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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04468 A defence of the Apologie of the Churche of Englande conteininge an answeare to a certaine booke lately set foorthe by M. Hardinge, and entituled, A confutation of &c. By Iohn Iewel Bishop of Sarisburie. Jewel, John, 1522-1571.; Jewel, John, 1522-1571. Apologia Ecclesiae Anglicanae. English.; Harding, Thomas, 1516-1572. Confutation of a booke intituled An apologie of the Church of England. 1567 (1567) STC 14600.5; ESTC S112182 1,137,435 832

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that falleth out bitweene vs VVhether any one of al the Anciente Learned Fathers c. euer saide your Priuate Masse c. This is it that is denied If yee proue not this what so euer ye proue yee proue nothinge Bringe out somme Learned Father shewe somme Catholique Doctoure keepe them no lenger foorthe comminge The worlde looketh yee shoulde deale plainely Denie nomore the manifeste Truthe auouche nomore the open Falsehedde Let there be somme probabilitie and likelihoode in your saieinges Leaue your immoderate and vncourteous talkes They are tokens of stomake and not of Learninge Therein yee haue deserued the honoure aboue al others In sutche kinde of Eloquence noman can matche you but your selfe A good cause mighte haue benne pleaded with better woordes The more vntemperate and firy yee shewe your selfe without cause the more in the ende wil appeare your folie If yee haue hitherto taken any pleasure in speakinge il at my hande by hearinge il yee shal not lose it If yee bringe vs moe Fables of your Pardonnes and Purgatories If yee feede vs as yee haue donne with Vntruthes If yee depraue the Scriptures If yee falsifie the Doctoures If yee Conclude without Premisses If yee place your Antecedente at Rome and your Consequente at Louaine If yee stuffe so mutche paper and blotte so many leaues and shewe vs nothinge briefely if yee write none otherwise then yee haue donne hitherto no wise man wilgreately feare your force Deceiue not the simple They are bought with price They are the people of God for whome Christe hath sheadde his Bloude Your shiftes be miserable Yee trouble your selfe as a birde the lime The more yee sturre the faster yee cleaue the longer yee striue the weaker yee are Yee cannot bridle the flowinge Seas yee cannot blinde the Sonnebeames Kicke not stil againste the spurre Geeue place vnto the Glorie of God VVil yee nil yee the Truthe wil conquere God geeue vs bothe humble hartes and the people eies to see that al fleashe maie be obediente to his wil. Amen From London 27. Octobris 1567. Iohn Sarisburie ¶ A Table of the principal maters Conteined in this Booke A ABsolutiō of madde men 139. Absolution standeth not in the vvil of the Prieste 139. The Abomination of desolation 446. Abuses in the masse confessed by Pigghius 456. Refourminge of Abuses 133. Accidentes vvithout subiecte 253. Adoration of the Sacramēt 269. VVee neede no Aduocates vnto God 316. Agreement in Religion 194. Altars or Communion Tables 333. S. Ambrose refused the Emperours iudgement in Ecclesiastical causes 689. Ambition in the Cleargie the cause of greate euil 409. Anacletus fondely misconstrued by M. Hardinge 226. 227. Antichriste 446. Antichriste in the Churche of God 447. 448. Antichriste shal coūterfaite Chastitie 482. Antichriste in the Temple of God and vvhat Antichriste shal be 434. Antonius learned in the Scriptures 195. VVeemen dissemblinge themselues in mens Apparrel 376. Choise of Apparrel for Religions sake 346. 347. No difference in Apparrel 346. 347 348. Superstitious holinesse in Apparrel 344 345. Ecclesiastical brauerie in Apparrel 641. The Apostles equal vvith Peter 106 107 108. The Apostles aboue Kinges and Princes 397. The Apologie authorized 17. Athenes standinge 376 ▪ 377. S. Augustines iudgement refused ●98 Augustine the Italian Monke 11. Augustine the Italiā Mōke aliue at the time of the vvarre 493. Augustine the Italian Monke inflamer of the vvarre ibidem Augustine the Italian monke Bishop in Englande 492. The authoritie of the Doctours and Fathers 18. 19. Pretence of Antiquitie 495. 496. B. Bacon 454. Baptisme 203. Baptisme of Infantes 150. By Biptisme vvee are vnited vnto Christe 241. VVee are partakers of Christes Body and Bloude in the Sacramente of Baptisme 271. Christe is he that Baptiseth 215. The Povver of Baptisme 217. Baptisme is the Povver of Resurrection 221. Baptisme receiued vvithout Faith 216. Beleeue them not spoken of Antichrist and his follovvers 208. To Beleeue in God 84. The recantation of Berengarius 348. The Bernates lavvful vvarre against the Duke of Sauoye 389. Binding standeth in vvilful refusing of the VVoord of God 142. Bishoppes called and conuented before the Prince 637. 638. 639. A Bishop maie not put avvaie his vvise vnder pretence of holinesse 185. Bishoppes svvorne vnto the Pope and the fourme of the Othe expressed 43. Difference bitvveene Bishop and Prieste 198. Bishoppes vvithin the Princes checke 398. A Bishop bearing ciuile office 512. Bishoppes proude and disdeigneful in olde times 409. Bishoppes no Bishoppes 117. The substance of Breade remaineth in the Sacramente 231. The Bread is the body of Christ in vvhat sense 246. 255. 257. 479. 480. The Bread of the Sacrament passeth by natural digestiō by the Iudgement of Origen 258. 261. The Bread remaineth in substance as it vvas before 247. 248. 249. 251. 252. 257. The Bread chāged in vvhat sense 247 248. 249. The Breade not annihilate 248. The Breade hath a certaine likenesse of Christes Body 254. The Buildinge and repairinge of Goddes Churche 716. Burninge of the Scriptures 477. C. Calixtus for Anacletus 226. The Calendar of Bishops names 374. 375. Carnal libertie 335. 336. Cathechumeni or Beginners in the Fa●the 139. Catholike in many or in fevv 93 Catholike Churche and vvhat is meant thereby 49. Ceremonies 308. S. Augustine founde faulte vvith the multitude of Ceremonies 308. 309. Ceremonies more estemed then the commaundementes of God 308. 310. Vaine Ceremonies ought to be remoued vvith al speed conuenient 309. Ceremonies haue povver to quiet the conscience and to remitte sinne 554. Diuersitie of Ceremonies 309. Vovve of Chastitie and lavvful to breake the same 168. 169. 170. Counterfaite Chastitie a marke of Antichriste 183. Chastitie the gifte of God may not be commaunded by any man 167. No one Chiefe but Christe 340. Christes humanitie in one place 85 87 88. 89. Christe and the Pope haue one place of Iudgemente 95. Christes Body neuer promised to our bodily mouth 274. To touche or to holde Christ 288 Christe the onely Pope 106. Christes Bloude not in the holy Cuppes 265. Christes Body in one place 276. 277. Christians hated sclaundered 49. To approche vnto Christe 288. To receiue or beare Christe 285. 286. The spiritual receiuing of Christs Body 348. Christes Body crusshed torne vvith teeth 349. Christes Body geeueth life 241. Christes Body in Heauen 233. Christes Body verily presente in the holy supper in vvhat sense 271. 273. 276. The Christians in Graeciae and Asia abhorre the Pope and his Cleregie 457. The Churche of Rome is departed frō the primitiue Churche of God 566. The deformities of the Churche of Rome 568. The Churche in fevve 571. The Churche knovven by Gods vvoorde 3. The Churche of Rome can neuer erre true or false 430. 436. 437. 439. 440. 444. 445. Readinge of Chapters in the Churche 552. 553. The Churche is aboue the vvorde of God 557. 558. 559. 560. The Churche of Rome can not faile 565. The miserable state of the Churche of Rome 462. 463. The