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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A93564 A brief history of the pious and glorious life and actions of the most illustrious princess, Mary Queen of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, &c. Containing the most memorable things, and matters, relating to her royal self, &c. from her birth till the most deplorable time of her ever to be lamented death, on the 28th. of December, 1694. Faithfully done by J.S. J. S.; Drapentier, Jan, fl. 1674-1713, engraver. 1695 (1695) Wing S46; ESTC R230766 40,022 154

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upon the Arival of the Princess having had the consent of the Prince and his Royal Consort to accept of the Kingly Dignity delayed not in their Resolves to have them Proclaim'd King and Queen of England France and Ireland Scotland being an Independant Kingdom and not within the Jurisdiction of a Parliament of England Whose Crown however was soon after Presented by the States in like manner of the Proceedings in which we shall have occasion to speak hereafter THE Resolves in Order to the Proclaiming being on these considerations That WILLIAM and MARY Prince and Princess of Orange be Declared King and Queen of England France and Ireland with all the Dominions and Dependencys thereunto belonging to hold the Crown and Royal Dignity of those Kingdoms and Dominions during their Lives and the Life of the Surviver of them and that the Sole and Full Exercise of the Kingly Power be only in and Executed by his Highness in the Name of Himself and the Princess for the Term of their Lives and after their Decease the Crown and Dignitys Royal of the Kingdoms and Dominions to be left to the Heirs of the Body of the Princess and for default of such Issue to the Princess Ann of Denmark and the Heirs of her Body and for default of such Issue to the Heirs of the Body of the Prince AND then an Oath of Allegiance and Supremacy was Enacted Viz. I A. B. Do sincerely Promise and Swear that I will be Faithful and bear True Allegiance to Their Majestys King WILLIAM and Queen MARY So Help me GOD. I A. B. do Sincerely Promise and Swear that I do from my Heart abhor Detest and Abjure as Impious Heretical the Damnable Doctrine and Position that Princes Excomunicated or Deprived by the Pope or any Authority of the See of Rome may be Deposed or Murthered by their Subjects or any other whatsoever And I do Declare that no Forreign Prince Person Prelate State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Preheminence or Authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual withthis Realm So Help me GOD. THIS and other Proceedings preceding the Happy Proclaiming the Wish of the Nation Ensued for the Officers at Arms Sergeants at Arms Trumpets and others whose Office it was to attend in this Important Occasion being in a Readiness by the Order His Grace the Duke of Norfolk Earl Marshal of England at White-hall-gate and Sir Themas St. George Garter Principal King at Arms receiving a Proclamation was Ordered by the Lords forthwith to Proclaim it And York Herauld after the Third Sounding of the Trumpets Proclaim'd it Garter King at Arms Reading it by Periods whilst he repeated in the presence of the Lords and Commons and a vast number of Gentry and others who by their Acclamatitions of Joy expressed their high satisfaction in what was done and so in Excellent Order they proceeded through Temple-Bar and between the Two Temple-Gates made the Like Proclamation and twice more Repeated it Viz. At Woodstreet-End in Cheapside and before the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill being in all these places concluded with Joyful Shouts and Acclamations and soon after they were with the same desire of a willing people Proclaimed in the Cities and chief Borroughs and Towns of England and in the Dominion of Wales c. AND now our Epethite by their advancement to the Royal Dignity must be changed The King on the 25th of February for himself and on the behalf of the Queen was pleased to express to both Houses in Answer to their Declaration his high Satisfaction in what they had done and graciously Promised them the Utmost of his Care and Protection for the Security and Preservation of their Laws Liberties and Religion and was extreamly willing to Concur with them in any thing that might be for the Good and Advancement of the Kingdom and to do all that in him lay to promote the Glory and Welfare of the Nation And soon after the Lord Bishop of London went with the Body of the Clergy of that City to pay their Majesties an Humble Tender of their Duty and Fidelity Expressing the great Satisfaction they conceived upon Their Majesties Accession to the Throne and being admitted to Kiss the King and Queens Hands His Majesty at the same time giving them a Satisfactory Assurance of his Extraordinary Affection to the Church of England and of his utmost protection and encouragement to them concluding I assure you you shall find it so and may depend upon it And in this indeed as it is promised in Holy Writ we have found in the care and protection of a King Queen the truly Nursing Father and Nursing Mother of the Church THE Convention having resolved it self unto a Free Parliament an Act was Passed Entituled An Act for removing and preventing all Questions and Disputes about the Assembling and sitting of the present Parliament and preparations were making for the Relies of the opressed Protestants in Ireland whom the Irish Papists countenanced by the Earl of Tyrconnel who had declared for the Late King James Miserably Murthered Plundered Harassed in most parts of that Kingdom But Scotland had got the upper hand of those that stood out for the Abdicated King And it their Convention upon the Receipt of a Letter from his Majesty of England they after a few Debates Declar'd the Throne Vacant and soon after concluded to lay their Crown as England had done at thee Feet of King WILLIAM and Queen MARY That they should be Crowned King and Queen of Scotland and the Crown with an Instrument to Rugulate and settle particulars Offered them WHILST the Genious of Scotland Bowed thus Low to the best of Princes a Proclamation was Issued out here by the King and Queen to Inform the Peers and such as claimed by Tenure or Offices that the Solemnitie of the Coronation was to be performed on the Eleventh of April 1689 and accordingly Magnificent preparations were made against that happy day and on the Ninth of April in order to it An Act Passed Entituled An Act for Establishing the Coronation Oath The form of it being in the manner following viz. THE Arch-Bishop or Bishop shall say Will you Solemnly Promise and Swear to Govern the People of this Kingdom of England and the Dominions thereto belonging according to the Statutes in Parliament agree'd on and the Laws and Customs of the same The King and Queen shall say I Solemnly Promise so to do Arch-Bishop or Bishop Will you to your Power cause Law and Justice in Mercy to be Executed in all your Judgments King and Queen I will Arch-Bishop or Bishop Will you to the utmost of your Power Maintain the Law of God the True Profession of the Gospel and the Protestant Reform'd Religion Established by Law and will you preserve unto the Bishops and Clergy of this Realm and unto Churches Committed to their Charge all such Rights and Priviledges as by Law do or shall appertain to any of them King and Queen
well begun Their Majesties Proclamation was Issued forth for the Religious Observing of a Fast on the 12th of March and every third Wednesday in the Month till his Majesty who now purposed to go for Ireland Return'd And the first Parliament being Desolved another met on the 20th of March 1690. And the King signifying to them that intending to pass the Seas where his Prescence was necessary for the Reducing of Ireland he thought it Necessary to leave the Government during his absence in the Queens Hands Then an Act was passed to Impower Her to Mannage the Affairs of Government till his Return And on the 14th of June 1690. the King Landed with a Royal Army at Carickfergus in Ireland which brought such a terror upon the Enemy that they began to Retire in all parts of the Frontiers but were closely followed and pressed to an Engagement which they declined as much as possible THE Queen Mannaging Affairs at home with all that Conduct which became a Wise and Virtuous Princess The Navy Royal being at Sea under the Command of the Earl of Torringion Admiral the French King hoping some great Advantage from the Kings Absence or to Encourage the Irish Army whose little Courage began to droop set forth a very considerable Fleet the greatest we may say that has been seen of that Nation on the Seas But the English Sea-men disdaining to Fear being on the contrary full of Courage On the 30th of June the two Navys drew up in Lines off of Beachy and about Nine in the Morning the Dutch having the Van-Guard gained the Weather-Gage of the Enemy and falling on Fought very bravely for three Hours which made those they Engaged with hear away with all the Tack they could make But about One a Clam happening prevented the Dutch from pursuing the Advantage they had gained and the French hindred by that Calm were constrained to begin the Fight again which with Extraordinary Fury continued till Five in the Afternoon But for what Reason the English Admiral not coming up to Second them as they expected we determin not for but a few English Ships who were carryed on by the Courage of their Captains Engaging the Main Body of the French falling into the Rear of the Dutch they were so Batter'd that they sound themselves constrained to make their way thorough the French Fleet and stand for the Coast of England between Beversire and Farly loosing divers Officers of Note and several of their Ships Burnt by the Enemy and altho ' the French Fleet consisted of 82 Men of War besides Fireships and Tenders and ours was Inferiour to them in Number has we had a Drake to our Admiral they had no doubt run the same Risque as the Spanish Armado did in 1588 but what was done could not then be recalled yet was soon after repayed with such a stroak as made all France tremble at the unwelcome Bonfires that were made on their Coasts by the Renowned Admiral Russel as will appear in the Sequel For this Defect Admiral Torrington was sent to the Tower and afterward Tryed on Board the Kent in the River Medway but had the Fortune to be Acquitted and the French upon the retiring of our Fleet having Burnt a few Fishers Cottages at Tinmouth and there hearing the Militia of the counties of England were for the most part in Arms they durst Adventure no further but returned to their Ships and after a little Hovering about the Coast and Stealing a few Sheep out of the Marshes went home making a mighty boast of a Victory that they had not Gained THIS however little availed their Confederates in Ireland for the King though as he was viewing the Enemies Camp having received a Wound on the Shoulder with a great Shot passing the River Boyne fell upon their Army with such Bravery that Notwithstanding they far out numbred him he put them to the Rout in all parts in less than three Hours whole Regiments running away without being charged as appeared by their Arms found on the Ground in Regimental Order whereupon the Late King James within a Day or two took Shipping and Sailed for France upon this Dublin Opened her Gates and most of the considerable Towns in those parts soon after Surrendred and the Countys that had been long Hazarded were setled and found Ease and Peace THIS News caused rejoycings in England whilst the Queen with great Conduct and Prudence managed in the Kings Absence the weighty affairs of the Kingdom carrying her self with such a Courage and Constancy as Daunted the boldest repiner at her Virtues The Militia was raised the Coast Guarded and a strict Eye had over those suspected to be dissaffected to the Government and care every where taken by Her Majestys Order for the Security of the Peace and Quiet of the Kingdom so that the people were not only free from all consternations and apprehensions of Danger but on the contrary full of Courage and Smiled with Disdain on the weak attempts and bravado's of our Enemys The Trained Bands of London with much Gallantry Chearfulness and Resolution March'd into Hide Par and Drew up in a Splendid Appearance to the number of 10000 Effectual Men compleatly Armed and Appointed and there Her Majesty was pleased to be present taking a view of them whilst they exercised approving of their readyness and Loyalty at such a juncture and by her presence gave them the highest satisfaction Imaginable which they expressed in their Resolves To Live and Dye in her Defence against all Invaders or Clandestine Enemies but there being to further occasion at that time they returned home in the same Excellent Order they had Marched thither and all things remained still and quiet and both ours and the Dutch Fleet were Recruited Gallantly in a little time SOON after this Her Majesty received News that the English had Beaten the French in America Landed on St. Christophers and Siezed the greatest part of the Booty in the Island and Divers French Merchant Ships of considerable Burthen and Richly Laden were taken by our Privateers and Men of War for the Fleet was again at Sea and soon after to repair what had before happened set Sail for Ireland and was mainly assisting in the taking of Cork and Kingsail and the Kings Returning after His Glorious Success created great Joy and thanks for the wonderful Mercy and Providence in preserving his Pretious Life from the Dangers that Threatned it and restoring to us him in health and safety Upon His Majestys Happy Arival after his Glorious Enterprise having by his wonted Courage and Conduct in a great Measure Secured a Kingdom that was at the Point of being over-run by an Enemy who made their chief boast in resolves to Root out the Protestant Religion so long setled and Flourishing there The Joy was not only great in the Queen and Court but all over England as appeared by the many Addresses to Congratulate his Safety and Happy Return Encomiums made on the Welcome