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A50728 The last famous siege of the city of Rochel together with the Edict of Nantes / written in French by Peter Meruault, a citizen of Rochel who was in the city from the beginning of the siege until the rendition of it.; Journal des choses plus memorables qui se sont passées au dernier siege de la Rochelle. English Mervault, Pierre, b. 1608.; France. Edit de Nantes. 1680 (1680) Wing M1879; ESTC R35042 174,829 329

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belongs and all our Subjects as well Catholick as of the Reformed Religion shall be indifferently discharged of all charges which have been imposed by one and the other part during the troubles upon those that were on the contrary party and not consenting as also of debts created and not paid and expences made without consent of the same without nevertheless having power to recover the Revenue which should have been employed to the payment of the said charges LXXV We do not also understand that those of the Religion and others who have followed their party nor the Catholicks who dwell in Cities and places kept and imployed by them and who have contributed to them shall be prosecuted for the payment of Tailles Aids Grants Fifteens Taillon Utensils Reparations and other Impositions and Subsidies fallen due and imposed during the troubles happening before and until our coming to the Crown be it by the Edicts Commands of the deceased Kings our Predecessors or by the advice and deliberation of Governors and Estates of Provinces Courts of Parliament and others whereof we have discharged and do discharge them prohibiting the Treasurers General of France and of our Finances Receivers General and particular their Commissioners and Agents and other Intendants and Commissaries of our said Finances to pros●cute them molest disquiet directly or indirectly in any kind whatsoever LXXVI All Generals Lords Knights Gentlemen Officers Common Councils of Cities and Commonalties and all others who have aided and succoured them their Wives Heirs and Successors shall remain quitted and discharged of all Money which have been by them and their order taken and levied as well the Kings Money to what Sum soever it may amount as of Cities and Communities and particular Rents Revenues Plate Sale of moveable Goods Ecclesiastick and other Woods of a high growth be it of Domains or otherwise Amerciaments Booty Ransoms or other kind of Money taken by them occasioned by the troubles begun in the month of March 1585. and other precedent troubles until our coming to the Crown so that they or those that have by them been imployed in the levying of the said Money or that they have given or furnished by their orders shall not be therefore any ways prosecuted at present or for the time to come and shall remain acquitted as well themselves as their Commissaries for the management and administration of the said Money reporting all thereof discharged within four months after the publication of the present Edict made in our Parliament of Paris Acquittances being duly dispatched for the Heads of those of the Religion or for those that had been commissioned for the auditing and balancing of the Accounts or for the Communities of Cities who have had command and charge during the said troubles and all the said Heads of the Reformed Religion and others who have followed their party as if they were particularly expressed and specified since the death of Henry II. our Father-in-law shall in like manner remain acquitted and discharged of all Acts of Hostility Levies and Conduct of Souldiers minting and valuing of Money done by order of the said chief Commanders casting and taking of Ordnance and Ammunition compounding of Powder and Salt-peeter Prizes Fortifications dismantling and demolishing of Cities Castles Boroughs and Villages Enterprises upon the same burning and demolishing of Churches and houses establishing of Judicatures Judgments and Executions of the same be it in Civil or Criminal matters Policy and Reglement made amongst themselves Voyages for Intelligence Negotiations Treaties and Contracts made with all Foreign Princes and Communities the introduction of the said Strangers into Cities and other places of our Kingdom and generally of all that hath been done executed and negotiated during the said troubles since as aforesaid the death of Henry II. our Father-in-law LXXVII Those of the said Religion shall also remain dischanged of all General and Provincial Assemblies by them made and held as well at Nantes as since in other places until this present time as also of Councils by them established and ordained by Provinces Declarations Ordinances and Reglements made by the said Assemblies and Councils establishment and augmentation of Garrisons assembling and taking of Souldiers levying and taking of our Money be it from the Receivers General or particular Collectors of Parishes or otherwise in what manner soever Seisures of Salt continuation or erection of Taxes Tolls and Receipts of the same at Royan and upon the Rivers of Charant Garonne Rosne and Dordonne arming and fighting by Sea and all accidents and excess happening upon forcing the payment of Taxes Tolls and other Money by fortifying of Cities Castles and Places Impositions of Money and day-works Receipts of the same Money displacing of our Receivers Farmers and other Officers establishing others in their places and of all Leagues Dispatches and Negotiations made as well within as without the Kingdom And in general of all that hath been done deliberated written and ordained by the said Assembly and Council so that those who have given their advice signed executed caused to sign and execute the said Ordinances Reglements and Deliberations shall not be prosecuted or their Wives Heirs and Successors now and for the time to come though the particulars thereof be not amply declared And above all perpetual silence is hereby commanded to our Procurators General and their Substitutes and all those who may pretend to an interest therein in whatsoever fashion or manner it may be notwithstanding all Decrees Sentences Judgments Informations and Procedures made to the contrary LXXVIII We further approve allow and authorize the Accounts which have been heard balanced and examined by the Deputies of the said Assembly Willing and requiring that the same together with the Acquittances and Pieces which have been rendered by the Accomptants be carried into our Chamber of Accompts at Paris three months after the publication of this present Edict and put into the hands of our Procurator General to be kept with the Books and Registers of our Chamber to have there recourse to them as often as shall be needful and they shall not be subject to a● review nor the Accomptants held in any kind liable to appearance o● correction except in case of omission of Receipts or false Acquittances and we hereby impose silence upon our Procurator General for the over-plus that shall be found wanting or for not observing of formalities Prohibiting to our Accomptants as well of Paris as of other Provinces where they are established to take any cognizance thereof in any sort or manner whatsoever LXXIX And as to the Accompts which have not yet been rendred We Will and Ordain that the same be heard balanced and examined by the Commissaries who shall by us be deputed thereunto who without difficulty shall pass and allow all the parcels paid by the said Accomptants by virtue of the Ordinances of the said Assembly or others having power LXXX All Collectors Receivers Farmers and all others shall remain well and
no effect and value XC The Acquisitions that those of the Reformed Religion and others which have followed their Party have made by the Authority of the deceased Kings our Predecessors or others for the Immoveables belonging to the Church shall not have any place or effect but we Ordain and our pleasure is That the Ecclesiasticks re-enter immediately and without delay be conserved in the possession and injoyment really and actually of the said Goods so alienated without being obliged to pay the Purchase-money which to this effect we have cancelled and revoked as null without remedy for the Purchasers to have against the Generals c. by the authority of which the said Goods have been sold Yet nevertheless for the re-imbursement of the Money by them truly and without fraud disbursed our Letters Patents of permission shall be dispatched to those of the Religion to interpose and equalize the bare Sums that the said Purchases cost the Purchasers not being allowed to bring any Action for their damages and interest for want of injoyment but shall content themselves with the re-imbursement of the Money by them furnished for the price of the Acquisitions accounting for the price of the fruits received in case that the said Sale should be found to be made at an under rate XCI To the end that as well our Justices and Officers as our other Subjects be clearly and with all certainty advertised of our will and intentions and for taking away all ambiguity and doubt which may arise from the variety of former Edicts Articles secret Letters Patents Declarations Modifications Restrictions Interpretations Decrees and Registers as also all secrets as well as other deliberations heretofore by us or the Kings our Predecessors made in our Courts of Parliaments or other ways concerning the said Reformed Religion and the troubles happening in our said Kingdom we have declared and do hereby declare them to be of no value and effect And as to the derogatory part therein contained we have by this our Edict abrogated and we do abrogate and from henceforward we cancel revoke and annul them Declaring expresly that our will and pleasure is That this our Edict be firmly and inviolably kept and observed as well by our Justices and Officers as other Subjects without hesitation or having any regard at all to that which may be contrary or derogatory to the same XCII And for the greater assurance of the keeping and observing what we herein desire We will and ordain and it is our pleasure That all the Governors and Lieutenants General of our Provinces Bailiffs Chief Justices and other ordinary Judges of the Cities of our said Kingdom immediately after the receipt of this same Edict do bind themselves by Oath to keep and cause to be kept and observed each in their district as shall also the Majors Sheriffs principal Magistrates Consuls and Jurates of Cities either annual or perpetual Enjoyning likewise our Bailiffs Chief Justices or their Lieutenants and other Judges to make the principal Inhabitants of the said Cities as well of the one Religion as the other to swear to the keeping and observing of this present Edict immediately after the Publication thereof And taking all those of the said Cities under our protection command that one and the other respectively shall either answer for the opposition that shall be made to this our said Edict within the said Cities by the inhabitants thereof or else to present and deliver over to Justice the said opposers We Will and Command our well-beloved the People holding our Courts of Parliaments Chambers of Accompts and Courts of Aids that immediately after the receipt of this present E●ict they cause all things to cease and upon penalty of Nullity of the Acts which they shall otherwise do to take the like Oath as above and to publish and register our said Edict in our said Courts according to the form and tenour of the same purely and simply without using any Modifications Restrictions Declarations or secret Registers or expecting any other Order or Command from us and we do require our Procurators General to pursue immediately and without delay the said Publication hereof We give in Command to the said People of our Courts of Parliaments Chambers of our Courts and Courts of our Aids Bailiffs Chief Justices Provosts and other our Justices and Officers to whom it appertains and to their Lieutenants that they cause to be read published and inregistred this our present Edict and Ordinance in their Courts and Jurisdictions and the same keep and observe punctually and the Contents of the same to cause to be injoyed and used fully and peaceably by all those to whom it shall belong ceasing and making to cease all troubles and obstructions to the contrary For such is our pleasure And in Witness hereof we have signed these Presents with our own Hand and to the end to make it a thing firm and stable for ever we have caused to put and indorse our Seal to the same Given at Nantes in the month of April in the Year of Grace 1598. and of our Reign the ninth Signed HENRY And underneath the King being in Council FORGET And on the side VISA This VISA signifies the Lord Chancellors perusal Sealed with the Great Seal of green Wax upon a red and green String of Silk Read published and registred the Kings Procurator or Atturney General hearing and consenting to it in the Parliament of Paris the 25th of February 1599. Signed VOYSIN Read published and inregistred in the Chamber of Accompts the Kings Procurator General hearing and consenting the last day of March 1599. Signed DE LA FONTAINE Read published and registred the Kings Procurator General hearing and consenting at Paris in the Court of Aids the 30th of April 1599. Signed BERNARD PARTICULAR ARTICLES Extracted from the General which the King hath granted to those of the Reformed Religion and which his Majesty would not have comprised in the said General nor in the Edict which hath been made and framed for the same Given at Nantes in the Month of April 1598. And yet nevertheless His Majesty hath agreed that they shall be entirely accomplished and observed altogether as fully as the Contents of the said Edict And to that end they shall be registred in his Courts of Parliament and in other places where it shall be needful and all necessary Declarations Provisions and Patents shall be therefore dispatched THE FIRST ARTICLE THE sixth Article of the said Edict touching Liberty of Conscience and permission to all the Subjects of his Majesty to live and dwell in this Kingdom and the Countries under his obedience shall have place and be observed according to its form and tenor and as well for the Ministers and Pedagogues as all other Professors and Masters of School and generally for those who are and shall be of the said Religion whether Inhabitants only or others so long as they comport themselves according as is contained in the said Edict
without demanding a Placet or peremptory Warrant upon penalty of suspension of their Estates and of the Expences Damages and Interests of the parties the Cognizance whereof shall belong to the said Chambers XLVII No removal of Causes shall be allowed to any whereof the Cognizance is attributed to the said Chambers except in Cases of Ordinance the removal by which shall be made to the next Chamber established according to our Edict And the dividing of the Process of the said Chambers shall be judged by the nearest observing the proportion and forms of the said Chambers where the Process shall be proceeded upon except the Chamber of Edict in our Parliament of Paris where the Process divided shall be distributed in the same Chamber by the Judges which shall be by us named by our particular Letters Patents for that effect if the parties had not rather wait the removing of the said Chamber And happening that one and the same Process be divided in all the Chambers Myparty or half one Religion half th' other the division shall be sent to the Chamber of Paris XLVIII The refusal that shall be proposed against the Presidents and Councellors of the Chambers half one Religion and half th' other called the Court of Edict may be judged by the number of six to which number the parties shall be obliged to restrain themselves otherwise they shall be passed over without having regard to the said refusal XLIX The examinations of the Presidents and Councellors newly erected in the said Chambers of Edict Mypartis shall be made in our Privy Council or by the said Chambers each in his Precinct when they shall be a sufficient number and nevertheless the Oath accustomed shall be by them taken in the Courts where the said Chambers shall be established and upon refusal in our Privy Council except those of the Chamber of Languedoc in which they shall take Oath before ou● Chancellor or in the same Chamber L. We Will and Ordain That the reception of our Officers of the said Religion be judged in the said Chambers half Papists and half of the Reformed Religion by plurality of voices as is accustomed in other Courts without being needful that the opinions surpass two thirds following the Ordinance which for the same Cause is abrogated LI. There shall be made in the said Chambers Mypartis the propositions deliberations and resolutions which shall appertain to the publick peace and for the particular State and Policy of the Cities where the same Chambers shall be LII The Article for the Jurisdiction of the said Chambers ordained by the present Edict shall be followed and observed according to its form and tenure even in that which concerns the execution or breach of our Edict when those of the Religion shall be parties LIII The Kings subordinate Officers or others whereof the reception belongeth to our Courts of Parliaments if they be of the Reformed Religion they may be examined and received in the said Chambers viz. those under the Jurisdiction of the Parliaments of Paris Normandy and Bretagne in the said Chambers of Paris those of Dauphine and Provence in the Chamber of Grenoble those of Bourgondy in the said Chamber of Paris or Dauphine at their choice those under the Jurisdiction of Tholouse in the Chamber of Castres and those of the Parliament of Bourdeaux in the Chamber of Guyenne without that others may oppose themselves against their reception and render themselves parties as our Procurators General and their Substitutes and those enjoying the said Offices yet nevertheless the accustomed Oath shall be by them taken in the Courts of Parliaments who shall not take any Cognizance of the said receptions and in refusal of the said Parliaments the said Officers shall take the Oath in the said Chambers after which so taken they shall be obliged to present by a Messenger or Notary the Act of their Reception to the Register of the said Courts of Parliaments and to leave a Copy thereof examined by the said Register who is injoyned to Register the said Acts upon penalty of all the Expence Damage and Interest of the parties and the said Registers refusing to do it shall suffer the said Officers to report the Act of the said Summons dispatched by the said Messengers or Notaries and cause the same to be in-Registred in the Register-Office of their said Jurisdiction for to have recourse thereunto when need shall be upon penalty of Nullity of their Proceedings and Judgments And as to the Officers whereof the Reception hath not been accustomed to be made in our said Parliaments in case those to whom it belongs shall refuse to proceed to the said Examination and Reception then the said Officers shall repair to the said Chambers for to be there provided as it shall appertain LIV. The Officers of the said Reformed Religion who shall hereafter be appointed to serve in the body of our said Courts of Parliaments Grand Council Chambers of Accounts Courts of Aids Officers of the General Treasuries of France and other Officers of the Exchequer shall be examined and received in places where they have been accustomed and in case of refusal or denying of Justice they shall be appointed by our Privy Council LV. The Reception of our Officers made in the Chamber heretofore established at Castres shall remain valid notwithstanding all Decrees and Ordinances to the contrary And shall be also valid the Reception of Judges Councellors Assistants and other Officers of the said Religion made in our Privy Council or by Commissioners by us Ordained in case of the refusal of our Courts of Parliaments Courts of Aids and Chambers of Accounts even as if they were done in the said Courts and Chambers and by the other Judges to whom the Reception belongeth And their Salaries shall be allowed them by the Chambers of Accounts without difficulty and if any have been put out they shall be re-established without need of any other command than the present Edict and without that the said Officer shall be obliged to shew any other Reception notwithstanding all Decrees given to the contrary which shall remain null and of none effect LVI In the mean time until the Charges of the Justice of the said Chambers can be defrayed by Amerciaments there shall be provided by us by valuable assignations sufficient for maintaining the said Charges without expecting to do it by the goods of the condemned LVII The Presidents and Councellors of the Reformed Religion heretofore received in our Court of Parliament of Dauphine and in the Chamber of Edict incorporated in the same shall continue and have their Session and Orders for the same that is to say the Presidents as they have injoyed and do injoy at present and the Councellors according to the Decrees and provisions that they have therefore obtained in our Privy Council LVIII We declare all Sentences Judgments Procedures Seisures Sales and Decrees made and given against those of the Reformed Religion as well living as dead from
and of none effect as also all the Informations and Proceedings made on one part and the other LVIII All Prosecutions Proceedings Sentences Judgments and Decrees given as well against the deceased Sieur de la Nove as against the Steur Odet de la Nove his Son since their restraints and imprisonments in Flanders happening in the months of May 1580. and of November 1584. during their continual imployment in the Wars and service of the King shall remain cancelled and annulled and all that consequently followed the same shall be received in defence of them and the said de la Nove's shall be restored to the same condition as they were in before the said Judgments and Decrees without being obliged to refund the expences or assign the payment of the Penalty or Fines if they have incurred any nor shall men alledge against them any Non-suit or Prescription during the said time Done by the King being in his Council at Nantes the last day of April 1598. Signed HENRY And below FORGET And Sealed with the great Seal of yellow Wax HENRY by the grace of God King of France and Navar To our trusty and well-beloved the members of our Court of Parliament at Paris Greeteth Besides and above the Articles contained in our Edict made and granted in the present month concerning the Reformed Religion we have yet farther Granted some Particulars which we did not esteem necessary to comprehend in the said Edict and which nevertheless we will and require that they be observed and have the same effect as if they were therein comprised and to that end that they be Read and Inregistred in the Offices of our Court of Parliament to have recourse thereunto when it shall be needful and the Case require it For this Cause we Will Command and most expressly Injoyn That these Articles Signed by our own Hand hereunto annexed under the Counter-Seal of our Chancery you shall enter in the Registers of our said Court and cause the same to be observed in all poynts in the same manner as it is and ought to be in our said Edict For such is our will and pleasure Given at Nantes the last of April 1598. and of our Reign the ninth Signed by the King in Council FORGET And Sealed with the great Seal of yellow Wax with a single Label A DECLARATION By the present French King Lewis the XIV in favour of his Subjects of the Reformed Religion confirming the Edicts of Pacification Declaration Reglements and Articles heretofore granted them Dated at Paris the 8th of July 1643. and Verified in Parliament the 3d of August 1643. Printed at Paris 1644. with the Kings Licence LOVIS by the Grace of God King of France and Navarre To all to whom these presents shall come greeting The deceased King our most honoured Lord and Father acknowledging that the most necessary and effectual means for the preservation of peace in this Kingdom consisted in suffering his Subjects of the Reformed Religion to live under the benefit of his Edicts and defending them in the free exercise of their Religion he had a particular care to prevent by such wayes as he judged suitable to his Authority the troubling or disquieting of them in the said Exercise Having to that effect immediately after his coming to the Crown confirmed the said Edicts by his Letters Patents in form of a Declaration dated the 22th of May 1610. to the end that he might thereby so much the more oblige his Subjects of the said Religion to a dutiful obedience And to follow his example and imitate him in his bounty we will give them a testimony of ours and treat them as favourably as is possible if they shall render themselves worthy thereof by the continuation of their fidelity and obedience towards us as they have protested they will and never withdraw from us This makes us to hope that comporting as good and Loyal Subjects and living in that Union and Concord which is requisite for the good of our Service we may as it is our greatest desire with Divine assistance and under the prudent and wise administration of the Queen Regent our most honoured Dame and Mother whose good and sincere intentions are known to every one make all our Subjects as well Catholicks as of the said Reformed Religion to be sensible of our affection towards them and of our desire of maintaining them in a firm and assured peace We do therefore hereby give you to understand That we for these reasons and upon the most humble supplication on the behalf of our said Subjects of the Reformed Religion after having brought this affair into deliberation in the presence of our most honoured Dame and Mother the Queen Regent We by her advice together with that of our most dear and beloved Uncle the Duke of Orleance and of our most dear and beloved Cousin the Prince of Conde first Prince of our blood Dukes Peers and Officers of our Crown and many eminent persons of our Council have said and declared and we do say and declare by these presents signed with our Hand that it is our will and pleasure That our Subjects making profession of the Reformed Religion enjoy and have the free and entire exercise of the said Religion according to the said Edicts Declarations and Rules made upon this account without being troubled or inquieted in any sort or manner whatsoever The which Edicts remaining as well good as perpetual we have de novo so far as is or shall be needful confirmed them and we do by these presents confirm them willing and commanding the opposers of the same to be punished and chastised as disturbers of the publick Peace And we command our well beloved the members of our Courts of Parliament Chambers or Courts of Edict Bailiffs Chief Justices their Lieutenants and other our Officers to whom it shall belong each in his place that he cause these presents to be Inregistred Read and Published where need shall be and all the contents thereof to be received kept and observed according to their form and tenour and inasmuch as there may be need of these presents in many and sundry places we will and require that two Copies duly examined by one of our well beloved Counsellors and Secretaries faith be given to them as to the Original For such is our pleasure In witness of which we have caused our Seal to be put to these presents Given at Paris the 8th day of July 1643. and of our Raign the first Signed LOVIS And upon the fold the King and Queen Regent his Mother being present Signed PHILIPPEAVX And Sealed with a double Label with the great Seal of yellow wax Read published and inregistred in the Registers of the same requiring the Procurator General of the King to execute it according to its form and tenour and to send examined Copies to the Bailiwicks Chief Jurisdictions of this Circuit to be there in like manner read published Registred and executed with diligence by the
and Revenues of their Benefices and all other Rights and Duties belonging to them and we command that all those who during the troubles have invaded Churches Houses Goods and Revenues belonging to the said Ecclesiasticks and those who detain and possess them do deliver over to them the entire possession thereof with a peaceable injoyment and with such Rights Liberties and Security as they had before they were disseized Most expresly forbidding to those of the Reformed Religion to preach or exercise their said Religion in the Churches Houses and Habitations of the said Ecclesiasticks IV. It shall be in the choice of the said Ecclesiasticks to buy the Houses and Structures built upon their ground in profane places and made use of against their wills during the troubles or compel the Possessors of the said Buildings to buy the ground according to the estimation that shall be made by skilful persons agreed upon by both Parties and to come the better to an agreement the Judges of the place shall provide such for them except the said Possessors will try the Title to whom the places in question belong And where the said Ecclesiasticks shall compel the Possessors to buy the ground the Purchase-money if of estimation shall not be put in their hands but shall remain charged in the Possessors hands to make profit thereof at 5. per Cent. until it shall be imployed to the profit of the Church which shall be done within a year And after that time if the Purchaser will not continue any longer the Money at the said Interest he shall be discharged thereof by consigning the money to a responsible person with the Authority of the Justice And for such places as are sacred advice shall be given therein by the Commissioners who shall be ordained for the execution of the present Edict for which we shall provide V. Nevertheless the ground and foundations of places used for the reparation and fortification of Cities and places in our Kingdom and the materials imployed therein may not be sold nor taken away by the Ecclesiasticks or other persons publick or private until the said reparations and sortifications shall by our Order be demolished VI. And not to leave any occasion of trouble and difference among our Subjects We have permitted and do permit to those of the Reformed Religion to live and dwell in all the Cities and places of this our Kingdom and Countries under our obedience without being inquired after vexed molested or compelled to do any thing in Religion contrary to their Conscience nor by reason of the same be searched after in houses or places where they live they comporting themselves in other things as is contained in this our present Edict or Statute VII We also permit to all Lords Gentlemen and other persons as well Inhabitants as others making profession of the Reformed Religion having in our Kingdom and Countries under our obedience High Justice as Chief Lord as in Normandy be it in propriety or usage in whole moity or third part to have in such of their houses of the said High Justice or Fiefs as above-said which they shall be obliged to nominate for their principal residence to our Bailiffs and Chief Justice each in their Jurisdiction the exercise of the said Religion as long as they are resident there and in their absence their Wives or Families or part of the same And though the right of Justice or whole Fief be controverted nevertheless the exercise of the said Religion shall be allowed there provided that the above-said be in actual possession of the said High Justice though our Atturney General be a Party We permitting them also to have the said exercise in their other houses of High Justice or Fiefs above-said so long as they shall be present and not otherwise And all as well for them their Families and Subjects as others that shall go thither VIII In houses that are Fiefs where those of the said Religion have not High Justice there the said exercise of the Reformed Religion shall not be permitted save only to their own families Yet nevertheless if other persons to the number of thirty besides their families shall be there upon the occasion of Christnings visits of their friends or otherwise our meaning is that in such case they shall not be molested Provided also that the said houses be not within Cities Boroughs or Villages belonging to any Catholick Lord save to us having High Justice in which the said Catholick Lords have their houses For in such cases those of the said Religion shall not hold the said exercise in the said Cities Boroughs or Villages except by permission and leave of the said Lords High Justices IX We permit also to those of the said Religion to hold and continue the exercise of the same in all the Cities and places under our obedience where it hath by them been established and made publick by many and divers times in the year 1586. and in 1597. until the end of the month of August notwithstanding all Decrees and Judgments whatsoever to the contrary X. In like manner the said exercise may be established and re-established in all the Cities and places where it hath been established or ought to be by the Statute of Pacification made in the year 1577 the particular Articles and Conferences of Nerac and Fleix without hindring the said Establishment in places of Domain granted by the said Statute Articles and Conferences for the places of Bailiwicks or which shall be hereafter though they have since been alienated to Catholicks o● shall be in the future Not understanding nevertheless that the said exercise may be re-established in places of the said Domain which have been heretofore possessed by those of the said Reformed Religion which hath been done in consideration of their persons or because of the Priviledge o● Fiefs if the said Fiefs are found at present possessed by persons of the said Catholick Religion XI Furthermore in each ancient Bailiwick Jurisdiction and Government holding place of a Bailiwick with an immediate Appeal without mediation to the Parliament We ordain that in the Suburbs of a City besides that which hath been agreed to them by the said Statute particular Articles and Conferences and where it is not a City in a Borough or Village the exercise of the said Reformed Religion may be publickly held for all such as will come though the said Bailiwicks chief Jurisdictions and Governments have many places where the said Exercise is established except and be excepted the Bailiwicks new created by the present Edict or Law the Cities in which are Archbishops and Bishops where nevertheless those of the said Reformed Religion are not for that reason deprived of having power to demand and nominate for the said Exercise certain Boroughs and Villages near the said Cities except also the Signories belonging to the Ecclesiasticks in which we do not understand that the second place of Bailiwicks may be established those being excepted and reserved We understanding
of our Kingdom Countries Lands and Lordships under our obedience notwithstanding all Oaths to the contrary and to be indifferently admitted and received into the same and our Court of Parliament and other Judges shall content themselves with informing and inquiring after the Lives Manners Religion and honest Conversation of those that are or shall be preferred to such Offices as well of the one Religion as the other without taking other Oath of them than for the good and faithful service of the King in the exercise of their Office and to keep the Ordinances as they have been observed in all times Also vacancies happening of such of the said Estates Charges and Offices as shall be in our disposition they shall be provided by us indifferently and without distinction of persons as that which tends to the union of our Subjects Understanding likewise that those of the Reformed Religion may be admitted and received into all Councils Deliberations Assemblies and Functions depending upon the above-said things without being rejected or hindered the injoyment thereof by reason of the said Religion XXVIII We ordain for the Interment of the Dead of the said Religion throughout the Cities and places of this Kingdom that there shall in each place be provided for them by our Officers and Magistrates and by the Commissioners that we shall depute for the execution of our present Edict or Statute a place the most commodious that can be and the Burying-places which they have had heretofore and whereof they have by the troubles been deprived shall be restored unto them except they be found to be converted into Buildings of what quality or kind soever it be in which case a compensation shall be made another way XXIX We injoyn most expresly our Officers to look to it that no scandal be given in the said Interments and they shall be obliged within fifteen days after request made to provide those of the said Religion with convenient places for Sepulchres without delay upon penalty of five hundred Crowns in their own proper and private names And it is also forbidden as well to the said Officers as to all others to exact any thing for the conduct of the said dead bodies upon penalty of extortion XXX To the end that Justice be given and administred to our Subjects without any suspicion hatred or favour as being one of the principal means for the maintaining Peace and Concord We have Ordained and do Ordain That in our Court of Parliament of Paris shall be established a Chamber composed of a President and sixteen Councellors of the said Parliament which shall be Called and Intitled the Chamber of Edict and shall take cognisance not only of the Causes and Process of those of the said Reformed Religion which shall be within the Jurisdiction of the said Court but also of the Appeals of our Parliaments of Normandy and Bretagne according to the Jurisdiction which shall hereafter be given to it by this present Edict or Statute and that until in each of the said Parliaments there shall be established a Chamber for rendring Justice upon the place We Ordain also That of four Offices of Councellors in our said Parliament remaining of the last erection which hath by us been made there shall be presently provided and received in the said Parliament four of the said Reformed Religion sufficient and capable which shall be distributed to wit the first into the Chamber of Edicts and the other three in like manner shall be received in the three Chambers of Inquests and besides the two first Offices of Councellors of the said Courts which shall come to be vacant by death shall be supplied by two of the Reformed Religion and the same distributed also in the two ther Chambers of Inquests XXXI Besides the Chamber heretofore established at Castres for Appeals from our Parliament of Tholouse which shall be continued in the estate it is We have for the same reasons Ordained and We do Ordain That in each of our Parliaments of Grenoble and Bourdeaux there shall be in like manner established a Chamber composed of two Presidents one a Catholick and the other of the Reformed Religion and twelve Councellors whereof six shall be Catholicks and the other six of the said Religion which Catholick President and Councellors shall be by us chosen and taken out of the body of our said Courts And as to those of the Religion there shall be made a new Creation of one President and six Councellors for the Parliament of Bourdeaux and one President and three Councellors for that of Grenoble which with the three Councellors of the said Religion which are at present in the said Parliament shall be employed in the said Chamber of Dauphine And the said Officers shall be Created by a new Creation with the same Salaries Honours Authorities and Preheminencies as the others of the said Courts And the said seat of the said Chamber of Bourdeaux shall be in the said City of Bourdeaux or at Nerac and that of Dauphine at Grenoble XXXII The Chamber of Dauphine shall take Cognizance of the causes of those of the Reformed Religion within the Jurisdiction of our Parliament of Provence without having need of letters of Evocation or Appeal or other Provisions than in our Chancery of Dauphine As also those of the said Religion of Normandy and Bretagne shall not be obliged to take letters of Evocation or Appeal nor other Provision than in our Chancerie of Paris XXXIII Our Subjects of the Reformed Religion of the Parliament of Burgundy shall have the choice to plead in the Chamber ordained in the Parliament of Paris or in those of Dauphine And shall not be obliged to take Letters of Evocation or Appeal nor other Provisions than in the said Chanceries of Paris or Dauphine according as they shall make choice XXXIV All the said several Chambers composed as is said shall have Cognizance and by decree shall judge in Soveraignty and last Appeal exclusive to all others the Process and Differences that are already or shall arise in which those of the Reformed Religion are or shall be parties principals or guarentees in demanding or defending in all matters as well Civil as Criminal if demanded before contestation in the Cause and commencing of the Suit whether the process be by Writing or verbal appellation excepting nevertheless all Customs belonging to Benefices and the possessors of tenths not infeoffed the Ecclesiastical Patrons and their Suits for their rights and duties and the demains of the Church all which shall be tryed and judged in the Courts of Parliament exclusive to the said Chambers of Edict As also we will and require that as to judging and deciding the criminal process which may happen betwixt the said Ecclesiasticks and those of the Reformed Religion that if the Ecclesiasticks are Defendant in such Case the Cognizance and Judgment of criminal process shall belong to our Soveraign Courts distinct as to the said Chamber and where the Ecclesiastick● shall be
〈◊〉 and one of the Reformed Religion Defendant the Cognizance and Judgment of Criminal process shall belong in last appeal to the said Chambers established And we acknowledge also the said Chambers in time of Vacations for matters attributed by the Edicts and Ordinances to belong to the said Chambers established for times of Vacation each within his Jurisdiction XXXV The Chamber of Grenoble shall be from henceforward united and incorporated into the body of the said Court of Parliament and the President and Councellors of the Reformed Religion shall be called President and Councellors of the said Court and hold the rank and number of the same And to this end shall be first distributed through the other Chambers and then drawn from them to be imployed and serve in that which we now ordain of new with Condition nevertheless that they shall assist and have voice and session in all the deliberations which the Chamber assembled shall have and shall enjoy the same Salarie Authority and Preheminence which the other Presidents and Councellors of the said Court do enjoy XXXVI We Will and Ordain That the said Chamber of Castres and Bourdeaux be United and Incorporated in the same Parliaments in the same manner and form as the others and when need shall require and that the Causes which have moved us to make this establishment shall cease and shall not have any more place among our Subjects then shall the Presidents and Councellors of the same of the said Reformed Religion be held for Presidents and Councellors of the said Courts XXXVII There shall also be a new Creation or Erection in the Chamber ordained for the Parliament of Bourdeaux of two Substitutes for our Procurators or Attornies and Advocates General whereof one shall be Catholick and the other of the Reformed Religion which shall have the said Offices with competent Salaries XXXVIII These Substitutes shall not assume other qualities than that of Substitutes and when the Chambers or Courts ordained for the Parliaments of Tholouse and Bourdeaux shall be United and Incorporated to the said Parliaments the said Substitutes shall have the Office of Councellors in the same XXXIX The dispatches of the Chancery of Bourdeaux shall be perused in the presence of two Councellors of the same Chamber whereof one shall be a Catholick and the other of the Reformed Religion In the absence of one of the Masters of Request of our Palace one of the Notaries and Secretaries of the said Court of Parliament of Bourdeaux shall be Resident in the place where the said Chamber shall be established or else one of the ordinary Secretaries of the Chancery to sign the dispatches of the said Chancery XL. We Will and Ordain That in the said Chamber of Bourdeaux there shall be two Commissioners of the Register of the said Parliament the one Civil and the other Criminal who shall exercise their Offices by our Commissions and shall be called Commissioners to the Register Civil and Criminal but nevertheless shall not be revoked by the Registers of the Parliament yet shall be accountable for the profits of the Offices to the said Registers which Commissioners shall be Salaried by the said Registers as the said Chambers shall think fit to appoint There shall be ordained some Catholick Messengers who shall be taken in the said Court or elsewhere according to our pleasure besides which there shall also be two de novo freely chosen of the Reformed Religion and all the said Messengers or Door-keepers shall be regulated by the said Chamber or Court as well in the exercise of their Offices as in the Profits or Fees which they shall take There shall also be a Commission dispatched for payment of Salaries and receiving of Amerciaments of the said Court which shall be such as we shall please to appoint If the said Chamber shall be established in other place than the said City the Commission heretofore agreed for paying the Salaries of the Chamber of Castres shall go out in its full and entire effect and there shall be joyned to the said Office the Commission for the Receipt of the Amerciaments of the said Court XLI There shall be provided good and sufficient Assignations for the Salaries of the Officers of the Chambers ordained by this Edict XLII The Presidents Councellors and other Catholick Officers of the said Chambers or Courts shall be continued so long as we shall see it to be for our service and the good of our Subjects And in dismissing any of them others shall be admitted in their places before their departure they having no power during their service to depart or be absent from the said Chambers without the leave of the same which shall be judged of according to the Ordinance XLIII The said Chambers or Courts Mypartis shall be established within six months during which if the establishment shall be so long in doing the Process Commenced and to be Commenced where those of the Religion shall be parties within the Jurisdiction of our Parliaments of Paris Roven Dyon and Rennes shall be presently removed to the Chamber or Court established at Paris by vertue of the Edict of 1577. or else to the great Council at the Election of those of the said Religion if they require it and those which shall be of the Parliament of Bourdeaux to the Chamber or Court Established at Castres or to the said grand Council at their Election and those which shall be of Provence to the Parliament of Grenoble And if the said Chambers or Courts are not established within three months after the presentation of our Edict that Parliament which shall make refusal thereof shall be prohibited the Cognizance and Judgment of the Causes of those of the Religion XLIV The Process not yet judged depending in the said Courts of Parliaments and great Council of the quality abovesaid shall be sent back in what estate soever they be to the said Chambers or Courts each within his Jurisdiction if one of the parties of the Religion require it within four months after the Establishment of the same and as to those which shall be discontinued and are not in condition of being judged those of the said Religion shall be obliged to make declaration upon the first intimation and signification to them of the prosecution and the time passed shall not be understood to require the dismission XLV The said Chambers or Courts of Grenoble and Bourdeaux as also that of Castres shall keep the forms and stile of Parliaments where the Jurisdiction of the same shall be established and shall judge by equal numbers of the one and the other Religion if the parties consent not to the contrary XLVI All the Judges to whom the address shall be made for execution of Decrees Commissions of the said Chambers and Patents obtained in Chanceries for the same together with all the Messengers and Serjeants shall be obliged to put them in execution and the said Messengers and Serjeants shall do all acts throughout our Kingdom
the death of the deceased King Henry II our most honoured Lord and Father-in-law upon the occasion of the said Religion tumults and troubles since happening as also the execution of the same Judgments and Decrees from henceforward cancelled revoked and annulled and the same we cancel revoke and annul And we ordain that they shall be razed and taken out of the Registers Office of the Courts as well soveraign as inferiour And we will and require also to be taken away and defaced all Marks Footsteps and Monuments of the said Executions Books and Acts Defamatory against their Persons Memory and Posterity and that the places which have been for that occasion demolished or razed be rendred in such condition as they now are to the proprietors of the same to enjoy and dispose at their pleasure And generally we cancel revoke and null all proceedings and informations made for any enterprise whatsoever pretended crimes of high Treason and others notwithstanding the procedures Decrees and Judgments containing reunion Incorporation and Confiscation and we further will and command that those of the Reformed Religion and others that have followed their Party and their Heirs re-enter really and actually into the possession of all and each of their Goods LIX All Proceedings Judgments and Decrees given during the troubles against those of the Religion who have born Arms or are retired out of our Kingdom or within the same into Cities and Countries by them held or for any other cause as well as for Religion and the troubles together with all Non-suiting of Causes Prescriptions as well legal conditional as customary seizing of Fiefs fallen during the troubles by hindring legitimate Proceeding shall be esteemed as not done or happening And such we have declared and do declare and the same we have and do annihilate and make void without admitting any satisfaction therefore but they shall be restored to their former condition notwithstanding the Decrees and Execution of the same and the Possessions thereof shall be rendred to them out of which they were upon this account disseised And this as above shall have like place upon the account of those that have followed the Party of those of the Religion or who have been absent from our Kingdom upon the occasion of the troubles And for the young Children of Persons of Quality abovesaid who dyed during the troubles We restore the Parties into the same condition as they were formerly without refunding the expence or being obliged for the Amerciaments not understanding nevertheless that the Judgments given by the Chief Judges or other inferiour Judges against those of the Religion or who have followed their Party shall remain null if they have been given by Judges sitting in Cities by them held which was to them of free access LX. The Decrees given in our Court of Parliament in matters whereof the cognizance belongs to the Chambers or Courts ordained by the Edict in the year 1577. and Articles of Nerac and Flex into which Courts the Parties have not proceeded voluntarily but have been forced to alledge and propose declinatory ends and which Decrees have been given by default or foreclusion as well in Civil as Criminal matters notwithstanding which alligations the said Parties have been constrained to go on shall be in like manner null and of no value And as to the Decrees given against those of the Religion who have proceeded voluntarily and without having proposed ends declinatory those Decrees shall remain without prejudice for the execution of the same yet nevertheless permitting them if it seem good to them to bring by Petition their Cause before the Chamber ordained by the present Edict without that the elapsing the time appointed by the Ordinances shall be to their prejudice and until the said Chambers and Chanceries for the same shall be established verbal appellations or in writing interposed by those of the Religion before Judges Registers or Commissioners Executors of Decrees and Judgments shall have like effect as if they were by Command from the King LXI In all Inquiries which shall be made for what cause soever in matters Civil if the Inquisitor or Commissioner be a Chatholick the Parties shall be obliged to convene an assistant and where they will not do it there shall be taken from the Office by the said Inquisitor or Commissioner one who shall be of the Religion and the same shall be practised when the Commissioner or Inquisitor shall be of the said Religion for an assistant who shall be a Catholick LXII We Will and Ordain That our Judges may take Cognizance of the Validity of Testaments in which those of the Religion may have an interest if they require it and the appellations from the said Judgments may be brought to the said Chambers ordained for the Process of those of the Religion notwithstanding all Customs to the contrary even those of Bretagne LXIII To obviate all differences which may arise betwixt our Courts of Parliaments and the Chambers of the same Courts ordained by our present Edict there shall be made by us a good and ample Reglement betwixt the said Courts and Chambers and such as those of the Religion shall enjoy entirely from the said Edict the which Reglement shall be verified in our Courts of Parliaments and kept and observed without having regard to precedents LXIV We inhibit and forbid all our Courts Soveraign and others of this Realm the taking Cognizance and judging the Civil or Criminal Process of those of the Religion the Cognizance of which is attributed by our Edict to the Chambers of Edict provided that the appeal thereunto be demanded as is said in the 40. Article going before LXV We also Will and Command for the present and until we have otherwise therein ordained that in all Process commenced or to be commenced where those of the Religion are Plaintiffs or Defendants Parties principals or Garantees in matters Civil in which our Officers and Chief Courts of Justice have power to judge without Appeal that it shall be permitted to them to except against two of the Chamber where the Process ought to be judged who shall forbear Judgment of the same and without having the Cause expressed shall be obliged to withdraw notwithstanding the Ordinance by which the Judges ought not to be excepted against without cause shewn and shall have further right to except against others upon shewing cause And in matters Criminal in which also the said Court of Justice and others of the King 's subordinate Judges do judge without Appeal those of the Religion may except against three of the said Judges without shewing cause And the Provosts of the Mareschalsie of France Vice-Bailiffs Vice-Presidents Lieutenants of the short Robe and other Officers of the like quality shall judge according to the Ordinances and Reglements heretofore given upon the account of Vagabonds And as to the Houshold charged and accused by the Provosts if they are of the said Religion they may require that three of the said
the form directed by the said Edict of Nantes XVII The Edict made for the reduction of the Mareschal de Bois-Dauphin shall be in like manner observed and the said exercise may not be practised in Cities Suburbs and places brought by him to the Service of his Majesty and as to the Circuits about and belonging to the said places there the Edict of 1577. shall be observed even in houses of Fiefs according to the import of the said Edict of Nantes XVIII There shall be no exercise of the said Religion in Cities Suburbs and Castle of Morlays according to the Edict made upon the reduction of the said City and the Edict of 77. shall be observed in the Jurisdiction of the same even for Fiefs according to the Edict of Nantes XIX According to the Edict for the reduction of Quinpercorintin there shall not be any exercise of the said Religion in all the Bishoprick of Cornoaille XX. According also to the Edict made for the reduction of Beauvais there shall not be any exercise of the said Religion in the said City of Beauvais nor within three leagues of it But it may nevertheless be established in the rest of the Bailiwick in places permitted by the Edict of 77. even in houses of Fiefs as the Edict of Nantes imports XXI And for as much as the Edict made for the reduction of the deceased Admiral de Villars is but provisional until the King shall order otherwise his Majesty willeth and understandeth that notwithstanding the same his Edict of Nantes shall have place for the Cities and Jurisdictions brought under his obedience by the said Admiral as the other places of his Kingdom XXII According to the Edict made for the reduction of the Duke of Joyeuse the exercise of the said Religion shall not be in the City of Tholose the Suburbs of the same nor within four Leagues of it nor nearer than are the Cities of Villemur Carman and the Isle of Jordan XXIII Nor shall it be restored in the Cities of Dalet Fiac Auriac and Montesquiou upon Condition nevertheless that if any of the said Religion in the said Cities do sue to have a place for the exercise of the same there shall be given them by the Commissioners which His Majesty shall depute for the execution of this Edict or by the Officers of the places assigned for each of the said Cities a commodious place and of safe access which shall not be above a League from the said Cities XXIV The said Exercise shall be established according as is contained by the Edict of Nantes within the Jurisdiction of the Court of Parliament of Tholose except nevertheless in the Bailiwicks or Chief Jurisdictions whereof the Seat of Justice hath been brought back to the obedience of the King by the said Duke of Joyeuse in which case the Edict of 77. shall have place His said Majesty understanding nevertheless that the said Exercise may be continued in Places of the said Bailiwicks or Chief Jurisdictions where it was at the time of the said reduction and that the granting of the same in houses of Fiefs hath place in the same Bailiwicks and Chief Jurisdictions according as is contained by the said Edict of Nantes XXV The Edict made for the reduction of the City of Dijon shall be observed and following the same there shall be no other exercise of Religion than that of the Catholicks in the said City or Suburbs of the same nor within four Leagues of it XXVI The Edict made for the reduction of the Duke of Mayenne shall in like manner be observed and accordingly there shall be no exercise of the Reformed Religion in the Cities of Chaalon Seure and Soissons or Bailiwicks of the said Chaalon nor within two Leagues of Soissons during the time of six Years to begin from the Month of January 1596. After which time the Edict of Nantes shall be there observed as in other Places of this Kingdom XXVII It shall be permitted to those of the Religion of what Quality soever they be to inhabit go and come freely in the City of Lyons and other Cities and Places of the Government of Lyonnois notwithstanding all prohibitions made to the contrary by the Syndics and Sheriffs of the said City of Lyons and confirmed by His Majesty XXVIII There shall not be ordered more than one place in a Bailiwick for the exercise of the said Religion in all the Chief Jurisdictions of Poictiers besides those where it is at present established and as to the Fiefs they shall follow the Edict of Nantes And the said exercise shall be continued in the City of Chauvigny XXIX The said exercise shall not be established within the Cities of Agen and Perigueux though by the Edict of 77. it may be there XXX There shall not be more than two places in the Bailiwick for the exercise of the said Religion in all the Government of Picardie as hath been said before and the two said places shall not be given within the Jurisdiction of the Bailiwick and Government reserved by the Edicts made for the reduction of Amyens Peronne and Abbeville but the said exercise may nevertheless be made in houses of Fiefs throughout all the said Government of Picardie according as it is contained in the said Edict of Nantes XXXI There shall not be any exercise of the said Religion made in the City or Suburbs of Sens and there shall not be ordered more than one place in the Bailiwick for the said exercise in all the Jurisdiction of the Bailiwick without prejudice nevertheless to the permission granted for the houses of Fiefs which shall have place according to the Edict of Nantes XXXII In like manner there shall not be the said exercise practised in the City or Suburbs of Nantes nor there shall not be any place ordered in the Bailiwick for the said exercise within three Leagues of the said City but nevertheless in Houses of Fiefs it may be practised according to the said Edict of Nantes XXXIII His Majesty wills and intends that his said Edict of Nantes be observed henceforward in that which concerns the said Religion in the places where by the said Edicts or Agreements made for the reduction of any Catholick Princes Lords Gentlemen and Cities it was forbidden by provision so long as until it was otherwise ordered And as to those where the said prohibition is limited to a certain time the time being expired it shall not have any more force XXXIV There shall be given to those of the Religion a place for the City Provostship and Viscounty of Paris within five Leagues at most in which they may have publick exercise of the same XXXV In all places where the exercise of the said Religion shall be publickly practised they may assemble the People also by the Sound of a Bell and do all Acts and Functions belonging as well to the exercise of the said Religion as to the regulating of discipline as in holding Consistories Conferences Synods
therefore be any search or prosecution for the same and it shall be enjoyned to his Officers to defend them in it and in reference to the City of Paris besides the two Churchyards that those of the said Religion have there at present to wit that of the Trinity and that of St. Germains there shall be given them a third place commodious for the said Sepulchres in the Suburbs of St. Honoré or St. Denys XLVII The Presidents and Catholick Councellors who shall serve in the Chamber ordained for the Parliament of Paris shall be chosen by his Majesty upon the Register of the Officers of Parliament and there shall be therein employed Persons just peaceable and moderate XLVIII The Councellors of the said Reformed Religion who shall serve in the said Chambers shall assist if it please them in the process which shall be decided by Commissioners and shall have there a deliberative Voice without having part of the Money consigned except when by Order and Prerogative of their reception they ought to assist therein XLIX The ancientest President of the Chambers Myparties shall preside at the hearing of Causes and in his absence the Second and shall make distribution of the process of the two Presidents conjunctively or alternatively by month or by week L. Upon the Vacation of Offices whereof those of the Religion are or should be provided in the said Chambers of Edict they shall be furnished with persons capable who shall have attestations from the Synod or Assembly whereunto they belong that they are honest men and of the same Religion LI. The abolition agreed to with those of the said Reformed Religion by the 74 Article of the said Edict shall be valid for the taking the Monies belonging to the King be it by breaking open of Chests or otherwise even in reference to those who took it away upon the River of Charente though it had been destinated and assigned to particular uses LII The 46 Article of the secret Articles made in the Year 1577. touching the City and Archbishoprick of Avinion and County of Veniss together with the Treaty made at Nismes shall be observed according to form and tenour and there shall not be any Letters of Mart by virtue of the said Article and Treaties given then by Letters Patents from the King sealed with his great Seal Nevertheless those who desire it may obtain them by virtue of the present Article and without other Commission by the Kings Judges who shall inform of the Breach of Covenants denying of Justice and the iniquity of Judgments proposed by those who shall desire to obtain the said Letters and shall send them with their advice inclosed and sealed to his Majesty for him to order therein as shall seem reasonable to him LIII His Majesty willeth and agreeth that Master Nicholas Grimoult be re-established and maintained in the title and possession of the Offices of Lieutenant General Civil and Ancient and Lieutenant General Criminal in the Bailiwick of Alençon notwithstanding the resignation by him made to Master John Marguerit reception of the same and the provision obtained by Master William Bernard of the Office of Lieutenant General Civil and Criminal in the Court of Justice at Exmes and the Decrees in the Privy-Council against the said Marguerit the Resignee during the troubles in the Years 1586 1587 1588 by which Master Nicholas Barbier is maintained in the Rights and Prerogatives of Lieutenant General ancient in the said Bailiwick and the said Bernard in the said Office of Lieutenant at Exmes the which his Majesty hath cancelled and annulled and all others to the contrary And besides his said Majesty for certain good Considerations hath agreed and ordained That the said Grimoult shall reimburse within three months the said Barbier the money that he is out to the parties casually for the Office of Lieutenant General Civil and Criminal in the Viscounty of Alençon and of fifty Crowns for Charges Enjoyining to this end the Bailly of Perche or his Lieutenant at Montaigne to make the reimbursement or else that the said Barbier refusing or delaying to receive it his said Majesty hath forbidden the said Barbier as also the said Bernard after the presentation of this present Article to act more in the exercise of the said Offices upon penalty of Forgery and to send this same Grimoult to the enjoyment of those Offices and Rights appertaining thereunto And in so doing the processes which were depending in his Majesties Privy-Council betwixt the said Grimoult Barbier and Bernard shall remain terminated and extinguished his Majesty prohibiting the Parliaments and all other Courts to take Cognizance thereof and the said parties any further prosecution therein And besides his Majesty chargeth himself to reimburse the said Bernard a thousand Crowns casually paid to the parties for the same Office and with sixty Crowns for the Gold Mark and Charges Having for this effect presently ordained good and sufficient assignation for recovering of the same which shall be speedily done at the Charges of the said Grimoult LIV. His said Majesty will write to his Ambassadours to sollicite and treat for all his Subjects even for those of the Reformed Religion that they may not be prosecuted for their Consciences nor subject to the Inquisition in going coming sojourning negotiating and trafficking through all Foreign Countries of the Allies and Confederates of this Crown provided they offend not against the polity of the Country where they shall be LV. All those of the Reformed Religion who remain titular of Benefices shall be obliged to resign them within six months to Catholick Persons And those who have promises of Pensions upon the said Benefices shall have them paid and the payment of the said Pensions continued and those that owe the said Pensions shall be constrained to pay them the Arrears if there be any provided that they have actually enjoyed the profits of the same Benefices except nevertheless the Arrears which fell due during the troubles LVI His Majesty will not that there be any search made after the Receits of any Impositions which have been levyed at Royan by virtue of any Contract made with the Sieur of Kendal and other Acts for continuation of the same his Majesty approving and making valid the said Contract for the time that it was in force according to its contents untill the 8th of May next LVII The excesses happening in the person of Armand Courtines in the City of Millan in the year 1587. and of John Rames and Peter Singuret together with the proceedings against them by the Consuls of the said Millan shall remain abolished and extinguished by the benefit of the Edict without being lawful for their Widows Heirs or the Procurators General of his Majesty their Substitutes or other persons whatsoever to mention the same make inquirie thereof or prosecute notwithstanding the Decree given in the Chamber at Castres the tenth of March last to which there shall be no regard for that they shall remain null
Substitutes of the said Procurator General who are injoyned and obliged to the execution of the same and to certifie the Court within a month of having done it At Paris in Parliament the 3d of August 1643. Signed GVYET THE DECLARATION Of King Louis XIV of France confirming the Priviledges granted to his Subjects of the Reformed Religion Given at St. Germain in Laye the 21th of May 1652. LOUIS by the Grace of God King of France and Navarre To all to whom these Present shall come greeting The deceased King our most honoured Lord and Father acknowledging that one of the most necessary things for conserving Peace in this Kingdom consisted in maintaining his Subjects of the Reformed Religion in the full and intire enjoyment of the Edicts or Laws made in their favour and to suffer them to enjoy the free exercise of their Religion He had a most particular care to prevent by all convenient means the troubling them in the enjoyment of the Liberties Prerogatives and Priviledges granted them by the said Edicts Having to that effect immediately after his coming to the Crown by Letters Patents of the 22th of May 1610. and since his Majority by his Declaration of the 10th of November 1615. declared and required that the said Edicts should be executed to the end to give to his said Subjects so much the more reason to keep within the bounds of their duty and after the example of so great a Prince and to imitate him in his Bounty we have resolved to do the like having from the same motives and Considerations by our Declaration of the 8th of July 1643. willed and ordained that our Subjects of the Reformed Religion shall enjoy all the Concessions Priviledges and Advantages especially of the free and intire exercise of their said Religion according to the Edicts Declarations and Reglements made in favour of them upon that Subject And forasmuch as our said Subjects of the Reformed Religion have given us certain testimonies of their affection and fidelity especially in our present Affairs from whence we remain most satisfied We therefore give you to understand That We for these reasons and upon the most humble supplications which have been made us in behalf of our Subjects of the Reformed Religion and after having brought this Affair into deliberation in our Council We being present We from the advice of the same and from Our certain Knowledg and Royal Authority have said declared ordained saying declaring and ordaining that our Will and Pleasure is That our said Subjects of the Reformed Religion be maintained and kept as certainly we will maintain and keep them in the full and intire enjoyment of the said Edict of Nantes other Edicts Declarations Decrees Rules Articles and Breviats expedited dispatched in their favour registred in Parliaments Chambers of Edict especially in the free and publick exercise of the said Religion in all the places where it hath been granted by the same notwithstanding all Patents and Decrees as well of our Council as by our Soveraign Courts or other Judicatures to the contrary willing and requiring that the Opposers of our said Edicts be punished and chastised as Disturbers of the publick Quiet And therefore we command and require our well beloved the members of our Courts of Parliaments Chambers of Edicts Bailiffs Chief Justices their Lieutenants and other our Officers each in his place as it belongeth to him That they cause the said Presents to be inregistred read and published where it shall be needful and all the Contents to be kept observed and maintained according to their Form and Tenour And forasmuch as there may be need of these Presents in many and sundry places We will and require That to the Copies thereof duly examined by one of our well-beloved Councellours and Secretaries faith be as well given as to the present Original for such is our Will and Pleasure In testimony of which we have caused our Seal to be put to these Presents Given at St. Germain in Laye the 21th day of May in the Year of Grace 1652 and of our Reign the tenth Signed LOVIS And under the King PHILIPPEAVX And sealed with the Great Seal EXTRACT OF THE Registers of the Council of State UPon that which is represented to the King being in Council by the General Deputy of his Subjects of the Reformed Relion because of the poverty of the Inhabitants of divers places making profession of the said Religion and of the want of the money which hath formerly been granted them for the maintenance of their Ministers in Consideration of the Tenths which they pay to the Ecclesiasticks they are constrained to cause one and the same Minister to preach in several places where the exercise of the said Reformed Religion is permitted which they call annexed places Now though they do not any thing herein which is not permitted them by the Edicts So it is that divers Decrees in the Council of his Majesty have been made which prohibite the said Ministers to preach in other places than those of their habitation which causeth great trouble and vexation to them for which it being necessary to provide his Majesty being in Council hath ordained and doth ordain That the exercise of the said Reformed Religion may be publickly practised by one and the same Minister in divers places in which the said exercise is permitted by the Edicts and no where else nothwithstanding all Decrees given to the contrary which his Majesty hath cancelled and revoked as contrary to the Edicts And his Majesty prohibits all his Officers and Subjects even to the Ecclesiasticks to trouble those of the Reformed Religion in their injoyments of the said Edicts Done in the Council of State of the King his Majesty being there Held at St Germains in Laye the 21th of May 1652. Signed PHILIPPEAVX LOVIS by the Grace of God King of France and Navarre To our first messenger or Sergeant upon this request greeteth We command thee and do command thee by these Presents signed with our hand That the Decrees of our Council of State whereof the Extract is here annexed under the Contra-Seal of our Chancellour thou signifie to all to whom it shall belong to the end they may not pretend ignorance thereof and defer obedience thereunto and further cause them to defend the Contents hereof and all other acts and things requisite and necessary for the execution of the said Decree and we give thee power Commission and especial Command herein without demanding other permission Willing that to the Copies examined of the said Decree and of the said Presents faith be given as to the Originals for such is our pleasure Given at St Germains in Laye May 21. 1652 and of our Reign the tenth Signed LOVIS PHILIPPEAVX by the King in Council Examined with the Original by me Councellor Secretary of the King and of his Finances EXTRACT OF THE Registers of the Council of State THE King being willing that his Subjects of the Reformed