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A67835 A breviary of the later persecutions of the professors of the gospel of Christ Jesus, under the Romish and antichristian prelats through Christendome, from the time of John VVickliff in the year of God 1371. to the raign of Queen Elizabeth of England, and the reformation of religion in Scotland: and of the cruell persecutions of the Christians under the Turkish emperors, with some memorable occurrences that fell out in these times through diverse realmes & countreys; collected out of the ecclesisticall history and book of martyrs, by Mr. Robert Young. Young, Robert, fl. 1674. 1674 (1674) Wing Y74; ESTC R218050 154,001 241

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shewing it to the people he in like manner counterfeiting the priest took up a little dog by the legs and held him over his head shewing him unto the people for this he was by and by apprehended and condemned to the fire and burned and the dog with him About the same time John Longland Bishop of Lincoln burned two upon one day the one named Thomas Bernard and the other James Morton the one for teaching the Lords Prayer in English and the other for keeping the Epistle of St. James translated into English Richard Mekins a boy not past the age of fifteen years was condemned to be burnt by Boner for speaking against the Sacrament of the Altar In Oxford also the same time or not much there-about recanted one Master Barker master of Art of that University a man excellently learned who being called up to Lambeth before the Archbi●hop Thomas Granmer was in his examination so stout in the cause of the Sacrament and so learnedly defended himself therein neither Cranmer himself nor all they could well answer to his allegations brought out of Au●eu wherein he was so promp ripe of himself that the Archbi●hop with the residue of his company were brought in a great admiration of him notwithstanding by compulsion of the time and danger of the six articles at last he relented and returning again to Oxford was there caused to recant After which the good man prospered not but wore away The year 1541. The King was divorced from the Lady Anna of Cleve which was his fourth wife and married to the fifth which was to Lady Cathren Howard Nice to the Duke of Norfolk and Daughter to my Lord Edmund Howard the Dukes brother but this Marriage likewise continued not long At this time were six Popish Monks executed for denying the Kings Supremacy Now as touching the late Marriage between the King and the Lady Howard this Matrimony endured not long for in the year next following 1542. the said Lady Cathren was accused of the King of incontin● n● living not only before her marriage with Frances Durham but also of spouse breach since her marriage with Thomas Culpeper for the which both the men aforesaid by act of Parliament were attained and executed for high Treason and also the said Lady Cathren late Queen with the Lady Jane Rochford Widow late Wise to Georg Bullen Lord Rochfords Brother to Queen Anna Eullen were beheaded for their deserts within the Tower The King missing Cromwell his old Counsellour Earle of Essex and smelling somewhat the wayes of Winchester began a little to set his foot again in the cause of religion And therefore in the same year after the execution of this Queen the King understanding some abuses yet to remain unreformed namely about pilgrimages and Idolat●y and other things moe besides to be corrected within his dominions directed his letters unto the Archbishop of Canterbury for the speedy redress and reformation of the sam● A proclamation concerning white meats as milk egges butter cheese and such like during the time of lent without any scruple or grudg of conscience any law constitution use or custom to the contrary notwithstanding All this time great was the persecution in Caleice for Religion Amongst the rest one Adam Damlip was falsly accused for Treason and innocently put to death At his death Sir Ralph Elleker Knight then knight marshall there would not suffer the innocent and godly man to declare either his faith or the cause he died for but said to the executioner dispatch the knave have done Sir Ralph Elleker saying that he would not away before he saw the traitors heart out But sho●tly after Sir Ralph Elleker in a skirmish or road between the French-men and us at Eullen was amongst others slain whose only death sufficed not his enemies but after they had stripped him stark naked they cut off his privy members and cut the heart out of his bodie and so left him a terrible example to all bloody and mercilesse men for no cause was known why they shewed such indignation against the said Sir Ralph Elleker more then against the rest but that it is ●ritten faciens justitias Dominus judicia omnibus injuria pressis It is reported of a certain poor labouring man of Caleice who being in a certain company said that he would never believe that a priest could make the Lords body at his pleasure whereupon he was then accused and condemned by one Harvie Commissary there which Harvie in time of his judgement inveying against him with approbrious words said that he was an Heretick and should die a vile death The poor man answering for himself again said that he was no Heret ck but was in the faith of Christ and whereas thou sayest said hee that I shal die a vile death thou thy self shal die a viler death and that shortly and so it came to passe for within half an year after the said Harvie was hanged drawn and quarterd for Treason in the said town of Caleice Here is a notable example of Gods judgement upon a bloody Persecutor The rigour of the six Articles were a little aswaged in a Parliament Anno 1544. Mistrisse Anna Askew was brought before the Inquisitors and examined and after that sundry times examined and put to great trouble and put to the rack because she would not confesse what Ladies or Gentlewomen were of her opinion and therein sayes she they keeped me along time and because I lay still and did not cry my Lord Chancellor and M. Rich took pains to rack me with their own hands till I was nigh dead then the Leivtenant caused me to be loosed from the Rack incontinently I sowned and then they recovered me again After that I sat two long hours reasoning with my Lord Chancellor upon the bare floor whereas he with many flattering words perswaded me to leave my opinion but my Lord God I thank his everlasting goodnesse gave me grace to persevere and will do I hope to the very end then was I brought to an house and laid in a bed with as weary and painfull bones as ever had patient Job I thank the Lord my God therefore Then my Lord Chancellor sent me word if I would leave my opinion I should want nothing if I would not I should forth to Newgate and so be burned I sent him again word that I would rather die then to break my faith heareafter she is condemned to be burnt for her opinion touching the Sacrament for holding that after the Priest hath spoken the words of Consectation there remaineth bread still they both say and also teach it for a necessary Article of faith that after these words be once spoken there remaineth no bread but even the self same body that hang upon the Crosse on goodfryday both flesh blood and bones to this belief of theirs said I nay for then were ou● common Creed false which saith that he sitteth on the right hand of God the Father
our Lord 1200. for this cause they were often accused and complained of to the King as contemners and despisers of the Magistrats and Rebels they were oftentimes persecuted and many put to death for their Profession in end the Court or Parliament at Province gave out a cruell sentence against Merindol and condemned all the Inhabitants to be burned both Men and Women sparing none no not the little Children and Infants the Town to be razed and their Houses to be beaten down to the ground also their trees to be cut down as well Olive-trees as all other and nothing to be left to the intent it should never be inhabited again but remain as a Desert or Wildernesse The violence and execution of this cruell and bloody sentence was for a time restrained and the rage of the adversaries repressed till Minerius a bloody persecuter and the Kings Lievtenant of Province forged a most impudent lye against these innocent Christians giving the King to understand that they of Merindol and all the Countrey near about to the number of twelve or fifteen thousand were in the field in Armour with their Ensigne displayed intending to take the Town of Mansfield and make it one of the Cantons of the Switzers and to stay this enterprise he said it was necessary to execute the Arrest manumilitari and by this means he obtained the Kings Letters Patents though the help of the Cardinall of Tournon commanding the sentence to be executed against the Meridolians notwithstanding the King had before revoked the said sentence and given strait commandement that it should no wayes be executed After this he gathered all the Kings Army which was then in Province ready to go against the Englishmen and took up all besides that were able to bear Armour in the Chief Towns of Province and joyned them with the Army which the Popes L●gat had Levied for that purpose in Avinion and all Countries of Venice and imployed the same to the destruction of Merindol Cabriers and other Towns and Villages to the number of 22. giving Commission to his Souldiers to spoyl ransack burn and destroy all together and to kill Man Woman and child without all mercy sparing none no otherwise then the Infidels and cruel Turks have dealt with the Christians So Merindol without any resistance was taken ransacked burnt razed and laid even with the ground and killed all both young and old whom they found in the Town When he had destroyed Merindol he laid siege to Catriers and battered it with his Ordinance but when he could not win it by force he with the Lord of the Town and Powling his chief Captain perswaded with the Inhabitants to open their Gates solemnly promising that if they would so do they would lay down their Armour and also that their cause should be heard in Judgement with all equity and justice and no violence or injury should be shewed against them Upon this they opened their Gates and let in Minerius with his Captains and all his Armie but the Tyrant when he was once entred falsified his promise and raged like a Beast for first of all he picked out about thirty men causing them be bound and carried into a Meadow near to the Town and there to be miserably cut and hewn in pieces by his Souldiers then because he would not leave no kind of cruelty unattempted he also exerci●ed outrage and fury upon the poor silly women and caused fourty of them to be taken of whom diverse were great with child and put them into a Barn full of Straw and Hay and caused it to be set on fire at four corners And when the silly women running to the great Window where the Hay is wont to be cast into the Barn would have leaped out they were keeped in with Pikes and Halberds then there was a Souldier which moved with pity at the crying out and lamentation of the Women opened a door to let them out but as they were comming out the Tyrant caused them to be slain and cut in pieces opening their bellies that the children fell out whom they trod under their feet with many other cruel and barbarous acts against the poor innocents This done this Tyrant more cruel then ever was Herod commanded one of his Captains with a Band of Ruffians to go into the Church where was a great number of Women Children and young Infants to kill all whom he found there which the Captaine at the first refused to do saying that were a cruelty unused among men of War Whereat Minerius being displeased charged him upon pain of Rebellion and disobedience to the King to do as he had commanded him The Captain fearing what might ensue entreth with his men and destroyed them all sparing neither young nor old We are not here to passe by the fearfull Jugement of God that fell upon Minerius the cruel Persecuter of thir innocents being stricken with a strange kind of bleeding at the lower parts in manner of a bloody Flux and not being able to avoid any Vrine thus by little and little his Guts within him rotred and when no Remedy could be found for this terrible disease and his Intrals now began to be eaten of Worms a certain famous Chirurgeon named La Motte which dwelt at Arles a man no lesse Godly then expert in his Science was called for who after he had cured him of this difficulty of making Water and therefore was in great estimation with him before he would proceed further to search the other parts of his putrified body and to search out the inward cause of his Maladie he desired that they which were present in the Chamber with Minerius would depart a little aside Which being done he began to exhort Minerius with earnest words saying how the time now required that he should ask forgivenesse of God by Christ for his enormous crimes and cruelty in shedding so much innocent blood and declared the same to be the cause of this so strange profusion of blood comming from him These words being heard so pierced the impure conscience of this miserable wretch that he was therewith more troubled then with the agony of his disease in so much that he cryed out to lay hands upon the Chirurgeon as an Heretick La Motte hearing this eftsoones convyed himself out of sight and returned again to Arles notwithstanding it was not long but he was sent for again being intreated by his friends and promised most firmly that his comming should be without any perill or danger and so with much adoe he returned again to Minerius raging and cast out most horrible and blasphemous words and feeling a fire which burnt him from the Navel upward with extream stinck of the lower parts finished his wretched life whereby we have notoriously to understand that God through his mighty arm at length confoundeth such persecuters of his innocent and faithfull servants and bringeth them to nought to whom be praise and glory for ever The Persecutions of the
the left arm was on fire and burned he rubbed it with his right hand and it fell from his body and he continued in prayer to the end without moving At the burning of James Baynham a Lawier appeared a miracle and wondrous work of God that as he was at the stake in the midst of the flamming fire which fire had half consumed his arms and legs he spake these words O ye Papists behold ye look for miracles and hear now may yee see a miracle for in this fire I feel no more pain then I were in a bed of Down but it is to me as a bed of Roses These words spake he in the midst of the flamming fire when his legs and arms as I said were half consumed William Tracie a worshipful Esquire in Glocester and then dwelling at Todingtown made in his will that he would have no funeral pomp at his burying neither passed he upon masse and he further said that he trusted in God only and hoped by him to be saved and not by any Saint This Gentleman died and his Son as Executor brought the Will to the Bishop of Canterbury to prove which he shewed to the Convocation and there most cruelly they judged that he should be taken out of the ground and burnt as an Heretick This Commission was sent to Doctor Parker Chancellor of the Diocesse of Worcest●r to execute their wicked of sentence who accomplished the same The King hearing his Subject to be taken out of the ground two years after his death and burnt without his knowledge or order of the Law sent for the Chancellor and laid high offence to his charge who excused himsel● by the Archbishop of Canterbury which was late dead but in conclusion it cost him three hundred pound to have his pardon And as many were burnt at this time for the profession of the truth so multitudes both of men and women were compelled to abjure and recant and to do pennance and to bear faggots So great was the trouble of these times for either they were driven out of the Realm or were cast out from their goods and houses or brought to open shame by abjuration Such decrees and injunctions then were set ●orth by the Bishops such Laws and Proclamations were provided such watch and narrow search was used such wayes were taken by force of oath to make one detect another so subtilly that unneth any good man could or did escape their hands that either his name was known or else his person was taken yet neverthelesse so mightily the power of Gods Gospel did work in the hearts of good men that the number of them did no less●l●ssen for all the violence or policy of the adversa●ies but rather increased King Henry is divorced from Lady Cathrene Dowager and married with Lady Ann●●ullen which was the fi●st occasion and beginning of a publick Refo●mation The King had married Prince Arthur hi● B●others wife the Pope which then ruled at Rome was Pope Julius the second by whose dispensation this Marriage which neither sense of nature would admit nor Gods Law would bear was concluded approved and ratified and so continued as lawfull without any doubt or scruple near the space of twenty years thereafter there arose doubts and scruples about the lawfulnesse of his Marriage that first hindered the Emperour to marry Lady Mary the Kings Daughter and upon the same doubt the King of France refused to marry the said Lady Mary the Kings daughter The King being herewith perplexed anent the lawfulness● of his Marriage consulted the Universities of all Christendome by whom it was discussed to be unlawfull whereupon ensued a divorce between the King and the Queen In the Parliment in the year 1533. the commons gave in a supplication complaining of the strait dealing of the Clergy in their proceeding exofficlo this wicked act was broken by the King for the King having more clear understanding of the abuses and enormities of the Clergy and in special of the corrupt Authority of the See of Rome provided certain Acts against the same In the same parliament it was enacted and decreed that no man should appeal to the court of Rome even the Parliament decreeth the popes Annats to cease c. All exactions and sums of money used to be payed to the Bishop of Rome in pensions Peter Pence should utterly surcease As touching these Peter Pence they were first brought in imposed by King Iva about the year of our Lord 70. Which Iva king of the West Saxons caused th●ough all his dominion in every house having a Chimney a penny to be collected and payed to the Bishop of Rome in the name of Peter and thereof were they called Peter Pence And the said Peter Pence ever since or for the most part have used of along custom to be gathered and summoned by the Popes Collectors here in England from the time of Iva to this present Parliament The oath of the Clergy-men which they were wont to make to the Bishop of Rome now pope quondam was abolished and made void by stature and a new oath ministred and confirmed for the same wherein they acknowledged the King to be supream head under Christ in this Church of England these oaths were the occasion that the pope lost all his interest and jurisdiction in England within short while after In this Parliament amongst other diverse statutes most graiously and by the blessed will of God it was enacted that the Pope and all his Colledge of Cardinals with his Pardons Indulgences which so long had clogged this R●al n of England to the miserable slaughter or so manny good men and which never could be removed ●way before was never abolished eradicat and exploded out of this land and sent home ●g●in to their own country of Rome from whence they came God be everlastingly praised therefore Amen An act was made concerning the Kings highnesse to be the suppream head of the Church of England and to have authority to reform and redresse all errors heresies and abuses in the same When all other the Kings subjects and the learned of the Realm had taken and accepted the oath of the Kings supreamacy only Fisher the Bishop of Rochester and Sir Thomas Moor refused to be sworn who therefore falling into the danger of the Law were committed unto the Tower executed for the same This Fisher with Sir Thomas Moor were great persecutors of the saints of God Tindal betrayed be Henry Philips was delivered into his enemies hands and burnt in Flanders by Filfoord castle The worthy vertues and doings of this blessed Martyr who for his painfull travels and singular zeal to his country may be called in these our days an Apostle of England it were long to recite Among many other this because it seemeth to me worthy of remembrance I thought it not in silence to overpasse which hath unto me credibly been testified by certain grave Merchants and some of them also such as were present the same
time at the fact and men yet alive the story whereof was this There was at Antwerp on a time amongst a company of Merchants as they were at supper a certain Juglar which through his Diabolicall inchantments or Art magicall would fetch all kind of Viandes and Wine from any place they would and set it upon the table incontinent before them with many other such like things The fame of this Jugler being much talked of It chanced that as Master Tindal heard of it he desired certain of the Merchants that he might also bee present at Supper to see him play his parts To be brief the supper was appointed and the Merchants with Tindall were there present Then the Juglar being required to play his feats and to shew his cunning after his wonted boldnesse began to utter all that he could do but all was in vain At the last with his labour sweating and toyling when he saw that nothing would go forward but that all his enchantment were void he was compelled openly to confesse that there was some man present at Supper which disturbed and setted all his doings So that a man even in the Martyrs of these dayes cannot lack the miracles of true faith if miracles were now to be desired After King Henry his Marriage was declared to be unlawfull and being divorced from Lady Cathren he married Lady Anna ●ullen who three years after she was married was had to the Tower with the Lord Rochford her brother and the nineteen day thereafter was beheaded The words of this worthy and christian Lady at her death were these Good Christian people I am come hither to die for according to the Law by the Law I am judged to death and therefore I will speak nothing against it I am to accuse no man nor to speak any thing of that whereof I am accused and condemned to die but I pray God to save the King and send him long to raign over you for a Gentler or more mercifull Prince was there never to me he was ever a Good a Gentle and a Soveraigne Lord. And if any person will medle of my cause I require them to judge the best And thus I take my leave of the World and of you all I heartily desire you all to pray for me so she was beheaded Whatsoever the cause was or quartell objected against her life this was a great commendation she left behind her that during her life the Religion of Christ most happily flourished and had a right prosperous course for she was an enemy to Popery she was a great giver of alms beyond all other Queens and the Revenues almost of her estate in so much that the almes which she gave in three quarters of a year in distribution is summed to the number of fourteen or fifteen thousand pounds beside the great peece of money which Her grace intended to impart unto four sundry quarters of the Realm as for a stock there to be imployed to the behoove of poor Artificers and occupyers Again what a zealous Defender she was of Christs Gospel all the world doth know and her acts do and will declare to the worlds end After the suffering of Queen Anna the King marrid Lady Jane Seimer of whom came King Edward as great an enemy to Gods enemies the Pope as ever his father was and greater too Shor●ly after his birth Queen Jane his Mother the second day after died in Child bed and left the King again a Widower which so continued the space of two years together After this Religion b●gan to go backward as appears in the condemnation burning and martyrdom of John Lambert and others For as the King was ruled and gave over some time to one some time to another so one while Reli●ion went for●w●rd and at another time as much backward again and sometimes clean altered and changed fo● a season according as they could prevail which were about the King so variable was the change and mutation of Religion in King Henries days for the state of R ligion decayed all the resid●e of King Henry A Parliament is summoned at Westmi ster in the ear 15 〈◊〉 through the devise and practi●● of certain of the Popes factors about him Al●o a Synod or convocation of all the Archbishops Bishops and other lea●n●d of the clergy of this realm to be in like manner assembled In which Parliament Sy●od or convocation certain articles matters and q●estions touching religion were decreed to the numb●r especially of six comonly called the six Articles or the whip ●ith six strings to be had and receiv●d among the Kings S●bjects in pretence of Unity The first Article in the present Parliament accorded and agreed upon was this that in the most blessed Sacrament of the Altar by the strength and efficacy of Christs mighty word it being spoken by the Priest is present really under the form of Bread and Wine the naturall body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ conceived of the Virgin Mary and that after the consecration there remaineth no substance of Bread or Wine or any other substance but the substance of Christ God and man Secondly that the Communion in both kinds is not necessary ad salutem by the Law of God to all persons and that it is to be believed and not doubted of but that in the flesh under the form of Bread is the very Blood and with the Blood under the form of Wine is the very flesh as well in parts as they were both together Thirdly that the Priests after the order of Priesthood received may not marry by the Law Fourthly that the vows of chastity of Widowhood by man or woman made to God advisedly ought to be observed by the Law of God and that it exeemeth them from other liberties of Christian people which without that they might enjoy Fifthly that it is meet and necessary that privat Masses be continued and admitted in this English Church and Congregation as whereby good Christian people ordering themselves accordin●ly do receive both godly and goodly consolations and benefites and it is agreeable also to Gods Law Sixthly that Auricular Confession is expedient and necessary to be retained and contained used and frequented in the Church of God All agreed to these six Articles except Cranmer Archbishop of Canterbury who stood openly in the Parliament against them bringing forth such Allegations as might easily have helped the cause nisi paucos major vicisset ut saepe solet meliorem Great was the trouble and persecution at London for these six Articles and else-where through the land Doctor Barnes Garret and Hicrome were burnt for the Gospel at Smithfield At this time when Lambert was burnt there was one Colins at London sometime a Lawyer and a Gentleman being distracted of his wits coming into a Church where a Priest was saying Masse and was come to the place where they use to hold and shew the Sacrament he seeing the Priest holding the host over his head and
Prince of Spain and Mary Queen of England were married together by the Bishop of Winchester in the presence of a great number of Noblemen of both the Realms in the year of God 1554. Cardinal Pool is sent legate to the King and Queen to reconcile England to their mother Church Rome the Parliament su●mit themselves to the Pope his authority is restored which was matter of great joy to Rome Great was the bloody murthering of Gods Saints in the time of Queen Mary And first to begin with Master John Rogers he is condemned of the Bishop of Winchester and Lord Chancellor for two articles first for that he affirmed the Romish Catholick Church to be the Church of Antichrist and that he denied the reality of their Sacrament he cursed him to be disgraded and cond●mned and put into the hands of the L●itie and so he gave him over into the Shireffs hand which were much better then his 2. That in the Sacrament of the Altar there is not substantially nor really the natural body and blood of Christ After that this John Rodgers had been long and straitly imprisoned by the space of an year and an half at New-gate amongst Theeves often examined and very uncharitably entreated and at length unjustly and most cruelly by wicked Winchester condemned Such was the Bishop of Winchester and Boner Bishop of London their charity that he could not obtain of them that favour as to talk a little with his wife before his burning for his wife and children being eleven in number ten able to go and on sucking on her breast met him by the way as he went towards Smithfield this sorrowfull sight of his own flesh blood could nothing move him but that he constantly and chearfully took his death with wonderful patience in the defence and quarrel of Christs Gospel As he was going to Smithfield he said the Psalm Miserere by the was all the people wonderfully rejoycing at his constancy with great praises and thanks to God for the same A litt●e before his burning at the stake his pardon was brought if he would have recanted but he utterly refused it so he was burned into ashes washing his hands in the flamme as he was in burning he was the first Protomartyr of all that blessed company that suffered in Queen Maries time that got the first adventure upon the fire he was viccar of St. Pulchers and Reader of Pauls in London After that M●ster Rodgers had broken the yce here under Queen Mary there suffered in like sort an Archbishop four Bishops twenty one Divines eight Gentlemen eighty four Artificers one hundred Husband-men Servants and Labourers twenty six Wives twenty Widows nine Virgins two boyes and two Infants with many moe yea it is recorded that in lesse then four years they sacrificed the lives of eight hundred innocents here to their Idols in Queen Maries daies We shall take a view of them that are most memorable Lawrence Sanders Preacher a man of worshipfull Parentage was burned for the defence of the Gospel at Coventree being led to the place of Execution he went in an old Gown and a Shirt bare-footed and oftentimes fell flat on the ground and prayed When he came to the fire he fell to the ground and prayed he rose up again and took the Stake to which he should be chained in his arms and kissed it saying welcome the Crosse of Christ welcome everlasting life and being fastned to the Stake and fire put to him full sweetly he sleeped in the Lord. Mr. John Hooper Bishop of Worchester and Glocester was burnt for the defence of the Gospel at Glocester he was a worthy Bishop endued with these qualities that St. Paul requires in a Bishop he was condemned at London and degraded by Bishop Winchester and others and sent to Glocester to be burnt As he went to the fire he was led between two Sheriffs as it were a Lamb to the place of slaughter in a Gown of his Hosts his Hat upon his head and a staff in his hand to stay himself withall for the grief of the Sciatica which he had taken in prison caused him sometimes to halt All the way he was straitly charged not to speak the people mourned bitterly for him After he was entred into his prayer a Box was brought and laid before him upon a Stool with his pardon or at the least wise it was fained to be his pardon from the Queen if he would he at the sight thereof cryed if ye love my soul away with it if ye love my soul away with it the Box being taken away the Lord Shandois said seeing there is no remedy dispatch him quickly Mr. Hooper said God my Lord I trust your Lady will give me leave to make an end of my prayers Then said the Lord Shandois to Sir Edmund Bridges take heed that he do nothing else but pray if he do tell me and I shall quickly dispatch him so he prayed in these words following Lord said he I am hell but thou art heaven I am swill and a stink of sin but thou art a gracious God and a merciful Redeemer have mercy therefore upon me most miserable and wretched offender after thy great mercie and according to thy inestimable goodnesse Thou that art ascended into heaven receive me hell to be partaker of thy joyes where thou sittest in equall glory with t●y Father for well knowest thou Lord whereof I am come hither to s●ffer and why the wicked do ●●●secute this thy poor servant not for my sins and ●●●sgressions committed against thee but because I will not allow their wicked doings to the contaminating of thy blood and to the denyall of the knowledge of thy truth wherewith it did please thee by thy holy Spirit to instruct me the which with as much diligence as a poor wretch might being thereto called I have set forth to thy glory And well seest thou my Lord and God what terrible pains and cruel torments be prepared for thy creature such Lord as without thy strength none is able to bear or patiently to passe but all things that are impossible with man are possible with thee Therefore strengthen me of thy goodnesse that in the fire I break-not the rules of patience or else aswage the terrour of the pains as shall seem most to thy glory After he had done he was put to the fire and he abode three quarters of an hour in the fire for it was slow in burnning and thrise it was kindled before he was consumed In the midst of the fire he prayed with a loud voice Lord Jesus have mercy upon me Lord Jesus have mercy upon me Lord Jesus receive my spirit and these were the last words that he was heard to utter But when he was black in the mouth and his tongue swollen that he could not speak yet his lips went til they were shrunk to the Gams and he knocked his breast with his hands untill one of his arms fell off and then knocked
to spare these men then to put them to death whereat the idiot Doctors offended said what will ye do my Lord Will ye condemn all that my Lord Cardinall and the other Bishops and we have done If ye so do ye shew your self enemy to the Church and us and so we will repute you be ye assured At which words the faithlesse man afraid adjudged the innocents to die according to the desire of the wicked and so they were burnt constantly triumphing over death and Satan in the midst of the fire The King at this time was ruled wholly by the Cardinal and made a solomn vow that none should be spared that was suspect of heresie yea although it were his own son which put many into fear The fearfull vision which the King had by night much terrified him that he withdrew his mind wholly from the extremities on which the Clergy had set him The King died in the year of the Lord 1542. being overwhelmed with grief and passion for the losse of his Army received at Solway by the Englishes he departed this life at Falkland in the 32. year of his age some few dayes before he died he had advertisement that his Queen was deliveaed of a daughter at Linlithow at which time it is said he brust forth in passion saying it came with a Laste meaning the Crown and will go with a Lasse fie upon it after which he was not heard to utter many words The Earle of Arran Lord Hammilton was chosen Regent and Governour of the Realm At this time there was a certain act of Parliament made giving priviledge to all men of the Realm of Scotland to read the Scripture in their Mother tongue and language secluding neverthelesse all reasoning conference convocation of people to hear the Scriptures read or expouned Which liberty of private reading being granted by publick proclamation lacked not his own fruite so that in sundry parts of Scotland thereby were opened the eyes of the elect of God to see the truth and to abhor the Papistical abominations Now there was certain in St. Johnstoun that were apprehended and accused for transgressing the act of Parliament before expressed and then conference and assemblies in hearing and expounding the Scripture against the Tenor of the said act All these were condemned and judged to death as Robert Lamb William Anderson James Hunter and his wife Helen Stirk and others and that by an assise by violating as was alledged the act of Parliament in reasoning and conferring upon the Scripture for eating flesh upon the dayes forbidden for dishonouring of images c. There was great intercession made by the Town in the mean season for the life of these persons aforenamed to the Governour who of himself was willing to have done that they might have been delivered But the Governour was so subject to the appetite of the cruel Priests that he could not do that which he would yea they menaced to assist his enemies and to depose him except he assisted their cruelty the men were hanged and the women drowned Robert Lamb prophesied of the ruine and plague that came upon David Beton the Cardinal thereafter The Martyrdome of Mr George Wisher This Mr. George was a brother of the house of Pittarrow in Merns a great knowledge c. He made his chief resort in the Towns of Dundie and Montrose where hee taught publickly with great profite and applause He is discharged from preaching at Dundie he goeth to the West where the Archbishop of Glasgow seeketh to apprehend him In end he is apprehended and put to his t●yall and condemned to be burnt as an heretick As he came forth of the Castle gate there met him certain beggars asking his almes for Gods sake To whom he answered I want my hands wherewith I should give you almes but the mercifull Lord of his benignity and aboundance of grace that feedeth all men vouchafe to give you necessaries both unto your bodies and souls then afterward met with him two false fiends I should say Friers saying Mr. George pray to our Lady that she may be Mediatrix for on to her Son to whom he answered meekly cease tempt me not my brethren After this he was led to the fire with a rope about his neck and a chain of iron about his midle After his prayer made to God and his exhortation to the people the hangman that was his tormentor ●ate down upon his knees and said sir I pray you forgive me for I am not gullty of your death to whom he answered come hither to me when that he was come to him he kissed his cheek and said Lo here is a token that I forgive thee my heart do thy office and by and by he was put upon the Gibbet and hanged and there burnt to powder At his execution he prophecies of the Cardinals death he who from you higher place beholdeth us with such pride shal within few dayes lye in the same as ignominiously as now he is seen proudly to rest himself The Cardinals death is conspired by Normond Lesly brother to the Earle of Rothesse John Lesly his Unckle William Kirkaldy of Grange Peter Carmichel of Fyfe and James Melvill one of the house of Carnbie they met at St. Andrews and entered into the Cardinals chamber and killed him in his chamber The people of the town crying for a sight of the Cardinals corpes was brought to the very same place where he sat be holding Mr. George Wishart his execution many then did call to mind the Martyr his last words were thereby confirmed in the opinion they had of his piety and holinesse After this David Betoun succeeded John Hammilton Archbishop of St. Andrews who to the intent that he would in no wayes appear inferiour to his predecessor in augmenting the number of the holy martyrs of God in the next year following called a certain poor man to judgement whose name was Adam Wallace he was accused for teaching saying and teaching of abominable heresies which are particularly la●d to his charge as first thou hast said and taught that the bread and wine on the Altar after words of consecration are not the body and blood of Christ He turned to the L. Governor who was there present with a number of Noblemen and of the C●ergy saying I said never nor taught nothing but that I found in this book and writ having there a Bible at his belt in French Dutch and English which is the word of God and if ye will be content that the Lord God and his word be judge to me and this his holy writ here it is and where I have said wrong I shall take what punishment ye shal put to me for I never said nothing concerning this that I am accused of but that which I find in this write c. They gave forth sentence and condemned him by the Laws and so left him to the hands of the secular power in the hands of S. J. Campb●l Justice Deputy who
far returned with him to Glasgow where they went first to the Church and gave thanks to God for the victory they had obtained almost without any effusion of blood This conflict happened upon the 13. of May the eleventh day after her escape from Lochlevin The Queen fleeth to England and writeth to Queen Elizabeth The Bishop of Orkney was reponed to his place and for removing the scandall he was injoyned in his first Sermon to make publick acknowledgement of his fault and crave forgivenesse of God the Church and State whom he had offended The Duke of Chattellerault returned and being made Deputy by the Queen caused publish his Letters prohibiting the subjects to acknowledge any other Soveraign then the Queen hereupon the Regent gave forth Proclamations charging the Lieges in the Kings name to meet him in Armes at Glasgow the 10. of March The Regent and the Duke were agreed by the means of the Superintendents James Hamiltoun of Bothwell-Haugh taketh in hand the Regents murther he is killed by him at Linlithgow as he was riding by the shot of a Bullet the Murtherer escapeth and the death of the Regent was greatly lamented The Earle of Lennox is chosen Regent Governour of the Realm untill the Kings Majority or till he were able by himself to administrate the publick affairs The Regent was shot by Captain Calder at Stirling and with the same bullet Wormestoun who did what he could to save the Regent was stricken dead After him the Earle of Marre was elected Regent After the Earle of Marre was the Earle of Morton elected Regent as the man in that time of greatest courage and counsell The Earle of Morton is challenged for the murther of the Kings father by Captain James Steward and is committed and thereafter brought to his tryall sentence is pronounced and he execute for concealing the Kings murther The Queen is excute and beheaded after 19. years captivity in England The Spanish Navy was in the year of God 1583. In the year of God 1597. there was a great businesse for the tryall of Witches Amongst others one Margaret Aikin being apprehended upon suspiti●n and threatned with torture did confesse her self guilty being examined touching her associats in that trade she nam●d a few and pe●ceiving her delations find credit made offer to detect all of that sort and to purge the countrey of them so she might have her life granted for the reason of her knowledge she said that they had a secret mark all of that sort in their eyes whereby she could surely tell how soon she looked upon any whether they were Witches or not and in this she was so readily believed that for the space of three or four moneths she was carried from Town to Town to make discoveries in that kind Many were brought in question by her delations especially at Glasgow where diverse innocent women through the credulity of the Minister Mr. John Cowper were condemned and put to death In end she was found to be a meer deceiver for the same persons that the one day she had declared guilty the next day being presented in another habit she cleansed and sent back to Fife where first she was apprehended At her tryall she affirmed all to be false that she had confessed either of her self or others persisted in this to her death which made many for think their to great forwardnesse that way and moved the King to recall the commissions given out against such persons discharging all proceedings against them except in case of voluntary confession till a solid order should be taken by the Estates touching the forme that should be keeped in their tryall In the year of God 16●0 was Gowries conspiracy against the King discovered both he and his brother Mr. Alexander Ruthven were killed at St. Johnstoun and the King delivered The Ministers of Edinburgh being r●q●ired by the Counsel to give thanks for his Majesties deliverance refused to obey excusing themselves that nothing ought to be deliv red in Pulpit but that whereof the truth was known and that all which is uttered in that place should be spok●n in faith When by no perswasion they could be moved to perform that duty it was resolved that the Counsel should go together to the Market Crosse and that the Bishop of Rosse should after a naration of the Kings daughter and deliverance conceive a publick thanksgiving which was done the multitude applauding and expressing a great joy Mr. Patrick Galloway the Mononday thereafter in presence of the King Preached at the Market Crosse who choosed the 124. Psalm for his Theam did take occasion to discourse of all the particulars of the conspiracy and gave the people great satisfaction for many doubted that there had been any such conspiracy the condition of Princes being as the Emperor Domitian said herein miserably that even when conspiracies made against their persons are discovered yet they are not credited unlesse they be slain The King to testifie his thankfulnesse for his deliverence mortified a thousand pound to the poor yearly to be taken of the readiest fruits of the Abbacie of Scoon After this order was taken for a publick and solemn thanksgiving to be made in all the Churches of the Kingdome The Ministers of Edinburgh who gave the refuse were commanded to remove themselves out of the town within 48. hours and inhibited to Preach within his Majesties dominions under the pain of death Three of the number to wit Mr. Walter ●elcanquel Mr. William Watson and Mr. John Hall acknowledging their fault were pardoned Mr. James Balfour likewise remitted But Mr. Robert Truce taking a course by himself and saying he would reverence his Majesties report of that accident but could not say he was perswaded of the truth of it was banished the King dominions and went into France The 15. of November a Parliament was held at Edinburgh wherein sentence of the forfeiture was pronounced against Gowry and Mr. Alexander his brother their posterity disinherited and in detestation of the paracid attempted the whole surname of Ruthven abolished but this last was afterwards dispensed with and such of that name as were knowen to be innocent tollerated by the Kings clemency to enjoy their surnames and titles as in former times The bodies of the two brethren being brought to the Parliament house were after sentence given hanged upon a Gibbet in the publick street and then dismembred their hands cut off and affixed upon the top of the prison house and the 5. of August ordained to be keeped yearly in remembrance of his Majesties delivery Prince Charles was born at Dumfermling The Queen of England continuing constant in her affection when she was asked a little before her death by the Lord Keeper and Secretary who were directed by the Counsel to understand her will touching her Successor answered none but my Cousen the King of Scots After which words she spake not much A Queen incomparable for wisedom and fidelity of Government She