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A20671 An humble appeale to the Kings most excellent Maiestie Wherein is proued, that our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ, was authour of the Catholike Roman faith, which Protestants call Papistrie. Written by Iohn Hunt, a Roman Catholike, in defence of his religion against the calumniations and persecutions of Protestant ministers. Doughty, Thomas, fl. 1618-1638. 1620 (1620) STC 7072.3; ESTC S116238 58,171 97

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honor Behold how they are counted among the children of God and their lot is amongst the Saints We therefore haue erred from the way of truth and the light of Iustice hath not shined to vs. Such things said they in Hell which sinned And I set it downe for thy example that yet whilest there is time thou mayest become one of the Seede of Abraham and be partaker of his blessings which with all my heart I wish vnto thee and all Protestants and Puritans Thus hauing abundantly shewed vnto your most excellent Maiesty that our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ was Author of the Catholike Roman Faith It resteth to set downe who was Author of the Faith and Religion now publikely professed in England by Protestant Ministers CHAP. XIV That Queene ELIZABETH was Author of the Faith and Religion publikely now professed in England and vpon what occasion THE Kingdome of England together with the Crowne after the death of Queene Mary belonging by all Law and right vnto your Maiesties Mother as lineally descended from Henry the seuenth Henry the eights lawfull Line being ended in Queene Mary to the great prejudice of your Maiesties Mother Lady Elizabeth tooke vpon her the Crown and knowing that not only of all Catholikes shee was esteemed Illigitimate and for such published by the Church of God planted by our Sauior for that shee was borne of Anne Boloigne during the life time of the first wife of King Henry the eight her supposed Father but also by a Decree in publike Parliament holden in the eight and twentith yeare of the Reigne of Henry the eight her supposed Father Shee was to vse the words of the Statute iudged Illigitimate excluded and barred to claime challenge or demand any Inheritance as lawfull Heire to Henry the eight as remaineth yet to bee seene amongst the Statutes of Henry the eight printed by Thomas Berthlet the Kings Printer and set forth with Priuiledge And fearing lest for the said cause of Illigitimation her Subjects should forsake her and stand to the right Heire your Mother or that Christian Kings would not permit so euill a president in prejudice of the lawfull Lineall discent of Kings casting off all feare of God shee resolued at what price soeuer to reigne and to that end beganne to practise Ieroboams policie of whom it is written that hauing obtained a part of Roboams Kingdome Thought in his heart now will the 3. Reg. 12. Kingdome returne to the House of Dauid If this people shall go vp to make Sacrifice in the house of our Lord into Ierusalem the heart of this people will be turned to their Lord Roboam the King of Iuda and they will kill me and returne to him and finding out a deuice he made two golden Calfes and said to them Go vp no more into Ierusalem Behold thy Gods Israel which brought thee out of the Land of Aegypt And he put one in Bethel and another 2. Parap 11. in Dan. And he made Priests of the obiects of the people which were not of the Tribe of Leui and cast off the Priests and Leuites that were in all Israel and their posteritie that they should not execute the Priest-hood of our Lord. And by these meanes Ieroboam esteemed though falsely to establish the Kingdome of Israel in him and his Posteritie So Ladie Elizabeth being thus ascended to the Crowne of England contrary to the Law of God Nature and Nations fearing lest her Subjects should forsake Her and adhere vnto Your Mother the lawful Heire if they continued in the Catholike Faith with Your Mother and other people and Kingdomes shee put in practise this Ieroboams wicked policie and Cassered al the Catholike Priests and Bishops in this Land and their Posteritie that they should not execute the Priest-hood of our Lord and vnder a veile of a Supreame Gouernour shee tooke vpon her all spirituall Power and Authoritie and would not admit any to be Archbishop Bishop or Minister who would not abjure and renounce all authoritie deriued from Iesus Christ the Sonne of God and his Apostles and receiue all their Power Spirituall Authoritie and Iurisdiction from her a woman So that none could in her time be made an Archbishop Bishop Minister or Deacon or receiue any Degree in Schooles or beare any Office vnder her but he must first take the oath of Abrenunciation of all power and authoritie which was not deriued from Her as followeth I. A. B. Doe vtterly testifie and declare in my conscience Stat. An. 1. Eliz. cap. 1. that the Queenes Highnesse is the onely Supreame Gouernour of this Realme and of all other Her Highnesse Dominions and Countries as well in all Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall things or causes as Temporall and that no forraine Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate such as were our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ and the Apostles who were borne in Iuda or thereabouts hath or ought to haue any Iurisdiction Power Superiorite Preheminence or Authoritie Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realme and therefore I doe vtterly renounce and forsake all forraine Iurisdiction Powers Superiorities and Authorities And if any did refuse to take the said oath of Abrenunciation of all forraine Authoritie such as was the Authoritie deriued from our Sauiour and the Apostles and deny her Supreame Spirituall Authoritie in all things they should neither beare Office nor be admitted to any Degree in Schooles or bee made Archbishops Bishops Ministers Deacons as is set downe at large in the first Chapter of the said Statute made in the first yeare of her reigne And that there should be in her time no person or persons or man whosoeuer that might challenge any authoritie from Christ Iesus or the Apostles but that all Spirituall Power and Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction might be wholly in her and receiued from her Shee made a Law in her said first Parliament That no forraine Prince Person Prelate Stat. An. 1. El. cap. 1. State or Potentate Spirituall or Temporall shal after the last day of this Session of Parliament Vse enioy or exercise any manner of Power Iurisdiction Superiority Authority Preheminence or Priuiledge Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall within this Realme or within any of her Maiesties dominions or Countries that now be or hereafter shal be but from henceforth the same shal be clearely abolished out of this Realme and all other your Highnesse Dominions for euer any Statute Ordinance Custome Constitutions or any other matter or cause whatsoeuer to the contrarie in any wise notwithstanding By which Law shee hath not onely abolished out of this Realme all the Authority which the Sonne of God left vpon earth but also as much as lyeth in her power shee hath debarred him from comming to Iudgement within her Dominions or sending any one hither to preach or teach that all authoritie might bee in her selfe and come from her to her Subjects as from their God or golden Calfe vpon earth And lest there might be some doubt how far her womanly
authority they can or may pretend or challenge either to administer Sacraments Teach or Preach or execute any other spiritual supposed function neither can English Protestant Ministers deny it vnlesse they deny the Queenes Supremacie and proclaime themselues to be perjured in the oath of Supremacie which they haue sworne Whereupon they are justly and truly called Elizabethians and ought not nor should not be called by any other name seeing they haue no other Author or Founder of their Religion and Priesthood but Queene ELIZABETH as we haue proued by publike Statutes And this Queene ELIZABETH did not that shee did thinke that she being a woman had Supreme authoritie in all Spirituall things or causes the Scriptures saying Let women hold their peace in the Church 1. Cor. 14. for it is not permitted them to speake but to be subiect Againe It is a filthy thing for a woman to speake in the Ibid. Church Againe Let women learne in silence with all subiection for I doe not permit a woman to teach But desirous 1. Tim. 2. to reigne in this world with whatsoeuer dishonor of God and danger soeuer of losing of her soule and damnation of her Subiects shee tooke vpon her IEROBOAMS Policies to strengthen her selfe against Your Mother So I appeale vnto your Maiesty well pleased to consider the wrong and injustice your Protestant Ministers doe vnto vs Roman Catholikes your ancient Subjects in persecuting vs with the losse of goods lands libertie and life for that we will not forsake the Religion planted vpon earth by the Sonne of God to professe in place thereof a Policie inuented by an Illigitimate woman THE CONCLVSION AND for Conclusion I humbly beseech your Maiesty well pleased to consider that without a true Faith it is imposible Hebr. 11. 6. Iohn 3. 8. to please God Againe He that doth not beleeue the Faith planted by our Sauiour is already iudged And the Iudgement is Get yee away from me yee accursed into fire euerlasting Matth. 25. which was prepared for the Diuell and his angels And presently after this sentence giuen they are cast into Hell which is as the Prophet Isay saith A profound and spacious roome his food is fire and store of wood the breath of our Lords mouth doth kindle the same like a maine Riuer of Brimstone and there bound hands and feete they are placed in a bed of Moathes to gnawe perpetually on their carkasses and in scorne of the pride of life in which they liued vpon earth couered with a couering of Lice as the Prophet Isay witnesseth saying Thy pride is drawne down into Hell thy carkas Isay 14. is fallen the moath shal be strowen vnder thee and wormes shal be thy couering And placed in this wofull and lamentable estate they are deliuered vp into the hands of Diuels who as ministers of Gods wrath power out vpon them Fire haile famine death teeth Eccles 39. Apoc. 14. of beasts scorpions and serpents And the smoake of their torments shall ascend vp for euer and euer Without any hope of ease or any possibilitie for one moment euer to haue their torments lessened for that they shall bee for euer the same as the Prophet saith He loued cursing Matth. 25. Psal 108. and it shal come to him and he would not blessing that with which God hath blessed all Nations of the earth according to his promise and it shal be far from him in all eternitie he shall neither heare or haue any which considerations ought much to moue the heart of your most excellent Maiesty to take pity vpon a number of your Subjects who haue no other Faith or Religion then that which is grounded vpon the maledictions of God and out of your compassion to restore vnto them againe the liberty of embracing the Catholike Roman Faith which as wee haue aboundantly prooued was planted vpon earth by our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ the Sonne of God and there is no saluation in any other And by so doing your Maiesty shall much honour God put an end to all new Sectes establish your Throne as the dayes of heauen bring abundance of peace and quietnesse to your afflicted Subjects and as you haue vnited the two Kingdomes of England and Scotland in one so you shall vnite your selfe and them to God and the rest of the Christian world and be partaker of all the blessings promised to the Catholike Church The meanes is so easie that if your Maiesty please you may do it without infringing any Law by dispensation out of your Prerogatiue Royall with all Statutes made against the Catholike Roman Faith which Faith not being euill in it selfe but truth and verity as we haue abundantly proued the Lawes of the Land giue your Maiesty full leaue to dispence with then all as is set downe in Termino Michaelis An. 11. Henrici Septimo Your most worthy Ancestor Chap. 35. saying The diuersity betweene malum prohibitum malum per se malum prohibitum is where the Statute doth prohibite that a man shall coyne no money and if he do he shal be hanged this is malum prohibitum for before the said Statute it was a lawfull act to coyne money but not after and for this euill the King may dispence c. Euen so if a man ship wooll for other places then for Calleis this is malum prohibitum for it is prohibited by Statute and for this euill the King may dispence c. in like case But malum in se neither the King nor any other can dispence withall as if the King would pardon to kill another or giue leaue to robbe vpon the high-way this is void yet when they are done the King may pardon them So it is if a man be bound by Recognisance in the Chancery to keep the Peace at the suite of another man the King cannot release the duetie for the preiudice which may happen to the other yet when it is forfeited he may well release and before not and so neither King Bishop nor Priest can giue leaue to one to commit Lechery because it is euill in se in the Law of Nature but when it is done they may absolue them very well Thus the Lawes of the Land giue libertie to the Kings of the Land to dispence with any thing which is not euill in it selfe but made euill by Act of Parliament as was the Catholike Roman Faith in the Parliament holden in the time of King Henry the eight Edward the sixt Queene Elizabeth and yourt Maiesty Whereby it is sufficiently manifest that your Highnesse may out of your prerogatiue Royall as well and with as good authoritie dispence with all penallties imposed by Statute vpon your Subjects for professing the Catholike Roman Faith and giue them free liberty to professe it as you may dispence with Merchants freely to transport out of the Realme Siluer Wooll or other Merchandize forbidden by Act of Parliament And the reasons or motiues which ought
to moue your Highnesse to dispence with the said Statutes are as many and as weightie as in any case can be giuen whereof I will repeate onely some few out of which others may be collected First for that the said Statutes are contrary to the honor of God his oathes words and Law as we haue abundantly prooued throughout this booke and as your Maiesty well affirmeth in your Speech in the Star-chamber printed 1616. There is another Law of all Lawes free and Supreame which is Gods Law And by this all common and municipall Lawes must be gouerned And except they haue dependance vpon this Law they are vniust and vnlawful Secondly they defame Christ Iesus and all Christian men who euer were before the time of King Henry the eight knowne and reputed Heretikes by both parties onely excepted For that they all eyther committed or helped or assisted or gaue counsell to commit these actions which are by the said Statutes made Treason Fellony or Criminall as we haue proued in the first second and third Chapters Thirdly they are contrary to the solemne oathes of the Kings of England taken at their Coronation according to the ancient Lawes and Customes of this Land as in the Saxon Law left by King Engward the Lex Sancti Edwardi 7. Confessor it is said That the King because he is Gods Vicegerent vpon earth is ordained to gouerne his earthly kingdome and people of God and aboue all things that hereuerence the holy Church which is our Catholike Romane Church as I haue abundantly proued defend her from the iniurious pull the euil doers from her and vtterly disperse them Againe The King ought to feare God aboue al things and keepe his Commandements through-out the Land he ought to preserue the Lands Honors Rights Dignities and Liberties of the Crowne and the Rights of the Realme such as is especially the Catholike Roman Faith planted in this Land by the Apostles lost dispersed and wasted to recall with all his power to their ancient and due estate He ought to set vp good Lawes and approued Customes and euill Lawes destroy and put from his kingdome c. All which to do the King in proper person ought to giue an oath vpon the holy Gospell and vpon the blessed Reliques in the presence of the whole kingdome the Priest-hood and the Laytie So likewise Bracton an Bracton l. 3. c. 9. ancient Lawyer saith The King at his Coronation vnder an oath in the name of Iesus Christ ought to promise these three to his Subiects First That he will command and to his power doe his endeauour that true peace be alwayes obserued to the Church of God and to all Christian people Secondly That he should forbid rapine such as is the Purseuants taking away of Catholikes goods without forme or order of Law and all iniquities to all sorts of people Thirdly That in all maner of iudgements he command equity and mercy to be vsed as he would that our benigne and merciful God should shew mercy vnto him According to which Law the Kings of England at their Coronations haue alwaies bin solemnely sworne to defend the Church of God and her liberties to set vp good Lawes and destroy euill and doe justice c. So William the Conqueror at his Coronation tooke an Stow in his life oath on the Altar of S. Peter where he promised before the Clergie and all the people to defend the holy Church of God the Pastors thereof and all the people subiect vnto him he should iustly gouerne he would ordaine good Laws and obserue true iustice and to the vttermost of his power to withstand all rapines and false iudgements MALMESBVRY maketh mention of the oath of King Stephen to this effect In the Records of the Tower in the first yeare of Edward the second and first yeare of Edward the third are set downe their seuerall oathes to this effect And your Maiesty maketh mention of your oath in your Speech in the Star-chamber 1616. saying I protest in Gods presence my care hath euer been to keepe my conscience cleare in all points of my oath taken at my Coronation Againe in the same booke and leafe I haue resolued to renue my promise and oath made at my Coronation Herein your Maiesty may bee like Asa the good King of Iuda who at the words of Azarias the Prophet 2. Parel 15. Tooke away the Idols out of the Land of Iuda and Beniamin and gathered together all Iuda and Beniamin and when they were come into Ierusalem he went in after the maner to establish the couenant that they should seeke our Lord the God of their Fathers in all their heart and in all their soule And if any man quoth he shal not seeke our Lord the God of Israel let him die from the least to the greatest from man vnto woman And they sware to our Lord witb a loud voice in iubilation and in noyse of Trumpet and sound of Shalmes all that were in Iuda with execration for in all their heart did they sweare the King and all the people to seeke our Lord the God of Israel his Law Religion and Commandements Fourthly if we will beleeue the Scriptures they will be the destruction of your Kingdome and Posteritie and therefore oblige all those who sincerely loue your Maiesty and your Posterity to desire their abrogation or dispensation Samuel said to the Children of Israel which now we Christians are I will teach you 1. King 12. 23. the good and right way Feare our Lord and serue him in truth and from your whole heart But if you shal perseuere in malice both you and your King shal perish together Againe Samuel said to SAVL Thou hast not kept the 1. King 13. 31. Commandements of our Lord thy God which he commanded thee which if thou haddest done euen now had our Lord prepared thy kingdome ouer Israel for euer but thy kingdome shall no further arise So MOYSES saith Deut. 29. 19. When he shall heare the words of this oath of the Couenant betweene God and man he blessed himselfe in his heart saying I shal haue place and walke in the priuity of my heart c. then shall Gods fury most specially fume and his zeale against that man and all the curses sit vpon him that be written in Deutronomie and our Lord will abolish his name vnder heauen Which we see by experience to haue beene verified of late yeares vpon two of the greatest Monarkes that were in Christendome Henry the eight King of England Henry the second King of France Henry the eight was the first beginner of these Statutes Henry the second went in person with thirtie thousand men to ayde the Protestants of Germany as witnesseth Serres in his life Henry the eight had fiue or sixe wiues and fiue or sixe children and Henry the second had fiue sonnes yet we see that both their names are abolished from vnder heauen their Kingdomes or Reignes ended