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A29318 Brethren in iniquity, or, The confederacy of Papists with sectaries, for the destroying of the true religion, as by law establish'd, plainly detected wherein is shewed a farther account of the Romish snares and intrigues for the destroying the true reformed religion, as professed in the Church of England, and established by law, and for the introducing of popery or atheism among us : clearly shewing from very authentick writers and testimonies, that the principal ways and methods whereby the papists have sought the ruine of our religion and church, from the beginning of our Reformation, to the present times, and by which they are still in hopes of compassing it, are by promoting of toleration, or pretended liberty of conscience, and that for above these sixscore years the papists have so craftily influenced our dissenters, as to make them the unhappy instruments of effecting their most pernicious designs, which they contrived for, the subverting our church and state. 1690 (1690) Wing B4382; ESTC R6507 50,245 71

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the Army as the King himself was certified by an Express from thence and wished to provide against it but two days before his removal by the Army from the Isle of Wight to his Execution It were worth the Enquiry upon what Ground the Author of Fair Warning affirmeth pag. 35 36 37. in the Second Part of 120 Prophecies concerning the return of Popery That Father Sibthorp in a Letter to Father Medcalfe acknowledgeth the Jesuits to have contriv'd the Murther of the King and that Sarabras was present and triumphing at the Murther of his sacred Majesty In pursuance of the Order from Rome for the pulling down both the Monarch and Monarchy of England many Jesuits came over who took several Shapes to go about their Work but most of them took party in the Army About Thirty of them or their Disciples were met by a Protestant Gentleman between Roan and Diepe to whom they said taking him for one of the Party That they were going into England and would take Arms in the Independant Army and endeavour to be Agitators This agrees with the Account Bishop Bramhall gave in his Letter to Bishop Vsher In the Year 1640 there was discovered to the Archbishop of Canterbury a design in which the Pope Cardinal Richlieu and many of the English Papists but especially the Jesuits were concerned in stirring up those Divisions that had just before broke out in Scotland for the Ruine of the King and of the Archbishop This may be seen at large in the Histories of those times and the very Papers themselves may be found in Mr. Rushworth's Collections vol. 3. p. 1310. c. Sir William Boswell likewise at the Hague made the like Discovery in his Letter to the Archbishop Father Salmonet declares in his History of our Civil Wars printed in France with the Allowance of the King That after the Engagement at Egdehill several Romish Papists were found among the slain of the Parliament Army And adds That the Parliament had two Companies of Walloons besides others of that Religion in their Army Salmonet Hist des troubles d'Angleterre liv 3. pag. 165. When the Rebellion also broke out in Ireland it was we know bless'd with His Holiness's Letters and assisted by his Nuntio whom he sent on purpose thither for that service And that the Papists had a flying Squadron in the Parliament Army How boldly soever this may be denied by some there is another proof beyond Exception in a Declaration of King Charles I. that he sent to the Kingdom of Scotland dated April 21. 1643. which hath been several times Printed And as an Author that wrote the History of the late Civil Wars has assured us the clean draught of it corrected in some places with the King 's own hand is yet extant so that it cannot be pretended that this was only a bold Assertion of some of the King's Ministers that might be ill affected to their Party In that Declaration the King studied to possess his Subjects of Scotland with the Justice of his Cause and among other things to clear himself of the imputation that he had an Army of Papists about him after many things said on that Head these Words are added Great Numbers of that Religion have been with alacrity entertained in that Rebellious Army against us and others have been seduced to whom we had formerly denied Employments as appears by the Examination of many Prisoners of whom we have taken Twenty or Thirty at a time of that Religion in one Troop or Company The Credit of this Testimony is not to be disputed but no Discoveries how evident soever they may be can effect some sort of Men that have a secret against Blushing This also plainly lets us see how that under the dissembled Disguise of being of their Parties the subtle Priests and Jesuits have crept in and mix'd themselves among our dividing Sectaries and cunningly made them the unhappy Tools and Instruments to effect their most pernitious Designs and Contrivances which otherwise without their aid they would not be able to compass and that the same Method not covertly but openly is still practised is too palpable to be gainsaid God grant the Eyes of our Dissenting Brethren may be timely opened for the seasonable preventing the Miseries and Evils that threaten our Government that they may not only see but follow the things that belong to the Peace and Prosperity of our Church and State before they are hid from their Eyes A Protestant Lady living in Paris in the time of our late Calamities was perswaded by a Jesuit going in Scarlet to turn Roman Catholick and when the dismal News of the King's Murther came to Paris this Lady as all other good English Subjects was most deeply afflicted with it and when this Scarlet Divine came to see her and found her melted in Tears about that heavy and common Disaster he told her with a smiling Countenance That she had no reason to lament but rather to rejoice seeing that the Catholicks were rid of their greatest Enemy and that the Catholick Cause was much furthered by his Death Upon which the Lady put the Man down the Stairs in great Anger saying If that be your Religion I have done with it for ever And God hath given her the Grace to make her Word good hitherto Many Intelligent Travellers can tell of the great Joy among the English Convents and Seminaries for the King's Death as having overcome their Enemy and done their main work for their Settlement in England of which they made themselves so sure that the Benedictines were in great care that the Jesuits should not get their Land and the English Nuns were contending who should be Abbesses in England An understanding Gentleman visiting the Friars of Dunkirk put them upon the Discourse of the King's Death and to pump out their Sence about it said That the Jesuits had laboured very much to compass that great Work to which they answered That the Jesuits would Engross to themselves the Glory of all great and good Works and of this among other Works whereas they had laboured as diligently and effectually for it as they so there was striving for the Glory of that Atchievement and the Friars shew'd themselves as much Jesuited as the Jesuits The same Gentleman who in his Travels hath found them in several places jealous of the Glory which the Jesuits ascribed to their only Order to have promoted the King's Death whereas other Orders had been as active as they in that great Atchievement I cannot leave unobserved that in the height of the late Usurpation and Tyranny two Heads of the Gun-powder Traitors that were set up upon the House of Lords were taken down not by high Winds but by the same Zeal which had plotted that Treason and with the leave of Traytors of another Feather which in time we may hear to be shrined up in Gold as Holy Relicks and working Miracles By this we see what a good Accord and friendly
liberty by drawing Members out of it to weaken and diminish it till so far as lies in them they have brought it to nothing this we think to be plainly unlawful yet this we understand is their present design and endeavour Wherefore Reverend Brethren having bad such large experience of your Zeal of God's Glory your care of his afflicted Church your earnest endeavours to promote the compleat Reformation of it and of your ready concurrence with us in the improvement of any means that might be found conducible to this end we are bold to hint unto you these our ensuing Reasons against the Toleration of Independency in this Church I. The desires and endeavours of Independents for a Toleration are at this time extreamly unseasonable and preproperous for 1. The Reformation of Religion is not yet perfected and setled among us according to our Covenant And why may not the Reformation be raised up at last to such purity and perfection that truly tender Consciences may receive abundant satisfaction for ought that yet appears 2. It is not yet known what the Government of the Independents is neither would they ever yet vouchsafe to let the World know what they hold in that point though some of their party have been too forward to challenge the London Petitioners as led with blind Obedience and pinning their Souls upon the Priest's sleeve for desiring an establishment of the Government of Christ before there was any model of it extant 3. We can hardly be perswaded That the Independents themselves after all the stirs they have made amongst us are as yet fully resolved about their own way wherewith they would be concluded seeing they publish not their model though they are nimble enough in publishing other things and they profess Reserves and new Lights for which they will no doubt expect the like Toleration and so in insinitum It were more seasonable to move for Toleration when once they are positively determined how far they mean to go and where they mean to stay II. Their desires and endeavours are unreasonable and unequal in divers regards 1. Partly because no such Toleration hath hitherto been established so far as we know in any Christian State by the Civil Magistrate 2. Partly because some of them have solemnly profess'd That they cannot suffer Presbytery and answerable hereunto is their practice in thoses places where Independency prevails 3. And partly because to grant to them and not to other Sectaries who are free born as well as they and have done as good service as they to the Publick as they used to plead will be counted Injustice and great Partiality but to grant it unto all will scarce be cleared from great Impiety III. Independency is a Schism for 1. Independents do depart from our Churches being true Churches and so acknowledged by themselves 2. They draw and seduce our Members from our Congregations 3. They erect separate Congregations under a separate and undiscovered Government 4. They refuse Communion with our Churches in the Sacraments 5. Their Ministers refuse to Preach among us as Officers 6. Their Members if at any time they join with us in hearing the Word and Prayer yet they do it not as with the ministerial Word and Prayer not as Acts of Church Communion Now we judge that no Schism is to be tolerated in the Church † Schisms 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 1.10 1 Cor. 12.25 * Divisions 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Rom. 6.17 with 1 Cor. 3.3 Gal. 5.20 IV. Many mischiefs will inevitably follow upon this Toleration and that both to Church and Common-wealth First To the Church as 1. Causeless and unjust revolts from our Ministry and Congregations 2. Our Peoples minds will be troubled and in danger to be subverted as Acts 15.24 3. Bitter heart-burnings among brethren will be fomented and perpetuated to posterity 4. The godly painful and Orthodox Ministry will be discouraged and despised 5. The life and power of Godliness will be eaten out by frivolous disputes and vain janglings 6. The whole course of Religion in private families will be interrupted and undermined 7. Reciprocal duties between persons of nearest and dearest relations will be extreamly violated 8. The whole work of Reformation especially in Discipline and Government will be retarded disturbed and in danger of being made utterly frustrate and void whilst every person shall have liberty upon every trivial discontent at Presbyterial Government and Churches to revolt from us and list themselves in separated Congregations 9. All other Sects and Heresies in the Kingdom will be encouraged to endeavour the like Toleration 10. All other Sects and Heresies in the Kingdom will safeguard and shelter themselves under the wings of Independency and some of the Independents in their Books have openly avowed that they plead for Liberty of Conscience as well for others as themselves 11. And the whole Church of England in short time will be swallowed up with destraction and confusion And God is not the Author of Confusion but of Peace 1 Cor. 14.33 Secondly To the Common-wealth For 1. All these mischiefs in the Church will have their proportionable influence upon the Common-wealth 2. The Kingdom will be wofully weakned by scandals and Divisions so that the enemies of it both Domestical and Foreign will be encouraged to plot and practise against it 3. It is much to be doubted lest the power of the Magistrate should not onely be weakned but even utterly overthrown considering the principles and practices of Independents together with their compliance with other Sectaries sufficiently known to be Anti-Magistratical V. Such a Toleration is utterly repugnant and inconsistent with that solemn League and Covenant for Reformation and Defence of Religion which not only both Houses of Parliament but also persons of all sorts in both Kingdoms of England and Scotland have subscribed and with hands lifted up to the most high God have sworn Which Covenant likewise both you and we and those that most earnestly pursue the establishment of this Toleration have made or should have made in the presence of Almighty God the searcher of all hearts with a true intention to perform the same as we shall answer at that great day when the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed For 1. This is opposite to the Reformation of Religion according to the Word of God and the example of the best Reformed Churches Article 1. 2. It is destructive to the three Kingdoms nearest conjunction and uniformity in Religion and Government which might lead us and our Posterity after us as brethren to live in Faith and Love Art 1. 3. It is plainly contrary to that extirpation of Schism and whatsoever shall be found contrary to sound Doctrine and the power of Godliness which we have sworn sincerely really and constantly to endeavour without respect of persons Art 2. 4. Hereby we shall be involved in the guilt of other mens sins and thereby be endangered to receive of their plagues Art 2.