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A30022 A brief history of the rise, growth, and progress of Quakerism setting forth that the principles and practices of the Quakers are antichristian, antiscriptural, antimagistratical, blasphemous, and idolatrous from plain matter of fact, out of their most approved authors, &c. ... / by Francis Bugg, Senior. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1697 (1697) Wing B5367; ESTC R23818 99,372 212

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of the entire execution of the Edicts of Pacification so long as you continue your selves within the bounds of your Duty Subjection and Fidelity which you owe unto their Majesties they being the higher Powers set over you by God intrusted with the supreme Authority and your lot and portion being the honour of obedience unto them whereunto you stand obliged by your Birth the dictates of your Consciences and the Favors you daily receive from their Majesties and by all kinds of consideration both general and particular and observe it I beseech you as a singular mark of their Majesties Favor unto you that there be of your Religion in the Kingdom Persons of the highest Quality There be amongst you most Noble and Illustrious Dukes and Peers Mareschals of France Generals of Armies Magistrates and Judges of Sovereign Courts and their Majesties now this very day out of their great confidence they have of your Loyalty and Fidelity have granted you this Assembly at the very Gates of the Metropolis of this Kingdom in the very face and view of all France and of this infinite People of Paris vastly different from you in Manners and Humours Inclination and Religion who will be severe Witnesses and Judges over all your Actions And that all things may be done in that Order prescribed me by their Majesties I am in their Names commanded to acquaint you that all Ministers who are not Natural born Subjects but Strangers are to be excluded this Synod and that none may assist to Vote in it who hath not Letters of Deputation from his Provincial Synod and that during the time it be held you may have no Communication with Forreigners or other suspected Persons and forasmuch as your Assemblies are not by any legal constitution a Body Politick their Majesties have forbidden you to meddle in State Affairs or matters of Justice because your Synod hath no power to judge of such matters but only to treat of Points of Doctrine and Church Discipline Moreover their Majesties do forbid you to print any Books in any place whatsoever concerning your Religion which are not attested i. e. licensed by two manuel Certificates of two Ministers at the least under pain of confiscation of the whole Impression nor may you denounce any excommunication against any Minister or others who shall change their Religion for that of the Roman Catholicks nor treat them reproachfully neither by Word nor Writing Moreover when they speak of the Pope they are not to call him Antichrist nor to treat him disrespectfully nor shall they tax the Roman Church with Idolatry nor the Sacraments nor Ceremonies thereof as humane Inventions and Idolatry c. Nor to make Collections of Money The Moderator's Answer We thankfully acknowledge the great Goodness and Mercy of Almighty God in answering the Prayers of his poor Churches with his heavenly Blessing and their Majesties condescention in accepting our most humble Petition presented by the Lords of our general Deputies and granting us this privilege of holding this Synod and committing the inspection of it unto a Person most Illustrious for his Vertues and well deserving that high Place of Dignity and Honour in the first and chiefest Parliament of the Kingdom All these and many other considerations do enforce our Souls with a sweet and pleasing violence to break forth into enlarged Praises and enflamed Thankfulness unto their Majesties yea and in most ardent Supplications unto our God for the preservation of their Sacred Persons his Benediction upon their Government the Glory of their Crowns under whose comortable shadows the Churches enjoying a sweet Peace will never have any other desire or thought than to practice faithfully and conscientiously that most express command of our Lord and Saviour by his Apostle St. Peter to fear God and honour the King and that with a most entire and sincere obedience And as we have no design to do it so we shall never admit any persons to sit as a Member of our National Synod who hath not a Deputation c. nor shall we hold any correspondency with nor receive any Letters coming from Forreigners nor return any answers to them unless that my Lord Commissioner who represents His Majesty's Person shall have first perused them nor will we debate about matters of State nor make any Orders in relation to them nor shall we set up Provincial Counsels in opposition to His Majesty's Will nor as His Majesty hath demanded of us will we suffer those Canons of our National Synods concerning the approbation of Books that shall be printed on matters of Religion to be violated nor shall we excommunicate any of those Persons who quit the Communion of our Churches for we do not arrogate to our selves any Jurisdiction over them from that minute in which they left us nor shall we tollerate any Sermons fraught with any injurious and reproachful Language against the Members of the Church of Rome nor suffer that Monies be collected c. Thus Reader you see the Protestants ask and the King grants the King limits them sets them bounds the Protestants promise to obey 1. Not to admit Strangers to sit in their Synods 2. Nor to hold correspondency with Forreigners 3. Nor will they debate about State matters 4. Nor make any Orders relating to them 5. Nor print Books unlicens'd 6. Nor excommunicate Persons that quit their Society for they do not arrogate to themselves such a power nor conceive themselves the only true Church in the World like the old Strumpet and the young Harlot 7. Nor will they tollerate any Sermons or Books fraught with injurious and reproachful Language nor will they suffer Money to be collected which as it 's called the Sinew of War so it may be called the Nerve of Heresie I hope to such as will read this Book and others I have wrote will not stand in need of proof that the Quakers are guilty of all that the Christians are herein said to be thus innocent of Having shewed the danger of the Quakers Anniversary Synods upon their Principle of Infallibility read Mat. 22. 21. Tit. 3. 1. 1 Pet. 2. 13 14 17. Rom. 13. 1 2 3. and Tindal's Works i. e. The obedience of a Christian Man c. p. 111. viz. For God hath made the King in every Realm Judge over all he that resisteth the King resisteth God if the Subjects Sin they must be brought to the King's Judgment if the King Sin he must be brought to the Judgment of God and as it is to resist the King so it is to resist his Officers which are sent to execute the King's Commandment for it is written let every Soul be subject to the higher Power here is no Man exempt but all Souls must obey and so I proceed to the next Head 7. Gen. Hist p. 110. The Quakers also could not but love him King William and Embrace him as their most Effectual Defender without the hindrance or fear of Molestation HEre I find my Author as
believe have said and wrote the same Read the Gen. History of the Quakers p. 102. 103. where the Historian is pleased to say the Quakers left nothing unanswer'd They confuted these Charges of Blasphemy with such Reasons that it is apparent saith he they are wicked Men that said so and Fools that believed it altho' the very Man Geo. Fox himself gives the whole Relation And I affirm there is not one Charge answered or taken off as it ought to be but rather all confessed I must confess G. W. I believe is asham'd of his Brother Fox and of his Brother Milner's Blasphemy but yet cannot nay will not condemn the Book they have said it and will stand to it which puts me in mind of a story I once heard of a Woman whose Son was going out Apprentice even at the Door hold said his Mother I have something to say pray have a care of Lying yea said the Son ay said She my Son I charge you not to tell a lye and the Lad going out stay Son said the Woman I say again be sure you do not tell Lies but if it happen at any time that you do tell a Lye besure you stand in it and so farewel The Quakers say in print that he that hath the Spirit that raised Jesus Christ is equal with God He yea He the Man and all the Quakers that hear of this Book I am persuaded because the World's People have got it would wish it were burnt yet for a thousand Worlds they would not have the World know they burn it so beloved a Point is Infallibility The Quakers say in print that 't is Conjuration to speak out of the Scriptures and not a Quaker is to be found that will condemn it George Fox said he was before all Languages were and not a Foxonian Quaker in England will condemn it George Fox said that neither He nor his Name was known in the World not a Quaker found to deny it George Fox said he heard the Thundering Voice from Heaven saying I have glorifyed thee and will glorify thee again but not a Quaker found to condemn this Blasphemy George Fox said he was Christ the Way the Truth and the Life not a Quaker found to condemn it Edward Burrow said that the Sufferings of the Quakers are greater and more unjust than the Sufferings of Christ his Apostles and Martyrs not a Quaker found to condemn this Book I except the late separate Quakers both in England and America I could enumerate a hundred Blasphemies like these but the Quakers cannot condemn one Thus did Quakerism rise thus did it grow and by these principles hath it taken a deep root and made a large progress These principles are Antichristian they are Antiscriptural Oh! that these poor deluded People would once come to consider of them and condemn them If not my Hand shall not spare nor my Eye pity neither will I keep back any thing that may discover their dangerous Errors Who knows but their Children may see and seeing may abhor these most horrible Blasphemies Fox's Journal is full take a Tast of them as followeth p. 37. Wife said the Goaler I have seen the Day of Judgment and I saw George Fox there and then going to George said I have been as a Lyon to you but now I shall be like a Lamb. Obser And great reason for it for Geo. Fox whether the poor Goaler knew it before he saw the Judgment day and Fox there I say whether he knew it he said he was the Eternal judge of the World and therefore it was time for the Goaler to come to him Trembling as the Goaler came to Paul and Silas Trembling p. 45. A Trooper at Church heard a Voice from Heaven go to my Servant George Fox for direction so I said Fox spake to his condition and his understanding was opened Again Fox said p. 47. that he see the Heavens opened and p. 55. c. Thus have his Editors laid a Foundation for the Youth at R. Scories School to believe the Fox was an Angel and p. 60. it was a dreadful thing to hear the Man was come with his Leather Breeches meaning himself Reader I must mention these things if I perform what I promised to give a Relation of the Rise Growth and Progress of Quakerism And surely the Papists Legends are not more stuft with counterfeit Miracles and Self exaltations and horrid Blasphemies read p. 57. 63 202 30 18. of Fox's Journal And now I return to the Gen. Hist to hear what news from Holland touching the Rise and Progress of Quakerism SECTION III. The Ring-leaders of their Sect Their early applying themselves to the Powers the Parties and Divisions amonst them GEN. Hist p. 136. 137. They address themselves to the Supreme Assemblies i.e. Parliaments of the Nation and set forth in their Petitions 140 Prisoners c. That 21 had dyed in Prison in demonstrating of which they could not yet leave off their old way of Accusation as well by concealing their greater crimes and more notorious Offences that had brought many of them under that confinement as by aggravating too much the many Evils which they Suffered and oftentimes taking and amplifying a little scratch a pinch a blue Spot for a grievous Torment and bloody Wound which two things seems to me may well be observed in most of the Monuments of the Quakers which they have left of their Sufferings for indeed I cannot allow that these Quakers have been so often used as that they were left half dead for no example can be produced of any of their deaths the same Moment or in a short time after Again p. 117. They made it their business to defame and heap up scandalous Reproaches upon the Credit Fame and Reputation of the Magistrates and Pastors of the Church in those most bitter Letters to their Friends and such practices as these did the Quakers extol as Noble doings and Glorious actions c. Again p. 97. And others in their Sermons and Libels cast all manner of Reproaches upon those Magistrates before all Men and imprecated all Evils upon them and as it were pronounce them by the command of God forgetting the Monitor and Author of that saying that we should daily confess our own Failings and love our Enemies In which relation I find the Historian very partial for certainly never did People amplifie their Sufferings and conceal their own Crimes like the Quakers never so Insolently defame both Magistracy and Ministry and extol themselves and their actions like the Quakers And that the World may see Mr. Croese is in the right I shall cite some few Instances of the Titles of their Books as a demonstration to confirm what Mr. Croese hath said with some little matter out of some of them as well as some observations upon them But I cannot enlarge least I swell my Book beyond my intention which is only to shew by what means Quakerism hath Advanced c. Burrow's Works
Meetings oh how did they lay them open But Reader give me leave to insist now largly on this Head it being the Quakers Master-piece Burrow 's Works 846. Antichrists Government detected Dedicated to all the Rulers c. Now I come to declare who are true Judges of Heresie and Hereticks None are able to discern of Heresie nor to Try and Judge rightly who are Hereticks none but they I say that have the infallible Spirit of God in them to guide them and have infallibility and perfect certainty of Judgment and Knowledge in that case of Heresie None else I say are rightly able to judge who are Hereticks But such as have the infallible Spirit of Christ and are infallible and certain in their judgment these only and none else are able to judge they only are competent judges in this case of Heresie and who are Hereticks It is but out of Envy if they have not the infallible Spirit of God and infallibility of Judgment to discern by for no Man can justly judge another in the matter of Heresie as a Heretick by their own Thoughts or Suppositions for the judgment in that matter must be Just Equal Holy and True and only by the Spirit of Jesus Christ which is infallible and gives infallibility of judgment and discerning into all Cases and Things For it was Christ Jesus and his Apostles and the Saints that had the infallible Spirit of God and infallibility of Judgment The Jews could not judge because they had not the infallible Spirit of Judgment nor the certain infallible Knowledge nor can the Christians There 's none can truly discern nor justly judge what Heresie is nor who is a Heretick but such as are guided by the infallible Spirit of Christ and have infallibility of Judgment So both the Law-makers and the Judges of the Law must what must they turn Quakers be infallible c. I think I have said enough of their infallibility as it lies in half a page in their Book stiled the Antichrists Government detected c. Dedicated to all the Rulers in the Christian World boldly taking upon them the Power making Laws or trying any in the case of Heresie least they themselves should be tryed unless they had infallibility of Judgment which Protestant Parliaments do not pretend too The next is this Entituled p. 793. Persecution impeached as a Traitor against God c. By which the Quakers boldly Impeach all Parliaments and Courts of Judicature Thus can they Try Judge Arraign and Condemn all the Protestant Clergy and Impeach the Proceedings of all our Courts But if I Arraign the Quakers as New Rome and Impeach their yearly Meetings this is accounted by them an unpardonable Crime how justly soever Behold their great presumption But to the next Burrow 's Works p. 588. A Message to the present Rulers of England whether Committee of Safety Councel of Officers or others delivered unto them by an Ambassador from the only Right Heir of the Government whose Right alone it is to Rule and by special Authority from him this is sent unto them My Master is a High and Mighty and Powerful Prince and very Honourable Fear and Subjection belongs to him alone Something you may and ought to do but if to make the Whore the false Church more Naked and to scourge her more than some others have done And indeed my Lord requires something more of you to do than others before you could do and tho some of you present Rulers be looked upon as great Traitors and Tyrants in cutting off the King's Head and extirpating Episcopacy the Lord doth not account as Men these things must needs have come to pass for the furtherance of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and if you were but faithful to what the Lord requires of you what you have done to them in the Murther aforesaid should not be reckoned an account against you neither by God nor good Men. Let all forced maintenance to Ministers as Tythes be speedily taken away and let just Men and righteous Men and meek Men i. e. Quakers have the Power and judgment committed to them to determin things between Man and Man down with all that judge for Rewards and away with all hireling Rulers that execute the Law for Money and as for the Men call'd Ministers the way of their setting up sending forth and maintenance are the greatest oppression in the Nation they are the woful cause of the Nations groaning their iniquities cry for vengeance for they are full they are full and God's Eternal vengeance is their next Reward from the Eternal God What shall I say of them but this The Earth is oppressed by them the Inhabitants groan under them and God is vexed thro' them and they are the Men of high Indignation and fierce Wrath let this Ministry alone and joyn not your selves to Baal least you perish neither take part with Antichrist any longer uphold not this Ministry against my Lord and this is from the mouth of my Lord to you Reader bear with me I am now telling the growth and progress of Quakerism and how and by what means I need not comment upon it This was Writ in 1659. by E. B. but reprinted in 1672. by the order and approbation of some words first being left out Geo. Whitehead and others See p. 592 to the same purpose SECTION IV. Their Corrupt Principles as their Light within Infallibility Enthusiasm c. and their pernicious Books proceeding therefrom c. and their censorious condemning others without a parallel GEN. Hist p. 53. The Quakers did always enveigh against the Liturgy as stuffed with the Fopperies of Popish Darkness superstitious and ill-plac'd Lessons and Prayers Ornaments Gestures and Bodily actions and many Rites of observing Holy-days These the Quakers did vigorously oppose c. Reader as I have given a hint of the Quakers addressing themselves to the supreme Assembly i. e. Parliaments as well to prove the learned Authors Testimony true as to let the World see how Quakerism advanced by their bitter Letters and invective seditious Petitions and Books keeping therein to their old way of Accusations as he well observes concealing their own Crimes and how their business was to defame others both Magistrates and. Ministers imprecating all Evils upon them from the most High God I am now come to prove what he says touching their enveighing against the Liturgy for where I find him well informed I am willing to corroborate his Testimony from matter of Fact as well as where I see him warp to correct and set him right viz. Smith 's Works p. 161. A general Summons from the Authority of Truth to all Ecclesiastical Courts and Officers And now upon what Foundation will your Building stand for your work is found contrary to the Law of the Nation and contrary to the Spirit of Truth contrary to the Scriptures contrary to Christianity contrary to Reason contrary to the Law and the Prophets contrary to the Doctrine of Christ contrary