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A07894 A briefe chronicle, of the successe of times, from the creation of the world, to this instant· Containing, the originall & liues of our ancient fore-fathers, before and after the Floude, as also, of all the monarchs, emperours, kinges, popes, kingdomes, common-weales, estates and gouernments, in most nations of this worlde: and how in alteration, or succession, they haue continued to this day. Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1611 (1611) STC 18263; ESTC S112963 308,814 636

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impositions whereby great seditions happened at Paris Rouen and Orleaunce The King tooke into the Armes of France againe the thrée Floure-de-Luces onely and fell sicke of a Phrenzy by reason of two factions in his Court the Dukes of Berry and Burgundy against the Dukes of Orleaunce and Bourbon whereby many lamentable mishaps ensued The Princes tooke the gouernment into their hands and diuision happening concerning the treasure the Duke of Burgundy caused the Duke of Orleaunce to bee slaine at Paris and the Duke of Burgundy was slaine at Montereau Phillip his Sonne craued ayde of the English who presently tooke well neere all Normandy beside the vnhappy day to the French of Agincourt or Azincourt where many wo●ull Tragedies were acted on the Theater of France by the English Burgundians and the Kings Mother who was imprisoned at Paris The King of England maried Madame Katherine of France The Duke of Burgundy deliuered him the King the Quéene and the Citty of Paris where he caused him to be crowned King and many other Citties and Towns were deliuered him beside King Charls hauing raigned forty two yeares died at Paris and lieth buried at Saint Denis His raigne was long but full of calamity 54 Charles the seauenth Sonne to Charles the sixt was made King in the yeare 142. Hée found his Kingdome possessed in all partes by the English Paris and the greater part of the Realme beeing then commaunded by the Duke of Bedford Regent for young Henry King of England who called himselfe King of Fraunce held his Parliament at Paris was there crowned king and made the Seale and Monies also in his own name King Charles hauing nothing else but the Countries of Poictu Berry and Orleaunce whereon the English in a mockery called him the king of Bourges They went to besiedge the Cittie of Orleaunce but they were thence repulsed by the French Captaines For they had a Maide in their Company who was called Ioan the Pucelle and they verily beléeued that she was sent of God for the succour of King Charles and to chase the English out of France The King after the discomfiture of the English néere to Partenay was conducted to Rheimes and there crowned But the English got the Pucelle and burned her at Rouen The King made peace with the Duke of Burgundy who foorthwith left the English and afterward recouered Paris and Normandy from them King Charles raigned 38. yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis 55 Lewes the eleuenth succéeded his Father in the yeare 1461. beeing then in Burgundy whence the Duke conuayed him to Rheimes where he was crowned Hée found a number of notable Enemies both Domesticall and Forraigne For his Lords made warre against him which they tearmed The Weale-publike warre he lost the day to them at Montle-hery Gransson Nancy and Guinegaste The order of S. Michaell was then instituted and Iacques d'Armaguac beheaded His raigne was full of feare suspition and treachery which so pierced his hart that in a long time of dismay after 33. yeares gouernment he died and lieth buried at Nostre Dame de Clery 56 Charles the eight succéeded his Father Lewes in the yeare 1484. being crowned at the age of 14. yeares yet the States méeting at Tours appointed that hee should not haue any Regent Hee sustained a long warre in Bretayne which termined by his marriage with Anne eldest Daughter to Fraunces Duke of Bretayne by whom he had three Sons but could not long enioy any one of them At the request of his Confessour hee rendered to the King of Spaine the Earledomes of Roussillon and Parpignan which his Father had won Being in peace he aduentured to recouer the kingdom of Naples which he did without striking one stroke in full conquest K. Alphonsus and his son Ferdinand being thence retired left Glibert de Montpensier Vice-Roy there Returning home into France he was assailed on the way by the Romans Venitians and them of Milleyne at Fornouë where his person was in great danger the enemies being tenne to one Neuerthelesse hee charged them with such courage that he bare thence the victory He deliuered the Duke of Orleaunce béeing besiedged in Nouarre and made peace with the Duke of Millaine He returned home into France where hee dyed within a yeare after at Amboise as hée stood and beheld the Princes playing at Tennis He raigned fouretéene yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis Thus ended in him the direct ligne of Valois he dying without any heires Masle and then followed the collaterall Issue which began in 57 LEwes the twelft néerest of Kinne to Charles the eight in the yeare 1499. Hée beeing Duke of Orleaunce and also of Valois He repudiated Ioane Daughter to King Lewes the eleauenth whom hee had married perforce and espoused Anne of Bretaigne Widdow to the King his Predecessour He established a Parliament at Rouen gaue orders to the Uniuersitie of Paris sent his Army into Italy tooke Genes and Millayne and Lewes Sforza Duke of Milleyne who dyed a Prisoner in France The Kingdome of Naples was re-taken vnder the conduct of Monsieur d' Aubigny And the King vanquished the Venetians Army at Agnadell where hée tooke Bartholmew their Leader albeit the Pope banded with the Venetians against him Gaston de Foix tooke Boulongne and wonne the battaile néere to Rauenna where he was slaine by chasing the enemies ouer-far and yet notwithstanding the victory remained to the French with surprizall of the Cittie and many Captaines and great persons taken Prisoners Hereupon the Pope raised many heauy enemies against him whom in the ende hee woorthily vanquished He raigned 17. yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis 58 Frances de Valois as néerest of Kin succéeded King Lewes in the yeare 1515. This King bare such affection to learning that he was sir-named The Father and Restorer of the Sciences At his beginning he ouercame the Switzers took Millaine and Fontarabie Afterward being desirous to winne the Townes belonging to the Dutchy of Millaine and to bring his siedge before Pauia hee was taken Prisoner in the yeare 1524. and carried Captiue into Spaine Fraunce was then very greatly afflicted not only by this disaster but by a great Famine because the Corne was frozen vppe in the Earth The King was deliuered by a treaty holden at Madrill and married Elianor Sister to Charles the fift Emperour peace beeing then concluded in the yeare 1535. The King possessed himselfe of Sauoy Piedmont repulsing the Emperour out of Prouence But peace beeing made for tenne yeares the Emperour passed thorough Fraunce with very great entertainement War began in the Low-Countries which after many alarmes was accorded in the yeare 1544. euen then when the English won Bullen The King deceased at Rambouillet hauing raigned 32. yeares an lieth buried at S. Denis 59 Henry the second succéeded his father Frances de Valois in the yeare 1547. No way degenerating from the laudable
was also yeelded vp after it hadde endured 17000. Cannon shot and more Beside vpon some discontentment betwéene the Earle of Leicester and the States the Quéene called home the said Earle into England and the Lord Willoughby remayned there Generall of the English forces The sundry worthy seruices both by him and the English performed with the Spanish vndoubted hopes of Englands cōquest in the dreadfull yeare of 1588. Prince Maurice his entrance into the Netherlands regiment and the Duke of Parmaes wars in France all these I passe ouer referring such as desire farther satisfaction therein to the large History of the Netherlands The Prince of Parma dying at Artas after his retreate from Rouen the second of September 1592. Maurice of Nassan borne Prince of Orange Marquesse of La Vere and of ●ing c. was made great Captaine and Admirall Generall of the vnited Prouinces of the Low●countries by the Estates And Ernestus Arch-duke of Austria was also made Lieutenant Gouernour and Captaine Generall for Phillip King of Spaine Prince Maurice proouing very successefull in his warlike artemptes a Renegate or Apostat Priest in the habite of a Souldier was corrupted by the Arch-Duke Ernestus to murther the Prince Maurice at Breda and vppon his owne confession thereof hée was executed at the Hage Afterward vppon Prince Maurice his valiant surprisall of Gronning Ernestus hadde dealt in like manner with a Souldier named Peter du Four who had sometime serued in the company of the Guarde to Prince Maurice ●o vndertake the murdering of him at Lillo the which treason beeing confessed by the man himselfe he was executed in the Towne of Berghen vp-zoom Here might much be said of the honorable seruices of Sir Frances Vere and others but our purposed breuity is the onely imbarment and the Netherlandes History at large may thereof discharge me The Arch-Duke Ernestus dyed the twenty one day of February 1595. Mo●dragons forces defeated by Prince Maurice and La Motte slaine before Dourlaus the Estates vnder the King of Spaine gladly sought peace with the vnited Prouinces and sent Articles in writing to Prince Maurice for consideration of their motion This was not done but vppon good aduise in the King of Spaine perceyuing the Netherlandes and Prince Maurice his great fortunes against him adding euery daie more and more to his vtter abolition thence Hereupon Albertus the Cardinall Brother to deceased Ernestus Arch-Duke of Austria was sent by the King to gouerne there for him many Easterlings and Netherland ships which had bin staied in Spain to méet the Indian fléete were suddenly released and Phillip of Nassau who is now Prince of Orange and Earle of Buron that had long time béene restrained of his liberty in Spain for better countenancing the intended businesse he likewise was sent along with the Cardinall Albertus The Cardinall being made Gouernour for the King de Spaine tooke Callice from the French King as his first peece of seruice but for losse thereof he recouered La-fere from the Spaniards Whereuppon the Cardinall besiedged Hulst in Flanders which yeilded in the end but it was a deare purchase to the Cardinall for this siedge continuing some two months cost him the liues of aboue threescore valiant Captaines besides other Commanders Collonels and men of mark and ●bou● fiue thousand well approued souldiers Then did the king of Spaine dispense with himselfe for payment of his debtes which made many Merchants in Spaine Italy Antwerp Amsterdam and Middlebourg to become Banquerouts A league was made betwéen the French King the Quéene of England and the States against the Spaniardes and then did Prince Maurice goe to Tournhoult where the Earle of Varax was slaine Amiens also was surprised by the Spaniardes but soone besiedged and recouered by the French King albeit the Cardinall offered succour which prooued in vaine Prince Maurice besiedged and tooke the Townes of Alpen Meurs Rhinberg Groll Brefort Enscheyde Oldenzeel Otmarsom Goor and Lingen all which seruices he performed in thrée monthes Then hapned another treacherous plot against the life of Prince Maurice by perswasion of the Iesuites at Doway and vnder-taken by Peter Panne a Cooper by Trade but beeing then a Broaker or Banquerout Merchant who hauing receiued the Sacrament to performe the déede either with Knife Ponyard or Pistoll the Prouinciall of the Iesuites made a long Sermon to encourage him in the action and assuring him of Paradice if he performed it vsed these wordes to him besides Goe in peace for thou shalt go like an Angell in the guard of God But the man beeing terrifyed in conscience discouered the whole Treason without any compulsion and was therefore executed at Leyden in Holland The King of Spaine growing weake and sickly gaue his Daughter the Infanta named Isabella Clara Eugenia in marriage to the Arch-duke Cardinall Albertus with transaction of the Netherlands and Bourgogne whereupon hee left his Cardinals habit went to fetch the Infanta Soone after died the King of Spaine on the 13. day of September Anno 1598. being seuenty one yeares old add foure months The Arch-Duke and the Infanta beeing come into the Neatherlandes had their instalment at Brussels Louaine Antwerp c. The Emperour sent to the States concerning a peace but theyr resolution held to make warre in Flanders Then happened the siedge and memorable battaile of Nieuport where Prince Maurice tooke dyuers Fortes from the Spanyards and ouer-threw the Arch-dukes Army he being there in person but gladly fled away leauing his Armes Horse of Combate all his Houshold Artillerie and baggage behind him and lost 6000. men beside 800. taken Prisoners among whom was Don Francesco de Mendoza Admirall of Arragon Marquesse of Guadaleste and Lieutenant Generall of the Arch-Dukes Army who was led to Oostend Don Baptista de Villa noua led to Horne in Holland Don Alonzo Ricquell to Delft Don Gonzalo Hernandes de Spinola to Vtrecht Don Pedro de Montenegro to the Hague Don Pedro de Valasco to Berghen with Don Francisco de Torres Don Antonio de Mendoza Don Pedro de Leusina to Enchuisē besides the Arch-dukes thrée Pages Count Carlo Rezi Don Diego de Guzman and Mortier Don Pedro de Monte-maior his chiefe taster likewise his Phisition Barber Harbinger Rider Cook Porter the Grooms of his Chamber most of the Archers and Halberdiers of his Guard and in a manner all his houshold with thrée Priestes or Monkes 40. Auncients and 37. Pentioners tearmed by them Ancient and Sergeants reformed He lost also sixe pieces of Ordynance 136. Ensignes of foot taken and fiue Cornets of horse comprehending the Mutiners Standerd and the recouered lost Colours Moreouer on the Arch-Dukes side were slaine the Earle of Saume the Earle of La Fere the Seneshall of Montelimar the Baron of Pimereull Chassy Ortigny Son to the President Richadot Don Gaspar de Sapena Colonel who dyed at Oost-end
147. yeares hauing prophesied that Iesus Christ should come before that the Scepter were taken from Iuda or a Duke of his generation Galathes the Sonne of Hercules was King of Gaule whereof it tooke the name Prometheus and Atlas at this time were very excellent Astrologians Ioseph dyed 54. yeares after his Father The Israelites now began to be euill intreated by the Egyptians Moses the last Nephew of Leui was borne 64. yeares after the death of Ioseph Cecrops then builded the Citty of Athens and was first King thereof Also he was the first Authour of the most abominable idolatries that euer were among the Grecians The Deluge of Deucalion Princes and Iudges of Israel MOses aged 80. yeares by the commandement of God reproued Pharoah wrought many myracles in Egypt with-drew the people of Israel our of Egypt by the Red-Sea béeing in number more then sixe hundred thousand This their departure thence happened in the yeare 430. of the promise made to Abraham for the blessing of all Nations by his séede Moyses gaue the Law to the people in the Deserts of Arabia as a School-maister vntil the comming of the promised séed For this cause he ordained for the sins of the people diuers Ceremonies of sacrifices marriages punishments solemnities of feasts For the action of War he numbred more then six hundred and thrée thousand without comprehension of the Leuites to whom he prescribed theyr charge In the end he instructed the rude people in diuers commandements For Gods ordinances he constituted Iosuah his successour and rendred vp his spirit in the 120. yeare of his life and of the departing out of Egypt the 40. read Exodus Leuiticus Numbers and Deuteronomy all which are heere thus briefely collected Da●danus hauing slaine his Brother Iason was the first King of Troy Ianigines was then King in Italy the most cruell Tyrant Busiris King in Egypt and Mercurius Trismegistus that is to say thrée times the most great King Priest and Philosopher See M. Ficinus in his life Iosuah passed the people dry foote thorough the Riuer of Iordan into the Land of Promise The Sunne stayed while he fought the battel he slew one and thirty Kings And after he had distributed their Countries amongst the people he died thirty yeares after the death of Moyses The Israelites then left God and serued Idols Orcus King of the Molosses made then a rape of Proserpina And Cadmus brought the Charracters of Letters into Greece Othoniell of the Lignage of Iuda gouerned the people eight yeares and was the third Iudge of Israel in order and not the first as some haue supposed He deliuered the people from the oppression of the King of Mesopotamia Aiod or Ehua slew the king of the Moabites raigned eight yeares and deliuered the people from the idolatry of the Moabites In this time began but much rather encreased the Gods and Idolatries of the Gentiles according to Iosephus as Bacchus Pandion Radamanthus Aeacus Minos King of Creet Dedalus and Icarus at this time made their flight Tantalus Amphion founder and first King of Thebes Linus Barach with Debora the Prophetesse iudged 40. yeares ouercame with ten thousand men only the Army of Sisara consisting of two hundred thousand men The Argona●tes sayled then to Colchos then liued Areus and Thiestes Pan also and Midas King of Phrygia abounded in Treasures Gedeon a valiaunt Captaine iudged fortie yeares and deliuered the Israelites from the seruitude of the Madianites In this time liued Circes Medea Enchanteresses with Medusa and Andromeda Euristheus first king of Mycena was slaine by Aeacides hauing commaunded well néere thorough all Greece for the space of forty fiue yeares togither Abimelech the naturall Son of Gedeon was Iudge thrée yeares he slew 69. of his naturall legitimate Brethren only that he might raigne Sparta or Lacedemon was thē builded by Spartus the Sonne of Phoroneus Others doo attribute the building thereof to Aristhenes who was their first king Thola was Iudge 25. yeares then liued Ruth Mother to the Grand-mother of Dauid then also were Castor Pollux Apollo the inuenter of Musicke Aesculapius his Sonne Orpheus and Museus who were the first Poets according to Linus Iair iudged 22. yeares during which time the people liued in maruailous quiet as they did before in the raigne of Thola But afterward there happened interregnum eightéen yeares together in all which time the Israelites were seruile to the Philistims for their idolatries Pyrrhus then inuented the Tennis Play Theseus vanquished the Minotaure and Hercules came from Spayne into Italy 55. yeares before Aeneas Iephta the Bastard was Iudge sixe yeares and being thereto compelled by his vow hee slew his onely Daughter Theseus now made his rape of Helena shee being then a very young Mayden Sybilla Aericthrea liued in this time shee that fore-told the ruine of Troy and of whom Homer telleth many goodly tales Abesan or Ibsan iudged seuen yeares The History of Ruth happened in this time Pluto Neptune then were and Paris stole Helena the wife to Menelaus king of the Lacedemonians Elon was Iudge ten years in whose time happened the Warre betwéene the Greekes and the Troyans for the rape of Helena Wife to Menelaus by Paris Sonne to Priam the last King of Troy Abdon iudged eight yeares Aeneas with his companions came into Italy and Francus if wée may beléeue Manethous and others the Sonne of Hector with his followers also came into Austria Of the one descended the Latines kings of the Romaines and of the other the Kinges of France In these dayes liued Pilades and Orestes the two loyall friends Samp●on the strong was Iudge 20. yeares he slew a thousand Philistims with the iaw-bone of an Asse and was deceiued by a Strumpet The Linage or Tribe of Beniamin was now almost vtterly destroyed onely thorow detestable voluptuousnesse Hely Priest and Iudge raigned fortie yeares and was punnished of God for his ouer great indulgence towards his children The Ark of Moses was then taken by the Philistims B●ute the Sonne of Syluius third King of the Latines expulsed then the cruell Gyants out of the Island which after his owne name he called Brittaine now England and deuided his Land to his thrée Sonnes in thrée seuerall kingdoms to wit Loegria to Locrine Cambria now called Wales to Camber and Albania now called Scotland to his third Sonne Albanact Samuel the Prophet and innocent Iudge to those wicked children He annointed Saul to the Israelites they desiring a King t And then began the Kingdome of the Lacedemonians instituted by Euristhenes and of the Corinthians founded by Atletes Kings of all the Iewish people SAule first King of the Israelites with Samuel raigned fortie yeares Hee pardoned Agag King of Amalec his Prisoner and reserueth the spoile to Sacrifice to God
to bee the first Byshop of Rome then liued likewise Philo the Iew Perseus Mela Pliny the elder and Columella Saint Paule the Apostle went then thorow the World proclaiming Iesus Christ accompanyed with Saint Luke Then liued Dionisius Areopagita And then was the first Councell of Ierusalem Nero the Sonne of Agripina afterward the Wife of Claudius raigned thirtéene yeares Hee was the first Persecuter of the Church and did put Saint Peter and Saint Paule to death hee slew likewise his Maister Seneca also his owne Mother and Lucan the Poet. Then liued Simon Magus and Appolonius Nero beeing erpulsed from Rome slew himselfe after hee had set Rome on fire to make himselfe pastime of a Bon fire Sergius Galba the seauenth month of his Empire was slaine by Otho Suetonius Egesius Lib. 4. Cap. 21. M. Siluius Otho he also most wickedly slewe himselfe in the third month of his Empire confessing that he had cruelly tormented the spirit of Galba According to Suetonius and Tacitus Lib. 7. Aulus Vitellius brought vp at Bourdeaus de Caprea being a vicious Man and a glutton was hewed in péeces and cast into Tyber hauing raigned eight months He caused himselfe to bée serued at his Table with two thousand seuerall kinds of Fishes and seauen thousand of Foules all at one supper Suetonius Lib. 9. Iosephus Lib. 5. de Bel. Iudas Vespasian a modest and gracious Prince a louer of skilfull men and good Artisans raigned ten yeares accompanied with his Sonne Titus who ruinated Ierusalem Iosephus Proclus Epictetes This ruine was the most lamentable that euer happened for therein dyed 110000. men read Iosephus in his sixe and seauen Bookes of the Iewish wars and Egesippus Titus the delight and sollace of mankind raigned two years He vsed to say That no man ought to depart from a Prince with a sad countenance Casstus Neracius Proculeius and Pegasus were then Lawyers and Saint Bartholmew was then martired in India Saint Matthias in Iudea S. Andrew in Scythia Saint Mathew in Aethyopia Saint Thomas in Bragmania Hierusalem was then taken the Famine beeing so extreame as Mothers were compelled to eate their owne children Domitian Brother to Titus was a most wicked man and persecuter of the Christians hee raigned fiftéene yeares then liued Martiall Iuuenall Statius Trogus and saint Iohn wrote the Gospell as also Iosephus did the Warres of the Iewes Domitian would néedes afterward bée called God and Lord of his people wherfore being hated of all men he was slaine Nerua a good Prince and the adopted father of Traian raigned one yeare he gaue more than an hundred thousand Crownes to reléeue poore Cittizens He tooke away extreame taxations and wanting mony he sold his garments plate and Pallace esteeming his owne Parents and kindred much lesse then he did the publick benefit The Christians were in great quyet vnder him and the banished repealed among whome was S. Iohn Traian a good Emperour but that he persecuted the Church reigned 19. yeares Being admonished that he was ouer gracious to all men he answered That he was such to his Subiects as he could wish others should be to him if he were a Subiect Then liued S. Ignatius S. Eustachius Pliny the yonger Plutarch Aulus Gellius Suetonius Tacitus Solinus Aelius Adrianus a man studious and skilfull in all Sciences and the first Emperour that suffered a beard on his face raigned 21. yeares Iulius Celsus Iulian and Neracius Priscus were Lawyers councellors to the Emperour Then were liuing Ptolomy the great Astrologer Phanorinus Dionisius the Milesian and Heliodorus Hierusalem was repaired by Adrian who therefore had his name chaunged and was called Helias Antoninus Pius reigned 23. yeares He was a Prince of such estéeme as straunge Nations would resort vnto him and make him Iudge of their differences for hee had alway this saying ready I had rather saue one Cittizen then kill a thousand Enemies In this time were Polycarpus Ireneus Iustine Martire Egesippus Appian Florus Macrobius Iustine Gallen and Palladius Lucian the Atheyst also was then torne with Dogs This Emperour tooke awaie the wages or hire of strumpets punnished idle Magistrats and was called Father of his country Read Eutropius Lib. 8. Thelesphorus the ninth Pope as some report did then institute or rather restore the time of Lent M. Antoninus the Phylosopher called Aurelius borne in Gaule with L. Commodus Verus and called Brethren in the Bookes of the Pandectes raigned 19. yeares This good prince being vnwilling to oppresse his subiectes made sale of all his fairest and richest Iewels plate wearing garmentes belonging vnto him and his wife Eutrop. lib. 8. Lucius Aurelius Verus gouerned the empyre with his brother Marcus Antoninus the space of eleauen yeares By some Authors he is set down in order before his brother by others after him L. Commodus the most wicked sonne of good Antoninus raigned 13. yeares He was strangled by his Concubine and other Conspirators Eutrop. lib. 8. Orosius lib. 8. cap. 18. Lampridius doth most amply describe his life at large Ae●ius Pertinax raigned six moneths He had refused the Empire and beeing desirous to reforme the gouernment he was slaine by Iulian his successour who bought the name of Caesar of the Warriors The people much bemoaned this Prince crying out aloud O father of goodnesse Father of the Senate Father of al bounty Farewell V. Iulian raigned seauen moneths and being hated of all men for sleying his predecessor him selfe was also slaine by appointment of the Senate Dissention grew amongst the Christians for the celebration of Easter And the second Councell appointed the day of Sunday and fiue other after Euseb lib. 5 cap. 24. Metianus S●euola Martianus and Cassius were now Iurisconsultes Aphrodiseus and Aphronius Sophysters Pescennius Niger or Nigerius the sonne of Annius Fuscus indifferently lerned fierce proud and inclined to all vice was saluted as Emperour by the souldiors of Syria where he commanded and was slaine by Seuerus L. Septim●us Seuerus raigned 18. yeares He was a Persecutor of the Church but otherwise a valiant Prince addicted both to good letters and Armes He was so well beloued and gouerned so nobly that the Senate said of him Eyther he should neuer haue bin borne or else hee deserued neuer to die Read Spart and Vict. Then liued Origen Tertullian Philostrates the Sophister and Apuleyus Cl. Albinus issued of the Romaines families of the Posthumians and Albines made himselfe Emperour in France He was surprised by the Souldiers and brought halfe aliue to Souerus where hauing his head smitten off he was hanged on a gibbet and being torne with dogges he was throwne into the Riuer A. B. Caracalla the sonne of Seuerus and husband to his stepmother raigned seuen years He slue Geta his brother and Papinian the great and famous Lawyer with diuers other At last himselfe was slaine by a souldior of his Guarde Herod lib. 4. Antoninus Geta
séeing that he had attained to this Soueraigne dignity he resolued to put in execution a matter which in his predecessors daies had often béene intended but could not any way be effected viz. to depart from the Isle of Cyprus and to get a dwelling some where else which hee very happily performed For in Anne 1308. the very yeare of his election hée made a voyage to Constantinople and afterward into France where the Pope gaue him the Isle of Rhodes if he could get it which with his Knights he conquered in the yeare 1309. and seauen other Islands néere adioyning So that thither was the residence of saint Iohns knights transferred and then they were afterward called Knights of the Rhodes yet kéeping the Name of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem still Not long after Otthoman first Emperour of the Turkes came and besiedged Rhodes with a Potent Army but it was reléeued by Amadis the fourth Earle of Sauoy and Otthoman was compelled to raise his siedge After which time the Earles of Sauoy wore on their Armours a Crosse Argent in a fielde Gules in memory of the helpe they had giuen to the Knightes of the Rhodes The order of the Templers hauing béene vtterly suppressed in a generall Councell holden at Vienna in Dolphine the greater part of theyr goods was giuen to the Order of the Rhodes and confirmed by Pope Clement the fift 1312. In the yeare 1314. the Knightes of the Rhodes conquered the Isle of Lango with other Isles in the Archipelagus And in the yeare 1317. Folquet the Great Maister pleasing his owne humour ouer-much in his victories and conquestes beganne to grow haughty proud and insolent which brought him into contempt of his companions whereupon the Knights reuoulted from him and if he had not saued himselfe in a Castel they had seized his person But in regard they could not get him they deposed him from the dignity of Great Maister in his place elected 25 Maurice de Pagnac wherof Pope Iohn the twenty two beeing aduertised hee was greatly offended thereat and sent two Prelates to the Rhodes to informe themselues of the fact with commaund to cite the Great Maister de Villaret and de Pagnac to appear at Auignon in person Gerard des Pins beeing appointed Lieutenant Generall in the meane while At this instant time Orchanes Emperour of the Turkes came boldly and besiedged the Isle of Rhodes but the knights had an admirable victory against him for there were then tenne thousand Turkes hewen in péeces In this Interim Maurice de Pagnac died at Montpellier Anno. 1322. and Folquet de Villaret was re-established in the dignity of Great Maister But hee perceiuing that it was against the liking of his fellowe knights renounced his Great Maistership in the yeare 1323. and liued as a priuate Knight vntill the first day of September 1327. when he dyed and was buried at Montpellier 26 The same yeare that he gaue ouer his dignity the Knights of the Rhodes chose Elion de Villeneufue borne also in Prouence and Priour of Saint Gilles In the yeare 1343. a league was made betweene the Seigneury of Venice the K. of Cyprus and knights of the Rhodes And the Great Master hauing won the name of an happy gouernor died the 27. of May at Rhodes In his life time he had enclosed the great Maisters Pallace with wals towers and deuided the languages Bayliwicks and other dignities of the Order 27 After the decease of Villeneufue Deodon or Gods-gift a Natiue of Prouence was elected Great Maister About foure yeares before hée was promoted to this Dignity hee had fought with an horrible and monstrous Dragon that greatly afflicted the Isle of Rhodes And hauing kild the Monster he was therefore so highly honored and estéemed that his memory yet remaineth renowned to posterity In the yeare 1347. he ayded the King of Armenia against the Soldane of Egypt Pope Clement the sixt helde the Knights of Rhodes in such estéeme that almost all the Fortes in Italy belonging to the Sée were gouerned seuerally by one of them In the yeare 1351. Constance King of Armenia became a Brother Knight of Rhodes And in the yeare 1353. the Sonne to Iohn Canta-cuzen Emperour of Constantinople came and required ayde of the Great Maister of Rhodes who after he had gouerned this Order of Saint Iohn seauen yeares sixe months and ten daies dyed the seauenth of September in the saide yeare 1353. and was buried in the Church of S. Iohn of Rhodes Hee builded Milles in the Citty of Rhodes and engirt the Subburbs with walles making them very strong on the Sea side 28 Next succéeded him by election as Great Maister Peter de Cornilian Priour of S. Gilles borne also in Prouence Hee was Maister but one yeare eight months and seauentéene dayes for falling into a gréeuous sicknesse hee died in the Citty of Rhodes the 24. of August 1355. He was a man of very exemplarie life and so seuere that hee was sur-named the Corrector of Customes He held a generall Chapter at Rhodes 1354. wherin many good Statutes were made 29 After the great Maister was deceased according to acustomed form Roger des Pins born likewise in Prouence did next succéede him In his time the Pope perswaded the Knightes of Rhodes to buy the Principality of Achaia of Iacques de Sauoy Prince of Piedmont and the Knights of Rhodes made a generall assembly in the Citty of Auignon to effect the treaty of buying the sayd principality of Achaia and to reform some abuses crept into the Order For their statutes were now traduced into the Latine tongue and to all Princes were sent authenticall Copies or Volumes of them by appointment of the great Maister And in the yeare 1359. the great Commander the Marshall of the Order were sent into France in quality of Ambassadors to be visiters and reformers There was an assembly of the Knights called at the Cittye of Carpentras but it could not hold in regard of the great Maysters death who dyed the 28. of May 1365. and was much lamented but by the poore especially to whom hee was a great and charitable Almoner 30 Raymond Berengarius of Prouence also was next chosen great Maister who had bin before Commander of Castle Sarrazin In his time the King of Cyprus and the Knights of Rhodes made a league together and tooke perforce the Citty of Alexandria in Egypt which they ransackt spoyld and burnt The Armenians being expulsed by the Sarazins out of their dwellinges wer charitably entertained by S. Iohns knights in the Isle of Lango and at the same time the Citty of Tripoli in Syria was taken and sacked by the King of Cyprus and the Knightes of the Rhodes In the yeare 1371. the Great Master was by the Pope elected Nuntio from the Apostolique seat to appease the rumors and diuisions which were then in the Kingdome of Cyprus whether he went in person and both by his Authority and wisedome he soone seased
and a marriage concluded of Alice the daughter of Lewes to the son of England The King died at Paris hauing raigned 43. yeares and lieth buried in the Abbay of Barbeau which was founded by him 42 Phillip Augustus sir-named Dieu-donne Gods gift succéeded after his Father in the year 1181. He banished all the Iewes out of Fraunce and yet afterward permitted them entraunce againe ordaining many Edicts against Blasphemers as also the vsury of the Iewes He did put to death the Albigeois Heretiques and them of Besiers augmenting greatly the Cittie of Paris instituting Sheriffes and Alder-men commaunding the stréetes to be paued building also the Halles for Studentes and the Church-yard of S. Innocent and enclosing with wals the Vniuersity side Hée went to recouer the Citty of Hierusalem with Richard Cueur de Lyon King of England and falling off from him returned home into France Hee hadde afterward great wars against the said K. Richard and Iohn without Land his brother who succéeded him about the titles of Normandy Aquitain Poictu Maine Aniou Auuergne He won the battaile at Bouines against the Emperor Otho and other French Lords who were entred into rebellion against him In which battell perished fifty thousand men and Otho himselfe was enforced to flight the Earle of Flanders and the Earl of Bolongne being taken Prisoners by which reason the king was called the Conqueror He raigned 43. yeares died at Mante aged 59. lieth buried at S. Denis leauing two sons and a daughter 43 Lewes the eyght succéeded after his Father in the yeare 1224. In the life time of his Father hee crossed the Seas and made Warre in England attayning to no such successe as hee expected Hee renewed kindnesse and Brotherhood betwéene the French and Germaines tooke Auignon and warred vpon the Albigeois He raigned thrée yeares and lyeth buryed at Saint Denis 44 Lewes the ninth succeeded his Father Lewes the eyght in the yeare 1227. Blaunche his Mother in regard of his young yeares was appointed to bée Regent whereat some Lords were discontented but she tooke order sufficiently with them She maintained the warre against the English and agréement was made with them vpon solemne Oath to holde Aquitaine doing homage and to yéelde vp Normandie Ponthieu Maine and Poictiers The king being in peace exercised himselfe to liue Religiously building Churches Hospitals and Monasteries enriching them with rents reuennues In the 24. yeare of his raigne hee went to recouer the Holy Land descended into Egypt and tooke Damieta He was afterward so rudely assayled that he was taken by the Soldane but deliuered againe vppon his restoring Damieta and paying a great ransome Hee bought of the Venetians the Crown of Thornes as was supposed with other Relickes of the passion caused them to be safely kept in the holy Chappel at Paris Many Shepheards vnderstanding that the King was prisoner arose vp in armes and made great spoile in France but they were foyled by them of Orleance and Bourges The king at his returne did very seuerely chastise blasphemers And passing afterward into Affrica tooke Carthage and assailed Thunis where the Pestilence happening in his Campe he died of a flux of blood He raigned 34. yeares and lieth buried at S. Denis Behold briefely the life and death of King Lewes ninth of that name who afterward by Pope Boniface the eight in the time of Phillip le Bel was cannonized among the number of Saints in Romes Kalender and called S. Lewes His raigne was truely in piety religion sanctitie and iustice His youth was much tormented with rebellions subleuations seditions of some Lords but his manly yeares did disperse them as the Sunne doth dimme clouds Hee was deuoute vpright valiant liberal seuere and yet clement vsing all these Vertues according as hee knewe them to be néedfull 45 Phillip the third Son of S. Lewes was proclaimed King in the Campe before Thunis in the yeare 1271. but was afterward Sacred at Rheimes He was Sur-named Phillip the hardie and at his comming back into France he had many difficulties about the death of Phillip his impoysoned Sonne in the Warres of Foix and Terracon Vpon an Easter day in the euening houre all the French being then in Sicily were euery one slaine whereon grew the By-word of the Sicilian Vespres or Euening The king died at Parpignan in the fortith yeare of his age and lieth buried at Saint Denis hee married Isabel Daughter to Peter of Arragon by whom he had Phillip Charles and Marie And then remarrying Marie Daughter vnto Henrie Duke of Brabant he hadde by her Lewes and Margaret 46 Phillip the fourth Sur-named le Bell or the Fayre Sonne to the fore-named Phillip succéeded his Father in the yeare 1286. both in the Kingdome of France and Nauarre in right of his wife In his younger daies he had a Schoolemaister a Roman borne and a great Diuine named Gilles who caused the King to write an excellent worke yet to be séene called The Institution of Princes As the King was at Paris being returned from his Corronation at Rheimes this Diuine according to the Vniuersities ancient custome which was to make a learned spéech after the kings sacring made a singuler Oratiō to him to encrease his desire in following Vertue piety preseruing his subiects in peace and tranquility He built the sumptuous Pallace of Paris subdued the Flemings who had forsaken his part giuen aide to the English against him the Earle of Flanders and his two sons beeing then taken prisoners The King left a Garrison in the countrey but they were slaine in a commotion of the people Whereupon the Earle of Flanders hauing giuen his faith to the King was sent thyther with one of his sons but being able to do no good he returned backe againe to the King and died soon after at Compeign The k. went thither himselfe in person at the first had no better successe but at length he charged them so furiously that he foiled 36000. wheron they were constrained to make attonement and pay him 200000. Crownes The day of Coutray was afterward fauourable to the Flemmings but deplorable to the French the English preuayling mightily against them Then came the Bulles of Pope Boniface against Phillippe but they were burned in the Court of the Pallace which made Boniface to excommunicate the King but Bennet his Successour absolued him againe In his time was the Papall See trans-ferred to Auignon where it continued thréescore ten yeares Rome being then gouerned by Legates The king died at Fountainebleu which was the place of his byrth hauing raigned 28. years and lieth buried at S. Denis 47 Lewes the tenth Sur-named Hutin after the conformity of his manners succéeded his Father in the yeare 1314. and had his right also after his Mother in the kingdome of Nauarre Enguerrand de Marigni General of the Finances being accused to haue robbed the
any seculer businesse going to warre or kéeping any Horses Haukes or Hounds The youth of his land to auoide wantonnesse and idlenesse were appointed but one meale a day and drunkennes either in man or Woman was punnished with death He raigned 13. yeares Ethus brother of Constantine who was a man of such swiftnesse of ●oot that he could match and make way in running with Harts and Hounds whereupon he was sir-named Light-foot Hee gouerned scarce two yeares Gregory the son of Dongall that raigned before Alpine in whose time liued Iohn Scot the famous Clerke This Gregory raignd 18. years Donald the fift Sonne of Constantine the second in whose time Gormond and his Danes were baptized and Gormonds name was changed to Athelstane He raigned almost 11. years Constantine the third Son of Ethus the swift 40. yeares He gaue ouer his kingly dignity and entred into Religion as Hector Boetius affirmeth Malcolme the Sonne of Donald 15. yeares Iudulph Sonne of Constantine the third and prince of Cumberland he raigned about 9. years Duffe the Sonne of King Malcolme foure yeares Culene Prince of Cumberland and Sonne of King Iudulph raigned not fully fiue yeares Kenneth Sonne to King Malcolme the first 25. yeares Constantine the Sonne of King Culene not three yeares Grime Nephew to King Duffe not fully nine yeares Malcolme the Son of Kenneth and Prince of Cumberland 25. yeares Duncane Nephew to Malcolme 6. yeares In his time was Banquho Thaine of Lochquaber of whō the house of the Stuarts is descended euen to his Maiesty now raigning And then was England deuided betwéene Canutus King of Denmarke and Edmund Ironside after a valiant Combate fought betwéene them Mackbeth son to Sinell Thaine of Glammis raigned 17. yeares Malcolme Cammore Sonne of King Duncane hee changed the name of Thaines into Earls being t●en the first that euer were among the Scots according to their owne Histories At this time did William the Bastard duke of Normandy make his Conquest of England This King Malcolme raigned 36. yeares And after some difference for the Crown betwéene Donald Bane Brother to King Malcolme and Duncane a Bastard Son to King Malcolme which vsurpation continued for the space of thrée years Edgar the rightfull Prince attayned to his due claime Edgar Son to King Malcolme was the first that euer was annointed King in Scotland now was the generall passage to the Holy land vnder Godfrey of Bullen and many other Christian Princes This King Edgar raigned nine years Alexander Brother to Edgar being sir-named Alexander the fierce for his stearne valiancy in pursuing Théeues and Robbers Dauid Brother to King Alexander being in England married Maude Daughter to Waltheof Earle of Huntingdon and Northumberland in right of his wife was made Earle of Huntingdon and Northumberland with inheritance of the lands to them belonging In this King Alexanders time who raigned 17. yeares compleate the order of the Knightes of Rhodes beeing formerlie Knightes of Saint Iohn of Hierusalem tooke beginning and the order of the white Monkes Then liued also the Holy Man Richard de sancte Victore beeing a Scot borne but lyuing the more part of his time at Paris in Fraunce where hee died and lieth buried in the Abbey of S. Victore hee being a Brother of the same house Dauid Brother to Alexander succéeded as lawfull heire and ruled 29. yeares and two moneths It is recorded of this King that he excelled in Noble Vertues and sober conuersation of life being very pittifull to the poore and somewhat ouer-bountifull to the Church For when King Iames the first came to his Tomb at Dunfirmling he saide That hee was a sore Saint for the Crowne leauing the Church ouer-rich and the Crowne too poore He purged his Court so cleane of al vicious behauiour and disordered customes that it appeared to be a schoole of vertue No riotous banquetting surfetting cheare or lasciuious word could be herd there or any wanton signes whereby to kindle lust or idle concupiscence All the words workes and whole demeanor of his seruants tended euer to some good conclusion frée from moouing strife or a thought of sedition the Kings owne life and example seruing for their guide and direction He builded 15 Abbeyes viz Holy-Rood house Kelso Iedburgh Melrosse Newbottell Holmecultrane Dundranane Cambuskenneth Kinlois Dunfirmling Holme in Cumberland Also two Nunneries one at Carleill and the other at Northe Berwike with two Abbeyes beside New-Castle one of S. Benedictes order and the other of white Monks He erected likewise foure Bishoppricks in his Realme Rosse Brechin Dunkeld Dublane endowing them with rich rents faire lands and very commodious possessions Malcolme Sur-named Malcolme the Maid because his conuersation delight both in minde and body was so chaste from his verie infancie that he liued single al his daies and without mariage Hee was Son to Prince Henry that was sonne and heire to King Dauid and raigned not fully twelue yeares William Brother to King Malcolme and for his singuler Iustice Sur-named the Lyon In this Kings time Richard King of England sur-named Cueur de Lyon went his voyage to the Holy-Lande King William raigned nine and forty yeares Alexander the second Sonne to King William the Lyon who caused his Fathers death to be mourned for thorow his whole kingdom hee raigned 35. yeares Alexander the third sonne to the former King Alexander in whose time was a generall Counsell at Lyons in France He raigned 42. yeares and by reason of his dying without any issue the controuersie betweene Iohn Ballioll and Robert Bruse then happened which was heard and censured by Edward the first king of England albeit they maintained both their claimes vpon their Titles seuerally Balioll descending of Margaret eldest Daughter to Dauid Earle of Huntington Brother vnto William the Lyon and Bruse comming of Isabell second daughter of the saide Earle Dauid and the next heire male to William the Lyon for want of succession in the right line By which Title how euer Balioll is saide to be crowned King Robert Bruse inioyed the royal dignitie in the year 1305. He had issue Dauid that left no posterity and Margery maried to Walter Greate Stewarde of Scotland descended lineallie from the Princes of Wales by Neste Daughter to Griffith●ap Lhewlyn Mother to VValter the sonne of Fleance made Great Stewarde of Scotland by Malcolme the fourth Of whom came Robert the second first of the sur-name of Stuart that bare dominion in Scotland Robert Stuart being called Robert the second was crowned King with Royall solemnitie at Scone in the 47. yeare of his age on the Annuntiation day of our Lady in Lent 1370. he raigned ten years It is recorded of this K. Robert the 2. that h●s Captaines commanders were alwaies fortunat in war neuer returning but with spoils and victories He was a Prince of such
kingdomes of England and Scotland hath vnited them in one sole Monarchy of Great Britaine Long may hee raigne to Gods glory and comfort of his Kingdomes ¶ A briefe Catalogue of the Princes of Wales from the time that King Edward the first had conquered Wales to this instant 1. EDward borne at Caernaruon therefore called Edward of Caernaruon being Sonne to king Edward of England first of that name was the first Prince of Wales of the English bloud after the death of Prince Lhewelyn and came to Chester in the 29. year of his fathers raigne where he receiued the homage of the frée-holders of Wales 2 Edward of Windsore beeing eldest son to king Edward the second in the 15. yeare of his fathers raigne was created Prince of VVales and Duke of Aquitaine in a Parlament holden at Yorke 3 Edward borne at Woodstock sonne and heyre to king Edward the third in the 17. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of Wales at London This Prince was surnamed the Blacke Prince hee tooke Iohn the French King prisoner and dyed in the 46. yeare of his age his father yet liuing 4 Richard sonne to Edward the Black Prince was created Prince of Wales at Hauering in the Bower in the fiftie yeare of king Edward the 3. his Grandfather and was afterward king of England by the name of king Richard the second 5 Henry of Monmouth sonne and heire to king Henry the fourth was in the first yeare of his fathers raigne created Prince of Wales at VVestminster 6 Edward of Westminster sonne and heyre to king Henry the sixt in the 31. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of wales and Earle of Chester at westminster 7 Edward eldest sonne of king Edward the 4. borne in the Sanctuary at Westminster in the 11. yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of Wales and Earle of Chester at London He was afterward king of England by the name of Edward the fift but neuer crowned because both he and his Brother were made away by the treachery of their Vnckle Richard Duke of Glocester that vsurped the Crowne 8 Edward the onely Sonne of king Richard the third being a child of ten years olde in the first yeare of the said kings raign was created prince of wales at London 9 Arthur sonne and heire to king Henrie the seuenth in the fift yeare of his Fathers raigne was created Prince of wales at London dying at Ludlow Castle in the 17. yeare of his fathers raigne was buried with great Funerall solemnity at Worcester 10 Henry Duke of Yorke son to King Henry the seauenth and Brother vnto Prince Arthur was after the saide Princes death in the ninetéenth yeare of his Fathers raigne created Prince of Wales and was afterward King of England by the name of King Henry the 8. In the 26. yeare of his raigne the Principality and Countrey of Wales was by Parliament incorporated and vnited vnto the Kingdome of England and all the Inhabitants thereof made equall in freedomes liberties rightes priuiledges lawes and in all other respects to the naturall subiects of England 11 Edward sonne to King Henry the eight and borne at Hampton Court the Principality of Wales being incorporated as hath bin sayde to the Crowne and kingdome of England was no otherwise Prince of Wales then vnder the generall Title of England as the King his Father was king of England and vnder the name king of Wales as it being a member of England Nor do I read of any other creation or inuesture that he had in that Principality He was King after his Father by the name of K. Edward 6. 1 Marie Daughter to King Henry the eight by the Princesse Katherine Dowager Widdow of Prince Arthur was Princesse of Wales 2 Elizabeth Daughter also to King Henrie t●e eight was in a Parliament in the 25. yeare of her Fathers raigne declared Princesse and Inheretrix of the crowne of England with all dominions to the same belonging and therefore was as her Sister Princesse of Wales All these fore-named Princes of Wales were created solemnely by and in Court of Parliament except three which were Richard the second Edward the fifte and Edward Sonne to Richard the thyrde Those that were created out of Parliament were Princes whose fortunes proued hard and disastrous For Richard the second was deposed and after murdered Edward the fift was also murdered in the Tower of London and Edward sonne to Richard the thirde dyed within three moneths after as a iust iudgement of God for his Fathers wickednesse 12. Henrie sonne and heire to our dread Soueraigne King Iames in the eight yeare of his Fathers raigne ouer England c. was created in the Court of Parliament at Westminster Prince of Wales Duke of Cornwall and Rothsay Earle of Chester and Knight of the most Noble Order of the Garter The strong arme of Heauen be his continuall keeper and defender Briefe Obseruations not vnfitly annexed to this our short Summary of England ¶ Of Bishopprickes and their circuites CAnterbury erected first by Augustine the Monke in the time of Ethelbert king of Kent by prouincial regiment reacheth ouer all the South and west parts of this Lande and Ireland also and there are few shyres wherein the Arch-byshop hath not some peculiets But in it selfe as from the beginning was and is proper to the See It extendeth but ouer one parcell of Kent which Rudburne calleth Cantwarland the Iurisdiction of Rochester including the rest so that in this one County both the greatest Archbishopricke and least Bishoppricke are vnited together Canterbury hath vnder it one Arch-deaconry that hath iurisdiction ouer 11. Deanries or 161. Parish Churches In time of popery vndername of first fruites it paide to Rome at euery alienation 10000. Ducats or Florens beside 5000. which the new elect did vsually pay for his pall each ducat being then worth an English Crowne Rochester included within the limits of Kent was erected also by Augustine in the raygne of Ceolrijc ouer the west-Saxons It hath one Arch-Deacon whose gouernement in spirituall causes ruleth 3. Deanries or 132. parish Churches whereby appeareth that in Kent are 393. parish churches whereof the saide two Arch-deacons haue cure and charge It paid to Rome at the bishops admission 1300. Ducats or Florens London was erected at first by king Lucius who made it an Archbishops See as in due place hath already bin remembred and so it continued till Augustine translated that title to Canterbury It includeth Essex Middlesex and parte of Hertfordshire containing in quantity the ancient Kingdome of the East Angles before it was vnited to the West-Saxons It hath foure Arch-deaconries viz. London Essex Middlesex and Colchester that haue vnder them 363. parish Churches beside peculiers The Archdeaconry of S. Albanes was added thereto by king Henry the eight which hath also 25. parishes whereof foure are in Buckingham the rest in Hertfordshire It payed to Rome