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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46308 A journal of the late motions and actions of the confederate forces against the French in the United Provinces and the Spanish Netherlands with curious remarks on the situation, strength, and rarities of the most considerable cities, towns and fortifications in those countreys : together with an exact list of the army / written by an English officer who was there during the last campaign. English officer who was there during the last campaign. 1690 (1690) Wing J1099; ESTC R36213 18,680 35

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Cloaths Numb Men. DVtch Count Bullengburg Red lined White Dra. 0300 English Duke of Ormond Red lined Blew Gran. 0060 English Duke of Ormond Red lined Blew Guar. 0200 Spanish Count Dedamont White lined Blew 0300 Spanish Don Quan Degusti White lined White 0300 Spanish Monsieur Bay White lined White 0300 Spanish Don Martin de Corduva White lined White 0300 Dutch Wittenburgh White lined Red 0300 Dutch Prince Waldeck Gray lined Red 0300 Dutch Obdam Gray lined Scarlet 0300 Dutch Min Heer Benting White lined Blew 0300 German Overstrake White lined White 0400 Dutch Lieut. Col. Webingha White lined Blew 0400 English Oxford White lined Scarlet 0400     Total 4160 Foot Regiments First Line Brandenb Brandorf Blew lined White 0700 Dutch Anholt White lined White 0700 Dutch Rhinelscave White lined Blew 0780 Dutch Grafton Barloe White lined Red 0700 Dutch Overston Zalif Gray lined Red 0700 English Talmash-Guards Red lined White 1000 Scotch Part of the Guards Red lined White 0700 English Fuzileers Red lined Yellow 0780 English Hales Red lined White 0780 Lunenb Obubermstoff Blew lined Red 0600 Lunenb Hull Blew lined Pink 0600 Dutch Dursling White lined Red 0700 Dutch General de Alva 0700 Dutch Prince Waldeck Red lined Red 0780 Brand. Prince Cor. Red lined Green 0700 Dutch Count Tilly. White lined White 0700 Dutch Buloe Gray lined Blew 0780     Total 12400 Second Line Dutch Morewitt Red lin White Drag 0350 Frizland Prince Nassaw Blew lined Red 0300 Dutch Baron de Hinds White lined Green 0300 Dutch Baron de Hay White lined Red 0300 Dutch Baron de Saxon. Red lined Pink 0300 Dutch Holston White lined Blew 0300 Dutch Baron de Guistle 0300 Lunenb Overstbrang Gray lined Blew 0400 Dutch Count Flodrop White lined Red 0350 Dutch Grafton Nassaw Red lined Red 0300 Dutch Erff. White lined Green 0300 Hesse Wattlebrook White lined White 0350 Dutch Nassaw White lined White 0300 Spanish Dumong White lined White 0350 Spanish Monduboy White lined White 0350 Walloon Pettincore White lined White 0350 Lunenb Frank. White lined Red 0480 Lunenb Brankea Blew lined Blew 0350 Lunenb Craw. Blew lined Blew 0350     Total 6380 Besides the Brandenburgh Horse which came to us to Nottredam-Hall from the Siege of Ments which amounted to 6000 Second Line Names of their Count. Names of the Chief Commanders Colour of the Soldiers Cloaths Num. Men. Dutch Youg away Red lined Blew 0780 Dutch Covert d'over Isle White lined White 0780 Dutch Min Heer Van Fagall Red lined Yellow 0780 Frizland Prince Van Nassaw Blew lined Red 0780 German Prince de Berkovan White lined Red 0780 Lunenburg Count Swenesive Blew lined Red 0780 English Offarrell Fuzileus Red lined Red 0780 English Fitz Patrick Red lined Green 0780 English Churchill Red lined Buff 0780 English Hodges Red lined Red 0780 English Count Shamburg Red lined White 0780 Dutch Amalisworth Gray lined Red 0650 Dutch Min Heer Dutell White lined Blew 0700 Brandenburg Lord Beaumont Red lined Black Plush 0780 Lunenburg Major General Burrier White lined Red 0780 Brandenburg De Hull Blew lined Red 0780 Dutch Linstock White lined Blew 0780 Lunenburg La Mott. Red lined Black 0780 Lunenburg Little Host Blew lined Red 0780 Lunenburg Marquess de Budavid White lined Red 0780 Dutch Winburg White lined Red 0780     Total 16173 Second Line Names of their Count. Names of the Chief Commanders Colour of the-Soldiers Cloaths Num. Mer. Sept. the 2d Hoges Churchils Hales and Offarrels Regiments being wearied with Toyl and Sickness were dwindled away to about 900 Men for which reason they were sent to Breda whence we were recruited on the 16th with a Regiment of Sweeds Blew lined Yellow 0780 Dutch Regiment White lined White 0780       1560 Likewise Three Regiments of Dutch Horse and Prince of Friezlands Guards 0900 0100   In all 1000 A List of Prince Vademonts Army Which joyned us at Notredam-Hall where it Encamped Five hundred yards distant from the Right of ours on the 18th of September 1689. in Two Lines Horse-Regiments Names of their Count. Names of the Chief Commanders Num. Men. Walloon Mouns de Puis 350 Walloon Le Count de Masting 350 Walloon Duke de 〈…〉 scourt two Regiments 600 Spanish M 〈…〉 si 〈…〉 oude 300 Almaigne Count de Egmont 300 Almaign Baron de Toursey 300 Spanish Ansiens 300 Spanish Lieutenant General Count de Sallizer 300 Spanish Le Count de Vatzzin Lieutenant General de la Troop de Strangere 300     3100 Dragoons Names of their Count. Names of the Chief Commanders Num. Men. Walloon Mounsieur de Vallauseire 400 Walloon Baronde 400 Walloon Mounsieur de Villais 400 Spanish Mounsieur de Castors 350   In all 4650 Foot Regiments Spanish Mounsieur Marine 700 Mounsieur Maudrick 700 Mounsieur Agiare 700 Count de Shiron 700 Noy Elle 700 Sweeds One Regiment 780 Dutch Three Regiments from Gaunt 2100   Total 6380 The Total of the Army when Prince Vademont had joyned us Horse The First Line 4160 The second Line 6380 Brandenburg 6000 7000 Dutch 0900 F●●izland Guards 0100 V●udemonts Horse 4650   22190 Foot The First Line 12400 The Second Line 16170 Dutch Recruits 01560 Prince Vademonts 06380   36510 Total Horse and Foot 58701 FINIS
the Fortification thereof is a Septagon with Out-works answerable to every Bastion It is Pallisadoed and Stakudoed with Turrets on the Walls whereon are Golden Flower de Luces which sheweth that it was Fortified by the French King as was Charleroy but by the Treaty of Nimiguen was surrended to the Spaniard In the Counterscarp are Encamped a Regiment of Dragoons In the Town are Quartered Three Italian and Two Spanish Regiments of Foot on the Walls and Ramparts rows of large flourishing Lime-trees which adorn the Town and shelter the Building thereof from Bombs You go over Four Draw-bridges before you enter the Gates of the Town which is encompassed with a large wet Ditch and a strong Fossbray There are Four Gates to the Town and Two Port-Cullis to every Gate there is likewise a magnificent Church with Thirteen Altars the great Altar hath on it the Ascention of our Saviour Engraven with a great deal of Cost and Art on another is the Passion of our Saviour cut in Brass The work of this Church is most in Brass as is Cambrogue in polished Marble of all colours This Town is famous for good Buff which is sold very cheap On the Fourth I waited on the Duke of Ormond to Monts in company of Twenty of our Guards Monts This Town is built on a Hill which is all surrounded with Marshy ground the Out-works are Sod works not very uniform the Buildings and Streets are large and handsome as is the whole Town but the Fortifications are irregular and stronger by Nature than Art It is surrounded with a Wall whereon are old-fashioned Turrets notwithstanding which the Situation of the place makes it really admirably Strong The French in King Charles the Seconds time laid Siege to this Town but were beaten from it by the powers of the renowned Earl of Ossory Within this Town on an hight is Built a very high Piramid whence is a very great prospect they say for Seven Leagues round On the top are Five round Turrets which are made use of for Prisons it is all Built of Carved stone This Town lies to the East End of the aforesaid place and is from our Camp Four Leagues in it are several Churches Monasteries Nunneries and other Religious Houses there are Two very magnificent Churches one of the Canons the other of the Canonesses the latter is in every particular much after the nature of them at Neville but the Church is much more a splendid Church and most of the Ladies are related to the King of Spain King William or Sisters to some of the German Princes Here Count Horne invited the Duke to a Ball where the Canonesses after Evening Service Danced at their own House with the Duke of Ormond and his Retinue These Ladies meddle not with Consecrating the Sacrament which is left to the Priest There occurred unto me here a Superstitious Ceremony namely the carrying of the Host in Procession attended with Organs Voices and other Musick playing all the way whilst Priests went with their Incense-pots fuming before it it exceeds any Opera which is a shew they much admire in these parts In this Church is placed on a Pedestal in the middle of the Isle the Image of the Virgin Mary Crowned with our Saviour in her Arms likewise Crowned she is Apparelled in a fine Cloth of Silver Gown and every one that comes thither to Worship makes a low bow to the ground and kisses the Hem of her Garment After all this view of their Churches which strive every way to exceed one the other in Beauty and Riches wherein they come pretty near one the other except that of Antwerp which exceeds the rest I can only lament that such Noble Structures should be dedicated to Idolatrous uses On the 5th we turned back to Combrogue where we remained as long as we could get any Forrage which was all devoured for Twenty Miles round betwixt the French Army and ours I believe I may say Forty Miles without any great mistake at last there grew a real scarcity of Horse meat On the 6th Ten of the Grenadeers belonging to our Guard unadvisedly went a Forraging without a Convoy Three of them were killed by the French Five taken Prisoners and Two escaped without Horses or Coats which they had pulled off to work and make up their Trusses The Peasant that belonged to the House where they Forraged brought the French upon them but this action was sufficiently revenged on the French by the Lunenburghers who being a Forraging with their Carbines only were set upon by some French Soldiers disguised in Boors Frocks but they received them so warmly that they killed Eight and twenty of them and took about Seventy Prisoners with very little loss The day before we went to Monts we marched a Detachment of Eight thousand Men towards the French Camp together with Ten pieces of Cannon when we came near their Out-guards we sent a Lieutenant of Horse with Thirty men to Fire on them which he did but they stirred not neither returned their Fire It was near a Wood where it is supposed they had an Ambuscado and thought to trapan us however this Alarum was so great a surprize unto them that several of their Sutlers run away from them and several of their Officers sent away their Baggage We waited about Ten hours there to invite them to Engage fairly but they declined it the next day they Decamped and marched towards Tourney in order to send their Troops to Winter Quarters and in a few days after we began to disperse our Army to the Frontier Garrisons to wit At h Monts Maestricht Gaunt Charleroy Brussels c. in conclusion we marched towards Nevil where we were discharged at Nevil on the when the Duke took his leave in order to go for England and the next day we marched having free Quarters all the way to Breda to Winter Quarters where we arrived on the Twenty fourth and met with an account that the Granadeers who were taken by the French had made their escape to Newburgh where they are taken up as Deserters but we have sent for them and in a short time do expect them with us where we now remain laid up for the next Campain Amsterdam standeth on 0996 Acres Leiden containeth 0250 Haerlem 0165 Rotterdam 0160 Dort 0130 Delf 0130 The latter five 0835 So that Amsterdam alone is bigger by 160 Acres than the aforementioned Five Cities There is one remarkable passage that is the Burning of Colonel Billingsleys Quarters One Evening on our Road to Breda from the Camp we were forced to stand all Night drawn up on our Guard for fear of the Boars rising against us it was accidentally done but in this Fire was consumed to the value of a Thousand Pound the Parish-Church being next to the House very narrowly escaped A LIST OF OUR ARMY As it was Drawn up at Tillroy Camp Horse-Regiments First Line Names of their Count. Names of the Chief Commanders Colours of the Soldiers