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A39396 Cambria triumphans, or, Brittain in its perfect lustre shevving the origen and antiquity of that illustrious nation, the succession of their kings and princes, from the first, to King Charles of happy memory, the description of the countrey, the history of the antient and moderne estate, the manner of the investure of the princes, with the coats of arms of the nobility / by Percie Enderbie, Gent. Enderbie, Percy, d. 1670. 1661 (1661) Wing E728; ESTC R19758 643,056 416

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Anton. Philos 13 years 19 Ælius Pertinax 6 months 20 Didius Julianus 7 months 21 Septimius Severus Britt 18 years Pessenius Niger Usurpers Clodius Albinus Usurpers 22 Anton. Bassianus Caracalla Britt the eldest son of Severus six years Geta Caesar Britt the younger son of Sept. Severus 23 Opilius Macrinus 1 year 2 months 24 Varius Heliogabulus the base son of Caracalla 4 years 25 Alexander Severus a kinsman of Heliogab 13 years 26 Julius Maximinus 3 years Balbinus Caesars Elect. Pupienus Caesars Elect. 27 Gordianus the father with his two sons and his Nephew 6 years C. Valens Hostilianus Caesar 28 Philippus the Arabian 5 years 29 Decius Trajanus 2 years 30 Vibius Pallus Hostilian with his son Volusianus 2 years 31 Æmilius of Mauritania 3 months 32 Licinius Velerianus 15 years 33 Gallienus the son of Valerianus 9 years Valerianus Brother of Gallienus Caesar Cassius Labienus Posthumus Caesar 34 Flavius Claudius 2 years 35 Aurelius Quintillus the brother of Claudius 17 dayes 36 Valerius Aurelianus 5 years and 6 months 37 Tacitus 6 months 38 Annius Florianus brother to Tacitus 60 years 39 Valerius Probus 6 years 4 months 40 Carus Narbonensis 2 years Numerianus Caesars Carinus Caesars Dioclesianus 20 years Maximianus Herculeius Caesar Constantius Chlorus 4 years Galerius Maximus 11 years Severus Caesars Maximianus Caesar Maxentius son of Maximian 6 years Licinius 14 years Constantinus Magnus 30 years Magnentius Usurper Constantinus the 3 sons of Constantine the Great Constans the 3 sons of Constantine the Great 47 Constantius the 3 sons of Constantine the Great 48 Julianus Apostata 1 year 6 months 49 Jovinianus 8 months 50 Valentinianus 12 years Valens his Brother Caesar 51 Gratianus 6 years Valentinians Caesar Theodosius Caesar 52 Theodosius 3 years 53 Arcadius 13 years 54 Honorius 28 years Lieutenants in Brittain from Nerva Cocceius his Entrance into the Government of the Empire until the Reign of Honorius the Emperor Lieutenants under Nerva and Trajanus There is no mention of any Lieutenants in Brittain during the time of their Government Lieutenants under Adrian Britt Julius Severus Priscus Licinius Lieutenants under Antoninus Pius Lollius Vrbicus Britt Lieutenants under Antonin Philos Calphulnius Agricola Lieutenants under Commodus Vlpius Marcellus Helvius Pertinax Clodius Albinus Junius Severus Lieutenants under Pertinax Clodius Albinus Lieutenants under Did. Julianus Clodius Albinus Lieutenants under Sept. Severus Britt Heraclianus Virius Lupus For the time of Basianus Caracalla the Successor of Severus unto Constantine the Great there is no mention in approved Histories of any Lieutenants in Brittain Deputies under Constantine the Great Pacatianus Deputies under Constantius the youngest son of Constantine the Great Martinus Alipius Deputies under Honorius Chrysanthus Victorinus Princes and secular Men of special Note among the Brittains In the time of Calphurnius Agricola's Government under Mar. Aurel. Antonin Philos Lucius sirnamed Lever-Maur the first Christian Prince in Brittany In the Reign of Aurelianus Bonosus an Usurper of the Empire in Brittain In the Reign of Constantius the youngest son of Constantine the Great Magnentius Toporus Usurper of the Empire of Brittany Archbishops of London from the time of King Lucius untill the coming of the Saxons 1 Thean 2 Clavus 3 Cador. 4 Obinus 5 Conanus 6 Paladius 7 Stephanus 8 Jetut 9 Dedwinus 10 Thedredus 11 Hillarius 12 Guidilinus 13 Vodinus who lived when the Saxons first entred the Land HItherto hath been declared the successe of times and affairs in Brittain under the first twelve Emperours of Rome the same being recorded by such Writers as had best means to understand the truth thereof and were principal Registers of things done by the Romans in those times as for the occurrents ensuing the death of Domitian until the Reign of Honorius in whose time the Roman Government ceased they are imperfectly reported or a great part of them meerly omitted so that I am forced of many things only to make a bare and brief relation as unwilling by adding or diminishing to a●ter in substance what Antiquity hath left us or fill up blancks with conjectures or projects of mine invention saith the Author of the a Lib. 3. f 104. Brittish History and therefore howsoever this book following which comprehendeth the Acts of many more years then the former may seem to carry with it a kind of disproportion from the other two and likewise in respect of the style and composition to be somewhat different from them yet the cause thereof ought to be imputed to the very matters themselves being for the most part Fragments and naked memorials the loose ends of time without observation of circumstance or congruity in substance which will hardly admit any method befitting a continued History and I owe so much love and reverence to truth as I would rather expose her in the meanest and worst habit that time hath left her then by disguising her to abuse the world and make her seem a Counterfeit After the death of Titus Domitian his younger Brother taking the Empire upon him as you have heard before differed so much from his Brother and Vespasian his father before him that he fell into such great pride and impiety that he caused and commanded himself to be called and worshipped as a god and was the second after Nero who setting forth his cruel Edicts to that end persecuted the Christians and the Church of Christ which cruelty of his although it did not extend to our Christian Brittains in Rome still by the Roman Laws enjoying there their priviledges and immunities from compulsion to square themselves in matter of Religion to the Emperial Laws and Edicts at which time many of those banished and persecuted Christians as in the persecution of Nero before as good Antiquaries tells us fled into this our Brittain whether that persecution did not nor could extend it self for refuge and succour Domitian being now dead Nerva revoked all his cruel edicts against Christians and recalled such as were banished Nerva primo edicto suo cunctos exules Mr. B f. 170. quos Domitianus relegavit revocari precepit Nerva was a Prince much honoured for his Vertues but in what estate the Affairs of Brittain then stood the Histories of those times make no mention either for that the Emperour being a man stricken in years and disposed to ease and quietnesse employed himself rather in reforming abuses at home then in maintaining War abroad or else for that the short continuance of his Government did not suffer him to enter into any great actions in places so remote for having held the Empire little above a year The first election of a stranger to be Emperour he left the same by death to Vlpius Trajanus a Spaniard whom he had adopted for his valour and wisedome being then even the first president for electing strangers In his time some of the Brittains desirous to free themselves from the Roman tyranny entred into Rebellion but wanting means to effect what they had begun they soon gave
militum instructorum quatuordecim Millia quorum contemptu Brennus prae numero suorum de victoria non dubitat sed ad acuendos animos militibus ostendit ubertatem praedae statuasque cum quadrigis fusas auro solido quarum rerum animadversione Galli magis incitati ac pridie vino pleni ruunt in bellum sine ulla cogitatione periculorum Delphi contra plus in Deo quam in viribus suis subsidii ponunt Gallosque scandentes de summo vertice montis Parnassi quo templum Apollinis est partim Saxis partim Armis obruunt maximoque terrae motu parte montis ejusdem erupta Gallorum Exercitum prostravit confertissimique cunei vulneribus dissipati cadebant Dux ipse Brennus cum non poterat amplius ferre dolorem vulnerum suorum vitam pugione finivit Brennus having vanquished the Inhabitants of Pannonia and hearing of the Victory which his Souldiers had obtained under the Command of Belgius their Commander against the Macedonians who fled away leaving the booty and spoils behind them rallying up fifty thousand foot and fifteen thousand horse he suddenly and with great violence enters Macedonia where whilst he plundered ransackt and destroyed both Fields and Villages Sosthenes with an Army well appointed made Head and Resistance against him but being far fewer in number and overwhelmed with multitudes of his Enemies he was forced to Retreat and give way to his present Fortune the Macedonians being thus put to the worst by necessity are compelled to hide and secure themselves under the protection of their walled and fortified Townes and Castles mean time Brennus having none to oppose him fleeceth and wasteth the Countries round about and seeing these spoils too slender for his avaricious and aspiring mind he devours and swallows up in his all-devouring thoughts the opulency of the Gods deridingly and as he thinks wittily though profanely saying The wealth-abounding Gods must supply the indigent wants of poor distressed mortals and therefore bends all his power for Delphos preferring their rich and massie oblations and consecrate golden offerings before the just and most deserved anger of the Gods saying The Gods could never want busying himselfe with these imaginations he comes within the sight and view of great Apollos Temple where he pauseth considering with himself whether it were better suddenly to assault or rather give that nights rest unto his wearied Souldiers to refresh their tired bodies Euridanus and Thessalonus Captains of great skill and experience who had associated themselves meerly for lucre and spoil advise him by all means to cut off delays as dangerous and suddenly to set upon the attempt the Enemy as yet being altogether unprovided in regard whereof a sudden motion would strike them into a terrible fear But the Gauls having suffered hunger and hard marches finding the Country well furished with Wines and other welcome Provisions leaving their Colours disperse themselves every one according to his own pleasure and liking and as if already all were their own like Conquerors they strut it up and down This remisnesse gives opportunity to the Delphians by the Auxiliary Forces of their Friends and Neighbours to fortifie their Town and reinforce their Garrison which Brennus perceiving sends out Command for every man speedily to repair to his Colours whose minds were set upon nothing but looking to their bellies and quaffing lusty bowls The Army of the Gauls consisted of sixty thousand Foot the Citizens of Delphos had only fourteen thousand fighting Men Brennus undervaluing this slender handfull of Men in respect of the numerous Troops of his Souldiers made himself cock-sure of the Victory and therefore to encourage his Men the more he wish'd them to behold and consider the richness of the Treasure and greatness of the Spoil which was like to fall unto their share the Statues and Images together with their Chariots if not made at least covered over with pure and solid Gold The greedy Souldier easily swallowed up his golden Bait and elevated and inebriated with the blood of the lusty grape without either Order or command being sufficiently armed with Bachus to set all danger at defiance runs headlong into Battel on the contrary the wary Delphians confiding more in the protection of their God than strength of their humane Forces from the high and towring Top of the cloud kissing Parnassus where stood Apollos stately Temple with stones and other such Materials besides the help of their Weapons beat down and headlong precipitated the aspiring Gauls this their endeavour was seconded by a sudden and hideous Earthquake which so broke the Ranks of the amazed yet furious Assailants and so disordered their best ordered Squadrons that what with a sudden fear what with those unwonted kinds of wounds they were totally disperst and overthrown Brennus whose haughty spirit not long before was puft up with presumption of winning golden Mountains is now no longer able to endure his late received wounds and therefore with one stroke to put a period to all his miseries he sheatheth his fatal Dagger with a more then manlike thrust in the most remote angle of his own entrails Bellinus together with his brother began their Reign anno Mundi according to Fabian four thousand eight hundred and eight according to which Author jointly and alone ellinus reigned twenty six years leaving a Son after him called Gurguintus Gurguint Brabituc or after some Writers Gurguint Barberous that is to say Gurguint with a red Beard Finis Libri primi To the High and Mighty PRINCES THOMAS HOWARD Duke and Earl of Norfolk Earl of Arundel and Surrey Lord Howard Fitz Alan Mowbrey Matravers Segrave Bruse and Clun SEYMOUR or De S to Mauro Duke of Somerset Marquesse and Earl of Hertford Baron Beauchampe and Seymour c. GEORGE VILLIERS Duke Marquesse and Earl of Buckingham Viscount Villiers and Baron of Whaddon Knight of the Noble Order of the Garter CHARLES STEWART Duke of Lennox and Richmond Earl of March and Lichfield Lord Awbigney Darneley Tarbolton and Nethven in Scotland and Baron of Leighton Bromswould in England GEORGE MONCK Duke of Albemarle Earl of Torrington Baron Monck of Potherige Beauchampe and Teyes Capt. General and Commander in Chief of all his MAJESTIES Land Forces in his Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland and all other his Majesties Dominions and Territories Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter Master of his Majesties Horse one of the Lords of his Majesties most honble privy Councel The Duke of Norfolk ROBERT commonly called Consull Earl of Glocester Son to King Hen. 1. by Nest Daughter to Rees ap Tewder K. or Prince of South-Wales which Rees married Gladis Daughter and sole Heire of Rees ap Kenvin Prince of Powis Randolph sirnamed De Gernoniis E of Chester Matildis or Maud Daughter of Robert E. of Glocester Hugh Kavilioc Earl of Chester Bertrude Daughter of Simon Earl of Montford William de Albeneio Earl of Arundel Mabell Daughter to Hugh Kavilioc and Sister and
the Countrey of Brittain And so their opinion which before have told us that the persecution continued in some western parts ten years from the last most cruel Edict of Dioclesian Ma● Sco. Aetat 6. an 312. Flor. Wigorn. in Chron. an 292 and 300. 321. and 328. and until the 7th year of Constantine is expounded by themselves affirming that this general peace to all Christians in the western world was procured and granted unto them by Constantine in the 7th year of his Empire and after the ten years of Dioclesians Edict after prosecuted by Maxentius was ended Floren. Wigorn. writeth that in this year St. Helen mother of Constantine then being here in Brittain wrote to her son to persecute the Jews which denied Christ Matth. of Westm. saith this general peace of Christians was effected by Constantine in the 313 year of Christ Marianus will have it in the year 312. so hath Beronius Spondanus and others Harding relateth it done in the year of Christ 310. Mart. Polonus saith Mar. Sco an Baron and Spond an 312. Harding c. 62. fol. 49. Flor. Wigorn. an 306. Jo. Bal. lib. de S. rip Britt Centu. 1. in Flavio Const Constantine became a Christian in the year 309. and then both gave liberty to Christians and caused Churches to be builded in honour of Christ Our Countrey-man Flor. Wigorn. by Dionisus his Computation setteth it down three years sooner in the year 306 to which our English late Writers assent a principal man named a Bishop saying that Constantine learned his Christian Faith in Brittain of his most Christian mother St. Helen and at his going from hence against Maxentius behaved himself like a Christian in the midst of the Pagan superstitions and honoured them which were professed Christians 4 Reg. 5 Having thus cleared our most glorious Countriman Emperour Constantine from imputation of his so long delaying his holy baptisme as some have pretended and so near as I can and dare proposed the most probable time thereof I must now speak though more briefly of the solemnity it self and his most charitable Religious Christian acts and conversion which ensued thereupon The common opinion concerning Constantine before his baptisme is the same which the Scripture witnesseth of Naeaman the Syrian Prince though he was great honoured valiant and rich yet he also was a Leper before he was by direction of the prophet washed and healed in Jordane yet great difference there was between these two Lepers of Syria and Brittain the Leper of Syria was great but with his own Lord the King of Syria Commander of his armies and he procured the quiet and safety of Syria he was only cleansed of his corporal Leprosy But our Brittish Leper was cured both in body and soul he was not only great with a particular King but a great and the greatest King and Emperour so stiled that ever was in the world he did not only bring temporal safety and quietnesse to one Kingdom and Nation but both Temporal and Spiritual happiness and salvation to the whole Empire and to all Nations and Kingdoms Aug. Quest Evang. l 1. c 40 Edictum Const Tom. 1. Con Act Sylvest Papa Plini l. 26. c. 1. Adrio 1. Epist ad Const Simon Metap in vira S. Sylv. Zonoras in vita Const Greg. Turen Constantine being troubled with this infirmity if I may call that so which St. Augustine saith is a defect of colour and not of health or integrity of sences and members and seeking remedy yet finding none among his bodily physitians the Pagan Flemmings advised him to make a Bath in the Capitol and therein wash his body with the warme blood of Infants Pliny and others writing that this grief hath been so healed which to effect these Idolatrous Gentiles prepared a great number of such children intending to kill them and to fill the Bath with their blood which when Constantine considered and beheld the tears and lamentations of the Mothers for their Children he abhorred so great cruelty and wickednesse causing the children to be restored to their mothers with rewards and means to carry them to their dwelling places In the night following the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul do appear and say thus unto him O Emperour because thou hast detested to shed the blood of innocents we are sent unto thee by Christ to teach thee means to recover thy health send for Bishop Sylvester and he will provide an holy Bath in which he will baptise thee and thou shalt be cured of thy Leprosy and all diseases which Constantine presently performed sending for St. Sylvester who shewed there unto him the pictures of St. Peter and St. Paul which when the Emperour diligently beheld he openly before his nobility confessed that these were they which appeared unto him and being perfectly instructed by St. Sylvester was baptised by him and miraculously cleansed from his Leprosie an hand from heaven as himself did see and testifie touching him and when he was thus wonderfully cured and christened St. Sylvester ministred the holy Sacrament of Confirmation unto him annointing and signing his forehead with sacred Crisme Simeon Metaphraster a Greek writer saith that at the time of Constantine his baptisme by St. Sylvester Metaphr in vita St. Sylv. Mr Br. f. 476 a light more bright then the Sun did suddainly shine about all the house and the Emperour being baptised his flesh was pure and sound without any hurt or scar and the water wherewith he was baptised was full of such filth as came from his soars like scales of fishes Divers both Greek and Latine Authours say that his son Crispus was then baptised with him These things being of so great note and consequence in so great a Prince and Commander Theophan Cerameus Chron Plantina in Mar. and so concerning all people were not nor could not be done in secret The infirmity of Constantine's Leprosy was generally known Physitians had been often times consulted and done their best practise about it The place of the Capitol where the Children should by the Pagans have been murdered about it was famous the gathering them from many places and Provinces was known to all the open outcries and lamentations of their mothers could not be concealed the sending and seeking St. Sylvester were with honour and solemnity performed so was his entertainment and conference with the Emperour in presence of his Nobility The present conversion of Constantine thereupon his preparation in Penance seven dayes before his baptisme This Solemnized in the publick imperial pallace and in an holy Font so curiously provided as all Histories agree and so miraculously curing his corporal disease which no art of man could heal made this conversion of Constantine renownedly known and manifest to all To the Christians for their unspeakable joy to the Jewes and Pagans to the shame and confusion of their obstinacy and salvation of many of them converted by this means Euseb l. 2. de vita Const c.
all and his Son Jesus Christ he alone by right obtained this honour by the will of God to have that which was buried in death to reign among men Howe 's of the Romans f. 45. In the 20. year of this Constantine was held as saith Mr. Howes the Councel of Nice with great Solemnity wherein were condemned and suppressed the damnable Heresies of Arius Bigot the vain-glorious and dissembling Minister whereof the Arian Heresie took the Name and for a long space after much troubled Christendom And at this time the Nicene Creed was commanded to be sung and said in all Churches And the forenamed Arius pretending to make a Retract of all his Heresies took his leave of the Emperor The fearfull end of an arch Heretick as if he had great necessity to take Physick to purge his Body which Purgation never ceased working till it had purged him of all his bloud and bowels and so he died most miserably and shamefully How es ibid. About this time saith the same Author Octavius whom Constantine left Governor in Brittain rebelled against whom Constantine sent Traherne his Uncle with a Legion of Romans who after divers Conflicts was slain Old English Chronic. f. 34 p. 4. The old English Chronicle saith When Constantine went from this Land to Rome he took all his lond to keep to the Earl of Cornwall that was called Octavian And anon as this Octavian wist that his Lord dwelt at Rome incontinent be ceased all the lond into his hands and therewith did all his will among hy and low and they held him for King But other Historians both Brittish and English Domestical and Foreign affirm that Constantine at his going from Brittain to Rome committed the Government of this Countrey to the Roman Proconsuls and the named Octavian or Octavius took arms against them slew them and so obtained to be King here The Monk of Westminster saith this Octavius was a King before a Regulus or Prince of the People in and about Worcestershire Harding saith he was Duke of West Sex he must mean where the West Saxons after ruled for they came not into Brittain till a long time after this But after his day came one Octavius Duke of West sex that crowned was for King That slewgh the Werdins of Constantinus Which that he set for Brittain governing In his abscence to keep it in all thing Besides this there be other difficulties among the Historians about this Octavius and such as will discredit him for having had many great and chief and long Commands as a King in this Nation Math Westm setteth down his conquering the Roman Proconsul here in the year of Christ 314 when divers more ancient and received Historians say that S. Helen our Queen and Empress continued here long after that time Br. fol. 543. 4. And her Son Constantine Emperor now at the highest of his Glory Power and Victories and having so many Brittish Soldiers without imployment in France so near unto us cannot be immagined to have suffered any Enemy in his own native Countrey so to have prevailed or how could such a man as Octavius is supposed to be assemble such an Army in Brittain where that victorious Emperor was undoubted King and whence he had so great an Army of Brittains so lately before that by them as our Historians write he vanquished all most innumerable Companies of his most potent Enemies And as these Relators of Octavius his proceedings themselves are Witnesses the power with Constantine was so great that the Romans which came hither unto him seeing his power said No Prince in the world was comparable to him for strength Where then in Brittain could Octavius gather an Army so soon to encounter and overthrow three Legions of Roman Soldiers besides their Adherents as these men say And Eusebius saith that Constantine himself came hither again and was here longer after this pretended Revolt and at his death gave Brittain the ancient Patrimony to his Eldest Son Again these men say Octavius was King here until Maximus his time and married his only Daughter and Heir unto him when it is a common consent in Antiquities that this Maximus or Maximinianus was not King in Brittain till after the 380. year of Christ Therefore he must needs be granted to be very young of too few years at the going of Constantine hence for him to commit the Government of Brittain unto him or for himselfe to have so soon Usurped against it so rightfull and potent King and Emperour Our most ancient and best Historians S. Gildas S. Bede Marianus Florentius Wigorniensis Ethelwardus Henry of Huntington and William of Malmsbury although as diligently as they could recounting our Kings of Brittain never mention any such Octavius or Octavian but the chiefest and most ancient among them S. Gildas plainly saith that this Island was at this time and until Maximus or Maximinian a Brittain took upon him the Empire a Roman Island Insula nomen Romanum tenens And divers Historians both late and ancient do particularly set down our Kings after Constantine the Great and Roman Leivtenants here until these daies as Constantine Constantius Julian Valentinian Gratian Emperors or Kings Martinus Lupicinus Nectaridius Theodosius Fraomarius and other Roman Lievtenants and Governors here And when the Councel of Ariminum was kept about the year of Christ 360 and the 23. year of Constantius son of Constantine the Great it is certain that this Constantius was our King in Brittain and bore the charge of the poorest Bishops of this Kingdom as then under his Government which were present there and he was so far from losing Brittain or any other Countrey of his Empire then as Sozomen and others testifie that Councel thus wrote unto him Epist Arimin Conc. ad Constant Imp. apud Sozoni Hist l. 4. c. 47. at this time this Empire so encreased that all the World was under his Government this was above twenty years after the death of the great Constantine in whose time this Revolt of Brittain from him is thus supposed and above twice so long time of the imagined usurpation here by Octavius And Zonaras writeth that this Constantius in the fourteenth year of his Empire banished or rather carried with him Athanasius into Brittain at his coming hither Therefore I dare not assent that in this time of the greatest flourishing Estate of the Roman Empire and the power thereof in Brittain Harding Cron. c. 63. f. 51. Galf. Mon. Hist Reg. Bri. l. 5. cap. 9. Pont. Virun Hist l. 5. Math. West an 379. especially from whence the glory of it grew to that greatness either Octavius or any other so much prevailed here to bar the Emperors of that honour But he might towards the time of Maximus or Maximianus when the Empire had more Enemies and less power prevail in some such sort as these Historians have written of him although they differ also in Maximian as well as in Octavius one saith he
fought at a place called Meilon of the which it was called Maes Rhos Meilon year 907 The year 907. died Cadeth King or Prince of South-Wales third Son to Roderick the Great leaving behinde him three Sons Howel Dha that is to say Howel the Good who succeded his Father in the Kingdome of South-Wales Meyric and Clydawc Shortly after there came a great Navy from Tydwick with Vther and Rahald and past the Western Sea to Wales and destroyed Saint Davids and there fought the Battel Dinerth where Mayloc the Son of Peredur Gam was slain year 913 In the year 913 Anaawd chief King of Wales dyed and left behinde him two Sons Edwal Voel who reigned after him and Elise 〈…〉 Mr. Mills fol. 292. Anno 877. Mr. Mills differeth here from Mr. Powel the one setting Voel the other Mervin to succeed I will therefore set down both Writings the former of these two saith Mervin the first begotten son of Rhoderick the Great Prince of all VVales by the Gift and Grant of his Father was made Lord or Prince of that Country of Wales which the Inhabitants call Gwyneth the Englishmen North-VVales and the Latines Venedotia This province was divided into four countries or quarters which contained fifteen Cantreds This word Cantred being compounded of the Brittish and Irish Language is said to be such a portion of Land as may contain an hundred Villages The chief and principal place of this Country was the Isle of Anglesey or Mon and in Aberfraw a city thereof was the Royal pallace of the Kings of North-VVales now the reason why the Kings of Gwyneth were called Kings of Aberfraw was for that in the Laws of the good Howel Prince and Law-giver it was decreed That as the Kings of Aberfraw ought of Right to pay threescore and three pounds in way of Tribute to the King of London so the King of Dynefur and Mathraval should also be hound in like manner to pay the like mony unto the King of Aberfraw as it were also by way of Tribute by vvhich it appeareth that this Lord vvas the chief Prince of VVales The VVife of Mervin the Son of Roderick Prince of Venedotia or North-VVales thus saith Mr. Mills but names her not Their Issue Idwallo surnamed Voel Prince of Venedotia Edwal Voel Ut ante After that Edwal Voel began his Dominion over North-Wales Mr. Powel fol. 46. Howel Dha being King or Prince of South-VVales and Powis land a terrible Comet appeared in the Firmament at which time the year following Leicester was nevv built year 917 The next year follovving the men of Denelm did destroy the Isle of Môn or Anglesey and the year 917. Clydawc the Son of Cadeth vvas slain by the hands of his brother Meyric and about the same time the Englishmen did overthrovv the Danes Much about this time Elfled Dutchess of Mercia sent her vvhole Army into VVales Ren. Cest Math. West Hel. pa. 222. and fought vvith the VVelshmen and vvan Brecknock and took the Queen and three and thirty men This vvas it vvhich is called in VVelsh Gweythy Dinas Newydh that is to say The battel of the new Citty also she vvon the Tovvn of Derby John Castoreus reporteth this story in this manner Huganus Lord of VVest VVales Jo. Cast perceiving King Edward to be occupied in the Danish VVar far enough from him gathered an Army of Brittains and entred the Kings Land whereupon Elfled Lady of Mercia and Sister to King Edward came to Wales with a strong Army and fought with the Welshmen at Brecknock and putting Huganus to flight took his Wife and thirty four Captives and led them with her to Mercia Huganus thus discomfited fled to Derby and there being peaceably entertained of the Countrymen with fifteen men of War and two hundred Souldiers well appointed joyned himself with the Kings adversaries the Danes of which thing when Elfled was certified by the men of Derby she followed him with a great Army and entred the Gates of that Town where Huganus resisted her and slew four of her chief Officers But Gwyane Lord of the Isle of Ely her Steward set the Gates on fire and furiously running upon the Brittains entred the Town then Huganus being overmatched A stout resolution of a valiant Welshman and choosing rather to dye by the Sword then to yield himself to a Woman was there slain The same Authour also reporteth that about this time Leofred a Dane and Gruffith of Madoc Brother in Law to the Prince of West Wales came to Ireland with a great Army to Snowdon and minding to bring all Wales and the Marches thereof to their subjection overran and subdued all the Countrey to Chester before King Edward could be certified of their Arrival whereat he was much discontented and being loth to trouble his subjctes in that behalf made a vow that he and his Sons with their own people would he revenged on Leofred and Gruffith and thereupon came to Chester and wan the City from them after which he divided his army into two Battails whereof he and his Son Athelstane led the first and Edmund and Eldred the second and so followed them with as much celerity as he could and overtook them at the Forrest of Walewood now Sherwood where Leofred and Cruffith set upon him fiercely so that the King in the beginning was in some Distress until Athelstane stepped in between his Father and Leofred and wounded the Dane in the arme in such sort that he being not able to hold his spear was soon taken and committed to the custody of Athelstane In the mean time Edmund and Edred encountring with Gruffith slew him and brought his head to their Father Then Athelstane caused Leofred to be beheaded and so both their heads were set up together on the top of the Tower of Chester The year 933. Owen the Son of Gruffith was slain by the men of Cardigan 933. Wil. Malmsh Hol. p. 225. Jo. Cast Mat. West Ren. Cest P●w●l fol. ●50 The B●●tains removed into Cornwal Math West Hol. pag. 226. Then Athelstane did enter Wales with a great Army and brought the Kings of the Country to subjection and received yearly of Tribute twenty pounds in gold and three hundred paid in silver and two hundred head of Cattel yet the Laws of Howel appointed to the King of Aberfraw to pay yearly to the King of London no more but sixty six pounds for a Tribute and that the Prince of Dinevowre and the Prince of Powis should pay a like summ of sixty six pounds yearly to the King of Aberfraw In the year 936. dyed Euneth the son of Clydawc and Meiric the son of Cadeth at this time also Athelstane did remove the Brittains that dwelt in Exeter and thereabouts to Cornwal and appointed the River Cambria to be the utter Mere towards England as he had before appointed the River Wy to be the Mere of England and Wales About the year 940. Cadeth the son of Arthvael a noble
there arose a great debate between the princes of Wales for Owen could not be content with halfe the principality but got his young brother David unto him All cover all lose or Harme watch harme catch and they two levied an army to dis-inherit Lhewelin who with his men met with them in the field and after a long fight gave them an overthrow where he took them both prisoners and then seized all their lands into his own hands enjoying alone the whole principality of Wales The year ensuing all the Lords came to prince Lhewelin and made their complaints to him with weeping eyes how cruelly they were handled by prince Edward and others of the Nobility of England their lands being taken from them by force and if at any time they did offend they were punished with extremity but where they were wronged they found no remedy Therefore they protested before God and him A gallant re-sold on of the Welsh that they would rather die in the field in defence of their right then to be made slaves by strangers whereupon the prince pittying both his own estate and theirs determined together utterly with them to refuse the rule of the Englishmen rather to dye in liberty then to live in thraldom shame and opprobry And gathering all his power first recovered again all the Inland Country of Northwales and afterward all Merionith and such lands as Edward had usurped in Caerdigan which he gave to Meredith the son of Owen ap Gruffith An heroick Prince and Buelht he gave to Meredyth ap Rees chasing away Rees Vachan out or the same and so honourably divided all that he wan among his Barons that he kept nothing to himself but a perpetual fame of his liberality Then also he recovered Gwerthryneon from Sr. Roger Mortimer The Summer following prince Lhewelin made war against Gruffith ap Gwenwinwin who served the King and wan all Powis from him saving the Castle of Pole and a little of Caerneon and landed by Severne side Rees Vachan ap Rees Mechylh meaning to recover his lands again A bloody battail obtained of the King a great army whereof one Stephen Bacon was Captain and came to Caermarthin by sea and marching from thence towards Dynevowr laid siege to the Castle The English overthrown but the princes power came with his cosens to raise the siege where there was fought a bloody battail as ever had been in Wales of so many men and in the end the Englishmen were put to flight and lost of their men above 2000 Soldiers from thence the Princes army went to Dynet and burned all the Country and destroyed the the castles of Abercorran Lhanstephan Maenclochoc The Welsh victorious and Aberth and then returned home with much spoyle and forthwith not being able to abide the wrongs which Greffry Lanley Lieutenant to the Earle of Chester did to them M. Par. p 1251 Tho. Walsh Hypodigma p. 61. Brave-spirited men the Prince entred the Earles lands and destroyed all to the gates of Chester on either side the water Whereupon Edward the Earle fled to his Uncle who was then chosen King of the Romans for succour and returning back with an army durst not fight with the prince who had 10000 armed men every one sworn to dye in the field if need requred in the defence of their country A Judas amongst his countrymen M. Par. p. 1253 yet Griffith ap Madoc Maelor commonly sirnamed Lord of Dynas Bran which is a castle standing upon a very high Mountain of scituation impregnable in the Lordship of Chirk forsook the Prince and served the Earl with all his power which Earle was counted a cruell and unjust man having no regard to right promise or oath Mat. West p. 277. The next year Prince Lhewelyn seising into his hands Cymeys and making peace between Rees G●yc and Rees Vachan his brothers son got the Castle of Trefdraeth or Newport with all Ros A ●ust punishment for a traytor o his Country O● thirds not caught with chief saving Hanerford Then destroying the Country in his way towards Glamorgan he raised the Castle of Lhangymwch and returning to Northwales met with Edward Earl of Chester by the way whom he caused to retire back and then destroyed the Lands of the said Gruffith Lord of Bromfield Therefore the Kings of England and Almain wrote to him gently to depart home which he refused to do but deviding his army into two battails in every of which as Mathew Paris said there were 1500. Mat. Par. fol. 12●8 The Welsh beat the Irish at Sea Mat. Par. fol. 1271. A prudent and politick Prince King Hen. unfortunate in his undertakings against Wales Mat. Paris fol. 12●5 English Almains Gasco●nes and Irish against Wales Mat. Paris fol. 1274 1279. footmen and 500. horsemen well appointed Whereupon Edward sent to the Irishmen to come to him to his succour whereof the Prince being certified made ready his Bishops and sending them to Sea with sufficient power to resist the coming of his Enemies that way prevented him so that the Irish were overcome and sent home with great loss wherefore the King with his Son being in a great rage gathered all the strength of England from St. Michaels mount to Twede and came to Northwales as far as Tegenwy but the Prince caused all the victualls to be removed over the River Conwey and kept all the Straits and passages so narrowly that the King was compelled to tetire to England with great loss Then Prince Lhewelyn calling unto him all the power of Southwales came to the marches where Gruffith Lord of Bromfield yielded himself unto him because the King could not defend his lands and seising into his own hands all the lands in Powis he banished the Lord Gruffith ap Gwenwynwyn and wan the Castle of Gilbert de Clare Earl of Glocester where also he gave the English men an overthrow and slew a great number of the worthiest Soldiers and such as the King loved well which caused the King to call his strength unto him and sent to Gascoyne and Ireland for succo●●s and then coming into Wales in harvest time destroyed all the corn that was in his way yet he went not far beyond Chester but returned back without doing any notable act for God as Matthew Paris saith defended the poor people that put their whole confidence in him The Lord James Audly whose daughter Gruffith Lord of Bromfield had married brought a great number of horsemen from Almain to serve against the Welshmen God the Protectour of the Welsh who with their great horses and unaccustomed kind of fight overthrew the Welshmen at the encounter wherefore the Welshmen minding shortly after to revenge the displeasure made roads into the said Lord Audleyes Lands where the Almains set upon them pursuing hard such as fled to the Straits who using that flight for a policy returned again so suddainly and so fi rcely upon the Almains that they
was coming towards Shrewsbury upon the hills of Cefn Digolh not far from Caurus Castle where after a long fight Madoc was taken and his men discomfited and put to flight Then he was sent to the Tower of London there to remain in perpetuall prison Some there be who affirm that Madoc was not taken but rather after many adventures and sundry conflicts when the VVelshmen were brought into great extremity the said Madoc came in and submitted himself to the Kings peace and was received upon condition that he should pursue Morgan till he had taken him and brought him to the Kings prison which was done and so all things were quieted and many hostages of the chiefest Nobility of Wales were delivered to the King who sent them to divers Castles of England where they were safely kept almost to the end of the wars which followed in Scotland In the 29th year of K. Edw. 1. Edw. Prince of Wales came to Chester where he received the homage of the Free-holders of Wales as Henry Earl of Lancaster did homage and fealty for Monmoth Regynald Grey for Ruthyn Fulk Fitz Waren for his lands in Wales The Lord William Martin for his lands in Cemais Roger Mortimer for his lands in Wales Henry Lacy Earl of Lincolne for the land of Ros and Ryveneoc in Wales Robert Lord Montalt for his land in Wales Gruffith Lord of Poole for the Lordship of Powis Sr. Gruffith Lhoyd Knight Tuder ap Grono of Anglesey Madoc ap Tuder Archdeacon of Angelsey Eneon ap Howel of Caernarvon Tuder ap Gruffith Lhewelyn ap Edninet Gruffith Vachan the Son of Gruffith ap Jorwerth Madoc Vachan d'Englefield Lhewelyn Bishop of St. Asaph Mr. Richard de Pnelesdon this man as appeareth by the Records in the Tower was made Sheriff of Caernarvonshire during his life with the stipend of 40 l. staring yearly Anno. 12. Ed. 1. Gruffith ap Tuder Ithel Vachan Ithel ah Blethyn c. The Lord Richard Sutton Baron of Malpas did homage and fealty to Edward Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester for the said Barony of Malpas apud Ruthlan 27. die Aprilis Anno supradicto Aniamis or Eneon Bishop of Bangor and David Abbot of Maynan did homage and fealty to the said Edward Prince of Wales apud Conwey 28. April An. sup dict Lewis de Felton the son of Richard de Felton did homage and fealty to Prince Edward for the Lands which the said Richard held of the Prince in Maelor Saesneg John Earl Warren did homage and fealty to Edward Prince of Wales in the Chappel of the Lord John de Kerby sometime Bishop of Ely at London 25. die Julii Anno. 30. Ed. 1. for the Lordships of Bromfield and Yale The same John Earl Warren swore fealty unto the said Ed. P. of Wales for the lands in Hopedale The Lord Edmund Mortimer the 6th day of November an 30. Ed. 1. in the house of the Bishop of Ely at London did homage and fealty to Edward P. of Wales before his Councel for his lands in Cery and Cydewen About the year 1322. one Sr. Gruffith Lhoyd Knight gathered a great number of Welshmen and took divers Castles in Wales which were kept by the people of the Lord Mortimer the Elder he took also the Castles of Mould Chirk c. The keepers whereof coming to P. Edward at Shrewsbury who then was King of England submitted themselves to him and were shortly after sent to the Tower of London year 1822 This Edward of Carnarvon was known by the name of Edward the second King of England living in a turbulent time between him and his Barons was after deposed for his ill Government and came to a violent death in the Castle of Berkeley nevertheless in his life time he created his son P. of Wales Hol. p. 863. Edward of Windsor The same year being the 15. of K. Ed. the second Edward de Windesore the Kings Eldest Son was in a Parliament holden at York created Prince of Wales and Duke of Aquitane Edward of Woodstock surnamed the Black Prince Mr. Mills ut ante Edward born at Woodstock Son and Heir to King Edward was created Prince of Wales 12. of May anno 17. Ed. patris when he was fourteen years of age who in time grew to be the flower of Chivalry of all Europe he took John the French King prisoner at the battail of Poyteirs and dyed his Father yet living the eighth of July in the 46. year of his age and the 50. of his Fathers Reign a Prince of such excellent demeanour so valiant wise and politick in his actions that the very and perfect representation of Knighthood appeared most lively in his person for such was his towardness or rather perfection in Princely Government that if he had lived and attained the crown every man Judged that he would surely have exceeded all his predecessors Sr. John Dodridge fol. 6. Edward the third saith Judge Dodrige at a Parliament holden at Westminster 15. regni created Edward his eldest Son Ex. harta creationis in Parliamento a. 15. Ed. 3. surnamed the black Prince Prince of Wales being then of tender years and invested him in the said principality with these ensignes of honour as in the Charter is contained Per sertum in Capite anulum in digito aureum virgam argenteam juxta morem by a Chaplet of gold made in manner of a garland for so the word sertum importeth by a gold ring set on his finger and by a Verge rod and Scepter of silver howbeit in the investure of succeeding Princes this Rod or Scepter as appeareth by the Charters of their several Creations was changed into a Verge of gold The said King for the better maintainance of the said Prince his Son in honourable support according to such his State and dignity gave unto him by his Charter Dated 12. of May in the 17. year of his Reign of England and in the 4. year of his reign of France and inrolled in the Exchequer in the Term of St. Hillary in the 18. year of the said King Edward the Third the said principality and the mannors Lordships Castles and land ensuing to appertain to the said principality Viz. All his lands and Lordships in Northwales Westwales and Southwales 1. The Lordship Castle Town and County of Caernarvon 2. The Lordship Castle and Town of Convey 3. The Lordship Castle and Town of Crucketh 4. The Lordship Castle and Town of Beaumarish 5. The Lordship Castle and Town of Hardlagh 6. The Lordship Castle and Townes and Counties of Anglesey and Merioneth 7. The Lordship Castle and Town and County of Caermaden 8. The Lordship Castle and Town of Lampader vawr 9. The Lordship and Stewardship of Canter mawr 10. The Lordship Castle Town and County of Cardigan 11. The Lordship Castle and Town of Emelyn 12. The Lordship Castle and Town of Buelht 13. The Lordship Castle and Town of H●verford 14. The Lordship Castle and Town of Montgomery
did take out of the several profits of those years and did cast them all into one summe which they again divided into three several parts equally esteeming one of the said three parts to be the just yearly value of the said Revenues Communibus annis that is one year with an other And in this account we find no other charges allowed then the Justics Fees only This survay and account made about 200 years past is here inserted to the end it might appear what the Revenues of this Principality alone was The said prince of VVales surnamed the Black prince Mr. Mills fol. 315. after many fortunate victories atchieved by him having subdued a great part of France and having taken John the French King prisoner at Poyteers in France and after that also having vanquished Henry at Naveroit in Spain and restored Peter King of Aragon dyed in June Sr. John Dodridge fol. 15. leaving behind him Richard his Son and Heir born at Burdeux and thereof sirnamed Richard of Burdeux Richard of Burdeux Richard son of Edward Prince of VVales was after the death of his father created prince of VVales at Havering at Bower the 20. day of November in the 50. year of King Edw. III. his Grandfather he was after the death of his said Grandfather K. of England by the name of K. Rich. II. This Richard saith Judge Dodridge sirnamed of Burdeux son and heir of Edward the black prince was created prince of VVales ut supra being about the age of XI years and upon Christmas day next following the said King Edward the third caused the said prince being his Nephew or Grandchild to sit at the table in high estate above all his Uncles being the Kings sons as representing the personage of the heir apparent to the Crown and gave to him the two parts of all the said principality Counties Lordships Castles and the most of the said Lands which belonged to the said black prince and the reversion of the third part thereof the possession of the third part there of then being to the mother of the said Rich. to her dowry with an 113 l. 6 s. 8 d. yearly rent payable by the Earle of March as a Fee Farm for the Lordship and Lands of Buelht and 85. marks for the fee farm of the Castle Lordship and Land of Montgomery with the vacations of Bishopricks excepting the Fees of the Baron Marchers of VVales who do alwaies hold of the Crown in Capite and excepting the avoydance of the Bishoprick of St. Davids in VVales which anciently also belonged to the Crown with the like limitation to the estate viz. To the said Richard and his heirs Kings of England It seemeth that these Lordships of Buelht and Montgomery being formerly granted to Edw. the black prince were before this time given away in Fee Farm After the death of the said K. Edw. III. which was in the 51 year of his reign the Kingdom of England descended to the said Richard being his grandchild and he was crowned King thereof by the name of Richard the second and in the 23 year of his reign he resigned his Kingdom or to speak more truly was deposed against his will and after by a violent death departed this life without issue Henry of Monmoth Henry of Bullingbrock a Town or Castle in Lincolneshire and heretofore belonging to the Lacies Earles of Lincolne and by the marriage with Alice daughter and heir of Henry Lacy Earle of Lincolne to Thomas Earle of Lancaster this with the residue of the lands of Lincolne became united and incorporated with those of Lancaster It hath been almost ever since this time one of the honours as we call them of the Crown of England but never made any honorary title unto any family untill King James conferred it on Sr. Oliver Saint John who possibly might affect to be thence denominated as fetching his descent from the Lady Margaret Beauchamp Grandmother to King Henry the seventh the heirs of the Lancastrian family by which descent likewise as well as otherwayes he is descended of the Welsh blood and beareth for his armes Argent on a chief gules two mullets Or but to our former matter this Henry of Bullingbrock by the name of Henry IV. who was formerly Duke of Lancaster and Hereford Earle of Derbie Leicester and Lincolne son and heir of John of Gaunt the fourth son to K. Edward the third by his Charter dated at Westminster 15. Octob. in the first year of his reign created Henry his eldest son prince of Wales and invested him in the said princely Ornaments viz. the chaplet gold ring verge or rod of gold To have and to hold unto him and his heirs Kings of England And by another Charter of the same date gave to him and his heirs Kings of England the said principality with the Lordships Sr. John Dodridge fol. 17. Castles and Lands before mentioned in the Charter made to the black prince together with four Comots in the county of Caernarvon viz. the comots of Ifaph Vghaph Nantconwey and Crewthin not named before and the reversion of the Lordship of Haverford with the prices of Wines there and of the Lordships of Newin and Pughby in Northwales which Thomas Percy then Earle of Worcester held for term of life of the demise of King Richard the Second together also with the reversion of the county and lordship of Anglesey in Northwales and the castle of Beaumarish and the comots lands tenements and hereditaments belonging thereunto which Henry Percy son of the Earle of Northumberland then held for terme of his life of the demise of the said K. Hen. IV. and by an act of Parliament made in the first year of K. H. IV. whereby the Dutchy of Lancaster is severed from the Crown of Engl. the stile of the said P. is declared to be this P. of Wales D. of Aquitane of Lancaster of Cornwal E. of Chester for the said K. H. IV. having been himself D. of Lancaster before his assumption to the Crown and knowing that the name of Duke being an inferiour dignity would extinguish and be surrounded in the crown as in the superior desired as by that Act of Parliament appeareth not only to separate the said Dutchy of Lancaster and the lands thereof from the Crown to the intent he might still hold the said Dutchy as his antient patrimony if he were put from the Crown it being but his new acquired dignity but also to preserve the said stile Mr. Lhoyd fol. 385. title and name of Duke of Lancaster in his posterity which as the said act affirmeth his ancestours had so worthily borne and sustained In the time of K. Rich. II. there was one Owen ap Gruffith Vachan descended of a younger son of Gruffith ap Madoc Lord of Bromfield This Owen was first a Student at the Lawes of the Realme and became an utter Barrister or an apprentise of the law as they term it and served King Richard in
Daughter to Hen. 7. and Grandchild to Owen Tudor lineally descended from the Prince of South-Wales Ferdinando Sans Issue male   William Earl of Derby Elizabeth Daughter to Edward Vere Earl of Oxon and Anne Cecil his Wife by which March as in the Polog●●● of Oxford Salisbury and Ex c●●●● appears this Family descends from the Brittish Princely St●●● James Earl of Derby lost his head as a most faithfull and loyal Subject for his leige Lord King Charles of blessed memory Charl●t Daughter to the Duke of Tremulia Charles Earl of Derby Lord Stanley of Latham Lord Strange of Knocking and of the Isle of Man a faithfull Subject to his King a Patron to his Countrey and Terror to his Enemies   DErby is a part of the Coritain and took that name from Derby the cheif City a Town coveniently seated on the River of Derwent beautified with five Parish Churches a goodly stone Bridge and a large Market place and no less famous for good Ale than Banbury for good Cakes and Cheese finally the Town is well traded and of good resort and is the usuall place of holding Sessions and Assises for all the County The Countrey of the East and South parts well manured and fruitfull yielding a very spacious and pleasing prospect both out of Cutbury Castle and that of Boulsover The West part which they call the Peak is not so pleasing to the eye though possibly as profitable to the Purse being rich in Iron Lead and Coals which it yields abundantly and grazing multitudes of Sheep on the Mountain tops It contains in it 106 Parishes of the which eight be Market-Towns the chief thereof being Derby as before is said the Catalogue of whose Earls here followeth 1. William de Ferrars 2. William de Ferrars 3. William de Ferrars 4. Robert de Ferrars 5. Edm of Lancaster second Son to K. Hen. 3. after which this Title was continued in the House of Lancaster 6. Henry of Lancaster Son of Henry Earl of Lancaster created Earl of Derby in his Fathers life time 11. Edw. 3. 7. Henry of Bullingbrook son of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster created Earl of Derby in his Fathers life 9 Ri. 2. 8. Thomas Stanley created Earl of Derby by K. Hen. 7. Lord Constable 9. Thomas Stanley 10. Edward Stanley 11. Henry Stanley 12. Ferdinando Stanley 13. William Stanley 14. James Stanley 15. Charles Stanley now Earl 1661. The End of the first Part or Tome CAMBRIA TRIVMPHANS OR BRITTAIN IN ITS PERFECT LUSTRE SHEVVING THE Origen and Antiquity OF THAT ILLUSTRIOUS NATION THE Succession of their Kings and Princes from the First to KING CHARLES Of Happy Memory The Description of the Countrey The History of the Antient and Moderne Estate The manner of the Investure of the Princes with the Coats of Arms Of the Nobility The Second Tome By PERCY ENDERBIE Gent. LONDON Printed for Andrew Crooke and are to be sold at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Church-Yard 1661. TO HIS ROYAL GRACE THE DUKE BROTHER TO His Sacred Majesty MONARCH of Great BRITTAIN King of France and Ireland c. SIR GOld the sinue and nerve of war without which the greatest Princes and Polititians fall short of their desired ends and History the faithfull mirrour in which the most accomplish't of Commanders may dress and modifie themselves even to the very height of vertue and perfection in this walk hand in hand and keep an equal sympathy that whether they flow from the hands of Peers or Peasants they still retain the same vigour force and vertue why did great Alexander set so great an estimate upon grave Homers works but that he found in them examples worthy imitation and also inglorious deeds to be avoyded like Rocks in raging Tempests This work great Prince which most humbly begs your Protection as the safest Azylum proceeds from a pen altogether Rural yet doth it contain matter fit for imitation selected from Authors of faithfull integrity Behold a Constantius memorable for an Act recorded by many Ancient Historians who to make trial of true Christians and accordingly advance them first exiled from his Court all who would not perpetrate themselves and adore the Pagan Gods and after trial made the Complyers he abhor'd and revoked the constant refusers preferring them to places of greatest trust and honour affirming that they would never be true to a mortal Emperour that would be false to an immortal Diety Quomodo inquit fidem erga Imperatorem servare poterunt inviolatam qui adversus Deum optimum maximum perfidi esse manifesto convincuntur and therefore saith the same Author Decrevit secum hos qui se fideles erga D. O. M. declarassent in amicorum atque adeo consiliorum munero habere And for this and such like his pious and vertuous transactions Fertur Constantio Angelus astistisse which Pomponius Laetus in these words confirmes Cum Pater Caesarem fecerat celesti nuntio admonitus Constantinum c. The body of this glorious Caesar was first withall Princely solemnity interred at York and after translated to Carnarvon in the time of King Edward I. and by him commanded to be enshrined in that Church Apud Carnarvon maximi principis patris nobilis Imperatoris Constantini erat inventum rege jubente honorifice collocatum Thus we clearly see vertue and Noble actions not only crowned here upon Earth with glorious Sepultures and inscriptions but even approved by Heaven it self by Divine and Celestial Revelation Let us march a little further into the Court of Honour and great Theater where mighty Emperors and Monarchs act their parts and there we shall find a great Brittish Constantine the first Christian Emperor doing what taking in hand a doubtfull yet cruel war what did he then Deum quem pater sancte adoravisset solum observandum colendumque statuit Quo circa hujus opem precibus imploravit hunc oravit hunc obtestatus est ut tum quinam esset ipsi vellet significare tum rebus quas apud animum proposuisset dexteram velut adjutricem porrigere he resolved to have the true God whom his Father adored devoutly to be only adored and worshiped wherefore by his prayers he implored his help he prayed and intreated his aid him he besought to declare himself unto him and assist him in his enterprise and what followed these divine and Heavenly ejaculations and inspirations About noon the day somewhat declining Constantine saw in the Sky a lightsome pillar in form of a cross wherein were these words engraven In this sign overcome and the night following in his sleep he beheld Christ who said thus unto him Frame unto thy self the form of a Cross after the example of the sign which appeared unto thee and bear the same against thy Enemies as a fit banner or token of victory And that the effects were answerable to the divine promises hear what Eusebius relates as spoken by Constantine himself Hoc salutari figno vero fortitudinis judicio vestram
Tiranidis jugo liberavi civitatem S. P. Q. R. libertatem vindicans pristinae amplitudini splendori restitui You have here viewed Illustrious Prince our first Christian Emperor and his Father fit patterns for imitation Cast your Gracious eyes upon our first Catholick King Lucius and you shall find him Christianity being now established thus Charactered Interea gloriosus ille Britonum Rex Lucius cum intra regnum suum cultum vere fidei magnificatum esse vidisset maximo gaudio fluctuans possessiones territoria quae prius templa Idolorum possidebant in meliorem usum vertens Ecclesiis fidelium permancre concessit quia majorem honorem ipsis impendere debuerat augmentavit illas amplioribus agris mansis omnique libertate sublimavit And a little after Lucius the first Christian King of this Land then called Brittain founded the first Church in London that is to say St. Peters Church upon Cornhill where he setled an Archbishops See making that Church the Metropolis of his Kingdom neither was his zeal and piety confined to that City for you shall find him erecting a goodly Cathedral at Caerlegion in that part of England abusively called Wales which now is known by the name of Monmothshire as also the famous Vniversity of Bangor in the remotest parts thereof This holy King saith my Author granted made and signed many writings Charters and donations for defence maintenance and preservation of Religion as to the Vniversity of Cambridge the School of Shaftsbury with others and when he had done all this Anno 201. Inclitus Britannorum Rex Lucius in bonis actibus assumptus ab hac vita Claudiocesbriae migravit ad Christum in Ecclesia primae sedis sepultus honorifice King Arthur sealed many grants for the advancement of Religion and Learning and by reason of his great victories thrice changed his armorial ensignes at last advancing the cross for my Author saith King Arthur that mighty conquerour and worthy had so great affection and love to this sign that he left his armes which he used before wherein were figured three Dragons another of three crownes or as some say of thirteen and depicted in his shield a cross silver in a field vert and on the first quarter thereof he figured an Image of our B. Lady with her Son in her armes and with this sign he did wonders in Arms. And to this hour we see the Knights of the Noble order of the Garter of which number your Grace the flower of chevaldry is one to bear Argent a plain cross Gules the field signifying pureness of life the cross the blood that Christ shed for this our people whom Trevisa calleth the people of God and the Realm of Gods Land the same ensign did Joseph of Aramathia give unto Arviragus King of Brittain not many years after our Saviours passion Cadwalader the last Brittish Monarch for his armes bore Azure a cross for my fitched Or whole volumes may be compiled of this Subject and the worthy and most Christian acts of your sanctly progenitors But least I should convert an Epistle Dedicatory into History or Chronology I will proceed no further humbly offering up these my weak endeavours before the shrine of your goodness with all integrity beseeching Almighty God that you may if not excel at least equal the most valiant and vertuous of your Royal Progenitors which shall be the daily prayers of Your Royal Highness Most faithful and humble servant PERCY ENDERBY The Duke of York Anarawd King of Northwales Eidwal King of the same Meurick or Meirick Eidwal II. Jago Conan Griffith King of Northwales Owen King of Northwales Jorwerth Son and Heir to Owen married Marret D. to Madoc Prince of Powis Lhewelyn Prince of Northwales Gladis sole Daughter and Heir married to Ralph Lord Mortimer who in her right should have been Prince of Northwales Roger Lord Mortimer Edmund Lord Mortimer Roger Lord Mortimer Earl of March Edmund Lord Mortimer c. Roger Lord Mortimer Edmund Earl of March married Philip D. and H. to Lyonel D. of Clarence Roger Mortimer Earl of March left one only Daughter and Heir married to Richard Earl of Cambridge Richard Duke of York King Edward the Fourth Elizabeth sole daughter and heir married to King Henry the seventh descended from Owen Tudor Margaret eldest daughter to Henry the seventh and in her Issue his Inheretrix was Grandmother to Mary Queen of Scotland France and England Mother to King James King of great Brittain France and Ireland c. Grand-Father to James Duke of York who married Anne daughter to Sir Edward Hyde Baron of Henden and Lord Chancellor of England and hath Issue Charles Duke of Cambridge YORK The City of York anciently called Eboracum is seated upon the river Vre which we call Ouse in the VVest-riding of this County and is the second City of England both for fame and greatness a pleasant large and Stately place all well fortified and beautifully adorned as well with private as publick edifices and rich and populous with all seated on the river Ouse which cutteth it as it were in twain both parts being joyned together with a fair stone-bridge consisting of high and mighty arches a City of great fame in the Roman times and of as eminent reputation in all ages since and in the several turnes and changes which have befallen this Kingdom under the Saxons Danes and Normans hath still preserved its ancient lustre adorned it was with an Archiepiscopal See in the time of the Brittains nor stooped it lower when the Saxons received the Faith Richard the second laying unto it a little Territory on the VVest side thereof made it a county of it self in which the Archbishops of York enjoyed the rights of Palatines and for a further lustre to it Henry the eighth appointed here a councel for the Government of the Northern parts consisting of a Lord President certain Councellors a Secretary and other Officers and yet in none of these hath York been more fortunate then that it adorned so many Princes of the Imperial line of Germany and blood Royal of England with stile and attribute of Dukes and Earls of YORK 1. Otho of Bavaria Earl of York 2. Edmund of Langley fift Son to Edward the third Duke of York 3. Edward Plantagenet Son of Edward of Langley Duke of York 4. Rich. Plantagenet Nephew of Ed. of Langley Duke of York 5. Rich. of Shrewsbury Son of King Edw. Duke of York 6. Henry second Son to King Henry seventh Duke of York after King of England 7. Charles second Son of James King of England 8. James second Son to King CHARLES now Duke of York The Duke of CUMBERLAND It is needless to set down at large the Brittish line of this Heroick and VVarlike Prince Rupertus being sufficient to tell you that he is Son to that Peerless and unparallel'd Princess Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia daughter to James King of great Brittain sister to Charles King of great Brittain