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A48794 State-worthies, or, The states-men and favourites of England since the reformation their prudence and policies, successes and miscarriages, advancements and falls, during the reigns of King Henry VIII, King Edward VI, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, King James, King Charles I. Lloyd, David, 1635-1692. 1670 (1670) Wing L2646; ESTC R21786 462,324 909

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it would be a good encouragement for him and for others by his example 13. Next to the Judge there would be care used in the choice of such as are called to the degree of Serjeants at Law for such they must be first before they be made Judges none should be made Serjeants but such as probably might be held fit to be Judges afterward● when the experience at the Barr hath fitted them for the Bench Therefore by all means cry down that unworthy course of late times used that they should pay moneys for it It may satisfie some Courtiers but it is no honour to the person so preferred nor to the King who thus pre●e●s ●im 14. For the Kings Counsel at the Law especially his Atto●ney and Solicito● General I need say ●oth●ng● their continual use for the Kings service not only for his Revenue but for all the parts of his Government will put the King and all those who love his service in mind to make choice of men every way fit and able for that employment they had need to be learned in their profession and not ignorant in other things and to be dexterous in those affairs whereof the dispatch is committed to them 15. The Kings Attorney of the Court of Wards is in the true quality of the Judges therefore what hath been observed already of Judges which are intended principally of the three great Courts of Law at Westminster may be applied to the choice of the Attorney of this Court 16. The like for the Attorney of the Dutchy of Lan●●ster who partakes of both qualities partly of a Judge of that Co●rt and partly of an Attorney General for so much as concerns the proper Revenue of the D●tchy 17. I must not forget the Judges of the four Circuits in the twelve Shires of Wales who although they are not of the first magnitude nor need be of the degree of the Coyf onely the chief Justice of Chester who is one of the number is so yet are they considerable in the choice of them by the same rules as the other Judges are and they sometimes are and fitly may be transplanted into the higher Courts 18. There are many Courts as you see some superiour some provincial and some of a lower orb It were to be wished and is fit to be so ordered that every of them keep themselves within their proper spheres The harmony of justice is th●n the sweetest when th●re is no jarring about the jurisdiction of the Courts which me-thinks wisdom cannot much differ upon their true bounds being for the most part so clearly known 19. Having said thus much of the Judges somewhat will be fit to put you in mind concerning the principal Ministers of Justice and in the first of the High sheriffs of the Counties which have been very ancient in this Kingdom I am sure before the Conquest The choice of them I commend to your care and that at fit times you put the King in mind thereof that as near as may be they be such as are fit for those places for they are of great trust and power The P●sse Comitatus the power of the whole County being legally committed unto them 20. Therefore it is agreeable with the intention of the Law that the choice of them should be by the commendation of the great Officers of the Kingdom and by the advice of the Judges who are presumed to be well read in the condition of the Gentry of the whole Kingdom And although the King may do it of himself yet the old way is the good way 21. But I utterly condemn the practice of the latter times which hath lately crept into the Court at the back-stairs That some who are prick'd for Sheriffs and were fit should get out of the Bill and others who were neither thought upon nor worthy to be should be nominated and both for money 22. I must not omit to put you in mind of the Lords Lieutenants and Deputy-Lieutenants of the Counties their proper use is for ordering the Military affairs in order to an invasion from abroad or a rebellion or sedition at home good choice should be made of them and prudent instructions given to them and as little of the Arbitrary power as may be left unto them and that the Muster-Masters and their Officers under them incroach not upon the Subject that will detract much from the King's service 23. The Justices of Peace are of great use Antiently there were Conservators of the Peace these are the same saving that several Acts of Parliament have altered their denomination and enlarged their jurisdiction in many particulars The fitter they are for the peace of the Kingdom the more heed ought to be taken in the choice of them 24. But negatively this I shall be bold to say that none should be put into either of those Commissions with an eye of favour to their persons to give them countenance of reputation in the places where they live but for the King's service sake nor any put out for the disfavour of any great man● It hath been too often used and hath been no good service to the King 25. A word more if you please to give me leave for the true rules of the moderation of Justice on the King's part The execution of justice is committed to his Judges which seemeth to be the severer part but the milder part which is mercy is wholly left in the King 's immediate hand And Justice and Mercy are the true supporters of his Royal Throne 26. If the King shall be wholly intent upon Justice it may appear with an over-rigid aspect but if he shall be over-remiss and easie it draweth upon him contempt Examples of Justice must be made sometimes for terrour to some Examples of Mercy sometimes for comfort to others the one procures fear and the other love A King must be both feared and loved else he is lost 27. The ordinary Courts of Justice I have spoken of and of their Judges and judicature I shall put you in mind of some things touching the High Court of Parliament in England which is superlative and therefore it will behove me to speak the more warily thereof 28. For the institution of it it is very antient in this Kingdom It consisteth of the two Houses of Peers and Commons as the Members and of the King's Majesty as the head of that great body By the King's authority alone and by his Writs they are assembled and by him alone they are pror●gued and dissolved but each House may adjourn it self 29. They being thus Assembled are more properly a Council to the King the Councel of the Kingdom to advise his Majesty in those things of weight and difficulty which concern both the King and People then a Court. 30. No new Laws can be made nor old Laws abrogated or altered but by common consent in Parliament where Bills are prepared and presented to the two Houses and then delivered but nothing is concluded but by
Knight and bred in Iesus-Colled●e in Cambridge He intended his Studies for Divinity till disswaded by the importunity of his friends amongst whom George Earl of Cumberland was most eminent he became Barrister of Grayes-Inne But in expression of his former Affection to Divinity he seldom if ever took fee of a Clergy-man Afterwards being Recorder of York he was Knighted and made Judge of the Common-Pleas In the case of Ship-money though he was against the King or rather for the Commons yet his Majesty manifested not the least distaste continuing to call him the honest judge This person so pious to God and cha●itable to ●he Poor was dissolved about the beginning of our National misery Thus God before he ploweth up a Land with the furrows of a● Civil War first cutteth down his old crop and gathereth them like ripe sheaves into his Barn He died at Serg●ants Inne and was buried at his earnest desire with ●he Common-Prayer without any Funeral-Sermon save what his own Vertues preached to posterity at St. Dunstan's in the West on the 27 day o● February Anno Dom. 1638. Here I learn how circumspect our counsels must be in reference to things and persons above us whi●h implying an overpo●zing of our own judgement and a debating of others in all cases is obnoxious to jealousie but in these to danger under which there are no Qualifications to patience and moderation The vertues of this happy Judge if he had cast obstinacy over-board and let his wisdom ●ack about in things capable of expedience whereby h● knew well both how to allay the asperities of a bad fortune and check the excesses of a good one packing up his fears and hopes in so narrow a compass as made the last less tedious and the first more portable to which he added an unaffected plainness the argument of his worth and weight a weakness and emptiness being as safely as usually concluded from too much affectation an overmuch care of the out-side being an argument of remisness in what is within it remaining s●ith one equally rar● to find a starched and formal man wise as a Woman valiant the most serious Endeavours of both being to take only the Eyes Observations on the Life of the Marquess of Hertford HE was none of those Male-contents who make the sins of their ●iper years make good the follies of their youth and maintain oversights with Treasons as he was patient under his Imprisonment for the one so he was active in his services against the other not more dutifully submitting to the severity of K. Iames for his Marriage then loyally assisting the necessities of King Charles in his Wars It 's natural to return an Injury it 's heroical to overcome it and be above it when we are below our selves It is true he was drawn in to subscribe the untoward Proposals at York but it is as true he did of his own accord declare against the unnatural War in London where the King advanced him to the tuition of the Prince and he went himself to the defence of the King at what time such his popularity that he raised an Army himself such his humility that he yielded the command of it to another as if he knew nothing but others merit and his own wants being one of those choice men that admire every thing in others and see nothing in themselves His face his carriage his habit favoured of Lowliness without affectation and yet he was much under what he seemed His words were few and soft never either peremptory or censorious because he thought both each man more wise and none more obnoxious than himself being yet neither ignorant nor careless but naturally me●k lying ever close within himself armed with those two Master-pieces Resolution and Duty wherewith he mated the blackest Events that did rather exercise than dismay that spirit that was above them and that minde that looked beyond them He was the easiest enemy and the truest friend whom extremities obliged while as the Reverend Bishop speaks he as a well-wrought Vault lay at home the stronger by how much the more weight he did bear He offered his life for his Prince's service in the Field and his person for his ransom at the Court and when many wished they might die for that excellent King he the Earls of Lindsey and Southampton offered That since his Majesty was presumed by the Law to do no harm himself and since he did all by them his Ministers as they had the honour to act under they might have the happiness to suffer for him Observations on the Life of Sir John Finch THis Family hath had an hereditary eminence in the study of the Law Sir Henry Finch the Author of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a learned Sergeant at Law in King Iames his time Sir Heneage Finch Recorder of London in K. Charles's time and this noble person at the same time the Queen's Attorney and Speaker of that curious knowing and rich Parliament wherein some have observed though wide I suppose that the House of Commons modestly estimated consisting of 500 could buy the House of Peers consisting of 118 thrice over Norimbergh in Germany and Florence in Italy would not of old admit of any learned men in their Councel because great learned men saith the Historian of those places are perplexed to resolve upon Affairs making many doubts full of Respects and Imaginations Semblably this Parliament was too rich and curious to do any good though this noble personage even when the House-doors were shut and he violently detained in his Chair refused to countenance their proceedings always abhorring Eliot's doctrine That men should not be questioned for offences in Parliament As if that reverend Assembly were called for no other end than that turbulent spirits might be at liberty to speak Treason once every three years When he was questioned for his opinion about Ship-money his judgement was That if the whole were in danger the whole should contribute When he was urged to read the Remonstrance against Sir R. W. 4 Car. in Parliament his opinion was That at any rate though at the highest that can be Authority must be vindicated and redeemed from contempt since the Life of Government is reputation Observations on the Life of the Lord Say WHether the first impressions of his * Tutor Schoolmasters though the most neglected are not the most inconsiderable parts of a Common-wealth the narrowness of his fortune unequal to his honour younger brothers of noble houses had need in every State to be observed the repulse 1613. other men must look to whom they are kind but Princes to whom they are unkind inclined this personage to popularity This is certain no man was better tempered for that humour than himself being in his nature severe and rigid in his carriage close and reserved in his resolutions firm and immoveable in his apprehension provident and foreseeing in his Sentiments nice and curious in his Discourse full of Fears and Jealousies
by his Purse and Credit that they might live as handsomely when he was dead as they did when he was alive Sir Thomas was a Name of Awe and Reverence to the Rico and blessed by the Poor That Name when his Fortune and Power tempted him ●o an insolency le●elled the proudest Ci●izens House for ●is convenie●cy and bowed the poo●est Man's Knee to his Honour his mind being equal to his ●uccess He c●uld at pleasure work upon the Lo●ds b● the Commons and on the Commons by the Lords as Cardinal Wols●y perswaded the Commons to four S●illings in the P●und upon the Lords president and the Lords to as much upon the Commons and he kept up the Cardinals way of A●ticipation that the People should be always one Subsidy before-hand He set up the old Taxation of Knight-hood at Q●een Anne's Coronation and levied it making amends to ●he People ●or all his hard Impositions because a● Vesp●sian to the Romans so He to the English was Antiquo cultu victu ●ue praecipuus a●tricti moris Author ● by his observing of ●he ancient Diet of the Countrey and the old fashion of Apparel he w●s to them a principal Author of their frugality He confi●ms the Kings S●●remacy by a Law and estab●ishe●h his Daughter Elizabeth'● Succession by an Oath fi●st tak●n by ●he Pa●liament● and then by the Kingd●m for whose support he contrives the lesser Monasteries should be fi●st escheated and then the greater He was so honest that he acquits Queen Anne in his Letter to the Queen yet so much a Statesman that he condemn'd her upon the Bench. But to secure the Interest of England he by countenancing the translation and reading of the English Bible improved its Religion that as some few late Acts had disobliged the Pope a new frame of Christianity might exclude him The differences between Us and Rome were to be widened lest they should close and he judged it prudence to engage the conscience and the estate in one bottom that he might hold the One out of the tenderness of the Other He used to answer those that applauded his service in the Reformation that if he should arrogate to himself any part in that revolution of providence he should be like the Flie on the Cart-wheel that said what a Dust do I raise The Kings Supremacy cut off the Papists and the Six Articles the Protestants Re●ormation must be managed leasurely and alteration of Religion by just degrees Instruction preceding execution and the Peoples capacity growing up with their Governours Regulation The mountainous expectation of a re●ormation some told him merrily ended in ● Mouse but he answered sadly that it had been well it had not ended in a Mouse-trap that is a snare to many good People as well as a disappointment to all The times are troublesome but Cromwel calm and quiet and watchful over Occurrences Insurrection giving him an advantage of a new Settlement He takes down the Occasions and Ornaments of Idolatry Images Shrines Pilgrimages c. and then the Thing it self Take off the paint of Rome and you undo her As the Laws and Injunctions so the Alliance of England must secure its Inte●est A Protestant Q●een m●st be married to the Reformed King the Duke of Cleve's Sister must woo the King that Essex might have that whispe●ed in the Kings Bosom ●bed where he was best disposed which he insinuated into his Ear at the Council-Table where he was worst But the King was not so well pleased with her Beauty as Cromwel was with her Religion which Stephen Gardiner who hated her for her Religion ●nd Cromwel for his Greatness observing shewed the Kings loose Affections at once how to be rid of his Match and which he was as weary of his Match-Maker The Queen is divorced being never known by Henry who disliked her at first view and kept he● rather in Poli●y to oblige the German Princes than of pleasure to fill his own Bed Cromwel is arrested for presuming to act in some matters of State without the Kings privity or Commission and attainted by a procedure he had invented dying as cunningly as he had lived for some ambiguous words which Power interpreted to his Ruine His last words were so wary that they might become Bellarmine and Luther at once that the Protestants call them his Confession of F●ith and the Papists his old Religion And neither is he to be blamed unless his troublesome Adversaries will accuse him as the quarrel some Roman did his Antagonist Because he would not receive his Weapon fairly with his whole Body for confessing his Offenses against God and the King in his many Employments he said he died in the Catholique Faith Some will say the Protestants think no great gain to have him and the Papists no loss to part with him yet we must needs confess that he was a Wise Man because he always consulted the Learned in the Laws about all his proceedings He was a Good Man witness Frescobald whose mean Person he took notice of whose small Kindness he acknowledged whose Services he condescended to whose Wants he relieved and whose Debts he recovered He was a Noble-man because he refused another Mans Coat of Arms who was of his Name saying What shall I do with it for he may pull it off my back at pleasure In a word He was so Mean before he rose so Worthy afterwards that no Times had Raised but those more troublesome none Ruined him but those most loose of Henry the viii Some reserved Mens parts he compared to meat in a great Colchester Oyster which would hardly requite the pains of opening But infinitely was he taken with those who were as he called them like the Statues of Apollo had a Launce in one Hand and an Harp in another that is resolution to awe on the one side and sweetness to oblige on the other Being much pleased likewise with the reflecting Man who needs not the dull way of Persia to keep a Boy behind him to bid him remember what he is and what he ought to do and with the devout Courtier For as the Ennamel which adorneth the Doves Neck never shines so clear and glorious as when the Sun looks upon it so great Men are never so full of Majesty themselves as when they own the Majesty of God never more Gods among Men as when humble Men before God who as St. Lewis of France once affirmed boweth the hearts of Men to a subjection to them who kneel in adoration to him He loved not the Men that pedantically boasted their reading but that rationally made use of it not ridiculously upon all occasions vaunting the shreds of it but skilfully to good purposes couching the result and substance of it So the admirable old Man Epictetus as Lucian calls him that famed Stoick whose Lamp was preserved as a Relique and sold for 3000. Drachmas would say Encheir c. 16. that Sheep bring not their grass to their Shepherd to shew him
how much they have eaten but concocting their meat inwardly do bring forth Wool and Milk True learning is the improvement of other Mens studies and experiences by our own meditation adding to that frame by consideration which they had built from the ground by many Ages observation The Lord Herbert's Character of Cromwel ANd to this end came Cromwel who from being but a Black-smiths Son found means to travel into forein Countries to learn their Languages and to see the Wars being a Souldier of Bourbon at the taking of Rome whence returning he was received into Cardinal Wolsey's service To whom he so approved himself by his fidelity and diligence that the King after his fall voluntarily took him for his Servant in which place he became a special Instrument for dissolving the Abbeys and other Religious Houses and keeping down the Clergy whom in regard of their Oath to the Pope he usually termed the Kings half Subjects And for expelling the Monks he said it was no more than a restoring them to the first Institution of being lay and labouring persons Neither did it move him that so much strictness and austerity of Life was enjoyned them in their several Orders since he said they might keep it in any condition But as these Reasons again were not admitted by divers learned and able Persons so he got him many Enemies who at last procured his fall but not before he had obtained successively the Dignities of Master of the Rolls Baron Lord Privy Seal Vicegerent to the King in Spiritualities Knight of the Garter Earl of Essex Great Chamberlain of England c. He was much noted in the exercises of his Places of Iudicature to have used much Moderation and in his greatest pomp to have taken notice and been thankful to mean persons of his old acquaintance and therein had a Virtue which his Master the Cardinal wanted As for his other Descriptions I leave them to be taken out of Granmer's Letter formerly mentioned with some deduction For it seems written to the King in more than Ordinary Favour of his antient service Arch-Bishop Cranmer's Character of Cromwel in a Letter to King Henry the Eighth WHo cannot b● sorrowful and amazed that he should be a Traytor against your Majesty He that was so advanced by your Majesty He whose surety was only by your Majesty He who loved your Majesty as I ever thought no less than God He who studied always to set forwards whatsoever was your Majesties will and pleasure He that cared for no Mans displeasure to serve your Majesty He that was such a Servant in my Iudgment in wisdom diligence faithfulness and experience as no Prince in this Realm ever had He that was so vigilant to pres●rve your Majesty from all Treasons that few could be so secretly conceived but he detected the same in the beginning If the Noble Princes of memory King John Henry II. and Richard II. had had such a Counsellor about them I suppose they should never have been so Traiterously abandoned and overthrown as those good Princes were After which he says again I loved him as my Friend for so I took him to be but I chiefly loved him for the love which I thought I saw him bear ever towards your Grace singularly above all other But now if he be a Traytor I am sorry that ever I loved or trusted him and I am very glad that his Treason is discovered in time But yet again I am very sorrowful for who shall your Grace trust hereafter if you might not trust him Alas I bewail and lament your Graces chance herein I wot not whom your Grace may trust But I pray God continually Night and Day to send such a Councellor in his place whom your Grace may trust and who for all his qualities can and will serve your Grace like to him and that will have so much solicitude and care to preserve your Grace from all dangers as I ever thought he had Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Audley SIr Thomas Audley's Birth was Generous his Education more Essex bred him to that Honour which his Ancestors lost His Soul ennobled his Body and his Body graced his Soul The one quick solid apprehensive and judicious the other tall and majestick King Henry loved a Man and here was one whose Austerity was allayed with Debonairness whose Gravity was sweetened with Pleasantness whose Knowledge was as large as his Authority whose Wit was equal with his Wisdom whose Memory was strong and Judgment solid His fair Estate brought him to the Temple his proficiency in the Law to the Court His reading upon the Statute of Priviledges commended him to the Kings Service his speaking for the Prerogative in Parliament brought him to the Kings Favour Although the Liberties of the People can never be se●ured without the Prerogative of the Sovereign who cannot do the good they would if he wants a power to do the evil they fear yet his first Preferment was to withdraw him from Popularity and the second only to confirm him to Sovereignty Noble Service is the way to a Royal One ● His Stewardship to the Dutchy of Suffolk raised him to the Attorneyship of that of Lancaster But in troublesome and designing times a popular Orator is a good Courtier and leading Parts in Parliament or Convocation are great Merits In the black Parliament he was a Member by his own Interest and a Speaker by his Majesties Choice Sir Tho. More was to serve the Crown in the Lords House and Sir Tho. Audley was to succeed him in the House of Commons When Abbey-Lands were bestowed on the King in gross and returned by him to the leading Lords and Commons in the Retayl most of that Parliament looked for ●hares Sir Thomas for the first cut to secure himself with the King He was always in favour with the Queens who had no less interest in the Kings Heart than the Kingdom had in his Head The Age was uncertain Interest not so Sir Thomas was fixed on the One above the alterations of the Other understanding what was most convenient at a time when there was nothing lawful He was well seen in the flexures and windings of affairs at the depth whereo● other Heads not so steady turned giddy He had the Arts of a Statesman and the closeness of a Politician Reserved he was but no Dissembler For if a man have that penetration of judgment as he can discern what things are to be laid open and what to be kept secret and what to be shewed with half ●ights and to whom and when which indeed are Arts of States and Arts of Life to him an Habit of Dissimulation is a hinderance and a poorness He as an able man was always frank and open but wary knowing how to stop and turn within the compass of equity and honesty He understood business well and men better and knew King Henry's Temper better than Himself whom he surprized always to his own bent never moving any
debonair a rare example in one raised so high and so speedily To his Relations liberal firm to his friend formidable to his enemy He was a Courtier and a young man a profession and age prone to such desires as when they tend to the shedding of no mans blood to the ruine of no Family Humanity sometimes connives at though she never approves So that take him in his publick capacity wherein only he comes under our observation which meddles not with mens private converse or moralities any further than they are subservient to their State-employments we may say of him as one doth of his Master That in him the things we can wish are fewer than those we praise But be it for ever remembred That the villain whose despair of advancement made him careless of his own life and Master of this Lords talked in his examination of a Sermon at St. Faiths no● his own Parish-Church where he heard That every man in a good cause might be I●dge and Executioner of sin which he applied to himself Whence raw discoursers in Divinity should learn how prudently they should pre●ch and itching heare●● how warily they should hear● Observations on the Life of VVilliam Noy Attorney General WIlliam Noy born in Cornwal was bred in Lincolns-Inne a most sedulous Student constantly conversant with ancient Writings verifying his Anagram WILLIAM NOY I moyl in Law He was for many years the stoutest Champion for the Subjects Liberty until King Charls entertained him to be his Attorney The dis-ingenuity of the Parliament his impendent necessity would have put another Soveraign on extraordinary wayes but to King Charls it was enough they were illegal No extremity though never so fatal could provoke him to irregularities yet whatever w●yes the Laws allowed or Prerogative claimed to secure a desperate People that would undo themselves he was willing to hearken to therefore for a cunning man the cunningst at such a project of any within his three Dominions he sends for his Attorney-General Noy and tells him what he had in contemplation bids him contrive the Mode but a statutable one for defraying the expence Away goeth the subtle Engineer and at length from old Records bolts out an ancient common P●ecedent of raising a Tax for setting out a Navy in case of danger The King glad of the discovery as Treasure-tr●ve presently issued out Writs first to the Port-Towns within the Realm declaring that the safety of the Kingdom was in danger and so it was indeed and therefore that they should provide against a day prefixed twenty seven Ships of so many Tun with Guns Gun-powder Tackle and all other things necessary But this business is no sooner ripened than the Author of it dyeth Aug. 6. 1634. He was a man passing humorous but very honest clownish but knowing a most indefatigable plotter and searcher of ancient Records whereby he became an eminent instrument both of good and evil and of which most is a great question to the King's Prerogative For during the times that Parliaments were frequent he appeared a stout Patriot for the Common-wealth and in the last was an active opponent in the differences concerning Tonnage and Poundage But when the dissolution of that was in some mens apprehensions the end of all No sooner did the King shew him the Lure of advancement but quitting all his former Inclinations he wheeled about to the Prerogative and made amends with his future service for all his former dis-obligements This is something smart more to his advantage is that character Arch-Bishop Laud gives him That he was the best friend the Church ever had a of Layman since it needed any such and indeed he was very vigilant over its Adversaries witness his early foresight of the danger and industrious prosecution of the illegality of the design of buying Impropriations set up by persons not well af●●●e● to the present constitution and that of the ●●●●orian that he loved to hear Dr. Preston preach because he spake so solidly as if he knew Gods will To which I add a passage from the mouth of one present thereat The Goldsmiths of London had and in due time may have a custom once a year to weigh gold in the Star Chamber in the presence of the Privy-Council and the King's Attorney This solemn weighing by a word of Art they call the Pix and make use of so exact scales therein that the Master of the Company affirmed that they would turn with the two hundredth part of a grain I should be loth said the Attorney Noy standing by that all my Actions should be weighed in those Scales with whom all men concur that know themselves And this was the first evidence of his parts and the occasion of his reputation Three Grasiers at a Fair had left their money with their Hostess while they went to Market one of them calls for the money and runs away the other two come upon the woman and sue her for delivering that which she had received from the three before the three came and demanded it The Cause went against the Woman and Judgement was ready to be pronounced when Mr. Noy being a stranger wisheth her to give him a Fee because he could not plead else and then moves in Arrest of Judgement that he was retained by the Defendant and that the case was this The Defendant had received the money of the three together and confesseth was not to deliver it until the same three demanded it and therefore the money is ready Let the three men come and it shall be paid a motion which altered the whole proceeding Of which when I hear some say it was obvious I remember that when Columbus had discovered America every one said it was easie And he one day told a company at Table where he was that he could do a stranger thing than that discovery he would make an Egg stand an end on a plain Table the speculatives were at a loss how it should be done he knocks the Egg upon the end and it stands Oh! was that all they cryed Yes saith he this is all and you see how hard a thing it is to conceive a thing in the Idea which it 's nothing to apprehend in the performance I need say no more of this Gentleman but that Sergeant Maynard will say to this hour he rose mainly at first by being looked upon as Mr. Noy's Favourite Observations on the Life of Sir John Savil. THe methods of this Gentleman's advancement exactly parallel those of his Countrey-man Sir Thomas Wentworth Both had the same foundation of wealth and honour to build on both had solid and strong parts to act by both began with Popularity in the Countrey proceeded with activity in Parliaments accomplished themselves with correspondence all over the Nation both eminent upon the Bench both hospitable at home both bountiful to Lecturers both well skilled in and stedfast to the great points of Prerogative and Liberty For the last whereof they were so
mean but well proportioned his complexion phlegmatique his countenance amiable and cheer●ul his voice plain and distinct and his temper sound and healthful I can add nothing to the honour of this good man yet will I pay this further devotion to his virtue whereof honour was a testimony as long as it was its self wort●less men having made the honour bestowed on them as despicable as themselves that wore it that royal favour receiving more contempt from them than it gave reputation to them A good name the great instrument of doing good while we live and our other life when dead could he said if any thing justify the barbarous way of duels since he is the most bloody man to himself that is careless of reputation So as to be indifferent what he doth or what others say is to bury himself alive His Credit which he said was his Royalty there being but two Empires in the World the one a general love and esteem the other common dread and fear put him upon being watchful for occasions constant in his actions moderate in prosperity resolute in encounters calme in troubles above fortune and able to make and piece up the broken miscarriages of chance that he might be settled in that state which is the work of greatness and the inheritance of goodness the prospect whereof is pleasant though the ascent be sharp and slippery ●he top shaking the footing uncertain and the downfall fearful and the reflections of it when moderated with humility like those o● the Sun when allayed in his declension pleasing and cheerful Towards the attainment whereof the Lives of former Worthies were such incitements to this as Hercules was to Theseus Miltiades to Themistocles and Achilles to Alexander And nothing the good Man would discourse should men be more render of than of Mens ho●our since t●e●e were but two effectual restraints from Vice shame and fear and but two motives to Virtue Honour and Interest the fi●st of which is so much the darling peculiarly of the English Nation that this is called by a French Author the Land of Honour His Fall was attended with a greater fame than his height as the Sun in the Evening hath a greater ●hadow than at Noon WHo is the honest man He that doth still and strongly good pursue To God his Neighbour and Himself most true Whom neither force nor fawning can Vnpin or wrench from giving all their due Whose honesty is not So loose and easie that a ruffling winde Can blow away or glitt'ring look it blinde Who ●ides his sure and even trot While the World now rides by now lags behinde Who when great trials come Nor seeks● nor ●huns them but doth calmly stay Till he the Thing and the Example weigh All being brought into a sum What Place or Person calls for he doth pay Whom none can work or wooe To use in any thing a trick or sleight For above all things he abhors deceit His words and works and fashion too All of a piece and all are clear and streight Who never melts or thaws At close tentations when the day is done His goodness sets not but in dark can run The Sun to others writeth Laws And is their virtue Virtue is his Sun Who when he is to treat With sick Folks Women those whom passions sway Allows for that and keeps his constant way Whom others faults do not defeat But though men fail him yet his part doth play Whom nothing can procure When the wide World runs Bias from his will To writhe his limbs and share not mend the ill T is is the Mark-man safe and sure Who still is right and prays to be so still Observations on the Life of Thomas Cromwel Earl of Essex Most of them from the Notes of Thomas Cromwel Esquire one of his Posterity who made a Collection of Observations upon him 1633. from the Ancestors of Baronet Worseley and Sir Ralph Hopton who had been his Servant PVtney saw his Cradle in a Cottage and England saw his Coffin in a Ditch His Original was mean his End meaner A suddain height in an unsettled time ruined him A moderate and leasurely Grea●ness is safe His Blood ran low but pure ennobling the veins it flowed in with a Spirit that was to raise a Family and Deserve that Honour that others Inherit His honest Parents conveyed him a strong Constitution that could support stronger parts The poor mans good Temper is an Inheritance and the Rich his Effeminacy his Disease A private School civilized his parts Travel and Employment improved them His Necessity when at home made him a Soldier abroad and his Observations abroad made him a Man at Home The Experience of Travel enlarged his Soul and the Hardship of War knitted and consolidated it His hard Fortune at Cambray was the occasion of his good One in England and had he not been undone he had been undone For his promising looks commended him to Frescobald the Merchant for Relief and to Cardinal Wolsey for service in whose private Service of Secretary for his Embassie in France he prepared himself for that more publick of Secretary of State in England Great Scholar he was none the Latine Testament gotten by heart being his Master-piece nor studied Lawyer never admitted to the Innes of Court nor experienced Souldier though Necessity cast Him upon it when the Duke of Burbon be●ieged Rome no● Courtier till bred up in Cardinal Wolsey's Court yet that of the Lawyer in him so helped the Scholar that of the Souldier the Lawyer that of the Courtier the Souldier and that of the Traveller all the rest being no Stranger to Germany well acquainted with France most familiar with Italy so that the result of all together made him for Endowments eminent not to say admirable His Apprehension was quick and clear his Judgment methodical and solid his Memory strong and rational his Tongue fluent and pertinent his Presence stately and obliging his Heart large and noble his Temper patient and cautio●s his way industrious and indefatigable his Correspondence well laid and constant his Converse insinuating and close None more dexterous to finde out by his Setting-Dogges and Coy-Ducks none more reserved to keep a secret He was equal ●aith my Author to the French Politicians when under his Master he over-reached them when alone doing more in one month with his subtle Head than the other in twelve months with his stately Train The King of France would have pensioned up his parts but the Vice-Roy of England advanced them His Master brought him first to serve his Country in Parliament that great School of Experience and then his King at Court where defending his Masters great actions he made it evident he could perform greater His saying in defence of his Master that new States-men like fresh Flies bite deeper than those which were chased away before them stuck much with the House that was then sensible that many of the Country-Gentlemen discoursed of the Court-States-men but
to Richard Bishop of London The two main Principles that guide humane Nature saith Judge Dodderidge are Conscience and Law By the former we are obliged in reference to another world by the latter in relation to this P●iests and Judges are the Dispensers of ●hese Principles No Prince more unhappy in his Priests than King Henry whose unhappiness it was that all the juggle prevarication and imposture of his time was in the Pulpit none more happy in his Judges to whose Reason his People were more willing to submit than they were to hearken to his Clergy's Instruction among whom none more renowned than Sir Iohn Fitz-Iames who was so fearful of the very shadow and appearance of corruption that it cost his chief Clerk his place but for taking a Tankard after a signal Cause of 1500 l. a year wherein he had been serviceable though not as a Bribe but as a Civility Caesar would have his Wife without suspicion of lewdness and Fitz-Iames his servants without the appearance of corruption What was Law alwayes was then a Resolution Neither to deny nor defer nor sell justice When our Judge came upon the Bench he knew no more then Melchisedech or Levi Father or Mother neither Friend nor Interest for when his Cousin urged for a kindness Come to my House saith the Judge I will deny you nothing come to the Kings Court and I must do you justice And when the Attorney-General bespake his favour in a publick Cause Trouble not your self said he I 'le do the King right The King is cast the Attorney expostulates the Judge satisfieth him That he could not do his Majesty Right if he had not done justice His P●udence so tempe●ed his zeal for his Sovereign that he over-strained not the Prerogative to bring in fears and jealousies of Tyranny on the one hand and his Integ●ity so balanced his Popularity that he never depressed it to broach bold opinions and attempts of Liberty on the other complying with none of those humours that an Imaginary dread of oppression or a dangerous pres●mption of freedom may transport to irregular excesses either for the one or against the other As his Majesty was secured by his Loyalty so his Subjects were by his Patience a Virtue he carried with him to the Bench to attend each circumstance of an Evidence each allegation of a Plea each plea in a Cause hearing what was impertinent and observing what was proper His usual saying as Sergeant Mandevil reports it being We must have two souls as two sieves one for the Bran the other for the flour the one for the Gross of a Discourse the other for the Quintessence The same day that there was no Cause to be tried in the Chancery in Sir Tho. More 's time there were but three in the Kings Bench in Sir Iohn Fitz-Iames his time the reason whereof some imagine was Cardinal Wolsey's extraordinary power that engrossed all Causes to his Legantine Court others know it was the Judges Integrity who was too honest to allow as that Age was too plain to contrive delays and obstructions Lewis the Eleventh of France would say when he was advised to take Revenge of those that had affronted him before he came to the Crown That it became not the King of France to revenge the Injuries done to the Duke of Orleans A Person that had no●oriously wronged Sir Iohn when a Templer in the case of his Chamber was to be tried before him for his whole E●tate when a Judge the Adversaries among other shifts made use of this old Q●arrel whereupon Sir Iohn said It doth not become a Iudge upon the Bench to revenge a wrong done in his Chamber Two things upheld him in those boysterous times 1. Silence 2. Patience both wary Virtues that seldom endanger their Owner or displease their Superiours The Pe●ple of those times would live and die with the Pope and Council and this Judge with the King and Parliament The grand Article of his Faith was I believe as the Church beleives and the great Rule of his Practice was I will live as the Law directs He was a tried Man whose Faith and Honour was above his Life and Fortune whose Generosity was above that first temptation of Money as his Spirit was above the second of Danger No fear here of delivering up Priviledges to day for fear of the King or Prerogative to morrow for fear of the Subject No an unbiass'd Temper between both make up this honest man who came on to preferment with great Expectations and went off with great Applause being one of the three men of whom it is said That because they never pleased their Master in doing any thing unworthy they never displeased him in doing any thing that is just When base compliance goeth off with the contempt of those it hath humoured a Noble Resolution comes off with the Reverence of those it hath discontented Observations on the Life of Sir William Molineux SIr William Molineux Junior Descendent from Sir William Molineux Knight of Sefton in Lancashire flourished under King Henry the Eighth being a man of great command in Lancashire bringing the considerable strength thereof to the seasonable succour of the Duke of Norfolk with whom he performed signal service ●a Flodden-Field The Image of whose mind he was as well as the Portrait of his body Peculiar was our Knight for nobly forgiving his Enemies if reconcilable and refusing ignobly to be revenged of them though obstinate for honestly would he betray the Villanies of them that dishonestly offered to betray them to him as Fabricius delivered up to Pyrrhus though a sworn Enemy the Physician that would have Poysoned him Lewis the 11th discovered to the Duke of Burgundy though his mortal Foe the conspiracy that would have ruined him And Queen Elizabeth of England with King Philip of Spain gave Henry the great of France when Friends with neither of them notice of two Plots upon his person that would have ruined him It is confessed on all sides that the Scots lost the day by not keeping their Ranks but not agreed on the cause thereof Buchanan who commonly makes the too much Cou●age of his Country-men the cause of their being conquered imputes it to their indiscrete pursuing of the English routed at the first Others say They did not break their Ranks but were broken unable to endure the Lancashire Archers and so forced to sunder themselves In this Battel the Scottish King and chiefest Gentry were slain the English losing scarce any the Scots scarce any but of prime note The King a●terward wrote his Gratulatory Letter to Sir William Molineux in form following TRusty and Well-Beloved We greet you well And understand as well by the Report of Our Right Trusty Cousin and Counsellour the Duke of Norfolk as otherwise what acceptable service You amongst Others lately did Vs by your valiant Towardness in the assi●ting of Our said Cousin against Our Enemy late King of Scots and how couragiously you as a
and by these to live our selves and exa●ine all other pretensions whatever there being no part of Religion but what hath Virtue and Grace as its Foundation and Design A way that would keep men from Atheism under a sense o● Religion from endless controversies in the solid p●actice of Virtue from fatal Divisions in peace and concord Let us said he establish and fix these Catholique and Vniversal Notions and they will settle our Souls and not hinder us to believe whatsoever is faithfully taught by the Church or submit to what is authoritatively enjoyned by the State So that whether t●e Eastern Western Northern or Southern Teachers c. and particularly whether my Lord of Rochester or Luther c. be in the Right we Laicks may so build upon those Catholicks and infallible Guards of Religion as whatsoever superstructures of Faith be raised these Foundations may support them This Discourse opened a Door to the Reformation intended and shut out all those prejudices it might lie under from the State and Religion o● Fore-Fathers c. Hereupon Sir William is invited to Court and when the air and softness of that place suited no● his more severe and stirring Temper he is promoted to Authority first by Land and then by Sea where none was more watchful in the War● between Us and France none so active in those between Us and Scotland With thirty six Ships he gave Law to the narrow Seas as Poynz with forty more did to the Main There was not a serviceable man belonging to him but he knew by name It being his Rule That none fought well but those thet did it for a fortune While he watched the Coast of France he discovered twelve French Ships in which the Archbishop of Glasco and divers others of Quality were whom the Duke of Albany had sent before him into Scotland these he chased to a ship-wrack and leaving a Squadron to shut up the French Havens went along the French Coasts landing in divers places wasting the Country till at last he came to Treport a Town strongly situated and garisoned with three thousand men which yet he took and finding it not his Interest to dwell there pillaged and burned it going off with Success and Glory Insomuch that King Henry joyned him with the Bishop of Bath in the Commission for the Treaty at Paris where such Articles were agreed on touching a Marriage with the Princess Mary and the joynt Embassie to the Emperour as spake Sir William as well seen in the state of Europe as any particular Person in the seven Kingdoms of it whereof one was That they should unite by all the Ties of Alliance Friendship and Interest against the growing Power of Austria so far as that there should be no League Correspondence War or Peace wherin they both should not be concerned From his Forein Negotiations he returns to his home-services and the next view we have of him is in the Parliament bringing up with Sir Anthony Fitz-Herbert a Bill against the Cardinal who wi●hed then as Philip Duke of Burgundy did that with Alexander he had Died young 1. For encroaching upon his Sovereigns power by his Legantine Authority 2. For treating between the Pope and the King of France without his Master's privity and consent as likewise between Himself and the Duke of Fer●ara 3. For joyning Himself with his Majesty saying The King and I. 4. For swearing his Houshold-servants only to himself 5. For speaking with the King when infected with the Pox pretending it was only an Imposthume 6. For giving by prevention divers Benefices away as Legate 7. For receiving Embassadors before they came to the King As also for opening all the Kings Letters and taking an account of all Espials concealing what he pleased 8. For carrying things with an high hand in the Privy Council 9. For transporting Grain and sending advertisements of the Kings Affairs abroad 10. For taxing or alienating Religious mens lands to the great decay of hospitality and charity 11. For controuling the Nobility and engrossing all Causes in his Iurisdiction 12. For taking all ordinary Iurisdiction from them by prevention and seizing their Estates as be did all other Ecclesiastical persons upon their death 13. For perswading the Pope by indirect practices to suppress Monasteries 14. For passing Iudgments without hearing and reversing such Iudgments as had duly passed 15 For suspending the Popes pardons untill he was ●ee'd 16. For turning out his old Tenants 17. For his general encroachments upon the Rights of Religious Houses and the encroachments of Courts of Iustice. 18. For saying to the Pope in order to the obtaining of a Legantine power to the indelible shame of the Church of England That the Clergy of England were given in reprobum sensum 19. For embezling the Goods of the most wealthy Prelates that died in his time 20. For bringing off his Servants from the Law against extortion at York 21. For dividing the Nobility 22. For keeping as great state at Court and exercising as great authority in the Country for purveyance c. as the King 23. For forbidding petitions and purveyances within his Iurisdictions 24. For engrossing all Copy holds within his power to his Lemans Procurers c. 25. For altering the Market-prices set under ●His Majesties Hand and Seal 26. For impressing his Hat under the King's Crown in the Coyn at York 27. For hindering the due course intended by visiting the Vniversities to suppress heresies 28. For disposing of mens Estates and Proprieties at his pleasure This Bill was aggravated most effectually by three most pinching considerations Viz. That the King's Honour was by him diminished That the state of the Realm was by him decayed and discontented That the course of Justice was by him obstructed A great Undertaking this To bring down this lofty Prelate whom his Master created the * King 's Fellow and his own pride made his Superiour But as Wise as Great if we regard the five Politick circumstances 1. The Queen was engaged 2. The People were oppressed 3. The King was needy and covetous 4. The Nobility were kept under 5. The Clergy were harrassed And all by this proud man And at that juncture is he convened before the Parliament and charged home by this excellent Knight who never left him till he was humbled as Justice Fitz-Herbert did not his servants until they were reformed Neither did the Pope escape him abroad better than the Cardinal at home For his next action we find is a Declaration drawn by him Io. Fits-Warren Tho Audley and Others to Pope Clement the Seventh expostulating his Delays and conjuring his Dispatch in the Business of the King's Marriage Very serviceable he was to his Master in time of Peace more in time of War where he said as the great General did that he never saw fear but upon the back of his enemies and particularly ●t the Insurrection 1536. where he cut off the Rebels Passes distressed their Arms and when they
he over-reached the Emperour no less than the Earl o● Worcester did the French King so cunningly binding him that he understood nothing of our Affairs and yet so narrowly si●ting him that we knew all his Intrigues Visible was all the world to our State then and invisible our State to all the world From Germany he is sent with Richard Sampson D. H. to Spain to set Charles as forward against the French as he had done Maximilian His service advanced him to the honour of a Barony and a Viscountship and the profit of the Treasureship of the Houshold and his success upon the Malecontent Duke of Bourbon by Sir Io. Russel who treated with him in Disguise set him as high in the Kings favour as his Wife was a virtuous Lady that was the Kings Friend but not his Mistriss his delight and not his sin In Spain so earnestly did our Sir Thomas mediate ●or the delivering up of the French Hostages that as Sandoval saith Charles protested to him that for his sake onl● he would relinquish his Demand for the restitution of Burgundy in which the difficulty of the peace consisted adding further That for the same reason he would accept as well for Francis his two sons ransome as his charge what was freely offered viz. 2000000 Crowns and he with Sir Robert Poyntz make up that treaty the great Arbi●rators of Europe at whose disposal Kings set their Crowns and Kingdoms their Peace in whose breast fate the fate of Christendome by their voices to stand or fall As faithful is he to the King at home though to his own prejudice as he is serviceable abroad to his honour for when the people talked oddly out of envy to his Daughter now visibly in favour and pi●y to Q●een Katherine Sir Thomas adviseth his Majesty to ●orbid his Daughter the Court and declare that those proceedings ●ere more to satisfie his Conscience and secure Succession than to gratifie any other more private respect so far to his Daughters discontent that she would not come near the King until her Father was commanded not without threats to bring her thither who by representing the common danger to them both obtained at length saith my Lord Herbert though not without much difficulty the cons●●t of his unwilling Daughter to return where yet she kept that distance that the King might easily perceive how sensible she was of her late dismission Sir Thomas would have married her to the Lord Percy but the King and Cardinal forbad it deterrin old Northumberland from it and he his Son Many Love-Letters between King Henry and Anne Bolen are sent to Rome one Letter be●w●en the Cardinal and his Confede●ates is fetched thence by Sir Thomas his Dexterity who advised Sir Francis Bryan then Resident to get in with the Popes Closet-keepers Courtezan and shew her the Cardinals hand by which she might find out and copy his Expresses as she did to his ruine and our King 's great satisfaction To which Letter is annexed a Declaration under his hand and the Lords Darcy Mountjoy Dorset and Nor●olk of 44 Articles against the great Cardinal His hand being now in he must through He adviseth the King to consult the Universities of Christendome He goeth in person when made Earl of Wiltshire to the Pope and contrives that a Declaration of the whole Kingdome in Parliament should follow him which so amused his Holiness with our Earls stratagems that he was asleep as it were until the state of England was quite altered To this he adds the peace with France and the interview with King Francis where his Daughter is married privately and her Brother made Yiscount Rochford Convening a Parliament to his mind at Black-Fryers and advancing an Arch-bishop to his purpose in Canterbury he is secure of the Church and of the Kingdom whereof the first hallowed the action the second confirmed it I say nothing of the bird the egge is bad and left by the hard hearted and Orstredg posterity in the Sand thinking it more engenuous to confess that the scandal of it is not to be answered than to bustle and keep a coil and twist new errors with old falling to Scylla for fear of Charybdis for fear of the absurditie● that dropped from that first one as thick as Sampsons Enemies heaps upon heaps Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Howard HE set out with his Fathers Reputation and came home with his own Britain feels his Arm to this day and the French his success Desperate were his Undertakings yet happy rash his Engagements yet honourable it being his Maxime That never did Sea-man good that was not resolute to a degree of madness The French Fleet he pursueth to the Haven under their own Forts closely Sir Edward considering the order wherein the French lay thought fit to advertise his King and Master thereof advising him withal saith my Author to come in person and have the glory of this Action but the Kings Council taking this Message into consideration and conceiving that it was not altogether fear as was thought but stratagem and cunning that made the French thus attend their advantage thought the King was not invited so much to the honour as to the danger of this Action therefore they write sharply to him again commanding him to do his duty whereof that brave person was so sensible that he landed 1500 men in the sight of 10000 and wasted the Country until being too confident he fell a while after into his Enemies hands the Lord Ferrers Sir Thomas Cheyney Sir Richard Cornwal and Sir Iohn Wallop looking on but not able to relieve him Four Reasons he would usually give against a War with the Low-Countries 1. The decay of Trade 2. The Diminution of Customs 3. The strengthening of France 4. The loss of their industry and inventions and so of the improvement of our Commodities Manufactures In the youth of this State as of all others Arms did flourish in the Middle-gate of it Learning and in the Declining as Covetousness and Thrift attend Old Age Mechanick Arts and Merchandize and this Gentleman was made for each part being not so much a Souldier as a Scholar nor so much a Scholar as a Merchant But a private spirit is most unfortunate and as my Oracle assures me whereas men of that temper all their time sacrifice to themselves they become in the end themselves sacrifices to fortune whose wings they thought by their wisdome to have pinioned Observations on the life of Sir Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey SIr Thomas Howard was this Kings prime Counsellour a brave and an understanding man who was obliged to be faithful to his Master because an Enemy to Winchester emulation among Favourites is the security of Princes Four motives he offered for a Marriage with the Princess Katharine 1. A League with Spain against the growing power of our dangerous Neighbour France 2. The saving of much time and expense in Marriage by her being here 3. The
our welfare it self Opinion governs the World Princes with their Majesty may be o●t envied and ha●ed without it they are always scorned and contemned Circumstances are often more than the main and shadows are not always shadows Outward Esteem to a great Person is as skin to Fruit which though a thin cover preserveth it King Henry's Person and State did England more Right in a Year than his Predecessors Arms in an Age while they onely impressed a resolution in the Neighbours he a reverence As the Reason of man corr●cting of his sense about the m●gnitude and distance o● heavenly bodies is an argument that he hath an Inorganical Immaterial Impassible and Immortal soul so this Gentlemans Conscience often reflecting upon his policy about the Circumstances of many of his actions was an argument that he was ●uled by holy serious and heavenly Principles One effect whereof was that he desired rather the admonishing paines of a lingring death than the favourable ease of a quick one he reckoning it not an effect of cruelty but a design of mercy that he should dye so ut sentiat se mori and he looked on nothing as so great a snare to his thoughts as the opinion of Origen and some othe●s called merciful Doctors who did indeavour to possess the Church with their opinion of an universal restitution of all Creatures to their pristine Estate after sufficient purgation or any thing more a temptation to other mens souls than the Blasphemy of some making God the Author of good and evil so much worse than the Manichees or Marcionites as they held it not of their good God whom they called Light but of their bad God whom they called Darkness As Princes govern the People so Reason of State the Princes Spain at that time would command the Sea to keep us from the Indies and our Religion to keep us from a Settlement France suspected our Neighbourhood and engaged Scotland the Pope undermined our Designs and obliged the French Sir Anthony at Rome in respectful terms and under Protestation that his Majesty intended no contempt of the See Apostolick or Holy Church intimated his Masters Appeal to the next General Council lawfully assembled exhibiting also the Authentick Instruments of the same and the Archbishop of Canterbury's at the Consistory where though the Pope made forty French Cardinals yet our Agent and his money made twelve English and taught Francis to assume the power of disposing Monasteries and Benefices as King Henry had done advising him to inform his Subjects clearly of his proceedings and unite with the Princes of the Reformation taking his Parliament and People along with him and by their advice cutting off the Appeals to and Revenues of Rome by visitations c. with a Praemunire together with the Oath of Supremacy and the publication of the prohibited Degrees of Marriages He added in his Expresses That his Majesty should by disguised Envoys divide between the Princes and the Empire The next sight we have of him is in Scotland the French Kings passage to England as he calls it Where in joynt Commission with the Earl of Southampton and the Bishop of Durham he with his variety of Instructions gained time until the French King was embroyled at home the season of Action was over there and the Duke of Norfolk ready to force that with a War which could not be gained by Treaty Fortune is like the Market where many times if you can stay a little the Price will fall The ripeness and unripeness of the Occasion must be well weighed Watch the ●eginning of an Action and then speed Two ●hings make a compleat Polititian Secresie in Councel and Celerity in Execution But our Knights Prudence was not a heavy Wariness or a dull caution as appears by his preferment at Court where he is Master of the Horse and his service in the North where he and the Comptroller Sir Anthony Gage are in the head of 10000 men In both these places his excellence was more in chusing his Officers and Followers than in acting himself His servants were modest and sober troubling him with nothing but his business and expecting no higher conditions than countenance protection and recommendation and his Retainers peaceable reserved close plain and hopeful the deserving Souldier and the promising were seen often at his gate not in throngs to avoid popularity Equal was his favour that none might be insolent and none discontented yet so di●creetly dispensed as made the Preferred faithful and the Expectants officious To be ruled by one is soft and obnoxious by many troublesome to be advised by few as he was is safe because as he said in some things out of his element the Vale best discovereth the Hill Although he understood not the main matter of War yet he knew many of its falls and incidents his prudence being as able to lay a stratagem as others experience was to embattail an Army Sir Thomas Wharton Warden of the Marches he commands with 300 men behind an Ambush whither he draws the rash Scots and overthroweth them more with the surprize than his power taking the Lord Admiral Maxwel c. who was committed to his custody and putting that King to so deep a melancholy that he died upon it His death suggests new counsels and Sir Anthony watcheth in Scotland to gain hi● Daughter for our P●ince or at least to prevent the French whom Sir Wil●iam Paget watcheth there as Sir Ralph Sadler did in Rome and Sir Iohn Wall●p at Calais and when that Kings design was discovered we find our Knight with Charles Duke of Suffolk Lieutenant-General Henry Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel Lord General Will. Paulet Lord St. Iohn Stephen Bishop of Winchester with a rich and strong Army expecting the King before Montrevil wh●ch they took with Boulogn and forcing the French to a Peace and Submission that secured England and setled Europe Three things facilitate all things 1. Knowledg 2. Temper 3. Time Knowledge our Knight had either of his own or others whom he commanded in what ever he went about laying the ground of matters always down in writing and debating them with his friends before he declared himself in Council A temperance he had that kept him out of the reach of others and brought others within his Time he took always driving never being driven by his business which is rather a huddle than a performance when in haste there was something that all admired and which was more something that all were pleased with in this mans action The times were dark his carriage so too the Waves were boysterous but he the solid Rock or the well-guided Ship that could go with the Tide He mastered his own passion and others too and both by Time and Opportunity therefore he died with that peace the State wanted and with that universal repute the States-men of those troublesome times enjoyed not By King Henry's Will he got a Legacy of 300 l. for his former Service and the
next year his Nephew is born the hope and stay of his Majesty and his Realmes and he is made Earl of Hertford King Henry understanding that the Pope upon his own and Cardinal Pool's account stirred up all the Princes against him as a provident Prince rode himself to the Sea-coasts to see them fortified Admiral Fitz-williams is old Sir Thomas Seymour assists him to rigg the Navy to be in readiness in six dayes time Sir Edward is to muster the Land-Forces and particularly the City of London where were 15000 Armed men ready May 8 in St. Iameses at which place the City seemed a Camp and the Ci●izens men not of the Gown but of the Armour Great this Lords interest in and respect with the people as great his brothers with the Sea-men The Multitude would leave all for their good Lord of Hertford and the Sea-men would die with their noble Lord Seymou● When the King of Scots had deluded King Henry in his correspondencies with France beyond all patience and had been forborn beyond all sa●ety or prudence Sir Edward Seymour is fi●st sent to treat and then to fight which he did with much success that 300 of his men and a Stratagem to possess the Scots with an apprehension that the whole English Army was upon them took and killed 30000 Scots had more prisoners than they could keep more booty than they could dispose of and adding this to their Victory that they broke the Kings heart There was no end to be expected of a War with Scotland but by marrying that Kings Daughter to our Sovereigns Son This Match was my Lord Seymour's interest as well as the Kings His prudence and experience is therefore employed first to perswade it and when that would not do so great and so cross the Papal power there by Cardinal Betons means his Valour and Resolution is sent with 10000 to compel it in order whereunto May 4. landing at Granther-Gray he marcheth in order towards Leith which after a defeat given the Cardinal the Earls of Arran Huntley c. by his Harquebusiers they entred and thence proceeded to Edinbu●gh My Lord Dudley leading the Front our Earl the Battle and the Earl of Shrewsbury the Reerward the●e the Keys are offered t●em upon conditions which they refusing and so making the Enemy desperate who resolveth rather to perish nobly than to be undone by submission the Town holds out and they are able to do no more with some considerable loss then burn the suburbs wast the Country to an utter desolation for seven miles compass demolish Leith Dunbar c. take all their Ships and Ammunition returning to Berwick with the loss only of 14 men Two things he was eminent for 1. His Advice that not the least Punctilio of the Law should be neglected Whereupon the Earl of Surrey and other Nobility were imprisoned for eating Flesh in Lent A secret and unobserved contempt of the Law is a close undermining of Authority which must be either its self in indulging nothing or be nothing in allowing all Liberty knows no restraint no limit when winked at 2. For his Popularity in advancing the Benevolence 52000 l. beyond expectation The Scots must have War as long as there is Poverty in their Country and interest in France This Noble Earl cutteth off the Invaders layeth wast the Country and that the source of those troubles might be dammed up entreth France with 80000 men and afer some skirmishes brought the King thereof to a peace and submission In pursuance whereof while King Henry was in Bologn he made his Will wherein the Earl of Hertford Lord High Chamberlain is appointed Principal Counsellour to his Nephew and not long after he dyeth and leaves the Kingdome to his son and his Son to his Uncle whom the common Vote made Protector and interest a Moderator of the Council which the time required able but their humours made f●ctious The peace with King Francis and the Emperour was but uncertain the Scots we●e irreconci●eable the Pope implacable Religion unsettled the Clergy out of frame the People dist●acted and the Nobility at variance A great Counsellour King Henry leaves his Son and a greater his Uncle makes him in Counsel is stability Things will have their first or second agitation If they be not tossed upon the Arguments of Counsel they will be tossed upon the Waves of Fortune But yet this Lord miscarried in that the Council understood him better than he did them And he advised with them rather in publick where men speak warily and in compliance with othe●s humour than in private where they deliver themselves more freely and agreeable to their own humours The Rule is Ask an inferiour mans advice in private that he may be ●ree and a superiours in publick that he may be respectful But he did well 1. In that the same matter if weighed was never propounded and resolved the same day 2. In that he h●d fixed dayes of petitions for the peoples and his own ease 3. In that he poyzed his Committees of contrary inclinations that watched and balanced each other to a moderation most safe for the Kingdome and himself 4. That he had of all Professions such at his command as opened the state of a business before any Commissioners debated it 5. That he seldome discovered his own inlination lest it byas●ed his Counsel 6. That to prevent a Combination in the Council he weakned their power and pri●iledges ●heir credit their dependencies either by office or expectation their opportunities and correspondencies so that he could easily remove any when faul●y discover any when dangerous disgrace any when bold and not fit to be entrusted with the Counsels Resolves Deliberations and Necessities of the State In order to which he had two useful Resolutions 1. To suppress Calumnies 2. To encourage Accusations His first Acts were Shew and Pomp necessary for Greatness● viz. The Knighting of the King and making himself Duke His next are Realities as 1. His mode●ling the Country for a Parliament considering the temper of the people and the pulse of the last Parliament redressing Grievances settling Elections by such Legal Rules as that the people should not be corrupted with money overborn by importunity transported by fear or favour to an unworthy or an unsuitable choice and taking a just time to prepare the people for the designed settlement by his grave and sober Injunctions by godly and good Books of Instructions by a wholsome form of Prayer composed at Windsor by a more exact translation of the Bible by several Proclamations for moderation and order on all hands by inhibiting all Preachers but such learned sober grave and discreet men as were Licensed thereunto under the Lord Protector 's and my Lord of Canterbury's hand 2. His promoting the Match with Scotland first by Ambassadours and then by an Army whose order was this viz. The Avant-guard of 3 or 4000 foot-men at Arms and 600 light-horse led by the Earl of Warwick
at Court often to encourage them for the other getting his Commanders always power and authority enough to do their Masters business but never enough to do their own There being always a contest between the Populacy and the Souldiers whom nothing reconciles but downright force and necessity it was death to his Followers to be irregular because one of their miscarriages exasperates a million and distastes a Kingdom so necessary is a strict Discipline in the Camp and an impartial Justice in the Countrey Outward occasions help Fortune a Man 's own temper makes it when there be as my Lord Bacon writes no stops or restiveness in a Man's mind but that the wheels of that keeps even with those of fortune Sir Clement and Cato Major were both of a make both having tantum robur corporis animi ut quocunque loco nati essent fortunam sibi facturi viderentur Observations on the Life of the Lord Rich. HE must needs be preferred who was so richly descended and nobly allied as to shew at Court upon his first appearance sixty Noblemen and Knights of his Relation and a hundred and fifty thousand Pound a Year Revenue among his Friends He was more beholding to the Temple for his Law than to the Universities for his Learning His severe and active Nature aspiring above the pedantiqueness of a Scholar to the usefulness of a States-man I could never endure saith he those Studies that furnish me only with unactive thoughts and useless discourse that teach me only to think and speak His staid and solid parts commended Him to Cromwel and Cromwel recommended him to King Henry the Eighth He was Solicitor-General to His Majesty and Steward to his Master Cromwel was the M●wl and Rich the Hammer of Abbeys He laid open to the Monks their faults and his Master made use of it to force them to a surrendry For as he said when those Religious Societies saw they had faults enough discovered to take away their Lands they had wit enough to give them up His Counsels overthrew Popery and his Deposition cut off Sir Thomas More for being sent to Sir Thomas after much discourse with him he asked him this subtle Question Whether he would acknowledge the King Supream Head if it were enjoyned by an Act of Parliament Sir Thomas asked him again If the Parliament enacted that God should not be Lord whether he should consent to it And those words undid him He saw that the Protestant Religion was the Interest of England as well as the Doctrine of Scripture and therefore he carried it on in point of policy as Archbishop Cranmer did in point of conscience King Henry the eighth admired his distinct reasoning and stayed judgment and Queen Anne Bullen was taken with his graceful eloquence and ingenious discourses In the morning his plyant soul that could answer all the turnings and windings of business was as reserved and solid as that of a demure States-man in the evening as chearful and merry as that of a Debonair Courtier He was the wisdome of the Court in the Presence and its wit in the Closet its Oracle there and its pleasure here King Henry the eighth made him one of his Legators and King Edward the sixth one of his Council Under him he carried on the Protestant Religion in point of conscience which others managed in point of interest He designed the degrees of the Reformation and he set out its method than whom none more zealous in things necessary none more moderate in things indifferent Active he was but wary stirring but cautious To him the Reformers resorted in point of Law as to Cranmer and Ridley in point of Religion Such his Prudence that the Protector made him his Friend such his Integrity that the King made him Chancellour where his Decrees were just his Dispatches quick his Judgments speedy his Sums of Debates ●ull and satisfactory his Sentences irreversible his Assistants in the Rolls an● other Courts able and honest None more complyant to Reason none more stiff in things agains● Reason He would do any thing for King Edward the sixth's interest nothing for Duke Dudley's ambition therefore he observing the course of Affairs would rather resign his Place than his Integrity when he could not with a safe conscience keep it he with a contented mind parted with it being honoured with the Barony of Leez and enriched with the Western Abbies it being the Prudence of that time to interest the Nobility in the Papal Revenues that so they might be engaged against the Authority R. Rich Lord Chancellour saith my Author then living in Great St. Bartholomews though outwardly concurring with the rest began now secretly to favour the Duke of Somerset and sent him a Letter therein acquainting him with all passages at the Council-board subscribing the same either out of hast or familiarity with no other Direction save To the Duke enjoyning his servant a new Attendant as newly entred into his Family safely to deliver it The Man made more hast than good speed and his Lord wondring at his quick return demanded of him where the Duke was when he delivered him the Letter In the Charter-house said the servant on the same token that he read it at the Window and smiled thereat But the Lord Rich smiled not at the Relation as sadly sensible of the mistake and delivery of the Letter to the Duke of Norfolk no great friend of his and an utter enemy to the Duke of Somerset Wonder not if this Lord rose early up the next morning who may be presumed not to have slept all Night He hieth to the Court and having gotten admittance into the Bed-chamber before the King was up fell down on his Knees and desired that his Old Age might be eased of this burthensome Office pleading that there ought to be some preparatory intervals in States-men between their temporal business and their death in order to which he desired to retire to Essex there to attend his own Devotions Nor would he rise from the ground till the King had granted his Request And thus he saved himself from being stripped by others by first pulling off his own Cloaths who otherwise had lost his Chancellours place for revealing the secrets of the Council-board There are few places so impregnable but Nature hath left in them some place or other by which they may be taken none being armed at all points so well but there is some way left whereby he may be surprized He is the strongest that hath fewest accesses He was a wise Man that said Delay hath undone many for the other World Hast hath undone more for this Time well managed saves all in both But there is a Wheel in things which undoeth all those that have not a Wheel that answereth it in their Souls I mean a great capacity to comply and close with those grand Vicissitudes that with small and unobserved circumstances turn round the World which this great Man was Master of who
in the Inner Temple in the study of the Laws untill his ability and integrity advanced him Lord Chief Justice of the Kings Bench in the Thirtieth of Henry the Eighth He gave for his Motto AEquitas Iustitia Norma And although Equity seemeth rather to resent of the Chancery than the Kings Bench yet the best Justice will be Wormwood without a mixture thereof In his times though the golden showers of Abbey-Lands rained amongst great men it was long before he would open his lap scrupling the acception of such Gifts and at last received but little in proportion to Others of that Age. In the thirty seventh of King Henry the Eighth he was made Chief Justice of the Common Pleas a descent in Honour but ascent in Profit it being given to old Age rather to be thrifty than ambitious Whereupon he said I am now an old man and love the Kitchin before the Hall the warmest place best suiting with my Age. In drawing up the Will of King Edward the Sixth and setling the Crown on the Lady Iane for a time he swam against the tide and torrent of Duke Dudley till at last he was carried away with the stream Outed of his Judges Office in the first of Queen Mary he returned into Northampton-shire and what contentment he could not finde in Westminster-hall his Hospital-hall at Boug●ton afforded him He died Anno 1556. and lieth bu●ied in the Parish Church of Weekly His well-managed Argument in Dodderige his Case brought him to Cromwel's knowledge who was vexed with his reason but well pleased with his Parts Crowmel's recommenda●ion and his own modest nature set him up with Henry the Eighth who could not endure two things 1. A Lawyer that would not be guided 2. A Divine that would not be taught Yet as modest as he was he was honest and though he would submit to the Kings Power yet would he act by his Law For his Apophthegm was Mèum est Ius dicere potius quam Ius dare I●'s my duty to interpret rather than give Law He never denied or delayed J●stice alwayes discouraging those cunning L●ws that perplexed a Cause those contentious Clients that delayed a suit and those nice Cummin-seed men that strained i●ferences and w●ested c●nstructions Patient stayed and equal he was in hearing grave in speaking pertinent in interrogating wary in observing happy in remembring seasonable and civil in interposing The Council durst not chop with him neither would he chop with the Council unless he defended his cause over-boldly urged indiscreetly informed slightly neglected grosly renewed the debate unseasonably or ensnared his Adversaries cunningly in those and other the like cases he would do the Publick Right by a check and the person by an admonition Six sorts of persons he discountenanced in his Courts 1. The scandalous Exactors 2. The slie shifters that as that Chancellour observed pervert the plain and direct courses of Courts and bring Justice into oblique lines and labyrinths 3. Those that engaged Courts in quarrels of Jurisdiction 4. Those that made suits 5. Those that hunted men upon Poenal Statutes 6. Those that appeared in most Testimonies and Juries His Darling was The h●n●st Clerk who was experienced in his place obliging in his carriage knowing in Presidents cautious in Proceedings and skilful in the affairs of the Court. Two things he promoted in King Henry's days 1. The Law against Gaming And 2. The Order against Stews And two in King Edward's 1. That Act against s●reading of Prophecies 2. That Statute against embasing of Coyn. But King Edward's Testament and the Duke of Northumberland's Will is to be made The pious Intentions of that King wishing well to the Reformation the Religion of Q●een Mary obnoxious to exception the ambition of Northumberland who would do what he listed the weakness of Suffolk who would be done with as the other pleased the flattery of the Courtiers most willing to comply designed the Crown for the Lady Iane Grey Mr. Cecil is sent for to London to furnish that Will with Reason of State and Sir Edward to Serjeants Inn to make it up with Law He according to the letter sent him went with Sir Io. Baker Justice Bromley the Attorney and Solicitor-General to Greenw●ch where His Majestie before the Marquess of Northampton declaring himself for the settlement of Religion and against the succession of Q●een Mary offered them a Bill of Articks to make a Book of which they notwithstanding the Kings Charge and the re●teration of it by Sir William Peter declared upon mature consideration they could not do without involving themselves and the Lords of the Council in High Treason because of the Statutes of Succession The Duke of Northumberland hearing of their Declaration by the Lord Admiral comes to the Council-Chamber all in a rage trembling for anger calling Sir Edward Traytor and saying He would fight in his shirt with any man in that Quarrel The old man is charged by the King upon his Allegiance and the Council upon his Life to make the Book which he did when they promised it should be ratified in Parliament Here was his obedience not his invention not to devise but draw things up according to the Articles tendred unto him Since shame is that which ambitious Nature abhorreth and danger is that which timorous Nature declineth the honest man must be resolute Sir Nathaniel Brent would say A Coward cannot be an honest man and it seems by this Action that modesty and fear are great temptations Give me those four great Vertues that makes a man 1. A clear Innocence 2. A comprensive Knowledge 3. A well-weighed experience And 4. The product of all these A steady Resolution What a Skein of Ruffled Silk saith the ingenious Resolver is the incomposed man Observations on the Life of Sir Edward Fines EDward Fines Lord Clinton Knight of the Garter was Lord Admiral of England for more than thirty years He was wise valiant and very fortunate as appears by his Master-piece in Museleborough field in the reign of King Edward the sixth and the Battle against the Scots He was afterwards created Earl of Lincoln where he was born May 4. 1474. and where he had a proportionable Estate to support his Dignity which he much increased beside his Paternal Inheritance He died Ianuary 16. 1558. and lieth buried at Windsor in a private Chappel under a stately M●nument which Elizabeth his third Wife Daughter to the Earl of Kildare erected in his remembrance His Fortune made him a younger B●other and his Industry an Heir coming to Court where they that have Estates spend them and they that have none gain them His recreation was at Court but his business in the Country where notwithstanding the Statute in ●enry the sevenths time against Pasturage for Tillage he Grazed 11000 Acres of Ground then a noble and gaining Employment that advanced many a Family in one Generation and now a saving one that hath kept up as many ten The best tempered Swords will bend
sworn of her Majesties Privy-Council for Ireland and Chancellour of the Exchequer therein Now his grateful soul coursing about how to answer the Queens favour laid it self wholly out in her service wherein two of his Actions were most remarkable First he was highly instrumental in modelling the Kingdome of Ireland into shires as now they are shewing himself so great a lover of the polity under which he was born that he advanced the Compliance therewith as commendable and necessary in the Dominions annexed thereunto His second service was when many in that Kingdome shrowded themselves from the Laws under the Target of power making Force their Tutelary Saint he set himself vigorously to suppress them And when many of the Privy-Council terrified with the greatness of the Earl of Desmond durst not subscribe the Instrument wherein he was proclaimed Traytor Sir Edward amongst some others boldly signed the same disavowing his and all Treasons against his Fri●nds and Country and the Council did the like commanding the publication thereof As to his private sphear God blessed him being but a third Brother above his other Brethren Now though he had three Wives the first a Villiers the second a Spilman the third the Widow of Herlakenden of Wood-church in Kent Esquire and though he had so strong a brain and body yet he lived and died childless intercommoning therein with many Worthies who are according to AElius Spartianu● either improl●fick or have children in Genitorum Vituperium famarum Laesuram God thus denying him the pleasure of posterity he craved leave of the Queen to retire himself and fixed the residue of his life at Wood-church in Kent living there in great Honour and Repute as one who had no designe to be popular and not prudent rich and not honest great and not good He died in th● 56 year of his Age the 13 of October 1591. and is buried at Wood-church under a Table-marble monument erected to his memory by his sorrowful Lady surviving him Observations on the Life of the Duke of Norfolk ● HIs Predecessors made more noyse it may be but he had the greater fame their Greatness was feared his Goodness was loved He was heir to his Uncles Ingenuity and his Fathers Valour and from both derived as well the Laurel as the Coronet His God and his Soveraign were not more taken with the ancient simplicity that lodged in his plain breast than the people were endeared by that noble humility that dwelt in his plainer cloaths and ca●riage The most honourable Pe●sonages like the m●st honourable Coats of Arms are least gaudy In the Election of the first Parliament of Que●n Elizabeth and as a consequent to that in the settlement of the Kingdome Sir William Cecils Wisdome did much the Earl of Arundels Industry more but the D●ke of Norfolks Popularity did m●st Neve● Peer more dread never more dear as he could engage the people to comply with their Soveraign at home so he could lead them to serve her abroad That martial but unfor●unate Gentleman VVilliam Lord Grey draweth first towards Scotland for the first Cloud that would have da●k●ned our glorious star came from the North VVhence all evil is equally our Proverb and our experience as Warden of the middle and East m●●ches but he is seconded by the Duke as Lieutenan●-General of the North-parts where his presence commands a Treaty and his Authority a League Offensive and Defensive to balance the French Interest to reduce the North parts of Ireland and keep the peace of both Kingdome● Now as the watchful Duke discovered by some private Passages and Letters that Scotland was to be invaded by the French so he writ to his Soveraign That notwithstanding the Spanish and French Embassadors Overtures ●he would proceed resolutely in her preparations for Scotland as she did under his Conduct until the young Que●n was glad to submit and the King of France by Cecil and Throgmortons means now b●sied at home to come to terms He brought the Kingdome to musters the People to ply husbandry the nobility to keep Armories and the Justicers to Salaries The Ensignes of St. Michael were bestowed upon him as the Noblest and on Leicester as the dearest person at Court N●w Arundel who had spent his own Estate in hope of the Queens under pretence of recovering his health travelled abroad to mitigate his grief When the Earls of Pembroke and Leicester were openly for the Queens marriage for the future security of our present happiness the Duke though privately of their minde yet would discourse 1. That Successors take off the peoples eyes from the present Soveraign 2. That it was the safest way to k●ep all Competitors in suspence 3. That Successors though not designed may succeed 4. Whereas when known they have been u●done by the Arts of their Competitors 5. And that most men whatever the busie Agitators of the Succession pretended have no more feeling in publick matters than concerneth their own p●ivate interest But he had a p●ivate kindness for ●he Q●een of Scots which he discovered in all the Treaties wherein she was concerned 1. In Lov●-Letters to her notwithstanding that Queen Elizabeth bid him take care what pillow he rested his head on 2. In his meditations at Court so importune for her that the Queen would say The Queen of Scots shall never want an Advocate while Norfolk lives And 3. By some private transaction with the Pope and Spaniard to which Leicesters craft trepanned him against his friend Cecils advice which in a dangerous juncture cost him his life For the people wishing for the securi●y of the succession in a Protestant and an E●glish hand that the good Duke were married to the mother and his onely Daughter to her young Son subtile Leicester and Throgmorton laid a Train for the plain man by Conf●rences with Murray Cecil c. until a Plot was discovered and the Duke notwithstanding Cecils advice to marry a priva●e Lady retiring to Norfolk to finish the Ma●ch with the Queen was upon Letters taken with Rosse surprized and committed to the Tower he saying I am betrayed and undone by mine own whilst I knew not how to mistrust which is the strength of wisdom After a solemn Tryal he is beheaded for Indiscretions rather than Treasons losing his head because he wanted one Never any fell more beloved or more pitied such his singular Courtesie such his magnificent Bounty not unbecoming so great a Peer High was his Nobility large his Interest singularly good his Nature comely his Person manly his Countenance who saith Cambden might have been a great strength and Ornament to his Country had not the cunning practices of his malicious Adversaries and slippery hopes under colour of publick good diverted it from his first course of life His death was a blot to some mens Justice to all mens Discretion that were concerned in it as generally odious though quietly endured● which proves saith one That the common people are like Rivers which seldome grow
well enough how to set up for himself he now meant to allie him with this young Earl who had yet taken no strong impressions For though the said Sir Walter Rawleigh was a little before this whereof I now speak by occasion much fallen f●om his former splendour in Court yet he still continued in some lustre of a favoured man like billows that sink by degrees even when the wind is down that first stirred them Thus runs the discourse of that time at pleasure yet I am not ignorant that there was some good while a very stiff aversation in my Lord of Essex from applying himself to the Earl of Leicester for what secret conceit I know not but howsoever that humour was mollified by time and by his mother and to the Court he came under his Lord. The Duke of Buckingham had another kinde of Germination and surely had he been a plant he would have been rec●oned amongst the Sponte Nascentes for he sprung without any help by a kind of congenial composure ●s we m●y term it to the likeness of o●r late Soveraign and master of ever blessed memory who taking him into his regard taught him more and more to please himself and moulded him as it were Platonically to his own Idea delighting first in the choice of the Materials because he found him susceptible of good form and afterward by degrees as great Architects use to do in the workmanship of his Regal hand nor staying here after he had hardned and polished him about ten years in the School of observance for so a Court is and in the furnace of tryal about himself for he was a King could peruse men as well as Books he made him the associate of his Heir apparent together with the new Lord Cottingto● as an adjunct of singular experience and trust in forraign travels and in a business of love and of no equal hazard if the tendern●ss of our zeal did not then deceive us enough the world must confess to kindle affection even betwixt the distantest conditions so as by the various and inward conversation abroad besides that before and after at ●ome with the most constant and best-natured Prince Bona si sua norint as ever England enjoyed ●his Duke becomes now secondly seized of favour as it were by descent though t●e condition of that estate be no more than a Tenancy at Will or at most ●or the life of the first Lord and rarely transmit●ed which I have briefly set down without looking ●eyond the vail of the Temple I mean into the secret of high inclinations since even Satyrical Poets ●who are otherwise of so licentious fancy are in this ●oint modest enough to confess their ignorance Nescio quid certe est quod me tibi temperet Astrum And these were both their Springings and Imprimings as I may call them In the profluence or proceedings of their fortunes I observe likewise not onely much difference between them but in the Ea●l not a little from himself First all his hopes of advancement had like to be st●angl●d almost in the very Cradle by throwing himself into the Portugal Voyage without the Queens consent or so much as her knowledge whereby he l●ft his Friends and Dependents near six months in desperate suspense what would become of him And to speak truth not without good reason For first they might well consi●er That he was himself not well plumed in favour for such a ●light besides that now he wanted a Lord of Leicester at home for he was dead the year before to smooth his absence and to quench the practices at Court But above all it lay open to every mans discourse that though the bare offence to his Soveraign and Mistress was too great an adventure yet much more when she might as in this case have fairly discharged her displeasure upon her Laws Notwithstanding a noble report coming home before him at his return all was clear and this excursion was esteemed but a Sally of youth Nay he grew every day more and more in her gracious conceit whether such intermissions as these do sometimes foment affection or that having committed a fault he became the more obsequious and plyant to redeem it or that she had not received into her Royal Breast any shadows of his popularity The●e was another time long after when Sir Fulke Grevil late Lord Brooke a man in appearance intrinsecal with him or at the least admitted to his Melancholy hours either belike espying-some weariness in the Queen or perhaps with little change of the word though more in the danger-some marks towards him and working upon the present matter as she was dexterous and close had almost super-induced into favour the Earl of Southampton which yet being timely discovered my Lord of Essex chose to evaporate his thoughts in a Sonnet being his common way to be sung before the Queen as it was by one Hales in whose voyce she took some pleasure whereof the complot me thinks had as much of the Hermit as of the Poet And if thou should'st by Her be now forsaken She made thy Heart too strong for to be shaken As if he had been casting one eye back at the least to his former retiredness But all this likewise quickly vanished and there was a good while afer fair weather over-head Yet still I know not how like a gathering of Clouds till towards his latter time when his humours grew tart as being now in the Lees of favour it brake forth into certain suddain recesses sometimes from the Court to Wansteed otherwhiles unto Greenwich often to his own Chamber Doors shut Visits forbidden and which was worse divers contestations between with the Q●een her self all preambles of ruine wherewith though now and then he did wring out of her Majesty some petty contentments as a man would press sowre Grapes yet in the mean time was forgotten the counsel of a wise and then a Prophetical Friend who told him that such courses as those were like hot Waters which help at a pang but if they be too often used will spoil the stomack On the Dukes part we have no such abrupt strains and precipees as these but a fair fluent and uniform course under both Kings And surely as there was in his natural Constitution a marvellous equality whereof I shall speak more afterwards so there was an image of it in his Fortune r●nning if I may borrow an ancient comparison as smoothly as a numerous Verse till it meet with certain Rubs in Parliament whereof I am induced by the very subject which I han●le to say somewhat so far as shal concern the difference between their times WHen my Lord of Essex stood in favour the Parliaments were calm nay I find it a true observation that there was no impeachment of any Nobleman by the Commons from the Reign of King Henry the sixth until the eighteenth of King Iames nor any intervenient preced●nt of that nature not that something or other could be
for all with a plentiful estate which came to pass accordingly For his Father dying in his infancy no plentiful provision was made for him and when his eldest Brother Thomas Duke of Norfolk was executed his condition was much impaired insomuch that being once in London not overstocked with money when his noble Nephews the Earl of Arundel and the Lord Thomas Howard were out of Town and loath to pin himself on any Table uninvited he was fain to dine with the Chair of Duke Humphrey but other not to say better company viz. reading of books in Stationers Shops in St. Paul's Church-yard though afterwards he attained to great wealth honour and command However that Lord gave little credit to and placed less confidence in such Predictions as appeared by a learned Work he hath written on that subject Observations on the Life of Sir John Ramsey Earl of Holderness and Sir Tho. Ereskin Earl of Kelley BOth their preferment● began on the same occasion both their natures were eminent for the same innocence and goodness both their services tend to the same issue and therefore both their Characters come under one observation which it's more proper to take in the word of their Countrey-man and Contemporary that knew them than in the expression of a stranger that onely heard of them The whole story runs thus The name of Ruthen in Scotland was not notorious until Anno 1568. when Ruthen amongst others Confederates in those divided times of trouble laboured much for the imprisoning Queen Mary Mother to King Iames. In 1582. his son William was created Earl Goury in the time of that King's minority though the Father bore deadly hatred to the King's prosperity And in 1584. himself was in actual Rebellion in which he suffered at Dondee His eldest son Iohn then in Travel in Italy returns home to inherit his lands and honours but not one jot changed in disposition from the traiterous ways of his Predecess●rs For not long after he falls into this Conspiracy which is not so ancient but that many then and now living can and my self have heard the repetition The house of Gowry were all of them much addicted to study Chymistry and these more to practise it often publishing as such Professors usually do more rare experiments then ever could be performed wherein the King a general Scholar had little faith But to infuse more credit to the practice Alexander Ruthen the second brother takes this occasion and withal conspires with Gowry to assassinate the King and taking opportunity in his hunting not far from his house St. Iohnstone invites the King to be an eye-witness of his productions In their way Sir Thomas Erskin after Lord Kelley overtakes them and others Demanding of the Duke of Lenox then present why Alexander had ingrossed the King's ear to carry him from his Sports Peace man said the Duke Wee's all be turn'd into gold Not far they rid but that the Earl Gowry made good by protestation his Brother's story And thus was the King brought to be a Guest Neer the end of Dinner at his Fruit and the Lords and Waiters gone to eat Alexander begs of the King at this opportunity to withdraw and to be partaker of his Production to the view of that which yet he could not believe And up h● leads the King into by-lodgings locking each door behind them till they came into a Back-Room where no sooner entered but that A●exander claps on his Bonnet and with stern countenance faces the Kin● and says Now Sir you must know I had a Father whose blood calls for revenge shed for your sake The King amazed deals gently with his fury excuses the guilt of his death by his then Infancy Advising him not to lay violent hands on the sacred Person of his Anointed Soveraign Especially in a cause of his Innocency Pleading the Laws of God and Man which so much wrought upon him that he said Well I will speak● with my Brother and so put the King into a Lobby Room next the Chamber where no sooner entered but that there appeared a fellow weaponed ready for execution to whose custody the King is committed till his return Alexander gone down the fellow trembles with Reverence puts down his Sword and craves pardon which gave the King occasion to work upon that passion and to ask him whether he resolved to murther him Being assured to the contrary the King gets leave to open a window that looked into a back Court When presently Alexander returns and tells the King that he must dye But much affrighted at the Fellow's countenance with his sword offers violence to the King Which the fellow seemingly opposes and between them began a scuffle which gave advantage to the King to cry Treason at the Window which looked into a back-Court where Sir Thomas Erskin and one Herries were come in pursuit of the King who was rumoured to be gone out the back-way to his hunting At the cry of Treason and known to be the King's voice they both hastened up a back-stair called the Turn-pike being directed by a servant of the house who saw Alexander ascend that way And so forcing some doors that found them above panting with the fray and up comes also at heels of them Iohn Ramsey after Earl of Holderness by them Alexander was soon dispatched Not long after came the Earl Gowry by his double key the first way with a case of Rapiers his usual weapons and ready drawn To whom Erski● said as to divert his purpose What do you mean my Lord the King is kill'd for the King was shadowed having cast himself upon a Re● from his sight and his Cloak was thrown upon the Body of Alexander bleeding upon the ground At which Gowry stops sinking the points of his weapons when suddenly Herries strikes at him with a hunting Falchion And Ramsey having his Hawk on his fist casts her off and steps in to Gowry and stabs him to the heart and forthwith more Company came up Not long after this Conspiracy Herries dies well rewarded Iohn Ramsey hath the Honour of Knighthood with an additional bearing to his Coat of Arms A Hand holding forth a Dagger reversed proper piercing a bloody Heart The point crowned Emperial with this Distick Haec Dextra Vindex Principis Patriae Afterwards he was created Lord Haddington and Earl of Holdern●ss Sir Thomas Erskin was afterwards created Earl of Kelly Knight of the Garter Captain of the King's Guard and Groom of the Stool and the Fellow designed for the Murtherer had a large Pension confirmed by Act of their Parliam●nt And all these men but Herries were living with other witnesses at King Iames his journey when he went from hence to visit Scotland and met together by direction at the same house with Ceremony and all of them with a number of Courtiers ascended into the same Room the blood yet r●maining where the King related the Story which was confirmed by them And afterwards kneeling down with
his Majesties estate better but he was sure he would have kept it from being worse And it was the consequence of his great worth all men applauded him Fulk Lord Brook after the perusal of his H. 7 th returned it him with these words Commend me to my Lord and bid him take care to get good Paper and Ink for the work is Incomparable Dr. Collins the Kings Professor of Divinity at Cambridge said when he had read his advancement of Learning that he found himself in a case to begin his Studies again as having lost all his former time Forreigners crossing the Seas to see him here and carrying his Picture at length that he might be seen abroad An Italian writes to the Lord Cavendish since Earl of Devonshire thus concerning the Lord Bacon I will expect the new Essays of my Lord Chancellor Bacon as also his History with a great deal of desire and whatsoever else he shall compose but in particular of his History I promise my self a thing perfect and singular especially King Henry the 7 th where he may exercise the talent of his Divine understanding This Lord is more and more known and his Books here more and more delighted in and those men that have more than ordinary knowledge in humane affairs esteem him one of the most capable spirits of this age Observations on the Life of the Lord John Digby JOhn Lord Digby of Sherborn and Earl of Bristol was a younger Son of an ancient Family long flourishing at Koleshull To pass by his younger years all Children being alike in their Coats when he had only an Annuity of fifty pounds per annum only his youth gave pregnant hopes of that Eminency which his mature age did produce He did ken the Embassador's craft as well as any in his age employed by King Iames in several Services to Foreign Princes recited in his Patent as the main motives of the Honours conferred upon him But his managing the matchless Match with Spain was his Master-piece wherein a good I mean a great number of State-Traverses were used on both sides Where if he dealt in Generalities and did not press Particulars we may ghess the reason of it from that expression o● his I will take care to have my Instructions pers●●● and will pursue them punctually If he held Affairs in suspence that it might not come to a War on our part it may be he did so with more regard to his Mr. King Iames his inclination than his own apprehension If he said That howsoever the business went he would make his fortune thereby it rather argued his weakness that he said so his sufficiency that he could do so than his unfaithfulness that he did so This is certain that he chose rather to come home and suffer the utmost displeasure of the King of England than stay in Spain and enjoy the highest favour of the King of Spain He did indeed intercede for some indulgence to the Papists but it was because otherwise he could do no good for the Protestants But whatever was at the bottom of his Actions there was resolution and nobleness a top especially in these actions 1 Being carried from Village to Village after the King of Spain without that regard due to his person or place he expressed himself so generously that the Spanish Courtiers trembled and the King declared That he would not interrupt his Pleasures with business at Lerma for any Embassador in the world but the English nor for any English Embassador but Don Iuan. 2. When impure Scioppius upon his Libel against K. Iames and Sir Humphrey Bennet's complaint to the Arch-Duke against him fled to Madrid my Lord observing that it was impossible to have Justice done against him from the Catholique King because of the Jesuites puts his Cousin George Digby upon cutting him which he did over his Nose and Mouth wherewith he offended so that he carried the mark of his Blasphemy to his Grave 3. When he was extraordinary Embassador in Germany upon his return by Heidelbergh observing that Count Mansfield's Army upon whom depended the fortune of the Palsgrave was like to disband for want of money he pawned all his Plate and Jewels to buoy up that sinking Cause for that time That his spirit was thus great abroad was his honour but that it was too great at home was his unhappiness for he engaged in a fatal Contrast with the Duke of Buckingham that hazarded both their safeties had not this Lord feared the Duke's power as the Duke this Lord's policy and so at last it became a drawn Battel betwixt them yet so that this Earl lost the love of King Charles living many years in his disfavour But such as are in a Court-cloud have commonly the Countreys Sun-shine and this Peer during his Eclipse was very popular with most of the Nation It is seldom seen if a Favourite once broken at Court sets up again for himself the hap rather than happiness of this Lord the King graciously reflecting on him at the beginning of the Long Parliament as one best able to give him the safest Councel in those dangerous times But how he incensed the Parliament so far as to be excepted pardon I neither do know nor dare enquire Sure I am that after the surrender of Exeter he went over into France where he met with that due respect in Foreign which he missed in his Native Countrey The worst I wish such who causelesly suspect him of Popish inclinations saith my Author is that I may hear from them but half so many strong Arguments for the Protestant Religion as I heard from him who was to his commendation a cordial Champion for the Church of England This Family hath been much talked of this last forty years though all that I can say of it is this that great spirits large parts high honours penned with narrow Estates seldom bless their owners within moderation or the places they live in with peace Observations on the Life of the Lord Spencer HEe was the fifth Knight of his Family in an immediate succession well allied and extracted being descended from the Spencers Earls of Gloucester and Winchester In the first year of the Reign of King Iames being a moneyed man he was created Baron of Wormeleiton in the County of Warwick He had such a ready and quick Wit that once speaking in Parliament of the valour of their English Ancestors in defending the Liberty of the Nation returned this Answer to the Earl of Arundel who said unto him Your Ancestors were then keeping of Sheep If they kept Sheep yours were then plotting of Treason But both of them were at present confined but to the Lord Spencer the Upper-House ordered Reparations who was first and causelesly provoked This Lord was also he who in the first of King Iames was sent with Sir William Dithick principal King of Arms to Frederick Duke of Wirtenbergh elected into the Order of the Garter to present and invest him with the
then his Lord let him feel what he had threatned my Lord Bacon when he advanced him That if he did not owe his preferment alwayes to his favour he should owe his fall to his frown The peremptoriness of his judgement ●endred him ●dious his compliance with Bristol suspected and his Sermon at King Iames his Funeral his tryal rather than his preferment obnoxi●us His spirit was great to act and too great to suffer It was prudence to execute his decrees against all opposition while in power it was not so to bear up his miscarriages against all Authority while in disgrace A sanguine complexion with its resolutions do well in pursuit of success Phlegm and its patience do better in a re●reat from miscarriages This he wanted when it may be thinking ●ear was the passion of King Charls his Govern●ent as well as King Iames he seconded his easie ●all with loud and open discontents and those discontents with a chargeable defence of his servants that were to justifie them and all with that unsafe popularity invidious pomp and close irregularity that laid him open to too many active persons that watched him Whether his standing out against Authority to the perplexing of the Government in the Star-Chamber in those troublesom times his entertainment and favour for the Discontented and Non-Conformists his motions for Reformation and alteration in twelve things his hasty and unlucky Protestation in behalf of the Bishops and following actions in England and W●les where it 's all mens wonder to hear of his meruit sub Parliamento had those private grounds and reasons that if the Bishop could have spoke with the King but half an hour he said would have satisfied him the King of Kings only knoweth to whom he hath given I hope a better account than any Historian of his time hath given for him But I understa●d better his private inclination● than his publick actions the motions of his na●●●●● than those of his power the conduct of the o●● being not more reserved and suspitious tha● 〈◊〉 effects of the other manifest and noble for n●● 〈◊〉 mention his Libraries erected at Sr. Iohn's 〈◊〉 Westminster his Chappel in Lincoln-Colledge 〈◊〉 repairs of his Collegiate Church his pensions 〈◊〉 Scholars more numerous than all the Bishops and Noble-mens besides his Rent-charges on all the Benefices in his Gift as Lord Keeper or Bishop of Lincoln to maintain hopeful youth according to the Statute in that ●ase provided Take this remarkable instance of his munificence that when Du Moulin came over he calleth his Chaplain now the R. R. Father in God Iohn Lord Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield and telleth him he doubted the good man was low wishing him to repair to him with some money and his respects with assurance that he would wait upon him himself at his first liesure The excellent Doctor rejoyneth that he could carry him no less than twenty pounds the noble Bishop replyeth he named not the sum to sound his Chaplains mind adding that twenty pounds was neither fit for him to give nor for the reverend Forreigner to receive Carry him said he an hundred pounds He is libelled by common fame for unchaste though those that understood the privacies and casualties of his Infancy report him but one degree removed from a Misogonist though to palliate his infirmities he was most compleat in Courtly addresses the conversableness of this Bishop with Women consisted chiefly if not only in his treatments of great Ladies and Persons of honour wherein he did personate the compleatness of courtesie to that Sex otherwise a woman was seldom seen in his house which therefore had always more of Magnificence than Nearness sometimes defective in the Punctilio's and Niceties of Daintiness lying lower than masculine Cognizance and as level for a womans eye to espy as easie for her hands to amend He suffereth for conniving at Puritans out of hatred to Bishop Laud and for favouring Papists o●t of love to them Yet whatever he offered King Iames when the Match went on in Spain as a Cou●cellour or whatever he did himself as a States-man s●ch kindness he had for our Liturgy that he translated it at his own cost into Spanish and used it in the visitation of Melvin when sick to his own peril in the Tower and such resolution for Episcopacy that his late Majesty of blessed memory said once to him My Lord I commend you that you are no whit daunted with all disasters but are zealous in defending your Order Please it your Majesty replyed the Arch-Bishop I am a true Welsh-man and they are observed never to run away till their General first forsakes them No fear of my flinching while your Majesty doth countenance our Cause His extraction was gentile and ancient as appeared from his Ancestors Estate which was more than he could purchase without borrowing when at once Lord Keeper Bishop of Lincoln and Deau of Westminster His mind great and resolute insomuch that he controuled all other advices to his last to his loss in Wales and daunted Sir Iohn Cook as you may see in his character to his honour in England His wariness hath these arguments 1. That he would not send the Seal to the King but under lock and key 2. That being to depute one to attend in his place at the Coronation he would not name his Adversary Bishop Laud to gratifie him nor yet any other to displease the King but took a middle way and presented his Majesty a List of the Prebendaries to avoid any exception referring the Election to his Majesty himself 3. That he proposed a partial Reformation of our Church to the Parliament to prevent an utter extirpation by it 4. That he exposed others to the censure of the Parliament 1625. to save himself 5. That he answered to several Examinations without any the least advantage taken by his Antagonist This character of his I think very exact That his head was a well-fitted treasury and his tongue the fair key to unl●ck it That he had as great a memory ●s could be reconciled with so good a judgement That so quick his parts that others study went not beyond his nature and their designed and forelaid performances went not beyond his sudden and ready accommodations Only he was very open and too free in discourse disdaining to lye at a close guard as confident of the length and strength of his weapon Observations on the Life of Sir Isaac Wake THis honourable person whom I look upon at Oxford in the same capacity and fortune that Sir Robert Naun●on and Sir Francis Neth●rsole were in at Cambridge He was born in Northampton-shire his Father Arthur Wake being Parson of Billing Master of the Hospital of St. Iohns in Northampton and Canon of Christs-Church bred Fellow of M●rton-Colledge in Oxford Protector and Orator of that University whence he was admitted Secretary to Sir Dudly Carleton Secretary of State and afterward advanced into the King's service and by his Master
our known duty but our visible advantage to ascribe our most eminent performances to providence since it not only takes off the edge of envy but improves the reason of admiration None being less maliced or more applauded than he who is thought rather happy than able blessed than active and fortunate than cunning Though yet all the caution of his life could not avoid the envy of ●is advancement from so mean a beginning to so great honours notwithstanding that it is no disparagement to any to give place to fresh Nobility who ascend the same st●ps with those before them New being only a term saith one only respecting us not the world for what is was before us and will be when we are no more And indeed ●his Personage considering the vanity and inconstancy of common applause or affronts impr●ved the one and checked the other by a constant neglect of both● Observations on the Life of Sir Dudly Careleton SIr Dudly Careleton was born in Oxford-shire bred in Christs-Church in Oxford under Dr. King and afterwards in relation of Secretary to Sir Ralph Winwood in the Low-Countreys where he was very active when King Iames resigned the cautionary Towns to the States Here he added so great experience to his former Learning that afterwards our King employed him for twenty years together Ambassador in Venice Savoy and the Vnited Provinces Anne Gerard his Lady Co-heir to George Gerard Esquire accompanying him in all his Travels as is expressed in her Epitaph in Westminster-Abby He was by K. Charls the first to balance the Duke of Buckingham's enemies in the House of Peers with the Lord Mandevil now Earl of Manchester and the Lord Grandison created Baron of Imbercourt in Surrey and afterwards Viscount Dorchester marrying for his second Wife the Daughter of Sir Henry Glenham the Relict of Paul Viscount Banning who survived him He succeeded the Lord Conway when preferred President to the Council in the Secretary-ship of State being sworn at White-Hall December 14. 1628. and dying without Issue Anno Dom. 163 Much ado he had to remove a State-jealousie that was upon him That he insisted on ●he restitution of some Towns in Cleves and Iuliers to gratifie the Spaniards at that time in Treaty with us more to remove a Church-jealousie that in negotiating an accommodation in Religion he designed the undermining of the Remonstrants then in so much power there In which matter he was at a loss whether his Majesty should interpose by Letter or Message The former he said was most effectual but the later less subject to misconstruction considering Barnevel's interest in the State But he had a Chaplain one Mr. Hales that kept this Controversie even on the one hand while he balanced the State-interest on the other equally careful that the United Provinces should not be over-run by the Armies of Spain and that they should not be swallowed up by the protecti●n of France Watchful was his eye there over the West-India Company Diligent his carriage upon any accommodations from Spain which he apprehended always as a design to distract that people then in regard of their unsetledness but too apt upon any dispute to fall into faction Great his industry in reconciling Sir Horace Vere and Sir Edward Cecil for the honour of the English Nation and the advancement of the common service Sincere his services ●o the Prince Elector and his Lady Exa●t his rules of Traffique and Commerce and dexterous his arts of keeping the States from new alliances notwithstanding our likely Marriage-treaty with Spain especially since the Prince of Orange bluntly after his manner asked Qui at ' il vostre Marriage And indeed he behaved himself in all Employments so well becoming a man that understood so many Languages that was so well versed in Ancient and Modern History that had composed so many choice pieces of Politicks that was so well seen in the most practical Mathematicks and added to these a graceful and charming look a gentle and a sweet elocution that notwithstanding his and his Brother Bishop Carleton's rigidness in some points kept him to his dying-day in great favour and most eminent service and failing in nothing but his French Embassy because there he had to do with Women Leaving behinde him this observation That new Common-wealth● are hardly drawn to a certain resolution as who knowing not how to determine and remaining onely in suspence take ordinarily that course rather which they are forced ●o than what they might choose for themselves And this eminent service when he assisted the Earl of Holland in France viz. That he pacified the high difference there upon which the revolt of the Hugonots depended and put a real resolution in K●ng Lewis to advance against the Valtoline and Spain by the advantage of the League with England proceeding upon this Maxim with that King They that have respect to few things are easily misled I had almost forgot how this Lord finding that want of Treasure at home was the ground of our unsuccessful and despicableness abroad and that Principe senza quatrius e come un muro senza crole da tulls scompis●iato That a Prince without money is like a wall without a Cross for every one to draw upon did mention the Excise in the Parliament-House and in no ill meaning neither and was violently cryed to the Bar and though a person of that eminence as being then a Privy-Councellor and principal Secretary of State he hardly escaped being committed to the Tower So odious was that Dutch-Devil as they called it in the excellent King Charles which was raised by the beloved Parliament with many more that were conjured up in three or four years but not likely to be laid in three or fourscore Living in those times when weak men imagined to themselves some unknown bliss from untried governments and considering that alterations countervail not their own dangers and as they bring little good to any so they bring least of all to those that first promoted them This Lord refused to be the mouth of the Zealous multitude whose rage could neither be well opposed nor joyned with whom a pardon or compliance might bring off leaving their Demagogues to compound for their folly with their ruine choosing rather to be patient than active and appear weak than be troublesom and once resolved upon an exact survey of circumstances for power against the faults of it on the one hand and the affronts of it on the other he gained the esteem of all parties by his fidelity to his own I am much taken with his plain saying which I find of late printed There will be mistakes in Divinity while men preach and errors in Government while such govern And more with his method of proceeding in his affairs whereof he laid first an Idea in his own mind and then improved it by debate the result whereof was usually so compleat as shewed the vast difference between the shallow conceptions of one man and the
deep judgment of many● Observations on the Lives of Sir Richard and Sir Jerome VVeston Earls of Portland SIr Richard Weston in his youth impaired his estate to improve himself with publick accomplishment but came off both a saver and a gainer at the last when made Chancellor of the Exchequer and● afterwards upon the remove of the Earl of Marlborough Iuly 15. in the fourth of King Charles Lord Treasurer of England His activity in Parliament made him considerable at Court none fitter to serve a Prince than he who commands the humor of the people Indeed where ever he was he discovered himself able and faithful 1. In his Forreign Employments his judgement was searching and reach admirable he being the first that smelt out the intentions against the Palatinate which were then in brewing and mashed with much art In his Domestick charge ●is Artifice was singular both in a faithful improvem●nt of the Incomes and a discreet moderation of the expences in his Masters Revenues In his Aspect there was a mixture of authority and modesty in his apprehensions quickness and solidity in his port and train a suitable dignity and correspondence with little noise and outward form An enemy to Complements yet very cour●eous no flatterer yet of great power irreconcileable to frothy formality yet maintaining a due regard to his person and place A great Scholar he was and yet a great Sta●es-man of various erudition and as large observation He secured himself much by Alliances with the best Nobility more by the love and what is more the esteem of a constant King it being one of the wonders of that time that my Lord of Canterbury and he who were at so much distance from one another should be so inward with their Soveraign but that that excellent Prince measured not his affections to his Dependants so much by a particular interest as by a publick serviceableness The necessity of the Exchequer put him upon some ways of supply that displeased the rabble though his three particular cares viz. The paying of the Navy the satisfying of the City and the Queen of Bohemia's supply three things he was very much intent upon while Treasurer obliged the wiser sort of men I know nothing he was defective in being careful to use his own words to perform all duties with obedience to his Majesty respect to the Duke and justice to the particular parties concerned But that he had so much of his Master's love and so little of his patience being grated as all Statesmen are that have to do with various interests and humours between a strong inclination of satisfying every man and the impossibility of pleasing all Considering the importunities of persons and affairs a little impatience must needs fall upon your Lordship wri●es Sir Henry Wotton to him unless you had been cut out of a Rock of Diamonds especially having been before so conversant with liberal Studies and with the ●reedom of your own mind In his time was the great Question agitated Whether a Prince should aim at the fear or the love of his People Although no Prince did more to oblige his People than the Excellent King Charles the I. Yet was there no Prince ever more advised to awe them For this Lord and many more who looked upon over-much indulgence as the greatest cruelty considering that men love at their own pleasure and to serve their own turn and that their fear depends upon the Princes pleasure were of opinion That every wise Prince ought to ground upon that which is of himself and not upon that which is of another government being set up in the world rather to trust its own power than stand upon others courtesie Besides two things the vulgar are taken with 1. Appearance 2. The event of things which if successful gains both their love and reverence Neither was the Father more exact in his Maxims tha● the Son in his of whose many infallible principles this was one That it was the safest way for the King's Majesty to proceed upon a Declaration that the Faction at Westminster was no Parliament upon his own and his most loyal Lords and Commons removal to Oxford And this another That provided the Gentry and Clergy were well principled and His Majesty that now is had a constant correspondence with the most eminent of them it was our Interest to promote his Majesties grandeur abroad and sit still at home until the Faction might be so secure as ●o divide and his Majesties Interest became so conspicuous by the Principles that were kept up at home and the State that was born abroad as to command all And really his little saying hath much in it He that will see what shall be let him consider what hath been For there are the same desires humours and interest in every age that were before it So that as Machiavel observeth It is very easie for him that with diligence ●xamineth past Occurrences to serve himself of those remedies which were in use among the Ancien●s Or if they fail to devise what is most like them Observations on the Life of William Earl of Pembrook HE was an ancient Gentleman of good repute and therefore well esteemed a proper person well set and of graceful deportment and therefore well beloved of King Iames and Queen Anne His inclination was as generous as his extraction and manners ancient as his Family One of his Ancestors is renowned for that he would cond●scend to deliver his Embassies in no Language but Welch and he is commended for that he would comply with no customs in his converse but the old English though his Contemporaries make that his defect rather than his ornament proceeding from his want of Travel rather than his observance of Antiquity He having had only saith the Historian the breeding of England which gave him a conceited dislike of Forreign men their manners and mode or of such English as professed much advantage thereby so that the Scots and he were ever separate and therefore he was the only old Courtier that kept close to the Commonalty and they to him though never suspected by either of his Sovereigns not because he was not over-furnished with Abilities as that pen insinuates to be more than Loyal but because he had too much integrity to be less Being munificent and childless the University of Oxford hoped to be his Ex●cutor and Pembrook-Colledge his Heir Pembrook-Colledge I say called so not only in respect to but also in expectation from him then Chancellor of the University and probably had not cut noble Lord died suddenly soon after according as a Fortune-teller had informed him whom he laughed at that very night he departed being his Birth-night this Colledge might have received more than a bare name from him He was saith one of his own time the very picture and Vive Essigies of Nobility his person rather Majestick than Elegant his presence whether quiet or in motion full of stately gravity his mind generous and
purely heroick often stout but never disl●●al so vehement an opponent of the Spaniard as when that Match fell under consideration he would sometimes rouze to the trepidation of King Iames yet kept in favour still for that King knew plain dealing as a Jewel in all men so was in a Privy-Councellor an ornamental duty An instance of his familiar converse with King Iames was that the King observing that he naturally hated a Frog threw one into his neck and he in requital caused a Pig of an equal disgust with the same Prince to be put under his Close-stool where though it produced no extraordinary ill effect for the present yet after the prank had been descanted upon and worst of Interpretations made by some the title of Iews being at that time bestowed on the Scots the King was much affected with it and the more because it was done at Wilton the Earls own house Though Kings when free and sociable break out to sprightful and facetious extravagancies with Courtiers yet must they not presume lest their words are interpreted not by their meaning but others jealousie free spirits cannot be too circumspect And the same true-heartedness commended him to King Charles with whom he kept a most admirable correspondence and yet stood the firm Confident of the Commonalty and that not by a sneaking cunning but by an erect and generous prudence such as rendred him as unsuspected of ambition on the one side as of faction on the other being generally beloved and regarded Observations on the Life of the Lord Conway EDward Lord Conway succeeded to his Father's Martial skill and valour who was under the Earl of Leicester Governour of Ostend and twisted therewith peaceable Policy in State-affairs so that the Gown and the Sword met in him in most eminent proportion and thereupon King Iames advanced him one of the principal Secretaries of State For these his good services he was by him created Lord Conway of Ragleigh in this County and afterwards by King Charls Viscount Killultagh in the County of Antrim And lastly in the third of King Charles Viscount Conway of Conway in Carnarvenshire● England Ireland and Wales mutually embracing themselves in his Honours and not long after President of the Councel Upon the bre●●● with Spain King Iames and the Duke of Buckingham both judged it very convenient to have a Martial Secretary neither was there any man fitter ●or their turn than this Gentleman who was as able to direct them in the Affairs of War abroad as he was ready to be directed by them in those of Peace at home Being one of those three remarkable Servants that King Iames used to jest upon viz● a Lord Treasurer meaning the Earl of Suffol●● that could not cast Account a Chaplain meanin● Doctor Preston that could not read P●●●●●● and a Secretary meaning this Lord that 〈◊〉 not write his name Sir Rich●rd Weston beat the Bush in the Affair of the Palatinate but Sir Edward catched the Hare his rough humour being more suit●ble to that business Or indeed it having been always more successful to be bold than wary to be free for all occasions than to be obstinate to some rule● Fortune saith Machiavel is a Mi●triss that is● sooner won by those that ruffle and force her than by others that proceed coldly Indeed he was charged with treachery and cowardize in the action against the Scots 1640. but he came off with his honest animosity saying If he migh● but fight their whole Army he would settle Scotland in six months or lose his head being in that of my Lord of Canterbury's opinion who assured his Majesty they would not hold out four a motion that if as easily entertained by that gracious King as it was effectually pursued by the bloody Usurpers a sad experience hath taught us and them would have prevented much mischief there more here especially since it was that wise Prince his judicious observation That they and their Confederates were a people lost by favour and won by punishment Observations on the Lives of the Digges MAster Leonard Digges was one of excellent Learning and deep judgement His ●i●d most inclined him to the Mathematicks and he was the best Architect in that age for all manner of Buildings for conveniency pleasure state strength being excellent at Fortifications Lest his Learning should dye with him for the publick profit he printed his Tectonicon Prognostick General Stratiotick about the ordering of an Army and other Works He flourished Anno Dom. 1556. and dyed I believe about the Reign of Queen Elizabeth when as in most growing times Arts were drowned in action Nothing else have I to observe of his name save that hereditary Learning may seem to run in the vel●s of his Family witness Sir Dudly Digs of Chilham-Castle made Master of the Rolls in the year 1636. whose abilities will not be forgotten whilest our age hath any remembrance This Knight had a younger son of a most excellent wit and a great judgment Fellow of All-Souls in Oxford who in the beginning of our Civil Wars wrote so subtile solid a Treatise of the difference between King and Parliament that such Royalists who have since handled that Controversie have written plura non plus yea aliter rather than alia of that Subject The Son writes down those Rebellions that the Father countenanced The Father I say who by a bold impeachment against his Majesties chief Minister of State to his face taught a discontented People to draw a bolder against his M●jesty himself Wherefore it was that after his undutiful Prologue Against his Majesties Prerogative in favouring his Servants the Preface to more disloyal methods against his right in governing his people he and Sir Iohn Elliot were whispered out of the Lords House when they were hottest against the Duke to speak with a Gentleman and thence sent immediately by two Pursevants that attended to the Tower where and in the Country this Gentleman lay under just displeasure until it was thought fit to take off so dangerous a piece of boldness and eloquence upon the growing distempers of the age by favour and preferment to a Neutrality at least if not to the just measures of his duty But our observation here is this That faction is one of those sins whereof the Authors repent most commonly themselves and their posterities are always ashamed Observations on the Life of Sir Thomas Ridly Dr. LL. THis Knight and Doctor was born at Ely in Cambridge-shire bred first a Scholar at Eaton in Buckingham-shire then Fellow of Kings-Colledge in Cambridge He was a general Scholar in all kind of Learning especially in that which we call Melior Literatura He afterwards was Chancellor of Winchester and Vicar-general to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury His memory will never dye whilst his Book called The view of the Ecclesiastical Laws is living a book of so much merit that the Common Lawyers notwithstanding the difference betwixt the professions will ingenuously
allow a due commendation to his learned performance in that subject Although it startled them to hear King Iames was so affected with it insomuch that Sir Edward Coke undertook from thence to prophecy the decay of the Common-Law though in that prophecy of his others foresaw nothing but his fall Never book came out more seasonably for the Church than this never Comment came out more suitably than Mr. Gregories Notes upon it H● writ well and advised better being good to give better to manage Counsel which he never offered till called and never urged longer than it pleased answering no question of consequence unless upon emergent occasion without deliberation observing the design of people that ask most commonly to try his sufficiency as well as improve their own However being sure that time is likelier to increase than abate the weight of a result discovering as well what may be returned suitably to the general temper as what may be answered fitly to the particular instance What alterations he designed for the Churches benefit were not sodain but leisurely To force men out of one extreamity into another is an attempt as dangerous as it is invidious as awakening most opposition and obnoxious to most hazard Wise Tacitus observeth that men have reformed inveterate habits more by yielding to them than engaging against them though a man must so yield as not to encourage while he doth so countermine as not to exasperate Although he was always able yet was he never willing to mend the Copy his Superiors had set him unless owned as from former instruction lest they grew jealous he valued his own experience before theirs who measure mens sufficiency from their caution and not from their parts from what they can forbear rather than from what they can do To conclude he was one of those able men that cannot be eminent unless they be great men of great merit behave themselves so negligently in small affairs as that you shall never understand their abilities unless you advance their persons Mens capacities sufficiencies have certain bounds prescribed them within the limits of which they are able to acquit themselves with credit and applause But if you advance them above or depress them below their spheres they shew nothing but debilities and miscarriages Onely this he was always commended for That having the management of Affairs intrusted to him he underwent all the miscarriages himself ascribing all the honour and sufficiency to his Patron carrying his hand in all actions so that his Master had the applause of whatever was either conceded or denyed in publick without any other interruption from Mr. Ridly than what became the bare instrument of his commands however he ordered the matter in private Observations on the Life of Sir Henry Martin HE would merrily say That if his Father had left him fourscore pounds a year where he left him but forty he would never have been a Scholar but have lived on his Lands whereas his Inheritance being a large encouragement but a small maintenance he made up in study what he wanted in Estate first at Winchester and then at New-Colledge where his inclination led him to Divinity but Bishop Andrews his advice perswaded him to the Civil Law wherein he attained that great proficiency he was eminent for thus He had weekly transmitted to him from some Proctors at Lambeth the brief heads of the most important Causes which were to be tryed in the High-Commission Then with some of his familiar friends in that faculty he privately pleaded those Causes acting in their Chamber what was done in the Court But Mr. Martin making it his work exceeded the rest in amplifying and aggrava●ing any fault to move anger and indignation against the guilt thereof or else in extenuating or excusing it to procure pity obtain pardon or at least prevail for a lighter punishment Whence no Cause came amiss to him in the High-Commission For saith my Author he was not to make new Armour but only to put it on and buckle it not to invent but apply arguments to his Clients As in decision of Controversies in his Courts he had a moderate and middle way so in managing of affairs in Parliament he had a healing Method Whence in most Debates with the Lords where Mr. Noy's Law and Reason could not convince Sir Henry Martin's Expedients could accommodate For which services and his other meri●s he was made Judge of the Prerogative-Court for probate of Wills and of the Admiralty for Foreign Trade Whence King IAMES would say merrily He was a mighty Monarch by Sea and Land over the Dead and the Living Observations on the Life of Sir John Bramstone SIr Iohn Bramstone Knight was born at Maldon in Essex bred up in the Middle-Temple in the study of the Common-Law wherein he attained to such eminency that he was by King Charls made Lord Chief-Justice of the King 's Bench. One of deep Learning solid Judgement integrity of Life gravity of behaviour above the envy of his own age and the scandal of posterity One instance of his I must not forget writes the Historian effectually relating to the foundation wherein I was bred Sergeant Bruerton by Will bequeathed to Sidney-Colledge well-nigh three thousand pounds but for ha●te or some other accident it was so imperfectly done that as Dr. Sam. Ward informed me the gift was invalid in the rigour of the Law Now Judge Bramstone who married the Sergeants Widow gave himself much trouble gave him●elf indeed doing all things gratis for the speedy payment of the money to a farthing and the legal setling thereof on the Colledge according to the true intention of the dead He deserved to live in better times The delivering his judgement on the King's side in the case of Ship-money cost him much trouble and brought him much honour as who understood the consequence of that Max●me Salus populi suprema lex and that Ship-money was thought legal by the best Lawyers voted down arbitrarily by the worst Parliament they hearing no Counsel for it though the King heard all men willingly against it Yea that Parliament thought themselves not secure from it unless the King renounced his right to it by a new Act of his own Men have a touch-stone to try Gold and Gold is the touch-stone to try Men. Sir William Noy's gratuity shewed that this Judges Inclination was as much above corruption as his Fortune and that he would not as well as needed not be base Equally intent was he upon the Interest of the State and the Maximes of Law as which mutually supported each other He would never have a Witness interrupted or helped but have the patience to hear a naked though a tedious truth the best Gold lyeth in the most Ore and the clearest truth in the most simple discourse When he put on his Robes he put off Respects his private affections being swallowed up in the publick service This was the Judge whom Popularity could never
himself namely not to build his Estate upon the ruines of a miserable Nation but aiming by the unpartial execution of Justice not to enrich himself but civilize the People But the wise King would no longer loose him out of his own Land and therefore recalled him home about the time when his Fathers Inheritance by the death of his five elder brethren descended upon him It was not long before Offices and Honours flowed in fast upon him being made by King Iames 1. Attorney of the Court of Wards 2. Chief-Justice of the Upper Bench the 18 of his Reign Ian. 29. 3. Lord Treasurer of England in the 22 of his Reign Dec. 22. 4. Baron Ley of Ley in Devonshire the last of the same month King Charls 1. Earl of Marlborough in Wiltshire immediately after the King's Coronation 2. Lord President of the Council in which place he died● Anno Dom. 1629. He was a person of great Gravity Ability and Integrity And as the Caspian Sea is observed neither to ebbe nor flow so his mind did not rise or fall but continued the same constancy in all conditions a good temper enough for a Judge but not for a Statesman and fo● any Statesman but a Lord Treasurer and for any Lord Treasurer but in King CHARLES his active time who was put to it to find out such stirring men as might recover him from the hazard and defection he was fallen into in Purse and Power Observations on the Life of Sir John Cook SIr Iohn Cook younger Brother to Sir Francis Cook born at Trusley in the Hundred of Apple-tree in Derby●shire of ancient and worshipful Parentage and allied to the best Family in that Countrey was bred Fellow of Trinity-Colledge in Cambridge where his wit being designed his Estate he was chosen Rhetorick-Lecturer in the University where he grew eminent for his ingenious and critical reading in that School where Rhetorick seemed to be not so much an Art as his Nature being not only the subject but the very frame of his Discourse Then travelled he beyond the Seas ●or some years when his judgment was fitted for foreign Observations by domestick experience in the company of a Person of quality ● returning thence rich in Languages Remarks and Experience waving all the dangers incident to him for his Religion by a wary Profes●ion that he came to learn and not to search being first related to Sir Fulke Grevil Lord Brook who did ●ll mens business but his own ●he was thence● preferred to be Secretary to the Navy their Master of the Requests ●●od at last Secretary of State● for twenty years together Being a very zealous Protestant he did all good offices for the advancement of true Religion His Contemporaries character him a grave and a prudent man in ga●e● apparel and speech one that h●d his Intellect●●●s very perfect in the dispatch of business till he was eighty years old when foreseeing those Intrigues that might be too hard for his years he with his Majesties good leave retired as Moses did ●o ●ie when his eyes were not dim c. having kept himself strictly to the Law of the Land Insomuch that being sent to command Bi●hop Williams from Westminster● and being asked by the stout Bishop by what authority he commanded a man out of his house and his free-hold he was so tender of the point that he never rested till he had his pardon for it Mu●i●●●●●o he had to keep the King's favour for his compliance with the Faction witness his third submission and as much ado to retain ●he Factions good opinion for his service to the King w●tness his several Apologies in Parliament to this purpose That it was a hard thing that they who should have thanks for the good offices they did the People with the KING had now nothing but censures for the same offices they did the King with his people Never was any man more put to it to reconcil● the two readings of that Text 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which he could never have done but that his old rule safe-guarded him viz. That no man should let what is unjustifiable or dangerous appear under his hand to give Envy a steady aim at his place or person nor mingle Interests with great men made desperate by debts or Court-injuries whose falls hath been ruinous to their wisest followers nor pry any further into secrecy than rather to secure than shew himself nor impart that to a friend that may impower him to be an enemy Besides that his years excused in him that caution some ob●tinate men want that are broken with viciss●udes because they consider not that the forwardest in turmoyls are least regarded when things return to a calm He served the time out of Christian discretion in finding out the seasons of things commendably He complyed out of some infirmity in particular accommoda●ions pardonably but neither of ignorance or design i● pursuance of his own or any other mans plot unfaithfully Indeed he must have wrenched and sprained his grave soul with the short turning● in those dayes if it had been t●ue that he should shuffle a Scots Paper instead of the genuine Articles of Pacificat●on at York which the Earls of Holland Pembrook c. disavowed to the Northern Commissioners faces my Lord of Pembrook saying That indeed as he took Horse and his Friends being busie about him such a Paper was put into his hand but he opened it not untill he came to his Majesty and his Majesty burned in the face of both Kingdoms whereby they say he was dismissed which I am not willing to believe only I find him hereafter bring Propositions from the Parliament as they called it to the King as actively as formerly he had carried Messages from the King to the Parliament Indeed he had an happy mixture of Dis●retion and Charity whereby he could allow to things persons more than men of streighter apprehensions or narrower affections were able to do Indeed though as I told you otherwise wary he broke an Affair to a Partizan that kept him under all his days he that entertains a dangerous design puts his head into an halter and the halter into his hand to whom he first imparts it Sir Francis Win●ebank and he fell into extreams which balanced might have fupported the Government if they had directed their particular inclinations and indulgences by the measures of the general interest and temper Observations on the Life of the Earl of Danby ALl that I find of this plain Noble-ma● is w●itten on his Tomb-stone at Dantsey in Wil●shire Here lyeth the Body of Henry Danvers second son to Sir Iohn Danvers Knight and Dame E●izabeth Daughter and Co-Heir to Nevil Lord Latim●● He was born at Dantsey in the County of Wilts Anno Dom. 1573. being bred up partly in the Low-Countrey Wats under Maurice E●rl of Nassaw afterwards Prince of Orange and in many other Military actions of those ●imes both by Sea and by Land He was made a
Tilly would say before Gustavus Adolphus came into Germany that he was happy for three things That he heard Mass daily that he had never touched a woman and that he had never lost a battel What ever Sir Robert could say to the first he was very prosperous for the last that he never failed of success either in fighting or treating in the Field or in the Chamber Observations on the Life of Philip Earl of Arundel HAd his Faith been as Orthodox as his Fathers Faithfulness was eminent K. Iames his gratitude and his Uncle Northampton's policy had raised him as high as his Father hath been and his son is But since his opinion made him a Separatist from the Church and his temper a recluse from the Court we have him in a place of Honour only as Earl Marshal while we finde his Brother in a place of Profit as Lord Treasurer though both in a place of Trust as Privy-Counsellors where this Earl approved himself a confutation of his Uncles maxim That a through-paced Papist could not be a true-hearted Subject being as good an English-man in his heart as he was a Catholick in his conscience only the greatness of his spirit would not suffer any affronts in Parliament whence he endured some discountenance from the Court insomuch that the House of Lords finding him a Prisoner when they sate 1626. would not act until after several of their Petitions he was released when his temper yielding with years he was very complying only he presumed to marry his Son to an Heiress the King had disposed of elsewhere which yet he laid upon the women that made the M●●ch Indeed the politick Observator saith That women of all creatures are the most dextrous in contriving their designs their natural sprightfulness of imagination attended with their leisure furnishing them with a thousand Expedients and proposing all kinds of Overtures with such probability of happy success that they easily desire and as eagerly pursue their design When he was sometimes barred the service of h●s own time he studied those before him being a fond Patron of Antiquaries and Antiquity of whose old pieces he was the greatest Hoarder in Europ● setting aside Ferdinand● de Medicis grand Duke of T●sca●y from whom by the mediation of Sir Henry Wotton he borrowed many an Antique Sculpture which furnished his Archives so well as we may guess by Mr. Selden's Marmora Arundeliana that as my Lord Burleigh's Library was the most compleat one for a Politician my Lord Bacon's for a Philosopher Mr. Selden's for an Historian Bishop Usher's for a Divine my Lord of Northampton's for a Poet Mr. Oughtred's for a Mathematician Dr. Hammond's for a Grammarian or an universal Critick so the Earl of Arundel's was the best for an Herald and an Antiquary a Library not for shew but use Neither was he more in his study where h● bestowed his melancholy hours than in Councel where he advised three things in reference to the Foreign troubles 1. Correspondence abroad 2 Frequent Parliaments 3. Oftner progresses into the Countries Neither was he less in the Field than in Council when General against the Sco●s the more shame th●t Protestants should at a time rebel against their King when Papists ventured their lives for him After which Expedition he was ordered beyond Sea with the Queen●Mother of France 1639. when they say he looked back on England with this wish May it never have need of me It 's true some observe that the Scots who cried upon him as a Papist yet writ under-hand to him their Noble Lord as they did to Essex and Holland so effectually that they had no heart to that War afterward and it is as true that thereupon a schedule was now the second time given of the parties that combined against the Government viz. 1. The busie medlers that had got the plausible trick of Haranguing since King Iames's time not used in Parliament from H. 6. time to his 2. The covetous Landlords Inclosers Justices of th● Peace that ruled in the Country and would do so in Parliament 3. Needy men in debt that durst not shew their heads in time of Peace 4. Puritans that were so troublesom against Hatton c. in Queen Eliz. dayes and under pretence of Religion overthrew all Government 5. Such Male-contents as either lost the preferment they had or had not what they were ambitious of with their Kindred and Dependants 6. Lawyers that second any attempt upon the Prerogative with their Cases Records and Antiquities 7. London Merchants that had been discovered by Cranfield and Ingram as to their cheats put upon the King in his Customs and Plantations 8. Common-wealths-men that had learned from Holland in Queen Eliz. days to pray for the Queen and the State And 9. Because there cannot be a Treason without a P such Recusants as were Hispanioliz'd whereof this Earl was none but though as a Church-Papist he had most of the Catholick Peers votes devolved on him he never bestowed them undutifully albeit sometimes stoutly and resolutely A great friend he was to all new Inventions save those that tended to do that by few hands which had been usually done by many because said he While private men busie their heads to take off the Poors employment the publick Magistrate must trouble his to find them maintenance Either be or the Earl of Northampton used to say when asked what made a compleat man To know how to cast Accompts an accomplishment though ordinary yet might save many an Estate in England Observations on the Life of Esme Duke of Richmond GReat in his Ancestors honour greater in his own vertue and greatest of all in that ●ike the Star he wore the higher he was the ●ess he desired to seem affecting rather the worth than the pomp of nobleness therefore his courtesie was his nature not his craft and his affableness not a base servile popularity or an am●itious insi●uation but the native gentleness of his disposition and his true value of himself He was not ● stranger to any thing worth knowing but best acquainted wi●h himself and in himself rather with ●is weaknesses for Caution than his abilities for A●tion Hence he is not so forward in the traverses of War as in Treaties of Peace where his honour ●nnobled his cause and his moderation advanced ●t He and my Lord of Southampton managing the ●everal Overtures of Peace at London Oxford and ●xbridge with such honourable freedom and pru●ence that they were not more deservedly regard●d by their Friends than importunately courted ●y their Enemies who seeing they were such could ●ot be patient till they were theirs though in ●ain their honours being impregnable as well against the Factions kindness as against their power At Conferences his conjectures were as solid as o●hers judgements his strict observation of what was passed furnishing him for an happy guess of what was to come Yet his opinion was neither v●riably unconstant nor obstinately immoveable● but
dissatisfied and bold in his followers irregular and pretending in the Law well seen in the Scripture very ready in the occurrences of his age very exact at Lectures most constant to the liberty of the Subject then the Diana of the age most faithful insomuch that he made a motion 1628. That they who stood for the Liberties forsooth then called the Lower-House Lords of the Upper-House not fifty might make their Protestation upon record and that the other party should with subscription of their names enter their reason upon Record that posterity might not be to seek good lack who they were that so ignobly betrayed the Liberty of our Nation And this being done they should resolve themselves to a Committee and proceed to vote Yet so well acquainted with the King's temper that he would take any occasion of his being pleased by the Parliament to insinuate himself into favour with all his Male-contents as Bishop Williams Earl of Lincoln Earl of Essex the Earl of Warwick c. As he wrought upon the peoples humour in that point of Liberty so he did upon the Nobilities temper in another of Ambition For in a Petition to King Iames against Foreign titles of Honour we finde him first in design though last in subscription teaching Essex Warwick St. Iohn for they joyned with him to tilt against their Soveraign's Prerogative with their Pe●s as they did after with their Swords And when this failed the wise King awing the young Lords to renounce that asunder which they had subscribed together none so bold as the factions in company none so fearful apart the Champion of English honour and priviledge becomes the Patron of Propriety too for we read Ter. Hill Anno 14. Car. 1. in Banco Regis the Lord Say's Case Action for Crover and Conversion of thrée Oxen taken a great matter for thrée pounds five shillings by the Sheriff of Lincoln upon the Plaintiff towards the finding of a Ship A good reason for going to Law first and then to war with his Soveraign as he did afterwards when he had sent his son Nathaniel with Hampden and Lawrence 1639. to settle the League with their dear Brethren in Scotland while he formed the grand Design in England with so much success that when there were some Overtures made for saving the Earl of Strafford and securing the Kingdom by the Party upon condition of preferment as that Master Hampden should be Tutor to the Prince the Earl of Essex his Governour Mr. Pym Chancellor of the Exchequer the Earl of Warwick Vice-Admiral he was to be Master of the Court of Wards which he compassed when the rest mist of their expectation No more of him but that the King going to Scotland he refusing a Protestation against the Scots had these questions proposed to him 1. Whether he would go with the King at his own charge 2. Whether Rebellion was a just cause of War 3. Whether the taking of Castles Towns Magazines c. was not Rebellion To the first he answered That though as a Peer and Subject he could not be forced out of his Countrey but upon extraordinary occasion yet out of affection to his Majesty he would attend him referring the matter of charge to himself To the two last he said he understood not the Law of Scotland but that those proceedings were Treason in England Observations on the Life of the Earl of Lindsey HE and that whole Family I know not whether more pious or more valiant whether more renowned abroad as Confessors for their Religion or as Champions for their Country have been in this last Age an ornament and a defence to this Crown equally reverenced by the Subjects of it and honoured by the Soveraigns This Noble-man and the Earl of Essex did as Iugurtha and Manus learn in one School what they practised in two The one as a faithful Subject for that government that had obliged his Family the other as a discontented Rebel against that that had disobliged his Both Commanders for the Palatinate against the Emperor and for Rochel against the French When the Duke of Buckingham returned from the Isle of Rhee his Majesty told him The neglect of his relief must l●dge on his Friend and Confident Holland To which he acknowledged That indeed he had very affectionately intrusted him in ordinary Affairs but never in such an esteem as to second him in arms that place being more proper for my Lord of Lindsey whose judgement of that Expedition was That it was friendship in earnest and War in jest He it was that pursued twelve French Vessels in his own single one to their Haven hea●ed at once with anger and shame he it was who when all men were amazed at the Duke's fall was assigned his successor Certainly saith one there present He was a person of no likely presence but of considerable experience by his former Expeditions and one that to the last of his life made good his faith with Gallantry and Courage notwithstanding his ill success the times fate rather than his fault 1. In scouring the narrow Sea● where he was Admiral and the Earl of Essex Vice-Admiral 2. In presiding in several great Courts on many solemn occasions the Earl of Strafford's unparellel'd Tryal c. And 3. In leading the King's Army at Edge-Hill with a Pike in his hand Where what is observed of Cataline and his followers was true of this noble Earl and his Country-men the Loyal Gentry of Lincolnshire that they covered the same place with their Corps when dead where they stood in the fight whilst living Observations on the Life of Iudge Richardson IUdge Richardson was born at Mulbarton in Norfolk his Father being Minister thereof and he a friend to Ministers though a foe of the Church He was bred in the study of our Municipal Law and became the King's Sergeant therein Afterwards on the 28 of November 1926. he was sworn Chief-Justice of the Common-Pleas that Place having been void ten months before wherein he was humoursom but honest only unhappy in that he raised the Sabbatarian Controversie by his orders aginst Wakes in Somersetshire His Brass Monument on the South-side of Westminster-Abby thus entertaineth the Reader Deo om Thom●● Richardsoni Icaeni Equitis Aurati Humduum D●positum Ille Iuris Municip omnes gradus exantlavit Conventus tertii ordinis ann Jacobi Regis 21 22. Prolocutor ex●itit Fori civilis communium Placitorum vocant Supremum Magistratum quinquennium gessit Ad summum tandem primarii per Angliam Iudicis Tribunal A Rege Carolo evectus expiravit Anno AEtatis 66. Salutis MDCXXXIV Tho. Richardson fil unicus Eques Aur. Baro Scotiae designatus Patri incomparabili posuit As one reason of his advancement you must know this Judge married for his second Wife the Lady Eliz. Beaumont the Sister as I take it of Mary Countess of Buckingham and the Relict of Ashburnham Knight She was by K. Charles created Baroness of Croumont in Scotland and
of this Earl's nature and Custom more None more austere to see to none more obliging to speak with He observed pauses in his discourse to attend the motion and draw out the humour of other men at once commanding his own thoughts and watching others H●s passion was rather the vigour than the disorder of his well-weighed soul which could dispense its ●nger with as much prudence as it managed any act of State He gave his Majesty safe counsel in the prosperity of his Affairs and resolute advice in Extreamity as a true servant of his interest rather ●han of his power So eminent was he and my Lord of Canterbury that Rebellion despaired of success as long as the fi●st lived and Schism of licentiousness as lo●g as the second stood Take my Lord of Strafford as accused and you will find his Integrity and Ability that he managed his whole Government either by the Law or the Interest of his Countrey Take him as dying and you will see his parts and piety his resolution for himself his sel●-resignation for the Kingdoms good his devotion for the Church whose patrimony he forbad his son upon his blessing Take him as dead you will find him glorious and renowned in these three characters The first of the best King I looked upon my Lord of Strafford as a Gentleman whose great abilities might make a Prince rather afraid than ashamed to employ him in the greatest Affairs of State for those were prone to create in him great confidence of undertakings and this was like enough to betray him to great Errors and many Enemies whereof he could not but contract great store while moving in so high a sphere and with so v●gorus a lustre he must needs as the Sun raise many envious exhalations which condensed by a popular Odium were capable to cast a cloud upon the brightest merit and integrity though I cannot in my judgment approve all he did driven it may be by the necessities of Times and the temper of that People more than led by his own disposition to any heighth and rigour of Action c. The second of the best Historian He was a person of a generous spirit fitted for the noblest Exercises and the most difficult parts of Empire His Counsels were bold yet just and he had a vigour proper for the execution of them Of an eloquence next that of his Masters masculine and excellent He was no less affectionate to the Church than to the State and not contented while living to defend the government and patrimony of it he commended it also to his Son when he was about to dye and charged his abhorrency of sacriledge His enemies called the Majesty of his m●ene in his Lieutenancy pride and the undaunted execution of his Office on the Contumacious the insolency of his fortune He was censured for that fatal error of following the King to London and to the Parliament after the Pacification at York And it was thought that if he had gone over to his Charge in Ireland he might have scoured both himself and that Kingdom for his Majesties service But some attribute this Counsel to a necessity of fate whose first stroke is at the Brain of those whom it designs to ruine and brought him to feel the effects of popular rage which himself in former Parliaments had used against Government and to finde the experience of his own devices upon the Du●e of Buckingham Providence teacheth us to abhor over fine Councels by the mischiefs they often bring upon their Authors The third of common fame A Gentleman he was of rare choice and singular Endowments I mean of such as modelled fashioned and accomplished him for State-conceraments of a searching and penetrating judgment nimble apprehension ready and fluent in all results of Councel Most happy in the vein of speech which was always round perspicuous and express much to the advantage of his s●nse and so full stocked with reason that he might be rather said to demonstrate than to argue As these abilities raised him to State-administration so his Addressing his applying those abilities so faithfully in promotion of the Royal Interest soon rendered him a Favourite of the first admission So that never King had a more intelligent and withal a firmer servant than he was to his Master But these qualities which rendred him so aimiable to his Majesty represented him formidable to the Scots so that some who were not well perswaded of the justness of his sentence thought he suffered not so much for what he had done already as for what he was like to have done had he lived to the disservice of that Nation And that he was not sacrificed so much to the Scots revenge as to their fear And certainly his fall was the first so the most fatal wound the King's Interest ever received H●s three Kingdoms hardly affording another Strafford that is one man his peer in parts and fidelity to his Majesty He had a singular passion for the Government and Patrimony of the Church both which he was studious to preserve safe and sound either opening them to be of sacred extraction or at least prudent constitution relating to holy performances And had he wanted these positive graces yet in so great a Person it may be commendable that he was eminent for privative and negative Excellencies being not taxable with any Vice those petty pleasures being beneath the satisfaction of a soul so large as his In short saith the ingenious Gentleman he was a man who might have passed under a better notion had he lived in better times This last period is a question since this great Statesman and his good Masters goodness was so over-shadowed with their greatness and their vertues so lost in their power as the Sun the aptest parallel of their lustre and benificence is hid in his own light that they owe their great but glorious fame to their misfortunes and their renown to their ruine that levelled their worth otherwise as much out of their reach as their place to vulgar apprehensions Eclipsed lustre like a veiled beauty is most looked on when most covered The setting Sun is more glorious than its self in its Meridian because more low and the lowest Planet seems biggest to a common eye So faith●ul he was and the Arch-Bishop that in the Juncto consisting of them two and Duke Hamilton they voted a Parliament though they knew themselves the first sufferers by it and so confident of his integrity that when he had treason enough discovered at the late transactions in York touching the Scots conspiracy to charge his enemies with he waved the advantage and secure in his own innocence fell an instance of that Maxim That there is no danger small but what is thought so This was his great principle Vsurped Royalty was never laid down by perswasion from Royal clemency for in armis jus omne regni Observations on the Lives of Henry Earl of Holland and Robert Earl of Warwick HEnry
the Churches publick peace required or its indulgence to promote Christians permitted The Uniformity he pressed was not more advantageous to Religion which must of necessity have been propagated when Controversies had been turned to devotion than it was necessary for the State which cannot be secure as long as there is a mark of distinction under which all Male contents may shrowd themselves a note of separation whereby the Factions may reckon their parties and estimate their strength and a way open to popularity to the ambition of any whose interest or desperateness shall adventure to make himself head of so great a p●rty He was a person of so great abilities which are the designations of nature to dignity and command that they raised him from low beginnings to the highest Office the Protestant profession acknowledgeth in the Church and he was equal to it His learning appeared eminent in his Book against Fisher and his piety illustrious in his Diary He was of so publick a spirit that both the Church and S●ate have lasting Monuments of the virtuous use he made of his Princes favour at his admittance into w●ich he dedicated all the future Emoluments of it to the glory of God and the good of men by a projection of many noble Works most of which he accomplished and had finished the rest had not the fate of the Nation checked the current of his Design and cut off the course of his Life He was not contented by himself only to serve his Generation for so he might appear more greedy of fame than desirous of the universal benefit but he endeavoured to render all others as heroick if they aimed at a capacity for his friendship For I have heard it from his E●emies no great man was admitted to a confidence and respect with him unless ●he made Address by some act that was for the common good or for the ornament and glo●y of the Protestant faith Learned men had not a better Friend nor Learning itself a greater Advancer He searched all the Libraries of Asia and ●rom several parts of the world purchased all the Ornaments and helps of Literature ●e could that the English Church might have if possible by his care as many advantages for knowledge as almost all Europe did contribute to the grandeur of that of Rome The outward splendour of the Clergy was not more his care than their honour by a grave and pious conversation He would put them into a power of doing more good but was sore against their Vices and Vanities He scorned a private Treasure and his friends were rather relieved than raised to any greatness by him In his election of friends he was determined to the good and wise and such as had both parts and desires to profit The Church had his closest embraces if otherwise it happened their frauds not his choice deserved the blame Both Papists and Sect●ries were equally his Enemies one party feared and the other hated his Vertues Some censured his zeal for Discipline above the patience of the Times but his greatest unhappiness was that he lived in a factious Age and corrupt State and under such a Prince whose Ver●ues not admitting an immediate approach for Accusations was to be wounded with those i● did caress But when Faction and Malice are worn out by time Posterity shall engrave him in the Alb● of the most excellent Prelacy the most indulgent Fathers of the Church● and the most injured Martyrs His blood was accompanyed with some tears that fell from those Eyes that expected a pleasure at his death and it had been followed with Miseries and the present Fears of Ruine exacted all the stock of Grief for other objects His very enemy Sir Edward Deering would confess That let him dye when he would St. Pauls would be his Monument and his Book against Fishes his Epitaph Observations on the Life of the Lord Keeper Littleton SIr Edward Littleton the eldest son of Sir Edward Littleton of Mounslow in Shropshire one of the Justices of the Marches and Chief-Justice of North-Wales was bred in Christ-Church in Oxford where he proceeded Batchellor of Arts and afterwards was one of the Justices of North-Wales Recorder of London and Sollicitor to King Charles From these places he was preferred to be Chief-Justice of the Common-Pleas and made Privy-Councellor thence advanced to be Lord-Keeper and Baron of Mounslow the place of his Nativity He died in Oxford and was buried in Christs-Church where he was bred Being a Member of the Parliament 1628. he had the management of the high presumption charged on the Duke of Buckingham about King Iames his death wherein he behaved himself so discreetly between the jealousi● of the People and the honour of the Court that Sir Iohn Finch would say He was the only man for taking things by a Right handle And Sir Edward Cook that He was a well-poized and weighed man His very name carried an Hereditary credit with it much plaineth out the way to all great Actions his virtue being authorizing by his nobility and his undertakings ennobled by his birth gained that esteem which meaner men attain not without a large compass of time and experience worthless Nobility and ignoble worth lye under equal disadvantage Neither was his extract so great as his parts his judgement being clear and piercing his Learning various and useful his skill in the Maxims of our Government the fundamental Laws of his Monarchy with its Statutes and Customs singular his experience long and observing his integrity unblemished and unbyassed his Eloquence powerful and majestick and all befitting a Statesman and a Lord-Keeper set off with a resolved Loyalty that would perform the harshest service his Master could enjoyn him while he stayed at London and follow the hardest fortune he could be in when at York whither he went with the great Seal he knew made to stamp Royal Commissions rather than authorize Rebellious Ordinances At Oxford he did good service during the Session of Parliament by Accommodations there and as good during their recess by his interest in the Country Observations on the Life of the Marquess Hamilton A Preacher being at a loss what to say of a party deceased conclu●●d his Sermon with these words There is one good quality in this man viz. That he was born and that God made him And another viz. That he is dead and we must speak no●hing but good of the dead I may say of this Noble-man that I have two reasons to speak well of him● 1. That good King Charles honoured him 3 and 2. That his wicked Subjects beheaded him otherwise I must leave these Queries as I finde them Quaere 1. Why should Duke Hamilton post without leave into Scotland when the Parliament was discontented and the Duke of Buckingham murthered in England Qu. 2. Why should Ramsey the Dukes Messenger to the King of Sweden play the Embassadour in Germany and take place of all other persons there Qu. 3. What design was that
which Elphyston Borthrick Meldrum Uchiltry c. discovered one to another Qu. 4. What did Ramsey with the Pedigree of Hamilton derived from Iames I. King of Scots in Foreign parts Qu. 5. Why private Instructions had Meldrum to Scottish Officers in the Swedish Army Qu. 6. What was Meldrum Alexander Hamilton and other his Dependants so preferred in the Scots Army Qu. 7. Why were there such Fears and Jealousies whispered in Germany of the English Government Qu. 8. Why was not Ramsey able to give a positive Answer at the Tryal by combate And why did the Marquess take him off before the Controversie was decided Qu. 9. Why is Huntley put by and Hamilton made high Comm●ssioner Why is discontented Balcanquel employed to pen Declarations And why are the King's Papers Letters c. taken out of his pocket and betrayed to the Scots And why did the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury writing to the King wish him not to trust his own pockets with the Letter Qu. 10. Why doth his Mother ride with pistols at her Saddle-bow leading all her Kindred and Vassals for the Covenant Qu. 11. Why is that time spent in posting to and fro to patch up a base Pacification with the Rebels that might have been employed in suppressing them Q. 12. Why did the Bishops of Rosse and Bre●en Sir Robert Spotswood Sir Iohn Hay the Earl of Sterling ride post to England to intreat the King not to trust the Marquess Qu. 13. Why was there so much granted to the Covenanters in Scotland yea and time given them to do their business Q. 14. Why did he forbear the Common-prayer at Dalkieth and neglect to protest the Kings gracious Declaration the justice and clemency whereof had without doubt allayed the commotions Q. 15. Why did he not set out the King 's last Declaration before the Covenanters Protestation was our against it Qu. 16. Why was there nothing done with the Ships sent upon the coasts of Scotland Qu. 17. Why did he so caress his covenanting Mother that the Scots could say The son of so ge●d a Mother could do them no harm Qu. 18. Why had he a hand in most of the Monopolies and Projects of England Q. 19. Why did he refuse to contribute as others had done to the Scots Wars Q. 20. Why did he intercede for Lowndon's ●elease notwithstanding the trait●rous Letter to the French King was his hand Qu. 21. How comes Montross to be flighted by the gracious King at first And when he offered his service again how came his Letters into the Covenanters hands at Newcastle Qu. 22. Why did he and Argyle raise such Fears and Jealou●ies in Scotland and England by withdrawing suddenly from the Court under pre●ence forsooth of danger to their persons Qu. 23. Why could not the King hear of the Scots design to invade England 1643. before Montross posted first to Oxford and then to Glo●cester to tell him of it though the Marquess was all the while in Scotland Qu. 24. And yet why was that noble person mistrusted till the Kings interest was lost in that Country Qu. 25. Why was he and his brother imprisoned at Oxford And why did the King say Nay if Hamilton leads them there is no good to be done for me Qu. 26. Why did the King say That he must dispose of the Master of the Horse place to the Earl of N. That my Lord Cottington was the fittest man for the Treasury and that Sir Edward Hyde was the onely man he could trust with the Secretaries affairs Being loth that D. H. should return to an oppo●tu●ity of recozening them Questions these that shew After-ages can scan great mens lives with the same liberty that they live them Observations on the Life of Sir Ralph Hopton GEntile was this excellent person's extraction in the West of England and man-like his Education in the Low-Countreys that School of War where Sir William Waller and he learned in one Camp what they practised in two The one being no less eminent for his service under his late Majesty of blessed memory than the other was for his against him The one was the best Soldier the King had the other the most experienced that the pretended Parliament boasted of None fitter to balance Sir Ralph Hopton's success none likelier to understand his stratagems none abler to undermine his designs than his Fellow-soldier Sir William who understood his method as well as he was acquainted with his person Both were equally active both equally vigilant But what better character of this Heroe than that which his Master gave him in his Patent for Baron which is his history as well as his honour Carolus Dei Gratià Angliae c. Cum Nominis nostri Posteritatis interest ad clara Exempla propaganda utilissimè compertum palam fieri omnibus praemia apud nos virtuti sita nec perire fidelium subditorum officia sed memori benevolo pectore fixissimè insi dere His praesertim temporibus cum plurim●m quibus antehac nimium indulsimus temerata a●t suspecta fides pretium aliorum constantiae addidit Cumque nobis certo const at Radulphum Hopton Militem de Balneo splendidis Antiquis Natalibus tum in c●tera sua vita integritatis mori● eximium tum in hac novissima tempestate fatalique Regni rebel●i motu rari animi fideique exemplum edidisse Regiae dignitatis in eaque publicae contra utriusque adversarios assertorem vindic●m acerrimum Quippe quia non solum nascenti huic Furori nec dum omnibus manifesto optimis consiliis fortis in c●ria Senator restiterit sed insinuante se latius veneno crescente ferocia domum ad suos reversus fortior Miles in Agro suo Somersetensi vicinis partibus omni ope manu iniquissimam causam oppugnaverit in Arce praesertim Sherborniana sub Auspiciis Marchionis Hertfordiae egregiam operam navaverit Mox ulterius progre●●us pollenti in Devonia factionis Tyrannide munitissima civitate in foedus illecta jam undique bonis subditis perniciem minante ipse penè in illa Regione Hospes contracto è Cornubia Milite● primoribus statim impetum ●aru● repressit jacentesque afflictas nostras partees mirifica virtute recreavit Et licet summis necessitatibus conflictanti exigua pars Negotii hostes erant tantum ab●uit ut vel illis vel istis succumberet ut contra copiis auctiores bellico apparatu instructissimas saepius signis Collatis in acie dimicans semper superior excesserit Testis Launcestonia Saltash Bradock aliaque obscura olim nomina ●oca nunc victoriis illius perduellium cladibus Nobilitat● Vix etiam ab his respiraverit cum novus belli furor Lassas jam fere continuis praeliis laxatas vires Numerocissimo exècitu adortus uberiorem triumphandi dedit materiam Cum ille in campis Stratto●iae in difficillimas licet Augustias redactus inops militaris instrumenti
hath more reason to do what he doth than you to ask why he doth it Nevertheless If you desire me in a gentle fashion I shall acquaint you further Whereupon Luynes bowing a little said Very well The Embassador answered That it was not on this occasion only that the King of Great Britain had desired the Peace and prosperity of France but upon all other occasions when ever any War was raised in that Countrey and this he said was his first reason The second was That when a Peace was setled there his Majesty of France might be better disposed to assist the Pala●inate in the affairs of Germany Luynes said We will have none of your advices The Ambassador replyed That he took that for an Answer and was sorry only that the affection and the good will of the King his Master was not sufficiently understood and that since it was rejected in that manner he could do no less than say That the King his Master knew well enough what he had to do Luynes answered We are not afraid of you The Embassador smiling a little replyed If you had said you had no● loved us I should have believed you and made another answer In the mean time all that I will tell you more is That we know very well what we have to do Luynes hereupon rising from his Chair with a fashion and countenance a little discomposed said By God If you were not Monsieur the Embassador I know very well how I would use you Sir Edw. Herbert rising also from his Chair said That as he was his Majesty of Great-Britain's Embassador so he was also a Gentleman and that his Sword whereon he laid his hand should do him reason if he had taken any offence After which Luynes replying nothing the Embassador went on his way toward the door and Luynes seeming to accompany him he told him there was no occasion to u●e such Ceremony after such Language and so departed expecting to hear further from him But no Message being brought him from Luynes he had in pursuance of his Instructions a more civil Audience of the King at Coigna● where the Marshal of St. Geran told him he had offended the Constable and he was not in a place of security here whereunto he answered That he held himself to be in a place of security wheresoever he had his Sword by him Luynes resenting the affront got Cadenet his brother Du. of Chaun with a ruffling train of Officers whereof there was not one as he told K. Iames but had killed his man as an Embassador extraordinary to mis-report their Traverses so much to the disparagement of Sir Edw. that the Earl of Carlisle sent to accommodate Le Mal Entendu that might arise between the 2 Crowns got him called home until the Gentleman behind the Curtains out of his duty to truth and honour related all circumstances so as that it appeared that though Luynes gave the first affront yet Sir Edward kept himself within the bounds of his Instructions and Honour very discreetly and worthily Insomuch that he fell on his knees to King Iames before the Duke of Buckingham to have a Trumpeter if not an H●rald sent to Monsieur Luynes to tell him that he had made a false Relation of the passages before-mentioned and that Sir Edward Herbert would demand reason of him with Sword in hand on that point The King answered he would take it into consideration But Luynes a little after died and Sir Edward was sent Embassador to France again and otherwise employed so that if it had not been for Fears and Jealousies the ba●e of publick services he had been as great in his Actions as in his Writings and as great a Statesman as he is confessed a Scholar Observations on the Life of the Lord Capel HIs privacy before the War was passed with as much popularity in the Country as his more publick appearance in it was with valour and fidelity in the Field In our too happy time of Peace none more pious hospitable charitab●e and munificent In those more unhappy of our Differences none more reserved Loyal and active The people loved him so well that they chose him one of their Representatives and the King esteemed him so much that he sent for him as one of his Peers in that Parliament wherein the King and people agreed in no one thing save a just kindne●s for my Lord Capel who was one of those exce●lent Gentlemen whose gravity and discretion the King saith he hoped would allay and fix the Faction to a due temperament guiding some mens well-meaning Zeal by such rules of moderation as are best both to preserve and restore the health of all States and Kingdoms keeping to the dictates of his conscience rather than the importunities of the people to what was just that what was safe save only in the Earl of Strafford's case wherein he yielded to the publick Necessity with his Royal Master but repented with him too sealing his contrition for that miscarriage with his blood when he was more troubled for his forced consent to that brave person's death than for losing his own life which he ventured throughout the first War and lost by his Engagement in the second For after the surrender of Oxford he re●ired to his own house but could no● rest there until the King was brought home to his which all England endeavouring as one man● my Lord adventured himself at Colchester to extremity yielding himself upon condition of Quarter which he urged by the Law of Arms that Law that as he said on the Scaffold governeth the world and against the Laws of God and Man they are his own words for keeping the fifth Commandment dying on the Scaffold at West●●nster with a courage that became a clear conscience and a resolution befitting a good Christian expressing that judicious piety in the Chamber of Meditation at his death that he did in his a Book of Meditation in his life a piety that as it appeared by his dismission of his Chaplain and the formalities of that time 's devotion before he came to the Scaffold was rather his inward frame and habit than outward ostentation or pomp from the noble S●ntiments whereof as the Poet not unhappily alluding to his Arms A Lyon rampant in a Field Gules between three crosses expresseth it Our Lyon-like Capel undaunted stood Beset with Crosses in a Field of blood as one that affrighted death rather than was afrighted by it It being very observable that a learned Doctor of Physick present at the opening and embalming of this noble Lord and Duke Hamilton delivering at a publick Lecture that the Lord Capel's was the least heart and the Duke 's the greatest that ever he saw agreeable to the observation in Philosophy that the spirits contracted within the least compass are the cause of the greater courage Three things are considerable in this incomparable person 1. His uninterrupted Loyalty keeping pace with his Life for his last
breath was spent in proclaiming K. Charles the II. in the very face of his Enemies as known to him to be a vertuous noble gentle just and great Prince a Perfect Englishman in his inclination 2. His great merits and modesty whereof K. Charles I. writes thus to his excellent Queen There is one that doth not yet pretend that doth deserve as well as any I mean Capel Therefore I desire thy assistance to find out something for him before he ask 3. The blessing of God upon his noble but suffering Family who was a Husband to his excellent Widow and a Father to his hopeful Children whom not so much their birth beauty and portion though they were eminent for these as their Vertues married to the best Bloods and Estates in the Land even when they and the Cause they suffered for were at the lowest It 's the happiness of good men though themselves miserable that their seed shall be mighty and their Generation blessed Observations on the Life of Bishop Andrews I Have much a-do to prevail with my own hand to write this excellent Prelate a Statesman of England though he was Privy-Councellor in both Kingdoms For I remember that he would say when he came to the Council-Table Is there any thing to be done to day for the Church If they answered Yea then he said I will stay If No he said I will be gone Though yet this be an instance of as much prudence as any within the compass of our Observation So safe is every man within the circle of his own place and so great an argument of abilities hath it been always confessed to know as well what we ought as what we can especially in Clergy-men whose over-doing doth abate their reverence and increase their envy by laying open those defects and miscarriages which are otherwise hallowed or at least concealed in the mystick sacredness of their own function Not but that men of that gravity and exactness of that knowledge and experience of that stayedness and moderation of that sobriety and temperance of that observation and diligence as Bishops are presumed to be were in all Governments judged as fit to manage publick affairs as men of any other professions whatever without any prejudice to the Church which must be governed as well as taught and managed as well as a society dwelling in the world as under the notion of a peculiar people taken out of it His successful skill in dea●ing with the Papists under my Lord of Huntington President of the North and with the Puritans under Doctor Cosin an Ecclesiastical Officer in the South recommended him to Sir Francis Walsingham's notice as a person too useful to be buried in a Country-Living who thereupon intended to set up his Learning in a Lecture at Cambridge to confute the Doctrine of Rome unti● Queen Eliz. resolved to set up his prudence in other Employments at Court to countermine its policy where I know not whether the acuteness of his Sermons took most with the most Learned the devotion of them with the most pious or the prudence of them with the most Wise it hath been one thin● always to Preach learnedly and another thing to preach wisely for to the Immensity of his Learning he added excellent Principles of politick prudence as a governour of the Church and a Councellor of State wherein he was conspicuous not for the crafty projects and practices of policy or for those finister ways of Artifice and subtlery or the admired depths of Hypocrisie called reason of State no● the measures and rules of his Politicks and Prudentials were taken from the great experience he had gotten and many excellent observations he had made out of all Histories as well Humane as Divine though he always laid the greatest weight upon the grounds and instances of holy Scripture which gives the truest judgement of wisdom or folly considering the mixture of State-affairs with tho●e of the Church in Christian Common-wealths and the fitness of sober and discreet Clergy-men for those of the State in all It 's a wonder how Clergy-men come to be excluded publick Councils at any time but observing Bishop Andrews his insight into the Fundamental constitution of our State as appears from his Speech in the Countess of Shrewsbury's Case His distinct foresight o● the consequences of Affairs evident in his speech against Thraske His circumspect care of the Publick visible in his Petition to King Iames then sick at New-Market that the P●ince then under Scotch Tutors be educated by well-principled men the occasion that King Iames took to bring him up himself so exactly in the Doctrine and Discipline of o●r Church that it 's a question whether he was more by his Pen or Sword his Scepter or his Style The Defender of the Faith His wond●rful skill in the government of this Church discerned by ●he excellent King Charles in that he sent so many Bishops to consult with him 1625. what was to be done for the Church in that Parliament His caution and moderation in ●hat he never unless upon gre●t considerations innovated in his Church b●t left things in the same decency and order he ●ound them knowing that all alterations have ●heir dangers I am astonished to think that B●shops should be forbidden secular employment in our time Who hath more ampleness and compleatness saith Bishop Gauden for a good man a good Bishop a good Christian a good Scholar a good Preacher and a good Counsellor than Bishop Andrews a man of an astonishing excellency both at home and abroad Observations on the Life of Henry Mountague Earl of Manchester HEnry Earl of Manchester third son to Sir Edward Mountague Grand-childe to Sir Edward Mountague Lord Chief-Justice of the King's Bench in King Edward the sixth's time was born at Boughton in Northampton-shire One skilful in mysterious Arts beholding him when a School-boy foretold that by the pregnancy of his parts he would raise himself above the rest of his Family which came to pass accordingly He being bred first in Christs-Colledge in Cambridge then in the Middle Temple where he attained to great Learning in the Laws passed through many preferments as they are reckoned up viz. 1. Sergeant at L●w. 2. Knighted by K. Iames Iuly 22. 1603. 3. Recorder of London 4. Lord Chief-Justice of the King's Bench Novemb. 18. 1616. 5. Lord Treasurer of England Decemb. 16. 1620. 6. B●ron of Kimbolton 7. Viscount Mandevile 8. President of the Council Sept. 29. 1631. 9. E●rl of Manchester 10. Lord Privy-Seal He wisely perceiving that Courtiers were but as Counters in the hands of Princes raised and depressed in valuation at pleasure was contented rather to be set for a smaller sum than to be quite put up into the box Thus in point of place and preferment being pleased to be what the King would have him according to his Motto Movendo non mutando me he became almost what he would be himself finally advanced to an Office of great Honour When Lord
Being in a Popish Chappel a merry Priest that knew him sent a Paper to him with this question Where was your Religion before Luther Under which he writ Where yours is not in the written word of God 2. Being asked whether a Papist could be saved He replyed You may be saved without knowing that look to your self 3. Hearing one ●ail against Arminius Popery he answered Sir he that understands amiss concludeth worse If you had studied Popery so much as I have and knew Arminius so well as I did how learned how strict and how rare a man he was you would not fall so foul on his person nor think that the further you go from the Church of Rome the nearer you are to God 4. One pitched upon for Embassador came to Eaton and requested from him some Experimental rule for his prudent and safe carriage in his Negotiation to whom he smilingly gave this for an infallible Aphorism That to be in safety himself serviceable to his Country he should alwayes and upon all occasions speak the truth For said he you shall never be believed and by this means your truth will secure your self if you shall ever be called to any account and it will also put your Adversaries who will still h●nt counter to a loss in all their disquisitions and undertakings 5. And when he made his Will two years before he died out of policy to let the King understand his Debts and Arrears to which end he bestowed in that Will on his Majesty Sir Nicholas Throgmorton's Papers of Negotiation in Queen Elizabeth's dayes on the Queen Dioscorides in Tuscany with the Herbs naturally coloured on the Prince the Queen of Bohemia's picture on my Lord of Canterbury the picture of Divine love to my Lord of London high Treasurer Heraclitus and Democritus and to Secretary Windebanke old Bastano's four Seasons he directed that this onely should be written on his plain Marble Hic jacet hujus sententiae primus auctor Disputandi Pruritus fit Ecclesiarum Scabies Nomen alias quaere 7. Going yearly to Bocton for the connaturalness of that Air and to Winchester or Oxford for Recreation he would say to his friends How useful was that advice of a holy Monk who perswaded his friend to perform his customary devotion in a constant place where his former thoughts might meet him for said he at my being at that School seeing the place where I sate when I was a boy occasioned me to remember my youthful thoughts sweet thoughts indeed that promised my growing years numerous pleasures without mixture of cares and those to be enjoyed when time which I thought slow-paced changed my youth to man-hood and now there are a succession of Boys using the same recreation questionless possessed with the same thoughts Thus one generation succeeds another both in their Lives Recreations Hopes Fears and Deaths 8. There are four things that recommend Sir Henry Wotton to posterity 1. That King Charles took great pleasure in corresponding with him in Letters 2. That my Lord Bacon took great pains in collecting his Apophthegmes 3. That Sir Richard Baker who submitted most of his Writings to his Censure said of him That the Kingdom yielded not a fitter man to match the Capriciousness of the Italian wits And 4. That his work of Architecture is translated into Latine printed with Vitruvius and this Elogy prefixed Henricus Wottonus Anglo-Cantianus Tho. optimi viri Filius Natu minimus a serenissimo Jacobo I. Magnae Britanniae c. Rege in Equestrem titu●um ascitus ejusdemque ter ad Remp. Venetam Logatus Ordinarius semel ad Confaederatarum Provinciarum Ordines in Iuliensi Negotio bis ad Carolum Emanuelem Subaudiae ducem Semel ad unitos superioris Germaniae Principes in Conventu Heilbronnensi Postremo ad Archducem Leopoldum Ducem Wittenbergensem Civitates Imperiales Argentinam Vlmamque ipsum Romanorum Imperatorem Ferdinandum II. Legatus Extraordina●ius Tandem hoc Dedicit Animas sapientiores fieri quiescendo Observations on ●●e Lives of the Lord Wilmot and Sir Tho. Roe THese honourable persons are united not so much in their own relation or character as in my unhappiness who was promised Observations on the life of the first● but never had them and had some on the life of the second but lost them 1. My Lord Wilmot I finde acting like a Statesman when Commissary in the expedition against the Scots and speaking like a Soldier when a Member of the Parliament that was for them in the first capacity speaking with my Lord Conway he saw the King would be overcome by the English at home if he overcame not the Scots abroad In the second whispering with some Army-Officers he said If the Scots Army were paid in the North the King's Army would be paid in the South A wise and brave speech that had almost rallied all the Army against the Parliament as soon as that Parliament had rallied their multitude against the King but that treachery got easily into the bosom of that brave Prince th●t had nothing but honesty in his heart Yet since he could not awe the counsels of the faction in the City he went to suppress their Rebellion in the Field being voted a Traitor by the Rebels because he endeavoured they should not be so What he performed in the Wars all the Kingdom knows what he did at Oxford the King's Letters intimate what he negotiated in Germany acted in Scotland endeavoured at Worcester and other places for the King's Majesties escape and restaura●●●n posterity shall celebrate while he lives as renownedly in History as he doth nobly in his son the most hopeful Earl of Rochester 2. Sir Thomas Roe understood the dispositions of men so exactly could suit their humours so fitly observe opportunities and seasons of actions so punctually keep correspondence so warily wade through difficulties so handsomly wave the pinch of a business so dexterously contrive Interests so suitably that he was advised with concerning the most important Affairs of the Kingdoms he resided in abroad and admitted of the Privy-Council while he lived at home Where his speech against the debasing of the Coyn at the Council-Table will last as long as there is reason of State in the world His settlement of Trade as long as this is an Island and his Eastern M●S S. as long as there are Books to furnish Libraries or Libraries to preserve Books Three of the noblest English actions beyond Sea are these 1. That Sir Thomas Roe pardoned the Dutch Merchants thrice in Persia and Turkey at his mercy 2. That my Lord Wilmot when Embassador in Germany refused the assistance of the Popes Nuncio or Turkish Aga judging his great Master when at lowest above those suspected Auxiliaries 3. That my Lord Culpeper having offered him in Muscovy all the English goods there refused them declaring his Royal Master a Father of his Country though kept out of it by Traitors and a merciful Prince to his People
Life of John Lord Culpeper I Find nothing promoting him to his first preferment of Chancellor of the Exchequer but his pure merit nor any thing advancing him to his after-honours but his steady Loyalty which when others stuck to London in compliance with that Maxim In all Divisions keep your self to the Metropolis the chief City being for the most part preserved who-ever prevaileth in a Civil Commotion abounding in Money and Friends the readiest Commodities to purchase Quiet carryed him after a persecuted Soveraign for twenty years together by the strong obligation of a well-principled Conscience and the well-weighed observation of the natural Affection of all Englishmen to their lawful Soveraign from whom though the Arts and Impulses of seditious Demagogues may a while estrange and divorce their minds yet their Genius will irresistibly at last force them to their first love It was the resolution of a great States-man That if the Crown of England were placed but on an Hedge-stake he would be on that side the Crown was His first service was to discover his Soveraign to his deluded People worthy not only of their obedience but their lives and fortunes His next was to lay open his Enemies in all their Intrigues and Reserves being most happy in all the Treaties he was engaged in in discerning the bottom of his own Parties Interest and their Adversaries pretensions discoveries that prevailed on all that was either noble or but ingenuous in the Nation especially whith●r my Lord came with his indefatigable Industry his obliging Converse and potent Eloquence excepting London its self whither he was sent from Nottingham with the Earls of Southampton and Dorset and Sir William Wedale Knight the very day the King set up his Standard there The Principle he went upon was That the Faction at Westminster was no Parliament A Principle most safe on all hands For which and the rest of his judicious Sentiments he hath the honour to be enrolled among those that Traitors durst not pardon which he could not choose but smile at knowing as he used to say That Treason is alwayes within five years weary of its self the People being more impatient of their own Libertinism than of the strictest and most heavy government His way of Intelligence from London by Mistress E. P. friend to I. M. puts me in minde of a passage in Queen Elizabeths Reign who being presented with an Overture out of Spain so recretly managed by the Councel there as the first news of its approach came with its self the Messengers out of fear of a surprizal dispensing the Ceremonies commonly used in the behalf of Embassadors something strange considering the haughtiness of that Nation did much insl●me the Lord Treasurer's desire to know the farthest extent of the Negotiation as conducing to a present advantage that such an Answer might be made as should in some proportion quadrate with the demand of the Catholique King at that time standing upon Terms little different from those of an Enemy And being informed from the ordinary Espials he kept about his Person that the attempt was something difficult if not impossible the Don out of distrust still carrying his Instructions in his bosom Burleigh caused such a Jesuite to be apprehended as by reason of former miscarriages could not expect mercy and imparts his desires to him under as large promises if he brought them about as threats to be revenged on him and his Associates if he ●ound himself abused All which though with some reluctancy he undertook and performed through the meditation o● a fair Lady that first took away his Commission and then again laid it under his Pillow whilst he slept His early endeavours for Peace by Addresses to London Scotl●nd● Cornwal speak his integrity and his prudence Every inconsiderable person may be powerful at disturbances but to form Peace requires much wisdom and great vertues and his observations upon the division of the great● Faction to two parties Independent and Presbyterian His care and watchfulness none of their clashes escaping his reach which was ready to accommodate as occasion served their respective Interests in their New-models and alterations making as good use of Fears and Jealousies between them as they had done between the King and his People being one of those brave spirits that made much of good Soldiers and Subjects notwithstanding their ill success if they continued their good affections ●areat successibus opto quisquis ab eventus exitus acta probat as the Romans gave thanks to Terentius Varro after he had lost the great battel of Ca●nae by his own default because he did not despair of the Commonwealth always valuing his estate in England during the usurpation as much as he did during the King's just possession As the Romans would not sell the ground that Hannibal encamped upon cheaper than if it had been in time of peace which was one thing that discouraged that great Captain from continuing the siege of Rome These and other his services recommended him to the at●endance of his most excellent Majesty when Prince in the perfecting of the Western Association when it was thought fit to put the happiness and hope of the Kingdom in two bottoms with whom he continued with a constant fidelity in all difficulties performing several Embassies during their banishment with honour particularly one to the Emperour who had great respects for his Master and an awful regard of his Cause till it pleased God to bring his Majesty by his and others counsel to his Father's Throne which he just saw and dyed Master of the Rolls Iune 1660. From one of whose Relations I have these Notes and Postils containing some of the policy of the late Times from 1642. to 1659. which I set down nakedly as I finde them not supposing they are his but that they were among his Papers 1. It is against the experience of the wisest Princes of France and England ●o leave their chief Ci●y in times of tumult yet it was necessary for the King to do ●o as well to break the fury of the worst people there by distance and time as to dis-abuse the best abroad by his presence and time and indeed it had been a shame for him to have perished in a tumult 2. It was urged that the King should not del●y any longer the War but besides that nothing could perswade his gracious Majesty to a War but pure necessity It 's usually observed that if B●u●efeu's make not the feud irreconcileable by a desperate action Rebels cool consider break suspect fear and fall off to nothing 3. The repulse of Hotham did the King excellent service by alarming all the Loyal in the Kingdom with their designed plot 4. Especially when the Country saw the King so unwilling to engage that he discharged their guards several times 5. It was thought unfit to send to the Faction from Nottingham until it was rejoyned that men of understanding and fidelity are usually employed to those persons
against whom a War is to be managed to discover their design humour forces succou●s and what ever might succour or strengthen them which none but they who were secured with the priviledge of Agents might do and none were judged fitter than they that were best acquainted with the knowing Ladies and the talkative Lords 6. It was offered that Intelligence should be written to satisfie the people and make the vulgar pretences ridiculous But quaere whether it is possible for the Arcana Imperii to remain always under so exact a discipline as may admit a thorow-inspection of the multitude without danger 7. When it was urged as the fundamental Principle the King should proceed upon that the Faction at Westminster was no Parliament the King being firm to his promise as there was not a juster man alive not to dissolve them without their leave it was judged that self-preservation being the first principle in nature that concession which wisdom saw then and experience since so contrary to that principle was rather to be repented of than performed 8. It is a very great advantage to the King's Cause that his Messages of Peace were sent always a●ter his Victories and his Enemies after their defeats And that his Declarations were natural easie as grounded upon obvious principles of Scripture Law and Reason and theirs harsh forced and wilde as grounded only upon Pretences and Fancies 9. It 's a probable opinion that it is in vain to treat with the Rebels who can never trust the King with their guilty heads 10. It is in vain to yield them any thing since all Concessions have no other issue than either or both of these two inconveniences 1. That they make the Faction so insolent that the King should not be able to deny nor grant them any thing 2. That they justified former proceedings and laid the blame upon the King for not granting that sooner which he thinks fit to grant now Besides it 's more fit Propositions come to the King than from him 11. It m●y be wondered that the King doth not cut off the chief of the Rebels as they fall into his hands according to the usual Maxim in that case but that his inclination to clemency is inexpressible and that the principle he goeth upon is sure ●hough deep viz. That so much are Man-kinde in general and the English in particular obliged by fair usages that the generality of this Nation returned nine times in 1300 years after long intervals of Usurpation out of gratitude as well as duty unto their Allegiance to the posterity of good pious merciful but unhappy Princes 12. When it was urged against the King's going to London upon the success in the West that the City would pour out fresh men upon him as at Brainford It was replied ●hat the City and Country were not under such strong delusions as then but were more sensible of the miseries they had been trepanned into Besides there was a more miraculous power of conversion went along with the King's presence where-ever he came convincing all he conversed with 13. Whether the King be●ng so wise and able it were not convenient to contrive it so that the people might see how well he acted by himself provided he had sufficient security 14. Whether it being dangerous that the Rebels should seize as God forbid they should on the whole Court at once it were not convenient that his Majesty and the Prince did part that the Kingdom might know its hope as well as its happiness and that their interest when separated might be more spreading than when together 15. It was judged prudence to let the success wherein their souls were unequal overthrow the Fa●tion by mutual Jealousies and Animosities till it dissipated all pretences and the people saw none oppressed them in their Estates Liberties Consciences more than the pretended Patrons of them all An Indempnity without regard to any Faction being most likely to render the misled as jealous for the King as they had been against him 16. It were to be wished that the Parliament did draw into entire Propositions their design that his Majesty and his People might make a clearer judgement of it in order to an accommodation 17. His Majesty must be secured of the Militia and against tumults and all persons invested in their first right without any controversie As to other matters ● full bebate may settle them with such explanations and qualifications as may satisfie all parties 18. It 's thought his Majesty may concur with the Parliament about the Presbyterian Government for three years the time allowed by themselves and that at the three years end the very Kingdom will throw it off as inconsistent with the English temper and unsuitable with the Brittish Monarchy And so likewise in other things which look plausible in the general but are unpracticable in the particular 19. Though many things are necessary to avoid jealousies which are inconvenient yet they may be allowed upon the respect of the likelihood that all things will in time return to their proper chanel only a general Act of indempnity is the best bond of Peace whereby the numerous discontents of many p●rsons and families otherwise exposed to ruine might not become Fuel to new disorders or Seeds to future troubles with particular regards to the priviledges of the City notwithstanding non-user mis-user abuser and the interest of the Army an indulgence that would help the world to see clearly the Kings intentions in matter of future government 20. No Act to pass till the Peace be concluded lest what his Majesty grants may be an argument to urge what he must deny so that he cannot treat in Honour● Freedom or Safety 21. Time is the best cure of Faction 22. When the Treaty is broken off so that neither side could reassume it without a seeming yielding it should be renewed upon the Queens motion provided always that her name was not used or intimated till the Rebels willingness to compliance were preassured But stay I am fallen upon mine own knowing time wherein I am fitter to read others Observations than to write my own and it becomes me rather to be instructed than to instruct Industry and Curiosity bid me begin this Collection where Sir W. F. Sir R. N. Sir I. H. Characters end and modesty enjoyns m● to finish it where my Contemporaries own knowledge begins with whom I shall quietly pass my time observing how far the affairs I ●ee or hear of agree with those I have read of Having gained thus much if no more by this Essay That by looking into the Intrigues of former times I have learned a great deal of reason to bless GOD I was born in these being assured that murmurs discontents complaints whisperings speaking evil of Dignities the common but unreasonable faults of this Age are kept up only because men are ignorant of the Ages foregoing And as my Lord Bacon saith of the Schoolmen in the Church 〈◊〉 of troubl●som persons in
the King 's Royal assent They are but Embroys 't is he giveth life unto them 31. Yet the House of Peers hath a power of Judicature in some cases properly to examine and then to affirm or if there be cause to reverse the judgments which have been given in the Court of King's Bench which is the Court of highest jurisdiction in the Kingdom for ordinary Judicature but in these cases it must be done by Writ of Error in Parliamento And thus the rule of their proceedings is not absoluta potestas as in making new Laws in that conjuncture as before but limitata potestas according to the known Laws of the Land 32. But the House of Commons have only power to censure the Members of their own House in point of election or misdemeanors in or towards that House and have not nor ever had power so much as to administer an Oath to prepare a judgment 33. The true use of Parliaments in this Kingdom is very excellent and they would be often called as the affairs of the Kingdom shall require and continued so long as is necessary and no longer for then they be but burthens to the people by reason of the priviledges justly due to the Members of the two Houses and their Attendants which their just rights and priviledges are religiously to be observed and maintained but if they should be unjustly enlarged beyond their true bounds they might lessen the just power of the Crown it borders so near upon popularity 34. All this while I have spoken concerning the Common Laws of England generally and properly so called because it is most general and common to almost all cases and causes both civil and criminal But there is also another Law which is called the Civil or Ecclesiastical Law which is confined to some few heads and that is not to be neglected and although I am a professor of the Common-Law yet am I so much a lover of Truth and of Learning and of my native Countrey that I do heartily perswade that the Professors of that Law called Civilians because the Civil Law is their guide should not be discountenanced nor discouraged else whensoever we shall have ought to do with any foreign King or State we shall be at a miserable loss for want of Learned men in that profession III. I come now to the consideration of those things which concern Councellors of State The Council-Table and the great Offices and Officers of the Kingdom which are those who for the most part furnish out that honourable Board 1. Of Councellors there are two sorts The first Consiliarii nati as I may term them such are the Prince of Wales and others of the King's Sons when he hath more● of these I speak not for they are naturally born to be Councellors to the KING to learn the art of Governing betimes 2. But the ordinary sort of Councellors are such as the King out of a due consideration of their worth and abilities and withal of their fidelities to his Person and to his Crown calleth to be of Councel with him in his ordinary Government And the Council-Table is so called from the place where they ordinarily assemble and sit together and their Oath is the onely ceremony used to make them such which is solemnly given unto them at their first admission These honourable persons are from thenceforth of that Board and Body They cannot come until they be thus called and the King at his pleasure may spare their attendance and he may dispense with their presence there which at their own pleasure they may not do 3. This being the quality of their service you will easily judge what care the King should use in his choice of them It behoveth that they be persons of great trust and fidelity and also of wisdom and judgment who shall thus assist in bearing up the King's Throne and of known experience in publick affairs 4. Yet it may not be unfit to call some of young years to train them up in that Trade and so fit them for those weighty affairs against the time of greater maturity and some also for the honour of their persons But these two sorts not to be tyed to so strict attendance as the others from whom the present dispatch of business is expected 5. I could wish that their number might not be so over-great the persons of the Councellors would be the more venerable And I know that Queen Elizabeth in whose time I had the happiness to be born and to live many years was not so much observed for having a numero●s as a wise Councel 6. The duty of a Privy-Councellor to a King I conceive is not onely to attend the Councel-board at the times appointed and there to consult of what shall be propounded But also to study those things which may advance the King's honour and safety and the good of the Kingdom and to communicate the same to the King or to his fellow Councellors as there shall be occasion And this Sir will concern you more then others by how much you have a larger share in his affections 7. And one thing I ●hall be bold to desire you to recommend to his Majesty That when any new thing shall be propounded to be taken into consideration that no Counsellor should suddenly deliver any positive opinion thereof it is not so easie with all men to retract their opinions although there shall be cause for it But only to hear it and at the most but to break it at first that it may be the better understood against the next meeting 8. When any matter of weight h●th been debated and seemeth to be ready for a resolution I wish it may not be at that sitting concluded unless the necessity of the time press it lest upon second cogitations there should be cause to alter which is not for the gravity and honour of that Board 9. I wish also that the King would be pleased sometimes to be present at that Board it adds a Majesty to it And yet not to be too frequently there that would render it less esteemed when it is become common Besides it may sometimes make the Councellors not to be so free in their debates in his presence as they would be in his absence 10. Besides the giving of Counsel the Councellors are bound by their Duties ex vi termini as well as by their Oaths to keep counsel therefore are they called de Privato Consilio Regis a secretioribus consiliis Regis 11. One thing I add in the negative which is not fit for that Board the entertaining of private causes of meum tuum those should be left to the ordinary course and Courts of Justice 12. As there is great care to be used for the Councellors themselves to be chosen so there is of the Clerks of the Council also for the secreting of their Consultations and methinks it were fit that his Majesty be speedily moved to give a strict charge