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B01271 Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & MariƦ. Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the .xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Jrelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgondie, Millaine and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the vij. day of Marche, then next folowinge, and enacted as foloweth..; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Mary I, Queen of England, 1516-1558.; Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598. 1558 (1558) STC 9457; ESTC S832 78,057 91

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Anno quarto et quinto Philippi Mariae ❧ Actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the .xx daye of Ianuary in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of oure soueraigne Lorde and Lady Philippe and Marye by the grace of God kinge and Quene of England Spayne Fraunce both the Sicilles Ierusalem and Irelande defendours of the faith Archidukes of Austria Dukes of Burgondie Millaine and Brabant counties of Haspurge Flaunders and Tyrol and there continued and kepte vntyll the .vij. day of Marche then next folowinge and enacted as foloweth Cum priuilegio Regiae Maiestatis ❧ The Table AN Acte for the confyrmation of letters patentes Cap. i. An acte for the hauynge of Horse Armoure and Weapon Cap. ii An acte for the takinge of musters Cap. iii. An acte that accessaries in murder and dyuers felonies shall not haue the benefit of clergie Cap. iiii An acte touchinge the makinge of wollen clothes Cap. v. An acte to enquyre of Frenchemen beynge denisens Cap. vi An acte to make vp the Iury with circumstantibus where the kynge and Quenes maiesties or the Quenes maiestie is a party Cap. vii An acte for the punishement of suche as shall take away maydens that be inheritours beynge within age of .xvi. yeares or that mary them without the consent of theyr parents Cap. viii An acte for the continuation of certaine statutes Cap. ix An acte for the confirmation of the Subsedye of the clergie Cap. x. An acte of a Subsedye and one fyftene graunted by the temporaltie Cap. xi ¶ An Acte for the confirmation of Letters Patentes WHERE sythen the .vii. daye of Iulye in the first yeare of the Quenes Maiesties reygne dyuers and sondry Honors Castels Manoures Lands Tenements Rentes Reuercions seruices and other hereditamentes haue bene conueyed and assured to her highnes her heyres and Successoures by or from diuers and sundrye persons bodies politike aswel for the discharge and satisfaction of great debtes and summes of monye as for other good considerations For the perfytte assuraunce confirmation and further suretye whereof BE IT enacted ordeyned and establyshed by the kyng and Quenes Maiestyes the Lordes Spirituall and Temporal and the commons in thys present Parliament assembled and by thaucthoritie of the same That all Feoffementes Fynes Surrenders assuraunces conueyances and estates in any wise cōueyed had or made to or for our sayd Soueraygne Lorde and Lady the kyng and quenes Maiesties or to or for our sayde soueraygne Lady the quene by or from anye suche persō or persons bodies politike or corporate of any such Honors castels manoures Lādes Tenements Rentes Reuertions Seruices or other hereditamentes for anye debte summe or summes of monye or other consideration whatsoeuer shall stande remayne be good and auaileable in the lawe to all intentes constructions and purposes accordynge to the true meanynge intente and purporte of the same SAVINGE to all and euery personne and personnes and to their heires bodyes politike and corporate to their Successoures and to euerye of them other then such person or personnes and their heyres and wyues and euerye of them bodies politike and corporate their successoures and euery of them of or from whome the kyng quenes highnes or the quenes hyghnes onelye hath obteyned or purchased the sayde premisses or anye percell thereof by exchaunge gyfte bargayne fyne Feoffement recouery dede inrolled or otherwise al such right title interest vse possessiō rentes reuercions Remainders Olfiees Fees Commons profyttes and commodities whatsoeuer which they or any of them haue might or ought to haue had of in or to the premisses or any part thereof in as large and ample maner forme and condition to al intentes cōstructions and purposes as yf this acte had neuer bene had ne made Thys present Acte or any thing therein conteined to the contrarye notwithstandynge AND where aswell our sayd soueraigne lorde Lady as our sayde soueraigne Lady the Quenes highnes sithens the said .vii. day of Iuly in the first yere of her maiesties reigne aswel for diuers gret sōmes of mony as also for diuers sondry other cōsiderations haue hath bargained sold giuen or graūted by their or her graces sōdry letters patēts indentures or other writinges sealed vnder the great seale of England or the seale of the Duchy of Lancaster aswel to bodyes politike corporate as to diuers and sondry other their louing obedient subiects diuers and sondry honors castels manors landes tenements rentes reuercions seruyces other hereditamentes in fee symple fee tayle or for terme of lyfe lyfes or yeares as in the same seueral letters patents indentures other wrytynges is mentioned declared And to thintent the same letters patents indentures other writinges shulde be of good auayleable and perfit force effect to al and euery her highnes louyng Subiectes according to the true meaning effect of the same OVRE SAIDE Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye the kynge and Queene are contented and pleased that it be enacted by thauthoritie of thys present parliamente And therefore by oure sayd Soueraygne lord and lady the kyng and quenes maiesties the laides spiritual and temporal and the commōs in this present parliamente assembled be it enacted and established the aswel al and singuler letters patents indentures and other writinges Sealed vnder the greate Seale of Englande or vnder the Seale of the Duchy of Lancaster and heretofore made or graunted by our sayde soueraygne Lord and Lady the kyng and Quene or by our said soueraigne lady the Quene for any Sūmes of monye or for and vpon any other consideratiōs as al other letters patētes hereafter to be made by our saide soueraigne lorde ladye for any summe or sūmes of monye during the space of Seuen yeares next ensuynge the makyng of this acte to anye body politike or corporate or to any other persō or personnes whatsoeuer of any honors castels manors lordeshippes graunges Meses lādes tenements medowes pastures rentes reuercions seruyces woodes aduousons nominations patronages annuities rightes interestes entrees conditions letes courtes liberties priuileges fraunchyses or of anye other hereditamentes with their appurtenaunces or of any parte or percell of thē sealed with or vnder the great seale of Englande or vnder the Seale of the Duchy of Lancaster of whatsoeuer kynde nature or qualitye they or any of thē be or shal be reputed knowen or taken with their appurtenaunces or any part or percel of thē shal be good perfyt and effectual in the lawe and shal stand be takē reputed demed adiudged good perfit sure auayleable effectual in the lawe aswel against the kynge and Quenes Maiesties as againste the queene her heires and successors according to the tenor of the said letters patēts the same to be expounded cōstrued demed adiudged most beneficial for the patentees and graūtees of the same according vnto the wordes purport of euery the said letters patents without any confirmation licence or tolleration of the quene
person or persons to commit perpetrate or do any petie treason wylful murdre or any of the offences in this presente acte mentioned Be it enacted by the aucthoritie of this presente parliamente that all and euerye personne and personnes that after the fyrste daye of Marche next comminge shall maliciously commaunde hyre or counsell any person or persons to committe or do any petye treason wylfull murder or to do any robberye in any dwellynge house or houses or to committe or do any robbery in or nere any high waye in the realme of Englande or in any other the Queues dominions or to commit or do any robbery in any place within the marches of Englande agaynst Scotlande or wylfully to burne any dwellynge house or any parte thereof or anye barne then hauynge corne or grayne in the same that then euerye suche offender or offenders and euery of them beynge outlawed thereof or beynge thereof arraygned and found gyltie by the ordre of the lawe or beyng otherwyse lawfully attaynted or conuicted of the same offence or beynge arraygned therof do stande mute of malice or frowarde mynde or do chalenge peremtorye aboue the nombre of twenty persons or wyll not aunswere directly to suche offence shall not haue the benefite of his or theyr clergye PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted that euery lorde and lordes of the parliament and piere and piers of the realme hauing place and voyce in the parliament vpon euery inditement for any of the offences aforesayd shal be tryed by theyrpiers as hath bene accustomed by the lawes of this realme AN ACT touchinge the makinge of wollen clothes The .v. Chapter WHERE in the parliament holden at westminster in the fift and sixt yeare of the reigne of our late soueraigne lorde kinge Edward the sixte there was by great deliberation and aduise one good acte made for the true perfect making of wollen cloth within this realme sythence the makyng wherof diuers clothiers found them selues agreued alleging that it is vnpossible for them to obserue the same act in all poyntes haue in this present parliamēt praied some mitigation therof it is therfore at theyr special instaūce request ordered established enacted prouided in maner fourme folowing IN PRIMIS that euery white cloth clothes comonly called longe Worcesters all like clothes of like making mentioned in the said act which by the same was limited to weigh ixxxiiii poūdes being wel scoured thicked milled and fully dryed shal weigh ixxv poūds at the least Itē euery white cloth which shal be made in the counties of Wyltes Gloucester Somerset or any of thē or els where of like makinge being apointed by the said acte to weigh .lxiiij. pounds shal weigh being well scoured thicked milled and fully dried .lxj. poundes at the leaste ITEM euery broade cloth made in the shyres of Kent and Sussex or at the towne of Reding or any of them or els where of like makynge mentioned in the sayd acte whiche by the same was limitted to weigh lxxxx poundes at the least shall weygh beinge well scoured thicked mylled and fully dried .lxxxvi. poundes at the leaste ITEM that euery course short cloth made in the shyres of Suff. Norff. and Essex or any of them or els where of like sort euery course clothe to be made within the Shyre of Kent not exceadinge the price of syxe poundes all whiche by the sayde Acte are appoynted to conteyne .vii. quarters of a yarde at the least in breadth shall conteyne and be at the water beyng thorough wette sixe quarters and a half within the liste through and by all the whole cloth at the leaste ITEM euery yarde of cloth commonly called handy warp being welscoured thicked mylled and fully dried shall conteyne the breadth specified in the said act shal weigh two poundes and a half at the least And forasmuch as many persons do counterfet the making of Coksal Bocking and Braintree clothes comonly called handiwarpes adding there vnto such like listes as the makers of suche clothes do to the great deceipte of the king and Quenes maiesties subiectes Be it therfore enacted that no person or persons from the first day of May nexte coming shal adde vnto any cloth or clothes any such like liste or listes except the warpe therof be sponne vpon the rocke or distaffe vpō paine of forfeyture of the same cloth or clothes or the very value therof Prouided alwayes that the clothe makers within the citie of Worcestour may make suche listes as they haue done heretofore Item that no person or persons inhabiting within the westriding in the countie of yorke shal make or cause to be made any broade clothe or clothes called pewkes tawneis violets or grenes except the wolther of before it be conuerted into yarne be fyrst died litted and coulered with the couler blue of the value of two pence a poūd vpō pain of forfeiture of euery such colored cloth or the value therof wherof the wol shal not be first died litted colored with the couler blue of .ij. d. a. li. as is aforsaid Item that euerye ordinarye karsey mentioned in the said acte shall conteine in length in the water betwixte .xvi. and .xvii. yardes yarde and ynche and being wel scoured thicked milled dressed fully dried shall weighe .xix. poundes the peece at the leaste And euerye karseye called sortinge karsey mentioned in the sayde Acte beynge well scoured thicked mylled dressed and fully dryed readye to be shewed shall weyghe .xxii. poundes at the leaste ITEM that euery Deuonshyre karsey called Dossone the whiche is appoynted by the same statute to weygh beynge drye .xiiij. poundes at the leaste shall weygh beinge well scoured thicked mylled and fullye dryed after the rate of euery yarde one pounde at the leaste ITEM that one article mentioned in the sayde statute concernynge welshe cottons touchinge the length and weight shal be clearely void and euery gode of welshe lininge shall conteyne and be three quarters of a yarde in breadth in the water and shall weygh one pounde and a halfe quarter and euery yarde of cotton beyng fully wrought and cottoned shall weygh one pounde at the leaste AND be it further enacted that no person or personnes whiche shal buye to sell agayne by waye of retayle or otherwise anye of the sayde welshe lininges shall dresse or worke or cause to be dressed or wrought within his or theyr dwellynge house or houses or in any other place by him selfe or his seruaunt or seruauntes anye of the sayde welshe lininges but shall put the same to some suche person or persons as shal be of the arte or science of Sheremen Cottoners or frysers to be by theim wrought and dressed vpon payne of forfeyture for euery welshe cotton or lyninge frysed or cottoned to the contrary .vj. s. viij d. ITEM that all and euerye cotton or cottons called Manchester Lanckeshire and Chesshyre cottous and all clothes called Manchester Rugges or Manchester Fryses maye be deuyded
that yf anye such person or persones after the sayd day shall so take away or cause to be taken awaye as is aforesayde and deflower anye suche mayde or woman chylde as is aforesayde or shall agaynste the wyll or vnknowinge of or to the father of any suche mayde or woman chylde yf the father be in life or agaynste the wyll or vnknowinge of or the mother of any suche mayde or woman childe hauinge the custodye and gouernaunce of suche chylde yf the father be deade by secrete letters messages or otherwise contracte matrimony with any such mayden or woman chylde except suche contractes of matrimonie as shall be made by the consente of suche person or personnes as by the title of wardshippe shall then haue or be intituled to haue the mariage of suche mayde or woman chylde that then euerye suche person or persons so offendyng beynge thereof lawfully conuicted as is aforesaid shal suffer imprisonmente of his or theyr bodies by the space of fyue yeares without bayle or mayneprice or elles shall paye suche fyne for his or theyr sayd offence as shal be assessed by the sayd counsel in the said starre Chambre The one moytye of all whiche fynes shall be to the kynge and Quenes maiesties her heyres and Successoures the other moytye to the parties greued And be it further enacted by the sayde aucthoritie that the kynge and Quenes highnes honourable Councell of the Starre Chamber by byll of complaynte or information and Iustices of assise by inquisition or indictemente shall haue aucthoritie by vertue of this acte to heare and determine the sayde offences vpon euerye whiche indictementes and inquisitions suche processe shal be awarded and lye as vpon an indictement of trespace at the comon lawe And further be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that if any woman chylde or mayden beynge aboue the age of twelue yeares and vnder the age of sixtene yeares do at any time consent or agree to such personne that so shall make any contracte of matrimonye contrarye to the forme and effecte of this estatute that then the next of the kynne of the same woman chyld or mayde to whom thinheritaunce should discende retorne or come after the decease of the same woman chylde and mayde shall from the tyme of such assent and agrement haue holde enioye al such lādes tenemēts and hereditaments as the same womā chylde and mayden hadde in possession reuertion or remaynder at the tyme of such assent and agrement durynge the lyfe of such person that shall so contracte matrimony And after the decease of suche person soo contractynge matrimony that then the sayd landes tenementes and heredytamentes shall discend reuert remayne and come to such persō or persons as they shoulde haue done in case thys acte had neuer byn hadne made other then to him onely that so shal contracte matrimony PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted that this act nor any thing therin conteyned shall extende to take awaye or diminyshe any lybertye custome or aucthoritie touchynge or concernyng anye Orphāt or Orphantes whych nowe be or hereafter shal be within the Citye of London or any other citie boroughe or towne where Orphantes are commonlye vsed to be prouyded for either by graunte or by custome but that the lorde Maire of the said citie of London and the aldermen of the same for the time being and al and euery other heade offycer or officers of anye other citie borough or towne wher such Orphantes be prouyded for shall and maye haue and take like rule order kepynge and charge of such orphant and orphantes and of all their landes tenementes goodes and cattels as heretofore they or any of them lawfullye had or vsed or lawfully might haue had and vsed yf this act had not bene made AN ACTE for the continuation of certayne Statutes The .ix. Chapter WHERE IN THE PARLIAMENT BEgon and holden at London the thyrd day of Nouēber in the .xxi. yere of the reigne of our most drede Soueraygne lord of most famous memory kyng Henrye the eight and from thence adiourned to Westminster and there holden continued by diuers prorogations vnto the dissolution therof one acte was made and established for the restraint of caryage conueying of horses and mares out of this realme And also one other act was ther made for the true winding of wolles And one other act was there made to restraine kylling of wainlinges bullockes Stiers heyfers being vnder the age of two yeres which said seueral actes were thē made to endure continue vnto the nexte parliamente as by the saide seuerall actes more playnelye appeareth And where also in the same Parliamente one other acte was made and establyshed for attayntes to be sued for the punishment of periurye vpon vntrue verdictes which acte last before rehearsed was then made and ordeyned to continue and endure to the laste day of the next parliamente as by the same acte more playnely at large is shewed and maye appeare AND where also in the parlyament begonne and holden at Westmynster the eyghte daye of Iune in the eyght and twēty yeare of the reygne of oure sayde most dreade Soueraygne Lorde kynge Henrye the eight and there continued and kept vntyll the dissolution thereof It was ordeyned and enacted that all and synguler the sayde actes aboue remembred and euerye of them shoulde continue and endure in their force and strength and also be obserued and kepte vntyl the laste daye of the nexte parliament as by the same acte amongest other thinges therein conteyned more playnelye appeareth And where also in the Parliamente begonne and holden at Westmynster the eyght and twentye daye of Apryll in the one and thyrtye yeare of the reygne of oure sayde late mooste dreade Soueraygne Lorde kynge Henrye the eyght and there continued vntyll the eyght and twentye day of Iune then nexte folowynge it was ordeyned and enacted by thaucthorytie of the same parlyamente that all and singuler the sayde seuerall actes aboue remembred and euery of them and al clauses artycles and prouysions in them and euerye of them conteyned shoulde contynue and endure in their force and strength and also be obserued and kept vntill the laste daye of the nexte Parlyamente as by the same Acte amonges other thynges therein conteyned more playnelye appeareth AND where in the Parlyamente holden at Westmynster in the fiue and thyrty yeare of the Reygne of oure sayd late Soueraygne Lord kynge Henrye the Eyghte one acte was made for the preseruation of woodes to endure for seuen yeares then nexte folowynge and from thence to th ende of the nexte Parlyamente as by the same acte more playnelye it dothe and maye appeare And where also at the Parlyamente holden at Westmynster in the seuen and thyrtye yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kynge Henry the eyghte and there continued and kepte vntyll the dissolution thereof it was ordeyned and enacted that all and singuler the sayde actes aboue mentioned and euerye of
them excepte the sayde acte made for the preseruation of woodes as is aforesayde shoulde contynue and endure in their force and strengthe and also be obserued and kepte vntyll the laste daye of the nexte Parlyamente then nexte folowynge as by the same Acte amonges other thynges therein conteyned more playnelye appeareth AND where also at the Sessyon of the Parlyamente ended at Westminster the .xiiij. daye of Marche in the thyrd yeare of the raygne of oure late Soueraigne Lorde kynge Edwarde the Sixte one acte was made for the true courryinge of leather which acte was made to endure to the ende of the nexte parliaments as by the same acte more playnelye appeareth And where also at the Session of a parliament ended at Westminster the fyrste daye of February in the fourth yeare of the raigne of our sayde late Soueraigne Lorde kynge Edwarde the Sixte one Acte was then and there made concerninge the buyinge of rother beastes And also one other acte was then and there made touchinge the buyinge and sellynge of butter and chese whiche sayde seuerall actes were then and there made to endure and contynue vnto the ende of the next parlyamente as by the same seuerall actes more at large it doeth and maye appeare And where also at the Session of a parliamente by prorogation holden at Westminster the .xxiii. daye of Ianuarye in the fyfte yeare of the raygne of our sayd late Soueraygne Lord kyng Edwarde the Syxte one other acte was then and there made agaynste regratours and forestallers to endure vnto the ende of the nexte parliamente whiche all and synguler the sayde actes aboue mentioned together with the sayde acte for preseruation of woodes at a parliamente holden at Westminster the fyrste daye of Marche in the seuenth yeare of the raygne of oure sayde Soueraygne Lorde kynge Edwarde the Sixte and there continued and dissolued the laste day of the same moneth of Marche and all clauses articles and prouisions in theim and euerye of them conteyned were there reuiued and continued to stand in theyr force and strengthe vntyll the laste daye of the nexte parliamente And where also at the Session of a parlyament holden by prorogation at Westminster the .xxiiij. daye of October in the fyrste yeare of the raigne of oure mooste gratious Soueraigne Ladye the Queenes maiestie and there continued and kepte vntyll the dissolution thereof one acte was there made and establyshed agaynste vnlawfull and rebellious assembles to endure to the ende of the nexte parliamente as by the same acte more playnelye doth and maye appeare And where also at the same Session of parliament last before mentioned all and singuler the actes aboue mentioned and before that tyme continued at sondry parliamentes as is aforesayde and all clauses articles and prouisions in theim and euerye of theim conteyned were there reuiued and continued to stande in their force and strength vnto the last day of the next parliament And where also at a parliament begon and holden at Westminster the .xij. daye of Nouember in the fyrste and seconde yeares of the reignes of oure moost gratious Soueraigne Lorde and Ladye the kyng and Quenes maiesties and there contynued and kepte vnto the dissolution of the same beynge the sixtenth daye of Ianuarye then nexte ensuynge one acte was then and there made agaynste seditious wordes and rumours to endure to the ende of the nexte parliamente as by the same acte moore playnelye it doeth and maye appeare And where also in the sayde Parlyamente laste before recited all and singuler the Actes aboue mentioned that were before that tyme continued at sondrye parliamentes as is aforesayde and all clauses articles and prouisions in them and euerye of them conteined were by aucthoritie of the sayde parliamente there reuiued and continued to stande in theyr force and strengthe vnto the laste daye of the nexte Parliamente AND where at a parliamente begonne and holden at Westminster the one and twentye daye of October in the seconde and thyrde yeares of the reygnes of our aforesayde Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye the kynge and Quenes maiesties and there continued vntyll the dissolution of the same beynge the nynth daye of December then next ensuinge one Acte was then and there made for the kepynge of milche kyne and for the breadynge and rearinge of calues And one other Acte for the reedifyinge of decayed houses of husbandrye and for the encrease of Tyllage the sayde three seuerall actes to endure tyl the last day of the next parliament Forasmuche as all and singuler the sayde seuerall actes aboue mentioned be good and beneficiall for the comon wealth of this realme BE IT therefore enacted ordeyned and establyshed by the king and Quenes maiesties oure Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye with the assente of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this presente parliament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same that all and singuler the sayde seuerall actes and estatutes aboue mentioned and rehearsed and euerye of theim and all clauses articles and prouisions in them and euery of them conteyned shall be reuiued continued stande and endure in theyr full force and strength to all intentes constructions and purposes and shall be obserued and kepte in all thinges vntyll the laste daye of the nexte parliamente PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that this presente acte of continuaunce of statutes or any thinge therin conteyned shall not in any wyse extende to repeale or make voyde one acte of parliamente entituled an acte for the sale of dyuers wynes and spyces broughte in by marchauntes made and ordeyned in this presente parliamente nor any clause article or matter therein conteyned but that the same Acte and euerye thynge therein conteyned shall be of as good strengthe force and effecte to all intentes and purposes as if thys acte of continuaunce of statutes had not bene had nor made any thynge herein conteyned to the contrarye in anye wyse notwithstandynge AND where in the parliamente begonne and holden at Westmynster the .xxi. day of October in the second third yeares of the reignes of our sayde Soueraygne lord and lady kyng Philippe and Queene Mary and there continued and kept vntyll the .ix. daye of December then next ensuynge one acte was then and there made entytuled an acte for the releife of the pore the sayd acte to endure to the latter ende of the fyrst session of the next Parliament Forasmuch as the sayd acte is good and beneficiall for the comen welth of this realme be it therefore enacted ordeyned and establyshed by the aucthoritie of this presēt Parliament that the sayde acte laste aboue mentioned and rehearsed and all clauses articles and prouysions in the same conteyned shal be reuyued contynued stande and endure in full force and strength to all intentes and purposes and shal be obserued and kept in al thynges vntyll the last day of the next parlyament AN ACTE for the confirmation of the Subsedy of the cleargye The .x.
of the prouynce of Canterburye accordynge to the tenor purporte effecte and true meaninge of this present instrument The sayde Prelates and Cleargye mooste humblye desire and requyre the kynge and Queenes mooste excellente Maiesties that it maye be enacted by aucthortie of this presente Parlyamente that the prouysyons conteyned in the foresayde graunte shall stande good and effectuall to all intentes and purposes mentioned in the sayde graunte And that all processes and penalties and all other clauses touchynge the payment of the sayde Subsedye and the leuyinge and collection of the same and of euerye percell thereof may be by the sayde Prelates and Cleargye and their lawefull deputies put in due execution accordynge to the true meanynge thereof withoute incurrynge anye penaltyes or daungers of anye lawes and statutes of thys Realme AND for the true and sure paymente of the sayd Subsedye graunted by the said prelates and cleargy of the sayd prouynce of Canterbury accordyng to the tenor effect and true meanyng of the said instrumente Be it enacted by the kynge and Quenes Maiesties with thassente of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in thys present parlyamente assembled and by thaucthoritie of the same that the sayde gifte and graunt and euery matter summe of mony prouision clause and sentence in the sayde instrument conteined be ratified establyshed and confirmed by thaucthoritie aforesayd AND furthermore be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that euerye personne that shal be appoynted to the collection and gatherynge of the sayde Subsedye shall haue full power and aucthoritie to leuye take and perceyue the same Subsedye by thaucthoritie of the censures of the churche in maner and forme as in the sayde instrument of graunt is conteyned without daunger of the lawes of this realme or by distresse vpon the possession of the fermours or occupyers of the landes and tenementes chargeable by the sayd instrumente for or to the paymente of any summe or summes of monye or otherwyse by the discretion of the collector thereof And that no repleuye prohibition or supersedias shal be allowed or obeyed for any person or persones makyng defaulte of payment of the sayd Subsedy contrary to the tenor of the grauntes thereof vntyll suche tyme as they haue truely satyssyed and contented all suche parte and porcions as to thē in that behalfe apperteyneth And that euerye suche fermoure and fermoures theyr executours and assignes that shall fortune hereafter to be charged to and with the paymente of the sayd Subsedy or anye parte therof shal by thaucthoritie aforesayde be allowed and retayue in his handes as muche of his yerelye rente and ferme as the summe which he shall fortune to paye for his Lorde or Lessor shall extende vnto except the said fermor or fermours their executors and assignes by the lease graūte that they haue of anye parte of the landes and tenementes chargeable to thys saide Subsedye or by force of anye couenaunte or artycle therein conteyned be bounden and charged to paye the same and ther of to discharge their leassor and landlord durynge the terme mentioned in the sayd leasse PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritie of thys present parliament that euery laye person hauyng a spirituall promotion chargeable by this acte and also hauynge temporall possessions goodes cattells and debtes chargeable to this Subsedye graunted by the temporaltye shal be charged taxed and set for hys sayd spiritual promocions with the cleargy and for his said temporall possessions cattells with the temporaltye and not otherwyse anye thinge before mentioned to the contrary notwithstandyng And be it further enacted by thaucthoritie of thys present parlyament that the sayd archebyshoppes and Bishoppes and other parsonnes chargeable to and with the collection of the sayd Subsedye of eyghte shyllynges of the pounde within the sayd prouynce of Canterburye shall haue vppon euery payment thereof made in the Queenes courte of the escheker or ells where the kyng and quenes Maiestyes shall appoynte the same to be payed a sufficiente acquittaunce in wrytynge of suche person or persones as their maiesties shall appoynt for the receipte thereof the same acquittaunce witnessing the same receipt of as much of the same summe of the same Subsedy as shall be by any of them so receiued and euery such acquitaunce in wryting sealed and Subcribed with the name or names of euery such person or persones that so by their highnesses appoyntment shall receyue anye of the sayd Summes of monye shal be as good and effectuall in the lawe and also a sufficiente discharge to all intentes constructions and purposes as if it were made by acte of Parlyamente And that euerye personne and personnes which shal haue and receaue anye suche acquytaunce shall paye but onelye two pence for euerye of the same acquyttaunces BEIT also further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that all and euerye graunt and grauntes of all and euery Summe and Summes of moneye whiche hereafter shall be graunted to the kynge and Quenes Maiesties by the cleargye of the prouince of yorke shall be of the same strengthe force and effecte in all thinges as the sayde graunte made by the sayde prouince of Canterburye and shall be taxed certified collected leuied and gathered accordinge to the tenoure fourme and effecte of this presente acte of parliamente to all intentes constructions and purposes in such maner as thoughe it were specially plainlye and perticulerlye expressed and rehearsed in this acte by expresse wordes tearmes and sentences in theyr seuerall natures and kyndes PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that all prouisos before rehearsed conteyned in the sayde graunte of the prelates and cleargy of the prouynce of Canterburye and the lyke or the same prouisions hereafter to be conteyned in the graunte of the prelates and cleargye of the prouince of yorke shall be good and effectuall and to be obserued and kepte in euerye poynte and article accordynge to the true purporte and meanynge of the same AN ACTE of a Subsidie and one fiftene graunted by the temporaltie The .xi. Chapter WE THE KINGE AND Quenes Maiesties Mooste humble faythfull and obediente subiectes the Lordes spyrytuall and temporall and the commons in this presente parliament assembled callynge to oure remembraunce the great and manyfold charges whiche theyr graces haue all readye susteined by the reason of thys present warre that their highnes haue had and yet haue agaynst the frenche kynge and the Scottes the auncyent enemies of this Realme and perceiuinge also that the malyce of the same Frenche kynge and Scottes are suche that they haue and dayly do practise by all dishonorable wayes and meanes with the ayde and power of all theyr confederaties and alies to anoye theyr Maiesties and this theyr Realme and other the dominions of the same and by al lykelyhode yf oportunitie of tyme and place so permitte doo mynde to make some inuasion into sundrye partes of this realme as well vpon the Sea coste as els where
whiche yf it shoulde happen woulde be no small annoyaunce as well to theyr Maiesties as to the hole estate of this realme For the wyse preuention and resistence whereof least any such shuld happen to be attempted theyr highnes shal be enforced not onely to mayneteyne a conueniente number and nauye of shyppes vpon the narrowe Seas but also a great power and number of souldiers to continue in diuers and sundrye partes of the borders and frountiers of this realme redye prepared to all purposes to resist al such malicious attempts or inuasions and to defende the libertye and honour thereof whiche cannot be put in order and readines withoute greate Summes of monye to be defraied and emploied for the same And furthermore considering that the same shall not be onely for the suertye of their maiesties personnes whom we pray to god maye longe raygne ouer vs and likewise for the suretye of this Realme and theyr Maiesties louynge Subiectes of the same but also maye be a greate terroure feare and discourage to the sayde frenche kynge and Scottes and all theyr confederates and alies to attempte anye such inuasion or other enterpryse Haue graunted vnto our said Soueraigne lady her heyres and Successours one Subsedye and one .xv. and tenth to be taxed rated and leuied of our goodes cattels landes and tenementes in maner and fourme as hereafter in this present acte is limitted and conteined And albeit that we doubte not but that our said most gratious Soueraigne lorde and lady assure them selues that we their gratious mooste louinge subiectes knowe the same to be farre vnder the charges whiche theyr maiesties are lyke to susteyne in this behalfe Yet neuerthelesse we moste humblye beseche theyr highnes to accepte this oure gifte as a declaration of our true and most faythfull hartes who be and by gods assistence alwayes shal be by all wayes and meanes and in all respectes ready to serue with all conformitie and obedience for the preseruation of theyr moost royall personnes and defence and suretie of this theyr maiesties realme and dominions as to the du tye of good and obedient subiectes apperteyneth Wherefore we the said lordes and comons for the great and vrgēt considerations aforesayd by one hole assent by auctoritie of this presēt parliament do geue and graunt to our sayde Soueraygne Lady the quenes highnes her heires and successoures towardes the sayd great costes and inestimable charges one hole .xv. and tenth to be payd taken leuied of the moueable goodes cattels and other thinges vsuall to such .xv. and tenthe to be contributorye and chargeable within the Shires Cities Boroughes Townes other places of this their maiesties realme in maner and fourme afore time vsed except the summe of sixe thousande pounde thereof fullye to be deducted of the Summe that one hole .xv. and tenth atteyneth vnto in releif comforte and discharge of the pore cities townes boroughes of this her sayd realme wasted desolate or distroyed or ouer greatly empouerished after such rate as was and hath afore this time bene had and made vnto euerye Shire and to be deuided in suche maner and forme as heretofore for one hole .xv. and tenth hath ben had and deuided And the sayd one hole .xv. and tenth the exceptions and deductions aforesayde therevpon had deducted and allowed to be payde in maner and fourme folowinge That is to saye the hole .xv. and tenth to be payde to her assignes in the receipte of her highnes eschequer be fore the tenth daye of Nouember next comminge AND be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that the knightes elected and retorned of for the Shires within this realme for this presente Parliamente Citezens of Cities and Burgesses of Boroughes and townes where collectours haue bene vsed to be named and appointed for the collection of any .xv. and tenth before this tyme graunted shall name and appointe before the laste daye of Auguste nexte comminge sufficient and able persons for the Collection of the sayd .xv. and tenth in euery of the sayd Shyres Cities Boroughes and townes the sayde personnes then hauynge landes tenementes and other hereditamentes in his owne ryghte of an estate of inheritaunce of the yearelye value of tenne poundes or in goodes worth one hundreth poundes at the leaste And also suche person or persons so by them to be named and appointed for the collection of the sayde .xv. and tenth shal be by them seuerally apoynted and allotted into hundredes Rapes Wapentakes cities boroughes and townes And also the sayd persones so named and apoynted for the collection of the same .xv. and tenth shal be charged and chargeable vpon his or theyr accoumpte or accoumptes in the eschequer to be made with all suche summe or summes of mony as the hundredes rapes wapentakes cities boroughes and townes where he or they shall so happen to be appointed amount vnto and of no more summe or summes And vppon the paymente of suche Summes of monye as he shal be charged with shall be discharged and haue his quietus est the none accoumptinge or none payment of any other his fellowes or the insufficiency of them or anye of them notwythstandynge And the names and surnames of euerye of the sayde Collectoures for the sayde xv and tenth together with the place allotted to theyr Collection and charge the said knightes citizens Burgesses for the Shyres cities and boroughes whervnto they be elected named and retourned shal certifie before the kynge and quene in theyr chauncery before the .xiii. daye of October no we nexte folowinge accordinge to the tenure of this acte And yf defaulte of anye suche certifieng be hadde or made in fourme as is abouesayd then the lorde Chauncellour of Englande for the time beynge shall immediatelye after name and appointe Collectoures for the collection of the same .xv. and tenth in manner fourme as the sayde knightes of the shyre citizens of cities and Burgesses of Bouroughes shoulde haue doone and as afore tyme haue bene vsed The whiche sayde collectours and euery of them shall haue like allowaunce vpon theyr accoumptes for theyr fees wages and rewardes for the collection of the sayde .xv. and tenthe in as large manner and fourme as anye collectoure or collectoures of .xv. and tenth haue had at anye season in time paste And that the barons of the kynge and quenes Eschequer for the time beinge shall and may from time to time awarde suche proces for the spedye payment thereof agaynst the collectoure and collectoures of the same as by theyr discretions shall be thought conueniente PROVIDED alwaye and be it enacted by the aucthoritie of this presente parliament that the sayde Lorde Chauncellour knightes of the shyres Citisens of Cities and Burgesses of Burroughes Townes and other places hauynge aucthoritie by this presente acte to name and nominate the sayde Collectoures of or for the sayde fyftene and tenth shall vpon theyr nomination and election hadde and made take by aucthoritie of this presente parliamente sufficiente recognisaunce
be ioyned with them dwellinge oute of the sayd cities boroughes and townes corporate as he or they shall thinke mete to take viewe of armour in euerye of the same cities boroughes and townes corporate accordinge to this presente acte and also to assigne what harnes and armoure shall be prouided and kepte by the inhabitauntes of euery suche citie boroughe and towne corporate as is aforesayde accordinge to this present acte AN ACT for the takinge of musters The .iij. chapter WHERE heretofore commaundement hath ben geuen by the kinge and Quenes maiesties and other the progenitours of the Quenes maiestie kynges of this realme to diuers and sondry personnes to muster their maiesties people and subiects of this theyr realme of England and to leuye a number of them for the seruice of theyr maiesties and of this realme in theyr warres suche as were most hable and likeliest to serue well in the same whiche seruice hath ben greatly hyndered as well for that a greate number hath absented them from the sayde musters whiche ought to haue come to the same as also for that manye of the moost hable and likelye men for that seruice haue bene through frendshippe or rewardes released forborne and discharged of the sayd seruice some other not being able or mete taken appointed and chosen thervnto and yet the same disabilitie and vnaptnes notwithstanding the same vnable vnmete persons vpon summes of mony or other kind of rewardes or exactions by thē payd to some suche as had the order of the saide musters haue ben also released and discharged of the sayd seruice to the great impoueryshmente of the subiectes and cheyfely to the great peryl and daunger of this noble realme in the hinderaunce of the true and necessary seruyce thereof FOR remedy wherof be it enacted by the king and quene our soueraygne lord and lady with thassent of the lordes Spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliament assembled and by thaucthoritie of the same that yf anye person or persones that shal be commaunded at any time hereafter generally or speciallye to muster afore any such as shall haue aucthoritie or commaundement for the same by or from the kyng and quenes Maiesties or by theires or successors of the quenes maiestie or by any lieutenaunte wardeyne or other person or personnes aucthorysed for the same do willyngly absente hym or them selfes from the same musters hauyng no true and reasonable excuse of syckenes or other laweful impediment or at their apparaunce at such musters do not bryng with them such their best furnyture of arraye and armoure as he or they shal then haue for hys or their owne person in a redynes shall for euery such defaulte and offence haue and suffer imprisonment by the space of ten dayes without bayle or mainepryce by the commaundemente of suche as shall haue aucthoritie as is aforesayd to take the same musters onlesse he or they soo offendyng as is aforesayd doo agree to or with the said commissioners or two of thē to paye to thuse of the kyng and quene our soueraygne lord and ladye or of the heires and successoures of the same oure soueraygne ladye for euery such offence fourty shyllynges for a fyne whiche sayde fyne after agrement for the payment of the same as is aforesayd shal be certified and estreated into the court of the escheker at Westmynster by such as shall haue power to take the sayd musters as is aforesayd or by two of thē vnder their seales or the seales of two of thē within the space of two monethes next after such agrement to pay the sayde fyne had or made and the same fyne so estreated to be leuyed in such fourme as fynes assessed by the Iustyces of assise or of Gaole deliuerye in their circuites are vsed to be leuyed AND BE IT FVRTHER enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that if any person or personnes which at any time or tymes hereafter shall be commaunded or appoynted by the kyng and Quene our Soueraygne Lord and lady or by the heires and successours of the same our Soueraygne Lady by their commission letters or otherwyse authorysed to leuye muster or make any men to serue in their warres or otherwyse for the defence of thys realme do by any meane exact leuy receaue or take or cause to be taken any sūme or sūmes of mony or other rewarde or thing whatsoeuer of any person or persons for seruice in the warrs or that shal be appointed named or mustred to serue in ani such setuice or for the sparyng releasyng or dischargyng of such person or persones from the sayde seruice that then euery such person that so shall offende in exactyng receauyng or takyng by any waies or meanes anye sūme or summes of monye or other reward or thyng whatsoeuer as is afore said shal for euery such offence forfeite .x. times so much as he shal so receyue exacte or take AND be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayd that yf any capytayne pety capitayne or other hauynge charge of men for seruyce in warre shal for any aduauntage lucre or gayne by hym to be taken or receyued dyscharge or lycence any of the souldyours or men appointed to serue in the warres vnder his rule or order to depart from the same seruyce or shall not paye vnto his souldioures and to euerye of them their full and whole wages conducte and coate monye within tenne dayes next after that such capitayne pety capitayne or other hauynge charge of men as is aforesayd shall haue receyued the same that then the party so offendyng in geuyng any suche lycence or dyscharge as is aforesayde shal lose forfeyt for euery such offence ten tymes the value of the thing so taken or receyued and shal also paye to euery souldiour from whom he shall so withhold any the sayd wages conduct or coate mony treble the summe so withholden the one moytie of al which forfeytures other then such as before by this act is lymitted or geuen to the sould your or souldyors as is aforesayd for their wages coate or conducte mony withdrawen shal be to the king and the quenes maiesties and theirs and successoures of the quenes maiestye and thother moitie there of to hym or them that wyll sue for the same by action of debte byll playnt information or otherwyse in any court of record in which action or sute no essoygne protection or wager of law shal be allowed AND be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that all Iustices of assises in their circuites and al Iustyces of peace within the lymittes of their commission in their assises and sessyons and Stewardes of leetes lawedayes and libertyes at their leetes and lawdaies shal and maye from tyme to tyme enquire here and determyne euerye of the sayd offences commytted or done contrary to thys acte wythin the precynctes of their commyssion leete or lybertye and yf any person or persons shal be before the sayde Iustyces of assise Iustices of
and dwell where he now doth and there to vse the makinge weauinge or rowinge of cloth or karsey as he hath done heretofore any thinge in this acte to the contrary notwithstandinge PROVIDED alwayes that it shall be laweful to all and euery person or persons whiche nowe do or hereafter shall inhabit or dwell in anye of the Shires of Northwales or Southwales Chesshyre or Lancka shyre Westmerland Cumberland Northumberlande Byshoprike of Durham Cornewall Suffolke Kent the towne of Goddelmyne in the countye of Surrey or yorkeshyre beyng not within twelue myles of the citie of yorke or in any the townes or vyllages nere adioyninge the water of Stroude in the county of Gloucester where clothes hath ben vsually made by the space of twenty yeares last past and hauynge bene prentice to the occupation of clothe makinge or exercised in the same by the space of seuen yeares to set vp vse and exercise the feate or mystery of makinge weauinge or rowinge of clothe oute of a citie borough or markette towne as heretofore they myghte haue done anye thinge in this acte to the contrary not withstandinge Prouided also that it shal be lawfull to any person nowe vsynge or exercisinge or that hath vsed or exercised the feate or mysterye of clothe makinge the same to contynus vse and exercyse althoughe he hathe not bene therevnto apprentice or haue exercised the same by the space of seuen yeares anye thinge in this Acte to the contrary notwithstanstandinge Prouided alwayes be it also further enacted by thaucthoritie afore sayd that it shall be lawful to euery person and persons to sell put to sale by retaile or otherwyse all euery suche coloured cloth and clothes as he or they nowe haue as frelye as he or they maye lawfully sell anye clothes of the collours in thys present acte allowed to be solde vntyll the feast of Saynt Mychaell tharchaungell nect ensuyng Thys acte or the sayd former statute in any wyse notwithstandyng AN ACTE to enquyre of the behauor of french men being Denizens The .vi. Chapter IN THEIR most humble wyse shewen vn to your most royall Maiestie the lordes spirituall and temporall and all other your most louyng and obediēt Subiectes the commons in your moste high courte of parliament assembled that where at a parlyament holdē at Westminster in the .xiii. yere of the reigne of king Rychard the second it was for sondrye good considerations ordeyned and enacted that no alyen frenchman should haue or enioye any benefyce within thys realme but that they shoulde be auoyded forthewith out of the same before a certeyne time in the sayde acte limytted as in the same acte is more playnely conteyned And that at what hower any pryores alyens conuentuall or other benefice or offyce geuen by tytle of the kyng did voyde by laches or deathe of the sayde pryor and other occupyers that than duryng the warres honest persons Englyshe should be put therin in the place of them to accomplyshe diuyne seruyce and none of the enemyes aforesayd And yet notwithstandyng the sayd ordynaunce the sayde alyens frenchmen by euell imagination and brocage to contynue the euyll myschyfes of the sayd ordinaūce dyd purchase letters patentes of the kynge to be denizens and lyeges of the kynge and so sware to continue the same to thuitent to occupye and enioye the sayd benefices and by that meanes dyd occupye greate number of benefices agaynste the sayd ordynaunce by meanes where of the alyens french were incresed to the deminishing of the Subiects of the kynge and the treasure of the kynge and the Realme dyd carrye oute of thys Realme and the councell of the kynge did discouer to the enemyes of fraunce to the great damage of the kyng and the Realme For remedy whereof at a parliament holden at Westminster the fyrste yeare of the reigne of the most worthy prynce of famous memory king Henry the fyfte the same king consideryng the myschyfes aforesaid by thaucthoritie of the same parlyamente wylled that the sayd ordinaūce should be saufely holden and kepte and put in due executyon certaine pryor aliens excepted and that they shoulde put in suretye not to discouer nor cause to be dyscouered the councell nor the secretes of the Realme And where sythence the makynge of the sayde Actes of Parlyamente sondrye other good lawes and actes haue benne made aswell in the tyme of kynge Rycharde the thyrde as in the tyme of kyng Henrye the Eyghte in whych actes it is prouyded lymytted ordeyned and declared vnder what sorte the sayde Alyens and euerye of them shoulde vse themselfes within thys Realme AND where also by one acte of Parlyament made at Westmynster in the two and thyrtye yeare of the raygne of the sayde late kyng Henrye the Eyghte it was enacted amongest other thynges conteyned in the sayde acte that al maner of Straungers borne oute of hys graces obeysaunce whyche before that tyme were made Denyzens or that after that shoulde be made Denyzens from and after the fyrst daye of September then nexte commynge shoulde be bounden and be obedyente by and vnto all the foresayde actes and statutes made in the fyrste yeare of the sayde kynge Rycharde the thyrd and in the fourtene and one and twentye yeares of the sayde kynge Henrye the Eyghte and to all the contentes of the same and to all other actes and statutes of thys Realme before that tyme made or from henceforth to be made And that also in al and euery Letters Patentes of or for anye Denyzen from and after the laste daye of the same Parlyamente soo holden in the sayde two and thyrtye yeare to be made to anye straunger not beynge borne vnder the kynges obeysaunce there shoulde be conteyned in euerye suche Letters Patentes a prouyso that he or they to whome suche Letters Patentes shal be soo made and graunted shoulde be bounden and be obedyente by and vnto all the actes and Statutes of thys Realme as is aforesayde and to all and euerye the contentes of the same as by the same actes more playnelye it dothe and may appeare Yet Sythence the makynge of the sayde seuerall Actes a greate number and multytude of the frenche nacyon haue aryued into thys Realme aswell nere to the Seasyde as else where and vnder a fayned false and vntrue promyse or othe of alegyence and faythe promysed to be by them borne to thys Realme they haue of late yeares sithence the sayde two and thyrtye yeare of the Reygne of the sayde late kynge Henrye the Eyghte by synyster and vndue meanes obteyned dyuers and sondrye seuerall Letters Patentes whereby they be made Denizens and by force thereof doo emoye the lybertyes and pryueleges of thys Realme and yet contrarye to the true meanynge of the sayde Letters Patentes in theyr condytions and behaunures they doo remayne Frenche and daylye from tyme to tyme do discouer the councell state and priuities of this Realme and compasse Imagyne and procure sondrye myschyfes and damage to be done by the
aucthoritie by vertue of the sayd act to comaunde the Sherif or other minister or ministers to whome the makynge of the sayde retourne shall appertayne to name and apoynte as often as nede shall requyre so many of suche other hable persones of the sayde countye then present at the sayde assises or nisi prius as shall make vp a sull Iurye whiche persones so to be named and enpanelled by suche Sherif or other minister or ministers shal be added to the former pannell and theyr names annexed to the same as by the sayde act more at large appeareth whiche Statute was made to endure tyll the ende of the nexte parlyamente and after was and is frome tyme to tyme contynued and doeth nowe remayne stande and be in effecte whiche acte doth not extende to any Iury enpanelled to trye an yssue ioyned betwene the kynge and the partye or betwene suche as pursue any matter for the kynge and them selues Be it therefore enacted ordeyned and establyshed by the kynge and Quenes maiesties the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliament assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same that frome and after the lyrste daye of Iune next cominge the Iustices of assise and nisi prius before whome anye tryall shall be made by vertue of anye wrytte of habeas corpora or distringas with a nisiprius where a full Iurye shall not appeare or after appearaunce of a full Iurye by chalenge the Iurye is lyke to remayne vntaken for defaulte of Iuriours shall haue aucthoritie by vertue of this Acte vpon request made for the kynge and Quene her heyres or Successoures by anye aucthorised therevnto or assigned by the Iustices of the Courte before whome the sayde enqueste shall be taken or vppon requeste to be made by the partye that foloweth as well for the kynge and Queene her heyres and Successours as for hym selfe vppon anye penall Statute or hys or theyr Attourney to commaunde the Sheryffe or other minister or ministers to whome the makynge of the sayde retourne shall appertayne to name and appoynte as often as nede shall require so manye of suche other hable personnes of the sayde Countye then presente at the sayde assises or nisi prius and to adde and annexe the names to the former pannell as shall make vppe a full Iurye of twelue menne for the tryall of euerye suche Issue And that all and euerye clause sentence article and prouiso comprised in the sayde former acte shall be taken enterpreted and expounded to geue the lyke and the same aduauntage and commoditie to the kynge and Quenes maiesties her heyres and Successoures and all suche personne and personnes as shall pursue anye action byll playnte or information for the kynge and Quenes maiesties her heyres and Successours onelye or for them and the partye as the partye playntyfe in anye other action shoulde or myghte haue by vertue of the sayde Acte in suche fourme and condition to all intentes and purposes as yf such actions or suites for the kynge hadde bene specially and perticulerly mentioned and declared in the sayde Acte AN Acte for the punishemente of suche as shall take awaye maydens that be inheritours beynge within the age of sixtene yeares or that marye them without the consente of theyr parentes The .vij. chapter WHERE maydens and women chyldren of noble men gentlemen and others as well suche as be heyres apparaunte to theyr auncestours as others hauynge lefte vnto them by theyr father or other auncestre and freindes landes tenementes and hereditamentes or other greate substaunces in goodes and catelles moueable for and to thintente to aduaunce them in marryage somewhat lyke accordynge to theyr degrees and as myght be mooste for their suertye and comforte as well for theim selues as of all other theyr freinds and kynnesfolkes be often tymes vnwares to theyr sayd freindes or kynnesfolkes by flattery tryfelynge gyftes and fayre promises of manye vnthryftye and lighte personages and thereto by the intreatye of persones of lewde demeanoure and others that for rewardes bye and sell the sayde maydens and chyldren secretlye allured and wonne to contracte matrimonye with the sayde vnthryftye and lyght personages and therevpon either with slyghte or force oftentymes be taken and conueyed awaye from theyr sayde parentes freindes or kynnesfolkes to the high displeasure of almyghtye God dispargement of the sayde chyldren and the extreame contynuall heuynes of al theyr freindes whiche vngodlye dealynge for lacke of wholesome lawes to the redresse thereof remayneth a great familier and common mischeife in this oure common welth For remedye whereof be it enacted by the kynge and Quenes maiesties the lordes spiritual and temporall and the commons of this present parliamente assembled and by the aucthoritie of the same that it shall not be lawfull to anye person or persons to take or conuey awaye or cause to be taken or conueyed awaye any mayde or woman chylde vnmaried beynge within the age of sixtene yeares out of or from the possession custodye or gouernaunce and agaynst the wyll of the father of suche mayde or woman chylde or of suche personne or personnes to whome the father of suche maide or woman chylde by his laste wyll and testamente or by any other acte in his life tyme hath or shall apoint assigne bequeth geue or graunte the ordre kepynge education or gouernaunce of suche mayde or woman chylde excepte suche takyng and conueyinge awaye as shal be had made or done by or for suche person or personnes as without fraude or couyn be or then shall be the master or mystres of suche mayde or woman chylde or the gardeine in socage or gardeyne in chyualrye of or to suche mayde or woman chylde And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayd that yf anye person or persons aboue the age of .xiiij. yeares shall from and after the fyrste daye of Apryll nexte commynge vnlawfullye take or conueye or cause to be taken or conueyed any mayde or woman chylde vnmaried beyng within the age of .xvi. yeares out of or from the possession and agaynst the wyll of the father or mother of suche chylde or oute or from the possession and agaynst the wyll of suche personne or personnes as then shall happen to haue by anye lawfull wayes or meanes the ordre kepynge education or gouernaunce of anye suche mayden or woman chylde that then euery suche person persons so offendinge beynge thereof lawfully attaynted or conuicted by the ordre and due course of the lawes of this realme other then suche of whom suche person taken awaye shall holde any landes or tenementes by knightes seruyce shal haue and suffer imprisonmente of his and theyr bodies by the space of two whole yeares without bayle or maynprice or elles shall pay suche fine for his or theyr sayde offence as shal be assessed by the counsel of the Quenes highnes her heyres or successours in the Starre Chambre at Westminster And be it further enacted by the auctoritie aforesayde
her heires or successors any misnaminge misrecital or non recitall of any the same honors castels maners landes tenemētes other the premisses or any percel therof or any lacke of fyndinge of offices or inquisitions of and in the premisses wherby the title of the Quenes highnes therin oughte to haue ben founde before the makinge of the same letters patentes or other writinges or any misrecital or none recitall of leases therof before made as well of record as not of record or any lacke of the certaintie miscastinge rating or setting forth of the yearly values and rates of the premisses or of the yearly rentes reserued of for the premisses or any percel therof mentioned or conteined in any the said letters patentes or other writinges or for that the premisses be or any part thereof is valued to a more or lesse value in the sayd letters patentes or writinges then the said manors landes tenementes and other the premisses then were or shal be in yearly value or any misnaming of the townes Hamlettes parishes or counties wher the same honours Castels manors landes tenementes rentes hereditamentes and other the premisses and euery percell therof or any percell therof lien or ben or any lacke of the true naminge of the landes tenementes or hereditamētes or of the natures kindes sortes or quantities of the sayde possessions or hereditamentes or any percell therof or any lacke of the true naminge of the corporation or any lacke of atturnement liuery or season or any misnaming of any the late tenauntes or fermours of the same so sold or geuen notwithstandinge PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesaid that this acte nor any thinge therin conteyned shall not extend to make anye letters patents of any office or offices to be of any other effect force or strength thē the same letters patents were or shuld haue ben before the making of this act PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that all and singuler suche patentees grauntees and donees and euerye of them whiche at any time heretofore sithens the sayd seuenth day of Iuly haue obteyned and gotten of our sayd Soueraigne Lorde and Lady the kyng and Quene or of any of them or at any time hereafter duryng the space of seuen yeares shall obtaine and get of our sayd Soueraigne lord and lady the king and Quene that nowe be or of any of them by way of exchaunge or for any summe or summes of monye any letters patents of any monasteries abbathies priories nonneries or other ecclesiasticall possessions or of any percell of them or of any other manours Landes Tenementes or Hereditaments whatsoeuer whiche at the date and makyng of any the same letters patentes so made sithens the saide seuenth daye of Iulye or hereafter to be made durynge the space of seuen yeares as is aforesayde were or shal be of better and more yearely valewe to the kynge and Quenes highnes or to anye of them in yearly rent and ferme then was is or shal be conteined mentioned or specified in any suche letters patentes or in the perticulers or rate thereof made or to be made by any auditour or auditours surueyour or surueyours or other officer that then euery suche patentee grauntee and donee theyr heyres executours or assignes and euery of them within one yeare nerte after office and other due profe order and decre therof made and had or to be made and had within the space and terme of tenne yeares nexte after this present parliament in the courte of the eschequer shall content and paye vnto the quenes maiestie her heires and successours for the same ouerplus and more value of the same monasteries abbathies priories nonneries manors landes tenementes and other hereditamentes whatsoeuer with their appurtenaunces so solde geuen graunted or exchaunged as is aforesayde after the rate of twenty yeares purchase and accordinge to the yearely value and rate as the same manours Landes tenementes and other hereditamentes whatsoeuer were at the time of the making of any such letters patentes so made or to be made in maner fourme aforesayd Any thyng cōteined in any such letters patentes to the contrary in any wise notwtstanding PROVIDED also and be it further enacted by thauctoritie aforesayde that this acte or any prouision therein conteyned shall not in any wyse extend to confyrme ratifie or make good anye lease or leases made or to be made by our sayde Soueraigne Lorde and Lady the kynge and Quene or by anye of them for terme of life lifes or for yeares wherevpon the olde and accustomed rentes or more be not or hereafter shall not be reserued and yearelye payable duringe the tyme and terme of euerye suche lease nor that this presente acte shall in any wyse extende to reuiue or make good anye letters patentes made of any office or offices to anye comptroller customer alneger sercher ne to anye letters patentes of the graunte of any other office or offices heretofore graunted or made by the kinge and Quenes maiestie or any of them whiche nowe be or at anye tune heretofore haue ben adnichilated determined or made voide by iudgement by auctoritie of parliament or by decree nor to anye patent to be made to anye person or persons for terme of yeares or during the minoritie of any heyre of any manours Landes or tenementes whereof any trauerse hereafter shal be tendred within three monethes after any office founde and certified into anye of the kinges courtes of recorde ne to make good anye letters patentes made by oure layde Soueraigne lorde and Ladye or any of them of anye office or offices to be of anye other effecte force or strength then the same letters patentes were or should haue bene before the makinge of this Acte PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that this acte or any thinge therin conteined shall not extende to any letters patentes whiche at any tyme heretofore sithen the beginninge of the Quenes maiesties reigne haue ben made or hereafter shal be made by the kynge and quenes highnes or by the quenes maiestie onely to any person or personnes of any manours Landes tenementes rentes reuercions seruices or other hereditamentes by force of any information suite or suggestion made or to be made to her highnes that the same manoures landes tenementes or other hereditamentes so conteyned in any suche letters patentes were concealed landes nor to any letters patentes heretofore made by our sayde soueraigne Lorde and lady the kinge and Quenes maiesties or any of them to Rause Iackson clerke nowe maister of the hospitall of the Sauoye in the parishe of Saint Clementes Dacorum without the barres of the new temple London and to his brethren beyng perpetuall Chaplaynes of the same Hospitall and to theyr successoures but that the same letters patentes and euery of them shall stande remayne and be in the same force strength and effecte as they were before the makinge of this acte any thinge in this acte
peace or any of them presented or indicted of any thoffēces aforesaid that thē the said iustices of assise or iustices of peace before whom suche indytement or presentment shal be taken or had shal and may by the aucthoritye of this act award such proces against euery such person or persons so indited as vpō inditements of trespas is vsed and accustomed to be made if any such persō or persons so indited do appere before the said iustices confesse the same or plede to the same indytementes after by verdycte of .xii. menne shal be of any the sayde offences conteyned in such inditemēt or inditements conuicted that thē the said Iustyces before whō any such conuyction shal be so had shal may award such person or persons so conuycted vnto pryson there to remayne without bayle or maynepryce vntyll such tyme as he or they haue payd or satisfyed the moytie of the forfeiture aforesayd vnto the kyng and quenes maiesties vse and thother moitie therof vnto hym or them that shal come before the sayd Iustyces and geue euidence agaynst the partye to be conuicted at the time of the sayd conuiction and by whose euydence he shal be of the said offēce conuicted And yf any such cōuiction shal be had wtout any euydence openly giuen by any person or persons that then the partye conuicted as aforesayd shal remayne in prison as is aforesayd vntil he haue satisfyed the hole forfeiture to the king and quenes maiesties vse PROVIDED alwayes and be it further enacted by thauctoritie afore sayd that yf any the offences aforesayd touching captaines pety captaynes or other hauyng charge of men shal be committed durynge the time that any army or number of mē being vnder a lieuten aunt shal be assembled and continue together or by any captaine pety captaine or other hauyng charge of men that shal serue vnder any lord warden or other cheiftayne that then vpon complaint thereof the lord lieutenaūt or the lord warden or other cheyftayne durynge the tyme of anye hys or their commyssyon shall and maye heare order and determyne the same offences by hys or theyr dyscretyons Prouyded alwayes that thys acte nor any thyng therein conteined shall not in any wise extend to take awaye or discharge any tenaunte or fermoure of hys seruice or couenaunt towardes hys lord for the findynge of horse armor or weapon or for doynge of seruyce by hym selfe or by any other whych by the tenure of hys lande or otherwyse is boūden to do before the makyng of thys acte but that he shal yelde do and paye the same in as ample maner and forme as though this arte had never bene had or made Prouyded also and be it further enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayd that yf any such capytayne pety captaine or other hauynge charge of men as is aforesayd shal be at anye tyme hereafter conuycted or ordered by vertue of thys acte for anye of hys offences aforesayde that then the same Capytaine petie Capitaine or other hauing charge of mē as is aforesaid so conuicted shal not otherwise or eftsones be vexed troubled sued or conuicted for the same offence whereof he shal be so before conuicted or ordered AND where one braunch or article conteyned in the statute made in the seconde and thyrde yeare of the reygne of the late kynge Edwarde the syxte intituled an acte touchinge the true seruyce of Captaynes and Souldyoures whereby the departure of anye Souldyoure seruynge as in the sayde acte is expressed wythoute lycence of the lyeutenaunte or other offycer or offycers named in the sayde acte or in their absence of their deputies was made felonye is of noo force strengthe ne effecte at thys presente by reasonne of the acte of repeale of certayne treasonnes felonyes and primynyre made in the first session of the parliament holdē at Westminster in the fyrstyere of the Quenes maiesties reygne Be it for good and reasonable consideratyons enacted and establyshed by thaucthoritie of thys present parliament that the sayd braunch or article and euerye sentence and matter therin conteyned be from henceforth holy reuyued and recontynued and be and remayne in full strength and effect to al intentes cōstructions and purposes the sayde acte of repeale notwithstandynge And that al and euery other article clause prouyso and matter conteined in the same acte shall stand remayne and be in their full force strengthe and effecte Any thing in this acte conteined to the contrary notwithstandynge AND yet neuerthelesse wherin the sayd acte it is prouyded that no person or persones should be charged for the takynge or receyuynge of any gyfte or rewarde of anye of hys or their tenauntes or frendes towardes the releyfe ayde or helpe of the same personnes beynge commaunded to serue in warres or otherwyse to fynd men on horsebacke or on fote within thys realme or withoute nor for the gyfte rewarde ayde or helpe reserued or couenaunted to be payde or gyuen to any person appoynted to serue in warres or to fynde horse or men to serue by reason of any graunt couenaunte reseruation custome or tenure any thyng in the sayd acte to the contrary notwithstanding as by the said acte and prouyso more playnely it doth and maye appeare Be it enacted by thaucthoritie of this presēt parliamēt the no person or persons shal or may by coulour of the said prouiso or of any wordes or matter therin conteyned exact or demaund or leuy any summe or summes of mony horse armoure or any other thyng other then shalve employed furthwith in the present seruyce of those warres of the kynge and queenes maiesties her heires or successoures for whych it is leuyed the whyche summe or summes of mony horse armoure or other thyng or as much thereof as shal not be spent lost or consumed in the sayd seruyce shal be rendred and restored to such person or persones as payde or delyuered the same vpon the penaltyes and forfeytures conteyned in the said acte PROVIDED alwayes that no person or persons inhabitynge within any cytye borough or towne corporate being a countye of it selfe or in whych any Iustices of peace be or herealter shal be by charter shal be compellable by vertue of thys acte to make his or their apparaunce with such furniture as is aforesayd at any muster hereafter to be had or taken out of the Suburbes precinct or lyberties of the same Citye Borough or Towne nor before any person or persons aucthorysed by cōmission or otherwise as is aforesaid onlesse the maior or other hed of fycer of such citie borough or towne one other discrete inhabitaunt of the same at the least be ioyned in the same commission or other aucthoritie as is aforesayd with the same other person or persons so aucthorised any thing before mentioned to the contrary notwithstāding AN ACTE that accessaries in murder and dyuers felonies shall not haue the benefit of clergie The .iiii. Chapter FOR THE due punysshmente of suche as commaunde counsell or hire any
frenche nacyon to thys Realme contrarye to the sayde Actes of Parlyamente and contrarye to their sayde letters patentes and the prouyso conteyned in the same FOR remedy whereof and for the auoydyng of the imminent peryll that for want of due prouydence may ensue to your most royal person whome our Lord GOD longe preserue to reygne ouer vs and to thys your hyghnes Realme by the malicious and secrete practyses of the sayd Denizens we most humblye besech your most excellent Maiestie to haue vigilante care and tender consyderatyon of youre owne suretye and preseruation of thys youre Realme and hauynge good and sure experience of your accustomed honorable and mercyfull disposition and inclination do also mooste humblye besech the same that by youre royall assente it maye be enacted by thaucthoritye of this present parlyament that al french men and all and euery other personne and personnes borne in any place beyond the Seas which at the tyme of the byrth of any such person or persones was vnder the french kinges obeysaunce not beynge Denizens other then suche as the kynge and Quenes highnes or the quene onely shall specyally lycence lymit and appoynte to remayne within thys Realme shall departe oute of thys Realme and out and from the dominions and terrytories of the same there to remayne and contynue withoute retorne into thys Realme durynge the time and contmuaunce of the warres betwene the french kynge and oure Soueraygne Ladye the quene or her heires or successoures And that our Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye the kynge and the queene or her hyghnes onelye by the aucthoritie of thys Acte by their letters patentes vnder the great Seale of Englande shall and maye haue full power and aucthoritie from time to tyme duryng the lyfe of the quenes hyghnes whych almyghty GOD long prosper and contynue after offyce founde or other due profe of the mysdeamenor of anye such Denizen committed contrary to the lawes of this realme to repeale and make voyde all and synguler letters patentes or asmanye of them as to her hyghnes shall seme good made sythence the sayd two and thyrtye yeare of the Raygne of Kynge Henrye theyghte to anye alyen or straunger borne frenche and vnder the obeysaunce of of the frenche kynge concernynge onelye the makynge of suche alyen or Straunger Denyzen the same Letters Patentes of repeale to be proclaimed and vsed in maner and fourme folowynge that is to saye that euery such Letters Patents of repeale shal conteine the names surnames of euery such alien Straunger whose letters Patents shal soo be repealed and shal be solempnlye and openly redde and proclaimed in the kynge and Queenes Courte of Chauncerye betwene the howres of nine and a leuen before none one day in anye one terme to be kepte at Westmynster and in suche and asmanye termes and counties of this realme as shal be limitted or appoynted or other wise seme mete to the quenes maiestie at any tyme hereafter durynge her highnes sayd lyfe and that al and euery such letters patentes to be repealed in maner and forme aforesayde from and immediately after xxx dayes nexte ensuynge such repeale shall touchyng onelye the makyng of such alyen or straunger denizen be voyde and of none effecte and not before AND be it further enacted by thauchorytie aforesayd that such aliens and straungers denizens whose patentes the queenes hyghnes hereafter shal fortune to allowe or confirme or whom her hyghnes shal lycence to remayne and tarry in thys Realme shal be bounden to the kynge and Queenes maiesties by recognisaunce not to dyscouer nor cause to be discouered the councell nor the secreates of thys Realme and further to be bounde and obedyente vnto and by the lawes and statutes of the same and yf any such alyen borne frenche and vnder the obeysaunce of the french kyng as is aforesayde shall refuse to knowlege any such recognisaunce that then the sayde confirmation allowaunce and lycence shal be voyde and of none effect PROVIDED alwayes that yf any such alyen as is aforesayd shal haue purchased any Manour Landes Tenementes or hereditamentes of anye estate of inherytaunce within thys Realme sythence the tyme that he was made denizen or the any Manor Landes Tenementes or hereditamentes within this realme were gyuen to any such alien of any estate of inherytaunce by any letters patents or in the same letters patentes whereby he was made denizen that the same Manor landes tenementes and hereditamentes after the decease of suche alien whose letters patentes of makyng denizen shal be as is aforesaid repeled shall and maye discende remayne or come vnto suche his heyre or heyres as bene borne within thys realme and as be inheritable to the same or to such other person or personnes that shoulde by the lawes of thys realme haue and enioye the same or any part thereof yf thys acte or no such repeale had bene made in such maner and forme as thoughe no such repeale were had or made the same repeale or any thing in this acte to the contrary not withstandyng Prouided also that it shal be lawefull to the Quenes maiestie her heyres and successoures immediatelye from and after the departure of euery such denizen out of thys Realme to receyue and take the cleare yerely issues reuenues and proffyts of al such Manours Lands Tenementes Rentes Fees Annuityes and Heredytamentes whereof any such Denyzen were seassed or hadde at the tyme of thys acte or at the tyme of hys departure oute of thys Realme as is aforesayde for and durynge the lyfe of euerye suche Denizen in as ample and large maner and forme and in suche qualytye condytyon and degree as anye suche denisen mighte lawfullye haue receyued and taken at the tyme of the makyng of this present acte and not otherwise any thinge in this acte conteyned to the contrary notwithstandinge AN ACTE to make vp the Iury with circumstantibus where the kynge and Quenes maiesties or the Quenes maiestie is a party The .vii. Chapter WHERE in the parliament holden at Westminster the .xiiij. day of Ianuary in the .xxxv. yeare of the reygne of the moost noble and victorious Prince king Henry the eyght late kynge of Englande amongeste other thinges it was enacted and establyshed for the spedye tryall of Issues ioyned betwene party and partye in anye of the kynges courtes of recorde holden at Westminster to be tryed by the verdicte of twelue menne before the Iustices of assise or nisi prius that in euerye wrytte of habeascorpora or distringas with a nisi prius delyuered of recorde to the Sheryffe or other minister or ministers to whome the makynge of the retourne shall apparteyne where a full Iurye shall not appeare before the Iustices of assise or nisi prius or elles where after appearaunce of a full Iurye by chalenge of any of the parties the Iurye is lyke to remayne vntaken for default of the Iurours that then the same Iustices vpon request made by the partyes playntyfe or demaundaunte shall haue
or by obligation of euerye personne so by them to be named to be bounden to the kynge and Queenes Maiesties in the double Summe of theyr collection and to be endorced vppon suche condition that yf the sayde collectoure or collectoures doo truelye contente and paye to the vse of the kynge and Quene in theyr receypt of theyr Eschequer before the sayde tenth daye of Nouember nowe nexte ensuynge so muche of the Summe of money allotted and appointed to his collection as the same Collectoure shall haue collected and gathered And do lyke wyse after the sayde tenthe daye of the moneth of Nouember contente and paye to the kynge and Quenes Maiesties vses at the same receypte the residue of his collection charge wtin one moneth next after such tyme as he shal haue gathered and collected the same residue that then the sayde recognysaunce or obligation to be voyde or elles to stande in his full strength and vertue whiche recognisaunce or obligations soo taken the sayde knyghtes of the Shyre Citisens and Burgesses and euerye of theym takynge anye suche recognisaunces or oblygatyons shall certysye and delyuer to the Lorde Treasurer and Baronnes of the same Eschequer before the sayde tenth daye of Nouember nowe nexte ensuynge vppon payne of forfeyture of ten pounde to the Quene for euerye recoguysaunce or oblygation soo to be taken and not certified And that euerye inche collectoure vpon requeste to him made shal make and knowledge the same recognisaunce or obligation according lye vpon like payne and forfeiture of tenne pounde to the Queene for his refusall thereof And that the Treasurer or Barons of the escheker vpon the payment of the same collection or at the sayde daye shal cancell and delyuer the sayde recognisaunce or obligation to the sayde collectour or collectours without any fee or rewarde to be payde to anye person for the same And furthermore for the greate and weyghtye considerations aforesayde we the Lordes Spirituall and Temporall and Commons in this present Parliament assembled do by oure like assente and aucthoritie of this Parlyamente geue and graunte to oure sayde Soueraygne Lady the Quenes Maiestie her heyres and Successours one entyer Subsedye to be rated taxed leuyed and payde at one hole and entyre paymente of euerye personne Spyrytuall and Temporall of what estate or degree he or they be accordynge to the tenure of thys acte in manner and fourme folowynge That is to saye as well of euery personne borne within this realme of Englande Wales or other the Quenes dominions as of all and euery Fraternitie Guild Corporation Misterye Brotherheade and Cominaltye corporated or not corporated within this Realme of Englande Wales or other the quenes dominions beynge worth fyue pounde for euerye pounde as wel in coyne and the value we of euerye pounde that euerye suche personne Fraternitie Guylde Corporation Mysterye Brotherheade and Comynaltye corporate or not corporate hath of his or theyr owne or any other to his or theyr vse as also plate stocke of marchaundises all maner of corne and blades householde stuffe and of all other goodes moueable as well within the Realme as without and of all such summes of money as to him or them is or shal be owyng wherof he or they trust in his or their consciences surely to be payde excepte and out of the premisses deducted suche summes of money as he or they owe and in his or theyr consciences truely intendeth to paye and excepte also the apparell of suche personnes theyr wyues and chyldren belongynge to theyr owne bodies sauynge Iuelles golde syluer stone and pearle shall paye to and for the sayde Subsedy two shillinges eyght pence of euery pounde And also of euerye alien borne oute of the Queenes obeysaunce as well Denizen as other inhabitinge within the Realme of euerye pounde that he or they haue in coyne and the value of euerye pounde in plate corne grayne marchaundise householdestuffe or other goodes Iuelles Cattelles moueable or vnmoueable as is asoresayde as well within this Realme as without and of al summes of monye to him or them owyng whereof he or they trust in his or theyr conscience or consciences to be payde excepte and of the same premisses deducted euery suche Summe or summes of mony which he or they doo owe and in his or theyr conscience or consciences intendeth truely to pay shal pay of and for euery pounde to and for the payment of the sayde Subsedy fyue shyllinges iiij.d for euery pounde And also that euery alien and straunger borne oute of the queenes dominions beynge denizen or not denizen not beynge contrybutorye to anye of the rates abouesayde shall paye to and for the paymente of the sayde Subsidy eyght pence foreuery poll and the mayster or he or she with whome the same alien is or shal be abidinge at the tyme of the taxation or taxations thereof to be charged with the same for lacke of payment thereof And be it further enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that euery person borne vnder the quenes obeysaunce and euery corporation fraternitie guylde misterye brotherheade and cominaltie corporate or not corporate for euery pounde that euerye of the same personnes and euery corporation fraternitie guylde mystery brotherhead and cōminaltie corporate or not corporate or anye other to his or their vse hath in fee simple fee tayle for terme of lyfe terme of yeares by execution wardeshyppe or by copye of courte roll of and in any honoures castels Manours landes tenementes rentes seruices hereditamentes annuities fees corrodies or other yearelye profyttes of the yearelye value of twentye shyllynges as well within aunciente demeane as other places pryuyleged as elles where and so vpwardes shall paye to and for the paymente of the sayde Subsedy foure shyllynges of euery pounde And euerye alien borne oute of the Quenes obeysaunce in suche case to paye at the sayd payment eight shyllynges of euery pound And that all summes presented and chargeable by this acte either for goodes and debtes or for landes and tenementes and other the premisses as is in this acte conteyned shal be at the sayde payment set and taxed after the rate and portion accordynge to the true meaninge of this acte landes and tenementes chargeable to the dysines of the clergy and yearlye wages due to seruauntes for their yearelye seruyce other then the kinge and Quenes seruauntes takynge yearelye wages of fyue poundes or aboue onely except and forprysed And that all plate coyne iuelles goodes debtes and cattelles personnalles beynge in the onelye custodye of anye personne and personnes to the vse of anye corporation fraternitie Guilde misterye brotherhead or anye comminaltie beynge corporate or not corporate be and shall be rated set charged by reason of this act as the value certified by the presenters of that certificate to be sworne of euerye pounde in goodes and debtes as is abouesayde And of euery pounde in landes tenementes annuities fees corrodies or other yearely profittes as is abouesayde And the sommes that
or as many of them as by the sayd comission shal be therevnto apoynted at like information of euery person or persons beynge charged with any summe of money for any other person or persons by reason of the sayde Subsedye and not thereof payde but wilfully withdrawen ne the same leuiable within the limites where such persons were thervnto taxed and if the summe or summes beynge behynde vnpayde by any person or personnes as is aforesayde be leuied and gathered by force of the sayde proces to be made by the sayde commissioners or if in defaulte or for lacke of paymente thereof the person or personnes so owinge the sayde summe or summes of money by proces of the same commissioners to be made as is aforesayde be committed to prison in fourme abouesayde that then the same commissioners whiche shall awarde suche proces shall make certificate thereof in the sayde eschequer of that shal be done in the premisses in the terme nexte folowynge after suche summe or summes of money so beinge behinde shal be leuied and gathered or suche person or personnes for none paymente of the same committed to pryson And if it happen anye of the sayde collectours to be assigned or any mayer sheriffe stewarde constable the headborough householder baylif or any other officer or minister or other whatsoeuer person or persons to disobey the sayd commissioners or any of them at the reasonable requeste to theim made by the sayde commissioners for execution of the said commission or yf any of the offycers or other persons do refuse that to them shall appertayne and belonge to do by reason of any precepte to him or them to be directed or anye reasonable commaundement instaunce or requeste touchinge the premisses or other defaulte in any appearaunce or collection to make or if any person being suspect or not to be indifferently taxed as is aforesayde do refuse to be examined accordinge to the tenoure of this acte before the sayde commissioners or as many of them as shal be thervnto assigned as is aforesayde or wyll not appeare before the same commissioners vpon warninge to him made or els make resistaunce or rescues vpon any distres vpon him to be taken for any percell of the sayde Subsidie or committe any misbehauour in any maner of wyse contrary to this acte or committe any wylful omission or other whatsoeuer wylfull not doynge or misdoinge contrary to the tenour of this acte or graunt the same commissioners and euerye nomber of them aboue remembred or two of them at the leaste vpon probable knowlege of any suche misdemenours had by information or examination shall and maye set vpon euery suche offender for euery such offence in name of a fyne by the same offender to be forfeyted xl.s or vnder by the discretion of the same commyssioners And further the same commissioners and euery number of them or two of them at the least shall haue auctoritie by this present acte to punishe euery such offender by imprisonment there to remaine and be delyuered by theyr discretion as shal seme to them conuenient the sayde synes if anye suche be to be certified by the sayd commissioners that so assessed the same into the kynge and quenes maiesties eschequer there to be leuied and payd by the collectoures of that partes for the sayde Subsidie retourned into the sayde eschequer to be therewith charged with the payment of the sayd subsedy in suche maner as if the sayde fynes had ben set and taxed vppon the sayd offenders for the sayd Subsidye It is also enacted by the sayde aucthoritie of this parliament that euery of the sayd highe collectours whiche shal accoumpt for any part of the sayde Subsedye in the sayde Eschequer vpon theyr sayde seuerall accoumptes to be yelded shal be allowed at euery of the sayde paymentes of the sayd Subsedye for euery pounde limitted to his collection whereof any suche collectour shal be charged and yelde accoumpte sixe pence as percell of theyr charge that is to saye of euerye pounde therof for such persons as then haue had the perticuler collection in the townes and other places as is aforesaid specified in his collection two pence and other two pence of euery pounde thereof euery of the sayde cheife collectours theyr accoumptauntes to reteyne to theyr owne vse for theyr labour and charge in and about the premisses and two pence of euery pound residue to be deliuered allowed and payde by the sayd collectoures so beynge thereof allowed to suche of the commissioners as shall take vpon them the busines and labour for and aboute the premisses that is to saye euerye collectoure to paye that commissioner or comissioners whiche had the orderynge of the wrytinges of and for the sayd Subsedy where the sayd collectour or collectours had their collection for expences of the sayde commissioner so taken vpon them the sayd busines and laboure of theyr clerkes writinge the sayd preceptes and estreates for the sayd collections the same last two pence of euerye pound to be deuided amongest the sayde commissioners hauynge regarde to theyr labour and busynes taken by them or theyr sayd clerkes in and about the premisses for the whiche part so to the commissioners atteyninge the sayd commissioners syxe fiue foure thre or as manye of them as shall be thervnto appointed by the kynge and Quenes maiesties commission and euery of them ioyntly and seuerally for his and theyr sayd part may haue his remedy agaynst the sayde collectoure or collectours which therofben and might haue ben allowed by action of debte in the whiche the defendaunte shall not wage his lawe neither protection neither iniunction or other essoigne shall be allowed And that no person nowe beyng of the number of the companye of this present parliament nor any commissioner shal be named or assigned to be any collectour or subcollectour or presentour of the sayde subsedie or of any parte therof nor no comissioners shall be compelled to make anye presentment or certificate other then in the kinge and quenes maiesties said escheker of for or concerning the sayd subsedy or any part therof and likewise that none other person that shall be named or assigned to be commissioners in any place to and for th execution of this act of subsedy be or shal be assigned or named head collectours of any of the paymentes of the sayd subsedy neither of any parte thereof And that euery such person or persons which shal be named and apointed as is aforesaid to be hed collectors of the said subsedy or for any part therof euery of thē be shal be acquited discharged of al maner fees rewards of euery other charges in the king and Quenes Maiesties Eschequer or els where of them or any of them by reason of that collection paymēts or accoumptes or anye thynge concerninge the same to be asked and that yfanye personne receaue and take anye fees rewardes or pleasures of anye suche accoumptante that then he shall forfeit to the kyng and Quenes
as is aforesayd the grosse and seuerall Summes set and taxed within the places to them lymitted for the sayde Subsedye and other fynes amercyamentes penaltyes and forfeytures with the names of the hundredes wardes wapentakes and other places to them assigned or ells by theyr sayd wriringes indented to certyfye at the sayd place before the sayd day of paimente suche reasonable causes for their excuses whye they maye not make suche certifycate of and for the sayde Subsedye whyche synes amercyamentes and other forfeytures growinge or sette by reason of the causes of their lettes or of their none certyfying as is abouesayd or ells in defaulte thereof proces to be made oute of the kyng and quenes maiesties sayde Escheker agaynste the sayd commyssyoners and euerye of them not making certificate as is aforesayde by the dyscresyon of the Tresurer or Barons of the sayde eschequer PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by thaucthoritye aforesayd that the inhabytauntes of the Paryshe of Saynte Martynne called Stamforde Baron in the Suburbes of the burroughe and towne of Stampforde in the Southe parte of the water there called Welland whych hereafter shal be contributorye to the paymente of thys present Subsedye graunted to the quenes maiestie her heires and successors shal be assessed rated and taxed for thys tyme by such commyssyoners whych shal be appoynted for the taxynge ratyng and sessynge of such Subsedye or taxe within the countye of Lyncolne and shal be for this tyme contrybutorye and paye the sayde Subsedye to the collectoure or collectoures whyche shal be assygned and appoynted for the leuying and gatherynge of the same with the aldermen and burges of the said boroughe and towne of Stampford Prouyded alwayes and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that all and euery person and personnes hauynge manoures landes tenementes and other hereditamentes chargeable to the payment of the Subsedye graunted to the Quenes Maiestie by this acte and also hauynge spirituall possessions chargeable to her sayde Maiestie by the graunte made by the cleargy of thys Realme in this their conuocation and ouer thys hauyng substaunce in goodes and cattels chargeable by thys sayd acte that then yf any of the sayd person or persons be hereafter charged assessed and taxed for the sayde manoures lands and tenementes and spirituall possessions and also assessed charged taxed for his or their goodes or cattells that then he or they shal be onlye charged by vertue of thys acte for his and their sayde manoures landes tenementes hereditamentes or spirituall possessions or onely for hys sayde goodes and cattels the beste thereof to be taken for the quenes Maiestie and not to be charged for both or double charged for anye of them anye thyng in thys acte conteined to the contrary in any wyse notwithstandyng Prouyded alwayes that thys graunt of Subsedy nor anye thynge therein conteyned in any wise extende to charge the inhabitauntes or dwellers within Ireland Iernesey and Garnesey or anye of them of or concernynge any manours landes tenementes or other possessions goodes cattels or other moueable substaunce whyche the sayd inhabytauntes or dwellers or any other to their vse haue within Ireland Iernesey and Garneseye or in anye of them or of for or concernynge anye fees or wages whych anye of the sayde inhabytauntes or dwellers haue of the kynge and quenes Maiesties for there attendaunce and doynge seruyce to oure sayd soueraygne Lord and Ladye in Irelande Iernesey and Garneseye or in anye of them anye of them anye thynge in this presente acte to the contrary in any wise notwithstandyng Prouyded also that thys present acte of Subsedy ne anye thynge therein conteyned extende to anye of the Englyshe inhabytauntes or resiauntes in any of the countyes of Northumberlande Cumberland Westmerlande the towne of Barwycke the towne of Newecastell vpon Tyne and the Byshopricke of Durham nor to anye of them of for or concerninge any manoures landes tenementes or other possessions goodes cattells or other moueable substaunce whyche the same Inhabytauntes or dwellers or any other to their vse haue within the sayde counties of Northumberlande Cumberlande Westmerlande or the towne of Barwicke the towne of Newecastell vpon Tyne or the Byshoprycke of Durham or anye of them or of for and concerning any fees or wages whiche anye of the sayde Inhabytauntes or dwellers haue of the kynge and Queenes Maiestyes for their attendaunce and doinge seruyce to the kynge and Quenes maiestyes for or within the sayde counties of Northumberlande Cumberlande Westmerlande the towne of Barwycke the Towne of Newecastell vpon tyne and the Byshopprycke of Durham or anye of them to or for the sayde taxynge leuying gatherynge or paymente but that the English inhabytauntes and resiauntes and euerye of them of the said coūties Byshopricke and townes and euerye of them shal be of and from the sayde Subsedye and euerye percell thereof and for their manoures landes tenementes fees wages goodes and cattells lyinge and beynge in the sayde counties townes and Byshoprycke or anye of them vtterlye acquited and discharged Any thing in thys presente acte before rehearsed to the contrary notwithstandyng PROVIDED also that all letters patentes graunted by the king or queenes maiestie or anye of her most noble progenitoures to anye Cyties Burroughes or townes within thys realme of anye maner lybertyes pryuileges or exemptions from the burden and charge of any suche graunt of Subsedyes whych be at thys present time in force and vayleable shal remayne good and effectuall to the sayde Cytyes Burroughes and townes hereafter accordynge to the purportes thereof thoughe the inhabytauntes of the same shall vpon the gret and weigh tye consyderation of the graunt aforesayd be for thys graunt charged and contributory in like maner fourme and sorte as other Cityes burroughes and townes whych be not in anye wyse pryuileged be from such graunt of Subsedy excepted PROVIDED alwayes and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesaid that no Orphant or Infant within the age of .xxi. yeare borne within anye of the quenes maiesties dominions shal be charged to anye paymente of thys Subsedye for hys or her goodes and cattelles to him or her lefte or bequethed Anye thyng in thys acte conteined to the contrarye notwithstandyng PROVIDED also that thys acte nor any thing therein conteined shal extende to the goodes or landes of anye college Hall or Ostell within the vniuersities of Oxenforde and Cambrydge or any of them or to the goodes or landes of the colledge of Wynton founded by Byshope Wyckeham or to the goodes or landes of the college of Eton nexte Wyndesore or to the goodes or Landes of anye free gramer scoole within the realme of Englande or Wales or to the goodes of anye reder Scolemayster or scoller within the sayde vniuersities and colledges or anye of them there remaynynge for studye withoute fraude or couyne or to the goodes and landes of any Hospytall measondewe or Spitelhouse prepared and vsed for the sustentation and releyfe of pore people Anye thyng in thys acte conteyned to the contrary in any wise notwithstandyng Prouyded also and be it enacted by the aucthoritie aforesayde that forasmuche as diuers and sundrye the kynges and Quenes Maiesties tenauntes and other inhabitauntes and dwellers within the counties of Penbroke Carmarthen Cardigan Glamorgan Breckenocke Radnour Mongomery Denbigh Flynt Merioneth Anglesey Carnaruan and of the countye palantine of Chester be at this presente tyme charged and chargeable with the seuerall paymentes of diuers great summes of monye by the name of Myse due to their maiestyes accordinge to the seuerall customes of the sayde counties for the payment whereof diuers and sundrye the gentlemen and other the inhabitauntes be and stand bounden to theyr highnes And that also ther do remayne yet vnpayde in diuerse of the sayde dominions and countie palantyne the Subsedye graunted to the kynge and Quenes maiesties Be it therefore ordeyned and enacted by thaucthoritie aforesayde that this acte of Subsedye or any thynge therein conteyned shall not extende to charge any of the kynge and Quenes tenauntes and other inhabitauntes and dwellers within any of the sayde counties of Penbroke Carmarthen Cardigan Glamorgan Brecknocke Radnoure Mongomery Denbigh Flint Merioneth Anglesey Carnaruan and the countie palantine of Chester beynge charged or chargeable wyth the sayde Myse for or in any of the paymentes of the sayde Subsidye graunted to the kynge and Quenes Maiesties by this acte vntyll the seuerall dayes and tymes appointed and agreed for the paiment of the sayde Myse shall be expired And likewyse the dayes and tymes of the sayde Subsidye latelye graunted to oure sayde Soueraygne Lorde and Ladye be past and expyred And that then the paiment of the sayd Subsidye graunted by this present acte shall be made at the receipte of the kynges and queenes Eschequer before the fyrst daye of Marche nexte folowinge after the dayes appointed for the latter paymente to be made of the sayde myses and also of the payment of the sayd former Subsidye Furthermore be it enacted by thauctoritie aforesayd that the tenants and dwellers of euerye the sayde counties in this prouiso remembred shall seuerally before the feast of Penthecost nexte ensuinge certifye in the sayd court of Eschequer vnder the seales of two Iustices of peace of euerye the sayde counties whereof one to be of the Quorum when and what daye the laste payment of the sayde seuerall mises nowe due in any of the sayde counties shall ende and expyre Prouided also that the sayde graunte of Subsidie or anye other thinge therein conteyned doo not in anye wyse extende to be preiudiciall or hurtefull to the inhabitauntes or resiauntes at thys presente tyme within the fyue portes or to anye of theyr members incorporate or vnited to the same fyue portes or to anye of the same fyue portes of or for any parte or percell of the sayde Sommes graunted in this parliament of the sayd inhabitauntes nowe resiaunt or any of them to be taxed set asked leuied or payde but the sayde inhabitauntes and resiauntes in the sayde fyue portes and theyr members be and shall be of and from the sayde graunte and paymente of the sayde subsedy during their resiauncy there and no lenger clearlye acquited and discharged any matter or whatsoeuer thinge in this presente acte had or made to the contrary notwithstandinge God saue the Kynge and the Quene ❧ Excusum Londini IN AEDIBVS IOHANNIS CAVVODI Tipographi Regiae Maiestatis Anno. M.D.LVIII Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum