefull face The lightnings flashy light And loudest claps of thunder ' gan affright The darkned welkin which in teares apace Dissolv'd to fall upon the tragicke place Another darknesse more portentous rose Ore both th' amazed camps Whole sholes of Crowes And croaking Ravens that obscure the skye From all the neighbouring fields to b Crescy flye As thicke as Cranes in winter that forsake To drinke warme Nile the frozen Strymons lake And muster there themselves in hope to prey Vpon the slaughter of so great a day From these ostents are deepe impressions wrought The souldiers fancies as each breast is fraught With passions various variously surmise Presaging murmurs through all parts arise In some the thirst of fight encreast in some Appear'd the palenesse of a death to come Yet none so much on their owne danger thought As they divin'd after this field was fought About their Kings and Nations changed fate Nor had they time to feare their private state 'Twixt both the Marshals one on either side Through every battell did great Edward ride Whose royall presence with fresh vigour fill'd The souldiers cheerefull bosomes and exil'd Even from the coldest hearts all thoughts of feare No long perswasive Oratory there Did that short time afford or Edward need Few exhortations serv'd that did proceed From such a Prince He briefly bids them crowne That day their Nations honour and their owne And sets before the common souldiers eyes How great how glorious was their valours prize How many Princes wealthy spoyles would be The recompence of that dayes victory But when approaching Philip had beheld His English foes embattell'd in the field And that the warre admitted no delay He vainely joy'd to see the wish'd for day That might redeeme the honour France had lost And straight drew on his rich and numerous hoast In which so many severall Nations fought By their owne Soveraignes there in person brought And now those forraigne Princes every where With fitting language briefly 'gan to cheere Their armed Subjects that in this dayes fight As well their Countries honour as the right Of Philip lay that all great France would fame And thanke their conquering hands how great a shame It were for them to shrinke in such a warre To which for honour they had come so farre And left their dearest pledges whom if they Againe would see it in their valours lay But most does Philip his French troops excite As most of all engaged in the fight By natures lawes and all the love they beare To their deare native soyle whose freedome there Or shamefull conquest into question came That 't was a staine already to the name Of France a petty King that claime durst make Or their great kingdomes conquest undertake Which they must wipe off by their valours now And for his pride chastise th' ambitious soe That easie 't was to doe since Edward's power So few in number not one hand ' gainst foure Of fighting men was able there to show And to revenge their fellow souldiers now Who neere to Sluce on Neptune's watery Maine Had beene before by English Edward slaine With such like speeches all their hearts are fir'd And now a signall every where desir'd Which given on both sides a lowd shout arose And Death began to deale his fatall blowes Farre off at first his winged message flyes While the strong-armed English Archer plyes His bloody taske while Genoan Crossebowes backe Returne their fury and the ayre growes blacke With shafts as erst with winged fowle it did The English Vangard which Prince Edward led 〈◊〉 in the figure of an herse came on ' Gainst which the furious Charles of Alanson K●●g Philip's brother with Bohemia's King The strength of all the Chevalry did bring But ●re the horse came on in full carriere The Genoan Crossebowes that stood formost were To powre their stormes of fury on the foe But there began the fatall overthrow Of that huge Army For the late great fall Ofraine although it did no hurt at all To the English bow-strings spoyl'd the Genoans quite And made their Crossebowes uselesse in the fight Who weary'd with their mornings march so farre And griev'd with dis-respect had tane no care How to preserve their strings Which seeing on On Chevaliers cryes hot Count Alanson And o're yon lazy Genoans bellies make Your way to victory let souldiers take The Van from uselesse beasts With that they ride Vpon them furiously by their owne side The wretched Genoans are trod downe and slaine But nothing by that act the horsemen gaine For o're their bodies some are tumbled downe The rest that stand in that confusion Are gall'd with arrowes that uncessant flye From th' English fresh and gallant Archery Which did almost the whole Battalia rout The whiles the dying Genoans round about Might see before their latest gaspe of breath Their owne revenge wrought in the Horsemens death And for the wrong which their owne side did doe And quickly righted by the valiant foe But loth farre off t' endure the Archers force Count Alanson with his approaching horse Within Prince Edward's battell strives to bring The fight and thither th' old Bohemian King With his brave troope does even-ranked ride Whose reines are all fast to each other ty'd As if they meant to mow the enemy By squadrons downe So chained Bullets flye And sweepe a field as those Bohemian horse Close-link'd together came And now their force Within the Archers formost ranke had got There the encounter growes more closely hot There battell-axes swords and lances stand There foot to foot and furious hand to hand The men at Armes maintaine a constant warre And now Prince Edward's battell too too farre Began to be opprest to succour whom The second battell of the English come In which with other Lords Northampton stood And all too little in this scene of blood That succour seemes to be Vp to the hill On which King Edward with his battell still Vntouch'd kept stand the Lords have sent to crave Ayd for the Prince in this sad storme but have This answer past their expectation made While hee 's alive send not to me for ayd T is he must weare this honour nor will I Be Edward's rivall in the victory Or feare so much his danger to step in And seize those Bayes which he alone will winne From this Heroike answer of a King In every bosome did fresh vigour spring That answer might have wrought despairing feare But that young Edward and the Nobles there The worth and wisdome of the King did know And he their spirits whom he sent it
to Now does the day grow blacker then before The Swords that glister'd late in purple gore Now all distain'd their former brightnesse lose Whilest high the tragicke heape of slaughter rose Swords meeting swords and breaking lances sound Clattering of armed breasts that fall to ground And dying souldiers groanes are onely heard Horror in all her saddest shapes appear'd But long the fury of a storme so strong Could not endure nor Fortune waver long In such a tryall but at last must show Which way her favours were decreed to goe The English Swords with slaughter reeking all At last had carved in the Frenchmens fall Their way to victory who now apace Are beaten downe and strew the purple place Where like their owne pale-fading Lillies lye The flower of all the French Nobility What Muse can in this field of death declare Each private wound each fate particular Or pay the severall obsequies to all ' Mongst common souldiers slaughter'd Princes fall 'Twixt whom Death takes away the distance now While in one streame their bloods commixed flow There Alanson striving to cure in vaine The wound of France is beaten downe and slaine There dyes Majorca's King who from his home So farre had sail'd to find a forraigne tombe And dearely that alliance which he thought So safe to him in this fierce battell bought Lewis Earle of Flanders that to Philip's state Had beene so constant a confaederate Whom no conditions to King Edward's side Could ever draw on Edward s weapons dy'd Sealing in blood his truth to France to lye A wailed part of her calamity There Savoy's Duke the noble Amy lay Weltring in gore arriv'd but yesterday At Philip's haplesse Campe as short an ayd As Rhaesus prov'd to falling Troy betray'd The first sad night and by Tidydes hand Slaine e're his Steeds had graz'd on Trojan land Or drunke at all of Xanthus silver streame But most the warrelike Monarch of Boheme Old Lewis was fam'd Who on that honour'd ground Chain'd to the formost of his troops was found And charging at the head of all was slaine His cold dead hand did yet that Sword retaine Which living erst it did so bravely weild His hopefull sonne young Charles had left the field When he perceiv'd that Fortune quite was gone To Edward's side His Father blood alone Was too too great a sacrifice to be Bestow d on France whose dying valiancy Made all men more desire his Sonne to live And that the branch of such a tree might thrive There was the Noble Bourbon there Lorraine Aumall Nevers and valiant Harcourt slaine In vaine had Philip now whose Princely soule In all those deaths did bleed strive to controll By highest valour what the Fates would doe Wounds not in mind alone but body too Vnhorsed twice did th' active King receive As much asham'd no blood at all to leave In such a field although enforc'd to part Himselfe from thence at last his strugling heart Is to necessity content to yeeld And flyes with speed from that unhappy field With whom the Frenchmen all the fight forsake And o're the Countrey flight disordred take By this had Night her sable mantle spred Vpon the earth by whose protection fled The vanquish'd French with more security A most compleat and glorious victory The English had obtain'd yet would not now Dis-ranke themselves to chase the flying foe But in that field which they alone possest Resolve to give their weary'd bodies rest Till mornings light display those wealthy spoyles That must reward the conquering souldiers toyles Now great King Edward from the Windmill hill Came downe where his untouch'd Battalia still Had stood till all the fight below was done And in his armes embrac'd his armed Sonne Who now with blood and sweat was all distain'd Then gratulates his early honour gain'd In such a field of danger joy'd to see His blooming yeares thus flesh'd in victory Well did that day presage the future glory And martiall fame of this great Prince whose story With admiration after-times shall heare Like miracles his conquests shall appeare In France atchiev'd nor shall that kingdome bound His Swords great deeds whose fame shall farther sound And royall trophees of blacke Edward's praise Beyond the Pyrenaean mountaines raise Next morne mists fatall to the French arose To Crescy field where their encamped foes Stood now refresh'd were many troops of France Discerning not the former battels chance Like sacrifices come and fell there more Then had beene flaine in all the fight before Victorious Edward for so great a day To God's high Throne on bended knees did pay His true and humble thankes and briefly then Commend the worthy service of his men Who now the spoyles of that rich Army share As just reward of their victorious warre Annotations upon the third Booke a King Edward taking Caranton protested openly that he sacrificed it to the memory of these Gentlemen who had the yeere before beene uniustly massacred by King Philip and their heads now were standing upon the gates of that unhappy towne For King Philip of France the yeare before perceiving that a terrible tempest of warre was likely to fall upon him out of England waxed cruell in his iealousie and put sundry principall men of Normandy Picardy and Guyenne to death for no other crime but that they were English in affection Among whom are reckoned Sir Oliver de Cli●●on Baco Persie and Geoffrey of Malestroict Knights of the best note Sir Godfrey of Harecourt brother to the Earle of Harecourt a man once in high favour with King Philip being upon this occasion also summoned to Paris fled to King Edward into England and became another Robert of Artois for his valour and counsels at this present invasion of France did much advantage King Edward's atchievements though two yeares after he forsooke the English and returned againe to the obedience of Philip his naturall Lord. b This great battell of Crescy where King Edward obtained so full and wonderfull a victory is at large recited in the Poem and therefore little shall need here to bee spoken of it but onely of the numbers which fought or dyed on both sides The English Army by generall consent of almost all Authors consisted of 30000. The French according to those that speake least together with their auxiliaries were about 60000. But many Authors of good credit report their number twice as many others agree upon an hundred thousand Upon that Saturday being the 26 of August 1346 when this great battell was fought the slaughter was great on the French side for none were taken to mercy upon that day for the Conquerors thought it not safe for themselves to take any Prisoners But the next morning presented new worke for a great mist arose that men could hardly see the distance of an acre of ground from them when as many troops of Frenchmen from Roan Beavicois and other Cities comming to joyne themselves with King Philip and not hearing of his discomfiture together with great
praise Then Marius triumphs or great Pompey's Bayes My ransom'd King home to his Kingdome send And these so bloody jarres and bootlesse end Strive not ' gainst Fate With that she vanished While Edward wak'd lay musing on his bed A messenger arrived at the tent That from his sister Scotland's Queene was sent Who su'd for her beloved Lord's release Great Edward gan relent and termes of peace Resolv'd t' embrace fates onely did ordaine That David there a prisoner should remaine Till he in woes a partner find and see A greater King in that captivity That weighing well the losse of potent France He may the more excuse warres fatall chance Past Touraine now the Prince of Wales was come And through Poictou to Burdeaux marching home After so many great atchievements done So many Townes and stately Cities wonne His men enrich'd the French endammag'd more Then all th'incursions that had beene before Could make them feele when th' open hand of warre Though uncontroll'd it let him passe so farre Beside Poictiers presents it selfe to stay This youthfull Lion and redeeme the prey Or else kind Fortune thought the prey to be Too meane for her blacke Edward's dignity Nor had the forts the Cities he had wonne As strong Narbon and stately Carcason With all the pillage gain'd in her esteme Or fame or danger great enough for him Vnlesse this wondrous battell had beene fought From which a captive Monarch should be brought With fame as great to him as e're before One field could give to any Conquerour Few were Prince Edward's troops King Iohn of France Arm'd with his kingdomes choycest puissance And all the flower of French Nobility With a resolve unfortunate though high Pursu'd the Prince to make him that sad day A deare account for all his voyage pay His passages they cut off every way In hope to seize what they esteem'd their prey But prov'd too strong for their weake armes to hold So when Getulian hunters too too bold A furious Lion round about beset And will not let him scape they vainly whet The beast's high courage whose collected ire To them as deadly as enclosed fire Breakes forth at last his danger anger moves And fatall onely to the hunters proves Not farre from Poictiers towne brave Edward was And there encamp'd nor further could he passe Nor longer shun the battels fatall stroke Him there King Iohn's huge army overtooke His wisely seated campe on every side Was both by paines and Nature fortifi'd Thicke Vines and bushes round had fenc'd the place Hard for the French Cavallery to passe With poore eight thousand there entrench'd he lyes Against six times as many enemies And disadvantag'd so a courage shew'd As great as was the fortune that ensu'd Men knew not which to wonder at that he With such a strength durst hope for victory Or that he gain'd it that he stood the blow Or that he gave so great an overthrow The Cardinall of Perigortin vaine Had strived long by treaties to detaine King Iohn's resolved fury from the fight As much bewailing Edward's wofull plight In vaine had Edward offred to restore All townes and forts that he had gain'd before And satisfie for all the dammage done But Fate to worke his fall had blinded Iohn No other termes will be accepted now But that Prince Edward with a hundred moe His chiefest Knights and noblest in the field Should to his hands themselves as prisoners yeeld These base conditions Edward scornes to take And to the King returnes defiance backe His valiant troops agree resolv'd to dye Or spite of a odds to gaine a victory Whom thus their most undaunted Prince bespake Brave Countreymen if I have skill to take Presage of future fortune when I see Your lookes your not despairing industry Which all the time that our vaine treaties were About your campe could worke with such a cheare Me thinkes I swell with hopes nor could be sad If twice as many that proud army had But that I know their numbers fright not you I could brave souldiers by example show How uselesse thronging numbers prove in warre Then why should Iohn presume on that so farre To make such proud conditions as that we For feare of him should choose captivity And yeeld our selves as prisoners to the foe Before the chance of warre have made us so By which our honour we had quite forgone Honour our Countries Iewell not our owne By her entrusted to us which when I Forget to keepe let me unvalu'd dye How great a price is on this battell set If we subdue no army ever yet In all the books of fame was honour'd more A richer Bayes no Nation ever wore But if we dye those conquering souldiers Whom bleeding France has often selt and feares Survive in England our revenge to take But God that gives all victories can make Our owne swords do 't There is no souldier here But does already some French trophee weare Here fight those armes who from the Norman warres From Brittaines conquest brought victorious scarres Those noble names whom Crescy field renown'd And Sluce before with Navall Garlands crown'd Then by such armed friends environ'd why Should I at all despaire of victory The Prince had done th' undanted souldiers show By cheerefull signes they dare abide the foe Too confident of victory King John In three large battels drawes his army on On fire to charge nor could his heat forbeare When he that led the first Battalia there His brother Orleance with sage advice Thus spake oh Sir forbeare your enemies A while deferre the dayes uncertaine chance And let this conquest cost no blood of France We need not fight at all the famish'd foe Our strengths environ round he cannot goe To forrage now nor fetch provision in To feele that want already they begin It will become their wish on swords to dye And mix their ruine with our tragaedy But why should we against a Christian hoast Refuse that conquest that no blood will cost And rather hasten in their tragicke fall To beare a part without a wound at all The captive Prince shall be at your command Then why should you with danger thrust your hand To quench that flame that would it selfe expire And battell more than victory desire Sound was the Dukes advice brave Edward's day In midd'st of Fates had vanished away Nor so had headlesse France beene over-runne Had that beene follow'd but unhappy Iohn Whom Fate had blinded thus in wrath replyes Does that poore handfull of the enemies Affright your courage brother can you weigh ' Gainst such a prize the danger to what day Should France her fortune ever trust if here She should misdoubt her swords and feeding feare By such flye courses seeke to steale renowne Not take it boldly as our Nation Have ever us'd if famine not the sword Should here to us a victory afford The boasting English who so oft of late ' Gainst us have prov'd in battell fortunate Even in our kingdomes bosome would not
know Whither the French could winne by sword or no. With that the signal 's given In full carriere They charge that little English band who there With well collected spirits stand t' abide Their fiercest onset and on every side Returne sharpe death and furious force for force Their mortall arrowes gall th' approaching horse Nor is the chevalry of France o'rethrowne By th' English archers onely but their owne Rash fury helpes to draw their ruine on And on themselves does execution In vines shrubs bushes that environ'd round Prince Edward's armies well-elected ground Th' entangled horse with miserable fate Their riders and themselves praecipitate And to their foes become an easie spoyle As beasts of greatest courage in a toyle Ensnar'd almost without resistance dye While ' gainst the rest that stand the archers ply Their fatall taske the wounded horses fall Foule on their fellowes every where through all The troope reignes nothing but confusion Those chevalliers that came so bravely on And seem'd themselves enow the day to gaine In this disorder tumbled downe are flame Nor can so few of English hands suffice To execute their routed enemies Now wondrous sad the spectacle was growne In all her foulest shapes was horror showne The mangled limbs of riders that of late Were proudly mounted by praeposterous fate Beneath the horses bloodyed hoofes are trod With heapes confus'd the mourning fields are strow'd The dikes are fill'd with slaughter while the blood Of men and horses make one purple flood As if in nature they had beene the same And from the wounds of slaughter'd Centaures came Now to the French infantery at last Which farre behind the horse King Iohn had plac'd And vainly thought that in the action He should not need their hands the horse alone Would gaine the day the furious warre was brought But they alas amaz'd before they fought To see the horsemens wondrous overthrow And now assaulted by the conquering foe Gave ground apace The first hot charge that brave And valiant Lord renowned Audley gave Who to performe a noble vow in deeds Almost the prowesse of a man exceeds And like the stroke of Jove's resistlesse thunder Shoots forth and breaks the strongest ranks in sunder Here in the thickest throng of enemies Like Thracian Mars himselfe blacke Edward plyes Deaths fatall taske here noble Warwicke gives A furious onset there brave Suffolke strives T'outgoe the formost aemulations fire Is kindled now and blazes high desire Of honour drownes all other passions there Not in the Chiefes alone each souldier In that small army feeles bright honours flame And labours to maintaine his proper fame Ne're was a battell through all parts so fought Nor such high wonders by an handfull wrought White Victory that scar'd above beheld How every English hand throughout the field Was stain'd with blood amaz'd to see the day And that so few should carry her away The fields no more their verdure can retaine Enforced now to take a purple staine And be obscur'd with slaughter while the wounds Of France manure her owne unhappy grounds Where mixed with Plebeian funerals Her greatest Princes dye There Burbon falls And Marshall Clermont welters in his gore There noble Charney's beaten downe that bore The standard royall that sad day here dyes Athens great Duke there valiant Eustace lyes Who as a badge of highest honour wore A Chaplet of bright pearles that had before When by King Edward in a skirmish neere To Calleis he was taken prisoner As testimony of his prowesse show'd Beene by that royall enemy bestow'd But ' mongst so many noble funerals Of France one starre of English prowesse fals From his bright sphaere with sorrow to allay The high successe of that victorious day Renowned Audley that so long had fought In front of all the English power and wrought High feats at Armes by many wounds bereft Of spirits sinks downe at last but is not left To th' Enemy foure valiant Squires engage Themselves for him against the fiercest rage Of foes and beare their wounded Lord away Whom gently downe in freshest ayre they lay Past hope of life alas but gentle Death So long gave respite to his latest breath Till he his Countries full renowne might see And Edward grac'd with perfect victory Great are the French Battalia's and in roome Of those that fall so oft fresh souldiers come So oft the bloody fight 's renew'd that now The English weary with subduing grow And ' ginne to faint opprest with odds so great When lo to make the victory compleat Six hundred bowmen whom to that entent Before the battell the brave Prince had sent Abroad well mounted now come wheeling o're The field and charge the French behind so sore As with confusion did distract them quite And now an execution not a fight Ensues all rowted that great army flyes A prey to their pursuing enemies With his disheartned battels Orleance Forsakes the field with him the heire of France Young Charles of Normandy and thousands moe Not overthrowne but frighted by the foe Nor are the English though enow to gaine The day enow in number to maintaine So great a chase and not so well suffice To follow as subdue their enemies Nor yet which more declar'd the conquest sent From heaven alone to strike astonishment In overweening mortals and to show Without that ayd how little Man can doe Are all the English conquerors in field Enow to take so many French as yeeld Nor to receive the Prisoners that come Though some in field are ransom'd and sent home Yet moe from thence are captive borne away Than are the hands that wonne so great a day Yet did the King almost forsaken quite By all his men maintaine a noble fight As if ashamed to out-live the sad Discomfiture which his owne rashnesse made Nor did his faultring hands even then forget To play a souldiers part appearing yet Worthy the feare of his assaling foe While death attended every furious blow Too late that prowesse comes and he in vaine By personall valour hopes to cure againe That malady which ill conduct begate No souldiers valiant deed can expiate A Generall 's folly nor one private hand Redeeme the errours of a King's command Thither to crowne their actions high successe Th' ambitious valours of the English presse With greedy hope to seize the royall prey The greatest prize of that victorious day But too too great it seem'd for one alone By many hands the King is seiz'd upon Nor had it cost lesse than a civill warre To judge whose right so great a prisoner Should prove in field and that rich claime decide On English swords had many English dy'd And in that storme the captive King of France Himselfe had perish'd had not timely chance Presented rescue noble Warwicke came And from that rabble in Prince Edward's name Demanded him whose presence seem'd to bring Not thraldome then but safety to the King There was Prince Philip tane his youngest sonne Who when his brothers