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A31803 His Maiesties answer to the declaration of both Hovses of Parliament concerning the Commission of Array of the 1 of July 1642. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649. 1642 (1642) Wing C2115; ESTC R26443 44,134 101

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and to that end the Subject must be armed and prepared before hand and conducted after as there shall be occasion And that this cannot be done without a Command or Government Wee desire much to know in vvhom out of Parliament for Parliaments are not alwayes nor can bee called at all times or meet on the suddaine this power can be but in Vs as the Supreame Governour as it is in all other States be the persons of the Governours one or more according to the forme of each State And can the Supreame Governour according to his duty and Our Selfe more particularly according to Our Oath otherwise afford Our people that protection which is due unto them in maintaining to them the Lawes in the matter of Property and Liberty against private injury or oppression As well as Our Selfe and them and whatsoever is deare unto any of Vs against Enemies or Rebels especially the just Rights and Prerogatives of Our Crowne wherewith God hath trusted Vs according to the fundamentall and well-established policy of Our State as well for the peoples good as Our owne honour both which must bee preserved And will any man say that by calling of Our Parliament which is but a meeting of Vs and Our Subjects and such they continue as well collectively in the two Houses as they were before singly and a meeting in its owne nature dissolvable at Our pleasure and though now enlarged by Vs in time yet not in power Wee are growne lesse or departed with any thing to them either by way of abdication or communication of Our Royall Power This upon the common principles of Reason and Government is so obvious to every man that Wee shall for the present proceed no further therein either by quotations of Acts of Parliament or other legall authorities some whereof Wee have recited in Our late Proclamations till Our two Houses shall give Vs some justifiable instance of some good time to the contrary Wee come next to the continuall practice by Vs alleadged being alone sufficient to declare an originall fundamentall Law of Our Kingdome or at least by a tacite consent to introduce a Law and to this purpose Wee shall shew that the power of granting Commissions for the defence of the Kingdome in the generall whereunto onely Wee applyed and doe apply the opinions of Sir Richard Hutton and Sir George Crook not meaning therein as neither in Our Proclamation as is clearely mistaken the present forme setled by 5. H. 4. which Wee Our selves declared was made upon alteration though for the substance thereof Wee might have said so much and made it good as it appeares by the Marginall Quotations is warranted by the presidents in former Ages And this practice the Penner of this Declaration doth indeed not deny for having before confessed the often issuing of Commissions of Array after 5. H. 4 in the times of H. 4. H. 5. and H. 6. and hee might have brought it to later times if hee had so pleased he doth afterwards confesse that divers Commissions of Array issued in divers Kings Reignes before 5. H. 4. But as to this point of practice before 5. H. 4. hee saith by way of answer That for the most part they were warranted by particular Acts of Parliament And yet amongst so many presidents of severall Commissions he gives instances onely of two yeares in 13. 14. E. 3. of Commissions of Array then issued warranted by Act of Parliament Which if true doth no more disprove the legality of other Commissions of Array constantly issued without a Parliament then it doth of Commissions of Oyer and Terminer which at the same time in 14. E. 3. together with the Commissions of Array were appointed to issue to the same persons or of any other Act which the King doth by the advice of his Parliament though he may do it without them rather it implyeth the legality and the former usage of such Commissions of Array in that it appoints such Commissions to issue but limits not at all the particular Clauses or Powers to be inserted therein as a thing known and usuall to be done But the truth is both the presidents do concerne the drawing of men out of the Kingdome to a forraign Warre and so are nothing to the purpose Wee have in hand And that of 13. E. 3. is not at all a Commission of Array but of another nature giving power to the Lord VVake and others to provide moneyes and to cause certaine persons there named who had particularly undertaken the service of the Scottish Warres Leur arraier appareiller d'aller vers Newcastle To array and prepare themselves to goe to Newcastle whither they were to be brought at the charge of the Counties and to be there at a time appointed Having thus set forth the continuall practice of issuing forth Commissions of Array in former ages whereunto Wee never found till now any exception as for home-defence and the absolute necessity thereof Wee doubt not but every indifferent Iudgement will easily conceive That this power is a right Vs by by the Common Law And the rather when they shall consider That a Commission of Array having beene issued by the King in 5. H. 4. The Commons in Parliament that yeare did not except to any part thereof as illegally no not to the Clauses which seemed heavy over the Commissioners nor did except at all to any the powers of execution thereof over the persons to be commanded but did acknowledge the Royall assent for the amendment and alteration of that Commission into the now present forme to be an Act of great grace And herein Wee cannot but admire that the Penner of this Declaration should urge it as a reason why the Commons in that Parliament of 5. H. 4. complained not for reliefe against the Commission in the powers of execution over the persons to be commanded because as hee supposeth they knew that they were so clearly against the late Statute of 4. H. 4. Whereas if it had beene so they should the rather have complained because they issued against so late a Statute so cleare in the point unlesse the policy and temper of the times be since much altered for in a matter of so high a nature as the powers of this Commission which as this Declaration confesseth did surely most concerne them and the Kingdome They were bound as well in duty as discretion to have sought remedy against so great a violation of the Law and Liberty and the rather at this time when they thought fit to petition against part of the Commission since an exception but to a part especially by him who ought to complaine against the whole is a violent presumption of his allowance of the residue Wee come now more particularly to the examination of this Our Commission as it stands by Statute-Law and herein as in the matter principally insisted upon in the Declaration to be disproved Wee do affirme as formerly in Our Proclamation
the Statute of 4. 5. P. M. cap. 2. are these Be it enacted c. That as much of all and every Act and Statute concerning onely the keeping or finding of Horse Horses or Armour or any of them heretofore made and provided and all and every forfeiture or penalty concerning onely the same shall be from henceforth utterly void repealed and of none effect To this We say first that 4. 5. Phil. Mar. doth not repeal 5. H. 4. either by the words or meaning As to the words They extend onely to a repeal of such Acts which do appoint particular Assizes or Assessements of Arms all which upon that Statute of 4. 5. Ph. M. which appoints a new Assize for kinde of Arms and proportions would be either contrary or altogether uselesse And to that purpose the Statute speaks of repealing of Acts concerning keeping or finding of Horse Horses or Armour which as it must be meant of Acts concerning keeping or finding of Horses in particular for kind or number So as concerning armour in generall it must by the constant Rules of construction of Statutes be meant of Acts of the like nature as the former that is Acts concerning the appointment of some particular armours as a Gorget a Brest-plate and the like such as were the Statute of 13. E. 1. and 33. H. 8. But this Statute of 5. H. 4. is nothing concerning the appointment of any particulars either for the kind of Arms or proportions but doth onely enact a Commission issuable without commanding that it shall issue which is referred to the Kings pleasure upon a lawfull occasion Nor doth the Commission it self mention as is apparent any particularity of Arms or proportions And if the Statute of 4. and 5. Ph. M. were meant of such Statutes as speake of finding Arms in generall it had as well repealed the Statutes of 1. E. 3. 25. E. 3. and 4. H. 4. as this Act of 5. H. 4. which no man will say was ever intended But in truth this Commission being in generall doth no wayes contrary this Statute of Ph. M. but that the particulars of the Assessement by that Act both for the severall Kinds of Arms and proportions might have been very well put in Execution by this Commission For the Commission gives Power to assesse every man juxta statum facultates According to his degree and Ability And this Parliament of 4. and 5. Ph. Ma. appointing Arms sitting for defence of the Kingdom in those times and proportions fitting in their Iudgements for the severall degrees and abilities of every man That Act did not thereby take away the power of the Commissioners wholly but did only give particular rules for the kind of Arms and proportions which the Commissioners were to observe in the execution of their power thereby only regulating but not destroying their powers And if this Statute of 4. 5. P. M. had taken away the first Powers of the Commissioners concerning arming yet had it not taken away the other severall and independent Powers of Arraying Training Mustring or Conducting those men so furnished according to that Statute but that they had remained to have been executed at least by a distinct Commission which might have been issued at pleasure for that purpose And this also appears by the Statute of the same Parliament of 4. 5. P. M. cap. 3. which is in force at this day which being concerning mustering hath occasion to mention and doth expresse the old power still remaining to issue Commissions of that nature in these words That if any person that shall be commanded at any time hereafter generally or especially to muster afore any such who shall have authority or commandment for the same by or from the King or Queens Majesty or the heirs or successors of the Queens Majesty or by any Lievtenant c. do absent himselfe or at his appearance do not bring his best furniture of Array and Arms as he shall then have for his person in readinesse shall be imprisoned c. But neither by that nor the other Statute of P. M. cap. 2. is there any new authority given to the King to grant Commissions for Musters but the same is admitted to continue as not repealed And as to that point of appearing at Musters We made use of that Statute of 4. 5. P. M. cap. 3 in Our Proclamation And doe wonder how the Penner of that Declaration could imagine We meant any such further use therein upon that Statute as the Declaration sets forth And here by the way We observe a mention in this Statute of 4. 5. P. M. cap. 3. of a power of mustering in Lievtenants to whom other Powers contained in Our Commission were also granted and might have been also mentioned in this Statute if there had been occasion And secondly as to this Statute of 4. 5. P. M.c. 2. We say That in case that Act of 5. H. 4. had been repealed by 4. 5. P. M. yet this Commission had still continued in force notwithstanding any bare repeal for that as we have proved this commission was before that Statute warranted by the Common Law which did still remain in force so far as it was not expresly contrary to the further particulars of that Act And how We come to the Objection principally intended against this Commission upon the alteration of the Law at this day since 5. H. 4. wherein the case is this The Statute of 13. E. 1 made an assize of Arms for the severall kindes and proportions according to mens severall estates Then 5. H. 4. enacts this Commission with power to assesse men according to their abilities Afterwards 13. E. 1. is repealed by 21. Iac. The argument hereupon in the Declaration is made thus That the Commission as to the finding of Arms Iuxta statum facultates is so grounded upon that Statute of 13 E. 1. which was then in force and did enact the finding of Arms juxta statum facultates in manner as is therein expressed that that Statute of 13. E. 1. being since repealed that Commission is likewise repealed and become unwarrantable at this day For answer whereunto in the first place We do deny that this Commission is any waies grounded upon 13. E. 1. First for that as We have proved 13. E. 1. originally was not meant as a provision of Arms for defence extraordinary much lesse so intended here Secondly if it were for defence extraordinary yet neither this Act of 5. H. 4. nor the Commission thereby setled have any relation thereunto in words much lesse in meaning For the words There is no mention of 13. E. 1. either in the Act or Commission but the words of the Commission are generall for imposing Arms secundùm statum facultates According to every mans degree and ability without limitation of the kinde of Arms or particular severall
by which We would be loath to bind our Subjects Neverthelesse though Preambles be not in themselves sufficient to declare Laws yet We deny not they are of good use though not convincing Arguments to expound them And for Our power in the matter of Rebellion besides what hath been said We might also adde if it were materiall to this Commission Preambles Recitals and other necessary Inferences out of other Statutes made since those intended in this Recitall which would prove that in case of Rebellion all Our Subjects ought to assist Us and to attend Our Person upon Our command for the defence thereof whensoever We should require it And the truth is the occasion of this Act now urged against Us appears to be for the service of Ireland and the intention of it for so much as is the enacting part was to take away all question concerning the pressing of the Subjects of England for the suppression of the Rebellion in Ireland And so concerned forraign service and not home defence either against Invasion of Enemies or Rebels And thus far the work of the Declaration hath been to overthrow Our Commission by Statutes alleadged to be directly against it There remains yet some other Objections drawn from the opinion of former Parliaments and the practice of Our selves and Our Predecessors and those not directly but by inferences But these as we shall shew are so farre from concluding against Our Commission that they rather prove the contrary The first of these Objections is upon the Statutes of 1. Jac. c. 25. and 21. Iac. c. 28. of Repeals And is thus That the Statute of 4 5. Ph. M. cap. 2. having repealed this Commission for so the Declaration supposeth They had shewed little care of their own and the Subjects liberty in the Parliament of ● Iac. to repeal that Statute thereby to revive the power of this Commission which would have subjected the people to far greater bondage and from thence inferreth That it is not probable that the Parliament of 1. Jac. would have repealed 4 5 Ph. M. As lik●wise from the Statute of 21. Iac. which repealed the Statutes of 13. E. 1. and 33. H. 8. That it is not probable that the Parliament of 21. Jac. would have repealed those Statutes which in a moderate manner proportioned the Arms every man was to find in certainty And suffer an Act meaning this of 5. H. 4. to continue which established a power in the King without limitation not only to impose Arms but to command the persons of the Subjects at pleasure To this We say that both the grounds of this Objection are mistaken For as We have already shewed neither is this Commission repealed by the Act of 4 5 P. M. Nor is there any such unlimited Power given or Bondage by it as is pretended And therefore Our Answer is That it is no wonder that those Parliaments might repeal 4 5 P. M. as too hard and 13. E. 1. 33 H. 8. as of no use and put the Militia of this Kingdom again wholly under the powers of this Commission being so indifferent between both the other And indeed the Militia did after continue under Lievtenants who had in effect the powers given by this Commission And now We shall return this Objection thus That those Parliaments of 1. Jac. and 21. Iac. would have shewed little care of the safety and defence of the Kingdom to have repealed those Statutes which made provision for Arms if they had thought there were no Law or Power left in the King to charge men with Arms for defence of the Kingdom as the Declaration affirmes the Law now to be But whosoever considers that at that time and long before the power of imposing arms was put in execution by Lievtenants and Deputy-Lievtenants by authority of their Commissions which to this purpose are the same with Our Commissions of Array and that this power was not complained of in those Parliaments must conclude it more then probable that those Parliaments did then conceive there was a sufficient power remaining in the King to impose Arms The next Objection is from the opinion of the Parliament of 4. and 5. Philip Mary c. 3 That if Our Commission had been authorized by Act of Parliament that Statute of Ph. Mar. had been to little purpose whereby the penalty of Imprisonment for ten dayes or forty shillings is imposed upon such as do not appear at Musters being Summoned thereunto by the Kings Commissioners authorized for that purpose Intimating as that the Act of Phil Mar. would never have been made if they had then conceived that We had power to grant such Commissions To this We answer That the particular Arms and proportions of Arms were then before appointed by the Statute of 4. and 5. Ph. Mar. Cap. 2. under certain penalties upon those who should be defective and so a great part of the care of the Commissioners of Array was supplyed by the provision of that Statute and the Commissions of Array being not so proper but in time of Danger and of a larger extent then the power of mustering a Commission of Muster which is part of the power of a Commission of Array would then serve the ordinary turn and for every ordinary default but at a Muster in a time of no Danger the punishment by 4. and 5. Ph. Mar. cap. 3. was great enough And for return of this Objection We say as We observed before That this Statute gives no new power to grant Commissions for Musters but admits the power to grant such Commissions to have been in the King before that time And whereas the Statute of 13. E. 1. appoints no other Officers but the Constables for view of arms it appears by these Statutes of Phil. and Mar. that the King might appoint His Commissioners which he could not if this power of Arms had been wholly grounded upon that Statute The Last Objection of this nature is grounded upon the Common opinion or practice And is this That the Commissions of Lievtenancy so grievous to the people and declared illegall in Parliament had not been so often issued and so much pressed upon them if the Commission of Array not much differing from it in power and not at all lesse grievous to the Subject might by the warrant and authority of the Laws of this Realm have supplied their room To this Our Answer is That it stands upon two grounds First That the Commissions of Lievtenancy were grievous Secondly That they were illegall both which so far forth at least as to the powers wherein they did not exceed the power of this Commission for the other powers are not now in question are cleerly mistaken For as for the grievousnesse we say these Commissions were such as had been long used in the happiest times of Our Predecessors and continued to Our Time And such grievances as did or might arise in the execution
magis necesse fuerit In case of imminent danger for defence of the Kingdome and Countrey from time to time as well to the Sea-coast as other places where it shall be most necessary And although notwithstanding all these limitations and cautions it be true That in this charging of Arms as also for the times and places of calling together Our Subjects and of conducting or leading them and the dangers upon which they are to be so conducted and led much is left to the discretion of the Commissioners as it must of necessity in all Commissions where the places times and occasions of execution of them depend upon future accidents and circumstances and cannot be certainly knowne or described at the time of the issuing of the Commissions Yet neverthelesse it cannot be inferred thereupon That therefore Our Commissioners have a meere absolute arbitrary Liberty of Will to doe what they please But that if they shall wilfully and unjustly grieve any of Our good Subjects in exceeding or not observing Our Limitations or Directions they are by Law clearely punishable by Indictment for the same Nor are or shall any of Our Subjects so grieved be without remedy or reliefe And to the end that every County so farre as in Vs lyeth should have cause to rest the more assured against any evill usage and abuse By this Commission Wee have appointed for Commissioners such as have estates in the severall Counties and are Persons of Honour and Reputation who are not onely engaged to all fairnesse out of their owne interest but also in the concernment of their Posterity Kindred Alliance Friends and Tenants and the good affection of their Countrey which to Persons of such Condition as they are is of a consideration beyond their Fortunes So that Wee hope their forwardnesse in undertaking this trouble for the publike defence will occasion in Our good Subjects rather a willing obedience unto Vs then the least distrust or jealousie of any of them Having thus stated the substance of Our Commission and prevented that mis-understanding which this Declaration might have else begotten thereupon Wee in the necessary justification thereof and vindication of Our owne Honour against those expressions in that Declaration which so nearely doe concerne Vs under the Common name of Evill Councellors as if Wee had violated Our Lawes even those so lately made broken Our often Protestations of governing according to Law and done that which would bring Our people into a slavery shall now joyne issue with Our two Houses in every materiall part of their Declaration both in the consideration of the pretended Danger Inconveniency and Illegality And herein first for the pretended Danger and Inconveniency so much urged Wee do deny That this Commission is full of Danger or Inconveniency to Our Subjects or will bring an heavier Yoke of Bondage then the Ship-money or any other illegall charge taken away this Parliament or indeed any Danger or Inconvenience at all And therein Wee appeale to each good mans conscience and reasonable understanding In a Kingdome as this is which in its fundamentall policy as well for its owne assurance against the danger of Forraigne Aids as the bad use that might bee made of great constant Forces whether forraigne or native must necessarily be defended by it selfe What other way of defence can be imagined but by the Subject What more reasonable proportion of charging them can bee found Wherein can the Limitation of the otherwise Arbitrary Discretion be bettered Or how in any one particular can a more equall fitting way be taken for the avoyding the grieving Our good Subjects in their own particulars Yet withall providing for the defence of our Kingdome in the generall then is by this Commission And Wee cannot but professe Our Wonder That since as Wee shall shew this very Commission was with so much care both in respect of the Commissioners and the powers of execution thereof over the persons to be commanded allowed and setled in all points to the very desires of the people and that in Parliament in the fifth yeare of King H. 4 how such Danger Inconvenience and Bondage can be by Our two Houses imagined in this Act of Ours without violating that rule so often urged by them though not so properly applyed to them without Vs That a dishonourable thing ought not to bee imagined of the Parliament And it is as strange to Vs that all this should happen by this Commission and yet that Our Subjects should for so many yeares past have enjoyed so many happy dayes in the reigne of Queene Elizabeth and Our Father both of blessed memory under the provision of Lieutenancy which is agreed by this Declaration to be little differing from those of the Commissions of Array in the Powers And lastly Wee demand Whether the persons appointed over the Militia by Our Houses of Parliament have not by their pretended Ordinance or Orders most of those powers nay some greater over the Subject in this matter of the Militia then are in this Commission and how they themselves can imagine these powers to be of a better nature by their authority then they are by Ours And as to this taxe of danger and inconvenience as in the generall it did require no answer at all though for the satisfaction of Our people Wee have therein thus enlarged Our selves so for that particular of the Yoke of Bondage thereby in making it heavier then that of Ship-money since they have not shewed in what particulars Wee shall say no more but this That by this Commission no money at all comes to Vs or to Our dispose nor is any money appointed to be raised but onely Arms provided And the Arms which Our Subjects are charged to beare or finde are to bee their owne proper goods which Sir Richard Hutton in his Argument in print against the Ship-money well observed and thereby differenced the providing of Arms and payment of Ship-mony and are provided once for all and not yearly to be renewed as taxes for money might bee and remaine in their owne custody and for their owne defence as well as Ours Wee shall now proceed unto the next generall issue touching the pretended illegality of Our Commission of Array and shall justifie the legality thereof by Common Law and by the practise of former Ages conforme to it and by Statutes in the very point against all the severall pretences mentioned in the Declaration whereunto Wee shall give particular Answers And Wee shall first begin with the Common Law whereunto the Declaration saith this Commission is contrary and therein affirme That this Our Commission is warranted by the very fundamentals of Our Government and as VVee said in Our late Proclamation the right of issuing thereof is inherent in Our Crowne For since as Wee hope none will deny the Kingdome must of necessity be ever in readinesse in time of danger at least by power of Arms to prevent or suppresse Rebellion at home and Invasion from abroad
being indefinitely spoken Wee conceive must be understood of all Kings times as well before as after 13. E. 1. the usage therein meant is but Consuetudo Angliae the Common Law and the Parliament could not in all probability in the mention of so ancient an usage intend so late a Statute as this of 13. E. 1. which was but new in the particularity of the Assize though antient in the Rule of charging according to the quantities of every mans Lands Goods the former Assizes having been also different Nor considering that of Necessity the severall kindes and proportions of Armes ever did and must vary with the times could they intend that there ever was for the times past or could be for time to come any such constant rule of any such particular assize concerning Armes whereunto they could refer as constantly used for the times past or that might constantly endure for time to come neither ever was or can there be any other constant rule then that generall rule of the Common Law which can never faile for the assessing Armes from time to rime for the kindes according to the present use and for proportions according to mens abilities And it were very strange that the Parliament of 1. E. 3 could conceive That for the defence extraordinary the particular kindes of Arms in 13. E. 1. especially such petty provisions could be proper and sufficient at this time in 1. E. 3. and would so continue afterwards And now that We have cleared this first part of the Statute of 1. E. 3. as concerning the Arming a mans selfe that it is not thereby intended That the Subject should not be charged with Armes otherwise then according to the Statute of 13. E. 1. We shall deliver what Our selves conceive of the meaning thereof And it is thus Towards the end of the Reigne of E. 2. severall Commissions of Array issued into severall Counties in execution whereof the Commissioners had much grieved and oppressed the Subjects Insomuch that upon complaint speciall Commissions of Oyer and Terminer usuall in those times were sent forth for the enquiry after those grievances and oppressions And although it doe not appeare what those were yet since the Complaint was not against the Commissions themselves as illegall Wee cannot conceive otherwise but that it was against the wilfull excesse of the Commissioners in their surcharging the Subjects with Armes beyond their abilities of estate to beare as charging a man as a Horse-man where it had beene sufficient for for his estate to have borne Armes as a Foot man and the like contrary to the Tenor of the Commission But this course producing indeed little effect in the time of King E. 2. partly out of the favour which it is likely the Commissioners did finde and partly by reason of the short remainder of His Reign there was just occasion both for Complaint and Reliefe in this next Parliament of 1. E. 3. And though the Particulars of the Petition in 1. E. 3. and the Answer out of which according to the manner of those times the Printed Act was made doe not appeare for the want of the Roll of that Parliament yet Wee may well judge thereof upon this occasion happening within the compasse of about one yeare before and thereupon conclude as for the true meaning of that Act That the provision intended to be made was onely against the excesse of the Commissioners which rather justifies then any way disproves the Lawfulnesse of such Commission And so the sence of the Act applyable to the Complaint will be That whereas the Commissioners had over-highly taxed the Subjects the Act provided That they should not be otherwise charged then as they had been in the times of former Kings and according to Our Commission moderately and so as they might live still according to their former condition as in like case of other Statutes against outragious Distresses and Amerciaments And although Wee take this to be the sence of that Statute yet if any man shall thinke this part of the Statute of 1. E. 3. Concerning arming a mans selfe to be the same with the words of the Statute of 25. E. 3. against constraining any man to finde men of Armes c. which is the sence of this Declaration which makes both Statutes to be to the same effect and makes the inference against Our power of imposing Armes upon them both We shall not contradict him therein being confident to make it evident that this Commission is no way contrary to the words or meaning of that Statute of 25. E. 3. But before Wee come to that Statute Wee shall make one Observation upon those Statutes of 13. E. 1. 1. E. 3. both together and thereupon shew that in the judgement of the whole Parliament of 4. H. 4. whose authority is chiefly insisted upon in this Declaration Our Commission is no way opposed by either of those Statutes And it is this It appeareth That the late issuing of the Commissioners complained of in 4. H. 4. which the Declaration supposeth were of the same nature with Our Commission but Wee deny it was the occasion of the Petition of the Commons in that Parliament In which petition they intending to shew the illegality of those Commissions and to obtaine as they thereupon did a confirmation of former Acts to the contrary do recite the Statute of 25. E. 3. 18. E. 3 c. 8. and that part of the Statute of 1. E. 3. which is against carrying of men out of their Counties and yet neverthelesse they wholly omit this Statute of 13. E. 1. and this first part of the Statute of 1. E. 3. concerning the Arming Whereas it is to be presumed they would have also recited this Statute of 13. E. 1. if they had conceived the same to be as this Declaration sets it forth the certaine Assize for armes and such a Statute whereto all the rest had reference or any way materiall against part of these Commissions But howsoever making use of the later part of the Act of 1. E. 3. against carrying of the Subject out of the County they would have made use also of this part of 1. E. 3. concerning the arming and desired a confirmation thereof as well as of the residue and not thus purposely rejected it if so be they had not upon consideration first resolved that that part of 1. E. 3. was no wayes against the Commission And now Wee come to the Statute of 25. E. 3. whereupon the Objection stands thus By the Statute of 25. E. 3. the Subject is not to be constrained to finde men at Armes c. if it be not by common consent and grant made in Parliament But by this Commission the Commissioners have power without consent or grant in Parliament to command those who are able of body and estate to arme themselves and those who are impotent but able in estate to find Armes for others which the Declaration in some places
levied upon the People by Lords Lievtenants Deputy Lievtenants Commissioners for Musters Justices of Peace and others by command or direction from Us or Our Privy Councell against the Laws and free Customs of the Realm which the Declaration alleadgeth to be the breach of those Laws Then the words of the Petition are thus applyed That here is a Taxe or Charge imposed upon the people by Compelling them to find Arms by command and direction from Us under Our great Seal without consent in Parliament And the meaning of the Petition is thus inforced That it is very well known and doth sufficiently appear that the charges there mentioned to be laid by Lords Lievtenants and Deputy Lievtenants were the charging of the Subjects with Arms against Law by colour of their Commission from Us and consequently this Commission is against the Petition of Right For Our cleerer answer We shall set down the summe of the Petition for so much as concerns the unlawfull charging of the Subject And it is this First the Petition recites severall Statutes as made against the compelling the Subject to the making or yeelding any Gift Loan Benevolence Taxes Aids or such like Charges without Common consent in Parliament and next setteth forth a violation of those Statutes by the Commissions of Loans and Execution of them and that divers other Charges had been laid and levied by Lords Lievtenants and others as is aforesaid and lastly the Prayer is substantively of it self without any relative words yet extends to all that was before complained of and contains the substance of all those former Statutes in these words That no man be compelled to make or yeeld any Gift Loan Benevolence Tax or such like Charge without common consent by Act of Parliament And Our answer to that part of the Prayer amongst the rest is Let right be done as it desired And Our answer to the Objection stands thus First that whatsoever sence any words of the Preamble may seem to import yet without question there is no more in this Preamble then is after contained in the Prayer So if Our Commission be not against the Prayer there can be no Argument against it drawn out of the Preamble or if in truth there were more in the Preamble then in the Prayer whereunto only the Royall assent extends yet nothing could bindingly be concluded thereupon as We shall further shew upon occasion This then onely rests to be considered upon this Objection Whether the powers in Our Commission to compell the Subjects able of body and estate to Arm themselves and in case of impotency to find Arms for others for the necessary defence of the Kingdom can be said to be a compelling of the subject to make or yeeld any Gift Loan Benevolence Tax or other like Charge contrary to the Prayer of the Petition Upon the Case thus truly stated it is cleere That here is no yeelding or making of Gift Benevolence or Loan And as for making or yeelding any Tax or other like charge though it be true That this arming a mans self or finding Arms for another cannot be done without Charge Yet We appeal to every mans understanding whether Our Subjects can upon this Commission be said to make or yeeld for so are the words any Tax or other Charge against the Petition any more then if We command a City to repair their Walls or a Levell putting the Case before any statute to take away all colour of evasion to repair the Sea-banks when they were in decay being no particular advantage to Us but for the Common good of themselves The truth is That albeit the imposing of divers charges commanding divers Acts drawing charges upon the Subject though possibly for their advantage are void in Law notwithstanding it doth not follow that they are void as against this Petition For the Petition of Right as against the charges therein mentioned is onely to be intended of Money or other thing valuable and to be parted with to or for Us or Our advantage such as are all the charges more specially mentioned in the preamble and Prayer as that of Gift Loan and Benevolences And such as were those Charges intended in the Preamble under the generall expression of divers other Charges imposed by Lord Lievtenants c. which We think is very well known to most Counties to have been meer Pecuniary Payments and which We ought to have born And for the other charges that is of Taxes Tallages Aydes likewise mentioned which as to this purpose are but Synonoma and of one signification they are meant of money or other things valuable and for the King and so used in the old Statutes and had been in former times imposed upon the people without Act of Parliament and accordingly all of them are so to be expounded in the Preamble And the Prayer of the Petition saith nothing expressely against the Commanding the Subject to do a thing which may be necessarily of expence or Charge wherein the Act is onely intended and the Charge but a necessary Incident but the Prayer is onely against the compelling of the Subject to yeeld or make those kinds of charges So as the cleer sence of the Petition both according to the occasion of complaint therein mentioned and the Laws whereupon it is framed as well as the propriety of the words is only against drawing from the Subject either money or money-worth by any of those particular charges therein mentioned or any other charge of like nature under what specious title soever for the Kings advantage which the more plainly appears for that the charge must be yeelded or made as upon Gift Loan c. which must necessarily be intended unto some person and no other person can be here colourably intended but the King And if the Petition by any construction may extend against the commanding of any Acts which in the execution may induce charges yet such charges must according to the very words of the Petition be such like Charges that is for Us or Our advantage as the particular Charges therein mentioned of Gift Loan c. But this charging of the Subject with Arms for the necessary defence of the Kingdom cannot be said for Our particular advantage all Our Subjects having therein a common interest As for the meaning of the Petition inforced in the Objection from the Charges by Lord Lievtenants and others complained against in the Preamble sure We are that those must be such in the particular as are after contained in the generall words of the Prayer to which We have answered before And though it be to this purpose said in the Declaration That those Charges by Lord Lievtenants and others were meant of charging of the Subject with Arms certainly no such thing can appear in the Petition which speaks but only of divers charges but names none in particular nor can there be any other assurance that the Houses did intend any such thing but by Votes wherein they onely speak
and if any such Votes had been We doubt not but We should have found them inserted in this Declaration And a particular complaint of so great a grievance as Our Commission is made to be would have been expressed in the Preamble of the Petition with the Quotations of Statutes to the contrary as was done concerning other grievances But in truth it is well known That about that time upon occasion of Our wars there were divers other charges imposed by Our Lievtenants and others of a far differing nature most of which were by direction from Us or Our Privie Councell according to the exigency of the time and some former practice And We do beleeve that there was at that time neither complaint or occasion of complaint against the imposing of Arms for home defence of the Kingdom Howsoever We are sure that no such complaint was particularly represented unto Us or Our Answer intended thereunto And now to cleer this sence of the Petition 〈◊〉 of the judgement of both Our Houses this 〈◊〉 Parliament We demand this Question If so be the imposing Arms for defence be a charge upon the Subject within the meaning of this Petition how the two Houses will justifie their Ordinance which We are sure they will not call an Act of Parliament for without an Act of Parliament no charge thereby provided against can be imposed upon the Subject the words being plain That no man shall be compelled to make or yeeld any Gift Loan Benevolence Tax or other such like charge without common consent by Act of Parliament And now since this Declaration hath given Us such occasion to examine Our Commission upon the Petition of Right We shall conclude out of that Petition That that Parliament did conceive the powers of this Commission warrantable in every point For it is plainly to be observed that the Commons did then take into consideration the generall grievances of the Kingdom more particularly concerning Military affaires and therein the actions of Lord Lievtenants and Deputy-Lievtenants with their Commissions and powers and their exceeding of their power as expressely the billeting of Souldiers and the payment of Billet-money Muster-masters fees and others of that nature were then in dispute And although the two Houses could not but take notice of the imposing of Arms upon the Subject by Our Commission of Lievtenancy their powers to Levy call together Arm Array Train and Muster Our Subjects inhabiting in Our severall Counties and to conduct and lead them against all Our Enemies and all Rebels and Traytors from time to time as need should require in which particulars they contained the powers of Our Commission of Array Yet the Complaint was not made against them for what they did by vertue of their Commission no more then against the Justices of Peace though complained of together with the Lievtenants but for matters wherein they did exceed their Commission upon the Command or direction from Us or Our Councell the Petition throughout distinguishing betwixt such Commands or directions and Our Commissions So that We conclude here was not only an admission but an approbation of those powers by that Parliament We come now to the recitall in the Preamble of the late Statute made this Parliament The words are these For as much as great Commotions and Rebellions have been lately raised and stirred up in His Majesties Kingdom of Ireland by the wicked plots and conspiracies of divers of His Majesties Subjects there being traiterously affected to the great endangering not only of the said Kingdom but also of this Kingdom of England unlesse a speedy course be taken for the proventing hereof And for the raising and pressing of men for those Services And whereas by the Laws of this Realm none of His Majesties Subjects ought to be impressed or compelled to go out of His County to serve as a Souldier in the Wars except in case of necessity of the sudden coming in of strange Enemies into the Kingdom or except they be otherwise bound by the Tenure of their Lands or possessions c. upon which Preamble there is in that Statute some provision made for a time for raising and impressing men for those Services And upon this Preamble the conclusion is made in these words That this Commission is directly contrary to this Declaration is so evident that it requireth no application To this Objection We say We might make Our Answer as short as the inference is by affirming That it is evident that this Commission is not contrary to this recitall And surely We think that what We have already opened being applyed to this Objection would warrant that Answer But that We may leave nothing undone that may tend towards the full satisfaction of Our good people We shall also give this a particular answer First We say That if this recitall had been an Act yet there were nothing in Our Commission contrary to the letter of it for that by this Commision no man is compellable by any speciall words to go out of his County And the generall words giving power to the Commissioners for leading them to the Sea-coast or elsewhere as We have often repeated are with these limitations They are to lead them but when there is imminent Danger of enemies for defence of the Kingdom and then only they are to be led to such places as shall be necessary for the expulsion vanquishing and destruction of the said enemies And this is a case of necessity both within the words of this recitall and according to the sense of the same words in the Statute of 1. E. 3. and 4. H. 4. therein meant as We have before shewed And thus we might leave this Objection but that it implies a matter of a greater consequence then plainly appears That recitalls of the Law in Preambles of Statutes are binding For in this Objection this recitall is called a Declaration of the Law and Our Commission sard to be contrary to that Statute and it further implies That even in the greatest and most horrid Rebellion the Subject cannot be compelled out of the County for the suppression thereof But to this We answor That the difference is apparent between an Act of Parliament declarative and a recitall in a Preamble For such an Act in any matter though mistaken being assented unto by Us and Our two Houses is equally binding as having equall authority with an Act introductive of a new Law But the recitall in a Preamble is no part of the Act the Royall assent being only to that which is expressely or tacitely prayed to be enacted Nor can it any wayes so much as imply Our opinion For otherwise Kings must be inforced oftentimes to deny a good Law for an ill Preamble The consequence whereof is great in such an Act as requires expedition where a Bill once denyed is not regularly to be offered again in that Session of Parliament And if it were needfull divers mistakes of the Law in Preambles might be produced
the paying of their wages or contributing towards either of them This then being the sence of the words Wee now proceed to the Statutes and apply them to the two Objections the one against imposing of Arms the other against carrying out of the County And first concerning the Statute of 13. E. 1. Thereupon the Objection against the power of imposing of Armes is this This Statute appoints a particular Assize for the kindes of Armes and Proportions as before But Our Commission doth give power to assesse for the kindes any Armes and for the proportions according to each mans ability which the Declaration termes to be without limitation and at pleasure and so is contrary to this Statute To this Wee answer That that Statute of 13. E. 1. besides that it is but an affirmative Statute was made onely for the ordinary defence of the Kingdome for the preservation of the peace at ordinary times and was not intended as a provision of Armes for defence extraordinary but that for the publique defence in time of Danger the King might and must charge other Armes and other proportions according to the exigency of the occasion Both which appeare together if Wee consider that the provision in that Statute mentioned which might be of use for the Peace is very insufficient for the Service of War For We cannot but observe the pettinesse of the Armes even according to the use of that time for he that was rated highest by that Act was to finde but a Hawberge which in that place signifies a Gorget a Breast-plate of Iron a Sword a Knife and a Horse and others but Gisarms which were Pike-staves Knives and other lesse weapons And yet at that time there were men at Armes which were Horse-men of compleat Armour Hoblers which were Light-horse and there were Pikes Lances Pole-axes and other weapons commonly used for Warre And no lesse considerable is it to this purpose That for the charge of this defence no man of what estate soever is by this Act charged above the rate of 15 Pounds in Lands or 40 Marks in Goods and he that hath 15 Pounds in Land or 40 Marks in Goods is charged as high as the greatest which is not to be imagined in case of provision for defence extraordinary And to cleare this further out of this and other Acts it is plain that this very Act expresseth it selfe in these words That every man have in his house Harnesse to keepe the peace and appoints those who are thereby assessed to pursue Hues and Cries after Theeves and Robbers which went in those times with great strength and in multitudes with their Horses and Armour And the old Articles of inquiry upon that Statute being made in the same Kings raigne and to be seen in the Statute-books tend onely to inquiry touching the keeping the peace as whether all men betwixt the age of fifteen and sixty be sworn to keepe the peace and whether they have weapons in their houses according to the quantity of their Lands and Goods for conservation of the peace according to the Statute And the Statute of 2. E. 3. cap. 6. renewes this Statute of 13. E. 1. in these words Item As to the keeping of the peace in time to come it is ordained and enacted That the Statutes made in time past with the Statute of Winchester shall be observed and kept in every point And strange it were to imagine that the wisdome of a Parliament in the matter of arming of the Subject made no greater or better provision against an Enemy then against a Theefe or a Rogue And it is not so proper to charge the Subject at all times in the same manner and proportions as in times of danger And lastly for further clearing this Our exposition of that Statute of 13. E 1. Wee say That although as Wee have already shewed the Commissions of Arrayes did from the time of making the Statute of 13. E. 1. frequently issue both before and since the Statute of 5. H. 4. yet none of those Commissions were regulated by the Statute of 13. E. 1. but either they were as commonly for arming them according to mens degrees abilities without mentioning the Statute of 13. E. 1. Or where any did expresse the quality and proportion of Armes to be found They varyed from the Statute of 13. E. 1. and appointed other kinde of Arms and differenced and proportioned the estates of those who were to finde Armes otherwise then is mentioned in that Statute And sometimes with an expresse Declaration that the Statute of 13. E. 1. was made for the conservation of the peace in a time of peace when there was no danger of a forraigne enemie And though some use might be made of those armes appointed by that Statute in time of danger as well as any other weapon yet the same was not that kind of armour which was principally intended as fitting for such defence as may appeare by the presidents above cited And the constant practice in all after ages for defence extraordinary hath ever been with other armes and after other Proportions as Wee beleeve will not be denyed by any man Wee come now to the Statute of 1. E. 3. whereupon the objection stands thus That the Statute of 13. E. 1. having made such particular assize of Arms as before for the kinds and proportions this Statute doth ordaine That no man from thenceforth shall be charged to arme himselfe otherwise then hee was wont in the time of the Kings Progenitors Meaning as the Declaration takes it for granted according to that former Statute of 13. E. 1. To this Wee shall give this answer That as Wee have proved before 13. E. 1. was never meant as of a provision for defence extraordinary and much lesse that the Statute of 1. E. 3. could intend any such thing And as the Penner of that Declaration cannot therein shew any expresse reference to that Statute of 13. E. 1. and can at the most but barely conjecture it so on the other side Wee shall out of the penning and otherwise upon surer grounds conclude the contrary For first in this case regularly if not necessarily where a later Statute in the substance and meaning thereof wholly depends upon a former and must have reference thereunto the Parliament of 1. E. 3. would have made mention of this Statute of 13. E. 1. as they did thereof the next yeare following when it was renued but for keeping of the peace Next in wisedome it was fitting if so be that they had intended a further re-establishment of the particularities of the kinds and proportions of armes mentioned in 13. E. 1. that when they had a former Statute so punctuall therein they should not have thus left us for a true understanding of their meaning to a generall enquirie of the particular assize used for armes in former times But on the contrary the Statute referring to the former usage in the times of the Kings Progenitors which