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A67927 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 1,744,028 490

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and the Apostles doctrine wherof in particularity I haue touched something before in my talke had with the Sea of London and in other treatises more at large wherein if it shall please God to bring the same to light it shal appeare I trust by Gods grace plainly to the man of God and to him whose rule in iudgement of Religion is Gods word that that Religion that rule order that doctrine and fayth which this whore of Babylon and the Beast whereupon she doth sit mainteineth at this day with all violence of fire and sword with spoyle banishment according to Daniels Prophecy and finally with all falshood deceit hypocrisy and all kinde of vngodlines are as cleane contrary to Gods word as darkenesse is vnto light or light vnto darckenes white to blacke or blacke to white or as Beliall vnto Christ or Christ vnto Antichrist himselfe I know my Lordes and foresaw when I wrote this that so many of you as should see this my writing not beyng before endued with the spirite of grace and the light of gods word so many I say would at these my words lordlike stampe and spurne and spitte thereat But sober your selues with pacience and be still and knowe ye that in my writing of this my minde was none other but in God as the liuing God doth beare me witnes both to do you profite and pleasure And otherwise as for your displeasure by that time this shal come to your knowledge I trust by gods grace to be in the hands and protection of y● almighty my heauenly father and the liuing Lord which is as S. Iohn sayeth the greatest of all and then I shall not need I trow to feare what any Lord no nor what kyng or prince can do vnto me My Lordes if in times past ye haue bene contented to heare me sometimes in matters of religion before the prince in the Pulpit and in the Parliament house and haue not seemed to haue despised what I haue sayd when as els if ye had perceiued iust occasion yee might then haue suspected me in my talk though it had bene reasonable eyther desire of worldly gayne or feare of displeasure how hath thē your Lordshyppes more cause to harken to my word and to heare me paciently seing now ye can not iustly think of me being in this case appoynted to dye and lookyng dayly when I shall be called to come before the eternall iudge otherwise but that I onely study to serue my Lord God and to say that thyng which I am perswaded assuredly by Gods woorde shall and doth please him and profite all them to whome God shall geue grace to heare and beleue what I do say And I do say euen that I haue sayd heretofore both of the Sea of Rome and of the Byshop thereof I meane after this theyr present state at this day Wherin if ye will not beleue the Ministers of GOD and true preachers of his word verely I denounce vnto you in verbo domini except ye do repent betime it shall turne to your confusion and to your smart on the latter day Forget not what I say my Lordes for Gods sake forget not but remember it vpon your bed For I tell you moreouer as I knowe I muste bee countable of this my talke and of my speaking thus to the eternall Iudge who will iudge nothing amisse so shall you be countable of your duety in hearyng and you shall bee charged if ye will harken to Gods word for not obeying to the truth Alas my Lords how chaunceth this that this matter is now a new again to be perswaded vnto you Who would haue thought of late but your Lordships had bene persuaded in deed sufficiently or that ye coulde euer haue agreed so vniformelye with one consent to the abolishment of the vsurpation of the bishop of Rome If that matter were then but a matter of policy wherin the prince must be obeyed howe is it now made a matter wherin as your Clergy sayth now so sayth the Popes lawes in deed standeth the vnity of the Catholicke church and a matter of necessity of our saluation Hath the time being so short since the death of the two last kinges Henry the 8. Edward his sonne altered the nature of the matter If it haue not but was of the same nature and daunger before God then as it is now be now as it is sayd by the Popes lawes and the instructions set forth in Englishe to the curates of the dioces of Yorke in deed a matter of necessity to saluation how then chaunced it that ye were all O my Lordes so light and so litle passed vpon the catholicke faith and the vnity therof without the which no man can be saued as for your Princes pleasures which were but mortall men to forsake the vnity of your catholick fayth that is to forsake Christ and his gospell And furthermore if it were both then and nowe is so necessary to saluation how chaunced it also that ye all the whole body of the Parliament agreeing with you did not onely abolish and expell the Bishop of Rome but also did abiure him in your owne persons and did decree in your actes great othes to bee taken of both the spiritualtye and temporalty whosoeuer shoulde enter into any weighty chargeable office in the common wealth But on the other side if the law decree which maketh the supremacy of the sea bishop of Rome ouer the vniuersall church of Christ be a thing of necessity required vnto saluation by an Antichristian law as it is in deed such instructiōs as are geuen to the Dioces of Yorke be in deed a setting forth of the power of that beast of babilon by the craft falshood of his false Prophetes as of truth compared vnto Gods word and truely iudged by the same it shall playnely appere that they be then my Lordes neuer thinke other but the daye shall come when ye shal be charged with this your vndoing of that that once ye had well done and with this your periury and breache of your othe which othe was done in iudgement iustice and truth agreable to Gods lawe The whore of Babilon may wel for a time dally with you and make you so dronken with the wine of her filthy stewes whooredome as with her dispensations and promises of pardon à poena culpa that for dronkennesse and blindenesse ye may think your selues safe But be ye assured whē the liuing Lord shall trye the matter by the fire and iudge it according to his word when al her abhominations shal appeare what they bee then ye my Lordes I geue your Lordships warning in time repent if ye be happy loue your owne soules health repent I say or els wythout all doubt ye shall neuer escape the handes of the liuing Lord for the guilt of your periury and breach of your oth As ye haue banquetted and layne by the
strikers and my womanish backe to theyr burthens of reproofe and so in the strength of my God I truste to leape ouer the wall for his sweetenesse ouercommeth me dayly maketh al these poticary druggs of the world euen medicinelike in my mouth For the continuance wherof I beseech thee my deare fellow souldior make thy faythful prayer for me that I may with a strong and gladsome conscience finish my course and obtayne the reward though it be no whit due to my worke I am not content that you so often gratifie me with thankes for that which is none worthy but duty on my part small reliefe to you But if you would loue me so much that I might supply your lackes then would I think ye beleued my offers to be such as agreed with my hart And for the short charges ye speake of the meanes are not so pleasant if god who my trust is in will otherwise prepare but Salomō saith Al things haue here their time You to day I to morow so the ende of Adams line is soone ronne out The mightye God geue vs his grace that during this time his glory be not defaced through our weakenes Because you desire to shew your selfe a worthy souldiour if neede so require I will supply your request for the Scarfe yee wrote of that ye may present my handy worke before your Captayne that I be not forgotten in the odours of incense which our beloued Christ offereth for his owne to whom I bequeth both our bodies and soules Your owne in the Lord. F.E. Ouer and besides these letters the Bishops did also bring forth a supplication made by mayster Philpot vnto the high Court of Parliament whereof mention is made in the first of the two letters last mentioned the copy wherof doth here ensue as followeth To the King and Queenes Maiesties highnesse the Lordes spiritual and temporall and the commons of this present Parliament assembled IN most humble wise complayneth vnto this honorable Courte of Parliament Iohn Philpot Clarke that where there was by the Queenes highnesse a parliament called in the first yeare of her gracious raygne and after the olde custome a Couocation of the Clergy your suppliant then being one of the sayd Conuocation house and matters there rising vppon the vsing of the Sacramentes did dispute in the same knowing that there all men had and hath had free speach and ought not to be after troubled for any thinge there spoken and yet that notwithstanding not long after the sayd Parliament your sayd suppliant without any acte or matter was commaunded to prison to the kings Benche by the late Lord Chauncellour where he hath remayned euer sithens vntil now of late that my Lord the B. of London hath sent for your sayd suppliant to examine him being none of his Dioces vpon certayn matters wherein they would haue your Oratour to declare his conscience whiche the sayd bishop sayth hee hath authoritie to do by reason of an Acte of Parliament made in the first and second yeares of the king and queeenes Maiesties raignes for the reuiuing of three Satutes made agaynst thē that hold any opinion agaynst the Catholicke fayth whereby he affirmeth that euery Ordinary may Ex Officio examine euery mans conscience and for that your sayde Oratour hath and doth refuse that the sayd Bish. of London hath any authoritie ouer your sayd Oratour for that he is neyther Diocesane nor hath publyshed preached nor held any opinion against the Catholicke faith notwithstanding the said Bishop of London deteineth him in the Colehouse in the stockes without eyther bed or any other thing to lye vpon but straw and for that your sayde Oratour cannot appeale for his reliefe from the sayd Bishop to anye other Iudge but the same bishop may refuse the same by theyr law and therefore hath no succour and helpe but by this high Courte of Parliament for the explanatiō of the sayd Acte therefore it may please you that it may be enacted by the kinge and Queenes Maiesties the Lordes spirituall and temporall and the Commons of this present Parliament assembled and by the authoritie of the same that no Byshop nor Ordinary shall committe nor detayne in prison any suspect person or persones for the Catholicke fayth except he or they haue spoken written or done some manifest Act against the Catholicke fayth and the same to be lawfully proued agaynst euery such person and persons by the testimony of two lawfull witnesses to be brought afore the sayd person or persons so accused before he or they shal eyther be committed to prison or conuict for any such offence or offences the sayd former statute made in the sayd first second yeare of our said soueraigne Lord and Lady notwithstanding Whereby your sayde Oratour shal not only bee set at libertie diuers other mo remayning in prison but also the bloude of diuers of the Quueenes Maiesties true and faythfull subiectes preserued The condemnation of the worthy Martyr of God Iohn Philpot. THese bookes Letters Supplications and other matters being thus read the bishop demaunded of him if the booke intituled The true report of the disputation c. were of his penning or not Whereunto Philpot aunswered that it was a good and true booke and of hys owne penning and setting forth The bishops waxing now weary and being not able by any sufficient ground either of Gods worde or of the true ancient Catholicke fathers to conuince ouercome him fell by fayre and flattering speach to perswade wyth him promising that if he would reuoke his opinions and come home agayne to their Romishe and Babilonicall Church he should not onely be pardoned that which was past but also they would with al fauour and chearefulnes of hart receiue him agayne as a true member therof Whiche words when Boner saw would take no place hee demandeth of M. Philpot and that with a charitable affection I warrant you whether he had any iust cause to alledge why he shoulde not condemne him as an hereticke Well quoth M. Philpot your idolatrous sacrament which you haue found out ye would fayne defend but ye cannot nor neuer shall In the end the Byshop seeing hys vnmoueable stedfastnes in the trueth did pronounce openly the sentence of condemnation against him In the reading wherof when he came to these words Teque etiam tanquam haereticum obstinatum pertinacem impoenitentem c. M. Philpot said I thanke God that I am an hereticke out of your cursed Church I am no hereticke before God But God blesse you and geue you once grace to repent youre wicked doinges and let all men beware of your bloudy church Moreouer whiles Boner was about the middest of the sentence the bishop of Bath pulled him by the sleeue sayd My Lord my Lord knowe of him first whether hee will recant or no Then Boner sayd full like himselfe oh let me alone and so read forth the sentence And
Apostle s. Paul wryting to two Bishops Timothie and Titus setteth oute vnto vs a perfecte description of a true Bishop wyth all the properties and conditions belonging to the same vnto the which exemplare it shall be harde in these straunge daies to finde the image of any Bishop correspondent yet for example sake let vs take thys Archbishop of Canterburie and trie him by the rule thereof to see either howe neere hee commeth to the description of S. Paule or els howe farre off he swarueth from the common course of other in his time of his calling The rule of S. Paule is to be found first 1. Timothie 3. also in his Epistle to Titus chap. 1. in these woordes A Bishoppe must be faultlesse as becommeth the Minister of God Not stubburne nor angrie no drunkard no fighter not geuen to filthy luker but harberous one that loueth goodnesse sober minded righteous holy temperate and such as cleaueth vnto the true word and doctrine that he may be able to exhort c. Unto this rule and touchstone to lay now the life and conuersation of this Archb. we will first begin wyth that which is thus wrytten A Bishop must be faultlesse as becommeth the Minister of God Like as no man is without sinne and euery man carieth with him his especiall vice fault so yet neuerthelesse the Apostle meaneth that the Bishop and minister must be fautlesse in comparison of the common conuersation of men of the world which seeme more licentiously to liue at their owne liberties and pleasures then the bishop or minister ought to doe hauing small regard vnto good example geuing which a bishop and minister most carefully ought to consider least by hys dissolute life the woord of God be sclandered euill spoken of Which thing to auoide and the better to accomplish thys precept of the Apostle this woorthy man euermore gaue him selfe to continuall studie not breaking that order that he in the Uniuersitie commonly vsed that is by 5. of the clocke in the morning at his booke and so consuming that time in studie and praier vntill 9. of the clocke he then applied himselfe if the Princes affaires did not call hym away vntill dinner time to heare suters and to dispatche suche matters as appertained vnto his speciall cure and charge cōmitting his temporall affaires both of his housholde and other forraine businesse vnto his officers So that such things were neuer impediments neither to hys studie nor to his pastoral charge which principally consisted in reformation of corrupt religion in setting foorth of true and sincere doctrine For the most parte alwaies being in Commission he associated himselfe with learned men for sifting and boulting out of one matter or other for the commoditie and profite of the Church of Englande By meanes wherof what for his priuate studie he was neuer idle besides that he accounted it no idle poynte to bestow one houre or twaine of the day in ouer reading such woorkes and bookes as daily came from beyond the seas After dinner if any suters were attendant he woulde very diligently heare them and dispatch them in such sort as euery man commended hys lenitie and gentlenesse althoughe the case required that some whiles diuers of them were committed by him to prisone And hauing no suters after dinner for an houre or thereabout he would play at the Chests or behold such as could play That done then againe to his ordinarye study at the which commonly he for the most part stoode and seldome sate and there continuing vntill 5. of the clocke bestowed that houre in hearing the common prayer and walking or vsing some honest pastime vntill supper time At supper if he had appetite as many times he would not suppe yet would he sit downe at the table hauing his ordinarie prouision of hys m●sse furnished with expedient companye he wearing on his hāds his gloues because he would as it were therby weane himself frō eating of meat but yet keping the company with such fruitful talke as did repast much delight the hearers so that by this meanes hospitalitie was well furnished and the almes chest well maintained for reliefe of the poore After supper he would consume one houre at the least in walking or some other honest pastime and then againe vntill 9. of the clocke at one kinde of study or other So that no houre of the day was spent in vaine but the same was so bestowed as tended to the glory of God the seruice of the Prince or to the commoditie of the Church Which his well bestowing of his time procured to him most happely a good report of all men to be in respecte of other mennes conuersation fautlesse as it became the Minister of God That a Bishop ought not to be stubberne Secondly it is required That a Bishop ought not to bee stubberne With which kinde of vice without great wrong thys Archbyshop in no wise oughte to be charged whose nature was such as none more gentle or sooner wonne to any honest sute or purpose specially in such things wherin by hys woord wryting counsell or deede he might gratifie either any gentle or noble manne or doe good to anye meane person or els relieue the needy and poore Onely in causes pertaining to God or his Prince no man more stoute more constant or more harde to be wonne as in that part hys earnest defence in the Parliament house aboue three dayes together in disputing against the six articles of Gardiners deuice can testifie And thoughe the King would needes haue them vpon some politicke consideration to goe forwarde yet hee so handled himselfe aswell in the Parliament house as afterwardes by wryting so obediently and with suche humble behauioure in woordes towardes hys Prince protesting the cause not to be his but almighty Gods who was the authoure of all truthe that the King did not onely well like hys defence willing hym to departe out of the Parliament house into the Counsaile chamber whilest the Acte should passe and be graunted for safegard of hys conscience which he wyth humble protestation refused hoping that his Maiestie in processe of time woulde reuoke them againe but also after the Parliament was finished the King perceiuing the zealous affection that the Archbishop bare towardes the defence of hys cause whiche many wayes by Scriptures and manifolde authorities and reasons he had substantially confirmed and defended sent the Lorde Cromwell then Uicegerent with the two dukes of Northfolke and Suffolke and all the Lordes of the Parliament to dine wyth hym at Lambeth Where it was declared by the Uicegerent and the two Dukes that it was the Kinges pleasure that they all shoulde in hys highnesse behalfe chearish comfort and animate him as one that for his trauaile in that Parliament had shewed hymself both greatly learned and also discrete and wise and therefore they willed hym not to be discouraged for any thyng that
that loueth goodnesse sober mynded righteous holy and temperate Now followeth together these vertues One that loueth goodnesse sober mynded righteous holye and temperate As concernyng these qualities the trade of hys lyfe before ioyned with hys benigne and gentle disposition do testify that he could not be voyde of these good vertues raignyng in hym which was so aboundantly adorned wyth the other which aboue we haue declared ¶ To cleaue fast vnto the true worde of doctrine that he may be able to exhort with wholesome learnyng and to improoue that say agaynst it Then concludeth S. Paule with the most excellent vertue of all other to be wished in a Prelate of the church For if this constancy be not in hym to this ende that is To cleaue fast vnto the true worde of doctrine that he may bee able to exhort with wholesome learning and to improoue that say agaynst it If he be voyde I say of these gyfts graces he is worthy of no commendation but shall seeme an Idoll and a deceyuer of the world Neyther shall he deserue the name of a Byshop if eyther for dread or meed affection or fauor he do at any tyme or in any point swarue from the truth As in this behalfe the worthy constancy of this sayd Archbishop neuer for the most part shronke for no maner of storme but was so many wayes tried that neyther fauour of hys Prince nor feare of the indignation of the same nor any other worldly respect coulde alienate or change hys purpose grounded vpon that infallible doctrine of the Gospell Notwithstandyng hys constant defence of Gods truth was euer ioyned with such meekenes toward the kyng that he neuer tooke occasion of offence agaynst hym At the tyme of settyng forth the sixe Articles mention was made before in the story of kyng Henry the viij how aduenturously this Archbishop Tho. Cranmer did oppose hymselfe standyng as it were post alone agaynst the whole Parliament disputyng and replying three dayes together agaynst the sayd Articles In so much that the kyng when neyther he could mislike his reasons and yet would needes haue these Articles to passe required hym to absent hymselfe for the tyme out of the chamber whyle the Acte should passe so he did how the K. afterward sent all the Lordes of the Parliament vnto the Archb. to Lambeth to cheare his mynd agayne that he might not be discouraged all whiche appeareth aboue expressed And this was done during yet the state time of the L. Cromwels authority And now that it may appeare likewise that after the decay of the L. Cromwel yet his constācy in Christes cause did not decay you shal hear what folowed after For after the apprehension of the L. Cromwell when the aduersaries of the Gospell thought all thynges sure now on their side it was so appointed amongest thē that x. or xij bishops and other learned men ioyned together in commission came to the said Archb. of Cant. for the establishing of certaine Articles of our Religion which the Papists then thought to win to their purpose agaynst the sayd Archb. For hauyng now the L. Cromwell fast and sure they thought all had bene safe and sure for euer as in deed to all mens reasonable consideration that tyme appeared so dangerous that there was no maner hope that religion reformed should any one weeke longer stande such account was then made of the kyngs vntowardnesse thereunto In so much that of all those Commissioners there was not one lefte to stay on the Archbishops part but he alone agaynst them all stood in defence of the truth and those that he most trusted to namely B. Heath and B. Skip left hym in the playne field who then so turned against hym that they tooke vpon them to perswade hym to their purpose and hauyng hym downe from the rest of the Commissioners into his garden at Lambheth there by all maner of effectuall perswasions entreated hym to leaue of his ouermuch constancie and to encline vnto the kings entent who was fully set to haue it otherwise then he then had penned or ment to haue set abroad Whē those two his familiars with one or two others his friendes had vsed all their eloquence and pollicie he little regardyng their inconstancy and remisnesse in Gods cause or quarell sayd vnto them right notably You make much adoe to haue me come to your purpose alledgyng that it is the Kinges pleasure to haue the Articles in that sort you haue deuised them to proceed and now that you do perceiue his highnes by sinister information to be bent that way you thinke it a conuenient thing to apply vnto his highnes mynd You be my friends both especially the one of you I did put to his Maiestie as of trust Beware I say what you do There is but one truth in our Articles to be concluded vpon which if you do hide from his highnes by consenting vnto a contrary doctrine and then after in processe of tyme when the truth cannot be hidden from hym his highnes shall perceiue how that you haue delt colourably with hym I know hys graces nature so well quoth the Archbishop that he will neuer after trust and credite you or put any good confidence in you And as you are both my friends so therefore I wyll you to beware thereof in time and discharge your consciences in maintenaunce of the truth But all this woulde not serue for they still swarued and in the end by dischargyng of his conscience and declaryng the truth vnto the king God so wrought with the king that his highnesse ioyned with hym agaynst the rest so that the booke of articles passing on his side he wan the Gole from them all contrary to all their expectations when many wagers would haue bene laid in London that he should haue ben layd vp with Cromwell at that tyme in the tower for his stiffe standyng to his tackle After that day there could neither Counsellor bishop or papist win hym out of the kings fauour Notwithstanding not long after that certayne of the Counsaile whose names neede not to be repeated by the entisement and prouocation of his auncient enemye the Byshoppe of Winchester and other of the same secte attempted the Kyng agaynst him declaring plainely that the Realme was so enfected with heresies and heretickes that it was daungerous for his highnesse farther to permit it vnreformed least peraduenture by long suffering such contention should arise ensue in the realme among his subiectes that thereby might spring horrible commotions and vprores like as in some partes of Germanie it did not long agoe The enormitie whereof they coulde not impute to any so much as to the Archbishop of Canterbury who by his owne preaching and his Chapleins had defiled the whole realme full of diuers pernicious heresies The Kyng woulde needes knowe his accusers They aunswered that forasmuch as he was a Counceller no man durst take vpon him
Pope haue such power as he claimeth vntill such tyme as the lawes and customes of this Realme beyng contrary to his lawes be taken away blotted out of the law books And although there be many lawes of this Realme contrary to the lawes of Rome yet I named but a fewe as to conuict a Clarke before any temporall Iudge of this Realme for debt fellony murther or for any other crime which Clarkes by the Popes lawes bee so exempt frō the Kyngs lawes that they can be no where sued but before their ordinary Also the Pope by his lawes may geue all bishoprikes and benefices spiritual which by the lawes of this realm can be geuen but onely by the kyng and other patrones of the same except they fall into the lapse By the Popes lawes Ius patronatus shall be sued only before the Ecclesiasticall Iudge but by the lawes of the Realme it shall be sued before the temporall Iudge And to be short the lawes of this realm do agree with the Popes lawes like fire and water And yet the Kings of this realm haue prouided for their lawes by the premunire so that if any man haue let the execution of the lawes of this realme by any authority from the Sea of Rome he falleth into the premunire But to meete with this the Popes haue prouided for their lawes by cursing For whosoeuer letteth the Popes lawes to haue ful course within this realm by the Popes power standeth accursed So that the Popes power treadeth all the lawes and customs of this Realme vnder his feete cursing all that execute them vntil such tyme as they geue place vnto his lawes But it may be sayd that notwithstanding all the Popes decrees yet we do execute still the lawes and customes of this realme Nay not all quietly without interruption of the Pope And where we do execute them yet we do it vniustly if the Popes power be of force and for the same we stand excommunicate and shall do vntill we leaue the execution of our owne lawes and customes Thus we bee wel reconciled to Rome allowyng such authority wherby the Realme standeth accursed before God if the Pope haue any such authority These thynges as I suppose were not fully opened in the Parliament house when the Popes authority was receiued agayne within this realme for if they had I doe not beleeue that either the kyng or Queenes Maiesty or the noblest of this Realme or the Commons of the same would euer haue consented to receiue agayne such a forraine authority so iniurious hurtfull and preiudiciall as well to the crowne as to the lawes and customs and state of this Realme as whereby they must needes acknowledge themselues to be accursed But none coulde open this matter well but the Clergy and such of them as had red the Popes lawes whereby the Pope had made hymselfe as it were a God These seeke to maintaine the Pope whom they desired to haue their chiefe head to the intent they might haue as it were a kyngdome and lawes within themselues distinct from the lawes of the crowne and wherewith the crowne may not meddle and so being exempted from the lawes of the Realme might liue in this Realme lyke lordes and kings without damage or feare of any man so that they please their high and supreme hed at Rome For this consideration I weene some that knew the truth held their peace in the Parliament whereas if they had done their duties to the crowne whole realme they should haue opened their mouths declared the truth and shewed the perils and daungers that might ensue to the crowne and realme And if I should agree to allow such authoritie within this Realme whereby I must needes confesse that your most gracious highnes and also your realme should euer continue accursed vntill ye shall cease from the execution of your own lawes and customs of your realme I could not thinke myselfe true either to your highnesse or to this my naturall countrey knowyng that I do know Ignorance I know may excuse other men but he that knoweth how preiudiciall and iniurious the power and authoritie which he chalengeth euery where is to the crowne lawes and customes of this realme and yet wil allow the same I cannot see in any wyse how he can keepe his due allegeaunce fidelitie and truth to the crowne and state of this realme An other cause I alledged why I could not allow the authoritie of the Pope which is this That by his autoritie he subuerteth not onely the lawes of this realme but also the lawes of God so that whosoeuer be vnder hys authority he suffreth them not to be vnder Christes religion purely as Christ did commaund And for one example I brought foorth that wheras by gods lawes all christian people bee bounden diligently to learne his worde that they may know how to beleeue and liue accordingly for that purpose he ordeined holydayes when they ought leauyng apart al other businesse to geue themselues wholy to know and serue God Therefore Gods will commandement is that when the people be gathered together that Ministers should vse such language as the people may vnderstand and take profite thereby or els hold their peace For as an harpe or lute if it geue no certaine sounde that men may know what is striken who can dance after it for all the sound is in vayne so is it vayne profiteth nothyng sayth almighty God by the mouth of S. Paule if the priest speake to the people in a language which they know not For els he may profite hymselfe but profiteth not the people saith S. Paul But herein I was answered thus that Saint Paule spake onely of preachyng that the preacher should speake in a tong which the people did know or els his preaching auaileth nothing but if the preaching auaileth nothing beyng spoken in a language which the people vnderstand not how should any other seruice auaile them beyng spoken in the same language And yet that S. Paule ment not onely of preachyng it appeareth plainly by his owne words For he speaking by name expressely of praying singyng and thanking of God and of all other thynges which the priestes say in the Churches whereunto the people say Amen whiche they vse not in preaching but in other diuine seruice that whether the Priests reherse the wonderfull workes of God or the great benefites of God vnto mankynd aboue al other cretures or geue thanks vnto God or make open professiō of their fayth or humble confession of their sinnes with earnest request of mercy and forgeuenes or make sute or request vnto God for any thing then all the people vnderstāding what the priests say might geue their mynds and voyces with them and say Amen that is to say allowe what the priests say that the rehearsall of Gods vniuersall workes and benefites the geuyng of thanks the professiō of fayth the confession of sinnes
Cranmer archbishop of Cant. 1889.1890.1891.1892 Letter of Carolus Magnus to Offa for intreaty of peace 131. Letter of Fredericke the Emperor to all the world agaynst the Pope 306.307 Letters of Germanus Patriarche of Constantinople to the Pope and Cardinals 282.283 Letter of Hadrian to Minutius Fundanus for the staying of persecution 41. Letter of Hildebrand Pope against Priestes mariage 175. Letters of M. Hooper full of godly comfort and consolation 1482. Letters moe of M. Hooper Martyr 1512.1514.1515.1516 Letter of Hulderike to Pope Nicholas in defence of Priests mariage 137.138 Letters of Iohn Hus. 626.627.628.629.630 Letters of king Richard 2. agaynst Walter Brute 504. Letter vnder the kinges authoritie to represse the Romayne benefices in England 275. Letters of the king of Denmarke in the behalfe of M. Couerdale with Queene Maryes aunsweres 1529.1530 Letter of king Henry 3. hys Confessor declaring his acts and exploytes in Fraunce 385. Letter of the Pope for an Italian boy to be Prebende or Chanon with aunswere thereto by Robert Grosthead Bishop of Lincolne 323.324 Letter of the Prisoners of Caunterbury throwne out of Prison declaring how the Papistes had and entended to famishe them to death 1954 Letter of the Lord Protector aunswering to Winchester 1344 1345 Letters of M. Saunders martyr 1500.1501.1052 Letter of the suffraganes of Caūterbury to Becket with his answere to the same 218.219 Letter of Tonstall and Stokesley to Cardinall Poole 1065 Letter of the Ladye Uane to M. Philpot. 1828 Letters agaynst Wickliffe 435 Letter of Winchester in defence of Images with aunswere thereto 1340.1341 Letters of Winchester to the Lord Protector 1342.1343 Letter of Wolsy to Gardiner lieger at Rome to be made pope 990 Leuiticall Priestes deuided frō the people and wherein 496 Lewlinus king of Wales warreth agaynst the king of England 328 Lewes the french king warreth in Englande and is expelled out of the same .257 dieth at the siege of Auinion 271 Lewes the french king his feruent sickenesse .292 his vow to visite the holy lande his preparation to the voyage ibid. Le●●r of Abingdon a Blasphemer of Gods Martyrs punished 2103 Lewes the french king refuseth to warre in England .289.389 his vnfortunate voyage to the holye Land .292 ouerthrowne by the Turkes and Saracens .276.296 295 taken prisoner and roūsommed ibid. Leison Doctor his dyrefull end 2136 L I. Liberality of Constātine in geuing to Churches 104 Liberty of the Citizens of London in going to warre 372 Lib●rty christiā in outward vsages 56 Licinius Emperour a tyrant an enemy to all learning an Apostata his horrible vices .87 his death 88 Licenses to preach 532 Lie substantiall and reall 2007 Liyng miracles reproued 156.125 Lies innumerable in the Popes Church 584 Life of the Monkes and religious men abhominable 1180 Life to come the blessed state therof 681 Life of Tho. Becket Archbishop of Caunterbury and Traytour 205.206 Limits of England how farre they extend 166 Lincolne persecuted 982.983.984 Lincolne Minster bu●●te 184 Lincolne Dioces persecuted described in a Table 821.822 Lineall discent of the B. of Rome 1758 Lion Cawche Martyr his story constaunt Martyrdome for the truth of Gods word 1914.1915 List●r his story and martyrdome 1909 Lithall his story and deliueraun●● 2064. Liuingus priest a maryed manne 1176. L O. Lollards as the papists call the true professors of the worde of God burned in the cheek for theyr cōstancie in the truth 774. Lollardes Tower described 1703. Lollardes as the papistes called thē or rather good Christians burned and hanged 587. Lollardes what they are and from whence deriued 465. London consumed with fire .160 besieged by the Danes ibid. London bridge built with stone 233. Londoners defend theyr bishop and fall into a great fury 427. London persecuted 802.799 Lowicke martyr his godly story and martyrdome 1970. London persecuted for the 6. articles 1202. London and Westminster at varyaunce about game 279. Londoners theyr assaulte agaynst the Duke of Lancaster and the Lord Percie 427. Londoners take part with Wickliffe and are great fauoures of hys doctrine .513 complayned of to the king by the Bishoppes ibid. Longland hys sermon on good friday before the king at Greenewiche .1097 hys filthy falshood and dissimulation ibid. Lomas Martyr hys story 1859. Lord Admirall beheaded on the tower hill 1367 Lord of Alenc a good man 944 Lordes of Bohemia writ in defēce of Iohn Hus .602 his apprehēsion and cruell martyrdome 643 Lord of Reuest plagued 2108 Lord Cobham his lamentable story and persecution .557 cited .558 excommunicate ibid. his christian beliefe .559 his 1· and 2. examinations His godly answeres 560.561.562 his condemnation .564 his counterfeit abiuration by the Papistes .565 his beliefe and cōfession of his fayth .566 his defence agaynste Alanus Copus .568 proued no Traytour but a Godly Martyr .568.569 his slaunders .572 his inditement with notes vpon the same 575. Lord Courtney made earle of Deuonshyre 1417 Lord Dane or Lordane 161 Lord Peter his Oration agaynst the pope in the parliament in france 353.354 Lord Gilford Dudley maryed to the vertuous Lady Iane. 1406 Lord Gray beheaded 1469 Lord Hastings beheaded 727 Lord Lifley Deputy of Calice cōmitted to the Tower 1227 Lord Powes betrayer of the good L. Cobham 643 Lordes prayer in English forbidde by the Papistes 973 Lord Shandois his report agaynst the good Lady Elizabeth 1425 Lord Stanley wounded 727. Lord Shefield slayne at Norwich 1308. Lord keeper hys Oration 2150.2151 Lord of Trinitie a wicked persecucutor 962. Loosing of Sathan examined 397. Loseby martyr his story and persecution .1974 hys martyrdome 1975.1976 Lothbroke father to Inguar and Hubba hys story 140. Loue commaunded in the Gospell 483. Loue of God goeth not by our deseruings but by fayth in Iesus Christ. 1927. L V. Lucius king hys death 107. Lucius Bishop of Rome banished hys Epistles decretall 67. Lurdayne 161 Lucius a worthy martyr 45. Lucius first christened king of Enland 107. Lucius sonne of Coilus king of Britayne bringeth the christian fayth into England 107.108 Lucius king hys death 118. Lucius 1. king of Britayne christined 172. Lucifers Epistle to the Popes Clergy 502. Ludouicus king of Hungary and Boheme 723. Ludouicus Emperour crowned agaynst the good will of the Pope and therefore deposed by Benedicte the 12. and afterwarde by him poisoned 373. Ludouicus Pius and hys sonne Lotharius Emperors their godly sanctions and lawes .8 deposed and poisoned by Pope Boniface .12 373 Ludouike the yong French kyng his story 255 Ludouicus Pius Emperour and kyng of Fraunce 136 Ludouicus Pius his decre against the profession of monkery 7. Luther his story and actes .841.843 why he wrote agaynst pardons .844 his appearance before the Cardinall Caie●anus .845.849 hys aunswers to the Cardinall .846 hys appeale and disputation with Eckius .847 his bookes burned .848.849 he burneth the Popes buls decrees ibid. hys actes before the Emperor at Wormes .849 hee is outlawed .853 why he permitted Images to stand and wherein he dissented
stake D. Ridley ready to aunswere D Smithes Sermon but ●●uld not ●e suffered D Marshall Vicecha●●●cellour of Oxford stoppeth D. Ridleys mouth B. Ridley committ●●● his cause to G●d M. Latimer● wordes when he could not be suffered to answere D Smith * This was no Popish Tippet 〈◊〉 made 〈◊〉 to keepe 〈◊〉 necke warme D. Ridley geueth away his apparrell other 〈◊〉 to the pe●ple 〈…〉 him M. Latimer standing at the sta●e in his shirte D Ridley 〈…〉 The death and Martyrdome of D. Ridley The lamenting hartes of the people at the Martyrdome of these two Saintes The first farewell of B. Ridley to his friendes Commendation of George Shipside his brother in lawe To his brother Iohn Ridley To his sister in lawe of vnthanke wife to Hugh his brother To his Cosin M. Nicholas Ridley To his Cosin Rafe Ridley To all his kindred B. Ridley appoyn●ed to be B. of Durham Martyrdome Gods singular and rare promotion 1. Peter 4. A blessed thing to suffer death for Christ. If 〈…〉 dye w●●h his 〈◊〉 vpō thee●es for wor●●ly goo●●s how m●ch more then to dye in Chri●●es ●uarell vpo● the enemye of his Church Deut. 7. Iohn 15. To dye in any right whatsoeuer it be is to dye in Gods cause To dye in the truth against theeues and to dye for the truth agaynst Christes enemyes compared Truth taught in the Church of England True ministration of the Lordes Supper Seruice in th● vulgare to●gue Luke 22. 〈…〉 Chri●● is contrary to Gods word is a subuersion of 〈◊〉 godlines and destruction to mans soule Comparison betweene Popishe persecutors and strong theeues Popish persecutors when they are false theeues yet will they be called true Catholickes The fight with spirituall theues is worse then with temporall theeues Ephesians 6. Ephesians 6. The weapons of a christian warriour D. Ridley 〈◊〉 to the Sea of Durham The cause of Martyrs is the common cause of Christ and of 〈◊〉 his elect Saintes Let no man fo●●acke to dye 〈◊〉 a blessed 〈◊〉 common quarell To his friendes in Cambridge Benefites shewe● to D. Ridley in Cambridge Pembroke hall in Cābridge Commendation of Pembroke hall to be a letter forth euer of the Gospell D. Ridley learned the Epistles of S. Paule Peter without booke in Pembroke hall D. Ridley called into Kent by Archbishop Cranmer To the parishe of Herne in Kent The godly Lady Phines in Herne parish To the metrapoliticke sea of Canterbury To the sea of Rochester To Westminster To the sea of London B. Ridley deposed 〈◊〉 the sea of London without right or iudgement The Sea of London worthely 〈◊〉 ● Ridleys 〈…〉 the Episcopall 〈◊〉 of London To the city of London Commendation of 〈◊〉 Richard 〈◊〉 Alderman Knight The creating of the hospitall by B. Ridley 〈◊〉 Richard Dobbes 〈◊〉 of London Commendation of Syr George Barnes Maior of London Bridewell obtayned of King Edward by Syr George Barnes to set poore people a worke To the Citizens of London To the higher house and temporall Lordes of the Parlament Gal. 3. A good warning or lesson to the temporall Lordes Ezech. 3. Luke 6. Ignorance will not excuse the temporalty being seduced in religion The Lordes of the Parliament be fallen from Christ to Christes enemy Act. 2● Many good mē in the sea of Rome So long as the Sea of Rome folowed the rules of the Apostles it might be called Peter or Paules chayre The Church receaued of the Apostles of Christ Christ of God Tertull. The sea of Rome hath degenerated from the Apostles rules and hath set vp an other religion That is hath excercised an other power Hath ordeyned strange lawes If true doctrine maketh sea Apostolicke then cōtrary doctrine maketh the sea to be Antichrist Apocalip 17. Apocalip 11. Kinges cōmitting adultery with the whore of Babilon what it meaneth Apoc. 17. Daniel ● He speaketh to the Lordes tēporall Psalme 4. If the vnity of the Popes Church standeth vpon necessity of saluation why did the Lordes of this realme abiure this vnitye in K. Henry K. Edwardes dayes If it be otherwise why then doe they periure themselues turning to it agayne 〈◊〉 6. An other farewell of 〈…〉 c. 〈◊〉 5. 〈◊〉 1 〈…〉 2. Mat● 5. Luke 21. Luke 6. Math. 10. Math. 10· Math. 10. To confesse Christ and not to feare danger 2. Cor. 4. 1. Peter 3. The causes why the Apostles so reioysed in their affliction 1. Corin. 2. 2. Cor. 12. 2. Tim. 1. The glory of Paule wherein it consisted 2. Tim. 2. ● Tim. 3. Gal. 4. The waye to heauen is by afflictions Heb. 11. Heb. 12. Reasons to moue vs to pacience vnder the Crosse. Prouerb ● Heb. 1● 2. Cor. 5. 2. Cor. 5. 1. Cor 1. Phil. 1. Luke 25. Rom 9. 1. Iohn 3. Apoc. 14. To couet to be with Christ and not to fear● death Iohn 11. Iohn 5. 2. Peter ● 2. Cor. 5. Act. 14. Luke 16. Luke 12. The state of the Church of England described 〈◊〉 The lamentable chāge of religion in the Church Ieremy 4. 1. Cor. 14. Ignorance a prayer Abuse ●n the Lordes S●pper The Sacrament turned out of his right vse kind Idolatry in worshipping the creature for the creator The cuppe debarred from the ministration of the Lordes supper Blasphemous sacrifice for sinne Deuter. 5. Idolatry is stockes and stones The whore of Babilon with her cup of abominations expounded Apoc. 17. 2. Peter 2. The misticall marchaundise of the Babilonicall strumpet All thinges at Rome for money Verses agaynst Pope Alexāder Abominations and wicked abuses of the Sea of Rome declared The true word of God the office of the same declared Note here that these Scriptures were written by M. 〈◊〉 in the Mar●e●t but were not in the copy which we ●llowed Act. ●0 Cranmer and Ridley 〈◊〉 in the Duke o● S●mersets c●use Cranmer repugning agaynst the spoyle of the Church goodes Latimer Bradford Leuer Knoxe The corrupt 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 K. Edwardes tyme. Hipocrisie a double euill The slackenes that was in that tyme to good workes Gods pla●●● vpon England iustly deserue● He exhortet● 〈◊〉 constant confe●sion of Christ Punishment of heretiques 〈◊〉 gentle in the olde tyme and how it was vsed Counsell geuen in these dayes of persecution what to doe Such as remayned out of captiuitye counsayled to voyde the realme The abominatiō of desolation set vp in England Christ cōmaundeth to flye to the mountaynes Apoc. 18. 2. Cor. 6. Counsell to depart the realme Doubtes whether to flye or to tarry debated Presumptuous prouocation rash running into daunger forbidden Euseb. Eccle. lib. 4. cap. 15. 〈…〉 dwelling in ●ngland 〈◊〉 a good 〈◊〉 eyther with out daunger of consciēce o● perill of lyfe I●●ent no excuses to c●o●e sinne Confession of 〈◊〉 must goe with belief of 〈◊〉 To trust in God what it is 1. Corin 3 2. Cor. 6. Rom. ● To beare the beastes marke● what it is Apoc. 13.14.10 The literall taking of the Scripture 〈◊〉 the Iewes 〈…〉 The Popes
to the king Note the glorious head of D. Stephens D. Cranmer sent for to the K●ng D. Cranmer seeketh excuses both to come vnto the kinges presence D. Cranmer brought to the king Talke betweene the king and D. Cranmer The king troubled in conscience Marke this you Papistes which so rashly iudge the kinges diuorce and the Popes ouerthrowe to haue sprong of light causes D. Cranmer excusing and disabling himself to the king D. Cranmer assigned by the king to search the Scriptures in the cause of his diuorce The king first geuen to vnderstand that the Pope hath no authority to dispence with the word of God The kinges 〈…〉 the Pope● Canō●●● to the 〈◊〉 of the ●●●●●tures The kinges mariage found by Gods word vnlawfull Doctor Cranmer with other sent to Rome Ambassadour to the Pope The English Ambassadours not hasty to kisse the Popes foote The vnmanerly nature of a Dogge presuming to kisse the Popes foote Arguing to the Popes face that contrary to the word of God he had no power to dispense Doctor Cranmer made the Popes Penitenciary Doctor Cranmer Ambassadour to the Emperour Conference betwene B. Cranmer Cornelius Agrippa t●e order 〈◊〉 Cran●●● study The gentle nature of Doctour Cranmer Cranmer stout and constant in Gods cause D. Cranmer a stout enemy agaynst the 6. articles Of this cōming of the L. Cromwell and the two Dukes to the Archbishop read before Example for Ecclesiasticall pastors Archbishop Cranmer in displeasure about the imploying of Chauntrey landes The singular patience of this Archbishop A story betwene the Archbishop of Canterbury a popish priest his enemy The rayling of a Popish Priest agayn●t Doctor Cranmer Chersey suing for his kinsman to the Archbish. The Priest sent for to the Archbishop The Arch●bishop● wordes to the Parson The Priest confesseth his fault to the Archbishop The rashe tongues of men sclaūderously speaking euill by men whom they neuer knew nor saw before The Priests aunswere The Lord C●omwell offended w●en the Archbi●hop 〈…〉 Priest Not geuen to filthy luker but harberous The liberall doinges of this Archbishop The Archbishop clearing all his debtes before his attainder The large expenses of Doct. Cranmer The Bishops landes sought Vn●roth told to the king of the Archbi●hop of Canterburyes housekeeping The kinges answere to the cōplayner of the Archbishop The Archbishop of Canterburyes house keeping The comylayne● asketh pardon of the king for his vntrue report The King speaketh in defence of 〈◊〉 Archbishop of Canterbury The almes of the Archbishop towardes the poore To cleaue fast to the worde of doctrine able to exhorte in holsome learning to reproue the gayn-sayer Titus 1. Archbishop Cranmer euer constāt in defence of Christes truth and Gospell 〈◊〉 Papists 〈…〉 the Arc●bishop out of 〈◊〉 w●th 〈◊〉 The Archb. agayne 〈◊〉 to the 〈◊〉 The kinge● wordes and aduise for the supportation of the Archbishop The Archbishops aunswere to the king The kinges fauorable care and consideration toward the Archbishop of Canterbury The king sendeth his signet in the behalfe of the Archbishop of Canterbury The Archbishop being one of the Counsel made to stand at the Counsell chamber dore wayting D. Buttes the kings Phisition a friend of the Archbishops The Archb called before the Counsayle The Counsaile being set against the Archb he sheweth the kinges ring and appealeth from them The kinges wordes to the Counsaile in defence o● the Archbishop The Lordes of the Counsaile glad to be friendes agayne with the Arrhbishop The king a great supporter of Cranmer The L Cromwells wordes to the Archbishop An other accusation brought into the Parlament house by Sir Iohn Gostwicke agaynst the Archb. Gostwicke check●e of the king for accusing the Archbishop Gostw●●●● glad to 〈◊〉 in agay●●● with th● 〈…〉 New 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 Iustice● 〈◊〉 Kent agaynst the Archb. Articles put to the King agaynst D. Cranmer The king maketh the Archbishop priuy of the articles Commissiō appointed to be sent into Kent for tryall of the articles Commissioners appointed to Cranmer Doct. Bellowes D. Coxe Chime M. Husley Register The false Suffragan and Barbar the Ciuilian aske the Archbishop forgiuenes The Archbishop forgiueth his enemyes Practise to get pardon for malefactors Richard Turner a faithfull preacher in Kent Papistes set against the Archbishop by occasion of Turners Preaching The trouble● of Richard Turner minister at Cartham M. Raphe Morice patrone of Richard Turner Preacher The great concourse of people to M. Turner● Preaching Syr Iohn Baker Syr Christopher Hales Syr Tho. Moile Iustices with the Prebendaryes of Canterbury persecuters of Gods people Syr Thomas Moile hearing Turner could finde no fault with his doctrine M. Turner appearing before the Commissioners at Lambeth was discharged and sent home New matter made agaynst Richard Turner The practise of of Papistes to hold vp their kingdome with lyes The king deceiu●d by sinister information New matter made agaynst Richard Turner Conspiracye against the Archb●●●op Cranmer by the Iustices of Kent Sander and Browne 2. per●ecuting Papistes This Archbi●hop maryed his second wyfe at Noremberge The true 〈…〉 of the ●acrament 〈◊〉 bookes 〈◊〉 forth by 〈◊〉 Archb. 〈◊〉 Cant. The aunswere of D. Cranmer Archb. of C●nterbury agaynst Stephen Gardiner Marcus Anthonius written by Stephen Gardiner Archbshop of Cant. about an aunswere to Marcus Anthonius Notes of D. Ridley agaynst Marcus Anthonius Peter Martyrs booke of defēce agaynst Marcus Anthonius Lady Iane. Cranmer refuseth to sweare to Lady Iane. Cranmer thorough the perswasion of the Counsell the king and lawyers subscribed to K. Edwardes Testament Manet alta mente repostū Iudicium paridis ●pretaeque iniuria matris Virgil. Aeneid 1. This Doctour Thornton was after the Bishop of Douer a cruell and wicked persecuter This Bishoppe was D. Heath Bishop after of Yorke Cranmer condem●● of treaso● Cranmer released treason 〈◊〉 accused 〈◊〉 heresie Cranmer had to Oxford D. Brookes D. Martyn D. Storye Commissioners agaynst the Archb. D. Martyn not so bitter in this persecution as other Cōmissioners were The order of 〈◊〉 placing 〈◊〉 Commi●●●●oners The appe●●●ng of the Archb. of Canterbury before the Commissioners The Archb. goeth reuerence to the Quenes C●mm●●●●●ners D. Cranmer 〈…〉 reuere●ce to 〈…〉 The Oration of Bish. brookes Apoc. ● Heres●e 〈◊〉 treason 〈◊〉 to Doct. Cranmer That is without the Church there is no saluation That is for in hell there is no redemption That is remember from whēce thou hast fallen That is for in hell there is no redemption That is remember from whēce thou hast fallen Cyprian lib. ● Epist. 6. Prouoking to the Scripture Breaking of vowes That is repent and do thy first workes Ezech. 33. Orig. in Epist. Paul ad Rom. Berengarius * That is according to the hardnes of your hart ye treasure vp to your selfe anger in the day of wrath A good conscience Marke of an euill conscience Abuses in the Church require a reformation and not a defection Cogite intrare Clarkely expounded Math. 5· Melle lita pernic●es
cannot although thou art not ashamed to call him thy maker make thee to escape the reuenging hand of the high and almighty God But be thou assured that the liuing Lord our Sauiour and redem●● which sitteth on the right hand of his father in glorye he seeth all thy wicked wayes and crueltye done to his deare members and he will not forget his holy ones and his handes O thou Whorish Drabbe shalte thou neuer escape In stead of my farewell to thee now I say lye vpon thee lye vpon thee filthy Drabbe and all thy false Prophets Yet then O London I may not leaue thee thus Although thy Episcopall Sea now being ioyned in League with the seate of Sathan thus hath now both handled me and the Sayntes of God yet I doe not doubte but in that great City there be many priuy mourners which do daily mourne for that mischie●e the which neuer did nor shal cōsent to that wickednes but do detest and abhorre it as the wayes of Sathan But these priuy mourners here I wyll passe by and bid them farewell with theyr felowes hereafter when the place and occasion shall more conuenientlye require Among the worshipfull of the citty and speacially which were in office the Maioralty yea in other Cittyes also whome to name nowe it shall not be necessary in the time of my ministery which was from the latter part of sir Rowland Dules yere vnto sir George Barnes yeare and a great part thereof I doe acknowledge that I founde no small humanity and gentlenes as me thought but to saye the truth that I do esteme aboue al other for true christian kindnes which is shewed in Gods cause and done for hys sake Wherfore O Dobbes Dobbes Alderman knight thou in thy yeare diddest winne my hart for euermore for that honorable acre that most blessed worke of God of the erection and setting vp of Christes holy Hospitalles and truely religious houses whiche by thee and through thee were begonne For thou like a man of God when the matter was mooued for the relief of Christes poore seely members to be holpen frō extreme misery hunger and famine thy hart I say was moued with pity as Christes high honourable officer in that cause thou calledst together thy brethren the Aldermen of the City before whom thou brakest the matter for the poore thou diddest plead theyr cause yea and not onely in thine owne person thou diddest sette f●rth Christes cause but to further the matter thou broughtest me into the Councell Chamber of the Citty before the Aldermen alone whome thou haddest assembled there together to heare me speake what I coulde say as an aduocate by office and duety in the poore mennes cause The Lorde wrought with thee and gaue thee the consent of thy Brethren whereby the matter was broughte to the common Counsell and so to the whole body of the City by whome with an vniforme consent it was committed to be drawn ordered and deuised by a certayne nūber of the most witty Citizēs and politique endued also with godlynes with ready hartes to set forward such a noble acte as coulde bee chosen in all the whole City and they like true and faythfull Ministers both to theyr City theyr Mayster Christ so ordered deuised and brought forth the matter that thousands of sely poore mēbers of Christ which els for extreme hunger and miserye shoulde haue famished and perished shal be relieued holpē and brought vp and shal haue cause to blesse the Aldermen of that time the cōmon Councell the whole body of the City but specially thee O Dobbes and those chosen men by whome this honorable worke of God was begon and wroughte and that so long throughout all ages as the godly worke shall endure which I pray almighty God may or euer vnto the worldes end Amen And thou O Syr George Barnes the trueth is to be confessed to Gods glory and to the good example of other thou wast in thy yeare not onely a furtherer and con●i●ner of that which before thee by thy predecessour was well begunne but also diddest labor so to haue perfited the work that it shoulde haue bene an absolute thing and a perfecte spectacle of true charity and Godlinesse vnto all Christendome Thyne endeuoure was to haue set vppe an house of occupations both that all kinde of pouerty being able to worke shoulde not haue lacked whereupon profitably they might haue bene occupied to their owne reliefe to the profite and commoditye of the common wealthe of the City and also to haue retired thither the poore Babes brought vp in the Hospitals when they had come to a certayne age and strength and also all those which in the hospitalles aforesayd had bene cured of theyr diseases And to haue brought this to passe thou obteynedst not withoute great diligence and labor both of thee of thy brethren of that Godly King Edwarde that Christian and pierlesse Princes hand his Princely place of Bridewell and what other thinges to the performaunce of the same and vnder what condition it is not vnknowne That this thine endeuor hath not had like successe the fault is not in thee but in the condition and state of the time which the Lorde of hys infinite mercy vouchsafe to amēd when it shall be his gracious will and pleasure Farewell now all ye Citizens that be of God of what state and condition so euer ye be Undoubtedly in London ye haue heard Gods word truely preached My hartes desire and dayly prayer shal be for you as for whome for my time I know to my Lord God I am countable that yee neuer swarue neyther for losse of life nor worldly goodes from Gods holy word and yelde vnto Antichrist wherevpon must needes folow the extreame displeasure of God and the losse both of your bodies and soules into perpetuall damnation for euermore Nowe that I haue gone through the places where I haue dwelt anye space in the time of my pilgrimage here vpon earth remēbring that for the space of king Edwardes raygne whiche was for the time of mine office in the Seas of London and Rochester I was a member of the higher house of the Parliament therefore seing my God hath geuen me leisure and the remembrance therof I will bid my Lords of the temporalty farewell They shall haue no iust cause by Gods grace to take it that I entende to say in ill part As for the spirituall Prelacy that now is I haue nothing to say to them excepte I shoulde repeate agayne a great part of that I haue sayd before now already to the Sea of London To you therefore my Lordes of the temporalty wil I speake and this would I haue you first to vnderstande that when I wrote this I looked daylye when I shoulde bee called to the chaunge of this life and thoughte that this my writinge shoulde not come to your knowledge before the time of the
and forgeue them Well sayde the gentle Archbishop God make you both good men I neuer deserued this at your hands but aske God forgeuenesse agaynst whom you haue highly offended If suche men as you are not to be trusted what should I doe alyue I perceyue now that there is no fidelitie or truth amongest men I am brought to this point now that I feare my left hand will accuse my right hand I neede not much meruaile hereat for our Sauior Christ truly prophesied of such a world to come in the latter dais I beseech him of his great mercy to finish that time shortly and so departyng he dismissed them both with gentle and comfortable wordes in such sort that neuer after appeared in hys countenaunce or wordes any remembrance thereof Nowe when all those letters and accusations were found they were put into a chest the kings Maiesty minding to haue perused some of them and to haue partly punished the principals of it The chest and writynges were brought to Lambeth At what tyme began the Parliamēt Lord what ado there was to procure the kyng a subsidie to the intent that thereupon might ensue a pardon which in deed followed and so nothyng was done other then their falsshood known This was the last push of the pike that was inferred agaynst the sayd Archb. in king Henry the 8. his dayes for neuer after durst any man moue matter agaynst hym in hys tyme. And thus haue ye both the working and disclosing of this popish conspiracy against this worthy Archbishop Martyr of Christ Thomas Cranmer In the which conspiracie for so much as complaint was also made vnto the kyng of his chaplaines and good preachers in Kent it shal not be out of the story somethyng likewyse to touch thereof especially of Richard Turner then preacher the same time in this Archbishops Diocesse and Curate to maister Morice the Archbishops Secretary in the towne of Chartham by whose diligent preaching a great part of this hartburning of the Papists toke his first kindling against the Archbishop Touching the description of which storie because by me nothing shal be said either more or lesse then is the truth ye shall heare the very certeinty thereof truely compiled in a letter sent the same time to Doct. Buttes and Sir Anth. Deny to be shewed vnto the kyng and so it was written by the foresaid M. Moryce Secretary then to the Archbishop farmour of the same benefice of Chartham and patrone to M. Turner there minister and Preacher aforesaid ¶ A Letter or Apologie of M. Morice sent to Sir Will. Buttes and Sir Anthony Denny defending the cause of M. Richard Turner preacher agaynst the Papistes THe letter first beginnyng in these wordes I am certain right worshipfull that it is not vnknown to your discrete wisdoms c. And after a few lynes commyng to the matter thus the said letter proceedeth As your worships wel know It was my chance to be broght vp vnder my L. of Caunterbury my maister in writyng of the ecclesiasticall affaires of this Realme as well touchyng reformation of corrupt religion as concernyng the aduauncement of that pure and sincere religion receyued by the doctrine of the Gospel which I take to be so substantially handled and builded vpon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles that hell gates shal neuer preuaile agaynst it The consideration whereof compelled me being a Farmer of the personage of Chartham in Kent to retaine with me one named M Richard Turner a man not onely learned in the scriptures of God but also in conuersation of lyfe towards the world irreprehensible whome for discharging of my conscience I placed at Chartham aforesayd to be Curate there This mā because he was a stranger in the countrey there and so thereby voyd of grudge or displeasure of any old rancor in the country I thought it had bene a meane to haue gotten hym the better credite in his doctrine but where malice once taketh fire agaynst truth no pollicie I see is able to quench it Well this man as hee knew what appertained vnto his office so he spared not weekely both Sundayes and holydayes to open the Gospell and Epistle vnto his audience after such a sort when occasion serued that as well by his vehement inueying against the bishop of Romes vsurped power and authoritie as in the earnest settyng forth and aduauncing of the kyngs Maiesties supremacie innumerable of the people of the countrey resortyng vnto his sermons changed their opinions and fauoured effectually the religion receyued The confluence of the people so daily encreased that the church beyng a faire ample and large church was not now and then able to receyue the number The fame of this new instruction of the people was so blasted abroade that the popishe priestes were wonderfully amased and displeased to see their Pope so to bee defaced their prince so highly aduanced Now thought they it is high tyme for vs to worke or els all will here be vtterly lost by this mans preaching Some thē went with capons some with hennes some with chickens some with one thyng some with another vnto the Iustices such as then fauoured their cause and faction and such as are no small fooles as sir Iohn Baker sir Christofer Hales sir Tho. Moyle Knightes with other Iustices The Prebendaries of Christes Church in Cāterbury were made priuy hereof geuyng their succour and ayd thereunto So that in conclusion poore Turner and other preachers were grieuously complained of vnto the Kynges maiestie Whereupon my Lord of Caunterbury and certaine other commissioners were appoynted at Lambheth to sit vppon the examination of these seditious preachers Howbeit before Turner went vp to hys examination I obtayned of sir Thomas Moyle that he in Easter weeke was content to heare Turner preache a rehearsall Sermon in hys parish Church at Westwell of all the doctrine of hys Sermons preached at hys Cure in Charteham whiche hee moste gently grauntyng heard Turner both before noone and after noone on the Wednesday in Easter weeke laste past and as it seemed tooke all thynges in good part remittyng Turner home to his sayd Cure with gentle and fauourable wordes I supposed by this meanes to haue stayed Maister Turner at home from further examination hopyng that sir Thomas Moyle would haue aunswered for hym at Lambheth before the Commissioners Notwithstandyng after Maister Moyles commyng to London suche information was layed in agaynst Turner that he was sent for to make aunswere hymselfe before the sayd Commissioners and there appearyng before them he made such an honest perfect and learned aunswere vnto the Articles obiected that he was with a good exhortation discharged home agayne without anye manner of recantation or other Iniunction Now when the Pope catholicke Clergy of Kent vnderstoode of his commyng home without controllement so that hee preached as freely as he did before agaynst their blynde and dumme ceremonies straightway by
the helpe of the B. of Winchester Steuen Gardiner they found a new meanes to put hym to an vtter confusion deuising that he came home from examination in such glorious pompe by the hyewayes side in the woods adjoynyng that 500. persones met hym then with bankettyng dishes to welcome hym home stirryng the people rather to an vprore and a commotion then to keepe them in any quiet obedience when in very deed contrary to this surmise as God would on this side Rochester a myle or two for auoyding all such lyght glorious talke with any of hys familiars or acquaintaunce he of purpose left the hye way and came through the woods all alone aboue 18. myles together on foote so weried and megered for want of sustenance that when he came into my house at Chartham he was not well able to stand or speake for fayntnesse and thurst This malicious tale beyng reported vnto the Kinges hyghnesse his Maiestie was so sore agrieued therewith that hee sente for the Archb. of Caunterbury willyng hym to cause Turner to be whipt out of the countrey By meanes whereof the Archbishop of Caunterbury sent agayne for Turner I hearyng thereof made incontinently report by my letters with suche vehemencie proouyng it meere malice that the Archb. vnderstāding the truth pacified agayne the kings maiesties wrath Home commeth Turner once agayne to his Cure without blotte Which so wroong the Papistes in that they could not preuayle that they thought it all in vayne any further to attempt against hym concernyng any accusation for matters in Kent the Archb. of Canterbury beyng his Ordinarie Well yet woulde they not thus leaue him vndiscredited Then was there other new matter deuised howe that he had preached erroneous doctrine in other countries before he came into Kent laying to his charge that he had both translated the Masse into English and said or ministred the same and that he had preached agaynst Purgatory Pilgrimages and praying for the dead c. By meanes whereof he was now conuented before the whole counsaile by the B. of Wint. Who sent Siriacke Petite Gentleman for hym whiche brought hym vp to London bound as I heard say and beyng examined before the sayd Bish. of Winchester and other was committed to warde for a season In the which meane tyme the Archbishop of Caunterbury beyng in Kent about the triall of conspiracie purposed agaynst hymselfe by the Iustices of the Shiere and the Prebendaries of Christes church Turner is now sent downe to the Archbishop to the entent he should recant that doctrine which long agoe he in other places out of Kent had preached to the vtter subuersion and defacyng of all that he had most godly and earnestly here in Kent taught both to the glory of God and the furtheraunce and settyng foorth of the Kinges highnesse proceedynges If hys Maiestie wyll thus permit learned honest men thus dayly to bee ouercrowed and troden vnder foote with a sort of tyrannous or rather trayterous Papists who cannot abide to heare his Maiesties supremacy aduaunced nor the sincere worde of God preached it were better for men to dwell amongest the Infidels and miscreaunts then in England What reason is this that Turner should recant here in Kent the doctrine which in other Countreys he hath taught to the woundyng and ouerthrowyng most desperately of fiue hundred mens consciences and aboue I dare say who lately by hys sincere preachyng haue embraced a right good opinion both of the Kyngs supremacy and also of the reformed religion receyued All good subiectes may well lament the kynges Maiesties estate in this behalfe that no man may dare to be so bold to aduaunce hys highnesse title but that euery ignoraunt and malicious Papist shall spurne against hym seekyng his vtter vndoyng and that by the ayde of papisticall Iustices set in authoritie I beseech your worships to pardon me of my rude homely termes They herein deserue worse if worse may bee deuised For what honest man can beare with this that so noble a Princes eares shall be thus impudently abused with manifest lyes and fables as this one is of Turners commyng home in such a triumph as they craftily and falsely had deuised It is easilye to bee espied what they meane and goe about that the Prince beyng alyue dare take in hand so vncurteously to abuse both the gentle nature of the Prince and his godly preacher the aduancer and extoller of hys iust authoritie What thinke your worships they would attempt if hys Maiestie were at Gods mercy as God forefend that euer any of vs should see that day without better reformation that can thus dally with hys highnesse blindyng hys eyes with mistes whylest he lyueth and raigneth amongest vs in most prosperitie As for my Lord of Cant. dare nothyng doe for the poore mans deliuerie he hath done so much for hym already And hys grace hath told me playnely that it is put into the Kyngs head that he is the mainteiner and supporter of all the heretikes within the realme nor will not permit me nor my neighboures to resort vnto the Counsaile for his purgation whilest he was at Chartham sauyng onely I haue obtained this at his hand that I may become a suter in writyng to my friends and good Maisters in the court for hys deliuerie And therefore it is right worshipfull that I haue nowe taken penne in hand thus to discourse and open our miserie vnto you concernyng the extreme handling of this honest poore man Maister Turner that if it may possibly be broght to passe by your godly wisedome that the poore man may bee released and discharged of hys recantation you cannot doe to God and your prince a more acceptable seruice in my poore opinion For otherwyse if he should be driuen to recant as I am sure he wyll sooner dye both Gods cause and the kyngs shall suffer no small detriment amongst hys poore louyng subiects here For if there be no better stay for the maintenaunce of these godly preachers the Kyngs authoritie concernyng his supremacy shall lye poste alone hidden in the Acte of Parliament and not in the hartes of his subiectes If they can bryng to passe that Turner may recant to the defacyng of his good doctrine preached here then haue they that for which they haue thus long trauailed And yet in effect shall not Turner recant but king Henry the 8. in Turners person shal most odiously recant to the woundyng of all mens consciences here If the kynges Maiestie do not esteeme his authoritie geuen to his highnesse by Gods word and his Parliament it were wel done that the preachers had good warnyng to talke no more to the people thereof then thus to be tossed and turmoiled for doyng their duties by the members of Antichrist And now to the entent that they might effectually for euer slander Turners doctrine here they haue indited hym for offending agaynst the vj. Articles this last Sessions by the witnesse
I am no hereticke Cooke Yes quoth he For M. Read told me that then wast the rankest hereticke of all them in the Kynge● Benche Iackson I sayd I knew him not Cooke No quoth he Yes hee examined thee at the kinges Benche Iackson I aunswered him and sayd he examined fiue other but not me Cooke Then answer me what sayest thou to the blessed sacrament of the Aultar tell me Iackson I answered it is a diffuse question to aske me at the first dash you promising to deliuer me Cooke What an hereticke is this quoth he Iackson I sayd it is easier to call a man hereticke then to proue him one Cooke Then he sayd what Church art thou of Iackson What church quoth I I am of the same church that is builded on the foundation of the Prophetes the Apostles Iesus Christ being the head corner stone Cooke Thou art an hereticke quoth he Iackson Yea quoth I how can that be seeing that I am of that Church I am sure that you will not say that the Prophetes and Apostles were heretickes Cooke No quoth he But what sayst thou to the blessed sacrament of the Aultar agayne Tell me Iackson I aunswered hym and sayde I finde it not written Cooke No quoth he Keeper away with him Iackson Yet I taryed there longe and did talke wyth hym and I said Sir I can be content to be tractable and obedient to the word of God Cooke He aunswered and sayde to me that I knewe not what the word of God meant nor yet whether it wer true or not Iackson I aunswered and sayd to hym yes that I do Cooke Wherby quoth he Iackson Hereby sayde I. Our sauioure Christ sayth Searche the Scriptures for in them you thinke to haue eternall lyfe For they be they that testifie of me Cooke This is a wise proofe quoth hee Iackson It is so quoth I What say you then to these wordes that the Prophet Dauid sayd What soeuer hee be that feareth the Lord he will shewe him the way that hee hathe chosen his soule shall dwell at ease and his seede shall possesse the land The secretes of the Lorde are amonge them that feare hym and he sheweth them his couenaunt c. Cooke Well quoth he you shall bee ridde shortly one way or other Iackson Thē I said to him my life lyeth not in mans handes therefore no man shall do more vnto me then god will suffer him Cooke No quoth he Thou art a stubborne naughty fellow Iackson You cannot iudge of me quoth I excepte you did see some euill by me Cooke No quoth he Why may not I iudge thee as well as thou and thy fellowes iudge vs and call vs Papistes Iackson Why quoth I that is no iudgement but Christ sayth If you refuse me and receiue not my worde you haue one that iudgeth you The word that I haue spokē vnto you now shall iudge you in the last day Cooke I pray thee tell me who is the head of the congregation Iackson I aunswered and sayd Christ is the head Cooke But who is head in earth Iackson I sayd Christ had members here in yearth Cooke Who are they quoth he Iackson They quoth I that are ruled by the worde of God Cooke You are a good fellow quoth he Iackson I am that I am quoth I. Cooke Then he sayd to my keeper haue him to prison agayne Iackson I am contented with that quoth I and so we departed I aunswered no further in this matter because I thought he shoulde not haue my bloud in a corner But I hope in the liuing God that when the time shall come before the congregation I shall shake theyr building on an other maner of fashion For they build but vpon sande and their walles be daubed with vntempered morter and therefore they cannot stand long Therefore good brothers and sisters be of good cheare for I trust in my God I and my other prison fellowes shall goe ioyfully before you praysing God most hartily that we are coūted worthy to be witnesses of his truth I pray you accept my simple aunswere at this time commyttyng you vnto God Of this Iohn Iackson besides this his foresayde aunsweres and examination before Doctor Cooke one of the Commissioners no more as yet came vnto our handes ¶ The examination of Iohn Newman Martyr which is to be referred to his story before pag. 1683. IOhn Newman was first apprehended in Kente dwelling in the towne of Maydestone and there was examined before D. Thornton Suffragan and others at Tenterden From thence he was brought to Boner and there condemned with M. Denley and Pachyngham and burned at Saffron Walden as is before storyed But because his examinations and aunsweres before the Suffragan came not then to my handes I thought here in this place to bestow them rather then they shuld vtterly be suppressed And first what his aunswere was by writing to the sayd Suffragan after his apprehension you shall heare by the tenour of his owne wordes as follow IT may please you to vnderstande that for the space of all the time of king Edwardes raigne we were dilligently instructed with continuall sermons made by such men whose faythe wysedome learning and vertuous liuing was commended vnto all men vnder the kinges hande and seale and vnder the handes of the whole Counsell These men taught dilligently a long tyme perswading vs by the allegations of Gods word that there was no transubstantiation nor corporall presence in the sacrament Their doctrine was not beleued of vs sodainly but by their cōtinuall preaching and also by our continuall prayer vnto god that we might neuer be deceiued but if it were true that GOD would incline our hartes vnto it and if it were not true that wee might neuer beleue it We wayed that they laboured with Gods word and we asked the aduise of our frendes neyther could wee finde that they preached false doctrine We considered also as wee did learne that the kinges Grace and his Counsell and the most part of al the whole realme beleued as they taught because no man preached the contrary Also we knowe that the preachers were commaunded by the king and the lawes of the Realme to preach vnto vs such doctrine as was to the authoritie of Gods word agreable and no other And by their dilligent setting forthe of it by the kinges commaundemente and the whole consent of the whole Counsell and by the authoritie of the Parliament we embrased it and receiued it as a very infallible trueth taught vnto vs for the space of vii yeares Wherefore vntill such time as our consciences are otherwise taught and instructed by Gods word we cannot with safegard of our consciences take it as manye suppose at this time And we trust in God that the Queenes mercifull highnesse neither yet her most honourable Counsell will in a matter of fayth vse compulsion nor violence because faythe is the gift of God and commeth not of man
leaue it to the reporte of them which in this matter know more then I here will vtter But notwithstanding al these cracks and threatnings of the king to see what the Lord can doe in making hygh kinges to stoupe euen the same day when the king was in his most rage agaynst these good men almightye God taking the cause in hand to fight for his Church so turned the matter that he made the great enemy of hys both with his mouth and with his hand to worke his own destruction with his mouth in commaunding with his han● in geuing him the Lance into hys hand which the same day gaue him his deathes wound as by the sequele hereof in reading ye may vnderstand ¶ The stroke of Gods hand vpon Henry .2 French king KIng Henry being in the Parliamēt house which was kept at the Fryer Augustines at Paris because the Pallace was in preparing agaynst the mariage of hys daughter and his sister and hauing heard the opinion in religiō of Anne du Bourg Counsaylour in the lawe a man eloquent and learned he caused the sayd Anne du Bourg and Loys du Faur Counsaylours to be taken prisoners by the Constable of Fraunce who apprehended them and delyuered them into the handes of the Countye of Mongommery the which caryed them to prison Agaynst whom the king being wrathfull and angry among other talke sayd to the sayd Anne du Bourg These eyes of mine shall see thee burnt And so on the 19. of Iune Commission was geuen to the Iudges to make his Proces During this meane while great feastes and banquets were preparing in the Courte for ioy and gladnes of the mariage that should be of the kinges daughter and sister agaynst the last day of Iune saue one So when the day tyme aboue prefixed was come the king employed all the morning in examining as wel the Presidentes as Counsaylours of the sayde Parliament agaynst these prisoners and other theyr companions that were charged with the same doctrine which being done they went to dinner The king after he had dyned for that he was one of the defendauntes at the Tourney which was solemnly made in S. Anthonies Streate neare to the prison where the foresayde Prisoners were committed hee entred into the Lystes and there in iusting as the manner is had broken many Staues right valiauntly as could be runnyng as well agaynste the Countye of Montgommery as other moe Whereupon he was highly commended of the lookers on And because he had done so valiauntly and was thought nowe to haue done enough hee was desired to cease with praise But he being the more inflamed with hearing of hys prayse woulde needes runne an other course wyth Montgommery who then refusing to runne agaynst the king and kneling vpon his knees for pardon not to run the king being egerly set commanded him vpon his allegeance to runne and as some affirme did also him selfe put the staffe in his hand vnto whose handes he had committed the foresayd prisoners a little before Montgommery thus being enforced whether he would or no to run agaynst the king addressed hymselfe after the best wyse to obey the kinges commaundement Whereupon he and the king met together so stoutly that in breaking theyr Speares the king was striken with the counter blowe so right in one of hys eyes by reasonne that the visour of his Helmet so sodenly fell downe at the same instaunt that the shiuers entred into hys head so that the braynes was peryshed thereupon so festred that no remedy could bee founde although Phisitions and Surgeons were sent for from all places in the Realme as also frō Brabant by king Philip but nothing auayled so that the xj day after that is the x. of Iuly 1559. he ended his life in great dolour hauing raigned xij yeares three monethes and ten dayes Some report that among other wordes he said that he feared he was strickē for casting the poore christians wrongfully in prisō but the Cardinal of Loraine standing by as he was alwayes at hād sayd vnto him that it was the enemy that tempted him that he should be stedfast in the fayth By this meanes the Hall which was prepared for a place of ioy and gladnes did now serue for a Chappel to keep the corps being dressed with blacke mourning cloth night and day t●ere was nothing heard but mournyng and lamenting for the space of xl dayes About two yeares after this which was the yeare of our Lord .1561 there were certayne Gentlemen put to death at Amboise for taking armes agaynst the house of Guise Touching which Gentlemen this is to be noted that as one of thē should be brought to the place of executiō where the other lay dead before him he thrust his handes into the bloud of two of his companions which were there beheaded and then lifting them vp to heauen cryed with a loud voyce Lord behold the bloud of thy childrē thou wilt in time and place reuenge it Not long after the same the Chancellor Oliuier who was condemner of thē at the instigatiō and pursuit of the Cardinall of Loraine through great remorse of cōscience fell sicke and in a frensy casting out sighes vncessauntly afflicting himselfe after a fearefull and straūge fashion for his vnrighteous sentence and more then barbarous cruelty shriked vpon a sodeyne with an horrible cry sayd O Cardinall thou wilt make vs all to be damned And within a very few dayes after he dyed Fraunces the second of that name king of Fraunce at the perswasion of the Cardinall of Loraine of certeyne others caused an assēbly of the Estates of the realm in the towne of Orleans among other things to mainteine the Papall See to the ouerthrow of those which would lyue after the sincerity of the gospel but being fallen sick shortly after in the foresayd place of a feuer through an Impostume in his left eare he dyed the fourth of Decemb. 1561. hauing raigned but one yeare and about fiue monethes It was sayd of this king Fraunces as the authour aboue mentioned reporteth that when he was drawyng toward his end the Cardinal of Loraine made him to say and pronounce these words which folow Lord forgeue me my trespasses and impute not vnto me the faultes which my ministers haue done vnder my name and authority Neither is it vnworthy of obseruation that after the father happened in much like sort by gods mighty iudgement vpon Carol. 9. his second sonne brother to Frances aboue mentioned in these our latter dayes who after the horrible and bloudy murder of the Admyrall other true professors of Christes Gospell both men womē and children to the nūber of many thousandes of diuers Cityes in so much that the prisōs streetes are said to be coloured with bloud smoking after such a cruell sort as in our time or country the like hath not hitherto bene sene by the terrible
to the feare of euill doers to the cōfort of the well doers Prouoke no more my wrath ye see what will follow it be hereafter more prudent and wyse then ye were before Ye may if ye will be more circumspect in tyme to come then ye haue bene in tyme past ye may if ye list put me to lesse trouble and keepe your selues in more safetie I haue not onely discouered myne yours and my land of Englands enemies all the crafts subtleties and pollicies that haue bene or may be vsed by them or any like hereafter but I haue also taken away their head and captaine and destroyed a great number of them that ye should not be troubled with them and some of them haue I left that ye may make them spectacles and examples to the terrour and feare of their posterity Loue me and I will loue you seeke my honour and glory and I will worke your commoditie and safetie walke in my wayes and commaundements and I wil be with you for euer Surely if we consider the wonderfull mercy that it hath pleased God to vse towards vs in the deliueryng of this Kealme and vs his people out of the handes of these most cruell tyrants as we cannot but do vnlesse we wyll declare our selues to be the most vnthankefull people that euer liued we must needs iudge it not onely worthy to be compared but also farre to exceed the deliueraunce of the children of Israell out of Egypt from the tiranny of Pharao and from the powers of Holofernes and Senacherib For it is not read that either Pharao or the other two sought any other thing then to be Lords of the goods and bodies of the Israelites they forced them not to committe Idolatry and to serue false Gods as these English tyrāts did But besides if we will note the wonderfull works of God in handling this matter we shall well perceiue that farre much more is wrought to his glory and to the profite of his church and people then perchance all men at the first do see For he hath not onely dispatched the Realme of the chiefe personages and hed of these tyrants but also as it were declareth that he mynded not that eyther they or their doynges shoulde continue For albeit that all actes done by tyrantes tyrannouslye bee by all Lawes reason and equitie of no force yet because no Disputation shoulde follow on this what is tyrannously done and what is not tyrannouslye done hee hath prouided that this question needeth not come in question For hee vtterly blinded their eyes and suffred them to builde on false grounds which can no longer stande then they bee propped vp with rope sword and fagot For her first parliament whereon they grounded and wroght a great part of their tyrannie and wherein they ment to ouerthrowe whatsoeuer king Edward had for the aduauncement of Gods glory brought to passe was of no force or authoritie For she perceiuing that her enemies stomacke coulde not be emptied nor her malice spued on the people by any good order she committeth a great disorder She by force and violence taketh from the Commons their libertie that according to the auncient lawes and customes of the Realme they could not haue their free election of knights and Burgesses for the Parliament For shee well knew that if eyther Christian men or true English men should be elected it was not possible to succeed that she intended And therfore in many places diuers were chosen by force of her threats meet to serue her malicious affectiōs Wherfore the parliamēt was no parliamēt but may be iustly called a conspiracy of tyrantes and traytors For the greater part by whose authority and voyces thinges proceeded in that Court by their actes most manifestly declared themselues so the rest being both Christians and true English men although they had good wills yet not able to resist or preuayle agaynst the multitude of voyces and suffrages of so many euill false to God and enemyes to their countrey Also diuers Burgesses being orderly chosen and lawfully retorned as in some places the people did what they could to resist her purposes were disorderly and vnlawfully put out and others without any order or lawe in their places placed Doctour Taylour Bishop of Lincolne a Christian Byshop and a true English man being lawfully and orderly called to the Parliament and placed in the Lords house in his degree was in his robes by vyolence thrust out of the house Alexander Nowell with two other al three being Burgesses for diuers shyres and Christian men and true Englishe men and lawfully chosen retorned and admitted were by force putte out of the house of the Commons for the which cause the same Parliament is also voyde as by a President of the Parliament holden at Couentry in the 38. yeare of K. Henry the sixt it most manifestly appeareth And the third Parliamente called in the name of her husband and of her euill grace wherein they would haue vndone that her noble Father and the Realme had brought to passe for the restitution of the libertie of the Realme and for extinguishment of the vsurped authoritie of the Bish. of Rome is also voyd and of none authoritie For that the title and stile of supreme head of the church of England which by a Statute made in the 35. yeare of the raigne of the sayd K. Henry was ordeined that it should be vnited and annexed for euer to the imperiall crowne of this Realme was omitted in the writs of summonyng Wherefore as a woman can bryng foorth no chyld without a man so cannot those writs bring forth good and sure fruit because this part of the title which was ordeined by the Parliament for the forme to bee alwayes vsed in the kings stile was left out For greater errour is in lacke of forme then in lacke of matter And where the foundation is naught there can nothing builded thereon be good There is no law spirituall nor temporal as they terme them nor no good reason but allow these rules for infallible principles And if any man will say that it was in the free choise libertie and pleasure of the king of this Realme and the Queene whether they would expresse the said title in their stile or not as that subtile serpent Gardiner beyng Chancellor of the realme and traiterously sēdyng out the writs of Parliament without the same stile perceiuing he had ouershot himselfe in calling the Parliament and hauing committed many horrible murthers most mischieuous acts would haue excused it as appeareth by a piece of the Statute made in the same Parliament in the 8. chap. and 22. leafe it may be iustly and truly answered that they could not so do For albeit euery person may by law renounce his own priuate right yet may he not renounce his right in that which toucheth the common wealth or a third person And this title and stile more touched the common wealth and
1424 Articles decreed vpon in the Coūsell of Constance 644 Articles of peace betwene Englād and Scotland 368.379 Articles of Iohn Hus to be inquired of 650 Articles agaynst Winchester with his aunsweres to the same 1350 1351.1352 Articles ministred to 7. Godly martyrs taken at Islington by Bishop Boner 2037.2038 Articles set vp vpon church dores agaynst king Henry the 4. 518.519 Articles of the studentes of Paris agaynst the Friers 408.409 Articles gathered out of Ioh. Hus his bookes and falsly wrested by the Papistes 613.614.615 Articles of Cardinall Poole to bee inquired of in his visitation 1969 Articles of Winchester agaynst D. Barnes with his reply 1198 Articles agaynst Iohn Hus obiected in the Counsel of Constāce 600 Articles of the Parliamente of Fraunce agaynst the Pope 353 354 Articles of Iohn Wickeliffe condemned in the Counsell of Constance 449.450 Articles deuised by king Henry 8. for reformation of Religion 1094.1095.1096 Arthur his trouble and persecuciō 998.999 Arundell Archbyshop of Caunt and the Byshop of London persecutors of the Gospel .507 proued a traytor by parliament .512 banished the land ibid. Arundell Bishop of Caunterbury his death 2103 A S. Asclepiades bishop of Antioch cōfessor .55 Martyred 61 Ashes prohibited to be vsed in time of Lent 1299 Ashdons wife martyr her story 1983.1984 Ashwednesdaye at Basill of Gods owne making 872 Assembly of the Nobles at Chesterfield where they were ouerthrowne 335 Assembly of the Nobles at Salisbury 198 Assirius a riche senatour Martyr 75 A T. Athalas martyr plucked in sonder 98 Atkins Martyr his story Martyrdome for the trueth of Christes Gospell at Rome 2151.2152 Athens razed to the ground by the Turkes 742 Athelwolphe sonne of king Egbert 136 A. V. Aucocke his trouble for the Gospel dyed in prison and buryed in the fieldes 1561. Audley Lord his pittie vppon the persecuted with his iudgement of the popish priestes 1228. Aue Maria a salutation no praier 1741. Augustine Packington the Byshop of Londons marchaunt 1019. Auies 10. for one Pater noster 1601. Auinion taken by the Pope and French king 271. Auington martyr his story 1914. Aultar where it is howe to be taken and who is the true aultar 1991.1992 Auies tolling by whome inuented 710. Aultars taken downe and why .1331 with reasons prouing the same ibid. Aurelius Ambrosius hys comming into England 113. Aurelius Martyr 65. Aurelianus his merueilous abstinence and death 75. Aurelianus mouer of the ix persecution agaynst the Christians 75.76.77 Auricular confession not grounded vpon the word of God 27.493.75.1105 Auricular confession why instituted why to be detested 1653. Auricular confession with the abuses thereof 1172. when it began and by whom .1172.1404 Reproued .493 the minister of Lust .508 Not necessary 540. Austen Barnher seruaunt to M. Latimer and a good minister 1654. Austen sent into England by Gregory .116 his questions to the Pope wherein he desireth to be resolued .116 Aunsweres to the same questions 117. Austen made Archbishop hys letany miracles and story .116 hys great and excessiue pride 119. Authority of the Church 1824 Authority of the Church alledged agaynst Heretickes and why 1616 Authority of Councelles aboue the Pope 593 Authors writing of the my●acles of certayne Martyrs suspected 4 5 Authors of the Turkes story 757 Authors of the Canon law reproued .493 found contrary to thēselues 495 Authors disagreement aboute the liues and times of certayne martyrs 38 A Z. Azades an Euenuche and a courtier Martyred for the truth 98 B ante A. BAbilas bishop of Antioch Martyr his godly story life and constant Martyrdome for the truth 61. Backster her noble story 664. Bagley priest and Martyr his story and martyrdome 666. Bakers and Millers punishment first inuented 339. Baiazetes the 2. the x. Emperour of the Turkes 744. Baiazetes the 4. Turkish Emperour his story .738 ouercome of Tamerlanes 739. Baifield Martyr his story .1021 articles ministred agaynst hym with his aunswers to the same .1021.1022 his condemnation degradation and martyrdome 1203.1204 Baker Martyr his story Martyrdome 2058. Baldwine elect Archb. of Canterbury his strife with the monks 239. Bane doctor a cruell persecutor of Gods saints 1954. Bangor Abbey built 119. Baulding a persecuter strikē with lightning 2101. Baptisme abuses .28 how abused by the papists .1693 water therof geueth not the holy ghost ibi Baptising in riuers not in fontes vsed 119. Baptisme without bishoppyng is sufficient and saueth .1306 how to be ministred to Infidels .1842 how to the children of the Christians ibid. Baptisme in the mother tongue to be administred 1104.1105 Baptisme of water no cause of fayth 1994. Baptisme may be ministred to any singular person .1816 not in the fayth of the promisers .1810.1818 of great antiquitie in the church .1840 is of God and not of men ibid. ought to be ministred to the English people in english 1904 Baptisme in the faith of the true church of Christ and not in the tottering faith of the promisers 1813.1818 Baptisme vsed amongest the olde Romains without so many foolish ceremonies as it is now pestered withall 119. Baptising of bels and of dead men 6.159.861 Barnes doctor his story trouble for the Gospell .1192 he beareth a fagot and flieth into Germany .1193 sent as Embassador .1194.1203 his death and martyrdome 1199.1200 Barbara finall widow her story martyrdom with 6. others 1980 1981. Barnes of the Popes destroyed 275. Barons of England their warre with K. Henry the 3. 331.332.333.334 Barons their supplication in the behalfe of Iohn Hus. 605. Barriers and Turney sport turned into bloudshed 338. Barton Chancellor of Oxford 434 Bartholomew the apostle crucified and beheaded 32. Barber his recantation at Oxford 1207. Bartholomew Cornemonger hys persecution and trouble 642. Bamford Martyr his story 1602. Bartholomews built 191. Barton persecuted 641. Bartholomeus Cassaneus plaged of God 2107. Bartholomew a Bookebinder Martyr 955. Barthelet Greene Gentlemā martyr his story .1844.1851 His apprehension ibid. his letter to M. Philpot .1852 his examination condemnation and confession .1853.1854.1855 his letters 1855.1856 his martirdom 1858 Barwike recouered from out of the handes of the Scots 340.341 Barwike yelded vp to K. Edward the 3. who appointed captaines ouer it 376. Barwike geuen to the Scottes by K. Henry .6 712. Basill reformeth religion 871. Basill graunteth safeconduct to the Christian Bohemians for their commyng to the Councell 657.675 Basill Citizens wise behauiour at the Councell 682. Basilides of a persecutor made a most constant Martyr 54. Bassianus Emperour surnamed Carocalla 57 Bassinet doctor his orations 946. Basset his story and persecution 1039. Baineham Martyr his tragicall story 1027. his condemnation constant martyrdome 1028.1029.1030 Badby his persecution examination and martyrdome 521.522 Battaile betwene Edmund Ironside and king Canutus stayed by an Oration 162. Battaile bloudy betwene 2. Popes for S. Peters chaire 169. Battaile at Barnet 715. Battaile at Tewkesbury 716. Battaile of Prince Edward with Erle Simon at Eusham 333. Battaile betweene the K. of England
Bristanus Bishop of Winchester his fabulous miracle 148. Brimford battell with certayne verses therof 148. Brice his deliuery 2081. Briget a popish Sainct 419. Bridewell obtayned of the king to set poore men on worke 1774. Brokes his Oration to D. Cranmer in Oxford 1872.1873 Browne his trouble and deliueraunce 2065. Browne Martyr his story 2053. Browne martyr his story martyrdome apprehended condemned and burned 1844.1857.1858 Broke his trouble for the Gospel 1225. Brockmayl consul of Chester 819 Brother false to Thorpe 539. B. V. Bucer Paulus Phagius bones taken vppe in Cambridge and burnt with theyr bookes at the visitation holden there 1956. Bull of Pope Leo .10 agaynst Martin Luther .1280 with the aunsweres of Luther to the same rayling Bull. 1281. Buts Doct. a friend to Cranmer 1866. Bull of the Pope for exempting of the Clergye from all tributes taxes and subsidies 349. Bull blasphemous of Pope Clement 374. Bulles from Rome to Oxford agaynst Iohn Wickliffe and hys doctrine 431.432.433.422 Bull of Pope Hildebrand agaynst Priestes mariage 175. Bull of Pope Bonifacius 9. against the Lollardes 503. Bulles from the Pope to Henry Spencer Bishop of Norwiche to fight in hys Warres 446. Bull of Pope Martin agaynst the gospellers 648. Bull of the Pope agaynst Iohn Hus. 553. Bulles of the Pope forbid in England by king Edward the 3. 421. Bull of the pope for the conception of the virgine Mary 801. Buying and selling of praiers pardons and the like abhominable before God 498 Burton his story 1226. Burton Bayly of Crowland plagued for setting vp the masse 2100. Burton not suffered to be buryed in christian buriall 1715. Burton his tragicall story cruel martyrdome in Spayne for the true testimonie of Iesus Christ and hys Gospell 2056.2057 Burrell hys persecution 665. Burhered his death at Rome in the English house there 141. Burgate Martyr 2058. Bury Abby and the towne theyr ciuill commotion and dissention amongest themselues 374. Burning the statute thereof proued insufficient .441 repealed by the king ibid. Burward Martyr 1708. Burgeses vnlawfully thrust out of the Parliament house in Q. Maryes dayes 2117. C A. CAbriers and Merindoll their tragical bloudye persecution for their constancie in the truth of christes gospell 943 Cadolus a Lumbard made Pope by the Emperour 168. Calender of the booke of Actes and Monuments defended 581 Calice besieged .386 won and subdued 387. Calice persecuted 1223.1226.1230 Calice men 13. sent to London and there dismissed 1228. Callyng of God diuers 547. Calepinus the 5. Turkish Emperour 739. Calue councell where the people fel. 158. Calocerius Martyr 41 Calixtus bish of Rome martyr 57 Calaway goldsmith of London and his wyfe their story 1230. Caiphas deposed 31 Caligula worshipped as God 30 31 Caligula a poysoning tyraunt hys death 31 Calabria persecuted for the gospell and destroyed by the Papistes 942 Campeius cardinall Embassadour into England .986 his mules loden with rosted egges and olde shooes ibid. Cambridge censure agaynst the Popes supremacie 1059 Cambridge too ready to receyue the masse in Queene Maries days 1466. Cambridge common schooles builded 133 Canons of the Popes lawes contrary to themselues 546 Canon of the masse with the Rubricke of the same full of blasphemy and abhomination 1398.1399 Canon of the masse authorised 259 Canonicall scripture only to be read in the church of God 7. Canon law reprooued 402 Canterbury consumed with fire 227 Canutus cutteth of the noses and hands of his pledges .161 hys superstitious pilgrimage to Rome 163. Canutus a Dane king of england his voiage to Rome buildeth there an hospitall commaundeth very presumpteously the sea to obey him .164 his lawes ibid. Canterbury colledge built 396 Canterbury taken of the Danes burnt 161. Canutus his lawes 779 Candles bearyng on Candlemas day how it first came vp .146 forbid to be vsed 1299. Canon law full of heresie 546 Capras besieged and taken of the Emperour 315 Captiues vnder the Turkes their extreme misery 758 Cardinall Wolsey hys pompe and pride 986. Cardinall Otho his legacie into england .265 his grieuous exactiōs and oppressions 266 Cardinall Cambray in the councell of Constance 608. Cardinall of Florence 606. Cardinall Sadolet 949. Cardinals depriued of their liuings in England 421 Cardinal of Winchester sent to raise warre against the Bohemians .656 accused by Humfrey Duke and Lord Protectour .704 falleth into premunire is prooued a traitor and dyeth vngodly 706 Cardinall Campeius Legate from the Pope into Germany .862 hee is an extreme enemy to Priestes mariage 865 Cardinals what mischief commeth by them 1070 Cardinall Iulian his Epistle to Eugenius the Pope 697.698 Cardinall Poole hys returne into England .1475 his oration in the Parliament house .1476 hys absolution to England his letter to the Pope for ioy of Englandes conuersion ibid. Cardinals conspiracies against the Emperour 180. Carelesse his death in the Kynges Bench his examination and answers .1919.1920 his Letters 1924.1926.1930.1933 Carpenter martyred at Bristow 1953. Cardmaker Martyr his story and martyrdome 1578.1579 Carpenter Martyr his story and martyrdome 884.885 Carman Martyr his story .2035 his martyrdome 2036. Caruer in Spayne burned for breking his Image 930. Carmer Martyr 1708. Caruer Martyr his story martyrdome 1680.1682 Carus Emperour slaine with lightnyng 76. Cardanus in prayse of K. Edward the 6. 1296. Carolus Molineus vpon the decretals of Pope Gregory the 9. 313. Carbuncle in the Popes Miter worth 6000. florens 351 Carinus slayne 76. Carolus 9. frenche king plagued of God 2112. Carolus magnus called v. generall councelles and was euer liberall to the sea of Rome 131. Carder martyr his story and martirdome 1276. Carolostadius casteth downe images in Germany 862. Carlile and new castle kayes some time of England 375. Cassianus his tragicall and lamentable story stabbed in with pen-kniues by his own schollers and so martyred 92.93 Cassadorus his Epistle to Englād concerning the abuses of the pope 352. Castellanus a bloudy persecutor plagued of God 2109. Cases papall wherin the pope may dispence are 51. in number as the Papistes hold 793. Castle of Lewes besieged 333. Castellane Doctor and martyr his trouble and persecution .878 degraded .879 his martyrdom 880 Catologue of martyrs suffering vnder Licinius 92. Catalogue of such Normaynes as were aduaunced to seigniories after the conquest of Englande 183. Catalogue of such as suffered vnder Decius 64. Catalogue of such nobles as came with William Conquerour into England 183. Catechumini what it signifieth in our tongue 1842. Catte with a shauen crowne hanged on a peare of gallowes in Cheapeside in Q. Maries ●ime 1469. Catholi●ke defined 1824.1825 Catmer martyr her story and martyrdome 1859. Caueat emptor a ballad of Fecknams 1560 Caueat for England 32. Cawches martyr her story persecution and martyrdome 1943.1944 Cawbridge burned 1131. Cautions for the vnderstanding of the law 980.981 Cautions to the reader of thinges to be considered in the volume of this history 2149. Causton and Higbed of Essex their story .1539 theyr martyrdome for the
friers and the studentes of Paris 328 Contention of the Archbyshoppes who should sit on the right hande of the Cardinall 228 Contention betwene the Friers of Fraunce the Prelates of Paris 392 Contention betweene Boner and Winchester 1089.1090 Contention betwene king Henry 1. Anselme Archbishop of Caūterbury about doing homage to the king 192 Contention betweene the Archb. of Caunterbury the Monkes about trifles 236.237.239 Contention betweene the Kyng of Englande and the Monkes of Caunterburye for choosing the Archbishop 238 Contention betwne the french king and king Iohn 255 Contention betweene the Pope and king Iohn about the consecrating of an Archb. 220.251.241 Contention betweene the Pope and Friderike the Emperour for the election and depriuation of Bishops 298. Contention of the Archb. of Cant. and Yorke who should sit on the right hand of th● Cardinal 265 Contention and schisme in the popes church 272 Conspiracies of Pope Innocent against Frederike the Emperor 297. Concubines permitted of the Pope for money 862 Constantinople taken by the Turks 742 Conquests in England 171 Conradus Hager 390 Constantius his worthy commendations his fauour to the Christians 81 Constantinus Magnus borne in Englande .108 first christened Emperour his fauour to the christians 101.102.103 Constantine his donation prooued to be false .105 his liberalitie in geuing to the church .104 his liberalitie to schooles and pitie to the poore ibid. his graunt for the Popes supremacie prooued false .115 hee kisseth the woundes of them that suffered for Christes sake ibid. Constantines law for the Popes election suspected and examined 4 Constantinus imbracing christian bishops 781 Constantine writeth to Sapores in fauour of the Christians .99 his Epistle to his subiects in the East 102 Conuocation of S. Frideswide in Oxford 444 Conuocation in Paules in Londō 1410 Councel of Cloneshoe with the decrees there enacted 128 Councels of the Popes one burne an others decrees 146 Councel of Constance against Wicliffe his articles and bookes 449 Councell of Constance a sacrilegious councell 1150. Councell of the prelates of Prage agaynst the gospellers 589 Councell and the church aboue the Pope 671.672 674. Councell of Nice falsified by the Pope 4. Councels generall called by Emperours 1068 Councell at Thetford in England with the acts therof 125 Councels may and do erre 1117 Councell aboue the Pope 670. Councell of Basill dissolued 700 Councels called by the Emperors without the Pope 676 Councell of Nice constituted other bishops equall in authority to the Pope 10. Councel of Carthage .6.4 had great contention about the Popes supremacie 10.11.12 Councell wicked what harme it doth 68 Councell of Winchester 172. Councell of Laterane 168 Councell of Frankford 373. Councell of Pise 553 Councell of Brixia agaynst Pope Hildebrand 181 Councell of Ratisbone 865 Councell of priestes against Henry Sutphen 875 Councel of Laterane inuented trāsubstantiatiō and established the same for a true and infallible doctrine 1152.1149 Councell of London with the acts thereof 174 Councell of Trecas with the decrees of the same 196 Concilium Gangrense Constantinopolitanum 1135 Councell of Rome vnder Hildebrand against priests 1164 Councell of Winchester agaynste priests mariage 1167 Councels in the primitiue Churche concluded that none should appeale to Rome out of their owne prouinces 1055 Councell of Constance .593 Prelates there assembled ibid. their orders and decrees .593 they deny the communiō in both kynds .596 their outrage against Iohn Hus. 606 Concilium Lateranense 205 Councell of the nobles agaynst the bishop of Ely he is deposed clothed in womens apparell bayted of women complaineth of the K. and the nobles 247 Councell of Rhemes with the acts thereof 198. Councell of Laterane hatched the egge of transubstantiation 253 Councel of Constance decreed that the Pope should be subiect to the Councell 673 Councell of king Henry the 8. deuided in religion 1201 Councell of Rome where an Oule appeared before the Pope 592 Councell of Constance condemneth Iohn Hus burneth his bones 464. Councell of Basill with the determinations therof 668 Councell of Luserne with the constitutions thereof 867 Councels fathers and histories their testimonies agaynst Images 2130.2131 Cooe martyr his story and martirdome 1707.1708 Cope aunswered for reprouing this booke of Actes Monumentes 580.582.583 Cooper of Watsam in the Countye of Suffolke Carpenter falselye slaundered of certeyne wordes accused thereof arrayned condemned and put to death for the same by the bloudy Papistes 2099.2100 Cornelius a Romayne first baptised of all the Romaynes 20 Cornelius Martyr Byshoppe of Rome his story constancy accusatiō for writing to Cyprian his martyrdome 64.65.66 Cornelius Bongey Martyr 1714 Corneford Martyr his story and martyrdome 2053 Corne vpon the grounde tythed to the Pope 273 Cornemonger his trouble and persecution 642 Cornewall a Tanner murthered for the Gospell by the bloudsucking Papistes 1669 Corruption growne in the Church by much peace 76 Corpus Christi feaste inuented by whom 507.351 Coronation of Pope Felix the fifte 690 Cotes Bishop of Chester a cruell persecuter of Christ in his members 1565 Cotten martyr his story and martyrdome 2042 Couentry Martyrs 975 Couentry persecuted for the Gospell 776.777.778 Couētry how and by whom made free with libertyes aperteyning thereto 165 Cowle of S. Fraunces remitting the 4. part of penance 1001 Court of the pope translated to Auion in Fraunce 351 Court of the king aboue the Popes Court or Bishops consistory 473 Couerdale writ for into Englande by the king of Denmarke 1529 1530 Couering of the aulters 1404 Coxe a popishe Promoter sodenly dyed 2101 C R. Cranmer sent Ambassadour to dispute aboute the mariage of the king 1121. made Archb. of Canterbury ibid. Cranmer withstandeth the sixe articles in the Parliament house 1136 Cranmer with the Lady Iane arreigned of treason in the Guilde Hall Cranmer quit of treason .1418 Cranmer Ridley Latimer sent to Oxforde to dispute .1428 condemned all three together 1403. Cranmer charged wrōgfully with falsifying the Doctors and Fathers his answere in clearing of himselfe 2135 Cranmer Godfather to king Edward Lady Elizabeth 1054 Crampe ringes of Winchesters 1350 Craishfield Martyr his story examination condemnation and Martyrdome 2009.2010.2011 Cradle for Queene Maryes child with verses therupon 1597 Creame and oyle 53.60 Creed who brought into the masse 1402 Cressens a Philosopher procurer of Iustinus death 44 Crescentius Cardinall President of the Councell of Trent hys terrible and fearefull end 2106 2107 Crome committed to the Fleete 1467 Crowne of Englande not of suche great reuenewes as the Popes were out of the same 289.389 Croniclers reproued of errours in theyr Cronologies 577 Crompe his story 443 Crow miraculously preserued vpon the seas with his new Testament 1913 Crosse appeared to Cōstantine the great in the ayre 85 Crosse of golde borne before the Pope 137 Crosse how to be honored 567 Crosse not to be worshipped 85 Crosse bearing cause of great strife betwene the Arbishop of Caunterbury and the Archbishoppe of Yorke 227.228 Crokhay a Godly woman troubled
cruelty .1703 his sodeine and fearefull kind of death 2036 E. A. EAster day in strife for the obseruation therof .54 disputed of 123.124 Eating of Christe what it is 494. Eating of whitemeate in lent set at libertie 1210 Eastland martyr his story .2037 his articles obiected against him 2038. his condemnation and cōstant martyrdome 2039. Eares of Christians slayne for the Gospell ix sackes full 339. Earle of Kent put guiltlesly to death 376. Earle of Notingham made Duke of Northfolke 514. Earle of Warwicke flyeth into France and hys returne agayne into England 713. Earle Henry of Richmond hys ariuance in Wales .728 his huge warres with king Richard 729 Earle Simon his pride after victory gott 333. Earle Symon with other slayne in the battayle at Eusham 334. Earle of Warwicke with the Lord Mountacute slayne 715. Earthquake morayne and pestilence in England 198. Earthquake at Wickliffes examination 436. E. C. Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction abused in the romishe churche 5.6 Ecclesiasticall persons subiecte to the temporall power 6. Ecclesiasticall persons exempt by the Pope from all subiection to kinges and princes 192. Ecclesiasticall promotions in the handes of straungers valued 429. Eckius the popes stout champion hys end 2107. Eckius hys reasons for the supremacie 847. agaynst M. Luther 850.851.845.849 agaynst Carolostadius .847 his reasons for the authoritie of the Romyshe Churche 2. E. D. Edwardes three that were kinges before the conquest 159 Edward .1 king of England hys lyfe and story .339 he and hys Barons at strife .349 peace cōcluded betwixt them with theyr petitions to the king .350 hee denyeth first fruites to the pope .352 hys death and epitaphe 366. Edward .2 his bloudy murther of his nobles .371 taken and imprisoned 373. Edward 2. his raygne his lyfe and story 366. Edward 3. crowned 374. marieth the Earle of Henault his daughter called Philip. 375. Edward 3. his letter to the Deane and chapter of Paules agaynst Iohn Stafford Archbishop of Caunterbury 383. Edward 3. his letters to the King and nobles of Fraunce .377.38.367 taketh the king of France prisoner 388. contendeth wyth the Pope and restrayneth hys bulles from comming into England 389. Edward 3 denyeth the popes prouisions and reseruations .383 his voyage into Fraunce defieth the French king .384 his acts there .385 he claymeth the crowne of France .383 bewitched of a woman by the helpe of a frier .425 his death 428. Edward 4. crowned 713. maryed to Elizabeth Gray ibid. taken prisoner by the Earle of of Warwicke ibid. had victory in 9. battayles hym selfe being presente 717. hys sonne borne at Westminster in Sanctuary 714. Edward 4 his warres and contention with the Erle of Warwike .713 hys death 727. Edward called the martyr his story 157. proued a bastard ibid. Edward called the Martyr murthered of his stepmother her seruant 159 Edward the confessor hys story 164. Edward proued a bastard wrōgfully made king 158.157 Edward borne in bastardy of Elfled king Edgars concubine 156 Edward 5. and his lamentable history 727. Edward 6. his raigne his rare cōmendations and vertues .1295.1296 deliuereth the bible to the bishops .1294 reformeth religion 1297.1298 sendeth for learned men into the realme .1296 setteth forth Gods word .1298 calleth a parliament .1299 setteth forth the booke of common praier .1301 represseth superstitiō .1302.1303 aunswereth the rebels in Deuonshire and Cornewall .1305 hys death 1395. Edward 6. his instruction geuen to Sir Anth. Seintleger knight of his priuy chamber beyng of a corrupt iudgement in the Sacrament of the Eucharist 2139.2140 Edward Seymor erle of Hereford made duke of Somerset protector of the realme and gouernour of the kings person 1296 Edward Plantagenet beheaded 731. Edward prince slayne 716 Edward sonne of K. Hen. 3. wounded with a poisoned knife 337 Edward the elder his story 146 Edward the confessor his Shrine 336. Edward duke of Somerset Lord Protector his trouble 1367 Edward Burton not suffred to be buried in christian buriall 1715 Edward Benet preserued by gods prouidence 2075 Edward Freese Martyr his story 1027 Edward Grew his trouble and deliuery 2065 Edward Sharp martyred at Bristow 1953 Edgore his terrible death 2104 Edwine hindered from being christened by custome .121 his miraculous conuersion baptised in Yorke ibid. Edwine king of Britain his trouble and miraculous calling to the fayth 120 Edwine king an enemy to monks suspended and dieth 152 Edwine king of Northumberland enemy to Monkes 114 Edelburge poysoned her husband 132 Edenborough won from the Englishmen by the Scottes 368.379 Edina taken of the Turkes their barbarous cruelty shewed vpon the poore christians there 752 Edrike a traitor executed 162 Edgar his story .152 his actes and noble exploites .154.155.156 A great builder and repairer of monasteries ibid. his blemishes .155 his lawes .779 his death 156 Edgar his oration to the Clergy 169. Edmund king of Eastangles called S. Edmund his story 114.115.140 Edmund king murthered on hys priuy 162 Edmund Ironside 162 Edmund Archbishop of Caunterbury canonized a Saynte .280 condemned in Rome in a thowsand markes 285 Edmund Peerson his accusation agaynst Bayfield 1048 Edward Prince born of Q. Iane 1087 Edmund Poole Martyr his story and martyrdome 1912 Edmund Hurst Martyr his story 1914.1915 Edmundus king of England 150 Edmund Allin Martyr his story persecution examination and martyrdome 1979.1980 Edmūd Stafford bringer in of the Popes bulles 430 Edmūd Boner a furtherer of printing the Bibles at Paris .1191 made Bishoppe of London ibid. became a notable Papist 1192.1194.1296.1397.1349.1487 E G Egbert king of Kent taken Prisoner 130 Egbertus crowned king his victory agaynst the Danes 135 Egbert of a king made a Monke 131 Egesippus an ecclesiasticall writer 53 Egelred king his coronation life described 160 Egfride made king of Northumberland 124. Egges eating made heresye of the Papistes 1043 E. L. Eleanor Cobham her defence agaynst Alanus Copus .702 proued no traytor ibid. Election of the Byshop of Rome geuen to the Emperoure .159 resteth only in the emperor .298 confirmed ratified to be in the Emperours iurisdiction 299. Election of Bishops in the power of euery king in hys own country till Hildebrandes time 300. Election of ministers in the olde tyme not without the consent of the people 1105. Electors of the Emperour 7. and who be they 160. Election of the Bishop of Rome in whome it consisteth 5. Election or predestination wyth notes vpō the same 1657.1658 Election standeth vpon grace not merites .1994 vpon the fewest number not the most 1996. Eldadus Byshop of Glocester 113. Elfricus archbishop of Caunterbury his bookes proued antentique .1139 his bookes agaynst transubstantia●ion 1140. Eleuation of the sacrament by Honorius brought in 1403. Eleuation and odoration by whom inuented 1149.1152 Elfleda proued a Nunne and her childe a bastard 156. Elizabeth Barton called the holye mayd of Kent with her conspirators executed 1054. Elizabeth a blind mayd martyr her story and martyrdome 1914 Elizabeth Cooper Martyr burned at Norwiche her story and martyrdome
suche like needles in a common welth and to be banished forth 1110. Gonnes when first inuented 708. Gouche martyr hys story Martyrdome 2048. Gospell brought into Boheme by meanes of Wickliffes bookes 464. Gospellers their godly endes 2114 Gospell of S. Iohn translated into english by Bede 127.1115 Gospell ought to bee in Englishe tongue 1000. Gospell the doctrine thereof 976. Gospell wherein it consisteth 539. Gospell and the lawe whereto they appertayne 1655. Gospell of Mathewe in Hebrewe 53. Gossips inhibited by the Popes lawes to mary 29. Gossopry no cause to dissolue matrimony 545. Goose Martyr 717. G L. Glasse windowes who first inuented and brought in 122.127 Glasing when it first began 122 Gloria in excelsis ordeyned by the Pope to be song in the blasphemous Masse 130.141 Gloria Patri appoynted 1404 Glouers theyr story trouble and persecution 1709.1710.1711.1712.1713 G R. Grantham Churche burned wyth lightning 269 Gracianus 201 Gray Friers first in Englande began 199 Gracianus Compiler of the popes decrees reproued 299 Gratian his blinde distinction disproued 71 Graduall with Alleluia in the masse 1402 Gratwicke Martyr his examination and aunsweres .1977.1978 his martyrdome ibid. Granter his story and recantation 642 Gray a Smith accused of heresy 1185 Gregorius 1. Bishop of Rome refused the name of vniuersall Byshop .12.13 his Epistle to Austen in England 115. he writeth to Eulogius Patriarch of Alexandria about the supremacy .13 his letter to king Ethelbert 118. Gregory 9. brought horrible impiety into Christes Churche .300 his death 311 Gregory 9. at variaunce with the Romaynes .281 his treasons against Fredericke the Emperor 302.303 Gregory 12. periured 553 Gregory calleth the Emperor hys Lord. 118 Gregory Parke Martyr 1794 Gregory caried through Rome vppon a Camell with hys face towards the Camels tayle 197 Gregory a place of his agaynst the supremacy examined 13 Gregory .9 first restrained lay men from readyng and instructing others in scriptures 1979 Gregorius Ariminensis 390 Gregory Basset his persecution 1039 Gregory Crowe meruailously preserued vppon the seas with hys new testament 1913 Greeke Church and Latin wherein they differ 186 Greeke church denieth subiectiō to the church of Rome 282.351 Grecians excused in departyng frō the church of Rome 282.292 Grecia all gone from the Church of Rome 282 Gre●ill martyr her lyfe and story 1277 Greuāces of the Germains against the court of Rome 859.733 Greuances agaynst the Clergy of England 995 Greene scourged 2060.2061.2062 Greene hys trouble and deliuery 2065 Grimwood witnesse agaynst Iohn Cooper hys terrible death 2100 Grineus hys storye deliuered by gods prouidence 2077.2078 Groues wyfe Martyr her story 1983.1984 G V. Guin Askin and Palmer their story and constant martyrdome for the truth 1939.1940 Guelphes and Gibellines are factions in Rome 2.342 Guilermus Ockā writeth against the Pope 389 Gunilda Empresse saued frō death by a dwarfe 163 Guarlacus Reader in the Uniuersitie of Louaine hys death 2106 Gualterus the Popes Legate cōmeth into England 185 Gulielmus de sancto amore writeth agaynst the Pope and is cōdemned for an heretike of the Pope 317.318 Guillemine Gilbert her trouble and persecutiō .1943.1944 her martyrdome for the gospell 1944. Guido and Sybilla their notable history 234 Guines taken 387 Gunterus Emperour poysoned 374 Gunners of the Turkes Christians 748 Gutrum prince of the Danes christened 142 Gurmundus 115 H A. HAdrian Emperor 40. writeth to the proconsull of Asia in fauour of the Christians 41. his death ibid. Hadrian his proud letter to the byshops of Germany 203 Hadrian an english man Pope .202 his letter to Fridericke with answere to the same 203 Hadley the firste that receiued the Gospell in England 1518 Hallowing of Churches abused by the Papistes 860 Hallowing of Aultars 1404 Hallowing of flowers and braunches 1405 Hartes hall in Oxford built 372 Hall noted of vntruth 578 Haull Martyr his story and martyrdome 1678.1679 Halingdale Martyr 2025.2026.2027 Hampton court geuen to the king 987 Hamelton his story burned in scotland his articles condemnation martirdome 972.973 974 Hamond Martyr his story martyrdome 1909 Hayle Martyr his story and martyrdome 1689.1701 Haliwell Martyr his story Martyrdome 1914.1915 Hatte of Cardinall Woolsey wyth the royalty thereof 989 Harpoole Martyr his story 1906 Harding his Story and Martyrdome 983 Harold last king of the Saxons 166 Harland Martyr his story 1914 Harpsfield his Disputation to bee made Doctor 1459 Harris scourged 2062 Harold Harefoot king of England 162 Harlots rule all at Rome 146 Harold takē of the Normans 1065 Haruy persecutor his terrible end 2103 Hart Martyr his story 1953 Hay Martyr his story and Martyrdome 1970 Harrison Martyr 1277 Hare his trouble and persecution in Calice 1224 Harwood Martyr his story and martyrdome 1689.1702 Hardeknoute the laste Kyng of the Danes that ruled in Englande 163 Haukes Martyr his excellent story .1585 his examination .1586 1588. his wonderfull constant Martyrdome 1591.1592 Harries Martyr his story 2037 Hayles Iustice his trouble persecution .1410 committed to the Tower .1467 his tragicall story .1532 would haue killed himselfe at last drowned himselfe in a Riuer 1533 Hale Martyr his story 2052 Hayward Martyr 1708 Hauington of new colledge in Oxford Papist drowned himselfe 2104 Hastlen Gunner of Bulloyne hys trouble for the Gospell and deliueraunce by the prouidence of God 2137.2138 H E. Head supreame of the Uniuersall church Christ Iesus onely not the Pope and euery kyng in his prouince 1894 Heades of children 6000. found in the Popes motes thorough the restraint of Priests lawfull mariage 139.1155 Head of the church kyng of England prooued by records 340 Heluetians their history 865 Heliogabalus his monstrous lyfe 57. slayne by hys souldiours ibid. Helene Euryng Martyr her story and martyrdome 2007.2008 Helena maried to Constantius 77 Henry the 2. French kyng a bloudy persecuter of Gods people slayne in Iustyng by Montgomery 2110 Henry Benifield a cruell keeper of the good Lady Elizabeth in Q. Maries dayes 2094.2095.2096.2097.2098 Henry Smith Lawyer his terrible end 2105 Henry 3. his warres with hys nobles .279 sore wounded summoned a Parliament is restored to his dignity 334 Henry .4 crowned .514 his bloudy murthers his statute ex officio first that euer tormented christians with fire of English kyngs .518 articles agaynst hym hee prooued periured .519 hys death 557 Henricus de Hassia agaynste the Pope 420 Henry Cesar condemned of treason 304 Henry duke entreth into England .201.202 peace concluded betweene hym and king Stephen ibid. Henry the 4. Emperour excommunicate by 4 Popes 119. Henry Forest martyr 982 Henry Crompe 443. Henricus 6. Emperour poysoned in the hoste 351. Henry Dauy Martyr 2049. Henry Earle of Richmond obtayneth the crowne and raygneth by the name of Henry the seuenth 729. hys death 776.777 Henricus 4. wayteth 3. days 3. nightes at the popes gates barefoote and barelegged for absolution .792.785 surrendereth hys crowne to the Pope 786. Henry the fift called Princeps Sacerdotum .585 crowned 558. hys death 657.
844. Pardon 's bought and sold. 498. Pardon 's deceauable 3. manner of wayes 494. Pardons of 40. dayes for bringing fagottes to burne good men 983 Parker Archbishop of Cant. witnesse at the burning of Bilney 1012. Parker martyr 1794. Par●s Uniuersitie began 143. Parliamentes theyr inconstancie mutable instabilitie 1720. Parliament at Burie 706. Parliamentes in the reigne of king Richard .2 agaynst the Pope 512. Parliament at Yorke by king Edward the 3. 421. Parma taken of the Pope and hys frendes .314 besieged of the Emperour ibid. Parliament sommoned in Fraunce agaynst the Pope with complayntes greeuous and articles infinite agaynst his p●ling exactions 353.354.355.356 Parliament at Northamptō 375. Parliament at Salisbury 376 Parliament at Paris by Phillip king of Fraunce 343. Parliament in Fraunce agaynst the Pope 353.354 Parliament of king Edward .6 1299. Parliamentes and theyr authorityes 1187. Parliament of Queene Mary with the actes and statutes therin determined 1410.1466 Parliamente in Queene Maryes dayes vnlawfully called 2117 Parliament of K. Henry .8 995 Parliament at Oxford 279 Parsons of the Romaines in Enland despoyled of theyr rentes corne 275 Paschalis first beginner of Popish transubstantiation 1147 Paschalis Pope his atyre and maner of coronation .196 he setteth the sonne agaynst the father ibid. Pater ●oste● in strife in Scotland .1274 brought into the Masse 1403 Patriarch of Constantinople obteyned of Mauritius the Emperour to bee called by the name of vniuersal Patriarch and resisted by Gregory Byshop of Rome 13 Patriarches 4. equall in power and authority 1062 Patriarches 4. appoynted by the councell of Nice and why 9 Patriarches 4. in Augustines time 1759 Patricke Pachingham Martyr .1683 his story and martirdome 1684.1687 Patricke Hamelton his story burned in Scotland his articles cōdemnation and martyrdome 974 Patrickes places 976 Patricke Patingham his christian confession sent out of Newgate to certeine of his frendes 2141 2142 Pattins of glasse borne before the Priest 57 Paulus Phagius and Bucer their bookes and ●ones burnt in Cābridge at the visitation there holden by the appoyntment of the Cardinall 1956 Paule and Peter suffer death vnder Nero Domicius for the gospell of Christ. 31 Paule his epistles to seuen Churches 35 Paule the Apostle his doctrine reduced to 5. poyntes 16. Paule the Apostle conuerted whē 30. Paule neuer a member of the deuil 609. Paule thappostle beheaded vnder Nero hys wordes to hys wife going to execution 34. Paule manifesteth his doctrine before Nero is condemned and suffered 35. Palles deare at Rome 172. Palle geuen by the Pope howe 172.179 the price of Palles ibid. Palle of Anselme brought to Cāterbury 185. Paule Crawe a Bohemian martir 667. Paule 1. Pope mayntayned images against the Emperour 130. Paules steeple set on fire by lightning 704. Paules Churche in London built by whome 133.114 Paulinus a good bishop conuerted king Edwine to the faythe of Christ. 121 Pauier town clerke of London an vtter enemy to the Gospell hanged himselfe 1055. Pax brought into the Masse 1403 Paynter martyred 1279. Pauie towne clarke of London persecutor hanged himself 2101 P E. Peace of the Church howe long it endured 76. Peace betweene king Henry the 3. and hys nobles 331. Pearne hys sermon agaynst Bucer and Paulus Phagius in Camb. 1962. Pecocke Bishoppe of Chester hys story 709. Peckham archbishop of Canterb. 349 Peeke hys story and martyrdome for the Gospell of Iesus Christ. 1131. Pelagius the 2. Bishop of Rome withstoode the councell of Constāce in the title of vniuersality 12. Penance enioyned kyng Edgar by Dunstane 156 Penance of diuers persons 731 Penance or repentance wyth the errors thereof after the papists 26 Penance popish the maner thereof 804 Penance of poore men for not bringing L●tter to my L. horses 555 Penance of Thomas Pie Iohn Mendham Iohn Beuerley and Iohn Skilley 663 Penance of poore women for pledgyng maistresse Ioyce Lewys 2013 Penance enioyned Leicester abiurates 506 Penance of kyng Henry 2. for the death of Becket 227 Penance or repentance deuided into three partes· 26 Penalties of the 6. articles 1135 Penalties for Priestes that haue wyues 195 Penda king of the Mercians slain 122 Penitentiarius Asini. 390 Pensions out of the cathedrall and conuentuall churches to the Pope 336 Pepper her story and martyrdome 1914.1915 Persecution commeth by no chance 100 Persecuters plagued of God 58 Persecution the viij with the cause thereof 68 Persecution ceaseth for a time 51 Persecution by hunger and pestilence 84 Persecution hoat and grieuous amongest the Christians 61.62 Persecution cōmeth by Gods prouidence and not by chaunce 1646 is an infallible token and marke of the true Church 1753 Persecutiōs in the primitiue churche tenne .34 the firste was sterred vp by Nero Domicius .34 The second by Domicius Emperour .35 The third by Traianus Emperour .39 The fourth vnder Marcus Antonius .42 The fifte vnder Seuerus Emperour .54 The sixt vnder Maximinus the Emperour .59 The seuenth vnder De●ius .59 The eighth vnder Emelianus and others .68 The ninth vnder Aurelianus Emperour .75 The tenth vnder Dioclesian whiche was a most bloudy persecutor 77 Persecutiō in Angrogne Lucerne S. Martin and Perouse 955 Persecution in Antioche Pontus Alexandria and other places 79 Persecution in Couentry 776.777 Persecution in Chichester 2024 Persecution in England 79 Persecutions 4. in England before Austen 115 Persecuting Byshops in Queene Maries dayes comprehended in a summe 2101.2102 Persecutors of Gods people punished of God 2199.2100.2102 2104.2106.2108.2112 Persecution grieuous in Ipswich 2089.2090 Persecution in the East ceaseth til the time of Wickliffe 85 Persecution in the Emperours Campe. 78 Persecution in Europe in Lyons in Fraunce and Uienna 46 Persecution in Fraunce described in a Tabl● 897 Persecution in Germany 874.875 886 Persecution in Kent vnder Chichesley 642 Persecution in Lincolne Diocesse 982.983.984 Persecution in the diocesse of Lincolne in a table 821.822 Persecution in Lichfield and Couentry and of the trouble of good men and women there 1955 Persecution in London dioces about the sixe articles 1202 Persecution in London dioces .802 798. with their seuerall articles obiected 799.803 Persecution in Nichomedia exceeceeding bloudy 78. Persecution in Scotland 1266.1267 Persecution in Spayne Fraunce and sondry other places 79. Persecution in Suffolke 1912.1913 Persecution of the Waldensis 230 Persecution in Windsor 1211 Periury of the Papistes 271. Periury terrible punished .55 punished in Duke Elfred 147. Peregrinus martyr 52. Perris Concubine to king Edw. 3. 425. Pernam Martyr 1914.1215 Perkin Werbeck fayning himselfe to be king Edwardes sonne 799 36 Perouse greuously persecuted 955.956 Perotine Mass●y Martyr her story and martyrdome 1943.1944 Antony Persons martyr hys story 1213.1218.1220 Peter of Herford a Burgundian a rich Bishop 330. Peterpence first inuented .114 stopped by king Henry the 8. 1053.48 Peterpence graunted to the pope thorow the whole land of England 136.51 Peter Pence and other taxes forbid to be payd at Rome by king Edward the 2.370 howe they came vp ibid. Petrus de rupibus
Succession of Peter 1120 Succession of Bishops no certayne or essentiall poynte to knowe the true Church by 1613.1614 Suffolcke persecuted 660 Suffolke men assist Queene Mary to the Crowne 1407 Suffolke persecuted 1912 Sulpitius Martyr 4 Sultanes first so called 737 Summe of S. Paules doctrine 20 Summary Collection of the errors heresies and absurdities of the Popes doctrine Summus Orbis Pontifex a proude title of the Pope neuer vsed till the time of Boniface 3. Phocas the wicked Emperor 12 Supper of the Lord how ministred by our sauiour Christ is a representation of hys body and bloud 1973. Supper of our Lorde the true vse thereof .1174 why ordayned 1431. Supper of the Lorde requireth a communion 1816. Superalter what it is 1519. Supplication of all the nobles and Commons of England to Pope Innocent 4. in the Councell of Lyons 288. Supplication of the persecuted preachers dyrected to king Phillip Queene Mary 1483. Supplication of beggars by fishe 1014.1015 Supplication of M. Philpot to the king and Queenes Maiesties 1829. Supplication of the inhabitants of Suffolk and Northfolke to Q. Maryes Commissioners 1902 1903.1904.1905.1906 Supplication of the Nobles in the Parliament house to the pope 1477. Supplication of the persecution in Muchbently to the Lord Darcy 2005. Supplication of the Nobles of Boheme in the behalfe of Ioh. Hus. 602. Superstition crept into the churche with Monkery 153. Suppression of Abbies by K. Hēry the 8. 1101.1070 Supremacy of the Pope resisted by diuers Churches 13. Supremacy of the church of Rome reproued .1065.1066 neuer knowne to the auncient fathers 1066.1067 Supremacy of the Pope set vpp and established in the Parliamēt of Queene Mary 1481. Supremacie of the Pope driuen out of England 1094. Supremacie of the Pope ouerthrowne how it came vp 1647.1648 Superioritie in the Churche what and how lawfull 21. Superioritie none amongst the Apostles proued by great and forcible reasons 14. Sueues his story 99. Suffragane of Douer brake hys necke after he had receaued the Cardinals blessing 2099 S. W. Swallowe persecutor of George Egles plagued of God for hys bloudy crueltie 2009.2010 Swallow a cruell tormentor of Gods sayntes his end 2103. Swearing when where and how lawfull 529.538 Swearer hys terrible and fearfull end 2104.2105 Swearing by a booke whether lawfull and howe where and when it is lawfull to sweare and take an othe 529. William Sweeting Martyr .804 his articles and Martyrdome 818. Swinderby hys story .464 cited 470. processe agaynst hym .471 his aunswere .472 condemned hys appeale .473 hys forced abiuration .465 hys protestation letters .467 articles articulate agaynst him falsely wrested by the maligne Papistes 466.468 Swincherd made Bishop of Winchester 142. Swingfield bewrayer of one Angels wife hys death 2100. Swithinus Byshop of Winchester hys fained monkish myracles 137. Swordes neuer geuen to the pope 473. Swordes blunt and hangmen wery with murthering of Christians 80 Sworde of the Pope double 499. S Y. Symphorissa with her .7 children martyrs 41. Symon a Deacon martyred 32. Symon zelotes crucified 32. Synode of Cloneshoe 128. T A. TAble of the Martirs that suffered in Fraunce 897.898 Table of the Nobles of Boheme 638 Table of the Martyrs that suffered in Germany 886 Table of the Spanish Martyrs 928 Table of certaine Countryes won frō Christendome by the turks 760 Table of the successiō of the Archbishops of Caunterbury 394.395.396 Table of the yeares of the Turkes and Saracens 771 Table of the persecution in the dioces of Lincolne 821.822.824 Table of the Popes extortions exactions and oppressions in England 284.282 Table of suche as abiured vnder Warrham Archbishop of Can̄terbury 1286.1278 Table of certayne persons abiuring with theyr articles 1040 Table of the Saxon kinges such as made themselues Monkes 134 Table of the Saxon kinges which raigned from Egbert to Williā Conqueror 135 Table of the kinges of Englande that reigned with the Saxons after theyr comming in 112.113 Table of all orders of religion 260 Table of the 7. Kingdomes of the Saxons ruling in England 110 Table of the Italiā Martyrs 934 Tacitus Florianus Emperors 75 Tacianus commended 45 Tamerlanes his victoryes againste the Turkes 739 Tame deuill his story 2108 Tamerlanes king of Persia a cruell Tyraunt 739 Tancrede king of Cypres his maner of interteining of King Richard the first 244 Tankerfield Martyr his story examination condemnation and cōstaunt martyrdome for the Gospell 1689.1690.1681 Tartarians theyr spoyle in Christendome 338 Tathe besieged of the cruell merciles Turkes 754 Tayler Doctor Parson of Hadley his life and story .1518 his examinations .1521 his degradation .1524 his godly death and cōstant Martyrdome .1526.1527 his letters 1528 Taylour his apprehēsion trouble with Articles obiected agaynste him .658 his martyrdome 659 T E. Te Deum song for Queen Maries child 1476 Telesphorus Byshop of Rome Martyr 52 Templaries their order began 200 Templaries burned at Paris 368 Templaries of Ierusalem ouerthrowne 294 Templaries put downe 351.368 Temples destroyed 77 Tempest horrible in England 269 Tempting tooles of Sathā wherwith hee assaulteth the Godly 1925. Tenne Martyrs sent at once to Boner Bishop of London to be examined 1689. Tenne blessed martyrs burned in C●lchester for the profession of Christes veritie 2005.2006.2007 Tenthes graunted to the Pope for for 7. yeares by the king of England 335. Tenthe parte of all moueables in England and Ireland geuen to the Pope for the election of Richard the Archbishop of Caunterbury 273. Tertullian a great learned manne his Apology in the behalfe of the Christians his blemishes 55. Testimonie of the vniuersitie of Oxford and of Iohn Hus of Iohn Wickliffe 448. Testimonies for the principalitie of the Pope 17 Tewkesbery battaile whē where and how atchieued and ended 716. Tewkesbery a godly Martyr hys story .1024 his martyrdome 1026. Testwood his trouble and persecution with the cause thereof .1211 hys death 1220. Tewlerus an auncient preacher agaynst the Pope 390. T H. Theodora Martyr 4. Theodoretus archbishop of Caunterbury beginner of misrule in the Englishe churche 124. Theodora a virgin martyr her story 63. Theonus first archbishop of London 172. Theeues amongest the Romaines burnt in old time 62. Thirtene persons burned at stratford the bowe in one fire .1915 theyr agreement in theyr fayth 1915.1916 Thaddeus Martyr 32. Thackuell martyr her storye and martyrdome 1910.1911 Theodorus martyr his story 99. Theodorus 2. pope 146 Theophilus ecclesiasticall writer 53. Theodulus Deacon of Alexander hys martyrdome 38. Theotechnus Byshop of Cesarea 35. Thirlby hys story 1090. Thomas Audly speaker of the Parliament house .1053 made Lord Chauncellour of England 1054. Tho. Arundell archbishop of Canterbury hys constitutiōs against the gospellers hys horrible death 587.588 Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Caunterbury a bloudy persecutor 507. Thomas Arthur hys trouble persecution .998 articles ministred agaynst him 999. Thomas Benbridge Martyr hys story .2046 articles obiected agaynst him ibid. his death and glorious martyrdome 2047. Thomas Barnard martyr his story 774.