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A74040 Anno primo Reginæ Elizabethe At the parliament begonne at Westmynster, the xxiii. of January in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure Soueraigne Ladye, Elizabeth by the grace of God, of England, Fraunce and Ireland, Quene, defendoure of the faithe, [et]c. And there proroged tyll the. xxv. of the same moneth, and then and there holden, kept, and continued vntill the dissolution of the same, beyng the eyght day of May, then nexte ensuynge, were enacted as foloweth.; Public General Acts. 1559-1560. 1 Elizabeth I England and Wales. Sovereign (1558-1603 : Elizabeth I); Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603. 1559 (1559) STC 9459; ESTC S124846 11,386 16

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obteyned pretended licences and dispensations frō the Sea of Rome and all and euery braunches wordes and sentences in the sayde seuerall actes and statutes conteyned by aucthoritie of this present parliament frō and at al tymes after the last day of this Session of parliament shal be reuiued shal stand and be in ful force and strength to al intentes constructions and purposes And that the braunches sentences and wordes of the sayd seueral actes and euery of them from thenceforth shal may be iudged demed taken to extend to your highnes your heyres and successors as fully and largely as euer the same actes or any of thē did extend to the sayd late kyng Henry theyght your hyghnes father AND THAT it may also please your hyghnes that it may be enacted by thaucthoritie of this present parliament that so much of one acte or Statute made in the .xxxii. yere of the raigne of your sayd dere father kyng Henry the eyght entytuled an Acte concernyng precontractes of mariages and touchyng degrees of consanguinitie as in the tyme of the late kyng Edward the syxte youre hyghnesse most dere brother by one other act or Statute was not repealed And also one acte made in the .xxxvii. yere of the raygne of the sayd late kyng Henry theyght entytuled an Acte that Doctours of the Ciuile lawe beyng maryed may exercyse ecclesiastical iurisdiction and all and euery braunches and articles in the sayde two actes last mentioned and not repealed in the tyme of the sayd late kyng Edward the syxt may from henceforth lykewyse stande and be reuyued and remayne in theyr full force and strength to al intentes and purposes any thyng conteyned in the sayd acte of repeale before mentioned or any other matter or cause to the contrary notwithstandyng AND that it may also please your hyghnes that it may be further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that all other lawes and Statutes and the braūches and clauses of any act or Statute repealed made voyde by the sayd acte of repeale made in the tyme of the late kyng Phyllyp and Quene Mary and not in this present acte specially mentioned and reuyued shall stande remayne and be repealed and voyde in such lyke maner and fourme as they were before the makyng of this acte any thyng herein conteyned to the contrary notwithstandyng AND THAT IT may also please your hyghnes that it may be enacted by thauctorite aforesaid that one act statute made in the first yere of the raigne of the late kynge Edwarde the syxte your maiesties most d●re brother entituled an Acte against suche persons as shall vnreuerently speake against the Sacrament of the bodye and bloud of Christe commonly called the Sacrament of the aulter and for the receauyng therof vnder bothe kyndes and all and euery braunches clauses and sentences therin conteyned shall may lykewyse from the last day of this Session of parliament be reuyued and from thenceforth shall and may stand remayne be in ful force strength and effect to al intentes constructions purposes in such like maner fourme as the same was at any tyme in the first yere of the raign of the said late king Edward the sixt and law statute or other matter to the cōtrary in any wise notwtstāding AND THAT also it may please your highnes that it maye be further establyshed enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid that one Act and Statute made in the first second yeres of the sayd late kyng Phyllyp and Quene Mary entituled an Acte for the reuyuyng of three statutes made for the punishement of heresies also the said three statutes mentioned in the sayd act by the same acte reuyued and all euery braunches articles clauses and sentence conteyned in the sayd seueral actes or statutes euery of them shal be from the last day of this Session of parliamēt demed and remaine vtterly repealed voyde and of none effect to all intentes purposes any thing in the sayd seuerall actes or any of them conteyned or any other matter or cause to the contrary notwithstandyng AND to the intent that all vsurped forrayne power aucthoritie spiritual and temporal may for euer be clearely extinguished and neuer to be vsed or obeyed wtin this Realme or any other your maiesties dominions or countreys May it please your highnes that it may be further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that no forrain prince person prelate state or potentate spirituall or temporall shall at any tyme after the last day of this Session of parliament vse enioy or exercyse any maner of power iurisdiction superioritie aucthoritie preheminence or priuilege spirituall or ecclesiasticall within this realme or within any other your maiesties dominions or countreys that now be or hereafter shal be but from thenceforth the same shal be clearely abolyshed out of this realme and all other your hyghnes dominions for euer any statute ordinaunce custome constitutions or any other matter or cause whatsoeuer to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandyng AND that also it may likewyse please your highnes that it may be establyshed enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that such iurisdictions priuileges superiorities and preheminences spiritual ecclesiasticall as by any spiritual or ecclesiastical power or aucthoritie hath heretofore ben or may lawfully be exercysed or vsed for the visitacion of the ecclesiasticall State and persons and for reformation order and correction of the same and of all maner errours heresies scismes abuses offēces contemptes and enormities shall for euer by aucthoritie of this present parliament bee vnited and annexed to the imperiall Crowne of this Realme And that your hyghnes your heyres successours kinges or quenes of this realme shal haue ful power aucthorite by vertue of this act by letters patentes vnder the great seale of Englande to assigne name aucthorise when and as often as your hygnesse your heyres or successours shall thinke mete and conuenient for such and so long tyme as shal please your hyghnes your heires or successors such person or persōs beyng natural borne subiectes to your highnes your heires or successours as your maiestie your heires or successours shal thinke mete to exercise vse occupy and execute vnder your hyghnes your heyres and successours all maner of iurisdictions priuileges and preheminences in any wyse touching or concerning any spirituall or ecclesiasticall iurisdiction within these your realmes of Englande and Irelande or any other your hyghnes dominions or countreys and to visite reforme redresse order correct and amend al such errours heresies scismes abuses offences contemptes and enormities whatsoeuer which by any maner spirituall or ecclesiasticall power aucthoritie or iurisdiction cā or may lawfully be reformed ordred redressed corrected restrayned or amended to the pleasure of almyghty God thencrease of vertue the conseruaciō of the peace vnitie of this realme And that such person or persons so to be named assigned aucthorised and appointed by your hyghnes your heyres or successours after the
sayd letters patentes to hym or thē made deliuered as is aforesayd shall haue full power and aucthoritie by vertue of this act of the said letters patents vnder your hyghnes your heyres or successours to exercyse vse and execute all the premisses accordyng to the tenour and effecte of the sayd letters patentes Any matter or cause to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandyng AND for the better obseruacion and maintenaunce of this act may it please your hyghnes that it may be further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that al and euery Archebyshop Byshop and all and euery other ecclesiasticall person and other ecclesiasticall officer and minister of what estate dignitie preheminēce or degree soeuer he or they be or shal be and all and euery temporall Iudge Iusticer Mayre and other lay or temporall offycer and minister and euery other persone hauynge your hyghnesse fee or wages within this Realme or anye youre hyghnesse dominions shall make take and receaue a corporall othe vpon the Euangelist before such person or personnes as shall please your hyghnesse your heyres or successours vnder the greate Seale of Englande to assygne and name to accepte and take the same accordynge to the tenoure and effecte hereafter folowyng That is to say I A. B. do vtterly testyfie declare in my conscience that the Quenes hyghnesse is the onely Supreame gouernoure of this Realme and of all other her hyghnesse domynyons and countreyes aswell in all spirituall or ecclesiasticall thynges or causes as temporall that no forrayne prynce person prelate state or potentate hath or ought to haue any iurisdictiō power superioritie preheminēce or aucthorite ecclesiastical or spiritual within this realme therfore I do vtterly remounce forsake all forraine iurisdictions powers superiorities aucthorities and do promyse that frō hence forth I shall beare fayth trewe allegiaunce to the Quenes highnes her heyres and lawful successours and to my power shal assist and defend all iurisdictions priuileges preheminences aucthorities graunted or belonging to the Quenes highnesse her heyres and successours or vnited and annexed to thimperiall Crowne of this realme so helpe me God and the contentes of this booke AND that it may be also enacted that yf any such archbyshop byshop or any other Ecclesiasticall officer or minister or any of the sayd temporall iudges iusticiaries or other lay officer or minister shall peremptoryly or obstinately refuse to take or receaue the sayd other That then he so refusyng shall forfeyt and lose onely duryng his lyfe all euery Ecclesiasticall and Spirituall promotion benefice office and euery temporall and lay promotion and office which he hath soly at the tyme of such refusall made and that the whole tytle interrest and incumbencye in euery such promotion benefice and other office as agaynst such person only so refusing duryng his lyfe shall clearely cease be voyde as though the partie so refusyng were dead And that also all and euery such person and persons so refusyng to take the sayd othe shall immediatly after such refusall be from thensforth duryng his lyfe disabled to retayne or exercyse anye office or other promotion whiche he at the tyme of such refusall hath ioyntly or in common with anye other person or persons And that al and euery person and persons that at any time hereafter shal be preferred promoted or collated to any Archebysshopryke or Bysshopryke or to any other spirituall or ecclesiastical benefice promotiō dignitie office or ministery or that shal be by your hyghnesse your heyres or successours preferred or promoted to any temporal or lay office ministery or seruice within this realme or in any your hyghnes dominiōs before he or they shall take vpon him or them to receaue vse exercise supplye or occupy any such archebyshoprike byshoprike promotion dignitie office ministery or seruice shall likewise make take receaue the said corporal othe before mētioned vpō the euangelist before such persons as haue or shall haue aucthoritie to admitte any such persō to any such office ministery or seruice or els before such persō or persons as by your highnes your heyres or successours by cōmissiō vnder the great seale of England shal be named assigned or appointed to minister the said oth And that it may likewise be further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that if any such person or persons as at any tyme hereafter shal be promoted preferred or collated to any such promotion spirituall or ecclesiasticall benefyce offyce or ministery or that by your highnes your heires or successors shal be promoted or preferred to any temporall or laye office ministery or seruice shall and do peremtorilye and obstinately refuse to take the same othe so to hym to be offred that thē he or they so refusing shal presently be iudged disabled in the law to receaue take or haue the same promotion Spiritual or Ecclesiastical the same temporal ofsyce mynistery or seruice wtin this realme or any other your highnes dominions to all intentes constructions and purposes AND THAT it maye be further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that all and euery person and persons Temporall suyng lyuery or Oustre le mayne out of the handes of your hyghnesse your heyres or successours before his or theyr liuery or Oustre le maine sued forth and allowed and euery Temporall person or persons doyng anye homage to your hyghnesse your heyres or successours or that shall be receyued into seruice with your hyghnes your heyres or successours shall make take and receiue the sayde corporall othe before mentioned before the Lorde Chauncellour of England or the lord keper of the greate seale for the tyme beyng or before such persone or persons as by your hyghnes your heyres or successoures shal be named and appoynted to accepte or receaue the same And that also all and euery person and persons takyng orders and all and euery other person and persons which shal be promoted or preferred to any degree of learnynge in anye vniuersitie wtin this your realme or dominions before he shall receaue or take any such orders or be preferred to any such degree of learnyng shall make take and reseaue the sayde othe by this acte sette forthe and declared as is aforesayde before hys or theyr Ordynary Commissarye Chauncellour or vicechauncellour or theyr sufficient deputyes in the sayde vniuersitie PROVIDED alwayes that it may be further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayd that if any persō hauing any estate of inheritaūce in any temporall office or offices shall hereafter obstinately and peremptoryly refuse to accept and take the sayd othe as is aforesayd and after at any tyme duryng his lyfe shall wyllyngly requyre to take receaue the said oth and so do take accept the same othe before anye person or personnes that shall haue lawfull aucthoritie to minister the same That then euery such person immediately after he hath so receaued the same othe shal be vested iudged and demed in lyke estate and possession of the
sayd offyce as he was before the sayd refusall shall and may vse and exercise the sayd offyce in such maner fourme as he should or myght haue done before suche refusall any thyng in this acte conteyned to the contrarye in anye wyse notwithstandyng AND FOR THE MORE sure obseruation of this acte and the vtter extinguyshement of al forraine vsurped power aucthorite may it please your hyghnes that it may be further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that if any person or persons dwelling or inhabytyng within this your Realme or in any other your hyghnes Realmes or dominions of what estate dignitie or degree soeuer he or they be after th end of .xxx. dayes next after the determinacion of this session of this present parliament shal by wrytinge printing teaching preaching expresse wordes dede or act aduisedly maliciously directly affirme hold stande with set forth maintayne or defende thaucthoritie preheminence power or iurisdiction Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall of any forreyne Prynce Prelate Person State or Potentate whatsoeuer heretofore claymed vsed or vsurped within this Realme or any dominion or countrey being within or vnder the power domynyon or obeysaunce of your hyghnes or shall aduysedly maliciously and directely put in vre or execute any thyng for thextollyng aduauncement settyng forth mayntenaunce or defence of any such pretended or vsurped iurisdiction power preheminence or aucthoritie or any part therof That then euery such person and persons so doyng and offending theyr abbettours aydours procurers and counsaylours beyng thereof lawfully conuicted and attaynted accordyng to the due order course of the commen lawes of his ●ealme for this or theyr fyrst offence shall forfeyte and lose vnto your hyghnesse your heyres and successours all his and theyr goodes and cattelles aswell reall as personall And yf any suche person so conuicted or attaynted shall not haue or be worth of his proper goodes and cattelles to the value of xx li. at the tyme of such his conuiction or atteyndour that then euery such person so conuicted atteynted ouer besydes the forfeiture of all his said goodes cattelles shal haue and suffer imprisonmēt by the space of one whole yere without bayle or mainprise And that also all and euery the benefyces prebendes and other Ecclesiasticall promocions and dignities whatsoeuer of euery Spirituall person so offendyng and beyng atteynted shall immediatly after such atteyndour be vtterly voyde to all intentes and purposes as though thincumbent therof were dead And that the patron donour of euery such benefice prebend spiritual promocion dignitie shall may lawfully present vnto the same or giue the same in suche maner and fourme as yf the sayde incumbent were deade And yf any such offendour or offendours after suche conuiction or atteyndour do eftsones committe or do the sayde offences or any of them in maner and fourme aforesayde and be therof duely conuicted and atteynted as is aforesayd That then euery such offendour and offendours shall for the same seconde offence incurre into the daungers penalties and forfeytures ordeyned and prouided by the Statute of prouision and Preminire made in the .xvi. yere of the reigne of Kynge Rycharde the seconde And if anye suche offendour or offendoures at anye tyme after the sayde seconde conuiction and attayndoure doo the thirde tyme commytte and doo the sayd offences or anye of them in maner and fourme aforesayde and be therof duelye conuicted and attaynted as is aforesayde That then euerye such offence or offences shall be demed and adiudged highe treason and that thoffendour and offendours therein beynge thereof lawefullye conuycted and attaynted accordynge to the lawes of thys Realme shall suffer paynes of deathe and other penalties forfeytures and losses as in cases of hyghe treason by the lawes of thys Realme AND ALSO THAT IT MAY lykewyse please youre hyghnes that it may be enacted by thauctoritie aforesaide that no maner of person or persones shal be molested or impeached for any thoffences aforesaid committed or perpretated only by preaching teachyng or wordes onles he or they be therof lawfullye endicted within the space of one half yeare next after his or their offences so commytted And in case any person or persons shall fortune to be imprisoned for anye of the sayde offences commytted by preachyng teachynge or woordes onelye and be not thereof indicted wythin the space of one halfe yeare nexte after hys or theyr such offence soo commytted and done That then the sayde personne soo imprysoned shall be set at lybertye and be no lenger deteyned in prison for anye suche cause or offence PROVIDED ALVVAIES AND BE IT enacted by thaucthoritye aforesayde that thys acte or anye thing therein conteyned shal not in any wise extend to repeale any clause matter or sentence conteyned or specified in the said Acte of Repeale made in the sayde fyrst and seconde yeares of the raignes of the sayde late king Philip and Quene Mary as doth in any wise touch or concerne any mater or case of preminire or that doth make or ordeine any mater or cause to be within the case of preminire but that the same forsomuch only as toucheth or concerneth any case or matter of preminire shal stand and remayne in such force and effect as the same was before the makynge of this acte Any thinge in thys acte conteined to the contratye in anye wyse notwithstandinge PROVIDED ALSO AND BE IT enacted by thaucthorytye aforesayde that thys acte or anye thynge therein contayned shall not in any wise extende or be preiudycial to any person or persōs for any offence or offences committed or done or hereafter to be committed or done contrary to the tenour and effect of any acte or Statute now reuiued by this acte before th end of xxx daies next after th end of the session of this present parliament any thing in this act conteined or any other matter or cause to the contrary notwithstandyng And if it happen that any pere of this Realme shal fortune to be endicted of and for anye offence that is reuiued or made preminire or treason by this act that then he so being indicted shal haue his trial by his peres in such like maner and forme as in other cases of treason hath bene vsed PROVIDED ALVVAIES and be it enacted as is aforesayde that no maner of order acte or determination for any matter of religion or cause Ecclesiasticall had or made by thauctoritie of this present parliament shal be accepted demed interpretate or adiudged at any tyme hereafter to be any errour heresy scisme or scismaticall opinion Any order decree sentence constitution or lawe whatsoeuer the same be to the contrary notwithstanding PROVIDED ALVVAIES AND BE it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaid That such person or persons to whome your highnes your heires or Successours shall hereafter by letters patentes vnder the great Seale of England geue aucthority to haue or execute any iurisdiction power or aucthoritie Spiritual or to visit reforme order or corect any errours
ANNO PRIMO REGINAE ELIZABETHE ❧ AT THE parliament begonne at Westmynster the xxiii of Ianuary in the fyrste yeare of the reigne of oure Soueraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland Quene defendoure of the Faithe c. And there proroged tyll the .xxv. of the same moneth and then and there holden kept and continued vntill the dissolution of the same beyng the eyght day of May then nexte ensuynge were enacted as foloweth Anno. The Table AN act restoring to the Crowne the auncient iurisdictyon ouer the State Ecclesiasticall Spirituall and abolyshynge all forrayne power repugnaunt to the same Capi. i. An act for the vniformitie of common Praier Seruyce in the Churche and thadministration of the Sacramentes Capi. ii An acte of Recognition the Quenes highnes tytle to the imperial Crowne of this Realme Capi. iii. An act for the restitution of the first Fruites Tenthes and rentes reserued nomine decime and of personages impropriate to the imperiall Crowne of this realme Capi. iiii 〈…〉 Capi. v. An act wherby certein offences be made treason Capi. vi An act for the explanacion of the Statute of seditious words and Rumors Capi. vii An acte to reuiue a Statute made in the .xxiii. yeare of the reigne of king Henry theight touching the conueying of Horses geldings and Mares into Scotland Capi. viii An act touching Shoemakers and Curryors Capi. ix An act touching Tanners the selling of tanned Lether Cap. x. An acte that the cariyng of Leather Tallowe or rawe H●des out of the Realme for Marchaundize shal be felony Capi. xi An act limitinge the times for laieng on land Merchaundize frō beyond the Seas and touching Customes for swete wines Ca. xii An act againste the deceitfull vsing of Linnen clothe Ca. xiii An acte for the shipping in Englishe Botomes Ca. xiiii An acte for the continuaunce of the makynge of Wollen clothe in diuers townes in the countie of Essex Cap. xv An acte that tymber shal not be felled to make coles for the burning of Iron Ca. xvi An act to contynue the act made againste rebellious assembles Cap. xvii An act for the preseruation of Spawn and frye of fishe Ca. xvii An act for the continuaunce of certaine Statutes Cap. xix An act of a Subsedy of Tonnage and Pondage Capi. xx An act of a Subsedye and two fyftenes and Tenthes graunted by the Temporaltie Ca. xxi An Acte restoryng to the Crowne the auncient Iurisdiction ouer the state Ecclesiasticall and Spirituall and abolyshyng all forreyne power repugnaunt to the same MOSTE HVMBLYE beseche your moste crcellent Maiestie youre faythfull and obedient subiectes the Lordes Spirituall Temporall and the Commons in this your present Parliamēt assembled That where in time of the raigne of your most dere Father of worthy memorye Kynge Henry the eyght dyuerse good lawes and statutes were made and establysshed aswell for the vtter extynguishement and puttynge away of all vsurped and forreyne powers and aucthorities out of this your Realme and other your hyghnesse dominions and countreys as also for the restorynge and vnytynge to the imperyall Crowne of this Realme the auncient iurisdictions aucthorities superiorities and prehemynences to the same of ryght belongynge apperteynyng by reason wherof we your most humble obedient subiectes frō the .xxv. yere of the raigne of your sayd dere father were continually kepte in good order were disburdened of diuers great and intollerable charges and exactions before that tyme vnlawfully taken and exacted by such forreyne power aucthoritie as before that was vsurped vntyll such tyme as al the sayde good lawes and statutes by one acte of Parliament made in the fyrst and second yeres of the raignes of the late kyng Phyllyppe and Quene Mary your hyghnes syster entytled an Acte repealyng all statutes articles and prouisions made agaynst the Sea Apostolique of Rome synce the .xx. yere of kyng Henry theyght And also for the stablyshement of all Spirituall and Ecclesiasticall possessions and hereditamentes conueyed to the laytie were all clearely repealed and made voyde as by the same Acte of repeale more at large doth and may appeare By reason of whiche Acte of repeale your sayde humble subiectes were eftsones brought vnder an vsurped forreyne power and aucthoritie and yet doe remayne in that bondage to the intollerable charges of your louynge subiectes yf some redresse by thaucthoritie of this your hyghe court of Parliament with thassent of your hyghnesse be not had and prouyded MAY IT THERFORE please your hyghnesse for the repressyng of the sayd vsurped forreyne power the restoryng of the ryghtes iurisdictions and preheminences apperteynyng to Thimperiall Crowne of this your Realme that it may be enacted by thaucthoritie of this present Parliament that the sayd Act made in the said first and seconde yeres of the raignes of the sayd late kinge Phillip Quene Mary and all and euery braunche clauses and articles therin conteyned other then such braunches clauses and sentences as hereafter shal be excepted may frō the last day of this Sessiō of parliament by aucthoritie of this present parliament be repealed and shall from thenceforth be vtterly voyde and of none effecte AND that also for the reuiuing of dyuers of the sayd good lawes and statutes made in the tyme of your sayd dere father it may also please your hyghnes that one acte and Statute made in the .xxiii. yere of the raigne of the sayde late kyng Henry the eyght entituled An acte that no person shal be cyted out of the Diocesse where he or she dwelleth except in certayne cases And one other acte made in the .xxiiii. yere of the raigne of the sayde late kyng entytuled An acte that appeales in such cases as hath ben vsed to be pursued to the sea of Rome shal not be from henceforth had ne vsed but within this Realme And one other acte made in the .xxv. yere of the sayde late Kyng concernyng restraynte of payment of annates and fyrst fruites of Archbysshoprykes and Byshoprykes to the sea of Rome And one other acte in the sayde .xxv. yere entytuled An acte concernynge the submyssyon of the cleargy to the kynges Maiestie And also one acte made in the sayde .xxv. yere entytuled An acte restrayning the payment of annates or fyrste fruites to the bysshop of Rome and of the electyng and consecratynge of Archebysshoppes and bysshoppes within this realme And one other acte made in the sayd .xxv. yere entytuled An acte concernyng the exoneration of the kinges subiectes from exactions and impositions heretofore payde to the sea of Rome and for hauynge licences and dispensations within this realme without suyng further for the same And one other act made in the .xxvi. yere of the said late king entituled An act for nominacion and consecration of Suffragans within this realme And also one other act made in the .xxviii. yere of the raigne of the sayde late kyng entituled An act for the release of such as haue
heresyes scysmes abuses or enormities by vertue of this Act shall not in any wise haue aucthority or power to order determyne or adiudge anye matter or cause to be heresye but only suche as heretofore haue ben determined ordred or adiudged to be heresy by thaucthority of the canonical Scryptures or by the first four general Counsailes or any of them or by any other general Counsaile wherin the same was declared heresy by the expresse and plaine wordes of the said canonical Scriptures or such as here after shal be ordred iudged or determyned to be heresy by the hyghe Court of Parliament of this Realme with thassent of the Cleargy in their conuocation Any thyng in this act conteyned to the contrarye notwithstanding AND BE IT FVRTHER enacted by thaucthoritie aforesaied that no person or persons shal be hereafter endicted or arraigned for any the offences made ordeyned reuiued or adiudged by thys acte onlesse ther be two sufficient witnesses or more to testify and declare the said offences wherof he shal be indicted or arrained And that the sayd witnesses or so many of them as shal be liuing and within this Realme at the time of the arraygnemente of such person so indicted shal be brought forth in person face to face before the party so arrayned and there shal testify and declare what they can say against the partie so arraygned yf he require the same PROVIDED ALSO and be it further enacted by thaucthority aforesaid that if any person or persons shal hereafter happen to geue any reliefe ayd or comfort or in any wyse be aiding helping or comforting to the person or persons of any that shall hereafter happen to be an offendour in any mater or case of Preminire or treason reuiued or made by this acte That then suche reliefe ayde or comforte giuen shall not be iudged or taken to be any offence onlesse ther be two sufficient witnesses at the least that can and will openly testify and declare that the person or persons that so gaue such reliefe ayde or comforte had notice and knowledge of such offence committed and done by the sayde offendour at the tyme of such reliefe ayde or comforte so to him giuen or ministred any thinge in this acte conteyned or anye other matter or cause to the contrary in any wise notwithstandinge AND VVHERE ONE PRETENSID sentence hathe heretofore hene giuen in the consistory in Powles before certaine Iudges Delegate by the authoritie Legantine of the late cardinal Poole by reson of a forreyne vsurped power and aucthoritie agaynste Rycharde Chetwod Esquier and Agnes his wife by the name of Agnes Wod●… at the sute of Charles Tyrrel gentleman in a cause of matrimony solemnized betwene the said Richard and Agnes as by the same pretensed sentence more playnly doth appeare From which sentence the sayde Rychard and Agnes haue appealed to the courte of Rome which appeale doth there remayne and yet is not determined Maye it therfore please your hyghnes that it may be enacted by the aucthority aforesaid that if sentence in the said appeale shal happen to be giuen at the sayde courte of Rome for and in the behalfe of the said Richard and Agnes for the reuersyng of the sayd pretensid sentence before the ende of thre score dayes next after the end of this Session of this present Parliament That then the same shal be iudged taken to be good and effectuall in the lawe and shal and maye be vsed pleded and allowed in anye courte or place wythin thys Realme anye thing in this acte or in any other acte or statute conteined to the contrary notwithstanding And if no sentence shal be giuen at the courte of Rome in the said appeale for the reuersing of the said pretensid sentence before thy ende of the sayde three score dayes that then it shall and maye be lawfull for the sayde Rycharde and Agnes and either of them at anye tyme herafter to commense take sue and prosecute 〈◊〉 said appeale from the saide pretensed sentence and for the reuersing of the saide pretensed sentence within this Realme in suche lyke maner and forme as was vsed to be pursued or mighte haue ben pursued within this realme at any tyme since the .xxiiii. yere of the reigne of the sayde late kyng Henry the eyght vpon sentences geuen in the court or courtes of any Archbishop within this realme And that such appeale as so hereafter shal be taken or pursued by the sayde Richard Chetwod and Agnes or either of them and the sentence that herein or therevpon shal hereafter be geuen shal be iudged to be good and ●…fectuall in the lawe to all intentes and purposes anye lawe custome vsage canon constitution or any other matter or cause to the contrary notwithstanding PROVIDED ALSO AND BE IT enacted by thaucthorytye aforesayde that wher there is the like appeale now depending in the sayd court of Rome betwene one Robert Harcourt Merchaunt of the staple and Elizabeth Harcourt otherwise called Elizabeth Robins of the one partie And Anthony Fydell Marchaunt Straunger on thother partie that the sayd Roberte Elizabeth and Anthonye and euery of thē shal and may for the prosecuting and trieng of their said appeale haue and enioy the like remedy benefitte and aduantage 〈◊〉 like maner and fourme as the said Richard and Agnes or any of 〈◊〉 hath may or ought to haue and enioy this act or anye thing 〈…〉 conteyned to the contrary in any wise notwithstandyng