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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07619 The abridgement or summarie of the Scots chronicles with a short description of their originall, from the comming of Gathelus their first progenitor out of Græcia into Egypt. And their comming into Portingall and Spaine, and of their kings and gouernours in Spaine, Ireland and Albion, now called Scotland, (howbeit the whole number are not extant) with a true chronologie of all their kings. Their reignes, deaths and burials, from Fergusius the first king of Scotland, vntill his Royall Maiestie, now happily raigning ouer all Great Brittaine and Ireland, and all the isles to them appertaining. With a true description and diuision of the whole realme of Scotland, and of the principall cities, townes, abbies, fortes, castles, towers and riuers, and of the commodities in euery part thereof, and of the isles in generall, with a memoriall of the most rare and wonderfull things in Scotland. By Iohn Monipennie. Monipennie, John. 1612 (1612) STC 18014 80,300 130

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damage of his people The Picts assembled an army wich many Britaines concurring to their support appear'd on eyther side a wicked vnnatural battel between two confederate people friends fathers and sonnes The Pictes came first i●…o the Scots lands against whom with no lesse courage then manhood the King with his valiant Scots with auncient armes displayed in forme of a Banner in which was a ●…dde Lion Rampant in a fielde of golde whilst the Scots and Pictes were in array in each others fight the armie of Britaines stood in array also deuising what way they might destroy them both with f●…me purpose when the Scots and Pcties were vanquished the one by the other that the party victorious should vtterly bee destroyed by their fresh army and when both these peoples were destroyed by this fleight the Britaines might enioy both their Realmes in Albion without any impediment This subtill sleight was discoured to King Fergusius by a banished Britaine through which both the armies moued no lesse by feare of enemies then by their own proper damage prolonged the battell certaine dayes King Fergusius desiring communication with the King of Picts who willingly with some of his Nobles had communication a long time together after long conference and deliberate consultation with their Counsellors on both parties and ruefull crying of the Pictes wiues being the Scottes daughters peace was finally concluded betweene the two confederate people vnder these conditions redresse of all iniuries being made on all parties The Britaines mouers of this battaile shall be reputed enemies to them both all other charges to be at the pleasure and will of the two Kings And when any enemy occurred that they and their people should conioine together vnder one minde and ordinance This peace being more strongly corroborate the Kings returned home King Fergusius in a most dangerous battell assisted by the Pictes vanquished the Britains which time King Coyl or Chimarus vnwatily kept by his Nobles was killed in the land after his name then called Coyll now Kyle in Scotland After this victory the King called his whole Nobles and Subiects to a general conuention and hee making a large and plausible Oration and speech the Nobles and Subiects condiscended and agreed that King Fergusius and his posterity should possesse the Crowne of Scotland whereupon Charters and Euidences were graunted to him and his sucessors for euer The Kingdome of Scotland being confirmed to King Fergusius his heyres and successors with deliberate counsell of his Nobles he diuided the whole lands then inhabited by the Scots amongst his Nobles and Captaines of the Tribes by lots or cauils The first lot chanced or fell vnto Cornath Captaine and his Tribe the land of Caithnes lying ouer against Orkeney betweene Dum misbye and the riuer of Thane Secondly to Captaine Lutorke the landes betweene the water of Thane Nesse now called ROS This Lutorke came with a band of valiantmen out of Ireland with King Fergusius into Albion This land of Ros lyeth in breadth from Cromarte to the water of Lochtie In this countrey was the famous Castle of Vrquhart of which the ruinous walles remaine in great admiration Thirdly to Captaine Warroth the lands lying betweene Spey and Neffe from the Almaine to the Irish Seas the people inhabitants of this part after their Captaine were called Wars being seditious they were expelled and the Murrayes possessed that land and called the same land Murray land Fourthly to Captaine Thalis the lands of Boyne Aynie Bogewall Gariot Formartyn and Bowquhan These landes were then called vnder one name Thalia by the name of their Captaine Fiftly to Captaine Martach all the lands of Marre Badzenoth and Loth Quhabar The sixth to Captaine Nouance the landes of Lorne and Kyntier with the high places and mountaines thereof lying from Marre to the Irish Seas The seauenth to Atholus the lands of Athole for he was descended of the Scots of Spain and came out of Spaine into Ireland and with Fergusius he came into Scotland The eight to Creones and Epidithes two Captaines of the Tribes the lands of Strabrawne and Braidawane lying West from Dunkeld The ninth to Captaine Argathelus the lands of Ardgile his people were named Argatheles from Gathelus their first progenitour but now they are called men of Ardgile The tenth to Captaine Lolgonas the lands of Leuenox and Cliddisdale The eleuenth to Captaine Silurch the lands of Siluria which Region is now diuided into Kyle Carrike and Cunningham the inhabitants were right ingenuous and strong The twelfth to the Brigandes the lands of Brigance now called Golloway King Fergusius after the diuiding of these lands he instituted lawes to represse vice he builded the Castle of Berigone in Longhquhaber He past the remanent of his dayes in good peace with the Britaines and Pictes At the last he was elected as Iudge arbitrall to discerne vpon certaine high Controuersies chancing amongst his friends in Ireland He accompanied with certaine of his Nobles past into Ireland and pacified them of all matters returning home by a very dangerous tempest perished with all his Nobles that were in his company vpon a rocke in the Sea called after his name Craigfergus the fiue and twentieth yeare of his raigne In his raigne was Morindus King of Britaines and Cruthneus Camelon King of Pictes who builded vpon the water of Carron the Citie of Camelon the principall and strongest Citie of the Pictes which resisted the Romanes and Britaines vntill that Kenneth King of Scotland who exiled the Pictes out of Albion brought it vnto vtter subuersion This Cruthneus Camelon builded also the towne and Castle of Edinburgh sometime called the mayden Castle for all the noble young women of the Pictes were nourished and learned in all skilfull labour of their hands vntill they were ready to marry Fergusius departing this present life as aforesaid a conuention was holden by the Nobles for election of a King After a long disputation and reasoning it was concluded by plaine consent of Parliament and enacted when it hapned their King to decease and hauing heyres gotten of his body being children the neerest of the Kings bloud and fittest to doe iustice shall possesse the Crowne for his time after his death the Kings sonne shall succeed to the crown without impediment if he were able thereto by the same acte it was prohibited children to be Kings This custome endured long time which raised much discord in this Realme of Scotland for the fathers brother raigning in the minority of his Nephew cast his chiefest busines to destroy him and likewise the Nephew to the fathers brother for ambition of the Crowne through which occurreth continuall killing of Kings and Nobles to the great damage of the Realme and Common wealth 2 FEZITHARIS brother to Fergusius by the aforesaid act began his raigne the yeare of the world 3666. before the comming of Christ 305. yeares from the beginning of the raigne of Scotland 26. yeares he was a good King and seuere Iusticer and was
willing to haue discharged himselfe of the Kingdome in fauour of Ferlegus eldest sonne to his brother Fergusius which his Nobles would not condiscend vnto because of the Statute and acte of Parliament lately made which continued vntill the time of the raigne of King KENETVS the third almost 1205. years he was killed by the aforesaid Ferlegus the fifteenth yeare of his raigne Ferlegus the murtherer and all other participant with him being banished were fugitiues among the Pictes and finding no security of his life he past into Britaine where he spent the rest of his dayes in great miserie 3 MAINVS King Fergusius second sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 3680. before Christ 291. after the beginning of the raigne 41. He was a noble King a good Iusticiar for he exercised Iustice aires for repressing of trespassors and ratified the old league with Crinus King of Pictes holding good peace with his confederates and Britaines He died peaceably the nine and twentieth yeare of his raigne 4 DORNADILLA succeeded his father Mainus in the yeare of the world 3709. before Christ 262. after the beginning of the raigne 70. Hee was a good King and confirmed peace with the Pictes and Britaines he delighting greatly in hunting races and hounds made certaine lawes profitable for hunting which were obserued many yeares after he died peaceably the eight and twentieth yeare of his raigne 5. NOTHATVS succeeded his brother Dornadilla whose sonne REVVTHER was a childe not able to gouerne by vertue of the aforesaid Statute the yeare of the world 3738. before Christ 233. after the beginning of the raigne 98. He was an auaritious cruell Tyrant hee was killed by Dowall one of his Nobles Captaine of the Brigandes the twentieth yeare of his raigne 6 REVTHERVS Dornadella his sonne succeeded the yeare of the world 3758. before Christ 213. after the raigne 118. He being young assisted by Dowall raysed great contention by the perswasion of Ferquhart Captaine of Kentire and Lorne cousen to Nothatus the tyrant late killed a man of subtill wit and hauing great ambition to the Crowne Betweene the aforesaid parties there was cruell warres Ferquhart being fugitiue in Ireland returned being assisted with many Irish men with the inhabitants of Kyntire Lorne Ardgile Caithnes Murray and with a great armie Dowall res●…ing came with a great power accompanied with the young King and the King of Pictes and many other his friends there was a cruell battell and killing of Chiefetaines and Nobles on both parties The King of Pictes with many of his Nobles pittifully killed Reutherus the young King pursued and taken at the Castle of Calender By this vnhappy battell was such terrible slaughter that neither Scots nor Pictes were left liuing sufficient to inhabite their Realmes nor to withstand their enemies Afterwards the Scots and Pictes were most cruelly inuaded by the Britaines and a great multitude killed the rest exiled King Reutherus and his people past into Ireland and the Pictes past into Orkney King Reutherus returning from Ireland and the Pictes with their King Gethus returning from Orkney they gaue battell to the King of Britaines and obtayning victory by the high and soueraigne manhood and valiantnesse of the foresaid King Reuthorus the Britaines rendred all the forts landes and townes pertayning to the Scots and Pictes with faithfull promise neuer to inuade them in time comming This peace being concluded the Scots Pictes and Britaines continued in great tranquility many yeares after the King enduring the rest of his dayes had good peace and died the sixe and twentieth yeare of his raigne 7 RHEVDA succeeded his brother Reutherus in the yeare of the world 3784. before Christ 187. after the beginning of the raigne 144. He was a good King he caused sepultures to be made for noble valiant men he brought artificers into his Realme and instituted sundry good lawes In his time came certaine Orators Philosophers from King Ptolomeus of Egypt who were pleasantly receiued and well entertained because they were descended of the Egyptians his auncient forefathers These Orators did write and consider the situation of the hilles mountaines vallies riuers lockes frithes Isles townes and forts within the Realme of Scotland and the lands thereto pertayning as also to the Pictes He raigned peaceably sixteene yeares and resigned the crowne to THEREVS sonne to King Reutherus 8 THEREVS Reutherus sonne succeeded in the yeare of the world 3799. before Christ 171. after the raign 158. He appeared in the first sixe monethes to be a vertuous Prince but after he became an vnwise cruell tyrant Therefore being degraded of all honor he was exiled And Conan Captaine of the Brigandes elected to be gouernor who gouerned the Realme peaceably during the exile of Thereus who died in the Citie of Yorke in misery the twelfth yeare of his raigne 9 IOSINA succeeded his brother Thereus the yeare of the world 3810. before Christ 161. after the raigne 170. He was a peaceable and good King ratifying peace with his confederates the Pictes and also with the Britaines he was a good Medecinar and Herbestar In his time were brought to his presence in Berigone Two venerable Philosophers pleasant of visage almost naked being Priests of Spaine passing from Portingall to Athens and by vnmercifull tempest were Ship-broken at Ros their shippe and company with Marriners all perished they onely saued After refreshing and good entertainment the King desired and demaunded of them what they vnderstood by their science of the nature of the ground of Scotland after good and deliberate aduisement so farre as they might coniecture there was more riches and profite to be gotten within the veynes of the earth of Scotland then aboue for it was giuen more to the winning of Mines and mettals then any production of corne They knew this by the influence of the heauens Also they learned the people to worship onely God the Creator prohibiting them to make sacrifice as their custome then was to Isis and Apis the Gods of the Egyptians but only to make their sacrifice prayers and adoration in their Temples without any imagery to the eternall God creator of heauen and earth which the people for the most part obserued long time King Iosina being a vertuous Prince died in peace the foure and twentieth yeare of his raigne and buried at Berigone 10 FINNANVS succeeded his father Iosina the yeare of the world 3834. before Christ 137. after the raigne 194. a wise and vertuous King a good Iusticiar with aduice of his Nobles rewarding them honourably after their deseruings winning the hearts of his people ruled with great felicity encreasing in riches hee did institute Prelates and Clerkes to be in the Isle of man instructing Noble mens children in their youth This vertuous King married his sonne Durstius with Agafia daughter to the King of Britaines he wan great fauour among them he visited the King of Pictes who was vexed with a vehement feuer in Camelon he died there the thirtieth yeare of his raigne and