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A00525 Fabyans cronycle newly prynted, wyth the cronycle, actes, and dedes done in the tyme of the reygne of the moste excellent prynce kynge Henry the vii. father vnto our most drad souerayne lord kynge Henry the .viii. To whom be all honour, reuere[n]ce, and ioyfull contynaunce of his prosperous reygne, to the pleasure of god and weale of this his realme amen; Chronicle Fabyan, Robert, d. 1513. 1533 (1533) STC 10660; ESTC S121369 944,722 854

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about Dunkyrke they gaue vnto hym suche assaute that he was constrayned to gyue backe And for the said shippes and goodes shulde nat come vnto the possessyon of his enemyes he sette them on fyre within the hauen and so was wasted bothe shyppes and goodes And all be it that after this mysse happe he recouered his strengthe layed syege vnto y e towne of Ipre and wrought the flemynges moche care and trouble shortely after suche syckenesses fell amonge his people as the flyre and other that his souldyours dyed of them great noumbre for the whiche he was compelled to leaue hys iourney and to retourne into Englāde In this yere also was a batayle or feates of armes done in the kynges palays of westmynster atwene one called Garton Appellaunt and syr Iohn̄ Ansley knyght defendaūt of whiche fyght at length the knight was vyctor and caused his enemye to yelde hym For the whiche the sayd Garton was from that place drawen vnto Tyburne and there hanged for his false accusacyon and surmyse Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxiii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxiiii Grocer Symonde wynchecombe   Nycholas Brembre   Anno. vii   Iohn̄ more     Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxiiii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxv   Nycholas Exton   Nycholas Brembre   Anno. viii   Iohn̄ Frenshe   THis yere king Rycharde holdynge his Christmas at Eltham thyther came vnto hym the kynge of Ermony whiche was chased out of his lande by the Infydels and Turkes and required ayde of y e kynge to be restored vnto his dominyon The kynge fested and comforted him according to his honour after coūsell taken with hys lordes concerninge that mater he gaue vnto him great sommes of money and other ryche gyftes with the whiche after he had taryed in Englande vpō ii monethes he departed with glad countenaunce And soone after Ester the kynge with a greate armye yode towarde Scotlāde But whan he drewe nere vnto the borders such meanes were sought by the Scottes that a peace was concluded atwene bothe realmes for a certayne tyme. After whiche conclusion so taken the kynge returned vnto yorke and there restyd hym a season In which tyme varyaunce fell atwene Iohn̄ Holāde brother to the erle of Kent and the erles sonne of Stafforde by reason of whiche varyaunce in conclusion y e sayd sonne of the erle was slayne of the hande of the same syr Iohn̄ Hol̄ade for the whiche dede the kynge was greuously amoued departed shortely after with his company toward London Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxv   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxvi Grocer Iohn̄ Organ   Nycholas Brembre   Anno. ix   Iohn̄ Chyrcheman   THis yere kynge Rycharde assembled at westmynster hys highe court of parliamēt Durynge the whiche amonge other many actes in the same counsell concluded he created .ii. dukes a marques and .v. erles Of the whiche firste syr Edmonde of Langley the kynges vncle and erle of Cambrydge was created duke of yorke syr Thomas of woodstoke his other vncle erle of Buckyngham was create duke of Gloucester syr Lyonell Uere y t was erle of Oxenforde was made marques of Deuelyn sir Henry Bolingbrooke sonne and heyre of Iohn̄ of Gaūt duke of Lancastre was made erle of Derby syr Edwarde sonne heyre vnto the duke of yorke was made erle of Rutlande syr Iohn̄ Holande brother to the erle of Kent was made erle of Huntyngdone syr Thomas Monbraye was made erle of Notyngham and Marshall of Englande and syr Mychaell de la Poole was made erle of Suffolke Chaūceller of Englāde And by auctoryte of the same parlyamente syr Roger Mortymer erle of the Marche and sonne and heyre vnto syr Edmonde Mortymer and of dame Philyppe eldest doughter and heyre vnto syr Lyonell y e seconde sonne of Edward the thyrde was soone after proclaymed heyre paraunt vnto the crowne of Englande The whiche sir Roger shortely after sayled into Irelande there to pacifye hys lordeshyppe of wulster whiche he was lorde of by his foresayde mother But whyle he was there occupyed aboute the same the wylde Irysshe came vpon hym in noumbre and slewe him and moche of his company This sir Roger hadde Issue Edmonde and Roger Anne Alys and Elynoure that was made a nunne The .ii. foresaid sonnes died without issue and Anne eldest doughter was maryed to Rycharde erle of Cambrydge whiche Rycharde was sonne vnto syr Edmonde of Langley before named The which Rycharde hadde issue by the sayde Anne Isabell ladye Bouchier Rycharde that after was duke of yorke father to kynge Edwarde the .iiii. whiche sayd Richarde erle of Cambridge was put to deth by Henry the .v. as after shall appere In this yere also syr Hēry Bolingbroke erle of Derby maryed the Countesse doughter of Herforde by whome he was lorde of that countrey And by her he had issue Henry that after him was kynge Blaunche duches of Barre and Philippe that was wedded to the kynge of Denmarke Also Thomas duke of Clarence Iohn̄ duke of Bedforde Humfrey duke of Gloucester Anno domini M.CCC.lxxxvi   Anno domini M.CCC.lxxxvii Goldesmythe wyllyam Stondon   Nycholas Exton   Anno. x.   wyllyam More   IN this .x. yere the erle of Arundell was sent into the duchye of Guyan for to strengthe suche soudyours as the king at that tyme had in those parties or after some wryters to scoure the see of rouers enemyes The whiche erle in kepynge his course or passage encountred a myghtye flote of Flemynges laden with Rochel wyne set vpon them and distressed them theyr shyppes and so broughte them vnto dyuers portes of Englāde By reason wherof the sayde wyne was so plenteous in Englande that a tonne thereof was solde for a marke and .xx. s. the choyse And amonge other in that flote was taken the Admyralle of Flaunders whyche remayned here longe after as prysoner Anno domini M.CCC.lxxxvii   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.lxxxviii Goldesmythe wyllyam Uenour   Nycholas Exton   Anno. xi   Hughe Fostalfe   THis .xi. yere of kyng Rycharde syr Thomas of woodstocke duke of Gloucester the erle of Arundell with the erles of warwyke of Derby and of Notyngham consyderynge howe the king and hys lande was mysse ladde by a fewe persones aboute the kynge entendyng reformacion of the same assembled them to haue a counsell at Radecoke brydge and after arrered great people so with a stronge power came to London there caused y e king to call a ꝑliament wherof herynge maister Alexander Neuyle than archebysshop of yorke sir Lyonell Uere marques of Deuelyn and syr Mychaell de la Poole Chaunceller and erle of Suffolke fearyng punisshement fledde the lande and so died in straunge countreys Than the kynge by counsell of the other aboue named lordes durynge the parlyament caused to be taken syr Roberte Treuylian chefe Iustyce of Englande syr Nycholas Brembre late mayre of the cytie of London sir Iohn̄ Salysbury knyghte of housholde s●r Iohn̄ Beauchāp stewarde also of the kynges house
or strōge holde gotten with great difficulte by māhode of your noble progenitours To this y e kyng with chaūged countenaūce answered sayd Uncle how say ye thoses wordes Than y e duke boldelye recyted y e foresayd wordes wherunto the king beynge more discontented said wene ye y t I be a marchaūt or fole to sell my lāde by saynt Iohn̄ baptist nay But trothe it is y t our cosyn the duke of Brytaine hath rendred vnto vs al such sūmes of money as our progenitours lente vnto him or his auncetours vpon the said towne of Brest For the whiche reason good conscience will y t he haue his towne restored agayne By meane of whiche wordes thus vttred by the duke suche rancoure and malyce kyndelyd atwene the kinge hym y t it ceased nat tyll the sayde duke was put to dethe by murdre vnlefully Than the duke apperceyuynge the kinges misledynge by certayne persones about him entendyng thereof reformacion for y e weale of the kinge and his realme called vnto him the abbot of saynte Albons the abbot pryour of westmynster and shewed to them his secrete mynde By whose counselles he made assemble shortely after at Arundell to which assemble came at the day appoynted dyuers lordes bothe spirituall temporall as him selfe the erle of Arundell and other Also thyther came the erle of Notyngham than marshall of Englande the erle of warwyke of spirituall lordes the archebisshoppe of Caunterbury the abbottes of saynte Albones and of westmynster with other After whyche assemble thus made and eueryche of theym to other sworne within the castell of Arundel the .viii. day of August they toke there theyr counsell and condiscended yts dyuers lordes about the king as the duke of Lancastre the duke of yorke and other shulde be putte from suche auctoryte and rule of the lande as they than bare and other offycers suche as were thought preiudicial vnto the weale of the lande shulde be dyscharged and punisshed for theyr demerytes whan this with many other thynges was amonge them concluded eueryche of theym departed tyll the tyme of an other metynge atwene theym appoynted But the erle of Notyngham contrarye his othe and promyse fearing the sequell of the matter yode shortely after vnto the kynge and dyscouered vnto hym all the premisses wherefore the kynge in all haste called a secrete counsell at London in the said erle of Notynghames place or after some at the place of the erle of Huntyngdone where it was concludyd y t the sayd erle of Huntyngdone other shulde by strengthe fetche vnto the king the erles of Arundell and of warwyke And in the meane whyle the kynge in propre ꝑsone arested his vncle syr Thomas of woodestoke at Plasshy in Essex as sayeth the Englysshe cronycle All be it an other wryter in la●yne saythe that kyng Rycharde in propre persone rode vnto the Manoure of Grenewyche in the nyghte tyme there toke hym in his bedde commaūded hym vnto the Towre of Lōdon whiche shortely after was conueyed vnto Calays and there pyteously murderyd And soone after were the foresayd erles of Arundell warwyke brought vnto the towre of London with also syr Iohn̄ Cobham syr Iohn̄ Cheynye knightes But the erle of Arundell was taken to bayle and wente at large vnder suertie tyll the begynnynge of the parlyament In whiche season dyuers other were brought to sondrye prysones Than the kynge sente out his commissyoners vnto the lordes of his realme for to come vnto hys parliament which began after vpon the .xvii. day of Septembre in the begynninge of the .xxi. yere of y e kynge and later ende of thys mayres yere Here it is to be noted that Adam Bame mayre dyed in the begynning of the moneth of Iune For whome was after chosen and admytted the viii day of y e sayd moneth for mayre Rycharde whytyngton to occupye the full of that yere that is to meane tyll the feest of Symonde and Iude. But vpon saynt Edwardes day folowyng whan the newe mayre is accustomed to be chosen Than was he electe agayne for that yere folowynge And so he stode in the offyce of mayraltye an hoole yere and .v. monethes Than to returne to our fyrst mater whan the kyng hadde assembled his lordes y t whiche came with so stronge and myghtie companyes that the cytie suffysed nat to lodge the people but were fayne to be lodgyd in small townes and vyllages nere vnto y e same within short tyme after the sayde parlyamente was begonne the erles of Arundell and of warwyke were broughte before the lordes of the parlyamente holden at westmynster and there fynally iudged as foloweth the erle of Arudell to be ladde on fote from westmynster and place of his iugemēt thoroughe the highe stretes of the cytie vnto the towre hylle where hys hede to be stryken of and the erle of warwyke was also iudged to dethe But for his great age by meane of hys frendes his iugemente was pardoned and altered to perpetuall prison where as the kyng wolde cōmaunde hym whiche after was had vnto y e Ile of Man in Lancasshyre where he consumed the resydue of hys olde dayes And the erle of Arundelle accordinge to the sentence vpon him gyuen vpon the morowe folowyng the feest of saynte Mathewe beynge saterday the .xxii. day of Septembre was ladde on fote vnto y e towre hyll beyng accompanyed with great strengthe of men for so moche as it was demyd y t he shuld haue ben rescued by the waye how be it none suche was attempted but peasably he was brought vnto the sayde place of execucyon and there pacientlye mekely toke his dethe whose body after was by the freres Augustynes borne vnto theyr place within the warde of Bradestrete of London there in the northe syde of the quyer solempnely buryed and after vpon his graue a sumptuous toumbe of marble stone sette and edifyed And by auctoryte of the said parlyament the archebysshoppe of Caunterbury was exyled the realme And vpon the monday folowynge beynge the xxiiii daye of Septembre syr Iohn̄ lord Cobham and sir Iohn̄ Cheyny knyght were iudged to be drawen hanged and quarteryd But by instaunce and labour of their frendes that iugement was chaunged vnto perpetuall prison And thys done y e kynge ordayned a royall feeste and helde open housholde for all honeste comers For as affirmeth Peter Pyctauyence a wryter of historyes this prynce kynge Rycharde passed all other of his progenytours in lyberalytie and boun●ie The whiche feest and also parlyament yet holdynge the kynge created .v. dukes a marques and .v. erles As fyrste the erle of Derby syr Hēry of Bolygbrooke sone and heyre of Iohn̄ of Gaunte duke of Lācastre was created duke of Herforde The secōde whiche was erle of Rutlande was created duke of Amnerle The thyrde beynge erle of Kent was created duke of Surrey The fourthe beynge erle of Notyngham was created duke of Norfolke And the fyfte was the erle of
The fyrste yere of hys reygne he subdued Irlande And soone after Thomas Beketh whyche after was byshoppe of Caunterbury was made chaunceller of Englonde This kynge caste downe dyuers castellys that before in tyme of kynge Stephan were buylded other for dyspleasure of the owners or ellys for the fere they shulde be strengthed agayne hym And also he banyshed many of the lordes and gentylmen that kynge Stephan hadde in hys fauoure Aboute the thyrde yere of hys reygne in the moneth of October were sene in the fyrmament two sunnys and in the mone was sene a redde crosse But of thys wonder sheweth the authoure of Cronica cronicarū and sayth that aboute thys tyme in Italy in the moneth of Nouember appered thre sunnys by the space of thre owres in the weste and the yere folowynge appered thre monys whereof the myddle mone hadde a redde crosse ouerthwarte the face whyche there ys noted for a prodygy or a token of the scysme that after fell amonges the cardinallys for eleccyon of the pope Alexāder the thyrd whyche scysme by meane of the fyrste Frederyke then emperoure endured almoste .xx. yeres Also aboute this tyme Adryan the fourthe of that name was pope an Englysheman borne in the towne of saynte Albon of whome is more declared in the begynnynge of the .xxii. chapyter of the .vii. boke of Polycronycon Also in thys yere the kynge wente wyth a stronge armye into walys and after he hadde sette that countrey in an order and quyet he buyldyd a stronge castell at Rutlande and founded the abbaye of Basyngewerke In the .vi yere of hys reygne thys Henry maryed hys seconde son Henry vnto the kynges doughter of Fraūce that is to meane Lewys the viii whyche the sayde Lewys receyued of hys seconde wyfe named Constaunce the doughter of the kyng of Spayne as before ye haue harde in the seconde chapyter of y e story of the sayd Lewys This mayden was named Margaret By reason of whych maryage was appeased the warre that was begonne betwene Fraunce and Englande for the landes of Poy●owe and other the whyche kynge Henry helde by reason of hys wyfe In y e whych warre mych harme was done and more wolde haue ensued yf yt hadde not by thys meane haue ben agreed In the .vii. yere of his reygn Theobalde archbyshoppe of Caunterbury dyed and Thomas Beket chaunceller of Englande was archebysshoppe ▪ after hym of whome more shall folowe In the same yere kyng Henry with a stronge hoste yode to Scotlande and made so cruell warre vppon willyam kynge of that lande that lastely he was taken and dyd to the sayd Henry recompensacyon in yeldynge vnto hym the cytye of Carlell the castell of Bamburghe the newe castell vpon Tyne wyth dyuers other holdes and a great parte of Northumberlande the whyche he hadde wonne from the borderers And after fewtye and homage done by the sayde wyllyam vnto the kynge and a certayne summe of money by hym promysed wythin .ix. monethes folowynge the kynge suffred hym to go at large But an other authour sayth that the kynge of Scottys was not taken but strongely besyeged in a towne or castell so that fynally he was forced to agree to the foresayde couenauntes In the .viii. yere the cytye of Caūterburye was fyred by neglygence a great part therof brente And in that season the archbyshoppe Thomas beganne to replye agayne y e kynges mynde for thynges that the kynge dyd exercyse agayn the liberties of the chyrche THE CCXXXVII CHAPITER IN the .ix. yere of hys reygne the kynge for dyuerse causes cōcernyng y e nedes of his realme called a parliament at hys towne of Northampton Durynge whyche parlyament dyssencyon fell betwen the kynge and Thomas archbyshop of Caunterburye for dyuerse actes and ordinaunces that the kyng there procured to passe agayne the lybertyes of holy chyrch the whych Thomas gaynstode and denyed wherfore the kynge toke a great dyspleasure with Thomas in so myche that shortely after he was fayne to flee the lande and in processe of tyme spedde hym to Rome where he complayned hym to Alexaunder the .iii. of that name then pope and there contynued and in Fraunce and in other places in poore estate by terme of .vi. yeres and more when kynge Henry hadde certayne vnderstandynge that Thomas was thus departed out of hys lande he seased his maners and temporall landes into hys hande so that hys mouable goodes were spoyled and rauenyd amonge the kynges offycers In the .xiiii. yere of his reygne the kynge crowned Henry hys eldest sonne then lyuynge kynge of Englande at westmynster whyche was done to the derogacyon or harme of the archbyshoppe Thomas as yt is wytnessyd in hys legende and for that doynge Roger archbyshoppe of yorke whyche crowned hym was accursed But an other authour sayth that the kynge crowned Henry hys sonne to the ende he myght haue ful power and authoryte to rule thys lande and the people of the same whyle hys father was occupyed in Normandye and other countreys where hys landes laye In myche of thys season that thys blessyd man Thomas was thus banyshed the lande the kynge sente ouer byshoppes and proctours to complayne vppon hym to the pope for well nere all the bishoppes of Englande were agayne hym And yf any toke hys parte they durste not speke for the displeasure of theyr temporall lorde so that this blessed man defended the quarell of the chyrche alone In the .xvi. yere of y e reygne of kyng Henry Lewys the kynge of Fraūce agreed kynge Henry and the archbysshoppe the kynge then beynge in Normandye Uppon whyche agrement thys blessyd man came to hys owne chyrche of Caunterbury and there so restynge hym sente for such persones as had spoyled and taken perforce the goodes of the chyrche aduertysynge theym by fayre meanes to restore the sayde goodes and to be reconcyled to the chyrche as trewe crysten men shulde But when he sawe that he myght not reconcyle theym by fayre meanes he then vsed compulsaryes and denounced them accursed but if they restored the goodes of the chyrche by a certayne day wherewyth the partyes beynge agreued sayled ouer to the kynge into Normandye and shewyd vnto hym greuous complayntes and more greuouse then the cause or mater requyred For the whych the kynge which hadde not yet quenched the bronde of malyce in hys harte the whyche he bare agayne thys holy man gaue lyght credence vnto those complayntes and was sore feruētly amoued agayne the holy man Thomas in so myche that vppon a daye herynge the complayntes of this blessyd mannes aduersaryes he sayd in oppē audyence of hys knyghtes that yf he had any good knyghtes about hym he had ben aduēged of that traytour longe or that tyme. At the tyme of whyche wordes vtterynge was present syr wyllyam Bryton syr Hugh Moruyle syr wyllyam Tracy and syr Regnolde fytz Urle whych foure knyghtes thynkyng that they shuld to theyr mayster do a synguler pleasure yf they slewe thys blessyd man hastely takynge aduyse
into the holy lande the xx peny of euery mannes substaunce mouable thorough out hys lande of the lay fee and of the spyrytualty by assent of y e .x. Gregorye then pope .iii. dysmes to be leuyed in thre yeres Anno domini M.CC.lxx   Anno domini M.CC.lxxi   walter Porter   Iohn̄ Adryan Uyntyner   Anno .lv.   Iohn̄ Taylour   IN thys .lv. yere the kynge of Romains cōcludid a couenaūt betwen y e kyng syr Gylbert de Clare erle of Glouceter for a vyage to be taken into the holy lande by the sayd erle for the kynge For the whych vyage the saide erle shuld haue toward his charge .viii thousand mark and at the takyng of his shyppyng other iiii thousande marke and to be redy by the fyrst daye of May next folowynge and yf the erle were not redy at the see syde at that day with his company to take his shyppynge he shuld then forfayte to y e kyng .ii. M. marke For suertie wherof y e sayde erle shuld delyuer into the kynges possessyon his castell of Henleger standynge vppon y e marche of walis But this cam after to no purpose wherfore y e cause is not shewyd But y e iourney was perfourmed by syr Edwarde the kynges sonne as after shall be to you declared In this passe tyme the cytesyns of London contentyd so well syr Edwardes mynde that he laboured so for them to the kynges grace that they had then theyr chartour so cōfermyd that they shuld after theyr auncyent lybertyes chose of them self a mayre and two shryues and y e sayd shryues to haue the offyces therunto belongynge to ferme as they to fore hadde excepte that wheretofore they payde for the fee ferme .iii. hundred and l. punde nowe they shulde pay .iiii. hundred and .l. poūde After whyche confyrmacyon thus graūted and passed by y e kynges brode seale the cytesyns vppon the .xiiii. daye of Iuly assembled at the Guyldhall chase for theyr mayre Iohn̄ Adryan draper and for shyreffes walter Porter and Iohn̄ Tayller And vppon y e xvi daye folowynge syr Edwarde beynge present presented them vnto y e king at westminster where they were admitted sworne And then was syr Hugh of Othon dyschargyd of that rule of the cytye Then the citesyns of theyr fre wyll gaue vnto the kynge an C. marke to syr Edwarde .v. hūdred marke whyche gyft the kyng well accepted And soone after they receyued theyr chartour of confyrmacyon berynge date the .xxi. day of Iuly and yere of the kynges reygne .lv. And for the former conuencyon betwene the kyng and the erle of Glouceter was not holden syr Edwarde toke vppon hym the kynges crosse To whom the kynge gaue all suche money as was graunted of y e lay fee as before is shewyd then toke his leue of the kyng and after toke shyppynge at Douer the .xx. daye of August and so sayled to Burbeaux with his wyfe and other noble company And for that holy Lewys then kyng of Fraunce was gone he taryed at Burdeaux a certayne season and after sped hym with his forsayd company toward y e cytye of Thunys where y e Frenche kyng was But or he came thyder saynt Lewys was dede And y e peace cōcluded betwene Phylyppe hys son and the kynge of Thunys wherfore syr Edwarde entendynge to greue goddes enmyes wyth some knygtes of Fraunce whych entēded the same toke leue of the Frenche kynge and of syr Charl●s hys vncle then kynge of Scycyle sayled further into the holy lande and arryued at a porte of Acris or Acon For at y e daye in the holy lande was no mo cytyes in the possessyon of cristen men but that and the cytye of Tyre wyth certayne castellys wherunto the crysten fled often for socoure agayne the Sarazyns when syr Edwarde was comē to y e cytye of Acon y e crysten knyghtes receyued hym with gret honour gladnesse and lodged hym in theyr beste maner where he taryed by the space of a yere after as aftermeth y e french cronycle For yt was not longe after his commynge thyder but that the Soudane of Sury the whych had wonne al the countreys there about came thyther wyth a great power of Sarazyns and assauted the towne vygurously But syr Edwarde with the ayde of crysten men bare hym so knyghtly that he defended the cytye and the castellys to the same belongynge terrytores of the same that the Soudane for all hys great multytude and power gate there lyteil honoure notwytstandynge that he hadde in hys hoste as affyrmeth the frenche cronycle ouer an hundred thousande Sarazyns And more affyrmeth the sayde cronycle that syr Edwarde in his polycyes and manfull actes so honorably behauyd him that he neuer dyd such acte in all his lyfe folowynge all be it that after he dyd many of grete honour But none that was lyke vnto the actes that he there accomplyshed and brought vnto ende By reason wherof his name amonge infidelys was had in memory many yeres after Of the honoure of thys marcyall knyght I haue shewed the lenger rehersall for so myche as I fynde yt testyfyed of the French men the which I knowe well by theyr other cronycles that they make of Englysh prynces must be of great authoryte or ellys by them yt shuld not so specyally haue ben noted And more ouer I am assured that yf a Frenche prynce had deseruyd suche a generall pryce yt shulde haue ben set out and artyculed euery acte thereof that yt shulde haue conteyned a large worke the specyaltyes therof declared to they re moste laude and honour Then thys noble prynce beynge thus in Acon and dayly puttynge the Suryens to shame and great damages they seynge they might not preuayle agayn hym by strength of vatayll cast how they myght destroy hym by treason and sente vnto hym a Sarazyne in name of a messanger the whyche in tellynge of hys fayned message woūded hym wyth a knyfe enuenomyd of the whyche wounde he laye longe or he were therof cured But after confessyon made by the Sarazyn of all hys cōpassed treason he was put vnto cruell deth In thys yere also fyll downe the steple of saynt Mary Bow in Chepe of Lōdon slew women chyldren Anno domini M.CC.lxxi   Anno dn̄i M.CC.lxxii   Gregory Rokkysle   Iohn̄ Adryan wyntener   Anno .lvi.   Henry waleys   IN this .lvi. yere in the moneth of Nouember at the parliamēt holden at westmynster the marchaūtes of Lōdon and other places of Englande complayned them to y e kyng that the countesse of Flaundres had taken from them certayne gooddes amountynge to a great summe Uppon whych complaynt the kyng sent to her to make restytucyon But for no●e was had the kyng cōmaunded that all men born in y e partyes in Englande shulde be arrested and they theyr goodes to be vnder suer kepynge By the whych meane in conclusyon she sent ouer embassadours and besought the kyng that
that conclusyon so there taken by the sayde counseyle the kynge sent his letters vnto the sayde barones commaundynge theym to come vnto the sayde parlyament The whiche at the day aboue sayde with a great hoste of men of armes came to London in a sute of iakettes of cotes of demy partye of yelowe and grene with a bāde of whyte cast ouerthwarte For this skyll that parlyamente lōge after of the comune people was called the parlyament of whyte bandes Than for to se the kynges pease were substancyally kepte within the cytye of London the mayre caused dayly a thousande men well harnessed to watche in dyuers wardes and at dyuerse gates of y e cytye y e whiche began at foure of the clocke in the mornynge and so contynued tyll .vi. at nyghte At whiche season as many were ordeyned too take thanne the charge of the nyght watche and so to contynue tyll the houre of .v. in the mornynge And for thys nyghte watche shuld be surely kept two aldremē nyghtly were assygned to ryde about the cytie with certayne officers of the towne to see the watchemen we le and dyscretly guyded And the gates were shyt at .ix. of the clocke opened agayne at .vii. on the morow euery cytezyn warned to haue hys harneys by hym that he myghte be redy with shorte warnynge when so euer he were called Thus in y e cytye the sayd watche cōtynuyng the foresayde parlyamente was holden at westmynster where amonge other thynges for the weale of the lande as that counceyll than coulde thynke determyned one was that syr Hugh Spenser the father syr Hughe the sonne shuld be banysshed out of y t realme of England for terme of lyfe And soone after that banysshement was put in execucion so that they bothe were broughte vnto Douer there to take shyppynge where syr Hugh the father made wōderfull great moone when he shulde take hys shyp and cursed hys sonne in presence of suche as had the Guydynge of thē sayng that by hys meanes he was banysshed from the flour of all landes cristened Than y e kyng dyssolued the parlyament and euery man retourned to hys owne But yt was nat longe after that worde was broughte vnto the kyng y t syr Hugh Spenser the sonne houyd vpon the cooste of Englande and toke prayes of all marchaūtes that passed by hys course But the kyng let as he had knowē of no suche thyng and suffered that wyth many mo euyl dedes to go vnpunysshed the whyche at lengthe he repented full soore and toke thereof great remors in conscyence as it appereth in the ende of hys reygne Anno domini M.CCC.xix   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xx   Symon Abyngdon   Hamonde Chykwell   Anno .xiii.   Iohn̄ Preston   IN thys .xiii. yere the kynge reuoked the actes or withstoode them whyche were made at London in the laste parliament and called agayne into Englande the Spensers bothe the father sonne contrary the wyll of the barons and set theym in lyke auctoryte as they before had bē to the great dystourbaunce of all the realme And soon after vnder colour of a tytle made by the quene vnto the castell of Ledys in Kent whych than belonged vnto syr Barthen de Bladysmore knyght than beynge on the baronys partye the kynge besyeged the sayd castel and by helpe of the cytezyns of London lastly wanne it by strength and spoyled the mouables therof whych was to a greate value after the sayeng of some wryters In thys passetyme that the kyng hadde thus called agayne the Spensers ruled many thynges after hys sensuall apetyte and pleasure nothyng regardynge the comon weale of the realme the barons cōsyderyng well that the Spencers shuld in processe bryng the lande in great ruyne the kyng to great dyshonoure entēdyng to refourme the myschyef that therof myght ensu gadered vnto thē great power And whyle syr Thomas erle of Lancastre was gatheryng of hys people y e .ii. Mortymers y t is to say syr Roger Mortymer of werke syr Roger of wigmoore with other yode into the marche of walys toke by strengthe certayne cytyes townes belongynge to the Spencers pursuyd also some of the kynges seruaūtes wherfore the kyng herynge of y t rebellyon of hys lordes made hasty spede and with a greate hoste came about by Shroysbury and was nere vnto them or they were ware so that for fere the sayd Mortymers yelded them vnto the kynges grace mercy the whiche forthwith were conueyed as prysoners vnto the towre of Lōdon Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xx   Anno dn̄i M.CCC.xxi   Reynolde at Conduyt   Hamonde Chykwell   Anno .xiiii.   wyllyam Prodham   IN thys .xiiii. yere whā y e kyng had ordered the countre of the marchys foresayd after hys mynde had to hym gathered more strength about saynt Chaddys day or begynnynge of Marche the kyng with hys people came downe to Glowceter where with hym mette the Spēsers with theyr people And from thense he yode vnto Lychefeelde at whyche season the erles of Lancaster and of Herforde were at and the remenaunt of theyr hoste at Burtō vppon Trent fortyfyed the brydge y t the kyng myght nat wynne ouer the sayde ryuer Than the kynge was brought vnto a foorde beganne to set ouer his knyghtes wherof he●●ng the sayde erles forsooke the sayde towne of and yode toward the towne or cytye of But or they myght passe farre vppon theyr iournay they were encoūtred of syr Aymer de Ualance erle of Penbroke with the Spensers and other of the kynges hoste vppon the .xii. daye of Marche and of them ouerset and cōstrayned to fle and so yode in proces of tyme to Poūtfret In thys meane season the erle Thomas had sente a knyght of hys named Robert Holād into Lancasshyre for to arere hys tenauntes But when the sayde syr Robert herde of that skyrmysshe and howe hys mayster was fled he than drewe hym to the kynge and presented hym with suche companye as he had thā gathered And thus y e kyngꝭ power dayly encreased and y e batons dyscreased Thā the baronys heryng of the goyng of syr Robert Holande vnto the kynges pattye were with it sumdeale abasshed and tooke theyr counsayll in the freers of Pountfre● where after many opynyons reasons amonge them debated argued yt was fynally by them concluded y t they shuld goo vnto the castel of Dūstanborough there to holde thē tyll they myght purchase the kynges grace And so spedyng theyr iournay thy derwarde with suche people as they than had they came in processe of tyme to a towne called Burgh brydge where they were encountred of syr Andrewe of Harkeley knyght wyth other that were come out of y e North with a stronge company The which there nere vnto the sayde towne sette vppon the barones and in the ende sconfited thē and chased theyr peple In the whyche fyght was slayne the erle of Herforde syr Roger Benefeld and syr wyllyam Sullāde and
And fynally by the prouydent counsayle of the lorde regent al the sayd artycles and matiers of varyaunce atwene the sayd two lordes hangynge were put to the examynacyon and iudgmente with the assystence of y e lordes of the parliamēt of Henry the archebysshop of Caunterbury of Thomas duke of Exceter of Iohn̄ duke of Northfolk Thomas bysshop of Durhm̄ of Phylype bysshop of worceter or Iohn̄ bysshop of Bathe of Humfrey thā erle of Stafforde of Rauffe lorde Cornewell of mayster wyllyam Alnewyke than keper of the preuy seale The whych lordes wyth assystence of the other lordes of the parlyament made a decre and a warde so that eyther party toke other by the hande wyth frēdly louyng wordes none hauyng amēdes of other except the bysshope had wordes of submyssyō vnto the duke in requyryng hym of hys fauoure good lordshyp And y e accorde thus fynysshed the parlyament was adiourned tyll after Easter Uppon whytsondaye folowynge was a solempne feest holden at Leyceter forsayde where the regente dubbyd kynge Henry knyghte And than forthwyth the kynge dubbyd Rycharde duke of yorke that after was father to kynge Edwarde Also he dubbyd knyghtes the sonne and heyre of the duke Iohan duke of Northfolke and the erles of Oxenforde and westmerlande wyth other lordes and gentylmen to the noumbre of .xxxiiii. And after that feeste wyth all honour was endyd the kynge wyth the regente and other of hys lordes drew towarde London And so the regente contynued wyth the kynge in Englande by the full terme of thys mayres yere Anno. dn̄i M.iiii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.vii.   Iohn̄ Arnolde   Iohn̄ Raywell Fysshmonger   Anno .v.   Iohn̄ Hyghthm̄   IN thys .v. yere and moneth of February the regent with hys wyfe housholde meyny passed the see vnto Calays and so thorugh Pycardy into Fraunce But or he departed thens that is to meane vpon the daye of annuncyacion of our Lady the bysshop of wynchester within the churche of our Lady of Calays was created cardynall by auctoryte of y e bulles of pope Martyne the .v. of y e name And after that solēpnyte don the regente toke hym on hys ryghte hande so conueyed hym vnto hys lodgynge Thys yere was vnresonable of wederyng for it reyned moste part contynually frome Easter to Myghelmasse where thorugh hay and corne was greatly hyndered And in thys yere the duke of Alēson that before was taken prysoner at the batayll of Uernell in Perche was delyuered for a raunson of .ii. C M. scutes of golde as testyfyeth Gaguinus whyche is fyfty M. marke sterlyng money In thys yere also the erle of Salysbury whych of dyuers wryters is named the good erle accompanyed wyth the erle of Suffolke the lorde Talbot and other layde a stronge syege vnto the cytye of Orleaunce helde the cytezyns very streyght and maugre the duke of Orleaunce and the Marshal of Fraunce thanne named Boussaak the Englysshemen wanne from theym dyuers stronge holdes adioynynge to the cytye and forced them to brenne a greate parte of the subbarbes of the cytye But sorowe it is to tell and doolfull to wryte whyle one day the sayd good erle syr Thomas Mountagu rested hym at a bay wyndow and be helde the compas of the cytie and talked with his familiers a gonne was leueyled out of the cytie from a place vnknowen whiche brake the tymbre or stone of the wyndowe with suche vyolence that the pecys therof all to quasshed the face of the noble erle in suche wyse that he dyed within thre dayes folowyng Upon whose soule all crysten Ihesu haue mercy Amē This after dyuers wryters was initium malorum For after this myshappe the Englysshmen loste rather ther than wanne so that lytell and lytell they loste all theyr possessyon in Fraūce And all be it that somewhat they gate after yet for one that they wanne they loste thre as after shall appere Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxvii   Anno dn̄i M. iiii.xxviii   Henry Frowyk   Iohan Gedney draper   Anno .vi.   Robert Otley   IN this .vi. yere begynnynge of the same the kyng helde his parlyament at westmynster By auctoryte wherof was graunted to hym a subsydye in maner as foloweth Fyrst of euery tonne of wyne y t came into this lande from y e feest of saynt Ambrose or the fourth day of Apryll tyll the ende of that yere the kynge shulde haue .iii. s. belongynge to a denyzyn or the kynges lyege man Also of all marchaundyse passynge or cōmynge into this lāde shypped by denyzon the kynge to haue of euery xx s. .xii. d. excepte woll fell clothe Also to hym was graunted that of all parysshens thorughout his realme beynge the benefyce of the valewe of .x. marke that .x. of the sayde parysshons shulde paye of theyr mouables syxe shyllynges eyght pēs after y e rate of eyght pens euery mā And of all benefyces that were of .x. li. x parysshons to paye .xiii. s. and iiii d. all cytyes and borowes to be excepted And so rate rate lyke from the lowest benefyce to the hyghest And for the inhabytauntes of cyties boroughes it was enacted that eueman beynge it valewe of .xx. s. aboue his stuffe of houshold his apparayl and his wyfes shulne paye iiii.d so after the rate vnto the rychest In this yere also and day of saynt Gyles or the fyrste day of Septēbre the cardynall of wynchester was met by the mayre and his bretherne and certayne cytezyns on horse backe without the cytie and so broughte vnto his palays in southwerke Aboute the same tyme a Bryton that a good wydow and honeste woman hadde cherysshed and brought vp of almes dwellynge in whyte chapell paresshe without Algate murdred the sayde woman in a nyght slepynge in her bedde and after conueyed suche iewelles and stuffe as he myght carye But he was so pursued vpon y e for fere he toke a churche in Estsex there forsware y e kynges lande And y e constables caused hym be brought to London and so entended to haue cōueyed hym westward But so soone as he was commen in to the parysshe where before he had commytted the murther the wyfes caste vpon hym so moche fylthe and ordure of the strete not withstandynge the resystence made by the cōstables they slewe hym there out of hande Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxviii   Anno dn̄i M.iiii C.xxix   Thomas Dushous   Henry Barton skynner   Anno .vii.   Raffe Holande   THis yere vpon the .viii. daye of Nouembre the duke of Norffolke accompanyed with many gentylmen toke his barge at saynt mary Ouereys entendynge to haue passed thoroughe the brydge and so vnto Grenewytche But by the mysgydynge of the sterysman he was set vpon the pyles of the brydge and y e barge whelmed so y t all were drowned excepte the duke and a fewe persones that lepte vpon the pyles whiche after were drawen vp with ropes and so