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A73259 The free customes, benefits and priviledges of the copyhold tennants, of the mannors of Stepny and Hackny in the countie of Middlesex within this composition Before which is prefixed an abstract or briefe relation of the assurance given by the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Wentworth lord of both the said mannors, vnto his lordships said tennants (within this composition) for the ratifying and perpetuall establishing of the same. Whereunto two tables alphabeticall are fitted, the one containing the names of the said copyhold tenants, now hauing compounded: the other (with the marginall notes in the booke) serueth for the ready finding of any note worthy matter herein contained.; Auncient severall customes, of the severall mannors of Stebbunhuth, and Hackney, 1587. 1617 (1617) STC 23254.5; ESTC S125676 49,415 95

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hereafter at any time or times in any wise being Item That for the better ratifyings establishing That a Decree shal be had in Chauncery to confirme the now agremēts confirming strengthning perfecting and making good of all and singuler the said articles couenants agreements certaintie of fines vsuages customes inlargements and alterations of vsuages and customes compositions liberties priuiledges freedomes immunities discharges matters and things in the said Indenture and Schedules contained and for the setting forth of what estate the said Tho Lo Wentworth is now and then shall be seised of the said Mannors and premisses vpon a bill of complaint against his Lordship in his Maiesties high Court of Chancerie to bee exhibited his Lordship will appeare and make such answere and further such proceedings that therevpon a perfect decree with the free consent and agreement of his Lordship may bee had and there enrolled against his Lordship his heires and assignes By which the said Articles couenants agreements certainty of fines vsuages and customes and alterations of vsuages and customes and all the compositions liberties priuiledges freedomes immunities discharges matters and things in the said Indenture and Schedules or any of them contained shall be decreed ratified established made good and be put in vre vsed enioyed for euer Item That hee the said Thomas Lo Wentworth his heires and assignes at his and their That an act of Parliame●t shall be procured to confirme the same for euer owne proper costs and charges will procure at the first Session of the next Parliament of our Soueraigne Lord the Kings Maiestie his heires or successors one statute or act of Parliament By force whereof the said Articles couenants agreements certaintie of fines vsuages customes enlargement and alterations of vsuages customes compositions liberties priuiledges benefits freedomes immunities discharges matters and things in the said Indenture and Schedules or either of them expressed shall be established ratified enacted and confirmed to be and to continue for euer of force and to be put in vre and vsed for euer hereafter in such state manner and forme qualitie condition and degree as the same are in the said Indenture or Schedules or any of them expressed for and concerning the lands tenements and The Tennants must pay twenty pounds towards the charge of i● hereditaments whereof they now are copy-holders or reputed copyholders Towards the charges of the procuring of which said Act of Parliament the said tenants are to pay vnto the said Tho Lo Wentworth his heires or executors within one month next after the obtaining passing therof the somme of 20. pounds Item That he the said Tho Lo Wentworth For better assuranc within fiue yeares his heires and assignes at any time within fiue yeeres next ensuing the date of the said Indenture before such Act of Parliament as aforesaid had and obtained at the costs in the law of the said Copyhold tenants or some of them vpon request made vn●o him the said Tho Lo Wentworth his heires or assignes by the said Sir Iohn Iolles William Gough Edmund Barber Iohn Eglesfield Isack Cotton Thomas Best Richard Hoskins George Saris Henry Dethick Iohn Howland Thomas Yardley Iohn Lowden Richard Cheyny Gresham Hoogan William Palmer Nicholas Dickens Nicholas Diggins Peter Sumner Iohn Bennet Richard Edwards Michael Bonner and Nicholas Hollam or any ten of them or any ten of the heires or assignes of them shall and will make doe acknowledge execute and suffer all and euery such further acts deeds and assurances for better settling assuring and confirming of the vsuages customes benefits liberties priuiledges immunities discharges certaintie of Fines compositions agreements matters and things in the said indenture and Schedules contained as by them or any ten of them or any ten of the heires or assignes of them shall be reasonably deuised aduised and required That leases may be let for 31 yeeres and 4 months without lisence Item That euery one of the said Copihold tennants their heires and assignes shall and may freely hereafter from time to time graunt lease or demise by deede or otherwise without See article 38. licence or copie of Court Roll such or so much of their said lands tenements hereditaments to such person and persons and for such terme and estate not exceeding thirtie one yeeres and foure monethes in possession from the time of the making of any such graunt or demise as to them and euery or any of them respectiuely shal be thought fit or necessarie without any forfeite of estate seizure claime disturbance deniall or impeachment of his Lordship his heires or assignes or any of his or their officers So alwaies that such graunt lease and leases so to be made be at the first or second generall Court for the mannor whereof the lands or tenements so happening to be granted leased or demysed are parcell to bee holden next after the making thereof bee published in open court of that Mannor before the homage there and a remembrance thereof to be required to be made in the Rolles of the said Court for the date terme and quantitie of lands cottages or tenements so granted leased or demised Which remembrance of the said Tho Lo Wentworth couenanteth and granteth for him his heyres and assignes To and with the said Sr Iohn Iolls and the rest of the said Copyhold tenants vpon the tender of a certainty therof in writing to the Steward or deputy Steward of that Mannor for the time then being together with sixe pence in money for the entring thereof shall be in the Court Rolls of that Mannor duely and in conuenient time and without delay enrolled and a note thereof deliuered by the Steward or his deputy to the party so leasing or any for him without any other consideration fee or reward to be giuen or paide for the same Recitall of the Letters Pattens from the King to my Lord concernning the Freehold Item That whereas the said Tho Lo Wentworth by his Highnesse letters pattents vnder the great Seale of England dated the 19. day of Iuly in the thirteenth yeere o● his Maiesties raigne of England c. and forty eight of Scotland Hath obtained licence to grant to such of his Maiesties liege people as he shall thinke fit messuages cottages lands tenements and hereditaments parcell or reputed parcell of the said Mannors To hold to them their heires and assignes in free and common Socage respectiuely of his said Mannors of Stepny and Hackny by such and the same rents and seruices and other profits as in the conueyances thereof shall be expressed and not to hold of the King in Capite nor of any of his Maiesties Honors or Mannors in Knights seruice as by the said letters pattents more at large may appeare Now if the said Tho Lo Wentworth shal not at the first If the Act of Parliament be not Procured then the Tennants vpon request shal be made Freeholders Session of the next Parliament procure such an
THE FREE CVSTOMES BENEFITS AND PRIVILEDGES OF THE COPYHOLD TENNANTS OF THE MANNORS OF STEPNY AND HACKNY IN THE Countie of MIDDLESEX within this Composition BEFORE WHICH IS PREFIXED AN ABSTRACT OR BRIEFE RELATION OF THE ASSVRANCE GIVEN BY THE Right Honorable THOMAS Lord WENTWORTH Lord of both the said Mannors vnto his Lordships said Tennants within this Composition for the ratifying and perpetuall establishing of the same Whereunto two Tables Alphabeticall are fitted the one containing the names of the said Copyhold Tenants now hauing compounded the other with the marginall notes in the booke serueth for the ready finding of any note worthy matter herein contamed At London printed by William Iones 1617. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THOMAS LORD WENTWORTH Lord of the Mannors of STEPNY and HACKNY in the County of MIDDLESEX TO whom Right Honorable ought we more iustly to dedicate this Collection of our Customes and Priuiledges then vnto your good Lordship the noble Patron thereof The Clouds of Differences are now ouerblowne euerlastingly may the bright Sun-shine of Peace beevpon these Mannors That their Customes may be as famous to the Right Honourable Family of the Wentworths and sought for to be Presidents to others as were Solons lawes which the Senate of Rome sent Deputies to fetch very neere foure hundred yeeres after the same had beene established at Athens thereby to frame their twelue Tables Many happy yeeres Right Honorable accompany your Lordships life vntill eternall Glory shall make it perpetually blessed Your Honors most deuoted Tenants AN ABSTRACT OF THE INDENTVRE OF COVENANTS WHEREAS of late Differences The cause of the now compounding haue arisen betweene the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Wentworth Lord of the Mannors of Stepny and Hackny and his Lordships Copy-hold Tennants of the said Mannors for and concerning some of the customes benefits and priuiledges of the said Tennants It hath now pleased the said Tho Lo Wentworth in consideration of three thousand pounds of lawfull money of England in the thirtieth yeere of the The consideration giuen for it raigne of our late soueraigne Lady Q. Elizabeth by the Copyholders of the said Mannors Vnto the Right Honorable Henry Lord Wentworth his Lordships Father satisfied and paid As also of three thousand and fiue hundred pounds more to him the said Tho Lo Wentworth The Deede of Couenants now paid by indenture bearing date the 20. day of Iune in the fifteenth yeere of the raigne of our soueraigne Lord King Iames of England France Ireland of Scotland the fiftieth made betweene him the said Tho Lo Wentworth Lord of the said Mannors of the one part And Sr Iohn Iolls Knight diuers others of the Copyhold tenants of the said Mannors whose names are particularly in the said Indenture recited of the other part For the appeasing and finall end of the said differences and for preuention of the like and all other which in time to come might happen arise or grow betwixt the said Lord his heyres or assignes Lords of the said Mannors and the said Copyhold tennants their heires or assignes to couenant grant conclude and fully agree to the effect following that is to say Imprimis That the said Tho Lo Wentworth That the Lord Thomas is seized in Fee is vntill a perfect act of Parliament shal be had and made wherby all the liberties priuiledges benefits customes immunities discharges additions alterations enlargements matters things in the Schedules to the said Indenture annexed mentioned shall be for euer confirmed shall bee and continue seised of a good absolute and indefeazable estate of Inheritance in Fee-simple to him and his heires for euer in possession of and in the said Mannors and either of them and of the Copyhold lands tenements and hereditaments of the said Copyhold tenants before mentioned parties to the said Indenture And that he now hath and then shall And hath power to confirme the following Articles haue full power and lawfull authoritie to ratitifie confirme establish and make good All and singular the couenants articles alterations enlargements free customes immunities discharges and agreements contained in the said Indenture and Schedules or either of them to the said Copyhold tenants respectiuely and to their seuerall and respectiue heires assignes of and in the seuerall and respectiue messuages lands tenements and hereditaments whereof they are seized of any estate by copie of Court Roll. And that the said Tho Lo Wentworth his That these Articles shall for euer be obserued heyres and assignes and all other Lords of the said Mannors shall for euer hereafter obserue performe fulfill allow ratefie make good and keepe all the said Articles certaintie of Fines vsages customes priuiledges benefits immunities discharges compositions and agreements in the said Indenture and Schedules contained And shall not at any time hereafter leauy take require or demand any other fines suites customes workes or seruices or in any other manner then in the said Schedules are specified And the Rents which for the said Copyhold tenements by the space of two yeeres now last past haue beene yeelded and paid by the Copyhold tenants thereof And also that the said tenants their heyres and assignes shall for euer hereafter peaceably and quietly haue hold maintaine and enioy their seuerall and respectiue Copyholds with their appurtenances according to the seueral grants thereof to them made and vnder the seuerall rents for the same respectiuely now due and payable according to the true meaning of the said Indenture and Schedules without any let suit or hinderance interruption alteration question or contradiction whatsoeuer of him the said Lo Wentworth his heyres or assignes or any other claiming any estate right title vse interest office profit charge or demaund vnder his Lordship his heyres or assignes or vnder the said Henry Lo Wentworth deceased And that the said Tho Lo Wentworth his heyres or That hereafter none of these lands shall be seuered from the Mannor See A●ricle 68. assignes hath not nor hereafter shall grant or conuey seuered from the Mannor whereof the same is now holden any of the messuages cottages lands tenements or hereditaments of the said Copyholders for any other estate or terme other then by copie of Court Roll according to the custome of the said Mannors except the free-hold to be seuered at the desire of such person as then shall be Copyholder thereof respectiuely And that the certainty of Fines free customes immunities liberties priuiledges articles discharges and agreements in the said Schedules contained for and concerning the seuerall messuages cottages lands tenements and hereditaments whereof the said parties to the said Indenture are Copyholders or reputed Copyholders shall for euer be and be had vsed accompted adiudged taken and enioyed as the true customes vsuages priuiledges immunities discharges and liberties of and within the said Mannors and either of them not to be violated altered changed or denied by the Lord or Lords of the said Mannors or either of them now or
act of Parliament to be good and effectuall in law for the purposes aforesaid Then his Lordship will at all times after the end of the said first Session of the next Parliament vpon reasonable request and at the costs of the tennants whom it shall concerne their heires or assignes make doe and execute such reasonable acts deuises and assurances in the law whereby the said Copyholders their heires or assignes respectiuely shall hold and enioy their and euery of their said copyhold messuages houses lands tenements cottages and hereditaments with the like wayes easements commons and commodities as are thereto now belonging or now therewith vsed or enioyed And the free-hold and inheritance thereof respectiuely to them and to their respectiue heires and assignes for euer To be holden of such of the same Mannors whereof the same is now holden in free and common Socage for and vnder the seuerall and respectiue yeerely rents for all seruices and demands as they or any of them doe now seuerally and respectiuely pay for the same as by them or their councell learned shall be reasonably deuised and required Item That the said Copyhold tenants their heires and assignes respectiuely shall and may For enioying the Common for euer hereafter without any let impediment interruption deniall or contradiction of his Lordship his heires or assignes or any claiming vnder the said Henry Lo Wentworth deceased not onely during the time they shall be Copyholders but also afterwards when they shall haue obtained the free-hold and inheritance of their seuerall and respectiue Copy-holds peaceably hold and enioy such and the like common of pasture and in such manner in all the Commons Masts and commonable places of the said Mannors as they or any of them heretofore haue had vsed held taken or enioyed or might lawfully haue taken or enioyed The Tennants not compounding are excepted from al benefit hereby Neuerthelesse it is agreed that neither the said Indenture and Schedules nor any couenant therein contained shall in any wise extend or enure to the benefit or aduantage of any other Copyhold tenants of the said Mannors other then the said Copyhold tennants named parties to the said Indentures their heires and assignes and that for such and the same lands tenements cottages and hereditaments with The enrolling of the deed the appurtenances onely as they or any of them now hold or claime to hold by copie of Court Roll of the said Mannors or one of them as by the said Indenture wherevnto relation be And where it is left had more plainely and at large appeareth Memorandum That the said Indenture of the twentieth of Iune together with a duplicate therof were acknowledged by the said Tho Lo Wentworth the 21. day of Iuly 1617. before Sir Mathew Carew Knight to be enrolled and is enrolled in the Chauncerie accordingly The one part of which Indentures is left in the custody of the company of Goldsmiths in the Citie of London And the other in the custody of the Brethren of the Trinitie house at Ratcliffe In trust and to the vse of the said Copyhold tenants named parties to the said Indentures The ninth day of Iuly 1617. in the said fifteenth A statute of 12000. pound for performāce of couenants yeare of his Maiesties raigne to the said Tho Lo Wentworth acknowledged a Statute of the summe of twelue thousand pounds of lawfull money of England vnto Alexander Prescot and Iohn Gore Aldermen Thomas Iones common Sergeant of London Francis Fulner and Ceorge Whitemore Esquires and Robert Mildmay Grocer In trust for and to the vse of the vse of the Copyholders warned in the said Indentures and thereof is a defesance by Indenture The Defeasance dated the same day to this effect viz. That if the said Tho Lo Wentworth doe performe the couenants and agreements contained in the aforesaid Indenture of the twentieth of Iune Then the same Statute to be void and that the said Conusees shall deliuer vp the same Statute to the said Tho Lo Wentworth his heyres executors administrators or assignes so soone as the said act of Parliament shal be procured according to the intent and true meaning of the said recited Indenture To this end the Where it is left said Statute and Defeazance are left in the Chamber of the Citie of London to be kept in such sort as that the said Conusees may haue the same to be deliuered according to their couenant And the Chamberlaine of the said Citie hath charged himselfe with the receipt thereof by order of the Court of the Lord Mayor Aldermen bearing date the two twentieth day of Iuly 1617. Leman Mayor Fish Chamberlayne In Trinitie Terme in the said fifteenth yeare of The proceedings in the Chauncery his Maiesties raigne to a Bill of complaint was by the Copyholders named parties to the the said Indenture of the twentieth of Iune exhibited against the said Tho Lo Wentworth in his Maiesties high Court of Chancerie whereto the said Tho Lo Wentworth did appeare and by his answere confessed the contents of the said bill to be true Wherevpon a perfect Decree with the free consent and agreement of the The Decree said Tho Lo Wentworth bearing date the two and twentieth day of Iuly in the said fifteenth yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lord King Iames was obtained And by the same the said free customes orders immunities c. and all and whatsoeuer contained in the said Indenture of the twentieth of Iune and the Schedules vnto the same Indenture annexed are for euer established and confirmed The said Decree is likewise there enrolled The true copie of the said Schedules followeth 14 SCHEDVLES containing the free Customes Orders Immunities Discharges Benefits and priuiledges of the Mannors of Stepney alias Stebunhuth and Hackney in the County of Middlesex agreed vnto the approued allowed and ratified as well by the Right Honorable Thomas Lord Wentworth Lord of the said Mannors as also by his Lordships Copyhold or customary Tennants or reputed Copy-holds or customary Tenants of the said Mannors or of either of them named parties to the Indenture whereunto those Schedules are annexed By which all and euery the same Copyholders or customarie Tenants their and euery of their heyres and assignes are to hold vse and enioy inherit alien demise or dispose all and euery or any the Lands Messuages Tenements Cottages and Hereditaments which they euery or any of them respectiuely doe hold claime or enioy by force or pretext of any grant heretofore made by the Copy of Court Roll of the said Mannors or either of them the day of the date of the said Indentures That is to say the twentieth day of Iune in the yeeres of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lord Iames by the grace of God of England France and Ireland King defender of the faith c. the fifteenth and of Scotland the fiftieth IN primis by the customes of the said Mannors These copy-holds are of
art 48. Leet these tennants beeing Reeues are not to be charged with the Leet booke art 42. Marckes Meares and Stakes how to set betwixt Tennants art 59. Partition how to make betwixt Coheires Ioint-tennants and tennants in common art 54. Pownd of the Lord and cattell impounded how to deliuer article 55. 56. 58. Quit-rents when to be paide c. art 2. 36. 41. Reeue to take surrenders art 20. Surrenders taken by him when to be presented 22. How to be chosen 40. How long to serue Ibidem His fine for refusing to serue Ibid. A new to be chosen vpon refusall Ibid. The succeeding Reeue shall haue halfe of the fine of the former refusing and detaine it in his accompt Ibid. His lands shal be seised for not paying rents and fines 41. His forfeiture for not paying Ibid. He is not to answeare any quit-rents vnlesse hee knowe the tennant or the land Ibid. Discharged of the Leet booke Court Baron and dinners 42. Who may be chosen Reeue 43. What allowance and fees he shall haue for executing the office 44. He must deliuer the Rentall to his successor or shall be amerced 45 Recoueries to barre Intailes art 64. Recognition money at the Caunge of the Lord art 39. Surrenders how they are to be made art 1. 19. How to bee taken before Headbrough or Reeue art 20. How to be taked of women couert baron art 21. 24 When surrenders are to be presented art 22. 25. Surrenders made according to these articles are good 27. Surrenders to make the wife a Ioincture art 29. Those to whose vse landes are surrendred ought within three yeares after the presentment to take them vp art 34. Stakes marckes and meares betwixt tennants art 59. Stewards fees particularly set downe art 66. Seuering the Lord of the Mannor may not seuer any of these Copyholders to any person in fee art 68. Titles in controuersie how to decide see Claime   Woemen couert baron see Surrenders   Wast tennants for life or yeares making wast shall be fined by the Homage art 52. FINIS LONDON Imprinted by WILLIAM IONES with consent of the said right honourable THOMAS LORD WENTVVORTH the fourth day of December 1617. Anno. 21. Jacobi Regis MEMORANDVM that according to the former Couenaunts and agreements in this Booke conteyned his said Lordship hath Honorably procured the Acte of Parliament so long desired for perpetuall establishment of the sayd Customes benefits and priuiledges togegether with certaine expositions enlargements and explanations thereunto added The copy of which Acte Verbatim is as followeth viz. An Acte for confirmation of the Copyhold estates and Customes of diuerse Copy-holders of the Mannors of Stepny and Hackney according to certeyne Indentures of agreement and a Decree in the High Court of Chauncery made betweene the Lord of the said Mannors and the Copyholders IN most humble manner doe beseech your most Excellent Maiestie Your Highnes most humble and loyall subiect Thomas Lord Wentworth Lord of the Mannors of Stepney alias Stebenheath and Hackney in Your Maiesties County of Middlesex and Your Highnes most humble and obedient subiects Sir Iohn Iolles knight and all the other Copiholders and customary Tenants of the sayd Mannours or of either of them being parties to certaine Indentures bearing date the twentieth day of Iune in the fifteenth yeare of your Highnes Raigne of England made betweene the said Tho Lo Wentworth of the one parte and the sayd Sir Iohn Iolles divers other Copy-holders and Customary tenants of the said Mannors in the same Indentures named of the other part and all the now Copi-holders customary tenants of the said Mannors and of either of them claiming by from or vnder the said Copy-holders and Customary tenants parties to the said Indentures That whereas heretofore 〈◊〉 of th● Indenture o● the ●0 of ●un● se● 〈…〉 diuers questions and Differences haue arisen and beene moued betweene your said subiect Tho Lo Wentworth and the Copy-holders and customary tenants of the sayd Mannors for and concerning the Copyhold lands tenements hereditaments and estates of and within the same Mannors and diuers customes benefits priuiledges discharges other matters concerning the said Copy-hold estates and premises For appeasing whereof and for preuention of the like and all others which in time to come might happen or grow betweene the said Lord his heyres or assignes and others Lords of the said Mannors and the said Copy-holders and customary tenants named in the said Indentures and others tenants of their tenements that shall be hereafter The same Indentures together with certaine schedules thereunto annexed were by the mutuall consent and agreement of the said Lord and tenants made sealed deliuered and duly inrolled in Your Maiesties High court of Chauncery In which said Indentures and schedules are conteined and comprised diuers customes orders immunities discharges benefits and priuiledges by which the said Copy-holders and customary tenants their heires and assignes were and are to take hold vse and enioy inherit alien demise and dispose all and euery or any the landes messuages tenements cotages and hereditaments which they euery or any of them respectiuely then held claimed or enioyed by force or pretence of any grant before that time made by Copy of Court Roll of the sayd Mannors or either of them And diuers other agreements betweene the said Lord and Copy-holders or customary Tenants as in and by the said Indentures and schedules more at large it doth and may appeare Which said Indentures and schedules The Indenture of the 20 day of Iune was decreed in Chancery See Pag 12. and all the matters therein conteyned in or shortly after Trinitie terme in the said Fifteenth yeare of Your Highnes raigne vpon a bill exhibited into Your Maiesties said court of Chauncery by the said Copy-holders against the said Lo Wentworth and vpon the same Lords answer thereunto were duly confirmed established and Decreed by the Decree of your Maiesties said court of Chauncery as by the said bill answere and Decree remaining of Record in the said court it doth also appeare And whereas in the said Indentures one Recitall of the clause for making of Leases See Pag 7. and Pag 39. Clause or Article is conteined in these words following And the said Thomas Lord Wentworth for him his heyres and assignes doeth by these presents grant and agree to and with the said Sir Iohn Iolles and all other the persons named to be parties to these presents and to and with the heyres and assignes of euery of them that euery one of them and euery of their heires and assignes shall and may freely hereafter from time to time grant lease or demise by Deed or otherwise without licence or copy of Court rolle such or so much of the lands tenements and hereditaments or any part or parts thereof of which they or any of them are Copy-holders or customary tenants or reputed to be Copy-holders or customary tenants to such person and persons and for such terme and
the same That the making of any Lease or grant leases or grants sithence the making of the said first mentioned Indentures or of any Lease or The Act that Leases may be let for 31 yeares 4. moneths from the making without forfeiture grant leases or grants at any time hereafter to be made for any terme or tearmes of yeares not exceeding one and thirty yeares and foure monethes from the making or Date thereof by any the Copy-holders or Customary Tenants parties to the said first mentioned Indentures their heires or assignes or others that hereafter shall be Tenements by Copy of Court Boll or Customary Tenants of any of the Landes or Tenements that were any of the said persons named to bee parties at the time of the making of the said first mencioned Indenture from time to time shall not be any forfeiture or cause of forfeiture or seizure to or for the Lord of the said Mannors or either of them for the time being or to or for any other person or persons lawfully clayming from by or vnder the same Lord or Lords allthough such Lease leases or grants hath beene or shall be made without any licence of the Lord of the said Mannors or either of them or hath not beene or shall not be published in the Court of the same Mannors or either of them and allthough no request hath beene or shall be made for any remembrance thereof to be made in the Rolles of the said Court or any such tender of a certainty of any such lease or grant leases or grants or of six pence or any other summe for entry thereof and although any such Lease or grant leases or grants hath not or haue not beene or shall not bee presented to the said Homage as in and by the said clauses or articles is prescribed or mentioned And although any such Lease or grant leases or grants hath or haue beene or shall bee made or limited to commence or beginne from after or at any day or time after the making or date thereof so as the whole terme granted or to be granted in or by such Lease or grant together with the time incurred or to incurre from the day of the date or making thereof vntill the day or time limited or to be limited for the begining or commencement thereof do not exceed Thirty one yeares and foure monethes in the whole and that the neglect or omission of any such publishing requesting tendring or presenting as is aforesaid neither is nor shall bee any forfeiture or cause of forfeiture or seizure of the Landes or Tenements so Leased or to be leased or granted or any of them But if any such neglect or omission hath beene or at any time hereafter shal be But the Leases to be voyd if they be not presented at the first or 2. generall Court next following then euery such Lease of or concerning the which such neglect or omission hath beene or shall bee had shall be vtterly voyd and of no effect And be it further enacted by the authority of Both the Indēters Schedules Decree present explanation of the said clause Art enacted to stād foreuer this present Parliament That aswell the aforesaid two clauses or Articles herein perticulerly recited with such alteration or addition and so explaned construed and enlarged as is aforesaid As also all and euery other the Clauses Articles Agreements and matters in the said seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree and euery or any of them conteyned shall be ratefied allowed and confirmed by the authority of this present Parliament and that the same seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree so explained confirmed and enlarged as is aforesaid and euery of them shall bee of force to bind and conclude all and euery the said parties thereunto or to any of them and their and euery of their heires executors administrators and assignes and all and euery person and persons clayming or which shall claime from by or vnder them or any of them in all thinges according to the purport effect and true meaning of the same seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree and of euery of them and of this present Act And that the same seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree and euery of them and euery Clause Article and sentence in them and euery or any of them conteined with such alteration enlargments and so explained as is aforesaid shall for euer from and after the making of the same Indentures Schedules and Decree stand bee and remaine and shall be adiudged and taken to stand and be of such and the same force and effect to all intents and purposes as if the same seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree so explained construed and enlarged as is aforesaid and euery of them and euery Clause Article and sentence in euery of them conteyned were specially and perticulerly expressed and enacted by the Authority of this present Parliament And whereas sithence the making of the said Those which haue compounded since the first Indenture shall enioy the like benefite as the former first mentioned Indentures Your most humble Subiects Sir Thomas Hardresse Knight Richard Catcher sonne of Thomas Catcher monyer Iohn Wright butcher Thomas Pynnocke Elizabeth Hide Dorithy Hide daughter of Edward Hide Walter Whiting mariner Giles Patrick and Sibell his wife Michaell Merrioll Iohn Bigate Anne Ryland late the wife of William Haggis Thomas Wilson gentleman and Katherine his wife Iohn Crane Giles de Bude Sara Hill Constance Clarke Mary Simondson Thomas Denham Samuell Crowther Iohn Crowther Ioseph Crowther Mary Tinesty Thomas Ieffery George Needham William Locke Peter Pierce his heyres Thomas Damport gentleman Richard Bradley Thomas Paramore Esqtuer Iohn Robothom gentleman Richard Alsop Iohn Vassoll William Speering George Speering Walter Whiting Richard Paramore Iohn Robinson Griffine Ellis Ioseph Thornton Beniamine Thornton Tobias Thornton Mathew Graues William Philips Mariner IOHN GALE gentleman WILLIAM GALE gentleman HYMFRY WESTVVOOD GEORGE SMITH gentleman CHRISTOPHER POTKIN EDVVARD BVRLEY FELIX WILSON gentleman and ANNE his wife ARTHVR WINGHAM RICHARD WINGHAM and THOMAS WINGHAM her sonnes WILLIAM DOVE gentleman Anne his wife and IOHN PEASE her sonne WILLIAM CHAPPELL and HENRY IOHNSON Brewer ROBERT KEALE gentleman THOMAS CHAPMAN IOANE his wife DANIELL BASSANO IOHN HODGSON HELKIAH READE CORNELIVS GODFREY THOMAS THORNTON PHILLIP IOYCE and ELIZABETH his wife THOMAS THREDDER being Copy-holders and Customary Tennants of Diuerse messuages Landes and Tenements some o● them being percell of or within the sayd Man nor of Stepney alias Stebenheath and the residue thereof being parcell of or within the said Mannor of Hackney haue likewise sithence the sayd first mencioned Indentures compounded and agreed with Your said Subiect Thomas Lord Wentworth to haue and enioy to them their Heires and Assignes such the same and the like Customes Orders Immunities discharges benefits and Priuiledges of in for and concerning All the Messuages landes Tenements and Hereditaments which they the said Copy-holders and customary Tenants last before named and
euery or any of them respectiuely do now hold claime or enioy by force or pretence of any grant heretofore made by Copy of Court Roll of the said seuerall Mannors or either of them as the said Sir Iohn Iolles and the rest of the said Copyholders being parties or named parties to the said seuerall Indentures their heires and assignes by the intent and true meaning of the said seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree and of this present Act haue and enioy or are to haue and enioy of in for or concerning their said seuerall Copyhold messuages lands Tenements and Herediraments It may further please Your most excellent Maiesty for the like setling of a continuall peace betweene Your said subiects Thomas Lord Wentworth and the said Sir Thomas Hardresse knight and other the last named Copy-holders aforesaid That it may be further enacted by Your Highnes with the assent of the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the Commons in this present Parliament assembled And be it enacted by the authority of the same Parliament That aswell the said seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree and euery of them with such exposition enlargement explanation as aforesaid As also this present Act of Parliament shall extend vnto and comprehend and shall be taken and adiudged to extend vnto and comprehend the said Sir Thomas Hardresse Knight and other Copy-holders aforesaid before mentioned to haue compounded and agreed with the said Lo Wentworth sithence the making of the said first mentioned Indentures for and concerning all the Messuages landes Tenements and Hereditaments which they the said last mencioned Copy-holders or any of them respectiuely do now hold claime or enioy by force or pretence of any grant by copy of Court Roll of the said Mannors or either of them as fully and amply and in as large and beneficiall manner to all intents and purposes as if the same last mentioned Copy-holders and euery of them had beene parties and party to the said seuerall Indentures and either of them and as if their said seuerall Copy-hold Messuages lands Tenements and Hereditaments had beene by apert and presize words conteined or comprised in the said seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree and in this present Act of Parliament and euery of them And that the said last mentioned Copyholders and euery of them and the heires executors administrators assignes of them and euery of them and all and euery person and persons clayming or which shall claime from by or vnder them or any of them shall and may foreuer heereafter haue take an enioye such the like and the same benefite profit and aduantage by the sayd seuerall Indentures Schedules and Decree of for and concerning all and euery the said Messuages and Premises which they and euery or any of them respectiuely doe hold claime or enioy by force or pretence of any graunt by Copy of Court Roll of the sayd Mannors or either of them and as fully and amply as the sayd parties to the sayd seuerall Indentures their Heires and Assignes by the intent and true meaning of the sayd seuerall Indentures Se edules and Decree and of this present Act may haue take or enioy or are or ought to haue take or enioy Prouided allwayes that this Act or any None but those who haue compounded shall haue benefit by this Act. thing therein conteyned shall not extend or be any wise construed or expounded to extend to any Copy-holders other then such as are named parties to the sayd first recited Indentures and the Heires Executors Administrators and Assignes of euery of them and all and euery person and persons lawfully claiming or which shall claime from by or vnder them or any of them And other then such Copy-holders who are before named in this Act and who haue sithence compounded and agreed with the sayd Thom. Lord Wentworth as is aforesayd and their Heyres Executors Administrators or Assignes and all and euery person and persons lawfully clayming or which shall clayme from by or vnder them or any of them Neither shall this Act extend to N●● they but for the Lands c for which they compounded any copyhold messuages Cottages landes tenements or Hereditaments other then such whereof the sayd Copyholders or others clayming vnder them were respectiuely seized or possessed at the times of their sayd seuerall and respectiue agreements for or concerning the same with the said Lord or now are vnder the sayd agreements seized or possessed as aforesaid But this Acte shall extend to all euery the Copy-hold messuages Cottages lands Tenements and Hereditaments wherof the sayd Copy-holders or any others clayming vnder them were respectiuely seized or possessed at the times of these seuerall and respectiue agreements for or concerning the premises with the sayd Lord or now are vnder the sayd agreements seized or possessed as aforesaid Sauing Neuerthelesse to Your Highnes Sauing to the K. all other their Perticular rights Your Heyres and Successors and to all and euery person and persons bodyes Politique and Corporate their Heires and Successors other then the said Lord Wentworth his Heires and Assignes and all and euery person and Persons lawfully clayming from by or vnder them or any of them and other then the sayd parties to the sayd seuerall Indentures and the said Copyholders before mentioned to haue compounded with the said now Lord Wentworth and euery of them and the Heires and Assignes of euery of them and all and euery person and persons lawfully clayming from by or vnder them or any of them All such actions estates possessions rights Titles Interests Seruices Rents and Demaunds Profitts commodities and aduantatages whatsoeuer as they or any of them haue shall may or ought to haue of in to or out of all or any of the Premisses in such and the same estate degree plight manner and forme to all intents and purposes as if this Acte had neuer ben had or made The Contents of this Act. Leases may bee let for thirty one yeares and foure monethes from the making without forfeiture Pag. 77. But the Leases shall bee voide if the prescribed rule be not obserued 79. The Indentures of the twentieth and thirtieth of Iune Anno 15. Iacobi Regis with the Schedules and the Decree in Chauncery with the present explanation of the thirty eight article are all enacted to stand firme for euer 79. Those which haue compounded since the first Indentures shall inioy the like benefit as the former 80. None but those who haue compounded shall reape any benefit by this Act. 84. Nor they but only for the Lands c for which they haue compounded 85. Sauing to Kings Maiestie and all others their particular rights 85. An Alphabeticall Table of the names of the Copyhold Tenants which haue compounded since the first Indentures and are inabled by this Act to reape the like benefit with the former A Richard Alsop B Iohn Bigate Giles de Bude Richard Bradley Edward Burley Daniell Bassano C Richard Catcher sonne o● Tho Catcher monier Iohn Crane Constance Clarckes Samuell Crowther William Chappell Thomas Chapman and Ioane his wife D. Thomas Denham Thomas Damport Gent. William Doue Gent. and Anne his wife E. Griffin Ellis G. Mathew Graues Iohn Gale Gent. Cornelius Godfrey William Gale Gent. H. Sir Thomas Hardresse K. Elizabeth Hide Dorothie Hide Sara Hill Iohn Hodgson I. Thomas Ieffery Henry Iohnson Brewer Phillip Ioice and Elizabeth his wife K. Robert Keale Gent. L. William Lock M. Michaell Merrioll N. George Needham P. Thomas Pynnock Giles Patricke and Sibell his wife Peter Piers his heires Thomas Paramore Esqu Richard Paramore Willi Phillips Mariner Christopher Potkin Iohn Pease R. Anne Ryland Iohn Robotham Gent. Iohn Robinson Helkiah Reade S. Mary Symonson William Speering George Speering George Smith Gent. T Mary Tinestey Ioseph Thornton Beniamin Thornton Tobias Thornton Thomas Thornton Thomas Thredder V Iohn Vassoll W Iohn Wright Butcher Walter Whiting Mariner Thomas Wilson Gent Katherine his wife Walter Whiting Humphfry Westwood Felix Wilson Gent and Anne his wife Arthur Wingham Richard Wingham Thomas Wingham her sonnes FINIS