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A67922 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 3,006,471 816

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34. Ex titu 9. Ex an 14. Regis Richardi secund● tit 6. Tit. 24. Against vsury Ex. tit 29. Vide articulum Tit. 29. Ex An. 17. Reg. Rich● Titul 33. Ex an 20. Reg. Rich. 2. tit 22. Here the Archb. of Cant. goeth contrary to himselfe Titul 32. Tit. 36. Ex 21. an Reg. Rich. titul 15. Ex tit 16. Tho. Arundell Archb. of Cant. proued a traitour by parliament Ex tit 17. Anno. 1399. The depo 〈◊〉 of kyng Archb. the 2. The Story 〈◊〉 ●●ge ●●entable ●l●es and vertues mixt ●● K. Rich. What it is ●● the sixe in mainte●●nce of the Gospell A●●icles 33. ●●l against K. Richard Gods special lauour necessary for princes ●al ● The king ledde with lewde counsayle The nobles vp in armes against certaine of the kings counsailours Ex. Chron. D. Albani The second preparatine to the kings deposing I. Waltam B. of Salisb. makebate Tho. Arundell Archb. of York Londiners sauourers of Wickliffes doctrine Ex histor D. Albani cuius sic habet initium An. gratia c. Londiners complayned of to the king by the Byshops Beati pacifici The court remoued frō London to Yorke The 3. preparatiue to the kings deposing The king aresting his owne Vncle caused him to be put wrongfully to death The king aresting his owne Vncle caused him to be put wrongfully to death Erle of Notingham made duke of Northfolke The duke of Northfolke and duke of Hereford banished Tho. Arundell banished as a traytor by parliament Ann. 1399. What euil company doth about a kyng K. Richard returneth from Irelande to Milford hauen K. Richard forsake of his su●ie●s What it is for a prince to be beloued of his subiectes K. Richard agreed to resigned ● crowne The kyng committed to the Tower The wordes of Henry Duke clayming the crowne K. Henry 4. inthroned and crowned Anno. 1400. W. Sautre Martyr W. Sautre brought before the byshops in the conuocation The articles 〈◊〉 Sautre The answer of W. Sautre giuen vp in writing The crosse materially not to bee worshipped A man predestinate rather to be worshipped than an Angell that is to say neither can be worshipped without idolatrie How bread remaineth in the Sacrament The conuocation continued W. Sautre agayn examined Determination of the Church so to be folowed as it is ioyned to the will of God The sentence against W. Sautre A certaine processe against W. Sautre presented by the Bish. of Norwiche Proces against W. Sautre Ex Regist. Cantuar. Sentence of relapse Sentence of degradation The pattēt and chalice takē frō him The booke of a new Testamēt taken frō him The Albe taken from him The candlesticke taper taken from hym The holy water bucke coni●●ed from him He meaneth the legend booke as saith the Register The Surplice taken from him The church dore keyes taken from him Priuilege of the clergie taken from him The priestes cap taken from his head maketh vp all in all The cruell decree of the king agaynst Sawtre Preposterous zeale without knowledge Admonition to Princes K Henry the first of English kinges that tormented the Christians with fire Much murder beheading in K. Henryes time the 4. * It is to be doubted Ex calendario 〈◊〉 Anno 1403. Archb. of Yorke and L. Moubray against King Henry 4. L. Bardolfe Henry Percy Earle of Northumberland agaynst the king Ex histor Scala mūdi Articles set vpon church dores against K. Hen. 4. Ann. 1405. A bill of articles s●typ against king Henry 4. K. Henry periured K. Henry changed with vnluthe K. Henry charged with treason agaynst his soueraigne K. Henry charged with a●●●d●ring of his prince K. Henry charged with the orders of the church K. Henry charged with tyranny The K charged with euill gouernement K. Hen. charged with oppression and periury Three causes declared Earle of Westmerland against the Archb. Falsehood in 〈◊〉 The Archb. of Yorke craftely circumuented The Archb. of Yorke L. Tho'Moubray with many Yorke shire ●●n executed The Earle of North●berland L. Tho. Bar. dolfe slaine Anno. 1408. Abbot of 〈◊〉 Anno. 1409. Iohn Badby martyr Ex Regist. Tho. Arundel The articles read The Sacrament of Christes body I can not blame ye that ye are so angry for it was not for your profite The sentēce o● the B. of Worcester against Iohn Badby A table of monkes and friers about the condemnation of Iohn Badby Quare fremuerunt g●ntes Psal. 2. Scribes with Pharises The aunswere of Iohn Badby to the articles The substance of bread not chaunged in the Sacrament The cōstancy of Iohn Badby before the Archb. The Bishops make sure work The Archb. 〈◊〉 and Iaylor A stiterunt reges terrae principes conuenerunt in vnum aduersus c. Psal. 2. Note here murdring wolues in sheepes cloathing The pri●● labourc●● to turne Badby The sacrament solemnely brought to Smithfield at the burning of Badbye All the power of man set against the Gospel The Gospel of Christ counted as wicked and hereticall The cruell statute ex officio A bloudie law of king Henry 4. A bloudy statute The lawe of Maximinus and the statute ex officio compared A cruell constitution by the Archb. agaynst the Gospellers with 13. articles Blasphemy not of pure man but of true God Hee meaneth here of Thomas Becket his predecessour who had ●is braynes beat out in the time of K. Hen. 2 Scripture clarkly applyed This geare hangeth togea ther lyke germa●es lyppes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 marke this you Grammarians Marke well the popes diuinitie An argument far fet that true doctrine conssisteth in making one head of the Church How aptly he painteth the proceedinges of his owne popish Church Apos 6. The figure of the black horse in the Apoc. doctorly expo●ded Behold the true image of Wolues vnder sheepes clothing The first cōstitution No priestes to preach but by limitation of the prealates A ioly mene to bring the world into such darknes Constit. 2. Constit. 3. what tyrāny is this to bynde the preachers mouth what to say Constit. 4. A barre for the preachers Const. 5. A caueat for schoolemasters Const. 4. Books of Iohn Wickliffe forbidden Constit. 7. He confesseth that S. Ierome erred in his translation And yet the said Archb. cōmēded Queene Anne for hauing the scripture in Englishe Constit. 8. Termes and propositions in disputing to be obserued Constit. 6. Authoritie of the popes decretals not to be doubted d vnder pain● of heresie Adoration of the crosse * With all abhomination Constit 10. No priest to celebrate without their letters of orders Constit. 11. Oxford famous for sincere religion Inquisition to bemade through Colledges and halles of Oxforde I would 〈◊〉 like were vsed nowe for the banishing of papistry Constit. 12. Constit. 13. Easier to o●fend against the princes law then against the byshops Iohn Puruey Iohn Edward Iohn Becket Iohn Seynons abiured The articles 1 Their arcle cōmonly was thus that who so taketh vpon him the office of a
and here againe I take his regall gouernment from him charging and forbidding all christen men that haue bene sworne vnto him whom I discharge here of their oth that hereafter they obey him in nothing but to take Rodolphus to their king who is elected by many princes of the Prouince For so right it is and conuenient that as Henry for his pride stubburnes is depriued of his dignitie and possession so Rodolphus being gratefull to all men for his vertue and deuotion be exalted to the Imperiall throne domination Therfore O you blessed prince of the Apostles graunt to this and confirme with your authoritie that I haue sayd so that all mē may vnderstand if you haue power to bynd and loose in heauen you haue also power in earth to geue take away Empires kingdoms principallities and whatsoeuer here in earth belongeth to mortall men For if yov haue power to iudge in such matters as appertain to God what then should we thinke you haue of these inferior prophane things And if it be in your power to iudge the angels ruling ouer proud princes what then shall it be seen ●●● you to do vpon their seruants Therfore let the kings vnderstand by this example all other princes of the world what you be able to do in heauen what you are with God that thereby they may feare to contemn the commaundement of holy church And now doe you exercise this iudgement quickely vpon Henricus whereby all men may see this sonne of iniquitie to fall from hys kingdome not by any chaunce but by your prouision and onely worke Notwithstanding this I would craue of you that he being brought to repentance through your intercession yet in the day of iudgement may finde fauour and grace with the Lord. Actum Romae Nonis Martij indictione 3. Furthermore Pridebrand Driveur and not yet content with this interditeth deposeth also Guibertus Archb. of Rauēna for taking the Emperors part commaunding all priestes to geue no maner obedience to him and sendeth thether to Rauenna an other Archb. with full authoritie After vpon this Henricus Rodulphus to try the matter by the sword coped together in battaile not without bloudshed where Henricus by the fauour of God against the iudgement of Hildebrand had the victory Rodulphus there greatly wounded in the conflict was had out of the army and caried to Hyperbolis where he commaunded the bishops chief doers of his conspiracy to be brought before him when they came he listed vp his right hand in which he had taken his deadly wound and sayd This is the hand which gaue the oth and sacrament vnto Henricus my Prince and which through your instigatiō so oft hath fought against him in vaine Now go and performe your first othe allegeance to your king for I must to my fathers and so dyed Thus the Pope gaue battaile but God gaue the victory Henricus after his enemy beyng thus subdued and warres being ceased in Germany forgate not the old iniuries receiued of Hildebrand by whom he was twise excommunicate expulsed from his kingdom and iii. daies making humble sute yea that in sharpe winter coulde find no fauour with him Besides that he incited moreouer aided his enemy against him wherfore calleth together a councell or assembly of diuers bishops of Italy Lōbardy and Germany at Brixia an 1083. where he purged himself accused the bishop Hildebrand of diuers crimes to be an usurper periured a Necromanser Sorcerer a lower of discord complaining moreouer of wrongs iniuries done by the bishop and church of Rome in that the church of Rome preferred the bishop before him whē that his father being emperor before him had inthronised set in diuers sundry bishops there by his assignment with out all other electiō And now this bishop contrary to his oth promise made thrust in himself without the wil and knowlege of him being their king and magistrate For in the time of his father Henricus 3. This Hildebrand wyth other bound themselues with a corporall oth that so long as the Emperour and his sonne now beyng kyng should liue they should neither themselues presume nor suffer any other to aspire to the Papal seat without the assent and approbation of the foresayd Emperours which now this Hildebrand contrary to his corporal oth had done wherfore the foresaid councel with one agrement condēned this Gregory that he should be deposed The tenor of which condemnation is thus expressed in Abbate Vrspergensi The Sentence of the Councell of Brixia against Hildebrand BEcause it is not vnknown this bishop not to be elected of God but to haue intruded himselfe by fraud and money who hath subuerted all Ecclesiasticall order who hath disturbed the gouernment of the Christian Empery manasing death of body and soule against our catholike peaceable king who hath set vp maintayned aperiured kyng sowyng discorde where concorde was causing debate amongst friends slāders offences amongest brethrenne diuorcementes and separation amongest the maried for he tooke away the mariage of priests as Henricus Mutius witnesseth and finally disquieting the peaceable state of all quiet lyfe therefore we here in the name authoritie of God congregate together with the Legates handes of 19. Bishops the day of Pentecost at Mentz doe proceed in Canonicall iudgement against Hildebrand a man most wicked preaching sacriledge and burning maintaining periury and murthers callyng in question the Catholike fayth of the body and bloud of the Lord a follower of diuination and dreames a manifest Necromancer a Sorcerer and infected with a Pythonicall spirite and therefore departed from the true fayth we iudge hym to be deposed expelled And vnlesse he hearyng this shall yelde and depart the seate to be perpetually condemned Inacted vij Calend. Iulij feria 5. indictione 3. This being enacted sent to Rome they elected Guibertus Archbishop of Rauena in the place of Hildebrand to gouerne the Church of Rome named Clemens 3. But when Hildebrand neither would geue ouer his hold nor geue place to Clement the Emperour gathering an army to send to Italy came to Rome to depose Gregory and to place Clement But Hildebrand sendyng to Matilda the Countesse before in ētioned required in remission of al hee sinnes to withstand Henry the Emperor and so she did Notwithstanding Henricus preuailyng came to Rome where he besieged the Citie all the Lent and after Easter got it the Romaines being compelled to open the gates vnto him so he comming to the temple of S. Peter there placeth Clemēt in his Papacy Hildebrand straight flieth into Adrians tower with his adherents where he beyng beset round about at length sendeth for Robert Guiscardus his frend a Norman in the mean time while Robertus collecteth his power the Abbot of Chiniake couferryng with Gregory exhorteth him to crowne Henricus emperor in Lateran which
was brought vpon a white palsray into Laterane where a scepter was geuen him and a girdle put about him hauing vii keyes with vii scales hanging there vpon for a recognisance or token of his vii fold power according to the vii folde grace of the holy Ghost of binding loosing shutting opening sealing resigning iudging c. After this Paschalis was elected Pope Henricus 4. the foresaid Emperour of courage most valiant if the time had serued thereto thought to come vp to Italic to salute the newe Pope But vnderstanding the Popes minde bent against him he chaunged his purpose In the meane time Paschalis to shew himselfe inferior to Hildebrand in no poynt began first to depose all such Abbates byshops whome the Emperour had set vp Also banished Albertus Theodoricus and Maginulphus striuing the same time for the papacie I spake before of Guibert whō Henricus the Emperour had made Pope against Hildebrād Against this Guibert Paschalis made out an armie who being put to flight not long after departed About the same time An. M. Li. the bishop of Fluence began to teach and to preach of Antichrist then to be borne to be manifest as Sabellicus restifieth wherupon Paschalis assembling a coūcell put to silence the sayde bishop and condemned his bookes In this councell at Trecas priestes that were maryed were condemned for Nicolaitanes Item according to the decree of Hildebrand al such of what degree or estate soeuer they were being lay men that gaue any ecclesiasticall dignities were cōdemned of Symonie Furthermore the statute of priestes tithes there he renued coūting the selling away therof as a sinne against the holy ghost Concerning the excommunicatiō and other troubles that Hildebrand wrought against Henricus the 4. Emperour it is declared sufficiently before This excommunication Paschalis the Pope renued a fresh against the saide Henry And not onely that but also conuenting the Princes of Germanie into a generall assemble set vp his owne sonne against him causing the bishop of Mentz of Colen and of wormes to depriue him of hys Imperiall crowne and to place his sonne Henricus the fift in his fathers kingdome and so they did Comming to the place at Hilgeshem first they required his Diademe hys purple his ring and other ornaments pertaining to the crowne from him The Emperor demandeth the cause being ther excommunicate and voide of frendes They pretending againe I cannot tell what for selling of Bishopricks Abbases and other ecclesiasticall dignities for money also alledging the popes pleasure and of other princes Then required he first of the Bishop of Mentz and likewise of the other two whom he had preferred to their bishopricks before asking them in order if he had receiued of them anye peny for his promoting thē to their dignities This when they could not deny to be so wel saith he doe you require me againe with this With diuers other wordes of exhortation admonishing them to remember their othe alleageaunce to their Prince But the periured Prelates neyther reuerencing his maiestie nor mooued with his benefites nor regarding their fidelitie ceased not for this but first plucked from him sitting in throne his crowne unperiall then disuestured him taking from him his purple his scepter The good Emperour being left desolate and in confusion sayeth to them Videat deus iudicet that is let God see and iudge Thus leauing him they went to his sonne to confirme him in his kingdom and caused him to driue his father out who then being chased of his owne sonne hauing but 9. persones about him did flee by the Dukedome of Limbrugh where the Duke being then in hunting perceauing and bearing of him made after to folow hym The Emperor fearing no other but presēt death for he had displaced that same Duke before out of his Dukedome submitted himselfe crauing of him pardon and not reuengement The Duke full of compassion pitiyng his state not onely remitted all hys displeasure but also receiued him to his castle Moreouer collecting his souldiours and men of warre brought him to Colen and there was well receaued His sonne hearing this besieged the city of Colen But the father by night escaping came to Leodium where resorted to hym all such as were men of compassion and of a constant heart In so much that hys power being strōg enough he was now able to pitch a field against his ennemies and so did desiring his friends that if he had the victorie they woulde spare hys sonne In fine the battail ioyned the father had the victorie the sonne was put to flight many being slaine on both sides But shortly after the battell renued againe the sonne preuailed the father was ouercome and takē who then being vtterly dispossessed of his kingdome was brought to that exigent that comming to Spire was same to craue of the bishop there whom he had done much for before to haue a prebende in the Church and for that he had some 〈◊〉 of his Booke he desired to serue in our Ladies quire Yet coulde he not obtaine so much at his hande who swore by our Ladie hee should haue none there Thus the wofull emperour most vnkindly hādled and repulsed on euery side came to Leodium and there for sorrowe died after he had raigned 50. yeares whose body Paschalis after his funerall caused to be taken vp againe and to be brought to Shires where it remained 5. yeres vnburied Haec ex Helmoldo After the decease of this Emperor Henricus the 4. his sonne Henricus the 5. raigned the space of 20. yeares Who comming to Rome to be crowned of the Pope coulde not obtaine before he would fully assent to haue this ratified that no Emperour should haue any thing to doe with the election of the Romaine Byshop or with other byshopprickes Besides that about the same time suche a sturre was made in Rome by the sayd Byshop that if the Emperour had not defended himselfe with his owne hands he had bene slaine But as it happened the Emperour hauing the victorie amongest many other Romaines which were partly slaine partly taken in the same skirmishe he taketh also the Pope and leadeth him out of the Citie where he indenteth with him vpō diuers conditions both of his coronation and of recouering againe his right and title in the election of the Pope of other byshops wherunto the Pope assenting agreed to all So the Emperour being crowned of Paschalis returned againe with the Pope to Rome All the conditions betwene the Emperour the Pope so long as the Emperour remained at Rome stoode sirine and ratified But asseone as the Emperour was returned againe to Germanie forth with the Pope calling a Synode not only reuoked all that he had agreed to before but also excommunicated Henricus the Emperor as he had done his father before reproouing the former priuilegium for prauilegium The Emperor returning frō Rome to Franice there
Robert Earle of Leycester to declare to him what was his iudgement To whom the Archbyshop answereth heare my sonne good Earl what I say vnto you how much more precious the soule is more then the body so much more ought you to obey me in the lord rather then your terrene king Neither doth any law or reason permit the children to iudge or cōdemne their father Wherfore to auoid both the iudgement of the king of you and all other I put my selfe only to the arbitrement of the Pope vnder God alone to be iudged of him and of no other To whose presence heere before you all I doe appeale committing the ordering of the Church of Cant. my dignitie with all other things appertaining to the same vnder the protection of God and him And as for you my brethren fellow Byshops which rather obey man then god you also I call and cite to the audience and iudgement of the pope and depart hence foorth from you as from the ennemies of the Catholike Church and of the authoritie of Apostolike see While the Barons returned with this aunswere to the king the Archbishop passing through the throng taketh to him his Palfrey holding his Crosse in one hande and his bridle in the other the courtiers following after and crying traytor traytor tary heare thy iudgement But he passed on till he came to the vttermost gate of the Courte which being fast locked there had ben staid had not one of his seruants called Peter surnamed Demunctorio finding ther a bunche of keyes hanging by first prooued one key then an other till at last finding the true key had opened the gate and let him out The archbishop went straight to the house of Chanons where hee did lie calling vnto hym the poore where they could be found When supper was done making as though he would go to bed which he caused to be made betwixt two altares priuely while the king was at supper prepareth his iorny secretly to escape away and chaunging his garment and his name being called Derman first went to Lincolne from thence to Sandwiche where he tooke ship and sailed into Flaunders and from thence iourneyed to Fraunce as Houedenus sayth All be it Alanus differing something in the order of his flight sayth that he departed not that night but at supper time came to him the bishop of London Chichester declaring to him that if he would surrender vp to the king his two maners of Oxforde wyngecham there were hope to recouer the kings fauour to haue all remitted But when the Archbishop would not agree therunto forasmuch as those maners were belonging to the Churche of Canterburie the king hearing thereof great displeasure was taken In so much that the next day Becket was faine to sende to the king two bishops and his chaplein for leaue to depart the realme To the which message the king answered that he would take a pause therof til the next day then he should haue an answere But Becket not tarying his answere the same day conueied himselfe away secretely as is aforesayde to Ludouicus the French king But before he came to the king Gilbert the bishop of London William the earle of Arundel sent frō the king of England to Fraunce preuented him requiring of the said French king in the behalf of the king of England that he would not receiue nor retaine in his dominion the archb of Canterbury Moreouer that at his instance he wold be a meanes to the pope not to shewe any familiaritie vnto him But the King of England in this point semed to haue more confidence in the French king then knowledge of his disposition For thinking that the French king would haue bene a good neighbour to him in trusting him to much he was deceiued Neither considered he w e himselfe inough the maner nature of the Frenchmen at that tyme agaynst the realme of England who then were glad to seeke and take all maner of occasions to doe some act agaynst England And therefore Ludouicke the French king vnderstanding the matter thinking percase therby to haue some vauntage against the king and realme of England by the occasion hereof contrary to the kings letters and request not onely harboreth and cherisheth this Derman but also writing to the pope by his Almener and brother entreateth him vpon al loues as euer he would haue his fauor to tender the cause of the Archbishop Becket Thus the kinges Ambassadours repulsed of the French king returned at what tyme he sent an other ambassage vpō the like cause to Alexander the pope thē being at Sene in France The Ambassadours sēt in this message were Roger archbishop of Yorke Gilbert bishop of London Henry Bish. of Winchester Hilary Bish. of Chichester Bartholomew byshop of Exceter with other doctors clerkes also william Earle of Arundell with certayne moe Lordes Barons Who comming to the popes court were friendly accepted of certayne of the Cardinals amongst the which cardinals rose also dissention about the same cause some iudgyng the Bishop of Canterbury in the defence of the liberties of the Church as in a good cause to be mayntayned Some thinking agayn that he being a perturber of peace and vnitie was rather to be bridled for hys presumption then to be fostered incouraged therein But the P. partly bearing with his cause which onely tended to his exaltation and magnificence partly again incensed with the letters of the French king did wholy incline to Becket as no maruell was Wherfore the next day following the pope sitting in consistory with his Cardinals the ambassadours were called for to the hearing of Beckets matter and first beginneth the bishop of London next the Archbishop of Yorke then Exceter and the other Bishops euery one in their order to speake Whose orations being not well accepted of the Pope and some of them also disdayned the Earle of Arundel perceauing that and somewhat to qualifie and temper the matter to the Popes eares began after this maner ALthough to me it is vnknowen sayth he which am both vnlettered and ignorant what is that these Byshops heere haue sayde neither am I in that toung so able to expresse my minde as they haue done yet being sent and charged thereunto of my Prince neither can nor ought I but to declare as well as I may what the cause is of our sending hether Not truely to contende or striue with any person nor to offer any iniurie or harme vnto any man especially in this place and in the presence here of such a one vnto whose becke and authoritie all the world doth stoupe and yeelde But for this intent is our legacie hether directed to present here before you and in the presence of the whole church of Rome the deuotion and loue of our king and maister which euer he hath had and yet hath still toward you And that the same might the better
the monke what he had brought He said of his frute and that very good the best that he did euer tast Eate said the king and he toke one of the peares which he did know and did eate Also being bid to take an other did eate lykewise sauerly And so likewise the third Then the king refraining no longer tooke one of the poysoned peares and was therewith poysoned as is before c. In the raigne of this king Iohn the citizens of London first obtained of the king to chose yerely a Maior In whose time also the bridge of London was first builded of stone which before was of woode Rastall * King Henry the third AFter this king Iohn had raigned as some say 17. yeres or as some say though falsly 19. yeres was as is abouesaid poisoned died Thys king left behinde him 4. sonnes and 3. daughters first Henry second Richard and he was Earle of Cornwall Third William of Valentia Fourth Guido Disenay He had also an other sonne who afterward was made bishop Of his daughters first was Isabel maried afterward to Fredericke the Emperour The second named Alinour maried to William earl Marshal The third to Mounfort the Earl of Leicester c. An other story sayth that he had but two daughters Isabel and Elionore or as an other calleth her Ioane which was after Queene of Scotland Ex Chronico vetusto Anglic. This king Iohn being deceased which had many enemies both of Earles Barons especially of the Popish Clergie Henric hys eldest sonne was then of the age of 9. yeares At what time the most of the Lordes of England did adhere to Ludouike or Lewes y● French kings sonne whom they had sent for before in displeasure of king Iohn to be their king and had sworne to him their allegeaunce Then William Earle Marshall a noble man and of great authority and a graue and a sound coūseller friendly and quietly called vnto him diuers Earles and Barons and taking this Henry the young prince sonne of king Iohn setteth him before them vsing these words Behold saith he right honourable and well beloued although we haue * persecuted the father of this yong Prince for his euil demeanour worthely yet this yong childe whome here ye see before you as he is in yeres tender so is he pure and innocent from these his fathers doings Wherfore in as much as euery man is charged only with the burthen of his owne workes and transgressions neither shall the childe as the Scripture teacheth vs beare the iniquity of his father we ought therefore of duetie and conscience to pardone this young and tender Prince and take compassion of his age as ye see And now for so much as he is the kings natural and eldest sonne and must be our soueraigne and king and successor of this kingdom come and let vs appoynt him our king and gouernour and let vs remoue from vs this Lewes the French kings sonne suppresse his people which is a confusion and a shame to our nation and the yoke of their seruitude let vs cast off from our shoulders To these words spake answered the Earle of Glocester And by what reason or right sayd he can we so do seeing we haue called him hether haue sworne to him our feaultie Whereunto the Earle Marshall inferred againe and sayd Good right and reason we haue and ought of duety to do no lesse for that he contrary to our minde and calling hath abused our affiance and feaulties Truthe it is we called him c ment to prefer him to be our chieftaine and gouernor but he estsones surprised in pride hath contemned and despised vs and if we shal so suffer him he will subuert and ouerthrow both vs and our nation and so shall we remaine a spectacle of shame to all men and be as outcastes of all the world At these words all they as inspired from aboue cried altogether with one voice be it so he shal be our king And so the day was appoynted for his coronation which was the day of Simon Iude. This coronation was kept not at Westminster for as much as Westminster the same tune was holde● of the Frenchmen but as Glocester the safest place as was thought at that time in the realme an 1216. by Swallow the Popes Legate through counsel of all the Lords and Barons that held with his rather king Iohn to witte the Bishop of Winchester Bishop or Barn Bishop of Chester and Bishop of Worcester the Earle Radulph of Chester William Earle Marshal William Earl of Pembroke William Tren Earle of Feres William de Bruer Serle or Samarike de mal Baron These were at the crowning of the king at Glocester Many other lords and Barons there were which as yet helde wyth Lewes the French kings sonne to whom they had done their homage before And immediatly after the crowning of thys king he held his coūcell at Bristow at S. Martines least where were assembled 11. Byshops of England Wales with diuers Earles Barons and knights of England All which did sweare feaultie vnto the king After which homage thus done to the king the legate Swalo interdicted Wales because they held with the foresaid Lew●es and also the Barons al other as many as gaue help or counsell to Lewes or any other that moued or stirred any war against Henry the new king he accursed them All which notwithstanding the sayde Lewes did not cease but first laid siege to the Castel or Douer xv daies when he could not preuaile there he tooke the castel of Berkhamsted and also the castel of Hartford doing much harme in the countreis in spoiling robbing the people where they went by reason wherof the Lordes and Commons which held with the king assembled thēselues together to driue Lewes and his men out of the land But some of the Barōs with the Frenchmen in the meane season went to Lincoln and tooke the Citie and held it to the vse of Lewes Which being knowen ensoones a greate power of the kinges parte made thether as the Earle Ranolfe of Chester William Earle Marshal and William de le Brues Earle of Feres with many other Lords and gaue battaile vnto Lewes and his party so that in conclusion Lewes lost the field and of his side were slaine the Earle of Perchis Saer de Quincy Earle of Winchester Henry de la Bohon Erle of Herford and syr Robert le Fizwater with diuers other moe Wherupon Lewes for succour fled to London causing the gates there to be shut kept waiting there for more succour out of France Which assoone as the king had knowledge off immediatly sent to the Maior and Burges of the Citie willing them to render them and their Citie to him as their chiefe lord and king promising to graunt to them againe all their fraunchises and liberties as in times past to confirme the same by his great
touched In whome as some good vertues may be noted so also some vices may seeme to be mixed withall But especially this that he starting out of the steps of hys progenitors ceased to take part with them whiche tooke part with the gospell Wherupon it so fell not by the blind wheele of fortune but by the secret hand of him which directeth all estates that as he first began to forsake that mayntayning of the Gospell of God so the Lord began to forsake him And where the protection of God beginneth to fayle there can lack no causes to be charged withall whom God once giueth ouer to mans punishmēt So that to me considering the whole life and trade of this prince among all other causes alledged in storyes agaynst him none seemeth so much to be wayed of vs or more hurtfull to hym then this forsaking of the Lord and his word Although to such as list more to be certified in other causes concurring withall many and sondry defectes in that king may appeare in storyes to the number of 33. articles alledged or forced rather agaynst him In whiche as I cannot deny but that he was worthy of much blame so to be displaced therefore from his regall seate and rightfull state of the crowne it may be thought perhaps the causes not to be so rare so material in a prince which either could or els would haue serued had not he geuen ouer before to serue the Lord and hys word chusing rather to serue the humour of the Pope and bloudy Prelates thē to further the Lords proceedings in preaching of hys word And thē as I sayd how can enemies lack wher God standeth not to friend or what cause can be so little whiche is not able inough to cast downe where the Lords arme is shortned to sustayne Wherefore it is a poynt of principall wisedome in a Prince not to forget that as he standeth alwayes in neede of God hys helping hand so alwayes he haue the discipline and feare of him before hys eyes according to the counsayle of the godly King Dauid Psal. 2. And thus much touching the time and race of this K. Richard with the tragical story of his deposing The order and maner whereof purposely I pretermit onely contented briefly to lay together a fewe speciall thinges done before his fall suche as may be sufficient in a briefe somme both to satisfie the Reader inquisitiue of suche storyes and also to forwarne other Princes to beware the lyke daungers In suche as wryte the life and Actes of this Prince thus I read of him reported that he was much inclined to the fauouring and aduancing of certayne persons about him ruled all by theyr counsell whiche were thē greatly abhorred and hated in the realme The names of whome were Rob. Ueer Erle of Oxford whō the king had made Duke of Ireland Alexander Neuile Archbishop of York Michiel Delapoole Earle of Suffolke Robert Trisiliam Lord chiefe Iustice Nicholas Brembre with other These men being hated and disdayned of diuers of the nobles and of the commons the king also by fauouring them was lesse fauoured hymselfe In so much that the Duke of Gloucester named Thomas Woodstock the kings Uncle with the Erle of Warwicke and Earle of Darby stoode vp in armes against those counsaylors and abusers as they named them of the king In so much that the king for feare was constrayned agaynst hys minde to remoue out of his court Alexander Neuile Archb. of Yorke Iohn Foorde Byshop of Duresme Fryer Thomas Rushoke Bishop of Chichester the kinges confessor with the Lord Haringworth Lord Burnell and Bemond Lord Ueer and diuers other And furthermore in the Parliament the same yeare following Robert Trisilian the Iustice was hanged and drawne Also Nicholas Brembre Knight Iames Salisbury also and Iames Barnese both Knights Ioh. Bewchampe the kinges Steward and Iohn Blake Esquire in like maner All these by the counsayle of the Lordes beyng cast in the parliament agaynst the kyngs mind did suffer which was in the 11 of his raign he being yet vnder gouernours but consequently after the same the king clayming his own liberty being come to the age of 20. began to take more vpon him And this was one thinge that stirred vp the kinges stomacke agaynst the Nobles Ex Chron. Alban 2. An other thing that styred hym vp as much against the Londiners was this for that he would haue borowed of them a M. pound and they denied him to their double triple disauantage as after ensued vpon it Ibidem An other occasion besides this betwene the king and the Londoners happened thus by reason of one of the Byshop of Salisburies seruauntes named Roman and a Bakers man who then carying a basket of horsebread in Fletstreet the foresayd Roman tooke a horselose out of the basket The Baker asking why he did so the Byshops lusty yeomcu turned backe agayne and brake his head whereupon the neighbors came out and would haue arested this Roman but he escaped away vnto the Byshops house Then the Constable would haue had him out but the Bishops men shut fast the gates that they shoulde not approche Thus much people gathered together threatning to brust open the gates and fire the house vnlesse they had the foresayd party to them brought out Wherby much adoe there was till at length the Mayor and Sheriffes came and quieted the rage of the commons sent euery man home to his house charging thē to keepe peace Here as yet was no great harme done but if the bishoppe for his part had beene quyet and had not styrred the coles of debate which were well slaked already all had bene ended without further perturbation But th● stomacke of the Byshop not yet digested although hys m●n had done the wrong hauing no great cause so to do whose name was Iohn Waltam being then Treasourer of England went to Thomas Arundell archbish the same time of Yorke and Lord Chauncellour of England to complayne of the Londoners Where is to be noted or rather reueled by the way a priuy mistery which although be not in this story touched of the writers yet it touched the hartes of the bishops not a little For the Londoners at that time were notoriously knowne to be fauourers of wickliffes side as partly before this is to be seene and in the story of S. Albones more playnly doth appeare where the author of the sayd history writing vpon the 15. yeare of King Richardes raygne reporteth in these wordes of the Londoners that they were Male creduli in deum traditiones auitas Lollardorum sustentatores religiosorū detractores de cimarū detētores cōmunis vulgi depauperatores c. that is not right beleuers in God nor in the traditions of their forefathers susteyters of the Lollardes deprauers of religious men withholders of tythes and impouerishers of the common people c. Thus the Londoners being noted and
the 13. chap. of the Apoc. expounding the mistery of the second beast rising out of the earth hauing the hornes of a lambe c. doo apply the same to Mahumet and the Turkes with a solemne declaration made vpon the same Which interpretatiō of theirs although in some pointes it may seeme to haue some appearance of probabilitie neither can it be denied but that Mahumet the Turke be pestilent and wicked enemies of Christ our Lord most bitter persecutors of his Church yet as touching the proper naturall meaning of the Apostle in that place speaking of the false lambe c. if we consider well all the circumstances of that beast and marke the consequence of the text both of that which goeth before and followeth after we must needs graunt that Nicol. de Lyra with hys fellowes with al such like of the Popes schoole that folow that schoole be deceaued and that the description and interpretation of that falshorned lambe must necessarily be applyed only to the Bishop of Rome and none other which is to be proued by sixe principall causes or arguments The first is for that this beast is described to beare the hornes of a lambe By the which lambe no doubt is ment Christ. By y● hornes of the lambe is signified the outward shew or resemblance of Christ our sauiour which shew or resemblance can haue no relation to Mahumet for that he taketh himselfe to be aboue Christ Christ as an excellent Prophet of God sitting at his feete Wherfore seeing Mahumet commeth neither as equall to Christ nor as vicar vnder Christ this prophesy can not agree in him but only in him which openly in plaine words protesteth that all Christes lambes and sheepe not singularly but vniuersally through the whole world are committed to him as Uicar of Christ and successor of Peter and that all men must confesse the same of necessitie or else they are noue of Christes sheepe c. wherein it is easy to see where the pretensed hornes of the lambe do growe The second argument And he spake like the Dragon c. A Lambes hornes and the mouth of a Dragon do not agree together And as they do not agree together in nature so neither can they be found in any one person either Turke or other if we will iudge truely so liuely as in the Bishop of Rome When thou hearest him call himselfe the Apostolicall Bishop the Uicar of Christ the successor of Peter the seruant of Gods seruants c. thou seest in him the two hornes of a lambe and would thinke him to be a lambe in deede and such a one as would wash your feete for humilitie but heare him speake and you shall find him a dragon See and reade the Epistle of Pope Martine the fift aboue mentioned pag. 649. charging commaunding and threatning Emperoures Kinges Dukes Princes Marquesses Earles Barons Knightes Rectors Consuls Proconsuls with their Shires Counties and Uniuersities of their kingdoms Prouinces Cities Townes Castles Uillages and other places See the answere of Pope Urban 2. and his message to King William Rufus pag. 192. Behold the workes and doings of Pope Innocent against King Iohn Note also the answere of another Pope to the King of England which for the price of the kings head would not graunt vnto him the inuesting of his Bishops Marke well the wordes and doings of Pope Hildebrande against the Emperor Henry the fourth pag. 175. Also of Pope Alexāder the 2. treading vpon the neck of Fredericus Barbarossa not like a lambe treading vpō a dragon but like a drago● treading vpon a lambe so that his owne verse might ●ac turned vpon himselfe tanquam aspis basiliscus super ouiculam ambulans tanquam Leo draco conculcans agnum Cōsider moreouer the behauior maner cōdition and property almost of all the Popes which haue bene these 600. yeares and what Dragon or Serpent could be more viperous then their owne doings and words can speake and giue testimony against themselues It followeth moreouer in the same prophecy of the Apocalipse for the third argument And he doth all the power of the first beast presently before his face and causeth the earth and all the inhabitants therein to honour the first beast the stripe of whose deadly wound was cured c. In this prophesy ij things are to be noted first what the first beast is whose power the second beast doth execute Secondly what this second beast is which so doth exercise his power in his sight The first of these beastes here in the Apoc. described hauing 7. heads 10. hornes must needes signifie the city of Rome which may easely be proued by two demonstrations First by the exposition of the 17. chap. of the same Apocalips where is declared and described the sayd beast to stād of 7. hils to containe 10. kings hauing the whole power of the dragon geuen and also the same citie to be named the whore of Babylon drunkē wyth the bloud of saints All which properties ioined together can agree in no wise but only to the heathē Empire of Rome which Citie at the time of writing these prophesies had the gouernment of the whole world The second demonstration or euidence may be deduced out of the number of the monethes assigned to this beast Apoc. 13. For so it is written that this beast had power to make that is to worke his malice against Christes people 42. monethes which monethes counted by sabbates of yeares that is euery moneth for seuen yeares maketh vp the iust number of those yeares in which the primitiue Church was vnder the terrible persecutions of the heathen Emperors of Rome as is afore specified pag. 397. Which thing thus standing proued and confessed that the first beast must needes signifie the Empire and City of Rome then must it necessarely follow that the second beast with the lambs hornes must signifie the Bishop Pope of the same City of Rome The reason whereof is euident and apparant by that which followeth in the prophecye where it is declared that the seconde beast hauing two hornes of a lambe receaued and exercised all the power of the first beast before or in the sight of the said beast which can not be verefied neither in the Turke nor in any other but only in the Pope of Rome who as you see receiueth vsurpeth and deriueth to himselfe all the power of that Citie and Monarchy of Rome In so much that he saith that when Constantine or Ludouicus yeelded vnto him the rule kingdome of that Citie he gaue him but his owne and that which of right and duty belonged to him before And this authority or power ouer all the Empire of Rome he worketh not in Asia or in Constantinople as the Turke doth but in the sight of the beast which gaue him the power that is in the City of Rome it selfe which is the
Rome Pope Iohn had his eyes put out and so put to death Pope Gregory restored Vii electours of themperors ordayned in Germany and who they be Ex Chronico Martini King Egelred Anno. 979. The life of Egelred Anno. 981. The coronation of Egelred The prophecie of Dunstane as monkishe storyes geue it The Danes recoursed to England Houeden lib. continuationum London cōsumed with fire The king warred against the Byshop of Rochester An. 990. The bloudy flixe and hote feuers reigned in this land The death of Dunstane Ethelgarus Elfricus Siricius Elphegus Archb. of Canterb. An. 995. The Byshops sea of Dyrham London besieged of the Danes The Dane spoyled the land Great tribute leuied of the Englishmen Danegelt The sorrowfull affliction of the English nation What dissētion and discorde doth amōg the nobles in a realme The pride and wretchednes of the Danes toward the Englishmen Lord Dane Lurdaine Anno. 1000. Henrie Archidiat lib. 6. The first ioyning betweene the Norm and Englishe men King Egelred marieth Emma the Dukes daughter of Normandy Richard Duke of Normandy The Danes by secret cōmission slayne in euery towne of England Suanus K. of Denmarke ariueth in England Exeter beat down Norwiche spoyled and wasted by the Danes Anno. 1004. A tribute payd to the Danes of xxx M. pound to haue peace The persecution of Turkillus a Dane Euill counsell about a king what hurt it doth The second returne of Suanus into England The persecution of Suanus king of Danes Caunterbury besieged Treason of a false Deacon Caunterbury takē and brent The tything of the Monkes of Caunterbury A cruell murther of the Danes Elphegus the Archb. of Caūt stoned to death Anno. 1013. King Egelred driuen 〈…〉 I le of Wig●● from then 〈◊〉 Normandy The vertue of Christen mens prayer The death and end of Suanus The Abbey of S. Edmundelburie builded King Egelred returneth into England Canutus cutteth of the noses and handes of hys pledges Canutus taketh Westsaxon A lessen for all Iudges and Iustices Brybes Euill Iudges worse in a common wealth then bloudy enemies Wicked officers Agaynst wicked Iudges A wicked Iudge deposed and depriued by the king Anno. 1016. Edmund Ironside sunne of Egelred king Canutus sonne of Swanus king The battayles betweene Edmundus and Canutus A witty oration to stay bloud betweene 2. armyes Two 〈◊〉 fight 〈◊〉 to hand The 〈◊〉 murtherd king Edmund Two so●ne of Edmund Y●onside Flattery 〈◊〉 fidelity 〈◊〉 vntrueth in English Lordes False vnfaythfulnes and vnconstant mobilitie in Englishe Lordes and rewarded Duke Edrike the false traytor and murtherer of 〈◊〉 king worthely rewarded for hys wicked falshode The end of pernicious traytours The brother of Edmund Yronside banished reconciled and lastly slayne Edmund and Edward two sonnes of Edmund Yronside sent out to be slayne Canutus K. of Denmarke Canutus maryeth Emma wife before of Egelred Lawes of K. Edgar H●rold Harefoot K. of Englād a Dane Anno. 1039. Hardecknout king last of the Danes that reigned in England Erle Godwyn The miserable wretchednes of Godwyn agaynst the Normands The Normandes tythed and yet the tenthes retithed agayn Alfredus sonne of Egelred right heyre of the crowne tormented with cruell death The cause expended why God suffered this land to be conquered by the Normandes Example of Gods righteous iudgement The death of K. Hardeknout The sonnes of Erle Godwyn The story of Alfred repeated Taken out of the english story or chronicle compiled of certayne englishe Clerkes Alfred of Al●red sonne of K. Egelred Ex historia ignati autori● Gunilda wife to Henricus the Emperour Canutus went to Rome The hospitall builde at Rome for English p●●grimes Rome shote confirmed by Canutus The Cathedral Churche of Wintchest inritched by Canutus S. Benets in Norfolke builded Bury Abbey turned to Monkes Flatterers and clawbackes about Princes Canutus chargeth the sea to stand backe but it would not be A lesson notable for kinges and Princes God onely the king of all kings and Lord of Lordes The kinges crowne put on a roode Kinges of England haue as much right in causes spirituall as temporall Certaine lawes of K. Canutus for the ordering of matters ecclesiasticall Adultresse woman to loose their eares and noses Anno. 104● King Edward the con●ellour England a●flicted by the Danes the space of 255. yeares K. Edward crowned Holy king Edward a virgine i● maryage Methe i● Greeke signifieth dr●kennes Aceasation of the Archbish. against Emma the kinges mother False accusation purged by hote yron A straunge thing if it were true and without false conueyance Great snow and mortalitie in England Variaunce betweene the king and Godwyn Godwyn with hys v. sonnes outlawed Godwyn reconciled to the king vpon pledges geuen William D. of Normandy came into England to king Edward Marianus Scotus whē he liued The end and death of vngodly Godwyn Ex lorna Malmesberiensi Polydor. Fabiano alijs Gods iust punishment vpon Godwyn for the murthering of Alphred Periurie plagued Edward the outlawe sonne of Edmund Yronside sent for to England Anno. 1056. The death of Edward sonne of Edmond Yronside William Duke of Normandy admitted heyre to the crowne The enuy and discorde of brethren Vngracious children of a wicked father A place of Polydorus Virg. examined Harold taken of the Normands Harold promiseth Duke William to marry hys daughter and to keepe the realme for hys behoofe Erle Leofricus euer true and faythfull to hys prince How Couentry was made free Godina wife to Leofricus The Abby of Couentry builded by Leofricus Edward the outlaw Edgar Edeling Margaret Queene of Scottes Matilde Queene of England Dauid King of Scots The death of King Edward Westminster repayred Guliel Malmesber Ex lornalen Ex Historia Richardi 2. iussu composita The lawes of K. Edward Ex Mathaeo pariensi William Conquerour sworne to K. Edwardes lawes yet went from it Ex libro Reg. antiquorum in praetorio Londinensi The office of a king described in the lawes of K. Edward A king the vicare of God in earth The limits of the kingdome of England how farre they doe extend The office of a king farther described 〈…〉 and 〈◊〉 king 〈◊〉 to haue 〈…〉 iec●ion Anno. 1066. Harold 〈◊〉 K. of Saxons Harold king of Denmarke and Tostius slayne The Pope sendeth a banner to Duke W. vpon bone v●age into England Duke William landeth at H●stinges Three causes why Duke William entred England Three conditions offered to Harold by D. William The fight betweene Harold and Duke William K. Harold slayne The consanguinitie betweene K. Edward and William Conquerour Murther iustly recompensed Archbishops of Caunterb Liningus Egelmothus Robertus Stigandus The decay of the Church Pope Siluester 2. Siluester the. 2 a soule sorcerer Ioannes Stella Platina Petrus Praemostratensis Nancle●us Antoninus Robertus Barnus Ioannes Baleus Ex Ioan Stella An admonition for sorcerers and wicked coniu●ers The feast of all soules brou●ht into the church Benedictus the 9. Gregorius the 6. A constitution no pope to be chosen but by the
speke against the pride of prelates and their excessiue dignities All be Pagans with the Pope that like not his superstitious and idolatrous traditions A great difference betweene a rouing mother and the fratike whore of Babilon We fooles thought their life to be madnes and their ende without honour Sapiens 5. Et os eius sicut os Le●nis 1. And his mouth is like the mouth of a Lyon Apoc. 13. Draconis lex saguine scripta The popes religiō hath left all sence of humanit●e * Et vidi bestiam ●●ges terrae excercitus corum pugnantes cum illo qui ●eceoat in equo exercitu eius Apoc. 13. Et data est illi potestas in omnem t●ibum et populum et linguam gentem 1. And power is geuen him ones all tribes and people and tongues and nations c. Apoc. 13. Note the tendernes of this louing mother the Church of Rome Et facies omnes pun●●●s et ●●●g●● dinites et ●auperes et ic●uos accipere characterern in manu sua dextra 1. And he shall make both little and great riche and poore free bond to take his character in their right hand c. Apoc. 13. Satan ratteleth his chaines The olde maner of the popishe othe Speaking of the inuisible church the article is true This article seemeth to be wrasted out of the wordes of Hierome of Prage The papa●● dignit●● touc●●d Iohn Hus expoundeth this article with this distinct non ratione meriti sed ratione officii Iohn Hus declareth his mind touching this article sufficiently before Election maketh not the successor of Pet. but immitation One head of the vniuersall church beside Christ hath no foundation in all scripture The forme and maner of the popes inquisition Heresie to p●ay for l. Wickliffe or ●●●lus c. Heresie not to beleeue the councell of Constāce Heresie to ●●●ster in both kindes Heresie to deny the Popes indulgences Heresie not to worship images These Popes wil be sure to lose nothing Wealthy wickednes maintained The pope neyther preacheth himselfe nor yet will suffer other good priests to preach Papa spirat minas caedes See here the Dragon casting out whole floudes to swalow vp the Sainte● Pope Martin 5. contrary to Pope Boniface 8. Pope Martyn vndoeth the a●is and edictes of al other popes Note howe Antichrist rageth and ryleth against christ Mans power and counsaile too weake against christ An exhortation of the Bohemians The Pope and prelates by their letters stirred them to flight Faire words doe make fooles faine The Pope seduceth the world with vaine promises of thinges which he cannot geue The deuil the Pope ●iche in pro●ising and poore in ge●●ng Galat. 6. False pretenses of the papistes M. Hus Hierom by wrongful violence put to death Christ heard the deuill b● the pope wil not heare men confesse their fayth 2. Esdras 3. Iohn 14. Iohn 8. A iust and ly reques●● Bohemi●● Wherefore the popes clergie wil abide no cōference with the laytie The Popes pretensed excuse detected Rom. 1. Experience of Gods blessing where the pope hath cursed Obiection Aunswere The popes false accusation answered Math. 15. The abuse of popishe religion in making priests Cardia● ls c. Actes 8. The abuse of popishe religion in taking orders Popishe excommunication abused 1. Cor. 16. The pope● church poysoned with buying and selling their praying and singing and all their doing for money Feare of purgatory hath robbed almost all the whole world So long as priestes be rich they will neuer be true teachers The subtiltie of the deuill in making the church rich Eccle. 19. Popishe priests with their long sumtuous gownes more like to the Pharises then Christ. 1. Tim. 3. Honor in well gouerning The popes church poysoned with couetousnes Tim. 1. The popes church poysoned much with who●e dome The Popes church and monasteries commonly poysoned with deuelishe enuie The popes church poysoned with idlenes and belly cheare The Popes church infamous with notorious lies The Popes church erreth in diminishing one part of the Sacrament The Popes church charged with partialitie He meaneth of claiming tithes by mere necessitie of the olde lawe and not by the positiue law of princes The Popes church charged with vsury He meaneth the immoderate riches tēpo all possessions Mē appointed to preach may preach t●oagh the Pope forbid them When the Pope holdeth his councell let mē looke to their wiues daughters where the councell is kept Ex vetustissimo codice manuscripto Great lamētatiō for Zisca The army of Zisca deuided The order and po●●cie that the armie of Zisca vsed in warre after his decease Procopius Magnus Sigismund the Emperor which burned Hus and Hierom before now is fayne to entreat for hys kingdome The death of I. Hus Hierome reuenged The Cardinall of Winchester sent into Germany to rayse warre agaynst the Bohemians Three armies set against the Bohemians God rescueth his people newly conuerted The popes army flyeth Lyke captayne lyke souldiour Anno. 1421. The Pope rayseth warre the second time against the Bohemians A newe warre raysed by the pope against the Bohemians The number of the popes army against the Bohemians Cardinall Iulian with a maine host entreth Boheme The cruell slaughter done by the Cardinall God striketh a feare in the popes army * Rather for the religion of Antichrist This Cardinall belike loued to preach rather in the campe thēin the church The Cardinals army ranne away for feare Great slaughter in Boheme by Duke Albert The councel of Basill A letter of the Emperour to the Bohemians The Bohe●ians sent for by the Councell Safeconduct geuen to the Bohemians to come to the councell A doubt among the Bohemians whether to goe to the councell of Basill or no. This Maynardus was after a great backfriend to the faithful Bohemians 300. horsemen of the Bohemians sent Ambas to the councell This english man was Peter Paine The receiuing of the Bohemians at Basill Procopius famous among the Germaynes The oration of Cardinall Iulian. The Bohemians aunswere to the Cardinals oration The articles wherin the Bohemians dissented from the church of Rome Certaine appointed by the Bohemians and the councell to dispute The death of K. Henry 5. called prince of priests for fauouring the pope King Henry 6. Anno. 1422. Ex Scala mundi Ex Regist. Cant. William Taylour the first tyme apprehended W. Taylour againe appeareth before the Archbishop Three articles first obiected to W. Taylour The forme of canonical absolution in the church vsed against th● that were excommunicate The opinion of Wil. Taylour cōcerning worshipping of Saintes Cultus latriae that is worship which is onely due to God Ang. super Psal. 21. 4. articles by the 4. orders of Friers laid against W. Taylour W. Taylour disgraded W. Taylour Martir burned in Smithfield The popes maner of degradation Iohn Florence● a Turner He meanet●they should claime such ●●thes by any exaction Anno. 1424. The maner