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A02979 The Kings edict and declaration vpon the former edicts of pacification Published in Paris at the parliament held the xxv. of Februarie. 1599. At Paris, by the printers and stationers ordinary to the King. 1599. Cum priuilegio dictæ Maiestatis.; Proclamations. 1598-04-03 France. Sovereign (1589-1610 : Henry IV); Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610. 1599 (1599) STC 13120; ESTC S103955 31,848 68

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according to that which is contained in this our present Edict VII We haue likewise licensed al Lords Gentlemen and other persons aswel inhabiting this our Realme as others making profession of the sayd pretended reformed Religion hauing in our kingdome and countries vnder our iurisdiction the priueledge of a Iustice of life and death or a fee in Knights seruice as in Normandy whether he hold it as proprietarie thereunto or as one hauing right and interest vnto the reuenewes of the same in the whole or in the halfe or by the thirds to haue in such their houses of Iustice of life and death or in their see of Knights seruice which yet they shall giue the names notice of vnto our Bailifes Lieutenants euery one in his place of their principall dwelling house the exercise of the sayd Religiō both whiles they are there resident themselues as also their wiues or family or any part thereof when they are absent And in case the title of this their tenure bearing to sit as Iudges vpon life and death or the title of a whole Knights see be called in question and stand in controuersie in the law notwithstanding the exercise of the sayd Religion may be there kept prouided that the parties aforesayd be actually possessed of the said house bearing such commission of sitting as Iudge in matters of life and death although our Atturney generall be a party therein We further also permit and allow them to haue the sayd exercise in their other houses priuiledged with the authority of sitting as Iudge in matters of life death or being a Knights fee for the time they shall be resident thereupon themselues and not otherwise and all this to be vnderstood construed in the behalfe of themselues their familie subiects and whatsoeuer others that will resort thereunto VIII In the houses of those which haue a see where they of the sayd Religion haue not the priuiledge of high Iustice or of a Knights fee they may not haue the sayd exercise but for themselues onely and their family We meane not notwithstanding that if there come in other persons to the number of thirty besides their owne family whether it be vpon occasion of Baptisme the visiting of their friends or otherwise that then they may be searched except on the other side that the said houses be in the townes boroughs or villages belonging to the Lords Catholiques high Iustices those others then our self and wherein the sayd Lords Catholikes haue their places for in such case those of the sayd Religion may not in the sayd townes boroughs or villages exercise the same except it be with the good leaue and license of the sayd Lords high Iustices and not otherwise IX We permit likewise those of the sayd Religion to hold and continue their exercises in all the Townes and places within our iurisdiction where it was established and exercised by them publiquely many and diuerse times in the yeares 1596. and 1597. vnto the end of the moneth of August notwithstanding any Iudgement or sentence contrarie thereunto X. In like manner the sayd exercise may be established and reestablished in all the Townes and places where it hath bene established or ought to be by the Edict of Pacification made in the yeare 77. or by the particular articles and conferences held at Nerac and Flex without any impeachment vnto the said establishment in the places of Demaine granted by the sayd Edict Articles and Conferences for the places of Bayliwickes or which shall so be hereafter notwithstanding that they haue bene since then aliened and sold away to Catholikes or shal so be in time to come And yet our meaning is not that the said exercise may be established againe in the places of the said Demaine which haue bene heretofore possessed by them of the said pretended reformed religion where it hath bene planted only in consideration of the safetie of their persons or because of the priuiledge of the Lordships if the said Lordships be found at this present to be in the possession of such persons as are of the said Catholike Apostolike Romish Religion XI Furthermore in euery of the auncient Bayliwikes Lieutenantships and gouernements standing in stead of a bayliwike being to haue chiefe and principall places in the Courts of Parliament we ordaine that in the Suburbes of some one Towne besides those which haue bene granted vnto them by the said Edict particular Articles and Conferences and where there is no such Townes in some one borough or village the exercise of the sayd pretended reformed Religion may be publikly vsed for all such as will go thereunto notwithstanding there be in the sayd Bayliwiks Lieutenantships and Gouernements many places where the sayd exercise is already established excepted from hence the sayd place of Bayliwike newly agreed vpon by the present Edict and the Townes wherein there lyeth any Archbishop or Bishop and that without any thing letting but that those of the pretended reformed Religion may demand name for the sayd place of their sayd exercise the boroughes villages neare vnto the sayd Townes excepted also the places and Seignories belonging to the sayd Ecclesiastical persons as wherein we doe not meane that the sayd second place of Bailiwike may be established hauing excepted and reserued the same of our special grace and fauour It is our pleasure and meaning that by the name of auncient Bayliwikes bee vnderstood those which were in the time of the deceased King Henry our most Honourable Lord Father in law held and taken for Bayliwikes Lieutenantships gouernements of chiefe and principall place in our sayd Courts of Parliament XII It is not our meaning by this present Edict to derogate or take away any thing from the Edicts Agreements made heretofore for the reducing of certaine Princes Lords Gentlemen and Catholike Townes vnder our iurisdiction in that which concerneth the exercise of the sayd Religion which Edicts and Agreements shall be maintained and kept in this respect according as it shall be declared by the instructions giuen the Commissioners which shall be appointed for the execution of the present Edict XIII We expresly forbid all them of the said Religion to vse any exrcise of the same either by way of the Ministery Gouernment Discipline or publike instruction of children or others in this our Realme and countries vnder our allegiance in any thing concerning religiō except in the places permitted granted by this present Edict XIIII As also to vse any exercise of the sayd Religion in our Court traine neither likewise in our lands countries beyond the mountaines neither yet in our Citie of Paris or within fiue leagues of the sayd City notwithstanding those of the sayd Religion dwelling in the sayd coastes and countries beyond the mountaines and in our sayd City and within the compasse of fiue leagues round about the same shal not be searched in their houses nor forced to the doing of any thing
of the said Religion they shall be enlarged and set at full libertie LXXIIII Those of the said Religion shall not hereafter be surcharged or ouer borne with any maner of charges ordinarie or extraordinarie more then the Catholikes according to the proportion of their goods and abilitie and as for such as do find themselues ouercharged they shall haue their redresse before the Iudges to whome the examination of such matters doth appertaine And all our Subiects as well those of the Catholike as those of the pretended reformed Religion shall indifferently be discharged of all charges which haue bene imposed vpon the one side or vpon the other during the troubles by them which were of the contrarie partie and not consenting And so in like maner of debts arising and growing due but not paid and of the costs and charges defraied laid out without their consent But there shall not anie demand be made of the fruites which shall haue bene imployed in the paiment of the said charges LXXV Our meaning likewise is not that those of the said Religion and others which haue taken partie with them neither yet that the Catholikes which were dwelling in the cities and places by them forcibly held and taken and were made to contribute to thē may be sued for the paiment of the taxes subsidies graunts great fifteenes litle fifteenes toles reparations and other impositions and helpes falling imposed vpon them during the troubles happening before vnto our comming to the Crowne whether it be by the Edicts and Preceptes of the deceased Kings our Predecessours or by the aduice and counsell of the Gouernours and Estates of the prouinces Courts of Parliament and other Courts we haue discharged and acquited do discharge and acquite them forbidding our generall Treasurers of Fraunce and of our Fine Offices our Receiuers generall and particular their commissioners brokers and others the attendants Commissioners of our Fine offices to search molest or disquiet thē directly or indirectly in any maner of sort whatsoeuer LXXVI All Dukes Lords Knights Gentlemen incorporations of Cities and Communalties and all others which haue aided and releiued them their widowes heyres and successors shall stand quit and discharged of all moneyes by them taken and leuied whether of the kings money to what summe soeuer it might amount or of those raised of the Citie communalties particular persons of rents reuenewes plate the sale of the mouables of Ecclesiasticall persons and others timber trees whether they were of demaine or others amercements booties ransoms or monies of any other nature whatsoeuer by them taken vpon the occasion of the troubles begunne in the moneth of March 1585. and the other troubles going before euen vnto our comming to the Crowne so that neitheir they nor those which shall haue bin by thē committed set on worke for the leuying of the sayd moneyes or which haue giuen or furnished them therewith by their ordinances shall be any manner of way searched or inquired after either for the present or in any other time to come and both they and their Commissioners shall stand quit discharged of all maner of ordering disposing of the said moneys bringing of al maner of discharges within foure moneths after the publicatiō of this present Edict made in the court of Parliamēt of Paris acquittances iustly truly obtained of the heads of them of the religion or of them which shall haue bene by the sayd leaders and heads made Commissioners to audit and take the accompts or of the communalties of the Cities which haue had commandement and charge during the sayd troubles They shall likewise stand acquitted of all feates of hostilitie leauies and conducts of souldiers coyning and rating of moneyes made according to the appointment of the sayd heads and Commaunders melting and taking of artillery and munitions making of gun-pouder and salt-peter taking fortifying dismantling and ouerthrowing of Cities Castles Boroughes and hamlets attempts made vppon the same burnings and pullings downe of Churches and houses establishing of Iustice iudgements and executing of the same whether it were in ciuill matters or criminall rule and gouernment framed amongst themselues voyages intelligences traficke treaties contracts made with all straunge Princes and communalties and bringing in of the sayd strangers into the Cities and other places of our Realme and generally of all that which hath bene done acted gested and traded during the said troubles since the death of King Henry the second our most Honourable Lord and Father in Law by them of the sayd Religion and others which haue taken parties with them although that it ought to be particularly expressed and specified LXXVII Those also of the sayd relgion shall stand discharged of all both generall and prouinciall assemblies by them made and holden either at Mante or afterward in anie other place vntill this present in like maner of counsels established by them and ordained by the prouinces consultations ordinances orders and directions giuen to the said assemblies and Counsels setting and augmenting of garrisons mustering of souldiers leauying and taking of our moneyes were it in the hands of our Receiuers general or particular collectors of parishes or otherwise in what maner soeuer it were iudgement vnder seale continuance or new establishing of treaties toles the receipt thereof namely at Roan and vpon the riuer of Charante Garonne of Rosne and Dordone armories and fights by Sea fortifications of cities castles and places impositions of mony borowing receipt of the said moneys displacing of our Receiuers and Farmers and other officers the establishing of others in their places and of all manner of marches vnions and trades made as well within as without our Realme and generally of all that which hath bene done deliberated written and ordained by the said Assemblies and Counsels Those which haue giuen their aduise signed executed caused to signe and execute the sayd ordinances rules consultations not being to be searched or inquired after neither yet their widowes heires or successors for the time present nor any time hereafter to come howsoeuer euerie of the particulars be not here full set downe and declared and as for our Atturneyes generall their substitutes and all those which might pretend anie interest or dealing therein by any maner of meanes whatsoeuer we inioyne them perpetuall silence in all and euerie one of the said points all iudgements sentences determinations informations proceedings to the contrarie notwithstanding LXXVIII We further approue ratifie and authorise the accounts which haue bene heard taken and examined by the Deputies of the sayd assembly and we will that they as likewise their acquittances and particulars which haue bene giuen vp by accomptants be caried into our court of Accounts of Paris three moneths after the publication of the present Edict put into the hands of our Atturny generall to be deliuered to the Custos Rotulorum and Registers of our said court there to haue recourse vnto
within the benefite of the generall pardon established by our present Edict and stand still subiect to be searched and inquired after there beno souldier but that he may be adiudged to be punished whereupon might ensue a renuing of troubles For this cause we will and ordaine that only the cursed and execrable cases and misdemeanours stand excepted from the benefite of the said pardon as namely rapes and rauishing of wiues and maides burnings and consumings by fire murthers and robberies committed by trecherie and wilfully and that not in the feats of hostilitie but vpon some particular grudge and contrarie to the lawes of armes infringing and violating of passeports and protections with the committing of murther and pillages without anie warrant in respect of them of the Religion and others which haue taken the part of such as were the chiefe and had authoritie ouer them grounded vpon particular occasions which did mooue them to commaund and ordaine the same LXXXVII We ordaine likewise that the punishing of crimes and trespasses committed amongst men of the same side and partie if it be not in such cases and deedes as they were enioyned to do by the chiefe of the one side and of the other according to the necessitie Lawes and Orders of armes shall be looked vnto executed and as concerning the leuying and exacting of moneys bearing of armes and other feats of warre grounded vpon priuate authoritie and without good auouch it shall be prosecuted by way of Iustice LXXXVIII The ruines and razings of Cities dismantled during the troubles may by our permission be reedified and repaired by the inhabitants at their costs charges and the prouisoes graunted heretofore to that end shall hold and haue place LXXXIX We ordaine and will and it pleaseth vs that all the Lords Knights Gentlemen and others of what qualitie or condition soeuer they be of the said pretended reformed Religion and others which haue taken partie with them do reenter and become effectually conserued in the enioying of all and euery part of their goods rights titles accompts dignities and actions the Iudgements following in the times of the said troubles and by reason thereof notwithstanding the which iudgements seazures and definitiue sentences and whatsoeuer else shold haue ensued we haue to this end declared and doe declare to be none and of no effect and value XC The purchases that those of the pretended reformed Religion and others which haue taken partie with them haue they done it by the authoritie of anie others then of the deceased Kings our Predecessours if they be any of the immoueables belonging to the Church shal take no place or effect But rather we graunt and will and it pleaseth vs that the said Church-men reenter incontinently and without delay and be conserued in the possession and real enioying of the said goods so aliened without being bound to restore the prices of the said sales and that notwithstanding the said cōtracts of sale which to that effect we haue razed out reuoked as none and so also as that the said purchasers shall not haue any redresse or reliefe by course of law of them which were the Chiefe and by whose authoritie the said goods haue bene sold may yet notwithstanding get into their purses againe the moneys that they haue truly and without fraud disbursed there shall be graunted out our letters patents of permission to them of the said Religion to impose make euen vpon them the summes whereunto the said sales shall amount and the purchasers of the said goods may not pretend any action for their damages interest for lack of the enioying of them but rather they shal be content with the restoring of the money laid out by them for the price of the sayd purchases reckening for part of paiment of the said price the fruits by them reaped thereupon in case that the said sale be found to be made at a verie low and vniust price XCI And to the end that aswell our Iustices and Officers as other our subiects may be clearely and with all assurance aduertised of our will and intention to take away all vncertainties and doubts which might arise by reason of the former Edicts through the diuerse variablenesse that is in them we haue declared and do declare all other the former Edicts secret Articles letters declarations qualifications restraints interpretations iudgements and inrolements as well secret as other consultations heretofore made by our selfe or others our predecessors in our Courts of Parliament and elsewhere concerning the matter of the sayd Religion and troubles caused in our said Realme to be of no effect and value which together with the things therein annihilated and disanulled we haue by this our present Edict abrogated and disallowed and do abrogate and disallow and from henceforth as then we did race reuoke and disanull them expresly declaring that we will that this our Edict be firme and inuiolable kept and obserued as well by our sayd Iustices and officers as other our Subiects without leauing or hauing any regard vnto all that which might be contrary or derogatorie vnto it XCII And for the stronger assurance of the maintaining obseruing of the same as we desire it shold we will ordaine and it is our pleasure that all Gouernors and Lieutenants generall of our Prouinces Baylifs Lieutenants special and other ordinary Iudges of the Cities of our Realme presently after the receipt of the sayd Edict do cause it to be obserued and kept euery one in his place as also the Mayors Eschetors Consuls and Iurats of Cities aswell those that continue but one yeare as those that are perpetuall We likewise enioyne our sayd Baylifs Gouernours or their deputies and other Iudges to take an oath of the chiefe inhabitants of the sayd Cities as well of the one as of the other Religion for the maintaining of the present Edict incontinently after the publishing of the same taking al them of the sayd Cities into our protection and safegard and commending the one to the good obseruing and and marking of another and charging them respectiuely and by publike actes to aunswere and curteously fulfill our requests in discouering the resistances which shall bee made against or in our sayd Edict within the sayd Cities by the inhabitants of the sme or else to present and bring before the Iustices the sayd resisters XCIII We commaund our louing friends and faithfull people keeping our Courts of Parliament Courts of accompts and Courts of Aides that incontinently after the present Edict receiued they let al maner of things cease and vpon paine of hauing whatsoeuer they shall continue to do disanulled to take the like oath as aboue and to cause the same our Edict to be published and inrolled in our sayd Courts according to the forme and tenour of the same sincerely and simply without vsing of any manner of qualifications restraints declarations or secret registers and that without expecting or looking for any other prouocation or commandement from vs and of our Atturneys general incontinently without delay to require and put in practise the publishing of the same XCIIII So likewise we giue in charge to our sayd Seruants and officers of our sayd Courts of Parliament Courts of Accompts and Courts of Aides Baylifs Gouernours Prouosts and others our Iustices and officers to whom it shall belong and to their deputies that they cause to be read published enregistred this our present Edict and Ordenance in their Courts and iurisdictions and the same to keepe maintaine and obserue from point to point and to cause all them whom it concerneth to enioy and vse whatsoeuer contained in the same in all full ample and peaceable maner staying and ceasing and causing to stay and cease all troubles impeachments to the contrary for such is our will and pleasure In witnesse wherof we haue signed these presents with our owne hand and vnto the same that so they may become a firme and stable thing for euer caused our seale to be set put Giuen at Nantz in the moneth of Aprill and in the yeare of grace 1598. And of our Raigne the ninth Signed Henry By the king sitting in this Counsell Forget And vpon the side Visa And sealed with the great seale with greene waxe vpon a ribond of red and greene silke Read published and enregistred yea and that the Atturney generall for the king at Paris in the Parliament the xxv of February 1599. consenting thereunto Signed Voysin Reade published and registred in the Court of Accompts yea and that with the consent of the Atturney generall of the king The last day of March 1599. Signed De la Fontaine Read published and registred and yea that the kings Atturney generall consenting thereto at Paris in the Court of Aides the thirtieth of Aprill 1599. Signed Bernard FINIS
THE KINGS EDICT AND DECLARATION VPON THE FORMER Edicts of Pacification PVBLISHED IN PARIS AT THE PARLIAMENT HELD the xxv of Februarie 1599. AT PARIS By the Printers and Stationers ordinary to the King 1599. Cum priuilegio dictae Maiestatis LONDON Printed by R. F. for Thomas Man 1599. THE KINGS EDICT AND DECLARATION VPON THE FORMER EDICTS OF PACIFICATION HEnrie by the grace of God king of Fraunce and Nauarre to all that are present and to come greeting Amongst the infinit benefits which it hath pleased God to bestow vpon vs this may well be accounted and esteemed as one of the most rare and notable namely that it hath pleased him to giue vs the grace and power to vndergo and beare out the hideous and dreadfull monster of troubles confusions and disorders which were rife and ouerflowed this whole Realme at our comming to the Crowne as being then deuided into so many parties and factions and that in such sort as that the most loyall and naturall part was in a maner the least and withall in such sort to haue opposed and strengthened vs against such boystrous blasts of stormie tempests as that we haue in the end ouerrid and ouercome them arriuing at the length in the hauen of the safe deliuerance and peaceable quietnes of this estate Of all which let God haue the whole and onely praise and glorie and we so stirred vp prouoked and bound to him thereby as that we may neuer surcease or giue ouer the offering vp of our self in all the best maner of seruice we can for the perfecting ful accomplishing of this worthie worke wherin his hand and power hath bene most clearely and manifestly shewing it selfe vnto the sight of all men giuing vs to beare and vndergo not onely so much as our place and abilitie did require but much more and farre aboue the same and that in such sort and measure as our dignitie considered in any other time would haue bene verie vnmeete and inconuenient as neuer fearing to hazard therein our princely renowne by the free exposing of our limmes and life so oft vnto so many dangerous occurrences accompanying the same But now whereas we haue found it vnpossible to settle and bring into good order so confused a heape and multitude of so great so weightie and so dangerous affaires and businesses at once and at one time we haue thought good to take this course namely to attempt in the first place such things as could not but by force might be atchieued reseruing for a better time the other which ought and might be determined by reason and course of iustice As for example the generall quarrels that then raigned amongst our good subiects and the particular mischiefs and iniuries lying vpon the soundest and most trusty parties of our kingdome all which we iudged much more easie to be redressed and cured whē the ciuill warres the originall cause of continuance of the same should be cut off and taken away Now we hauing by Gods assisting hand wel and prosperouslie preuayled herein to the vtter extirpation of warres and all maner of hostility out of all the corners and quarters of our realme we hope with as good successe to compose and set in order the matters as yet out of square and order that so we may attaine the full establishment of a firme peace and setled quietnesse which hath alwaies bene the scope and drift of all our desires and resolutions and the price we aymed at in al the paines and trauels which we haue vndertakē throughout the whole course of our life Now amongst the affaires and matters with patience and cōtinuance of time to be remedied that one of the chiefest and most principall thereof were the complaints which we receiued from many of our prouinces and Catholike townes for that the exercises of the Catholike religion were not generally again established according to the Edicts heretofore made for the pacifying of the troubles which had risen and sprong from the cause of Religion As also the supplications and admonitions offred vnto vs by thē of the pretended reformed religion as well cōcerning the default lacke of due execution done of that which hath bene granted vnto thē by vertue of the aforesaid Edicts as also for that they desired that there might furthermore be added vnto the said Edicts the establishmēt of the exercises of their said Religion the liberty of their consciences the safty and securitie of their persons and goods presuming that they had iust matter to draw them to the entertaining of some new and great conceits by reason of the last troubles and disturbances alleaging that the principall drift and occasion thereof was plotted and layed to entrap and wholy to ouertread them Which things that we might not ouercharge our selfe with multitudes of businesses at one time as also in asmuch as the raging heat of warres did gainsay and hold out all establishment of lawes how good wholsome and necessarie soeuer they might haue bene we haue still deferred from time to time to prouide for But now seeing it pleaseth God to giue vs to inioy some better quietnesse and rest we haue iudged that the same cannot better be imployed then to make it our leisure and liberty to respect and take in hand the things concerning his glorie and holie worship and to prouide that he may be honoured and serued of all our subiects and that though it please him not to haue it after one maner of forme and in one kind of religion it may be at the least to one and the same intention and with such a cariage as may be free from all maner of troubles and tumults that otherwise would rise amongst them and that we and this our Realme may euermore deserue and conserue the glorious title of Most Christian which hath so long since for so manifold our merits deserts bene purchased and obtained and by the same meanes take away the cause of mischiefe and trouble which may rise vpon the matter of religion as being the thing that alwayes moueth the heart and eyes more then all other things besides For this cause we hauing considered the waightinesse of the matter and that it deserueth with all carefulnesse to be looked into and hauing againe receiued the humble requests and supplications of our Catholike subiects as also hauing permitted our said subiects of the pretended reformed Religion to assemble together by their Deputies to make theirs ready and to inclose together and shut vp in one what they haue to say or alleage for themselues and about the same matter to conferre with them diuerse times and hauing further perused the said former Edicts throughly haue thought it meet to frame a generall plaine vpright or indifferent and absolute law concerning the whole matter in the behalfe of all our subiects that by it they may be ruled in such controuersies as heretofore haue risen amongst them hereby or which hereafter might rise amōgst
be they royall Seigniories or of the cities of our said realme countries lands and dominions vnder our alleageance notwithstanding all such oaths as haue passed to the contrary and to be indifferently admitted and receiued there into And as for our Courts of Parliament and other Iudges it shall be sufficient for them to informe enquire of the liues maners religion and honest conuersation of them which are or shall be inuested with offices as well of the one religion as of the other without taking of thē any other oath then of wel faithfully seruing the king in the executing of their charges and keeping of his ordinances as hath from all time bene obserued vsed And when anie vacation falleth out of anie the said Estates charges and offices as for such as shall be in our gift and disposing it shall therein be held indifferent for vs to appoint thereunto anie maner of persons as capable thereof without distinction as being a thing so greatly making for the firmer vniting of our subiects We mean likewise that those of the said pretēded reformed religion may be admitted and receiued into all maner of counsels consultations deliberations assemblies functions concerning the things aforesaid it being no barre or preiudice vnto them to keepe them for enioying of the same because they are of the sayd religion XXVIII We ordaine for the burying of the deceased of those of the said religion that there shal speedy prouision be made through all the cities and places of this realme and in euerie place thereof by our Officers and Magistrates or else by those Commissioners which we shall depute for the execution of the present Edict of some one place or other in such conuenient sort and maner as possiblie may be And such Churchyards as they had heretofore and are now depriued of shal againe be restored vnto them except it fall out that at this present they be furnished with buildings of what quality soeuer then in such case there shall others be prouided for them freely without any their costs or charges XXIX We inioyne and straightly giue in charge vnto our said Officers that such diligence and endeuour be vsed in the said matter of burying places as that through their negligēce there may not any scandale arise to any And to come more particularly nearly to the point be it knowne to such Officers that it shall be their parts within fifteene dayes after request made to prouide for them of the said religion a conuenient place for burials without any further detracting of time or making of any delay vpō paine of loosing fiue hundred Crownes to be recouerd of their proper and priuate persons It is likewise forbidden the said Officers and all others to exact or demaund any thing for the conducting bringing of the said dead bodies vnto the said places vpon paine of being condemned as extortioners XXX And to the end that iustice may be administred vnto our subiects without anie suspition of hatred or fauour it being one of the principall meanes for the nourishing of peace and concord we haue ordained and do ordaine that in our Court of Parliament of Paris there shall be established one Chamber or Court consisting of a President and sixteene Counsellers of the said Parliament which shall be called by the name and title of the Edict-court or Chamber and they shall be not only to deale in the causes and sutes of those of the said pretēded reformed religion which shall be within the ordinarie reach of the said Court but also with the iudgemēts of our Parliaments of Normandy Brittaine according to the authoritie which shall hereafter be attributed and granted vnto the same by the present Edict and this to be continued vntill in euerie of the said Parliaments there be established a Court for the doing of iustice in the places suing therunto We further ordaine that of the foure Offices of Counsellours in our said Parliament of Paris standing and established according to the forme maner of the last institution and appointment made by vs there be presently prouided receiued into the said Parliament foure of them of the said pretended reformed religion such as are sufficient and capable of the same and that they be bestowed or placed the chiefe and principall in the said Court of the Edict and the other three according to the measure of gifts graunted them into the three Courts of Inquirie further that for the two first offices of lay Counsellers of the sayd Court that shal fall void by death there shall likewise be prouided two of the said pretēded reformed religion and the same taken in and placed the like course shall be taken in the two other Courts of Inquirie XXXI Besides the Court heretofore established at Castres for the precincts and liberties of our Court of Parliament at Tholosa and which shall be continued in the estate it standeth we haue for the same cōsiderations ordained and do ordaine that in euery one of the Courts of Parliament of Grenoble Burdeaux there shall be likewise established a Court consisting of two Presidents the one a Catholike and the other of the pretended reformed religion and of twelue Counsellers sixe wherof shall be Catholikes and the other sixe of the said religion the which President and Counsellers Catholikes shall be by vs taken and chosen out of the bodies of our said Courts and as for them of the said religion there shall a new creation be made of one President and six Counsellers for the Parliament of Burdeaux and of one President and three Counsellers for the Parliament of Grenoble which with the three Counsellers of the said religion which are already in the said Parliament shall be imployed in the said Court of Dolphinie And the said Offices shall be created with a new creation hauing allowed them the same fees honours authorities and preheminences that others of the sayd Courts haue And the syad seat of the sayd Court of Burdeaux shal be in the sayd citie of Burdeaux or at Nerac and that of Dolphine and Grenoble XXXII The sayd Court of Dolphine shall determine the causes of those of the said pretended reformed religion being within the products and liberties of our Parlament of Prouence without hauing need to sue out any writs for the remouing of the causes neither yet anie other letters of confirmation thē such as are to be had in our court of Chauncerie in Dolphine as also those of the said religion of Normandy and Brittaine shal not be bound to sue out any writs of remouing of causes neither yet other letters of confirmation then those which are to be had in our court of Chauncerie at Paris XXXIII Our subiects of the said religion of the Parliamēt of Burgundie shall haue their choice to haue their matters pleaded and heard either in the court ordained in the Parliament of Paris or in that of Dolphine And accordingly shall be acquited and freed from suing out
their writs of remoue and letters of confirmation from any where else then in the said courts of Chancerie of Paris or Dolphine according as they themselues shall thinke good XXXIIII All the said Courts composed and appointed as aforesaid shal determine and iudge with soueraigne authoritie and vnauoydable sentence by iudgement vncontrolleable by anie others of the sutes and controuersies raised or to be raised in which those of the said pretended reformed religion shal be the parties principal or the warrāts in demāding or defending that in all maner of matters either ciuill or criminall whether the said sute be by writ or extemporal appeale and that if it so seeme good to the said parties and the one of them require the same before protestation made in the cause in regard of the remouing of the sute excepted notwithstāding al matters of benefices the personages not impropriate ecclesiasticall patronages and all other such causes as wherein shall be handled the rights and duties or reuenues of the Church all which shall be handled and iudged by the courts of Parliament the said Assemblies and courts of the Edict hauing nothing to do to take acknowledgment of the same As likewise it is our will and pleasure that for the iudging and deciding of causes criminall which shal happen betwixt the said Ecclesiasticall persons and those of the said pretended reformed religion if the Ecclesiasticall partie be defendant in such case the triall and iudgement of such causes criminall shall belong vnto our soueraigne high Courts denying all dealing therin vnto the said courts of the Edicts and where such Ecclesiasticall partie shall be plaintife and the partie of the said religion defendant the triall and iudgement of such criminall cause shal appertaine by appeale and with power of absolute definitiue sentence to be determined of in the said established Courts of the Edict The said courts likewise shall heare and examine in vacation times such matters as by the Edicts and ordinances are allotted apointed to be heard and examined of the said established courts in vacation times euerie one in his precinct and iurisdiction XXXV The said court of Grenoble from henceforth shal be vnited and incorporated to the body of the said court of Parliament and the Counsellers and Presidents of the said pretended reformed religion called Presidents and Counsellers of the said court and so held and accounted of the ranke number of the same and for these purposes they shall be first disposed of placed in the other Courts and after drawne out from them to be imployed and do their seruice in such courts as we shall ordaine anew and withall in the places of their charge where they shall be assistant they shall haue a voice and seat in all the consultations which shall be held by the officers of the courts assembled and come together and shall enioy the same fees authoritie and preheminences with the other Presidents and Counsellours of the said court XXXVI And further it is our wil and intent that the said Courts of Castres and Burdeaux be reunited and incorporated in the sayd Parliaments after the same manner that the others are when neede shall be and that the causes mouing vs to make such establishmēt shall cease and shall not haue any more place amongst our subiects and for the same purposes the Presidents and Counsellors of them of the sayd Religion shall be called and held for Presidents and Counsellours of the sayd Courts XXXVII There shall be likewise created and ordained anew in the Court ordained for the Parliament of Burdeaux two Substitutes of our Atturney and Aduocate generall of which our Atturney shall be a Catholike and the other of the sayd Religion and these shall be inuested with the sayd offices competent fees allowed thereunto XXXVIII The two sayd Substitutes shall not take vppon them any other quality or condition but that of Substitutes and when the Courts ordained for the Parliaments of Tholosa and Burdeaux shall be vnited incorporated vnto the sayd Parliaments the sayd Substitutes shall be placed in the offices of Counsellours in the same XXXIX The dispatch of writs out of the Chauncery of the Court of Burdeaux shall be in the presence of two of the Counsellers of the sayd Court whereof the one shall be a Catholike and the other of the sayd pretended reformed Religion in their absence one of the Maisters of the Requests of our sayd Towne House and one of the Notaries Secretaries of the sayd Court of Parliament of Bordeaux shall keepe residence in the place where the sayd Court shall be established or else one of the Secretaries Ordinaries of the Chauncery to signe the writs of the sayd Chauncery XL. We will and ordaine that in the sayd Court of Burdeaux there shall be two chosen out and appointed Registers of the sayd Parliament the one in Ciuill and the other in Criminall causes which shall exercise the sayd charges by vertue of our Commissions shall be called Commissioners for the Register Court Ciuill and Criminall and therefore shall not at any time be cast out or disanulled by the sayd Registers of the Parliament yet notwithstāding they shall be bound to render the profite and commodity of the sayd Register Court vnto the sayd Registers or Clarkes Which sayd Commissioners shall be rewarded by the sayd Registers as shal be adiudged and thought meete by the sayd Court. Furthermore there shall be ordained Sergeants that are Catholikes which shall bee taken in the sayd Court or from elsewhere according as we shall thinke it best besides which there shall also be two of the said religiō newly ordained freely prouided for al the sayd Sergeants shall be ruled by the said Court aswell in the discharging and deuiding of their charge and businesse as of the profits commodities which they ought to take There shall likewise be giuen forth Commission for a Payer of fees and for a Receiuer or Collector of the fines and amercements of the sayd Court for to haue such a one prouided as we shall thinke good if the Court be kept any where else then in the sayd City And the Commission heretofore graunted vnto the pay-maister of the fees for the Court of Castres shal take his full and intire effect and there shall be ioyned vnto the sayd charge the Commission of the receipts of the fines and amercements of the sayd Court XLI There shall care be had for the good and sufficiēt appointmēt of fees for the officers of the Courts ordained by this Edict XLII The Presidents Counsellers and other Catholike officers of the sayd Courts shall be continued as long as possibly may be and as we shall see it to make for our seruice the good of our subiects in this time of thus bearing with and tollerating of the one there shall prouision be made of others to succeed them in their places before their departure and therewithall in such sort
as that during the time of such their seruice it shall not be lawfull for them to depart or be absent from the sayd Courts without leaue granted by them which shall be Iudges in the causes concerning the Ordenance XLIII The sayd Courts shall be established within sixe monethes during the which time if the establishing therof do stay so long before it be brought to passe the sutes risen or to rise in which those of the sayd religion shall be parties and of the iurisdiction and within the precincts of our Parliaments of Paris Roane Dion or Renes shall bee remoued into the Court already established at Paris by vertue of the Edict made in the yeare 1577. or else into the great Counsell at the choise and liberty of those of the sayd religion as they themselues shal require Those which shall be of the Parliament of Burdeaux in the Court established at Castres or in the sayd great Counsell as they themselues shall thinke good those which shall be of Prouence in the Parliament of Grenoble And if the sayd Courts be not established within three monethes after the presentation and setting forth of this our present Edict then such of our Parliaments as shall haue refused shall be forbidden to examine and iudge of the causes of those of the sayd religion XLIIII Sutes not yet iudged but depending in the sayd Courts of Parliament and great Counsell of the quality aforesaid shal be remoued in what estate so euer they stand in the sayd Courts euery one to the Court within the iurisdiction and liberties wherein they dwell if either of the parties of the sayd religiō do so require within foure monethes after the establishment of the same and as for those which shal be discontinued and are not in estate to iudge the sayd of the religion shall be enioyned to make declaration vpon the first notice and signification which shall be giuen them of the action in law and the sayd time past they shall not afterward be any more admitted to make their sayd appeales or remoues XLV The sayd Courts of Grenoble and Burdeaux as also that of Castres shall keepe the formes and styles of those Parliaments within whose precincts they are held and shall sit in equall number of the one and of the other religion to iudge if the parties amongst themselues agree not to the contrary XLVI All Iudges to whom directions and order shall be giuen for the executions of definitiue sentences and finall iudgements Commissions of the sayd Courts and letters obtained in the Chaunceries of the same as also all Sergeants shall be bound to execute the same and the sayd Sergeants to doe all their businesse and matters of execution throughout our Realme without demanding any Placet Visa ne pareatis vpon paine of suspension from their estates and of the charges damages and costs of the parties the determination of which point shall appertaine vnto the sayd Courts XLVII There shall not any appeales be granted for any causes the determining whereof belongeth to the sayd Courts except in matters concerning the Ordinances and then such appeale and remoue shal be to the nearest court established following our Edict and the deuiding of the suits of the said courts shal be iudged of in the next adioyning the proportion and forme of the said Courts obserued wherein the suits shall be commenced and layd the court of the Edict in our Parliament of Paris excepted where the suits deuided shal be deuided in the same court by the Iudges which shall be by vs named by our particular letters directed to that end if the parties do not rather desire to stay the renewing of the sayd Court. And if it happen that one and the same sute be deuided into all the Courts halfe deuided the deuiding shall be remoued to the said Court of Paris XLVIII The appeales which shall bee made from any Presidents and Counsellers of Courts halfe deuided shall be iudged by the number of sixe to the which number the parties shall be bound to referre themselues for otherwise it shall proceede any manner of appeales to the contrary notwithstanding XLIX The triall of Presidents and Counsellers newly elected and made in the sayd Courts halfe deuided shall be made in our Priuie Counsell or by the sayd Courts euery one in his place when they shall consist of a sufficiēt number notwithstāding the oath accustomed shall be by them taken in the Courts where the sayd Courts shall bee held and if refuse thereof be made then in our Priuy Counsell except those of the Court of Languedoc which shall take their oath at the hands of our Chaunceller or in the same Court L. We will and ordaine that the receiuing and admittāce of our officers of the sayd religiō be iudged and determined in our Courts halfe deuided by the greater number of voices as it is accustomed to be done in other iudgements so that there shall not be any need that the affirmatiue voices or approuing iudgements be more then two thirds following the Ordenance which for that cause we will to be abrogate LI. There shall bee made handled and contriued in the sayd Courts halfe deuided such questions consultations and resolutions as shall appertaine to the publike peace and quietnesse and as may concerne the particular estate and ciuill gouernment of such cities as the sayd Courts are held and kept in LII The Article of the iurisdiction of the sayd Courts ordained by this present Edict shall be followed obserued according to his forme and tenour yea euen in that which doth concerne the executing or not executing or the breaking infringing of our Edicts whē they of the sayd religiō shall be parties LIII The vnder officers Royall or others whose admittance belongeth vnto our Courts of Parliamēt if they be of the sayd pretended reformed religion shall be examined and admitted in the sayd Courts that is to say those within the liberties of the Parliament of Paris Normandy and Brittaine in the sayd Court of Paris those of Dolphinie and Prouence in the Court of Grenoble those of Burgundy in the sayd Court of Paris or Dolphinie as they shall thinke best themselues Those of the liberties of Tholosa in the Court of Castres those of the Parliament of Burdeaux in the Court of Guyenne no oppositions or parties making by others being to be vsed besides our Atturnies generall and their substitutes and those which are already setled in the sayd offices notwithstanding the oath accustomed shall be taken by them in the Courts of Parliament which shall haue nothing to do with their admittance and in case of refusing to take their oath in the sayd Parliaments the sayd officers shall take their oathes in the sayd Courts after the taking whereof they shall be charged to present by some Sergeant or Notary the act of their admittance to the Registers of the sayd Court of Parliament and with them to leaue a copie thereof conferred and examined
with the originall by the sayd Registers whose duty it is to register the said acts vpon paine of paying all the parties costs and charges and where the sayd Registers shall refuse to doe the same it shall be sufficient for the sayd officers to bring backe the act of the sayd breuiarie dispatched and sent away by the sayd Sergeants or Notaries to cause the same to be registred in the Registers court of their said iurisdictiōs there to haue recourse vnto the same vpon paine of the disanulling of their proceedings iudgements And as concerning the officers whereof there hath not bene accustomed any admittance to be made in our sayd Courts of Parliament in case that they to whō it belonged did refuse to proceed to the said examination and admittance then such officers so refused shal withdraw themselues from out of the said Courts til such order be taken for them as shall belong thereunto LIIII The officers of the said pretended reformed religion which shall hereafter be appointed to serue in the body of our sayd courts of Parliamēt great Coūsel court of Accompts court of Aides in the office of the Rolles of the generall Treasurers of Fraunce or as other officers of the fines shall be examined and admitted into the places where they were wont to be and in case they be reiected and refused or iustice denied vnto them then and in such case they shal be prouided for by our Priuie Counsell LV. The admitting of our Officers made in the court heretofore established at Castres shall continue and abide of force notwithstanding whatsoeuer sentences iudgements or ordinances passed to the contrarie The admitting also of Iudges Counsellers Elects and other Officers of the said religion made in our priuie Counsell or by Commissioners by vs ordained for the refusal made by our courts of Parliament courts of Accounts and courts of Aides shall stand and continue in force and that as full and absolute as if they had bene made in the said courts by the other Iudges to whō the admittāce doth appertain their fees shal be answered allowed by the court of Accompts without any question or doubt made of the same And if any such haue bene razed or crossed out they shall be reestablished and put in againe without further neede of hauing anie other command then this present Edict and without anie shewing of anie other admittance by the said Officers notwithstanding whatsoeuer iudgements passed to the contrarie for they shall be to no more end then as if they had not bene void of all force and effect LVI And during the time that the fines and amercements of the said courts shall come short of answering and defraying the costs and charges of the Officers of Iustice in the said Courts there shall be by vs appointed a sufficient allowance for the discharge of the said costs without any leauying of any such moneys vpon the goods of condemned persons LVII The Presidents and Counsellers of the said pretended reformed religion before admitted into our court of Parliament of Dolphine and into the court of the Edict incorporated into the same shall continue and enioy their places and degrees before enioyed in the same that is the Presidēts as they haue enioyed them heretofore and do at this day enioy them and the Counsellers holding on according to the decrees and ratifications made them in our priuie Counsell LVIII We declare and pronounce all sentences iudgements proceedings seysures sales decrees made and graunted against them of the said pretended reformed religion whether liuing or dead since the decease of the late deceased King Henry the second our most honorable Lord and father in Law by reason of the said religion tumults and troubles since then befallen as likewise the executions of those iudgements decrees from this day forward to be extinct reuoked disanulled the same do extinguish or frustrate reuoke and disanull We ordaine that they shal be razed taken from the Registers of the court of Registry as also out of whatsouer other courts whether High and Great or Inferiour and lower ones As we will likewise that there be taken away and defaced all the markes notes and monuments of the said executions bookes and diffamatorie acts against their persons memorie and posterity and that the places wherein hath bene committed and performed any pulling downe ruining or razing for this occasion be restored in such estate as they were vnto the proprietaries and owners of the same to hold enioy and dispose of the same as liketh them And generally we haue frustrated reuoked and disanulled all proceedings and informations made against whatsoeuer enterprises pretēded crimes of high treason and others which proceedings and iudgements containing reuniting incorporation and confiscation notwithstanding we will that those of the said religion and others their followers and heires do reenter into the reall and actuall possession of all and euerie part of their goods LIX All maner of proceedings past and all definitiue sentences and iudgements pronounced during the troubles against thē of the said religion which haue caried armes or withdrawne themselues out of our realme or within the same into the cities and countries by them held and that for no other matter then for their religion and the troubles sake as likewise al maner of suits left off long ago all prescriptions aswell grounded vpon the law as agreed vpon by couenants or confirmed by custome and al seisures made by the Lords vpon Manors or Lordships falling in the time of the said troubles or through lawfull impediments caused through the same as the iust examination thereof by our Iudges shall better make to appeare shall be accounted as not done pronounced or come to passe and we haue declared and do declare them for such and haue passed them ouer and still do passe them ouer for nothing and that without leauing anie hope to the parties of euer releeuing themselues in those cases by any maner of meanes and the rather seeing it is our will and pleasure that such things should be restored vnto the same estate wherin they stood in former time the said iudgements executions of the same notwithstanding and such possession as they enioyed againe giuen vnto them and that for the same regard and consideration And this ordinance shall furthermore in like maner take place in respect of others which haue taken partie with them of the said religion or which haue bene absent out of our realme because of the troubles And as concerning the children that were vnder age of such persons as were of the aforesayd quality and died in the time of the troubles we restore them viz. the sayd children vnto the same estate and condition that they were in before time without redeeming of the same or being bound to disburse any thing for any fines or amercements imposed vpon the same And yet we meane not that the iudgements passed by the Iudges Presidents or anie other
the inferiour Iudges against such of the said religion or such as haue followed that side and taken parties with thē should stand voyd if they were passed by the sayd sitting in the townes possessed and held by them and whereunto they might haue free accesse LX. The Iudgements passed in our courts of Parliament in matters the examination hearing and determining whereof appertained to the Courts ordained by the Edict of the yeare 1577. and the Articles of Nerac and Flex and in which courts the parties haue not willingly proceeded that is to say haue alleaged and propounded meanes of euasion and shifts to haue auoyded them or else haue had them ministred directly vnto them through default and want of appearance as well in matters ciuil as criminall notwithstanding which shifts the sayd parties haue bene constrained to continue their course of triall shall likewise bee made voyde and of no force And in consideration of iudgements passed against those of the sayd Religion which haue proceeded willingly and without seeking how to be freed from the same such sentences shal stand and abide and yet neuerthelesse without preiudice of the executiō for the same they may if they haue any mind thereunto find reliefe by petition such as is vsed in ciuill causes before the courts ordained by this present Edict so that the time limited by the ordinances be not too farre spent to their preiudice and againe vntill such time as the said Courts and Chanceries of the same be established appeales made by word or writing and entred by them of the said religion before the Iudges Registers commissioners or executioners of the said definitiue sentences and iudgements shall haue like effect as if they were relieued by the Princes letters patents LXI In all enquiries that shall be made for what cause soeuer it be in matters ciuill if the Inquisitor or commissioner be a Catholike the parties to be examined shall know it to be their parts and dutie to agree vpon some one to stand assistant with him and whereas they cannot agree the said commissioner or Inquisitor shall take out of the office some one that shal be of the said pretended reformed religion and the same course shall be practised when the Commissioner or Inquisitor shal be of the said religion for one to stand assistant with him the same shall be a Catholike LXII We wil and ordaine that our Iudges may determine of the validity and efficacie of such wils and testaments as those of the said religion shall be interested in if they require the same and the appeales from the said iudgements shall be to be relieued in the sayd courts ordained for the sutes of those of the religion any or all customes whatsouer contrarie hereunto notwithstanding no not that of Brittaine LXIII To meete with all the controuersies that might happen amongst our courts of parliament those courts belonging to the said courts and ordained by this our present Edict there shal be by vs drawne and set downe a good and large direction and order betwixt court and court and that such a one as that those of the said pretended reformed religion may wholly and throughly enioy the said Edict which order and direction shall be verified in our courts of parliament and kept and obserued without hauing relation to the former going before LXIIII. We forbid all our high courts and others of this realme to iudge and determine the ciuill and criminall suits depending or falling betwixt those of the said religion the determining and iudging wherof by our Edict is confirmed vnto the said courts of the Edict prouided that the writ of remoue be demaunded as it is said in the 40. Article aboue specified LXV We will also by the way of Prouiso and that so long as till we haue otherwise ordained that in all sutes raised or hereafter rising where they of the sayd religion shal be in the state and quality of plaintifs or defendants the parties principals or authors in matters ciuill wherein our officers and Presidentiall seats haue power to iudge in most absolute and peremptory manner it may be permitted them to require that two of the Court where their sutes must be tried and iudged doe abstaine from sitting in iudgement vpon or medling with them which two without further cause expressed shall know it to be their part and duty thereupon to abstaine any thing contained in the ordenance notwithstanding whereby the iudged shall of necessity become competent and free from all desert of refusall without iust cause there being reserued vnto them still ouer and besides this such refusall and exceptions as are grounded vpon right and equity against the others and in criminall matters wherein also the sayd Presidents and others the Kings vnder Iudges do determine and iudge as afore in most absolute and peremptory manner those that come before them being of the sayd religion may require that three of the sayd Iudges do leaue of to haue any thing to do with their cause without further yeelding of reason for any such their request And the Prouost-Marshals of Fraunce vnder Baylifes vnder Stewards Lieutenants of the short robes and other officers of like quality shall giue iudgement following the ordinances and directions heretofore deliuered in regard consideration of the matter of vagabounds and as for dwelling places surcharged and brought before them for matters concerning the Prouostship if they bee of the sayd religion they may require that three of the Iudges which haue power to sit in Iudgement would notwithstanding cease and abstaine from dealing at all in their causes and matters and that thereupon the sayd three shall accordingly take it their parts to giue ouer all dealing in the same without further expectation of any cause or reason for the same excepted alwayes if in the company where the sayd causes shall bee iudged there be to be found to the number of two in ciuill matters and to the number of three in criminal causes of the sayd religion for in such case it shall not be permitted them to take vp any such exceptions against any without shewing of good and sufficient reason which course shall be common and reciprocally vsed by the Catholikes according to the forme and manner aboue specified in regard of the sayd refusall and exceptions taken against any of the Iudges whereas those of the sayd pretended refo●…ed religion shall be of the greater number We do not meane notwithstanding that the sayd Presidentiall roomes of Prouost-Marshals vnder-Baylifs vnder-Stewards others which haue authority to iudge in absolute peremptory maner shold take by vertue of that which hath bin said the knowledge of the troubles past And as for the crimes outrages cōming vppon other occasion then the troubles since the beginning of the moneth of March from the yeare 1585. vnto the end of the yeare 1597. in case that they come to their hearing and determining we will that therein they may make appeale to haue
thē alwayes or so oft as necessity shall require and there shal not be any refusing or denying to receiue the said accounts neither yet any cause of commanding the said Accomptants to appeare or in anie sort to be punished except in case of omitting leauing out of some receits and foisting in of false acquittances Commanding our Atturney general to say nothing about the remainder or that which is behind or about their order and maner of proceeding as not hauing bene well and sufficiently looked vnto Forbidding the people men imployed in our courts of Accounts as well of Paris as of other prouinces where they are established to take any acknowledgment of the same in anie sort or manner whatsoeuer LXXIX And as for the accounts that haue not as yet bin giuen vp our will is that they shold be audited perfected and examined by the Commissioners which shall be deputed by vs thereunto and they without making any scruple shall passe the same allowing all such parties payd by the sayd Comptants by vertue of the ordinances of the said Assembly or others hauing power and auhoritie thereunto LXXX All Collectors Receiuers Farmers and all others shall stand well and truly discharged of all the summes of moneyes which they haue paid to the said Commissioners of the said Assembly of what nature soeuer they be vnto the last day of this moneth And we will that all shal be passed and allowed for accounts which shal be giuen vp in our courts of Accounts neatly and simply by vertue of acquittances which shall hereafter be brought in and if any were afterward dispatched or deliuered they shall stand as none and those which shall accept of or deliuer them shall be condemned in an amercement of false imployment And whereas there haue bene already accounts giuen vp vpon which there should haue fallen some charges we haue for this cōsideration taken away eased thē of the same haue reestablished do reestablish the said persons fully by vertue of these presents there shall not anie particular letters or any other thing then the copie of this present article be demanded or required of them for that which hath passed before LXXXI The Gouernours Captaines Consuls and other persons put in commission for the taking vp of moneyes to pay the garrisons of places holden by them of the said religion and whom our parishionall receiuers Collectors haue furnished by loane vpon their bils and obligations whether it were by constraint or by warrant and commandement from the generall Treasurers the moneyes necessarie for the maintenance of the said garrisons vnto the iumping falling in of that which was brought and wrought by the estate which we haue caused to be addressed in the beginning of the yeare 1596. and the augmentation and enlargement afterward graunted by vs shall be held quitted discharged of that which hath bin payd for the fact aboue specified although there be no expresse mention made thereof in the sayd billes and obligations which shal become vnto them as nothing and for the satisfying thereof the generall treasurers in euerie their generalitie shall cause to be directed vnto the said Collectors by the particular Treasurers their acquittances and by the generall Receiuers their acquittances to the particular Receiuers and the discharge of such generall Receiuers shall be the summes which they haue giuen vp in account in such sort as hath bene sayd indorsed vpon the precepts giuen out by the Treasusurer of scarsity vnder the names of the generall Treasurers extraordinary of our warres for the payment of the sayd garrisons And wheras the precepts shall not amount to so much as our said estate and augmentation of the yeare 1596. beareth we ordaine that there be dispatched and sent out new precepts concerning that which is wanting for the discharge of those which stand countable to vs and for the making of restitution of those promises and obligations in such sort as that there may not remaine any thing to be demaunded hereafter of them which haue thereby engaged themselues and that all maner of writs or letters of allowance that shall be necessarie for the discharge of those which do stand countable be dispatched and graunted by vertue of this present article LXXXII Againe those of the said religion shall leaue off and surcease from henceforth all maner of practises trafficke and intelligences as wel within as without our realme and the said assemblies and Counsels established within the prouinces shal separate themselues and breake vp with speede and all leagues associations already made or to be made vpon what color or pretext soeuer it may be to the preiudice of our present Edict shall be razed and disanulled as we do raze and disanull them expresly forbidding all our subiects hereafter to make any concurses leauyings of moneys without our leaue license fortifications billing or banding of men congregations and assemblies other then those which are permitted thē by our present Edict and without armes And this we forbid forewarne thē of vpon paine of being most seuerely punished as contemners and breakers of our precepts and ordinances LXXXIII All Prizes that haue bene taken at Sea during the troubles by vertue of license or letters of Mart granted and all such robberies as haue bin made by land vpon them of the contrarie partie and which haue bene determined by Iudges and Commissioners of the Admiraltie or by the head and chiefe of them of the Religion or their Counsell shall lye dead and smoothered vnder the benefit of our presēt Edict it not being permitted that they should commence anie sute for the same neither shall the Captaines which haue taken the said prizes their sureties the said Iudges and Officers their wiues and heires be searched or inquired after neither molested in anie maner of sort all Iudgements of our priuie Counsel and Parliaments and all letters of Mart and seazures depending and not iudged whereof we will haue them to be fully and wholly eased and set free notwithstanding LXXXIIII In like maner those of the said Religion shall not be searched or inquired after for the resistances and impeachments by them committed heretofore and those since the troubles ended in the execution of iudgements and iudiciall sentences graunted and giuen out for the reestablishing of the Catholike Apostolike Romish Religion in diuerse places of this Realme LXXXV And as concerning whatsoeuer hath bene done or taken during the troubles either without any maner of hostilitie or by way of hostilitie contrarie to the publike or particular orders appointment of the heads and chiefest persons or the communalties of the Prouinces which had commaundement it shall be lawfull to sue for the redresse of the same by way of Iustice LXXXVI In as much neuerthelesse as that if such things as haue bene done contrary to the rules and good orders established both on the one part and on the other be indifferently excepted and restrained from being