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A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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of Christ 1253 Alexander the .iiii. was bishop of Rome .vii. yeres He was so muche occupied in mainteining the ciuile warres betweenes the Guelphes and Gybelynes that he sent abrode preachers to steere men agaynst the Gibelines to the great disturbance of all Italie He excommunicated also Manfrede the sonne of Frideryche Nayles yelded to the bishoppe The Gibelines were driuen out of their countrey The Florentines vanquysshed the Pisanes and subdued Uolate●ra The yere of the worlde 5215 The yere of Christ 1254 Manfrede founde meanes Anni regum Angli 37 that he was proclamed and crowned king of Sicilie The yere of the worlde 5216 The yere of Christ 1255 Alphons kynge of Castile gaue Elenour his daughter in mariage to prince Edwarde Anni regum Angli 38 the sonne of kyng Henry of Englande to whom hys father gaue the principate of UUales and gouernance of Gulan and Irelād UUherof began first that the kinges of England ordeined theyr eldest sonnes princes of UUales Alphons the .ix. and sonne of Ferdynande was kynge of Castile .xxviii. yeres About this time certaine noble mē of the hous of Cumminges rebelled against the kyng in Scotland and held him in prison a certaine time Uariaunce betwene the electours of Germanie for the emperour The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1256 parte named Alphons kynge of Castile Anni regum Angli parte Rycharde the brother of kynge Henrye of Englande but because neither of theim was receiued by the whole empyre the imperial auctoritee was counted ●oide the space of .xvii. yeres The king of Scottes 〈◊〉 his quene came into Englād Dyuers lordes of Almaine came into Englande and did homage to syr Rycharde Erle of Cornwall and the kinges brother who vpon ascencion day after was crowned kyng of Romaines at Aquisgrane Anni regum Angli 40 The yere of the worlde 5218 The yere of Christ by the bishoppe of Coloine and other of his friendes King Henry went into UUales to subdue Lewline whiche with his UUelshemen rebelled against hym and hys sonne prince Edwarde Albertus Magnus Thomas Aquine Bonauenture and Peter Hispanus were famous Anni regum Angli 41 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Great variaunce betwene kynge Henrye and the Londyners in so muche that the Maior Aldermen and shyriffes were depriued of theyr offices and the gouernance of the citee committed to certayne persones of the kynges appoynting The secte of S. Augustines armites began For so much as kyng Henry had promised oftentimes the restitucion of certaine aunciēt lawes and ordināces whiche were more easie and commodyous to his people and by his longe delaye brought nothing to effect the lordes of England began to murmure and grudge against hym wherfore to appeace theyr malyce he helde a parliament at Oxenforde whiche was after called the madde parliament because manye thynges were therin enacted againste the kynges prerogatiue whiche proued after to the confusion of the realme and death of manye noble men For the confyrmaciō of these actes were chosen .xii. pieres called Douze pieres ▪ whiche had auctoritee to correcte the breakers of theyr ordynaunces These pieres transposed and altered many thynges according to theyr owne pleasure greatly to the discontentynge of the kynges mynd and disquieting of the whole realme as in the Englishe histories doeth appeare Rycharde the kynges brother returned out of Almaine into England Anni regum Angli 42 The yere of the worlde 5220 The yere of Christ Manfrede fortified the citee of Sen●s with a great garrison against the bishoppe of Rome Ecelinus whiche fauoured the Gibelines vanquyshed the byshoppes armie and toke his legate Brixia was geuen vp to Ec●linus Deadly warre betwene the Uenecians and Genoways for the possession of a church in the citee of Ptolomais in Ph●nicia Guye duke of Florentia The yere of the worlde 5221 The yere of Christ The Florentines fauouring the part of the Gnelphes went part of them to Luke part to Bononi Anni regum Angli 43 and forsoke their owne citee whiche shortlye after beinge inhabyted with a few indifferent persons was brought in the subiection of Manfrede and the Gi●elines and fortified with their fa●●ours This facion of Guelphes and Gibelines continued in Italie almost to our time Michael Paleolo●us a noble man of Grece depriued William of his principate of Achaia and by the helpe of the Genowais nauie toke Constantinople slew Baldwine the emperour put to deathe the son of Theodorus Uattaris and vsurped the imperiall auctoritee .xxxv. yeres The Uenecians ouercame the Genowais at Ptolomais and toke .xxiiii. of their ships and galleis King Henrie of England fearing some rebellion of his nobles went into Fraunce and there concluded a final peace on this condicion that Normandye Angeowe and Cenomanna shuld euer after be in the possession of the frenchemen and the king of England to haue Guyan and that Lewis should geue to king Henrie for hys expenses in warre .150000 crownes and for yearelye tribute a .100000 after which peace fynyshed the kynge retourned into England De●dly warre betwene the bishop of Argentine and the citisyns wherein the bishoppe him selfe fought manfully like a valiant champion All the countrey of Hetrucia was brought vnder the subiection of Manfrede and the Guelphes expelled Anni regum Angli 44 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1261 About this time mortal warre was reared betwene Alphons king of Castile and Richarde the kinges brother of Englande because they bothe affected the empire of Germanie Alphons suspectinge the treason of his two brethren Henrie and Friderich expelled them out of his reelme of the which the tone fled into Affrike the tother into France entending to excite the people of bothe those nacions to inuade Castile Urbane the fourth was bishop of Rome .iii. yeres He first ordeyned the feast of Corpus Christi with great plōtie of pardone Anni regum Angli 45 King Henrie of England pulished at Ponles crosse the bishop of Romes absolucion for him and all his that were sworne to mainteyn the articles made in the parliament holden at Oxenforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1262 for which cause the Barones of Englande beganne to vtter their malice whiche they had long before conceiued agaynst the kinge and caused an insurrection that continued .iii. yeres The Barones of England armed them agaynst theyr kinge Anni regum Angli 46 The yere of the worlde 5224 The yere of Christ and al this yere houered about London and other places without any notable act of rebellion sauing that they robbed and spoyled alianes and certaine other persones whom they knewe to be agaynst theyr purpose Urbane bishop of Rome obteined of the Frenche kynge that his brother Charles the earle of Angeowe and pr●●ince might come into Italy with an army against Māfrede where the saide Charles was proclaimed kinge of Sicilie and Naples by whiche meanes that kyngedome came first to the Frenchmen This yere was an exceading dearth in Scotland wherof A●ho
quene pardoned .iiii. hundreth of the common people The .xv. daye of Marche was committed to the toure Courtney the Erle of Deuonshire and the .xviii. of the same the lady Elizabeth syster to the quene both vppon suspition of wyats conspiracie Shortely after was apprehended in Northwales the lorde Thomas Graye brother to the duke sir Iames Crofte whiche lorde Thomas was after executed Immediatly there was a parliament summoned to be holden at Oxforde where was made great preparation to the great hindrance of many of the inhabitantes For it was afterward appointed to be at Westmynster and was there holden the second of April wherin the quene requested .ii. things her mariage restoring of the pope the one she obtained vpon certaine conditions the other wolde not be granted as than In this meane while not onely the straungers that were in kyng Edwardes time receiued into the realme for religion emong whom one Iohn a Lasco vncle to the king of Poland was one but many englishmē also fled some to Friseland some to Cleueland som to high Germanie where they ●ound great fauour but especially at Frankfort vpon Mea●e And somme wente to Geneua wher they found great fauour also About the same time there were hanged at Chard in Somersetshire .iii. yong men for breakyng and burnyng of churche ornaments The .x. daye of Aprill Archebishoppe Cranmer Byshop Rydley and Hugh Latimer went out of the towre towardes Oxforde where they had disputacions wyth the deuynes of both vniuersities and because they wold not recant they wer reserued in prisone till they might be condemned by the popes autoritie not withstanding that they answered most substantially and trulye At this tyme was sir Thomas Wyat beheaded at the towre hill and afterwarde quartered and his quarters set vp in sundry places and his head vpon the gallowes at haye hyll ouer the thre that were there hanged in chaines And shortly after it was stolen awaye thence Before he came forth to his deth he did plainly declare that the ladye Elizabeth and Courtney were nothyng giltye of his faction Notwithstanding that coulde not set the ladie Elizabeth at libertye Duryng this tyme many mad parts wer playd about the citie of London but chiefely these A cat dressed lyke a prieste at masse with the cake ouer her heade betwene her handes was hanged vpon the gallowse at the cros in Chepe And a ma●tie dog shauen in the crowne with a tippet about his necke was found in the quenes closet and a letter was fastned to his tippet wherin were these words I am a pore priest that com to sue for a benefice About this tyme Cardinal Pole went from the Emperour to the French king to intreat a peace but in vain The xviii of May was hāged drawen quartered at tiburn Williā Thomas for cōspiring the quenes d●th The .xx. of Iuly Philip prince of Spaine son to Charles .v. Emperor ariued at Southampton and was ther honorably receiued cam the fourth day after to winchester where the quene had lōg loked for him wher matrimonie was betwene thē honorably solēnised the kingdome of Naples for the mariage sake to him by his father graunted Which thinges done they rode royallye to London whither thei cam and were ●umptuously receyued the xviii day of August About the ende of October themperour sent messēgers to the king his sonne to geue him possession of the dukedom of Millayn The .xii. daye of Nouember there was holden at westmynster a parliament to whiche Cardinall Pole was brought out of Brabant beynge accompanied with the English ambassadours sent for the same purpose among whome the Lorde Paget was one He came to London the xxiii of Nouember And the first daye after he came into the parliament house beyng restored to his olde estate f●om which kyng Henry had cast hym doune and in the presence of th● kyng and queene he dyd after he had declared the cause of his lega●ie exhort them al that there represent●d the hole body of the 〈◊〉 to retourne to the communion of the churche and ●o restore to the moste holy father his due authoritie Signifyenge vnto them that his holynes was in purpose to shewe great clemencie and gentlenesse vnto them And further he exhorted them to geue thankes to god that hadde geuen them suche a kyng and quene And laste of all he dyd them to vnderstande that he toke it for a great benefite at theyr handes that they had restored hym to hys former estate and therfore he accompted him selfe the more bounde a great deale to restore them to the heauenly court which thinge he most desyred of all thynges And when he had thus spoken he went out of the parliment house Then stode vp the lorde chauncellor byshop of Winchester and repeted the Cardinalles oration with many wordes of exhortation to concorde and vnitie affirmyng that we oughte to geue moste harty thankes to god that of his vnmeasurable mercy had styred vs vp a prophete of oure owne nation whiche geueth hymselfe wholly to doo vs good The day folowyng when the parliament had graunted the Cardinalles request they deuised a forme of supplication to the kyng and queene wherein they myghte moste humbly beseche them to be meanes to the Cardinall for theim The effect whereof was this That they dyd earnestly repent them of theyr scisme in refusynge to obey the apostolike sea of Rome and in consentynge to lawes made against the same promysyng that thence foorth they would be at theyr cōmandement to do what soeuer they shulde be able to do● in that parliament for the abolyshyng of all suche lawes and statutes The next day so sone as the kyng the quene Pool● were againe present the Chauncellour stode vp and declared what the parliament had decreed concerning the popes legates request ▪ And then he deliuered to the king and Quene the supplication of the parli●ment sealed humbly besechyng them to receyue it which whan they had receyued and opened it they deliuered it to the chancellour agayne to be redde whiche he dyd and asked of the w●ole house whether they consented to it or no. And when they had aunswered yea then the kyng queene rose vp ▪ and delyuered it to the Cardinall who wh●n he had redd● it delyuered the bull of his legacy to theym whyche was forthewith redde that all men myghte vnderstande that the pope hadde geuen hym power to absolue theym Afterwarde he declared howe acceptable in the sight of god the repentance of a synner is and howe greatly the angels reioyce ouer one sinner that repēteth And in conclusion he gaue thanks to God that had geuen them a mynde so desyrous of emendement when this was done he arose and so dyd the kyng and quene also and then fell the kyng and quene doune on theyr knees Thā dyd the Cardinall lyfte vp his fyngers and blesse them desyryng god to loke mercyfully vpon the people and to forgeue the offence and so he absolued the
the wylde beastes parte otherwise most cruelly were slaine at whiche time appered the most terrible example of the wrathe and vengeance of god for the contempte of hys worde and veritee For what herte is soo stonie or hard that wyll not tremble for feare when it considereth that god toke soo sharpe punishement vpon his owne people whom before he loued moste entierlye and amonge al other nations of the world chose for his peculiar flock and vyneyarde The yere of the worlde 4035 The yere of Christ 74 Uespacian the emperour and Tytus his sonne triumphed for their victorye and conquest in Iudea Anni regum britannie 2 Lussius Bassus was ordeined legate or graund capitain into Iudea where he broughte in subiection certayne of the iewes which rebelled in the town named Macherus Uespacian endeuoured with honest lawes to restore the citee of Rome to hir pristinate fourme beautee and pleasantnesse which was greatly corrupted by the vncleane lyfe of that monstruous emperour Nero. The yere of the worlde 4036 The yere of Christ 75 The temple of Iupiter in the Capital was repaired by Uespacian Anni regum britannie 3 Ce●ennius Petus president of Surie discomfited put to flighte and toke prisoner Antiochus kynge of Comagine and sent him to Rome to the emperour Here endeth the histories of Ioseph and Egesippus debello Iudaico The yere of the worlde 4037 The yere of Christ 79 Anni regum britannie 4 Achaia Lycia Rhodus Byzantium Samus Thracia Cilicia Trachea comagene were made prouynces of the empire Galdus after the deathe of Dardannus was ordeyned kyng of Scottes the most valiaunt and noble prince that euer reigned amonge thē and endued with many excellent and pryncely qualitees At the firste entree he punyshed the wycked counsaylours of Dardannus and after called a parliament of his lordes wherin many noble actes were deuysed and the naughty lawe of kyng Ewyn by the whiche the wife 's of the commons were f●●e to the nobles was abrogated and foredoone Of hym the Scottes made many goodly remembraunces in the honour of his noblenes and great victories that he atc●●ued About this time Petulius Cerealis was sent of the Romaines as lieutenaunt to Britaine where he discomfited Galdus kinge of Scottes vanquished the Pictes and Sylurians subdewed to the Romaynes the countrey of Brigantes ouerthrewe and chased Uodicia the daughter of the valiant woman Uoada and quieted the kentishe men and certaine other Britons whiche rebelled After this Petulius a Romain named Iulius Frontinus waslieutenāt in Britain who warred also against the Scottes and Pictes Uespacian made enquirie of all the noble and valiaunt men amonge the Iewes Anni regum britannie 7 The yere of the worlde 4040 The yere of Christ 79 whiche were linially descended from Dauid Whereof ensued a sore and greuous persecucion emonge the Iewes ¶ Three citees of Cypres weere ouerthrowen wyth an earthquake A sore pestilence at Rome Anni regum britannie 8 Uespacian dyed of the flixe The yere of the worlde 4041 The yere of Christ 80 Titus the son of Uespacian reigned .ii. yeres The yere of the worlde 4042 The yere of Christ 81 He was excellently well learned Anni regum britannie 9 and of so pleasaunt swete and gentle behauour that he meruailouslye deserued the fauour of all men In so much that he was therfore named comonly the loue and delite of mankinde He neuer dimissed any man frome hym without hope to obteine his request saiyng that no man ought to go sadde from the speache of a prince Whan he remembred that in a hole daie he had done no benefytte to any man he saied to hys familiars frendes I haue loste a daie reputing that daie lost that he had not done some benefytte in beyng admitted high prieste he aduanted that he toke that ●s●●e vpon him onely to the entente to kepe his handes cleane from bloudeshed and affirmed that him selfe woulde rather die than he woulde suffer any man to perishe The yere of the worlde 4043 The yere of Christ 82 The hyll in Campaine named Uesuuius raged more vehemently with fyre than it was wont Anni regum britannie 10 and casting out great flames dyd much hurt to the countreis liyng therabout A great parte of the citee of Rome was destroyed with sodein mischaunce of fyre which continued burning the space of .iii. daies Turpaneus about this time was king of Danes Tytus the emperour beyng sodeinly taken with an ague and perceiuing that death would nedes ensue greatly bewayled that his life shuld be taken from him causelesse for so muche as he neuer didde any thinge in all his life whereof it did repente him sauynge one but what that thing was he shewed not Anacletus was made the .ii. byshop of Rome after sainct Peter The yere of the worlde 4044 The yere of Christ 83 Domician by nature brother vnto Titus Anni regum britannie 11 but veraye vnlike in maners ▪ reygned .15 yeres whan he was firste admitted to the empire he vsed much to be in his secrete oratorie alone and there did nothing but take flies and pricke them through with a nedle wherfore whā it was demaūdid of U Chrispus who was with the emperour he wyttylye answered Not so muche as a flie At the beginninge this Domician shewed him selfe to abhorre soo much from murther that vneth he would suffer oxen to be kylled for their sacrifice and beynge ordeined Censor of maners was very diligent in his office but in the end folowyng the steppes of Nero and Caligula he became a detestable and cruel tyranne ¶ In the tyme of this Domician a valiaunt capitaine of the Romaines called Iulius Agricola made war nyne yeres continually vpon certain of the Britains Scottes and Pictes and discomfited thē in many greate batails vntil that Domician enuiyng his successe remoued him from that prouince he subdued to the Romains Anuandale the Isle of Man Carrike Kyle Cunigham wyth many other regions Domician ordeyned that no man shoulde be gelded or made Euneukes Anni regum britannie 13 Anianus bishoppe of Alexandria ended his life The yere of the worlde 4046 after whom suc●eded Abilius The yere of Christ 85 Anni regum britannie 14 The emperour Domician outlawed and put to deathe a great noumbre of the noble men and ancient senatours of Rome The yere of the worlde 4047 The yere of Christ 86 Anni regum britannie 16 Quintilian was famous taught Rhetorike in Rome The yere of Christ 88 receiuing his salary out of the emperours escheker The yere of the worlde 4049 In his time were many other great learned men as Cornelius Tacitus the yōger Plinie Sueton Ualerius Flaccus Patauinus Iuuenal Marcial Domician passed the riuer Dounce or Dunaw wyth an army against Darn●pe●us king of Gothes The Gothes vaynquished and putte to flighte the Romaines and slue theyr capitaine Fuscus Menander a notable heretike disciple to Simon Magus was famous in these dayes teachynge that no man could be saued oneles he were baptized in his
kinge of Norway and Denmarke toke occasion to inuade the landes of Scotlande to the great terrour of the kinge and the whole realme but not longe after at Largis he was discomfited in a great battayle and loste xxv thousande of his men wyth all his shyppes sauinge foure Anni regum Angli 47 Fiue hundred Iewes were slayne by the citesins of London because one Iew would haue forced a christian man to paye more then two pense for the vsurie of .xx. s. for a weke The yere of the worlde 5225 The yere of Christ 1264 After the death of Acho Magnus reigned amonge the Danes Hugh Le Spenser with the citisins of London spo●led and burnt the manoures of Richarde the kinges brother whiche hither to had ben a great staye of the warre betwene the king and his nobles Nere to Lewis king Henrie and his Barones fought a cruell battaile in the whiche he him selfe with Richarde his brother kinge of Romaines sir Edwarde his sonne and other noble men to the noumbre of xxv were taken and of the commons were slaine aboue .20000 The king ▪ and his brother were deliuered vpon firme promise made to perfourme the actes of the forenamed m●dde parliament for suertie whereof prynce Edwarde remained as pledge Uenceslaus the fourth king of Boheme Clement bishop of Rome .iii. yeres ix monethes Debate and variance betwene Simon Mountforte Erle of Leicester The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1265 Anni regum Angli 48 and Gilbert de Clare erle of Gloucester the chiefe capitaines of the Barones whiche turned to their great euell For prince Edwarde being now set at libertee alied him with the Erle of Gloucester and gatheringe to him a great power warred so fiercelye vpon Simon of Leicester that in the end he and Hugh Spenser with many other of the nobles were slain in battaile And the same yere was holden a parliament at Winchester where all the statutes made before at Oxenforde were foredone and al writinges made for the confirmacion of the same cancelled and broken The citee of London was in great daunger to haue bene vtterly destroied by the king for great ●re and displeasure that he had kendled toward it because of the forenamed commocion This yere was such infinite noumbre of wormes in all partes of Scotlande that floures herbes leaues and fruites of trees were consumed therwith Manfrede in Italy was vanquyshed slayne by Charles the Frenche kynges brother who toke possessiō of the kyngdome of Sicilie and Boneaent and for the same became feudarie to the Romaine bishoppe and paied to him yerely tribute By daiely suite and labour of friendes to kyng Henrye for the Londoners The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1266 he lastly graunted his pardon Anni regum Angli 49 But so that thei shulde geue to hym for all transgressions and offences the summe of .20000 markes and than to receiue againe theyr libertees Kynge Henrie besieged the castell of Kenelworth whiche Henrie Hastinges defended agaynst hym the space of halfe a yere and than gaue it vp into his handes Chunradinus Duke of Suaue the sonne of Chunrade and nephew of Friderich and righte heue as wel to the imperiall cro wne as to the kingedome of Sicilie came with a huge armie into Italy to recouer his fathers kingdome of Sicilie which the Romaine bishop bad wrongfully geuen to Charles the Frencheman The olde franches and libertees of London with a new graunt for the shire of Midleser Anni regum Angli The yere of the worlde 5228 The yere of Christ 1267 were confirmed by a parliament at Northhampton where also many noble men that had taken part with the Barones were disherited of their landes and therfore fledde to Eli● Friderich the kinges brother of Spaine whiche was banished his coun●trey came out of Afrike with a great companye of Sarasens and arriued in the sea costes of Sicilye where in the quarel of Chunradine he subdued the whole ilande sauinge three citees called Panormus Siracuse and Messana Banducar or Bendago souldaine of Egipt ouercame the christians The Genowais spoiled wasted a citee of Crete called Canea The gentlemen of Englande which fled to Ely The yere of the worlde 5229 The yere of Christ robbed did much harme to the countrei next adioignynge Anni regum Angli 51 Chunrade the Duke of Sucuia which in the beginning of his warres had prosperous successe in Italie encountring with Charles was vanquished and taken toward whom the bishop of Rome vsed much espiteful villanye In him ceassed the Dukes of Sueuia Anni regum Angli 52 Gilbert de Clare Erle of Gloncester for vnknowen displeasure aliyng him selfe with the exiled gentilmen The yere of the worlde 5230 The yere of Christ 1269 other nobles of England rose against the kinge helde the citee of London but by the diligent labour of sir Rychard king of Romaines and the bishop of Reines an agremente was made betwene the king and him The bishops see of Rome by meane of a discencion betwene the cardinalles was voyde the space of .ii. yeres Uariaunce betweene the felowships of goldsmithes and tailours of London Anni regum Angli 53 caused great ruffling in the cite The yere of the worlde 5231 The yere of Christ 1270 and manye men to be slaine for which riotte .xiii. of the chiefe capitains were reigned cast and hanged Aleine S●uch was discharged of his mairaltee by the kinge and St●phene Edw●rth made constable of the tower and cu●tos of the citee The disherited gentlemen were reconsiled to the king Lewis king of Fraunce and his three sonnes Philip Iohn and Peter with a great nauie sailed into Afrike against the Sarasens where by his pollicie and manhode they toke the citee of Thunes but by reason of the vnholsome countrey a pestilence infected his host of the which the king him selfe died The riuer Thames was so hard frosen from the feast of S. Andrewe to Candelmas The yere of the worlde 5132 The yere of Christ 1271 Anni regum Angli 54 that men and beastes passed ouer on fote from Lambeth to Westminster The citee of Londō with the reuenues was geuen to prince Edwarde Gregorie the .x. was bishoppe of Rome .iii. yeres Warre betwene the Uenecians and people of Bononie Philip the sonne of S. Lewys kynge of Fraunce reygned .xv. yeres Othacarus the .v. king of Boheme he was a valiaunt prince a man of great prowes and d●syrous of warre whom neither counsayle sayled in daungerous enterprises nor courage in aduersitie and misfortune By his wife Margaret he was Duke of Austrich When the electours profered to make him emperour he refused it sayinge that it was a greatter thinge to be kinge of Boheme than emperour of Rome At his entre he warred vpon Bela king of Hungarie and him vanquyshed and wanne the prouince of Stiria The yere of the worlde 5233 The yere of Christ 1272 Prince Edward of England sailing into Asia against the Infideles by his
was crowned with the imperial Diademe at Rome and than yode to Naples wher he was receiued with great honor and triumph by Alphons the kinge The countre of Aquitaine was reconquered and wonne by the Frenchmen .297 yeres after it was first ioygned to the crowne and seignory of Englande by Henrye the secounde Anni regum Angli 30 The yere of the worlde 5413 The yere of Christ which was Duke of Angeow and .192 yeeres after it was by Henry the .iii. recouered from the Frenchemen which had won it by force of armes from king Iohn his father A commocion beganne this yere by the duke of Yorke and other noble men whiche was appeased for a tyme and the malice dissimuled Lewys the Dolphine sonne of king Charles of France rebelled agaynst his father and fled to the duke of Burgoyne with whom he was ten yeres One named Iohannes Faustius first found the craft of printinge in the citee of Mens in Germanie The lorde Talbote recouered by de●icion the citee of Burdeaus in Aquitaine Anni regum Angli 31 The yere of the worlde 5414 The yere of Christ where after long cruel fighte he was slayne with a gunne and the citee won agayn by the Frenchmen Mahomet prince of Turkes after .50 dayes of continuall assaut made by his innumerable multitude of turkes agaynst the citee of Constantinople with excedinge force power obteyned and conquered the same to the great hinderaunce and shame of Christendome a highe ●duancement of the turkes dominion Of the excedinge and vnspeakable crueltie that they vsed towarde all sortes of men women and children and the despiteous velanie that they shewed toward Christiā religion it wold r●e any christian heart to heare or read Anni regum Angli 32 The fyre of enuie The yere of the worlde 3415 The yere of Christ that a good space had couertly smoudered betwene the duke of Yorke a●●d the duke of Sommerset with other of the quenes counsaile at this time brake out in hote and fierce flames of warre in so much that betwene the kinge who defended these persons and the duke of Yorke with his alies at ● Albones a cruell battayle was fought in the ende wherof the victory fell to the duke of Yorke and on the kinges part was slayne the Duke of Somerset the Erle of Northumberlande ▪ the lorde Clifforde with many other honourable men of knightes and squiers After whiche time the duke with great reuerence broughte the kinge from S. Albones to London where by a parliamēt he was made protectour of the realme the Erle of Salesburie chauncellour and the erle of Warwike capitayne of Cales Peace and league was made in Lumbardye betwene Frauncisce Sfortia of Millayne and the Uenecians after the warre had continued wel nere .v. yeres The yere of the worlde 5416 The yere of Christ 1455 Calist the .iii. beinge ordeyned bishop of Rome Anni regum Angli 33 made preparacion for warre agaynst the Turkes and sent agaynst theim with great prouision Lewys patriarke of Aquileia Messaraphus the souldaine of Egipte a man of great power Georgi●s Castrio●us called also Scanderberge duke of Epire and Albanie was famous in dyuers partes of Asia and Europe for his prowes noblenesse in armes and especially for such victories as he atcheued agaynst the Turkes Iames Picennius of Lumbardye made warre to the citye of Sennes The yere of the worlde 5417 The yere of Christ 1456 By meanes of the quene and other lordes Anni regum Angli 34 the duke of Yorke was discharged of his protectourship which thīg was cause of new grudge and malyce A great riote committed in London against the Lumbardes Italians because a mercers seruaunt was cast in prison for striking an Italian Nere to the citee Taurinum that is now called Alba where as the riuers of Danubie and Saw do mete Mahomet the Turke was ouerthrowen chased and dryuen out of his campe by a smal company of Christians About this time were sene many strange syghtes and wonderfull thinges as well in the citee of Rome as other places of Italie In the place called Sabine a calfe was broughte forthe with two heades In Rome at the gate of Uenus and in ●yguria it reygned bloudde In Picene a child was borne with sixe teth A blasing sterre terrible to beholde was sene well nere all the moneth of Iune An horrible tempest vexed a part of Italy and especially Hetr●ria and Uenice many countreys of Italye were shaken also with a terrible erthquake in so muche that in Huel and Naples muche housinges and greate buyldinges were ouerthrowen and as writeth Cronica Cronicorum there peryshed .40 thousande Christian men At Eri●h within .xii. miles of London were taken The yere of the worlde 5418 The yere of Christ 1457 4. wonderfull fyshes Anni regum Angli 35 wherof one was called Mors marina the seconde a sword fyshe the other two were whales A flote of Frenchmen landed at Sandwike and spoyled the towne with great crueltee Alphons kinge of Naples made sore warre vpon the citee of Geane Anni regum Angli 36 A feigned agrement was made betwene the king the queene and the duke of Yorke with his retinew The yere of the worlde 5419 The yere of Christ which endured not longe Bessarion and Cusanus cardinalles Ludouicus Pōtanus Paulus Castrensis Antonius Rosellanus lawiers Cermisonus Sauonarola Ba●zizius phisicions Pe●●rbachius Blanchinus astronomers Argirople Philelphus Pero●●us Datus learned men flourished Fregosus capitaine of Gean gaue vp the cite to Charles of Fraunce because he was not able to defend it agaynst the violence of Alphons Ferdinande the bastarde son of Alphons suc●●ded his father in the kingdome of Naples betwene whom and Iohn duke of Angeow was sore warre for the right and title of the sayd kingdome Ladislaus king of Hungarie and Boheme ended his life after whom succeded in Boheme George P●ggeh● braicus or de Podebra in Hungarie Mathias the son of Huniades who made war agaynst the emperour Friderich for the crowne of Hungary betwene whom whē the warre had continued .vi. yeres a peace was concluded on this condicion that Mathias should be kynge for his life time but he should leaue no heyre after him Lewis the .xi. after some computacions was ordeyned kinge of Fraunce which for his crueltee and harde demeanour was called the sturdy and fell Lewis betwene him and his nobles was muche strife eneas Siluius a man of great witte learninge and eloquence was made byshop of Rome and named Pigs the .ii. he wrate the historye De origine boen●rum The warre that he entēded agaynst the Turkes was stopped by meane of the discencion among christian princes for th●n long after was great warre betwene Ferdinād of Naples and the duke of Angeow and in diuers other partes of Italy likewise The duke of Yorke the erles of Salesbury and Warwike with a great host mette the kinge and other lordes of Englande vpon Blore heath nere
by meanes of a paymente that was graunted to the kyng by act of parliament a new commocion was ar●ered by the commons of Cornewal whiche vnder the leadinge of the lorde Audley came to blacke heath where the kinge mette with them and discomfited the rebelles and toke their capitaynes whiche were shortly after hanged drawen and quartered King Henry sent an armye into Scotland vnder the guiding of the erle of Surre● and the lorde Neuell whyche made sharpe warre vpon the Scottes A mariage concluded betwene prince Arthur and lady Katherine the kinges doughter of Spayne Perkin Warbecke landed agayne in Cornwal and assayled the towne of Exciter and other places but finally he toke the sanctuarye of Beaudley and was after pardoned of his life Lewys the twelueth of that name duke of Orleaunce and U●l●yse was ordeyned king of Fraunce who after he had possession of his kingdome forsoke Iohā his first wife and maried the widowe of Charles his predicessour Maxim●●ian inuaded Burgoyne where after battayle to the losse of both partes a peace was concluded A peace proclaymed betwene the kinges of England and Scotlande Anni regum Angli for the terme of both theyr lyues The yere of the worlde 5459 The yere of Christ Perkin Warbecke endeuoured to steale away secr●tli out of the lande but he was taken ag●yne by his kepers and by the kinges commaundement cast in the tower of London The Turkes toke from the Uenecians Me●hon Naupactum and shortly after Dyrrhach●um with swo●de and fire spoyled the prouince of Foriulii The Switzers warred vppon their borderers of Austrich wherfore Maximilian the emperour came out of Eelderlande where he was occupied in warre to defend his subiectes but after diuers skirmyshes and smal battailes to the losse of both partes the warre was finished At S. Thomas Watring a strepeling was put to e●ecucion The yere of the worlde 5460 The yere of Christ 1499 Anni regum Angli 25 which by the entisement of a monke named Patricius called him selfe Edward Erle of Warwike and sonne of George Duke of Clarence whiche sens the beginning of king Hen●is reigne was kept secretly in the Tower Perkin Warb●cke was put to death sone after the Erle of Warwike because he demed to be consentinge to the treason of the sayd Warbecke Lewis kinge of Fraunce toke Millayne The newe bridge at Pa●ys with the housing thervpon fel downe This yere was a great pestilence in the citee of Londō by reason wherof the kinge and the quene sayled to Calis The yere of the worlde 5461 The yere of Christ 1450 Anni regum Angli 26 and at S. Peters they mette with the Duke of Burgoyne Sir Edmunde de la Poole duke of Suffolke departed secretly out of this land by meane of whō was lykely to haue bene a new insurrection King Henry of Englande fianced his doughter Margaret to Iames the kinge of Scottes and Ferdinand● king of Spayne maried his doughter Katherine to the noble prince Arthur who ended ●is life in easter weke folowing Sfortia recouered the citee of Millayne and expelled the Frenchemen whom while he pursued more fiercely than aduisedlye he fell into their handes vnwares and was taken of them and led into Fraunce The Frenchemen Anni regum Angli 17 by the counsayle of the bishoppe of Rome The yere of the worlde 5462 The yere of Christ 1501 ledde an army against the turkes and ioygnyng in battaile at Mitelene were ouerthrowen and taken The figure of crosses appered in the garments of dyuers persons of Germanye and droppes of bloudde fell from heauen The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1502 Elysabeth queene of Engl●nde dyed in the tower of Anni regum Angli 18 London as she lay in childe bedde and shortly after was dame Margaret the kinges doughter maried to the king of Scottes A great pestilence in the countre of Germanye The Frenchmen brought Naples vnder their dominiō Anni regum Angli 19 This yere was much hurt done by mischance of fyre in diuers places of London The yere of the worlde 5464 The yere of Christ Pr●sto Iohannes emperour and high byshop of Indie and Aethiope Ferdinand of Spayne sent a nauy of shippes into Italy where they vanquished chased and slew the Frenchmē and recouered the kingdome of Naples wyth all the dominion belonging to it Pius bishop of Rome onely .xxx. dayes after whome succeded Iulius a cruell and fierce tyranne geuen only to murder and warre Anni regum Angli 20 The warre of Bauarie beganne in whiche Cesar The yere of the worlde 5465 The yere of Christ 1504 Maximilian defended the princes of Bauarie agaynste Philyp erle Palatine of Rhine and his sonne Duke Robert who because he had maryed the doughter of Georg Duke of Bauarie latelye deceased made claime to that Duchye But continuing the time of this warre he ended his life and thē was a peace concluded betwene his father and the emperour Anni regum Angli 21 Philippe the Archduke of Burgoyne The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1505 the emperoure Maximilians son as he sailed into S●ayn to take possession of the kingdome of Castile that fell to hys wife and hym by the deathe of Elisabeth the wyfe of Ferdinande was driuen by force of ●empest to land in Englād wher he was honourablie receyued of king Henrye and then deparied on his iordey toward Spayne Elisabeth the quene of Polonie ended her life which was a woman of great noblenesse doughter to a kynge wife to a kinge and mother to diuers kynges Santes Pagninu a great Hebric●y Leonicenus Gattinaria ▪ Caballus and Optatus phisicions Niphus Iacobus Faber Stapulensis Pigius philosophers Petrus Bembus and diuers other lerned men were famous Al the inhabitantes of Granade were eyther forced to receyue thefayth of Christ or to forsake the land The Sophie of Persia vanquished chased and slewe the Turkes The yere of the worlde 5467 The yere of Christ 1506 The Genoways forsoke the dominion of Lewis king of Fraunce Anni regum Angli 22 Iulius bishop of Rome toke the citee Bononie A mariage concluded betwene Charles Archduke of Austriche prince of Castile and Marye the doughter of king Henry of England The famous clerke Reuchline restored again the knowla ge of the hebrew tongue The yere of the worlde 1468 The yere of Christ 1507 Philip king of Castile payed his debt to Nature Anni regum Angli Lewis king of Fraunce by agrement receyued again the citee of Geane Maximilian the emperour beganne the cru●l and long warre agaynste the Uenecians In time whereof were soughten many blouddy battailes and diuers great mutacions and chances hapned At the first Lewis kynge of France ayded the Uenecians but after he forsoke thē and went to Maximilian contrarye wise Iulian byshop of Rome first fauoured Maximilian and after tourned to the Uenecians By this warre the Ueneciās lost manye of their chiefe citees The yere of the worlde 1469 The yere of Christ 1508 The citee
ambassadour frō the emperour The bishop of Tarbe the Uisecount of Torayne and Antony Uescy seconde presidente of Paris came in ambassade to the king out of Fraunce Ambassadours also came from the king of Hungary desiring ayde agaynst the Turke The cardinall of Englande went with great pompe into Fraūce where he concluded a leage betwene kinge Henry of England and the Frenche king whiche bothe by the cardinalles meanes sent their defiance to the emperour and a strong army into Italye to deliuer the byshop and driue the emperours power out of y● countrey The great maister of Frāce came to Londō with great triumph for the conclusion of the forenamed league The emperou●s sonne of Tartarie with great puisāce inuaded Pannonie but in the ende he was vanquished and taken This yere were sene .iii. sonnes which in some places wer● included with a double rainbow Arthur Biln●i Geffray Lome and Garret were abi●red by the cardinall for speakinge agaynst the bishop of Romes auctoritee The citee Gean was brought to the French kinges dominion Lord Lawdrike and the French kinges souldyours toke and spoyled Pauie Ferdinand made warre vpō a noble man of Hungary named U●auoyda and toke from him diue●s castels townes Charles the emperour made open protestacion diuers times before the kinges heraldes of England France that what soeuer was done in Italye by his souldioures agaynst the bishoppe was contrary to his wil and commaundement Lord Lawdrike capitayn of the french kynges armye in Italye in takinge the towne of Melffe loste ten thousand men Open hostilitee warre betwene the kinges of Englande and France and the emperour And the marchantes and ships of all partes were arested The yere of Christ 1528 Corne was very deare in England and had bene mu●che dearer The yere of the worlde 5489 Anni regum Angli 20 had not bene the good prouision of the marchantes of the Stilyarde and an abstinance of warre betwene England and Flaunders Charl●s Duke of G●lders inuaded Holland and was discomfited by the lord Isilsteine whom Ladye Margaret ●egent of the countre sent agaynst him The famous and excellent clerke Iohannes Reucline ended his lyfe by whose great learning and diligēce the knowlage of the .iii. tonges and especially Hebrew was agayne restored to the world On S. Denis day a legate came from Rome to kynge Henry The sweating sickenesse raged in diuers partes of E●land The emperour sente the Duke of Brunswike with a great puisance into Italye The Millanours were styll miserablie oppressed by the emperours soul●iours The Duke of Brunswike tooke the citee of Pauie whyche shortly after was taken agayne by the frenchemen the walles beaten downe E●treme warre pestilence and famine in all Italy Aboue 2400● of the Frenche armye that besyeged Naples dyed of the pes●ilence beside the most parte of all theyr horses and beastes so that there was not lest passing .v. thousand men in all In this yere in the moneth of Iune the legates satte at the blacke friers in London concerning the kinges mariage diuorsemēt from the princesse Dowagier which had bene his bro●hers wife The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 21 In October the cardinall was deposed from the chancellourship of England Ferdinande of Hungary recouered many places whiche before were taken from him by the Turke expuls●d out of the realme his enemy Iohn Uuauoyda which making claime to the crowne of Hungary fl●d for ayde to the Turkes The Frechemen and Uenecians wente with an army of .40000 men t●●ubdue Naples vpon whom the emperous souldiours came sodeinly in the night and slewe of theim a great noumber and afte●warde in plaine battaile discomfited th●ir wh●le power wherwith the frenche kyng beyng greatly moue● sent a nauy into Spaine whiche spoyled the countrey but in the ende they were all well nere taken and slaine The Turke in the quarell of Uuauoyda pe●ced Hungary with a terible puisāce hauing in his army .250000 fighting men and exercised towarde the inhabytauntes most extreme cruelty for some thei berefte of their ●ight some thei rent and mangled in diuers pieces cutting of their noses eares handes armes priuye membres and other partes of theyr bodies Uirgines in most dishon●st wyse they rauyshed of other women the pulled of the pappes and openyng their wombes whiche were great with chylde burned the yonge babes Afterwarde he besieged Uienna a citie of Austrich and assayled the same very cruellye twenty tymes he came to the walles and styll by the Christians was expel●ed and driuen back In fine aboute the Idus of October by the manhode wyse●dome and pollicy of Philip Erle Palatine of Rhine and the Duke of Bauary whiche were there as soueraygne capitain●s the Turkes were faine to retourn into their countrey with the losse of .60 thousande souldiours A synode holden at Marsburge where communicacion was had betwene Luther Melancton O●●olampadius Zuinglius for an agreement concerning the sacramentes whiche controuersye had caused great varyaunce amonge the preachers of Germanye at whiche tyme the mattier was not concluded because the sweatyng sickenesse that raged sore in that citie dissolued the counsaile A great famine and derth in Uenice and the countrey ther about wherof a gret noumbre dyed for lacke of sustinaunce Geane in the tyme of a great pestilence was recouered from the Frenchemen by the emperours souldiours Wylliam Tindale fyrst translated the new Testament into Englyshe The sweatyng sickenesse vexed Brabante and a great part of Germiane wherof very many dyed and especially in Antwarpe wher in thre dayes space it consumed .v hundred persons A peace was agreed vpon betwene king Henry of England the emperour the Frenche kinge the king of Boheme and Hungary and Clement the byshop of Rome ▪ for the conclusion wherof and the deliuerance of his children the Frenche kinge was bounde to pay to Charles the emperour .20 hundred thousande crownes besyde dyuers other condicions Fraunces Sfortia was restored to his Duchye of Millaine paied therfore to the emperour .900000 crownes The cardynal was cast in a premunire forfayted all his landes and goodes to the kyng● A parliament begon at Westmynster wherin a reformacion was taken for dyuers enormitees vsed of the spiritualtie as probates of testamētes mortuaries pluralitie of benefices none residence bying sellyng and taking of benefices by spyrituall persones c. also the loan of money borowed in the .xv. yeere of the kinge was releases The emperoure Charles with great solemnitye Anni regum Angli 22 was crowned with the imp●riall Diademe by Clement the .7 byshop of Rome The yere of the worlde 5461 The yere of Christ at Bonony after whiche time he went to Augusta in Germanie ▪ wher was holden a counsaile for preparacion of Warre against the Turke and for agrement of mattiers in Almaine Iustus Ionas Breucins Urbanus Rhegyus Mart Bucere and dyuers other with their ●rechyng and writyng sowed the sedes of heresy in Germany Ripa Shlamonius Stella famous
was condempned and put to death with certayn of her counsaile in Aprile Woulffe and his wyfe for a shamefull murde● by them committed in sleayng of two marchant strangers were arreigned and hang●d at the place where they hadde done the murder The Anabaptistes caused great trouble and ruffling in the north partes of Germany and at the citie Monstere chusyng to theyr kyng one Iohn a Leyde exercised much crueltie expellynge other out of the citie that would not con●escende to their beleefe This Iohn a Leyde in token that he had bothe heauenly and earthly power gaue to his garde greene and blewe and had for his armes the figure of the worlde rounde with a sword t●ru●● through it He maried hymselfe .xv. wyues and ordeyned that othe● should haue as many as they listed and all other thinges to be common amongest theym The byshop of Monstere by the ayde of other princes besieged the citie against the rebellious Anabaptistes fiftene or sixtene monethes In whiche tyme the stubburne and frowarde people susteyned so great scarcitee and hunger that they beyng alyue were lyke dead corses and did eate commonly dogges cattes myce with other vile beastes and seathyng hydes leather and olde showes dyd poune the same and made breade therof After long siege the citie was wonne spoyled and destroyed with great● crueltie and slaughter of that w●cked people Paule the thirde was ordeined byshop of Rome Charles the emperour sailed with a great nauie into Afrike restored Altrachenus to the kyngdom of Tunes The lorde Dacres of the North was arreigned of high treason who so wittilye and directlye confuted his accusers that to theyr great shame he was founde giltlesse Frith a yong man of excellent witte and lernyng was brent in Smithfield for his opinion concernyng the sacrament The bishop of Romes vnlawfull tyrannie was vtterly abolisshed out of this realme and commaundement geuē that he should no more be called pope but onelye bishoppe of Rome and that the kynge shoulde be deputed and taken as a supreme head of the church of Englande haue full auctoritie to refourme and redr●sse all errours heresies and abu●es in the same The first fruites and tenthes of all spirituall dignitees and promocions were graunted to king Henrie by act of parliament The erle of Kildare died inthe tower of London and his sonne Thomas Fitzgararde rebellynge in Irelande slew the bishop of Diuelinge and toke the kynges ordinaunce Wherfore kynge Henrie sent thither sir Wylliam Sk●uington with a companye of souldiours Anni regum Angli 27 Sir Thomas Moore not longe before chauncellour of Englande Iohn bishop of Roche●ter The yere of the worlde 5496 The yere of Christ 1535 and three monkes of the charter house were putte to death for denyinge the king to be sup●eme head of the churche and mainteinyng the bishop of Romes auctoritee An order was appoincted for sanctuaries and sanctuarie men because dyuers naughty persons trusting to the liberties that before tyme had been vsed committed many detestable murders robberies and other abhominable actes Lorde Cromwel was in this tyme in high fauour with the kynge and bare great rule in this realme Ladie Katherine princesse Dowagier ended her lyfein the monethe of Ianuarie and is buried at Peterborowe Willyam Tindale whiche translated the newe Testament into the Englishe tonge by the crueltee of the clergie of Louene was burnte beside Bruxelles in Brabant Badurius kyng of Cambaia in Indie bey●ge ouerset in warre of Aymanus kyng of Carmania willyngly became tributary to the kyng of Portugall that he myghte obteyne ayde of hym agaynst his enemy At this tyme were geuen to the Kyng by consent of the abbottes all religious houses that were of .300 marke and vnder The yere of the worlde 5497 The yere of Christ 1536 Kyng Henry was agayn diuorsed from the mariage of Lady Anne Bulleyne as vnlaufull and vngodly Anni regum Angli 28 and the sayd lady Anne with her brother George Bulleyne lorde Rocheforde and Henry Norreis Frauncis Weston William Brereton Marke Smeton gentilmen of the kynges priuie chamber shortely after was beheaded for dyuers treasons and naughty actes intended and cōmitted with the sayde gentylmen The kyng toke to wife the right excellent and most vertuous lady Iane Seimour daughter to syr Iohn Seimor knyght After many thynges wer published here in this realme by kyng Henry and his coun●aile with consent of the bishops and his clergie concerning the alteration of diuers poyntes of religio● and that certayne holy● daies were forb dden and many abbaies suppressed the rude people of ●incolnes●ire fearynge the vtter subuersion of theyr ol● supers●ition whiche they had lyued in so many yeres raised a great cōmocion and gathered togyther welnere 20000. men agaynst whom the kyng w●nt with a strong power Wherof when the rebelles had knowlage they desyred pardon brake vp their army and departed euery man to his home theyr capytaynes were apprehended and worthily punished Immediately after began a newe commotion in Yorkshire for the same causes but the people wer more incensed through vayne tales and lyes that were spred by certaine naughtie and sedicious persones as that all theyr syluer chalices crosses iewelles and other ornamentes shoulde bee taken oute of theyr churches That no man shulde bee maried or eate any deintie meate in his house but he shoulde paye a tribute for the same to the kynge These people were gathered to the noumbre of .40000 hauyng for theyr badges the .v woundes with the figure of the sacrament and Iesus written in the middes and called their diuelishe rebellion a holye pylgremage in token that they intended to fighte for the mayntenaunce of Christen religion Agaynst these rebelles the kyng sent the Duke of Suffolke the duke of Northfolke the M●rques of Excester and other with a great army by whom after the day and place was appoynted to fyght sodeynly the nyght before the battayle shuld haue ben the water that was betweene them ros● in suche wyse that the two armies coul●e not com togither By the occasiō wherof the captains of both partes had communication of peace and promyse was made to the rebelles that such thynge● as they were greued with shoulde bee redressed by the kynges auctor●tie Wherewith they beeyng appeased by the prouidence and healpe of god departed without bloudsheadyng The ryuer of Thames was ouerfrosen Thomas Fitz Garet late Erle of Kildare and fyue of his vncles were hanged drawen and quartered at London in February Nicol Musgraue Thomas Gylby and other stered a newe rebellion and besieged the citee of Carlile frome whens they were driuen and many of theym taken and put to deathe The yere of the worlde 5498 The yere of Christ 1537 Anni regum Angli 29 Sir Frances Bygot syr Robert Constable and other beganne an other conspiracie and for the same were a●teinted and executed in the moneth of Iune On S. Edwardes euen the noble prince Edward was born at Hampton court who is now our soueraigne lord and kyng
Shortly after the vertuous lady queene Iane his mother dyed in childbedde was buried at Windsor An assemble was holden at Wittenberge wherin the preachers of Germany agreed concernynge the controuersy of the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christe Sir Thomas Percy syr Stephē of Hamelton sir Iohn Bulmer and his wife William Lomley Nicolas Tempest and the abbottes of Ierney and Riuers also the lord Darcy the lord Husey Robert Ask wer condemned and put to deathe for high treason Iames kyng of Scottes maried ladie Magdalene the Frenche kynges eldest daughter Frier Forest was hanged and brent in Smithfielde for treason and heresie with the image of Daruell Gathern of Wales The yere of the worlde 5499 The yere of Christ 1538 in whiche idolle the Welshemen had a greate confidence and feigned of him many straunge thynges In the moneth o● december the Marques of Excester the lorde Mountacute and sir Edwarde Neuell were beheaded for treason that was layd to their charges Sir Nicholas Carew maister of the horses was beheaded for treason Pilgremage and idolatrie were forbydden dyuers images al●o hauynge inginnes to make theyr eyes open and shutte and other partes of theyr bodye to steere and many other false iuglynges as the bloudd of hayles and suche lyke wherwith the people of longe tyme had been deceiued were espied out and destroyed Abbaies were suppressed and all friers monkes channons nunnes and other sectes of religion were roted out of this realme for theyr iniquitie and naughtinesse In Ma●e the citisyns of London mustred al in bryghte harneis with coates of white silke and clothe Anni regum Angli 31 and chaines of golde in three great battailes The abbottes of Redinge Glastenburye and Colchester wyth dyuers other were atteinted of treason and put to death It was ordeined that suche religious persons as were discharged of their profession might purchase pursue and be sued in al maner of accions Auctoritee was graunted to the kyng by acte of parliament to nominate and make bishops and bishoprikes by his letters patentes or other writinges The landes and profites of all abbaies heretofore dissolued or that hereafter should be dissolued were assured to the kynges hyghnesse and his heyres The greate Onele of Irelande inuaded the Englisshe ●ale and brent almoste .xx. myles within the same wherfore the lorde Graie beynge deputie there assembled a stronge power and droue hym backe Duke Friderike of Bauerie Palsgraue of Rhine the Marshall of Duke Iohn Friderike electour of Saxonie with certaine other came to London by whome the mariage was concluded betwene Kyng Henrie and the lady Anne sister to the Duke of Cleue who in Decembre was receyued into the realme with great triumphe and sumptuous prouision The commons of Gaunt rebelled and were brought in subiection and cruelly handled by the Emperour The acte made for the abolishynge of opinions concernyng the .vi. articles was publisshed with greate rigoure and extremitee Whiche ye maye reade in the actes of the pa●liament holden the .xxxi. yere of the kyng Anni regum Angli 32 In this yeare was so great a h●ate and drought that in many places the people wold haue geuen one busshel for the grindynge of an other The yere of the worlde 5501 The yere of Christ 1540 and dyuers great ryuers were dryed The byshoppe of Chichester and doctour Wilson were deliuered out of the tower vpon the kynges pardon Many died of hot● burning agues and of the laske in all partes of this realme The religion of the knyghtes of the Rhodes was dyssolued by acte of parliament By commaundement of kinge Henrie certaine learned men were apoincted to set foorth an vniforme introduction into the latine tongue whiche onely shoulde be taught in all scholes the vse of all other grammers beynge sette a parte Barnes Hierom Garrarde priestes were forced to recante at S. Maries spitle in London Lorde Cromwel late before created Erle of Essex and Water lorde Hungerforde were beheaded the .28 day of Iuly The .xxx. day Robert Barnes Thomas Garrarde Wylliam Hierom priestes were burned The same daye Thomas Abell Edwarde Powel and Richarde Fetherston were hāged drawen and quartered for mainteinyng the byshop of Romes auctoritee and deniyng the kinge to be supreme head of the churche of Englande Kyng Henrye by auctoritee of the clergie was diuorsed from his pretenced mariage made with the ladie Anne of Cleue and maryed shortlye after the ladie Katherine Hawarde where they were sworne to bee true prisoners and than were delyuered to the custody of dyuers noble men whiche honourably i●tertained them In this season an heraulde of England rydyng on the borders syde to doo a message was mette by certayne rebelles which cruelly against all lawe of armes slew him in his coate armure But they for this moste vengeable deede were s●nt to the kyng the yere folowyng who worthily executed them for that offence After the ouerthrowe of the Scottishe army the kyng of Scottes dyd not long enioy his lyf● for he died incontinent after leauynge his queene with chylde who was delyuered of a mayden At Newe yeares tyde the Scottes that were taken by Ca●li●e were by the kyng sent home agayne with greate gyftes vpon condicion to agree to certaine articles for the welth of bothe realmes The Burdeux fl●te was arested in Gascoyne and lykewyse the ●renchmen h●re and at the I le of Wight wer taken seuen shippes laded with marchandise of the frenchemen Wherevpon the ambassadours of bothe parties were restreined after dyuers requestes proponed to the ambassadour of France ce●tain respite was graunted to knowe his maysters mynde who wolde not agree to any reasonable demandes nor yet receiue the kynges herald who came with honorable and indifferent conditions of peace for whiche causes and most specially for the common profite of Christendom seyng the French kyng had entred in league with the Turke and procured hym to make warre vpon Christendome and also that he withholdyng from kyng Henry his tribute he with the emperour Charles ioyn●tely proclaymed warre agaynste the frenche kynge In the meane tyme a parliament was holden at London in which an act was made wherby the common pe●ple were restreigned from r●dyng the holy scripture and in li●u of it was sette foorth by the kynge and his clergie a doctrine for all his subiectes to folowe to the whiche all bookes that were repugnaunte by auctoritee of the saied parliament were condemned In thys parliamente was graunted a subsidie to the kynge of .ij. s̄ of the pounde of goodes and .iii. s̄ of landes to be paied in thre yeares Anni regum Angli 35 Thomas Becon Wysedom The yere of the worlde 5504 The yere of Christ 1543 and Shingleton wer forced to recante openlye at Paules crosse The Abrine a lorde of Ireland with diuers of the wild Irishe submitted them vnto Kynge Henrie King Henry maried lady Katherine Latimer at Hampton court About this time the Sacre of Diep a shippe royal and the minion of Englande foughte a cruell fyght
A proclamation sette foorth by the kynge for the abrogation of superfluous holydayes and the vayne ceremonies of the Nicolas bysh●● with the absteynynge frome fleshe on sainct Markes daie The lorde Leonarde Graie whyche before was deputie generall of Ireland was beheaded at Tower hill for certayne treason whiche he had there commytted A proclamation was published that the Englishe Bible shoulde be had in euery paryshe churche ready for all sortes of men to resorte vnto at tymes conuenient About this tyme a new trade of dancyng of galiardes vpon fiue paces and vauntyng o● horses was brought in to the realme by Italians whiche shortly was exercysed commonly of all yonge men and the olde facion left Doctour Pates whom king Henry had sent in ambassade to the emperour at the commyng of the bys●oppe of Winchester into Almayne secretly fledde awaye to the byshop of Rome most lyke a traitour beyng put in trust by his prince The emperour at the breakyng vp of the councel in Almayne departed from thens into Italy where he prepared an a●my to go to the citie o● Argiers in Afrike in whiche v●age fortune was contrary to hym For his nauy liyng in the rode of Argiers by a tempest contrary wind were driuen parforce vpon the toune where thei were destroied and many of the galeys also were drowned with ordinaunce and other abilimentes of warre The emperour beyng on lande with part of his army was in great distresse what for lacke of vitayle through great weate whiche fell on them In this voyage sir Henry Kneuet ambassadour for kynge Henry hardely e●caped the daunger of the sea And so the emperour was fo●ced to returne into Spayne without obteynyng his purpose A welsheman was hanged drawen and quartered for prophecyeng of kyng Henries deathe Kynge Henry toke his progresse to the citie of Yorke where he looked for the comyng of his neuew the kynge of Scottes who had promysed to come vnto hym and came not but in stede therof made an inuasion vpon England and after in the Christmasse sent ambassadours to dissimule his vnfaith●ull and vnnaturall herte whom neuerthelesse the kyng honourablye intertayned A parliament holden in Irelande where by the cōmon consent of that realme they desyred the kynges highnes to take on hym the name of kyng of Irelande for auoydyng of continuall warre amongest theym Whervpon the kyng by proclamation altered his style and receaued the name of kyng of Irelande A parliament was begunne the .xvi. day of Ianuarye in whiche witchcraftes coniurations inchauntmentes with declaration of armes names and badges in prophecies sent thither came home againe A litle before Christmas the Uiceroy of Sicil came frō the emperour to kynge Henrie in ambassade of whom he was honorablie enterteined and shortly returned againe At that time a shyp was drowned in Goodwynes sand wherin many gentilmen of Spaine goyng toward theyr countrey were loste In the Christmas tyme the flete goyng toward Flaunders by tempest were sore tossed and in great daunger at whyche tyme a vessell laded with corne was taken by the Frenchmen and certaine ships of theirs laded with fisshe was taken by the Englisshemen In this yere beyng the leape yere chaunsed foure eclipses one of the sonne the .24 of Ianuarye and three of the moone In Ianuarie all the Scottes whiche were taken and sworne to be true to kynge Henrie settyng a side both the feare of God and all humanytee trayterouslye fell from him nothyng regarding his exceding gentlenesse shewed to them in deliueryng them free taken in the inualyon of his realme nor yet the honorable interteinmēt here more lyke princes than prysoners In Februarye Germin Gardiner Ihon Heiwod with other for deniyng the kynges supremitee were arrayned and condemned to die The same time fiue priestes for an insurrection that they entended were adiudged to dye The lone whiche was lente in the .34 yeare of the kynges reigne by auctoritee of parliament was forgeuen A licence graunted to vse the feate of shootyng in handgunnes Whiche before men were prohibited to dooe In the beginning of Lent lord Edward Seimour Erle of Hereforde was made lieutenant of the Northe partes and sente thyther with an armye for the defence of that countrey Germin Gardyner and Larke person of Chelsei beside London The yere of Christ 1544 were executed at Tyburne for deniyng the king to be supreme head of the churche The yere of the worlde 5505 The .xxii. daye of Marche the lorde admyrall with a great nauie departed from the port of London towardes Scotlande All this lent season a counsaile was holden at Spires in Almayne at which the emperour with the princis of Almayn and the byshop of Romes legate were p●●sent The .29 of Marche the parliament begunne in the ●3 yeare was cleane dissolued wherin was e●tabl sh●● t●e succession of the kynges highnes and also an act ●or preseruation of wooddes and the rigour of the acte of ●ixe articles was somewhat qualified Upon Maie euen died the lord Thomas Audeley high chauncellour of Englande after whom succeded lor●e Thomas Writhosel●y Upon Maie day the nauie sente by the lorde admyrall whiche vntil this tyme had no good wynde tooke theyr viage into Scotlande from Tynmouthe with whome was lorde Edwarde Seimour Earle of Hertforde the kynges lieutenant and generall capitayne of the a●my whiche the fourth daye of May arriued by Lith the hauen of Edenbourgh and tooke the towne of ●ith and spoyled it After whyche they made towardes Edenborough where at a certayne bridge the Scottes hadde layde their ordinaunce but by the policie and manhode of our capitains and souldiours the Scottes ordinance was wonne and discharged agaynst theim selues and therby were put to flyght After this the town of Edenbourgh sent vnto the army pretendynge to deliuer the towne vpon certayn conditions to the behoufe of oure kyng but whan the armye entred they were inuaded by theym for whyche cause the towne was destroyed and cleane wasted Kyng Henry and the Emperour agreed ioyntly to inuade the realme of Fraunce with two great powers A proclamation made enhauncyng the value of gold to the rate of .xlviii. s and siluer to .iiii. s. the ounce The .xv. daye of May all frenchemen not beyng denisens were commaunded to depart the realme within xx days vpon payne to be sent vnto the galeyes Kynge Henry made great prouision for a viage into Fraunce Irisshemen to the number of .700 with dartes and handegunnes after theyr maner mustered before the kyng in S. Iames parke Bonfyres we●e made in London for the good speede and safe returne of the kynges armie ou● of Scotlande and the lorde Maxwell was agay●e taken prisoner After the whitson holy days the duke of Norfolk and the lorde priuie seale with a great armye toke their vyage into Fraunce and besieged Mountrell wher● they lay vntill the kyng had wonne the towne of Bulleyne Not longe after the duke of Suffolke with many other noble me● passed the seas and encamped before Bulleyne on
the eas● syde The .xiiii. day of Iuly kyng Henry hym selfe with a goo●ly company passed from Douer to Caleys and on the xxvi day of the same moneth encamped on the north syde of Bulleyne After whose comyng the towne was so sore battered with gunshotte and certayne of their tow●rs beynge vndermyned so shaken with force of gunnepouder that after a moneths siege the capitayne sent woorde to the kynge that he woulde yelde the towne to his behalfe on condition that all whiche were within myght departe with bagge and baggage whiche condition kynge Henry mercyfully graunted And the Bulleynors departed one and other to the number of .4454 In this meane tyme the Emperour had made a peace with the frenche kyng wherat kyng Henry was not a lyttell displeased and shortly after returned into Englande Shortly after the Frenchemen came by nyght vpon the Englyshemen in Bas●boleyne and slewe of them a great n●ber Howbeit they wer shortly chased frō thense and the Base town holden after that in good quietnesse Mounsire de Beese with .xv. thousande Frenchmen encamped ouer agaynste Bulleyne on the other syde of the water entendyng to buylde there a forte But shortly after he was set vpon in his campe by therle of Hertford the lorde Lisle the lorde Graye of Wilton and others and fledde with all his power leauynge behynde hym his ordinaunce tentes and plate The .xix. daye of Februarye was cruelly bourned at Torney in the frontiers of France The yere of the worlde 5506 The yere of Christ 1545 Anni regum Angli 3 one Peter Brulius a frenchman somtyme preacher of the gospel of Christ in Arg●ntine a citie in Germanie The maner of his death was this he was burned with a small fyre to the ende to make his tourment the greater He stoode manfully to his doctrine euen to the last breath and beyng in prison he dyd by letters confirme his disciples and confort his wife and children euen after he was cond●●n●d to die The doctrine that he stode to in his laste examination consisteth in these poyntes Fyrst that in the supper of the Lorde duely ministred and receyued is in spirite by faithe receyued the very bodye of Christe That the masse is a mere mans inuention iniur ious to Christe That the worshippyng of the consecrated bre ade is ydolatrie That there is none other purgatorye but Christes bloud That we can not honour sainctes better ▪ then by folowyng them in faithe and vertue That mans frewill is so letted by the fall of Adam that ▪ without goddes grace it can do no good thynge That it is faith whiche bryngeth vs saluation That no mannes traditions ought to be receyued to bynde conscience That to haue ymages in temples is very daungerous for fallyng into ydolatrie That baptisme is the signe of the couenant that God hath made with vs and of th● mortifications and newe lyfe that shulde folowe baptisme and that this sacrament ought not to bee denied to infantes sithe the promise pertayneth to them also That no vowe oughte to be made more then the word of god requireth or that is not in mans power to perform That eareshrift other then for counsell in doubtfull matters is a very dangerous tormentyng of the mynde And that he dydde not doubt of the perpetuall virginitie of the virgin Mary The Somer after the Frenchmen came downe with a great power and builded the fort or bastilion ouer agaynst Boloigne whiche the french kyng named Monpleasure betwene whiche fort the toune of Boloigne were continuall skirmishes to the losse of both partes Word cam to king Henry that the frenchmen intended to lād in the Isle of Wight Wherfore he went to Por●ismouth sent letters into diuers partes of his ●●alm to haue mē in a redines At which his being ther a goodly ship of the kings named Mary rose with sir George ●arew the capitain and manye othe●●●ntilmen was drowned in the middes o● the hauen b●●r●at foly and negligence Lorde Edward Seimour ●●le of Hertforde was sent by the kyng into Scotlande with an armie of .12000 mē where he destroyed dyuers townes in the myddle marches and greatly endomaged the Scottes A parliament holden at westminster wherin was grāted to the kynge a subsidye of .ii. s̄ .viii. d. in the pounde of moueable goodes and .iiii. s̄ of landes to be paied in th●e yere also colleges chaunteries hospitalles were geuen into the kynges handes for his lyfe tyme. Lorde Lisle highe admyrall of Englande landing in Normandie brente the suburbes of Treiporte and toke and spoyled well nere all the shippes in the hauen after that he destroyed many villages by the sea syde and got great praie Mounsire de Bees inuaded the Englishe pale besyde Grauelin By menes of the emperour cōmunica●●ō of peace was had betwene the ambassadours of Eng●and and Fraūce but nothing at this tyme was con●lu●e● Kynge Henry sent the lorde Edwa●de 〈◊〉 Erle of Hertforde and the lorde Lisle hy●h 〈◊〉 all with a company of .7000 men to pr●u●nt 〈…〉 who intended to builde an other forte at 〈…〉 ●ode At whiche tyme they entr●d into the hauen two ●ay● before the frenchemen had appointed to b● there An● so 〈◊〉 seated them of their purpose Often skirmishes betwene the Englishe garr●son of Bulleyn and the Frenche forte greately to the losse of bothe partes And at one tym● especially wer slayn .xvi. englishe gentyll men ▪ and .lxxx. other and fewe or none of the Frenchemenne The Stewes and other lyke brothell houses were by the kynges commaundement put downe in all partes of the realme as places that dyd mayntayne whordom manslaughter and all other mischiefe and naughtines A peace concluded betwene Englande and Fraunce Anni regum Angli which was proclaymed on Whitsonday to the great reioycyng of both realmes The yere of the worlde 5507 The yere of Christ 1546 For conclusion of this peace the vicount Lisle high Admirall with the byshop of Duresme and a goodly cōpany of men went into France after whose returne the byshop of ●●reux and two Erles came into England and were honourably receyued w●h great ioye and triumph Anne Askew gentlewoman Iohn Lassels gentilmā ●nd two other were brente in Smithfield● for opinion● contrary to the act● of the syx Articles At whiche tyme doctour Shaxton also recanted The duke of Norfolke and his sonne the Erle of Sur●●y wer attaynted of treason For which his sonne was put to execution and himselfe committed to the Towre where he remayned longe tyme. In Ianuarie the renowmed ●ing Henry the eyghte ended his lyfe and was buried at windsore THe most gratiouse and noble prince Edwarde the s●xt beyng .ix. yeres of age The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1543 succeded hys fathe● in the gouernance of thys realme and was crowned at Westmin●ter on Shrofe sondaye with great solemnitie In whome the people muche reioyced wishynge hertily hys longe and prosperouse reigne ouer them for that they sawe in hym euidente liklyhodes
of Christian and politike gouernemente when yeres sh●ul●e make ripe those fruites of vertue which euen in his tender age appeared to be sowen in hys royall herte Under this Kynge in the the tyme of hys minoritye hys vncle Edwarde Duke of Somerset Lorde protectour with the rest of the counsel gouerned this realme By wh●me to the furtheraunce of gods worde and true religion commissioners were sent into al partes of the realme with commaundement to take all Images oute of churches for auoydinge of Idolatrie and to cause al persons to leaue the superstitiouse vse of beades Wyth these commissioners were sente certein godlye learned preachers which dehorted men from superstition and enstructed them to geue theim selfe to true and vnfayned worshyppyng of god in heart and mynde with due obedience towardes theyr prince This yere order was taken that the pompous and superstitious maner of goyng in processi●n shuld be lefte and no more vsed The last day of Iuly Steuen Gardiner Bisshoppe of Winchester was sent prisoner to the towre of London And about the same tyme Doctour Smith of Oxford recanted openly at paules crosse diuers articles conteyned in twoo bookes whiche he had made one for the defence of the sacrifice of the Maise an other to proue that vnwritten verities oughte to be beleued vnder payne of damnation Shortlye after the Lorde Protectoure and Erle of Warwike wente into Scotlande with a stronge army requiringe the Scottes to fulfyll their promise made before to kynge Henry concernynge the mariage of theyr younge Quene with noble prynce Edwarde hys sonne But the Scottes alwayes vnfaithfull of promisse stubb●rnel●e came againste them with a greate puisaunce And not long after the two armies encoūtred in the feldes of Muscleborow● at a place called Pinkersloughe the englishmen not thinckynge as then to haue battaile And because the fronte of the Scottishe army was so terribly set with pikes our horsemen that gaue the firste on set were enforced to recule with losse of certen gentlemen whiche reculynge muche abashed our footemen But yet by the great wisedome and pollicye of the capitaynes and the good stomake of our souldiours wherewith god had at that present strengthed them they gaue a new onset and without any notable fight discomfited the Scottes and optayned a noble victorie At this tyme were slaine of the Scottes betwene thyrtene and fouretene thousande and not passynge an hundred Englysshemen This yeare dyd the pestilence so rage in the Citie of London that men fell to buryeng their deade early in the mornynges and late in the euenynges whervpon a commaundemente was geuen to all curates that they shoulde bury none before .vi. in the mornyng nor after vi at nyght and that a bell should ryng .iij. quarters of an houre or more After Myghelmasse was holden a parliament wherein chauntries were giuen into the kynges handes to be altered and disposed at his pleasure It was also ordeyned in this parliam●nt that the body and bloude of Christe shoulde be receyued of all persones in bothe kyndes breade and wyne And an order was appoynted for the auoidyng of sturdy vagabundes and beggars In this meane whyle Peter Martyr a Florentine borne and of excellent knowlege in diuinitie being sent for by Thomas Cranmer archebyshop of Canterbury came into Englande ▪ in Nouember and shortely after was made reader of diuinitie in the vniuersitie of O●forde for his excellencie and soundenes in doctrine Also in this parliament were repealed certain bloudy statutes made in the tyme of kynge Henry the eight Anni regum Angli 2 The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1548 emongest whiche the statute of sixe articles was one The fifte day of Februarye the aboue named duke of Somerset with the reste of the counsaylours of the realme dyd wryte vnto the Scottes in the kynges name a very longe and piththy Oration exhortynge theim to embrace peace but in vayne as afterwarde appeared to the great losse of bothe realmes In this February hotte persecution beganne agayne in Fraunce and especially at Paryse for the doctrine of Martyn Luthere where as in the meane whyle in Englande mens wyttes were occupied in dyuysynge howe to abolyshe the masse vtterly In Aprile folowynge Martine Bucer beeynge sente for by the marques of Brandenborough one of the princis electours came frome Strawsborough in Germany to Aus●orough and was there of hym and other at his appoyntemente entreated and perswaded by fayre woordes and promyses by roughe wordes and threatenynges and by all meanes possible to geue his consent to a booke called Antididagma whiche the Papistes had bene in hande with frome the yeare of our Lorde a thousande fiue hundred fortye and two to this present● yere a .1548 and hadde as nowe made it perfect as they thought But al this not withstanding Bucer departed not geuyng consent to theyr boke but not without danger of his lyfe This boke was fyrst pende against that boke of reformation of religion which Herman byshop of Coleyn caused to bee drawen and was afterwardes sette forth in his name But yet when they had made it as perfect as they coulde and had confirmed in it all popery welmoste it coulde not be allowed by Gods vicar of Rome bicause there were in it some thynges graunted to the contrary parte The fyrst day of October Edmunde Boner byshop of London was depriued of his byshoprike and put in prison in the Marshalsey for that he obstinately stode in the defence of popisshe supersticion and Nycholas Ridley byshop of Rochester was by the kynges authoritie transl●t●d to London The fourth day of Nouember was a parliament holden at Westminster vpon prorogation wherin was authorised a boke of an vniforme order of common praier and administration of the sacramentes in the englishe tongue Also the mariage of priestes was in the same parliament made laufull Moreouer the acte made in the .xxxii. of the reigne of kyng Henry the eight concernyng contractes of matrimonie was in this parliament repealed for that many beastly persons maliciousely enterpreting the same did by obtaynyng the firste carnall copulation take frome honest men their despoused wyues Sir Thomas Seimour lord Seimour of Sudley high admyrall of Englande The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Anni regum Angli 3 was by parliament attainted of treason for which his head was striken of at the tower hill in London the .xx. of Marche It was sayd that he fought to distroy the yong kynge Edwarde his neuewe and to make hym selfe kynge but moste men thynke he dyed innocent in that matter In Aprile Martine Bucer and Paulus Fagius men of excellent learnyng after many letters sente to theim from Thomas Cranmer archbyshop of Cantorburye came into Englande and were frendly receyued of the kyng hymselfe of the whole nobilitie welmoste and of the people also And after they had a while refreshed thē selues with the archebyshop of Canterbury they were bothe sente to Cambri●ge there to teache the trewe doctrine of Christe In Maie
of Suffolke whose mother beyng a great fauourer of pure religion shewed great kyndnes and frendshyp to Bucer bothe before and in his sickenes He died of the hickocks The .xxv. of Maie there was an earthquake in Sotherie and in parte of Middelsex About the same tyme there was a dutcheman burned in Smithfielde for holdyng the opinion of the Arrians At this season there fell amonge the englyshe nation a very daungerous sweate bothe in the realme and in strange countreys insomuche that many died in verye shorte space And muche fruite of the repentance of former lyfe appeared sodeynely For some abated their vnreasonable rentes and many soughte for the poore and nedy in prisons and els where to relie●● them But so soone as the sweate was ceassed they felle to their wonted synnes agayne and as it seemed repented them of their former repentaunce In Iuly the piece that was coigned for .xii. d. was by proclamation abated to .ix. d. the piece of .iiij. d. to .iij. d. And in August after from .ix. d. to .vi. d. and frome .iij. d. to .ij. d. And the piece of .ij. d. to a penye and the penny to an halfepeny In October the duke of Somerset was agayn appreapprehended and committed to the tower and with him syr Michel Stanhop syr Rafe Fane syr Miles Partriche and other For then was Iohn Erle of Warwyke mde duke of Northumberlande whose deathe he sayd the duke of Somerset had conspired The second day of Nouember the olde Quene of scottes came to London who was honourablye re●●yued and lodged in the byshops palaice Shortly after the Duke of Somerset was arrayned at Westminster and by his pieres acquit of Treason but condemned of felonie and so committed to the towre agayne where he remayned tyll he was brought forth to hys deathe In this meane while the younge Kynge was entised to passe time in maskeyng and mumminge And to that ende there was piked oute a sorte of misrulers to deuyse straunge spectacles in the courte in the tyme of Christmas to cause the yonge kynge to forgette yea rather to hate hys good vncle who had purged the courte of all suche outrage and enured the kynge vnto the exercyse of vertuouse learninge and hearynge of sermons This was the high waye firste to make an ende of the kynges vncle and after of the kyng hymselfe The .xiii. day of Ianuarye the sea brake in at Sandewitche Anni regum Angli 6 The yere of the worlde 5513 The yere of Christ 1552 in so muche that it dyd ouerflow al the marshes there about and drowned much cattell to the great losse both of the towne and countrey The .xxiij. of this monethe Edwarde duke of Somerset was beheaded at the towre hyll in London where at the tyme of his speakynge to the people there felle suche a sudden feare amonge the people by reason of a rumoure that ran abrode of the duke of Northumberlādes power of horsemen to be in a redinesse about the Citye and an horse man that came in hastilye at the northe syde of the towre hill that they fell to shufflynge and thrustynge as men that stoode in daunger of their lyues In so muche that of all the great number of the garde and other that stode ther with weapons to se execution done ther was not one left in his order about the s●ffolde In this sturre many were troden vnder fote and many thrust into the tower dytche At the laste whenne the people perceyued that there came no mo horsemenne they supposed that he that was comen had brought a pardon for the Duke and therefore they beganne to shoute and cast vp theyr cappes Whyche thynge when the duke perceyued he beckened with his cappe in his hande for silence And that obtayned he wylled the people to quiete theim selues to obeye the rulers and to loue theyr yonge kynge and to pray to god for hym that he myght long lyue and reigne ouer theym As for hym selfe he loked for no pardon other then at Goddes hand And so he prepared him selfe to the axe wherin he behaued hymselfe so soberly and humbly that none so harde herted about hym that dyd not shedde teares The .xxv. day of February there we●e hanged at the towre hyll for the dukes matter syr Rafe Fane and sir Myles Partriche knyghtes and syr Thomas Arundell and syr Myghell Stanhope beheaded The sommer folowyng the kyng wente in progresse into the weste countreye wherein his yonge affections were fedde by them that were about hym not withoute great daunger of his lyfe by outragious ridyng in haukyng and huntyng Towardes wynter he retourned to London frō thens he went to Grenewich wher was prepared matter of pastyme a fort counterfaited riding at the tylte and goodly pastimes at Christmas tyll the kyng had gotten a cough that brought hym to his ende The fyrst day of Marche was holden a parliament at Westmynster The yere of the worlde 5514 The yere of Christ 1553 Anni regum Angli 7 and continued there tyll the dissolution of the same whiche was the laste daye of the same monethe In this parlyament it was emong other thynges enacted that no maner of man shoulde selle or vtter by retayle to be dronken in his owne house any kynde of wyne vppon payne of forfaiture of tenne pounde for euery suche offence In this meane whyle there were three noble shyppes furnyshed for the great aduenture of the vnknowen viage into the easte by the northseas The great encourager of this voiage was Sebastian Gaboto an englisheman borne at Bristow but a Genoways sonne These shyp● dyd shortly after passe galla●tly by Grenewiche in the kynges presence one of the maryners standyng vpon the mayne topmaste of one of them At the same tyme there were other lyke shyppes sette forthe towardes the southe to seke aduentures All this meane whyle kynge Edwarde was sycke And his councellours linckinge them selues by maryages And muche talke ther was that the kynge was poysoned and some suffered imprisonment and punishmentes for so sayeng and also for sayeng that he was deade In fine the tenthe day of Iuly it was by proclamation declared in London that he dyed the .vi. day of that moneth And at the same tyme there was a prayer setforth in printe vnder the testimonye of syr Thomas Wroth one of the priuie chaumber and doctoure Owen one of the kynges phisitians with others wherein the kyng a lyttell before he departed besought God to preserue this realme from popery In the abouenamed proclamation whiche was sette forth by the consente of the duke of Northhumberlande and all the learned counsell of this realme very fewe excepted emong whome Iustice Hales of Kent was one and of the Mayre and Aldermen and common counsell of the Citie of London and moste parte of the Nobilitie ladye Iane daughter vnto Henrie Duke of Suffolke was proclaimed Queene contrarye to that order that was taken in parliamente for the succession of the Crowne in the later daye of
kyng Henry the eight pretendynge the feare of that whiche folowed in dede that yf Mary should raigne she would bring in foren power and the bishop of Rome But God who wil not haue his truth mayntayned by puttyng heyres from theyr right cōfounded their wisedom And by that woman whō they wold haue shuldred frō her right he punished their vnsaciable gatherynge of tresure vnder theyr good kyng For he so turned the hertes of the people to her against them that the ouercam them without bloudshed not withstandinge there was made great expedition against her both by sea and land For when the counsell at London perceyued that the common people woulde not stande with theim and that certayne noble men began to go the other way they turned their tale proclaymed the lady Mary eldest daughter to kyng Henry and appointed by parliament to succede Edwarde dyeng without issue And so the Duke of Northhumberlande beyng by the whole counsel sent fo●the agaynst her was lefte alone at Cambridge with some of his sonnes and a fewe other emong whom the Erle of Huntyngton was one who was there arested and broughte to the tower of London as traytours to the Crowne In this meane whyle the lady Iane and her husband Gylforde sonne to the duke of Northhumberland wer made prisoners in the tower where they had lyen frome the tyme of her proclamation Quene Mary THus dyd Mary the first begynne her reigne ouer this Realme the .xx. of Iuly in the yeare of oure Lorde .1553 beeyng at Framyngham cast●ll in Suffolke The .iij. of Auguste she came to London and entred the tower where she founde prisoners Thomas duke of Norfolke Stephen Gardener bysshop of Winchester Cuthbert Tonstall byshop of Durham and Edwarde Courtney And al these she restored shortly after to their former dignities and some of theim to greater as Stephen Gardiner whome she made Chauncelloure and Courtney Erle of Deuonshyre notwithstandyng they were before laufully depriued Shortly after she restored Edmonde Boner of London doctour Daye of Chichester Heath of Worcester and Troublefield of Excester putting out Ridley Scorye Houper and Couerdale She put also out of Wynchester Poynet out of Yorke the archebyshop oute of Bathe Barlowe out of Lyncolne Taylour out of Harforde Harley out of sainct Dauids Farrar and from Cantorbury the arch●bysshop Cranmer And besydes these m●ny ●eanes as May deane of Poules Turner deane of Welles Horne deane of Durham H●ddon deane of Exceter with other many And in a summe al all m aried mi●●sters that would not forsake 〈◊〉 ●●ues a nd do penaunce receyuynge the popes absol●cion and promisse to becom true papists But such as r●●us●d not so to doo though they were remoued from th●ir places to satisfie the holy fathers lawe yet in shorte 〈◊〉 after they were placed els wher in as much or more w●l●h then euer they were before All this was not done in the tyme of her firste being in the towre but so shortely after as possibly it myght be Shortly after her comynge to the towre the bisshoppe of London beyng restored appoynted maister Bowrne a cannon of Poules to preach at the crosse who taking occasion of the gospel of the day to speake somwhat largelye in iustifienge of Boner the bisshoppe then presēt who preached vpon the same text in that place that daye foure yeres and was vpon the same most cruelly and vniustlye as he sayde caste into the most v yle dungion of the Martials●e and there kepte duringe the tyme of king Edwarde his words sowned so euell in the eares of the hearers that they coulde not kepe silence but began to murmure and sturre in such sort that the Maire and Aldermen with other estates then present feared much an vprore And some sayde that one hurled a dagger at the preacher but that coulde not be proued In fyne the stur was suche that the preacher withdrewe him selfe from the place And maister Iohn Bradford ●at the request of the prechers brother and other then being in the pulpit stode forth and spake so mildly Christianly and effectuously that with fewe wordes he appeased all And afterwarde he and Iohn Rogers conducted the preacher betwyxt them from the pulpit to the grammer schole dor● where they lefte him safe But shortlye after they were both rewarded with longe imprisonment and last of all with fyre in Smithfielde The next sonday folowyng the quenes garde were at the crosse with their weapons to garde the precher And when quiete men withdrewe themselues frome the sermon order was taken by the mayre that the auncientes of all companies shoulde be present leaste the preacher shuld be discouraged by his small auditorie The .xxii. of August the duke of Northhumberlande sir Iohn Gates knyght and syr Thomas Palmer were beheaded at the tower hyl where the sayd duke trusting to r●ceiue pardon as some thought or els geuen ouer to hymselfe as commonly suche men be as walke without the feare of God confessed that he hadde lyued in errour many yeres and ●xhorted the people to embrace the popishe religion whiche he tearmed Catholike But syr Thomas Palmer who had led a lyfe no lesse dissolute protested that he dyed in the fayth that he had learned in the gospell and lamented that he hadde not lyued more gospellyke Here we see two in one condemnation the one receyued the other refused so farre as man can se. About the fyft day of September Peter martyr came to London from Oxforde where for a tyme he had ben commanded to kepe his house and founde there the archebyshop of Canturbury who offred to defend the doctrine of the boke of Common praier both by the scriptures and doctours Anni regum Angli 8 by the helpe of Peter martyr and a fewe other But whiles they were in hope to come to disputations the archebyshop and other were imprisoned but Peter Martyr was suffred to return whens he came In this tyme doctour Marten of the newe colledge in Oxforde was pennyng a boke agaynst the mariage of priestes which when it was finished by the helpe of Nicholas Udall was so lyked of the quene and the Lorde chauncellour that doctour Marten had a commission to make free denizens of Frenche and dutche men whyche he executed in the springe folowynge and made hys selfe a gentilman and set foorthe his boke in print But shortly after he was by doctor ponet answered at the ful The last day of September the Quene passed through the Citie of London to Westminster with great pompe And among other strange sightes there set foorthe this was moste to be had in memory A man stoode vpon the backe of the we●hercocke of Paules steple withoute staye hauyng a streamer in his hande On the morowe she was crowned at westminster Stephen Gardiner beynge minister The .x. day of October began a parliament wherein were repealed al statutes m●de in the time of Kyng Hēry theight for premunire and statutes made in king Edwarde the syx● time for
.iiii. by whiche meanes the two families of Yorke and Lancaster which had lōg caused great diuision was knitt● together in one About this tyme Francisce Louel and Humfrey Stafforde r●●elled in the North which commocion was quieted by the pollicie of the Duke of Bedforde The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ Nicolas an heremite of Helu●ci● and Hiernomous S●nonarola that had the spirite of prophecie Anni regum Angli 4 were famous Ferdinand king of Spaine by knightly force and man ●o●e conquered againe the kingdome of Granade and chased from thens the Sarasens Warre betwene the Uenecyans Sigismund Duke of Austrich The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1447 A great businesse in England by meane of a priest called Rycharde Simon Anni regum Angli 5 whiche takyng with him a yonge childe called L●mbert fledde into Irelande ▪ and feigned to the nobles of that countree that he had brought wyth him the younge sonne of the Duke of Clarence nephew of king Edwarde the .iiii. lawefull heyre to the crowne ●f Englande wherwith the Irisshemen beyng excited alied with theim Margaret the syster of Edwarde an● dyuers noble men of England which gathering which theim a great power of Irishemen Englyshmen Germaines entred the lande and at Stoke mette with king He rye and his hoste and there fought a strong battail● in the whiche was slaine the Erle of Lincolne Francis Louell Thomas Broughton Thomas Gerardine of Irelande and Martine Swarte a Germaine which wer● chiefe capitaynes of the rebelles Rycharde the pryeste and Lambert the counterfeited king were taken in the fielde Fabian seemeth to auouch this to be dooen in the yere of our lorde 1487. Warre betwene Britaine and the Frenchemen Charles of Fraunce forsoke Marg●ret the daughter of M●ximilian whiche was to him f●aunced This yere was a fielde ●oughten in Flaunders by the lorde Daubene● in the quarel of Maximilian the emperours sonne and Erle of Flaunders In Englande was a taxe arrered of the tenth pen●e of mens landes and goodes by menes wherof the cōmons rose The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 5490 and slewe the Erle of Northumberlande Anni regum Angli 6 For whiche cause Chamberlaine their capytaine with dyuers other were after hanged at Yorke Maximilyan recouered the parte of his Duchie of Au●strich which Mathias kyng of Hungarye had with holden from him a good season Anni regum Angli 7 The kinge of Scotes was slaine in battayle by the nobles of his realme The yere of the worlde 5452 The yere of Christ 1491 and Iames his sonne ordeined kynge in his place Maximilian by his deputie as the maner is of greate princes maried Anne the daughter of Frances Duke of Britaine after the death of her ●ather but that mariage notwithstanding Charles of Fraunce found such meanes that he toke her to his wi●e in open mariage and by her obteined the dominiō of Britaine For whych cau●e was great grudge and malice betweene him and Maximilian and so much the more because Charles did repudiate Margaret his daughter whiche was to him f●aunced and betrothed Kinge Henry arriued in Fraunce with a great army The yere of the worlde 5453 The yere of Christ entēding to ayde the Britaines against the French king but Charles by entreatie concluded peace Anni regum Angli 8 the condicion wherof was that he shulde pa●e to kinge Henry foorthwith for his expenses and charges in the warre a greate summe of money and yerely after as a certayne tribute 25. thousande crownes after whiche agreement Henrye retourned into England The Turke with a great power bothe by sea and land inuaded the inhabytantes of the hilles in Greece called Ceraunil and theim subdued to the Turkishe empire Certaine new ilandes were found in the Oeceā se first by Amerin●s U●spucyu● after by Christophorus Columbanus Ther were driuen ou● of Spaine by commaundement of the kinge .125 familyes of the Iewes of the whyche 30 thousande dyed of the pestylence in their iourney as they were departyng Alexander the .vi. byshop of Rome .xl. yeares a blouddie and cruell tyranne ¶ Maximilian succeded his father Friderych in the empyre Anni regum Angli 9 and reigned ▪ 27. yeres The yere of the worlde 5454 The yere of Christ 1493 Charles o● Fraunce made clayme to the kyngdome of Naples and Sicilie Anni regum Angli 10 The yere of the worlde 5455 The yere of Christ 1494 and for that cause went into Italye with a great army wher in short space he conquered Naples and compelled kinge Alphons to forsake the countrei and than retourned into France and in his iournye was encountred by the Ueneciās ▪ which endeuoured to stoppe his passage where after sore fyght to the losse of bothe partes he toke an other way About this tyme beganne the foule scabbe and horible sic●●nesse called the Frenche p●ckes The yere of the worlde 5456 The yere of Christ 1495 Anni regum Angli 11 Dyuers gentilmen in Englande appeached of treason and for fauouring the conspiracie of Perkin Warb●ck● of the whiche some were pardoned some put to death Perken Warbecke whiche by the coūsaile of Margaret of Burgoyne named him selfe Rychard● of Yorke kinge Edwardes seconde sonne arriued in ken●e wher● he was driuen backe by the vplandishmen and other inhabitauntes of the countrey with losse of dyuers of hys men Ferdinand the sonne of Alphons was restored againe to the kyngdome of Naples immediatly after the departure of the Frenchemen Sozimus and I●son lawiers Alexander Benedictus and Antonius Bemuenius phisicions Iohannes Nauclerus Raphael Uolateranus Robertus Gaguinus historiographers Rodulphus Agricolo a man of excellent learning Iohanes Iouinianus Pōtanus Petr●s Crinitus Stephanus Niger Ambrosius Calepinus Philippus B●r●oldus flourished Blanch Mary the princes daughter of Insubria was maried to Maximilian Uladisaus the kynge of Polonies sonne obtayned the kingdomes of Hugarye and Boheme He made league with Maximilian the emperour The Scottes brake into the North partes of Englande by the excityng of Perkin Warbeck The yere of the worlde The yere of Christ 1496 Anni regum Angli 12 dyd much harme to the borderers In Italy a stone of wonderful biggenesse fell out of the ayre whiche by the violence of the ●al as some say brake in .iii. great pieces the coloure of thys stone was ●s it had been burned with fyre In these dayes preached at Florentia in Italye a frier called Hierome Sauouarola whose sayengs were these that Italy should be purged with the scourges of God for the manyfolde off●nces of the princes as well of the clergie as the laitee and that ●ft●● the subuersion of the citees of Florence and Rome shuld folow a reformaciō and redresse in the church ▪ and moreouer that one shuld come ouer the Alpes like to Cyrus which shuld su●uert and destroy Italye Anni regum Angli While king Henrye of Englande made preparacion fo●warre into Scotland The yere of the worlde 5458 The yere of Christ 1467