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power_n authority_n ecclesiastical_a jurisdiction_n 7,102 5 9.4747 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07622 Iniunccions geue[n] by the moste excellent prince, Edward the Sixte, by the grace of God, kyng of England, Frau[n]ce and Irelande: defendor of the faithe, and in yearthe vnder Christ, of the Churche of Englande and of Ireland, the supreme hedde: to all and singuler his louyng subiectes, aswell of the clergie, as of the laietie.. England and Wales. Sovereign (1547-1553 : Edward VI); Edward VI, King of England, 1537-1553. 1547 (1547) STC 10090; ESTC S92258 10,958 27

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INIVNCCIons geuē by the moste excellent prince Edward the sixte by the grace of God kyng of England Fraūce and Irelande defendor of the Faithe and in yearthe vnder Christ of the churche of Englande and of Ireland the supreme hedde To all and singuler his louyng subiectes aswell of the Clergie as of the Laietie ¶ Iniuncciōs geuen by the moste excellent Prince Edward the VI. by the grace of GOD kyng of England Fraunce and Ireland defendor of the faith and in yearth vnder Christ of the Churche of Englande and of Irelande the supreme hedde to all and synguler his louyng Subiectes as well of the Clergie as of the Laitie THE Kynges mooste royall Maiestie by the aduise of his most dere vncle the duke of Somerset Lorde Protector of all his Realmes Dominions and subiectes and Gouernor of his moste roiall persone and the residewe of his moste honorable counsaill intendyng thaduauncement of the true honor of almightie God the suppression of Idolatrie and Supersticion throughout all his Realmes and Dominions and to plant true Religion to the extirpacion of all Hypocrysy enormities and abuses as to his duetie apperteineth Doth minister vnto his louyng subiectes these Godly Iniuncciōs hereafter folowyng Whereof parte were geuen vnto theim heretofore by aucthoritie of his moste derely beloued father Kyng Henry the eighte of moste famous memorie and parte are nowe ministered and geuen by his Maiestie All whiche Iniunccions his highnes willeth and commaūdeth his saied louyng subiectes by his supreme aucthoritie obediently to receiue and truely to obserue and kepe euery man in their offices degrees and states as thei wil auoyde his displeasure and the paynes in thesame Iniunccions hereafter expressed THE firste is that all Deanes Achedeacōs Persones Vicars and other Ecclesiasticall persones shall faithfully kepe and obserue and as far as in them maie lie shal cause to be obserued and kept of other al singuler lawes and statutes made aswel for the abolishyng and extirpacion of the bishop of Rome his pretensed and vsurped power and iurisdiccion as for the establishement and confirmacion of the kynges authoritie iurisdicciō and supremacie of the church of England Ireland And furthermore all ecclesiasticall persones hauyng cure of soule shall to the vttermoste of their wit knowledge and learnyng purely syncerely and without any colour or dissimulacion declare manifest and open iiij tymes euery yere at the least in their Sermons and other collacions that the bishop of Romes vsurped power and iurisdicciō hauyng no establishement nor ground by the lawe of God was of moste iust causes taken awaie and abolished and that therfore no maner of obedience or subieccion within his Realmes and Dominions is dewe vnto hym And that the Kynges power within his Realmes and Dominions is the highest power vnder GOD to whom all men within thesame Realmes and Dominions by Godes lawes owe moste loyaltie and obedience afore and aboue all other powers and potentates in yearth BESIDES this to the intent that all Supersticion and Hypocrisy crept into diuerse mennes hartes maie vanish awaie thei shall not setfurthe or extoll any Images Reliques or miracles for any Supersticion or lucre nor allure the people by any inticementes to the Pilgrimage of any sainct or ymage but reprouyng the same thei shall teache that all goodnesse healthe and grace ought to be both asked and loked for onely of God as of the verie aucthor and geuer of thesame and of none other ITEM that thei the persones aboue rehersed shall make or cause to bee made in their Churches and euery other Cure thei haue one Sermon euery quarter of the yere at the least wherin thei shall purely and syncerely declare the woorde of GOD and in thesame exhorte their hearers to the woorkes of Faithe Mercie and Charitie specially prescribed and commaunded in scripture and that woorkes deuised by mannes phātasies besides scripture as wanderyng to pilgrimages offeryng of money candelles or tapers to Reliques or Images or kissyng and lickyng of thesame praiyng vpon Beades or suche like supersticiō haue not onely no promise of reward in scripture for doyng of thē but contrariwise great threates malediccions of God for that thei bee thynges tendyng to Idolatrie and supersticiō whiche of al other offences god almightie doth most detest and abhorre for that thesame diminishe moste his honor and glorie ITEM that suche Images as thei knowe in any of their Cures to bee or haue been so abused with pilgrimage or offrynges of any thyng made thereunto or shal bee hereafter censed vnto thei and none other priuate persones shall for the auoydyng of that moste detestable offēce of Idolatrie furthewith take doune or cause to be taken doune and destroye thesame and shall suffre from hensefurthe no Torches nor Candelles Tapers or Images of waxe to be sette afore any Image or picture but onely two lightes vpon the high aulter before the Sacrament whiche for the significacion that Christe is the verie true light of the worlde thei shall suffre to remain still Admonishyng their parishioners that Images serue for no other purpose but to be a remembraunce wherby men maie be admonished of the holy lifes and conuersaciō of them that thesaied Images doo represent whiche Images if thei do abuse for any other intent thei commit Idolatrie in thesame to the great daungier of their soules ITEM that euery holy daie throughout the yere when thei haue no Sermon thei shall immediatly after the Gospell openly and plainly recite to their parishioners in the pulpit The Pater noster the Credo and the tenne Commaundementes in Englishe to the intent the people maie learne thesame by harte exhortyng all parentes and housholders to teache their children and seruaūtes thesame as thei are bound by the lawe of God and in conscience to do ITEM that thei shall charge fathers and Mothers Masters and gouernors to bestowe their children and Seruauntes euen from their childhode either to learnyng or to some honest exercise occupacion or husbandrie Exhortyng and counsailyng and by all the waies and meanes thei maie aswell in their Sermons and collacions as otherwaies perswadyng their saied Fathers and Mothers Masters and other Gouernors diligentely to prouide and forsee that the youthe bee in no maner of wise brought vp in idlenes least at any tyme afterward for lacke of some craft occupacion or other honest meane to liue by thei be driuen to fall to beggyng stealyng or some other vnthriftinesse For asmuche as we maie daily se through slothe and idlenes diuerse valiaunt men fall some to beggyng and some to thefte and murdre whiche after brought to calamitie and miserie doo blame their parentes frendes and gouernors whiche suffered them to be brought vp so idlely in their youthe where if thei had been well brought vp in good learnyng some occupacion or crafte thei should beeyng rulers of their awne housholde haue proffited aswell themselfes as diuerse other persones to the greate commoditie and ornament of the common wealthe ALSO that thesaied persones