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A33090 A declaration from the Commission of the General Assembly wherein the stumblng blocks laid before the people of God by their enemies are removed, complyance with these enemies is reprehended, and courage and constancie in the cause of God against them seriously recommended and enjoyned. Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Commission. 1646 (1646) Wing C4210; ESTC R26023 9,951 22

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beginning of this glorious work of Reformation endeavoured by our selves as stands upon record in the Articles of the large Treatie unto which some of those who have now fallen to oppose it were then neither strangers nor adversaries Both Covenants in regard of the principals whence they issue the heads which they contain and the ends which they pursue are one and the same And that the extent of the last unto our dear brethren in England should procure enmitie to the intentions and substance of the first seems to us to be a riddle which none can resolve but perfidious Rebels who have made shipwrack of a good conscience Who can but be amazed to hear the treacherous designes and bloody practises of perjured men palliat under a pretence of the prosecution of the ends of our nationall Covenant We know that James Grahame then Earle of Montrose now an excommunicate and forefaulted Traitour did with tears in his eyes and both his hands lifted up to heaven swear unto the Lord in the publike assembly of his people to build those things which he now destroyes and to destroy those things which he now builds though the Kings Majestie of whose authority he now pretends to be so zealous had not then given his royall consent and approbation unto our affairs But we do as well know that he proved unstable and light as water His ambition as it made him impatient of his own condition and of the estimation of those of better deserving then himself so to hearken to the promises of the Court and to studie a faction within and to entertain secret correspondence and intelligence with the adverse partie without the Kingdom And though those his base and treacherous wayes were divers times discovered yet did he still drive his own crooked designes untill at length he was shut up in prison where if he had not met with more mercie then justice the due reward of his iniquitie had anticipate all that mischiefe which hee now acts Not long after his enlargement contrary to his own promise and Act of Parliament thereanent he betook himself to Court where to the utmost of his wit and power he did foment and maintain that unnaturall and bloody War set on foot by the malignant partie in England against his Majesties loyall subjects there contrary to the Articles of the large Treatie betwixt the Kingdoms and laboured to beget and increase jealousies in the Kings minde concerning the intention of his subjects in this land Neither did he satisfie himself with private whisperings but was so impudent as to present to his Majestie and the pretended Parliament at Oxford a railing Libell wherein he accuseth our Parliaments and Committees which have been in all things most tender of the Kings just greatnesse and authority as treacherous in their proceedings and the solemne League and Covenant which hath been a mean of many blessings and much consolation unto the Lords people as damnable Offering himself and the utmost of his endeavours against the same And never did he cease untill he obtained a Commission for invading his native Countrey and came within the confines thereof in an hostile way whence he was shamefully repulsed and forced to flee back into England where he found cold entertainment of his own partie because his successe had not answered his undertakings Whilest himself was now despised and his hopes forlorn in both Nations this Kingdome was invaded in the North by a base and barbarous Crue of Irish Rebels drunk with the bloud of our Brethren in Ireland and sworn enemies not onely to our Covenant but to our Profession it self yet so strongly did the spirit of Satan to whom he was now delivered work in that wretched Man that he did rather choose to associat himself unto those than to fail in the attaining of his mischievous ends With those and some of our unnaturall Countreymen void of Religion and humanitie hath he eaten the flesh and drunk the bloud of that Land that gave him life spoyled that People with whom he was in Covenant and preyed upon that Church in which he was baptized neglect of the worship of God countenancing of Idolaters complying with Papists burning of Houses and Corn imprisoning and killing of Ministers ravishing of Women murdering of old and young and contemning the highest censures of the Kirk are but things of small consequence and care with him This is the Man who would make the world believe that he stands for the Nationall Covenant Every one whose eyes are not blinded by the god of this world cannot but entertain this his Profession so contrary to sense and reason with derision and contempt Successe as it argues not the equitie of our adversaries cause so neither the iniquitie of ours No man knowes either love or hatred by that which is before him Successe is not the touch-stone of Truth but Truth of Successe Israel may fall before the Philistims yea the Ark may be taken by the Philistims And what wonder though we have fallen been smitten by the basest of men they were the rod of the Lords anger and the staff in their hand was his indignation because of our contempt of the Gospel ingratitude confidence in the arm of flesh murmurings and repinings delaying of Justice walking unanswerable to the Covenant and the like were such instruments armed against us to correct us and harden themselves unto the day of their just destruction For these transgressions also of Jacob and for these sins of the house of Israel did the Lord shut out our prayers and cover himself with a cloud of indignation that our Petitions could not passe through and not for medling with the Kings Castles and Rents His Castles have alwayes been imployed for the safetie of the Kingdome his Rents have not been medled with since the Pacification neither yet before it but for a publick use which was afterward approven by the King himself And they who would now fasten this upon us as a cursed thing may remember that themselves were accessorie thereunto Neither yet were our Prayers without a return of mercy in the day of our deepest distresse The Work of Reformation which is of greater esteem with us than our own things did prosper in the hand of his servants and we trust that even these Prayers which were derided by the wicked shall in due time return in showres of vengeance upon the heads of our enemies whereof we have already comfortable experience It is our hearts desire and hope that all this course of providence thus abused by men void of understanding may be improven by our selves as a mean of serious and sound humiliation that we may search and try our wayes and turn again unto the Lord who will do good unto us because of the railing of our adversaries notwithstanding of all calumnies and reproaches the righteousnesse of our cause shall be counted of us our glory and in regard of it we will not remove our integritie from us our
A DECLARATION FROM THE COMMISSION OF The Generall Assembly Wherein The stumbling blocks laid before the people of GOD by their enemies are removed Complyance with these enemies is reprehended And Courage and constancie in the Cause of GOD against them seriously recommended and enjoyned EDINBURGH Printed by Evan Tyler Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie 1646. St Andr. 26. Decemb. 1645. THe Estates of Parliament now conveened in the fift Session of this first triennall Parliament Having heard the Declaration presented unto them by the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly read in their audience received the samen cheerfully as a seasonable Declaration and appoints the samen to be Printed and published and ordains the Earle of Cassils Vice President of Parliament to give thanks from the Parliament to the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly for their care pains and vigilancie exprest thereintill Alex. Gibsone Cler. Registri St Andr. 11. Decemb. 1645. THe Commissioners of the Generall Assembly Do Ordain this Declaration to be forthwith Printed and published and sent to Presbyteries with all diligence and requires each Presbytery immediatly after the receit thereof to take speedie course for the reading of it in every congregation within their bounds upon the Lords day after the Forenoon Sermon and before the Blessing And that they report account of their diligence herein with the first conveniencie A. Ker. St Andrews 11. Decemb. 1645. A Declaration from the Commission of the Generall Assembly IT hath been our constant custome and continuall care from the sence of the trust committed unto us to give warning unto this Kirk and Kingdom of their condition and dutie and it cannot be but very seasonable and necessary at this time to declare and make known our judgement of the carriage of the people of the Land in the day of darknesse and hour of temptation that they who have stood may finde matter of encouragement and praise and such as have fallen may recover themselves and repent We were void of understanding if we should not observe and more then ungrate if we should not acknowledge the loving kindnesse of the Lord towards us in the midst of our confusions and fears Temptations were many and fierce because of the power and pride of an insolent enemy whose blasphemies and crueltie is matter of abomination unto this and shall be a wonder unto the following generation yet was there a remnant who reserved their integritie entertaining all thoughts of backsliding and complying with the adversary with indignation and detest patiently suffering the spoiling of their goods the losse of their friends and expence of their blood standing to the Cause of God in the midst of difficulties and straits neither fearing the threats nor regarding the promises of such as oppose the famine These as they be for a name of joy and praise unto the most high the excellencie of whose power is perfited in weaknesse so for a witnesse unto the Truth and to the work of Reformation and for a shame and reproach unto the haters of Zion whose subtilty and violence is more then conquered by the faith and patience of the Saints We cannot but think that unto such the testimony of integrity from within must needs be more comfortable then the remembrance of any sufferings or losses from without can be grievous and are perswaded that as their name is precious amongst men so shall their reward be great in heaven Yet is it matter of much sorrow and astonishment unto us that in the land of uprightnesse so many should have done foolishly and notwithstanding of all that work of power and mercy which their eyes have seen and of their own vows and promises fallen from their excellencie and turned aside unto corrupt and crooked wayes with the workers of iniquity The bond of the Covenant is such as every religious heart cannot but remember the violation thereof with horrour and trembling yet hath the Oath of God been forgotten and despised by many It were but the renewing of our grief and tedious unto the hearers to reckon up all those things wherein men miscarried in the day of tryall neither can we attain the knowledge of all the hidden things of dishonesty which hate the light and love to vail themselves under a shadow of secrecie and darknesse We desire every man to turn his eyes upon himself and to read in his own conscience whether his carriage hath been in all things answerable unto that which he swore unto the Lord. It beseems our compassion and is worthy of our care to lay open the causes and evil of this defection that we may with meeknesse instruct those that have fallen or opposed themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance unto the acknowledging of the truth It is the admirable way of the working of the wisdome of God to over-rule all the purposes and actions of the sons of men unto his own ends He whose wayes towards us have all been mercy and trueth meant a discoverie of those whose indifferencie or treachery would ere long have procured a sure and sensible ruine unto us and now hath he brought his purpose to passe This is a mercy which being rightly managed may countervail all our sufferings and pains and prove very wholsome unto the Land and advantagious unto the Cause of God It is not any strength of reason on the side of our adversaries that could have shaken so many their pretexts of the Kings service our Rebellion and such like as they are poore and void of trueth in themselves so do they easily evanish before every discerning and rationall man The service of Kings is not to cut down thousands of their faithfull and loyall subjects whose multitude is their glory and strength but to do those things which the Laws of the Kingdom prescribe and that are consonant unto the will of God and unto the wealth of the people whose safety is the supream Law and main studie of every King ruling in righteousnesse and judgement Our souls are not privie unto and our actions plead us innocent from the guilt of Treason and Rebellion our witnesse is in heaven and our record is on high that it was never our purpose or intention to subvert lawfull Soveraigntie nor to encroach upon any of the due rights and priviledges of the same and we trust that whiles we live nothing shall escape us to the contrary We are able to justifie our union with England as ane undenyable testimonie of our dutie unto our brethren in the time of their straits by the Popish and Prelaticall partie as a necessary mean of our own defence and of the preservation of Religion in its purity and power in this and of its Reformation in the neighbour Lands and surest bulwark of a stable and continuing peace betwixt the Kingdoms The League and Covenant with England as it was studied and set on foot in the dayes of our fathers at Barwick in the yeer 1586 so was it from the