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A50820 A new dictionary French and English with another English and French according to the present use and modern orthography of the French inrich'd with new words, choice phrases, and apposite proverbs : digested into a most accurate method : and contrived for the use both of English and foreiners / Guy Miege ... Miege, Guy, 1644-1718? 1677 (1677) Wing M2016; ESTC R917 1,845,474 1,160

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à quêque Secte a Sectary * Secularizer Seculier Seculierement V. Siecle SECURITE f. security carelesness Vivre dans une grande securité to live in great security * Sedentaire V. Seoir SEDITION f. Sedition publick Dissension Mutiny or Faction Exciter émouvoir faire une Sedition to stir up or to make a Sedition L'Auteur d'une Sedition the Author of a Sedition Il y eut une grande Sedition entre le Peuple la Noblesse there was a great Dissension betwixt the People and the Nobility Les Seditions ont ruiné la Republique Seditions have ruined the Common-wealth Appaiser une Sedition to appease or suppress a Sedition Seditieux seditious mutinous factious Seditieusement seditiously mutinously factiously SEDUIRE to seduce mislead beguile or deceive Seduire quêcun le surprendre le porter à faire quêque méchante action to seduce one to any mischievous action Seduire un Valet à voler son Maître to induce a Servant to rob his Master Se laisser seduire to suffer himself to be seduced Prenez garde à ne vous point laisser seduire take heed you be not seduced Seduit seduced misled beguiled or deceived Seducteur m. a Seducer Misleader Beguiler or Deceiver Seduction f. a seducing or seduction misleading beguiling deceiving * Seeller Seellé V. Seau SEGLE m. rye Du pain de segle rye-bread SEIER du blé to reap or cut down corn Seier les foins to mow the grass to make hay Seié reaped or cut down Seiage m. Seieure f. a reaping or cutting down of corn c. SEIGNEUR m. Lord. Dieu qui est le Roi des Rois le Seigneur des Seigneurs God who is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords La Chambre des Seigneurs ou Chambre Haute du Parlement d'Angleterre the House of Lords or the Vpper House of the Parliament of England Un Seigneur de marque a great Lord. Faire le Seigneur dominer to domineer Seigneurie f. Droit Seigneurial a Lords Right or Power Seigneurie ou Terre Seigneuriale a Lordship or Mannor Seigneurial of or belonging to a Lord. SEILLE f. sorte de seau a pail or a bucket SEIME f. menue fleur legere croûte qui se prend au dessus du Vin dans le tonneau the flower or coat of Wine the white stuff that floats on the top of it being in a Cask SEIN m. poitrine bosom breast Glisser la main dans le sein to slip his hand into ones bosom Il lui a plongé l'epée dans le sein he sheathed his Sword in his breast Il porte la Mort dans son sein he carry's Death in his bosom or according to the English he has Death in his face Sein mammelles a womans breast Les femmes qui sont fort modestes ne découvrent point leur sein the most modest sort of women don't go bare-necked Sein graisse de pourceau hogs grease SEINE f. espece de filets à pêcher a very great and long fish-net called a Sean SEING m Signature f. ones signature or sign manual Apposer son Seing à un Ecrit le signer to sign a writing Signer to sign Signer un Testament y apposer y mettre son seing to sign a Will Signer de son sang to sign with his bloud Je signerai de mon Sang tous les Articles de notre Foi I will sign all the Articles of our Faith with my Bloud Signer une Lettre to subscribe a Letter Signé signed subscribed Signé de son sang signed with his own bloud Un blanc signé a blanck signed Signature V. Seing SEJOUR m. habitation ordinaire abode or residence Durant l'Eté nôtre Sejour est aux Champs durant l'Hiver en la Ville in Summer-time we live in the Country and in Winter-time in Town Faire un long Sejour quêque part to make a long abode somewhere Nous y fimes fort peu de sejour we stayd there but a little while Sejourner to sojourn tarry stay or remain in a Place * Seize V. Six SEL m. salt Sel marin Salt made of Sea-water Sel d'eau de fontaine Salt made of fountain-water Grenier à sel a Salt-store Gabelle du Sel the Impost of Salt which is a heavy one in France Ferme du Sel the Salt-Farm Fermier du Sel he that takes the Salt to farm Sel armoniac armoniack Salt Saler to salt Sa ler la viande l'assaisonner avec du sel to salt or powder meat to season it with salt Saler mettre en salure to pickle steep or lay in brine Salé salted salt Avez vous salé cette viande have you salted have you powdered that meat La Mer est salée the Sea is salt or brackish Salure f. action de saler a salting or powdering Salure qualité salée a brackish tast Salure viande salée salt meat Saliere f. a salt-seller Salage m. Salaison f. certaine Pension de sel à lever sur les Greniers du Prince a certain Pension of salt to be taken out of the Princes Salt-store Salage ou tribut de Sel deu à certains Seigneurs a tribute of Salt due to certain Lords Salain ou Salan m. eau propre à faire du Sel water out of which salt is made Marais salan a Salt-marsh or a Marsh whereon Salt is gathered Salignon m. pain de sel blanc fait d'eau de fontaine a loaf of white salt extracted out of fountain water Saline f. le Lieu où se fait le Sel a Salt-pit or Salt-house a Place wherein Salt is gotten or made Saunier m. Ouvrier aux Salines a Worker in the Salt-pits Saunier qui trafique en sel a Merchant of Salt Faux Saunier qui trafique en Sel sans aveu ou tient du Sel de contrebande an unlicensed Salt Merchant or one that trades in Salt without Authority Saumure f. pickle or the brine of salt the liquor of flesh salted or fish pickled Poisson de saumure pickled fish Chair ou poisson qui a trempé dans la saumure flesh powdered or fish pickled Salpetre m. Salt-peter SELLE f. a seat or stool Entre deux Selles le Cul à terre between two stools the breech go's to the ground Selle percée a close-stool Le baffin d'une Selle percée the pan of a close-stool Aller à selle décharger son ventre to go to stool Faire aller à selle lâcher le ventre to give one a stool Faire deux ou trois selles to have two or three stools J'ai fait deux bonnes selles I had two good stools Selle de Cheval a Saddle Seller un Cheval mettre la selle à un Cheval to saddle a Horse or to put on his saddle Sellé saddled Mon Cheval est il sellé is my Horse saddled Sellier m. faiseur de Selles de Cheval a Saddler Sellette f. a low stool used for Malefactors Un Prisonnier assis sur la Sellette a Prisoner sitting upon the Malefactors stool SELON according to Selon
body Un homme charnu a fleshy man corpulent or thick Fruit charnu fleshy fruit Charnure f. brawn fleshiness fulness of flesh carnosity Charongne f. a carrion or stinking carcass a putrify'd flesh Puant comme charongne that stinks like a carrion CHAIRE f. a Pulpit Monter en chaire to get up into the pulpit CHAISE f. a chair Chaise à dos à bras a chair with back and elbows a great chair Chaise pour se faire porter a Chair or a Sedan Aller en chaise to go out in a chair Porteur de chaise a Chair-man CHAISNE V. Chaine CHALAND m. a customer one that buyes constantly in the same shop Acquerir se faire des chalans to get to draw in customers Perdre ses chalans to lose his customers Ses chalans commencent à le quitter his customers begin to leave him Chalandise f. custom or usual trading unto one shop CHALCEDOINE V. Calcedoine CHALEUR m. heat warmth hotness Une grande chaleur a great heat La chaleur s'accroit the heat increases La chaleur s'abbat s'addoucit the heat begins to abate Les grandes chaleurs de l'Eté the great heats of Summer Les chaleurs sont grandes il fait bien chaud it is very hot weather Le plus fort de la chaleur the greatest heat the greatest degree of heat Ce sont des sablons infertiles qui étant une fois échaufez par le Soleil rendent une chaleur si cuisante qu'on y chemine comme sur du feu they are infertile Sands which being heated by the Sun yield so scorching a heat that one goes upon them as it were upon coals of fire Brûlant de chaleur burning hot Chaleur d'esprit ardency or fervency of mind fiery affection or vehement passion Avec chaleur avec ardeur ardently fervently vehemently Chaud qui est chaud warm or hot Un fer chaud a red-hot iron a marking or searing iron Il a les piés chauds il est à son aise he lives well he wants for nothing he is warm or well lined Une fievre chaude a feaver a hot feaver Tomber de fievre chaude en haut mal to fall out of the frying pan into the fire A la chaude avec precipitation rashly unadvisedly with more hast than good speed Battre la chaude en termes de monnoie batre sur l'enclume des lingots fortans de la fonte to beat ingots just coming out of the font Chaud m. chaleur heat Avoir chaud to be hot Avoir grand chaud to be very hot Brûler de chaud to be burning hot Il fait chaud it is hot it is hot weather Le chaud s'augmente the heat increases Le chaud s'abbat the heat decreases or abates Chaudement hotly Chaudement promtement in hast Il lui en porta chaudement la nouvelle he went forthwith to tell him of it Vous y étes allé un peu trop chaudement de le battre de la façon you banged him too fiercely too furiously Chaudiere f. a great kettle a cauldron Chaudron ou Chauderon m. a kettle Chaudronnier m. a Copper-smith or kettle-maker Chaudronnier radoubeur de chaudrons autres vaisseaux de cuivre a Tinker Chaufer quêque chose to warm or heat something Chaufer le lit to warm the bed Se chaufer aupres d'un bon feu to warm himself near a good fire Chaufer le four to heat the oven Chaufé warmed heated Chaufage m. prov●son de bois pour se chaufer fewel or stuff to heat with Droit de Chaufage en une Forêt droit d'y prendre sa provision de bois a certain quantity of Fuel due unto divers Officers of the French Kings Woods but deny'd by the last King unto some of them Chaufage Chaufement the warming or heating of a thing Chauffe-cire m. Officier de la Chancelerie a Chafe-wax an Office in the Chancery Chauffe-lit m. bassinoir a warming pan Chauffe-panse f. cheminée basse a sort of chimney CHALIT m. le bois d'un lit a bed-stead a trundle-bed CHALOUPE f. Shallop a sort of large-boat CHALUMEAU m. tuiau de plante the stem of an herb Chalumeau flute de Berger a Shepheards pipe of straw CHAMADE f. son de trompette the sounding of trumpets a call or summon by the sound of trumpets Sonner la chamade pour parlementer to sound a parly CHAMAILLER to strike or slash with swords or other weapons upon armour or armed men Chamaillis m. the resounding of strokes or blows or the clashing sound of blows in a battel or skirmish of armed men CHAMARAS m. sorte d'herbe water-germander or scordion CHAMARRE f. a kind of loose and light gown also a studded garment Chamarrer un habit to lace a sute all over Chamarré laced thick all over Chamarrure f. a thick lacing CHAMBRE f. a room a chamber Chambre où l'on couche a bed-chamber Chambre où l'on mange a dining room Une Arriere-chambre a back chamber a withdrawing chamber Chambre garnie a room furnished Compagnon de chambre qui demeure en même chambre qu'un autre a bed-fellow Un homme un Valet de chambre one that waits upon his Master in his chamber a Chamber-man or Valet de chamber Une fille de chambre a chamber-maid Une Robe de chambre a Chamber Gown a Night-gown or a Morning-gown Un Pot de chambre a Chamber-pot Vivre en chambre vivre à ses pieces non à la table d'autrui to live privately in a lodging Travailler en chambre en particulier non publiquement en boutique to work in a chamber and not keep shop Chambre le lieu où la Justice s'exerce a Court of Justice or the Room where 't is usually kept Chambre signifiant les personnes qui composent un Corps de Justice qui s'assemblent en un Lieu pour l'y exercer the Officers Counsellors or Commissioners that belong to a Court. Chambre du grand Conseil the great Council Chamber Chambre du Conseil privé the privy Council Chamber Grand-Chambre du Parlement the great Parliament Chamber Chambre de la Tournelle où se jugent les Causes criminelles a Parliamental Court for criminal Causes wherein the Judges of the other Courts do sit by several turns Chambre des Enquêtes A Court of Inquest There are several of them in the Parliament of Paris for the examination and trial of civil causes and appeals by Witnesses and other evidences Chambre des Requêtes tho Court of Requests There be two of them the one of good antiquity the other consisting of two Presidents and eight Counsellors c. erected in the year 1580. Chambre des Contes the Court of Accompts or of the Exchequer Chambre de la Cour des Aides the Room wherein the Court of Aids is kept Chambre des Monnoies a Soveraign Court wherein the currentness weight and value of monies are examined and the disorders faults and offences of Mint-men Coyners Clippers c. punished Chambre
des Vacances an Ordinary Court kept every Vacation by certain select Judges for the determination of petty causes Chambre de l'Edit ou Chambre my-partie a Court of Justice established in divers good Towns of France in favour and for the righting of them of the Reformed Religion whereof the one half of the Judges are Protestants and the other half Papists Chambre Ardente a Chamber or Court wherein those of the Protestant Religion have been censured and adjudged unto the fi●e Chambre des grands Jours an extraordinary Sessions called by virtue of the Kings Commission or Letters Patents directed unto certain Judges of the Parliament within the Precincts whereof it is to be held and appointing them what place they shall sit in how long they shall sit what Causes they shall deal in how far they shall proceed in them The Peers of France have also their Grands Jours which they hold once or twice a year for the execution of their highest Jurisdiction and for the hearing of Appeals from their own inferiour Courts Les deux Chambres de la Cour de Parlement d'Angleterre the two Houses of our Court of Parliament Chambre espace vuide creux qui se fait dans une piece de fonte lors que la matiere ne coule pas egalement a void space or a hole made in a piece as it is founding when the metal doth not run equal La Chambre d'une Mine le lieu où l'on met la poudre the hole or void space in a Mine where they put the barrels of powder Chambrette f. petite chambre a little chamber a small room Chambriere f. a chamber-maid a house-maid Chambellan m. a Chamberlain Le Grand Chambellan de France the Great Chamberlain of France CHAMEAU m. sorte d'animal a Camel Le Chameau Medois a deux bosses sur le dos the Camels of Media have two bunches upon their backs Le Chameau d'Arabie a une seule bosse sur le dos une à la poitrine sur laquelle il s'appuie the Camels of Arabia have but one bunch upon the back and one at their breast which bunch they lean upon Chameau moucheté autre espece d'Animal ressemblant de la tête au vrai Chameau mais du reste du Corps au Cheval au Beuf a beast whose head is like a Camels but the rest of his body most like a horses and an oxes Pâture de chameaux sorte de jonc odorirerant the reed or rush called Sauinant CHAMOIS m. Chevre sauvage a Shamois or wild goat Chamois peau de chamois shamois or shamoy leather CHAMP m. terre qu'on cultive a field Champ labouré mais où il n'y a rien encore de semé land plowed or tilled but unsown Champ labouré où l'on a semé du blé land plowed and sown Champ qu'on seme toutes les années a field which beareth every year that is sown or delved every year Champ qu'on laisse reposer une année ou de tems en tems fallow ground or lay-land Champ de franc aleu exent de toutes redevances a free tenure field that payeth no rent Champ obligé à redevances a field that payeth tribute or rent c. Champ payant dîmes a field whereof tythe is raised Champ bien tenu bien cultivé a field that is well kept Champ inculte abandonné an untilled unmannured or unhusbanded field Un Champ épuisé qui ne peut plus porter a field that is worn made barren with much bearing and that can bear no more Champ maigre sterile a lean and barren soil Champ fertile ou de grand rapport a field bringing forth much corn Les Chams la Campagne the fields or the Country Un homme des Chams a Country man Il ressent son homme des Chams he looks like a Country-man he shews his Country breeding by his carriage Aller aux Chams to go into the vountry Etre aux Chams pour s'y divertir to live in the Country for his recreation Le sejour qu'on fait aux Chams an abiding in the Country Donner la clef des Chams à quêcun to dismiss one to send him away or give him his liberty Gagner les Chams to run away Champ de bataille Champ de Combat a field or the place of a field fight Se presenter au Champ de bataille to come into the field to fight Demeurer Maitre du Champ de bataille to win the field to get the victory For he that after a Battel keeps the field though he have lost the more men is held the Master Champ occasion matiere sûjet de môntrer ce que l'on sait faire a fair opportunity to give a proof of his skill Sur le champ d'abord sans delai presently immediately incontinently forthwith out of hand at that very instant Harangue faite sur le champ a Speech made in promptu without any premeditation A tout bout de champ à tout moment still ever ever now and then ever and anon Champ de l'Ecu en termes de blazon the field of a Coat of Arms. Champart en termes de Droits Seigneuriaux Terrage m. Field rent half or part of the twelfth part of a Crop due by bargain or custom unto a Landlord and taken off the ground for him before the Farmer lead any Champartier terroir champartier qui doit le droit de champart a land that is liable to such a rent Champartir ou Champarter prendre ce droit to divide a field or the crop thereof by even or due parts to lay out unto every one his portion therein Champêtre of or belonging to the Country Vie champêtre a Country-life Homme champêtre one that lives a Country life Champignon m. a mushroom or toad-stoal CHAMPION m. a Champion one that fights a publick combat in his own or another mans quarrel C'est un valeureux Champion un vaillant Soldat he is a stout Champion or a valiant souldier CHANCE f. les points qui se rencontrent au premier jet de dez the turning of the dice. Chance jeu de dez a game at dice called hazard Chance bonheur ou malheur good luck or ill luck La chance est tournée de bien mal fortune is changed Chanceler en marchant to reel stagger make indentures Chanceler en son opinion to waver in his opinion Il chancele il craint he wavers he is afraid Chanceler se couper en parlant to faulter in his speech to speak timorously and faultringly as though one were afraid CHANCELIER m. a Chancellor Le grand Chancelier de France the Lord high Chancellor of France He is in France as the Lord Chancellor here the principal Magistrate of the Kingdom and is in his Judgements exempted from the Jurisdiction or censure of Parliaments as the Chancellor of England uncontroulable by the Common Law On him depends the ordering and disposition of Justice the establishment of good and sacred Laws the reformation of
superfluous and abrogation of unprofitable Edicts and the putting down of all Offices that be offensive to the People or chargeable to the State He hat● the keeping of the Kings great Seal and by the virtue thereof either passes or may put back such Letters Patents and Writs as are presented unto him Chancelerie f. la Cour de Chancelerie the Chancery or Chancery Court Chancelerie particuliere de chaque Parlement de France a particular Chancery of every Court of Parliament in France CHANCRE m. sorte d'ulcere a canker Chancreux cankered CHANDELE f. a candle Chandele de suif a tallow candle Faire des chandeles de suif to make tallow candles Vendre des Marchandises à la chandelle allumêe to sell Commodities by the inch of candle Le Jeu ne vaut pas la Chandele it will not quit cost there will be nothing got by him that deals in it Chandele de glace an isickle ice hanging at the eaves of houses Chandelier m. chandelier de table a candlestick Chandelier de Sale à plusieurs branches a hanging candlestick Chandelier faiseur vendeur de chandeles a Chandler maker or seller of candles Chandeleur f. la fête de la Chandeleur ou de la Purification de la Sainte Vierge Candlemas Candlemas day the Purification of the Blessed Virgin CHANFREIN m. canelure de Colomne a channel furrow hollow-gutter or strake in rabating of pillars Le bord relevé entre deux chanfreins the ridg that stands out betwixt two gutters Chanfrein piece de bride sur le front du cheval the front-stall of a horses bridle CHANGE m. échange an exchange Faire change d'une chose avec une autre to make an exchange of one thing for another Vous ne perdrez rien au change you will loose nothing by the bargain Change en termes de Venerie comme quand on prend un Cerf pour un autre a wrong Deer in hunting Donner bailler le change à quêcun se jouër de lui to cozen or gull one Prendre le change se laisser tromper sans y prendre garde to suffer himself to be cozened cheated and deluded Change Office de Changeur a Bank of Exchange Lettre de change a bill of exchange Envoier mille écus à Rome par lettre de change to send a thousand crowns to Rome by bill of exchange J'ai receu une lettre de change de cent écus pour prendre en cette Ville I have received a bill of exchange of one hundred crowns to be paid in this Town Change gain de Banquier faisant tenir de l'argent pour quêcun en un autre lieu the change the Bankers gain that returns mony for one in another place Change revenu de l'argent mis a profit the use of mony Je vous rendrai le change la pareille I shall requite you for it or render like for like I shall be even with you Changer faire échange d'une chose avec une autre to change barter or make an exchange of one thing for another Changer de l'étain pour du cuivre to change tin for copper Tel change qui ne gagne pas many change for the worse Changer une pistole to change a pistol Changer l'état d'une chose y apporter de la nouveauté to alter a thing Changer sa maniere de vivre to change his manner of living Changer transformer to turn convert change or transform Changer un homme en bête to turn to transform a man into a beast Changer neut to change or to alter neut La Mode des habits change tous les jours the fashion of clothes changes every day Il vous faut changer de moeurs you must mend your mannors Je vous ferai bien changer de note I shall make you turn over a new leaf Il a bien changé he is much altered'he is quite another man Changer de couleur d'avis de volonté de religion to change his colour opinion mind religion Changer d'habit to change his habit to put on another sute of clothes Changer de place to take another place Changer de discours to change his discourse Changer de visage de discours selon le sentiment la volonté d'autrui to frame both his countenance and discourse according to another mans opinion and pleasure Un homme facile à changer an uncertain man one that is apt to change his mind Un homme resolu à ne point changer a resolute man a man resolved never to change Souvent les amitiez se changent en grandes inimitiez it often falls out that friendship is turned into great enmity Changé changed altered turned Il est tout changé il est tout autre qu'il n'étoit he is much altered or transformed he is quite another man Ma joie s'est changée en tristesse my joy is turned into grief Changeant inconstant fickle unconstant C'est un esprit changeant he is a fickle or uncertain man he is a meer weather-cock Couleur changeante changeable colour Changement m. a change alteration or vicissitude Les Etats aussi bien que les Saisons ont leurs changemens States as well as Seasons have their vicissitudes L'Ambition cause de grands changemens dans un Etat Ambition causes great alterations in a State La Vertu n'est point sujette au changement Virtue is not in the least Subject to change Changement legereté fickleness levity or unconstancy Changeur m. Banquier a Banker he that makes gain by changing of mony or letting it out to usury * Chanoine Chanoinie V. Canon CHANSON f. a song a ballad Chanson lugubre a mournfull song Chanson gaillarde a merry song Chanson à boire a drinking song Dire toûjours la même chanson to sing the same song or to say the same thing over and over Elle lui chantera cette chanson aux oreilles toute sa vie she will upbraid him with it all his life time Chant m. a song or singing as Le Chant des Pseaumes the singing of Psalms Commencer le chant d'un Pseanme to tune a Psalm Un chant melancolique a melancholy song Un chant agreable a pleasant song Plain chant plain song Chanter en plain chant to sing plain song Chanter to sing Il y a peu de gens qui sachent bien chanter there are but few people that can sing well Chanter de la voix seule sans instrument to sing with the voice only without any instrument Chanter jouër ensemble d'un Lut to sing and play together upon the Lute Chanter le Te Deum rendre graces à Dieu avec solennité pour quêque heureux Succez to sing Te Deum to give God solemn thanks for some happy Success Tel chante qui n'est pas joieux many a man sings that is full of sorrow On chante hardiment quand on on n'a rien à perdre Who sings so merry a note as he that cannot change a
on purpose to be broken Un Traité de Paix a Treaty of Peace Mettre la paix apporter la paix pacifier to make peace Paix repos peace or quiet Vivre en paix to live in peace or quiet to live a quiet life Le Roiaume est en grande Paix the Kingdom injoys a great Peace Tout est en paix every thing is quiet Si je fusse demeuré en paix il ne me fust arrivé aucun mal if I had been quiet no harm had betided me Paix Paix là écoutez peace husht silence Paisible qui vit en paix peaceable still or quiet Paisible doux de bon naturel mild gentle or patient Paisiblement peaceably quietly Je vis fort paisiblement I live very quietly Pacifier appaiser to pacify appease calm or quiet Pacifier ceux qui sont en querelle concilier leurs esprits to make peace between those that quarrel to reconcile them together Pacifié pacify'd appeased calmed quieted Pacificateur m. a pacifier appeaser or peace-maker Pacification f. a pacifying appeasing calming or quieting Pacifique peaceable quiet PAL making Paux in the Plural V. Paisseau PALAIS m. Hôtel de Prince a Palace a Princes Palace Maître du Palais the Steward of the Kings House Palais Lieu où se tient la Cour de Parlement a Parliament-House the House or Hall wherein Courts be kept in a Town of Parliament Gens de Palais Lawyers Jours de Palais Court-days Palais le haut du dedans de la bouche the roof or palate of the mouth Le palais la langue jugent des saveurs the palate and the tongue judge of savours PALAY V. Palet PALE ou Paele f. a shovel Palée f. a shovel full Palette f. palette à jouër au volan a battle-dore PALE Adj. pale Avoir la mine pâle to look pale Elle est trop pâle she is too pale Les pâles couleurs the green sickness Pâlir devenir pâle to grow pale Pâleur f. paleness PALEFROY m. Cheval de parade a Palfrey or a Horse for shew Palefrenier m. a Groom a Groom of the Stable a Horse-keeper PALET m. a quoit or coit Jouër au palet to play at quoits * Palette V. Pâle * Páleur V. Pâle Adj. PALINODIE f. a palinody a recantation or contrary song an unsaying of that one hath spoken or written Chanter palinodie to cry peccavi to recant * Pâlir V. Pâle Adj. PALISSADE f. a palissado or a fence of pales Palissader to fence with Palissado's Palissadé revêtu de palissade palissado'd PALLE ' terme de Blazon party par-pale a term of Heraldry PALLIER cacher dissimuler to palliate cloak or disguise Pallié palliated cloaked or disguised PALME m pan sorte de mesure a hand-breadth or a span four fingers or three inches in measure PALME f. sorte d'Arbre the palm or date tree Palme branche de palme ou palmier a branch of the palm-tree Date fruit de palme a date or the palm fruit Palmier the same as Palme the palm or the date tree PALOURDE f. sorte de Poisson Palour a little narrow and seldom gaping Cockle PALPABLE palpable that may be felt Se PAMER to swoon to fall into a trance or swoon Pâmé fallen into a swoon Pâmoison f. a swoon a swounding or a trance caused by an extream cramp or convulsion PAMPRE f a vine-leaf PAN m. sorte de mesure a span Un pan de muraille a pan piece or panne of a wall Une Pyramide à trois pans c'est à dire à trois faces a Pyramid of three sides Le pan d'une casaque d'un manteau the lap of a coat or cloak Il porte des fruits dans le pan de son manteau he carries fruits in the lap of his cloak PANACE'E f. sorte d'herbe an herb called Woundwort or All heal PANACHE f. a plume of feathers Garni de panache adorned with a plume of feathers * Panade sorte de bouillie V. Pain PANAGE m. mastage for Swine PANAIS m. sorte de racine a certain root that 's less and ranker than the ordinary Parsnip otherwise resembling it and often mistaken for it PANARIS m. abscez sur la racine de l'ongle a sore or impostumation under the root of the nails a f●llon or whitlaw PANCARTE f. placard affiché a Paper containing the particular rates of Tolls or Customs due unto the King Thus termed because commonly hung up in some publick Place either single or within a frame Pancartes écritures writings De vieilles pancartes old writings PANCE V. Panse PANCHER to bend or lean downward Un Arbre qui panche contre terre a Tree which leans towards the earth Soûtenir une chose qui panche to prop up any thing that leans Pancher la tête to hang down his head Pancher d'un côté quand on marche to lean on one side as one goes Un Toit qui panche doucement qui va en panchant a Roof of a house which slopes by degrees Une chose qui ne panche ni d'un coté ni d'un autre a thing that leans neither on one side nor the other La Victoire panchoit tantôt d'un coté tantòt d'un autre the Victory inclined sometimes to one side and sometimes to the other Pancher avoir du panchant ou de l'inclination à quêque chose to incline or be inclinable to something Vous panchez trop à la douceur you incline too much to mildness Je le pousserai du côté que je le verrai pancher I shall push him on where I shall see him most inclined Je panche du côté de la Paix I am inclined to Peace Je panche du coté des Stoïciens I incline to the Stoicks opinion Les Sentimens panchoient de coté là the Votes leaned that way Quitter le Dessein vers lequel on panchoit to desist from that Design to which one was inclined Panchant qui panche ou qui va en panchant leaning bending or inclining La Fortune panchant de son coté Fortune inclining to his side Panchant a masc subst as Le panchant d'une Colline ou d'un Toit the steep part of a Hill or the bending part of the Roof of a House Etre sur le panchant de l'âge to be in the declining part of his age Panchant inclination propensity or inclination J'ai un grand panchant à cela I have a great inclination to that Panché bent inclined or bowed Un Arbre panché a Tree whose boughs hang downwards Aiant la tête panchée sur l'épaule droite his head leaning upon his left shoulder Pante f. pante de quêque chose the byas of a thing Sa bonne conduite avoit donné une pante favorable aux affaires his good conduct gave a favourable byas to the affairs Les affaires prennent une meilleure pante things take a better byas Pante ou inclination inclination Pante de lit the valences of a bed PANDECTES f. Livre de Droit Pandects Books treating of all matters relating to
compassion pity or compassion La pitié procede de la tristesse que les maux d'autrui nous font ressentir de l'apprehension de tomber aux mêmes afflictions Pity proceeds from a sensibility of another mans troubles and from an apprehension of falling into the same misery Faire pitié à quêcun l'émouvoir l'exciter à pitié to move one to compassion Avoir pitié de quêcun to pity one to take pity or compassion on him Emeu de pitié moved to pity or compassion Digne de pitié worthy of pity J'aime mieux étre un Objet d'envie que de pitié I had rather be an Object of envy than pity Etre sans pitié étre impitoiale to be pitiless Pitoiable qui fait pitié sad pitiful C'est une chose pitoiable que de les entendre it is a sad thing to hear them Pitoiablement sadly pitifully PIVERT m. sorte d'Oiseau a Wood-pecker Hickway or Green-peak PIVOINE m. sorte d'Oiseau a Gnat-snapper which is a little black-headed and black-tailed bird Pivoine f. sorte d'herbe peony piony Kings bloom rose of the mount PIVOT m. a pivot or sharp-pointed thing upon which a thing of great weight is turned about Les Theatres de bois capables de quatre vint mílle personnes rouloient à Rome sur un seul pivot the wooden Theaters containing fourscore thousand people were turned at Rome upon a sharp-pointed thing Une Colomne droite de trente quintaux roule sur un pivot d'une livre de fer a strait Pillar weighing thirty kintals turns upon a pointed piece of iron of a pound weight P L * Placard V. Plaque PLACE f. lieu place or room Mettre chaque chose en sa place to put every thing in its proper place Oter quêque chose de sa place to remove a thing from its place Faire place to make room to stand clear Faites moi place make room for me Il n'y a place que pour deux there is only room for two Faites faire place faites retirer le monde cause room to be made let the people stand clear Faire ôter quêcun de sa place la lui faire quitter to make one come out of his place or to quit it S'emparer de la place d'un autre to take possession of another mans place Place de Ville a Piazza or Fields in a Town a spacious Plot of ground in the midst of a Town La Place de Lincolns-Inn à Londres Lincolns-Inn fields in London Place du Marché a Market-Place Place du change an Exchange for Merchants Place ou Forteresse a Place Fort or strong Hold. Une forte Place a strong Place Une Place forte d'assiete a strongly situate place Une Place forte d'assiete d'artifice ou main d'homme forte par nature par art a Place strong both by nature and art Une Place plus forte d'assiete que de travail de main a Place stronger by situation than by art Place ou Emploi a Place or Imployment Le Roi m'a promis la premiere Place vaquante en son Conseil d'Etat the King hath promised me the first Place that falls in his Council of State Toutes les Places du Parlement sont pleines il n'y en a point de vaquantes all the Places in the the Parliament are filled there is none vacant Il a eté mis en la Place de son Pere he was put in his Fathers Place Je prendrai vôtre Place je ferai votre Office I will take your Place I will do your Office Mettez vous en ma Place que feriez vous suppose my Case were your own what would you do Placer to place to set Placer une Colomne sur son piedestal to set a pillar upon its pedestal Placer un Corps de Garde au Marché to place a Corps de Guard in the Market place Placer quêcun lui procurer une Place un Emploi to get one a Place or Imploy Placé placed set J'ai le coeur assez bien placé pour ne pas vous abandonner I have too honest a heart to forsake you Placé qui a une Place that hath got a Place or Imploy Placet m. Tabouret petit siege sans dossier sans accoudoir a low-stool Placet Requête presentée au Prince a short Petition or Ticket of Request Placet brevet requête accordée par le Prince the Kings Grant upon a Ticket J'ai le Placet du Roi pour une Pension I have the Kings Grant for a Pension PLAGE f. any flat or shallow in or near the Sea an open or a shallow Road. PLAID m. procez a Sute a Cause or Law sute Plaid matiere de procez plea. Plaid ou plaidoierie pleading or prosecuting of Law On tiendra les plaids aujourd'hui the Court will sit to day Cessations de plaids a ceasing from the prosecuting of Law an Executing of Justice in Judiciall Places Plaid Juridiction pouvoir de conoître des plaids a Judges power to determine a Cause Plaid de l'épée haute Justice high Jurisdiction power or authority to punish by the sword Plaider to plead Plaider deduire une Cause devant le Juge to plead or argue a Cause before a Judge Plaider en son fait propre to plead in his own Cause Plaider ou étre en procez avec quêcun to sue one or to go to Law with him Je plaide pour avoir mon Bien I plead for the recovery of my Estate On ne gagne rien à plaider there 's nothing to be got by going to Law Plaider pour un Criminel to plead for a Malefactor Plaider contre un Criminel to plead against a Malefactor Plaidé pleaded argued Plaideur m. a pleader or a lawyer Un grand Plaideur qui se plait à plaider chicaner a litigious man Plaidoiable dont on peut plaider pleadable that may be brought into question at Law Jour plaidoiable auquel il est permis de plaider a Court day Plaidoié Plaidoier m. a plea or pleading PLAIE f. a wound Une plaie mortelle incurable a mortall or incurable wound Etre tout couvert tout déchiré de plaies to be covered with wounds all over the body Penser une plaie to dress a wound Netteier une plaie to cleanse a wound Bander une plaie to bind up a wound La plaie s'ouvre the wound gapes La plaie se ferme the wound closes PLAIN uni égal plain fat or even Un Païs plain découvert a flat and open Country Plaine f. a plain a spacious piece of level ground without trees Une Plaine qui est au pié d'une Montagne a Plain that is at the foot of a Hill Une Plaine qui s'éleve en petites Collines a plain that rises into little hills PLAINDRE gemir to groan moan bemoan bewail or lament Il ne fait que plaindre he doth nothing but groan Plaindre quêcun to be sorry for one to pity him Je
set off a Present with fair words Presence f. presence En Presence du Roi in the Kings presence or before the Kings eyes Cela s'est fait en sa presence that was done in his presence before him before his face Vôtre presence y étoit necessaire your presence was requisite there Quand pourrai je quand aurai je le bien de jouïrde vôtre presence when can I when shall I be so happy as to injoy your presence Rien ne me plait lors que je suis privé de vôtre presence nothing pleases me when I do not injoy your presence Il n'ose pas paroître en ma presence he durst not appear in my presence before me or before my face Je le menerai ici en vôtre presence I will bring him before you or into your presence J'ai honte de vous louër en vôtre presence I am ashamed to praise you before your face Se mettre en presence pour se batre to put himself into a posture of defence Les deux Armées se mirent en presence en peu de jours both Army 's within few days appeared in sight of each other Dêja les deux Armées étoient en presence both Army 's were already in sight of each other Presence d'esprit readiness of wit La fermeté de son courage la presence de son esprit le tirerent de ce mauvais pas the constancy of his courage and readiness of his wit got him out of that danger Il fait toutes choses avec une presence d'esprit merveilleuse he doth all things with a wonderful readiness of wit Presentement better than à present now or for the present Je suis presentement en parsaite santé I am now in perfect health Je n'en ai pas besoin presentement I have no need of it for the present Presenter offrir to present or to offer Presenter un Cheval à quêcun pour monter dessus to offer one a horse to ride on Il presenta sa tête au Bourreau he laid down his head to the Executioner Son Enemi lui presenta la pointe de sa halebarde his enemy presented the point of his halbard to his breast Se presenter devant quêcun to come before one Je n'ai pas osé me presenter devant lui I durst not come before his face Aussi tôt qu'il m'apperceut il se presenta à moi assoon as he perceived me he came to me Se presenter en Justice to appear in Judgment Une Occasion qui se presente an Opportunity that Offers it self Asseurez vous que je vous servirai si l'occasion s'en presente assure your self that I shall serve you whenever Occasion shall present it self Une chose qui se presente à nôtre esprit a thing that comes to our mind that offers it self to our consideration Il se presente en cet endroit une Question un peu difficile here a Question somewhat hard offers it self Presenté presented offered Il s'est presenté un Obstacle here an Obstacle came in the way Je me suis en fin presenté devant lui I came at last before him Presentation f. terme de Droit the first admittance to put in a bill in Court Acte de presentation the inrollment of a bill or act in a Court before pleading La Fête de la Presentation de la S. Vierge the Feast of the blessed Virgins Presentation kept by the Church of Rome on the 21 of November PRESENTIR to perceive before hand to fore-see Je presentois j'avois des presentimens que cela arriveroit I had a foresight that such a thing would happen Presenti perceived before hand fore-seen Presentiment m. a foresight PRESERVER to preserve save keep or defend Preserver quêcun de quêque mal to preserve or keep one from some evil Dieu nous preserve d'un si grand malheur God keep us from so great a misery Le Sel preserve de pourriture Salt preserves or keeps a thing from putrefaction Preservé preserved saved kept or defended Preservateur m. a Preserver Preservation f. preservation Preservatif m. remede a preservative remedy or antidote Avaler du poison apres avoir pris quêque preservatif to swallow poison after an antidote taken PRESIDER to preside to be the chief of a Court or the like Presider au privé Conseil du Roi to preside in the Kings privy Council Presider aux Etats du Roiaume to be President or Chief in the general Assembly of the States President m. a President President au grand Conseil President in the great Council President au Parlement President in the Court of Parliament Premier President the chief President or Lord Chief Justice President au Mortier V. Mortier Presidial m. Siege de Justice a Seat or Court of Justice wherein civil Causes not exceeding 250 livres in mony or 10 livres in rent are heard and judged Sovereignly and without appeals or by provision notwithstanding appeals Les Gens ou le Corps du Presidial the Judges of that Court. * Presomptif Presomption Presomptueux Presomptueusement V. Presumer PRESQUE with an S. and not Prêque almost een almost very near Vous m'avez presque tué you have almost killed me Il est presque ruiné he is een almost undone Nous sommes presque à la maison we are very near home PRESSE f. foule a throng or crowd of people Il y a grand'presse there is a great crow'd of people Il y cut beaucoup de presse à le voir there was a great concourse of people to see him Si vous me recompensez si mal il n'y aura pas grande presse à vous servir if you requite me so ill people will be shy of serving you Presse d Imprimeur a Printers Press Mettre un Livre sous la Presse l'imprimer to put a Book in the Press to print it Ce Livre est sous la Presse il s'imprime this Book is in the Press is printing Presser fouler to crowd or thrust hard Vous me pressez jusqu'a me tuer you crowd me to death Presser étreindre sous la presse to press or squeze out of a press Presser la vendange to press the grapes Presser quêcun pour obtenir quêque chose to press or urge one for something to be earnest with him about it Il me presse de lui vendre ma maison he urges me to sell him my house Il me presse fort là dessus he presses that very much upon me Presser quêcun à faire son devoir to compel one to do his duty Quelle necessité vous presse si fort what necessity urges you so much L'affaire presse the business requires hast it is an urgent business Le tems me presse time hastens me on Presser l'Enemi le serrer de pres to follow the Enemy close Pressé foulé crowded Pressé étreint sous la presse pressed or squeezed out of a
Verge● meteore lumineux a sort of fiery meteor so called being only rayes which pass through a thick cloud Vergettes f. époussettes a brush Vergues f. Vergues de Navire the Sail-yards of a Ship Vergues hautes with hoised sails or sail-yards said of a Ship that hath weighed anchor and wants but wind to go with Virgule f. marque de distinction a comma VERGER m. an Orchard Un beau Verger a fine Orchard VERGLAS m. a glazed frost a kind of frost after a mizling rain whereby the ground seems in a manner to be glazed Cette menue pluie va se changer en verglas this masling rain will turn into a glazed frost Verglacer to freeze upon rain Cette nuit il a verglacé last night it freezed upon rain † VERGONGNE f. honte shame * Vergues V. Verge * Verification Verifier Verifié Veritable Veritablement V. Verité VERITE ' f. Verity Truth Je dirai la verité I will speak the truth Il n'est rien de plus aimable que la Verité sans fard déguisement there is nothing more lovely than an unfeigned Truth Verité toute nue sans déguisement naked and unfeigned Truth Le malheur est qu'aujourd'hui la Complaisance se fait des Amis la Verité se fait des Enemis the mischief of it is that now a dayes Complacency makes Friends and Truth makes Foes Nous avons dit Caton des Obligations plus grandes à des Enemis qui sont trop severes qu'a des Amis qui sont trop doux parce que ceux là disent souvent la verité que ceux ci ne la disent jamais We are saith Cato much more obliged to Enemies that are too severe than to Friends that are too mild because those often speak the truth and these sooth us up in our Vices Le Peuple estime pen de choses par la Verité beaucoup par l'Opinion the common People value not things so much according to the Truth as meer Opinion C'est la Verité il est vrai il est ainsi 't is true Etre Enemi de la Verité to be an Enemy to Truth Je desespere du Salut de ceux qui ferment leurs oreilles à la Verité pour ne la pas entendre quand elle sort de la bouche de leurs Amis I despair of the Good of those who stop their ears to Truth that they may not apprehend it even when it proceeds from the mouth of their Friends En verité à la verité truly in truth Un homme qui ne dit jamais la Verité a man that never speaks a word of truth Veritable true La veritable Justice true Justice Il ne dit rien de veritable he doth not speak a true word or a word of truth Veritablement verily truly Verifier prouver to verify aver prove or make good Verifier approuver confirmer autoriser to ratify confirm approve or authorize Verifier autoriser un Edit to approve ratify or confirm an Edict Verifier la Grace d'un Criminel to confirm by the Court of Parliament the Kings Pardon for a Malefactor Verifié prouvé verify'd averred proved or made good Verifié approuvé confirmé ratify'd confirmed approved or authorized Les Graces données par le Roi ne sont valables qu'apres que le Parlement les a verifiées the Pardon 's given by the King are invalid till they are ratified or confirmed by the Court of Parliament Verification f. preuve a verifying or verification an averring proving or making good Verification authorization a ratification approbation or confirmation Verification d'Edit the ratification of an Edict by the Court of Parliament Vrai ou conforme à la Verité true consonant to truth Si cela est vrai ou non je m'en rapporte whether this be true or not let my Author answer it Il n'y a point d'Oracle d'Apollon qui soit plus vrai que cela no Oracle of Apollo is truer than that is Ce que vous nous dites là est il bien vrai is that true indeed which you say Est il donc vrai qu'il s'est enfui but is it true that he is run away Cela est vrai il n'y a rien de plus vrai that 's true there is nothing more true Il est vrai que 't is true that C'est le vrai sens des paroles d'Aristote that is the true or genuine sense of Aristotles words Vrai right Le vrai moien d'étre Savant est d'étudier studying is the right way to be a Learned man Cela est du vrai vin that is right wine Vous étes un vrai Boufon you are a right Buffoon Vrai Substantively used m. truth right Le Faux prend bien souvent l'apparence le nom du Vrai Falshood takes often the habit and the name of Truth Vous dites vrai vous avez deviné vous y étes you say right you ghessed right you have hit the nail on the head A dire vrai je n'enten pas ce qu'il veut dire to speak the truth I understand not what he means Savoir quêque chose au vrai to be sure of a thing to know it for certain On n'en sait rien au vrai there is no certainty of it Je le saurai au vrai I shall know it of a certainty Vraiment truly indeed Vraiment vous le meritez bien truly you deserve it well Oui vraiment yes indeed Vraisemblable probable likely like or seeming to be true Cela n'est pas vraisemblable that is not likely Vraisemblance f. probability likelyhood Il n'y a point de vraisemblance there is no likelyhood Vraisemblablement probablement probably or with some likelyhood VERJUS m. verjuice especially that which is made of sour and unripe grapes VERMEIL m. couleur vermeille vermillion a clear and beautiful red Un Buffet de vermeil doré a Cup-board of plate gilt Un Chandelier de vermeil doré a silver candlestick gilt Vermeil de couleur vermeille of a vermillion colour Des jouës vermeilles cherry-cheeks cheeks of a fresh vermilion colour Vermillon m. sorte de mineral vermillion a sort of red earth being a Mineral Peindre en vermillon to paint of a vermilion colour Vermillonné painted of a vermillion colour * Vermeiller Vermine Vermisseau Vermoulu Vermoulure V. Ver. VERNIS m. Varnish made of linseed oyl and the gum of the Juniper tree Vernisser coucher du vernis to varnish or to glaze over with varnish Vernissê varnished Vernissure f. action de vernir a varnishing or the act of varnishing Vernissure vernis dêja appliqué the varnish already laid on VEROLE f. mal de Naples the French Pox so called very probably because the English got it of the French as the French of the Spaniards who having first brought it out of the Indies into Christendom bestowed it amongst the French their Enemies at the Siege of Naples in the year