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A85701 Legis fluvius or, The fountain of the law opened. Shewing the manner method, and forms of proceedings, and pleas on all actions and informations, grounded on all the new and old penal statutes; and the statute it self quoted, upon which every action depends. With presidents for the most usual indictmens : [sic] applicable to all courts of record. Being useful for all atturneys, clerks, and informers. / By A.G. A. G. 1657 (1657) Wing G2; Thomason E1647_1; ESTC R209091 51,574 151

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OTherwise that is to say in the Term of Easter in the yeer c. before the Lord the King at Westminster in the County aforesaid by the Oath of twelve c. it stands presented that part of the King's High-way in the Parish of S. in the County aforesaid containing in length four Rod in breadth two Rod the first day of M. in the year c. was and still is very hurtful and decayed for defect of Reparations and amending of the same so that the liege People of our Lord the King labouring to pass through the Village aforesaid cannot travel without danger of death to the great and common annoyance of all the Subjects and Liege-People of our said Lord the King through that way labouring and travelling and that R. B. of S. aforesaid ought to amend and repair the aforesaid way when and so often as need shall require by reason of the term of his Lands and Tenements there neer adjacent c. Therefore it is commanded the Sheriff that he omit not but that he cause him to come to answer c. An Indictment for Rape S. ss OTherwise to wit on Thursday next after the week of Easter in the yeer c. at J. in the County aforesaid in a general Session of the Peace there held before H. P. and M. B. Knights and others their Fellows Justices c. by the Oath of twelve Jurors it stands presented that T. M. late of G. in the County aforesaid Yeoman the 21 day of March in the yeer c. by force and arms at H. in the County aforesaid in and upon J. W. the Daughter of one G. W. then and there in the peace of God and of our said Lord the King being did make an assault and her the said J. did beat wound and evil entreat and the aforesaid J. then and there violently and against her will did feloniously ravish and carnally know against the form of the Statute in this case made and provided and against the Peace c. An Indictment for starving an Apprentice Middl. ss THe Jurors for the Lord the King upon their Oath do present That W. T. late of c. the 23 day of March in the yeer c. at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid did retain and receive into his service one J. R. to serve the said W. T. as an Apprentice by the space of eight yeers thence next following And further the said J. R. then being found and healthy in body with the said W. T. from the aforesaid 23 day of M. in the yeer aforesaid at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid un●il the 4 day of November in the yeer c. in the service and custody of the said W. T. as his Apprentice did remain and continue nevertheless the said W. T. God not having before his eyes but of all Humanity and Christian Charity being totally deprived after the 23 day of M. in the yeer aforesaid to wit between the 10 day of June in the yeer c. and the 4 day of November in the yeer aforesaid at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid feloniously voluntarily and of his malice forethought did detain and not allow unto his said Apprentice necessary and sufficient food for the sustentation and preservation of his life by reason whereof the said J. R. between the aforesaid 10 day of June in the yeer aforesaid and the said 4 day of November in the yeer aforesaid then and there through hunger and want of nourishment died And so the Jurors aforesaid do say upon their Oath That the said W. T. his Apprentice aforesaid at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid in manner and form aforesaid feloniously voluntarily and of his malice fore-thought did kill and murder against the Peace c. Hue and Cry Commit upon the Statute of Hue and Cry G. ss THe Inhabitants in the Hundreds of Langtree Crowthorne in the County aforesaid were attached to answer as well the Lord the King as J. B. who as well for the said Lord the King as for himself followeth of a Plea that whereas in a certain Statute in the Parliament holden at Wynton in the thirteenth yeer of Edward the first late King of England made and provided amongst other things it stands ordained for that because Robberies Murders and Thefts do daily increase and are from day to day committed more then heretofore and the Felons could not be attainted by the Oath of the Jurors because they too voluntarily suffered the Felons to escape without punishment and for the most part the Felons have been of the same County or if they have been of any other Country their Receivers have been of the same Visne where the same Felonies have been committed Wherefore for their concealment and negligence and to restrain the said Felonies the late Lord the King hath ordained a Penalty in this Case that from henceforth for fear of the Punishment no Felons should be spared or concealed and hath commanded That Proclamation should be solemnly made in all Counties Hundreds Market-Towns and all Churches and other places where solemn Assemblies of people meet so that none be excused by ignorance That every Country from thence forward should be so kept that immediately after any Robbery or Felony committed fresh pursuit should be made from Village to Village and from Country to Country and also inquisition should be made if it be needful in every Town by the Head-Officer of the Town and afterwards in Hundreds and Franchises and in the County and sometimes in three or four Counties in case when the Felonies are committed in the Marches of any County so that the Felons might be attainted and if the Country should not answer for the Felons then the Penalty should be That every Country that is to say the Inhabitants dwelling in the said Country where the Robbery is committed shall answer for the Robberies done and the Damages so that the whole Hundred where the Robbery shall be committed together with the Franchises in the Precincts of the said Hundred shall answer for the same Robbery And if a Robbery shall be committed in the Division of two Hundreds then both the said Hundreds together with their Franchises shall answer for the same and the said Country shall have no longer time then forty days after the Robbery committed to make satisfaction for the same or should answer for the Bodies of the Felons as by the said Statute more plainly appears And whereas a certain Felon unto the said J. unknown at T. in the Divisions of the Hundreds aforesaid with force and Arms in and upon the said J. did make an assault and three shillings and four pence of the monies of the said J. in monies numbred and one Gelding of the said John of the price of ten pounds and other Goods and Chattels of the price of forty shillings there lately found feloniously from the said J. did take and carry away against the peace
price of every Cloth thereof ten pounds ten Kerseys price of every Kersey thereof five pounds ten pieces of Bays price of every piece thereof four pounds with the said Logwood otherwise Blockwood and other false and deceitful means as aforesaid did dye and colour contrary to the form of a certain Statute of the three and twentieth year of the Raign of Qu. Elizabeth late Queen of England c. in such Case made and provided by means whereof he the said D. S. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. B. who c. the sum of an hundred fourscore and ten pounds of lawful money of England That is to say the value of the said Woollen-clothes Kerseys and Bays so by him in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of Statute aforesaid with the said Logwood otherwise Blockwood and other false and deceitful ways and means dyed and coloured as aforesaid Whereupon the said I. B. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that he the said I. B. who c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And also that he the said D. S. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. Against selling Flour and Meal in shops An Information upon an Act of Parliament 1650. Middl. ss BE it remembred that H. M. who as well for the poor of the Parish of M. in the said County as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the first day of February in the year of our Lord 1656. in his own person and as well for the poor of the said Parish as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one I. C. late of the Parish of M. aforesaid in the said County between the 29 of September last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at the Parish aforesaid in the County aforesaid did fell and utter or cause to be sold and uttered to divers persons whose names to the said H. M. who c. as yet are unknown at divers and several times and by divers and several parcels and quantities ten quarters of wheaten Meal price of every quarter thereof thirty shillings and ten quarters of wheaten Flour price of every quarter thereof forty shillings in the House or Shop of the said I. C. and not in any common or publike Market-place appointed for the selling of Meal and Flour contrary to the form of a certain Act of the late Sessions of Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middlesex Intituled An Act touching Corn and Meal made and provided By means whereof he the said I. C. hath forfeited to the poor of the said Parish and to the said H. M. who as well c. the sum of threescore and fifteen pounds of lawful money of England That is to say treble the value of the said Meal and Flour so by him in manner and form aforesaid and contrary to the form of the Act aforesaid sold and uttered as aforesaid Whereupon the said H. M. as well for the poor of the said Parish as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that due process of Law may be awarded against him the said I. C. in this behalf And that he the said H. M. may have one moyety of the forfeitures aforesaid and that the poor of the said Parish may have the other moyety And that he the said I. C. may suffer imprisonment of his body for the space of one moneth according to the form of the Act aforesaid And moreover that he come into Court here to answer the premises c. Against Usury and Extortion An Act of Parliament was made the eighth day of August 1651. Intituled An Act prohibiting any person to take above the rate of six pounds for the Loan of one hundred pounds by year and after that rate for a greater or lesser sum or for a shorter or longer time An Information upon the Act against Usury Middl. ss BE it remembred that I. T. who as well for the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the twenty fourth day of April 1657. in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one I. M. late of the Parish of T. in the said County Yeoman between the four and twentieth day of June last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at the Parish of T. aforesaid in the County aforesaid hath by way and means of corrupt bargain Loan Exchange Chivance and Shifts by deceitful ways and means and by Covin lent or put to Loan to several persons whose names to the said John who as well c. as yet are unknown divers and sundry sum and sums of money in the whole amounting to the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful money of England And the said I. T. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself will verifie that the said I. M. hath indirectly for the forbearing or giving day of payment for the said sum of two hundred pounds for one whole year taken above the sum of six pounds for every hundred pounds thereof against the form of a certain Act of Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middlesex on Friday the eighth day of August 1651. Intituled An Act prohibiting any person to take above six pounds for Loan of one hundred pounds by the year and after that rate for a greater or lesser sum or for a longer or shorter time By means whereof the said I. M. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. T. who as well c. six hundred pounds of lawful money of England That is to say treble the value of the said money so by him in form aforesaid and against the form of the Act aforesaid lent or put to Loan Whereupon the said I. T. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that the said I. T. who as well c. may have the moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Act aforesaid And also that the said I. M. may come here into Court to answer the premises c. Another form of an Information upon the same Act. L. ss BE it remembred that I. S. who as well for the now Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of Eng●●●● as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the seventeenth day of April this Term in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that one I. H. late of London Sadler between
the nine and twentieth day of September last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information for the lucre and gain of the said I. H. at London aforesaid to wit in the Parish of blessed Mary Bow and Ward of Cheap did indirectly and by way of corrupt bargain and contract Lend upon Usury Loan and Interest at one sum or by divers and several sums and parcels and to one person or divers several persons whose names to the said I. S. who as well c. as yet are unknown fifty pounds of lawful money of England And the said I. H. the Act of Parliament aforesaid or the penalties in the same little regarding did corruptly and indirectly receive and take of the said one person or of the said several persons for the Use and Interest of every twenty shillings of the said fifty pounds for the Loan of the same for the space of twenty weeks the sum of two shillings In the whole amounting after that rate to the sum of five pounds for the Use and Interest of the said fifty pounds for the said twenty weeks And the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself will verifie that the said I. H. did also receive and take of the said one person or of several persons the said fifty pounds by one sum or several sums paid weekly so that the same was fully paid within the said twenty weeks contrary to the form of a certain Act of the late Sessions of Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middlesex on Friday the eighth day of August 1651. Intituled An Act prohibiting any person to take above the rate of six pounds for the forbearance of an hundred pounds for a whole year and so after that rate for a greater or lesser sum or for a longer or shorter time By means whereof the said I. H. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. S. who as well c. the sum of an hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of England That is to say treble the value of the money so by him lent upon corrupt Usury and Extortion in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of the Act aforesaid Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises and that he the said I. S. who as well c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Act aforesaid And also that he the said I. H. may come here into Court to answer in and upon the premises c. Pledges of prosecuting c. John Doo and Richard Roo c. For the Brokers and Usurers sakes I will here lay down the form of a Declaration in an Action of Debt upon the said Statute L. ss G. S. late of London Gentlem. was summoned to answer unto I. T. who as well for the now Lord Protector c. as for himself in this behalf prosecutes of a Plea that he render unto the said Lord Protector and to the said I. T. who as well c. six hundred pounds of lawful money of England which unto the said Lord Protector and unto the said I. T. who as well c. he oweth and unju●tly detaineth c. And whereupon the said I. T. as well for the said L. Pr. as for himself by R. T. his Attorney saith That whereas in the Parliament holden at Westminster in the County of Middl. on Friday the eighth day of August in the year of our Lord 1651. It was Enacted Established and Ordained by the same Parliament and by the Authority thereof That no person or persons whatsoever should from and after the twenty ninth of September then next following directly or indirectly or by means of any corrupt bargain Loan Exchange Chivance or Shifts or by any deceitful ways or means whatsoever receive or take for the forbearance or giving day of payment for any sum or sums of money Goods Wares or Merchandize above the sum of six pounds for the forbearance or giving day of payment for the sum of one hundred pounds for one whole year and so after that rate for a greater or lesser sum or for a shorter or longer time on pain of the forfeiture of treble the value of the said Money Goods Wares or Merchandize lent or put to Loan contrary to the form and effect of the Act aforesaid one moyety of which forfeitures to be to the use of the then Keepers of the Liberty of England c. and their Successors the other moyety to any person that should sue for the same in any Court or Courts of Record wherein no Wager of Law Essoyn or other Protection is to be allowed And thereupon the said I. T. in fact saith That the said G. S. the Act of Parliament aforesaid or the penalties in the same little regarding hath since the publishing of the said Act of Parliament to wit the twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord 1656. at London aforesaid That is to say in the Parish of Saint Mary Bow and the Ward of Cheap by ways and means of Corrupt bargain Loan Exchange Chivance and Shifts by deceitful ways and means and by Covin Lent or put to Loan to several persons whose names to the said I. T. who as well c. as yet are unknown divers and sundry sum and sums of money in the whole amounting to the sum of two hundred pounds of lawful money of England And the said I. T. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself will verifie that the said I. M. hath indirectly for the forbearing or giving day of payment for one whole year for the said sum of two hundred pounds taken above the sum of six pounds for every hundred pounds thereof against the form of the Act aforesaid in this Case made and provided Whereby an Action hath accrued to the said L. Protector and to the said I. T. who as well c. to have and receive of the said G. S. the sum of six hundred pounds of lawful money of England That is to say treble the value of the said money so by him in manner and form aforesaid and against the form of the Act aforesaid Lent or put to Loan yet the said G. S. though often required the said six hundred pounds to the said c. hath not paid c. to the damage c. Clothiers and Drapery Stat. 4. E 4. 1. None shall put into Cloth to be sold any Lambs-wooll Flocks or Cork in pain to forfeit twenty shillings for every Cloth or half Cloth so mingled to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor An Information against Clothiers for making Cloth of mingled stuff L. ss IT is to be remembred that I. B. who as well for the now Lord Protector of England Scotland and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging as for himself in this behalf doth prosecute
death of the said F. H. the Testator to pay the Load of Straw and therefore the Jurors do assess vj d. for Damages and Costs of Suit ij d. therefore it was considered by the said Court that the said R. S. should have thereof Execution c. And for any other Record of any Judgement against the said R M. as Executor of the said F. H. in this Record mentioned we have no Judgement before us in the Court of Record of the said Keepers c. of the said Town of Wokingham aforesaid c. besides this to certifie as by this Writ to us it is commanded The Record and Process of the aforesaid Plaint with all things thereunto belonging before the said Keepers c. wheresoever c. at the day within specified we have sent in a certain Record to this Writ annexed as within it is to us commanded c. After this Writ was thus returned before it could be gotten out of their hands in the absence of the Defendants Attorney another Record was certified for the Plaintiff and in the Defendant's Writ of Error R. was turned into T. and S. into K. c. That is in plain English T. S. the Prosecutor and Son of the Plaintiff was then and since hath been a suborning Knave and by his Subornation and Practice he procured in this Cause an Action to be brought against Magwick in the Court of the Honor and Castle of Windsor and then while and afterwards our VVrit of Error was reformed as before they by the knavery or foolery and both together of J. H. the Steward by a VVrit of Certiorare certified a Judgement upon the second part of the Declaration of the Oath hem vah of T. Syms desparately sworn VVhereupon by surprize in Term-time they obtained a Judgement against Magwick in the Court of the Castle of Windsor and I paid the money and Case I record to Posterity for a president of the Town of Wokingham de quo nil bonum nisi ut frugam to be practised by Knaves and Fools who there grow naturally as Gold in the Indies And now since T. S. is a suborning K. and suborned his own Son H. S. to commit as he did wilful Perjury which was plainly proved at the Sessions at W. and yet c. and suborned Shag-bag to swear against F. VV. at A. and outlawed him thereupon I shall proceed to and conclude with a President for that wicked Crime equivalent to Murder Perjury Perjury Stat. 5. Eliz. Cap. 5. L. ss I. S. late of H. in the County N. Gent. was summoned to answer unto A. C. who as well for the Lady the Queen as for himself in this behalf prosecutes of a Plea that he render unto the said Lady the Queen and to the said A. 20 pounds which to the said Lady the Queen and to the said A. he oweth and unjustly deteineth c. And whereupon the said A. who as well for the said Lady the Queen as for himself prosecutes by G. H. his Attorney saith That whereas in a certain Statute in the Parliament of our said Lady the Queen now held at Westminster in the County of Middlesex the 12 day of January in the fifth yeer of Her Raign amongst other things it stands enacted by the said Lady the Queen by the consent of ●he Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in the same Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That if any person or persons after the 10 day of April then next following either by subornation illegal procurement sinister perswasion or any other meanes or by their own proper Act Consent or Agreement voluntarily and corruptly should commit any wilfull Perjury by his or their depositions in any Court of Chancery of our said Lady the Queen Star-Chamber White-Hall or in any Court of our Lady the Queen of Record or in any Leet view of Frank Pledge Law day Court of Antient demeasne Hundred Court Court Baron or in any Court or Courts of Stannaryes in the Counties of Devon and Cornwal or being examined ad perpetuam rei memoriam That then every person and persons so offending and being thereof lawfully convicted or atainted by the Lawes of this Land for his or their said offence shall lose and forfeit 20 pound and shall suffer imprisonment by the space of six months without bail or mainprize and that the oath of such person or persons so offending shall not from thenceforth be rendred in any Court of Record in England or Wales or the Marches of the same until the Judgement given against such person or persons be reversed by attaint or otherwise and that upon every such Aversment the parties grieved shall recover his or their damages against all every such person persons which shall recover the said Judgement so revers'd to be giv'n against them or any of them by action or actions upon the case to be prosecuted against them according to the course of the Common Law of this Land and if it shall happen that the said offender so offending have not any Goods and Chattels to the value of 20 pound that then he or they shall be set upon the Pillory in some Market-place within the County City or Burrough where such offence shall be commited by the Sheriffe or his Ministers if it shall happen to be without any City or Town-Corporate and if it shall happen to be within any City or Town-Corporate then by the chief Officer or Officers of such City or Town-Corporate or by his or their Ministers and there to have both his Ears nailed And from thence shall be for ever after disabled to swear in any Court of Record aforesaid until the Judgement shall be reversed and thereupon shall recover his damage in form aforementioned one moyety of which said forfeitures shall be to the use of our Lady the Queen her Heirs and Successors and the other moyety to such person or persons who shall be grieved or damaged by reason of such offence or offences aforementioned who shall prosecute for the same by Action of debt Bill Plaint Information or otherwise in any Court of Record wherein no wager of Law Essoyne Protection or Injunction shall be allowed as in the same Statute amongst other things more plainly appeareth Neverthelesse the said I. the Statute aforesaid little weighing nor the penaltie in the same contained any wise fearing after the said 10th day of April in the yeer c. at L. c. before I. M. c. then being Commissioners c. by vertue of a certain Comission to them and others directed out of the Court of Chancery at Westminster in the County of Middlesex to examine Witnesses upon a certain Issue between c. And the said I did then and there voluntarily and corruptly commit willful Perjury against the form of the Statute aforesaid that is to say by speaking in English these words following c. whereas in truth the said I. and A. did never c. by reason
of which false Perjury the aforesaid A. is much damaged in his goods and hath been put to expence whereby an action hath accrued to the said A who c to have and receive of the said I. as well for the aforesaid c. as for himselfe the aforesaid 20 pound neverthelesse the aforesaid I. although often required the aforesaid 20 pound to the said A. who c. hath not rendred but the same to the said A. who c. hitherto to render hath refused and still doth refuse whereupon the said A. who c. saith that he is the worse and hath damage to the value of 20 pound and thereupon he brings his suit c. and the aforesaid I. by S. B. his Atturny commeth and defendeth the force and wrong when c. and faith that he did not commit willful Perjury against the form of the Statute aforesaid as the aforesaid A. who c. by his Declaration aforesaid above doth suppose and of this he puts himself upon the Country and the aforesaid A. who c. likewise Brewers Stat. Jac. Rex No Brewer shall sell Beer or Ale to any Vnlicensed Ale-House on pain of forfeiting six Shillings eight Pence for every Barrel Information To the Justices of the Common Bench. IT is to be remembred that James Roberts who as well for the poor of the Parish of Mary Matsellon otherwise White-Chappel in the County aforesaid as for himself in this behalf prosecutes comes here into Court the sixteenth day of April in the yeer of our Lord one thousand six hundred fifty six in his own person as well for the Poor of the said Parish as for himself he gives the Court here to understand and be informed That one J. W. of London Brewer between the first day of September last past and the day of exhibiting this Information at the Parish of Mary Matsellon otherwise White-Chappel aforesaid in the County aforesaid did sell and utter or cause to be sold and uttered to divers persons whose names to the said J. R. who c. as yet are unknown two hundred Barrels of Strong-Beer one hundred Barrels of Strong-Ale which said Beer and Ale and every parcel thereof was and were afterwards that is to say within the time aforesaid in the Parish aforesaid within the County aforesaid by them sold again as common Tiplers or Ale-House-keepers the said persons nor any of them having any lawful License then in force to sell Beer and Ale contrary to the form of a certain Statute of the third year of the Raign of King James late King of England c. in such cases made and provided By meanes whereof he the said J. W. hath forfeited to the Poor of the said Parish and to the said J. R. who c. the summe of one hundred pounds of good and lawful mony of England that is to say for every Barrel of the said Beer and Ale so by him in manner aforesaid and contrary to the form of the Statute aforesaid sold and uttered as aforesaid the summe of six Shillings and eight Pence the same in the whole amounting to the said summe of one hundred pounds Whereupon the said J. R. who c. as well for the Poor of the said Parish as for himself prayes the advice of the Court in the premises and that due process of Law may be awarded against him the said J. W. in this behalf and that he the said J. R. who c. may have the one moiety of the forfeitures aforesaid and the Poor of the said Parish may have the other moiety thereof according to the form of the Statute aforesaid and moreover that he the said J. may come here into Court to answer the premises M. ss The like Information for the same and the Poor of the Parish of St. Giles Cripplegate against Richard Dashwood of the same Parish and County Brewer Prohibited and sworn the day and year above written before me John Doo and Richard Roo Edw. Atkins Pledges c. An ACT for Discovering Convicting and Repressing of Popish RECVSANTS At the Parliament begun at Westminster the seventeenth day of September Anno. 1656. An Information upon the same Act. L. ss BE it Remembred that John Saubridge who as well for the now Lord Protector c. as for himself in this behalf prosecu●es came here into Court the three and twentieth day of this Terme in his own person as well for the ●aid Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court h●re to understand and be informed That whereas at the Parliament begun at Westminster the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord 1656. for the Repressing Convicting and Discovering of Popish Recusants it stands enacted by the same Parliament in a certain Act at the same Parliament made entituled An Act for the Discovering Convicting and Repressing of Popish Recusants made and provided Amongst other things in the same Act contained That it shall not be lawful for any Subject of this Commonwealth other then the household-servants that shall come over with any Ambassador or Agent at any time to be present at Masse at the house of any such Ambassador or Agent or any other place whatsoever upon pain and penalty of one hundred pounds and imprisonment by the space of six Months The one moyety of the said forfeiture to be to the use of his Highness the Lord Protector and his Successors and the other moyety to the Informer to be recovered by Action Bill Plaint Suit or Information in any Courr of Record in which no Essoign Protection or Wager of Law shall be allowed Neverthelesse one A. B. late of London aforesaid Gent. the Act aforesaid nor the Penalties in the same regarding at London aforesaid that is to say Tali die loco did voluntarily repaire unto the place and house aforesaid and then and there was present and did hear one Popish Masse said or sung according to the manner and custome of the Church of Rome against the form of the said late Act of Parliament in this case made and provided by meanes whereof he the said A. B. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and I. S. who c. the summe of an hundred pounds of lawful money of England Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the Premises and that due processe of Law may be awarded against the said A. B. in this behalf and that he the said I. S. who c. may have one moyety of the forfeiture aforesaid and that he the said A. B. may suffer imprisonment by the space of six Months according to the the form of the Act aforesaid and moreover that he come here into Court to answer the Premises c. These Books following are to be sold at the Lamb at the East end of St. Pauls neer the School THe Secretaries study A Piece of Elegant Letters in Fashion The Compleat Bone-Setter A rare Treatise of the Philosophers Salt both by Dr. Turner Two sober Paradoxes By Malvezzi Elementa Optica in Oct. Mr. Wentworth's Miscellania a Piece of School-Divinity There is in the Press Re-Printing with Additions and Amendments that most wanted Piece of Fawlconry By Mr. Latham FINIS
equal parts And that he the said A. may have one third part of the forfeitures aforesaid according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And that he the said N. H. may come here into Court to answer in and upon the premises c. Residence Stat. 21. H 8. 13. Every Spiritual person promoted to any Dignity or Benefice or being beneficed with any Personage or Vicarage that he be personally resident and abiding upon his said Dignity Prebendary Rectory Benefice or Vicarage or at one of them at least in pain to forfeit for not being so resident by the space of a moneth together the sum of ten pounds to be divided betwixt the King and the prosecutor An Information against a Minister for non-residency L. ss BE it remembred that I. S. who as well for the now Lord Protector as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the three and twentieth day of Jan. this Term in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gave the Court here to understand and be informed that whereas by a certain Act of Parliament of King Henry the eighth held at Westminster in the County of Middlesex the third day of November the one and twentieth year of his Reign it stands enacted by the Authority of the same Parliament That after the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch-angel then next following no person Spiritual Secular nor Regular of whatsoever degree he or they were should from thence take to Farm to him or to any person or persons to his proper use of the Leafe or Grant of our Lord the King or of any other person or persons by Letters Patents Indenture or Writing or by Word or otherwise by any means any Mannors Lands or Tenements or other Hereditaments for term of life for term of years or at will under the pain of forfeiture of ten pounds for every moneth wherein be or any other to his use did occupy any such Farm the one moyety of such forfeiture to be to our said Lord the King and the other moyety thereof to be to any such person as should prosecute suit for the same in any of the Courts of Record of our said Lord the King In which Action and Suit no wager of Law was to be admitted for the Defendant And further it is enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all such Demises made or then thereafter to be made to any such Spiritual person or persons or to any others to their use for term of life years or at will of any Mannors Lands Tenements or Hereditaments of which they or any of them should take any profit or medling by themselves or by any other to their use after the same Feast of Saint Michael by colour of any Demise or Grant and by them not bargained granted and sold before the said Feast as is before limited should from thence be void and of no sorce as well against the Lessor and Lessors Grantor and Grantors their Heirs and Assigns and against any of them as against the Lessee and Lessees And their Executors and Assigns and every of them And lastly it is Enacted by the Authority of the same Parliament that as well every Spiritual Person then promoted to any Arch-deaconry Deaconry or Dignity in any Monastery or Cathedral Church or any Covent or Collegiate Church or being Beneficed with any Parsonage or Vicarage That all and singular Spiritual person or persons which from thence hereafter should be promoted unto any Place Dignities or Benefices with any Parsonage or Vicaridge from the Feast of Saint Michael the Arch-angel then next following should be personally resident and abiding at and upon their Dignities Prebendaries or Benefices or at one of them at least And in case any such Spiritual Person at any time after the same Feast should not keep residency at one of his Dignities Prebendaries or Benefices aforesaid but shall absent himself voluntarily by the space of one moneth at one time or by the space of two moneths to be numbred at several times in any one year And shall make his residence and habitation in any other place by such time aforesaid That then he or they shall forfeit for every such default ten pounds of lawful money of England Yet nevertheless A. W. lately of London aforesaid being a Spiritual Person and Rector of the Parish of Saint E. in London aforesaid very little weighing the Statute aforesaid nor in any manner fearing the punishment in the said Statute contained after the publishing of the Statute aforesaid and before the day of the Exhibiting this information to wit the tenth day of February last past and continually afterwards by the space of eleven whole moneths then next following did voluntarily absent himself from his Rectory aforesaid so that the aforesaid A. W. did in no wise make his abode or residency in at or upon his Rectory aforesaid by the time aforesaid against the form of the Statute in that Case made and provided as aforesaid By means whereof the said A. W. hath forfeited to the said Lord Protector and to the said I. S. who as well c the sum of an hundred and ten pounds of lawful money of England That is to say for each moneth of the aforesaid eleven moneths ten pounds in the whole amounting after that rate to the said sum of an hundred and ten pounds Whereupon the said I. S. as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself prayeth the advice of the Court here in the premises And that due process of Law may be awarded against him the said A. W. in this behalf And that he the said I. S. who c. may have one moyety of the said forfeitures according to the form of the Statute aforesaid And also that the said A. W. may come here into Court to answer in and upon the premises c. Dyers Statute No Dyer shall dye any Cloth with Logwood Orchel or Cork or other deceitful way or means on pain to forfeit the same or the value thereof An Information against Dyers using Logwood L. ss BE it remembred that I. B. who as well for the now Lord Protector as for himself in this behalf prosecutes came here into Court the sixth day of June in the year of our Lord 1657. in his own person and as well for the said Lord Protector as for himself gives the Court here to understand and be informed that one D. S. late of London Dyer between the first day of April last past and the day of the Exhibiting this Information at London That is to say in the Parish of blessed Mary Bow and Ward of Cheap using and exercising the Art and Mystery of a Dyer did use for the dying of broad Woollen-cloathes Kerseys and Bays a certain outlandish Wood called Logwood otherwise Blockwood with other deceitful means and within the time aforesaid at London aforesaid in the Parish and Ward aforesaid he the said D. S. ten broad Woollen-cloathes