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A74878 A brief review of the most material Parliamentary proceedings of this present Parliament, and their armies, in their civil and martial affairs. Which Parliament began the third of November, 1640. And the remarkable transactions are continued untill the Act of Oblivion, February 24. 1652. Published as a breviary, leading all along successiviely, as they fell out in their severall years: so that if any man will be informed of any remarkable passage, he may turne to the year, and so see in some measure, in what moneth thereof it was accomplished. And for information of such as are altogether ignorant of the rise and progresse of these times, which things are brought to passe, that former ages have not heard of, and after ages will admire. A work worthy to be kept in record, and communicated to posterity. Vicars, John, 1579 or 80-1652.; Hamilton, James Hamilton, Duke of, 1606-1649. Several speeches of Duke Hamilton Earl of Cambridg, Henry Earl of Holland, and Arthur Lord Capel, upon the scaffold immediately before their execution, on Friday the 9. of March. 1652 (1652) Wing V294A; Thomason E693_2; ESTC R206997 57,270 63

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happiness that shall never have end I desire heartily the forgivenesse of every man both for any rash or unadvised word or deed and desire your prayes And so my Lord farewel farewel all the things of this world Lord strengthen my faith give me confidence and assurance in the merits of Jesus Christ I desire you that you would be silent and joyn in prayers with me and I trust in God that we shall all meet and live eternally in heaven there to receive the accomplishment of all happines where every tear shall be wiped from our eyes and every sad thought from our hearts And so God bless this Kingdome and Jesus have mercy upon my Soule Amen The Earle of Strafford for treasonable practises beheaded on the Tower-hill Anno 1641. Octob. 23. 47 About this time that inhumane bloudy Rebellion and monstrous massacring of almost 200000 innocent English Protestants men women and children brake out in Ireland namely about October 23. 1641. having had their principall encouragements from the Court of England and of purpose to have made England the chief seat of the war 48 The Design now went on chiefly against the City of London for which purpose the Lieutenant of the Tower Sir William Belford was displaced and Cottington made Constable of the Tower but he was soon displaced and C. Lunsford was made Lieutenant of the Tower but he also was displaced and Sir John Byron was made Lieutenant of the Tower in Lunsfords stead but he also with much ado removed and Sir John Conyers was put in his place To the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Peers now Assembled in Parliament The Humble Petition and Protestation of all the Bishops and Prelats now called by his M●j●st●●● Writs to attend the Parliament and present about London and Westminster for that Service THat whereas the Petitioners are called up by severall and respective Writs and under great penalties to attend the Parliament and have a clear and indubitable right to vote in Bils and other matters whatsoever debatable in Parliament by the ancient Customes Lawes and Statutes of this Realm and ought to be protected by your Majesty quietly to attem●… and prosecute that great Service They humbly Remonstrate and Protest before God your Majesty and the Noble Lords and Peers now assembled in Parliament that as they have an indu●●●ate right ●o Sit and Vote in the House of Lords so are they if they may be protected from force and violence most ready and wil●i●g to performe their duties accordingly And that they doe abominate all actions or opinions tending to Popery and the maintenance thereof as also all propension and inclination to any Malignant party or any other side or party whatsoever to the which their owne reasons and conscience shall not move them to adhere But whereas they have been at severall times violently menaced affronted and assaulted by multitudes of people in their coming to perform their services in that Honourable House and lately chased away and put in danger of their lives and can find no redresse or protection upon sundry complaints made to both Houses in these particulars They likewise humbly Protest before your Majesty and the Noble House of Peers that saving unto themselves all their Rights and Interests of Sitting and Voting in that House at other times they dare not Sit or Vote in the House of Peers untill your Majesty shall further secure them from all affronts indignities and dangers in the premisses Lastly whereas their fears are not built upon fantasies and conceits but upon such grounds and objects as may well terrific men of good resolutions and much constancy They doe in all duty and humility protest before your Majesty and the Peers of that most honourable House of Parliament against all Lawes Orders Votes Resolutions and Determinations as in themselves null and of none effect which in their absence since the 27th of this instant moneth of December 1641. have already passed as likewise against all such as shall hereafter passe in that most Honourable House during the time of this their forced and violent absence from the said most Honourable House not denying but if their absenting of themselves were wilfull and voluntary that most Honourable House might proceed in all their premisses their absence or this Protestation notwithstanding And humbly beseeching your most Excellent Majesty to command the Clerk of the House of Peers to enter this their Petition and Protestation among their Records They will ever pray to God to bless c. Jo. Ebor. Th Dures Rob. Co. Lich Jo Norw Jo. Asa. Gul Ba. Wells Geo. Heref. Rob. Ox. Ma. Ely Godf. Glouc. Io. Peterb Morr Landaff The High Commission-Court and Starr-Chamber voted down and pluralities non residencies damned by Parliament The Bishops had a plot about this time to subvert the Parliament by indeavouring to get the King to protest against their proceedings in it but 12 of them were impeached of high treason and 10 imprison'd in the Tower and afterward all disabled from ever sitting in the Parliament Bishops Voted down root and branch Nullo contradicente The Citizens of London the same night made bonefires and had ringing of Bels The Parliament published an Ordinance injoyning all Popish Recusants inhabiting in and about the City all dis-affected persons and such as being able men would not lend any money for the defence of the Common-wealth should forthwith confine themselves to their own houses and not to go f●rth without speciall license An Ordinance to apprehend dis-affected persons in the City whereof were four Aldermen put in safe custody in Crosby house and some in Gressam Colledge A Letter sent to Mr Pym Mr Pym Do not think that a guard of men can protect you if you persist in your trayterous courses and wicked designs I have sent a paper-messenger to you and if this does not touch your heart a Dagger shall so soon as I am recovered of my Plague-sore In the mean time you may be forborn because no better man may be endangered for you Repent Traytor 50 After this the King himselfe violently rushed into the House of Commons accused five of their most eminent members of Treason demanded their persons to be delivered up unto him intending to destroy all that resisted him therein but crost by the happy absence of the Gentlemen This plot was attempted Jan. 4. 1641. Col. Lunsford assaulted the Londoners at Westminster-Hall with a great rout of ruffanly Cavaliers The Queen when she went over beyond Seas one of her Ships wherein she had great Treasure sprung a leak and much was lost and spoyled and when she returned for England she had a mighty storm at Sea which brake the Mast of Van Trom's ship and after eight dayes boisterous turmoyl she was driven back again There was broke and lost 3 Ships of Ammunition and they that were driven back were almost starved Anno 1642. 51 Binion a Silk-man of London and the Kentish Malignants
King their Commissioners denyed audience to make their just defence to the King and the whole Kingdom of Scotland and England too hereupon much distracted and distempered with leavying of moneys and imprisoning all amongst us that refused the same 31 This Parliament also refusing to comply with the King Canterbury and Strafford in this Episcopal War against the Scots was soon dissolved and broken up by them and thereupon they returned to their former wayes of wast and confusion and the very next day after the dissolution thereof some eminent members of both Houses had their Chambers and Studies yea their Cabinets and very pockets of their wearing cloaths betimes in the morning before they were out of their beds searched for Letters and Writings and some of them imprisoned and a false and most scandalous Declaration was published against the House of Commons in the Kings Name 32 A forced Loan of money was attempted in the City of London to be made a President if it prevailed there for the whole Kingdome but some Aldermen refusing were sorely threatned and imprisoned 33 In which interim the Clergies convocation continuing notwithstanding the dissolution of the Parliament new conscience-opprissing-Canons were forged and a strange Oath with a c. in it was framed for the establishing of the Bishops Hierarchy with severe punishments on the refusers to take it The Oath That I A. B. doe sweare that I doe approve the Doctrine and Discipline or Government established in the Church of England as containing all things necessary to Salvation And that I will not endeavour by my selfe or any other directly or indirectly to bring in any Popish Doctrine contrary to that which is so established Nor will I ever give my consent to alter the Government of this Church by Arch-Bishops Bishops Deanes and Arch-Deacons c. as it stands now established and as by right it ought to stand Nor yet ever to subject it to the usurpations and superstitions of the Sea of Rome And all these things I doe plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear according to the plaine and common sence and understanding of the same words without any equivocation or mentall evasion or secret reservation whatsoever And this I doe heartily willingly and truly upon the faith of a Christian So help me God in Jesus Christ 34 In this Convocation sore Taxations were also imposed upon the whole Clergie even no lesse than six Subsidies besides a bountifull contribution to forward that intended War against Scotland 35 For the advancing of which said sums for this War the Popish were most free and forward yea and a solemn prayer was composed and imposed by the Bishops on their Ministers every where to be used and read in all Churches against the Scots as rebels and traytors 36 The Papists also in a high measure enjoyed even almost a totall toleration and a Popes Nuncio suffered amongst us to act and govern all Romish affairs yea a kind of private Popish Parliament kept in the Kingdom and Popish Jurisdictions erected among them 37 Commissioners were also secretly issued out for some great and eminent Papists for martiall Commands for levying of Souldiers and strengthening their party with Arms and Ammunition of all sorts and in great plenty 38 His Majesties treasure was by these means so extreamly exhausted and his revenues so anticipated that he was forced to compell as it were his own servants Judges and Officers of all sorts to lend him great sums of money and prisons filled with refusers of these and the other illegal payments yea many High-Sheriffs summoned in the Star-Chamber and to the Councel-board and some of them imprisoned for not being quick enough in levying of Ship-money and such like intolerable taxations 39 In sum the whole Land was now brought into a lamentble and languishing condition of being most miserably bought and sold to any that could give and contribute most of might and malice against us and no hope of humane help but dolour desperation and destruction to be the portion of all 40 In which interim the Scots being entred our Kingdome for their own defence the King had advanced his Royal-Standard at Yorke where the cream of the Kingdom Nobles and Gentry being assembled and a Treaty betwixt the prime of both Armies had at Rippon for a fair and peaceable accommodation the King was at last inforced to take his Nobles councel and in the first place a cessation of Arms agreed on and then this 5th present Parliament the Parliament of Parliaments was necessitously resolved on to begin November 3. 1640. 5 Parliament Anno 1640. Novemb. 3. 41 But behold a desperate plot and design was herein also immediately set on foot to spoyle or poyson it in the very Embrio and constitution of it in the first choyce of the members thereof by Letters from the King Queen Malignant and Popish Earls Lords Knights and Gentry posts into all parts of the Kingdom to make a strong party for them but by admirable divine providence this their plot was counterplotted and frustrated and the Parliament most hopefully congregated and setled 42 Shortly after a very formidable Spanish-Fleet or Armado appeared on our English narrow Seas in sight of Dover and was coming in as was on very strong grounds more then probably conjectured as a third party to help to destroy us the Spaniards hoping that by this time we and the Scots were together by the ears but they were by Gods mercy beaten off from us by our Neighbours of Holland And we fighting against them fought against our friends 43 The Souldiers in their passage to York turn reformers pul down Popish Pictures break down rails turn altars into tables and those Popish Commanders that were to command them they forced to eat flesh on Fridays thrusting it down their throats and some they slew 44 In the time of ours and the Scots Armies residing in the North which was in June 1641. the Malignant Lords and Prelates fearing the effects of this present Parliament complotted together to dissaffect that our English Army against the Parliament and endeavoured to bring it out of the North Southward and so to London to compell the Parliament to such limits and rules as they thought fit Whereupon the Parliament entred upon this Protestation At the beginning of the Parliament July 1641 there was a diligent inquisition after oppressions and oppressors and first upon the Petition of Mistris Bastwick and M●●●●…s Burton two widowed wives and a Petition exhibited in the behalf of Mr Pryn Dr Laighton Mr Smart Mr Walker Mr Foxley Mr Lilburn and many others set at liberty some being banish'd and all close Prisoners others fast fettered in irons and their wives debarr'd from coming to them 45 The Earl of Strafford then Prisoner in the Tower attempted an escape promising to Sir William Belfore then Lieutenant of the Tower twenty thousand pounds and the marriage of his Daughter to Sir Williams Son if he would but consent but Sir William hated such
wherein Sir Edw. Deering had a principal hand framed Petitions against the proceedings of Parliament but both were rejected and they fined and imprisoned 52 The King forsakes the Parliament and getting the Prince to him leaves London and posts into the North and there attempts to get Hull into his hands 53 Sir Francis Windebancke Sir John Finch the Lord Digby Jermyn c. flye for their lives beyond Sea 54 The King interdicts the Militia but the Messenger was hanged at the Exchange 55 The Lords and Gentry of Ireland and Scotland petition the King to return to his Parliament yea and the Gentry and Commons of Yorkshire doe the like but are all rejected 56 The King set on foot a Commission of Array 57 Three letters were intercepted discovering a plot against the Parl. by Wilmot Digby Jermyn Cro●ts and others which came to nothing but we by taking some of their Ships were advantaged 58 Sir Rich. Gurney Lord Mayor and an Array man was clapt up in the Tower 59 Proclamations and Declarations against the Parliament read in all Churches and Chappels within the Kings power 60 Sir John Pennington displaced and the Earl of Warwick put in his place 61 Hull besieged by the Marquess of Newcastle and in that interim Beckwith a Papist plotted to betray it by firing it in 4 several places The Citizens of London proffer their service to attend and guard the Parl. by land to Westminster to secure them from danger By Water also the stout Ship-masters and Marriners made ready a great number of long-boats furnished with Ordnance Muskets and other Sea-warlike instruments their Vessels gallantly adorned with Flags and Streamers together with martial musick Drums and Trumpets when they came to White-hall and understood that the Parliament were safely arriv'd the Train'd Bands by Land and the Sea-men by Water let flye their thundring shot both smal and great their Trumpets sounding and their drums beating in a tryumphing and congratulatory manner was a singular testimony of their cordial affections The same day Buckingham-shire men both Gentlemen Ministers and others of that Countrey on hors-back with their protestations in their hats for Reformation of evils in Church and State and to assure their best services and assistance to the Parliament on all just occasions and out of Essex Hartford Bark-shire Surrey and other Counties of the Kingdome came one after another 62 The Earl of Essex was ordained Lord General over all the Parl. Forces which he faithfully managed as Edge-hill Newbury and other places can abundantly witness 63 At Edge-hill 16 pieces of Canon shot against 80 of the Earl of Essex Life guard and not one man hurt and those 80 brake in upon 1600 of the Kings four of the Parl. Regiments ran away and sixteen Troops of Horse so we were 6000 and they 18000 yet we took their Standard and cleft Sir Edw. Varney Standard-bearer in the head and slew the Lord Lindsey General of the field 63 A plot to have blown up all the Lord Generals Magacine of powder and another at Beverley in Yorkeshire to have slain Sir John Hotham both intended by one David Alexander and hired thereunto but both timely prevented 64 Commissioners granted to Popish Recusants to leavy men and arms against the Parliament 65 The King received the most bloody Irish Rebels Petition and permitted their persons with great favour and allowance about him calling and counting them good Catholick Subjects but utterly rejecting the Petition exhibited by the Lord General desiring peace and reconciliation with him 66 A Treaty of peace was really intended by the Parliament but meerly pretended by the King for a while in which interim that most bloody bickering at Brainford was committed by the Kings party the City of London mightily preserved 67 New High-Sheriffs for the better collecting of the 400000 li Subsidies intended to have been confirmed to the King in a former Parliament crost and an O●dinance set on foot for the successefull association of Counties for mutuall defence one of another 68 A design of the Royalists at Oxford and elsewhere to proceed against the prisoners as Traitors and so put them to death by which Dr Bastwicke Captain Lilburn were to have been tryed for their lives but preserved by an Ordinance for execution of a Lex talionis and so of executing the royal prisoners among us Anno 1643. 69 A notable plot against the City of London immediately upon the Cities preferring a Petition to the King by the hands of two Aldermen and four Commoners of the said City in reply to which Petition the King sending as his messenger one Captain Hern to the City and the whole body of the City assembling at a Common-Hal this Hern desires Faire play above board of them but the busines being found to be a notable design of the Malignant Citizens against the Parl. and the then Lord Maior of London and the Government of their City the major part cry out in the Hearing of Hern they would live and dye with the Parl. and so sent Hern away with a flea in his ear 70 A letter sent to all the Freemen Journeymen and Apprentices of City to assemble at their several Hals and there the Masters and Wardens of all Companies to read the Kings Letter to them and to perswade them to yeeld to all the Kings commands against the City This Letter was voted scandalous 71 A plot to betray Bristol but discovered two principal conspirators were by Martial Law condemned and hanged The 2 of May 1643 ye Crosse in Cheapeside was pulled downe a Troope of Horse 2 Companies of foote wayted to garde it at ye fall of ye tope Crosse dromes beat trupets blew multitudes of Capes wayre throwne in ye Ayre a greate Shoute of People with ioy ye 2 of May the Almanake sayeth was ye invention of the Crosse 6 day at night was the Leaden Popes burnt in the place where it stood with ringinge of Bells a greate Acclamation no hurt done in all these actions 72 Mr Pryn sent to search Canterburies Chamber and Study found the original Scotch Service-book with his own hand-writing the cause of all the Scots wars 73 London to have been betrayed under a pretence of peace by Mr Waller a Member of Parl. Mr Tomkins Mr Challenor and others but Waller fined 10000. l. and perpetuall banishment Tomkins and Challenor hanged the one at the Exchange and the other in Holborn 74 Sir John Hotham attempted the betraying of Hull unto the Queen An Order sent down to the Church-wardens to demolish Altars to remove the Communion Table from the East end and to take away all Tapers Candlesticks and Basons and to demolish all Crucifixes Crosses and all Pictures and Images of the Trinity and Virgin Mary both within and without all Churches and Chappels 75 A plot for betraying of Lincoln by the two Purfries but preserved 76 Gloucester admirably freed by the City Regiments 77 A rebellion by the
by Generall David Lesley and Montross discomfied and beaten away into the mountaines 93 A Treaty with the Parl. for a well-grounded peace and yet at that time the Earl of Glamorgan had a Commission to the ruine of all the Protestants in Ireland and consequently in England also 94 The Great Seal broken before the Lords and Commons on Tuesday the 11 of August 1646. The Negative Oath I A. B. Do swear from my heart that I will not directly nor indirectly adhere unto or willingly assist the King in this war or in this Cause against the Parl. And I do likewise swear that my comming and submitting my selfe under the power and protection of the Parl is without any manner of designe whatsoever to the prejudice of the proceedings of the two Houses of this Parl. and without the direction privity and advice of the King or any of his Councell or Officers other then what I have now made known So help me God and the Contents of this Book 1646 The King Escapes out of Oxford in a disguised maner Ordered That whosoever conceals the Kings person shall be a Traytor A Letter concerning the Kings coming to the Scots Army May 5. 1646. RIght Honourable the discharging of our selves of the duty we owe to the Kingdom of Engl to you as Commissioners from the same moves us to acquaint you with the Kings coming in to our Army this morning which having overtaken us unexpectedly hath filled us with amazement and made us like men that dream we cannot think that he could have been so unadvised in his resolutions as to have cast himselfe on us without a reall intention to give full satisfaction to both Kingdoms in all their just and reasonable demands in all those things that concern Religion and Righteousnes whatsoever be his dispositions or resolutions you may be assured that we shall never entertain any thought nor correspondency with any purpose or countenance any indeavours that may in any circumstance incroach upon our League and Covenant or weaken the union or confidence betwixt the Nations that union to our Kingdom was the matter of many prayers and as nothing was more joyfull unto us then to have it set on foot so hitherto have we thought nothing too dear to maintain it and we trust to walk with such faithfullnesse and truth in this particular that as we have the testimony of a good conscience within our selves so you and all the world shall see that we mind your interest with as much integrity and care as our owne being confident you will entertaine no other thought of us Signed May 5. 1646. LOTHIAN A Remonstrance exhibited in the name of the Lord Major Aldermen and Common-councel of the City of London to the High Court of Parl. 1 That some strict and speedy course may be taken for the suppressing of all private and separate Congregrations 2 That all Anabaptists Brownists Hereticks Schismaticks Blasphemers and all such Sectaries as conforme not to the publick discipline established or to be established by the Parliament may fully be declared against and some effectuall course settled for proceeding against such persons 3 That as we are all Subjects of one Kingdome so all may be equally required to yield obedience to the Government either set or to be set forth 4 That no person disaffected to the Presbyterian Government set or to be set forth by the Parliament may be imployed in any place of publick trust The King gave speedy order to several Officers for the surrender of the Towns Castles and Forts which then were in the hands of the Kings Commanders viz. Oxford Worcester Litch feild and Wallingford A Petition delivered to his Excellency from the Officers and Souldiers in the Army touching their faithfulness in the Parl. service doing Summer service in the Winter season c. Further presented severall desires of theirs 1 That an Ordinance of indempnity with the Royal assent be desired 2 That satisfaction may be given to the Petitioners for their arrears both in their former service and in this Army before it is disbanded 3 That those who have voluntarily served the Parliament may not be prest to serve in another Kingdom c. 4 That those who have lost lives limbs or estates may be provided for and relieved 1647. The Apology in answer to his Excellencies letter relating their sense of a second storm hanging over their heads by the malice of a secret enemy worse then the former now vanquished expressing their sorrow that they cannot desire their owne security without hazard to his Excellency c. Concerning the abuse to divers well-affected to the Army by imprisonment to the ruine of their estates and losse of their lives And for their candid intentions and endeavours declared no less then troublers and enemies to the state and Kingdom resolving rather to dye like men then to be enslaved and hanged like dogs c. A Letter from his Excellency to the Earl of Manchester concerning the Votes of both Houses as also his grief of heart for the distractions between the Parliament and Army desiring that all things may be determined in love c. That the Souldiers of Holdenby with the Kings consent brought him away from thence c. That his Majesty was unwilling to return back again to Holdenby c. And that the removall of his Majesty from Holdenby was no designe knowledge or privity on his part c. A particular charge against the 11 Members impeached by the Army 1 That Mr Denzil Hollis being one of the speciall Commissioners for the Parl. to present Propositions to the King at Oxford made private addresses to the Kings party then in arms against the Parl. and did secretly plot and advise them against the Parl. c. 2 That the said Mr. Denzil Hollis and Sir Phillip Stapleton during the late war when the Earl of Lindsey went from the Tower to Oxford sent severall messages of intelligence to the Earl of Dorset c. 3 That the said Mr Hollis Sir Phillip Stapleton Sir Wil. Lewis Sir John Clotworthy Sir Wil. Waller Sir John Maynard Maj. Gen. Massie Mr Glyn Mr Long Col. Edward Harley and Anthony Nicholas in the months of March April May and June last in prosecution of their evil designs met in divers places with persons disaffected to the State for holding correspondency with the Queen of England now in France and incouraged her party there 4 And indeavoured to bring in Forraign forces and listed divers Commanders and Souldiers there to raise and leavy a new war 5 And affronted divers Petitioners that came in a peaceable manner boysterously assaulting them c. 6 Imprisoned some Members of the Army and to dis-oblige the Army from the Parl. The solemn Engagement of the Citizens Commanders Officers and Souldiers c. This was the Treasonable Ingagement WE do solemnly engage our selves and vow unto Almighty God That we will to the utmost of our power cordially endeavour that his Majesty may