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A23587 In the yere of thyncarnacion of our lord Ih[es]u crist M.CCCC.lxxx. and in the xx. yere of the regne of kyng Edward the fourthe, atte requeste of dyuerce gentilmen I haue endeauourd me to enprinte the cronicles of Englond as in this booke shall by the suffraunce of god folowe ...; Chronicles of England. Caxton, William, ca. 1422-1491. 1480 (1480) STC 9991; ESTC S106522 335,760 359

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cōmaunded all his men that were with hym that when they were come vpon Gildesdon̄ that they shold slee all that were in Alureds cōpanie that com̄ with hym from normandie and after that taken Alured and lede hym in to the I le of Ely and ther put onte both his yien of his hede and afterward bring hym vn to deth And they diden so for they quelled all y● companie that xij were in nōbre of gentilmen that were comen with Alured from normandie ¶ And after nōmen Alured lad hym in to the I le of Ely and put out his yien oute of his hede and rent his wombe and nōmē the chief of his boels put a stake in to the grounde an ende of the boels ther to fastned And with nedles of ●ren prikked the good child so made hym go aboute the stake till that all his bowelles were drawen all oute And so died ther Alured thurgh treson of the erle Godewyne ¶ When the lordes of Englond had herd wyst how Alured that shold haue bene hir kyng was put vn to the deth thurgh the fals traitour Godewyne they were all wonder wroth swore bitwene hem god by his holy names that he shold die in more werse deth than did Edrith of stratton̄ that had betraied his lord Edmond Irenside they wold haue put hym to dethe but the thefe traitour f●ey thennes in to denmarke and there helde him iiij yere m●re and lost all his land in Englond ¶ Of seint Edward the confessour that was Aluredes brother how he was kyng of Englond ¶ Ca. C.xxv ANd when this was done all the barons of Englond senten an othir tyme in to normandie for that Edward shold come in to Englond with mochel honour And this Edward in his childehode loued almyghty god hym drad And in honeste clennesse lad his lyfe and hated sinne as deth And whē he was crouned and annoynted with a riall power he foryate nat his good maners condicions that he first vsed and foryate nat all good customs for no maner honour ne for no ricchesse ne for no maner higness b●t euer more more yaf hym to goodnesse wel loued god and all mekenesse and loued god and holy churche passing all maner thyng and poure men also a●d hem loued and helde as they had hene his owne bretheren and to hem ofte yafe grete ●lmesse with good wyll ¶ Of the first specialte that god shewed for seint Edwardes loue by his lyfe Ca. C.xxvj IT befell on a day as he went from the churche of westmynstre and had herde masse of seint ●ohan Euangelist for as moche as he loued seint Iohan E●angelist more specially after god and our lady than he did any othir seint And so ther come to hym a pilgryme and praied hym for the loue of god and of seint Iohan Enangeliste some good hym for to yeue And the kyng preuely toke his ringe of his fynger that no man ꝑceyued it and yafe it to the pilgryme and he hit vnderfenge and went thennes This kyng Edward made all the good lawes of Englond that yit bene most holden And was so merciable and so full of pite that no man myght be more ¶ How the Erle Godewyne come ayene in to Englond and had ayene all his land and afterward seint Edward wedded his doughter Ca. C.xxvij WHen the Erle Godewyne that was duellyng in denmark had mochel herde of the goodnesse of kyng Edward and that he was full of mercy and of pite And thought that he wold gone ayene in to Englond for to seche and to haue g●ac● of hym and that he myght haue his land a●ene in pees and arraied hym as moch as he myght put hym toward the see come in to England to london ther that the kyng was that tyme and all the lordes of Englong and helde a parlement ¶ Godewyne sent to hem that were his frendes and were the most grettest lordes of the land and praied hem to beseche the kynges grace for hym and that he wold his pees and his land graunt hym his enemies ladden hym before the kyng to seche grace And anone as the kyng hym saw he appeled hym of treson and of the deth of Alured his brother and these wordes vn to hym said Traitour Godewyne quod the kyng I the appele that thou hast betraied and slayne my brother Alured ¶ Certes sir qd Godewyne saue your grace and your pees and your lordshipp I neuer hym betraied ne slew him ther for I put me in reward of the court Nowe fair lordes qd the kyng ye that bien my lieges Erles and barons of the lād that here ben all assembled Full well ye haue herd myne Appele and the ansuere also of Godwyne And therfor I wyll that ye award and doth right The Erles barons tho drowen hem all to gedre for to done this award by hem selfe so they speken diuersely amonges hem For somme said ther was neu neuer alliaunce by homage serment seruice ne by lordshipp bitwene Godewyne Alured for which thyng they myȝt hym drawe ¶ And at the last they devised demed that he shold put hym in the kynges mercy all to gedres Tho spake the erle ●euerich of Couētre a good mā to god to all the world told his reson in this maner said The Erle Godewyne is the best freuded man of Englond after the kyng and well myȝt it not bene gayn said that withoute conseill of godewyn̄ Alured was neu neuer put to the deth wherfor I award as touchyng my part that hym self his sone euery of vs xij erles that bene his fredes wend before the kyng charged with as moche gold sil● as we mowe bere bitwen our hondes prayeng the kyng for yeue his euell wyll to the erle godewyn̄ receyue his homage his land yeld ayene ¶ And all they accorded vn to that award comen in this maner as is aboue said euery of hem with gold sil● as moche as they myȝt bere bitwene hir hondes before the kyng they saiden the forme and the maner of hir accord of hir award ¶ The kyng wolde not hem gayn say but as moche as they ordeyned he graunted and confermed And so was the Erle Godewyne accorded with the kyng and had ayene all his lande And afterward he bere hym so well and so wysely that the kyng ●oned hym wonder moche and with hym was full priuee And withyn a litell tyme the kyng loued hym so moche that he spoused Godewynes doughter made hir quen● And notheles for all that tho the kyng had a wife he lyued euer more in chastite and in clennesse of body withoute any flesshly dede doyng with his wi● and the quene also in hir halfe lad holy lyfe ij yere deide ¶ And afterward the kyng lyued all his lyfe withoute any wif● ¶ The kyng yafe the erledome of Oxenford to Harold that
in the see barges botes and grete plankes as many as they myȝt ordeyne haue for to gone to the forsaid castell of Swandone with men on fote and eke on hors ¶ But the walshmen had so moche peple were so stronge that they driuen he englishmen ayene so that ther was so moche prese of peple at the turnyng ayene that the charge the berthen of hē made the barges and botes sinke And ther was drenched full many a good knyght that is to seyne Sir Rogier of Clifford Sir williā of lyndesey that was sir Iohanes sone fitz Robert sir Richard Tanny and an huge nombre of othir all was thurgh hir owne folie for yf they had had good espies they had not bene harmed ¶ When kyng Edward herd t●lle that his peple was so drenched he made sorwey nowe But tho come sir Iohan of vessye from the kyng of aragon brougth with hym moch folk of bachilers and of Gascoynes were sowdiours and duellyng with the forsaid sir Iohan of vessye vnderfonge of hym wages with hym were witholde noble men it were for to fight brent many tounes queld moche peple of walshmen all that they myght take ¶ And all tho with strength and myght made assaute to the Castell of Swandon and gete the castell And when Dauid the princes brother herd this tydyng he ordeyned hym to fligh● ¶ And Lewelyn the prince saw that his brother was flowen and sore was abasshed For he had no power to his werre for to maynten ¶ And so Lewelyn gan for to flee and wend well for to haue ascaped But an o morwe sir Rogier Mortiemer met with hym only with x. knyghtes and set hym rounde aboute and to hym went smote of his hede and presented hym vn to the kyng Edward And in this maner the prince of walys was taken and his hede smyten of and all his heires disherited for euermore thurgh rightfull dome of all the landes of the reame ¶ How Dauid that was Lewelynes brother prince of walys was put to the deth Ca. C lxiiij DAuid that was the Princes brother of walys thurgh pride wente for to haue bene Prince of walys after his brothers deth And vpon that sent he after walsshmen to his ꝑlement at dinbigh and follilich made walys arise ●yens the kyng and began to meue werre ayens the kyng and did all the sorwe disese that he myght by his power When kyng Edward herd of this thynge he ordeyned men to pursue vpon hym And Dauid ferselich him defēded till that he come to the toun of seint morice ther was Dauid take as he fledde and led to the kyng And the kyng commaunded that he shold be honged and drawe and smyte of his hede and quarter hym and sende his hede to london and the iiij quartiers sende to the iiij tounes chief of walys for they sholde take example aud ther of bene ware ¶ And afterward kyng Edward let crie his pees thurghoute all walys and seised all the land in to his hande and all the grete lordes that were left a lyue come to done feaute and homage to the kyng Edward as to hir kynde lord ¶ And tho let kyng Edward amende the lawez of walys that were defectife ¶ And after he sent to alle the lordes of walys by his lr̄e patent that they shold come all to his parlement And whan they were come the kyng said to hem full curteisely Lordynges ye be well come and me behoueth your counceill and your helpe for to wende in to Gascoyne for to amende the trespaces that me was done whan I was ther And for to entrete of ●ees bitwene the kyng of Aragon and the Prince of Morrey ¶ And alle the kynges liege men Erles and Barons consented and gr●unted ther to ¶ And tho made hym kyng Edward redy and went in to Gascoyne and let amende alle the trespaces that hym was done in Gascoyne And of the debate that was bitwene the kyng of Aragon and the prince of Morrey he cesed and made hem accorded ¶ And while the good kyng Edward and the Quene Elienore his wife were in Gascoyne the good Erle of Cornewaille was made wardeyne of Englond till that kyng Edward come ayene ¶ And tho enquered he of his traitours that congetted falfenesse ayens hym and eche of hem alle vnderfenge her dome after that they had deserued ¶ But in the mene tyme while that the good kyng Edward was beyonde the see to done hem for to make amendes that ayens hym had trespaced ther was a fals the●e a traitour that was called Rys ap Meriedoke beg●n for to make werre ayens kyng kyng Edward and that was for encheson of Sir Payne Tiptot wrongfully greved disesed y● for said Ris ap Meriedo● ¶ And when kyng Edward herd all this he sent by his lr̄ez to Ris ap Meriedok that he shold begynne for to make no werre but that he shold be in pees for his loue And when that he come ayene in to Englond he wold vndertake the quarell done amend all that was mysdone ¶ The forsaid Ris ap meriedok despised the kynges cōmaūdemēt spared not for to do all the sorw that he myȝt to the kynges men of englond but anone after he was taken lad to york ther he was drawe honged for his felonye ¶ Of the redressynge that kyng Edward made of his Iustices of his clerkes that they had done for hir falsenesse how he drofe the Iewes oute of Englond for her vsery mysbeleue Capitulo Centesimo lxv WHen kyng Edward had duelled iij. yere in gascoyne wylle come to hym for to wende ayene in to Englond and tho he was come ayen he fonde so many plaintes made to him of his Iustices of his clerkes that had don● so many wronges falsenesse that wonder it was to here ¶ And for which falsenesse Sir Thomas weylond the kynges Iustice forswore Englond at the Toure of london for falsenesse that men put vpon hym wherof he was atteint proued fals ¶ And anone after when the kyng had done his wylle of the Iustices ¶ Tho let he enquere and aspie how the Iewes desceyued begiled his peple thurgh her sinne of falsenesse of vserie let ordeyne a priue parlement amonge his lordes they ordeyned among hem that all the Iewes shold voide Englond for hir mysbeleue And also for hir fals vserie that they did vn to cristen men And for to spede and to make an ende of this thyng all the cōmunite of Englond yafe vn to the kyng the xv peny of all hir goodes meuable so were the Iewes driuen oute of Englond ¶ And tho went Iewes in to fraunce and ther duelled thurgh leue of kyng philipp that tho was kyng of fraunce ¶ How kyng Edward was seised in all the londe of Scotland thurgh consent graunt of all the lordes of scotlād Ca. C.lxvj HIt was
till he come to Striue●yn and ther he helde him in the Castell ¶ And the walsshmen eue●y day hē escried and manaced and did all the despite that they my●t ¶ So that the englisshmen vpon a tyme in a mornyug wente oute from the Castell the mountaunce of x. myle and passed ouer a brugge And william waleis come with a stronge power drofe hem a bake for the englisshmen had ayens him tho no myȝt but fled they y● myȝt take the brugge ascaped but sir hugh the kynges tresorer ther was slayne and many othir also wherfor was made moche sorwe Tho had kyng Edward sped all his nedes in Flaundres and was a yene come in to englond and in haste toke his wey toward Scotland and come thidder at asc●ncion tyde And all that 〈◊〉 founde be sette a fire and brend But the poure peple of Scotland come to him wonder thikke and praied him for goddes loue that ●e wolde haue on them mercy and pite wherfor the kyng tho commaunded that no man sholde done harme to hem that were yolden to him ne to no man of ordre ne to no ●ous of religion ne no maner chirch But let aspie all that he myȝt wher that he myght finde any of his enemies Tho come a spie to the kyng and tolde him 〈◊〉 the Scottes were assembled for to abyde bataille and on seint marie Magdalen● day the kyng come to fonkirke and yafe bataille to the scottes And at that bataille were quelled xxviij thousand and of Englisshmen but xxviij and no mo of the whiche was a worthy knyght slayne that was a knyght an hospiteler that was called Frere Brian ●ay ¶ For when william waleys fled from the bataille that same Frere Brian him pursued forselich and as his hors ran it st●rt in to amere of mareys vp to the bely ¶ And william waleis turned tho ayene and there quelled the forsaid Brian and that was moche harm● ¶ And that while kyng Edward wente thurgh Scotland for to enquere if he myght finde an● of his ennemies And in that land he duelled as longe as him liked and ther was none enemie that durst him abide ¶ And sone afterward kyng Edward went to southampton for he wolde not abide in Scotland in winter seson for esement of his peple And whan he come to london he let amende many mysdedes that were done ayens his pees and his lawe while that he was in Flaundres Of the last mariage of kyng edward how he wēt y● iij. tyme in 〈◊〉 Ca. C.lxxj ANd aftward it was ordeyned thurgh the court of Rome that kyng Edward sholde wedde dame margarete kyng Philippes ●uster of fraunce and the ●rhebisshopp Robert of wynchelsee spoused hem to gedre thurgh which mariage there waz made pees bitwene kyng Edward of Englond kyng philipp of fraūce ¶ Kyng Edward went tho the iij tyme in to Scotland and tho withyn the fyrst yere he had enfamined the londe so that ther left not on that ne come to his mercy sauf tho that were in the castell of Estreuelyne that was well vitailled astored for vij yere ¶ How the castell of Estreuelyne was beseged ¶ Ca. C.lxxij HYng Edward come with an huge power to the Castell of Estreuelyn beseged the castell but it litell a vailled for he myȝt do the scottes none harme For the castell was so stronge wel y kept ¶ And kyng Edward saw that thought hym vpon a queyntize let make anone there ij pe●re of high gale wes before the tour of the castell made his othe that as many as were in the castell were he erle or baron he were take with strēgth but yf he wold the rather hym yelde he sholde bene honged vpon the gale we●● ¶ And when tho that were in the castell herd this they come and yelde hem all to the kynges grace and mercy And the kyng foryafe hem all his maletalent And ther were all the grete lordes of Scotland swore to kyng Edward that they shold come to london to euery parlement shold stonde to his ordinaunce ¶ How troylebastonne was fyrst ordeyned Ca. C.lxxiij THe kyng Edward went thens to london and went haue had reste pees of his werre with which werre he was acupied xx yere that is to seyne in wa●ys in gascoyne in Scotland And thought how he myght recouer his tresour that he had spended aboute his werre let enquere thurgh the reame of all mystakynges and wronges done thurgh mysdoers in englond of all the tyme that he had bene oute of his reame that men called Troillebaston And ordeyned ther to Iustices in this maner he recouered tresour withoute nombre And his encheson was for he had thought for to haue gon in to holy land for to werre vpon goddes enemies For encheson that he was croised longe tyme before And nothelees that lawe that he had ordeyned ded moche good thurgh all Englond to hem that were mysbode For tho that trespaced were well chastized and afterward the meker and the better the poure cōmunes were in rest in pees And the same tyme kyng Edward enprisoned his owne sone Edward for encheson that walter of langeton bisshopp of Chestre that was the kynges tresorer had made vpon hym complaint said that the for said Edward thurgh coūceill ꝓcurement of one piers of Ganastone a squyer of Gascoyne had broke the parkes of the forsaid bisshopp the forsaid piers coūceilled lad the same edward And for this cause kyng edward exiled his sone out of englond for 〈◊〉 more ¶ Of the deth of william waleis the fals traitour Ca. C.lxxiiij ANd when this kyng Edward had his enemies ouer come in walys Gascoyne in Scotland and destroied his traitours but on●●ch that ribaude william waleys that neuer to the kyng wold hym yelde and at the last in the toune of seint do meni● in the yere of kyug Edwardes regne xxxiij that fals traitour was take presented to the kyng sauf the kyng wolde not see hym but sent hym to londōn to vnderfonge his ●ugement on seint Bartholom● wes eue he was honged and drawe his hede s●●yten of and his boweles take oute of his body and brende and his body quartred and sent to iiij ●he best tounes of Scotland and his hede sette vpon a spere sette vpon london brugge in example that the Scottes sholde haue in mynde for to ●ere hem amys ayens hir liege ●●rd eftsones ¶ How the Scottes comē to kyng Edward for to amende hir trespace that● they had done ayens hym Ca. C.lxxv ANd at Mihelmasse tho next comyng kyng Edward held his parlement at westmynstre thidder come the Scottes that is to seyne the bisshoppe of seint Andrewe Robert 〈◊〉 Brus Erle of Carryk Symond the frisell Iohan the Erle of ●thell and they were accorded with the kyng and bounde and by othe sworne that afterward yf any of h●m ●isbere hem ayens kyng
that coude no thyng of the werre that ther were quelled and drenched in an arme of the se● And hir chi●iteyns sir williā of melton Erchebishopp of york the abbot of sel by with hir stedes fledde comen vn to york that was hir owne folie that they had that myschannce for they passed the wa● of swale the scottes sette a fire the stakkes of hey the smoke ther of was huge that the englishmen myght not see the scottes ¶ And when the englishmen were gone ouer the water tho comen the Scottes with hir wynge in maner of ashelde come toward the englisshmē in aray the englisshmen fl●d for vuneth they had any mē of armes for the kyng had hem almost loste at the siege of Berewyke the scottissh hobi●●rs went bitwene the bruge the englissh men And whan the grete host hem mette the englisshmen fledde bitwene the hobilers the grete host and the englisshmen almost were there quelled he that myght wende ouer the water was saued but many were draint Allas for ther was slayne many men of religion seculers eke prestes clerkys with moch sorwe the Erchebisshopp ascaped therfor the scottes called the bataille the white bataille ¶ How kyng Edward did all maner thyng that sir hugh the spēcer wolde Ca. C. lxxxxiij ANd whan kyng Edward herde this tydynge he remeu●d his sege from Berewyke come ayene in to englond but sir hugh the spencer the sone that was the kynges Chamburleyne kept so the kynges chambre that no man must speke with the kyng but he had made with hym a frette for to done his nede that ouer mesure this hugh ●are hym so stoute that all men had of hym scorne despite the kyng hym selfe wold not bene gouerned ne ruled by no maner man but only by his fadre by hym if any knyȝt of englond had wodes maners or lordes that they wolde coueit anone the kyng must yeue it hem●or elles the man y● ought it shold be falsely endited of forest or of fel●nie And thurgh suche doyng they disherited many a good bachiller so moch land geten that it was wonder ¶ And when the lordes of englond saw the grete couetise the falsenesse of sir hugh the spencer the fadre of Sir hugh the sone they come to the gentill Erle of lancastre and axed hym of counceill of the disese that was in the Royame thurgh Sir hugh the spencer his sone and in hast by one ass●nte they made a ●ue assemble at shirborne in Elmede all they made ther an othe for to breke destourble the doyng bitwene the kyng sir hugh the spencer his sone vpon hir power ¶ And they wente in to the marc●● of walys destroied the land of the forsaid sir hughes ¶ How sir h●gh the spencer his fadre were exiled on●e of Englo●d Ca. C. lxxxxiiij WH●n kyng Edward sawe the grete harme and destruction that the Barons of Englond diden to Sir Hugh the spencers lande and to his sones in euery place that they comen vpon And the kyng tho thurgh his counseil exiled sir Iohan monbray Sir Rogier of clifford and sir Gosselyne dauill and many other lordes that were to hem consent wherfor the Barons did tho more harme than they diden before ¶ And when the kynge saw that the barōs wold not cese of hir cruelte the kyng was sore ad●ad left they wolde destroie hym and his reame for his meynte naunce but yf that he assented to hem And so he sent for hem by let tres that they shold come to london to his ꝑlement at a certeyn day as in his letters was conteyned And they comen with iij batailles wel armed at all pointz and euery bataille had cote arumres of grene cloth and ther of the right quarter was yelwe with whit bendes wherfor that plement was called the ꝑlement of the whit bende And in that companie was sir ●mfrey de Bohen̄ Erle of herford and sir Rogier of clifford sir Iohan Mombray sir Gecelin dauill sir Rogier Mortuner vncle of sir Rogier Mortimer of wigmore sir Henry of Trais sir Iohan Giffard sir Bartholomewe of Badelesmore that was the kynges stiward that the kyng had sent to Shirborne in elmede to the Erle of Lancastre to all that with hym were for to trete of accord that hym allied to the harons and come with that companie And sir Rogier dammorie and sir hugh Dandale that had spoused the kynges neces suster sir Gillebert of Clare erle of Gloucestre that was queld in scotland as before is said And tho ij lordes had tho ij parties of the Erledome of Gloucestre sir hugh the spencer the sone had the thridde part in his wyfes halfe the iij. suster tho ij lordes went to the barōs with all hir power ayens sir hugh hir brother in lawe and so ther come with hem Sir Rogier of Clifford sir Iohan Mombray Sir Gosselme dauill sir Rogier Mortimer of werk sir Rogier mortimer of wigmore his nepheu sir Henry trays sir Iohan Giffard sir Bartholomewe of badelesmore with all hir companie and many othir that to hem were cōsent All these grete lordes comen to westmynster to the kynges parlement and so they spoken and did that bothe sir hugh spencer the fadre sir hugh the sone were outelawed of Englond for euermore And sir hugh the fadre went to Douer made moche sorwe and felle doune vpon the grounde by the see banke acros with his armes and sore wepyng said Nowe faire Englonde and good Englond to Almyghty god I the betake and thries cust the grounde and wende neuer to haue comen ayene and wepyng full sore cursed the tyme that euer he begate Sir Hugh his ●●one And said for hym he had lost all Englande and in presence of hem that were aboute hym he yafe hym his curse and went ouer the see to his landes but sir hugh the sone wold not gon̄ oute of englond but helde hym in the see he his companie robbed ij dromondes beside sandewich and toke and ●ere away all the good that was on hem the value of xl M. pounde ¶ How the kyng exiled Erle Thomas of lancastre all that helde with hym how the Mortimer come yelde hym to the kyng of the lordes Ca. C. lxxxxv HIt was not longe after that the kyng ne made sir Hugh spencer the fadre sir hugh the sone come ayene in to Englond ayens the lordes wyll of the reame And sone after the kyng with a stronge power come beseged the Castell of bedes in the Castell was the lady of Badelesmere for encheson that she wold not graunte that Castell to quene Isabell kyng Edwardes wife But the principall cause was for encheson that sir Bartholomewe badelesmere was ayens the kyng helde with the lordes of englond and notheles the kyng by helpe socour
Erledome of wynchestre his hede was lad thidder put vpon a spere And the● fals Baldoke was sent to london and ther he deide in prison amonges thefes for men did hym no more reuerence than they wold done vn to an hounde and so deiden the traitours of englond blissed be almyghty god And it was no wōder for her thurgh counceill the good erle Thomas of lancastre was done vn to deth And all that helden with Thomas of lācastre thurgh the traitours were vndone and all hir heires disherited ¶ How kyug Edward was put a doune and his dignite ●enōme Capitulo d●centesimo decimo ANd anone after as this was done the Quene Isabell and Edward hir sone and alle the grete lordes of englond at one assent sent to kyng edward to the castell of kenilworth the● that he was in kepyng vnder the ward of sir ●ohan Hachim that was the bisshopp of Ely of sir ●ohan of Percy a baron for encheson that he shold ordeyne his plement at a certeyn place in Englond for to redresse amend the state of the reame ¶ And kyng Edward hem ansuerd and said lordes quod he re see full well ●ow it is ●o haueth here my seal I yeue yowe alle myne powe● to ordeyne a parlement wher that ye wyll ¶ And they toke hir 〈◊〉 of hym and come ayene to the barons of Englond ¶ And when they had the kynges patent of this thyng they shewed it to the lordes ¶ And tho was ordeyned that the parlement sholde bene at westmynster at the vtas of seint Hillarie ¶ And all the grete lordes of Englond let ordeyne for hem ther ayens that tyme that the parlement shold bene ¶ And at which day that parlement was the kyng wold not come ther for no maner thyng as he had sett● hym selfe and assigned And notheles the barons sent to hym o tyme othir And he swore by goddes soule that ●e nolde come ther o foot Wherfor it was ordeyned by all the grete lordes of Englond that he shold no lenger bene kyng but bene deposed and said that they wold croune kyng Edward his sone the elder that was duke of Gnyhenne and sent so tydyng vn to the kyng ther that he was inward vnder sir Iohan Erle of Garenne and sir Iohan of Bothun that was bisshopp of Ely and sir Henry Percy a baron sir william Trussell a knyght that wat with the Erle sir Thomas of Lancastre for to yelde vp hir homages vn to hym for all th●● of Englond ¶ And sir william Trussell said thees wordes ¶ Sir Edward for encheson that ye haue traied your peple of englond and haue vndone many grete lordis of Englond withoute any cause but nowe ye ben withstond thanked be god ¶ And also for enc●eson that ye wolde not come to the parlement as ye ordeyned at westmynster as in your owne lettre patent is conteyned for to trete with your ●●ege men as a kyng sholde ¶ And ther for thurgh all the commune assent of all the lordes of Englond I telle vn to yowe these wordes ye shull vnderstond sir that the Barons of Englond at one assent wyll that ye be no more kyng of Englond but vtterlich haue put yowe oute of your Realte for euermore ¶ And the bisshopp of Ely said tho to the kyng ¶ Sir Edward here I yelde vp feaute and homage for all the Erche bisshoppes and bisshoppes of Englond and for all the clergie ¶ Tho said Sir Iohan Erle of Garenne Sir Edward I yelde vp here vn to yowe f●aute and homage for me and for all the Erles of Englond ¶ And Sir Henry Percy yafe vp also ther his homage for hym and for all the Barons of Englond ¶ And tho said Sir william Trussell I yelde vp nowe vn to yowe Sir myne homage for me and also for all the knyghtes of Englond and for all them that holden by seriauntrie er by any othir maner thyng of yowe So that fro this day afterward ye shull not be claymed kyng nothir for kyng be hold But from this tyme afterward ye shull be holde for a singuler man of all the peple so they wente thennes vn to london ther that the lordes of englond hem abode And sir Edward abode in prison in good keping and that was the day of Conuersion of seint Panle in the xx yere of his regne ¶ Prophecie of Merlyn declared of kyng Edward the sone of kyng Edward Ca. cc.xj OF this kyng Edward ꝓphecied Merlyn said that ther shold come a Goot out of Carre that shold haue hornes of sil● a berde as white as snowe a doppe shold come out of his nosethirles that sholde betoken moch harme hunger deth of the peple grete losse of his land and that in the beginnyng of his regne shold be haunted moche lecheri● ¶ He said soth allas the tyme for kyng Edward that was kyng Edwardes sone was borne at Carnariuan in walys forsoth he had hornes of siluer a berde as snowe whan he was made prince of walys to moch he yafe hym 〈◊〉 riotte to folie And soth said Merlyn in his ꝓphecie that ther shold come oute of his nose a doppe for in his tyme was grete hunger amonge the poure peple stronge dethe amonge the riche that deide in straunge land with mochel sorwe in werre in Scotland a●d afterward he lost Scotland Gascoyne whiles that hym selfe was kyng ther was moche lecherie haunted ¶ And also Merlyn told said that this goot shold seche the flour of lyfe of deth And he said sothe for he spoused ●sabell the kynges doughter of fraūce ¶ And in his tyme Merlyn said that ther shold be made brugges of folke vpon diches of the see and that was well seyne at bannokkesborne in Scotland whan he was discomfited ther of the Scottes And Merlyn told also that stones shold fall from castelles and many tounes shold be made pleyn ¶ And he said sothe for whan kyng Edward was discomfited in Scotland and come th●● southward the Scottes beseged tho Castelles and did hem moche harme and brend tounes vn to the hard ●rthe ¶ And afterward Merlyn tolde that an Egle shold come out of Cornewaille that shold haue fetheres of gold that of pride sholde haue no piere And he sholde despise lordes of blood and after he sholde die thurgh a bere at Gauersiche and that prophecie was full well knowe and founde sothe ¶ For by the Egle is vnderstonde Sir Piers of Ganastone that tho was Erle of Cornewaille that was a wonder proude man that despised the baronage of Englond but afterward he was beheded at Gauersiche thurgh the Erle of Lancastre and thurgh the Erle of warre wyke ¶ And Merlyn tolde that in his tyme it sholde seme that the bere sholde brenne and that bataille sholde be vpon an arme of the see in a felde araied like a shelde were sholde die many white heedes ¶ And he
he were a lyue he praied of hym ones to haue a sight ¶ And this Sir Iohan Dauerill was an high herted man full of Corage ansuerd shortely vn to sir Edmond said that sir edward his brother was in hele vnder his kepyng durst shewe hym vn to no man sith it was defended hym in the kynges half Edward that was edwardes sone of Carnariuan also thurgh cōmaundement of quene Isabell the kynges moder of sir Rogier the mortimer that he shold shewe his body vn to no maner man of the world sauf only vn to hem vpon losse of lyfe lymme to ●isheriteson of his heires for euermore ¶ But the fals traitour falsely lied for he was not in his warde but he was take thens lad vn to the Castell of Berkelee thurgh sir thomas gurnay thurgh cōmaundemēt of the mortimer till that he was dede as before is said but sir edmond of wodestoke wyst no thyng that Edward his brother was dede wher vpon he toke a letter vn to the forsaid sir Iohan praied hym hertely that he wolde take it vn to kyng edward his brother as to his worthy lord ¶ And he vnderfeng the lr̄e of hym behight hym for to do his message withoute any maner faill with that sir edmond toke of hym his leue then of the forsaid Iohan went tho in to his owne contre lordeshipp in kent that he had there And anone as this same Iohan wyst y● sir edmond was gone in to kent his owne lordshipp anone he went in all the haste that he myȝt fro the Castel of Corfe come vn to sir Rogier the mortimer toke hym the lr̄e that sir Edmond of wodestoke Erle of kent had take hym closed enseled with his owne se al And when sir Rogier had vnderfong the letter he vnclosed the letter saw what was cōteyned theryn began it for to rede wherof the begynnyng was this ¶ Wurshippes reuerences wyth brothers legeaunce subiectione ¶ Sir knyght wurshipfull dere brother yf it yowe plese I pray yow hertely that ye be of good cōfort for I shall so ordeyne for yow that sone ye shull come oute of prison be deliuered of that disese that ye ben in And vnderstondeth of your grete lordshipp that I haue to me assentaut all most all the grete lordes of Englond with all hir apparaille that is to say with armure with tresour withoute nombre for to mayntene and helpe your quarell so ferforth that ye shull be kyng ayene as ye were before and that they all haue swore to me vpon a boke and as well prelates as Erles and Barons ¶ When Sir Rogier the Mortimore sawe and vnderstode the myght and the strength of the letter anone for wrath his hert gan bolle and euel hert bare toward Sir Edmond of wodestoke that was Erle of kent And so with all the haste that he myght he went vn to Dame Isabell the Quene that was the kynges modre and shewd hir Sir edwardes lr̄e and his wyll and his purpose and how he had coniected and ordeyned to put a doune kyng Edward of wyndesore hir sone of rialte and of his kyngdome ¶ Now Crte● sir Rogier qd the quene hath sir Edmond done so By my fadre soule quod she ● wull be ther of ●uenged yf that god graunte me lyfe and that in a short tyme ¶ And anon● with that the Quene Isabell wente vn to kyng Edward hir sone ther that he was at the parlemēt at wynchestre for to haue amended the wronges and trespaces that were done amonge the peple in his reame And tho toke she and shewed hym the letter that Sir Edmond of wodestoke Erle of kent had made and enscaled with his owne seal and bad vpon hir benison that he s●●ld auenged be vpon hym as vpon his dedely enemie ¶ Tho was the Quene so wrothe toward Sir Edmond Erle of kente and cesyd neuer to pray vn to hir sone till that he had sent in all hast after hym ¶ And vpon that the kyng sent by his lr̄es after Sir Edmond of wodestoke that he shold come and speke with hym at wynchestre all maner thyng left ¶ And whan Sir Edmond saw that the kyng sent after hym with his lr̄ez enseled he hasted hym in all that he myght till that he come to wynchestre but tho the Quene wyst that Sir Edmond was come vn to wynchestre anone she praied and so fast wente vn to kyng Edward hir sone that the good erle was arested anone and led vn to the barre before Robert of Hamonde that was coroner of the kynges houshold and he associed vn to hym Sir Rogier the mortimere and tho spake the forsaid Robert and said ¶ Sir Edmond Erle of kente ye shull vnderstond that it is done vs to wite and principally vn to our liege lord Sir Edward kyng of Englond that almyȝty god saue and kepe that ye be his dedely enemie and traitour and also a commune enemie vn to the reame and that ye haue ben aboute many a day for to make preuy deliueraunce of Sir Edward somtyme kyng of englond your brother the which was put a doune of his rialte by cōmune assent of all the lordes of englond in pesing of our lord the kynges astate and also of his reame ¶ Tho ansuerd the good man said forsoth sir vnderstondeth well that I was neuer traitour to my kyng ne to the reame that I do me on god and on all the world ferther more by my kynges leue I shall it preue defende as a man ought to do ¶ Tho said Mortimer Sir Edmond it is so ferforth y kuowe that it may nat well be gaynesaid and that in presence of alle that here bene it shall be well proued Nowe had this fals mortimer the same letter that sir Edmond had take to sir Iohan daucrell in the Castell of Corff for to take vn to kyng Edward his brother that sir Edmond wyst not of ne supposed no thyng that sir Iohan dauerell had be so fals to deliuer his lr̄e in suche wyse to the mortimer thought no maner thyng of that 〈◊〉 said to sir Edmond and shewed a letter selyd axed hym yf he knewe that letter and the seal ¶ This sir Edm●nd loked ther on avised hym longe on the print of the seel for he myght nat see the better withynforth what was theryn and wyst well that it was his seal and thought that it had be some letter that had bore no grete charge and thought no thyng of that othir letter and said openly in heryng of hem all ye forsoth this is my seal ● wyll it not forsake ¶ Lo quod the mortimer sires ye heren all what he hath said that he knowelecheth that this is his letter and his seal and nowe ye shull here all what is conteyned theryn And than this mortimere opened the letter that he
the Erledome and lordship of Richemond ¶ And so folowyng in the ix yere of his regne after Mihelmasse Kyng Edward rood in to Scotland and ther was fast by Seint Iohanes toune all most alle the wynter tyme and he helde his Cristemasse at the Castell of Rokesburgh ¶ And in the same yere thurgh oute alle Englond aboute Seint Clementis tyde in wynter ther aroos such a spiyngyng aud wellyng vp of waters and flodes bothe of the see and also of fressh riuers springes that y● see brinkes walles costes breken vp y● men bestes houses in many places namely in lowe cōtres violently sodenly were dreynt ¶ And driuen away fruytes of the Erthe thurgh cōtinuaunce habundaunce of waters of the see euermore afterward were turned in to more saltnesse sowrenesse of sauour The x. yere of kyng Edwardes regne kyng Edward entred the Scottish see after mydsomer to many of the scottes he yaf bataille and ouercome hem and many he treted bowed vn to his pees thurgh his doughtynesse And after mihelmasse than next folueng was the Erle of Mo●●●f y take at Edenburgh brought in to Englond put in to prison ¶ And in the monethes of Iuyn̄ Iuyll than next folewy●g in the xj yere of his regne was seyne apꝑed in the firmamēt a bemed sterre the which clerkes calle stella Comata that sterre was seyne in diuerse ꝑties of the firmament ¶ Where after anone there folewed in Englond good chepe wondre grete plentee of all chaffare bitaille marchandize ther ayēs honger scarcite meschief and nede of money ¶ In so moche that a quarter of whete at london was sold for two shyllyng and a good fat ox at a noble v. good doue briddes for a peny in whiche yere died sir Iohan of Eltham Erle of Cornewaille kyng Edwardes brother and lieth at westmynster ¶ How kyng Edward made a duchie of the Erledome of Cornewaille and also of vj. othir Erles that were newe made and of the fyrst chalengyng of the kyngdome of fraunce ¶ Ca. CCxxv IN the yere of our lord M.CCC xxxvij of kyng Edward xij in the moneth of marche during the ꝑlemen● at westmynster in lent tyme kyng Edward made of the Erle dome of Cornewaille a duchie and let it call the duchie of Cornewallie the which duchie he ●afe vn to Edward his fyrst sone with the Erledome of Chestre ¶ And also kyng Edward made at that same tyme vj. othir Erles that is for to say Sir Henry Erle of lācastres sone Erle of leycestre William of Boghun̄ Erle of Northampton William of Mountagu Erle of Salysbury Hugh of awdele Erle of Gloucestre ¶ Robert of Vfford Erle of Southfolke And william of Clytone Erle of Huntyngdone ¶ And in that same yere it was ordeyned in the same parlement that no man shold were no cloth that was wrought oute of Englond as clothe of gold Of Sylk Veluet or Damaske Satyn Baudekyn ne none suche othir ne none wylde ware ne furrure of beyonde the see but such as myght spend an C. pounde of rent a yere but this ordinaunce and statute was of litell effect for it was no thyng holde ¶ In the xiij yere of his regne kyng Edward wente ouer see in to braban with Quene Philipp his wife there beryng child at Andewerpe there he duelled more than a yere to trete with the duke of Braban and othir allied vn to him of the chalanging of the kyngdome of fraunce to kyng Edward of Englond by right and by heritage after the deth of Karoll the grete kyng of Fraunce brother germayne of Quene Isabell kyng Edwardes mod●● the which was holden and occupied vnrightfully by Phelipp of valoys the Emes sone of kyng Karoll the which duke and all his in the forsaid thynges and in all othir ther to longyng with all his men goodes kyng Edward fonde redy vn to hym and maden and beheighten hym seurte by good feith and trust and after that the kyng hasted hym in to Englond ayene and left there the Quene stille behynde hym in braban ¶ Than in the xiiij yere of his regne wha●● all the lordes of his reame and othir that fallen to be at his parlement weren called and assembled to gedre in the same parlemēt holden at london after the fest of seint Hillarie ¶ The kynges nedes were put forth and promoted as touchyng the kyngdome of Fraunce For which nedes to be sped the kyng axed the fifthe part of all the m●ble goodes of Englond and the wulles and the ix shefe of euery corne And the lordes of euery toune wher suche thyng shold be taxed and gadred shold ans●ere to the kyug ther of and he had it and helde it at his owne lust and wyll wherfor yf I shall know lech the verray trewth the ynner loue of the peple was turned in to ha●e and the commune praiers in to cursing for cause that 〈◊〉 ●ommune peple were so strongely greued ¶ Also the forsaid 〈◊〉 valoys of fraunce had gadred vn to hym a grete hoste destroied there in his parties and kyngdome many of the kynges frendes of Englond with tounes and Castels and many othir of hir lordshippes and many harmes shames and despites deden vn to the Quene wherfor kyng Edward whan he herde this tydynges was strongly meued and therwith an angred and sente diu●rse lettres ouer see to the Quene and to othir that were his frendes gladyng hem and certifieng hem that he wold be there hym selfe in alle the haste that he myght ¶ And anone after Est●e whan he had sped of alle thyng that hym neded and come he went ouer the see ayene ¶ Of whos comyng the Quene and alle his frendes were wondre glad and made moche ●oye And all that were his enemies and ayens hym helden maden as moche sorwe ¶ In the same tyme the kyng thurgh counceill of his trew lieges and counceill of his lordes that ther were present with hym token the kyng of fraunces name and toke and medled the kynges armes of fraūce quartled with the armes of Englond and commaunded forth with his coigne of gold vnder descripcion and writeng of the name of Englond of fraunce to be made best that myght he that is for to seyne the floreyne that was called the noble pris of vj. shillyngs viij pens of sterlinges the halfe noble of the value of iij. shillyngs iiij pens the ferthyng of value xx pens ¶ How kyng Edward come to the s●luys and discomfited all the power of fraunce in the hauen Capitulo ducentesimo xxvj ANd in the next yere after that is for to say the xv yere of his regne he commaunded and let write in his chartres writtes and othir lettres the date of the regne of Fraunce ferst And while that he was thus doyng trauayllyng in fraunce thurgh his counceill he wrote to all the Prelates Dukes Erles and Barons and
the noble lordes of the contre And also to diuerse of the commune peple diuerse lr̄ez and maundementz beryng da●e at Gandaune the viij day of Februarie And anone af● with in a litell tyme he come ayene in to Englond with the Quene and her children ¶ And in the same yere on Midsomer eue he began to saill toward fraunce ayene and manly and styfly fyll vpon Phelipp of valoys the which longe tyme lay and had gadred to hym a full houge and boystous meyne of dinerse nacions in the hauen of s●luys And ther they foughten to gedre the kyng of fraunce and he with her hostes fro midday vn to the iij. hour in the morne in whiche bataill were slayne xxx M. mē of the kynges companie of fraūce many shippes and cogges were taken Aud so thurgh goddes helpe he had there the victorie ●ere thens a glorious chiualrie ¶ And in the same yere aboute seint Iames tyde without the yate● of seint Omers Robert of artheis with men of englond flaundre● bitterly faught ayens the duke of burgoyne and the frensshmen at which bataill ther were slayne take of the frensshmen xv barons lxxx knyghtes shippes and barges were take vn to the nombre of CC. and xxx ¶ The same yere the kyng makyng and abydyng vpon the siege of Turney the Erle of Henaude with Englissh archers maden assaute to the toune of Seint Amand wher they slowe l. knyghtes and many othir and also destroied the toune ¶ And in the xvj yere of his regne folewyng in the wynter tyme the same kyng duelled still vpon the forsaid siege and sent ofte in to Englond to his tresorier and othir purueiour● for gold and money that shold be sent to hym ther in his nede but his procuratours and messagiers cursedly and full slowly serued hym at his nede and hym deceyued on whos defaute and laches y● kyng toke trews bitwene hym and the kyng of fraunce ¶ And the kyng full of wo sorwe and shame in his bert withdrowe hym fro the siege and come in to Britaigne and ther was so grete strife for vitaille that he lost many of his peple ¶ And when he had done there that he come for he dressed hym ouer see in to Englond ward ¶ Aud as he sailled toward Englond in the high see the moste myshappes stormes and tempestes thūdred and lyghtnynges fyll to hym in the see the whiche was said that it was done and areised thurgh euell spirites made by sorcery and nygromancie of hem of fraunce wherfor the kynges hert was full of sorwe and anguyssh weylyng and sighyng and said vn to our lady in this wyse Oblissed lady seint Marie what is the cause that euermore goyng in to Fraunce all thynges and wethers fallen to me Ioyfull and lykyng and gladsum and as I wold haue hem but alwey turnyng in to Englond ward all thynges fallen vnprofitable and harmefull Ne●latter he scapyng all ꝑilles of the see as god wold come by nyght to the tour of london ¶ And the same yere the kyng held his Cristemasse at Meries and sent word to the Scottes by his messagiers that he was redy wold fight with hem But the Scottes wold nat abyde that but fledden ouer the Scottyssh see hid hem as well as they myght ¶ And in the xvij yere of his regne aboute the feste of Conuersion of seint Paul kyng edward when he had be in Scotland and sawe that the Scottes were fledde he come ayene in to Englond ¶ And a litell bifor lent was the turnement at Dunstaple to the whiche turnement come all the yonge Bachelery and Chiualrie of Englond with many othir Erles and lordes At the which turnement kyng Edward hym selfe was ther present ¶ And the next yere folewyng in the xviij yere of his regne at his parlement holden at westmynstere the auynzeme of Paske the kyng Edward the thridde made Edward his fyrst begoten son prince of walys And in the .xix. yere of his regne anone after in Ianiuer by fore lent the same kyng Edward let make full noble Iustes and grete festes in the place of his birthe at wyndesore that ther were neuer none such seen ther a fore At which feste and rial●● were ij kynges ij que●es the Prince of walys The duke of Cornewaille x. Erles ix Co●●tesses barons and many burgeis 〈◊〉 which myghten not lightely he nombred And of diuerse landes beyonde the see weren many strangiers ¶ And at the same tyme whan the ●ustes were done ●yng Edward made a grete soper in the which he ordeyned first began his rounde table and ordeyned and stedfasted the day of the forsaid roūde de table to be holden there at wyndesore in the wytson we●e euermore yerly ¶ And in this tyme englisshmen so moche haunted cleued to the wodnesse foly of the strangiers that fro the tyme of coming of the henaudres xviij yere passed they ordeyned chaunged hem euery yere diuerse shappes disguysing of clothyng of longe large and wyde clothes destitut and desert from all olde honeste good vsage ¶ And an othir tyme short clothes and streyte wastyd dagged and kyt on euery side slatered botened with sleues tapites of surcotes hodes ouer long and ouer moche hangyng that yf that I the sothe shall say they were more ●●ch to tormentours and deueles in hir clothyng shoyng othir aray than to men And the women more nysely yet passed the mē in aray coriousloker for they were so streyt clothed that they let hange fox tailles sowed byneth within hir clothes for to hele hide hir a●se● the which disgnysinges and pride ꝑauenture afterward brouȝt forth encaused many myshappes meschief in the reame of Englond ¶ The xx yere of kyng Edward he went ouer in to Britaigne Gascoyne in whos companie went the Erle of warrewyke the erle of suffolke the erle of huntyngton the Erle of Arundell many othir lordes and commune peple in a grete multitude with a grete nauye of CC.xl. shippes anone after Mydsomer for to auenge hym of many wronges and harmes to hym done by Phelipp of valoys kyng of Fraunce ayens the trews before hand graunted The which trews he falsely and vntrewly by cauellacious losed disquatte ¶ How kyng Edward sailed in to Normandie and arriued at hogges with a grete host Ca. cc.xxvij IN the xxj yere of his regne kyng Edward thurgh counceille of alle the grete lordes of the Royame of Englond called and gadred to gedre in his parlement at westmestre before Estren ordeyned hym for to passe ouer the see ayene for to dissese desto●●●ble the rebelles of fraūce ¶ And when his nauye wa● come to gedre made redy he went with an huge host the xij day of Iuyll and failled in to Normandie and arriued at hogges ¶ And when he had rested hym there vj. dayes for by cause of trauaylyng of the see and for to haue
in the xxv yere of his regne aboute seint Iohanes day in heruest in the see fast by wynchelsee kyng edward had a grete bataille with men of Spayne where that hir shippes and nauye lay chayned to ged●●r that ether they must fiȝt or drenche ¶ And so when all our worthy men of armes the See costes fast by wynchelsee Romeny were gadred to gedre our nauye shippes all redy to the werre the Englishmen metten manly stifly with hir enemies comyng fersely ayens hem ¶ And when the spanyssh vesselles nauye were closed yn all aboute ther men myght see a stronge bataille on bothe sides lond duryng iij y● which bataille ther nere but fewe that foughten that they nere spitously hurt foule And after the bataille there were xxiij shippes of hers y take And so the Englishmen had the better And in the next yere folewyng of his regne that is to say the xxvj yere that kyng thurgh his counceill let ordeyne make his newe money that is to say the peny the grote of value of iiij pens And the halfe grote of value of ij pens but it was of lesse weight than the olde sterlyng was by v. shillyng in the pounde ¶ And in the xxvij yere of his regne was the grete derthe of vitailles the whiche was called the dere somer And in the xxxviij yere of his regne in the ꝑlement holden at westmynster after estren Sir henry Erle of Lancastre was made duke of lancastre in this same yere was so grete a drought that fro the moneth of marche vn to the moneth of Iuyll ther fyll no Rayne on the erthe Wherfor all fruytes sedes and herbes for the moste partie were loste in defaute ¶ Wherof ther come so gr●●e disese of men and bestes and derthe of vitailles in Englond so that this land that euer afore had be plen●●uous had nede that tyme to seke his vitailles and refresshyng of othir oute yles contrees ¶ And in the xxix yere of kyng Edward it was accorded graunted and sworne bitwene the kyng of fraunce and kyng Edward of Englond that he shold haue ayene all his landes and lord shippes that longeden to the duchie of Gnyhenne of olde tyme the whiche had bene wi●h drawe and wrongfuly occupied by diuerse kynges of fraunce before hande to haue and to hold to kyng Edward and to his heires and successours for euermore frely pesibely and in good quiete vpon this couenaunt that the kyng of englond shold be●e of and relese all his right and clayme that he had claymed of the kyngdome of fraunce and of the title that be toke ther of vpon which speche and couenauntz it was sent to the court of rome on bothe sides of the kynges that the forsaid couenauntz shold be enbulled but god ordeyned better for the kynges wurshipp of englōd for what thurgh fraude and disceit of the frensshmē what ●urgh letting of the pope and of the court of rome the forsaid coue●aun●z ware disquat and left of ¶ And in the same yere the kyng re●●ked by his wyse and discrete counceill the staple of wulles 〈◊〉 of flaūdres in to Englond with all the libertees fraunch●̄es and fre c●s●omes that longen ther to and ordeyned it in englond in diuerse places that is for to say at westmester Caūterbury Chic●●stre bristow Lyncolne Hull with all the forsaid thynges tha● longen ther to ¶ And that this thyng that shold thus be done the kyng swore hym selfe ther to And prince edward his sone with othir many grete witnessed that ther were present ¶ And in the xxv yere of his regne anone after witsonday in the parlement ord●yned at westmynstre it was tolde and certified to the kyng that Phelipp that tho held the kyngdome of Fraunce was dede And that Iohan his sone was crouned kyng And that this Iohan had yeue karoll his sone the Duchie of Guyhenne of the which thyng kyng Edward whan he wyste ther of had grete indignacion vn to hym and was wondre wrothe and stronglich y m●●ed ¶ And ther for afore alle the wrothy lordes that there were assembled at that parlement he called Edward his sone vn to hym to whome the duchie of Guyhenne by right heritage shold longe to and yafe it hym there byddyng and strengthyng hym that he shold ordeyne hym to defende hym and vengy● hym vpon his enemies and saue maynten his right ¶ And afterward kyng edward hym self his eldest sone Edward wenten to diuerse places seintes in englond on pilgremage for to haue the more helpe grace of god and of his seintes And the ij Kal. of Iuyll when all thyng was redy to that viage bataill all his retenue power assembled his nauye also redy he toke with him the erle of warre wyke the erle of suffolk the erle of salysbury the erle of Oxūford a M. men of armes as many archiers in the natiuite of our lady toke hir shippes at Plymmouth begonne to sayle ¶ And when he come was arrined in Gnyhenne he was ther wurshipfully take resceyued of the most noble men lordes of that contre ¶ And anon̄ after kyng edward toke with hym his ij sones that is for to say Sir Leonell erle of vlton sir Iohan his brother Erle of richemond sir henry duke of lancastre with many erles lordes men of armes and ij M. archers sailed toward fraunce rested hym a while at caleys And afterward the kyng went with his folke aforsaid and with othir soudiours of be yonde the see that ther aboden the kynges comyng the second day of Nouembre and toke his ●ournay toward kyng ●ohan of fraunce ther as he trowed to haue founden hym fast by Odoma● as his lr̄es couenant made mencion that he wold a byde hym there with his host ¶ And when kyng ●ohan of fraunce herd of the kynges comyng of englond he went away with his mē cariage cowardely shamfully fleyng wastyng all vitailles ouer that the Englisshmen shold nat haue ther of ¶ And when kyng Edward herd telle that he fledde he pursued hym with all hiz oost till Hedene than he beholdyng the wantyng the scarcite of vitailles also the cowardise of the kyng of frannce he turned ayene wastyng all the contrey ¶ And while all thees thynges were a doyng the scottes priuely be nyght tokē the toune of Berewyk sleyng hem that withstode hem no man elles but blessed be god the castel ne●̄latter was saued kept by englishmen that were theryn Than the kyng ꝑceyued all this turned ayene in to englond as wrothe as he myȝt be wherfor in ꝑlemēt at westmynster was graūted to the kyng of euery sak of wolle .l. shillyng during the terme of vj. yere that he myght the myghtloker fight defende the Reame arens the scottes and othir mysdoers ¶ And so when all thynges were
Aprill the duke of Britaigne with many Erles barons and othir worthy men of Englond wēt ouer see in to Britaigne where he hath had all his lust desire purpose ne had the forsaid trews be so sone y take the whiche letted hem moche This same tyme the I le of Constantine where that the Castell of Seint Sauour is in that longe tyme was fought at beseged of the frenshmen was than yolden to the frenshmen with ●ll the Apportenaunces in to grete harme and hyndryng of the Reame of Englond ¶ And this same yere there were so grete and so passyng hetes and ther with all a grete pestilence in Englond and in othir diuerse parties of the world that it destroied and slowe violently and strongly bothe men and women withoute nombre ¶ This same yere died Sir Edward the lorde spencer a worthy knyght a bolde And in the mynster of Tarkesbury wurshipfully is buried And lasting this pestilence y● pope at the instaunce praier of an englissh Cardinall graunted to all peple that deide in englond that were sory repentant for hir sinnes also shriuen full remission by ij bull●s vnder leed vj. mōthes than next to last ¶ In this same yere the Erle of Penbroke was take raunsoned by bartram Cleykin bitwene paris Caleis as he come toward englond vpon seint Etheldredes day the which seint as it was said the same Erle ofte tymes had offended within a while after he deide And in nouembre next after there mette at bruges the duke of lancastre and the duke of Angoy with many othir lordes prelatz of bothe reames for to tret● of pe●s ¶ Of the deth of prince Edward of the lord latime● dame Alice peres thurgh whom and hir mayntenou●s the reame meny a day was mysgouerned Ca. CCxxxvij NOt longe after the lj yere of kyng Edward is r●gne be let ordeyne holde at westmynstre the gretest ꝑlement y● was sene many ayere afore In the which ꝑlement be ax●d of the comminal●e of the reame as he had done before a grete sub●d● to be graunted to him for defending of him of his reame but the cōmunes ansuerd that they were so ofte day by day greued and cha●ged with so many talliages subsidies that they myght no benger suffre no such burthous charges And that they knewen wistē wele that the kyng had y now for sauyng of hym of his reame if the reame were well truly gouerned but that it had be so longe euell y gouerned by euell officers that the reame myȝt nethir be plenteuous of chaffare marchandize ne also with ri●●hesse And these thinges they profred hem self it the kyng wold certeinly to 〈◊〉 and stond by ¶ And if it were founde preued after that that the kyng had nede they wold than gladly euery man after his pow●r and state him helpe and bene ¶ And after this ther were publisshed and shewed in the ꝑlement many pleintes and defautes of diuerse officers of the reame and namely of the lord latimer the kynges Chamburleyne bothe to the kyng and eke to the reame ¶ And also at the last ther was spoken and treted of dame Alice Peres for the grete wronges and euell gouernounce that was done by her and by hir counceill in the reame the which dame Alice Peres the kyng had hold longe tyme to his lemman wherfor it was the lesse wonder though thurgh the freelte of the womannys 〈◊〉 and hir stering he consented to hir lewdnesse and euelle counceille the which dame Alice also the lord latimere othir such that stered y● kyng to euell gouernaūce ayens his ꝓfite the reames also all the commalte axed desired that they shold be meued put away yn hir stedes wyse men worthy that weren trewe wele assaied ꝓued of good go●naunce shold be put in hir stedes ¶ So amonge all othir there was one amonge the cōmunes y● was a wyse knyȝt a trewe an eloquent man whos name was Piers de la mare And this same piers was chosen to be speker for the cōmunes in the ꝑlement And for this same piers told publisshed the trouȝthe rehersed the wronges ayens the forsaid dame Alice othir certeyn ꝑsones the kynges counceill as he was bode by the cōes And also trust●g moch for to be supported mayntened in this mater by helpe fauour of the prince Anone as the Prince was dede at the instāce request of the forsaid dame Alice this Piers de la mare waz Iugged to ꝑpetuall prison in the castell of Noting●● in the which he was ij yere in the vj. Kal. of Iuyll lasting that same ꝑlement died prince Edward kyng edwardes fyrst sone that is to say in trinite sonday in the wurshipp of which feste he was wont euery yere wher that euer he were in the world to make hold the most solempnite that he myȝt ¶ whos name fortune of knyghthode but yf it had be of an othir Ectour all men bothe cristen he●hen while he lyued was in good pointe wondred moch drad hym wonder sore whos body is wurshippfully y buried in Crichyrch at Caūterbury And in this same yere the men the erles tenauntes of warrewyk arisen maliciously ayens the Abbot couent of Euesham hir tenauntz destroied fersely the abbot the toune woūded bet hir men slowen of hem many one And wenten to hir maners places did moche harme breken doune her parkes hir closes and brenten slowen hir wild bestes cha●ed hem brekyng hir fisshpon de hedes lete the water of hir pondes stewes riuers renne out token the fissh bere it with hem And did hem all the harme that they myght In so ferforth that forsoth they had destroied ꝑpetuelly that Abbey with all hir membres apportenaūces but yf the kyng the sōner had holpen it and take hede there to ¶ And therfor the kyng sent his lr̄ez to the Erle of war●ewyke chargyng hym cōmaundyng that he shold stynt redresse amend tho euell doers and brekers of his pees And so by menys of lordes and othir frendes of bothe sides pees and good accord and loue was made bitwene hem And for this hurlyng as it was said the kyng wolde nat be gouerned at that tyme by his lordes that ther were in the parlemēt but he toke made his sone the duke of lancastre his gouernour of the reame the which stode so still as gouernour till the tyme that he deide ¶ The same yere anone after Candelmasse or the parlemēt was do the kyng asked a subsidie of the clergie of the lay fee it was graunted hym that is for to say that he shold haue of enery persone of the lay fee bothe of man woman that passed xiiij yere age iiij pens outake poure beggers that were knowe openly for
Erle of southfolke and Chaunceler of englond And these iij. lordes wenten ouer the see and come neuer ayene for ther they deide ¶ And than these v. lordes aboue said maden a parlement at westmynstre And ther they toke Sir Robert Tresilian the Iustice and Sir Nichall Brembre knyght and Citezeyne of london and Sir Iohan Salisbury knyght of the kynges hou●hold and vske sergeant of armes and many moo of othir peple weren take and Iugged vn to the dethe by the counceille of these v. lordes in hir parlement at westmynstre for treson that they put vpon hem to be drawen from the toure of london thurgh oute the Cite and so forth vn to Tyburne and ther they shold be hanged and ther her throtes to be cut and thus they were serued died ¶ And after that in this same ꝑlement at westmynster was sir Symond Beuerlee that was a knyght of the garter and Sir Iohan Beaucham● knyȝt that was stiward of the kynges housold and sir Iames Berners were foriugged vn to the dethe and than they were lad on foot to the toure hill and there weren hir hedes smyten of and many othir mo by these v. lordes In this same parlement and in the xij yere of kyng Richardes regne he let crie ordeyne a generall Iustes that is called a turnemēt of lordes knyghtes and squyers And this Iustes and turnement was holde at london in smythfeld of all maner of strangiers of what londe or contre that euer they were and thidder they were right welcome and to hem and to all othir was holden open housold And grete festes and also grete yiftes weren yeuen to all maner of strangiers ¶ And of the kynges side weren all of sute her cotes hir armure sheldes hors trappure And all was white hertes with crounes aboute hir nekkes and chaynes of gold hangyng ther vpon and the croune hangyng lowe before the hertes body the which hert was the kynges liuery that he yafe to lordes and ladies knyghtes squyers for to knowe his housold frō othir peple ¶ And in this fest comyng to her Iustes xxiiij ladies lad these xxiiij lordes of the garther with cheynes of gold And all the same sute of hertes as is a fore said from the tour an horsebak thurgh the cite of london in to smythfeld there that the Iustes shold be holde ¶ And this feste Iustes was hold generall and to all tho that wold come of what lond and nacion that euer they were ¶ And this was hold during xxiiij daies of the kyngis cost ¶ And thees xxiiij lordes to āsuere all maner peple that wold come thidder ¶ And thidder come the Erle of seint Poul of fraunce many othir worthy knyghtes with him of diuerse parties full well araied and oute of holand and henaud come the lord Ostreuaunt that was the dukes sone of holand and many othir worthy knyghtes with hym of holand full well araied ¶ And when this feste Iustes was ended he kyng thanked these straungiers and yafe hem many grete yiftes And than they token hir leue of the kyng of othir lordes and ladies and wenten home ayene in to hir owne contre with grete loue and moche thank ¶ And in the xiij yere of kyng Richardes regne ther was a ba. taille done in the kynges Paleys at westmynster bitwene a sauyer of Nuaerue that was with the kyng Richard And an othir Squyer that was called Iohan walshe for pointes of treson that this na●ne put vpon this walshmā but this na●ne was o●com̄ yelde hym creaunt to his ad●sarie ¶ And anon̄ he was despoiled of his armure drawe oute of the Paleys to tibourne there was hanged for his falsenesse ¶ And the xiiij yere of kyng Richardes regne sir Iohan of Gaunte duke of lancastre went ouer the see in to spayne for to chalēge his rihgt that he had by his wyfes title vn to the croune of spayne with a grete host of peple of men of armes archrers And he had with hym the duchesse his wyfe and his iij. doughters ouer the see in to spayne And there they were a grete while And at the last the kyng of spayne began to trete with the duk of lancastre they were accorded to gedre thurgh hir bothe counceill in this maner that the kyng of spayne shold wedde the dukes doughter of lancastre that was the right heire of spayne and he shold yeue vn to the duke of lancastre gold siluer that weren cast in to grete wegges many othir Iewelles as many as viij chariettes myȝt carie ¶ And euery yere after during the lyfe of the duke of lancastre of the duchesse his wife x. M. marc of gold Of whiche gold the auenture charges they of spayne shold auēture bring yerely vn to Bayone to the dukes assignes by surete made ¶ Also the duke of lancastre maried an othir of his doughtres vn to the kyng of Portingale the same tyme And whan he had done thus he come home ayene in to englond the good lady his wyfe also but many a worthy man vpon the flix in that viage died ¶ And in y● xv yere of kyng Richardes regne he helde his Cristemasse in the maner of wodestoke And there the erle of penbroke a yong lord tendre of age wold lerne to Iuste with a knyght that was called sir Iohan seint Iohan riden to gedre in the parke of wodestoke And there this worthy erle of penbroke was slayn̄ with that othir knyghtes spere as he kest it from hym when they had coupled and thuz this good erle made there his ende And therfor the kyng the quene made moche sorwe for his deth ¶ And in the xvj yere of kyng Richardes regne Iohan hende beyng that tyme maire of london Iohan walworth henry vanner beyng shreues of london that same tyme a bakers man bare a basket of horsbrede in to fleetstrete toward an hostre ther come a yoman of the bisshoppes of salisbury that was called romayn he toke an horselofe oute of the basket of the baker he asked hym why he did so this romayn turned ayene brake the bakers hede And neigbours come oute wold haue a rested this romayn and he brake frō hem fledde vn to the lordes place the Constable wold haue hym out but the bisshoppes men she● fast the yates kepte the place that no man myght entre And than moche more peple gadred thidder and said that they wold haue him oute or elles they wold brenne vp the place and all that were with in ¶ And than come the maire and shereues with othir moche peple and cesed the malice of the communes made euery man to go home to hir houses kepe the pees ¶ And this Romayns lord the bisshop of Salisbury maistir Iohan waltham that that tyme was tresorer of englond went to sir Thomas Arundell Erchebisshopp
the kyng to whom the kyng sente certayn lordes and desired hem to kepe the pees and departe but in conclusion whiles they treated on that one side the erle of warrewyk● with the marche men and othir entrid the toune on that othir fought ayenst the kyng and his partie and so began the bataille and fightyng whiche endured agood while but in conclusion the duke of yorke obteyned and had the victorie of that Iourney In whiche was slayne the duke of somersete the erle of northumberland the lord Clifford and many knyghtes and sqnyers And many moo hurt And on the morne after they brought the kyng in grete astate to london which was logged in the bisshoppes Palais of london And anone after was a grete parlement In which ꝑlement the duke of yorke was made protector of Englond and the erle of warrewyke Capitayn of Caleys and the erle of Salisbury chaunceler of englond And alle suche ꝑsones as had the rewle to fore aboute the kyng were set a parte and myght not rewle as they did to fore In this same yere died pope Nicholas the fyfthe and after hym was Calixte the iij. This Calixte was a Catalane and an elde man whan he was chosen and continuelly seke wherfor he myght not performe his zele desire that he had ayenst the turke conceyued and the cause of lettyng therof was his age and sekenes This Calixte instituted ordeyned the feste of the transfiguracion of our lord to be halowed on s●int sixtes day in August because of the grete victorie that they of hnngary had ayenst the turkes that same day he was chosen pope in the yere of our lord M. And died the yere M. cccc.lviij that same day that ●e ordeyned the feste of the transfiguracion to be halowed In this same yere fyll a grete affraye in london ayenst the lumbardes The cause began because a yongman toke a daggar from a lumbard and brake it wherfor the yongman on the morne was sente fore to come to fore the Maire and aldermen and there for the offence he was comytted to warde ¶ And thenne the maire departed from the guyldhall for to go home to his diner but in the chepe the yongmen of the mercerye for the most ꝑt prentises helde the maire shereuis still in chepe and wold not suffre hym to departe vn to the tyme that their felaw whiche was comytted to warde were deli●yd so by force they rescued their felaw from prison that done the maire shereuis departed and the prisoner deliuered which yf he had he put to prison had be in Inpardye of his lyf And began a Ruuour in the cite ayenst the lumbardes and the same euenyng the handcrafty peple of the toune arose and ran to the lumbardes houses and despoilled robbed d●●erse of hem wherfore the maire and aldermen come with the honest peple of the toune and drofe them thens sente somme of them that had stolen to newgate And the yong man that was rescued by his felawes sawe this grete Rumour affraye robbery ens●ewed of his first me uyng to the lumbard departed and went to westmynstre to saynturie or elles it had costed hym his lyfe For anone after come doune an Oeyr determyne for to do Instice on alle them that so rebellid in the cite ayenst the lumbardes on whiche satte with the maire that tyme william Marowe the duke of bokyngham and many othir lordes for to see execucion don but the comyns of the cite secretly made them redy dide arme them in their houses and were in purpose for to haue rongen the comyn belle whiche is named bowe belle but they were lette by sad men whiche come to the knoweleche of the duke of bokyngham and othir lordes and incontinent they aroos for they durst no lenger abyde For they doubted that the hole cyte shold haue arisen ayenst them bnt yet neuertheles ij or .iij. of the cite were Iugged to deth for this robbery and were hanged at Tyburne Anone after the kyng the quene and othir lordes rode to couentre and withdrewe hem from london for thise causes And a lytell to fore the duke of yorke was sente fore to grenewych and there was discharged of the protectoursipp And my lord of Salisbury of his Chauncel●rshipp And after this they were sent fore by priuy seal for come to couentre where they were almost deceyued and the Erle of warrewyke also and shold haue ben destroied yf they had not seen well to ¶ How the lord Egremond was take by therle of salesteries sones And of the robbyng of sandwych Capitulo ducentesimo lvij THis yerewere taken iiij grete fisshes bitwene Eerethe london that one was called mors marine the second a swerd fisshe aud the othir tweyne were wales ¶ In this same yere for certeyne aff●ayes done in the northcontre bitwene the lord Egremond and the Erle of Salisburies sones the said lord Egremond whom they had taken was condempned in a grete somme of money to the said Erle of Salisbury aud therfor comysed to prison in Newgate in london where whan he had be a certayne space he brake the prison and iij. prisoners with hym and escaped wente his way Also this yere the Erle of warrewyke and his wyfe wente to Caleys with a faire felawshipp and toke possession of his office Aboute this tyme was a grete reformacion of many monasteries of religion in duierse parties of the world which were ●●formed after the first institucion and continued in many places Also aboute this tyme the crafte of enprinting was first founde in Magunce in Almayne whiche craft is mnltiplied thurgh the world in many places and bookes bene had grete chepe and in grete nombre by cause of the same craft This same yere was a grete bataille in the marches bitwene hungerie and turkye at a place called septedrade where innumerable turkes were slayne more by miracle than by mannes honde For only the honde of god smote them seint Iohan of capestrane was there present prouoked the cristen reple ●eyng thenne aferd after to pursiewe the turkes where an infinite multitude were slayne and destroied The turkes said that a grete nombre of armed men folowed them that they were aferd to turne agayne they were holy angellys ¶ This same yere the prisoners of Newgate in london brake their prison wente vpon the leedes fought ayenst them fo the Cite kepte the gate a longe while but at the last the toune gate the prison on them and than they were put in feteris yrons were sore punysshed in ensample of othir In this yere also was a grete erthequaue in Naples in so much y● ther perisshed xl M. peple that sank● there in to the erthe Item in the yere xxxvj seint Osmond somtyme bisshopp of Salisbury was canonysed at Rome by Pope Caliste And the xvj day of Iuyll he was translated at Salisbury by the Erchebisshoppe of
and went strayt vn to the kynges feeld where they were resseyued ioyously for they knewe th entent of the othir lordes and also the maner of their feld And thenne the duke of yorke with the othir lordes seyng them so deceyued toke a counseill shortly in that same nyght and departed from the feld beuyng behynd them the most part of their peple to kepe the felde till on the morne ¶ Thenne the duke of yorke with his second sone departed thurgh walis toward Irland beuyng his oldest sone the erle of the marche with the erles of warrewyke and Salisbury which to gedir with iij. or iij. persones rood strayt in to deuenshire and there by helpe and ayde of one denham a squyer whiche gate for them a shipp which cost .cc.xx. noblis with the same shippe sailled fro thens in to garneseye And there refresshid them and from thens sailled to Caleys where they were receyued in to the Castell by the postern er they of the toune knewe of hit And the duke of yorke toke shipping in walys and sailled auer in to Irland where he was well receyued ¶ How therles of marche warrewyke salisbury entrid in to Caleys how therle of warrewyke wente in to Irland Capitulo ducentesimo lx THenne kyng Henry beyng with his oost in the felde not knowyng of this soden departing on the morne fonde none in the felde of the said lordes sente a●te in all hast men to folowe and pursue after to take hem but they mette not with them as god wolde and thenne the kyng wente to ludlowe dispoilled the Castell and the toune and sente the duches of yorke with hir children to my lady of bokyngham hir sustre where she was kepte longe af●er ¶ And forthwith the kyng ordeyned the duke of Somersete Captayn of Caleys And these othir lordes so departed as a fore is said were ꝓclamed rebellis grete traitours Thenne the duke of somersete toke to hym all the soudiours that departed from the felde and made him redy in all hast to goo to Caleys take possession of his office whan he come he fonde therle of warrewyke therinne as Captayn therles of marche salisbury also than he londed by scales wente to guysnes there he was receyued And it fortuned that somme of tho shippes that come ouer with hym come in to Caleys hauen by their fre wyll for the shipmen ought more fauour to the erle of warrewyke than to the duke of somersete in which shippes were take diuerse men as Ienyn finkhyll Iohan felaw kailles purser whiche were beheded sone after in Caleys And after this dayly come men ouer see to thise lordes to Caleys and began to wexe strenger strenger And they borowed moch good of the staple And on that othir side the duke of somersete beyng in guysnes gate peple to hym which come oute scarmusshed with them of caleys they of Caleys with them which endured many daies During thus this same scarmusshyng moch peple daily come ouer vn to these lordes Thenne on a tyme by thauys of counseill the lordes at Caleys sente oue● mastir Denham with a grete felawship to sandwych which toke y● toune therin the lord Riuers the lord scales his sone take many shippes in the hauen brought hem all to Caleya with which shippes many maroners of their fre wyll come to Caleys to serue the erle of warrewyke And after this the erle of warrewyke by thauys of the lordes take all his shippes manned them well sailled hym selfe in to Irland for to speke with the duke of yorke to take his auys how they shold entre in to englond agayne And whan he had bene there done his erandes he retorned agayne toward Caleys brought with hym his modre the Countesse of Salisbury And comyng in the westcontre vpon the see the duke of Excestre admirall of englond beyng in the grace of dien accompanied with many shippes of werre mette with therle of warwyke his flote but they fought not for the substaunce of the peple beyng with the duke of Excestre ought better wyll more fauour to therle of warrewyke than to hym and they departed come to caleys in saufte blessed be god Then the kynges counseill seeyng that these lordes had goten these shippes from sandwych taken the lord Ryuers his sone ordeyned a garnyson at sandwych to abide and kepe the to●ne made one Mountfort Captayn of the toune that no man n● v. taille ne marchaunt that shold goo in to Flaundres shold not goo in to Caleys Thenne they of Caleys seyng this made oute mastir Denha●● many othir to go to sandwych so they did assailled the toune by water by londe gate it brouȝt mount for t their Captayn ouer see to Rysebanke there smote of his hede And yit daily men come ouer to them oute of all ꝑties of englond ¶ How the erles of Marche of warrewyke of salisbury entrid in to englond And of the felde of Northampton where diuese lordes were slayne Capitulo ducentesimo lxj ANd after this the said Erles of marche warrewyke and of salisbury come ouer to douer with moch peple there londed to whom all the contrey drewe come to london armed And for to late the lordes of the kynges coūseill knowe their trouth and also their entent assembled them tolde them that they entended no harme vn to the kynges ꝑsone sauf that they wold put fro hym such ꝑsones as were aboute hym And so departed from london with a grete p●●ssaunce toward Northampton where the kyng was accompanied with many lordes and had made a stronge felde withoute the toune And there bothe parties mette and was foughten a grete bataille in which bataille were slayne the duke of bokyngham the Erle of Shrowesbury the viscounte beamond the lord Egremond and many kuyghtes squyers othir also and the kyng him selfe taken in the feld and afterward brought to london And Anone afterward was a parlement at westmester during whiche parlement the duke of yorke come oute of Irland with the erle of Ru●land ridyng with a grete felawshipp in to the palais at westmynstre and toke the kynges palais And come in to the parlemēt chambre and there toke the kynges place and claymed the croune as his propre enheritaunce and right and cast forth in writing his title and also how he was rightfull eyer wherfore was moche to do but in conclusion it was appointed and concluded that kyng Henry shold regne and be kyug during his naturall lyf For as moc●e as he had ben so long kyng and was possessyd And after his dethe the duke of yorke shold be kyng and his eyres kynges after hym And forth with shold be ꝓclamed heyer apparaunt shold also be protectour aud regent of Englond duriug the kynges lyfe with many othir thinges ordeynd in the same parlement And yf
kyng henry during his lyfe wente from this appoyntement or ony article concluded in the said parlement he shold be deposed the duke shold take the croune and be kyng alle whiche thinges were enacted by the auctorite of the said parlement 〈◊〉 which parlement the communes of the reame beyng assembled in the comō hous comonyng treating vpon the title of the said duke of yorke sodenly fill doun the croune which henge thēne in the myddes of the said hous which is the frraytour of the abbey of westmestre which was taken for a ꝓdige or tokē that the regne of kyng henry was ended And also the croune whiche stode on the hihest tour of the steple in the Castell of doner fyll doune this same yere ¶ How the noble duke of yorke was slayne and of the felde of wakefeld and of the second Iourney at seint Albons by the Quene and prince Ca. cc.lxij THenne for as moche as the quene with the prince was in the north and absented her from the kyng and wold not obeye suche thinges as was cōcluded in the parlement hit was ordeyned that the duke of yorke as protectour shold go norward for to bring in the quene subdue suche as wold not obeye with whom wente the erle of salisbury Sir Thomas neuyll his sone with moch peple and at wakefelde in Cristemas weke they were all ouerthrowen and slayne by the lordes of the Quenes partie that is to wete the duke of yorke was slayne the erle of Rutland Sir Thomas neuyll and m●ny mod the Erle of Salisbury was taken a lyue and othir as Iohan harow of london Capitayne of the footmen and hanson of hulle whiche were brought to pountfrete and there after beheded their hedes sente to yorke sette vpon the yates And thus was that noble prince slayne the duke of yorke on whos soule and all cristen soules god haue mercy Amen And this tyme therle of marche beyng in shrewsbury heering the dethe of his fadre desired assystence and ayde of the toun for tauenge his fadres deth And from thens wente to walys where at Candelmasse after he had a bataille at mortimers crosse ayenst therles of Penbroke of wylshire where therle of march had victorie Thenne the Quene with tho lordes of the north after they had distressed slayn the duke of york● and his felawship come southward with a grete multitude puissaunce of peple for to come to the kyng and defete suche conclusions as had bene taken before by thr parlement ayenst whos comyng the duke of Norffolke therle of warrewyke with moch peple and ordenaunce wente vn to Seint Albons and lad kyng Henry with hem And there encountrid to gedr● in suche wise and fought that the duke of Norffolke and the Erle of warrewyke with othir of their partie fledde and lost that Iourney where kyng Henry was taken and wente with the Quene and Prince his sone whiche tho had goten that felde Thenne the Quene and hir partie beyng at their aboue sente anone to london whiche was on ass● wednesday the firste day of lente for vitaille whiche the Maire ordeyned by thauys of the Aldremen that certayne Cartes laden with vitaille shold be sente to Seint Albons to them And whan tho Cartes comen to Crepelgate the communes of the Cite that kepte that gate toke the vitailles from the Cartes and wold not suffre it to passe Thenne were ther c●rteyne Aldremen and communers appoynted to gone to barnet for to speke with the Quenes counseill for tentrete that the northern men shold be sente home in to their contrey agayne For the Cite of london dredde sore to be robbed and despoilled yf they had come ¶ And thus during this trait●ye tydynges come that the Erle of warrewyke had mette with the Erle of Marche on Cotteswold comyng oute of walys with a grete meyne of walsshmen And that they bothe were comyng to london ward Anone as these tydynges were knowen the traittye was broken For the Kyng Quene Prince and alle the othir lordes that were with them departed from Seint Albons northward with alle their peple yit or they departed from thens they beheded the lord bonuyle Sir Thomas kriell whiche were taken in the Iourney don● on shroftewisday Thenne the duchesse of yorke beyng at london and beriug of the losse of the feld at seint Albons sente ouersee her ij yong sones George and Richard whiche wente to ●trecht And phelipp malpas a riche marchaunt of london Thomas vaghan squyer maistir william hatt●clif and many othir fering of the comyng of the Quene to london toke a ship of andwarp for to haue goon in to zeland And on that othir coost were taken of one colompn● a frenshman a shipp of werre he toke hem prisoners brouȝt hem in to fraunce where they paid grete good for their raunsone ther was moche good richesse in that ship ¶ Of the deposicion of kyng henry the vj. And how kyng Edward the iiij toke possession And of the bataille on palmesonday how he was crouned Ca. CC lxiij THenne whan the erle of marche and the erle of warwyk had mette to gedir on Cottyswold in continent they cōcluded to goon to london sent word anone to the maire to the cite that they shold come anon the cite was glad of their com●●g hopyng to be relieuyd by them And so they come to london whan they were comen had spoken with the lordes estates thenne being there concluded for as moche as kyng henry was goon with them northward that he had forfayted hts croune ought for to be deposed acordyug vn to the actes maad passed in the last parlement And so by thauys of the lordes spirituell temporell thenne beyng at london the erle of the marche Edward by the grace of god oldest sone of Richard duke of yorke as rightfull Eyer next enheriteur to his fadre y● iiij day of marche y● yere of our lord M. cccc.lix toke possession of the Reame of ēglond at westmestre in the grete halle after in the chyrche of the abbey offrid as kyng bering the septre royall to whom all the lordes bothe spirituell temporell dide homage obeyssance as to their souerayn liege lawfull lord kyng And forth with it was ꝓclamed thurgh the cite kyng Edward the fourth of that name And anone after the kyng rode in his Ryall astate norward with all his lordes for to subdue his subgettes that tyme beyng in the north tauenge his fadres deth And on palmesonday after he had a grete bataille in the northcontre at a place called towton not fer fro yorke where with the helpe of god he gate the felde and had the victorie where were slayne of his ad●saries xxx thousand men and moo as it was said by men that were there ▪ in whiche bataille was slayne the erle of northumberland the lord Clifford sir Iohan neuile the erle of westmerlādis brother andrew trollop many othir knyghtes squyers Thenne kyng henry that had be kyng beyng with the quene prince at yorke heering the losse of that felde so moche peple slayn ouerthrowen anon forthwith departed all thre with the duke of Somersete the lord roos othir toward Scotland And the next day kyng Edward with all his armye entred in to yorke was there ꝓclamed kyng obeyed as he ought to be A●d the maire Aldremen comyns sworn to be his liege men And whan he had taried a while in the north that alle the contre there had turned to hym he retorned southward leuyng the erle of warrewyke in tho parties for to kepe gouerne that cōtre And aboute midsomer after the yere of our lord M. cccc.lx and the first yere of his regne he was crouned at westmynstre enoynted kyng of englond hauyng the hold possession of all the hole reame whom I pray god saue kepe sende hym the accomplisshement of the remenaunt of his rightfull enheritaunce beyonde the see that he may regne in them to the playsir of almyghty god helthe of his soule honour wurship in this present lyfe well prouffyt of alle hi● subgettis that ther may be a verray finall pees in all cristen reames that the infidelis mysscreauntes may be withstāden destroied our faith enhannced which in thise dayes is sore mynusshed by the puissaunce of the turkes hethen men And that after this present short lyfe we may come to the ●uerlastuig lyfe in the blisse of heuen Amen ¶ Thus endeth this present booke of the cronicles of englond en●nted by me william Caxton In thabbey of westmynstre by london Fynysshid and accomplisshid the x. day of Iuyn the yere of thincarnacion of our lord god M. CCCC.lxxx And in the xx yere of the regne of kyng Edward the fourth
well with the kyng and thought his doughter shold well be maried well beset vpon him graunted him his doughter yf the good lord the kyng wold consent ther to ¶ This Edelwold come ayene to the kyng told him that she wa● fair ynowe v●on to see but she was wonder lothly ¶ Tho ansuerd the kyng and said that he toke but litell charge Sir quod Edelwold tho she is hir fadres heir and I am nat ●●che of landes and yf ye wold consent and graunte that I must hir haue than shold I be rich y nowe In goddes name qd the kyng I consent ther to Edelwold thanked tho moche the kyng went ayen in to Denenshire spoused the damisell in that contre he duelled And thus it befell vpon a tyme that he tolde his coūceill all this thyng vn to his wyf howe in what maner he had begiled his lord the kyng that wold haue had hir to wyf And anone as she it wyst she loued hym neuer more afterward as she had done beforne ¶ This lady conceyued by hym a sone and when tyme was that the child shold be borne Edelwold come to the kyng praied hym to heue a sone of his at fontston the kyng hym graunted let call hym Edgar of his owne name ¶ And when this was don̄ he thouȝt that he was syker y nowe of the kyng y● not wolde haue taken his wyfe for as moche as his lord was a ●oly man and an amerous ¶ How that kyng Edgar wedded Estrilde after the deth of edelwold Ca. C ▪ xiij THus it befell that all men in kyng Edgarys court tho speken said that Edelwold was richely avaunced thurgh the mariage of his wyf yit they said he was avaunced an hunderd fold more For he had spoused the fairest woman that euer was seyn̄ And the kyng herde speke so moche of hir beaute he thought that Edelwold had hym desseyued and begiled and thought priuely in his hert that he wold gone in to Denenshire as it were for to hunt for the hert for the hynde and othir wylde bestes than he sholde se ther the lady or he departed thennes And this lady was duelly●g at a maner besides the forest ther that the kyng wolde hunte at that maner he was her burghed all nyght and whenne tyme come the kyng sholde sope and the sonne shone the kyng asked after his Gossyp and after his godsone and edelwold made hir come before the kyng And notheles yf it othir myght haue bene she sholde not haue comen in his sight by his wyll The lady welcomed the kyng and swetely hym cussed and he nōme hir the honde and tho next by hym her sette and so soped they to gedre And tho was a custome and an vsage in this land that when a man dronke vn to an othir the drynker shold sey wassayl and that othir sholde ansuere drynkehaille and thus did the kyng and the lady many tymes and also kyst And after sop●● whent yme was gone to bedde the kyng went vn to his bed ●●rtely thenkyng vpon that ladies fairnesse and tho was ouercome for hir loue that hym thought that he shold die but of hir his wyll he had Vpon the morne the kyng Aroos and in the forest went hym ther to disporte with hertes and hyndes and all othir wylde bestes and of the hertes grete ple●te to that lady he sent thries he went to solacen and speke with that lady whiles he duelled in that cōtre And after that the kyng remeued thennes and thought how he myght best deliuer edelwold from his wyfe as he had hym fyrst disceyued And the kyng anone after viij dayes let ordeyne a parlament at Salesbury of all his baronage conceill to haue and for to ordeyne how the contre of Northumberland myȝt best ben kept that the danois comen not ther the land to destroie And this Edelwold come also vn to the kynges ꝑlement and the kyng sent hym to yorke for to be keper of that contre And thus it befell that men that knewe hym not slowe hym by the wey And anone as the kyng herde that he was dede he let send after the lady Estrild that she shold come to the Cite of london and ther ben w●dded to the kyng with grete solempnite and wurshipp an held a solempne feste and he wered a croune of gold and the quene an othir ¶ And seint dunston amorwe came vn to the kyng in to the chamber and founde the kyng abedde and the quene also yfere And seint dinistō axed ho she was the kyng ansuerde this is the quene Estrilde and the erchebisshopp seint dunston said that he did grete wrong and ayens goddes wyll to take a woman to wyfe whos child ye had take at the● fonstone and the quene for that word neuer after loued seint du●ston and nothelees the good man warned of that foli● to lete but his warnyng availled litell for the loue bitwene hem was so moche ¶ The kyng begate vpon this woman a sone was called Eldred and tho this childe was vj. yere olde the kyng his fadre died and about that tyme he had regned xvij yere lieth at Glastenbury ¶ Of seint Edward the martir how Estrild his stepmoder lete hym quelle for to make Eldred hir own̄ sone kyng Ca. C ▪ xiiij ANd after this Edgar regned Edward his sone that he bagate on his fyrst wyfe that well and nobely gouerned the lande for he was full of all maner of goodnesse and lad full holy lyfe and aboue all thyng he loued god and holy chyrche and the quene Estrild his stepmoder let hym slee for encheson to make hir owne sone Eldred kyng and thus was he slayne as afterward ye shull here ¶ Hit befell thus on a day ●hat the kyng Edward went in to a wode for to play in the southcōtre besides a tou●e that is called warham in which forest was grete plente of hertes a●d hyndes and as he had bene a while ther him for to pley he thought vpon his brother Eldred that was with his moder the quene for hir place was nygh the forest and thought for to gone thidder and visite and see his brother toke with him but a litell meyne and went him tho toward his stepmodre● house that in that tyme soiourned in the Castell of Corfe and as he rode in the thikkenesse of the wode to aspie his game it befell that he wēt amys and lost his meyn● that with him come and at the last he come oute of the wode as he loked aboute he sawe ther fast besides the maner that his stepmoder duelled in and thidderward he went allone and anone it was told the Quene how that the kyng was comen allone withoute companie and therfor she made ●oie y nowe and thought how that she myȝt done that he ner slayne as preuelich as she myȝt And anone preuelich she called to
kynges chaunceler of Englond ¶ The seconde yere that he was crouned he let 〈◊〉 adoune all the newe Castelles that were longyug to the cr●●ne the whiche kyng Stephen had yeue vn to diuerse men and hem had made Erles and baron● for to holde with hym 〈◊〉 to helpe hym ayenst Henry the Emꝑesse sone ¶ And the iiij yere of his regne he put vnder his owne lordshipp the kyng of wales And in the same yere when the kyng of Scotland had in his owne honde that is to seyn the Cite of karlille the Castell of Banburgh the newe Castell vpon Tyne and the Erldome of laucastre ¶ The same yere the kyng with a grete powrr went in to waly● let cast a doune woles and make weyes and made stronge the Castell of Rutland basyng werke and amōge the Castells he made an hous of the temple ¶ And in the same yere was Richard his sone borne that afterward was erle of Oxenford and the fourthe yere of his regne he made Gaufride erle of Britaigne and in that yere he chaunged his money and the vj. yere of his regne he lad an huge hoste vn to Tolouse and conquere by it And the vij yere of his regne deide Thebault the Erchebisshopp of Caunterbury And tho all the Cite of caunterbury all most thurgh meschief was brēd The ix yere of his regne Thomas Beket his Chaunceler was chosen to bene Erchebisshopp of Caunterbury ¶ And vpon seint bar nardis day he was sacred and in that yere was borne Alienore the kyuges doughter ¶ And the x. yere of his regne seint Edward the kyng was translated with mochel honour And the xj yere of his regne he helde his parlement of Northampton And from thens fled seint Thomas Erchebisshopp of Caunterbury for the grete debate that was bitwene the kyng and hym for yf he had bene founden in the morne he had be slayye and therfor he fledde thens with iij. felawes on fote only that no man wist wher he was and wente ouer the see to the pope of Rome And this was the principall encheson for as moch as the kyng wolde haue put clerkes to dethe that were atteint of felonie withoute any priuelege of holy church And the xij yere of his regne was Iohan his sone borne And the xi●j yere of his regne deide Maude the Emꝑesse that was his mod●● ¶ And in that same yere was Iohan his doughter borne ¶ The xiiij yere of his regne the duke henry of Saxone spoused Maude his doughter And he begate on hir iij. sones Henry Othus and william And in the xv yere of his regne deide the good Erle Robert of Gloucestre that founded the Abbey of nonnes of Eton ¶ And in the same yere Marike kyng of Iherusalem conquered Babiloigne The xvj yere of his regne he let croune his sone Henry at westmynstre and hym crouned Rogier Erchebisshopp of yorke in harmyng of Thomas Erchebisshopp of Caunterbury wherfore the same Rogier was acursed of the Pope ¶ Of kyng Henry that was sone of kyng Henry the Emꝑesse son● and of the debate that was bitwene hym and his fad●● while that he was in normandie Capitulo Centesimo xlij AFter the coronacion of kyng Henry the sone of kyng henry the Emꝑesse sone ¶ Tat same Henry the Emꝑesse son̄ went ouer in to Normandie and ther he let mar●e Elienore the doughter of the Dolfyne that was kyng of Almaigne And in the vij yere that the Erchebisshopp seint Thomas had bene outelawed the kyng of frannce made the kyng and seint thomas accorded And tho come Thomas the Erchebisshopp to Canterbury ayene to his owne chyrche And this accord was made in the begynnyng of aduent And afterward he was quelled and martred the v●day of Cristemasse that tho next come ¶ For kyng Henry thought vpon seint Thomas Erchebisshope vpon Cristemasse day as he sate at mete and thees wordes said That yf he had any good knyght with hym he had be many day passed avenged vpon the Erchebisshopp Thomas ¶ And anone Sir william breton ¶ Sir hugh morvile Sir william Tracy And Sir Reignold fitz vese beres sone in Englissh priuely went vn to the see and comen in to Englond to the chyrch of Canterbury and hym ther they martred at seint Benettes Autre in the modre chyrche And that was in the yere of Incarnacion of Ihesu crist M.C.lxxij yere ¶ And anone after Henry the newe kyng began for to make were vpon Henry his fadre and eke vpon his brethren also ¶ And so vpon a day the kyng of fraunce and a●l the kynges sones and the kyng of Scotland and the grettest lordes of englond were arisen ayens the kyng Henry the fadre and at the last as god wolde he conquered all his enemies ¶ And the kyng of fraunce and he were accorded And tho sent kyng Henry the fadre specialy vn to the kyng of Fraunce and praied hym hertely for his loue that he wolde send to hym by letter the names of hem that begonnen the werre vpon hym ¶ And the kyng of fraunce sent ayene to hym by a letter the names of hem that bygonnen the werre ¶ The fyrst was Iohan his sone and Richard his brother and Henry his sone the newe kyng Tho was Henry the kyng wonder wrothe and cursed the tyme that euer he hem bigate ¶ And whyle the werre dured Henry his sone the newe kyng died sore repentyng his mysdede and most sorwe made of onymā for cause of seint Thomas deth of Caunterbury ¶ And praied his fadre with moche sorwe of hert mercy for his trespas and his fadre for yaf it hym And had of hym grete pite and after he died the xxxvj yere of his regne and lieth at Redyng ¶ How the cristen lost the holy land in the forsaid kynges tyme thurgh a fals cristen man that become a sarazene Ca. C.xliij ANd while that kyng henry the Emꝑesse sone lyued regned the grete bataille was in the holy land bitwene the cristen men the sarazenes but the cristē men were ther quelled thurgh grete treson of the erle Tirpe that wolde haue had to wife the q●ene of ●hrlm̄ that some tyme was Baldewynes wife but she forsoke hym toke to hir lord a knyght a worthy man that waz called sir Gny ꝑches wherfor the erle Tirpe was wroth wente anone right to Soladyne that was soudan of Babiloigne become sarazene his man forsoke his cristendome all cristen lawe and the cristen men wist not of this dedes b●t went for to haue had grete helpe of hym as they were woned to haue before And when they comen to the bataille this fals cristen man turned vn to the sarazenes forsoke his owne nacions so were the cristen men ther quelled with the sarazenes thus were the cristen men slayne put to horrible deth the cite of ●h●lm̄ destroied and the holy crosse borne away The kyng of fraunce
And the abbot of wauersey drad so moche his manace that he forsoke all the abbey went thens preuely ordeyned hym ouer see to the hous of Cisteaux when the tydynge come to the pope that the kyng had done so moche malice tho was he to the kyngward full wroth sent ij ●●gatz vn to the kyng that one was called Pandolfe that othir durant that they shold warne the kyng in the popes name that he shold cese of hie ꝑsecucion that he did vn to holy church and amende the wronge and the trespase that he had done to the Erchebisshoppe of Caunterbury and to the Priour and vn to the monkes of Caunterbury and to alle the clergie of Englond and that he shold restore the goodes aye● that he had taken of hem ayens hir wylle and elles they sholde curse the kyng by name and to do this thyng and to conferme the Pope toke hem his lr̄es in bulles patentz ¶ These ij legatz come in to Englond and comen to the kyng to Northampton ther that he helde his parlement and full courteisely they hym salued and sayden Sir we ben come fro the pope of rome the pees of holy chyrche and of the land to amend And we amonest yowe fyrst in the Popi● halfe that ye make full restitucion of the goodes that ye haue rauyshed of holy chyrche and of the lande and that ye vnderfonge stephen Erchebisshopp of Caunterbury in to his dignite and the priour of Caunterbury and his monkes that ye yelde ayene vn to the Erchebisshopp all his landes and rents withoute any with holdyng ¶ And Sir yit more ouer that ye such restitucion hem make as holy chyrche shall holde hir paied Tho ansuerd the kyng as touchyng the Priour and his monkes of Caunterbury all that ye haue said I wull gladly do and all thyng that ye wyll ordeyne ¶ But as touchyng the Erchebisshopp I shall telle yow in myne hert as hit lithe that the Erchebisshopp let his bishop riche and that the Pope than for hym wold pray and than vpon a venture me sholde like some othir bisshoppriche for to yeue hym in Engloud and vpon this condicion I wold hym resceyue and vnderfong ¶ And nothlees in Englond as Erchebisshopp yif he abyde he shall neuer haue so good saufconduit but he shall be take ¶ Tho said Pandolfe vn to the kyng Holy chyrche was woned neuer to discharge an Erchebisshoppe withoute cause resonably but euer the hath ●e woned to chastyze princes that to god and holy chyche were inobedient ¶ What how nowe quod the kyng manace ye me Nay said Pandolfe but ye nowe openly haue tolde as it standeth in your hert ¶ And to yowe we wull telle what is the Popes wylle and thus it stant that he hath yowe holy enterdited and acursed for the wronges that ye haue done to holy chyrche and to the clergie And for as moche as ye duells and beth in wylle to a byde in ma●● and wylle not come to no●● ammendement ye shall vnderstonde that fro this tyme afterward the scentence is vpon yowe ye ben and holdeth stede and strength and vpon all tho that wyth yowe haue communed before this tyme wethir they bene Erles Barons or Knyghtes or any othir what so euer they bene we hem o●●oyle saufely vn to this day and fro this tyme afterward of what condicion euer that they be we hem accurse that with yowe comen so do we scentence vpon hem openly specially ¶ And we assoille quytely Erles Barons knyghtes all othir maner men of hir homages seruices feautes that they shold vn to yowe done and this tydynge to conferme we yeue pleyne power to the bisshopp of wynchestre to the bisshop of nor the wych● ¶ And the same power we yeue in scotland to the bisshoppes of Rouchestre of Salisbury ¶ And in walys we yeue the same power to the bisshoppes of seint dauid of landaf and of seint asse And more ouer we sende thurgh all cristendome that all the bisshoppes be yonde the see that they done accurse a●le tho that helpeth yowe or any counceill yeueth yowe in any maner nede that ye haue to done in any ꝑtie of the world And we assoille hem also all by the auctorite of the pope cōmaunde hem also with yowe for to werre as with him that is en●mie to all holy church ¶ Tho ansuerd the kyng what mowe ye done me more ¶ Tho ansuerd Pandolf we sey ne to yowe in verbo dei that ye ne none heir that ye haue neuer after this day may be crouued Tho said the kyng by him that is almyȝty god I had wist of this thing er y● ye come in to my land that ye had me brought such tydynge I shold haue made yowe ryde all an hole yere Tho ansuerd Pandolfe full well wende we at our first comyng that ye wold haue bene obedient to god to holy churche haue fullfylled the popes cōmaundement nowe we haue shewed to yowe ꝓnounced the popes wylle as we were charged ther with And as nowe ye haue said that if ye had wist the cause of our comyng that ye wold haue made vs 〈◊〉 all an hole yere and as well ye myght haue said that ye wold haue take an hole yere of respite by the popes ●eue But for to suffre what deth ye coude crdyne we shull not spare for to telle yowe hollich all the popes message his wylle that we were charged with ¶ How Pandolfe deliuered a cler● that had falsed counterfated the kynges money before the kyng hym selfe Ca. C.l. ANd anone tho cōmaunded the kyng the shereues 〈◊〉 of northampton that were in the kynges presence that they shold bring forth all the ●soners that they myght bene done vn to the deth before Pandolfe for encheson the kyng wende that they wold haue gayne said hir dedes for cause of deth all thinge that he had spoken afore Whenne the ●soners were come before the kyng the kyng cōmaunded some to be honged some to bene drawe some to drawe oute hir yien oute of hir hede and amōge all othir ther was a clerc had falsed the kynges money the kyng cōmaunde that he shold be honged drawe And when Pandolf herde this cōmaūdement of the kyng he stert hym by smertely anone axed a boke candell wold haue cursed all 〈◊〉 that set vpon the clerc any hōde And Pandolf hym selfe went for to seche a crosse the kyng folewed hym deliuered hym the clerc by the honde that he shold done with hym what that euer he wold And thus was the clerc deliuered aud went thens and Pandolfe durant his felaw went fro the kyng Iohan come ayene to the Pope of Rome and told hym that kyng Iohan wolde not amended bene but euer abide so occur 〈◊〉 ¶ And nothelees the pope graunted that yere thurgh oute englond that men myght sing
grete lordes of fraunce put hem in to prison queld almost all the men that come with hem anone drenched the shippes in the see ¶ How lowys turned ayene in to fraunce of the confirmacion of kyng Iohanes chartre Ca. C.lvij WHen lowys herde this tydynge he drad sore to be dede loste and let ordeyne speke bitwene the kyng lowys by the ●egat Swalo thurgh the Erchebisshopp of Caunterbu●ty thurgh othir grete lordes that all the prisoners on that one halfe on that othir shuld be deliuered gone quyte lowys him selfe shold haue for his costages a M. pounde of siluer and shold gone oute of englond come neuer therin ayene in this maner was the accord made bitwene kyng henry lowys and tho was lowys assoilled of the popes ●egat thas was called Swalo of scente●●e that he was in the barons of englond also And after this kyng Henry and Swalo the legat and lowys went vn to Merton ther was the pees confermed and bitwene hem ordeyned And afterward Lowys went fro thens vn to london toke his leue and was brouȝt with mo●hel honour at the see with the Erchebisshopp of Caunter●bury and with othir bisshoppes and also with Erles and baronz and so went lowys in to fraunc● ¶ And afterward the kyng and the Erchebisshopp and erles Barons assembled hem at london at mihelmasse that next come tho sewyng and helde ther a parlement ther were tho renewed all the frannchises that kyng Iohan graunted had at Romnemede and kyng Henry tho cōfermed by his ch●rtre the which yit bene hold thurgh oute all englond And in that tyme the kyng toke of euery plough lande ij shilling And hubert of burgh was made tho chief Iustice of englond And this was y● iiij yere of kyng henries regne And in the same yere was seint Thomas of Caunterbury translated the .l. yere after his martirdome ¶ And after it was ordeyned by all the lordes of englond that all aliens sholde gone oute of englond and come no more therin and kyng Henry toke tho alle the Castelles in to his honde that kyng Iohan his fadre had yeue and taken vn to aliens for to kepe that helde with hym But the proude faukes of Brent richely let aray his Castell of Bedford whiche he had of the kynges yift Iohan and he helde that castell ayens kyng henries wylle with myght strength ¶ And the kyng come thidder with a stronge poer beseged the castell And the Erchebisshopp mastir stephen of langeton with a faire companie of knyghtes come to the kyng him for to helpe from the ascencion vn to the assumpcion of our lady last the sege And tho was the castell wonne take the kyng let honge all tho that were went in to the castell with hir good wylle for to hold the castell that is for to seyne lxxx men ¶ And tho afterward ●aukes hym selfe was founde in a chyrche of Couentre And ther he forswore all Englond with moche shame and went tho ayene in to his own̄ contre ¶ And whiles that kynge Henry regned Edmōd of Abyngdon that was tresorere of Salusbury was consacred Erchebisshopp of Canterbury And this kyng Henry sent ouer the see vn to the Erle of Prouynce that he sholde send hym his dought in to englond that was called Elienore he wolde wedde her and so she came in to Englond after Cristemasse in the morwe after seint Hillarie the Erchebisshopp Edmond spoused hem to gedre at Caunterbury And at the viij of seint Hillarie she was crouned at westmynster with moche solēpnite And ther was a swete sight bitwene hem that is to seyne Edward that was next kyng after his fadre flour of● courtesy of largesse Margarete that was after quene of Scotlād beatrice that was afterward Countesse of Britaigne and katerine that died maid in religion ¶ Of the quinzeme of godes that were graunted for the new chartres and of the purveaunce of Oxūford ¶ Ca. C.lviij ANd thus it befell that the lordes of Englond wolde haue somme addicions mo in the chartre of fraunchises y● they had of the kyng speken thus bitwene hem the kyng graunted hem all her axyng made to hem ij chartres that one ys called the grete chartre of fraunchises that othir is called the chartre of forest for the graunte of these ij chartres Prelates Erles barons all the cōmunes of ēglond yaf to the kyng a M. marc of siluer when kyng Henry had bene kyng xliij yere the same yere he and his lordes Erles and barons of the Rayme went to Oxūford and ordeyned a lawe in amendement of the Royame And fyrst swore the kyng hym selfe and after alle the lordes of the Reame that they wolde hold that statute for euer more And who that hem brake shold be dede But the seconde yere after that ordinaūce the kyng thurgh counceill of Sir Edward his sone and of Richard his brother that was Erle of Cornewaille and also of othir repented hym of that othe that he had made for to hold that lawe ordinaunce and sent to the court of Rome to ●ene assoilled of that othe And in that yere next comyng after was the grete derth of ●orne in englond for a quartier of whete was worth xxiiij shillinges and the poure peple ete neteles and othir wedes for hunger deide many a thousand for defaute of mete ¶ And in the xlviij yere of kyng Henries regne began werre and debate bitwene hym and hi● lordes for encheson that he had broke the couenanutz that were made bitwene hem at Oxenford ¶ And in the same yere was the toune of Northampton take and the folke slayne that were with ynne for ēcheson that they had ordeyned wyldefire for to haue brēd the Cite of london ¶ And in the moneth of May that come next after vpon seint Pancras day was the bataille of ●ewes that is to seyne the wedenesday before seint Dunstones day and ther was take kyng Henry hym selfe and Sir Edward his sone and Richard his brother Erle of Cornewaille and many othir lordes And in the same yere next sewyng Sir Edward the kynges sone brake oute of the warde of Sir Symond of Mountfort erle of ●ey c●stre at he reford and went to the barons of the marche and they vnderfenge hym with moc●el honour ¶ And in the same tyme Gillebert of Clarence Erle of Gloucestre that was in the ward also of the forsaid Symond thurgh the commaundement of kyng Henry that wente from hym with grete hert for encheson that he said that the forsaid Gillebert was a foole iij his counceill wherfor he ordeyned hym afterd so and ●●lde hym with kyng Henry ¶ And the Satirday next after the myddes of August Sir Edward the kynges sone discomfited Sir Symond de Mountfort at kemlworth But the grete lordes that were ther with hym were taken that is to
with riche clothes of silke of tapites with riche coueringe ¶ And for ●oye of his comyng the noble burgeis of the Cite cast oute at hir wyndowes golde and siluer hondes full in tokenyng of loue and of wurshipp sernyses reuerence ¶ And oute of the conduit of chepe ran white wyne and re●e as stremes doth of the water and euery man ther of myght drinke at hir owne wille ¶ And this kyng Edward was crouned annoynted as right heire of Englond with moc●el honour And after masse the kyng wente in to his paleis for to holde a rialle feste amonges hem that hym did honour And when he was fette vn to his m●te the kyng Alisaundre of Scotland come for to done hym honour and reuerence with a queyntize and an houndred knyghtes with hym well horsed and draied And whan they were light a doune of hir stedes they 〈◊〉 hem gone whidder that they wolde and who that myght take hem toke at hir owne wylle withoute any chalenge ¶ And afterward come Sir Edmond kyng Edwardes brother a curteis knyght and a gentill of renonne and the Erle of Cornewaille and the Erle of Gloucestre And after hem come the Erle of Penbroke and the Erle of Garenne And eche of hem by hem self lad in hir honde an hundred knyghtes gayly disgised in hir armes ¶ And when they were light of hir hors they let hem goū whidder that hem liked and who that myght hem take to haue hem stille withoute any lette And when all this waz don● ¶ Kyng Edward did his diligence his myght for to amēd the reame redresse the wronges in the best maner that he myght to the honour of god holy chyrche to maynten his honour and to amende the noyaunce of the cōmune peple ¶ How ydeyne y● was lewelynes dought of walys ●nce aymer that was y● erles brother of moūtfort were takē in the see Ca. C.lxij THe fyrst yere afterward that kyng Edward was crouned Lewelyne prince of walys sent in to fraunce to the Erle Mountfort that thurgh counceill of his frendes the Erle shold wedde his doughter and the Erle tho avised hym vpon this thyng sent ayene to Lewelyne said that he wold sende after his doughter And so he sent Aymer his brother after the damisell and Lewelyne arraied shippes for his doughter and for Sir Aymer and for hir faire companie that shold goo with hir ¶ And this Lewelyn did grete wronge for it was couenāt that he shold yeue his doughter to no maner man withoute counceill consent of kyng Edward ¶ And so it fell that a burgeis of Bristowe come in the see with wyne lade and met hem and hem toke with myght and power anone the burgeis sent hem to the kyng ¶ And when lewelyn herde this tydynge he was wonder wroth and eke sorwefull and gan for to werre vpon kyng Edward did moche harme vn to the Englishmen bete a doune the kynges castelles began fast to destroie kyng Edwardes londes ¶ And when tydyng come vn to kyng Edward of this thyng he went in to walys And so moche he did thurgh goddes grace and his grete poer that he drofe lewelyn vn to moche meschief that he fled all maner strength and come and yelde hym to kyng Edward and yaf hym .l. M. marc of siluer far to haue pees and toke the damisell and all his heritage and made an obligacion to kyng Edward to come to his parlement ij tymes of the yere ¶ And in the seconde yere after that kyng Edward was crouned he helde a generall parlement at westmynster and ther he made the statutes for defaute of lawe by commue assent of all his baronage And at Estren next sewynge the kyng sent by his lr̄ez to Lewelyn Prince of wales that he shold come to parlement for his lande and for his holding in wales as the strength of the letter obligatorie witnessed ¶ Tho Lowelyne had scorne despite of the kynges cōmaundemēt and for pure wrath began ayene for to werre vpon king Edward and destroie his landes ¶ And tho kyug Edward herde this tydinge he wax wonder wroth vn to lewelyn in hast assembled his peple and went hym toward walys werred so vpon Lewelyn the prince till that he brought him in moche sorwe disese ¶ And Lewelyn saw that his defence myȝt not auaille and come ayene yelde hym to the kynges grace and cried hym mercy and longe tyme kneled before the kynges fete ¶ The kyng had of hym pite commaunded hym for to arise and for his mekenesse foryafe hym his wrath and to hym said that it he trespaced ayene him an othir tyme that he wolde destroie him for euermore Dauid that was lewelynes brother that same tyme duelled with the kyng Edward was a fell man and a sotill and enuious ferre castyng and moche treson thought and euermore helde hym stille for to wyt and aspie the kynges wylle and euermore made good semblant and semed so trewe that no man myght ꝑceyue his falsenesse ¶ How Lewelyne thurgh eggynge of dauid his brother werred ayene vpon kyng Edward Ca. C.lx ij HIt was not longe after that tyme that kyug Edward ne yafe to Dauid lewelynes brother the lordshipp of frodeshā and made hym a knyght so mochel honour did he neuer after to no man of walys for encheson of hym Kyng Edw●rd helde his parlement at london when he had done in walys alle that he wolde chaunged his money that tho was full cutte and rounded wherfor the cōmune peple pleyned hem wonder sore so that y● kyng let enquere of hem that suche trespaces diden and ccc were at●●int of such maner falsenesse wherfor somme were honged and somme drawe and afterward honged ¶ Aud afterward the kyng ordeyned that the sterling halpeny ferthing shold gone thurgh out his lād and cōmaunded that no man fro that day afterward yaf ne ●effed hous of religion with lande ●●●ement with oute speciall leue of the kyng and he that did sholde be punysshed at the kynges wylle the yift shold be for nought And it was not longe after that lewelyn Prince of walis thurgh ticement of Dauid his brother a●d by bothe hir consence they thought to disherite kyng Edward in as moche as they myȝt so that thurgh hem bothe the kynges pees was broken And whan kyng Edward herde this anone he sente his barōs in to northumberland and the sur●eis also that they shold gone take hir viage vpon the traitours Lewelyn and Dauid And wōder hard was for to werre tho for it is wynter in walis when in othir cōtrees is somer ¶ And Lewelyne let ordeyne well arrai● vitaille his good castell of Swandon was theryn an huge nōbre of peple plente of vitailles so that kyng Edward wyst not wher for to entre ¶ And when the kynges me it ꝑceyued also the strength of wales they let come
that was well knowen when the scottes were slayne ¶ And sith said Merlyn that ylke dragon shold norissh a fox that shold meue grete werre ayenst hym that shold not in his tyme bene ended And that semed well by Robert the Brus that kyng Edward norisshed in his chambre that sithenes stale away and meued grete werre ayens hym which werre was nat ended in his tyme ¶ And afterward Merlyn told that this dragon shold bene hold the best body of all the world be said sothe for the good kyng Edward was the worthiest knyght of all the world in his tyme ¶ And yit said Merlyn that the dragon shold die in the marche of an othir lād y● his lād shold be longe withoute any good keper that men shold we●e for his dethe from the I le of she pey vn to the I le of marcyll ¶ Wherfor allas sholde be hir cōmune songe amonge peple fadreles in the land wasted that ꝓfecie was knowe ouerall full well For the good kyng Edward died at Burgh vp sandes that is vpon the marche of Scotland wherfor the Englishmen were discomforted sorowed in northumber land ¶ For encheson that kyng Edwardes sone sette by the Scottes no force for the Riott of piers of Ganaston wherfor allas waz the songe thurgh oute all englond For defaute of a good wardeyn from the I le of shepey vn to the I le of marcyll the peple made moche sorwe for good kyng Edwardes deth ¶ For they wende that good kyng Edward sholde haue gone in to the holy lande for that was hollyche his purposse vpon whos soule god for his high grace haue mercy ¶ Of kyng Edward y● was kyng edwardes sone Ca. C.lxxxvij ANd after this kyng Edward regned Edward his sone that was bore in Carnariuan and this Edward went in to fraunce spoused Isabell the kynges dought of fraūce the xxv day of Ianiuer at the churche of our lady at Boloigne In the yere of our lord Ihesu crist a. M.CCC.vij and the xx day of Feuerer the next yere that come after he was crouned solemplich at westmynstre of the Erchebisshoppe Robert of wynchelsee and of the Erchebisshopp of Caunterbury and ther was so grete prece of peple that Sir Iohan Bacwell was dede and murdred ¶ And anone as the good kyng Edward was dede Sir Edward his sone kyng of Englond sente after Piers of Ganastone in to Gascoyne and so moche loued hym that he called him his brother and anone after he yafe hym the lordshipp of wallyngford and it was not longe after that he ne yafe hym the Erledome of Cornewaille ayens alle the lordes wyll of the Roya●●e ¶ And tho brought he Sir walter of langeton bisshopp of Chestre in to prison in to the tour of london with two knaues allone hym to serue For the kyng was wroth with hym for cause that Sir walter made compleint vpon hym to his fadre wherfore he was put in to prison in the tyme of Troilebastone And the forsaid Piers of Ganastone made so grete mastries that he wente in to the kynges tresorie in the Abbey of westmynstre and toke the table of gold with the trestelles of the same and many othir riche ●eweles that some tyme were the noble and good kyng Arthures and toke hem to a marchant that was called Aymery of Friscombande For he shold bere hem ouer the see in to Gascoigne so he wente thens and they come neuer ayene after wherfor it was a grete losse vn to this land ¶ And whan this Piers was so richely auaunced he become so proude and so stoute wher of alle the grete lordes of the Reame had hym in despite for his grete beryng wher for Sir Henry the lacy Erle of Nichol and Sir Gny Erle of warrewyke the whiche good lordes the good kyng Edward Sir Edwardis kyng of Englond his fadre charged that Piers of ganastone shold not come in to Englond for to bringe his sone Edward in to Riott ¶ And alle the lordes of Englond assembled hem at a certayn day at the freres prechours at london and speken of the dishonour that kyng Edward did vn to his Royame and to his croune and so they assented all bothe Erles and cōmunes that the forsaid Piers of Ganastone sholde bene exiled oute of Englond for euer more and so it was done for he forswore Englond and wente in to Irland and ther the kyng made hym 〈◊〉 uetayne and gouernour of the land by his commission and 〈◊〉 this Piers was chiuetayne of all the land and did ther a●le 〈◊〉 hym lyked and had power what ●e wolde and that tyme were the templers exiled thurgh all cristiente for encheson that men put vp on hem that they sholde don̄ thyng ayens the feyth and good be leue ¶ Kyng Edward loued Piers of Ganesto● so moche that he myght nat forlete his companie so moche the kyng yafe behight to the peple of Englond that the exilyng of the forsaid piers sholde bene reuoked at stamford thurgh hem that hym had exiled wherfor piers of Ganastone come ayene in to Englond And whē he was come ayene in to this land he despised the grettest lordis of this land and called sir Robert of Clare Erle of Gloucestre horesone And the Erle of Nicholl sir henry the lacy brostebely and sir Gny Erle of warrewik the blake hounde of Arderne and also he called the noble erle and gentill Thomas of Lancastre Cherle and many othir scornes and shame hem said and by many othir grete lordis of englond Wherfor they were to wardys hym full angry sore annoied And in the same tyme died the Erle of Nichol but he charged or he was dede Thomas of Lancastre Erle that was his sone in lawe that he shold maynten his quarell ayens the same Piers of Ganastone vpon his beneson ¶ And so it was ordeyned thurgh helpe of the Erle of Lancastre and of the Erle of warrewyke that forsaid sir Piers was beheded at gauersich besides warrewyke the xix day of Iun̄ in the yere of grace a M.ccc and xij wherfor the kyng was sore annoied and praied god that he myȝt see that day to bene a venged vpon the deth of the forsaid Piers ¶ And so it befell afterward as ye sh●ll here allas the tyme For the forsaid Erle of Lancastre and many othir grete barons were put to Pitons deth and martred for encheson of the forsaid querell ¶ The kyng was tho at london and helde a parlement and ordeyned the lawes of sir Symond Mo●nfort wherfor the Erle of lancastre and the Erlys and all the clergie of Englond maden an othe thurgh counceill of Robert of wynchelsee for to maynten tho ordinaunces for euermore ¶ How Robert the Brus come ayene in to Scotland gadred a grete power of men for to werre vpon kyng Edward Capitulo Centesimo lxxxviij ANd when sir Robert the Brus that made hym kyng of Scotland that was fled in to Norwey
for drede of dethe of the good kyng Edward and herde of therdebate that was in englond bitwene the kyng his lordes he ordeyned an host come in to englond in to northumberland cleenly destroied the contre ¶ And when kyng Edward herde this tydynge he let assemble his host mette the scottes at Estreuelyne in the day of natiuite of seint Iohan baptist in the vij yere of his regne and in the yere of our lord ●hesu crist a M.CCC xiiij Allas the sorwe losse that ther was done ¶ For ther was slayne the noble erle Gillebert of Clare sir Robert of Clifford baronn many othir of othir peple that no man coude nombre and ther kyng Edward was scomfited and sir Edmond of maule the kynges stiward for drede wēt and drenched hym selfe in a fressh riuer that is called Bannokesborne wherfor the Scottes said in reproue despite of kyng Edward for as moche as he loued to gone by water also for he was discomfited at Bannokesborne therfor maydens maden a song ther of in that contre of kyng Edward of Englond and in this maner they songe ¶ Māydens of englond sare may ye morne for tiȝt haue ye lost your lemmans at Bannokesborne with heualogh what wende the kyng of englond to haue gete scotland with rombilough WHen kyng Edward was discomfited he was wonder sory and fast fledde with his folke that was left on lyue and went to B●rrewyke and ther helde hym And after he toke hostages that is to witen vij children of the richest of the toune and the kyng wente to london toke counceill of thynges that were nedefull vn to the reame nf englond ¶ And in the same tyme i● befell that tho was in englond a ribaude that was called ●ohan tanner and he went and said that he was the good kyng Edwardes sone and let hym calle Edward of Carnariuan and therfor he was take at Oxenford and ther he chalenged the frere carmes church y● kyng Edward had yeue hem the which church some tyme was the kynges halle ¶ Aud afterward was this Iohan lad to northampton and drawe and ther honged for his falsenesse and er that he was dede he confessed and said before all the peple that ther was That the deuell behight hym that he shold be kyng of englond and that he had serued the deuell iij. yere ¶ How the toune of Berewyke was take thurgh treson how ij Cardinalles were robbed in englond Ca. C.lxxxix ANd in mydlenten Sonday in the yere of our lord ●hū crist M.CCC.xvj Berewyke was lost thurgh fals t●●son of one piers of spalding the which piers the kyng had put ther for to kepe that same toune with many burg●is of the toune Wherfor the children that were put in hostage thurgh the burgeis of Berewyke fol●wed the kynges marchalsie many daies fe●ered in stronge yrens ¶ And after that tyme ther come ij Cardinals in to englond as the pope had hem sent for to make pees bitwene Scotland englond And as they wente toward duresme for to haue sacred mastir lowys of Beaumont bisshopp of dureham and as they went they were taken robbed vpon the more of wynglesdoune of which robbery sir guillebert of Middelton was atteint take and honged drawe at london his heed smyten of sette vpon a spere and sette vpon Newegate the iiij quarters sent to iiij cites of englond ¶ And that same tyme befell many mischefes in englond for the poure peple deide in englond for hunger so moche so fast deid that vuneth men myght hem bury for a quart of whete was worth xl shillyng and ij yere an half a quarter of whete was worth x mar● and ofte tymes the poure peple stale children ete hem et● also all the houndes that they myght take and eke hor● and catte● And after ther fell a grete moreyne amonge bestes in diuerse contres of englond during kyng Edwardes lyfe ¶ How the scottes robbed northumberland Capitulo Centesimo lxxxx ANd in the same tyme come the Scottes ayene in to englond and destroied Northumberland and brend that land robbed it and queld men women and children that leyne in cradells and brend also holy church and destroied cristendome toke bare englisshmennys goodes as they had bene sarazenes or paynyms of the wykked●esse that they diden all the world spake ther of thurgh all cristendome ¶ How the Scottes wolde not amende hir trespace therfor Scotland was enterdited Ca. C. lxxxxj ANd whan 〈◊〉 Iohan the xxij after seint Petre herde of the grete sorwe meschief that the scottes wrought he waz wōder sory that cristēdome was so destroied thurgh the scottes namely they destroied so holy church wherfor the pope sent a generall sentence vnder his bu●●e● of lede vn to the erchebissho●●e of Caunterbury and to the erchebisshopp of yorke that yf Robert the Brus of Scotland wolde not be Iustified and make amende● vn to the kyng of Englond Edward hir lord make amendes of his losse and of his harmes that they had done in Englond also to restore the goodes that they had taken of holy chyrch that the sentence sholde be pronunced thurgh all Englond ¶ And when the scottes herd this they wolde not lete hir malice for the popes commaundement wherfor Robert Brus Iames douglas Thomas Raudulph Erle of Mo●ref and all tho that with hem cōmuned or hem halpe in worde or in dede were acursed in euery chyrch thurgh englond euery day at masse iij. tymes and no masse sholde he songe in holy chyrch thurgh oute all Scotland but yf the scottes wolde make restitucion of the harmes y● they had made vn to holy chyrch wherfor many a good prest and holy men therfor were slayne thurgh the reame of Scotland for encheson that wold sing no masse ayens the popes cōmaundement and ayens his wylle to done and fullfyll the tirauntz wylle ¶ How sir hugh the spencers sone was made the kynges Chamberlayne and of the bataille of Mitone Ca. C. lxxxxij ANd it was not longe afterward that the kyng ne ordeyned a parlement at yorke and ther was sir hugh the spencers sone made chamburlayne and in the mene tyme while the werre last the kyng went ayene in to Scotland that it was wonder for to wit and beseged the toune of Berewyke but scottes went ouer the water of sole wath that was iij. myle from the kynges hoste and priuely they stele awey by nyght and comen in to Englond and robbed and destroied all that they myght and spared no maner thyng till that they comen vn to yorke ¶ And when the Englishmen that were lefte at home herde this thyng all tho that myght trauaille as wel monkes and prestes and freris and chanons and seculers come and mette with the scottes at Mitone vp swale the xij day of October ¶ Allas what sorwe for the English husbondmen
said sothe for by the brennyng of the here is betokened grete drede thurgh cuttyng of swerd at that bataille ordeyned in a felde as a shelde vpon an arme of the see is betokened the bataill of Mitone for ther comen the Scottes in maner of a shelde in maner of a winge slew vpon swale men of religion prestes and seculers wherfor the Scottes called that bataill in despite of Englisshmen the white bataille ¶ And after Merlyn said that the forsaid bere sholde done the goot moch harme that shold be vpon the south west and also vpon his blode and said also that the goot sholde ●ese moch dele of his lande till the tyme that shame sholde hym o●come and than he sholde clothe hym with a lyons skynne sholde wynne ayene that he had lost and moch more thurgh peple that shold come oute of the north west that sholde make hym bene drad and hym a vienge of his enemies thurgh counceill of ij owles that fyrst sholde bene in ꝑill to be vndone ¶ And that tho ij owle● sholde wende ouer the see in to a strange land and ther they shold duelle till a certeyne tyme and after they sholde come in to Englond ayene ¶ And tho ●j owles sholde do moche harme vn to many one that they sholde counceille the gote for to meve werre ayens the forsaid bere ¶ Aud that the goot and the owles sholde come vn to an arm̄ of the see at Barton vp trent and sholde wende ouer and that for drede the bere sholde flee with a swan in his companie vn to bury toward the north thurgh an vnkynde outpulter and that the swan than sholde be slayne with sorwe and the bere shold be slayn̄full nigh his owne nest that sholde stonde vpon Pounfrete vpon whom the sonne shall shede his bemes and many folk hym shall seche for the mochel virtue and he said full sothe for the good Erle Thomas of Lancastre was borne in the northwest and cosin to the kyng and sone of his vncle ¶ And by lawe he made the kyng ●ese moche land the which he had purchased wylfully till at the last the kyng ther of toke shame and hym selfe fylled with cruelte And after he gate ayene that he had lost and moche more thurgh folke that he let assemble oute of the northwest that made hym to bene adrad and avenged hym of his Barons thurgh counceille of Sir Hugh the spencere the fadr● and of Sir Hugh the sone ●hat beforne were outelawed of Englond for hir wykkednesse ¶ But afterward come ayene in to Englond Sir hugh spencer the fadre oute of fraunce and so moche counceilled the kyng that he shold werre vpon Thomas of lancastre So that the kyng and the spencers and the Erle of Arundell and hir power met with Thomas of la●castre at Burton vp trente and hym there discomfited and Sir humfrey Erle of Hereford was in his companie And after fledden the forsaid Thomas and Humfrey with hir companie at Burbrugge with Sir Andrewe of herkela that is called the vnkynde outeputter ¶ And also Sir Symond warde Erle of yorke they come and met with Thomas of lancastre with an huge companie and hem ther discomfited and in that scomfiture the erle of Hereford was slayne vpon the brugge cowardely with a spere in the fundement And the Erle Thomas was take and lad vn to Pounfrete and tho he was beheded beside his owne Castell But aftward many men hym souȝt for miracles that god did for hym ¶ And in that tyme Merlyn said for ●orwe harme shold die a peple of his land wherfor many landes shold be vpon hym the boldr● And he said sothe for by encheson of his barons that were done to dethe for seint Thomas quarell of lancastre peple of many londes become the bolder for to meue werre vpon the kyng for hir blode was turned to many nacions ¶ And afterward Merlyn tolde and said that the forsaid owles sholde done moche harme vn to the flour of lyfe and of dethe and they shold bring hir vn to moche disese So that she shold wende ou●r the see in to Fraunce for to make pe●s to the flour delise and there shold abyde till on a tyme that hir seed sholde come and seche hir And tho they shold abide bothe till a tyme that they shold clothen hem with grace and tho two owles she sholde seke and put hem vn to spitu●se dethe And that prophecie was well knowen and was full sothe ¶ For Sir hugh spencer the fader and Sir hugh the sone did moche sorwe and persecucion vn to Quene Isabell thurgh hir procuremēt to hir lord the kyng ¶ So they ordeyned amonges hem that she was put vn to hir wages that is to say xx shillyng in the day wherfor the kyng of Fraunce hir brother was wonder sore annoied and sente in to Englond by his lettres vn to kyng Edward that he sholde come to his parlement to Parys in Fraunce but kyng Edward was sore adrad to come there for he wende to haue bene arested till that he had made amendes for the trespace that Sir hugh spencer the fadre the sone had done for the harme that they had don̄ to Quene Isabell his suster ¶ Wherfor thurgh hir ordeynaunce cōsent of the spencers the quene Isabell went ouer see in to fraunce for to make accord bitwene kyng Edward the kyng of fraunce hir brother And there duelled she in fraunce till Edward hir eldest sone come hir to seche so they duelled ther bothe till that aliaunce was made bitwene hem And the gētill erle of henaude that yf they with her helpe myght destroie ouer come the venym the falsenesse of the spencers that sir Edward shold spouse Dame Philipp the wurshipfull lady the Erles doughter of henaude ¶ Wherfor the Quene Isabell sir Edward hir sone sir Edmond of wodestok the kynges brother of Englond sir Iohan of henaude sir Rogier mortimer of wigmore and sir Thomas Rocelyn sir Iohan of Cromwell sir william Trussell and many othir of the aliaunce of the gentill Erle Thomas of lancastre that were exiled oute of Englond for his quarell were disherited of hir landes ordeyned hem a grete power and arrined at Herewych in southfolk And sone after they pursueden the spencers till that they were taken put vn to spitouse deth as before is said and hir companie and also for the grete falsenesse that they did to kyng Edward and to his peple ¶ And Merlyn said also more that the gote sholde be put in to grete disese and in grete anguyssh in grete for we he sholde lede in his lyfe and he said sothe For after the tyme that kyng Edward was take he was put in to warde till that the spencers were put vn to the dethe ¶ And also for encheson that he nold not come vn to his owne ꝑlement at london as he had
after he was entered at Gloucestre ¶ How kyng Edward spoused Philipp the Erles doughter of henaude at yorke Ca. CC.xvj ¶ No after Cristemasse tho next sueng sir Iohan of henaude brought with hym P●elipp his brothers doughter that was erle of henaude his nece in to englond kyng edward spoused hir at yorke with moch honour ¶ And sir ●ohan of Bothum bisshopp of Ely sir william of Melton Erchebisshopp of yorke songen the masse y● sonday in the eue of conuersion of seint Paule In the yere of grace a M.ccc.xxvij but for encheso● that the kyng was but yong tendre of age whan he was crosied full many wronges were done while that his fadre lyued for encheson that he trowed the Councelers that were fals aboute hym that counceilled hym to done othir wyfe than reson wolde wherfor grete harme was do vn to the Reame to the kyng all men directed it the kynges dede it was not so Almyȝty god wote wherfor it was ordeyned at the kynges crounyng that the kyng for his tendre age shold be gouerned by xij grete lordes of īglond withoute which no thyng shold be done that is for to say The Erchebisshopp of Caunterbury the erchebisshop o fyorke The bisshopp of wynchestre the bisshopp of hereford the Erle of lācastre the erle marchall the Er●e of kent that were the kynges vncles the erle of Garenne Sir Thomas wake Sir Henry of Percy Sir Oliuer of yngham and Iohan of Roos barons ▪ ¶ All these were sworne trewly for to counceill the kyng ¶ And they shold ansuere euery yere in the parlement of that that sholde be done in the tyme of that gouernaille but that ordinaunce was sone vndone that was moch losse harme to all englond For that kyng and all the lordes that shold gone●ne hym were gouerned ruled after the kynges moder Dame Isabell by Sir Rogier Mortimer And as they wolde all thyng was done both amonge high lowe And they token vn to hem Castelles tounes landes rentes in grete harme losse to the cronne of the kynges state oute of mesure ¶ How the pees was made bitwene the Englisshmen and the scottes and also of ●ustifieng of Troylebastone Capitulo ducentesimo xvij THe kyng Edward at witsontyde the second yere of his regne thurgh counceill of his moder of sir Rogier Mortimer ordeyned a ꝑlement at northampto● at the which ꝑlement the kyng thurgh hir counceill none othir of the land within age graunted to bene acorded with the scottes in this maner that all the feautes homages that the stottes shold do vn to the croune of englond foryafe hem vn to the scottes for 〈◊〉 more by his chartre ens●bed ¶ And ferthermore an endenture was made of the scottes vn to kyng Edward that was kyng Henries sone whiche endenture they called it rageman in the which were conteyned all the homages and feautes Fyrst of the kyng of Scotland and of all the prelatz Erles and Barons of the Reame of Scotland with hir seales set ther on and othir chartres and remembraunces that kyng Edward and his Barons had of her right in the 〈◊〉 of Scotland y● was foryeue hem ayene holy chyrch And also with the blake crosse of Scotland the which the good kyng Edward cōquered in Scotland and brought it oute of the A●●ey of S●o●e that is a full precious reli●ue ¶ And also forthermore he relesed and foryafe all the landes that the barons of Englond had in scotland by olde conquest And this pees for to holde and lost the scottes were bounde vn to the kyng in xxx thousend pounde of siluer to be paid withyn in yere that is to feyn euery yere x. thousend poūd by evyn porcions ¶ And ferthermore aboue all this they speke bitwene the parties aboue said that Dauid driton●ntier that was Robert the Brus is sone the fals tiraunt and traitour and fals forswore a●ens his othe that arose ayens his liege ●●d the noble kyng Edward and falsely made hym kyng of Scotland that was of age of v. yere ¶ And so thurgh this cursed counceill Dauid spoused at Berewyke Dame Iohan of the tour that was kyng Edwardes suster as the geest tr●eth vpon mary Magdalene day In the yere of grace a M.CCC and xxviij to grete harme and empeiring to all the kynges blod wher of that gentill lady come Allas the tyme For wonder moche was that faire dan●ifell disraged fith that she was maried ayens all the ●ommune ●●ente of Englond And fro the tyme that Brute had conquered albion and nempned the l●nde after his owne name Britaigne that now is called Englond after the name of Engist ¶ And so was the the Reame of Scotland holden of the Recone of Englond and of the croune by 〈◊〉 and by homage ¶ For Brute conquered that land and yafe it to Albana● his second sone and be called the lande Albayne after his owne name So that the beires that com●n after hym helden of Brute and of his beires the kynges of Britaigne by feaute and homoge and from that tyme vn to this kyng Edward the Reame of scotland was bolden of the Reame of Englond by feautes and services aboue said as the cronicbes of England and of Scotland beren witnesse more plenarly ¶ And 〈◊〉 be the tyme that this ꝑlement was ordeyned at Northampton For ther thurgh fals counceill the kyng was there falsely dishericed and yit he was withyn age ¶ And yit whan kyng Edward was put a doune of his Royalte of Englond yit men put hym not oute of the feautes and seruices of the Reame of Scotland ne of the fraunch●ses disherited hym for euer more ¶ And notheles the grete lordes of Englond were ayens to conferme the pees and the trewes aboue said s●uf only Quene Isabell that was the kynges moder Edward the bisshopp of Ely and lord Mortimer but reson and lawe wolde not that a finall pees sholde be made bitwene hem withoute the cōmune assent of Englond ¶ Of the debate that was bitwene Quene Isabell and Sir Henry Erle of Lancastre and of Leycestre and of the ridyng of Bedeford Capitulo ducentesimo xvij WHen the forsaid Dauid had spoused Dame Iohane of the tour in the toune of Berewyke as before is said the Scottes in despite of the Englisshmen called Dame Iohan the Countesse make pees For the cowardyse pees that was ordeyned but the kynges persone bare the wyte and the blame with wronge of the makyng of the accorde and all was done thurgh the Quene and Rogier Mortimere ¶ And it was not longe after that the Quene Isabell ne toke in to hir owne hande alle the lordshipp of Pountfrete almost all the landes that were of value that apꝑteyned to the croune of Englond So that the kyng had not for to disp●ude but of his vses and of his Escheker For the Quene Isabell and Mortimere had a grete meyn● of hir retenaunce that
folowed euer more the kynges courte and wente and toke the kynges prises for hir peny worthes at good chere wherfor the contre that they comen ynne were full sore adrad and almoste destroied ¶ Tho begon the comminalte of Englond for to hate Isabell the Quene that so moche loued hir whan she come ayen● for to pursue the fals traitours the Spencers fro Fraunce ¶ And that same tyme the fols traitour Robert of Holand that betraied his lorde Sir Thomas of Lancastre was tho deliuered oute of prison and was wonder priue with the Quene Isabell and also with Rogier the Mortimere But that auailled hym but litell for he was take at Mi●elmasse that tho come next ●ewyng after as he rode towarde the quene Isabell to london sir Thomas wither smote of his hede besides the toune of seint Albones And this Sir Thomas duelled tho with sir Henry Erle of Lancastre he put hym in hidyng for drede of the Quene For she loued hym wonder nioche and praied vn to the kyng for hym that the same Thomas must bene exiled onte of Englond ¶ And the noble Erle Sir Henry lancastre had ofte tymes herd the commune clamour of the Englisshmen of the diseses that were done in Englond and also for diuerse wronges that were done amonge the cōmune peple of the whiche the kyng bare the blame with wronge For he nas but full yonge and tendre of age and thought as a good man for to done away and slake the sclaundre of the kynges persone yf that he myght in any maner wyse So as the kyng was ther of no thyng gylty wherfor he was in ꝑill of lyth and lymme ¶ And so he assembled all his retenaunces and went and spake vn to them of the kynges honour and also for to amend his astate And Sir Thomas brotherton Erle marchall and Sir Edmond of wodestoke that were the kynges vncles and also men of london made hir othe hym for to maynten in that same quarill ¶ And hir cause was this that the kyng shold holde his housold and his meyny as a kyng ought for to done and haue also his rialte and that the queene Isabell shold deliuer oute of hir honde in to the kynges honde all maner lordshippes rentes tounes and Castelles that apparteyned to the croune of Englond as othir Quesnes had done before hir and medle with none othir thynge ¶ And also that Sir Rogier Mortimer shold duelle vpon his owne landes for the which londes he had holpe disherite moche peple So that commune peple were not destroied thur●h hir wronge full takyng ¶ And also to enquere how and by whom the kyng was betraied and falsely disceyued at Stanhope and thurgh whos counceill that the Scottes went away by nyght from the kyng ¶ And also how and thurgh whos counceill the ordinaunce that was made at the kynges coronacione was put a doun̄ that is to seyne that the kyng for amendement and helpynge of the Reame and in honour of hym sholde be gouerned and ruled by xij the grettest and wysest lorde● of all the Reame and withoute hem sholde no thyng be graunted 〈◊〉 done as fore is said the whiche couenauntz malicyusly were put a doune fro the kynge wherfor many harmes shames and reproues haue f●lle vn to the kyng and his Reame And that is vnderstond for as moche as Edward sum tyme kyng of Englond was ordeyned by assent of the commalte in pleyne parlement for to be vnder the ward gouernaunce of Henry Erle of Lancastre his cosin for sauacione of his body he was take oute of the Castell of kenilworth ther that he was in warde and thurgh colour of Quene Isabell and of the Mortimer withoute consente of any parlemēt they toke lad hym there that neuer after none of his kynred myght wyth hym speke ne see and after traitouresly toke and hym mordred For whos deth a foul sclaundr● arose thurgh oute all Cristendome when it was done ¶ And also the tresour that Sir Edward of Carnariuan had left in many places in Englond and in walys were wasted and bare away withoute the wylle of kyng Edward his sone in destructione of hym and of all his folke Also thurgh whos counceill that the kyng yafe vp the kyngdome of Scotland For the which Reame the kynges auncestres had full sore y tr●●uailled and so did many a noble man for her right and was vn to Dauid that was Robert the Brus sone all the 〈◊〉 that no right had to the Reame as all the world it wyst ¶ 〈◊〉 also by whom the chartres and remembraunces that they had of the right of Scotland were take oute of the tresorie and taken vn to the Scottes the kynges enemies to disherityng of hym and of his successours and to grete harme vn to his lieges and grete reproue vn to all Englisshmen for euermore Also wherfor dame ●ohan of the tour the kynges suster Edward was disꝑaged and maried vn to Dauid that was Robert the Brus sone that was a traitour and enemie vn to Englond And thurgh whos counceill she was take in to our enemies hondes oute of Englond ¶ And in the mene tyme while the good Erle Henry of Lancastre and his companie token counceill how these poyntes aboue said myght bene amended vn to the wurshipp of the kyng and to his profite and to the profite also of his lieges ¶ The Quene Isabell thurgh coniectyng and sotilte and also of the Mortimer● let ordeyne a parlement at Salisbury And at that same parlemēt the Mortimer was made Erle of the Marche ayens all the barons wyll of Englond in preiudice of the kyng and of his Coroun● And Sir Iohan of Eltham the kynges brother was gurt with a swerd of Cornewaille and tho was called Erle of Cornewaille And euermore Quene Isabell so moche procured ayens hir sone the kyng that she had the warde of the forsaid Sir Edward and of his landes ¶ And at that ꝑlement the Erle of Lancastre wold not come but ordeyned all his power ayen● the Quene Isabell and the Mortimer and men of london ordeyned hem with v. C. men of armes ¶ When Quene Isabell wyst of the doyng she swore by god and by his names full angrely that in euell tyme he thought vpon tho poyntes ¶ Tho sent the quene Isabell and the Mortimer after hir retenue and after the kynges retenue so that they had ordeyned amonge hem an huge hoste and they counceilled the kyng so that vpon a nyght they ridden xxiiij myle toward Bedford ther that the Erle of lancastre was with his companie and thought to haue hym destroied And that nyght she rode besides the kyng hir sone as a knyght armed for drede of dethe And it was done the kyng to vnderstonde that the erle henry of lancastre his companie wolde haue destroied the kyng and his counceill for euer more wherfore the kyng was somdele towardes hym ●eny and annoied ¶ Whan the Erle marchall and the Erle
put oute of the forsaid erledome when the accord was bitwene Englond and Scotland thurgh the Quene Isabell and sir Rogier the mortimer and hir companie for the mariage y● she made bitwene Dauid that was Robert the Brus sone Dame Iohan atte Tour kyng edwardes suster of englond and well vnderstode this that at the ende he shold come to his right but yf it were thurgh sir edward bailloll that was right heir of the Reame of Scotland ¶ And the kyng of fraunce lowys loued moche this sir Henry and he was with hym full prive and thought for to make a deliueraunce of Sir edward baillols body yf he myght in any maner wyse ¶ Tho praied he the kyng that he wold graūte hym of his grace Sir Edward baillols body vn to the next parlement that he myght lyue with his owne rentes in the mene tyme and that he must stand to be Iugged by his perys at the parlement ¶ The kyng graunted hym his praier and made the forsaid Edward be deliuered oute of prison in the maner aboue said And anone as he was oute of prison sir henry toke him forth with hym and lad hym in to Englond and made hym duelle priuely at the maner of sandehall vp onse in yorkeshire with the lady vesey and so he ordeyned hym there an houge retenaunce of peple of Englishmen and also of aliens for to conquere ayene his heritage ¶ And so he yafe moche siluer vn to Sowdiours and to aliens for to helpe hym ¶ And they behight for to helpe him in all that they myght but they failled hym at his most nede ¶ And at that tyme Donald erle of morrif herde telle how that sir Edward was preuely come in to englond and come to hym and made with hym grece ●oye of his comyng ayene and said to hym behight hym that all the grete lordes of englond shold be to hym entendaunt and sholde hym holde for kyng as right heire of Scotlād and so moche they wold done that he sholde be crouned kyng of that land and diden to hym homage and feaute ¶ Tho come sir Henry of Beaumont to kyng Edward of englond and praied hym in wey of charite that he wold graunte of his grace vn to sir edward Bailloll that he must saufely gone by land from sandhall vn to Scotland for to conquere his right heritage in Scotland ¶ The kyng ansuerd and said vn to hym Yf that I suffre the Bailloll wende thurgh my land in to Scotland than the peple wold say that I sholde be assenting vn to the companie ¶ Now Sir I pray yow that ye wolde grauute hym leue to take 〈◊〉 t● hym soudiours of englisshmen that they myght saufely lede him thurgh your land vn to Scotland ¶ And Sir vpon this couenaunt that if it so befall that god it forbede that he be discomfited in bataille thurgh the Scottes that I and also all the lordes that holden with Bailloll bene for euermore put oute of our rentes that we haue in englond ¶ And the kyng vpon this couenaunt graūted hir bone as touchyng hym and tho that were of the same quarell the which claymed for to haue londes or rentes in the reame of Scotland ¶ And these were the names of the lordes that pursueden this mater that is to say Sir Edward the Bailloll that challenged the Reame of Scotland Sir Henry Beaumont Erle of Angos Sir Dauid of stroboly Erle of Atheles Sir Gieffrey ap Mombray Waltier Comyne and many othir that were put oute of hir heritage in Scotland whan the pees was made bitwene Englond Scotland as before is said ¶ And ye shull vnderstond that these lordes toke with hem v. honndred men of armes and ij thousand archiers and of footmen and tho wente in to shippe at rauenespore and sailled by the see till that they com●n vn to Scotlād and comen tot londe at kynkehorne xij myle from Seint Iohanes toune and anone sent oute hir shippes a●ene for they shold nat be hurt ne empeyred nethir that no man sholde gone in to the shippe ayene though that they had nede but abyde at alle perilles and nat flee but stonde and rather suffre dethe than flee for to maynt●n hir trewe quarell ¶ When the Erle of Fi●●e a fers man and a sterne herd that the Bailloll was comen for to take the lande of Scotland he come in haste to kynghorne with x. thousend Scottes for to destourble hym that he shold nat come to lande ¶ But Sir Edward Bailloll and his companie there hym discomfited at the which discomfiture Sir Alizaundre of Seton was ther y quelled many othir ¶ The Erle of Fyffe was tho sory and full ylle a shamed that so litell a companie had hym discomfited and shamelich put hym and all his companie that was a lyve for to flee ¶ Tho come Sir Edward Bailloll and toke the contre all aboute hym till he come vn to the Abley of Dunfermelyne and there ●e founde vitailles for hym and for his folke and amonge all othir thinges he fonde in a chambre a boute v. honderd of grete staves of fyne oke with longe pykes of yren and of stele he toke hem aud deliuered hem to the most strengest men of his companie ¶ And anone after he went fro thens and logged hym in a felde ij myle from seint Iohanes toune and when the Burgeis of the toune herd how the Erle of Fiffe was discomfited thurgh the Bailloll they were sore adrad and breken theyr brigges that they had made ouer the water of Erue so that the Bailloll myght not gone ouer wherfor he logged hym there all that nyght but litell hede he toke of reste and said vn to his peple ¶ Nowe dere lordes ye knowe full well that we be nowe y logged bytwene our enemies and yf they mowe vs hampre ther is no ●ote but dethe wherfor yf we abyde here all this nyght stille I leve that it shall torne vs to moche sorwe and harme For the power of Scotland may euery day wex and encrese and we may not so done And we bene but litell peple as ayens hem Wherfor I pray yowe for the loue of Almyghty god make we vs to bolde and hardy and that we may myghtely take the Scottes this nyght and boldely werre vpon hem and let vs pursue hem this nyght and yf they he trauailled thurgh vs and they see our hardynesse so that othir Scottes that comen and mete hem and see hem so trauailled and wery the sorrer wull they be adrad with vs for to fight and fersely than we shull fight with hem and vpon hem pursue so that thurgh the grace of god Almyghty all the world shall speke of the d●ughtynesse of our hCiualrie ¶ And sires vnstondeth wele that all the companie y● comē with sir Edward Bailloll graunted well vn to that counceill and were ther of glad and anone pursued vpon the Scottes that they ●●●●men wonder wery ¶
come faste and sharpely ayens euensonge tyme and the same tyme was flode at Berewyke in the water of Twede that no man myght wende ouer on his ho●s nor on foot and the water was bitwene the ij kynges and the reame of Englond and that tyme abiden the Scottes in that othir side for encheson that the englisshmen shold haue bene dreynt or slayne ¶ This was the aray of the Scottes how that they comen in batailles ayens the ij kynges of Englond and scotland ¶ In the vauntward of Scotland were these lordes Capitulo ducen●●●imo xxiiij THe Erle of morrif Iames Frisell Symond Frisell waltier Stiward Reygnold Cheyne Patrik of Graham ●ohan le graunt Iames of Cardoill Patrike Parkers Robert Caldecottes Phelipp of Melledrum Thomas Gilbert Raufe wyseman Adam Gurdone Iames Gramat Robert Boyde Hugh Parke with xl knyghtes newe dubbed and vj. C. men of armes and iij. M. of communes ¶ In the first partie of the halfe bataille weren these lordes ¶ The Stiward of Scotland The Erle of Mouref Iames his vncle William douglas Dauid of ●yndesey Mancolyn flemmyng William of kethe Dunkan kamboke with xxx bache●ers newe y dubbed ¶ In the second parte of the bataille were these lordes ¶ Iames Stiward of Colden Aleyn stiward William Abbrehyn William Morice Iohan fitz william Adam ●e mose Walter fitz Gilbert Iohan of Cerlton Robert walham with vij C. men of armes and xvij M. of communes ¶ In the iij. parte of the bataille of Scotland were these lordes The Erle of Marrethe Erle of Roffe The Erle of Strahern● The Erle of sotherland William of kyrke●●y Iohan Cambron Gilbert of Hay William of Ramsey William Prendegest ●irstyn harde William Gurdon Arnold Garde Thomas Dolphyn with xl knyghtes newe dubbed ix C. men of armes and xv M. of communes ¶ In the iiij warde of the bataille of Scotland were these lordes Archebald douglas The Erle of leneuax A●●saundre le brus The Erle of Fyf Iohan Cambell Erle of Athles Robert Lawether William of Vipount William of lonstone Iohan de labels Groos de Sherenlawe Iohan de lyndesey Alisaundre de Gray Ingram de vmfreville Patryke de Pollesworth Dauid de wymes Michell Scott William landy Thomas de ●oys Rogier the Mortimer with xx Bachelers newe dubbed ix honderd men of armes xviij M. and iiij C. of communes ¶ The Erle of Dunbarre keper of the Castell of Berewyke halpe the Scottes with .l. men of Armes And Sir alisaundre of Seton keper of the forsaid toune of Berewyke with an honderd men of armes And the commnners of the toune with iiij hounderd men of armes and with hem viij honderd of footmen ¶ The somme of the Erles and lordes aboue said āmounteth lxvj The somme of bachelers newe du●●ed ammounteth to an honderd and xl ¶ The somme of men of armes ammounteth M.M.M.C. ¶ The somme of the comuners āmoun●teth liij M.CC ¶ The somme totall of the peple aboue said āmounteth lvj M.vij C.xlv ¶ And these lxv grete lordes ladden all the othir grete lordes aboue said in iiij batailles as it is told before all on fote ¶ And kyng Edward of Englond Edward kyng of Scotland had well apparailled her folke in iiij batailles for to fight on foot ayens hir enemies ¶ And the English mynstrelles blewe her trumpes and her pipes and hidously ascried the Scottes ¶ And tho had euery english bataill ij wynges of pris Archiers the which at that bataille shoten arewe● so fast and so sore that the Scottes myght nat helpe hem selfe And they smyten the scotte● thousandes to grounde And they gun for to flee fro the Englisshmen for to saue her lyfe ¶ And whenne the ●nglish knaves sawe the scomfiture and the Scottes fall fast to the grounde they priked hir mastres hors with the spores for to kepe hem fro ꝑill and set her mastres force ¶ And when the Englisshmen sawe that they lepten on hir hors and fast pursued the Scottes and all that abyden they queld doune right There mē myght see the doughtynesse of the noble kyng Edward and of his men how manly they pursued the Scottes that flowen for drede ¶ And ther man myght see many a Scottysshman cast doune vn to the grounde dede and hir b●ners displaied hakked in to pecys and many a good habe rione of stele in hir blode bathe ¶ And many a tyme the scottes were gadred in to companyes but euermore they were discomfited ¶ And so it befell as god almyghty wold that the Scottes had that day no more foyson ne myght ayens the Englisshmen than xx Shepe sholde haue ayens v. wolfes and so were the Scottes discomfited And yit the Scottes had webe v. men ayens one Englisshman And that bataille was done on halydounehylle besides the toune of Berewyke at the whiche bataille were flayne of the Scottes xxxv M.vij C. and xij of Englisshmen but only xiiij and tho were fotemen And this victorie befell to the Englisshmen on seint Margaretes ●ue In the yere of the ●ncarnacion of our lord Ihesu crist M.CCC.xxxij ¶ And while this doyng laste the Englissh pages toke the pilfre of the Scottes that were quelled euery man that he myght take withoute any chalengyng of any man ¶ And so after this gracious victorie the kyng turned hym ayene vn to the same siege of Berewyke whan they beseged saw and herd how kyng Edward had ●ped They yolden to hym the toune with the Castell on the morwe after that the bataille was done that is for to say on Seint Margaretes day And than the kyng ordeyned Sir Edward Bailloll with othir noble and worthy men to be kepers and gouernors of Scotland in his absence and hym selfe turned ayene and come in to Englond after this victorie with moche ●oye and wurshipp ¶ And in the next yere sewyng that is for to say the yere of ●ncarnacion of our lord Ihesu crist a M.CCC.xxxiij and of kyng Edward vij he wente ayene in to Scotland in the wynter tyme at which viage the Castell of Kylbrigge in Scotland for hym and his me● that with hym comen he recouered and had ayens the Scottes all at his owne luste ¶ And in that same yere Sir Edward Bailloll kyng of Scotland helde his parlement in Scotland with many noble lo●des of Englond that were at that same parlement for encheson of hir londes and lordshippes that they had in the Royame of Scotland and helden all of the same Bailloll ¶ And in the viij yere of his regne aboute the feste of Seint Iohan Baptist Sir Edward Bailloll the verray and trewe kyng of Scotland as by beritage and right lyne made his homage and feaute vn to kyng edward of Englond for the Royame of Scotland at the newe Castell vp tyne in the presence of many worthy lordes and also of communes bothe of the reames of Englond and also of Scotland and anone after in the same yere kyng Edward of Englond resseyued of the duke of Britaigne his homage for
before the forsaid othe that they had made was titled bitwene hem they behighten ther to k●pe olle othir couenautz that were bitwene hem y ordeyned And in this same yere mēnes best●s trees housing with sodeyn tēpest stronge lightenyng were ꝑisshed the deuell apꝑed bodely in mānys likenesse to moch peple as they wēt in di●se places in the cōtre spake to hem ¶ How the grete companie aroos in fraunce the white companie ●n lumbardie of many othir meruaille Ca. cc.xxxj KYng Edward in the xxxvj yere of his regne anone after cristemasse in the fest of Con●cion of seint Poul held his ꝑlement at westmynstre in the which was put forth and shewed the accord the tretis that was stabilisshed y made bitwene tho ij kynges the which accorded plesed to moch peple therfor by the kynges cōmaundement ther were gadred come to gedre in westmynstre church the first sonday of lent that is to say the ij kal of Feuerer the forsaid englisshm●n frensshmen where was songe a solempne masse of the Trinite of the Erchebisshopp of Caunterbury mastir simond ●●lepe And whan Agnus dei was done the kyng beyng ther with his sones also with the kynges sones of fraūce othir noble grete lordes with candeles y light crosses y brought forth all that were called ther to y● were not swore afore swore that same othe that was writen vpon goddes body on the masse boke in this wise We N. N. sweren vpon holy goddes body on the gospeles stedfastly to hold kepe toward vs the pees the acord y made bitwene the ij kynges neu neuer for to do the contrarie whan they had thus y sworne they token hir scrowes that hir othes were cōpre●hended in to the notaries And this same yere in the ascencion eue aboute mydday was seyne the Eclips of the sonne ther folewed suche a drought that for defaute of reyne ther was grete barinesse of corne fruyt hey And in the same moneth the vj. kal. of Iuyne ther fill a sangweyne rayne almost lik● blode at Burgoyne And a sangweyne crosse fro morne vn to ●me was y seyne appered at boloigne in the eire the which many a man saw after it meued fill in the midde see ¶ And in the same tyme in fraunce in Englond in othir many landes as they y● were in pleyne contrees desert baren witnesse sodenly ther apꝑed ij Castels of the whiche wente oute ij ostes of armes men And that one oost was clothed and heled in white and that othir in blake And whan bataill bitwene hem was begonne the white ouercome he blake And anone after the blake toke hert vn to hem and ouercome the white And after that they wente ayene in to hir Castelles And than the Castelles and alle the hoostes vanysshed away ¶ And in this same yere was a grete and an houge pesti●ence of peple and namely of men whos wyfes as wymmen oute of gouernaunce token housbondes as well strangiers as othir lewde and simple peple the which foryetyng hir owne honour and wurshippe and berth● coupled and maried hem with hem that were of lowe degre litell reputacion in this same yere died Henry duke of lancastre And also in this yere Edward Prince of wales wedded the countesse of kent that was sir thomas wyfe holand the which was deꝑted some tyme and deuorced fro the Erle of salysbury for cause of the same knyght ¶ And aboute this tyme began and arose a grete companie of diuerse nacions gadred to gedre of whom hir leders and gouernours were englissh peple And they were clepid a peple withoute an hede the which did moche harme in the ꝑtie of fraunce And not longe after ther aroos an othir companie of diuerse nacions y● was called the white companie the which in the parties and cōtres of lūbardie did moch sorwe This same yere Sir ●ohan of Gaunte the sone of kyng Edward the iij. was made duke of lancastre by reson cause of his wyfe that was the doughter and heire of Henry some tyme duke of lancastre ¶ Of the grete wynde and how prince Edward toke the lordshipp of Gnyhenne of his fadre and went thidder Ca. CC.xxxij ANd in the xxxvij yere of kyng edward the xv day of Ianiuer that is to say on seint Maures day aboute euensong tyme ther aroos and come such a wynde oute of the south with such a fersenesse and strength that he brast and blewe doune to grounde high houses and stronge bildynges toures churches steples and othir stronges and all othir stronge werkes that stoden stille weren shake ther with that they bene yit and shull be 〈◊〉 more the febeler weyker while they stonde And this wynde lasted witho●te any cessyng vij daies continuell ¶ And anone after ther folewed suche waters in hey tyme in heruest tyme that alle felde werkes were strongly lette left vndone And in the same yere ●nce Edward toke the lordshipp of Guyhenne and did to kyng Edward his fadre feaute and homage therfor went ouer see in to Gascoyne with his wife his children And anone after kyng Edward made sir Leonell his sone duke of Clarence and Edmond his othir sone Erle of Cambrigge And in the xxxviij yere of his regne it was ordeyned in the parlement that men of lawe bothe of the tem●erall and of holy churche lawe fro that tyme forth sholde plete in hir modir tunge ¶ And in the same yere comen in to Englond thre kynges that is for to seyne The ky●g of Fraunce the kyng of Cipres and the kyng of Scotland by cause to visite and speke with the kyng of Englond Of whom they were wonder welcome moch y wurshipped ¶ And after that they had be bere longe tyme ij of hem went ayene home in to hir owne contres kyngdomes but the kyng of fraunce thurgh grete sikenesse maladie that he had let still in englond ¶ And in the xxxix yere of his regne was a stronge an huge frost that lasted longe that is for to say fro seint Andrewes tyde vn to the xiiij Kal. of Aprill that the tilthe sowing of the erthe othir such felde wurkes and hand werkes were moche y let left vn do for cold hardnesse of the erthe ¶ And at Orrey in britaigne that tyme was ordeyned a grete dedely bataill bitwene sir Iohan of Mountfort duke of britaigne sir Charles of bloys but the victorie fill to the forsaid sir Iohan thurgh helpe socour of the englisshmen And there were take many knyȝtes squyers othir mē that were vnnōbred in the which bataill was slayne charles him selfe with all that stode aboute him of the englisshmen were slayne but vij And in this yere deide at sauoy ●ohan the kyng of fraunce whos ser●●● exequies kyng Edward let ordeyne did in di●se places
an Englisshmā lorne hauyng with hym at his gouernaunce thilke white companie that is afore y nēpned the which o tyme ayens holy chyrche an othir tyme ayens lordes werred and ordeyned grete batailles and ther in that cōtre he did many merueilous thynges And aboute the Conuersion of seint Paul y● kyng when he had ended done the enteryng the exe quies with grete costes and rialt●es aboute the sepulture berieng of quene philipp his wyfe he helde ●is parlement at westmynster in whiche parlement was axed of the clergie a thre yeres disme y● is for to seyne a grete dyme to be paied iij. yere during And the clergie put it of a●d wold not graunted vn to Estre next comyng and than they graunted wele that in iij. yere by certeyne termes that disme shold be paide And also of the lay fee was a iij. yeres xv y graunted to the kyng ¶ How Sir Robert knolles with othir certeyne lordes of the Reame went ouer the see in to fraunce And of hir gouernaunce Capitulo CC.xxxiiij ANd in the xlv yere of kyng Edward in the beginnyng kyng Edward with vnwyse counceill and vndiscrete borewed a grete somme of gold of the prelatz lordes marchantz and othir riche men of his reame seyeng that it shold be dispended in defendyng of holy chyrche and of his reame Neuerthe latter it profited nouzt wherfor aboute midsomer after he made a grete host of the worthiest men of his reame Amonges whom were some lordes that is for to say the lord fitzwater and the lord graunson and othir worthy knyghtes of whiche knyghtes the kyng ordeyned Sir Robert knolles a proued knyght and a well assaied in dede of armes for to be gouernour a●d that thurgh his coūceill and gouernaunce all thyng shold be gouerned and dressed And when they comen in to fraunce as longe as they duelled and helde hem hole to gedre the frenshmen durst not fall vpon hem And at the last aboute the beginnyng of wynter for enuie and couetize that was among●s hem And also discorde they sondred and parted hem in to diuerse companies vnwysely and folily But sir Robert knolles and his men wenten and kepten hem sauf withyn a Castell in Britaigne And when the frenshmen sawe that our men were deuided in to diuerse companies and places nat holdyng ne strēgthing hem to gedres as they ought for to do they fyllen fersely on our men And for the moste partie toke hem or slowen hem and tho that they toke led with hem prisoners And in the same yere Pope vrban come fro Rome to Auinione for ēcheson and cause that he shold acord and make pees bitwene the kyng of Fraunce and the kyng of Englond for euermore but Allas or he began his tretes he died with sikenes the xxj day of decembre and was y buried as for the tyme in the Cathedral churche of Auinione fast by the high autar And the next yere after when he had leyne so his bones were taken oute of the erthe and beried newe in the abbey of Seint V●ctour fast by marale of the which Abbey he was some tyme Abbot hym self And in bothe places that he was buried in ther be many grete miracles done and wrought thurgh the grace of god almyghty to many a mannes helpe and to the wurshipp of Almyghty god ¶ And after whom folewed next and was made Pope Gregorie Cardinall Deken that before was called Piers●Rogier In the same yere the Cite of Lymoge rebelled and faught ayens the Prince as othir Citees in Gnyhenne did for grete taxes costages and raunsomes that they were put and set to by Pri●ce Edward which charges weren ●nportable and to charg●able wher for they turned fro him fillen to the kyng of fraunce ¶ And whan Prince Edward saw this he was sore a chafed greued in turnyng homward ayene in to englond with sore skarmysshes fight●ng grete assautes fought with hem toke the forsaid Cite destroied it almost to the grounde slowe all that were founde in the Cite And than for to say the sothe for diuerse sikenesse maladies that he had also for defaute of money that he not myght withstōde ne tarie on his enemies he hied him ayene in to englond with his wife his meyne leuyng behynde hym in Gascoyne the duke of lancastre sir Edmond erle of Cambrigge with othir worthy orped m●n of armes ¶ In the xlvj yere of kyng Edward at the ordinaūce sendyng of kyng Edward the kyng of Nauerne come to hym to Claringdon to trete with him of certayne thinges touchinge his werre in Normandie where kyng Edward had left certeyne seges in his stede till he come ayene but kyng Edward myght not spede of that that he asked of hym And so the kyng of Nau●rne with grete wurshipp grete yiftes toke his leue went home ayene And aboute the begynnyng of marche whan the ꝑlement at westmynstre was begōne the kyng asked of the clergie a subsidie of .l. M. pounde the which by a good auisement by a generall cōuocacion of the clergie it was graunted and ordeyned that it shold be paid reysed of the lay fee ¶ And in this ꝑlement at the request askyng of the lordes in haterede of men of holy church the Chaunceler the tresorer that were bisshoppes the clerke of the priue seal were remeued and put out of office in hir stede were seculer men put in ¶ And while this ꝑlement lasted there come solempne embassatours y sent fro the pope to trete with the kyng of pees saiden that the pope desired to fullfyll his predecessours wyll but for all hir comyng they sped not of hir p●rpose ¶ Of the besegyng of Rochell how the erle of Penbroke his cōpanie was ther y take in the hauen with spaynardes all his vesselles y brent Ca. cc.xxxv THe ix day of ●uyne kyng edward in the xlvij yere of his regne helde his ꝑlement at wynchestre it lasted but viij daies to the ꝑlement were sompned by write of mē of holy church iiij bisshoppes iiij abbotes without any mo This ꝑlement was holden for marchauntz of london of Norwych And of othir diuerse places in diuerse thynges and pointes of treson that they were diffamed of that is for to say that they were rebelle and wolde rise ayens the kyng ¶ This same yere the duke of lancastre and the Erle of Cambrigge his brother comen oute of Gascoigne in to Englond and token and wedded to her wife 's Petres doughtres some tyme kyng of spayne Of which ij doughtres the duke had the Elder and the Erle the yonger And that same tyme ther were sent ij Cardinals fro the Pope that is to say an English Cardinall a Cardinall of Parys to trete of pees bitwene the ij reames the which when they had bene both longe eche in his ꝓuinces in places contres fast by tretyng of the
the abbey of westmynstre and ther she was crouned Quene of englond And alle hir frendes that come with hir hadde grete yiftes and weren well chered and refresshed as longe tyme as they abbiden here ¶ And in this same yere was a bataill done in the kynges paleys at westmynstre for certeyn pointes of treson bitwene sir Iohan Ansley knyght defendant and Carton squyer the appellaunt But this Sir Iohan of Ansley ouercome this Carton and made hym to yelde hym within the lystes ¶ And anone was this Carton despoiled of his harneis and drawe oute of the listes and so forth to Tiborne and ther he was honged for his falsenesse ¶ And in the viij yere of the regne of kyng Richard Sir Edmond of langeley Erle of Cambrigge the kynges vncle wente in to portingale with a faire meyne of mē of armes and archiers in strengthyng and helpyug of the kyng of Portingale ayens the kyng of Spayne and his power And ther the kyng of portingale had the victorie of his enemies thurgh helpe and comfort of our Englisshmen● And whan that Iourney was done the Erle of Cambrigge come home ayene with his people in to Englond in haste blessed be god and his gracious yift Amen ¶ And this same yere kyng Richard helde his cristemasse in the maner of Eltham A●d the same tyme the kyng of Ermoyne fledde oute of his owne land and come in to Englond for to haue socour and helpe of our kyng ayens his enemies that had driuen hym oute of his Royame And so he was brought vn to the kyng to Eltham ther as the kyng helde his riall feste of Castemasse ¶ And there our kyng welcomed hym and did hym moche reuerence and wurshipp and commaunded all his lordes to make him alle the chere that they coude And than he besought the kyng of grace and of helpe and of his comfort in his nede And that he myght be brought ayene to his kyngdome and londe For the Tu●kes had deuoured and destroied moche part of his londe and for d●●de how he fledde and come hidder for socour and helpe ¶ And the kyng thenne hauyng pite and compassion of his grete meschief and grevous disese anone he toke his counceill and asked what was best to done ¶ And they ansuerd and said yif it lyked hym to yeue hym any good hit were well y do And as touchyng his peple to trauaill so ferre in to oute landes it were a grete iuꝑdie And so the kyng yafe hym gold and siluer and many riche yiftes and Iewelles and betaught hym to god And so he passed ayene oute of Englond And in this same yere kyng Richard with a riall power went in to Scotland for to werre vpon the Scottes for the falsenesse and destruction that the Scottes had done vn to englishmen in the marches And than the scottes come doune vn to the kyng for to entrete with hym with his lordes for trews as for certeyne yeres ¶ And so our kyng his coūceill graunted hem trews certeyne yeres vn to her askyng And our kyng turned hym home ayene in to englond And when he was come vn to yorke ther he abode rested hym there ¶ And there sir Iohan holand the Erle of kentes brother slow the erles sone of stafford his heir with a daggar in the Cite of yorke wherfor the kyng was sore ameued greued remeued thens come to london ¶ And the maire with the aldermen the cōmunes with all the solempnite that myght be don̄riden ayens the kyng and brought hym rially thurgh the Cite and so forth vn to westmynster vn to his owne Paleys ¶ And in the ix yere of kyng Richardis regne he helde a parlement at westmynster and ther he made ij dukes and a marqueyes and v. Erles ¶ The fyrst that was made duke was the kynges vncle Sir Edmond of langlec Erle of Cambrigge hym he made duke of yo●k ¶ And his othir vncle Sir Thomas of wodestoke that was erle of Bukkyngham hym he made duke of Gloucestre And sir Lyone veer that was erle of Oxūford hym he made markeys of dyuelyn̄ ¶ And Henry of Bolyngbroke the dukes sone of lancastre hym he made Erle of Derby ¶ And Sir Edward the dukes sone of yorke hym he made Erle of Ruttelond Sir Iohan holand that was the Erle of kentes brother hym he made Erle of huntyngdon ¶ Sir Thomas Mombray Erle of Notyngham and Erle Marchall of Englond And Sir Michell de la pole knyght hym he made Erle of south folke and Chaunceler of Englond ¶ And the Erle of the marche at that same parlement holden at westmynster in playne parlement amonges all the lordes and communes was proclamed Erle of the marche and heire Ap●ant to the croune of Englond after kyng Richard the which Erle of the marche went ouer see in to Irland vn to his lordshippes and and londes for the erle of the marche is erle of vlster in Irland be right lyne heritage And ther at the castell of his he lay that tyme And ther come vpon hym a grete multitude in busshemetis of wild Iashmen hym for to take destroie And he come oute fetsely of his costell with his peple manly faught with hem ther he was take hewe all to peces ther he deide on whos soule god haue mercy Amen ¶ And in the x. yere of kyug Richardes regne the Erle of Arundell went vn to the see with a grete nauye of shippes enarmed with men of armes good archiers And whan they come in to the brode see they mette with the hole flete that comen with wyne y lade from Rochell the whiche wyne were enemies goodes And ther our nauye set vpon hem toke hem all brought hem vn to diuerse portes hauenes of englond some to london ther ye myȝt haue had a tonne of Rochell wyne of the best for xx shillyng sterlinges so we had grete chepe of wyne thurgh oute the Reame at that tyme thanked be god almyghty ¶ How the v. lordes arisen at Rattecotte brigge Ca. cc.xlj ANd in the regne of kyng Richard the xj yere the v. lordes a risen at Rattecot brigge in the destruction of rebelles that weren that tyme in all the reame ¶ The first of the v. lordes was sir Thomas of wodestoke the kynges vncle duke of Gloucestre the second was sir Richard erle of Arundell the iij. was sir Richard erle of warrewyke the iiij was sir Henry bolingbrok erle of derby the v. was sir Thomas Mombray erle of Notingham And these v. lordes saw the meschief mysgouernaunce the falsenesse of the kynges counceill wherfor they that weren that tyme chief of the kynges counceill fledden oute of this land ouer the see that is to say Sir Alisaundre neuill the Erchebisshop of yorke and Sir Robert le veer markeys of deuelyn erle of Oxenford Sir Michell de la Pole
put hym to the dethe ¶ And anone certeyne yomen that had the good duke in kepyng toke hir counceill how that they wold put hym vn to the dethe And this was hir appoyntement that they s●old come vpon hym when he were in his bedde and a slepe on a fethir bedde And anone they bonnde hym foot honde charged him to lye still And when they had done thus they token ij smale towailles made on hem ij rid knottes cast the towailles aboute the dukes nekke and than they toke the fethir bedde that lay vnder hym cast it aboue hym and than they drowen hir towailles eche wries some lay vpon the fetherbed vpon hym vn to the tyme that he were dede by cause that he shold make no noyse thus they strangled this worthy duke vn to the dethe on whos soule god for his high pite haue mercy Amen And whan the kyng had arested this worthy duke and his vncle sent hym to Caleys he come ayene to london in all haste with a wonder grete peple And as sone as he was come he sent for the Erle of Arundell and for the good Erle of warrrewyke ¶ And anone as they come he arested hem hym self sir Iohan cobham sir Iohan cheyne knyghtes he arested hem in the same maner till he made his parlement And anone they were put in to hold but the Erle of Arundell went at large vn to the parlement tyme For he fonde susfisaunt suerte to abide the lawe and to ansuere to all maner pointes that the kyng and his counceill wold put vpon hym ¶ And in the xxj yere of kyng Richardes regne he ordeyned hym a parlement at westmynster the which was called the grete parlement And this parlement was made for to Iugge this .iij. worthy lordes and othir mo as hem list at this tyme ¶ And for y●●ugement the kyng let make in all hast a longe a large hous of tymbre the which was called an hale couered with tyles ouer it was open all aboute on bohe sides at the endes that all maner of men myȝt see thurgh out there the dome was holden vpon these forsaid lordes ●ugement yefe at this forsaid ꝑlement And for to come vn to this ꝑlement the kyng sente his wattes vn to en●ry lord baron knyght aud squyer in euery shire thurghout all englād that euery lord gadre and bring his retenue with hym in as short tyme in the best aray that they myght gete in mayntenyng in strengh thyng of the kyng ayens hem that were his enemies that this were done in all hast they to come to him in payne of deche ¶ And the kyng hym self sent in to chestre shire vn to the chiuet●yns of that contre they gadred brought a grete an huge multitude of peple bothe of knyghtes of squyers principally of yomen of Chestre shire the which yomen archiers y● kyng toke to his own̄ court yafe hem bowge of court good wages to be kepers of his owne body bothe be nyght by day aboue all othir ꝑsones most loued best trust The which sone afterward turned the kyng to grete losse shame hyndering his v ▪ terly vndoyng destruction as ye shall here sone after And that tyme come sir henry Erle of Derby with a grete meyne of men of armes archiers the erle of Rutteland come with a stronge power of peple bothe of men of armes archiers And the erle of kent brought a grete power of men of armes archiers the erle marchall come in the same maner the lord spencer in the same maner the erle of northuuberland sir henry Percy his sone sir Thomas Percy the erles brother And alle these worthy lordes broughten a faire meyne a strong power eche man in his best aray and the duke of lancastre the duke of yorke comen in the same maner with m●n of armes archiers folewyng the kyng Sir williā strope tresorer of englond come in the same maner And thus in this aray come all the worthy men of this land vn to oure kyng and all this peple come to london in one day in so moche that euery strete lane in london and in the subarbes weren full of hem logged and x. or xij myle aboute london euery way And thes peple brought the kyng at westmynstre wenten home ayene to hir logging bothe hors man and than on the monday the xvij day of Septembre the ꝑlement began at westmynstre the which was called the grete parlement And on the friday next after the Erle of Arūdell was brought in to the parlement amonge alle the lordes and that was on seint Mathewes day the appostell and euangelist ther he was foriugged vn to the dethe in this hale that was made in the paleys at westmynstre And this was his Iuggement ●e shold gone on foot with his hondes y bounde behinde hym from the place that he was for ●ugged in and so forth thurgh the cite of lond●n vn to the toure hyll and there his hede to 〈◊〉 smyten of so it was do in dede in the same place And vj. of the grete lordes that sate on his Iuggement ridden with hym vn to the place there he was done vn to the dethe so to see that the execucion were done after hir dome And by the kynges commaundement with hem wenten on foot of men of armes and archiers a grete multitude of Chestre shire men in strengthyng of the lordes that brought this erle vn to his dethe for they dradde lest the Erle shold haue be rescued take from hem whan they come in to london Thus he passed forth thurgh the Cite vn to his dethe and ther he toke it full paciently on whos soule god haue mercy Amen And than come the freres Austyns and toke vp the body and the hede of this good Erle aud bare it home vn to hir hous and bnried hym in hir quere And in the morwe after was sir Richard Erle of warrewyke brought in to the parlement there as the Erle of Arundell was for iugged and they yafe the Erle of warrewyke the same Iuggement that the forsaid Erle had put the lordes had compassion of him be cause he was of more age and relesed him to perpetuell prison and put him in the I le of man ¶ And than the monday next after the lord Cobham of kent sir Iohan Cheyne knyght weren brought in to the parlement in to the same halle and there they were Iugged to be honged and drawe but thurgh the praier and grete instaunce of alle the lordes that Iuggement was foryeue hem and relesed to perpetuell prison ¶ And this same tyme was Richard whittyngdone Maire of london Iohan wodecoke and william Askam shereues of london ¶ And they ordeyned at euery yate of london during this same ꝑlement stronge
Rogger bolynbroke were broght to the guyldhalle in london and ther before the maire the lordes and chief Iustice of Englond were rayned and dampned both to be drawen hanged qnarterd but maister Iohan hume had his chartre was pardoned by the kynge but maister rogier was drawen to tyburne where he confessid that he deide giltles and neuer had trespaced in that he deid fore Notwithstanding he was hanged heded and quartred on whos soule god haue mercy And margery Iurdemayn was brent in smythfeld Also this yere was a grete affraye in fletstrete by nyghtes tyme bitwene men of court men of london and diuerse men slayne and somme hurte And one herbotell was chief cause of the mysgouernaunce and affraye Also this yere atte chesing of the maire of london the cōmunes named Robert clopton Rawlyn holand Taylourp And the Aldermen toke Robert clopton and brought hym atte right honde of the Maire as the custome is And thenne certayn Tayllours and othir hond crafty men cried nay nay not this man but ra●lyn holande wherfore the Maire that was padysly sente tho that so cried to Newgate where they abode a grete while and were punysshed ¶ In this same yere were diuerse embassatours sente in to Guyan for a mariage for the kyng for the Erles doughter of Armynake whiche was concluded but by the mene of the Erle of suffolke it was lette and put a parte ¶ And after this the said Erle of suffolke wente ouer the see in to Fraunce and there he treated the mariage bitwene the kyng of Englond and the kynges doughter of S●cyle and of Iherusalem And the next yere it was concluded fully that mariage by whiche mariage the kyng shold deliuere to hir fadre the duchie of Angeo and the Erledome of Mayne whiche was the keye of Normandie Thenne departed the Erle of suffolke with his wyfe and diuerse lordes and knyghtes in the moste riall astate that myght be oute of Englond with newe chares and Palfrayes whiche wente thurgh chepe and so wente ouer the see and resseyued hir and sith brought her in the lente after to hampton where she landed was rially receyued And on Candelmasse euen before by a grete tempest of thonder and lightnyng at afternone Paulus steple was sette a fire on the middes of the shafte in the tymbre which was quenched by force of labour and specially by the labonr of the morow masse preest of the ●owe in chepe which was thought Impossible sauf only the grace of god ¶ This yere was the Erle of Stafford made create duke of ●okyngham the erle of warrewyke duke of warwyke therle of Dorset marquys of Dorset therle of suffolke wa● made marquys of suffolke ¶ How kyng Henry wedded Quene Margarete and of hir coronacion Capitulo ducentesimo lij IN this yere kyng Henry maried at southwyke Qu●ne Margrete And she come to london the xv●ij day of Maye And by the way alle the lordes of Englond resseyued hir wurshipfully in diuerse places and in especiall the duke of Gloucestre and on the blake heth the maire aldremen alle the craftes in blewe gounes browdred with the deuise of his craft that they myȝt be byknowen mette with hir with reed ho●des and brought hir to london where were diuerse pagentis and countinaunce of diuerse histories shewde in diuerse places of the Cite Ryally and costlew And the xxx day of maye the forsaid Quene was Crouned at westmynstre And there was Iustes iij. daies during within the sayntuarie to fore the abbeye This yere the priour of kylmian appeled the erle of vrmond of treson whiche had a ▪ day assigned to them for to fight in smythfeld And the lystis were made and feeld dressid but whan it came to point the kyng commaūded that they shold not fight but toke the quarellis in to his owne hond and this was doon at the Instaunce labour of certayn prechours and doctours of london as maister Gilbert worthyngton parson of seint andrew● in holborne and othir Also this same yere came a grete enbassade in to Englond oute of fraunce for to haue concluded a ꝑpetuel pees but in conclusion it torned vn to a triews of a yere Aboute this tyme deide seint Bernardyne a gray frere whiche began the newe reformacion of that ordre in many places in so moche that they that were reformed bene called obseruauntes whiche obseruauntes be●● encrecyd gretly in Italie in Almaigne This Bernardyn was Canonysed by Pope Nicholas the fyfthe In the yere M. CCCC.l Iohanes de Capestrano was his disciple whiche proufited moch to the reformacion of that ordre for whom god shewd many a faire miracle also here is to be noted that frō this tyme forward kyng Henry neuer proufited ne wente forward but fortune began to tourne from hym on all sides as well in fraunce Normādie guyan as in Englond Somme men holden opinione that kyng Henry gaf cōmyssion plenery to sir Edward hulle sir Robert roos Dene of seint seuerins and othir to conclude a mariage for hym with the erle of Armynaks suster whiche was promysed as it was said cocluded but afterward it was broken and he wedded quene margret as a fore is said whiche was a dere mariage for the Reame of Englond For it is knowen verily that for to haue her was deliuered the duchie of Angeo and the erledome of mayne whiche was the keie of Normandie for the frensshe men tentre And aboue this the said marquys of suffolke axyd in playn parlement a fyften●h and an half for to feche her oute of fraūce lo what a mariage was this as to the comparison of that othir mariage of armynak For ther shold haue bene deliuered so many Castels and tounes in guyane and so moche good shold haue ben yeuen with her that alle Englond shold haue ben ther by enriched but contrarie wise fyll wher fore euery grete prince ought to kepe his promyse for because of breky●g of this promyse and for mariage of Quene Margret what losse hath had the Reame of Engloud by lo●yng of Normand●e and Guyan by diuision in the Reame the rebelling of communes ayenst their prince lordes what diuision amonge the lordes what murdre and sleyng of them what feldes fough●en and made in cōclusion so many that many a man hath lost his lyfe and in conclusion the kyng deposed and the quene with hir sone fayne to flee in to Scotland and from thens in to fraunce and so to lorayne the place that she come first froo Many men deme that the brekyng of the kyn●es promise to the suster of therles of Armynake was cause of this grete losse and aduersite ¶ How the good duke of Gloucestre humfrey the kynges vncle was arested at the parlement of bury and his deth And how Angeo in mayne was deliuered Capitulo ducentesimo liij IN the yere xxv of kyng Henry was a parlement at bury called seint Edmo●des burie aboute which was commaūded all the communes
of the contre to be there in their moste defensable araye for to awayte vpon the kyng To which ●arlement come the duke of Gloucestre humfrey the kynges vncle ● which had bene protectour of Englond alle the none age of the kyng And anone after he was in his logginge he was arested by the viscounte ●emond the Conestable of Englond whom accompanied the duke of Bokyngham and many othir lordes And forthwith all his seruauntes were commaunded for to departe from hym and xx●ij of the chief of them were also arested and sente to diuerse prisons and anone after this said areste the said duke was on the morn● dede on whos soule god haue mercy Amen but how he deide and in what maner the certeynte is not to me knowen some saide he deide for sorwe somme saide he was murthred bitwene two fetherbeddes othir said that on hot● spite was put in his foundement but how he deide god knoweth to whom is no thyng hyd And thenne whan he was so dede he was leid open that alle men myght see hym And so bothe lordes and knyghtes of the shires with burgeises come saw hym lye dede but wounde ne token coude they perceyue how he deide here may men marke what this world is this duke was a noble man a grete clerke and had wurshipfully tuled this Reame to the kynges behoof and neuer coude ●e founde faute to hym But enuie of them that were gouernours and had promised the duchie of Angeo and the Erledome of Mayne caused the destruction of this noble man for they drad hym that he wold haue enpesshed that de●●ue●aunce And after they sente his body to seint Albons with certeyn lightes for to be buried And so Sir Geruays of Clifton had than the charge to conueye the corps And so it was buried at Seint Albons in the Abbey and v. persones of his haushold were sente to london and there were Rayned and Iugged to be drawen hanged and quartred of whom the names were Sir Rogger Chamburlayne knyght on Middelton a squyer Herbard a squyer Arthur a squyer and Richard Nedham whiche v. persones were drawen from the tour of london thurgh chepe vn to Tilorne and there hanged and late doune quyke and thenne stript for to haue bene heded and quartred And thenne the Marquys of suffolke shewd there for them the kynges pardon vnder his grete seal and so they were pardonned of the remenaunt of the execucion and had their lyues And so they were brought agayne to london and after frely deliuered ¶ Thus began the troble in the Reame of Englond for the dethe of this noble duke of Gloucestre Alle the communes of the Roya●e began for to murmure for it and were not content ¶ After that Pope Eugenye was dede Nicholas the fifthe was electe pope This Nicholas was chosen for Eugenye yit hangyng the scisme Notwithstondyng he gate the obedience of alle Cristen Royames For after he was electe and sacred pope certayne lordes of Fraunce and of Englond were sente in to Sauoye to Pope Felix for to entrete hym to cesse of the papacie And by the speciall labour of the bisshoppe of Norwych and the lord of Seint Iohanes he cessed the the second yere after that pope Nicholas was sacred And the said Felix was made legate of Fraunce and Cardinall of Sauoye And resigned the hole papacie to Nicholas And after lyued an holy lyfe and deide an holy man and as it is said Almyghty god sheweth miracles for hym ¶ This was the xxiij scisme bitwene Eugenye and Felix and dured xvj yere the cause was this the gene ●all counseill of Basi●e deposed Eugenye whiche was only Pope Indubitate for as moche as he obserued not kepte the decrees and statutes of the counseill of Constaunce as it is aforesaid N●thir he rought not to gyue obedience to that generall Counseill in no maner wyse wherof aroose a grete Altercacion among writars of this mat●r pro and contra which can not accorde vn to this day ¶ One partie saith that the Counseille is aboue the Pope That othir ꝑtie said nay but the pope is aboue the coūseill God blessyd aboue alle thmges gyue graūte his pees in hooly churche spouse of Crist amen This Nicholas was of Iene comē of lowe burth a doctour of diuinite an actif man he reedified many places that were broken and ruynous and dide do make a grete walle aboute the palais and made the walle newe aboute Roome for drede of the turkes And the peple wondred of the ceesing and resignyng of Felix to hym considered that he was a man of so humble burth And that othir was of affinite to all the most part of cristen princes wherof ther was a verse publisshed in Rome in thi● maner Lux fulsit mundo cessit Felix Nicholao ¶ How sir Franceys aragonoys toke fogiers in normandie And of the losse of Constantinoble by the turke Capitulo ducentesimo liiij IN the yere of kyng Henry xxvij beyng triews bitwene fraunce and Englond a knyght of the Englissh partie named sir Franceys aragonoys toke a toune of Norman die named Fogiers ayenst ●he triews of which takyng began moche sorow and losse For this was the occasion by whiche the frenshmen gate all Normandie ● ¶ Aboute this tyme the cite of Constantinople whiche was imperiall cite in all grece was taken by the turkes infidels whiche was betrayed as somme holde oppinion the Emꝑour taken and slayne And that riall chyrche of sancta sophia robbed and despoilled and the reliques and ymages and the Rode drawē aboute the stretes whiche was done in despite of cristen feith And sone after alle cristen faith in grece perisshed ●essid Ther were many cristen men slayne and innumerable sold put in capti●ite by the takyng of this toune the turke is gretly enhaūsed in pride And it is a grete losse vn to all cristendome ¶ In the yere xxviij was a parlement holden at westmynstre And frō thēs adiourned to the blak freris at london And after cristemas to west mynstre agayn And this same yere Robert of Cane a man of the westcōtre with a fewe shippes toke a grete flote of shippes comyng oute of the baye laden with salt which shippes were of pruys flaūders holand zeland brought hem to hampton wherfore the marchandis of englond beyng in flaūdres were arestid in bruggis Ipre othir places myȝt not be deli●ed ner their dettis deschargid till they had made a pointemēt for to pay for thamendes hurtes of tho shippes whiche was paied by the marchauntes of the staple enery peny And in like wise the marchantes and goodes beyng in dans●e were also arested and made grete amendes ¶ This same yere the frensshmen in a mornyng toke by a trayne the toune of Pount al●rche and therin the lord Fa●conbrige was take prisoner And after that in December Roa● was taken and loste beyng therinne the duke of Somersete