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parliament_n humble_a majesty_n petition_n 2,957 5 9.0583 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A22946 An acte for certayne ordinaunces in the Kynges Maiesties dominion and principalitie of VVales England and Wales.; England and Wales. Sovereign (1509-1547 : Henry VIII) 1543 (1543) STC 9409.9; ESTC S1962 27,893 28

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❧ AN ACTE FOR CERTAYNE ORdinaunces in the kynges maiesties dominion and principalitie of VVales OVr soueraigne lorde the kynges maiestie of his tender zele and affection that he bereth towardes his louinge and obedient subiectes of his dominion principalitie and coūtrey of Wales for good rule and order to be from hensforth kepte and maynteyned within the same wherby his sayd subiectes may growe and ryse to more welth and prosperitie hath deuysed and made dyuerse sundry good and necessarye ordinaunces which his maiestie of his most abundant goodnes at the humble suite and peticion of his said subiectes of Wales is pleased and contented to be enacted by thassent of the lordes spirituall and temporall and the commons in this present parliament assembled and by the auctoritie of the same in maner and fourme as here after ensueth FYRST THAT his gracis sayde domynyon princypalite and countrey of Wales be from hensforth deuided into .xii. shires of the which .viii. haue ben shires of longe and auncient tyme that is to saye the shires of Glamorgan Carmarthin Pembroke Cardigan Flynt Caernaruan Anglesey Merionneth And foure of the said twelue shires be newlye made and ordeyned to be shires by an acte made at the parliament holden at Westmynster in the .xvij. yere of our sayd soueraigne lordes moost noble reigne that is to say the shires of Radnor Breknok Mountgomery and Denbigh ouer and besides the shire of Mommoth and diuers other dominions lordshippes and manors in the marches of Wales vnited and annexed to the shires of Salop̄ Herforde and Gloucestre as by the sayd late acte more plainly appereth ¶ Item that the lymytations of the hundredes of late made within the said shires by vertue of his graces commission directed out of his highe courte of Chancery and agayne returned into the same shall stande in full strength force and effecte accordinge to the sayd limitation Except such of the same as syth that tyme haue ben altered or chaunged by vertue of any acte or actes of parliamēt al redy made or that shal be altered or changed by any acte or actes in this present session to be made ¶ Item that there shal be and remayne a President and counsaile in the said dominion and principalite of Wales and the marches of the same with all officers clerkes and incidentes to the same in maner and forme as hath ben hertofore vsed and accustomed Whiche presydent and counsaile shall haue power and auctoritie to here and determine by their wisedomes and discretions such causes and matters as be or hereafter shall be assigned to them by the kinges maiestie as hertofore hath ben accustomed and vsed ¶ Item that there shal be holden and kept Sessions twyse in euery yere in euery of the sayde shires in the sayde domynyon and principalitye of Wales That is to saye in the shires of Glamorgan Breknok Radnor Caermerthin Pembroke Cardigan Mountgomerey Denbigh Flynt Caernaruan Merionneth Anglesey the which Sessions shal be called the kynges great Sessions in Wales ¶ Item that the iustice of Chestre for the tyme beynge shall holde and kepe Sessions twyse in euery yere in the shires of Denbygh Flynt and Mountgomery and haue nothynge but his olde fee of an hundred poundes yerely for the same ¶ Item that the iustice of Northwales shall in lykewise holde and kepe Sessions twyse euery yere in euery of the sayde shires of Caernaruan Merionneth and Anglesey and shall haue yerely of the kynges maiestie a yerely fee of fyfty poundes for the same ¶ Item that one person lerned in the lawes of this realme of Englande by the kynges maiestie to be named and appoynted shal be Iustice of the shires of Radnor Breknok and Glamorgan and shall in lykewyse holde and kepe Sessions twise in euery yere in euerye of the same shires and shall haue yerely of the kynges maiestie fyfty poundes for his fee. ¶ Item that one other person lerned in the lawes of this realme to be appoynted as is aforesayde shal be Iustice of the shires of Caermerthin Pembroke and Cardigan and shall in lykewise holde and kepe Sessions twise in euery yere in euery of the same shires and shall also haue yerely of the kynges maiestie fyftie poundes for his fee. ¶ Item the saide personnes or Iustices and euery of them now beynge or that herafter shal be shall haue seuerall letters patentes and cōmissions for their offices vnder the kynges great seale of Englande to be exercised by them selues or their sufficient deputies according to the purposes and intentes in their ordinaunces specified ¶ PROVIDED alwayes that their commyssions to them alredye graunted vnder the said great seale shall stande in force and effect accordyng to the tenour of the same onlesse it shall please the kynges maiestie herafter to alter or chaunge them or any of them this present article last before expressed in any wyse not withstandinge ¶ Item that euery of the sayd Iustices within the lymittes of their commissions and auctorities to them appointed as is afore said shall holde all maner of plees of the Crowne at and in the sayd Sessions in as large and ample maner as the kynges chief Iustice of England and other the kynges Iustices of the kynges bench there or any of them may do in their places or elles where within the realme of Englande And also to holde plees of assises and all other plees and actions reall personall and mixte in as large and ample maner as the kynges chiefe Iustice of the common place in Englande and other Iustices of the same place or any of them may do in the realme of Englande ¶ Item that euery of the said Iustices of Wales shall haue power and auctoritie to enquire of all treasons murthers felonies riottes routes vnlaufull assembles extorcions embraceries maynteynaunces reteynors concelementes ▪ contemptes and all other offences and euyl dedes of what natures names or qualities so euer they be done cōmitted or perpetrated within the limittes of their cōmissions auctorities against the fourme of the cōmon law of the realm of England or of any statutes of the same and to here determine the premisses and euery of them and generally to minister common iustice to all and singuler the kinges subiectes within the limittes of their commissions and auctorities accordinge to the lawes statutes and customes of the realme of Englande and according to this present ordinaunce ¶ Item that euery of the said sessions shal be kepte and contynued by the space of .vi. daies in euery of the saide shires at either of the saide tymes as is and hath ben vsed within the saide thre shires of North wales And that the saide Iustices shall cause open proclamations to be made in the shire tounes what time place they purpose to kepe their said sessions .xv. daies at the least before they kepe the same to thintent the kynges subiectes may haue knowlege therof ¶ Item that daies shal be giuen in all plees plaintes processe and adiournamentes from
be twelue men sworne to trye thissue betwene them as before the Iustice of Northwales hath ben afore vsed and accustomed in such cases ¶ Item that if any goodes or cattelles be stolen by any person or persons and sold in any faire or market within the sayd dominion of Wales that no such sale shall change the propertie therof from the owner of the same but that he may lefully cease take and haue the same agayne vpon profe therof made the sayd sale notwithstandynge ¶ Item that no person or persons bargayne or bye any maner of beast or other quicke cattell in any place within Wales out of the market or faire onlesse he can bringe forth suffycient and credible witnes of the name of the person what place and tyme he bought the same vppon payne and daunger of such punisshement and fyne as shal be set vppon him by the sayd presydent and counsayle or any of the sayd Iustices in his circuite for the sayd offence and as he wyll therfore answere at his farther peryll ¶ Item if any goodes or cattelles be stolen within the lymittes of any of the sayd shires in Wales that then vpon suite therof had and made the tracte shal be folowed from towneship to towneship or lordship to lordship according to the lawes customes in that behalf hertofore vsed in Wales vpon such penaltie and daunger as heretofore hath ben accustomed ¶ Item that euery person that hath any landes or tenementes in fee simple or fee tayle or for terme of lyfe or for terme of any other mannes lyfe being freholde shall and may passe in all maner Iuries and trials as wel in case of felonye or murther as in all actions reall personall and mixte what soeuer they be atteint only except And also may be impanelled and inquire of all concelementes forceble entres and other causes of inquirie for the kynges maiestie all be it he may not dispende fourtye shillinges by yere Sauinge to euery man his lawfull chalenge for any other cause accordynge to the lawes of this realme of Englande ¶ Item that no iurrour shall passe in Atteint onles he may dispend fourtye shillinges by the yere of estate of freholde ¶ Item the tenantes and resiauntes in Wales shall pay theyr tallage at the chaunge of their lordes in such places and after suche forme as hath ben hertofore accustomed in Wales ¶ Item that all the kinges subiectes and resiauntes in Wales shal find at all parliamentes herafter to be holden in Englande knyghtes for the shires and citezyns burgesses for cyties and townes to be named chosen by auctoryte of the kynges wryt vnder the great seale of England according to the acte in that case prouided and shal be charged and chargeable to all subsides other charges to be graunted by the commons of any of the sayd parliamentes pay all other their rentes fermes customes and duties to the kynges hyghnes as they haue ben accustomed here tofore fines for redēptions of sessions only excepted which the kynges marestie of his most gratious goodnes and liberalitie is contented and pleased to remitte at the humble suite of his said louinge subiectes of his said dominion of Wales ¶ Item that the towne of Hauerford west shal after the ende of this present parliament for euer fynde one burges for the sayde towne at euery parliament after that time to be holden And the charges of the same burges to be alwayes borne by the mayre burgesses inhabitauntes of the said towne and none other ¶ Item that the kynges maiestie shall haue all felons goodes goodes of persons outlawed waif straies all other forfaitures eschetes what soeuer they be answered thereof by the handes of the shireffes sauing alwayes the ryghtes and interestes of euery of his subiectes hauyng laufull tytle to haue the same ¶ Item that all errours iudgementes before any of the of the sayd Iustices at any tyme of the great sessions in plees realles or mixt shal be redressed by wrytte of Errour to be sued out of the kynges Chauncerye of Englande returnable before the kynges Iustice of his benche in Englande as other writtes of errour be in Englād And that all errours in plees personall shal be reformed by bylles to be sued before the sayde president and counsayle of Wales from tyme to tyme as the partie greued wyll sue for the same And if in case the iudgement be affirmed good in any of the said writtes of errour or billes then there to make execution and all other proces therupon as is vsed in the kynges benche in Englande And that the pursuantes in euery such wrytte of errour or byll do pay lyke fees therfore as is vsed in England ¶ Item that no execution of any iudgement gyuen or to be gyuen in any base court be stayed or deferred by reason of any writte of false iudgemēt but that execution shall and may be had and made at all tymes before the reuersall of the said iudgement the pursuyte of the said wryt notwithstandyng And in case the said iudgement happen after to be reuersed then the partie pursuant to be restored to all that he hath lost by the said iudgemēt accordynge to the lawes of the realme ¶ Item that all proces for vrgent and weyghty causes shall be made and directed into Wales by the speciall commaundement of the Chauncellour of Englande for the tyme beyng or any of the kinges counsaile in Englande as hertofore hath ben vsed Any thing in this acte to the contrary therof not withstandinge ¶ Item that the towne of Bewdley which is within the parish of Ribbisforde in the countie of Wigorn̄ and all the grounde and soile of the same towne shall from hensforth be vnited annexed and made percell of the countie of Wigorn̄ and to be within the hūdred of Dodingtre And that all the inhabitauntes of the saide towne and parissh shall from hensforth be attendaunt and do euery thinge and thinges with the inhabitauntes of the saide hundred as the same inhabitauntes be now bounde to dó by the lawes of this realme of Englande Sauinge alwayes to the burges inhabitauntes of the said towne of Bewdley all suche liberties and francheses as they lawfully had and exercysed within the same towne before the makyng of this acte in lyke maner and fourme as thoughe this acte had neuer ben had or made ¶ Item that the lordship of llanstiffan Vsterloys and Langham and the membres of the same and all manors landes tenementes and other hereditamentes in the same lordshippe and the membres of the same be frome hensforth vnited annexed ioyned named accepted and taken as part and parcell of the countie of Carmarthin and reputed ioyned vnited named accepted and taken as parte and percell of the hundred of Derles in the saide countie of Carmarthin And that the tenantes inhabitauntes of the saide lordship and membres be attendant and do euery thinge and thinges with the tenantes inhabitantes of the saide hundred