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A67922 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 3,006,471 816

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did the Popes Legate and Cardinall Nicolaus Tusculanus much fauor his doings allow his procedings Wherfore they reported of him that he was exceding parcial regarded not their matters ecclesiastical as he shuld haue done for leauing the accompt of their restitiōs He went with the kings officers as the kings pleasure was to the Cathedral minsters abbeys priories deanries and great Churches vacant And there for the next incumbent alwaies he appointed two one for that king an other for the parties But vpon him only whome the king nominated he compelled most commonly the election to passe whych vexed them wonderfully Upon this therefore they raised a new cōspiracy against the kings person by helpe of their bishops seditious prelates such noble men as they had drawen to their parties We beheld sayth Houeden about the same time many noble houses and assemblies deuided in many places the fathers and the aged men stoode vpon that kings part but the yonger sort contrary And some there were that for loue of their kindred and in other sondry respects forsoke the king again yea and the same went that time sayth he that they were cōfederated with Alexander the Scottish king and Ieoline the Prince of Wales to woorke him an vtter mischiefe A councell at Oxforde the Archb. called where at some would not tary considering the confusion therof the other sort hauing very obstinate hearts reuiled the king most spitefully behind his backe and sayd that from thenceforth he ought to be taken for no gouernour of theirs Their outragious and franticke clamours so much preuailed in those daies that it grewe to a grieuous tumult and a most perillous commotion In the yeare of our Lorde 1215. as wytnesseth Paulus Aemilius other hystories Pope Innocent the third helde a general Synode at Rome called the councell Laterane The chiefe causes of that councell were these In the daies of this Innocent heresie as he calleth the truth of God or the doctrine that rebuketh sinne began to rise vp very high and to spread forth his braunches abroad By reason wherof many Princes were excommunicate as Otho the Emperour Iohn the king of England Peter king of Aragon Raimund the Earle of Tholouse Aquitania Sataloni and such other like as is said afore So that it could be no otherwise sayth Doueden but with the sharp axe of the gospel so called the pope his excommunications they ought of necessitie to haue bene cut off from the Churche Therfore was this coūcell prouided proclaimed and prelates from al nations therunto called And to colour those mischiefes which he then went about hee caused it by hys Legates and Cardinals very craftie marchauntes to be noised abroad that his entent was therin only to haue the Church vniuersally reformed and the holy land from the Turkes handes recouered But all this was craft falsehode as that sequele therof hath manifestly declared For hys purpose thereby was to subdue all Princes and to make himselfe rich and wealthy for there he made this antichristian act and established it by publicke decree that that pope should haue from thenceforth the correction of all christian Princes and that no Emperor should be admitted except he were sworne before and were also crowned of him He ordained moreouer that whatsoeuer he were that should speake euil of the pope he shuld be punished in hel with eternall damnation Conradus Vrspergensis Hieronimus Marius He prouided confession to helpe these matters he alowed theyr bread a pixe to couer him and a bell when hee goeth abroad and made the masse equal with Christes Gospell In this Councell was first inuented and brought in Transubstantiatiō of which Ioannes Scotus whō we call Dims maketh mention in his 4. Booke wryting in these wordes The words of the scripture might be expounded more easily more plainly without transubstantiatiō But the church did chuse this sense which is more hard being mooued thereto as it seemeth chiefly because that of the Sacraments men ought to holde as the holy Churche of Rome holdeth c. And in the same place maketh mention of Innocentius the third Moreouer in the said Councel was stablished and ratified the wretched and impious act compelling Priestes to abiure lawful Matrimonie Whereupon these meeters or verses were made the same time against hym whych here folow vnder wrytten Non est Innocentius imo nocens verè Qui quod facto docuit verbo vult delere Et quodolim inuenis voluit habere Modò vetus pontifex studet prohib●re Zacharias habuit prolem vzorem Per viru●n quem genuit adeptus honorem Baptizauit etenim mundi saluatorem Pereat qui teneat nouum hunc errorem Paulus coelos rapitur ad superiores Vbi multas didicit res secretiores Adnos tandem rediens instruensque mores Suas inquit habeant quilibet vxores Propter haec alia dogmata doctorum Reor esse melius magis decorum Quisque suam habeat non proximorum Ne incurrat odium vel iram eorum Proximorum foeminas filias neptes Violare nefas est quare nil doceptes Verè tuam habeas in hac delectes Diem vt sic vltimum tutiùs expectes Nocent not innocent he is that seeketh to deface By word the thing that he by deed hath taught men to embrace Which being now a Bishop old doth study to destroy The thing which he a young man once did couet to enioy Priest Zachary both had a wife and had a childe also By mean of whō there did to him great praise and honour grow For he did baptise him which was the sauer of mankinde Ill him befall that holdeth this new error in his minde Into the higher heauens good Paul was lifted from below And many secrete hidden things he learned there to know Returnde at length from thence to vs and teaching rules of life He said let eche man haue his owne and onely wedded wife For this and other documents of them that learned be Much better and more comely eke it seemeth vnto me That eche should haue hys own alone not his neighbors wife Least with his neighbour he do fall in hate and wrathfull strife Thy neighbours daughters or their wiues or nieces to defile Vnlawfull is therefore beware do not thy selfe beguile Haue thou thine owne true wedded wife delite in her alway With safer minde that thou maiest looke to see the latter day Now let vs returne to K Iohn againe marke how the priests their adherents were plagued for their humble handlings of his maiesties wil. In y● forsaid councel of Laterane and the same yeare was Steuen Langton the Archb. of Cant. excommunicated of pope Innocent with all those bishops prelates priests barons cōmons which had bene of counsail with him in the former rebellion And when the sayde Archb. had made instant sute of him to be absolued anone he made him this answer with great indignation Brother mine I sweare
with the Sherifte and that the one shall teach them Gods law and the other mans law as ye heard in King Edgars lawes before Many other lawes both Ecclesiasticall and temporall besides these were enacted by these and other Kings heere in England before the Conquest but these be sufficient to geue the vnderstanding Reader to consider how the authority of the Bishops of Rome all this while extended not so farre to prescribe lawes for gouernement of the Church but that Kings and Princes of the Realme as they be now so were then full gouernours heere vnder Christ as well in causes Ecclesiasticall as temporall both in directing orders instituting lawes in calling of Synodes and also in conferring Byshoprickes and benefices without any leaue of the Romish Bishops Thus Odo Dunstane Oswold Ethelwold Aldelinus and Lancfrancus although they fet their palles afterwarde from Rome yet were they made Bishops and Archbishops by Kings only not by Popes And thus stoode the gouernement of this Realme of England all the time before the Conquest till Pope Hildebrand through the setting on of the Saxons began first to bring the Emperour which was Henry 4. vnder foote Then followed the subduing of other Emperours Kings and subiects after that as namely heere in England when Lancfrancus Anselmus and Becket went to complayne of their Kings and gouernours then brought they the Popes iudiciall authority first from Rome ouer this land both ouer Kings and subiects which euer since hath continued till these latter yeares Albeit the sayd Kings of this Realme of England being prudent Princes and seeing right well the ambitious presumption of those Romish Byshops did what they could to shake off the yoke of their supremacie as appeareth by the lawes and Actes of their Parliaments both in king Edward the thirds time King Richard the 2. and King Henry the 4. aboue in their Parliament notes specified yet for feare of other foreine Princes and the blind opinion of their subiectes such was then the calamitie of that time that neither they could nor durst compasse that which faine they would till at last the time of their iniquitie being complete through the Lords wonderfull working theyr pride had a fall as in the next Volume ensuing the Lord so graunting shall by proces of hystorie be declared The Image of the true Catholicke Church of Christ. ¶ The proude primacie of Popes paynted out in Tables in order of their rising vp by little and little from faythfull Byshops and Martyrs to become Lords and gouernours ouer King and kingdomes exalting themselues in the Temple of God aboue all that is called God c. 2. Thessalonians 2. IN the Table of the primitiue Churche aboue described hath bene gentle Reader set forth and exhibited before thine eies the greeuous afflictions and sorowfull tormentes which thorough Gods secret sufferance fell vpon the true Saints and members of Christes Church in that time especially vpon the good Bishops Ministers and teachers of the flocke of whome some were scourged some beheaded some crucified some burned some had their eies put out some one way some another miserably consumed which daies of wofull calamitie cōtinued as is foreshewed neare the space of CCC yeares During which time the deare spouse and elect Church of God being sharply assaulted on euery side had small rest no ioy nor outward safetie in this present world but in much bitternes of hart in continuall teares and mourning vnder the crosse passed ouer their daies being spoiled imprisoned contemned reuiled famished tormented and martired euerywhere who neither durst well tarie at home for feare and dread and much lesse durst come abroade for the enemies but onely by night when they assembled as they might sometimes to sing Psalmes and Hymnes together In all which their dreadfull dangers and sorrowfull afflictions notwithstanding the goodnes of the Lord left them not desolate but the more their outward tribulations did increase the more their inward consolations did abound and the farther off they seemed from the ioyes of this lyfe the more present was the Lorde wyth them wyth grace and fortitude to confirme and reioyce theyr soules And though theyr possessions and riches in this world were lost and spoyled yet were they enriched wyth heauenly giftes and treasures from aboue an hundreth fold Then was true Religion truely felt in hart Then was Christianitie not in outwarde appearance shewed but in inward affection receaued and the true image of the Churche not in outwarde shew pretensed but in her perfect state effectuall Then was the name and feare of God true in hart not in lippes alone dwellyng Fayth then was feruent zeale ardent prayer not swimming in the lippes but groned out to God from the bottome of the spirite Then was no pride in the Church nor laysure to seeke riches nor tyme to keepe them Contention for trifles was then so far from Christians that well were they when they could meete to pray together agaynst the Deuill authour of all dissention Briefly the whole Churche of Christ Iesus wyth all the members thereof the farther it was from the type and shape of this worlde the nearer it was to the blessed respect of Gods fauour and supportation ¶ The first rising of the Byshops of Rome AFter this long tyme of trouble it pleased the Lord at length mercifully to looke vpon the Saints and seruauntes of his sonne to release their captiuitie to release their miserie and to binde vp the old Dragon the Deuill which so long vexed them whereby the Church began to aspire to some more libertie and the Bishops which before were as abiects vtterly contemned of Emperours through the prouidence of God which disposeth all things in his time after his owne willy began now of Emperours to be esteemed and had in price Furthermore as Emperours grew more in deuotion so the Bishops more and more were exalted not only in fauour but also preferred vnto honour in so much that in short space they became not quarter maisters but rather halfe Emperours with Emperours Constantinus the Emperour embrasing Christen Byshops By which words of S. Paul we haue diuers things to vnderstand First that the day of the Lordes cōming was not thē nere at hand Secōdly the Apostle geuing vs a tokē before to know whē that day shall approch biddeth vs looke for an aduersary first to be reuealed Thirdly to shew what aduersary this shal be he expresseth him not to be as a common aduersary suche as were then in his time For although Herode Annas and Cayphas the high Priestes and Pharasyes Tertullus Alexander the Coppersmith Elymas Symō Magus Nero the Emperor in Paules time were great aduersaryes yet here he meaneth another besides these greater thē all the rest not such a one as should be like to Priest King or Emperor but such as farre exceding the estate of all kinges priests and Emperors should be the prince of priests should make kings to
procured any cōfort but rather dying as it were in a doubt betwixt two wayes left to theyr successoures matters of contention continuall But nowe for the space of 7. yeres of their successors that which we desired and loked for afore that is they shoulde beare good grapes and they bryng foorth wild grapes in thys matter we fall into a deepe despaire But in as much that we heare the comfort of the Lorde which promised that miserably he wold destroy those wicked men let his vineyarde to other husbandmen which will bring him fruit at their times appoynted he hath promised faithfully that he wil help his spouse in her nede to th end of the world we leaning on the sure hope of this promise and in hope contrary to hope beleuing by Gods grace will put our helping handes to easing of this misery when a conuenient time shall serue as much as our kingly power is able although our wit doth not perceaue how these thinges afore rehearsed may be amended yet we being encouraged to this by the hope of gods promise will do our endeuour lik as Abraham beleued his sonne being slaine by sacrifice that the multitude of his seede should encrease to the number of the starres according to Gods promise Now therfore the time drawes near to make an end of this schism least a third election of a schismaticke agaynst the Apostles successour make a custome of the doyng and so the Pope of Auinion shal be double Romishe pope and he shall say with hys partakers as the Patriarch of Constantinople sayd vnto Christes vicar when he forsooke hym The Lorde be with thee for the Lorde is with vs. And is much to be feared of all Christen men For that Pharisie begins now to be called the pope of Auinion among the people But peraduenture it would be thought of some men that it belongeth not to secular princes to bridle outragies of the Pope to whome we aunswere that naturally the members put them selues in ieopardy for to saue the head and the partes labour to saue the whole Christ so decked his spouse that her sides shold cleaue together and should vphold themselues by course of time and occasion of thinges they should correcte one an other and cleaue together tunably Did not Moses put down Aaron because he was vnfaythfull Salomon put downe Abiathar who came by lineall dissent from Anatoth and remoued hys priesthoode from his kindred to the stock of Eliazar in the person of Sadock which had his beginning from Ely the priest● 3.2 O●ho Emperour deposed Pope Iohn the 12. because he was lecherous Henry the Emperour put downe Gratianus because he vsed Simony in buying selling spirituall liuinges And Otho deposed Pope Benner the first because he thrust in himselfe Therefore by like reason why may not kings and Princes bridle the Romishe Pope in default of the Church if the quallitie of his fault require it or the necessitie of the Church by this compell to helpe the Churche oppressed by tyranny In old time schismes which rose about making the Pope were determined by the power of secular Princes as the schisme betwixt Symachus and Laurence was ended in a Counsaile afore Theodoricus king of Italy Henry the Emperour when two dyd striue to be Pope he deposed them both and receaued the thyrd being chosen at Rome to be Pope that is to say Clement the second which crowned him with the Imperiall crowne And the Romaynes promised him that from thenceforth they would promote none to be Pope without his consent Alexander also ouercame 4. Popes schismatickes all which Fredericke the Emperour corrected Thus looke on the register of Popes and theyr deedes and ye shall finde that schismes most commonly haue bene decised by the powers of secular princes the schismatickes cast out and sometimes new popes made and sometime the olde ones cast out of their dignities and restored to theyr old dignities again If it were not lawfull for secular princes to bridle the outragies of such a Pope lawfully made and afterward becōming a tyraunt In such a case he might oppresse ouermuch the Church he might chaunge Christendome into Heathens and make the labour of Christ crucified to be in vayne or els truely God should not haue prouided for his spouse in earth by all meanes as much as is possible by seruice of men to withstand daungers Therefore we counsell you with such a louing affection as becomes Children that ye consider in your hart well least in working by this meanes ye prepare away of Antichrist through your desire to beare rule and so by this meanes as we feare the one of these two shall chaunce Either ye shall cause all the princes of the worlde to rise agaynst you to bring in a true follower of Christ to haue the state of the Apostolicall dignitie or that is worse the whole world despising the ruling of one shepheard shall leaue the Romish Church desolate But God keepe this from the worlde that the desire of honour of two men should bring such a desolation into the Church of God for then that departing away which the Apostle prophecied shoulde come afore the comming of Antichrist were at hand which shold be the last disposition of the worlde peaceably to receaue Antichrist with honour Consider therefore the state of your most excellent holines how ye receaued the power from God to the building of the Church and not to the destruction that Christ hath geuen you wine and oyle to heale the wounded and hath appoynted you his vicar in these thinges as pertayne to gentlenes and hath geuen vs these thinges whiche serue to rigour For we beare not the sword without a cause to the punishement of euill doers the which power ordayned of God we haue receaued our selues being witnes beseeching you to receaue our counsel effectually that in doing thus the waters may returne to the places from whence they came and so the waters may begin to be made sweete with salt least the axe swimme on the water and the wood fineke and least the fruitfull Oliue degender into a wilde Oliue and the l●prosie of Naaman that Noble man cleaue continually to the house of Giezy and least the pope and the Phariseis crucify Christ agayne Christ the spouse of the Churche whiche was wont to bring the chiefe Byshop into the holyest place encrease your holines or rather to restore it being lost Written c. Ex Fragmento libri cuiusdam Dunelm ¶ This Epistle of king Richard 2. written to Pope Boniface the 9. in the time of the schisme about the yeare as appeareth 1397. As it contayned muche good matter of wholsome counsel to be followed so how litle he wrought with the Pope the sequell after warde declared For the schisme notwithstanding continued long after in whiche neyther of the popes would geue ouer theyr holde or yelde any thing to good counsayle geuen them for any respect of publique wealth
called vnto him the Archbishop of Yorke Richard London Henry Winchester Robert Chichester Alexander Norwich the noble prince Edmond the Duke of Yorke Rafe Earle of Westmerland Thomas Beaufort Knight Lord Chancellour of England and the Lord Beamond with other noble men as well spirituall as temporall that stood and sate by whome to name it would be long Before whome the said Iohn Badby was called personallie to answere vnto the Articles premised in the foresaid instrument Who when he came personallie before them the articles were read by the Officiall of the court of Cant. and by the Archb. in the vulgare tong expounded publikely and expresly and the same Articles as he before had spoken and deposed he still held and defended and said that whilest he liued he would neuer retract the same And furthermore he said specially to to be noted that the Lord duke of Yorke personallie there present as is aforesaid and euery man els for the time beeing is of more estimation and reputation then the Sacrament of the aulter by the priest in due forme consecrated And whilest they were thus in his examination the Archbishop considering and waying that he would in no wise be altered and seing moreouer his countenance stout and hart confirmed so that he began to persuade other as it appeared in the same These things considered the Archprelate whē he saw that by his allurements it was not in his power neither by exhortations reasons nor arguments to bring the said Iohn Badbye from his constant truth to his Catholique faith executing and doing the office of his great maister proceeded to confirme and ratifie the former sentence giuen before by the Bishop of Worcester against the said Iohn Badby pronouncing him for an open and publique hereticke And thus shifting their hands of him they deliuered him to the secular power and desired the sayd temporall Lords then and there present verie instantlie that they would not put the same Iohn Badby to death for that his offence nor deliuer him to be punished or put to death in y● presence of all the Lordsabone recited These things thus done and concluded by the Bishops in the forenoone on the afternoone the Kings writte was not far behind By the force wherof I. Badby still perseuering in his constancie vnto the death was brought into Smithfield and there being put in an emptie barrell was bound with iron chaines fastened to a stake hauing drie wood put about him And as he was thus standing in the pipe or tonne for as yet Cherillus Bull was not in vre among the bishops it happened that the Prince the kings eldest sonne was there present Who shewing some part of the good Samaritane began to endeuour and assay how to saue the life of him whome the hypocriticall Leuites and Phariseis sought to put to death He admonished and counsailed him that hauing respect vnto himselfe he should spedelie withdraw himselfe out of these dangerous Laberinths of opinions adding oftentimes threatnings the which might haue daunted anie mans stomacke Also Courtney at that time Chancellor of Oxford preached vnto him and enformed him of the faith of holie Church In this meane season the Prior of S. Bartlemewes in Smithfield brought with all solemnitie the Sacrament of Gods body with twelue torches borne before and so shewed the Sacrament to the poore man being at the stake And then they demanded of him how he beleeued in it he answering that he knew well it was halowed bread and not gods body And then was the tunne put ouer him and fire put vnto him And when he felt fire he cried mercie calling belike vpon the Lord and so the Prince immediatelie commanded to take awaie the tunne and quench the fire The Prince his commandement being done asked him if he would forsake heresie to take him to the faith of holie Church which thing if he would doo he should haue goods inough promising also vnto him a yearelie stipend out of the kings treasurie so much as should suffice his contentation ¶ The description of the horrible burning of Iohn Badby and how he was vsed at hys death This godly Martyr Iohn Badby hauing thus consummate his testimony and martyrdome in fire the persecuting Bishops yet not herewith contented and thinking themselues as yet eyther not strong inough or els not sharpe enough agaynst tht poore innocent flock of Christ to make all thinges sure and substantiall on theyr side in such sorte as this doctrine of the Gospell nowe springing should be suppressed for euer layd theyr conspiring heads together hauing now a king for theyr own purpose ready to serue theyr turn in all poynts during the time of the same Parliamēt aboue recited yet cōtinuing the foresayd bishops and clergy of the realme exhibited a Bul vnto the kings maiestie subtily declaring what quietnes hath ben mayntayned within this realme by his most noble progenitours who alwayes defended the auncient rites and customes of the Church and enriched the same with large gifts to the honor of God and the realme and contrariwise what trouble and disquietnes was now risen by diuers as they termed them wicked and peruerse men teachinge and preachinge openlye and priuilye acertayne new wicked and hereticall kinde of doctrine contrary to the Catholicke fayth and determination of holye Church whervpon the king alwayes oppressed with blynd ignoraunce by the crafty meanes and subtile pretences of the clergie graunted in the sayd Parliament by consent of the nobilitie assembled a statute to be obserued called Ex officio as followeth The Statute Ex officio That is to say that no man within this Realme or other the kinges maiesties dominions presume or take vpon him to preach priuily or apertly without speciall licence first obteyned of the ordinary of the same place Curates in theyr owne parishe Churches and persons heretofore priuiledged and others admitted by the Canon law onely excepted Nor that any hereafter do preach mayntayne teach informe openly or in secret or make or write any booke contrary to the catholique fayth and determination of the holy Church Nor that any hereafter make anye conuenticles or assemblies or keepe and exercise anye maner of schooles touching this sect wicked doctrin and opinion And further that no man hereafter shall by any meanes fauour anye such preacher any such maker of vnlawfull assemblies or any such booke maker or writer and finally any such teacher informer or stirrer vp of the people And that all and singuler persons hauing anye the sayd bookes writinges or schedules contayning the sayd wicked doctrines and opinions shall within forty dayes after this present proclamation and statute really and effectually deliuer or cause to be deliuered all and singuler the sayd bookes and writinges vnto the ordinary of the same place And if it shall happen anye person or persons of what kinde state or condition soeuer he or they be to doe or attempt anye manner of thing contrarye to this
had him walke traytour and made him to be set openly in the stockes For though he could haue seene sodenly by miracle the difference betwene diuers colours yet could he not by the sight so sodeinly tell the names of al these coulours except he had known them before no more then the names of all the men that he shuld sodaynly see By this may it be seene howe Duke Humfrey had not onely an head to disserue and disseruer trueth from forged and fayned hipocrisie but study also and dilligence lykewise was in him to reforme that which was amisse And thus much hetherto for the noble prowesse vertues ioyned with the like ornamentes of knowledge literature shining in this Princely duke For the which as he was both loued of the poore commons and wel spoken of all men no les deseruing the same being called the good Duke of Glocester so neither yet wanted hee his enemies and priuy enuiers whether it was through the fatall and vnfortunate lucke of the name of that house which is but a vayn friuolous obseruation of Polydore Halle which followeth hym bringing in the examples of Hugh Speser of Thomas of Woodstock sonne of ● Edward the thyrd of this Duke Humfry and after o● king Richard the thyrd Duke likewise of Gloucester or whether it was that y● nature of true vertue cōmonly is suche that as the flame euer beareth his smoke and the body his shadow fo● the brightnes of vertue neuer blaseth but hath some disdayne or enuy wayting vpon it or els whether it was rather for some diuorcement from his wife or for some other vice or trespasse done as seemeth most like truth which God as well in dukes houses correcteth as in other inferiour parsons especially where he loueth But howsoeuer the cause is to vs vnknowne this good Duke of Glocester albeit beyng both that kinges sole vncle hauing so many well willers thorough y● whol realme yet lacked not hys Sathan lacked not his secret maligners Of whom specially was Hēry Beuford Cardinal Bish. of Wintchester and Chaunceller of England who of long time disdayning and enuying the rule and authoritie of this Duke first had disposed and appoynted himselfe to remoue the kings person from Eltham vnto Winsor out of the Dukes handes and there to put in such gouernours as him listed After that entēding the Dukes death he set men of armes and Archers at the end of London bridge and for barring the hye waye wyth a draw chain set men in chambers sellers and windowes with bowes and arrowes and other weapons to the purposed destructiō both of the duke his retinue if God had not so disposed to turne his iourny an other way Beside other manifold iniuries and molestations the Ambitious Cardinall seeking by all meanes to be Pope procured such trouble agaynst him that great deuision was thereby in the whole Realme in somuch that all the shops within y● city of London were shut in for feare of the fauourers of these two great personages for each part had assembled no small number of people For the pacifying whereof that archbishop of Caunterbury and the Duke of Dumber called the prince of Portingall rode 7. tymes in one day betwene those two aduersaryes Such were then the troubles of this tumultuous diuision within the realme and al by the excitation of this vnquiet Cardinall Ouer and beside this Cardinall afore mentioned an other Capitall enemy to the said Duke was William de la Pole first Earle then Marques at last Duke of Suffolke a man very ill reported of in storyes to be not only that orgā instrument of this good mans death but also to be the noyance of the common wealth ruine of the realme For by him and hys onely deuise was first concluded the vnprofitable and vnhonourable mariage betweene the kyng Lady Margaret daughter of the Duke of Angeow where as the king had concluded contracted a mariage before with the daughter of the Earle of Armi●●k vpon conditions so much more profitable and honourable as more conuenient it is for a Prince to mary a wise with riches frends then to take a mayd with nothing disherite himselfe hys realme of old rightes ancient inheritance which so came to passe And all this the good Duke did well foresee declared no lesse but hys counsel would not be taken Wherupon followed first the geuing away the Duchy of Angeow the Citie of Mayne with the who●e Country of Mayne to Reyner Duke of Angeow father of the Damo●ell called then K. of Sicile of Hierusalē hauing therof no peny profite but onely a vayne name to play withal An other sore enemy and mortall plague to this Duke was the Queene her selfe lately before maried to the king Who being of haute stomack and all set vpon glory of wit and wilynes lacking nothing and perceiuing her husband to be simple of wit and easy to be ruled tooke vpon her to rule and gouerne both the king kingdome And because the aduise counsaile of Humfrey duke of Glocester was somewhat a stay that her authoritie and regimēt could not so fully proceede and partly because the sayd Duke before dyd disagree from that mariage this manly women and couragious Queene ceased not by all imaginations and practises possible to set forwarde his destruction hauing also for her helper herein the Duke of Buckingham c. These being his principall enemies and mortall foes fearing least some commotion might arise if such a Prince so ueare the kinges bloud and so beare to the people of all men so beloued shold be openly executed put to death deuised how to trap him and circumuēt him vnknowing and vnprouided For the more speedy furtherance wherof a Parliament was sūmoned to be kept at Bery an 1447. sacre ●rom the citizens of London as William Lindall in his booke of practise writeth Where resorted all the peres of the realme and amongst them the Duke of Gloucester thinking no harme to any man lesse to himselfe Who on the second day of the Ses●on was by the Lord Beamonde high Constable then of Englande accompanied with the Duke of Buckingham and other arrested apprehended and put in ward and vpon the same all his seruaunts discharged and put from him of whome 32. of the principall being also vnder arrest were dispersed into diuers prisōs to the great murmuring and greuance of the people After this arrest thus done and the Duke put in to Warde the night after saith Halle 6. nightes after sayth Fabian and Polychron he was found dead in hys bed the 24. of Febru ary and his body shewed to the Lordes and Commons as though he had bene taken naturally with some sodayne disease And although no woūd in his body could be seene yet to al indifferent persons it might wel be iudged that he
in England as by these stories abone past may be apparent Now these things declared which to the Church matters be apperteining cōsequently it remaineth something to entreate of the state likewise of the cōmon wealth which commonly doth follow the state of the Church Where the Church is quietly and moderately gouerned and the flock of Christ defended by godly Princes in peace safety frō deuouring and violence of bloudy wolues the successe of ciuile estate for the most part there doth florishe and the Princes long cōtinue through Gods preseruation in prosperous rest trāquillitie Contrariwise where the church of Christ either through the negligence of Princes or thorough their setting on the poore members of Christ be persecuted and deuoured shortly after ensueth some iust recompence of the Lord vpon those Princes that eyther their liues do not long continue or else they finde not that quiet in the common wealth which they looke for Examples heereof as in all other ages be aboundant so in this present time be not lacking whether we consider the state and condition of other countreys farre off or else of our owne countrey neare at home And heere not to wander in our story farther then to Fraunce onely let vs a little behold the example of Kyng Charles the viij who liuing in this Kings time died also not long before him This Charles is commended of Philippus Cominaeus to be a moderate valiant and victorious Prince adorned with many speciall vertues to a Prince apperteining And yet the same king because he was flack and remisse in defence of Christes Church neither did vse his authority nor tooke his occasion offered to him of God to amend and refourme the state of the Bishop and Cleargy of Rome when he might he was therefore himselfe punished and cut off of the Lord as by his story ensuing may right well appeare For so it is of him recorded that being maruelously excited and prouoked of his owne minde cōtrary to the counsaile of most of his Nobles he tooke hys viage into Italy neither being furnished with money nor the season of the yeare being cōuenient therunto And that this may appeare the better to proceede of the Lords doing to the entent he woulde haue the Church and Cleargy of Rome reformed by the Princes sword which so vexed all Christendome at that time we shall heare what is testified in the Commentaries of the foresaid Philip. Cominaeus Lib. 3. De bello Neapolit writing in this wise There was saith he in the City of Florence the same time a Dominicke Frier Dominicke Frier named Hieronimus Sauonarola of whom mētion was made before pag. 731. a man of a right godly and approoued life who in the said City of Florence preached and prophecied long before that the French King should come with an army into Italy being stirred vp of God to suppresse the tiraunts of Italy and none should withstand him He should also come to the Citie of Pisae and the state of Florence should be altered all which hapned true He affirmed moreouer to be signified to him of the Lord that the Ecclesiasticall state of the Churche must bee redressed Per vim a●morum●● by the sword or force of armes Many things also he prophesied of the Venetians of the French King saieng that the King with some danger difficultie should passe that iourney yet notwithstanding shoulde ouercome it and escape albeit his strength were neuer so slender for God woulde safely conduct him in that iourney and safely bring him home againe But because he had not done his office in amending the state of the Churche and in defending his people from iniurie and from deuouring therefore it shoulde come to passe said hee and that shortly that some incommoditie or detriment shoulde happen to the King or if hee shoulde escape that danger of hys sicknesse and recouer health then if he did resist the cruelty of the wicked and procure the safety of the poore and miserable God would shew merc●●nto him c. And this the saide Hieronymus declared before to Cominaeus one of the Kings counsaylours whych was the writer of the story and required him to signifie the same vnto the King which so did and he moreouer himselfe comming to the presence of the king declared no lesse All which things as he had foretold came directly to effect For the King being but easely accompanied wyth a small power entred into Italy where first he came to As●a then to Gemia● and to Pisae from thence proceeded to Florence which also he obteined displacing there Petrus Medices the Duke who had vsed great tyrannie vpon the subiects From thence he remoued toward Rome where a great part of the Citie wall at the comming of the french King fell downe Afterward when the King was entred into the Citie and the Pope who then tooke part with Alphonsus King of Neaples against the French King had immured himselfe within the mount of Adrian the wall of the Castell fell downe of it selfe whereby when the King was both occasioned and exhorted also by his Captaines to inuade the Pope and to depose him to reforme the Church of Rome which he might then easely haue done as it had pleased him yet all these occasions offered so opportunely of God moued not the king to do his duty to help the poore church of Christ wherefore shortly after returning home into France from Neapolis either the same yeare or the next yeare folowing he was strooken with a sodeine sicknes at Amboise as he was looking on thē that played at tennes and that in the stinkingest place in all the Castle where he fell downe died within twelue houres according to the forewarning of Hieronimus who wrote vnto him a little before both of his sonnes death and of his owne which was about the yeare of our Lord 1498. Ex Philip. Cominaeo Lib. 5. Like examples we haue many heere also in this our realme of England So long as king Iohn kept out of the realme the Popes authority and power he continued safe and quiet with his nobles but so soone as he brought the realme vnder tribute and subiectiō to that foreine Bishop God stirred vp his Nobles against him whereby he had much disquiet and trouble and soone thereupon decayed Of all the Kings of England from William Conquerour to this king Henry vij were none which either longer continued or more prosperously flourished then King Henry the second King Henry the third King Edward the first King Edward the third of whome the first how stout he was in withstāding Tho. Becket and Pope Alexander the iij. is sufficiently before comprehended pag. 206. The second which was sonne of King Iohn albeit through the wretchednes of that time his power was not sufficient to repulse the Popes usurped iurisdiction out of the Realme yet his will was good at least he so defended prouided for his subiects that
they tooke no great wrong at the Popes handes who reigned one yeare longer then Augustus Caesar which hath not commonly bene seene in any Prince The third which was King Edward the first so vigilantly behaued himselfe for the publique cōmoditie safetie of his people that he defended thē frō all foraine power and hostilitie both of the Scottes then our enemies now our frendes and also from the Bishop of Rome takyng part with them against vs as may appeare aboue page 340. Furthermore of the same King and of his woorthy Nobles and house of Parliament how valiantly they stoode in deniall of the Popes subsidies and also how the sayd King secluded out of his protection the Bishops and especially the Archbishop Peecham for standing wyth the Pope reade pag. 352. Now as touching King Edward the third how little he regarded how princely he with his Nobles likewise resisted the Popes reseruations and prouisions how hee brideled the Archbishop Iohn S●ratford and reiected the ●a●●e authority of the Bishop of Rome both in ●efe●ise of his subiects and also in defence of claiming his right title in the Realme of France reade pag. 383. Not that I do heere affirme or define as in a generall rule that worldly successe and prosperitie of life alwayes followeth the godly which we see rather to be geuen more often to the wicked sort but speaking of the duty of Princes I note and obserue by examples of histories that such Princes as haue most defended the Church of Christ committed to their gouernance from iniurie and violence of the Bishop of Rome haue not lacked at Gods hand great blessing and felicitie whereas contrarywise they whiche either themselues haue bene persecutours of Christes mēbers or haue not shielded thē by their protection from foreine tiranny and iniuries haue lacked at Gods hand that protection which the other had as may appeare by King Edward the second Richard the third King Henry the fourth King Henry the v. king Henry the vj. c. who because either negligētly they haue suffered or cruelly caused such persecuting lawes to be made so much Christē blood iniuriously to be deuoured therefore haue they bene the lesse prospered of the Lord so that either they were deposed or if they florished for a while yet they did not long continue almost not halfe the time of the other kings before named And therefore as the state of the common wealth doth commonly folow the state of the Church as ye hard before so it had bene to be wished that this King Henry the vij beyng otherwise a prudent temperaunt Prince had not permitted the vntemperaūt rage of the Popes Clergy so much to haue their willes ouer the poore flocke of Christ as then they had accordyng as by these persecutiōs aboue mētioned may appeare The which king Henry vij albeit he had a sufficiēt continuaunce who had now raigned 24. yeares yet notwithstāding here commeth the same thyng to be noted wherof I speake before that whē the Church of Christ begynneth to be iniuried with violēce to go to wracke through misorder negligēce the state of the common wealth can not there long endure without some alteration stroke of Gods correction But howsoeuer this marke is to be takē thus lyeth the story that after the burnyng vexyng of these poore seruauntes of Christ aboue recited when the persecution begā now in the Church to be hoate God called away the kyng the same yeare aboue mentioned which was 1509. after he had raigned the terme of yeares 24. Who if he had adioyned a litle more pitifull respect in protectyng Christes poore mēbers from the fire of the Popes tyrāny to his other great vertues of singular wisedome excellent tēperaunce moderate frugalitic somuch had he bene cōparable with the best of those Princes aboue comprehended as hee had bene interiour but to a few but this defect which lacked in him was supplyed most luckely blessed be the Lord by his posteritie succeding after him Of whom in the next volume folowing Christ thereunto assisting vs we haue to specifie more at large Among many other thynges incident in the raigne of this kyng Henry vij I haue ouerpassed the history of certaine godly persons persecuted in the Diocesse of Couentry and Lichfield as we finde them in the Registers of the Diocesse recorded here folowyng The yeare of our Lord. 1485. March 9. amongest diuers and sundry other good men in Couētry these ix here vnder named were examined before Iohn Bishop of Couentry and Lichfield in S. Michaels Church vpon these Articles folowyng in order FIrst Iohn Blomston was openly and publikely infamed accused reported appeached that he was a very hereticke because he had preached taught holden affirmed that the power attributed to S. Peter in the Church of God by our Sauiour Iesus Christ immediatly did not flit or passe frō him to remaine with his successours Item that there was as much vertue in an herbe as in the Image of the Uirgine Mary Item that prayer and almes auayle not the dead for incontinent after death he goeth either to heauen 〈◊〉 held whereupon he concludeth there is no Purgatory Item that it was foolishnesse to go on Pilgrimage to the Image of our Lady of Dancaster Walsingham or of the Tower of the Citie of Couentry for a man might as well worship the blessed Uirgin by the fire 〈◊〉 in the ●itchin as in the foresayd places and as well might a man worship the blessed Uirgin when he seeth his mother or sister as in visityng the Images because they be no more but dead stockes and stones Item that he sayd in English with a frowning countenaunce as it appeared a vengeaūce on all such horson Priestes for they haue great enuy that a poore man should get his liuyng among them RIchard Hegham of the same Citie was accused c. to be a very hereticke because he did hold that a Christen man beyng at the point of death should 〈◊〉 all his owne workes good and ●●l and submitte him to the mercy of God Item that it was fondnesse to worship the Images of our Lady of Tower in the foresayd Citie or of other Saintes for they are but stockes and stones Item that if the Image of our Lady of Tower were put into the fire it would make a good fire Item that it were better to deale money vnto poore folkes then to offer to the Images of Christ and other Saintes which are but dead stockes and stones RObert Crowther of the same Citie was accused that he was an hereticke because he did hold that who so receiueth the Sacramēt of the altar in deadly sinne or out of charitie receiueth nothyng but bread and wine Item that neither Byshop nor Priestes or Curates of Churches haue power in the market of penaunce to bynde and loose Item that Pilgrimage to the Image of our
feruent desire of Constantinus to peace and vnitie The letter of Constantine to Crestus Byshop of Syracusa The edicte of Constantinus to the rulers of the prouince of Palestina The letter of Constantine to Eusebius The councell of Nice The effect of the letter of Constantine to Alexander and Arrius ex Euseb de vita Constan Lib. 2. Constantine set forth a spectacle to all Princes to follow A briefe recapitulation of such benefites as w●re wrought by Constantine vpon Christes Church Where wickednesse is punished there goodnes followeth The liberalitie of Constantine in geuing to Churches Euseb. lib 4. de vita Constantini The forme of prayer appoynted of Constantine for hys souldiours The souldiours prayer The sonday appoynted to be kept holy Liberties and priuiledges graunted to the clergy The prouision and liberalitie of Constantine in mayntayning scholes The priuiledge granted by Constant. to vniuersities and scholes The prouident care of Constant. to haue the scripture in Churches Ex Euseb. lib. 4. de vitae Constant. A wish of the author admonitory to Princes The liberalitie of Constant. towardes the poore and needy Constant. remitteth the fourth part of hys rentes and reuenewes Deuotion of Constantine Reasons and argumentes prouing the donation of Constantine to be falsefied Commendation of Constantine the Emperour Constantine kissed the woundes of them that suffered for Christ. Constantine burneth the bils of complayntes and breaketh strife among the Byshops Note that the oration ad conuentum sanctorum is wrongly ascribed to Eusebius which in deede is the oration of Constantine Looke aboue pag. 68. Col. ● line 52. Satan bound vp for a M. yeares A petition to the reader diligently to read ouer the former booke of the x. persecutions The first planting of Christē fayth in England Question Whether Christian Religion in this Realme came first from Rome Aunswere 1 Gildas 2 Ex Tertul. contra Iudaeos 3 Ex Origen hom 4. in Ezech● 4 Ex Bed● 5 Ex Niceph. Lib. 2. cap. 40. 6 Ex Pet. Cluniacensi ad Bernardum 7 Ex Epist. Eleutherij ad Luc●●● What difference betweene the late church of Rome from the old Church of Rome and in what matters De consecrat Dist. 2. ●abianus cap. 119. 120. Eleutherius Byshop of Rome Austen 2. The fayth of Christ brought into this Realme Lucius first christened king of the Brittaines Ex Monumetensi alijs Paganus Damianus 28. Byshops within this Realme 3. Archb. Ex vetusto codice regum antiquorum The Epistle of Eleutherius to king Lucius The king Gods vicare within hys owne kingdome Esay 42. H. Huntendon Lib. 1 What incommoditie commeth by lacke of succession The decease of King Lucius Ex Florilego Ex Beda Polyero monumetensi An. D. 390. Secund fab Bed An. 433. fab An. 443. An. 448. An. 464. The Brittaynes neuer touched with any persecution before the time of Dioclesian Constant. the great borne and bred in Brittayne The cause how this Realme of Brittaine was first weakened Brittayne spoyled of souldiors Vrsula with a xi thousand virgins Gueteli●●● Archb. of London Ex Chronico Mon●metensi Constantinus Constant. Aurelius Ambrosius Vter Pendragon The Saxons sent for to Brittayne Kyng Constans slayne by Vortigerne Hengist and Horsu● Captaynes of the Saxons A wicked murther of the Saxons Aurelius and Vter sonnes to Constantinus Ex Gaufrido Ex Alfrido in suo Britannico Ex Policron lib. 5. cap. 4. Seuen kings ruling in England This Dunwich lyeth vpon the sea side in Suffolke Example what it is to let in straunge nations Maryage with Infidels what destruction it worketh The second returne of Engist into Brittayne The dissembling words of the Saxons to deceaue the Brittaynes Neme your sexes the watcheword All the Nobilitie of the Brittaynes destroyed in one day The king raunsomed The Saxons enter possession of the land The Christian Brittaynes persecuted of the Infidel Saxons An. 462. Aurelius Ambrosius returneth into Brittayne Aurelius crowned king of Brittayne Vortigerus burned in hys tower Horsus slayne Engist taken in the field The counsel of Eldadus Byshop of Glocester Engist beheaded Anno. 490. Ex Henr. Huntingtonensi Galfrido Ex Chronico quodā Cariensi The vncertainty of our old Brittayne storyes Ex historia Cariana Aurelius Ambrosius Brit. kyng Anno. 497. Vter Pendragō Brit. Kyng Remember the wordes of Gildas 633. hist. Caria The Christian Brittaynes persecuted by the Heathen Saxōs Anno. 516. King Arthur The tales of King Arthur Constantinus 3. Aurelius Conanus Vortipor●u● Malgo. Carecius Kings of Brittayne The Archb. of London and the Archbishop of Yorke flee into Wales Ex historia quadam Cariensi The causes of the destruction of the Brit. declared In English thus This 〈◊〉 beyng a Christi●● was 〈◊〉 vnto Ethelbert vpon the conditi●● that she should be suffered 〈◊〉 enjoy her religion Ethelbe●● kyng of Kent Oswaldus king of Northumberland Edwinus king of Northumberland Sigebertus of Eastangles Sebert or Sexbrieth of Essex The first building 〈◊〉 the Ch●●c● of Paul●● London Ethelbert king of the Eastangles Peter pence 〈◊〉 they first came vpon be payd to Rome Kenelmu● king of the Mercians S. Edmund king of Eastangles The message of Inguar to Kyng Edmund The martirdome of K. Edmund in Northfolke A Questiō Whether kings which made themselues Monkes did well in so doing or not Aunswere Where vocation byndeth to tary there not to flye but to resist the occasions of euill it is a good mans part Foure persecutions in Brittany before the comming of Austen into England The persecution of Dioclesian about the yeare of our Lord. 210. The persecution of Gnauius and Melga The persecution of Hengist in Brittayne The fourth destruction of Christen fayth in Brittayne by Gurmūdus an 595. This Gurmundus as some stories record leauing hys kingdome at home to hys brother sayd he would possesse no kingdome but which he should win with his sword King Lucius dyed 428. before the comming of Austen The computation of times concerning the continuaunce and decay of Christes Gospell betweene the Brittaynes and the Saxons Anno. 598. Beda Polychronico● li. 5. ca. 8.6 Malesburiensis de regib Henr. Huntington lib 3. Fabianus part 5. cap. 119. Liber bibliothecae tornalensis Deyrham in Northumberland Episcopus Arelalensis Ex Henr. Huntingtonensi li 3. The Epistle of Gregory to them whiche went to preach in England The Bishop of Rome calleth the Emperour hys Lord. Austen and hys company commeth to England Ethelbert King of Kent What goodnes commeth to haue a good and godly wife The kinges answere to Austen The king staieth vpon olde custome The Letany of Austen Miracles wrought by God for the conuersion of the land Austen made Archbishop Ex decre● Gregorij primi●● concil tom 2. 1. Interrogation The aunswere Distribution of Churche goodes 2. Interrogation The aunswere The glose vppon the 12. q. 1. 〈◊〉 rag Si. 〈◊〉 sayth that this nowe holdeth not and alledgeth 〈◊〉 extran Decler comming ca. Iob. Whereby note how the Popes decrees be repugnant